- 3 years ago
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Bindu was packing her bags. Tomorrow, she would be leaving India for the official tour of New York City prior to her taking a new job at the company's head quarters. Mr. Jaitley, her current boss had recommended her to Mr. Edwards. Mr. Edwards was the CEO of the company she worked for. Mr. Jaitley was his Managing Director of the company's Indian subsidiary. Bindu would be accompanying Mr. Edwards and his secretary to New York.
She had left work just after lunch so she could complete her packing. She was excited to be getting an opportunity to complete the company's current project. It was a project that could earn the company huge profits. If the project was successful, it would go a long way in helping erase some bitter memories she had of her life in India.
It had been a long hard journey she'd taken to get to this moment. As she packed, her thoughts carried her back in time. She remembered how happy she had been when she had finished first in her high school classes. She was very proud of the honors her hard work had brought her.
Most of the girls in the village where she had grown up were never lucky enough to attend high school, let along complete school wth honors. Most of the village girls were sent to school only until they passed out of the primary grades. Many of Bindu's classmate's parents felt that girls were only good for household work and raising babies. That was a common parental opinion in that time and place in rural India. An education for a girl was a waste of time and money. A girl was considered a liability to her family. They were a burden that would cost a dowry to get rid of.
Only the daughters of government officials and the few rich families in the village were fortunate enough to study beyond the primary grades. Some were even married as young teens before they entered their adulthood.
Bindu's parents were something of an exception to the rule. Her parents had sent all of their children to school. They highly praised her success in her studies and exams.
The school Bindu attended was the only school in their village. Initially, it had been just a primary school. It was later upgraded to accommodate the high school level as well. To continue their education at the university level, students had to move to the one of the larger cities where the colleges were located.
Unfortunately, for Bindu her grandmother had been insisting her father marry Bindu off to one of the better families in their village. The bright girl had just celebrated her 17th birthday and did not want to marry so young. She wasn't ready for that, yet. She wanted to go to university like her friend, Manju had done.
Bindu's father had listened to his mother and was reluctant to allow Bindu to leave the village. He wanted to marry her off at the earliest possible time. She was the eldest of the children in the family. If Bindu could be married early, he would then have more time to think of how to arrange the dowry for his younger daughter, Anara.
Bindu's father had a small cloth shop in the village. The farmland, which came to him from ancestral property, was leased out. He had saved some money, which he thought, would be enough of a dowry to marry Bindu off to some young man. He had little or no concern for Bindu's wishes.
Binu was the youngest member of the family and the only son. The father had thought of making Binu, a rich and powerful man. He had all his dreams wrapped around his only son. His daughters represented an obstacle to that plan.
Bindu's dream of going to university for a higher education had been dashed. After some protests, Bindu had accepted her parent's decision. She then began dreaming of her future husband and marriage. In fact, every girl throughout the world has fantasies of her dream boy and her wedding night.
Bindu's friends were wondering who would be the lucky man who would marry her. By any standard, she was a beautiful girl. She had long black hair that surrounded a lovely rounded face, almond shaped hazel eyes, and a slender light tan body. She drew attention wherever she went. Her D-cup breasts made certain she would not go unnoticed.
Her father had found what he thought was a good match for her. A boy named Mangat was selected to be the lucky one. His father owned huge tracts of property in the adjoining village. Most of it was dedicated to farming and other agriculture purposes. They were among the richest families in their village. Mangat's father had accepted Bindu's father's proposal of marriage the first time it was brought to him. He didn't even want much in the way of a dowry.
It was a proud moment for Bindu's family. Her father thought that his daughter would live a happy and prosperous life with Mangat.
Bindu was happy too. She didn't love Mangat, but he was a young, handsome, and strongly built man. Bindu thought she had found her dream boy. With time, she would learn to love him. Her heart was brimming over with happiness. Her friends and sister kept bantering with her all day. Bindu used to envision herself in a bride's clothes. Then her thoughts turned to what Mangat would do with her on their wedding night. One of her elder cousins had told her that husbands don't allow their brides to sleep on their first night or two. The new husbands tease and have sex with them the whole night and well into the next. Her cousin told Bindu that many brides were unable to walk the next few days because of the soreness from all the loving their new husbands demanded.
When told of her body's use on her wedding night, Bindu naively giggled. The thought of Mangat taking her virginity and using her all night excited and frightened her at the same time.
Her wedding day finally came. Bindu left her father's house with tears of joy.
She was warmly welcomed into her husband's home. The ladies of the house, after performing some traditional rituals over the young couple, took her to the wedding couple's room. Fresh roses were laid all over the bed, giving the room a pleasant fragrance.
For hours, she sat alone on the bed, waiting for Mangat. To keep her dignity, she continued wearing her bridal clothing. In addition to the wedding sari, she was wearing a gold wedding ring on her finger, and a long mangalsutra (necklace). In addition to the ring, the mangalsutra signified her marital status. It was made of gold and black beads with a twin-cupped pendant. The pendant signified a pair of breasts ready for a husbands touch. It also signified a woman's fertility. It hung low. The beads fell between her ample breasts. The pendent rested against her midriff. Her earlobes bore delicate earrings. She had a small bindi on her forehead and the traditional sindhoor. Her choli was nicely cut, and it scooped deep and wide enough to reveal a bit cleavage.
