Sanctuary free porn video

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Cynthia pressed her hands over her client's back as he lay on the massage table, easing out the tension, using her thumbs to smooth out the small muscles along the sides of the spine, then drawing back and out along the teres major. She waited a bit, listening to the soothing recording of surf playing softly through the speakers in the head of the massage table, listening for her cue, continuing when she heard it.

"Good David, relax now, deep breath and let go."

She pressed on his mid back with both hands as he exhaled. A special chime sounded as she pressed. The effect on him was profound; she felt him let go and melt under her hands. She repeated "Relax... Relax..." in time to the chime for a bit, then moving her hands up to his head and neck, repeating slightly after the chime sounded, slower now, "Deeper and deeper, more and more relaxed."

Cynthia smiled as she looked at the young lawyer deep in trance on the table before her. The chime had stopped, its work done. She massaged his shoulders for a bit; he was tight. She sighed; these kids push themselves so hard. She was glad she could help them relax.

After about ten minutes she had him roll over to his back. His face was smooth and relaxed, his mouth open slightly, breathing shallow and slow. She'd looked at his chart; he was a lemon person. Even though it wasn't needed to keep him entranced, it was part of the pattern, so she took an eyedropper and put a small measured amount of lemon flavored liquid beneath his tongue. His mouth worked slowly, and he smiled softly.

"Good, David, that will help that dry throat and ease the stress. Relax more for me."

She pulled up her stool and sat at the head of the massage table, gently working his neck for a few minutes, then moving to his head, giving the drug time to work. When she started massaging his temples she was rewarded with a long sigh. She looked down at the towel covering his crotch and was pleased to see a growing bulge.

She picked up the small remote with one hand and with the other started drawing small gentle circles on his forehead, a special touch made even more special by... another set of chimes sounded as she pushed the button on the remote.

As the sound of that chime faded, she spoke softly "Now David, what did you need to tell Cynthia?"

He'd called yesterday afternoon, complaining of a stress headache, was there any way she could see him in the morning? His conscious mind didn't know it, but that was his way of signaling he'd come across something potentially useful. These morning slots were specifically reserved for "stress headache" sessions.

He moved slightly, then spoke slowly, softly. "Wortfields is in big trouble with their auditors. Someone's been cooking the books. The auditors are threatening to withdraw and go to the SEC."

Cynthia smiled. She'd heard this already, a few days ago from an attorney with the auditing firm, another sudden "stress headache." But, David had done well and should be rewarded.

She pushed the remote again, sounding the chime. "Very good, David, that was very good. Now you can forget to remember you told me, forget to remember, so easy to forget, all you can remember is now your headache is gone, and I'm very pleased with you, very pleased."

She watched him relax again and smile softly, still deep in a trance. She peeled off her top and took off her bra. She replaced the remote and flipped the towel off his midsection. He had a very nice erection indeed. He'd get a reward, but not as good as the reward she'd given the first person to supply her with this news. She put some oil on one hand as she stood and leaned over the table, lowering a nipple to his mouth, and moving her oiled hand to his cock.

She heard his sharp inhale as her nipple touched his lips and her hand touched his cock. He started sucking slowly as she pumped him with her hand. "Very good, David, you have made me very happy, and now I will make you happy. This is how I reward little boys that make me happy."

His sucking intensified following the action of her hand. She moved her other hand underneath her skirt and put it to good use, using her own self-hypnotic conditioning to bring herself to the edge of an orgasm. As his sucking and her own hand took her over the edge, she said "Come David, come for me. Now." and felt him shudder on the table, feeling his warmth pulse through his cock and on to his belly and her hand.

As she came down from her own release she let herself rest for a moment, then said "Deep trance David, deep trance for me." and felt his lips slow on her nipple, then stop. She raised herself up slowly, picking up the remote again and pressing another button. A different recording started, surf again through the speakers in the table, but this time with her voice, reinforcing his hypnotic conditioning, She felt her shoulders relax involuntarily as she heard her own voice saying "relax." She quickly cleaned him up with a washcloth, replaced his towel, got dressed, and left the room. The recording would go for fifteen minutes, then would wake him. The only thing he'd consciously remember is coming in with a headache and leaving feeling relaxed and refreshed after spending the time with her; well, that and the bill for the session.

