Discoveries with Sandy
- 3 years ago
- 31
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The first time I saw her I was fourteen. I was cutting between two apartment buildings because I was late from coming back from playing baseball with some classmates at our school. The area between the two buildings is only three feet wide and is primarily only used for the large air-condition units for both apartment buildings. I liked running between these two buildings specifically because the AC units acted like an obstacle course. I would dodge around them as if they were football defenders and I was the hero running back or they were Roman soldiers and I was an enemy dodging through them, cutting them down as I passed.
On this day I spun, hand out to stiff arm the defender, when I tripped over a forgotten tricycle. I went down with a “shit“ and skinned my knee on pieces of broken brick. I took off my shirt and used it to hold against my knee to stop the slow rising beads of blood. It was a hot day and having my shirt off so the slight breeze cooled my chest was a bigger relief then pressing the shirt to the wound.
Then I looked up and could see right into the window of what I assumed was one of the apartment’s bedrooms. With the weird angled view I had by sitting on the ground I mostly could see just ceiling, but then I noticed I could see a portion of a mirror that was mounted on a dresser. At the time I could not see the dresser but only discovered at a later date there was even a dresser. What I did see though was the bare shoulder and long blonde hair of the apartment’s resident. Just a peek of chin and the corner of her red lips were seeable in the mirror because her bare arm blocked her face where she was combing or brushing her hair. My imagination told me she must be naked and I grew hard where only I have ever touched.
I slowly rose, trying to ignore the sting in my knee and trying to keep silent as not to alert her of my presence outside her window. Of course I was paying her more attention then my feet and I stepped on a wheel on the upturned tricycle and again went to the gravel, this time much louder, and skinned my other knee.
Above me I heard the window slide open and when I looked up I saw the most beautiful face I’ve ever seen; the sunlight behind her gave her an angelic halo, and I was in love. She cooed; “Oh, poor thing. Don’t move I’ll be out in a second.” I was so embarrassed that she saw me sprawled out below her window, but the stinging pain on my knees kept me from leaping up and fleeing like a rabbit from a fox.
When she came around the building she was wrapped in a teal housecoat, and I knew she didn’t have time to put on any other clothing and must be nude underneath. I was in a strange predicament; I needed to keep my legs slightly bent so that the injured knees hurt less, but the image of this goddess before me played through my mind overlaid with the bare flesh my friends and I have ogled over in Playboys stolen from our dads and my erection was too obvious and I could do nothing to hide it.
She squatted down beside me, which split open the housecoat up to her knees and I was given a wonderful view of her bare calves. They were well muscular in a feminine way, like a swimmer’s or a dancer’s. She made no show of seeing, or being upset by my erection, but instead looked over my two injuries.
She asked if I could stand and she stood back for me to try. It hurt, but macho-ism made me bite my tongue and bear it. She took my hand and slowly led me around the back of the building to the first sliding glass doors which must lead into her apartment. I was speechless from the touch of her soft hand on mine, and I just let her lead me where ever she willed. At least the soreness from walking made my erection disappear.
She sat me on the end of her frilly bed and told me she needed to disinfect my knees so they don’t get infected. I just nodded.
She entered the little bathroom which opened off the bedroom she brought me to. I was watching her open the medicine cabinet when I realized that I was alone in a beautiful woman’s bedroom; even sitting on her bed, and my erection returned. I quickly placed my hands over my lap which probably only brought more attention to the bulge, but I didn’t know better; I was only fourteen.
I guessed my nurse to be thirty, and I was in love.
I looked over at the window and realized it was the one I was just under. Then I looked over to the dresser and mirror that she was standing at when I first saw her and there laid the brush she was using. I wanted to run over and take some strands of hair, but realized that was just too creepy.
She returned with a handful of tissue, gauze, and a small tube of medication cream. She sat it beside my leg and she again knelled down, this time in front of me so that her chest was even with my knees since I was sitting on her bed. The front of her housecoat was slightly open and I could just see her cleavage.
