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Kara: The Righteous Slut

"Kara..." he whispered, putting his hands on my hips, " ... bend over. Hurry up."

"What?" I gasped, looking around the library and it was the middle of third period study hall. Like fifty kids were in there.

"Shhh..." he was tugging at my jeans, pulling them down with one hand and pushing on my back with the other.

"N-No! Stop!" I whispered, blinking at the boy over my shoulder. "We're gonna get caught!"

"No we won't!" he whispered back, breathing the words into my ear. "Get down, we're gonna do it real quick."

"I don't want to ... Ugh!" I groaned as he leaned into me, putting his weight between my slender shoulders and I fell onto the table.

"Be quiet!" the boy hissed.

He yanked my pants down, having undone the button in the front, and then my panties. My ass was exposed completely with my jeans tight around my thighs and he kicked my feet apart as far as they'd go, which wasn't very far at all.

"P-Please ... Ugh! No!" I grunted, wincing and shutting my eyes tightly as I felt his hard cock stabbing into my dry pussy.

"Ow! Fuck ... tight ... bitch ... Uhhh..." he breathed, pushing his cock inside me completely and my flushed cheeks were wet with tears.

People did see us. They had to since we weren't really hiding. The librarians couldn't see us, but a dozen high school kids stared, whispering and giggling. I could hear them beneath the pounding of my heart and the heavy breathing of the boy behind me, his groans coming in time with his thrusts. His cock wasn't too large, but it hurt me at first. Him too, probably, but only for a minute or less than that, until his precum made it easier. Until my own juices started flowing as they always did.

I lay sprawled on the table with my books beneath me, my breasts flat against the hard surface. I held my breath until I remembered that it didn't help, breathing was better and I relaxed. I had no choice as the guy fucked me harder, driving his cock into my pussy easier now, getting himself balls deep every time. He held my hips and pulled me back to meet his crotch with my ass.

"Hey Kara!" a girl said with a giggle and I opened my eyes, frowning beneath a tangle of dirty blonde hair as she took my picture.

The flash drew even more attention and the library was getting noisy, the librarian's were telling people to be quiet and asking what the commotion was. They were going to catch us and I blinked back my tears as I burned with humiliation. I held the edges of the table so tightly that my fingers were numb, my knuckles turning white. I felt a familiar throb deep in my tummy and moving lower, down into my sex as the tender walls of my pussy were wrapped tightly around the cock inside me.

I had two heartbeats, one in my chest and one in my cunt. I was cumming, like a bolt out of the blue. It just hit me and I gasped, shivering and rocking my hips, rolling my ass against the boy as he rode my orgasm hard. I was creaming all over his cock and that ultimate betrayal made it even better somehow. The contractions in my pussy were going to bring him off too and I fought against the overwhelming pleasure to lift my head and look at him.

"Don't cum..." I gasped, " ... Inside me ... Don't ... Pull out..."

"Ohhh fuck!" he drove his cock as far into my trembling cunt as he could and I winced as I felt his balls unloading inside my fertile womb.

"Oh! Nooo..." I sighed, closing my eyes and feeling nothing but the vague warmth of his semen spreading through me. The soft spasms of my pussy nursing on his jerking prick, milking him for every drop my teenage body could get. I had no choice. It wasn't up to me and I was still cumming anyway. We'd cum together right at the end.

He held himself inside me just long enough to make sure he was done, the last weak spurt of his fuck juice dribbling into the depths of my vagina, before pulling out quickly. He zipped himself up without a word, leaving me bent over the table with my pants around my thighs, my panties too, and my raw, gaping sex dripping with our combined juices.

I stood up on rubbery legs, refusing to look around as I pulled up my panties and then my jeans quickly, snapping them closed just as Mrs. Ferley, one of the librarians, walked around one of the long, high bookshelves. I picked up my books, clutching them to my breasts and turned away, praying she hadn't seen my red face and wet cheeks. I could feel the cum in my pussy squishing out of me as I walked away, practically running through the maze of shelves, turning this way and that at random until I found myself near the entrance.

"Do you have a hall pass?" Mrs. Todson asked me before I could make my escape and I shook my head.

"No ma'am."

"Then find a seat, Kara." She pointed with her pen and I was trapped for another twenty minutes until the period was over.

I found an empty study desk, a carrel with privacy dividers and I buried my head between them. I reached down to feel the crotch of my jeans damp with the fluids leaking from my pussy. I'd made a real mess running around like I had and I kicked myself for it. I should have known better and I cupped my hand, feeling the heat radiating out of me. I remembered my orgasms, how good they'd felt, especially the second one I'd had right at the end. I hated it when they made me cum, but I always did and I squeezed my thighs together around my fist.

"There you are!" Heather giggled and she'd been the one taking my picture.

She was always there to take my picture and I glanced at her with a frown and then looked away.

"Don't be like that, Kara!" she whispered, taking the seat next to mine and sliding it closer. "You did good! You didn't even get caught."

"Leave me alone," I whispered back.

"You smell too!" Heather laughed again. "He must have spunked you up good! Did you cum too?"

"Shut-up," I looked at her, giving her my dark blue eyes, but the eighteen year old senior didn't care.

"That's nine for you already," she told me, as if I wouldn't know. "But I heard Amber got tagged this morning in the bathroom."

"So what?" I put my head down.

"So we're still behind," Heather said. "And you know what happens if we lose, right?"

"Yeah," I nodded.

"You don't want everybody getting pictures..."

"I said I know!"

" ... your mom and dad? Your grandparents?"

"Be quiet!"

"They'll all find out what a slut you are, Kara," she told me. "I'll make sure of that."

"The bell's gonna ring," I said, wishing it would as I stood up, but there were still a few minutes left.

"Check the website tonight," Heather said as I walked away from her. "We're losing, Kara ... I can't do everything, you know!"

The bell did ring, finally, and I had five minutes to get into the bathroom and try to clean myself up before my English class. I walked down the hallway quickly, with my head bowed so I could avoid all the stares. I tried not to hear the talking, but that was harder. The laughter too. Everyone knew. It was the biggest secret in the world and how the teachers hadn't found about it, I didn't have a clue. Probably some of them did. It wouldn't surprise me. Nothing could surprise me anymore.

"That's her, yeah ... She's one of them," a girl pointed me out for her friends as I went into the bathroom.

"Hey Kara," Shauna's reflection grinned at me as I walked past her. We'd been best friends back in sixth grade, but not anymore.

"I heard you got tagged by Ritchie in the library," Monica laughed. "Almost got busted too."

"Leave me alone," I said, closing the stall door behind me.