Cynthia walked across the hall to her office with a smile. It was good to get confirmation on Wortfields' problems; actually the auditors threatening to go to the SEC was new; perhaps she should have given him a better reward. She'd spoken to her investment "advisor" and made her decisions a few days ago; her investment plan stood to make a reasonable amount of money when Wortfields' troubles came to light and their stock went in the toilet. A reasonable amount of money, but not a huge amount; that was the secret, don't be greedy.

She went to the private restroom off her office and washed up. Helping these people was so rewarding. She laughed as she looked at herself in the mirror; late 30's, pleasing but not stunning figure, sparkling blue eyes and an easy smile beneath those short dark curls.

Back at her desk, she reviewed the paperwork for her next appointment; an initial interview. Let's see, fourth year associate at a prominent law firm, recommended by a senior partner who was also her client; on the fast track for partnership, showing great tact, skill, and talent in tricky securities and merger and acquisition matters. Yes, he'd make a good addition, especially since the partner recommending him had moved out of the fast paced work that provided her such profitable information. She glanced at the partner's file; he still provided the occasional useful nugget of information, and had sent her quite a charming bracelet for Christmas last year. She closed her eyes and relaxed back in the chair, time enough for a short break.

Her secretary showed him in promptly at ten. As he stepped into her office she stood to greet him. She smiled; he looked as his paperwork would suggest; bright, energetic, harried.

"Roger, I'm Cynthia. Please have a seat." They shook hands in a perfunctory manner and sat down.

She looked over his file again, the questionnaires he'd filled out, even though she'd reviewed it earlier. "I see you're in your fourth year at the firm; Mr. Perkins recommend us to you?"

Roger gave her a warm but weary smile. He wanted this to work very much; taking two hours out from the office in the morning was tough, especially a Monday, but Perkins was helping.

"Yes, Mr. Perkins suggested it would be good for me. He's been concerned I'm pushing myself too much."

"And are you?" Cynthia asked.

Roger laughed. "It depends on who you ask. Most of the partners and our clients wouldn't think so."

Cynthia chuckled along. Then she looked him in the eye and said softly, seriously "But how do you feel about it?"

Roger sighed and let his shoulders drop. "It's Monday and already I feel beat." he told her. "I need help relaxing, coping with the stress. I'm almost there..." He looked into her eyes; if she could do what Perkins and the others said, it would be worth the time, and the money.

"Thank you Roger." Cynthia said softly. "I appreciate your honesty; you understand the strict confidentiality of our relationship, of our conversations. I need your honesty if I'm to help you deal with the stresses in your life."

Roger smiled again; he'd been nervous, hearing from others that they'd tried to become her clients with no success.

"And I appreciate the detail you've given me in filling out the questionnaires; that helps as well, knowing more about your life, what you enjoy doing."

She shuffled papers a little more. She smiled as a thought hit her and she picked up Perkins' file. He was due in again next week. Why not have him pick up part of the tab for Roger?

She put the file down and got out her blood pressure cuff. "Take off your coat, please. You've not had any caffeine this morning as I requested?"

Roger slipped off his coat and said "No caffeine, but it was very difficult; a hard habit to break."

Cynthia laughed as she stepped around the desk and slid the cuff up his arm over his shirt sleeve.

"I know, but caffeine is a two edged sword; one of the things you need to learn is to pay attention to you body and take better care of yourself. Now, close your eyes for me and relax, think of some very relaxing place that's special to you, so peaceful and relaxing."

She slowed her voice as he closed his eyes; she saw the muscles around his eyes relax a bit and his breathing slow a little; he'd be easy. She pushed the button on the automatic blood pressure cuff and kept talking to him softly, slowly over the humming of the instrument.

"That's good, let yourself go to that special place, so tranquil, so peaceful, nothing to do except relax and be there, I want you to imagine you're hearing the sounds of that place, smelling the special smells..."