Just as she heard the noise of the opening of the bedroom door, her face became reddened with shyness. Her dreams were now going to be realized. This was the moment that every girl waits for. Along with her excitement, Bindu was suffering with the uncertainty that all young virgin brides feel.
But wait! What was that! Mangat came into the room with his manhood dangling from his trousers. He had been drinking heavily and could barely walk. His breath reeked. The odor from his mouth smelled of liquor and something Bindu could not identify. Bindu was terrified by Mangat's condition.
In spite of her fear, she somehow helped her husband undress and lie on the bed. He was deeply under the influence of whiskey.
"Kamoo ... Kamoo." Bindu heard these words slowly come from Mangat's lips. She was shocked to hear Kamoo's name from Mangat.
Kamoo was a local whore. She had caused much trouble in many local families. Many rich young men were her admirers. They were mad over her beauty. She hoped Mangat was not also among the victims of that vamp of a girl.
Again, the dreams Bindu had held so long, were shattered. Mangat was fast asleep on the bed with no consciousness of his new bride. Bindu could not do anything in this situation. She slept with tears in her eyes but with the hope that everything would be all right in few days. Her new husband had simply celebrated his marriage a little too much.
Unfortunately, her wedding night was just the beginning. Her doubts were turning to reality. Mangat came in late night after night. Night after night he drank heavily, and cried the name of Kamoo as he dozed off. What he earned during the day, he wasted at night on drinking, playing cards, and Kamoo. He gave little or no attention to the fact that his untouched bride was waiting for him at home.
Mangat never tried to understand Bindu's feelings or needs. In fact, he sometimes behaved cruelly toward his wife. He had not even consummated their vows and given her the status of his true wife. After more than six months they still hadn't had any sexual contact.
Sadly for her, Bindu's virginity was still intact.
She always tried to please her husband. She even went so far on a few nights to greet him by laying naked on their bed as an invitation to her husband to come to her. Except to tell her to move over, Mangat ignored his bride. In spite of it all, she took care of him. To her dismay, he was madly attracted to Kamoo.
Bindu could not complain of this to her in-laws. They wouldn't take her seriously. She didn't want to tell this to her parents either. She didn't want to become a debt to them again. Her father had to think about marrying off her younger sister. Bindu was enduring a life of suffering and neglect. What cannot be cured must be endured!
One night, Mangat came home after finishing his daily work and flopped on the bed. Bindu was already lying on the bed trying to sleep. She knew that Mangat didn't take dinner at home after he had been drinking.
Suddenly, she found some rough fingers on her blouse. Before she realized what was happening, those fingers cupped her exposed breasts. She was surprised at this behavior from Mangat. He hadn't shown the least interest in her until then.
"Oh dear, that's pretty nice." Mangat praised her with slurred speech.
Bindu's blouse was open enough to give Mangat full access of her ample tits. Still, she was lying on her side with her back to her husband. She sensed Mangat's lips on her bare back. He then untied the belt to her thin robe. He slipped his hand in, and Bindu felt his fingers on her neglected sex for the first time. She was shivering with excitement.
"Oh that's most pleasurable, Kamoo darling."
Bindu was stunned to hear Kamoo's name. She realized that Mangat, in his drunken semi-conscious state of mind, had imagined it was Kamoo with him on the bed instead of his wife, Bindu.
"You don't worry babe. I will throw Bindu out and will make you my wife. Then we can enjoy each other without fear." Mangat assured.
Bindu tears were flowing heavily from her eyes. Somehow, she kept her self-control.
Mangat soon passed out and was in deep sleep, again without accepting Bindu's offered virginity.
Bindu got up from the bed, dressed, and sat in a far corner of the room. She cried as the memories of her dreams came flooding back. The memory of all her dreams that had turned to ashes convinced her of what she had to do. She knew that she would never be happy with Mangat. Mangat had no intimacy and affection for her. She decided to leave his house.
But where would she go this late at night? Her parent's house was too far away for her to reach walking. Also, she didn't want to bring sadness and suffering to her parents.
Just then she remembered her school friend Manju. Manju was the daughter of a government officer and among the few lucky girls who had gone to a nearby city university after graduation from the village high school. Manju's parents had moved to the same village where Mangat's family lived. Bindu was confident that Manju would help her in this situation.
So, with her tears drying on her cheeks, Bindu packed her clothes and other valuable goods in a single bag. She slipped out of the house quietly. All were sleeping soundly in the house. None were aware of Bindu's departure.
Hiding herself from the leering eyes of passers-by, Bindu reached the house of Manju. Her mother opened the door and asked her to come inside. Manju was happy to see her friend. Manju told Bindu she lived in a girl's hostel in the city and had come to her mother's home for the holidays.
Manju's mother prepared tea for the girls and then went to sleep in her room. Bindu told her friend the sad story of her marriage. Manju felt sorry for her friend and assured her of help. Bindu told her friend, about her wish to go to the city to continue her studies. Manju asked her to stay with her that night. They would travel to the city in the morning.
