I Blew My Str8 Landlord
- 3 years ago
- 28
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When my wife died – too young, she was only twenty-five, a year younger than me – I was left alone in the large house (six bedrooms) that we'd intended to fill with children. Ironically, it was pregnancy that permitted the choriocarcinoma to occur that killed her. That the pregnancy ended in a miscarriage was merely salt in the wound.
I'm not the sort to kill myself, but I did neglect myself for quite some time. My employers (a successful, rapidly growing IT security company whose bonuses had permitted us to buy the house) though understanding, couldn't carry me for ever and I had little enthusiasm for work anyway. With Sal's insurance, I was in no difficulty in the short term; the mortgage paid off and enough in the bank to feed me. Not that I was very interested in food. Friends were very good and rarely a day went by without someone calling, often more than one, but I was going nowhere. At least, until a few months after the funeral. My neighbour, a motherly lady in her sixties, arrived with a beef casserole one lunch time and made me sit at the kitchen table to eat while she boiled a kettle and made tea.
"Now, Pete. This has gone on long enough. I'm not saying forget Sally, or stop grieving, but you need to get up and do something, or you'll be following her."
I shrugged apathetically.
"See? That's what I mean. You've got years of good life ahead and skills and talents that shouldn't be wasted."
I merely shrugged again.
"So ... it's not good that you're alone all the time for a start. You could take in students in some of those empty rooms you've got. As it happens, I know a group who need to get out of their house; there's five of them and they'd struggle to find somewhere this time of year, apart from the fact they'd have to separate."
I couldn't raise the energy to object, so merely shrugged again.
"I'll take that as a yes, then," she said briskly. "I expect they'll be round in the next day or so to meet you." Then she added, "I'll make a start on cleaning up the house a bit while you take a shower and change. They'll have their own bedlinen."
I didn't have the energy or motivation to think about it, so having finished the food I toddled off to shower and get some clean clothing.
It didn't occur to me the students might be female.
There were two blondes – one, I was sure, from a bottle, and three brunettes, one of whom had enough red in her hair to be described as auburn. They were all pretty enough, but in a wholesome sort of way; modestly dressed, the combination saying, 'Okay, we're pretty, and we're girls, but we're ladies and not interested in messing about.'
The taller of the brunettes smiled and held out a hand. "Mr. Botham? It's very kind of you to consider us. I'm Jessica." She turned and indicated the slightly plump girl to her left. "This is Julie..." and turning further, indicated the auburn haired one, "Holly..." then the bottle blonde, "Sam," and lastly the blonde, "Carla."
"I'm Pete Botham," I agreed. "Please, come in." Once they were all standing in the wide hallway, I said, "Missus Harper ... my neighbour ... told you about me? That I'm not a regular ... um ... lodging house?"
"Yes," that was Carla. "She told us you..." she blushed, "I mean, I'm ... we're really sorry about your wife," she stumbled, but carried on, "We know this isn't a shared house, it's your home. We're just grateful for somewhere to stay so we don't have to split up."
I winced a bit at the reference to Sal, but the wound had clearly scabbed over a bit. "Thanks," I said quietly. "Come with me and I'll give you the ten-pence tour."
As I said, it was a large house. In common with many large houses of the era, indoor sanitation was something of an afterthought. The master bedroom had en suite shower, basin and toilet, there was a shower-room with a basin and toilet, a bathroom with basin and toilet, and downstairs there was a toilet and hand-basin; the other bedrooms didn't have their own facilities, though two of them (the two in the attic) had a hand-basin. I pointed out that the bedroom doors didn't have working locks. The first floor (if you're American, that's the second floor, the one above the ground floor) bedrooms had locks but they'd long since been painted solid and lacked keys. The ... facilities had privacy locks with an outside coin-turn; we'd expected children and didn't want them to lock themselves in when they were big enough.
The ground floor had a large lounge or sitting room, a similar sized kitchen where I usually ate, a small study or office and what I called 'The Library', though there were bookshelves all over the house.
Front and rear were gardens – rather overgrown due to my neglect.
The girls were almost awe-struck.
