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Race was going over the procedures to switch sections of the line over forshort runs and custom orders with the line engineers in their small conferenceroom when her comm beeped.

"Excuse me." She stepped away from the holo coveringmost of one wall and grabbed the small in-house-channel talker GUP had providedher. "Race Harrington."

"Ms. Harrington, this is Tamika Khafiri, Mr. Smylie'spersonal assistant? Mr. Smylie would like to see you in his office this morningas soon as it's convenient."

Race looked back at the engineers clustered aroundthe instructional schematics. Smylie's office was on the opposite side of thehuge office/industrial complex, it would take her at least ten minutes justto get there.

"Tell him I'll be there in thirty minutes," shesaid into the little blue chit, then clipped it back onto her lapel.

"Yes ma'am."

Smylie greeted her at the door of his spaciousoffice and led her back to his desk. They walked on two inch thick carpet thatfelt more like a mattress under her feet than a floor covering.

"Glad you could take the time to see me today," Smyliewas saying. "I know how busy you are." He indicated she should sit. There wasa loveseat and two chairs arrayed before his desk. She chose a chair

His desk was some sort of polybond synthetic woodwith a burl design, thick and heavy and polished to a glossy finish. He sankcomfortably into a tall-backed faux leather chair behind it and, with his elbowson the armrests of the luxurious chair, tented his fingers under his chin.

"Coffee? Water? Milk? No? Well, I just wanted tosay how impressed we are with the work you've been doing. The changeover isalready way ahead of schedule, which my people find incredible, and they alltell me the same thing. It's because of you."

"Well, thank you Mr. Smylie. But you've got competentpeople, they're the ones actually doing all the work. I'm just giving themdirection."

The entire wall behind the desk was a window lookingout on downtown Garshak. This high up, the only thing she could see from herchair were the tops of nearby officebuildings and the occasional floaters withno altitude restrictions. Corporate delivery services, mostly, hopping fromrooftop to rooftop, and the occasional police vehicle, glinting in the sun.The tint on the windows kept the glare down, but Smylie was still barely morethan a silhouette in the chair.

"Nevertheless, we both know you deserve most ofthe credit." He paused, and regarded her intently for a few seconds. "Outsideof Gupink, how do you like our fair city? Have you had much opportunity tosee the sights?"

For a second Race wondered what exactly he meant,then decided not to read any hidden messages into it.

"Not much," she admitted. "Mostly I go straightfrom here to my hotel, and then right back in the morning."

He nodded and pursed his lips. "Even so, I'm sureyou've experienced a little. . . culture shock. Monsipur's a far cry from NewMantique, we're about on opposite ends of the spectrum."

"That's certainly true," she said with feeling.

"Has it made working here…uncomfortablefor you?" he asked. He was trying to be delicate, and subtle, but he wasn'tvery good at it.

Race decided how best to respond. "While, for me,there's always a shock, visiting a strange planet, I have spent quite a bitof time on worlds other than New Mantique. So the…freeness of your culturewasn't as much of a shock as it might've been were I a strict observer of NewMantique classicalism who'd never been off the planet."

"Does it make you uncomfortable?" he repeated. "I'vebeen to New Mantique, and it was downright repressive. That was years and yearsago, and I know it's gotten worse. No offense meant."

"The Classical Movement, or the move toward whathave been termed Traditional Values, has grown stronger in recent years, yes."

"Are you a proponent of this?"

Race shifted in her chair. "Well, I work in thecorporate world, a traditionally male-dominated environment. This move toward'Traditional Values' where women stay a home, raise children, and don't contradicttheir husbands, has made it more difficult for me."

Smylie nodded again, and sat quietly in his chair.After a while he said, "I assume you've heard what's happening with the syntheticlegislation on New Mantique?"


"What do you think the outcome will be?"

"Well, the bill will become law, it's only a questionof when. My guess is within a year or two. At that point the board of directorsof NMS will have three options: shut down the company, try to produce modelswhich conform to the new regulations, which will reduce sales by eighty percentor more and could result in their bankruptcy, or move the company off New Mantiqueentirely."

"Your guess?"