The next morning, Bindu and Manju traveled to Raipur by bus. They made arrangements for Bindu's admission into the hostel and the school. Manju and Bindu both lived in the same room.
Bindu started working a part time job after her class time. She had no contact with her family or with Mangat's family for many months. Neither did they try to search for her.
Manju didn't say a word about Bindu whenever she visited her mother in the village where Mangat lived. Manju suggested her friend get a legal divorce from Mangat. She knew one lady lawyer in Raipur, a Mrs. Nirmala Rawat.
Mrs. Nirmala listened to the misery of Bindu and filed divorce papers in the local court.
Mangat didn't take more than a minute to sign the divorce papers. He made no apology for what he had done to Bindu. He was free now to marry Kamoo.
Bindu's parents were deeply hurt by this step their daughter had taken. Her father announced that they didn't want to have any kind of relationship with Bindu. For them, she had died.
Bindu soon became satisfied with her new life. She had some sorrow for the separation from her parents, but she finally accepted her fate.
Both Bindu and Manju were highly intelligent. They both completed their college studies with high merit. Both of them got jobs in the IT department of a New York City based multi-national corporation.
Almost two years passed as they settled in and advanced in their jobs. By then both of them had become well experienced in their work. Their manager in the company was very impressed by their efforts. He had no doubt that both of them would help a lot in the progress of the company's business. He recommended them to the higher officials in Mumbai for promotion.
Every year a couple of employees, who showed promise in their work, were transferred to Mumbai. The salary and facilities they obtained in Mumbai were much better than in Raipur.
Both girls were happy to go to Mumbai. It was their first trip to a large metropolitan city. Manju's parents had given her their permission. Bindu didn't need or want anyone to give their permission. Though they stayed close friends and co-workers, they lived in separate flats provided by the company. The work here was on a very large scale. Their colleagues were helpful to them in learning the new work at the Mumbai plant.
Mangesh was the one who helped them most. He came from Pune. He was an only son, and his parents had assisted him all through school. They had even arranged his job. Mangesh, Bindu and Manju were all assigned to the same work group. They shared their ideas with one another and all progressed well in the company.
Mangesh showed sympathy for what had happened in Bindu's life. Unlike Mangat, his father had taught him to respect others and help if he could. That's why he liked Bindu a little more than Manju. Bindu was also beginning to feel close to Mangesh. Knowing he came from a wealthy family, Bindu appreciated his benevolence and courtesy toward her.
One evening, Bindu and Mangesh were working late. Manju had left for her home village after lunch because her parents had called her home. Together, Bindu and Mangesh had to complete the work that Manju had left undone. When they went outside after finishing the job, they were met with bad weather. It was raining hard, and it did not look as if it would be stopping any time soon. The taxi's, which usually came every now and then, were all filled. The local bus operators had announced a strike and were not running. Bindu couldn't find a way to make it home in this heavy rain.
Mangesh, who had a motorbike, offered her a ride. He promised that he would drop her safely at her flat. Bindu accepted his offer.
Both Bindu and Mangesh were already drenched. They didn't have an umbrella. The rain had started getting heavier. It wasn't easy driving the bike in the heavy rain.
Mangesh stopped the bike at his apartment. It was much closer than Bindu's flat. Mangesh suggested that they wait there for the rain to stop. Then he would drop her at her apartment.
Bindu again accepted his offer. They went into his room, dripping on the floor as they stood by the door. Mangesh asked Bindu if she wanted to change into something dry in the adjoining room.
Mangesh went to his bathroom and changed his wet clothes. He then went to the kitchen to prepare some hot tea.
When he came out with tea, he saw Bindu drying her hair. She was looking more beautiful than ever. She had changed into clothes she carried in her backpack just in case of such an emergency. The thin material of her blouse gave an excellent view of the shape of her pert breasts.
Suddenly, there was a brilliant flash of lightening instantly followed by the roar of thunder in the darkening sky. The lights quickly dimmed and went out. Bindu got frightened. She ran to Mangesh and hugged him tightly.
Mangesh put his arms around the beautiful girl clinging to him and hugged her firmly. Slowly and gently he brought his lips to hers. He placed a kiss on her lips that had more passion than any she had ever experienced.
Bindu began to melt in Mangesh's arms. Her body was responding to him even though she did not want it to. She felt the beginnings of her body preparing for love.
Within a few seconds, the lights came back on. Bindu got hold of her emotions and pulled herself away from Mangesh. She realized what she had done and regretted it.
Mangesh saw it differently. To him it was his first chance to express his love for her. A bit hesitantly, he spoke to Bindu. "I have been looking for an opportunity to say this for a long time. Bindu, I love you. Will you marry me?"
Almost in shock at Mangesh's request, Bindu replied. "I don't think I am fit for you, Mangesh. You know my past. You can get someone better than me."
Mangesh sternly spoke again. "I don't have anything to do with your past. What happened with you could have happened to anyone. I have fallen completely for you. I really love you, Bindu."
Bindu knew her place and was still hesitant. "No Mangesh. This is not possible. What will people say about this? Will your parents accept a divorced girl into their family?"
Mangesh then said. "Yes Bindu, why not? I know my parents. They won't disapprove of my choice of such a beautiful girl to be my wife. All I want is your acceptance."
