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"Who was that?"

"Who do you mean?" Martha returned just a little too innocently. She knew exactly who I meant.

"That woman you were with at Reed's." At lunch.

"Oh, you mean Faith." I saw Martha hiding a smile. "Did you find her attractive?"

This Faith was unbelievable! She had to be a model or movie star or something. If she wanted to be.

"If you want a date with her, you'll have to be nice to me." Martha answered with a smirk.

"Like you could get her to go out with me."

"Oh, you think I couldn't?"

I caught the look on Martha's face and paused a second. Martha certainly is one for a challenge. I thought for another second, then said: "You think she would go out with me ?"

"Sure, since you're a friend of mine." Then she told me she'd let me know when she had it set up. She ruined my whole night--I didn't get anything done wondering whether she might succeed.

And that is how I came to meet Faith. "So you work with Martha?" I was still in something of a trance. There was Faith, sitting across the restaurant table from me. Martha had done everything she promised and presented me with a blind date.

"Oh, yes. She joined the firm three years ago," I answered.

"She says your a nice guy."

I watched her closely-- should I be a nice guy? "I suppose she doesn't know everything there is to know about me."

She giggled. "OK, what secrets do you keep from her?"

"Only my evil side."

"And are you going to keep it from me too?"

"You'd better watch out for my evil side. I may not succeed in keeping it check." I watched her as she sparred with me. She was so beautiful. I loved this.

And you might think it couldn't work out, that I'd find out by the end of the second date that I couldn't stand her. Or that she wouldn't even give me another date. But we were living together in three weeks and two months later we were married.

God she was beautiful. In her bikini on the beach in Hawaii where we spent our honeymoon. Back in the hotel room, covered only by her tan. Flying through the valley on the tour, dressed in her shorts and halter. I was ready to quit and move to Honolulu just to see her like that every day. But she was just as beautiful back home and I still found myself living for the moment we met after work each evening.

"Yep, this is where he first saw you," Martha and I had gone to Reed's at lunch to meet Faith. She'd never heard the story of how I'd seen her. She looked amused.

"Stricken by a strange woman? And Martha told me the blind date was her idea!"

"Caught! Well, I guess we'd better get divorced and get on with our lives," I offered.

"Nope, you're stuck with me." Then she turned to Martha: "but you I'll never forgive!" I watched them as Martha took the hit and answered in kind. I remembered that conversation I'd had with Martha right after I'd first seen Faith and how I never would have believed back then that I'd now be sitting beside Faith like this. Faith tended to do that to me: make me float away in a sense of wonder. When I finally came to my senses again, I realized they were talking movies.

"No, I saw it with my sister," Faith was saying.

"How was it?" responded Martha.

"Great! You've got to see it!"

"Well I'm going tonight even if I have to go alone." Going to a movie alone. I'd done it, but not in a long time--certainly not since I met Faith. I looked at Martha. She didn't date too much as far as I knew--in fact, she'd never mentioned anything about her dates.

"Honey, why don't you go with Martha?" She turned to Martha, "he's been wondering what to do since I already saw it. You'll go with him, won't you?" Martha looked at me warily to see how I was reacting. It seemed like a good plan though I was surprised that Faith brought it up. Faith tended to be possessive. Well, since Faith was happy and Martha looked like she wasn't sure what to say, I gave her a little smile and nod.

"Are you sure you trust me?" offered Martha. I looked for a trace of humor in her face and wasn't sure I found it.

Faith giggled. "Oh, I do believe I've got him sufficiently bedazzled."

So it was set I picked Martha up at 8:30. But when we reached the theatre after driving across town, I realized we were in trouble.

"Looks like we should have come earlier," offered Martha.

"I guess they have a hit on their hands. We're in for a wait." We drove by the front of the cineplex, following the line down the sidewalk, which went around the corner.

"You know, I'm not sure I'm up for this," said Martha. Echoing my thoughts. "I wanted so badly to see it tonight, but after the wait, the theatre is going to be packed. If we get in..."

"I was thinking the same thing. There'll be other times," I offered. We started back and were inspired to stop for a drink on the way.

"Disappointed?" I asked.

"I missed out on my date," said Martha.

"Oh, I think you can spare this one," I replied.

"There's where you're wrong," she offered. Oops! I was beginning to tread on dangerous ground here--maybe she didn't get many dates! I found myself looking at her as I grasped for the right phrase. She was a little tall, not really slender but not overweight by any means. She was basically flat on top and her hips and thighs were a little too wide. It was like her lower half didn't quite fit with her upper half. She had a receding chin and her nose was just a little too long. I thought maybe she should be doing something to her hair instead of letting it just hang down to her shoulders--it was so straight and such an average brown color.

