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My wife and I often spend the weekend at a beach house belonging to some friends of ours, Jess and Tammy. They only go there themselves about once a month and let us use it whenever we want. I always love going there because it's so peaceful. The back entrance to the house leads straight on to the sandy beach, which is usually deserted as there are no facilities around for miles. Jenny, my wife, finds it a little boring for her tastes, but doesn't mind indulging me once in a while.

The last time we went there, I drove us down on the Friday night. We got there quite late, and couldn't really go out anywhere so we stayed indoors. I opened a bottle of whiskey and we drank and talked and laughed as we watched the sky darken over the horizon out to sea. I don't remember much of the evening, but when I woke up my eyes were bleary and there was a pounding in my head that just wouldn't stop. When my eyes came more into focus, I could just about make out Jenny standing at the end of the bed and looking out the window.

"Back in the land of the living, are we?" she asked me, grinning unsympathetically.

"What time is it?" I groaned.

"It's eleven o'clock. How's your head?"

"Terrible. What are you doing?" I asked her.

"I thought I'd lie in the sun while you sleep it off," she said as she turned her back to me to take the suntan lotion out of her bag.

As she bent over, I reached out to touch her ass. The sudden movement made my head start to spin and I quickly lied back down on the bed. Something at the back of my mind began to nag at me. Something about the way Jenny looked. She had on her white bikini top with a white thong. Jenny usually wears thongs, but never at the beach. Even though the two items she was now wearing matched perfectly, I knew that her bikini bottoms left much more to the imagination. Just as she was about to leave the bedroom I asked her what was wrong with her usual outfit.

"Oh," she said. "I must have left it at home. Anyway, these panties match the top okay, don't they? Why don't you go back to sleep, Terry?"

She moved towards the bed, leaned over and kissed me on the forehead. I turned over and pulled the covers up above my head and before long I was fast asleep again. When I woke up, I looked at the alarm clock beside the bed and saw that it was about noon. I still felt a bit groggy, but a hell of a lot better than before. I put on my shorts and went downstairs to the kitchen to make some coffee. As I waited for the kettle to boil, I walked in to the sitting room and looked out of the window on to the beach.

Jenny was lying on her back on a blanket, lifting her hand up to shield her eyes, as she spoke to a man standing over her. They were only about twenty feet from the house, but I couldn't understand what they were saying. I could tell that Jenny was laughing at something he'd said, but that was all. There were three other men standing around close by. They were all in their early twenties, and obviously the athletic type. I looked down at my stomach, which had started to develop the beginnings of a paunch a couple of years before, when I turned thirty, and gave up all forms of physical activity which took place outside the bedroom. I felt a twinge of jealousy, as they stood around ogling my wife in her bikini. I wasn't bothered so much that they were chatting her up. Jenny is very beautiful and often gets hassled by men, even when I'm with her. I think in a way I felt jealous of them, with their flat stomachs, their toned bodies, their youth.

Jenny is a few years younger than I, and since we met five years ago, I've become much more aware of time taking its toll on me, on my body, on my mind. A few years ago I would never have had to sleep so long to get over a hangover. Jenny has always been dynamic, someone who tries to get everything she can out of every possible moment. During our courtship I did my best to keep up with her, but after we were married my efforts became less concerted and I could sense her growing disappointment in me.

I finished my coffee, went to the toilet and then went out the back door leading on to the beach. The four lads were now playing some sort of touch rugby game. As they ran around they kept looking over to Jenny, occasionally saying something to her. As I approached I noticed they stopped calling out to her, and when I had sat down beside her, they all but ignored us.

"How are you feeling now?" asked Jenny.

"I feel great," I lied. "What's going on?"

"Oh, nothing much. These guys came along to get some practice. I think they play rugby at college or something."

"Were they annoying you?"

"No, no. Not at all. They're a good laugh really."

"Have they been here long?"

"For a while," she shrugged.

"Well, shall we go out somewhere?"

"Oh, I don't know. I just feel really relaxed now. Let's stay here and get a suntan."

I was quite surprised at this. Jenny rarely likes to stay in the same place for more than an hour or two at a time. I wondered if the guys in front of us had anything to do with this, but I supposed it didn't really matter anyway. I was still feeling pretty rough and to be honest I would have liked nothing more than spending the rest of the day lying down doing nothing.