Bindu, deep in thought, said. "Mangesh, I need some time to decide."
Mangesh agreed. "I will wait for you and your decision, Bindu."
Mangesh then offered her the tea he had made. As they sipped the tea, the rain slowed.
Bindu put her empty cup down and said. "I think we should leave now. The weather has improved."
Mangesh reluctantly agreed. "Okay. Please wait outside. I'll get my bike out again."
Bindu couldn't sleep much that night. It wasn't easy for her to decide about Mangesh's proposal. She liked him too, but will this be right? She had been cheated by her fate once. She didn't have enough courage to face something like that again. But she had full faith in Mangesh. She knew that he would never be like Mangat. Finally she made her decision. She would accept Mangesh's proposal of marriage.
Next day, she came in the office in a happy mood. Bindu had decided to tell of her decision to her best friend, Manju. Manju would be very happy to know this.
Manju also came to the office in a jolly mood, that day. Before Bindu could say anything, Manju expressed the reason for her happiness.
Manju asked. "You know, I am very happy today?"
Bindu responded. "Your charming face tells everything. What's is it that has you so happy, dear? Won't you share your happiness with me?"
Manju continued. "Of course dear, you are my only friend. My mother called to discuss Mangesh. I had told her about him shortly after we started here. My parents have approved of Mangesh. Next month, they will visit Mangesh's home in Pune to talk to his parents about our marriage. Mangesh doesn't even know of this himself. I knew my parents would never disapprove of my choice, and Mangesh is a sincere and intelligent man."
Bindu was shocked. The smile on her face weakened, but she kept showing her happiness for Manju. After all, her friend knew nothing of Mangesh's proposal to her. Her wish to express her happiness to Manju was quashed. It was like her fate had once again cheated her. Bindu said. "You will be a perfect match for Mangesh.
She would not come between Mangesh and her best friend, Manju. With a broken heart, she would refuse Mangesh's proposal during lunch break. She decided to throw all she had into her work.
The ringing of her doorbell stirred Bindu out of her musings. She zipped her bag and went to see who was outside.
To her surprise, Mangat was standing at her door. She was shocked to see him. She blocked him and refused him entry. She didn't even like him any more. He was not welcome in her flat.
Mangat said. "I know I am your culprit. But won't you even ask me to come inside."
Bindu glared at Mangat and stepped aside to give him the way to enter her room.
Mangat sat on the couch, his head bowed.
With an assertive voice, Bindu asked. "For what you have come here? We have no relation now."
Mangat looked up and said. "I know that, Bindu. I have deep regret for what I have done to you. It was my fault that I left a wife like you waiting while I messed with that whore, Kamoo."
Bindu was standing silently in the corner, not looking towards Mangat.
Mangat continued. "I know I don't deserve forgiveness, but I am pleading for it. Trust me, I have left all the bad things behind. No more wine or gambling, and no more Kamoo. I don't know why it took me all these adverse things to see my faults. Now I have improved, Bindu. I am running the sugar mill in the village. I miss you a lot. If you accept, we can again start our new life."
Bindu stiffened her back. "No Mangat! How can I forget the sufferings I bore while living with you? You can not understand the feelings of a wife when her husband overlooks her and seeks his pleasures with another woman. Everything has finished now. I have no more feelings for you."
Mangat begged his ex-wife one more time. "I have come here with a hope, Bindu. Please reconsider your decision."
Bindu forcefully replied. "I think we should not discuss this anymore. Even if I forgive your wrongs, I will never consider living with you again. Now, get out!"
Mangat wanted to say something, but didn't speak. He had never had a woman put him in his place like that. He made his way out of Bindu's door and out of her life.
The next morning Bindu got up early. She had an early flight to New York with the company owner and his secretary. Mr. Edwards was a disciplined man. He sent a car to her home, so they would be sure to leave on time. It was going to be a long flight on the company's private jet.
When their flight finally reached JFK airport in New York City the sun was shining brightly. A little girl, who was accompanied by a servant of Mr. Edwards, met them. He was surprised to see his daughter at the airport. She came running to him and leapt up to him. He easily took her joyfully up into his arms and hugged and kissed her.
Mr. Edwards asked his daughter. "Julia, why have you come to the airport?"
The servant spoke up. "Sir, Julia insisted on seeing you at the airport."
Mr. Edwards smiled and said. "Honey, I would have come home soon."
Julia, in her sweetest voice, told him. "No Daddy! The last time when you went out to go to your office, you didn't come home. You went to the airport and flew far away. You've been gone so long."
Mr. Edwards hugged and kissed little Julia again and sat her down. "Okay Honey, then let's go home together."
Looking towards Bindu, Mr. Edwards said. "Miss Bindu, you must be very tired after such a long journey. You can take the rest the day off and come to the office tomorrow morning."
The company limo and its driver were also waiting for Mr. Edwards. He told his servant. "Mr. Brown, will you please take the company limo and see that Ms. Bindu gets safely to her apartment and my secretary gets home. I will see you at home later."
Mr. Edwards then had the company driver take him and his daughter home in his personal car. Mr. Brown and Julia had brought Mr. Edwards' personal car to the airport.