"What a gorgeous house," Jessica said quietly as we arrived back in the hallway. She looked round at her friends, who were nodding and making agreeing noises. "Could we possibly stay? I mean ... are we acceptable to you? We can get references if you like?"
"Come to the kitchen," I said, "would you like tea? Coffee? Fruit juice?"
I sat them round the kitchen table, which is large enough for eight, not that we'd ever had that many guests.
"I'd like coffee, if it's not too much trouble," that was Carla, but the others were all nodding.
"We tend to drink a lot of coffee," Jessica admitted.
"No trouble. Anyone like hot milk with it?"
"I would, please," Sam spoke for the first time.
"Me, too," Carla said.
"I'd usually just have cold milk, but that would be a treat," Jessica said.
"Black for me," finished Julie.
"A girl after my own heart," I smiled, a pang touching my heart as I remembered sipping black coffee with Sal. I made coffee; heated and frothed milk. We sat round the battered, heavy old table. I didn't know how to handle it all, so I was silent.
We sipped coffee. Perhaps there was a little tension there, but I thought it was comfortable, somehow.
"So..." Jessica prompted.
I looked at her and took a deep breath. "I can hardly refuse you..."
"How much would you charge?"
The shock must have shown on my face.
"We don't expect to live here for free."
"I hadn't thought about it. Two days ago I hadn't considered having anyone else living here. What are you paying now?"
"Sixty pounds apiece except Julie. She'd got a smaller room – fifty."
"Utilities included?"
"Joking ... right?"
"You mean ... you're each paying sixty pounds a week for just a room? Heat, light, food extra?"
She shrugged. "It's the going rate."
"Well, it isn't going here," I paused.
Her face fell.
"I think fifty each," I said consideringly. "If you'd be willing to share cooking from time to time ... that would be good."
"Fifty plus utilities?" Her face had brightened.
"Don't be silly. Though I suppose the heating bill will go up. Let's just see how it goes. There's a wireless router for broadband in my office. It's supposed to be powerful enough to be picked up in the attic – I'll give you the key when you move in."
They stared at me. "Are you serious?" Carla spoke barely above a whisper.
"Don't you think it's reasonable?"
"It's more than reasonable," Sam answered, "it's better than I, than we, could hope to find anywhere else. Thank you. Thank you."
And that is how it started. I helped them move in. They were considerate of my space; they didn't wander around in flimsy nighties or come out of the shower in only a towel. No loud music, or coming in drunk. I got used to having them around. We cooked for each other most evenings and, if they weren't going out, sat and watched T/V in the lounge.
At least, they watched T/V. I've never seen much point in X-Factor, Strictly Come Dancing and so on. But the lounge was the only room apart from the kitchen I kept really warm thanks to a wood-stove. Small radiators kept their rooms not quite cold and they preferred to sit in the lounge or kitchen, or so they said, so the electric bill wasn't boosted much by extra heating upstairs. I ate well and cooked more and better than I would have if I'd been alone.
Once or twice a week each might be out with the current boyfriend. At least, I assumed it was a boyfriend; it may have been a girlfriend, of course, or sometimes they'd all be out together, but not often.
The year wore on. I began to dread the warmer weather, but they continued to sit in the lounge or kitchen rather than their rooms most of the time. Then I began to dread the end of the academic year, thinking they'd all be going home and, what was worse, that they'd find somewhere else to live for the next year.
When the May exams were over, Jessica cornered me in the kitchen one day. "Pete, I ... you've been really good to us. I've a favour to ask. Two, really, I suppose."
"Go ahead." I was uneasy; not exactly anxious, but unsure what was coming.
"Firstly ... Julie and I have placements in the area. Could we stay through the summer?"
I didn't have to think about that. "Of course."
"And ... can we stay next year?"
"Are you happy with our rent? We've been thinking we must have put up your bills a lot. We were thinking, maybe, sixty a week would be fairer."
"Jessica, I'm just happy you want to stay. I was dreading you all leaving."
"Really? We must have impacted your life."
"Oh, you have. You have. But in a good way."
"Well, we love living here. Please, let us pay."
"You want to do this?"
"We're agreed we want to do this. Julie and I will pay our usual. The others will pay a retainer."