She watched as he took a sharper breath. "Good, be there, smell it, feel it, hear it, so relaxing." His head started to drift forward. This was going to be fun. "Wonderful... Now take a deep breath and open your eyes, keeping that relaxed feeling with you."

She slid the deflated cuff off his arm, and put a hand on his shoulder as he opened his eyes.

Roger couldn't believe it; he'd almost been there, just by listening to this woman's voice and remembering how wonderful it had been. He opened his eyes and looked at her stooping still by his side, her hand on his shoulder, a soft smile in her face.

"Thank you. That was magic." He told her.

She laughed easily as she went back behind her desk. "No, it was you, and that's part of what we'll work on." She scratched down numbers on his chart -- his blood pressure was a little high, but not bad.

She looked at him intently. "Close your eyes and tell me where you were. Give me details, let yourself go there again. Now."

Roger closed his eyes. The world seemed to wobble a bit as she said "Now" with emphasis. He took a deep breath and started. "It was the week after the bar exam. I went to a friend's place on a lake on the Upper Peninsula with... a friend. It was so peaceful, so quiet. Rocking in a hammock, no pressure, the sounds of the breeze going through the trees, the smell of the trees, her..." He opened his eyes quickly, the memory of her scent popping him back to the real world.

Cynthia smiled and said softly. "That's all right. You could have gone on. I could tell you were relaxing very well, enjoying it. This is going to be easy for you, but hard at the same time; hard because you're going to have to learn to let go and flow with those feelings, let go and not be in control all the time. That's one of the secrets to relaxing."

Roger sighed. He did feel more relaxed than he had in weeks. He looked at the clock on her desk and the impatient attorney indoctrinated into billing his time in 15 minute increments returned to the fore. "Thank you. I look forward to that. What's the next step?"

Cynthia smiled. She'd seen his glance at the clock; she'd have to move it so clients couldn't see it.

"Well, I provide a sanctuary; a place and time for you to relax, relax and let go. It's that simple. It's also more complex than that. After years and years of pushing, driving, working so hard, it takes time to teach you how to relax again. You've just shown me you can do it. I think my program is right for you, and working together I can help you a great deal."

Roger smiled and sighed, relaxing a bit into the chair; he was in.

Cynthia watched him sink back with a big sigh; she had him hook, line, and sinker.

"My program combines massage with guided imagery to teach your body and mind how to relax again, and relax together. Each session starts out with a deep relaxing massage and ends with guided imagery. Many clients find it so relaxing they often fall asleep during the process, and that's one of the reasons we schedule things the way we do, to give you the time to relax, to sleep if that's what you need. We train your body and your mind, and after the first few sessions, as you become better and better trained, you'll find that you can't help but to relax. Does that sound good?"

Roger shivered a little as this incredible woman looked deep into him, telling him that he couldn't help but to relax... How he wanted that... "Yes..."

Cynthia kept her voice soft and slow; he was practically in a trance already. "Good. This is a sanctuary; a place where you don't need to be in control; you're safe here, this is the place you come to relax, to let go. You're safe and cared for here. Close your eyes for me and feel it; feel the caring, the comfort, the peace and quiet."

Roger leaned back in the chair and let his eyes close. He could feel the peace, the tranquillity. He needed a place like this, a sanctuary.

Cynthia spoke for another minute, watching him unwind. She reached for a button on her desk and pressed it.

Roger heard a soft and wonderful chime sound, then heard Cynthia's voice saying softly "Relax." While the chime initially startled him, her voice soothed him, and as the chime sounded again and again along with her voice, he found it easier and easier to relax more and more.

She continued for a while with the chime; she needed to move him now, get on with things. She sighed, she wished they were all so easy. She smiled and scribbled a note to herself; was it the liberal arts majors, the general attorneys, so easy and the patent attorneys so hard because of their heavy analytical scientific training? The CPA types in the middle? She'd have to look at her records and see; an interesting hypothesis.