"How was he?" Linda wondered. "Did he have a big dick or what?"

"Yeah, Kara..." Shauna giggled, " ... you can tell us. Did he make you cum?"

"Shut-up," I breathed, wiping at the soggy mess between my thighs with some toilet paper.

"I bet she did," Monica said. "I heard she gets off on it."

"Yeah," Linda agreed. "They all do."

"Sluts," Shauna sighed. "I hope they all get knocked up."

"Which one did you bet on?" Linda asked and I was trying really hard to ignore them.

"Kara," Monica said, maybe teasing me or maybe not. "Who else?"

"I bet on that Susan girl," Linda told her friends.

"Susan?" Shauna snorted. "She's totally lame."

"She's hot though," Linda said.

"They're all hot!" Monica laughed. "Why do you think they're playing?"

"I don't know," Linda said as their voices faded. "I'm just saying..."

They'd left the bathroom and I'd about given up on trying to clean my pussy. Whoever that guy had been, Ritchie? I didn't know him, but he'd really put a lot of cum inside me, like way up inside me too. I even tried to finger the stuff out, but I was still squishy. My panties were hopeless anyway. I just folded some toilet paper into something like a pad and pulled my panties back up. I'd brought some real pads with me after the first day, but Heather had taken them away. They were against the rules, like condoms were, because the idea was to get spermed and wear it like a real slut should. Proudly. I wasn't supposed to worry about stuff like cum stains, but I did. The other girls did too, maybe, but I hadn't really talked to them. That was against the rules too.

"Kara, would you mind sticking around for a minute after class today," Mr. Nelson told me and I shrugged.

The whole school went to lunch at noon and so after the class was over, I just stood there, looking down as the other kids filed out of the room. I didn't really mind, since going to the cafeteria was the part of the day I hated most. All the kids were there and Heather would grab me and drag me over to her table so I had to sit with her and her friends. They'd tease me for half an hour or so and I figured sooner or later someone would fuck me there. Just bend me over the table and do me in front of the whole school. But we'd get caught for sure then, so maybe not, but I was afraid of it.

"Kara," Mr. Nelson smiled at me and he looked like a zillion other middle-aged teachers. Kind of big, a little over-weight and going bald, pale skin and all that. He wore the cheap two piece suit and an ugly tie his wife had bought for his kids to give him for Father's Day, you know. He had the ring on his finger and he was playing with it while he looked at me, twisting it around and smiling, but he wasn't thinking about his wife.

"Uh ... Am I in trouble, Mr. Nelson?" I asked him, because I had no idea why he'd want me to stay after class.

"No," he shook his head. "I just need you to pull those jeans down for me."

"W-What?" I stared at him, feeling all the blood draining from my face. My heart had stopped and I was shaking my head.

"You know the rules," he smiled. "Any guy who wants you, Kara ... Now get those pants down."

"B-But ... You're a teacher!" I stammered. "You can't..."

"Yes, Kara, I most certainly can," he said, taking me by the shoulders and pushing me towards the wall, " ... and so can you."

"P-Please ... Mr. Nelson ... I don't want to..." I fumbled with the button at the front of my jeans, but I could sense his impatience.

"I heard about you," he chuckled, grabbing the waistband of my pants and yanking them down for me. My panties stayed up, but they were askew and he yanked them down as well.

"Wha-What?" I whispered, bracing myself against the cool cinderblock wall with my palms as I reluctantly spread my legs.

"You're the slut who likes to say no just before she cums," he said with a soft snort. "Fuck, you're gorgeous though ... Step back a little, push that ass out a little more."

"Oh! Ummm..." I took a deep breath and licked my lips when I felt him rubbing his swollen cock up and down my slit.

"Sloppy seconds," Mr. Nelson breathed. "Yummy."

"Ahhh!" I gasped loudly as his penis was much larger than the one I'd taken in the library. It felt huge and I was very glad my pussy was already soaked with the juices from my previous fuck.

Mr. Nelson's cock slid inside me easily and it didn't stop until he touched the bottom of my sex with an electric jolt that put me on my tiptoes! I'd never felt anything like that before and a shiver went up my spine as the man held himself there for a long moment, enjoying how tight my fifteen year old pussy felt wrapped snugly around his forty year old prick.

"Get used to it, Kara," he whispered. "I'm going to fuck you hard in a minute."

I moaned softly as I felt his hands sliding up my sides and around to the front of my t-shirt so he could hold my smallish tits. I wore no bra, those weren't allowed either and I'd removed it on my way to school. My nipples throbbed beneath Mr. Nelson's thumbs as he squeezed my tits nicely, real nicely, and mashed my puffy nipples until I had to move against him. I mean, his cock was inside me! I was filled with it and all he did was play with my tits. I couldn't help it. I was fucking him myself, pushing back and grinding my pussy onto his cock.

"Hmmm..." he breathed, " ... that's a girl, Kara. Fuck Daddy's big cock now. See? Nice, baby ... Nice and tight ... Yeah ... That's it ... Give it a push now ... Here it comes, Kara..."

"Ohhh..." I groaned as he drew his cock back slowly, leaving with an almost uncomfortable emptiness, and then pushed inside me again.

That was amazing! I didn't want to fuck him, but his cock found something, kissed a part of me that was new. My cervix? I had no idea, maybe just the very bottom of my cunt as he stretched me around his huge cock. The air was kicked out of me as Mr. Nelson fucked me with those long, beautiful strokes. My small clit buzzed and I felt the old juices being churned into a milky froth. His thick shaft was painted with it, semen and girl cum being pulled out my pussy, scraped off him by my clinging labia so that it ran down my thighs and dripped onto my stretched panties.

"You like Daddy's cock, Kara?" Mr. Nelson asked me, punctuating his teasing with a slap to my ass.

"Oh!" I nodded quickly, arching my back as I bent lower for him.

"Tell me," he whispered. "I want to hear it, baby."

"F-Fuck me!" I gasped as he spanked me again. "I like it! Oh God!"

"Heh! Little slut!" Mr. Nelson chuckled and he started pounding my tight pussy, really driving his fat prick inside me good.

He'd brought his hands down to my hips, squeezing my hot flesh and pulling my ass backwards to his thighs every time his prick filled me. The smooth head would find that spot at the bottom, punching me like a buttery fist and a confusion of pleasure and pain would explode in my cunt and I was cumming. Hating and loving myself for it all at once. I always came and this one was the best. I begged him to fuck me harder, to never stop feeding me his wonderful cock. I almost fell, but Mr. Nelson held me up, panting as he stood behind me, bending his knees and driving himself into me like a machine.

