Sanctuary free porn video

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SANCTUARY Synopsis: A teenage boy begins a journey that will take him from the tiny, cluttered apartment that he shares with his mother, her many boyfriends and his three half sisters to a remote cabin in the mountains of northern California, new friends, and a new lifestyle. As with many journeys, this one takes many twists and turns along the way so please don't be surprised by the length of this story. And remember that not all journeys have a happy end - or at least not the end you might have expected. I never did get along with either of my parents. Well, mostly just my mother, as my father moved out the year I turned four and never had any contact with my mother or any of us kids after that. So after he moved out, it was just my mother that I never got along with. At least after he moved out it was a little quieter. Dad was Mexican and Mom is Puerto Rican - both with hot tempers. So before he moved out there was a lot of fighting, screaming at each other in Spanish, and throwing things. But after he moved out, my mother started acting more like a teenager than a Mom. She bleached her hair to a really weird shade of orange, started wearing lots of makeup, and wearing mini-skirts, tight low-cut blouses and sandals with spike heels when she went out in the evenings - which was most every evening. The whole mini-skirt thing was pretty funny as Mom had big breasts and a pretty nice figure - at least as far down as her narrow waist. Below the waist she had, like, these huge hips and meaty thighs and a big soft rear end that wobbled and bounced as she walked along. One of her "boyfriends" referred to it as her "latina ass". I remember that she had another "boyfriend" who used to slap her ass to make it jiggle and Mom would just giggle and smile at him as he did it. Anyway, she'd usually come home eventually although it might be in the early hours of the morning, and sometimes she'd bring a "boyfriend" home to spend the rest of the night with her. So depending on what shape she was in the following morning, as the oldest I'd have to make breakfast for my three younger sisters, get them dressed and off to school, and maybe clean up the mess that she and her "boyfriend" had left in front of the TV set - empty beer bottles, ashtrays full of cigarette butts, chips and snacks spilled on the floor - you get the idea. The couple of times that I tried to confront her, if I was lucky I'd only get yelled at, if I wasn't lucky I'd get slapped and pushed around - at least till I got big enough to slap and push back. Another problem was that she couldn't keep a job for long, and most of her jobs paid minimum wage and we really only got along because of the food and housing assistance that the city provided to our family. Housing Assistance? Well, we did have a roof over our heads but it was a crummy old small 2-bedroom apartment in one of the not-very-good sections of town. My sisters? After my father moved out Mom had three more kids, all by different fathers, I think, over the next five years. Mom took one of the two bedrooms and I and my three sisters shared the other bedroom which was just large enough for two bunk beds and one chest of drawers. Even though I was the one who did most of the housework around the apartment, Mom liked my sisters better - at least they were the ones who got most of the new clothes, and when Mom did any decorating of our bedroom it was all in frilly girl's styles. Of course whatever bath soaps and shampoos she bought were for girls, and whenever I used them I ended up smelling like I'd used bodywash or put on perfume - which of course really didn't help me fit in with the other boys at school. As a kind of protest I let my hair grow long and never bothered to keep it neat looking because I knew that really pissed off my Mom. By the time I was in sixth grade my hair was so long that it hung just below my shoulders and was kind of a greasy dark black color. To keep it out of my eyes I kept it pulled back in a ponytail with a rubber band. I know that the other kids at school didn't think too much of the way my hair looked, but every time I saw Mom looking at it with disgust I decided that it was worth the way some of the other kids in my classes reacted to it. It's one thing to share a bedroom with your three younger sisters when you're younger, but about the time when you enter your teens the last thing that you want is three girls watching you get dressed in the morning. So whenever Mom didn't have one of her "boyfriends" over I'd take over the living room as my bedroom. Sleeping on the couch wasn't that comfortable but at least I had a little more privacy. Even then every so often things would get to me, or I'd have an especially bad argument with my mother, and I'd leave the apartment in a rage and spend the night, or even a couple of nights if I was lucky, over at a friend's place till I cooled off and could face going back to our crowded apartment. There was one time that I got really mad and when Mom wasn't looking I stole all the cash from her purse and used it to buy a bus ticket that took me all the way from our place in Brentwood to St. Louis before I ran out of money and got arrested for panhandling at the bus station. That really, really, really made Mom mad as she had to pay for my return trip after Social Services in St. Louis coaxed her name, address and phone number out of me under the threat of sending me off to a local youth detention center. I almost toyed with the idea of letting them send me to the detention center as being better than being sent back home but I'd heard some stories about the things that happened to younger boys at the detention center and decided that going back to the apartment, shitty as it was, was better than the detention center. Mom made it pretty clear to me that it wouldn't have bothered her if I hadn't been sent back to her, and if I ever took off like that again there was nothing that would please her more than if I never returned. Brentwood is a pretty small town located in a northern California valley - pretty isolated, really. So small in fact that there are only about 150 kids in the local school which only has grades K through 8. Once you finish 8th grade, you have to go to a high school in a larger town (Plumas) over in the next valley. That really isn't too bad because the other kids from my 8th grade class were all going there and we hung around as a group till we got to know some of the local Plumas kids better. The only real hassle is getting to and from Plumas. The direct drive is only about 20 minutes or so over the mountain, and the mother of one of the girls from Brentwood is a nurse in the hospital at Plumas. So every morning she picks up five other kids from Brentwood and drives us six kids over to Plumas and drops us off at the high school. The Brentwood school district even pays her mileage to do this so she makes a few bucks out of the deal. Getting home's a pain though, since our morning driver's work hours either end way before or way after the high school lets out for the day - depending upon what shift she's working. So us kids have to take a bus to get back to Brentwood. Now, the Brentwood school district contracts with the regional transportation company to provide bus transportation so it doesn't cost us anything. And depending on when we are ready to leave the high school we can take several different busses to get home. The problem is that there's no direct bus! So we have to get on a bus at the high school and go about 15 miles north before being dropped off at a stop in another small town. And then we have to wait about a half hour before another bus comes by that picks us up, crosses over into our valley, and drops us off in Brentwood - a trip that takes a total of between one-and-a-half and two hours depending on how on-time the busses are. Guess the only good part about it is that I can get all my studying and homework done on the bus ride home and have my evening free to go to a movie, or hang around with my friends at the small local shopping center - anything to get out of our cramped apartment, and away from Mom and my three younger sisters! High school was actually pretty neat - it was way bigger than the middle school in Brentwood and had some really neat shop classes and science labs. The only thing that I didn't like was the first time I took gym class and found that at the end of the class we were all expected to take a shower. Now, it's one thing to take a shower in our apartment with the bathroom door locked, and a totally different thing to take a shower in a big room that's crowded with about 30 other guys - ALL NAKED! The first time I had to take a shower I joined the other guys in stripping in a hallway and leaving my clothes on a wooden bench along the wall, and then walking naked down to the shower room. Now don't get me wrong, I don't have a "thing" for guys or anything like that - as opposed to a couple of the guys at school that look and act more like girls than guys - DISGUSTING!. But since I'd gotten into my teen years and started to ..... well, you know "develop", I'd never even seen another guy naked, and here I was in a room full of them. And I hadn't realized all the different shapes and sizes that guys' "equipment" came in, and some had what looked like skin over the end, and some like mine didn't, and so anyway I'm trying to, you know, check things out without being too obvious about it. And all of a sudden I realize that I'm getting kind of "turned on." So here I was, like, kind of trying to hide over in a corner and soap up and wash off really quick and all of a sudden I'm getting this hard on. So I'm standing there with my dick at full attention and trying to cover myself up and pretend that this isn't happening to me. I made it out of the shower and almost back to the bench where my clothes lay when the guy walking next to me looked down and said, "You got a hard on!" And I'm thinking, like, "Duh, you think I don't know that?" And then some of the nearby guys looked over at me and started laughing, and I felt my face get hot as I blushed - and the damn thing just wouldn't go down! It just stuck out in front of me, waving back and forth as I walked over to my clothes, pulled on my briefs and jeans without even taking time to dry off, slipped on my shirt and sneakers and went to my next class wearing wet clothes! After that first time I found that if I kind of, like, didn't pay attention to the naked guys around me, and especially didn't look at their "equipment" I'd be able to get through the shower without getting a hard on. After a couple of weeks at the high school I joined a couple of after- school clubs - a glee club and an acting club. Nothing very exciting but it did mean that I got to spend a couple more hours at the high school and those were a couple of hours that I didn't have to spend with my Mom and sisters in our tiny apartment. The only problem was that since I was leaving the high school later than most of the other kids from Brentwood I was usually the only one from my group on the busses and it was getting pretty dark during the last bus ride. It was during one of those waits, when it was almost dark, and I had been dropped off by the first bus and was peering down the road hoping to see the next bus approaching that would carry me over the mountain and back home, when a big black SUV pulled up to the curb, the tinted passenger window rolled down and a fairly young guy in the car asked, "Say, haven't I seen you over in Brentwood? I'm heading there and could give you a lift if you want." I was, like, "I'm going to get in a car with some guy I don't know? I think not." So I just stammered for a second and then said, "Uh, thanks, but I see my bus coming now. Thanks anyway." He responded, "No problem, have a good ride home", and drove off. After that first time, I'd occasionally see the same guy driving past the bus stop where I was waiting for my connecting bus and he'd smile and wave at me as he drove past. "Okay, Creepo", I thought, "I'm not going to play your game", and pretended that I didn't see him. I'm not sure whether I was that great an actor, or whether the school was having trouble locating a student who looked "southern Mediterranean" to play one of the roles in the Freshman Class Fall Play of "A Tale of Two Cities" - but I got the part of Sydney Carton. HA! Probably my brown eyes, olive complexion and ability to speak a few words of Spanish (almost the same as French) offset my long greasy ponytail! Sydney was kind of a strange guy, drunk a lot and never got the girl but he's still a major part in the play. I was pretty pleased with myself about getting a part in the play till Mrs. Hamlin the advisor came up to me after the