"Now Roger, when I count to three, you will open your eyes and be back with me, still relaxed. One, moving your arms and legs a little, Two, moving more and starting to sit up, Three, deep breath and eyes open."

Roger forced himself to sit up and open his eyes. He felt great, that had been fantastic. He looked across the desk at Cynthia and smiled.

"How did that feel?" she asked.

He shook his head. "I didn't want it to end. I wanted to keep going."

She stood up, he followed. "Good. We will take you there again in a few minutes. The remaining paper work can wait."

She led him down the hall and had him visit the bathroom, then they went into a small room, closing the door behind them. The room had a chair and a small stand with a mirror. There was a door leading into another room.

"The first thing you do, always, is go to the bathroom. No caffeine or alcohol for at least six hours before a session. In here you disrobe completely. If you have a cell phone or pager, you must turn them off, or better yet, don't bring them. Even though we probably won't hear them in the next room, this is a sanctuary, and those things are not welcome here. If we hear one going off during a session, that session ends immediately and you will be told to leave and never return. Do you understand me?"

Roger nodded his head; he didn't carry a pager and had left his cell phone in the office; Perkins had suggested he do that, and now he understood why.

Cynthia smiled again after her moment of sternness. "Good. We have few rules, but that's one of them. The other rule we have regards massage. The goal of massage here is relaxation, not sexual release. We understand that during a massage some people naturally become aroused; that's perfectly acceptable. It is not acceptable to ask your masseuse to do something about it. Clear?"

Roger smiled. "Yes, that's clear. But I thought I'd be working with you?"

Cynthia smiled again; the attachment was forming already. She touched his shoulder gently. "You will be. The first few sessions, in the morning, are your training sessions. I do these myself, totally. Once I'm satisfied you're adequately trained, we move you to an afternoon/evening time. For those sessions, you start out with a massage from one of our massage staff; they're all very talented, better than I am in some respects. But you always finish up with me for the guided imagery."

Roger relaxed again. He was looking forward to her touch. And he'd seen a couple younger gals in the office. Were those the massage staff?

Cynthia noted his eyes wandering. She opened the other door and stepped into the next room. It held a massage table, a stool, and a wicker arrangement with towels and massage supplies.

"Once you disrobe, come in here and push this button." She indicated a button by the door. "This lets us know you're ready. Then lay on the massage table, face down. Put the towel over your bottom, take a deep breath, and relax. That's all you have to do for the next hour and a half. Can you do that for me?"

Roger laughed a bit. It would be great. "Yes, I can do that. The hard part will be scheduling time in the mornings the next few weeks."

Cynthia nodded her head. "I'll speak to Perkins about that. Your blood pressure was quite high; you need this very much to stay healthy. I'm sure he will help you with your schedule. Your firm needs healthy attorneys, not burned out ones."

Roger certainly agreed with that. He started taking off his tie when Cynthia said "Oh, I forgot one of the most important questions. Lemon or Wild Cherry?"

Roger was confused, and from the way Cynthia laughed, he must have looked it.

Cynthia laughed. "I'm sorry. One of the things I've learned from massage and this work is that your mouth tends to dry out; you may have noticed that back in my office. I've got special drops I use that help keep that from happening and bothering you. You get your choice of lemon or wild cherry."

Roger licked his lips and thought for a moment; Cynthia said "I'll go get both so you can try them and decide. You can slip out of your shirt and shoes, I'll knock."

She went out the door into the hall and Roger went into the little room, sat on the stool and started undressing.

Cynthia chuckled as she went to her office, asking Diane to schedule Roger's blood tests. She smiled as she thought about it; the same ploy, the same result, every time. He was a natural, she'd hardly need to drug him, but keeping the protocol constant helped. He'd probably only need two training sessions, but she'd give him four; tell Perkins he was pushing the boy too hard and running the risk of burning him out. If the blood tests came back soon, she might even give him a "private" session over the weekend; he looked very fit. She retrieved her two bottles and went back through the massage room, knocking before she entered the dressing area.