After a while the guys took a breather, and came over towards us. They all introduced themselves to me, and were pretty friendly, which I hadn't expected. They were still ogling my wife, but they were at least trying to be subtle about it. One of them, who called himself Owen, reached into his bad and pulled out a joint. He lit it up, took a drag, then passed it to Jenny, who took it gratefully. She's always loved smoking dope, but doesn't do it much any more. After she had taken a few puffs I could tell from her eyes that she was pretty stoned. She actually smoked most of the joint herself, and only passed it back when Owen reached out for it. We chatted with the guys about the beach and places to go in the area until they went back to playing their game.

About ten minutes later, one of them, Darren, took a hard fall when he was being tackled, and hobbled over towards us. He sat down on the blanket in front of us, rubbing his ankle, while my wife made sympathetic clucking noises. The other lads came over and asked him if he was okay to continue the game.

"You're joking, aren't you?" he replied. "I can barely walk."

His friends then asked me if I would take Darren's place, as they couldn't play with only three of them. I was about to make up some excuse about being too hungover, when Jenny suddenly laughed.

"Terry's a bit fragile today," she said. "Not that he's too sporty at the best of times."

Normally, I would have freely admitted that what she said was true, but there was something in the tone of her voice, something like a dare, that made me stand up and say that I'd like to join in. They led me back to their improvised pitch, which had a few bags to delineate the goal areas, and told me the rules. Basically, each team had to touch the ball down in the opposing area, and if you knocked a player down when you tried to take the ball off him, you gave away a foul. I was partnered up with John, and I'd like to think I was doing pretty well. I was really getting into it, being very competitive. I suppose I wanted to show off in front of Jenny. After we had been playing for ten minutes, I turned around to see Darren with his arm around my wife's waist. She had her hand on his back and was obviously supporting him as he limped towards the beach house. I noticed the other guys were all staring too, staring at Jenny's ass, practically naked with only the thin fabric of her thong to cover her. As they approached the door I saw Darren's hand slip down from her hip to her ass, covering one of her cheeks with his palm. In a couple of seconds they were inside and out of view, but in my mind I still had the image of this young guy feeling my wife's sexy ass.

My first thought was to follow them in there, but I didn't want it to look like I didn't trust Jenny. Before I could make up my mind, John had passed the ball to me and shouted, "RUN!" My competitive instincts took over and I ran with the ball and scored. After that, we carried on playing as before, and within about ten minutes Darren was limping back out of the house with a bandage around his ankle. I waited for Jenny to follow him out and got a bit worried when I didn't see her right away. I was about to go inside to check she was all right, when she popped her head around the door and asked if we wanted to stop for a while to have a drink.

By this time my lungs were bursting and I was glad of the opportunity to stop playing so I quickly shouted yes to her and walked towards the house, followed by the others, who sat down beside Darren. As I passed him, Owen asked him how his leg was.

"Well, I had a nasty swelling, but Jenny took care of that," he said, winking at his friends. I wasn't sure how to take it. Was I making too big a deal out of what I'd seen him do before. It could have been quite innocent after all.

When I got inside, Jenny was nowhere to be seen. I invited the others to sit down, then I went into the kitchen. Jenny was standing there waiting for me. She pulled me towards her and kissed me on the lips, forcing her tongue into my mouth. She pressed herself against me and rubbed her hand against my cock.

I pulled away from her and asked her what had gotten into her.

"I don't know," she said, panting, her eyes dark and lusty. "It was just, you looked so good out there, you know. Really sexy. It reminded me of when we first went out together and you used to play squash in those tight shorts of yours. You should take it up again."

She may have been only flattering me, but I can't deny I was pleased. She opened the door of the fridge and bent over to take out the bottles of beer we had stored in there. I looked at her behind and remembered what I had seen before.

"Wait a minute," I said. "What happened when Darren came in here?"

"What do you mean? I put a bandage on his ankle. Didn't you see it?"

"Yeah, and I saw his hand on your ass when you went inside. What did he do when you were alone?"

Jenny straightened up, put her hand on my chest and looked me in the eye, a smile playing around her lips. "Were you worried, then?" she asked. "Were you worried I might let him have more than just a quick feel?"

"So he did feel you up then?"