first read-through and said, "Mateo, you're doing well in the play although you need to work a little harder on memorizing your lines, but we're really going to have to do something with your hair." "You mean, like, getting it cut?" I asked, for now that it fell at least six inches below my shoulders it was getting kind of annoying. Plus, the older kids at the high school were kidding me about my hair, so I'd been thinking about getting it cut for several weeks now. "Oh no, the length is perfect for your character. In France in the late 1700's all the men wore their hair long.", she replied, and then continued, "But it really needs to be washed, combed and brushed to get rid of the dirt and the tangles. Think you can take care of that in the next day or so?" Well, I wasn't at all enthusiastic about leaving it long, and doing anything that would improve its appearance, but I did want to keep the part in the play so I kind of stammered, "Uh ..... yeah ..... well ..... yeah I think I can do that over this weekend." "Great!" she responded, "I'm looking forward to seeing it look much better on Monday", and turned and walked away. "Shit", I was thinking, "What have I gotten myself into?" But a promise is a promise so on Saturday morning I got up, had breakfast and prepared to wash my hair. I rummaged around under the kitchen sink and found a bar of hand soap and was waiting outside the bathroom for Adana to finish up and come out when she opened the door, saw me with the bar of hand soap in my hand, and said, "Your hands must be pretty dirty if you're going to use that stuff on them." "Uh. No. The teacher wants me to wash my hair if I'm going to be in the class play." "Don't you know how strong that stuff is? You wash your hair with that and you'll end up wearing a wig." Now, Adana is the oldest of my three younger sisters and while she's only eleven years old she's a lot more mature than the other two and though I'd never admit it to her, I do trust her judgment - sort of. So I thought for a moment and said, "So. What should I use?" "You're clueless", she said with a sigh. "Come into the bathroom and I'll help you wash your hair." So she led me into the bathroom and had me sit down with my back against the tub and lean my head back so my ponytail was in the tub. She removed its rubber band, complaining loudly about how greasy and dirty my hair was. Then she grabbed a bottle of girl's shampoo out of the cabinet, wet my hair and began to work the shampoo into it. Man, it felt really strange at first to have her doing that but after awhile I got to like the feeling of her fingers massaging my hair and scalp. After about five minutes or so she rinsed off my hair, decided that it wasn't clean enough, and shampooed it a second time. By now I was relaxed and a little sleepy and just enjoying the feeling of her working on my hair. She rinsed the shampoo off, and put some more stuff on my hair, "conditioner" she said, worked that into my hair and then rinsed that off. Then she had me sit up, piled my wet hair on top of my head, wrapped a towel around it and led me into the bedroom and had me sit on the floor in front of one of the bunk beds while she sat on the bed and toweled my hair to remove most of the water. After that she gently combed it to remove any tangles and then spent several minutes brushing it. "There", she said finally, "Just let it dry for a couple of hours and then we'll brush it again." Man, after my hair had dried and Adana had brushed it for almost a half hour, I couldn't believe how different it looked. She'd parted it in the center and it fell below my shoulders on both sides of my face, framing my face with its glossy dark black waves. I was thinking, "Wow, does that look pretty - but only on a girl, not on a guy!" And worse, the shampoo and conditioner she had used left my hair with a strong apple- cinnamon fragrance! "Don't worry", she said after seeing the expression on my face as I looked at my reflection in the mirror, "Before you go to school on Monday we'll pull it back into a ponytail so it won't be so noticeable, and most of the fragrance will be gone by then. But from now on you're going to have to brush it every morning to keep it looking nice, and you'll have to shampoo it and put conditioner on it at least once a week. I can help you with that if you want." At that point I was, like, almost in shock so I just mumbled, "Uh ..... yeah ..... thanks", and just spent the rest of the weekend hanging around the house, not wanting to go out where any of my friends would see my new hairstyle. At school on Monday I did take some kidding from my friends when they saw the luxurious dark black ponytail that I now sported. And a couple of the girls told me they thought my ponytail was "cute" and the fragrance was "pretty." At least the advisor was happy with the result and said that I looked "just perfect" for the play. While the rehearsals for the play were going well, my part had a lot of lines and I was having trouble memorizing all of them so after a couple of weeks of flubbing my lines the advisor suggested that I might want to spend some time rehearsing my lines with one of the other players - Colin, who played the part of Charles Darnay. Now, even though we're supposed to look alike in the play, in real life Colin and I are completely different. He's about 4 inches taller than I am, and probably about 40 pounds heavier with a muscular build compared to my slimmer build. And as opposed to my "southern Mediterranean" complexion, Colin is a real "northern European" with his fair skin, blue eyes and blond hair. But we got along okay and after spending several weeks of an hour a day after school rehearsing our lines we both got to the point where the advisor was happy. While we were rehearsing our lines, Colin and I had occasionally gone out for a burger or slice of pizza after school and while we were talking, had found that we shared an unhappy home life. I'd told him about my mom, her "boyfriends" and the small apartment and how I had to share a bedroom with my three younger sisters. He shared with me how his father was an ugly drunk, liked to use his mother as a punching bag when he came home loaded, and how Colin had to step in sometimes to take the beating and protect his mom. As we talked however, we found that we had both developed the attitude of, "Life sucks, but what you gonna do?" At least each of us could take solace in the fact that we weren't alone in having a bad home life and that sort of forged a bond between us. The funny thing was, that after I got over the initial shock of Adana washing and styling my hair, I kinda got to look forward to having her shampoo, condition, brush and style it every Saturday morning - just felt so relaxing to feel her massaging my scalp during the shampoo, and then the feel of her hands on my hair as she brushed and styled it. Seems like every week she'd try a new style - from the ponytail, to a braid, to pigtails, to a French braid, to an "open" style that framed my face with my long glossy hair falling way below my shoulders both in front and back. It took me awhile to get used to the things she was doing with my hair - made me look a little too "pretty" for my taste. But after the first couple of styling changes, the other kids at school stopped teasing me so I quit worrying about looking too "pretty" and let Adana do whatever she wanted with my hair. Colin showed up at school today with a black eye and a split lip. When I got him alone I asked, "Your dad?" and he just mumbled, "Don't want to talk about it." I did something on impulse at one of the last rehearsals. It was a dress rehearsal and Colin was late so the rest of the class was standing around waiting for him to show up and Mrs. Hamlin had this really annoyed look on her face so when he did show up she let him know in no uncertain terms in front of the rest of the cast that she was not pleased that he'd kept everyone waiting and he'd better get into his costume RIGHT AWAY! Poor Colin, he got this awful look on his face and ran off to the lockers, returning less than a minute later still pulling on and adjusting the last items of his costume. So the impulse thing was that during a break in the rehearsal I had to take a leak and when I walked past the lockers that Colin and I used, I saw a pair of boy's "tighty whitie" underwear lying on the floor and realized that in his haste to change into his costume he'd dropped his underwear and hadn't stopped to pick it up. On an impulse I picked up the underwear and while I was in the Boy's Room I stepped into a stall, closed the door, took off my underwear which I flushed down the toilet, and pulled on Colin's underwear. Guess his waist was a little smaller than mine as it fit me tightly and as I looked down and saw the bulge my dick made in the tightly stretched fabric, and then thought how this underwear had bulged the same way from Colin's dick, I was getting kind of turned on and could feel myself getting hard. Walking just a little stiffly because of my erection I returned to the rehearsal and as I was on stage with Colin I was getting even more turned on by the thought that I was wearing his underwear and nobody else KNEW IT! All of a sudden I couldn't control myself and came, shooting jet after jet of cum into Colin's underwear and then had to finish the rest of the rehearsal walking around in a pair of underwear that was all gooey and icky with my cum. Just the idea that I was wearing Colin's underwear, and the feeling of my dick all slimy with my cum was a turn on. So as I rode the bus home after the rehearsal was over, I was still wearing the underwear and had my jacket on my lap so that no one could see that I had my hand down under my jacket, rubbing my crotch to make myself come a second time. That night I wore the underwear to bed under my PJ's and when my sisters had gone to sleep, reached down and rubbed myself till I came a third time that day. The next morning "things" were still pretty sticky and gross but I wore the underwear to school that day, going into a stall in a Boy's Room between classes to masturbate into the underwear twice more. Man that felt good, even better than the time that I'd swiped the butter from our refrigerator and smeared that on my dick before I jerked off. But all good things must come to an end, and after wearing Colin's underwear to school a second day and jerking of several more times the thrill was beginning to wear off - and I was afraid that someone would notice the smell or the funny way I was walking so I pulled off the underwear that night and hid it under the mattress on my bed as a "souvenir" before I went to sleep. Occasionally in the months that followed I'd pull out my souvenir, smell its musky aroma, and masturbate into it once more before returning it to its hiding place. But back to the play. It came out great - the other kids liked it and some came back two and three times and the auditorium was almost always filled. And the local paper came and took a number of photos and ran them in the paper and put them up on their website - which was okay, I guess, except that in the pictures with my period costume, styled hair and stage makeup I looked more like a girl than a guy. But probably the best part was the night when Mom and her latest "boyfriend" came to the play, drunk, and got thrown out of the building by the Principal! So, being in the play was great - except for the last night. The play's last night was on a Friday and by the time we started at 8pm, completed several curtain calls, and had pizza, ice cream and soda brought in for a cast party, it was around 11:30pm or so by the time I could leave the school to catch my first bus home. So I get off the first bus at the stop and I'm waiting for the second bus ..... and waiting ..... and waiting ..... and waiting, and all of a sudden I realize that it's after midnight and the second bus doesn't run after midnight. So here I am stuck in this small town where everything's closed up tight as a drum and with no ride home. I was sitting down on a bench, with my eyes closed and thinking about trying to call my mom, if I could get her, and if she was sober enough to drive over the mountain to come and get me when I heard a car stop and someone say, "Need a ride kid?" The voice sounded sort of familiar but when I looked up the car was the big black Cadillac Escalade SUV with one of the tinted windows rolled down so the driver could talk to me. I recognized him as that creepo guy who had offered me the ride before and I was about to tell him to piss off when I realized that if I couldn't get Mom to come and get me, and I turned his offer of a ride down, I was probably going to have to spend the night outside on that bench and the temperature was already down into the 40's and a light rain was