"I'm gonna cum, Kara," he breathed. "Soon ... Real ... Soon..."

"N-No ... Not in ... Me..." I begged him even as I pushed myself back, helping the man fuck me, " ... P-Please..."

"Turn around," he groaned, pulling his cock out of my pussy and spinning me on my heels, pushing me down quickly.

I was barely aware of what we were doing. My sex felt swollen and burning and suddenly empty as the walls of my cunt collapsed with the rapid spasms of my orgasm. The emptiness was an ache and I moaned and then gasped as Mr. Nelson took my hair in his fist and jerked my head back. His other hand stroked his slimy cock furiously and I blinked at it without understanding until the first jet of hot semen threw itself over my upturned face.

It fell in my hair and across my left eye and nose and mouth. Another spurt and another, my teacher's cum poured out him so quickly that he might have been pissing semen. He painted my face with it for a few seconds and finished in my open mouth as I blinked through a film of stinging sperm. My eyes watered and his salty load pooled on my tongue until Mr. Nelson pushed the head of cock between my lips and fucked my mouth. I swallowed some of his cum, but then he went too deeply and I choked and coughed around his prick.

"Oh, Kara ... You messy little girl," he chided me with a chuckle, slapping his wet cock against my cheeks and finally rubbing it around as cum and spit dribbled from my lips and down my chin.

He used my long blonde hair to clean his penis, to dry it off somewhat before putting it back in his trousers and zipping up. I sat on the floor awkwardly, with my pants around my knees and my panties twisted inside them. My own cum and the juices of our fuck spilled out of my splayed sex, making a small puddle on the floor of the classroom, and my face was covered with thick gobs of semen. My neck as well, since I really hadn't swallowed very much at all, but only coughed and spit it out as I tried to breathe.

"Whe-Where's Heather?" I asked weakly, looking around in confusion as Mr. Nelson smiled down at me.


"Heather," I repeated with a thick swallow and I could taste his musky semen. "She's supposed to be here ... taking ... my picture."

"Pictures?" he laughed and reached for my hands. "For the game? This doesn't count, Kara."

"What?" I stood up slowly and narrowed my eyes at the man.

"You think I want a picture of me fucking you?" he laughed. "Pull up your panties and get out of here, slut. Go get some lunch."

"B-But..." I didn't understand and I pulled up my panties like he told me, pulling them tight against my puffy sex.

"I'll give you a B minus for the fuck," he opened the door and smiled at me. "You need to work on your cocksucking skills."

"What?" I didn't know what he was talking about. I mean, I did ... but I didn't. Heather was supposed to take my picture to prove I'd gotten fucked, otherwise it didn't count. Where was she?

Mr. Nelson left and I pulled up my pants and saw the wad of tissue I'd been using for a pad on the floor. It had fallen out of my panty and I picked it up and dropped it in the waste basket near Mr. Nelson's desk. The hallway was empty at least, since everyone was in the cafeteria, and I hurried towards the bathrooms.

"Ewwww!" some girl stared at me, standing beneath the open windows high on the wall. A couple girls, smoking in the bathroom.

"God!" another laughed.

"That's just fuckin' ill," the third one shook her head and blew out a cloud of smoke.

I was afraid to look in the mirror, but I did and my reflection horrified me. I was covered with semen, most of it a glistening glaze, but with pasty lumps and thick blobs here and there. I couldn't even see out of my left eye. There was a pool of cum covering it and my hair was sticky and clumped together with semen at my left temple.

"Which one are you?" the girl in the leather jacket asked me, tossing her short black hair.

"Kara," I answered, knowing it wouldn't do me any good to ignore her. I didn't really know those girls, but I'd heard of them and I just hoped they wouldn't offer to wash my face for me, you know, like in one of the toilets.

"You look like a rat," the first one decided and she was taller and blonde with her hair in a ponytail. She wore a Metallica t-shirt and a pair of dirty work boots.

"Yeah. A rat drowned in sperm maybe," the last one scoffed and she was the smallest, with short, spiky hair and a denim jacket covered with flair. She had chains hanging from her belt loops and they jingled when she moved.

"You suck clitoris or just dick?" the blonde asked, grabbing her crotch like a guy would. "I got a little something for ya, if you want it."

Her friends laughed while I washed my face in the sink.

"Maybe you should suck hers," the one in leather suggested. "Are you the one that got fucked under the bleachers this morning?"

"No," I told her, spitting out a mouthful of cummy water.

"That bitch could fuck!" Spiky giggled.

"Which one was that?" Blondie wondered.

"I don't know." I turned my head and tried to wash my hair under the faucet.

"She took like four guys," Leather told me. "Just bam bam bam! One after another. She's kickin' your ass."

"No shit," Spiky agreed with a grin. "You better get your ass humpin' on some dick!"

"Does ass fuckin' count?" Leather giggled. "Stupid sluts. Come on, let's get out of here."

"Let me know if you wanna party sometime," Blondie grabbed my ass as she walked by.

I watched them leave, trying to dry myself off with paper towels before anybody else came in. It was pretty embarrassing being called a slut by a bunch of dykes, but at least they hadn't decided to beat me down or anything. I'd heard they'd grabbed another freshman, a girl named Cindy, and dragged her into the girls' locker room and made her lick them out or something. Someone said they'd made her drink their piss too, but probably that was lie. Either way, Cindy hadn't come back to school the next day and now she went to a private school. Could be it was just coincidence though, and nothing had ever happened at all. High school was like that sometimes.

"Where the fuck have you been?" The bathroom door opened and Heather looked pissed.

"I was..."

"Shut-up!' she looked over her shoulder. "She's in here, Malcolm. Hurry up!"

"What's going on?" I asked stupidly, staring as a big black guy pushed past Heather and she followed him into the bathroom.

"In here..." he said, going into the first stall. I blinked as he dropped his pants and sat down on the toilet.

He was a senior named Malcolm and I'd seen him around, but I didn't know him anymore than I knew any of the seniors. No more than I'd known that Ritchie guy who'd fucked me in the library, but they knew me. Malcolm was looking at me expectantly as he sat there holding a long, black dick in his fist, stroking it up and down slowly.

"Get in there, Kara!" Heather was pushing me into the stall. "You only got like three minutes, so fuck him quick!"

"Get on this, bitch," Malcolm told me, grabbing the waistband of my jeans and pulling me close. "Why you all wet for?"

"But ... I can't ... We have to..." I started protesting, but that was a waste of breath as he got my pants down and then turned me so I was looking at Heather.