As she started to clean my knees she asked me my name. I squeaked out; Robert. She smiled up to me; “Please to meet you Robert; I’m Ruth. This may hurt a little, if so; I’m sorry.” Her hands felt so warm on my bare legs and even with the pain of her cleaning my skinned knees my erection was not going away.
She coated both knees with antibiotic and then covered each with large Band-Aids. The entire time I was just staring past her chin and into her slightly opened housecoat. All of the top of her breast was in view to me and I was hypnotized by her swollen nipples. I could not believe I was mere inches from a grown woman’s bare chest and it wasn’t some men’s magazine photo.
I was startled out of my daydream of touching them when she suddenly leaned forward so they were no longer in view and kissed each bandaged knee with a; “There, all better.”
She then stood and asked me if I’d like a cola or iced tea. I think I nodded because shortly I was sitting at her small fold-up kitchen table sipping cold tea from a sweating glass. She asked me if I would want to stop by after school and help clear out the trash in the alley so some other poor kid doesn’t hurt themselves like I did. Of course I agreed; anything to spend some more time with this goddess.
All the rest of that day I sleep-walked through my chores, homework and dinner. Then laying in bed I kept seeing images of her wonderful chest and imagined what they felt like while I masturbated. I never came as much as I did that time.
The next day it felt like school would never end, but finally it did and I quickly ran off without waiting to hang out with my friends. I had an alley to help clear out.
Ruth was waiting for me at her back, sliding glass door with trash bags and other items needed to clean the alley. I didn’t notice any of it because she was dressed in the tightest and shortest pair of shorts I’ve ever seen. I could not see how she could squat down to clean the alley without them ripping off her like some erotic Incredible Hulk. Her top was a tube-top just wide enough to hold in her breasts, but so tight her nipples were pushed out in perfect form. I was suddenly erect as was becoming usual around her.
Her smile was huge when she saw me and came out to great me with a hug; she smelled good, like fresh shampoo and just a hint of female sweat.
We worked hard for an hour during which I spent most of that time stealing peaks at her lovely chest or at how her ass cheeks pushed out of the bottom of her shorts teasingly. I don’t know if it was the hard work and sun or my hormones from watching her but either way I was sweating a lot and my shirt was soaked, so I took it off to be more comfortable.
After a couple of minutes I was startled by her hand running down my back; “Don’t you find it unfair that a boy can take off his shirt but us girls can’t?”
I stuttered out something about sorry for being hot. She just smiled and told me it was break time and we went into her kitchen for glasses of iced tea.
Sitting at the table, me with bare top, her in the tight tube-top, she brought up her previous observation. “What I meant was; isn’t it odd that society makes it taboo for a girl to wear no shirt but it is okay for a boy?”
I didn’t know what taboo meant, but I got her meaning, too embarrassed to speak, I just shrugged.
“There really isn’t much different between the two, only shape.” With that she walked around the table and ran her hand on my chest. “Where you are hard and muscular, I am soft, but we both have skin and nipples.”
I was frozen and excited. Her hand on my chest was obviously sexual, but I did not know how to react. I think I actually sighed in disappointment when she removed her hand and stepped back from me. My disappointment was short lived when she suddenly pulled her tube-top off over her head.
I was entranced by her lovely bare chest, and even more surprised when she took my hand and pressed my palm against one of her large breasts as she asked me; “See very similar, don’t you think.”
I didn’t know what was expected of me so I just answered the first thing that came to my mind; “I would rather touch yours.”
She smiled down at me and leaned forward; “You are so sweet, kid;” then she kissed me. I just sat there and let her push her tongue into my mouth while she held my hand to her breast. Then she stood up and told me; “It’s getting late; don’t want to piss the parents off, you better get home. Come back after school tomorrow so we can finish the alley.”
Without thinking I zombie-walked home, and ate dinner in silence. My mother was concerned, thought I was coming down with something, but I assured her I was fine. That night laying in bed I tried to imagine the feeling of her breast in my hand and the taste of her tongue in my mouth while I masturbated. This load of cum was easily double the night’s before.