falling. So I said, "Uh .... Yeah, I guess I could use a ride", and climbed into the back seat just to put as much distance between him and me as I could. "Nice car", I said. "Yeah, it's my winter car for getting through the mountains when it snows", he replied and then fell silent. But actually the ride home wasn't all that bad. The Escalade's heater was keeping it nice and warm so my wet clothes dried off, he had the radio tuned to a station that I liked, and he didn't say much to me other than to ask directions to my place as we entered Brentwood. As he dropped me off in front of the apartment I thanked him for the ride and he responded, "Anytime kid" and smiled at me as he drove away. When I got up to the apartment I was glad I hadn't tried to call mom. She and one of her "boyfriends" were there watching TV, working through a third 6-pack, and both pretty drunk. As I went down the hall to my shared bedroom I heard the "boyfriend" say, "Kid needs to get a haircut, looks like a f***ing girl." "And you're a f***ing asshole", I thought - but I didn't say it out loud. During the next several months of what passed for winter in northern California I accepted an occasional ride home from Loren (I learned his name on the third ride). There was no rhyme or reason to the rides. I'd just be waiting for a bus outside the high school or at the stop where I waited for the second bus and the black Cadillac Escalade would pull up, the window would roll down, and I'd hear, "Need a ride kid?" The first time or two I was a little nervous about accepting a ride but Loren just drove me home and dropped me off at the apartment and we'd listen to the radio during the drive, and maybe have a short conversation about the weather or sports or something like that, but nothing personal. So after awhile I decided that he was just a nice guy who probably got a little bored on the drive from one valley over to the next and just wanted a little company. After the school play was over, when I could have gotten my hair cut shorter, or just started pulling it back into a pony tail and washing it less and less frequently as I had in the past, I decided that I liked having it as long as it was and took more of an interest in caring for it by myself with less and less help from Adana as time went on. So I tried different styles and different brands of shampoo and conditioner, and different fragrances, and found that I really liked the feeling of it as it framed my face and hung down my back and swung back and forth as I walked and the delicate fragrance that it gave off. I mean, it wasn't like I was acting like a girl or anything. Most of the guys took care of their hair, wearing it longer, and combing it a certain way. And a lot of the guys used, like, scented deodorant or a scented bodywash, and stuff like that - so I really wasn't doing anything all that much different. And then the winter storm hit. Winter in northern California is usually kind of gloomy - cool, foggy and rainy so it wasn't a surprise that the weather forecast for the first week in March was for - you guessed it - a bit colder than usual and with fog and rain. When we were dropped off at the high school that Thursday morning it seemed a little colder than usual and the wind was blowing a bit more briskly, but we didn't think much about it. As the day wore on, the sky got darker and darker, the wind picked up even more and, if anything, the temperature seemed to be dropping. As we were being dismissed from school that afternoon, some of the kids were saying that there were some reports of hazardous driving in the higher mountain elevations due to freezing rain but we didn't think too much about it. Just as I was about to board the first bus at the high school I remembered that I'd forgotten a book that I was going to need for my homework that night and made a mad rush back to my locker to pick it up. Just as I ran back out of the school I saw the bus pull away. "Aw F*** I thought. Now I've got to wait a half hour for the next bus. But at least I could wait back in the school's library where it was warm and dry, and get started on my homework. When the next bus finally arrived, almost a half hour late, I boarded it and settled in for the ride to the pickup point for the second bus - listening to the driver complain about the worsening weather as he drove along. So, I finally get to the dropoff point only to find that we'd arrived so late that the next bus had already left for the drive to Brentwood. GREAT! So I'm standing at the dropoff point in the rain, watching the taillights of the bus that I'd arrived on slowly disappear into the fog and rain, I heard, "Need a ride Matti?" (After I'd told Loren my name, he immediately started calling me "Matti." I tried calling him "Lori" once but the look on his face told me that wasn't a good idea.) "Yeah, man. Thanks!" I said as I slid into the Escalade's passenger seat. "Well", he replied, "I think we'll be able to make it but some of the mountain roads are being closed because of the ice storm. Fasten your seatbelt tight." And we headed off into the dark. The higher we went the worse it got with the Escalade almost sliding off the road a couple of times. I started hearing what sounded like small, sharp explosions. "Somebody's hunting up here, now?" I asked. "Trees and branches snapping off from the weight of the ice", he replied. And sure enough we began to see tree branches down on the road - but none so big that the Escalade couldn't drive around, or over, them. And then we saw the flashing lights ahead. Slowly going around a corner we came upon a California Highway Patrol car parked across the road, its lights and flashers on. We stopped and a trooper came over to Loren's open window. "Sorry sir but you can't go any farther on this road. There are some large trees down and several accidents. You can try turning around and going back the way you came, but it's gotten pretty bad back that way as well and you'd be better off pulling over to the side and spending the night here till the county can get some equipment up her to open the road in the morning." "Thanks Officer", Loren said, and he slowly maneuvered the Escalade around and we headed back the way we'd just come. We'd only gone maybe a couple of hundred yards when Loren slowed down, opened his window and seemed to be looking for something off on the left. And then he twisted the wheel to the left, the Escalade slid around and shot down into the ditch. Loren floored it and the Escalade, engine roaring and all four tires spinning, slowly climbed up out of the ditch and we headed into the forest. "Uh, what .....", I started to say but Loren cut me off with, "I thought I remembered this old logging road that will take us pretty close to my place. Now keep quiet and look for the trail markers." Man, at that point I was seriously thinking about jumping out and walking back to the highway and the CHP car, but to tell the truth I was too scared to move. I also realized that I'd just pissed myself. So we drove along the old logging road, making maybe 5 miles an hour at best, with the Escalade rocking from side to side and the suspension bottoming out as we went over bumps and into potholes. Loren might have seen some trail markers but as far as I was concerned we were lost in the woods and it was only a matter of time before we ran smack dab into a big tree and were killed. Tree branches were scraping and slapping against the side of the SUV and I heard cracks as we broke some off. Finally, after what seemed like hours Loren spun the wheel to the right, the SUV gave a huge lurch and heaved itself back up onto another road. "That wasn't too bad", Loren said, "We're almost there now." We drove maybe a couple hundred yards on the road and then Loren pulled the Escalade off into a small clearing on the right hand side of the road - slowly this time. "OK", he said as he shut off the engine and motioned me to get out of the SUV, "We're here." So we got out and we're standing in a small clearing in this light freezing rain and everything around us is coated with ice and I see lots of trees but no building and I'm like, "Here? Where's here?" "Here's as far as we can drive with the roads closed", he replied, "Now we walk a half mile", and he set off into the woods with me following him. Man, that half mile walk seemed like a hundred miles. After about 15 minutes my clothes were soaked and my teeth were chattering as I shivered. I'd slipped several times while climbing over fallen trees and branches on the trail and had fallen on the muddy ground. Guess the only good thing was that I was now so wet and dirty you couldn't tell that I'd pissed myself in the SUV. And I'm following this guy I don't really know, to someplace I know even less about. Just about the time when I was about to start crying in frustration we broke out into a large open area and I saw what looked like the shadowy form of a building ahead of us. Loren reached into his pocket, brought out some keys, fumbled with a fob on the keychain for a few seconds, and all of a sudden lights turned on in the clearing and a rambling rustic building appeared from the darkness before us. I was so eager to get inside and out of the freezing rain that I started past Loren and toward the side of the building, looking for a door. "Hold it", Loren shouted, "You go around that side and you'll fall off the cliff!" I stopped so short that I fell over and added another layer of mud and leaves to those already covering me. Loren laughed as I picked myself up and followed him around to the other side of the building, where he unlocked the door and flipped on the light switch as we entered, saying, "Welcome to the cabin." HOLY SHIT! Was this some place? There was one huge living area, at least two stories high, with other rooms off of it. Along one wall there was a huge stone fireplace, The opposite wall was all windows and opened into a smaller area with what appeared to be a hot tub and a pool. A third wall was covered with all kinds of TVs and audio visual equipment, and in the center of the room there were several gathering areas with chairs, overstuffed sofas, tables and sectionals. I'd never seen anything like it, or even imagined that somebody could own a place like this! All of a sudden I was starting to feel a little light-headed and grabbed a chair to steady myself. "Yeah", Loren said as I looked at a nearby clock and saw that it was almost midnight, "We've been traveling and hiking for over five hours. We're both cold and wet, and I bet you haven't had anything to eat for almost half a day. I'll show you to a room you can use and you can take off those clothes and put on something dry while I get some food going" and he led me down a short hallway off the living area to the second door on the right, opened it, turned on the light and said, "You can use this room. Come out when you're ready." Man, compared to the bedroom I shared in the apartment, this was like the Taj Mahal - the room was bigger than our whole apartment, had thick, soft carpeting on the floor, several comfortable lounge chairs and a huge bed. I looked around and found a bathroom off the bedroom where I took off my filthy clothes and just dropped them on the floor, returning to the bedroom to look for some dry clothes to put on. Approaching the bed I noticed a thick white robe on it, pulled the robe on and found that it fit me pretty well. Thus attired I returned to the main room and smelled the wonderful aroma of some food cooking. "I'm going for fast and easy tonight", Loren said as I turned and saw him coming from the kitchen off the main room, wearing a bathrobe similar to mine, "I just put a couple large pizzas in the oven. You want a beer or something else?" I was so wiped out that it didn't even surprise me that here was an older guy offering a beer to a teenage kid so I just said, "Beer sounds good." Loren turned to a nearby bar, reached under it and pulled four bottles out of a cooler, "Glass or bottle?" "Bottle's fine", I answered. "Okay, I turned on the hot tub so we can warm up, and here's your beer", as he handed me two bottles, "And something else for you", as he placed two small yellow capsule in my hand. I looked at him with a questioning look and he continued, "Don't worry, just something to relax you after all we've been through tonight", so I popped the capsules in my mouth and washed them down with a swig of beer. Leading me over to the hot tub which was bubbling and foamy he dropped his bathrobe to the floor, revealing his nude body, "Oh, don't worry", he said as I stared at him, "Nobody else around, just us guys, so it's 'clothing optional.'" I was kind of embarrassed about him seeing me naked but I was beginning to feel kind of relaxed and 'buzzed' from the beer and the capsules so I just slipped out of