"Got no answer for that?" she grinned. I felt I was in trouble for having been struck speechless, but she was good natured about it. "This is my first date," she declared, still grinning.

"No!" It came out before I had a chance to control myself. Well, there is no right thing you can say to such a declaration. "Stop pulling my leg." Was that a recovery?

"Look, we can be frank. I can take it. I have to. I don't get asked out."

We'd been friends for a long time and Martha was always good to me. I wanted badly to say the right thing. "Guys are crazy. They don't know you."

"Listen, I'm used to it. It doesn't even occur to guys to ask me out, even when they know me."

"Well, you're not missing much if they can't see the real you."



"I'm missing sex."

"You're a virgin?"

"Yes." Oops, gaff alert: I was sounding too surprised. Was I implying she was a failure?

"Saving yourself."

"Bull! Well, saving myself for someone I can stand to be in the same room with."

"You've had offers?" I wasn't watching my tongue!

"A couple. Well, the first guy had been retired for some years..."

"I mean it. Guys just don't know you. If a guy got to know you like I do..."

"They'd marry Faith." I stared at her, speechless. Her point had struck home. And it occurred to me: had Martha been interested in me ? She laughed mirthlessly, then offered: "I'm sorry, that wasn't fair."

"It probably was, " I answered. I felt about two inches tall. I have to admit I'd never even given a moment's thought to going out with Martha even though she's as interesting and nice as any woman I'd ever met.

"Enough on that subject," said Martha, finally. "I'm resigned to my chaste life."

"You aren't so unlucky as you realize: sex really isn't all it's cracked up to be."

"So you don't really enjoy it?"

"Well, I'm a guy."

She got this look on her face. And I knew I'd treaded on her feminist sensibilities. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Guys become idiots over sex."

"And girls?"

"There are girls... women who love sex, but there are women who are happy without it."

"Maybe they just haven't had the chance." Her voice was a little weaker and she was looking off in the distance. "Maybe they burn for it just like the guys do." I felt we were getting a little too personal but it also occurred to me that she was offering me a level honesty that one rarely encounters. I'd liked Martha ever since she started with the firm and something inside me was happy that she was offering me friendship this close. Martha and I had certainly talked over some of my problems before and once when she'd been upset, I'd listened to a long story about her mother. The truth of the matter is, I don't really have what you would call intimate friends--I'd never even had a talk like this with Faith. As I watched her, Martha seemed to find herself and looked at me and smiled a shy smile. "What really galls me," she went on, "is how people like Faith are so sure I represent no danger."

"Oh, come now. We're all friends."

"You didn't hear the way she laughed when I asked her if she trusted me?"

"She took it as a joke because you two are friends!" I wondered whether Martha was just a little twisted on this subject.

"Oh yea? Would she blithely send you out with one of her more attractive friends?" I opened my mouth to answer, but suddenly I couldn't. She went on: "Weren't you at all surprised when she suggested the whole thing?" The look in her eye--she was riled up now. I still couldn't make myself answer. "The Faiths of the world have me pegged. Any man is safe with me."

I looked at her. Still riled up. Frustrated her whole life and hurting inside because of how she is treated. "We could prove her wrong." I'd said it in a quiet voice. The drink was getting to me, that's all I can think of.

She stared at me. I realized her eyes were close to tears. "I didn't think you'd make it into a joke," she finally said, equally quiet.

"It wasn't a joke."

"You could stand me? You could cheat on Faith?"

"I told you that men just have to know you. And as you pointed out, Faith was less than nice to you."

"I wish you knew how... how much you're tempting my baser instincts." She looked a little off balance.

"I mean it." I tried to show her that I was deadly serious.

"What do they call it? A mercy fuck ?"

I gulped. "Such language!" I said. She grinned briefly. I went on: "Look, we've been friends for longer than I've known Faith and we could do something for each other. You find me more attractive than that old man, don't you?"

"Do you find me attractive?"

"Yes." I wondered if it were true.

She looked thoughtful. "Stop it," she finally said, quietly but firmly. She didn't believe me.

"You could let me prove it."

I glanced at Martha as we drove to her apartment. I couldn't believe I'd finally convinced her. And I realized I was looking forward to it. Really looking forward to it--in fact, I was already excited. I wondered what she was thinking. I caught a glimpse of her face--I thought I caught a little smile. Satisfaction, I hoped. I wanted this to be good for her.