"Shut the fuck up and get your skinny ass on my black motherfucker!" Malcolm pulled me down so I was sitting on his lap with his hard, black cock jutting upward between my thighs.

"Help him get it in, Kara," Heather rolled her eyes. "Christ! He was supposed to fuck you in the cafeteria. Everybody was waiting!"

"Just ... Wait ... Ahhh ... No ... I can ... Oh!" I gasped as Malcolm worked his cock around beneath me and found my sloppy hole easily.

"Bitch is fuckin' soaked!" he laughed, pulling me down by the hips and I gasped loudly as I was suddenly impaled on his cock, every inch of it buried inside my sloppy cunt.

" ... and then he said he loved me!" a girl said as she entered the bathroom, followed by half a dozen other voices.

They were all giggling and talking about their boyfriends or something. I didn't know or care. Malcolm was bouncing me off his muscular thighs as I rode his cock hard and fast. I had my hands on the stall dividers, my arms spread to keep myself steady and my jeans and panties were down around my ankles. I spread my knees and leaned forward, letting Malcolm do all the work as he pushed and pulled me up and down.

"C-Close the ... ugh ... door!" I gasped, staring at Heather as she stood just outside the stall holding her little camera and smiling.

"No way!" she laughed and a couple girls, juniors I thought, were looking past her and blinking at me.

"God! She's fucking a black guy!" one of them said and the other giggled nervously.

"In the girls' bathroom!" the other giggled and then yelled, "Hey you guys! Check this out!"

"Ohhh ... N-No just ... leave me ... alone..." I panted, wincing as Malcolm's cock seemed to reach just as deep into my sex as Mr. Nelson's had.

I don't think he was any bigger, but Malcolm had a better angle and he wasn't exactly small in the dick department either. He wasn't really thick, but seriously long and hard as steel. The guy's cock was straight as an arrow and didn't give even a little as it slammed into the bottom of my cunt, jolting me with a little explosion of electric joy every time. Yeah. I was rocking that cock hard, burning with humiliation as four or five girls crowded around Heather to watch me get fucked.

"Pull her back," Heather said after a minute or two. "Show me her cunt, I wanna get a good picture with your cock in it."

"Say cheese, bitch!" Malcolm chuckled as he pulled me against his chest and held me there.

My pale thighs were spread as wide as they'd go and my pussy was right there, stuffed with black cock and I was going to cum as my clit was thrumming against the shaft. Malcolm was balls deep inside me and my labia were pulled out around the base of his cock, gripping him tightly as Heather took our picture. Malcolm's face was hidden behind me, naturally. None of the guys who'd fucked me had their faces in the pictures, only their cocks.

"Think your mom's gonna like that one?" Heather teased me with a giggle. "Kara fucking her first black dick!"

"Once you go black..." some girl sang softly.

" ... you never go back!" another girl finished and they all laughed as I dropped my face, hiding behind a veil of damp, blonde hair.

I burned under their happy attention, with my blood rushing hot beneath my flushed skin and nipples throbbing with excitement. They were all teasing me, asking me how it felt to fuck a black guy. Asking me what I'd name my black baby when it was born. They got really excited when it became obvious that I was cumming. Malcolm was holding me with his strong arms around my tummy and I was fucking him. I was helpless as my cunt throbbed with rapid contractions of pure pleasure. I was grinding my cunt on his cock, squeezing it with the walls of my well fucked pussy, and that was all he needed to finish the job.

"Yo bitch! Feel that? Your shit's milkin' my fuckin' balls! Daaaaamn girl! You a real slut, huh!" Malcolm held me down, keeping me tight against his chest and stuffed with cock as he ejaculated against my cervix.

The sensation of his semen jetting against the tender mouth of my womb brought me off again. Multiple orgasms stole whatever shred of self-respect I had left. I was writhing in the man's arms, grinding my ass against his dark skin and nearly sobbing with ecstasy. It was a loud cum, even for me, and my high pitched moans echoed off the bathroom walls and tiled floor. I must have cum for two or three minutes, it was that good, and by the end of it I was limp as a rag doll, breathless and burning inside and out as I lay against Malcolm's chest.

"Get your ass up, bitch!" he pushed me off his still semi-hard cock. "Bell's ringing. You don't hear that shit?"

"Wha-What?" I stood up and then had to lean against the partition as I shook my head.

Heather was already gone and most of the girls who'd been watching us as well, although they'd been replaced by others. Girls I knew, friends I'd gone to school with for years. They were all staring at me, smiling and laughing, whispering as Malcolm pushed me out of the stall and I stumbled, shuffling my feet as my jeans were still around my ankles.

A creamy trickle of semen and girl cum dripped out of my pussy. My thighs were covered with the stuff down to my knees. I'd been fucked by two large cocks back to back, within half an hour of each other, and my vagina felt loose and sore, my pussy lips hanging down and much longer than I ever remembered them being. They were dripping too and I regained my senses enough to pull up my panties, struggling to avoid the stares and ignore the laughter.

"Sup ladies?" Malcolm walked out of the stall smiling at the girls and rubbing the bulge in his trousers as he left the bathroom.

"Oh my God! She was fucking Malcolm?"

"I bet his dick was huge!"

"Look at her!"

"What a slut!"

"Fucking in the bathroom! She's crazy!"

"I'd never do that!"

"My dad would kill me if I even looked at a black guy!"

I left the bathroom with my head down, still feeling the adrenalin and endorphins and whatever else kicking in my blood. I felt high and giddy. I'd cum so good and I felt like I was glowing. I loved the sex. I loved cumming all over a big, hard cock ... And the humiliation. I got off on that too and I hated myself for it. That love-hate thing. God! I was giggling and crying at the same time as I found my locker. It was insane and I rubbed my pussy through my jeans, feeling as if I'd peed myself. I was so wet down there now as Malcolm's semen ran from my stretched pussy to soak into my clothes. And hot. My pussy still burned and throbbed and my clit thrummed as I grabbed my crotch in a small fist and squeezed it.

I was a slut. There could be no doubt about that anymore and soon everyone else would know it too.

"Kara? Is that you?"

"Yes, Mother," I called back to her, taking off my shoes near the kitchen door and thankful that she wasn't right there to greet me as she usually was.

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Kara House Guest

It was Sunday afternoon. Kara and Dirk were sunbathing in the courtyard. She had been living with him for three weeks. She reminded him, "Don't forget you have to pick up what's-his-name." Dirk glanced at his watch, then looked over his newspaper at Kara. "I've still got a little time. His name, by the way, is Tim Taylor." Kara offered Dirk a bottle of suntan lotion. He looked at it quizzically. "But it’s late in the day and the sun is nearly gone," he protested. "Well,” Kara replied with a...