my robe and stepped into the hot tub with him. Oh man, that hot foaming water felt sooo good as it washed over my chilled and shivering body, that I just sat on one of the seats, leaned back against the tub and sipped my beer as I warmed up. I was feeling so relaxed at that point - almost like I was floating - and not sleepy or anything, but just a feeling that everything was great, and I was so happy, and the world was so wonderful. Then the lights dimmed, went out, came back on a second later, flickered and went out again, and stayed off. All of a sudden the room was totally dark and quiet except for the wind whistling around outside, and then after several seconds I heard an engine start up outside and the lights came back on. "Power lines are probably down", Loren said, "But the emergency generator has fuel for a week so we're okay." Reassured, I finished my first beer, and then the second and was thinking about asking for a third when Loren said, "Oops, can't let the food burn" as he got out of the tub, walked dripping wet to the kitchen, and returned with a tray with two large pizzas on it. "Thanks", I said as I grabbed several slices of pizza from the tray and started stuffing them into my mouth. Man, that was the best pizza that I'd ever tasted, and I was so hungry that I just kept stuffing slice after slice of the pizza into my mouth as Loren watched in amusement. Finally when the tray was empty, I realized that Loren had only had one or two slices of pizza and I had consumed all the rest. Uh, and I realized one other thing - I had this huge hard on. I wasn't sure what was going on but I had this boner that wouldn't go away. "You still hungry", Loren asked, "I've never seen anyone eat like you." "Hey, I'm a teenage boy", I came back, "And I live in a crappy apartment where the menu is usually Pop Tarts or 3-day old cheese pizza", and I realized after I said that that I still was hungry even after the two large pizzas, so I asked him if he had any ice cream. "Yeah, chocolate chip cookie dough okay? The only other kind in the freezer is lemon sherbet." I agreed that the cookie dough ice cream was fine so be went into the kitchen and came back with a half gallon which I polished off in about five minutes. Finally Loren said, "Well, we've had a long day and I should probably get you to bed", and helped me up out of the tub as I was feeling pretty woozy and was a little unsteady on my feet. We were about halfway to my bedroom when I realized that I hadn't put on my robe and here I was naked, walking along dripping wet, and with this big erection waving back and forth in front of me. Ordinarily I would have been as embarrassed as hell but after a moment I thought that after all, this really wasn't that much different than taking showers after gym with the other guys at school, and having an occasional erection and then it didn't bother me. The whole evening just seemed so normal - kind of like brushing your teeth before you get into bed - and I giggled a little at the thought of brushing my teeth. Anyway, Loren got me to my room, helped me into bed, turned out the light and left the room. So I'm lying in a strange bed, in a strange room, and with a big hard on - so I jerked off (maybe a second time, I'm not sure) before falling asleep. I'm not sure what time it was when I woke up, but a grayish light was coming in through the bedroom's window so I got out of bed, did my stuff in the bathroom, couldn't find my clothes and realized that I'd left the robe out in the living area last night. So, I was kinda embarrassed, but after all this wasn't that much different than last night so I left the bedroom and walked naked out to the living area where I found my robe and pulled it on to cover up my nakedness. Loren was there in his robe, relaxing in a reclining chair and drinking coffee while he watched a local news channel on the TV. "Looks like the worst of the storm is over and the roads should be reopened later today so you'll be able to spend tonight at your apartment." "Aw F***", I thought, "And I was looking forward to at least another night here with the hot tub, and beer, and pizza and the capsule-thingies, whatever they were .....". "But in the meantime, want something for breakfast, or lunch, since it's almost noon?" He continued, "There's plenty of food in the kitchen." So I went into the kitchen, browsed through the cupboards and ended up warming up a can of Dinty Moore Beef Stew - one of your basic food groups. "Uh ..... you got any more of those capsules", I asked. "Yeah", he said, smiling, "But only one this time", and he reached into a nearby drawer, pulled out a small bottle and tossed it to me, "Remember, only one." So I took just one capsule from the bottle, washed it down with your basic greasy gravy from the beef stew, and tossed the bottle back to Loren. By the time I'd finished the stew I was beginning to get that "buzzed" feeling, and was getting really, really hungry so I had two more cans of the stew, followed by another half gallon of the cookie dough ice cream. Loren laughed when I came back into the living area, "I'd better get you home before you clean me out of groceries. Your clothes are washed and ready for you, but there's one other thing that needs to be taken care of. Your hair." "My hair, what's wrong with ..... ", and then I stopped as I reached back and felt the tangled mass of hair that fell down my back - I'd forgotten that while I was in the hot tub last night I hadn't really washed my hair. "Why don't you jump in the hot tub and I'll get some stuff and we'll get you fixed up", Loren chuckled. So I made my way over to the hot tub, hoping I wouldn't get an erection this time, slid into the tub and knelt down so I was up to my chin in the foamy water. Loren joined me a minute or so, knelt behind me and began to massage shampoo into my hair. Oh man, if it had felt good to feel Adana massaging shampoo into my hair in the apartment, kneeling in the hot tub in front of Loren as he worked his hands through my hair felt even better and I was getting really turned on as I got the biggest erection of my life. As Loren worked on my hair I reached down and grabbed my cock and masturbated, bringing myself to a huge climax. "Okay, let's wash the shampoo off", Loren said, and he playfully grabbed me and wrestled me under the water which was a turn on as our bodies, slippery from the soapy water, brushed against each other. As I came up sputtering he released me and began to work the conditioner into my hair. Even though I'd just jerked off, the feel of Loren's hands in my hair, and the sensation as his soapy body occasionally brushed against me as he worked on my hair was getting me all turned on again. Just as I was wondering whether I had time to jerk off a second time, Loren said, "We'd really better get going now before it gets dark." We climbed out of the hot tub and I began toweling my hair to partially dry it before the ride home. After drying it as much as I could with a towel, I went to my bedroom, pulled on the clothes that Loren had left on my bed. My jeans felt rather tight, especially below the waist and around the seat, and I guessed that Loren might have shrunk them a little while washing them. The hike back to the Escalade was both easier and faster in the fading daylight, and we were soon on our way to Brentwood, driving slowly so as to detour around the debris still littering the road. I'd brought a brush and comb from the cabin and with the Escalade's heater on high and the vents blowing directly on me, my hair was soon dry and restored to its glossy fullness. I pulled a "scrunchie" out of my pocket and after some maneuvering managed to pull my hair back in a ponytail and slip the scrunchie on to hold it. As we neared Brentwood, I was thinking about all that had happened in the last 24 hours. I'd spent the night alone with a guy in an isolated cabin, been naked in a hot tub with him, and jerked off several times. But after all we hadn't really "done anything" and the naked thing wasn't much different than in the showers at school, and he probably didn't even know that I'd jerked off in the hot tub. And I'd had a couple of beers before, although the capsules that made me feel really strange were something new. And when I heard the news that the roads were opening up this morning and I could actually leave the cabin and go back to my apartment, I actually felt unhappy. Oh well, at least the night had been better than spending it in the apartment with my younger sisters and my Mom and probably one of her "boyfriends." And then I started thinking about Loren. How did he feel about what had happened? Here he had tried to help out some kid and the kid ends up walking around his cabin naked and drunk. He probably thinks that I'm some kind of whacko teenage pervert weirdo nut job. That got me really depressed and I just tried to sink down into my seat and make myself invisible. When we pulled up at the apartment there was a moment of awkward silence as we sat there with the Escalade quietly idling, neither of us saying anything. Finally I said, "Well, thanks for the ride," and opened the door. Just before I stepped out Loren reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box which he handed to me as he said, "Here's something for you." I stood on the sidewalk for a moment, watching him drive off into the gathering dusk, before I turned and went up to the apartment. I tossed the box that Loren had given me on my bunk and went back into the kitchen to find something to eat - I had to content myself with warming up a couple of slices of day-old pizza - when Trena ran into the kitchen holding the open box and something shiny from the box in her chubby little hand and chanting, "Matti brought me a present ..... Matti brought me a present." "That's not for you. Give it to me", I said as I roughly grabbed the box and the shiny thing from her - which sent her off crying to Mom - which usually happened about a hundred times a day. I took a closer look and found that the "shiny thing" was a beautiful silver bracelet which fit my wrist perfectly when I slipped it on. "Wow, this is so weird", I thought, and then I admired the bracelet and the way it looked on my wrist as a kind of thrill coursed through my body. Lying in my bunk later that night as I tried to get to sleep, memories of all that had happened the last two days kept floating through my mind as I felt the bracelet on my wrist and began to feel kind of happy about the whole thing. The next several weeks at school were full of "ups" and "downs." I started "up" from the memories of the night I had spent at Loren's cabin, but then turned "down" as days passed and I had no further contact with him, but then turned to "up" early the third week when the black Escalade, bearing the scratches and small dents of its headlong rush through the forest pulled up to the curb near me at the second bus stop. I sauntered over to the SUV, all the while trying to pretend that I wasn't in that much of a rush, and didn't really care whether Loren was in the vehicle or not. "Hey Matti, I've been on a trip for awhile but will be back in town over the weekend and wondered whether you'd like to come up to the cabin for a day or so?" Man, he didn't have to ask me, I almost dropped my books and jumped into the Escalade on the spot. But we chatted for a few moments and agreed that he'd pick me up at the drop-off point for the first bus on Friday. Turns out this Friday was a "Superintendant's Conference" or something so classes would be dismissed at noon (no lunch) and we could get an early start on the weekend. To tell the truth, I was pretty nervous when I got into the SUV with him that Friday afternoon. While I'd certainly enjoyed the previous visit to the cabin, everything that had happened hadn't been planned, and I was a little nervous about what the second visit might bring. But as we drove along and listened to the radio and chatted about what we might do over the weekend I gradually relaxed. At least all the roads were open this time so Loren was able to drive right up to the cabin and park in a graveled area. I helped him carry in some boxes and bags of supplies and as we finished he asked me, "Want something to eat?" "Haven't eaten since last night so what do you think?" "Last night?" "Mom's not much of a housekeeper and there wasn't much left this morning except a couple of Pop-Tarts so I let the girls have them." Loren just shook his head as we went into the kitchen where I had a big ham'n'cheese sandwich and a bowl of soup. As I was finishing he reached into a cupboard and tossed me a bottle of pills. "With your eating habits, you should probably be taking some multi-vitamins. Take one of these with every meal." I shook one of the small white pills into my hand - at least it wasn't, like, some