Meanwhile, Mr. Brown picked up their luggage from baggage claim and led Bindu to the company limo. He dropped Mr. Edwards' secretary at home and took a very nervous Bindu to her apartment.
The size of the stretched Lincoln was overwhelming to her at first. The young woman from a small village in India had never seen such a large car, and, after dropping the secretary off, she and Mr. Brown were the only passengers.
As they drove to Bindu's as yet unseen apartment, she asked Mr. Brown about Mr. Edwards and his family. "Mr. Edwards daughter seems very nice. The love between them is good to see. What is her name again, please?"
Mr. Brown freely answered her questions. "Mr. Edwards loves Julia very much. In fact she is his only close family since his wife past away a few years ago. His parents have retired and had moved to Florida. Now he is living just for Julia."
Bindu continued. "Oh, that is very sad. I didn't know about this earlier. How did his wife die?"
"Mrs. Edwards had breast cancer. Mr. Edwards took her everywhere for treatment. They went to surgeons, doctors, clinics, churches, temples, faith healers, and anyplace that offered a ray of hope. It was so sad." Mr. Brown bowed his head and softly added. "Who can resist the will of God?"
Bindu, taking a deep breath, added. "May God rest her soul."
A few minutes later they arrived at Bindu's new apartment. To her pleasant surprise, Mr. Brown carried her luggage as they rode the elevator up to her 10th floor apartment. "Good luck at your new job, Ms. Bindu. I am sure you will do well working here in New York. I must go now. Mr. Edwards is expecting me. Oh, do you know where the company offices are?"
"No, Sir. I have never been here before. Would you please tell me how to find them?"
Mr. Brown laughed and walked to the nearest window. He held out his hand to the shy girl who joined him to peer out the window. With a bit of a laugh, Mr. Brown said. "The offices are right there." He indicated a large building directly across the street from Bindu's apartment.
Bindu giggled and said. "Thank you, Mr. Brown. I think I will be able to find my way to work tomorrow morning." Mr. Brown then bowed at the waist, told the girl good-bye, and left her alone in her apartment.
Mr. Brown met and swapped cars with the company driver in the company garage. The limo stayed in the office garage, and Mr. Brown took Mr. Edwards' personal car and went to meet Mr. Edwards at his home. Mr. Brown was not only a company driver, but his main job was as a servant at the Edwards' home.
Bindu was left to unpack and explore her new home. She had been used to having only one room. Much of her life she had shared a room with family members and later, her friend Manju. Now she had an entire apartment to herself. Though it was small by American standards, the furnished apartment was huge to Bindu. She had a large kitchen with all the utensils she'd need, a separate bedroom, and a living room. She even had a TV, which was furnished by her employer. Her bathroom was nearly as large as the room she had shared with her younger sister. Bindu thought to herself. 'I think I will like living in New York.'
It didn't take much time for her to get involved with the staff in the New York office. In a week or so, Bindu was liked by everyone in the office for her politeness and devotion to her work. She had been appointed the leader of a group of co-workers responsible for a special project. As the deadline for her project neared, she worked late into the evening many times to complete it. When Mr. Edwards saw the project team was a little behind schedule and Bindu's dedication to her work, he asked if she would like to come to his house that night so that they could complete the project on time.
Bindu agreed, and Mr. Edwards sent Mr. Brown to pick her up after work. She was astounded when she saw Mr. Edwards home. It was a huge two story stone house. It sat on several acres of well-tended lawn that was dotted with oak and maple trees. The long curved drive was lined with perfectly trimmed shrubs. It wasn't until several days later that she saw the large and beautifully kept flower garden behind the house.
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Tears were rolling down her eyes, and I felt sick to my stomach. I was caught red handed, quite literally, with my dick, out masturbating to internet porn. How could I be so stupid? I usually listen closely for her car to pull up, but I was so enthralled in the scene I was watching on my computer screen that I tuned everything else out. "Why are you not attracted to me?" She said in a tone of mixed sadness and anger."Honey, what do you mean? Of course I'm attracted to you" I responded, more...
I woke up on Saturday around 1 pm by someone caressing my head. As I slowly became aware of things I realized I was still all dressed up in rubber with both the dildopanties and the ballet boots. I opened my eyes and saw Susan smiling at me as she continued caressing my body all over. Suddenly I felt the dildos came to life inside me as she kissed me deeply. I kissed her back and held her close to me as I had a nice slow but long orgasm. She turned off the vibrations as we just lay in a nice...
Prologue Running through the condensed forest, I ran as fast I could. I could feel him, sense him. If he caught up to me I knew I was in trouble. The type of trouble that made my body hum and spark with need for him but I knew he wasn’t going to let me off that easy. I would have to wait and suffer this tremendously delicious torture until I beg out for him, call out his name, in pure ecstasy. I took a sneak peak backwards, wrong move. He was running with fast speed, his rippling body with...
Ian and Sonia Walters are a couple aged in their late fifties for whom the dynamics of their sex life had changed in recent years. The change initially came about by accident when almost ten years previously, Ian caught Sonia in bed with a much younger man. He threw the semi-naked youth out of the house before thrashing Sonia'a arse with a leather belt. The thrashing hurt her and had her howling but it also further aroused her and certainly aroused Ian who promptly gave her a good fucking.For a...