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Kara the special girl

◊ Chapter 1Mrs. Denning droned on and on about semicolons as the seconds stretched into minutes and Kara’s eyelids began to droop. Twenty minutes to go until lunch and the tension in the room had risen to a fever pitch. There are only so many hours a day you can contain the seniors at Rosemont High, and the hours directly preceding and following lunch weren’t the most ideal. Word around school was that the teachers all knew this and planned the most boring lessons for exactly those times in...

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Kara Grows Up Early Teens

Kara's mother had been killed in a car wreck less than two years earlier. Shortly after, Kara and her father, (she was an only child), had tried to escape the memories of the tragedy by moving across town. Their new house was not much larger than what they had before, but the lots in this part of town were spacious, generally an acre or more. The new house also had a swimming pool and gazebo. Although Kara had left her old friends behind, she acquired a new one, Tommy, the boy who lived...

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Kara Surprises

Dirk didn't get home until after seven. He was surprised to find Kara already there, curled up on the couch in the den, watching television. She was wrapped in a terry cloth towel that stretched from the tops of her breasts to the tops of her thighs. She was covered, but not by much. Kara was bright, single, not yet thirty and about to become partner in a law firm that handled most of Dirk's legal matters. Being a young associate in a large law firm, it was normal for her to work well into the...

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Kara had been a*****ed and bound. She wore a blindfold over her eyes and was driven in a silver van with a wobbly tire whose exhaust pipe clanked on the ground at every bump to a squat brick building in the industrial center of town. It was an old factory which had been renovated by the lecherous Capt. Malfarge into a den of sexual debauchery. Capt. Malfarge was not seen but rarely for he kept a room in the upper story in the building which was always closed by shutters, and instead an...

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Kara The Contractor

“I do like this house,” Kara pronounced. She was naked, lying on her back at the side of the pool, looking at the sky. Dirk yawned, but not from lack of sleep, more from boredom. “Uh huh, so I gathered,” he replied, his eyes still on his paper. Kara stretched and put her hands behind her head. “I didn’t at first, though.” Dirk wanted to keep his focus on what he was reading, but being polite, asked, “And why not?” “No privacy.” Dirk snapped his paper and dropped it on the pool deck. “You’re...

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How Kara Learned to Dance

This story contains some nudity, lesbian overtones, mind control, drug use, and mental cruelty. Read at your own risk. I am always interested in any stories which contain identity assumption. I can be reached at impersonateU at mac dot com. Identity Theft: How Kara Learned to Dance ? by: Lauren Smith My wife was never much of a dancer. I always thought she avoided dancing because it would involve letting loose in public. Her job, as the chairwoman of the Office of...

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Kara Grows Up the Pool

Tommy and Kara had been next-door neighbors since shortly after the death of Kara's mother, five years earlier. Both were now eighteen and had graduated from high-school a few weeks previously. Tommy's sixteen year-old cousin, Bill, was visiting while his and Tommy's parents were gone to the beach for a few days. Tommy, Bill and Kara had met in the morning, after Kara's father had left for the office, and agreed that they would get together for an early afternoon swim in Kara's...

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Kara Looks Can Be Deceiving

“Something wrong?” she asked.“Uh, well… I guess I just never danced with a lawyer before.”“Well, that’s what I am and you had to know it. After all, you did call me at the office.”“Yeah well, but I sort of...”“Expected me to be dressed different? Like I was the other night?”His eyes lit up. “You mean that dress with the slit? Oh yeah. Now that was hot!” He shrugged as his smile waned. “But, no, of course not. I wasn’t expecting that, but I uh…” He looked directly into her eyes. “I wasn’t...

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Kara Grows Up After Graduation

Kara's mother had been killed in a car wreck five years earlier. It had taken her the better part of a year to adjust to life without a mother. When she was fifteen she realized that she liked showing off her body. Nevertheless, she had been cautious about how she dressed around the house, at least when Daddy was home. Kara's high-school graduation present had been a trip to France with Daddy. While there Kara had begun going without a bra, leaving an extra button or two undone, and had even...

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Kara Mowing The Lawn

Kara was dressed in an athletic type undershirt which was much too big and hung loosely on her petite frame. The shirt was long and extended a couple of inches down her thighs, its big arm-holes and scoop-neck exposing the tops and sides of her breasts. Underneath the shirt she wore a polka-dotted bikini, and although it was likely no one would notice, she also wore a pair of low-cut canvas shoes. The bikini was scandalously skimpy. Kara had bought it for a trip to Jamaica, not to wear anyplace...

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Mask of Kara

My name is Amunet, sometime of Thebes but originally, and yet again, of Avaris, the great Hykos principal city on the delta of the life-giving River Nile in the years of Khyan the Great’s reign and the glorious afterward. My mistress and sister wife is truly gone now, and I feel that someone should tell the story of Kara and her mask and of the glory of the Hykos kingdom over that of the hapless Egyptians. It was my good fortune to have been raised with and eventually to have served the great...

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Kara Without Care

Once in the car and heading away from Dallas, Kara removed her suit jacket and tossed it in the backseat. She and Dirk had eaten a light supper in a downtown eatery near Kara’s office and were on their way to a nightclub in the stockyards area of Fort Worth, some thirty miles away. After entering the expressway, Kara continued the transition from lawyer to Friday night reveler. As he drove, Dirk stole quick glances at her, unbuttoning the white silk blouse she had worn under the jacket. “This...

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A WellLived Life Book 7 Kara IIChapter 4 Saying Goodbye Part II

June, 1982, Milford, Ohio “You know what? We need to eat something,” I said. “Let’s see your sister and your dad first, and then we can go out,” Kara replied, sounding very tired. We pulled into the driveway at my house and after I parked, we went inside. First, I went to find my dad and asked if he’d come talk to me and Kara privately. My mom glared at me but said nothing. It was cool and overcast, but not raining, so we went out on the deck. “Dad, I wanted to let you know that Kara and...

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A WellLived Life Book 6 Kara IChapter 27 Thanksgiving Break Part IV

November, 1981, Milford, Ohio Kara came out quickly when she saw me pull into the driveway. I barely had time to stop and go around to open the door for her, for which I was rewarded with a quick peck and a sultry look of promise for later. We headed to Skyline, where Kathy wanted to meet. Kathy and Kurt were already there when Kara and I walked in. I introduced Kurt and Kara to each other, then all four of us ordered, with Kathy insisting that Kurt get 5-way. We had a nice lunch and a good...