kind of kid's vitamin shaped like a dinosaur - so I popped it into my mouth. After I'd eaten Loren showed me some features of the cabin that I hadn't noticed on my first visit. Off the living area was an exercise room with all kinds of equipment. But what was really neat was the indoor-outdoor pool near the hot rub. The pool was pretty big, like maybe 20' by 40' with half being outside the cabin and half inside the cabin in a large glass enclosed area - and you could get from the inside part to the outside part by swimming under the bottom of the glass wall that separated the inside section from the outside section. And the outside section was built right up to the edge of the cliff that the cabin was built on so that you could swim to the edge of the outside section and look down into the valley below, and even see Brentwood way below in the distance. Pretty cool! By the time we'd walked through the cabin, checked out some of the video games and computer equipment, it was late afternoon and I suddenly realized that I hadn't brought anything with me except the clothes on my back, and a few school textbooks of course. Loren suggested that I check out my bedroom as there might be some things there that I could use. My previous visit had been so rushed that I hadn't done much other than change into a robe in the bedroom and then later, sleep in the bed, so I headed down the hallway to check things out. After poking around for awhile, I found that, yeah, there was a bunch of stuff in the room except that ..... well ..... uh ..... it all seemed to be for a teenage girl. The bathroom had shampoos, conditioners, soaps and body washes - all brands that a girl would use. There was a mirror and dressing table in the bedroom that offered a bunch of makeup items - creams, perfumes, eye makeup, lip gloss and crap like that. And the dresser and closet had an assortment of girl's clothing and jewelry - ranging from panties to jeans, sandals to blouses, sleepwear to bras, sweaters to jogging pants, and dresses to jackets and coats, and a dresser drawer full of rings, necklaces and bracelets. Uh, yeah, sure, there was a bunch of stuff here - if I were a girl, that is. Oh well, there had to be other stuff in the cabin that I could wear but it was getting late in the day and I wasn't going to worry about it just then so I just kept the clothes on that I'd worn to school that morning. When I came out into the living area, Loren was putting kindling and logs into the fireplace, he was also smoking a joint. He saw me looking at him and asked, "Want one?" "Uh, yeah, I guess", I answered - I'd taken a couple of puffs on a joint once or twice out behind the high school so I kind of knew what to expect. He pointed to a nearby cabinet and told me to help myself. Actually, it wasn't that bad as long as I was careful to take small drags on it and not inhale deeply, and within several minutes I was getting a good high on. I'm not sure whether it was from the joint or not but I was getting really hungry and was glad when Loren announced that he was going to grill some steaks for supper. By the time the steaks were done, I'd found a container of potato salad in the kitchen and an apple pie that I warmed up in the microwave. Man, those steaks were huge - like, maybe 20 ounces or so but I didn't have trouble finishing mine, three helpings of potato salad, half the apple pie and a large container of ice cream. Loren kidded me about my appetite and I just told him I was making up for a couple of days of Pop-Tarts as the main course. After we'd finished the food we grabbed another joint and sat down in front of the fireplace to play checkers. Yeah, checkers - we were both pretty high by that time, and cheating like mad, and a couple of times Loren ended up wrestling with me as he tried to grab the board away from me. Elenita (youngest sister) had some virus and had kept me up most of the last two nights with her crying and barfing so by 10pm or so I was beginning to feel really wiped out and could hardly keep my eyes open so I went off to my room, just stripped down to my briefs and crawled into bed. Except that I couldn't go to sleep. Maybe it was because the cabin was so quiet. At the apartment I'd been packed into a bunk bed in a small bedroom with my three younger sisters. And quite often I'd have to listen to the music and conversation (and occasional lovemaking) from my Mom and one of her "boyfriends" in the living room. But here it was so quiet and I began to feel so alone and isolated from the world, and even lonely and maybe just a little bit scared. After tossing and turning for several hours I decided that I wasn't going to be able to fall asleep so I got up and went out into the living area and put a couple chunks of firewood on the glowing coals left from the earlier fire. As the flames built up, I just sat there and stared into them. "Can't get to sleep?" I hadn't heard Loren come into the room and I was so surprised I almost jumped out of my skin when I heard his voice coming from behind me. "Uh, no - just kind of hard to get to sleep in a strange place." "Can I sit down and join you?" "Uh sure, why not?" So Loren sat down near me and we just sat there for awhile, not saying anything, and then after awhile he asked me a couple of questions about school to get me talking, and then the subject shifted to my home life with Mom and my three sisters. And after awhile I realized that I had been talking to him for a couple of hours as he listened to my life's story. And then I realized that it was way past midnight and the fire was burning down again and I didn't want to sit out there all night, so I mentioned that to Loren. "Yeah, most folks do need more than an hour or so of sleep", and he paused and then continued, "And don't take this the wrong way, but you can come and sleep with me if you'd like." Man, I don't know what made me say yes to that offer - I was probably so tired that I wasn't thinking straight. But having said yes I wasn't sure how to back out of the situation so when he got up and headed to his bedroom, I padded after him. If I thought my bedroom had a big bed, the bed in Loren's bedroom was even bigger so when he got into it, I walked around to the other side, climbed in as far away from him as I could, and wrapped a protective cocoon of covers around myself. I just lay there, not moving a muscle, and waiting for Loren to make some sort of move toward me, and waited, and waited ..... and then sunlight was streaming in through the window and bathing the room in a warm morning light and I heard Loren in the bathroom taking a shower, and I was still safely wrapped in my protective cocoon and I realized that I'd fallen asleep and slept through the night - untouched. Feeling kind of embarrassed, I got out of bed, went down to my bedroom, showered and dressed in my clothes from yesterday, and walked out to the kitchen to see what was for breakfast - as nonchalantly as if I hadn't just slept in a bed with some guy who was probably fifteen or twenty years older than I was. Loren announced that after breakfast, we were going to go for a hike, and not a short one, so I'd better eat a good breakfast - which I did - eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes and waffles - and not just one helping of each, but several. Man, after that breakfast I wasn't sure whether I was going to hike or just roll along the ground but after about a half hour of hiking I was getting into the swing of things as Loren led the way, pointing out the various plants that were beginning to show some new growth after the winter. We hiked down a steep trail on the cliff that the cabin was built on, around the base of the cliff below the cabin, and then back up to the top. By the time we got back to the cabin almost four hours had passed and it was early afternoon. Not only was I tired but parts of the trail had been pretty muddy and my sneakers were sopping wet, my jeans were wet and muddy, and my shirt was wet from brushing up against wet branches so I was looking forward to putting on some dry clothes. My muscles were tired and I was limping a little from a couple of blisters. Loren noticed and said that the best "cure" was to relax in the heated pool. So as we entered the cabin we both shucked off our clothes, grabbed a joint, and stepped into the indoor section of the pool. Man did that feel great to just be relaxing in the warm water and taking hits on the joint. The sun had come out and was shining through the glass pool enclosure, making the air inside warm and humid so after a half hour or so in the pool I climbed out and spread myself out on a towel on the edge of the pool, enjoying the warmth of the sun's rays and just relaxing and watching a few clouds move across the sky. 'Uh, if you're going to do that, you'd better put on some sunblock", Loren said as he swam up to the side of the pool near me. "You won't notice it at first but the glass doesn't block out the UV rays and you can get a wicked sunburn before you know it." "You got some?" "Yeah, give me a couple of minutes to find it", he replied. That was fine with me as I was beginning to feel pretty hungry so while he looked for the sunblock I went out to the kitchen and browsed around, eventually making myself a hot fudge sundae. "You're eating that for lunch?" He asked while he was rummaging around in some of the kitchen cabinets. "Hey, ice cream and hot fudge, two of the basic food groups. In fact, this first one tastes so good that I think I'll have a second one." And it took Loren so long to find the sunblock, I had time for two more huge hot fudge sundaes! We went back by the pool and I sat down on my towel and prepared to put on the sunblock. "Let me do that, you're not going to be able to do a good job on your back", Loren said. So I laid down on my stomach and he started to apply the sunblock. It felt really relaxing to be lying in the warm sun and feel his hands massage the lotion into my shoulders and then move down to my lower back. I startled a bit when I felt his hands move down to my buttocks and thighs but since I wasn't wearing anything, I guess those areas needed sunblock as well. The only problem was that as I felt his hands applying the lotion to the inside of my thighs I was, uh ..... kind of like, getting turned on ..... and I was getting this boner. So when he asked me to roll over on my back I hesitated for a second, but then realized that he'd seen me walking around the cabin naked before and with a hard on, so what the heck, and I rolled over and lay down on my back with my cock sticking up in the air. He started on my chest, massaging the lotion on my pecs and then moving down to my belly and then down to my ..... well, to my crotch - applying a generous coating to my dick and my balls, and slowly massaging the lotion onto them. I was thinking that if he didn't stop pretty soon, I was really going to embarrass myself when I came and shot my load but just before that happened he moved his hands down to my thighs and legs and finished. Just a little out of breath from the massage and "almost hand job" that I'd just received, I thanked him and rolled over onto my stomach again to enjoy the sun. As I lay there I thought about how some guy that I didn't really know that well had just touched me "down there" and I was wondering what kind of situation I'd gotten myself into. But then I remembered that he hadn't bothered me when I slept in his bed last night, and maybe he was just putting on sunblock and there probably wasn't anything more to it than that so I just relaxed and enjoyed the sun's warmth. As the afternoon wore on and the sun went down, the air by the indoor pool gradually cooled off and I decided that it was time to put on some clothes. So I went to my room, showered and washed my hair, and while my hair dried I browsed through the closet and dresser - looking for some clothes to put on till mine could be washed - same result as before - all girls clothes! So to make the best of it I finally ended up pulling on a pair of panties, a pair of white jogging pants that had a drawstring at the waist for support, and a yellow v-neck cashmere sweater. The floor was kind of cold so I rummaged around in the closet till I found a pair of pink sneakers that fit me. Thus attired I sat down at the dresser and brushed out my hair, not bothering to pull it back into a ponytail, just combing it back and allowing it to fall naturally down my back. As I was brushing my hair I was also browsing through the dresser drawer with the bracelets and necklaces. I picked several small bracelets to add to the one that Loren had given me, and a silver necklace with a small (probably fake) diamond pendant that fit nicely into the v-neck of my sweater. As I walked back into the living area, Loren looked at me and sa