"You mean before or after we were inside?"

"He did, didn't he?"

"Does the idea of him touching me turn you on?"

I blinked rapidly, not knowing what to say, until she reached her hand down the front of my shorts and grabbed my cock, which was now very hard indeed. "It does, doesn't it? I bet you wish you were there to see what happened," she said, as she gently ran her fingers up and down my shaft.

I couldn't take much more of this. "Tell me," I begged. "Tell me what happened."

"You really want to know?"

"Yes, tell me."

She took her hand out of my shorts and picked up three of the beer bottles. "Nothing," she said with a teasing grin, as she walked out of the kitchen and through to the front room.

While I was readjusting my shorts she called through to me, asking me to bring out three more beers. I carried them in to see Darren and Mark on the sofa, and John and Owen in the armchairs. Jenny was sitting on the armrest of Owen's chair, already drinking one of the bottles. I handed a beer to the two guys on the sofa and sat beside them, opening up my own bottle. I noticed how all the guys were staring at my wife. When you see a woman in a bikini on a beach you pretty much take it for granted, however sexy she is, but when it's in somebody's living room, you really take notice. I placed a newspaper in my lap to hide my erection. I swear I had never felt so much like fucking my wife as right now.

They began to talk about music festivals and the one at Glastonbury that they had all been to the month before. Jenny went there every year with a friend of hers. It wasn't my scene at all and I was always glad she never tried to drag me along.

"The trouble with Glastonbury is having to share a tent with a bunch of smelly bastards, like this lot," said Mark.

"Yeah," Jenny laughed. "This year I had to share with these two guys in a really small tent. Not only is it smelly, it gets really hot as well."

"I thought you went in Suzy's tent," I said to her. "Why were you sharing with two guys?"

"Well, I was in Suzy's tent the first night, but then she met this guy she really fancied who had set up next to us and she wanted to sleep with him, so I had to go into his friends tent. Well, either that or watch them fuck each other's brains out all night. You know what she's like?"

I didn't actually know as I'd never met her, but I had heard many stories from Jenny that she was a bit wild. I thought she was probably a bad influence, but I didn't want to say anything about it.

"So you had to share with these guys you didn't even know?" asked John. "Didn't they try to fuck your brains out as well?"

Suzy looked over at me. I didn't like the way this conversation was going. "No, they were just nice college kids. They were only about eighteen or so."

"So they were too innocent to try anything, were they?"

"I guess so," she shrugged. "They didn't exactly avert their eyes when I put my clothes on in the morning, but they didn't try anything on with me."

"You mean they saw you naked?" I asked involuntarily, the words out of my mouth before I could stop them.

At first Jenny looked at me a little sheepishly, but suddenly her demeanour changed, as she noticed everyone's eyes avidly trained upon her. "Well, only a bit. I wanted to get up, and I couldn't change in my tent as Suzy and her bloke were still in there. They would have only seen me for a second, when I put my bra on. I changed my panties underneath the sleeping bag."

"So they got a look at your tits then," Mark said, staring straight at her chest. "Lucky bastards."

We all looked at her in her skimpy bikini, and I noticed Owen surreptitiously move his arm around her as she sat on the chair's edge. He rested his hand on her upper thigh and began to stroke it with slow circular motions. Jenny seemed not to notice this, or if she did she made no move to stop him. This was getting all out of hand, and I didn't know how to stop it without causing an almighty scene, which would be sure to spoil our weekend.

"Have any of you been in the sea today?" I asked. It was a pretty hopeless way of changing the subject, but it was the best I could come up with. "I'm not much of a swimmer myself. Actually, I've never learned. Always lived in the city. That's why I like coming here so much," I carried on rambling, hoping someone would come in to the conversation so I could keep my mouth shut. "Good way to cool off after a game of rugby, I imagine. I fancy a shower myself, but if I could swim I'd be out there splashing about among the waves."

"That's a great idea," Jenny exclaimed, jumping up from her seat. "I haven't been swimming in ages. Come on guys. Finish up your beers."

Everybody turned their heads to watch Jenny's firm and sexy ass as she walked purposefully to the door. Whenever I saw in her thong it always made me get instantly hard. Seeing her ass almost naked like this, with four other guys watching too, I was more than aroused. My erection was painful, straining against my shorts, desperate for some relief. I had wanted them all to bugger off so I could grab hold of Jenny's bikini, rip it off and fuck the life out of her. It didn't look as though I was going to have the chance.