The next day school dragged on and I was unable to pay attention so I skipped my last class and ran to Ruth’s apartment.
Not expecting me so early she was not waiting by the back sliding glass door so I knocked on the glass. After a few seconds she walked to the glass door from the bedroom. She was in a bathing suit top and a sun-skirt; she looked like a goddess.
When she opened the door she asked; “How are you here so early? Did you skip school?” All the excuses I had ready left me so my silence answered her instead. She tapped her foot; “hmmm; what should we do with our bad boy? Maybe spank you?”
She must have seen the fear that her disappointment did to me so she quickly amended with a big smile; “I’m just joking; come in so you don’t let all my cold air out.” As I walked pass her she patted me on my ass. “Of course, the spanking might be later.” I was instantly hard without a clue why.
“Come on, I’m folding laundry, you can help me.” Then she continued to her bedroom; I followed.
There was a basket of light color clothes sitting on the bed and several articles already folded behind the basket. She sat beside the basket so I sat on the other side of it. She pulled out a pink t-shirt and started folding; I watched her lovely hands deftly crease the garment. She looked over at me and told me to not just sit there, help.
I pulled out an item without looking and realized it was a skimpy pair of panties. I was so excited that I was holding her panties, but also embarrassed that I was holding them in front of her. I didn’t know what to do; put it back and carefully select something else, or act cool and fold it.
I picked the latter, but quickly found out I didn’t know how to fold female panties and was instead just molesting them. She laughed, not cruelly, and took them from me and showed me how to fold them then actually tossed them onto my face telling me to try. I think I moaned when they landed on my face; I know I almost squirted in my pants.
Ruth must have heard because she pulled me back to lay on the bed and asked me; “Does my panties excite you?” Then she used the pair she tossed at me and ran it along my chest and stomach. I was so excited causing my erection to push up a huge tent in my shorts. She took a hold of my erection and cooed; “Oh, I see they do.” Then she was kissing me as she did the day before; this time I tried to participate.
As she kissed me she unzipped my shorts and pulled my erection out and started stroking it much gentler than I do when I masturbate. Her way felt better. I lost tract of time and soon was squirting on her hand.
I was embarrassed and must have turned red because she reassured me; “Don’t worry, that was what was suppose to happen. Wait right here let me wash my hand; don’t you dare move.” Her smile told me to stay more than her command did.
She went into her bathroom and I heard the water running and shortly she returned, without any clothes on. She was wonderful. Unlike the girls in our dad’s really old Playboys, she was shaved bare between her legs and I was entranced by the swollen clit teasing at the top of her cleft.
She crawled back on to the bed and started kissing my ear; “You ever been with a girl sexually?”
I couldn’t lie, especially while she was kissing on my ear so I whispered out a no. She leaned up on one elbow and smiled down to me; “Well you got to come so I’m going to teach you how to make a girl come. With this skill you will never have to worry about not having a girlfriend.”
She laid on the bed and proceeded to teach me how to use my lips and tongue to give her an orgasm. I enjoyed every second of it, even the taste of her wetness excited me. When she thrashed and moaned in, what later she told me was, a large orgasm I was so full of pride.
Once she settled down she pulled my shorts off and told me it was only fair for her to return the favor and then suddenly took me into her mouth and did things to my erection I never knew could be done until I came a little more in her mouth.
We kissed, laying naked on the bed, for a while until she reminded me it was getting late to run home, but to visit the next day. It was Friday so there would be no school so I told her I’d be there after breakfast. She squeezed my crotch and teased; “Oh, my big boy thinks he can last all day huh?” God I was hoping so.
My parents commented on my great mode all evening and I was so sated that I didn’t masturbate at night for the first time since I discovered my erection at eleven.
Right after breakfast I ran straight to Ruth’s house. She answered the door in a flimsy pink night gown. With the early morning sun shining through it I could see the perfect form of her nude body which oddly excited me more than seeing her naked.