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Its a Mans WorldPart 4

'Shamit you are mistaken. I was a virgin, ' I said, crossing my fingers, 'Absence of the hymen has no meaning. It can tear because of many other reasons also'. 'Yes, that is so, 'Shamit said, 'but the choot (cunt) remains tight and not loose like yours.' 'So was I, ' Sarit said nervously, 'Amit, remember it hurt me so much that I screamed when you entered me for the first time.' 'Yes my dear, how can I forget that, ' Amit smiled, 'All I can say is that you are an excellent...

3 years ago
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My Luck In Massage Parlour

Hi, I am Rahul 25 year old and this is my first story please read it and let me know your views on my Email id That day I reached Dadar station at around 11:00 am and my flight was around 4:30 pm, giving me a plenty of time to spend in Mumbai. Somewhere deep down in my mind, I had always fantasised myself being massaged by some extremely hot chic allowing me to play with her and I had full theoretical idea about how to go about it as I had read enough on internet. First step was off course to...

3 years ago
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The Boston Bubble Loras Story Part Two

The Boston Bubble: Lora`s Story Chapter 3: Girl's Night Out I was introduced to one of the little pleasures of being a member of the fairer sex right in the middle of the Charles river. Downtown was a crowded mess, what with the road closures, news people from everywhere and the just plain curious. After ten minutes of inching across the Longfellow bridge, I couldn't deny nature any longer. I got up, walked the ten feet to the back of the bus and for the first time in my life, I...

2 years ago
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A lustful PA

Having been a young man in an office of predominately female employees, it’s fair to see office affairs were ten a penny. A lot of the encounters were pretty casual, and most easily forgettable. … Work was going well, which lead me to a promotion working on a project where I’d be spending Monday to Friday in different places. This particular story is based around one woman, a PA to the finance manager. I arrived in the central office for the first time, it was relatively small and only...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Monkey WrenchChapter 36

I woke up chilled, wet, and green. I couldn’t help but grin. This is where I wanted to be. My stomach sank. I had girls fighting over me right now back home. The fights here were more like sisters or friends. I didn’t want to see that need in Connie’s eyes to tear down Suzi so I’d only see Renee. No, I preferred to be in the disgusting greenlit sticky flaked nightmare trillions of miles from Earth. I rocketed up to my feet to the surprised screams of no longer dozing girls. Renee was at me...

2 years ago
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Basic Training Part 1

Kneeling, she stole a brief glance around the hotel room before looking up at him and replying “Because I want you to teach me how to be a good whore, sir. I want to obey every command you give me, and satisfy you in any way you desire.” “Mmm. And do understand that once we start, there’s no going back? There’s no ‘safe word’ here and no matter how much you might protest certain things, or think you can’t handle something, it will only mean a more severe punishment rather than an easy...

3 years ago
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Jack and JillChapter 32

It was Monday afternoon, a little over two weeks since Mary had been raped. This was her first time out since she'd come home last Thursday. John was driving, I was in the front passenger seat. Mom and Jill were on either side of my sister. We were going to see Dr. Bartlett, the doctor who examined Jill and prescribed the pill for her. The reason Mom was in the back seat instead of me was simple. Mary would freak out if a male was near her for any period of time. She would talk to me if I...

1 year ago
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Sultry Summer Ch 01

Passion In James County III Graduation and… By D.C. Roi Chapter 1 Lois Tillman was experiencing one of the most exciting and realistic dreams she’d ever had. In that dream, her lover had cupped his hand tenderly around her breast and his fingers were twirling the nipple, what he was doing was driving her wild. And, the fact that at the same time, something warm and hard was poking delightfully into the cleft between her buttocks added immeasurably to the thrills her dream lover was...

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A Romantic Escape For Sex

Hi Readers, Thanks a lot for the appreciation notes for the previous story . Of course I am here to write the second part of it but with a different tone. Well this is not to exhibit my flexibility anyway but to avoid hoppers. Well I am of a lot of flexibility anyway. :P So here it goes the link to first part if anyone have missed it . And the story continues. Alisha and Samrat had their very much first close and private interaction a few days back inside a lonely theatre. Its time when sun...