When she reached the door, she turned and said, "Well guys, are you coming or not?" As one, they raised the beers to their lips, finished them off and followed Jenny to the door. "Are you going to have a shower then, Terry? Why don't you come out and join us later, after you've finished?"

I tried to tell her with my eyes that I wasn't going to have a shower. That I wanted these men to leave and her to stay so I could give her a good seeing to. Unfortunately, my lips opened and whispered the word "okay" and seconds later the back door swung shut behind them.

I ran up the stairs and got to the back window in time to see Jenny sprinting into the sea, closely followed by Owen, Mark and John. I noticed Darren hobble towards them until he neared the water, where he sat at the edge of the dry sand. The tide was low so they had to go quite far out before they were waist deep. They soon began splashing each other with water, playing around, screaming and shouting. The beach was utterly deserted and I could hear them as if they were only a few yards away, but maybe because of my failing eyesight, I couldn't see too clearly what they were doing.

Suddenly I began to wonder about her bikini. It was white and as far as I knew, Jenny had never worn it while swimming before. I wondered whether it might be see through, whether the lads could see her nipples, which would no doubt be sticking out, as they did whenever she showered. Her tits are a good size, not too big, not too small, but her nipples get very long, when wet, cold or aroused. Then I remembered that her thong wasn't part of the bikini and wasn't designed to be worn in water. It would almost certainly be see through by now, her black hairy bush would be clearly visible to all of them when she got out of the sea.

She was surrounded by the three guys, all of them waist deep in the water. I could hear Jenny giggling, then I saw her reach around her and lift John's hand from underneath the water. She held it up high in the air as they all laughed, then with her other hand she reached behind her again and pulled Mark's hand up. It was obvious that they were both trying to grope her ass, and while she may have tried to stop them, I could see she wasn't angry. In fact, the way she was laughing, they could only take it as encouragement. Suddenly, she broke free of them and swam out a little further.

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Sansa Stark Lady of Winterfell

Sansa Stark: "Lady" of Winterfell. SPOILER ALERT! If you haven't seen season 7's Finale, this contains some spoilers. It was a cold and snowy day at Winterfell, and a lonely figure was looking at everything that was happening in that place. Her name was Sansa Stark, lady of Winterfell. She had just seen the execution of Littlefinger, what left her slightly shocked. She was remembering all the things that she had lived inside and outside of those walls. It was almost 10 years ago....

3 years ago
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My First Sexual Encounter

So recently, I turned 18 and achieved my age of consent. I was pretty excited to have my first sexual encounter and, I was quite sure of the fact that it will be gay sex. I’m bisexual, but I love the feeling of having a dick in my mouth and getting fucked. Alright, so straight jumping to the story: It was a Wednesday night, where the majority of the population was dozing off, but I was surfing my options to get a perfect person to have sex with. Facebook and Instagram never helped at all, full...

Gay Male
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"Honey, I'll be back tomorrow. It's only one night." Dan reassured his wife as he prepared to leave for Kwekwe. His wife Gemma nodded and looked reflective, rather than worried. "I'll be back tomorrow." Gemma nodded. He gave her a hug and a kiss and climbed into the car out of the hot sun. The gardener held the gate open for him, and he swept through. He had a two and a half hour drive and if he left now before it got dark he would be out of the city and on his way by the time night...

1 year ago
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Professor Prick 14

The Futures Bright the Futures Nikki I awoke early the next morning the sunlight streaming in my window as stretched out in my bed. Shortly a nurse appeared and spoke to me. "You all set for today then?" she asked. "Yeah can't wait," I said. "It's not often in this job that you here someone so desperate to go for an op," she said with a smile. "Well meet the exception," I said. The connecting door opened and my mother walked in. "Morning darling," she said as she reached...

3 years ago
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Life Changes Through HypnosisChapter 15

My phone rang but I didn’t recognize the number but figured it was one of the men and I had better answer. “Tony, I need your help. I am at some nasty motel and have no money, clothes or car. Can you come get me please and bring me some clothes?” “Jackie, why do you have no clothes and why is that my problem?” I had just left Jimmy’s, had enjoyed being fucked and still felt his cum inside my ass and the taste of his ass on my breath. Of course, I was wearing my new outfit, but finally...