Why was I responding like this? The illicitness? Who would have thought I could so calmly think of cheating on Faith? But there was something else that was also exciting me. That I was taking advantage of Martha? No, but something too close to that for comfort. I guess I can't completely shake my stone-age roots. I thought of her smile again. Maybe she was taking advantage of me! That was OK with me--she deserved some self-esteem and I wanted the best for her.

The lights were off and we were in her bedroom. I guess she was shy. We sat on the bed and I kissed her. She obviously loved it and we continued for quite some time. My eyes had adjusted and I could see her quite well. I started taking off her blouse. I felt the tension in her, but then suddenly she started unbuttoning the buttons herself. She sat there in her bra. I reached around to unhook it. "Are you ready?" I asked.

"Yes," she answered, her eyes locked on mine. I could tell from her voice that it was all right. I unhooked it. Throughout my movements unhooking it, her eyes followed mine, locked on mine. I looked down at her chest. She giggled and said "Like a boy!"

I put an arm around her back holding her and put my other hand on her stomach, sliding it up toward her breasts. I was very much aware of her naked skin in the dim light. She sat there not moving still looking up at me with an almost-strange, calm expression. I felt things were so serious. My hand reached her right nipple and I started to play with it, fingering it, encircling it and running my fingers across it. As I looked at her, I saw her breaths grow deeper. "Do you like this?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"Yes!" Her voice was soft and breathy. I didn't stop playing with her nipples, though I moved over to her other nipple briefly. Then, still fingering her, I leaned my head down and resumed kissing her. Soon she sort of groaned while we were kissing and then broke the kiss, gasping for breath. I gently leaned her body back until she was lying on the bed and I leaned over and kissed her nipple. She was immediately groaning as I flicked it with my tongue as I sucked. Her excitement grew and I continued--soon I could tell she was about to come. Her breathing suddenly picked up faster and faster, then suddenly she held her breath and made a sound like a little whimper. I didn't stop until she caught her breath again, then I softly fingered her nipple and lay next to her. I realized she had been touching her crotch through her jeans when she was coming. I whispered in her ear "You're beautiful."

I was immediately afraid I might have said the wrong thing. Would she think I was just trying to seduce her? Or just being nice? I'd honestly forgotten that I was with someone who didn't fit society's norm for female beauty. I had simply been reacting to the experience of making love with her. She didn't say anything, but just lay there, obviously trying to recover her normal breathing. Finally she turned to me. I could see in the dim light that she was smiling. "Thank you, even though it wasn't anything for you."

"Martha!" I hissed. "You don't realize..." I didn't finish but rather took hold of her hand and pressed it against my own crotch so she could feel my hardness.

"What's that? Oops, why am I saying that? I sound so stupid."

"That's what I'm feeling for you besides friendship." Her hand just sat there cupping my cock through my pants. She still looked at me, now a wondering expression on her face.

She spoke: "Can I... undress you?" I felt her squeezing my cock slightly. Virgin or not, I was definitely finding her more and more interesting. When I didn't answer right away, she started unbuttoning my shirt.

"Are you sure this is your first time?" I finally asked.

She giggled. "Afraid you're getting used goods?" She had my shirt unbuttoned and my pants unsnapped. Her hand snaked inside my briefs and took hold of my cock.

"You seem to know what you're doing. And where is that virginal modesty?"

"Listen, I'm not going to let opportunity pass me by." Still that low self- esteem. She just held my cock inside my briefs, not moving her hand but even so, I started worrying about coming too quickly. I sat up and pulled off my shirt, then my pants and briefs. "A naked man in my bed," she said with a little giggle, still holding my cock as I lay down again.

"What are you going to do with him?" I asked.

Suddenly she was undoing her jeans and sliding them off. Then came her panties. As soon as she was naked, I took hold of her head and kissed her again, wrapping my leg around her body, pulling our bodies together. We kissed, just feeling our naked skin touching. Finally she pulled away from our kiss though I still had her locked in my arms. She leaned toward my ear and whispered "I want to do it now."

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Hot Tub Adventures

This is like so embarrassing. I haven’t had sex in like a year. My name is Donna and I’m losing my mind. I’m constantly masturbating and I'm in need of a vibrator. I’m not sure what style to buy. I've been looking on a few of the erotic websites. I’m trying to figure out, which one would give me the best satisfying experience. I’d heard about the Hitachi magic wand. I knew that was the cream of the crop, as far as vibrators were concerned. It sells as a massager, but it's like the Cadillac of...