"They'll move offplanet. NMS already has GUP Inc.and a dozen other companies throughout known space licensed to make synthetics.Moving the corporate headquarters and R&D farm to another world only makessense. The expense will be massive, of course, the NMS complex on New Mantiqueis over two kilometers across, but it's really the only option if they wantto stay competitive."

"There'll be a massive corporate shakeup."

"You're probably right."

Smylie paused again, a long one, then said, "Ireally wish you'd gotten the chance to get out and see the town, see what Garshakis really like." He paused and sighed, then leaned forwardand tapped the palm-sized comm cube on his desk. "Tamika? Would you come inhere please?"

"Yes Mr. Smylie."

Smylie leaned forward and regarded Race thoughtfully. "I'dlike to offer you a job," he told her. "Vice President, Marketing."

The office door opened and Smylie's assistant camein. She was exotically beautiful, thanks to an unusual Japanese/Arabic heritage.Her jet black hair was perfectly straight and hung to the middle of her back,and she wore a short-waisted double breasted blazer of green silk with paddedshoulders. The bottom of the blazer just barely touched the waistband of herskirt, which was made of some thick black elastic material that shone likeit was wet. The skirt came down just far enough to cover her buttocks, revealingcreamy thighs. She wore black toe boots, little more than ballet shoes withsix-inch spike heels that laced up over the ankle. They were so uncomfortableRace didn't know how anyone could walk in them, but they looked great, andTamika moved as if she'd had a lot of practice wearing them.

Tamika had a sensuous, fleshy body, with full lipspainted a rich, glossy red. Her buttocks and shapely thighs screamed SEX! Racethought of it as the slutty voluptuous look, and not very appropriate for anoffice setting. The skirt by itself was disconcerting. Not only wasn't it veryprofessional, it was distracting—Race kept expecting the skirt to rideup over Tamika's round buttocks.

"Yes Mr. Smylie?"

Smylie leaned back in his chair and swiveled itsideways. Tamika walked across the office, her curvy legs impossibly long inthe toe boots.

"What are you offering?" Race asked him, her cooltone hiding a hammering pulse.

"Full benefits package, of course, your own speeder," Smylietold her as his assistant walked around behind his desk. He leaned back inhis chair as she knelt on the carpet before him. "Corner office, with a greatview. We'll help you look for a residence, and will provide an apartment freeof charge until you find a place. An unmatched health care package that coverseverything short of permdying."

Tamika began undoing Smylie's pants, her glossyhair falling forward to obscure most of her face. The desk blocked most ofRace's view, and with Smylie's words echoing in her head she was slow to realizewhat the assistant was doing.

"Base pay of seven hundred thousand, plus profitsharing and the standard performance bonuses."

"Seven hun--!" she began. "What is she doing?" sheasked suddenly, sitting up straighter to peer over the desk.

It was obvious exactly what Tamika was doing, Smylie'spants undone, her head bobbing over his lap, but her thick hair concealed mostof the activity from view.

"Exactly what you think she's doing," Smylie toldher. "That's why I said I wished you'd seen more of Garshak, this is part ofour national culture, our corporate heritage. Your benefits package includesup to four personal synthetics, and one executive assistant of your choosing.It can be a man, if you like; the point is we do things a lot differently herethan on New Mantique. An assistant's duties are much more…all encompassing.I wanted to make sure you were aware of that fact before you made a decision."

"I'd heard, but I wasn't expecting…."

"I understand, it's tough to believe it until yousee it. Whatever you've heard is probably true, everything about our societyis pretty wide open. Talk to any of the female department heads, or divisionV.P.'s."

As bizarre as it was, after her luncheon meetingthe day before Race had no doubt he was telling her the truth. The top of Tamika'shead bobbed into view above the edge of the desk with metronomic regularity.Subdued slurping sounds filtered around the solid desk to her.

"Why don't you get a synthetic for a personal assistant?" Raceasked him, still having trouble getting her mind around Monny corporate life.

"Against the law. Any job that can be performedby a human must be."


"How do you think we keep our unemployment at threepercent year after year?"