2 years ago
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The Scotch Bonnet Chapter 2

I love writing and it means a lot to get your seal of approval. I also rely on honest and constructive criticism. I admit honestly my spelling and punctuation leaves something to be desired. I always endeavour to improve, as I'm still young. Please fee free to message me with any advice or Comments, im always happy to correspond. I know my writing wont be everyone's cup of tea, but I'd love to keep the series going, this post is a simple one. There will be twists and turns in future posts....

3 years ago
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A Monkey On Her Back sixth and final chapter

We spent a long night out in the garden fucking and sucking each other, but by far the sexiest moments were those when I watched mum and Ginny doing things to each other. It was late when we staggered up to bed, but even then they hadn't finished with me.Mum reached for me and rolled on top of me whilst Ginny inserted my shaft into mum's warm sex and when I came for the last time that night, mum squatted on her face and allowed my creamy cum to trickle out into her mouth.As usual I was the last...

3 years ago
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My name is Jonathan Roberts and this story is completely true it all happened when my family and I were all on vacation taking a cruise through the Bahamas when our ship stopped to pick up some people I decided to get off for a couple of minutes and walk around town. On my way back up the ramp to the ship I noticed a couple of Latino women sitting around on the deck sunbathing, I sat there and watched them for a while before returning to my room. Two or three hours later I was walking through...

2 years ago
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First Time With Someone Unknown

Hi to all Indian sex stories dot net readers. I’m aish again with a new story or you can say with a new experience I had last week. Her name is Kavita, she is the wife of my landlord, and she is good looking, fair and a sexy lady having two children. She have sexy boobs may be the sixes of 32, sexy butts and good figure. I had a nice sex experience with her last week. My wife is so sexy that she made me too horny to fuck other person or the wifes of another person. And she has become very good...

1 year ago
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Passions Aflame in FranceChapter 2

I had reserved a hotel in Paris that was fairly close to the Louvre. My plan was to be able to walk to our destinations as much as possible. Since we had arrived in the late morning, we were able to check in at the hotel and then do some site seeing. The first stop, of course, was the Eiffel Tower, the most visited paid monument in the world. When it came to be our turn to ride up to the second level, David and I pressed forward and found out later that Chad had to take the next ride up. The...

1 year ago
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Resetting My Bitch ButtonChapter 15

Master began the discussion by laying out a foundation for our discussion. He wanted my mom to understand the goal was re-directing my bad behavior to better behavior. I would also pay back all of my debts to her and he would help my sister start a new life her time with him was over. He also explained that I’d be there permanently after the trial, and Chastity would eventually get to leave after two years. My mom took issue with the word slave and immediately became confrontational about...

3 years ago
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A Commitment is a Commitment

It was my mothers 38th birthday in two weeks and I had been searching for a book she used to have from school, she had often told me about it. And one day she went into the loft to get it to show me. I had been showing an interest in poetry, which had surprised her greatly, me being Mr Macho and all that.She called to me and I climbed the ladder. We hadn't been up there for years and had forgotten how much junk she and my dad had collected, but she couldn't find the book anywhere. We even...

3 years ago
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Winery Meetup

Crystal touched crystal in threesome, adding to the sparse but happy din of the deck at our second favorite winery.“A toast to friends,” I inserted and Tina and the freshly seated Daniel repeated.The sun shone, the air was an agreeable temperature, Tina was comfortable in one of her thin cotton dresses that accentuated her bubble butt. We talked about normal things and our tentative plans for the afternoon if all worked out and we had already consumed a bottle by the time her long-awaited...

2 years ago
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Princess Diana and Alexander the GreatChapter 4 The Celebration Gangbanging an Amazon Princess

Alexander gathered his robes and put them on. He then went to the pavilion's door and pulling the flap aside spoke to a guard stationed there. He returned to his throne and beckoned Diana to stand on his right side facing the doorway. Within five minutes the flap was again drawn aside and about thirty men filed through. Diana had attempted to cover herself as the first man stepped through the door but Alexander was harsh. "Do not cover yourself, Princess," he ordered. "This is my...