2 years ago
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I sucked this thirty and disgusting cock

I SUCKED  THIS THIRTY AND DISGUSTING MECHANIC'S COCK   My husband and I were shopping,  strolling the streetswalking looking for the best bargain, watching price tags at every window we stopped in, in Caracas downtown. I was wearing low-neck  T-shirt… which showed my tanned tits a lot,   because I had gone to the beach recently,  wishing to show off.  I stopped to see something more,   while my husband continued to walk ahead by himself to buy some sodas for us to drink,  coz we were thirsty. ...

2 years ago
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Not Too Shabby

I moved into my mothers three story apartment building on October 31st. The morning of Halloween. My fathers home was less than an hour away in a small town called City View with the irony that City View had nothing but the view of a forrest and the lake that contained the small towns water supply. When I say the word small, this would be putting it lightly. The town was madeup of my formal high school, a bank, a sonic, a harps, and a very inconvienent convienent store, The town was...

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Two Girl Fuck Competition

(episode 25) This follows “My Senior Year: The First Tailgate Party.”It was after the first football weekend when I had hooked up with both Mary Beth and Jennifer, that I discovered that both girls wanted much more from me. Much more as in a deeper relationship commitment. Jennifer wanted a renewed commitment from me, though she had burned me badly in the past. Mary Beth, who had just been a friend up until that time, wanted to take our new friends-with-benefits relationship to the...

College Sex
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Happy Fucking Halloweenbysirhugs©"Happy Halloween," bubbled Cordelia Morgan."Fuck Halloween," replied her sister Johanna."Happy Fucking Halloween, then. Just what is wrong with your attitude?""Harley has this stupid Halloween party. He really insists that I go but I have study group early tomorrow. I guess I have to go, but I just won't stay long.""But s*s, Harley is your new boyfriend. I mean, the paint isn't even dry on the relationship. You know he gets all excited every year about his...

2 years ago
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Opening the wrong mail

That Tuesday evening I was lucky enough to get back home early from my office.My loving Ana was not there, but I thought she would be out with her friend Helena.I poured a glass of my favorite scotch and sat down to check some mail deliveries…I picked up a manila envelope with no return address on it and as my curiosity got the best of me, I opened it first. Inside was an unmarked CD, guessing the easiest way to find out who had sent it, I slipped it into the TV.The disc opened on a tall...

1 year ago
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Aunty Maggie

Note : This story is work of erotic fantasy only! My story begins when I was just 18 years of age. Other lads used to comment on the size of my prick. I used to wank three or four times a day trying different things like cutting a peach in half and rubbing my prick in between. Another favorite was one of my sister’s teddies. I put a split between the legs and used to hump it making sure I pulled out before I shot my load. Anyway back to when I was 13. My aunt on my mum’s side had just got...

3 years ago
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Road Trips for Peter Chapter Seven

I had been on the road to Long Island, and I had arrived to a perfect reception. Margo had taken me for a great sexual ride. It was now late afternoon and we were chatting in the kitchen. She had decided that we needed to go out for dinner. The Boston Market was her favorite restaurant because the turkey was so good. That was fine with me. We were just waiting for her twin daughters, Martha and Mary, to get home from their jobs. They didn’t always work the same shifts. Today they happened to...

1 year ago
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Tara 2 CuttailsChapter 8

The young couple finally arrived at the estate close to lunchtime. Kat had been here once before. She and Olive had been friendly before Olive had taken up with Dewar, so she knocked for them. Kat was surprised when Olive opened the door herself. “What are you two doing out here?” she spat. “Haven’t you done enough damage? Do you want to gloat to my face?” Kat was a bit taken aback, but she didn’t get to answer as Olive’s mother, Fran, had also come to the door. “Who is it dear?” Fran...