She smiled and took my hand pulling me into the house. As soon as the door was closed she pinned me to the door and slid her tongue into my mouth in a deep kiss. As soon as she broke the kiss she told me to strip. I left my clothes in a pile by the door. She stood back and looked me over, head to toe. I was self conscious of her doing so, but I waited quietly, nervous and erect.
When she was done she let the loose fabric of her gown drop to the floor around her feet. Even though I’ve already seen her naked I could not help but gawk at her beauty. She took my hand and told me she wanted to take a bath with me. I was excited.
Her tub was small and we couldn’t find a comfortable position for a bath so she ran the shower instead. She had me stand under the spray of warm water and wet my hair then she had me step just out of the water and she washed my hair. I loved the sensation of her fingers messaging my scalp and I just watched the water settle in spray on her wonderful breasts until it built up enough gravity to bead down them.
After rinsing my hair she used her hands and the bar of lavender scented soap to wash my body. Though the act itself was in no way sexual I never lost my erection. Her cleaning of my testicles and erection was clinical but I nearly squirted to her caresses. I was falling deeper in love or lust.
After rinsing me clean of soap I got to return the favor. At first I was too fast but she made me slow down and told me to learn every inch of her body. When I tried to keep returning to her breasts or crotch she would tease me that, “it’s just like a man to not be able to control himself.”
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hi my names kate id like to share a true storie with u.i was 15 at the time going out with a older boy it was so good because it ment so much more things to do. well one night he decided to try and get me in to our local as he new the landlord. I was abit nervous because iv never met hes friends before and thought id end up showing myself up.i dressed up to go down there in my short skirt and low cut top as i always like to give the men a good view wich they did when i was on the pool table i...
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hi its me swapnil narrting my first story to u and many more to go …!!if i got sum responces on so lets start …my self swapnil studding in one of most recocnized medical college PUNE i have a GF named SWAPNA age 23,34-26-36 very fair and sexy with athletic features i will narrate u other story afterwards how we got crushed first time back on the story ..since she is in her first year of MBBS and am in final she is living with her friend and classmate named SHEETAL at a 3 room apartment...
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My wife has known jamie most of her life and i had just met her a year before this night. We had hung out a few times and partied but had never went this far before. We had been hanging out most of the day when we decided to go to our house and have a few drinks. As soon as we walked in the house I knew this was going to be a exciting night. Me and jamie sat down as my wife went to the kitchen for drinks. As she walked in with three glasses and a bottle of whiskey i wonder what was in store for...
EroticShe had caught the eye of my best friend at the time, Don. Don had invited her over to my house on Christmas eve, I wasn't home yet, I was with family. I was a little worried, I knew what his plan was, to nail her. She wasn't legal yet but he had brought a forty of Jack and was pretty bent on getting all of us, once I arrived, pretty wasted. We had a good time, laughing and playing video games for a while, my room was large and dimly lit by the TV. She still liked me, I could tell,...
My Sister Loves Incest Threesomes Mom took my sister Trudy into her room for a talk so of course I laid down on the floor in my room with my ear right up to the heating duct. That way I could hear everything that they said. Mom said, “Stella called me. She thinks that you are a bad influence on her daughter. What’s going on between you two?” Trudy replied, “Fern is my sex slave and I let her brother fuck her. Why?” Mom giggled and sad, “You are really something. How on Earth...
He replied, “yes, but I’m sure it’s nothing you can’t take care of.” Lola, realizing this hunk had just hit on her, and simultaneously subtly suggested sex, blushed. She said to him, “Do you really want me to do that? I could turn you from cold to hot quickly. Really, really hot.” The guy said, “I like it when its hot enough to melt snow. Do you want to get started here, or would you rather we went back to my place?” Lola asked, “what kind of girl do you think I am? I don’t do such...
And lay over top of you so you cant move but also you feel my rock hard cock pressing through my pants. I lean in to smell the desire and lust radiating off your body Close in to your ear i whisper "Your not going anywhere dear" I grab the front of your dress with both hands and tear it from your body Revealing my conquest of soft skin and beads of sweat over your thighs and breasts I kiss the sweat from your neck to in between your lovely breasts Taking time to play with your...