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fun with bhua in Agra

Fun in Agra .We left Gopals house to go to Agra to see Taz Mahal one of the beautifulbuilding. The King made it in the memory of his beloved wife who died giving birth. One the way we stopped at Mathra- Vindravan. The place of Krishna. It is said that Krishana hade more then 360 wives. Wonder how he managed 360 women? We stayed for one night. We seen many places there.We reached Agra in the afternoon. Checked in hotel and rested. Pari and bhua (aunt) started to do 69.I was getting excited...

1 year ago
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One Night Stand 8211 New Year With A Foreigner

Hey all! Devil back again with the Second Episode of the One Night Stand Stories. People who don’t know me.. Basically Devil is a Dark Character created by a guy from Kolkata. I usually write Stories in Trilogies (Three Parts). All my Stories are Fictional and Imaginary. People with likewise Fantasies or Imaginations can contact me on and get their Stories Published on Indian sex stories. Please mail me in either English or Hindi as I Don’t Speak Regional Languages. Starting with the Story.....

3 years ago
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The Other Side of Me Part Eleven

The Other Side of Me - Part 11 by Limbo's Mistress I discovered rather quickly that cheerleading was exactly like cross- country running. Just like performing complex neurosurgery was exactly like applying a bandage to a paper cut. Shelly and I departed from the library and made our way across campus, past the throngs of other students heading to classes. Heading toward the currently unused soccer fields on the far side of the university. It was her suggestion, one I completely...

4 years ago
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Breaking In Sadie

"I married a little sissy fag. You like my fingers up your ass, don't you, you fag? You wish it was a man's cock. You want to get fucked, don't you? You want to suck a cock, get it all slippery then have it shoved up your ass, like my greasy fingers. You do, don't you, you little sissy fag? Do you, Hope?" My naked wife was lying next to me on her side. I was lying on my front, my ass up in the air, while she had two fingers stroking in and out of my lubed ass. She was pushing them in...

3 years ago
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Life In Rollers

Life in Rollers 1. As early as I can remember. One of my earliest memories is going to the beauty parlor every week with my mother and waiting for her to get her hair done. This was in the 60's when roller sets were common, particularly among mothers and wearing curlers in public was acceptable. On Saturday afternoon it was especially common for women, including my mother, to go out in public with their hair up in curlers. At age 8, I remember one damp Spring Saturday when we were...

2 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 5 Major EventsChapter 10 The Other Woman

“Yum. You taste good. What’d you just eat, something with peppermint?” “A life saver. I wanted to be kissing sweet for you,” Karen crooned as she sat in Dave’s lap. “This is an unexpected visit.” “I have a challenge for you ... maybe even kind of like some of the challenges Dori gave you years ago to get you to loosen up.” “What?” Dave smiled as his sister-in-law from Ohio. She must have just arrived. Karen turned in his lap and held out her hand. A pretty younger woman came into view....

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Hacker slice-of-life: an introspective moment with someone who got a lot more than she expected from his old equipment. ------------------------------------------------------------ Hookups --Kiai 29aug04/13jan05 'It's all about the hookups. A place to stay; a place to work; a place to eat; a place to browse... and time to get used to it all.' That was her short list: that was what you needed when you stepped through the...

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BurningAngel Tana Lea Leather

Curvaceous redhead Tana Lea loves the feel of leather on her skin, and frankly, she looks fucking HOT wearing it! She can’t resist a man in a leather jacket either, especially with Small Hands looking like a tasty treat. While making out, she can hardly wait at all to unzip her top and unleash her big bouncy boobs – all the better for Tana to satisfy an unquenchable thirst for dick down her throat and a pussy pounding! She loves playing rough, using leather as a gag and licking cum...

2 years ago
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My First 3sum With 2 BBC

So I was sitting at home all alone just laying on the couch until I heard a knock at the door, so I got up pushed my boob’s up and rolled my shorts up to where my ass was hanging out and then went to the door and looked out the window two find there was two black guys at my door, so I closed the blind and smiled cause I already knew why they were at my door! So I let them in and walked into the living to sit down, so I sat down in the middle of the couch so one could sit on each side of me,...