"I hardly think that's necessary. The rooms will be here when they come back."
Jessica looked at me seriously. "Well ... we'd budgeted for it, but I'm sure Sam, Holly and Carla will be grateful. Julie and I will be earning a bit, so we can afford to pay."
"Okay, if you insist."
"Oh, we do."
The house seemed rather empty with the three girls away, and Jessica and Julie were out for full working days and more. I got them to tell me when they'd be in so I could give them a good meal in the evening.
Everything went as usual until the beginning of August. Jessica was back from work. Julie had been in and gone out on a date, so we were eating alone in the kitchen. Happily, Jessica'd just taken the last mouthful of my light-as-a-feather-but-incredibly-fattening syrup sponge and custard, stifled a ladylike belch (is there such a thing? It was so discreet) and commented, "That was absolutely gorgeous. I bet I've put on ten pounds. You've really got to stop feeding me like this."
I was about to say something complimentary about her figure when we heard the front door slam and feet stamp their way upstairs.
"That did not sound good," I remarked.
"You're not wrong. I'd better go see," Jessica sighed.
I don't suppose I need to fill in the spaces. Julie had gone out for a date. They'd been going to quite a good restaurant and I was quite sure she expected him to propose. Presumably he hadn't.
Jessica – much later – gave me the bare bones, which were quite enough for me. Julie, being convinced Chris was 'the One', had given him her virginity some weeks previously. He'd made the most of his opportunity; she had at least gone on the pill once she'd decided. But that evening he told her he had a job in Aberdeen and he thought it best that they call it a day as long-distance relationships rarely worked. (I was going to insert here a suitable pejorative term, but couldn't think of one bad enough.)
Anyway, Julie was devastated. Her self-esteem had always been a little fragile. She was the quiet one when they'd come to see me in the first place.
Jessica was furious. So was I, come to that. "If it'd been me, I'd have castrated him with a blunt knife," she said later. "I mean, I know Darren and I won't be together forever and we both understand that, but what he did was just..." she screwed up her face, groping for a suitable word, "caddish, I suppose."
Julie moped about. She kept enough about her to keep up at work, though I'm sure she wasn't performing at one hundred percent. At home, though, she retreated into her shell, ate little and said less. This went on for nearly two weeks.
It was a Saturday evening. Jessica had cooked, insisting on doing so as I'd cooked each night during the week, and I'd waved them off while I did the washing-up. Julie had made a half-hearted attempt to help but I waved them both away. Perhaps that was a mistake, thinking about it.
Anyway, I left the dishes to drain and walked through to the lounge just in time to hear;
"God, Julie! You need to get laid! Don't wait around for Mister Right, take Mister Right Now. Someone you can trust, who is kind and won't screw you over."
I paused outside, listening. There was a murmuring, I assumed from Julie, then Jessica again, "What about Pete? I know he likes you, he's a good guy..."
I walked as quietly as I could back to the kitchen, thought, and boiled the kettle. While the water was heating, I made up a tray. I wasn't at all sure about what I'd heard, how to deal with it. I mean, Julie was a nice girl. If a little ... plumper than is fashionable, she was quite presentable. She wasn't the one I'd have chosen to go for. Actually, of course, I'd made a policy decision not to make a move on any of them. But if I had, my first choice would have been Holly and my second, Jessica.
I picked up the tray and walked firmly to the lounge; manipulated the lever with my knee, pushed the door to open it and went in.
"At last!" Jessica sighed, "we've just been talking about you. Tea! Wonderful!"
I set the tray down. "I thought my ears were burning. So what have I done wrong?"
"Got a guilty conscience, Pete? Why would you think you've done something wrong?"
"I don't. But I know enough about women to know that I don't have to do something wrong to be in the wrong..."
She giggled. "Nothing like that. Now, Pete. You like Julie, don't you?"
"Of course. I like all of you..." I had the feeling of being backed rapidly into a corner.
"I mean, you think she's pretty, don't you?"
"Well, yes..."
"And sexy?"