CuckoldI'm going to start with an older one from my teen years and my next door milf neighbour. I was 18 and she was 36 with 2 k**s who I baby sat for sometimes. Albeit searching there house for porn and finding Polaroids of Sarah which i happily kept for wanking material. Sarah had split from her husband, she had known me since I was 11 and she had great tits and I wanked over her many many times. I was 18 with a stunning girlfriend and on this occasion we were at my house and Sarah had been up...
Hi, am Arvind age 30 from Chennai, this is a real story which happened one year back. I had a friend named anita (28 years) from ernakulam, we were chat friends for more than 2 years, we were good friends for so long, we discussed about everything in our chatting and through phone. Her husband works in a private company. We used share photographs through net; she is a girl next door, very village type girl with innocent face. Once we were talking on the phone we were discussing about sex, the...
Cheating WifesPenny lay in the bathtub with the warm, soapy water caressing her body and soothing away the tightness in her muscles. For months now she had been in a state of inner frustration and turmoil about her sensual desires to make love with a woman, desires that had been building and becoming stronger with each passing day."I've been happily married for six years and have a three-year old daughter," Penny thought to herself, "and my husband and I have a very good sex life. Mark and I are even...
Have you ever had a moment where you get complete clarity? Where something happens and time just stands still. For me this happened one Friday night in a drunken haze. Time stopped and through my bleary eyed stupor I saw the truth for the very first time. I saw what was missing from my life and the realisation hit me like a freight train going full steam. It was such a eureka moment it actually sobered me up for a whole ten minutes before I collapsed in a heap on the bed. What was this moment I...
You just logged off after spending 2 hours on the computer talking with me, feeling very happy and tired. You walk into the bedroom, changing into what you are wearing to bed, and crawl into the covers. You start to dream of what we talked about... Walking along a nice wooded path, listening to the sounds of nature as we walk. Coming to a pond with a small waterfall we stop and sit. Hold one another close, letting my lips softly touch yours. The kiss going from one of love and compassion to...
Nothing! That described their luck in this part of Oklahoma, so they decided to try the panhandle. If they didn't find anything there, they could always drop a few miles south and be back in Texas where they both felt more comfortable. They rode a little bit north before cutting west because the roads seemed a little bit better in Cherokee country. They could tell when they got to the panhandle, because the road pooped out like it had been cut with a knife. The frugal Cherokees had not spent...
1st November - evening Charles and Sara were having dinner with his grandparents, at the table and in the kitchen. His grandmother cooked them turkey, with some gravy and beans. Charles was cutting through his Turkey on his plate. "So Sara, how is our Charles here getting on with this town? Is he feeling right at home here??" asked his grandmother. "Oh we do feel at home here, don't we Charles!!" Sara cried with joy. Charles looked at his grandma, munching on his Turkey meat inside...
The new community had changed and was changing daily. With the addition of the Silkas the community had more than doubled in size. Tani was now in charge of a unit of twenty-one full time soldiers in addition to having trained all the adults and teenagers in military ways. Each of the soldiers had camouflage jumpsuits and weapons, jumpsuits and weapons for the rest of the non full time people were kept in storage at easily accessible locations throughout the compound and the Silka village....
As the late autumn sun dips regretfully behind clouds close to the distant rolling horizon, the room is gently filled with an orange glow, the air a strangely real citric suffusion, a welcome haven from the cooling outdoors, a lovenest. Standing quietly in the middle of the room, your thin dress silhouetting your skin against the blaze, your tender smile glowing lovingly in my direction, you indicate your approval with a subtle shift of your hips. Approaching without a sound, my hands coat...
First Swing Turns BiBy Eve Curtis This is a true story of our, actually my husband’s first bisexual swing experience. My husband and I had never done any swinging before but had talked about it many times. It was just kind of a fantasy thing that we shared. Then through a friend of ours, we were invited to what was billed as a swing party although it turned out to be more like an orgy.The party started out mildly enough. Val, our host lived in a fairly large home in the hills above the Sunset...
If you're not 18 or older please take a look at that red x up in the corner ... yes far right corner. Hold your mouse over it until it's highlighted. Click it and it shall direct you to where you ought to be. If you're 18 or older ... enjoy the story and if you haven't yet, read the first two chapters yet of this NCIS parody. I suggest you do to get a better understanding of the episode I wrote up. Enjoy :) In one of the evidence rooms, Ziva and Sarah began to empty the boxes of...
Hello all! I’m Anil from Bangalore. aged 27. Weight is 76 kg and height 5.10. This is my first time of writing a story after coming out of engineering college (you know what I mean). Please forgive for me any mistakes or the format in which I’ve written this. I figured out I’m attracted to guys from a very early age. But the place I was studying didn’t have much gay scene then. So it was difficult to meet any gay guys. So I used to masturbate to the hot and dusky guys I used to see. From the...
Gay MaleCopyright© Russell Hoisington 2007 Vince Clark was going to quit his job, assuming he lived long enough to return to the office and hand in his resignation. He pushed himself up onto his skinned knees, flinching as a sharp corner of rock stabbed the raw skin through one of the tears in his expensive British suit's trousers. He'd skied enough to know that he was lucky he hadn't broken his ankle or leg when he'd stepped into the small hole buried by the brown and dull-red leaves and...