3 years ago
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TRUE STORY Almost Caught in Public

**This is a true story of a little outdoor crossdressing and masturbation I did last week.**I pulled on my black thong and slid it slowly up my legs until it wedged between my chubby ass cheeks and concealed my tiny 2 inch cock and balls perfectly. Then I put my leopard print bra on over my chubby chest, it felt like I had nice perky little titties. The black tights followed, slowly pulling them on, marvelling as they tightly hugged my body. A beige bodycon turtleneck dress completed the...

2 years ago
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Anna was stressed, extremely stressed. The air conditioning at work was stuck on heat and it had been sweltering in her little corner office on the 16th floor of one of the busiest insurance offices in New York. Her underwear was soaked with her sweat, her usually light and airy suit felt rough and tight. Her hair refused to stay put in its bun and stray wisps were wafted about her face by the useless micro desk-fan. Adding to that, all morning she had had to deal with the most belligerent and...

1 year ago
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Sylvia m in the van after school 2016

Silkie Greene,(formerly Sylvia Greenburg) is finishing telling Tom about the time she gave a blow job to her mother's drummer, and unbeknownst to her at the time, her mother's lover. . She then goes into another story about her life as a sexual temptress at age f******n: " "It was always a surprise when I made the first move. Did that get them excited? Oh God, did it ever... well,yeah, for boys especially. I got to see how erections work, I guess you could say that. I was having a lot of fun....

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Oma amd Opa

Ever since I can remember, I would visit Oma and Opa and spend the night with them. We would all sleep in the same bed. Oma on the right, Opa on the left, and me in the middle. We would all sleep naked.Some times Oma and Opa would get on one side of the bed. They would kiss. Oma would be on the bottom and make the bed bounce. Other times Oma would be on her hands and knees, Opa would be behind her. She would make moaning noises and Opa would be grunting, it sounded like Opa was smacking Oma...

2 years ago
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Morning Workouts

Many thanks to my editor Lorena Levine. Little by little, light peeked into my eyes as I opened them to the afternoon sun. I was still tired and sore as my arms slowly moved a bit at my side. I finally noticed the room, taking a few seconds for my hazy mind to realize that I didn't know where I was. I slowly took in the room, starting with the bed I was lying in. My first thought of the bed was that it was very soft and plush. What really caught my attention was the fact I was between...

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Lyin Eyes Ch 05

Two months later: ‘You and Doctor Jamison have talked about your Aunt Ruth?’ I was watching Alyssa race through a big maze of stout, hollow tubes hung from the ceiling at Chuck E. Cheese’s. I could only see her through the occasional window and a few clear plastic sections in the big, round pipes. The happy screams of young children playing on equipment designed with them in mind made a noisy backdrop to the conversation Laura and I were having but it suited me just fine. The place was...

4 years ago
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Fucked My Drunk Friend

Hello friends, I am a regular visitor at this site. I love sex. Till now I have had sex with around 25 girls. Mostly unmarried and few married ladies. Let me tell you about myself. I am a 26 year old guy and am currently staying in Delhi. Basically I belong from Manipur. Well now let me tell you about one experience that I had with one girl. I don’t believe in writing fictions as it only diverts our minds. So this story is 100% true. I have been staying in Delhi for the last 3 years. Few months...

4 years ago
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A Stitch In TimeChapter 21

The look I got from Tanya on Monday morning, when I claimed my seat in Religion, was one of pure contempt. Well, fuck her. I had already gotten the same treatment for Jill the day before. You'd think that after I had saved her from another asshole, albeit a much richer asshole than the last one, Jill would be a little grateful. But no, as far as she was concerned, she wasn't drunk at all, and if she wanted to parade around half-naked in front of strangers, that was her business. She was...

3 years ago
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On Board

Going on a seven day cruise for a family reunion must have seems like a good idea sometime but I was already bored. Only like relies in short doses.I was walking the back desk after dinner to get some peace and an older guy I had seen on board a few times was leaning by the rail.I said hi and he said that I looked bored-so rightI acknowledged that and he said he had seen me in the pool."A good looking guy like you shouldn't be bored"Laughing "Well I am"He leaned closer and took my hand and...