"Well, I..." I stumbled a little. Watching the two girls I saw Julie's already downcast face become even more woebegone. "Jessica, when you all came, I made a decision that I wouldn't get involved ... physically, that is ... with any of you. I didn't want to take a chance things would be awkward, I mean..."
Jessica glared at me and my heart sank. She stood, approached me and whispered in my ear, "She's all yours. You'd better do The Right Thing. Or else." Then left the room; leaving me with Julie who by that point had tears pouring down her cheeks.
I don't suppose I'm the only male helpless in the face of female tears. I sat next to her and held out my arm; she climbed on my lap and buried her face against my neck ... and sobbed. My arms closed around her without any conscious intention on my part and I just held her. Despite the situation, something stirred ... and since she was sitting on it, it was uncomfortable. Her tears subsided and I managed to extract a handkerchief from my pocket and hand it to her so she could wipe her face. As she did so, a curious expression crossed her tear-stained features, followed by the first smile – slight, but a smile – I'd seen from her in weeks.
She wriggled on my lap. "You do." And then she kissed me.
Freud reckoned people have three levels in their personality. The 'ego' is the conscious part that we think of as the self. We also have the 'super-ego', often called the conscience, and the 'id'. Now the 'id' is our collection of instinct, animal, biological drives and in theory the ego is balanced between the id and the super-ego. In some, the super-ego severely limits what a person will allow him or herself to do; in others, the id has almost free rein.
What I'm saying here is that for almost a year my conscience had prevented me from even thinking about any of the girls as potential partners, but Julie's distress had weakened my resolve to keep my distance. Her physical contact made me aware – you might say, painfully aware – of her desirability and my 'lackanookie' condition. The last shreds of restraint dissolved in the effects of that kiss and when she took her lips away ... not far ... I followed and kissed her back. She tasted sweet, with hints of what we'd eaten for supper. Our hands wandered. My, but she felt good. I later consoled myself with the thought that she was on top of me and could have backed off any time. Maybe. For me, I don't think there could have been any turning back.
Do you remember the Rastus and Liza jokes? There was one where they were making love on railway tracks. The driver of an oncoming train sounded his horn and applied the brakes and the train stopped bare inches from the couple. When asked why they hadn't moved, Rastus replied, "Well, the train was comin', and Liza was comin', and I was comin' ... and the train was the only one with brakes."
I slid down the seat and Julie slid with me. Her hand was rummaging around my groin even as we were kissing; then my fly was open and she was pulling out my painfully erect penis, pushing aside the crotch of her panties and lowering herself onto me. It was ... well, I wasn't thinking much at the time to worry about what it was like, just that there was heat, slippery moisture and a clenching grasp. I remember frantic movement, groans, gasps and at least one scream about the time the pressure released inside me as I came.
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So, to fill you in on the details. I have a shit job that doesn’t pay my rent, which sucks cos I have an incredibly Sexy and drool worthy asshole of a landlord. He’s a pervert and he’s cruel. Despite his wife and 2 year old daughter. He’s the type who goggles my tight sweet ass and bursting 36Ds. Which I make sure are wrapped up tightly in way too revealing skirts and shirts. So when rent doesn’t pay off for theeighthtime guess who comes knocking on my door. ‘Dina, I’ve had enough. You never...
It was so stupid of meive used the wifi plex to download a porn on torrenti never tought a second i could be caught if not i would have make sure not to download files with such titlesive never met the landlord until that friday evening back from schoolhe was waiting his his landrover when i got inside the lobbyi saw him got out looking at me with a huge smile''hi, you live on 1st floor at 104 right''''iam Mike the owner, im here to check the fire sensors''his strong firm daddy dark hand shook...
It was my senior year of college. I was excited about FINALLY getting done with school and getting on with my life. Nothing could go wrong. Until this. Then everything was RIGHT. First off let me tell you a little about myself. I am a masculine straight black guy. About 6 ft. And, lets say pretty chubby. Kinda shy as well. One day I get a letter from the school saying I owe money. I'm in shock. How could this be? I get...
I remember this well, even though it took place almost 40 years ago. It was the summer between my junior and senior years in college. I had not done well the last semester of my junior year, probably because I preferred partying to studying. That, combined with the fact that I would need a few extra hours to graduate on time, made it necessary that I attend summer classes. I had always lived in a fraternity house during the normal school year, but in the summer the house was closed down so I...