Waking up, I smelled the familiar scent of my wife’s perfume as I became aware of my surroundings and, more pressingly, her hair, splayed across the pillows before me. She had her back turned to me, and the sheets had pulled themselves back to reveal her marvellous figure. She’d never agree that it was, no matter how many times I told her, but she seemed to have accepted, and embraced, the fact that I’d never get tired of her. I moved up behind her, and wrapped an arm around her waist, smelled...
MAGIC MIRROR, TELL ME TRUE Copyright, Kristy Leigh 1995, 2003. All rights reserved. 1. KC was five when his family moved into the house on Carrington Drive. He was very big on secret agents and hidden passages at the time, and was thoroughly intrigued when he discovered a door, which went nowhere. This was utterly outside of his experiences with doors up to that time: a door, by its very nature, had to lead somewhere. You walked through one to get from outside to inside,...
Xander’s Old Lady is the hottest bitch in the club! Lily Lane’s perfect tits and ass just scream out Fuck Me! And now, she is bringing around another hot bitch Draven Star! Draven is Lily’s latest Prospect, and Xander is going to meet them both back at the garage to see whats up. But knowing Xander, if this new bitch Draven does not give it up the way he likes it, then it’s going to be Lily’s ass on the line! And Lily is all about getting fucked anal style, that is...
xmoviesforyouIn Private Specials, Young & Pretty, Alberto Blanco is having a problem with his oven so he’s called the handyman, however to his surprise it’s the stunning Mona Blue and this gorgeous teens knows how to handle more than just kitchen appliances! Mesmerised by her incredible ass, Alberto takes Mona to the couch for some fun where she gets down on her knees for a sloppy deepthroat blowjob before spreading her legs for a fuck. Riding, grinding, moaning and screaming, enjoy this cute teen in...
xmoviesforyouKoi ladies or bhabi any female jikno mari gigolo service chaye contact me my email id now jyada bore na karte hue apni story pe aata hu Me aje ek mast aunty ki kahani suna ne ja raha hu o dikhane me ekdam kadak or figar kay thi 36-30-36 he ekdam gori gora badan stories padhke, muje bahut saare mail mile, unme se muje ek mail, neha name change ke naam se tha. Unko meri story bahut pasand aayi thi, aur who mere se sukhe pana chati thi jaise mein pehli story mein likha tha us tarah… Neha...
Me and Shelly had been best friends since we first went to school, and as our parents always said we were inseparable. Throughout our lives, when one of us ended up in some sort of trouble, you could be guaranteed the other was close by. We both lost our virginity on the same night to 2 college guys at a frat party we gate crashed, Shelly was on the bed while the other guy fucked me on the floor. Shelly is a gorgeous looking redhead, she always keeps her hair quite short, she has large breasts,...
I was so excited as I got ready to go to meet the man who I had been talking to for several months. I hurriedly took my bath and carefully shaved my pussy as I was instructed. Getting out of the tub and putting only a thin white almost see through dress on, I felt almost naked, well, I was almost naked, I cannot go through with this I thought but then... I was quickly on my way. I finally made it, pulling in at the restraunt scanning the parking lot for the small blue Toyota pickup truck... I...
What would happen if four families each contributed one member to create a new family? In this episode of Family Swap, Codey Steele is staying in his own home while his swap mom (Dee Williams), dad (Brock Doom), and sister (Vanna Bardot) come to join him. There are definite sexual vibes between Vanna and Brock, and busty Dee would rather peel off her shirt than change into clean clothes. Codey thinks his swap dad wants to get rid of him by asking him to do chores so he can get some alone time...
xmoviesforyouKate proved herself to be an excellent trail cook when she made dinner for all of us that evening. She made an Irish Stew that was delicious. "Where are you from, Kate?" I asked as we were partaking of her stew. "I'm from Pennsylvania. We had a farm there. We'd had a couple of bad years before pa left to go trapping and we were also having problems with one of our neighbors. He and pa had a real feud going." "What happened with your neighbor after your pa left?" "He was quiet for...
Cockatoo Part 7Shane stuck out an enormous hand and I instinctively shook it, hopingfor the first time in my life that my handshake would be a little limp.‘G’day girls. What a coincidence,’ he said. ‘I thought it was you on thedock but I couldn't be sure. I know you said you were leaving today, butwho would have guessed we would be on the same ferry. I didn't knowmyself until this morning. Had an urgent call to get back to Bangkok.All the flights are full, so I had to scramble to get this ferry...
I've always admired my cousin Madeliene. She's sweet kind redhead with a beautiful smile and an incredible body. She's about 5 feet tall with nice legs and great breasts. For a girl her height she had amazing breasts and I couldn't help but take a look every time I saw her. Her butt was nice, not exceptional at all but you could give it a good slap if you had the chance. She usually kept her hair long so it flowed down towards her breasts. Her voice was very sweet and gentle and yet she wasn't...