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Eat Out With The FamilyChapter 5

Ever since Pete Marlow had dropped the things off at Lois Mason's house the afternoon she propositioned him, he couldn't seem to get the horny divorcee out of his mind. One afternoon when he finished working in the field early, he decided to drive over to her place. Pulling up in front of Lois's house, he found her spread out on an old-fashioned, lawn swing under a tree in her front yard. Her voluptuously bare thighs were deliciously exposed under the rather short summer dress she was...

4 years ago
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400mm of Mrs HansonChapter 10

I drove Kala home and walked her to her door. Her mother met us at the door and invited me in. She told me she’s been talking to my mother and she’s really looking forward to meeting my parents tomorrow. I grinned and said, “You know that once you meet my parents it’s the same as if Kala and I are engaged.” She surprised me. She didn’t look the least bit worried. She said, “Kala could do worse. I have to warn you, though. If you try to get married before you graduate my husband will...

1 year ago
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The Satyr Encounter

November 2011 The tall statuesque doctoral student had come to the Greek Islands to conduct research for her thesis on mythological creatures. Her research had led her to a small mountainous island where a small temple lay in ruins high up in the mountains. This temple had provided evidence of a crossroads where Greek mythology provided a basis for later Roman mythology. The temple was originally constructed by early Greeks and then later modified by the Romans. She had packed a Mediterranean...

2 years ago
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Harleys Plaything

Warning! This story will be pretty Femdom heavy so if those themes do not tickle your pickle then this may not be the spank bank material for you. For those who remain, I hope that you 'enjoy' your time here and feel free to like and comment. Thanks! "That's it! This time we're over, kaput, finished I tells ya!" Harley raised her hands into the air erratically as she huffed up and down her best friend Ivy's living room. "Whatever you say Harls." Ivy rolled her eyes before going back to...

3 years ago
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ColumbiaChapter 2 The House on the Hill

Once the Reaping was done, it took some time for the chaos to die and the reality of their survival to come clear to the majority of the people who remained. Eventually those people selected recognized leaders, and those leaders made the decisions that brought the river-state called Columbia into existence. The people of the new nation, now Earth's only nation, sought some way to show their appreciation to Sam Kendall. For his part, Sam flatly refused statues and memorials, not that some...

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Just Shopping For A Suit Maam Part 9

He was on his back on the bench in the middle of the room. She was straddling his body, rubbing his cock with her pussy. He loved to watch her breasts move and sway as she moved her body back and forth across his cock. When she reached back to gently massage his tight balls, he had a hard time controlling his desire. His cock was full and ached to cum. He fought to hold it back, wanting the ecstasy to last as long as he could hold out. He knew when she put her mouth over his cock that he would...

1 year ago
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Saas ke hath me

Hi friends mera naam sonu (name change) hai main Ludhiana ka rehne wala hun meri age 26 hai main shadi sudha hun meri shadi ko 1 saal ho gaye hai aur meri highet 5’7″ hai meri body average hai aur mera lun 9″ ka hai aur main ek punjabi hun to main apko apni story ke barin mein batata hun, ye meri real story hai isme mene jo likha wo ekdham sachi kahani hai, ye baat karib 20 din ke hai meri saas mere ghar par rehne ke liye ayi thi mere ghar main hum 3 log rehte hain mein meri biwi and mere dad...

3 years ago
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Three Pieces of SilverChapter 2

Two strangers to the city made their way towards the skyscrapers in the far off distance, following a path they believed would lead them to their sister. They had set out at first light and now with the late afternoon sun beating down on them walked slowly along what use to be one of the most famous streets in the world, Hollywood Boulevard. It remained largely intact and both felt uneasy, surrounded by the old ways of man. The head of some fantastic beast, what Talia had told Luke was once...

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A Summer Job

The summer before I left for college, I was trying to make extra money. Besides my full time job at a nearby Amusement Park (Action Park for those who care), I had put flyers in the mailboxes of my neighborhood offering my services for yard work, pet care, etc. As it was summer, a number of people had called me to care for their pets while they went on vacation. Around the middle of July, a couple that had recently moved into the neighborhood called to see if I was available to watch their...

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