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A WellLived Life Book 6 Kara IChapter 49 Spring Break 1982 Part VI

March, 1982, Milford, Ohio On Saturday morning, I was up early as usual. As I was leaving the house, Trudy let me know that Melanie and Pete would be home later in the day and hoped to see Kara and me. I asked her to let them know we could have dinner if they wanted. I was sure Kara wouldn’t mind that. I’d call her later to let her know, so she wasn’t surprised. It wouldn’t interfere with Kara’s and my playtime because Melanie and Pete would understand. I got in the car and headed to my...

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A WellLived Life Book 7 Kara IIChapter 12 Home Is Where the Heart Is Part II

June 1982, Milford, Ohio Melanie, Kara, and I headed over to the Kara’s house to talk to her mom. I explained what Don Joseph had said and gave her the piece of paper with the phone number. “How is this even possible, Steve?” Nancy Blanchard asked. “I’ve been working for him for about five years, and I dated Joyce, who’s his granddaughter, for several of those years before Kara and I got together. He likes me and wanted to help, just as he did with the suit and the dresses.” “And this is...

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Living with Kara

From the time we were little, Kara and I were always close. We shared a bedroom until it came time for a growing preteen girl to have her privacy. Even though we had separate rooms, we still spent almost all of our time together. It was a combination of a pure sibling love but also comfort for our living conditions. You see, our parents were not the nicest people on the planet, especially to each other. A stretch of two days without arguing was like Christmas to Kara and I, or at least...

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Karas Fantasy

OK, I admit it. I have a real fascination for a woman’s ass. Not all asses, but nice pear-shaped ones. If I see a woman walk by, the first place I look is behind. Well, maybe not the first, if she is walking towards me, but I will make an extra effort to look back as she walks past me.First let me tell you a little about myself. I’m 51; about 5 foot 9 inches tall, 175 lbs, graying hair. I’ve been married to the most incredible woman in the world for 26 years. My wife is ready to try almost...

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A WellLived Life Book 6 Kara IChapter 33 Home for the Holidays Part IV

December, 1981, Milford, Ohio As I drove to Kara’s house, I thought more about my conversation with Bethany. And the more I thought about, the more I realized that I had totally missed the signs. I had fallen in love with Kara without feeling the connection — in a sense, our kisses, and even our first lovemaking, didn’t feel different from many other girls I’d been with. But it was different. It was different because I loved her. And, eventually, we HAD felt the spark of the connection. We...

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A WellLived Life Book 6 Kara IChapter 58 Rest and Relaxation Part II

May 1982, Milford, Ohio Thursday was very much like Monday, with swimming and breakfast with Stephanie, a lunchtime tryst with Dona, and then a quick lovemaking session with Kara before we went to the Krajicks’ to pick up the apartment key from Ed. Our next stop was Fazio’s to get the groceries for the menu that Kara and Joyce had worked out. We also stopped at UDF for ice cream for dessert. We arrived at the apartment a few minutes before Joyce and Terry — just long enough to unpack the...

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A WellLived Life Book 6 Kara IChapter 30 Home for the Holidays Part I

December, 1981, Milford, Ohio Kathy and I made good time driving back to Milford on Saturday afternoon. We grabbed a quick lunch in Lafayette, but otherwise we drove straight through to Milford, talking quite a bit along the way. We discussed her relationship with Kurt and mine with Kara. Both of us were happy with where things were and how they were going. I let her know that Elyse and Warren were getting serious, and I let her know about Stephie as well. “Hmm. That might make it crowded...

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A WellLived Life Book 7 Kara IIChapter 42 Christmas Break

December 1982, Milford, Ohio When I arrived at the Blanchards’ at about 10:20pm, Kara was waiting for me. She quickly came out to the car, and we headed to the Spencers’. I opened the front door of the house with my key and we entered the mostly darkened house and went up to my room. I brought in only the things I would need for the night, deciding that I could bring the rest of my things into the house in the morning. Kara and I made love, then cuddled afterwards. “I never asked you what...

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Karas Party Mouth part 2

Kara thoroughly enjoyed the two fake cocks working both of her holes, imagining, wishing that they were actual cocks, fucking her hard at the same time. Kara had not had a good double fuck in some time and was dying for it. With any luck, maybe she could find two men at the party who would oblige this need.Furiously pounding her aching pussy with the dildo and letting the vibrator in her ass do its job on its own, Kara was soon brought to another gut-busting, mountain high orgasm, causing her...

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DTtS Kara

Foreword The girls come from many places. I really don't care, actually. But once they are with me, they move with me, wherever I decide to go. I move often, never staying too long anywhere. The girls, once they find me, are mine... until, of course, I've had enough of them. Then I discard them without even looking back. I figure, let the bitches figure out how to put their pathetic little lives back together in a strange place. Serves each one of them right. Their mommies should have...

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Kara Grows Up Europe

"Daddy had always helped mother with my bathing," Kara said, "But mother got killed in a car wreck when I was thirteen." "Losing your mother at thirteen ... that must have been devastating," Julie interjected. Kara and Julie were roommates, three weeks into their freshman year at college. "I suppose so ... don't really remember that part of it, though," Kara responded. "What I do remember though is that I was already developing a few curves and Daddy decided that without mother, it...

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A WellLived Life Book 6 Kara IChapter 59 Rest and Relaxation Part III

May 1982, Milford, Ohio On Monday morning, I followed my usual routine for being in Milford and had lunch with Trudy Spencer after our sauna. That afternoon, Krista and Beth were coming over to talk about business. Kara would join us as well. Beth arrived about 2:30pm and Krista and Kara walked over from the school campus and arrived about 2:45pm. The three of us were very happy with how things were going. We had a total of twenty-two veterinary clients paying a monthly support fee, about a...

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A WellLived Life Book 6 Kara IChapter 60 From the Heart

May 1982, Milford, Ohio On Saturday morning after Stephanie and I swam and ate breakfast, we picked up Bethany and Ed and did our shopping for the party. We went to K-Mart on Route 28 to get some decorations, as well as paper cups and plates and plastic silverware. Next we went to Fazio’s and bought all the groceries that we’d need. Finally, we stopped at UDF and picked up two gallons of ice cream. We headed back to my parents’ house and after we unloaded the car; I went to get Kara while...

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A WellLived Life Book 6 Kara IChapter 45 Spring Break 1982 Part II

March, 1982, Milford, Ohio “What’s the craziest thing you’ve done, Tracey?” “That one’s easy! Asking Steve to the Sadie Hawkins Day dance!” “What?!” Kara said, looking askance. “Think about it. I was a frumpy, shy girl with no self-confidence. I asked the school sex god to take me to the dance, knowing full well I’d probably end up losing my virginity, though I was worried he wouldn’t do it with me. Boy, was I wrong! Not only did he do it, but he spent the entire next day with me doing...