Tamika's head appeared above the desk top, hermouth shiny. Her ruby lip gloss was still perfect, indicating she'd investedthe extra money for semi-perm lacquer. "Do you have any idea how much moneyI make?" she asked Race. "How hard it was to get this job?" Her head loweredand resumed bobbing.

The competition for executive personal assistantpositions was, in fact, as intense as it was for executive positions. The paywas excellent for what was, in all actuality, a rather easy job. But the competition…Tamikarented instructional feelies on fellatio at least once a week to ensure herboss never got bored with her talents. She took so much X-Cite-R that she feltjacked up even when she knew there couldn't be any left in her system, butshe'd been so jacked up for so longthat it didn't bother her anymore like it used to. She couldn't remember whatit was like to not be bubbly and dripping wet from dawnto dusk. Her boyfriend surely enjoyed the side benefits of her job. She alsowatched what she ate and spent a fortune on clothes that skimmed the fine linebetween sexy professional and professional pulatrita. Some personal assistantsshe knew did a lot more, but she wasn't morphing or implantinganything.

Race sat there, silent, for close to a minute.Smylie watched her, seemingly oblivious to Tamika's ministrations.

"I'll need some time to think about this," Racesaid finally.

"Of course."

Race stood up. The height gave her a better viewof Smylie's assistant on her knees behind the desk. She'd pulled her skirtup over her ass when she knelt, revealing full, alabaster cheeks unencumberedby underwear.

"Are you married?" Race asked him, honestly curious.

"Yes. Twenty-one years next month."

"And your wife..?" Race waggled her hand in thedirection of Tamika's bobbing head.

"Does she know?" He gave a short laugh. "Of course.She helped me during the interview process. If she minded, Tamika wouldn'tbe where she is now. No, my wife is actually glad that no matter how stressfulmy day is I always come home relaxed and pleasant to be around."

Race started to say something, changed her mind,and started toward the door. She stopped midway there, turned to look at Smylieagain, and saw Tamika climbing to her feet. The assistant turned away fromSmylie and gently settled herself on his lap with a wiggle.

"I'll just let myself out," Race said.

"Thanks, that'd be great. You can leave the dooropen."

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Dark Tales of Force Feminization Volume One "The Martin Hastings Saga" is a work of erotic fantasy/fiction in three distinct pieces and is not based on any beliefs/realities or are any of the characters based on person's alive or dead. This story contains elements of b/d, s/m, forced femininity, and some explicit scenes of gay sexual activity, some non conventual in nature. The story is meant to be a piece of erotic literature for entertainment purposes...

1 year ago
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Finding BathshebaChapter 10

"Look what I bought." Abigail came bounding down the stairs into her parents' family room. Allison was reclining in an overstuffed chair flipping through a magazine. She had been waiting for her sister to arrive for their usual midday rendezvous, but Abigail was late. Allison let out a frustrated breath. Abigail was never late for these meetings. They'd worked out a nice system over the last couple of months. Abigail would come over after Allison got home from school, usually about 3:30....

2 years ago
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Maggie Fingered Me After School

Maggie's fingers probed down inside my panties under the shifting light of the shadows of the palm trees that danced across the open shades of her bedroom window. I sat awkwardly back on my elbows, watching her hand, which disappeared up to her wrist underneath the waistband of my school uniform skirt, the white tails of my cotton blouse parted on either side. Little breaths escaped like butterflies from my throat, uncontrolled as if my lungs were directly connected to my quivering vagina."Are...

1 year ago
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Vikkirsquos Consultation

After the girls left I decided to make another batch of juice to have with my breakfast as I was certainly pleased with the effect it had on me and after clearing out the guest room and putting a wash on I sat down to some nice bacon and eggs washed down with a pint of my homemade concoction and with nothing else planned I sat down in my tatty old shorts happy to have a restful day and catch up with some TV.I was surprised at how quick the juice took effect and it wasn’t long before I was sat...

2 years ago
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My Journey Book 2 ExileChapter 7

“Want us to come with you and explain where we were?” I asked, trying to be helpful. She thought about it and nodded. “Would you?” she asked, relieved. Emma nodded and shut off the car. We all got out and approached the house. We were met at the door by a frantic father who’d obviously heard the car doors. “TRICIA! Thank God! I was worried half to death. Where were you?” Mr. Saunders was a slightly overweight man in his middle years. He was wearing a suit and looked like he was just coming...