Mark There’s bad news and then really bad news that comes your way once in a while. I had two major doses of it on Monday morning. I’d been talked into a late start at work so that we could all have a relaxed breakfast, plus bid goodbye to Troy and Janet, and Dan and Sandy. That was fun and we had a heart warming parting. Their departure went like clockwork and they were out the door before seven a.m. to catch their flight to Atlanta. My first bout of news I didn’t want to hear came from...
I wanted to get my last girlfriend, Jean to try threesomes. As can be expected she got mad and said "I can't believe you want to let other guys fuck me". We had watched and loved porn about guys sharing their wife/gf, wife/gfs that cheated when her guy was at work etc. So I knew she found the porns hot and turned her on. Finally she agreed and set down a few rules. First and foremost I was never to be with another female. I was cool with that as I had no desire to do so. She wanted to know what...
Are you horny as fuck to jerk off to threesome videos? I know you are mother fucker! And that is why I am giving you one of the biggest treasures troves I’ve come across in quite some time!I am fucking talking about! Here, you will find a whole host of videos that will have you wishing and praying that you could get invited to a threesome. Even if it involves old pussy and tiny old man penis.But you do you! I’m not here to judge you! What I am here to do is to...
Gangbang Porn SitesThis was the first erotic story I ever wrote and originally posted it 07/10/09. I wrote this story at the request of an online friend who went by Shy155. She was in a sexually unfulfilling relationship and desired a three-way with her friend's college-age daughter. Her partner was dead set against the idea. Warning: This story contains adult content including erotic massage, romance, light bondage, sapphism, DP, menage-a-trois (MFF), fellatio, cunnilingus, and sodomy (F/F & M/F/F). If you...
You just walked in the door after a long hard day of dealing with customers who love to grab the ass of the sexy young server. All you want to do is eat dinner and relax. When you walk in, I'm standing in the doorway of the kitchen wearing an apron and a smile. I walk up to you and take the dry cleaning out of your hands and kiss you passionately. You push me away, feeling too tired and stressed to make love.I take you by the hand and lead you into the dining room. The table is set with our...
ThreesomesMy wife and I were enjoying a nice day off. She got a call from her best friend, Lisa, who was having a real crisis. In the midst of a nasty divorce she had an affair which went bad. Her life was unraveling, she needed a shoulder to cry on. My wife and I had plans of wild daytime sex but her friend came first. She came over and I made myself scarce doing odd jobs around the house. Occasionally I would walk through the living room and they would get quiet, then one of them would crack up and...
Tara had agreed to the three way, but Mr. James hadn’t told her about how much I cum. Not that my cock is a huge porn star cock, but when I cum it shoots out in thick, gooey streams. Even if she had known, I’d like to think she was game because she was smiling and on her knees in the hotel room not long before James and I both arrived. She’d helped herself to some of the minibar, but we didn’t mind as she pulled out our cock and moaned as she stroked us hard. James groaned as she worked her...
Before me and Donald got together, I dated his buddy from college Eric. Eric was fun at times, not the best boyfriend or looker, but he had a nice sized dick and was a great lay. While we dated, Eric liked to have me get dressed and made up kinda slutty before we went to parties or bars so he could grab all over me in front of his friends to make them jealous or envious or something. One night we were supposed to be going to a party at Eric's friend's house, but that wasn't what happened.Turned...
family means a lot to me. I'm basically the only man in the house because my dad is constantly working. So its just my mom and my two almost identical twin sisters. Ever since I saw one of them naked when I was 13 by accident I've wanted to fuck them both. They do everything together even though they don't seem to like each other. They are constantly trying to out do the other often in the strangest way. There are all sorts of rumours at school about how they were dared to make-out on camp and...