TransHi my name is Kiran, from Secunderabad. I’m a regular reader of ISS; stories inspired me to take further proceedings. For short, sweet and secret memories you people (females) can contact me through to my email id I’m 24 yrs of age, about 5′ 7″ in height with lean body and working on building my body to attract more ladies. This story is all about how our lady landlord took me to heaven. On fine afternoon while I was watching porn sites in computer as my parents were out of station, I was only...
The drive to Portland exhausted me, so I slept in a little later than usual. My morning schedule would be to finish unpacking, then head to the grocery store. I had two weeks to get my apartment situated before I started working full time. I made myself a cup of coffee and sat on the couch, still wearing my pajama pants and camisole. I needed a few more minutes to wake up. After my coffee, I stood up and stretched my arms. The strap to my camisole broke. "Shit" i thought, just what I wanted to...
As a result of all this, I had been late on several rent payments over the past year, and had been short of the total amount due in several of those months. Paul, the landlord, had berated me multiple times, and had threatened to evict me on numerous occasions. The last time I was short of cash, he had gotten extremely angry, and I worried that he was getting serious about the eviction. Unfortunately, I didn’t have enough money to move to another place, let alone find another shitty apartment....
Hello friends, mera naam Neha hai age 28 years aur me married hu. Ye ek real life story jo accidental swapping ti. Meri ye first story hai to isme bahut mistake ho sakti hai aur sath me jo real me hua use ekdum 100% express nahi kar payi to sorry. Apke suggestions, feedbacks, comments please muje mail kare pe. Is incident ke bad se me aur meri husband naye experience ke liye thode bold ho gaye aur different chije try karna chahte hai. Story ek holiday trip se start hui me mere husband ki...
ACCIDENTAL ICONby themoonaticWHY THE FUCK DID I TELL HIM? She screamed inwardly as he squeezed and pulledher big engorged puffy nipples.She was naked in the 57 degree March weather except for her shoes, feeling helpless and vulnerable, the crowd laughing and jeering and recording.Her life was ruined now, she was certain. The whole world would see her disgrace.You LIKE that, you little white faggot BITCH?! he bellowed as he yanked again.You gonna cum for us, HO? Tell us when you gonna...
**REPOST**Beverley had stayed at her friends house last night so I missed out on my early morning coffee so had to get my arse out of bed to make it myself, I even had to forego my early morning wank as by the time I had made the coffee my morning wood had subsided.My dear sister had asked me to stay home this morning as she had the landlords agent sending someone round to do an inspection which was nice of her to leave me to deal with it but as I had nothing planned I figured it would be...
Rita's dad splattered his drink all over his lap as he spasmodically launched off his lounger. He bounced, wide-eyed, off the hard deck, unable to pry his eyes from the shocking sight of my shy wife's tinctured, naked body. Even from twenty feet away, Safa and I could easily see his massive snake head slip out from his yellow striped boxer swimsuit as he awkwardly clambered back onto his webbed poolside seat.Two hours earlier:Safa and I were on a midday feckless foray in the foothills. Though...
IncestIt seemed like a good idea at the time...that is what I said to my fiancé four hours later.The wedding was in two weeks, on December 30th (a strange time, I agree, but with lots of family coming from great distances, it was the best choice...plus leaving all the snow for Hawaii was a great honeymoon compromise).I had no doubt become bridezilla with all the problems the past month. I won't get into the details but that old adage 'anything that can go wrong will' was proving true right before my...
wife – anal – slut – gangbang – orgy – submissive – cum It seemed like a good idea at the time...that is what I said to my fiancé four hours later.The wedding was in two weeks, on December 30th (a strange time, I agree, but with lots of family coming from great distances, it was the best choice...plus leaving all the snow for Hawaii was a great honeymoon compromise).I had no doubt become bridezilla with all the problems the past month. I won't get into the details but that old adage 'anything...