4 years ago
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Wife teases with a bbc

Wife's Teasing TreatFor years I had had this fantasy of watching my sweet red headed wife take a big black cock into her pussy. And for years she denied it to me. However, she would jerk me off telling me "stories" of her interracial infidelity. It was coming up to my birthday and she had started hinting a month in advance that she had a special treat in mind for me, and that is all she would say about it.Finally it was my birthday, we went out with some friends for drinks then came home. She...

2 years ago
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underwear fun part 3

After Jim had gone I set about cleaning the knickers we had spunked on along with the other items for good measure and put them back in my sister's room. The weekend passed uneventfully - my sister often stayed with friends over the weekend as this was easier in terms of her going out socialising. I didn't see Jim, but that wasn't anything unusual as we would quite often go for periods of not seeing each other and just doing our own thing. I was itching to get back to having the house to myself...

2 years ago
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Traveling With Bryan Ch 5 We Head Home From The Funeral

Bryan and I made it to Albuquerque two days before my dad passed away peacefully. We remained for the funeral and the family gatherings that followed. Those days remain a blur in my memory. Clearly, between my father's passing, the funeral and the family interactions, there were no opportunities for Bryan and me to be intimate; not that I wanted to be intimate under these circumstances. The slight respite gave me some time to search my soul about the events of the past week without a...

3 years ago
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US Navy Nurses Are the Best

I served in the U.S. Navy. I never served on a ship. I never wore my uniform unless I traveled home on leave or back to duty. The best thing I remember about my time was spending 6 months in a Naval Hospital in Oakland CA. Unlike other patients I was not confined to bed and had free run of the whole facility. I could come and go as I pleased. The nurses who served on my ward were a friendly bunch. There were three in particular who were very friendly. For some reason they adopted me as their...

4 years ago
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Christina Looks for a College Chapter 4

As she opens it, she is taken back by the beauty that stands before her. Dawn is a tall blonde with a great body and currently only wearing a bath robe. Dawn steps forward into the room and closes the door behind her. She then pulls the knot on her robe and reveals her sexy body to Chris. Chris instantly turns as red as a sports car as she takes in the exposed skin and boldness that has presented itself to her. Dawn says that “I heard you through the wall and had to connect a face and body to...

2 years ago
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I was in Toronto participating in some theatre workshops there. I met a girl named Britney who was originally from Texas but I guess had come from Virginia. I was immediately attracted to her as she had a gorgeous face, long and silky brown hair, dark brown eyes, and a knockout body. We did some scenes together through the workshop and hit it off right away. One day after the class was over, I was in the dressing room getting changed and she walked in to grab some costumes since she was...

2 years ago
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There Oughta Be a LawChapter 6

Monday evening "That was awesome," said Carolyn. "Thank you so much." Unbelievable. A gorgeous woman with a fabulous ass just thanked me for fucking the shit out of her ass. What a strange world this is. "No, Thank you," was all I could manage to reply. She put some regular clothes on, and I got dressed as well. When we got to the living room, I was met with a total surprise. A young girl was there. She looked to be around high school age. I noticed a certain family...

4 years ago
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Brain Development EnterprisesChapter 10

I was doing up my tie, the steam from my shower still clouding the edges of the mirror. I heard the door to the master bedroom open but didn’t glance around. “Kenz?” I called. I cursed softly as my fingers fumbled the tie again. “Damn it.” Barbara had always helped me out with this. I’m a grown man, and I could get it done by myself, but it was always a nice little ritual — Barbara would finish my tie, give me a peck on the cheek, and tell me how handsome I looked. Of course, I’d never...

3 years ago
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Old Friends New Loves part six

My story is a wonderfully happy one now. My life with Kate and Pierce was so fulfilling. I had lived with them for over two years now. We had settled into a comfortable lifestyle. Both of them were naturists and enjoyed spending all the time they could without clothing. And I happily joined them when I moved in after my mother's passing. Both Kate and Pierce loved having me share this nudist living. They had never allowed their children to know what went on, after the kids had left home for...