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House of GlassChapter 8

Earlier in the day I had taken Tim to the airport. Now it was late. Kara and I were in bed but we hadn't turned the light off. I read while Kara, apparently deep in thought, stared at the ceiling. She still looked upward as she said, "During the last few days you made several references to marrying me." She stayed on her back but turned her head and eyes toward me. "Were you serious?" "Yes, but I didn't think you'd have me." I put my book down and turned on my side to face...

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punishing RACHAEL

Her name was Rachael,she was 15,blue eyes,blonde hairs,36Cboobs and a nice firm ass. My name is Seth,i am 16 and i have an athletic body thanks to years of tracks. Rachael is a virgin and has never allowed me to do anything beyond kissing.Whenever i asked her to have sex with me she would just say that she has...

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CHAPTER 24 Race was going over the procedures to switch sections of the line over forshort runs and custom orders with the line engineers in their small conferenceroom when her comm beeped. "Excuse me." She stepped away from the holo coveringmost of one wall and grabbed the small in-house-channel talker GUP had providedher. "Race Harrington." "Ms. Harrington, this is Tamika Khafiri, Mr. Smylie'spersonal assistant? Mr. Smylie would like to see you in his office this morningas soon as it's...

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A Bet to Lose Chapter 19

Knowing he was dreaming the whole time, Richard was a knight in gleaming, light-pink armor with a bright pink rose on his shield and a large pink feather crest on his head. Susie was behind him, sitting elegantly on her white marble throne, the gossamer threads of her gown scarcely hiding her sex. An army of snake-creatures and one particularly vile slug besieged their castle, swarming into the open gate and trying to transform him and mutilate his mind, magics pouring out in a visible...

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Blood BondsChapter 6

"I'm deeply sorry for your loss," said Father Likembe and nodded solemnly. He struck Ethan as a man of integrity and good will. His words sounded true enough, so Ethan obliged a sincere reply: "Thank you, father," he said and nodded pensively, suddenly lost in thought, his eyes fixed beyond the mass of people waiting for a meal. There was a peaceful murmur in the air, rarely broken by the sound of crying children. The people that had gathered weren't restless at all. He had been...

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Futa Naked In School 05 Futas Naked Passion Chapter 3 Stacies Passionate Rebellion

Chapter Three: Stacie's Passionate Rebellion By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Stacie Ward's Week, Friday My stomach writhed as I sat naked in the main office of my college. My heart pounded in my chest as I gripped my cell phone. I felt like I'd eaten a ton o lead. It just weighed me down, crushing all my insides with dread. My phone vibrated. Another angry message from Meaghan. My ex-girlfriend went scorched earth after catching me and my swim coach, Valeria Castellano, confessing our...

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Island MineChapter 14

Crystal City, Virginia The emergency video conference was thrown together in a hurry. Not all the members were available on such short notice, nor at that time of the night. Captain Arnold, United States Navy, retired, was wearing jeans and an old Naval Academy sweatshirt. He hung up the secure phone and glanced at his terminal. He hadn't been able to gather any new information before the meeting started. His aide entered the room, looking remarkably fresh, carrying a thin folder. Arnold...

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Start with the end in mind part one

Start with the end in mind? (part one)I was just about to abort my reconnaissance of a swingers club when the whole situation changed? The reason I was about to cut short the reconnaissance was? It was either a bad idea altogether which is why I was feeling uncomfortable? Or it was just a slow night in the club giving me a poor impression? However I then met Stella and Hazel. Hazel and Stella walked into the sauna / steam room as I was leaving and playfully said “surely your not leaving...

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The Truth

Beth entered the room as quietly as she could, conscious that she was running late. These kind of things never start on time, she thought to herself as she slipped into the dimly lit meeting room. Apparently this one did as her eyes adapted to the dark. She saw a couple of free seats at the back and made her way to the round table to try and catch her breath and orientate herself to what was happening. Beth was in her late 30s, not slim, not fat, the kind of figure that she felt was comfortable...

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A Conspiracy to Deceive

Part II of the Barry and Carol story As way of introduction, this is the sequel to ‘A Conspiracy to Commit…’ It would be to the reader’s advantage to have read that first segment of the Barry and Carol drama. ‘A Conspiracy to Commit…’ That story was my first submission to Literotica and I was very pleased with the response that I received to story. Both the positive and negative comments were received and digested. Some of them actually found their way into this sequel. This sequel will be...

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Other passengers

I earlier wrote a story of my learning the birds and the bees from a mature neighbour and now is another lesson that I have learnt in the many years since then. It is that you might have far more admirers than you think. It is in fact four instances where I have enjoyed sexual happenings while travelling. Three times on a train and once on a plane.The first experience I had was when I was about 22. At the time my girlfriend lived in Wimbledon and I lived in Maida Vale. As seemed right at the...