3 years ago
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Bobby and Steves Anal Adventure

Bobby's Mother asked me to spend the weekend babysitting him. "Hells Bells! The boy's thirteen years old,Kayla. He doesn't need anyone to watch him!" I said into the phone. "You're one of his best friends,AND You KNOW he steals our booze every chance he gets! Do You Want him to die from alcohol poisoning while we're gone?" So,from that Friday night till the next Monday evening Bobby and I were to hang out together.I have known Bobby all his life. He's a great k**. He is slender,short,has blond...

4 years ago
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Cynthia 3

Sitting at the kitchen table and talking over a hot cup of coffee and a muffin, we spoke only of the fun we were going to have today. Because this treat was a gift from Rhoda, she asked me if I would like to go first. I had been anticipating this all week and now I was getting a bit nervous. I had many massages in the past, but today of all days, I was actually shaking and shivering before Pete even arrived. I can’t believe it. I’ve been looking forward to this ‘special’ massage ever since...

3 years ago
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Sex Hungry Lata 8211 Part 2

Last night I promised her to meet in the evening and I went to see her, gave her and her young Lily a box of sweets. While Lily was busy opening the box Lata was in my arms passionately kissing me, kissing my neck. I told her not to cook anything, already had bought a parcel for dinner. As usual Lily went in the bedroom to see cartoon network. Lata was waring thin open maxi under that she did not ware anything else, that was very sexy. She gave me to ware a cloth and told me not to ware...

3 years ago
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Wes and LesChapter 13

I lay down on her back, my head to the left of hers, my cock still inside her. She stirred. "You better get up. Your pubic hair is too rough on my sore butt. You really did a number with that ruler." I got off her, leaned over and attempted to kiss it better. "That's nice, but it still hurts. We're going to limit how often we do this." "That's a surprise. I didn't think you'd want me to spank you again." "Are you kidding? I haven't come like that before. When I called you...

1 year ago
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Temptation in ParadiseChapter 3

Roberto Valdez watched from a few yards away as the dark haired woman with his son took off at a run toward the pavilion where the band was playing. He kept his focus on her until she disappeared into the crowd, then turned his gaze back to his son. He was arguing with the dark haired woman who'd kissed him. He figured the woman who'd run off was the same woman Diego had mentioned and the one he was arguing with now was an unexpected and unwelcomed obstacle. Diego looked to be handling...

1 year ago
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GotMylf Cassandra Cain Crotch Rocket Cock Rocker

In her smoking hot red dress, super banging MILF Cassandra Cain is the perfect star for a romantic French movie. Today, the setup is ideal. Her car has broken down in the middle of nowhere, and just her luck, our stud is driving up the road on his speedy crotch rocket motor cycle. She hops on the back of his bike, and suddenly the world lights up. When they get back to his place, Cassandra wants to ride one more thing. Our stud whips out his big hog and slips it into Cassandras wet garage door....

3 years ago
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The Letter

Like many of you, visiting this site, I've dreamed for a long, long time to be used like a piece of slave meat I am. One day I finally told myself OK, you just live once, and decided to make a deal with my girlfriend: We will both write a letter to each other about our deepest sexual fantasy.At first she was like "Nah, you already know all my fantasies". but after a little persuasion (and few more drinks), she said Yes. So we had couple more drinks and then she said " You know what? We should...

4 years ago
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Meri Innocent Bhabhi Ki Gulabi Chut

Hi Guys! I’m Shaun a regular reader of ISS. This I’m going to narrate is fictions and imaginary. Now I’m starting my storing in hindi as most of the readers like to read in hindi including me. If you like my story please mail me my email id is so this story starts jab main 19 ka tha aur tabhi mere chacha(39) ki shadi hui.mere bhabhi age 32 thi aur uska fig kya batau yaaro 36 30 36…koi bhi use dekhe toh uska khada ho jaye.phir mere chacha shadi hote hi delhi shift ho gaye aur mujhe apni chachi...

4 years ago
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She Had It Coming

Really, she had it coming. It was not right that she used her youth, her bleach blond hair and that coylittle smile to lure him away from his wife. Now she was going to have to dealwith Margie's wrath. The time had come and Margie was ready, she had made all of the arrangementand her friends were going to pull it off without the slightest hint that therewas a woman seeking revenge behind the scene. On Friday, while Tina was on her lunch break, the men began to set the bait.Tina sat on the...