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Simply SaraChapter 9

Charity sat back on the sofa, the two of them facing each other, their legs touching all along their length. Then Charity moved forward and put one hand on Sara's waist. The other hand grasped Sara's shoulder. "I'll sleep on the couch, here. Or I'm perfectly willing to go to a hotel." They looked each other in the eyes. Sara slid forward, too, and put her arms around Charity's neck. "I've never done this before, ' she said, and kissed Charity on the lips. They kissed briefly, then...

4 years ago
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The Club St Louis

This picture from a video reminds me of my first visit to “ The Club St. Louis / bathhouse “. After signing in and getting my room key and walking into the place I figured I would find much action since a majority of the guys were younger and much fitter than I. Went to my little private room and stripped down, grabbed my small carry bag and went to the restroom to take care of some personal hygiene. After getting back to my room I went ahead and made sure I was somewhat pre-lubed and packed a...

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Boss Called Me Good Girl

All the friends and colleagues called me the shorten name of Nelu instead of Nelumini. It became my pet name as well as popular among others. I got my first appointment as a secretary in private sector firm. Lot of happy memories gathered in my life since my first appointment. Meanwhile, I had to give resignation to my first job at age 29 for better prospectus of the future. I was sure my experience and qualifications would help me to find better place. While I was seeking a new job, I applied...

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Officer Matthews Part 8

Introduction: Again, due to my stories being taken down because of a misunderstanding, I have to apologize for it! Heres the next part of the Officer Matthews series, though! Enjoy! For those who havent read the first chapters, a short summary is included! Enjoy! Summary of parts 1-7: When 17 year old Elizabeth Turner gets almost raped by her so called boyfriend, Spencer, she finds herself in a tight position after Robert Matthewsotherwise known as Gary Smith by his colleaguessaves her from...

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LIttle Girl down the Street

Introduction: you know her You Know Her She lives down the block from you. Her name is Kara and she lives with her younger brother and sister. She must be around 10 years old now and her sister and brother are 8 and 6. Her family moved in to the neighborhood about 5 years ago. Her dad is a salesman for a Dodge dealer across the river and her mother is a nurse for a nursing home on the other side of town. I knew her parents from seeing them as I drive by and we wave at each other or when I...

2 years ago
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A Fantasy With An ExColleague

“Aahh, ahhh, ahhh, oh my god aah aah yes,” moaned Monika, as her ex-colleague, Niraj, was penetrating her deep. Monika’s nails dig into Niraj’s back as Niraj was biting her shoulder in ecstasy. They both fell exhausted beside each other. They both came rapidly into each other without realizing what just had happened was a highly intimate love-making session. After giving each other a moment, they went into the past. They found it hard to believe that they would one day be like this on the bed...

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Overacting Mom And How I Fucked Her

Hi guys, this is a story that happened between me and my mother when I was in college. You can contact me at for further queries. Ladies, you are always welcome. Firstly about my sex bomb mom, she is 51 now. Fair and she will look like a cinema star. I bet she would’ve turned into a big heroine if she had gone down that path. I started lusting for her 4 or 5 years back when I was studying in junior college. She was innocent then. I used to keep mobiles in the changing room and record her. But...

4 years ago
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Inge the Girl from Denmark episode 5

Introduction: Dot invited Inge for a sleepover the night before she left town She had two weeks off and was visiting her family, just a few hundred miles north of Wiesbaden, Germany. She spent the night with my husband and me the night before. She was a local employee, dental technician, at the US Air Base where my husband, Ted was stationed. I was also employed there as a secretary. We knew the same people, on and off base. When she said she needed a ride to Frankfurt I offered bed and...

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The Ring AOChapter 84 New Hotel Decision

That night whilst Fred was in the bathroom Harry mentioned ‘Helena, tonight I really need you to do something for me and I need you to trust me.’ Helena replied ‘Yes Harry I do trust you, what is your request?’ Harry replied ‘I need you to take off our ring, it’s just for tonight and when you wake up in the morning please put it back on. Will you do that for me please.’ Helena guardedly replied ‘Yes Harry I will. Can you tell me why?’ Harry replied ‘Not yet please.’ Helen answered ‘Yes I...

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Good cop and bad cop are the same person

So my story begins on Thanksgiving Eve about two years ago. I was driving home from being on the road for the company that I worked for at the time. I had not been home in 2 years so everything has changed so much couldn't even remember some of the smaller businesses that I was driving by. I seen a small gas station and pulled in so I could use the restroom and fill up on gas to make it another forty-five minutes to my mom and dad's. After finishing everything there I pulled out on the two...