So i was heading toward the restroom to take a piss right, so on my way there i heard some moaning i thought it was coming from one of the empty hallways. . .heh so as i entered the restroom i heard a girl moan faster baby faster, i was like (the fuck) and of course the guy heard the door open and came out the stall with him big fat cock hanging there covered in pussy juice. . .i couldn't control myself at that point i was rubbing on my cock licking my lips and he looked at me as if i was crazy...
“You know I love to have a second man around once a month while you watch and masturbate. “Would you like to fuck me just like this with your huge, thick cock, from being with your hands holding my big ass while you watch me sucking another much younger, pretty man’s erection? “Does the thought of that turn you on baby. It turns me on,” I whisper as he increases the tempo of his fucking. “Yes, you know it does.” “Good, I am fantasizing about blowing a bi-sex man at least ten years younger...
Over a period of time Zac introduced me to a wide range of sexual experiences. Mutual masturbation, fucking me while another woman watched, then lesbian sex with her while he watched. I did enjoy two women watching him fuck me before they both had me while he watched. The first time Zac fucked me with another man watching was memorable. We both insisted he had to be well hung and masturbate for us while he watched us fucking. And we were both very comfortable with the thought of him licking...
Over a period of time Zac introduced me to a wide range of sexual experiences. Mutual masturbation, fucking me while another woman watched, then lesbian sex with her while he watched. I did enjoy two women watching him fuck me before they both had me while he watched. The first time Zac fucked me with another man watching was memorable. We both insisted he had to be well hung and masturbate for us while he watched us fucking. And we were both very comfortable with the thought of him licking...
“You know I love to have a second man around once a month while you watch and masturbate. “Would you like to fuck me just like this with your huge, thick cock, from being with your hands holding my big ass while you watch me sucking another much younger, pretty man’s erection? “Does the thought of that turn you on baby. It turns me on,” I whisper as he increases the tempo of his fucking. “Yes, you know it does.” “Good, I am fantasizing about blowing a bi-sex man at least ten years younger...
You just walked in the door after a long hard day of dealing with customers who love to grab the ass of the sexy young server. All you want to do is eat dinner and relax. When you walk in, I’m standing in the doorway of the kitchen wearing an apron and a smile. I walk up to you and take the dry cleaning out of your hands and kiss you passionately. You push me away, feeling too tired and stressed to make love. I take you by the hand and lead you into the dining room. The table is set with our...
"So the guy puts his cock in the alligators mouth and slaps the head of the alligator and nothing happens. So he says. "Does anyone else want to try this?" And this girl kneels down and grabs the guys cock and says, 'Okay. But do you have to hit me?" Ray and I busted up. When we stopped laughing I noticed that Ray looked a little pale. His gaze was over my shoulder. I turned around. "Oh hi Lynn, c'mon in. What brings you by?" "I've been 'in' thank you. The old alligator and...
Suzi Lee’s First Three-some My old girlfriend Suzi and I had been together for about three years at the time this story took place. We were matched pretty well in a sexual way. Suzi was just as adventurous as I was, and within that three-year time we had experimented and done pretty much everything two horny young people could do together. We started dating when she was 16 and I was 18, we had been going together for only about a month when she gave me her virginity about three days after...
Hmmm, how to put this? You are one lucky mothafucker who has been fortunate enough to stumble upon this review! I do all the dirty work, digging up superb websites for your sake, and there is absolutely nothing you do in return. When was the last time you did something for me? Luckily, I am a merciful god. Here comes another review.I've come up with a new approach recently. Find big-ass websites and do a review of one section only. It makes my in-depth reviews even more thorough and fine-tuned...
Gangbang Porn SitesThreesome, by Vickie Tern. M/f, F/m, F/F, femdom, etc. The sex scenes in this story are raw, cooked, scrambled, and coddled. No violence or force, but that doesn't necessarily mean the characters are nice to each other. This is a fiction. Any resemblance to actual people living or dead is purely coincidental. It may not remain that was of course -- life sometimes imitates art. If you aren't old enough to read this lawfully, wait. If it's worth reading it'll still be around. ...