2 years ago
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How It Started Part Two

My wife's statement after our frantic fuck session from the previous story kept going through my mind. Hence a few evenings afterwards, after a satisfying session of oral sex, I asked her what the blindfold meant to her.She told me that she believed that the woman in the film must feel liberated and more open to the things that were happening to her when she was getting into it! She stated that she would surely be more open to new experiences and it could bring her sex drive to a whole new so...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Gf Fucks A White Man

Hey, I am back again with another story. This is a fantasy I had about my Ex GF about her with a stranger. My GF had a great figure 36-30-38. She had a lovely round ass like Neetu Chandra and long smooth legs. She had boobs that were big enough to fit in both hands. She was 5’5, fair and kinky.  We would always be ready to try some new thing when it came to sex. We kept our sex life going by thinking of new ways to fuck. we used to watch XXX together, we always talked dirty about the movie and...

1 year ago
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Making of a Sissy Fuck Pig semi sequel to sissy fuck doll

This is the sequel to Sissy fuck doll. I want to thank everyone for the reviews. On the mechanical issues I have a very hard time with punctuation, because to me most punctuation just breaks up the flow of ideas unnecessarily. I'll try to do better. I do hope people enjoy, if anyone would like a cameo in a story, or wants to discuss story ideas send an email to [email protected]. Warning this story contains rape, forced feminization, female domination, and bestiality....

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Tiffany Tatum She Goes For Penis Instead Of Tennis

Petite brunette hottie Tiffany Tatum is about to receive her first tennis lesson from Sabby. She notices his big balls and cock inside his pants and bounces her racket off that crotch, smiling and flirting with him, which gives him an instant hard-on. The two start making out and he slides his hands slowly underneath her sexy mini-skirt. The Hungarian college student kneels down and takes that dick into her mouth for a blowjob under the blue skies. Watch her deep throat that rock-hard prick to...

2 years ago
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Karen and the Torture Club

Prologue Karen thought she was going to die, when she felt the cane cut into her softfeminine buttocks. The stabbing pain in her arms and shoulders as she hungsuspended by the wrists was bad enough. Even the initial shock of the rod asit impacted into her soft flesh was manageable, but it was the line of agonythat quickly followed that took control of all her consciousness. It was notthe first time she had experienced the cane's excruciating kiss, yet each timeit seemed worse than any pain she...

1 year ago
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A New Day A New You part 15

Monday after lunch and most of the desk agents, including me, have been called in for a meeting with Section Chief Watkins. Desk agents like me are ones in between assignments or waiting to be put on a team in the field. Some are comfortable, some are ambitious and some failed and looking for a chance to redeem themselves. I have less than a month worth of field time in my career with the FBI and thanks to some creative liberties with access to the NSA I’ve been riding a desk for over a...

2 years ago
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Mind Over Matter

Feedback and suggestions for other plot lines welcome. This is an attempt to get straight to the point - smut galore instead of a heavily story-driven style. I'll be adding branches for different characters, and maybe some options, too. Everyone featured in this story is 18 years or older. 'Mr Perfectly Bland.' That's what my first girlfiend called me when she left me. If you looked for the definition of 'average' in the dictionary, you would find John Deer there as an example. Average height,...

3 years ago
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A Teacher and Her Student a Forbidden LoveChapter 5 Dinner with the Richards

After a short drive John and Alice arrived at John's house. John quickly put his bike away, while Alice parked her car and then he rejoined her. After opening the front door, he yelled loudly, "We're home!" "Okay dear, we're in the living room!" a woman, probably John's mother, yelled back. Entering the living room together, they were warmly welcomed by Mr. and Mrs Richards, John's parents. "Hi mom and dad, this is Miss Evans, my math teacher!" John said with a cheerful...

3 years ago
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Escort ServicesChapter 2

"Change please, change please." The singsong voice pleaded but, without the conviction you might expect from someone, truly desperate. Robert had seen the same guy in his regular spot in Charing Cross Underground for as long as her had been commuting to London. The street beggar never seemed to alter and didn't look particularly needy. His clothes were of a good standard, hair combed and short and certainly, he wasn't mal-nourished. He passed the sitting man, thinking that he can't...

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