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My Little Helper

If you have read my other stories, you know I have only written true accounts of events that happened or were told to me. This story is completely fiction except the main character is real. This is a continuation of the story titled Donna. I live alone, mostly, and work at a job that I hate! I am a legal secretary for a local attorney who is an asshole. He treats me ok and the pay is adequate. I'm just bored out of my fucking mind. One warm Saturday afternoon, I heard a...

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A Novel Approach

A Novel Approach By Jennifer White John Summers had always wished he were a girl. Ever since he was young, he had been jealous of his sisters. They clothes they got to wear, they toys they got to play with, the way they talked, the things they did... all what he longed for. As he grew older, he started to wear their clothes in secret. As he sexually matured, his first orgasm occurred when he lay on his stomach while wearing a plaid skirt. The rough fabric rubbed against his...

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Girl In The House On The Top Floor

Hi I am back again with another story. I have introduced myself in the previous episode that is “Maid Servent’s Daughter”. Now I am coming up with another story which happened very recently while I was staying in the house while I started living alone. The place where I stay is on terrace and there are two portions where I live on the top floor and it so happened that when I started living in one portion, then the other portion guy who was staying vacated the house and left and it is occupied...

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Em Can I Watch

“I need to turn in, honey...” Mike stood up, stretched, and I heard his spine crack and pop as he arched his back. I shuddered. I hate that noise. He turned to Steve, “You’ll be okay in the spare room, mate. Em will give you some blankets.” Steve nodded and raised his beer can, “Sure, bud, no worries. I’ll be all set.” “Sorry I’m such a lightweight, what with this new job and the early starts, it’s killing me!” Mike grinned apologetically, shrugging as he picked up his cellphone. He looked at...

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Fashion is Our Name Pt 13

Fashion is Our Name – Part 13 – Trouble at the Foreign Office Chapter 32 – To Kingham by Lorry As I settled into the passenger seat of Ben’s lorry, I was glad I had not exposed my mild hysteria over Sally to Jeremy, who would have been perturbed. Agents are not supposed to lose their cool. With traffic, it was nearly two hours to Kingham. I used the time to rehearse with Ben all of the features built into the lorry. The glass in the front was reinforced. It would withstand ordinary bullets...

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The Teenage TrapChapter 7 Life with Jill

Tony had now accepted the inevitable. He had the choice to either accept what had happened to him or to take the consequences. He reasoned that for the present he might as ell enjoy himself — he was committed whatever he did. It was a long and very pleasurable night, and his continuing doubts were swept away time after time by the pleasure they gave each other. It was later next morning when Tony awoke to the smell of frying bacon, mingling with the smell of erotic perfume in the bedroom, and...

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A Tution Taken Lustfully

Hi guys. I was a normal college student. Quite introverted. I am basically a tall guy with a thick dick of 6 inches long. I was a regular student at the college. You could say that I was not far from a straight ‘A’ student. I used to get tutoring requests from all students. I used to tutor most students in our class. There was a girl in our class her name was Saranya. I liked her. She was a cute girl. With fair skin color and round boobs of about 36b. She was busty as well. She was tall as me,...

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Dominated by loyalsock

Amy Jo stepped into the empty elevator, pushed the button for the s*******nth floor, and waited for the car to begin its ascent. Just as the doors were beginning to close a hand shot between the doors and a thirtyish blonde slipped on board, pressed the button for her floor and turned to face Amy Jo, giving the twenty three year old a quick once over. The blonde was dressed in a dark blue woman's business suit, accompanied by tasteful black pumps and a white silk blouse. She would have been...

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TeensDoPorn Hayden Hennessy Taking A Cum Shot Of Hennessy

Hayden Hennessy is justsmooththe liquor shes named after (and super sweet too). She gladly agrees to go through her preliminary interview naked, which we really liked a lot. Shes only 20 years old and is very excited to tell us all about her and get railed! She tells us a quirky story about how she lost her virginity, her lust for anal, and her passion to have all her holes filled whenever possible. Her cocksucking skills were that of a professional, lubing that cock up with her spit extra...

4 years ago
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Bursting for a piss

So it was Friday afternoon and i get a phone call from my wife " babe shall we go fishing tonight?". I was a little shocked as the weather was so bad but i hadn't been out on the lake for a while so i said yeah, as soon as i finish work, ill pack the truck up and we will head down the lake.We got there and there was a dry spell, so i quickly threw the Bivvi up and set up the camp beds, and she climbed inside. I was outside setting the rods and baiting up when she called for me to turn around. I...

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