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A WellLived Life Book 7 Kara IIChapter 3 Saying Goodbye Part I

June 1982, Milford, Ohio On Wednesday morning, I once again made breakfast for everyone. Joyce did the dishes after breakfast, and then we all sat in the living room with cups of coffee. The ladies from the church would bring lunch, and around 3:30pm we’d head to the Noakes Funeral Home for the visitation. I dreaded that, because I wasn’t a big fan of being in the same room as a dead body on display. There was just something that creeped me out about the whole idea. But I would be there to...

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A WellLived Life Book 7 Kara IIChapter 39 Thanksgiving Part I

November 1982, Milford, Ohio After dropping Elyse in Glen Este, I headed to the Spencers’ to drop off my stuff and then drove to Kara’s house. Kara hadn’t been clear about me staying every night at her house, so I didn’t want to assume. “Hi, Snuggle Bear!” she said when she opened the door. “Hi, Honey!” I said, pulling her into a hug and kissing her. “Do you need to get your stuff?” she asked. “I wasn’t sure from our last conversation which nights I could stay here, so I dropped my...

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A WellLived Life Book 7 Kara IIChapter 19 The Pacific Northwest

July 1982, Chicago, Illinois On Sunday morning after breakfast, Kara packed her things, said goodbye to her mom, and followed me to my car. I drove to the Spencers’ to pick up my things, where I thanked Trudy and reminded her that I’d be back on Friday. Kara and I took my bags to the car, loaded them in the trunk, and set off for Chicago. As usual, the drive was uneventful. I had encountered neither traffic nor an accident, nor been pulled over a single time despite all the back-and-forth...

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Karas Cuckold Bitch

I reached beneath the hem of my wife's skirt and touched her smooth hairless pussy. She had a fresh Brazilian wax and my fingers quickly found her swollen labia. I broke the seal of her pussy and a flood of liquid goodness quickly covered my hand."Can you feel it baby?" Kara moaned as I sank two fingers deep inside her soaking wet cunt. "Can you feel his cum inside me?""Yes," I hissed as I pumped my fingers into her cum filled pussy. I was naked and my achingly hard cock bounced violently as I...

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A WellLived Life Book 7 Kara IIChapter 15 Setting the Limits

July 1982, Milford, Ohio Kara and I awoke, and she took a quick shower before we drove to my parents’ house so I could swim and have breakfast with Stephanie. My dad joined us for breakfast before he had to leave for work. After cleaning up the kitchen, we went to my old room to hang out with Stephanie for about an hour before heading back to the Spencers’. Nobody was home and there was a note on the fridge that said that Frank, Trudy, Pete, and Melanie were out for the day because Frank had...

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A WellLived Life Book 7 Kara IIChapter 23 Old Friends and New Lovers Part II

July 1982, Milford, Ohio Joyce, Kara, and I sat quietly on the lower bench while the steam built in the sauna. I was really going to miss the easy access to a sauna when I went back to Chicago. IIT had a steam room that I could use, but they required towels and it wasn’t ever quiet. It also wasn’t co-ed. “Joyce, I didn’t see Terry at your grandfather’s house yesterday,” I said after about five minutes of silence, other than the steam hissing and our breathing. “He’s sort of upset with...

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A WellLived Life Book 7 Kara IIChapter 13 Fourth of July Fireworks Part I

July 1982, Milford, Ohio Thursday, Friday, and Saturday were nearly identical — swimming and breakfast with Stephanie, spending the day with Kara, finding time for a sauna, and making love in the evening. I did end up sleeping alone on Saturday night because I took Kara home so she could go to church in the morning with her mom. She would drive to my house after church to help set up for the party, which was starting at 2:00pm and might even continue after fireworks, depending on how...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 67 Happy Birthday Kara

March 28, 1997, Chicago, Illinois “You must be beat!” Sam declared when Kara, Jessica, Maria Cristina, and I walked into Bucktown Bistro just after 7:00pm on Friday evening. “I slept in this morning,” I replied. Which was true. After Karla and I had made love until the wee hours of the morning, we’d slept spooned together until just before I had to leave for the airport. We’d showered, skipped breakfast, and headed for Schiphol, arriving just in time for me to clear security and board the...

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Kara at the gloryhole

My wife Kara and I have been married for 6 years. We love to hang out and party at different clubs, and sometimes if we're lucky, we'll pick up a chick or two and bring them back to our place and fuck for hours. My wife loves sex with other women, she says its more intimate. Either way, at 5'6" with long blonde hair, 36D tits, tiny waist and amazing ass, my wife is a total knockout. I'm a pretty decent looking guy, did 4 years in the Army as a Cav Scout, and yes, if You ain't Cav, You...

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Kara at the gloryhole

Introduction: Just getting started, and we try our best to write them so all can enjoy! This is our first story, some of them are real, some things weve talked about doing, and others that we just thought sounded like fun but would never do. Not trying to win any essay writing contests, so if there are spelling or grammar mistakes please, just go with it! My wife Kara and I have been married for 6 years. We love to hang out and party at different clubs, and sometimes if were lucky, well pick up...

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A WellLived Life Book 6 Kara IChapter 13 A Southern Belle a Surprise Proposal two Cheerleaders an Old Flame and a Girl Back Home Part I

October 1981, Chicago, Illinois Friday was a cool, cloudy day. It was getting late in the year and we had passed the point where the nights began to be longer than the days. I knew that it wouldn’t be too long before I’d have to find something to replace jogging, at least for the couple of months where it would be brutally cold and snowy. I had found an ice rink, but it wasn’t convenient to either home or school. I decided to ask Sensei Jim for an exercise routine that I could do indoors, in...

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A WellLived Life Book 6 Kara IChapter 57 Rest and Relaxation Part I

May 1982, Milford, Ohio The drive back to Ohio had gone smoothly, and we had made good time. I had dropped Elyse at her house in Glen Este just before 6:00pm and then headed to Milford. I was very tired due to the mental exhaustion of exams, the wine, and then fooling around with Stephie and Elyse, but I wanted to see Kara. After I dropped my things at the Spencers’ house, I headed to Kara’s. She bounced out of the house as I pulled into the driveway and hopped into the car as soon as I...