There are some encounters which you don’t plan but it happens accidentally. This is one such encounter where I met a middle-aged ac guy for repair work and it turned out repairing work for our bodies. Well it happened around last week when there was so much dust storm and thunderstorm was happening in north of India. So because of that my ac stopped working as it is an old one. This ac I got installed using my office connection and because of that voltas guy sent this ac inspection guy to check...
Gay MaleRita's dad splattered his drink all over his lap as he spasmodically launched off his lounger. He bounced, wide-eyed, off the hard deck unable to pry his eyes from the shocking sight of my shy wife's tinctured, naked body. Even from twenty feet away, Safa and I could easily see his massive snake head slip out from his yellow striped boxer swimsuit as he awkwardly clambered back onto his webbed, pool side seat. Two hours earlier: Safa and I were on a midday feckless foray in the...
“What’s going on?” asked Raven. Benedict shuffled over, escorting her into the store. “Come in, come in, I will explain everything...” Cameron was still standing behind the store counter, unable to move. The last thing he wanted to deal with was all of Chelsea’s drama. Cameron realized that he was staring off into space, and the other two were standing in front of him like customers waiting to check out. “Hi, I’m Raven,” she said, holding out her hand like they’d never met. She had a ring...
When writing erotica, I live and enjoy the story as much as the sex. What a great way to spend a little free time, but being stimulated mentally AND physically. If you like what follows, please let me know. If you don’t like this piece, I need even more to know why. Thanks for sharing your precious time with me and I sincerely hope you enjoy Accidental Discovery. ============================================ Another drop of the clear yet surprisingly viscous liquid grew and grew, until it’s...
Accidental Master pt 1 (edited) I was in a hurry to get home. I was out of food and needed to stock up on beer and snacks before the game started. Just as I was grabbing a case of beer from the cooler I heard a woman scream "Oh my God!" I turned around to see what was happening, only to see this beautiful woman kneeling on the ground in front of me and grabbing for my leg. I tried to step back from her, thinking she must have dropped something, or be in pain, but once...
Introduction: Not really accidental this time, and its not cheating when your wife is involved. Thanks for all the positive comments from part I and II. Please remember these are true stories as they happened and the only thing not exact is what was said by people. In those instances I wrote as close as I remembered. Hopefully you like this part and i truly hope that I have another part to write about whenever it happens. —————– —————– —————– Its been a long while since I hooked up with Kat,...
Literotica Mobile XXX WebcamsLive 24/7, view live web cams now on your iPhone, iPod, iPad or Android device!Free Original Erotic Stories.tagi****t/TabooAccidental i****tAccidental i****tbyScott_Heywood©I pulled into the parking lot, We noticed that the Adult bookstore in as busier than usual.Marie only ever had one real complaint about Our monthly visit...She didn't get fucked enough. Most of the Guys just wanted blowjobs.Marie and I walked across the parking lot...the thin, skin-tight...
The door is unlocked so I open it and the entire space of the hotel room reveals in front of my eyes. The large bed is visible from the entrance and on it, bended on the edge, is Mel. She is humping the furniture. Her hard cock is rubbing against the soft white sheet. She is completely naked and moaning. I close the door behind me. ‘What is this, Mel?’ ‘This… is one… fiery erection I… am dealing with…’ I can see her ass muscles to clench and move with every hump she is making on the bed. I see...
It was difficult having affairs with males while serving in the USAF. Back in the 1960s! Oh the affairs Did happen, but the affairees had to be very careful as homosexuals were frowned upon back then. Once or twice I,d managed to get involved in a mutual masturbation orgy involving six men, but that was as close to an affair it got to. The summer of 1966 for some reason saw forty of the air policeman shipped to,another US base in West Germany not too distant. The Technical five striped sergeant...
I woke up from a soft nudge. I could feel the cold wind blowing against my body. I opened my eyes to see mum with hand on my shoulder with the car door open. “Annie? hey there, sweetheart. We’re at the hotel, so you head on in and the boys can get the suitcases” I stood up still a little drowsy; I got out the car and examined my surroundings. A reasonable sized hotel and it didn’t look too bad either. I looked to the car and saw dad and Dylan unpacking the boot. I caught Dylan’s eyes but...