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Travel Fun With Stranger

Hi, like most people here, I have been reading iss stories and can relate to most of the incidents. I’d like to share my experiences. I travel often. I enjoy sitting next to women as it gives me a lot of pleasure when their bodies rub against mine. I never initiate any action from my but if they are also in same mood and give me hints of them enjoying too then I too give them company. One such occasion I was traveling from bangalore to chennai. It was unplanned journey so I had to take a normal...

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Uski Newly Married Wife Mili Gift Mein 8211 Part 16

Reena ka husband bahar chala gya aur pichhe se reena ki chudai shuru ho gai.Ab aage ki story…Day 1 Reena ne kuchh der chusne ke baad lund ko chut pr rakh diya.Lund chut k ander chala gya.Reena ki chut lund ko leker mast ho gai. Reena ki dono taange hawa mein thi aur main shot marne lga.Shot marne pr lund chut k ander chala jata aur reena ki aah nikal jati. Reena-aaaahaa yaaarrr aaaahh aaaahh aaaahh bada mast hai yaar tera lund to….Chut ka pani nikal dega… Aaaahhhh meri chut to mast kr dega...

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Massaging a young friend again

My young friend was back. He was back for another massage. I knew exactly what he wanted. I knew exactly what he needed. He layed down on the table, down on his stomach, like he was the first time. I didn’t think there was any need to play it slow or shy, we both knew why he was here, but he was young. He was still learning who he was becoming and the desires that came with it. I gently and slowly played along, although my lust for him was overwhelming. I started at his feet, rubbing them and...

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Bikini Beach Organlegger

Bikini Beach: Organlegger By Ellie Dauber (c) 2007 An explanation of the title follows the story. Much thanks to Elrod for creating Bikini Beach and letting me play there. And, especially, for his editing this story and agreeing to let it be posted. Thanks also to Steve Zink and Caleb Jones for their comments and suggestions, some of which were even taken in the final editing of this story. September 14, 2003 Anya walked across the lobby of her apartment building to the...

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Jaimes Way part 3

As Jeff closed the door he grabbed me by the hand and spun me around, pulling my nude body close to his, breathing in my perfume before locking his lips over mine. My fingers found the button on his jeans and opened them with urgency, more than a little pleased when his huge cock sprung out. “Damn, I want you so badly, Jaime,” Jeff moaned when he broke the kiss. “I'm yours to do with as you please,” I answered and wondered where that cheesy line had come from. Pulling his jeans and shorts down,...

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Permanent change of life

A permanent wave leads to a . It was very lonely in my room, but it had been lonely in all of the rooms I had lived in. My Mother and Father had been killed in a car, bus accident during my first semester at college, Since I had no other relatives and no money of my own I had sold their house and with the life insurance money and the settlement from the bus company, I was relatively well off. I had decided to continue at college and was able to live well and pay all of my tuition. But now...

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Welfare Lady An Adult Story

Shit! How does a white guy with a college education live in a small apartment in the projects on the 15th floor of a high rise and have nothing to show beside a small check from a insurance settlement? I will tell you assholes.It started about six months ago. I was working at a retail store that sold baby clothes and maternity clothes to first time mothers. The store was in a adjacent mall about a mile from were I lived. They had a help wanted sign on the door for awhile. They needed a stock...

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Prologue James Bowker

[center]*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~~*~*~*~~*~*~*~[/center] James Bowker was 28 (nearing 29) years old and pretty well off in life. On the outside, he seemed like a pretty normal guy. He had short brown hair with bright green eyes and he was well-built. He looked ten years younger than he actually was. He had his own apartment, but spent a lot of his time at his childhood home with his mother (whom he was close to) and his sister Via, who was nearly fifteen. But, if you examined James a little...

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The Secret Life of Emily Part 2

“My God you`re such a little snitch Cassie, you wouldn’t dare tell Mum and Dad.” Stormed Emily to her sister. “Oh I really would Em.” Smiled Cassie. “What do you think they would say when they find out that you`re working at The Secret Life club? Everyone knows what goes on there.” “And what's that then you horrible little bitch?” Demanded Emily. “People go there to screw.” Emily laughed. “And what exactly do you know about screwing, you tight assed little virgin.” Cassie allowed the...

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Shopping for Discipline

I did try to warn him. I am headstrong, stubborn, and very used to getting my own way. I long to be submissive, but Master has to remind me of my place. Often. It's generally my mouth that gets me in trouble, and yesterday was no exception. We see each other as often as possible, but twice a month we get a hotel room for the entire moning. Master had brought toys for me, and I loved the nipple clamps, but when I saw the pussy weight, I told him "no" in no uncertain terms. Now Master is...

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The Date that changed our marriage

About a year ago my wife and I were out on a date she asked her 25 year old niece to baby sit. She of course agreed to. especially since she was living in our guest room temporarily. My wife and I were out late, we went to a movie then afterwards we went to a small cafe for a late dinner and drinks. The place was dark and not crowded at all since it was so late in the evening. We ordered some drinks and talked a bit before we ordered the food, we actually finished a bottle of Cabernet. After...

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Ex Stepmother Part 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! After my girlfriend left It got really akward so I left for a little bit went to a friends and had a few beers i turned in at about 9:50pm she was talking on the phone and laughing she didnt hear me come in she got off the phone and was dancing swinging her hips left to right it big bubble butt fit tightly into a denim one peace slip i havent ever seen her dolled up just around the house like this before i said hi and startled her she smiled and came...

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Home Alone With Elder Sis

This is not a real sex story but my fantasy. Characters are real and everything else is just my fantasy which I wish happens in real. So describing my sister: her name is Sana. She is hot of. She is a walking bomb. (real description) her measurements are 36c-32-42. Yes, she has a bubble ass which I am crazy about.( got measurements from sneaking into her wardrobe) She has a heart shaped ass, medium size boobs, short in height and fair as milk. Getting to my fantasy. I have a family of four. We...

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Mistress in Training II The Reunion

Samantha had been looking at the garment bag hanging on the closet door of her motel room all day. She was nervous, yet excited at what Paige, her college mistress, had picked out for her to wear to their Sorority Reunion. The night before had been amazing. Her body was still weak from the powerful orgasm she had while being used by Paige, and their friend, Allison’s 19 year old daughter, Alexis. Sam ordered room service for lunch and rested the activities that night. This night’s reunion was...

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Meeting the Parents

Occasionally I will get a comment from someone who, ‘hates sluts’. I like sluts, I don’t mean women who give it up without discretion. I mean women who fuck with abandon— wanton, fearless, teasing, nasty, dirty little girls. It’s the old, ‘behind closed doors’ concept. This is a story about a good girl who is this kind of slut, Jekyll and Hyde. She likes cock and is not ashamed of that fact but she is also picky and discreet. He didn’t realize it and wasn’t prepared for how incredibly erotic...

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Naughty Farm Girl Part One

As I pressed to the barn I notice I forgot my bra!!!! I ride past mamma and thank god she didn’t notice. As she was getting the grain to the animals, I quickly put Jack away and ran to get changed and ready for the day. I took off my new thong because it was damp for Jack. I put on my nylon panties and the matching bra. Then I put on some spandex for shorts and a spaghetti strap tee on. While mamma walk in she yelled “ Baleigh go was the damn dog he got in the burrs again!” Ok mamma I...

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Recluse and GhostChapter 48

The next morning after half the county ate supper with us, I wanted to take a walk around the side of the mountain and check out all the orchards, vineyards, and the blackberry patches. D had told me how well the vineyards were looking and he said that this year's apple and pear crops were going to be big enough that we should consider some hard cider. I'd let him convince me of that when the time came. I gathered the kids and told them that we needed to take a long walk to look at the...

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Jillian Barberie AdoptAFuckingPetChapter 2

'God! What a day, ' she mused. 'Sure am glad that was over with. Hopefully things'll get back to normal tomorrow.' She packed up her weather reports in her briefcase and slung the shoulder strap over her shoulder. Then the curvaceous brunette slinked her way back to the newsroom to pick up Hector for home. "Growf! Growf!" The large dog barked excitedly when he saw the beautiful woman coming back towards him. Grabbing the leash from the top of the cage, Jillian unfastened the latch...

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Red Ribbons in Her Hair Ch 03

Author’s Note: This book has instances of gross and horrid references. If murder, violence and horror are not your thing, you might just want to pass this one by. Thanks for reading me! ***** Gabe had no idea of how right he was. A chair went flying across the room, followed by an orange streak as Buddha ran from the room. A vase followed, shattering in a burst of colored glass as it crashed against the wall. Papers flew as he pushed mail and dishes off the breakfast bar, a lamp crashed...

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AssParade Lilly Hall Dash That Ass

We catch up to Lilly Hall, who is running. She loves to exercise in the shortest booty shot. You can see a lot of ass. She takes it off in public because she needs to be more aerodynamic. She runs fast. We get to the house, and she shows it off more. She spreads her checks, and we see it all. Tony Rubino can’t help but rub and worship the booty. She begs for the dick. Tony obliges slides it right in her pussy. She is in control; she fucks him till exhaustion. Tony has no choice but to cum...

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Becoming a Miss

Becoming a Miss My mom apparently noticed that when she was at work, I would sometimes try on her clothes andshoes. Finally, she approached me one day about it in an unusual way. She brought to my attention that there was going to be a "womenless" beauty pageant at my junior high. "Alan, would you be interested?" "Sounds like it would be lots of fun and a good way to end your first year in junior high." "Mom, oh, I don't know. I don't think I would make a pretty...