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Kara and Pete

Kara lied casually on the bed, an arm behind her head, her feathered brown hair rubbing against the pillow. Her red blouse was open and she was naked, her legs slightly apart showing her dark black bush. She was smoking in bed with a 1920s cigarette holder. Her body was thin, but her breasts were plush and laid nicely to the side. Her lover, Pete, looking a little younger but strong, with short-cropped dark hair, enjoyed lying with her. He let him make love to her as much as he wanted. She...

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Kara and Pete

Kara lied casually on the bed, an arm behind her head, her feathered brown hair rubbing against the pillow. Her red blouse was open and she was naked, her legs slightly apart showing her dark black bush. She was smoking in bed with a 1920s cigarette holder. Her body was thin, but her breasts were plush and laid nicely to the side. Her lover, Pete, looking a little younger but strong, with short-cropped dark hair, enjoyed lying with her. He let him make love to her as much as he wanted....

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A WellLived Life Book 6 Kara IChapter 44 Spring Break 1982 Part I

March, 1982, Milford, Ohio As I drove along I-65, I thought about what Stephanie had asked for and what Bethany had said without even knowing about the request. Of course, because Bethany and I were so in tune, she might have actually had an idea that I was struggling with getting involved with my sister again. I kept turning it over and over in my mind and I kept coming to the same conclusion — that I shouldn’t do it. I was torn between doing what Stephanie wanted and doing what Kara and...

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A WellLived Life Book 7 Kara IIChapter 20 The Winds of Change

July, 1982, Milford, Ohio I woke up early on Friday morning to make breakfast for Kara and her mom before she went to work. Mrs. Blanchard was surprised, but very pleased. After her mom left for work, Kara gave me a fierce kiss. “Thanks for staying in and cooking breakfast for us,” Kara said. “I hope that doesn’t cause you trouble with Stephanie, with you breaking your normal routine.” “Don’t worry about it,” I said, kissing her back. “We got in a bit later than I expected, and she’ll...

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A WellLived Life Book 6 Kara IChapter 18 For My Own Good

October, 1981, Milford, Ohio “What do you want me to do?” I asked. “Oh no, you don’t! It’s not about what I want, it’s about what you want. And you have to be sure that what you say and what you do line up with what you want. Telling Kara you’ll get engaged to her next Summer but starting a relationship with a new girl in Chicago is hardly consistent! I’d say that qualifies as ‘misbehaving’ by any reasonable standard, AND so was sleeping with Elyse.” “OK, let me rephrase that. What’s your...

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A WellLived Life Book 6 Kara IChapter 51 Sorting Things Out Part I

March/April, 1982, Chicago, Illinois When I arrived home on Sunday night, Elyse was sitting on the couch reading a book and listening to music. I dropped my bag just inside the door and took off my shoes. “Hi, Honey!” she exclaimed. “There’s tea if you want it. No Georgia Peach?” I poured myself a mug of tea and then went to sit on the couch. “I wasn’t sure what time I’d get in tonight, so I just let her know I’d see her in the morning. She won’t stay the night until Tuesday.” “Would it...

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A WellLived Life Book 7 Kara IIChapter 14 Fourth of July Fireworks Part II

July 1982, Milford, Ohio Sandy came into my room and shut the door, shaking visibly. She leaned against the door and didn’t move further into the room. “Relax, Sandy,” I said gently, trying to ease her nerves as best I could. “Are we going to do it now?” she asked, her voice cracking with emotion. “No. We’re just going to talk,” I said. I could see visible relief. That confirmed to me that she was very nervous about doing this and I needed to be very cautious. “Talk about what?” “About...

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A WellLived Life Book 7 Kara IIChapter 40 Thanksgiving Part II

November 1982, Milford, Ohio On Wednesday morning, after taking Kara to work, I headed back to my parents’ house to spend the day with Stephanie. After lunch, we went for a walk and I asked her advice in dealing with Kara and Joyce, after we agreed to set aside our rule about talking about sex between me and any other girls for the afternoon. Stephanie wasn’t sure what the best approach was, but she did say she understood what Kara might be going through. “You know how much I wanted to be...

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A WellLived Life Book 6 Kara IChapter 11 Far From Home

September 1981, Chicago, Illinois, and Milford, Ohio When Elyse arrived home she found me sitting in a beanbag chair drinking some of the bourbon that I’d had Joyce get for me. The wine was stashed in my room, though I left two bottles on the kitchen counter. “Uh oh! What’s wrong?” Elyse asked. “Just thinking,” I answered. “About Bethany?” “Yeah. It’s good, but it’s sad. She’s always depended a bit too much on me and now she’s moving on. We didn’t break up, per se, but she’s going to...

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A WellLived Life Book 5 StephanieChapter 23 Joyce and Kara

July 1981, Milford, Ohio Tuesday’s lunch at Kara’s was similar to Monday’s, though Kara’s mom spent a bit more time talking to us. It became totally clear to me that she was supportive of our relationship. I didn’t think she’d do anything to clearly violate her husband’s decisions, but knowing that she was there for Kara made me feel a lot better. Kara and I exchanged a nice kiss when I left around 2:30pm for my date with Joyce. I went home and showered and dressed. I left a bit earlier...

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A WellLived Life Book 7 Kara IIChapter 29 Which Way Forward

August 1982, Chicago, Illinois I woke early on Sunday morning after a good night’s sleep. I was pleasantly surprised to not find Elyse in my bed. I wasn’t sure what our relationship was going to be, and I wanted to talk to her before anything happened, rather than afterwards. I went out to run, though I really would have preferred a sauna to help clear my head and organize my thoughts. When I got back, Elyse had just started a pot of coffee and I went to the shower. When I finished and...

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A WellLived Life Book 6 Kara IChapter 24 Thanksgiving Break Part I

November, 1981, Milford, Ohio We made good time, arriving at Kathy’s house about 2:00pm. She and Kurt thanked me for the ride and we agreed that I’d pick them up at noon on Sunday so we could be back in Hyde Park by 5:00pm Chicago time and they could be back at Northwestern by 6:00pm. We agreed to have lunch on Wednesday, then I said goodbye, got back in the car, and pulled out of Kathy’s driveway to head to the Spencers’ house. Melanie and Pete were there waiting for me, and I got one of...

3 years ago
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Kara Grows Up Visitor

Kara Grows Up: Visitor - Copyright, 2007 - 2011, Trace Ekies. All rights reserved. "Oh my God!" "What? What are you looking at?" "The girl next door. She is beautiful." "Probably Kara ... the girl I was telling you about." "Around 18? ... long brown hair? ... cute face... great tits ... and legs ... oh my God ... legs to die for." "Sounds right ... told you she was cute." "Yeah, but you didn't tell me how hot she was. Does she always dress like that?" "What do you mean?...

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