4 years ago
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Der nette Nachbar

...da stand er nun mit klopfendem Herzen am frühen Vormittag vor der Tür seiner schönen Nachbarin und starrte auf die Klingel. Er hatte so lange mit sich gerungen ob er es tun sollte oder nicht. Moralisch verwerflich, unanständig und strafbar war es obendrein. Er hatte Angst, das es schief gehen könnte. Das alles schief gehen könnte und er völlig geliefert wäre. Aber letzten Endes hatte sein Trieb gesiegt und hier stand er nun und ihr Mann war vor einer guten Stunde zur Arbeit gefahren. Er...

3 years ago
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Hardware HarmonyChapter 11 A New Love Life

That first date worked into another, then another. It was becoming obvious that there was mutual attraction going for us. She wasn’t just beautiful, she was wise, and well educated, and fun. I learned that her position in the dental clinic was a professional one with a certificate of accreditation. It implied that her income might be more than I first suspected. “Did you ever decide on the keyboard and amplifier?” I asked one day when we were out for a drive on a sunny Sunday...

1 year ago
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Mom Helps Me In My Slutiness 8211 Part 3

Hello this is RIDA again with the third part of my story. After that steamy session with mom and hardick there was a new phase in my life. My mom had agreed to get me married to hardick to have a nice fucking life ahead. But the problem was my dad. My mom was also getting horny . Many a times my mom and me would go to hardicks place and have sex with him. But as days progressed mom was getting horny day by day.. She would slip in the night in my room and have lesbian sex with me. One such day.....

2 years ago
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A Fathers Surprise

Jeff Burton was about to receive a birthday present he had never contemplated ??????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Jeff Burton was about to receive a birthday present that would change his life. He rubbed his forehead as he read the letter that had arrived that morning and he felt...

3 years ago
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A Darker UniverseChapter 3 Assembly

Paul came out of his class and saw Jennifer standing there crying. He immediately went over and, ignoring all the looks he got, put his arms around Jennifer and gave her a hug. Resisting temptation, he kept his hands on her back. There were a few teasing catcalls from the assembled students but when he glared at them, they shut up. There was a certain sympathy since they all knew they could be in that position. "We have to go to the assembly," she reminded him. He took her hand and they...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Hard Sex With Two Gorgeous Ladies

Hi I’m Shren from Chennai to say about me, I’m 23,well built good body, with 6.1 ft good height, handsome guy, it happened last month, it’s a unexpected incident, as I have travelled in bus ,and got down in a stop, there I have called my friend as I’m in a condition to need money ,I have asked my friend for 5k,as I need it urgently, but he have given negative response, as i was speaking a good looking aunty stared at me for long time. And I’m sure she have heard what I have spoken with my...

3 years ago
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PricelessChapter 2

After our morning together, Kate wanted to take a shower. I joined her, but we kept things quick and playful. While she dried her hair, I picked up the remains of our breakfast and made her bed for her. When I came back to the bathroom, I borrowed her antiperspirant (strange as it may seem, over the years, I've come to enjoy the scent of Secret). "What should I wear?" Kate asked as I was getting dressed. "Something comfortable." She nodded and went to her dresser. She pulled out a...

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my hot cousin2

Dear Friends, I am 25 year old and living at Delhi with my parents. My cousin Kamal is 5'-3", slim, 20 years old and doing MA. She is also residing at Delhi with her parents. Her house is at about a KMts. distance from my house. She is a very sexy and westernised girl. Her buldging boobs, round thighs and hips can turn any person mad for her. We often meet each other but never went so far. But I have to admit that I always wanted her. We used to talk frankly but so intimately. Whenever I...

2 years ago
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Spies and Lovers

The phone rang as I stepped into my black heels and attached my faux pearl clip-on earrings. Hugo put his watch on and picked up the receiver; the muted voices on the other end were speaking German.“Wir haben bestätigt, dass Lotte eine Spionin ist. Bring sie herein.” (Tranlation: We have confirmed, Lotte is a spy. Bring her in.)After putting the receiver back in the cradle, Hugo didn’t turn around but just said, “We have to stop by the office before dinner.”If you could close your eyes to the...

Quickie Sex

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