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The Warlock Returns

"Stop taking things from my room," yelled Elizabeth from behind the door to Devon's room. There he was hiding with his friend Mike, snickering at his younger sister by two years who was banging on the door. Devon was carefully skimming over his sister's diary in attempt to irritate her for his and Mike's amusement. He smiled as he read a passage, and then repeated it out loud to Mike. "I think Josh is so cute, especially when he wears that blue button down shirt," read Devon, just loud...

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Moments in a LifeChapter 19 Karen

"Not guilty," the foreman of the jury said. The judge thanked the jury and dismissed them. Bob Lacy record was now five wins and zero losses on jury trials. He walked over and thanked each juror for their service. Three of the younger female jurors gave Bob a look that let him know they would be interested in getting to know this handsome six foot four inch litigator better. A couple of the men jurors shook his hand and told him he did a good job in presenting his case. For the past 17...

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Anonymous Invitation to a Party

I get a lot of odd jobs, handyman type stuff from several different people, most often from someone who owns a house that he rents out, usually to college students. One job I had was patching up a wall that had some damage to it from a leaking pipe behind the wall. There was someone living in that apartment, a young tomboy. The first time I started working on the wall I knocked on the door and she let me in, she knew that someone was going to be there to fix the wall. She wasn’t one of the more...

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Car Ride

Car RideFrank's head gently bobbed as the car raced down the street. With eachcrack and bump on the road surface, his sleeping body moved--ever soslightly--in quiet rhythm. He was utterly relaxed, and utterly oblivious tothe world going on about him.As the car came to a stop at an intersection, Simon looked over at hisfriend. He drank in the young man's supple, u*********s form. Frank waswearing his trademark attire: blue jeans and a black t-shirt. He wasslender and small--detailed and...

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The HeirChapter 6

In the last week, we had two close calls with exactly the thing we didn’t want ... visitors. The first time, I was in the study ordering a couple of cases of organic whole grain cereals from Amazon when someone rang the buzzer from the front gate. I clicked on the ‘SECURITY’ icon and saw a state game warden looking into the camera. I pushed the intercom button and asked, “Yes? Can I help you?” “Yeah, I need to ask you some questions.” “About what?” “About poaching.” My heart gave a...

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Victory Lap Part 1

Indy had been her father’s daughter since birth. Being the youngest of four daughters her dad had his fingers crossed she would be a son but instead they were blessed by another baby girl. Her dad admitted defeat and chose the name Indy for the infant. Being the car fanatic he was he thought it fitting to name the child after the car race that visited the city annually that him and his father went to every year. For the first 14 years of her life, Indy was the tomboy type. Her father pushed...

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Planetary Agents 3f Tentacles of Doom

PLANETARY AGENTS 3: Tentacles of Doom CHAPTER 6 (The all-smut episode) ************************************************* LAST EPISODE: The galaxy?s greatest scientist and high-school teacher is the next target of a nasty tentacle monster. Our super girl spies are there to save him. Last episode, our heroine coped with the onset of her period (even though agents aren?t supposed to have periods), learned of the upcoming dance, and fell suddenly and deeply in love with a...

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Yearning for Mom

It started when I was a teenager and living alone with my mother. I was the youngest of five and all my siblings had moved on after my parent’s divorce. We lived in an apartment complex with a lot of young couples and divorced women with k**s. The pool was a gathering place for everyone, mom was part of a group of backgammon playing, wine drinking ladies. It was during this time when I started to grow. I lifted weights for football and was looking good at 185lbs. and 6′ tall. Sue, one of the...

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My First Woman

I cannot believe the dreams I have been having of me and another woman. I have never been with a woman but I have always wondered what it would be like. I see attractive women every day and I can appreciate a good-looking woman. There is a woman in my office, Caitlin, who is gorgeous. She has long red hair and the most amazing body I have ever seen. There is an office party coming up at the Hyatt in a few weeks, if I am lucky she will be there. As I dress for the party, my pulse begins to race...

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Inara The Ifrit

Everyone's pretty familiar with genies or jinn - you rub the lamp, you get three wishes. Ifrits are a little different. They both live in lamps and grant wishes but Ifrit specifically take delight in causing harm - either by twisting the owner's wishes around Monkey's Paw style or by forcing someone good and pure to make wishes that are purely sinful in nature. If someone summons an Ifrit, they're stuck with them until they've made 7 evil wishes, one for every deadly sin. They know everything...

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Shamus JournalsChapter 70

I was still standing in the kitchen holding Tran and sipping my scotch when Dina came in looking for us. She came over to me and Tran with a big smile on her face. "Don't be ashamed because you are crying, Uncle Harry. I cried for my mom and dad but it got better. Will you please come back in and sit with me and my sister and listen to the rest of the music?" I smiled at her and picked her up, hugging her to me. I was thinking to myself I had to be the most blessed man in Nevada with the...

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i fuck the cheff cooking

late one afternoon. I was in my work. a private home. where I am driver.and rainy afternoon. My bosses were out. just me and her.needed just 45 minutes. for the next service. and if that was chemistry. that tension. was in the kitchen. the kitchen and went into the room. He started by licking her breasts. moving the hand in her pussy. pants came down.and she soon got me on the stick. hard and horny. I put his hand inside the pants, and that nice ass .. acaraciei I put my bare finger her ass,...

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Trip to the lake part 1

Trip to the lake part 1 Here in the vicinity there is an area in the mountains with three small lakes around some hills, woods, and Ofcourse to the lakes through beautiful green meadows with small clumps of bushes, shrubs and trees. On a hot Saturday in July last year, we decided, me and my husband, once again there to go to relax and sunbathe. When we arrived we found that it was quite busy so not what is normally the case. We packed our bag with towels, etc., and marched off to a place to...

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My Single Mom Seduced By Shahid 8211 Part 1

Hi friends, my name is Raj and I am 19 years old and from Mumbai. I used to live with my single mom Sonia who is 42 years old and owns a salon in south Mumbai. I used to study in a college near my home and was a bit shy. Recently, I started playing basketball at my college where I got in touch with two of my seniors Rohan and Shahid. They were around 22 or 23 years of age and I used to like their company. Even though they were not so friendly with me, I liked them as they used to have a lot of...

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Tory DaughterChapter 33

"Dere's a boy here, at d'front door, Miz," Moses announced while Anne was at breakfast. She picked up her stubby pistol, primed the pan, snapped it closed, took a deep breath, drew the flint all the way back and went to the door, feeling her gorge rise, finger on the trigger. The lean boy doffed his hat and made a small bow. "Caleb Dulany, ma'am. I'm looking for my uncle, thought you might've seen him. Macalister Sinclair's his name. He's in uniform I think." "Come in," she...

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My daughters dildo

Enjoy.... Written by DirtyMindedMom Being a single father has many challenges, especially when you have a daughter. Nicole’s mom has been out of the picture since right after her first birthday, so it’s been just the two of us for the past sixteen years. It wasn’t easy early on, but I managed to provide a stable home and raise a pretty good kid . I admit she was somewhat of a tomboy, but she was healthy and happy, did well in school, and the two of us got along great. Unfortunately, this...

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Molly Curt Naked In SchoolChapter 11

Mandy (Amanda only when her mother was upset) stood naked in front of the bathroom mirror, carefully trimming the edges of her pubic hair with a scissors. She had already shortened it quite a bit all over, and she was a little alarmed that she might have gone too far. Her lower lips were definitely more visible than before she had started the grooming. It was barely dawn on Monday, but she had not slept for hours, anyway. It had all started with that strange phone call early Sunday evening,...

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Mom plays Doctor

A 14 year old boy gets more than he bargained for when following his circumcision his mom has to help removing his stitches. Author's Note: Due to the events described below the names of the persons have all been changed. Any similarities are purely coincidental.My name is Jason and the events described happened in 1987 at the age of 14. I was brought up on a bog standard council estate living in a 3 bedroom house with my parents who were more or less happily married.The problem started 2 years...

5 years ago
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The LandladyChapter 8

Life is good. Ellen continued to wake me up with a blowjob. We were still a couple, going out often for dinner and also taking our time in sight seeing. You couldn't have a better tour guide for Newport than Ellen. Liz, our mutual friend, would come over once a week to visit and be trained. Trained in the arts of what I required and what would please me and by doing so, please Ellen. The first time Liz "pushed" back a little with the requirements that were made plain to her, she...

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Miss Ames the cock sucker bbw teacher

“What do you think about Tech School,” asked Miss Ames, “it’s got a great computer department, one of the best in the area.” Britt Cain looked intently at the brochure her guidance counselor had placed in front of her, and replied, “I hadn’t even considered that but from the looks of it maybe I should!” It was a lot of work trying to pick the right college, and as counselor for two hundred seniors, Anna Ames had all she could handle scheduling...

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An Unlikely Pair Continue

Fifty-nine-year-old divorcee Eileen Simpkins had probably had the best evening, night and early morning sex of her life, having hooked up with nineteen-year-old well hung stud Robert Latimer.Eileen was back on her till in the large supermarket where she worked in the morning after that sexual encounter and she was glowing inside.She had had precious little sleep but she was still running on adrenaline as she served one customer.She glanced to the side to have her eyes fall on a package in a...


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