IncestLori's husband had taken Ben to have his cast removed today. Lori was as excited as a high school girl on her first prom date. She had put a roast with all the trimmings in the slow cooker for when they returned home as a sort of celebration. Ben, a lifelong friend of her husband, had fallen from a faulty ladder at their construction business and broken some bones near his neck. This made it necessary to put his upper body in a cast, which made both arms immobile. Lori, a nurse, had volunteered...
Straight SexHi everyone! New member here and first post! I really get hot by flashing, but am a bit shy. I wanted to share one of my first experiences because it has really kept me horny for days! I hope you enjoy it, too.While I definitely get off at the thought of a girl seeing me, I have been very shy and reluctant. I had purposefully flashed a close friend in college making it seem like it was accidental, but not since. Years later, it still makes me horny to think about it and I have wanted to do it...
This is a fictional story about a mid-aged women working in an MNC and having an exciting accidental sexventure with another girl. Kavita is a 39-year-old lady and looks 6-8 years younger than her actual age, thanks to her discipline towards her fitness regime. Her fitness regime has kept her in perfect shape, and even at this age, she gets a lot of attention from men (in this case a young girl) of all ages. She is 5.8″, athletic, fair and voluptuous body with a right mass at right areas, and...
LesbianHello friends, mera naam Neha hai age 28 years aur me married hu. Ye ek real life story jo accidental swapping ti. Meri ye first story hai to isme bahut mistake ho sakti hai aur sath me jo real me hua use ekdum 100% express nahi kar payi to sorry. Apke suggestions, feedbacks, comments please muje mail kare pe. Is incident ke bad se me aur meri husband naye experience ke liye thode bold ho gaye aur different chije try karna chahte hai. Ye ek real incident hai jo kuch time pehle hamara sath hua....
Accidental Momma By Tyrone Slothrop Chapter 1: Sweet Home Toby was crying again. Bobby knew he sounded hungry and he knew Momma was passed out again. He had heard the clinking of glass during the night which indicated she had been drinking again. Bobby got up from his cot, pulled on his last clean T-shirt, tied his hair back and went to get Toby. It was five am and the little guy smiled as soon as he got into his sight. At six months old, Toby knew his brother and always gave...
Accidental Girl Characters: Bob Anderson, also known as Bobby; Ms. Miller - Bob's teacher; Julie Carter - Bobby's girlfriend; Rose Bickford - Julie's landlady; Ms. Abby Matthews; Ms. Barbara Turner, Abby's Administrative Assistant; Hilga, from In Home Nursing; Julie's friends: Cindy, Sandy, Tracy and Brenda; Nurse Bell; Nurse Carol; Mike Austin - Abby's Attorney; Sally, Abby's house keeper and Henry, Abby's driver. Synopsis: When a guy dresses like a girl the rest of the world...
Accidental Heroine Steam room "Ugh! Ugh! Ughhhhhhh!" I turned away from the steroid using weight lifter. I hated these guys that had more muscles than brains and felt making crude sounds as they pumped iron would give them more strength. At six feet two and 225 pounds I was lean and very strong, able to bench press close to 250 pounds with little difficulty. I worked out at the gym regularly and kept myself fit, but I was not like the guy in the corner now flexing in front of the...
Accidental Inheritanceby Loraspa6loraspa6 (a) hotmail.comStory Codes: F/m, M/f, Chastity, MC, BondageLittle did I know what I was in for. I do not regret it, but it was a bit of a surprise.It all started one Friday night, I had been out with a couple of girls from work. At this one bar there stood a man in his thirties waiting for a drink. He was not exactly the best looking man in the room, but he was definitely not the worst either. About 5'10" to 6' in height, a little overweight,...
Accidental Whore A work of fantasy by Wolf Ferret Dear Diary, My name is Linda. I’m 24, have a BA in English Lit and am currently unemployed. I’m starting a diary out of sheer boredom. Let’s begin with a description. 5’4", 130 pounds, shoulder length blond hair, brown eyes, a 33-25-34 body that my lovers have said is very sexy. I lost my virginity the first year of university and have had about 10 lovers since then. I rarely have casual one-night stands – I’ll date a man 2 or 3 times before I...