Phil and Rose hadn't played with any couples or singles since they married five years ago; in the past they had met and played with a number of other couples who they met via sites on the internet, but they had never before risked inviting a friend to the bedroom.Simon was a long time friend of Phil’s they knew each other from school. Simon was a single guy having separated from his wife the previous year. He was tall, dark haired and what ladies would call fit. Simon worked long shifts and so...
Masturbating ever so slowly, I dream about one of my Fantasy's. I am blindfolded, standing in front of an unknown / unseen Master. My wrist restraints are fastened together behind my back, slightly chaffing me. A spreader bar attached to my ankle restraints keeps my legs spread for use and viewing by Master. I wait patiently, becoming wetter by the minute, even though he has yet to touch me. I feel his mouth close on my breast, his tongue flicking my hard nipple. Moaning in appreciation, I...
BDSMChapter two. It hadn’t been a typical Monday at work. A fire alarm had seen the entire university outside, standing in the rain while the fire brigade searched the building in vain for the cause. She and her colleagues got soaked in the drizzle and knew they had the rest of the day to get through in damp clothing. It didn’t help her mood in the least. The drizzle didn’t let up thorough the day. Her clothes were sticking to her, clinging and uncomfortable, when she arrived home. The door...
I wrote this nonsense some time ago. It has no ending at present because I sorta lost the plot. If anyone can help please do.I hope you like it as much as I liked writing it.... Harriet Potter and the ringpiece of fire pt 1/5Harriet Potter was just 19 just like her very best friend Hermione Parker.They were by far the naughtiest girls in Cockington , a small town in the county of Dorset. The entire town seemed to consist of naughty girls and just a few...
Kal cautiously opened his eyes as he returned to the waking world, the heavy furs covering him instead of his normal wool comforter giving him pause. Smiling he remembered he was not at home and turned to the side to see Ikuno peacefully sleeping next to him. Though not as striking as the changes when he first returned to the cave, as he continued to visit her skin color had deepened to a rich cobalt blue and the triangular marks on her cheeks had become almost imperceptible. Her backswept...
The reception at the Sheriffs Office was a chilly one. Rachel and Roxanne met me outside in front of two more deputies. I was a suspected murderer who had left with their boss and returned alone, driving his car. "Where's the Sheriff? What happened? Why didn't he bring you back?" "Wait a minute, one question at a time. You guys are getting worked up over nothing. The Sheriff is fine. His wife is fine. They are as happy as pigs in slop. I drove his car back because they were busy and I...
This is the sixth installment of the saga. As usual, send all suggestions and reactions to and please comment below. I woke up in the middle of the night to see mom wasn’t beside me. The bathroom light was on and could hear the sound of water running from the tap. I got up from the bed and walked towards the bathroom. The door was shut but I could hear her voice inside. I put my ear to the door I could hear her moaning. She was masturbating vigorously as she was getting louder and louder...
IncestDevon's third show had not been with Brigitte. Instead, wearing the same schoolgirl outfit, she'd been raped and ass fucked by a tall, muscular black man. The man had roughly stripped her, pushed her flat on the low stage and spread his weight on top of her. Then he'd roughly sodomized her as the men stood around and watched in amusement. He had been so much bigger than her that he'd crushed her beneath his weight. His cock had been long and thick and had hurt badly as he'd pumped it in...
He should unpack, find his toiletries and find the shower, but to do so he'd have to search through his stacks of clothes and he knew, in doing that, would have to spend the time meticulously folding them all neatly away. Charlie didn't consider himself to have OCD or anything like that, but he was a guest in this house, albeit courtesy of Air BnB, and the second he had caught sight of the owner, he had known he wouldn't be leaving any messes for her to find. It wasn't that he was...
The sun is about to set over the horizon, a big red moving truck drives down a regular street in the outskirts of a regular middle west town. The driver, wearing a red cap, looks blankly at the address on the blood-stained paper. Six hundred sixty-six Elm Street, that is the address; that is where he is supposed to deliver his cargo. The house is old and creepy, nobody must have lived here in years. A neighbor, watering his lilies, waves at him. The driver does not respond. He cannot, it is not...
“I think we need to get out of here before we shrivel up like raisins” you say laughing. Looking at me you smile suggestively. “Let’s get into bed and work on that again”.“You’re on!” I say, leaping out of the tub and running to the bedroom with you right on my tail...Continued...Beginning of a great long weekend! (Part 3)As we race out of the bathroom we leave wet foot prints along the floor to the bedroom. I can feel you right on my heels. With one quick motion you wrap your strong arms...
Kathrine Smith was a daydreamer. She couldn’t stay focused on anything. She was a housewife and mother and liked to escape to the grocery story. She’d walk up and down the aisles thinking of great menu ideas she’d like to make. She just liked to get lost and not be bothered for a while. Katherine was quite miserable in her life. She missed working and instead cared for her three children and her husband. She had an infant, a toddler and a preschooler. She was tired of playing games and washing...
I woke up to a weight pressing down on my chest. The dawn light filtering through the curtains revealed Wishes curled against me with her head on my chest just above my boobs. Her face was hidden beneath her copper hair and I longed to move it so that I could look at her sweet face as she slept. Last night I had been nervous at the prospect of making love to this incredible woman, this morning I was terrified. I was afraid to wake Wishes, afraid that when she remembered what we had done last...
Rob woke slowly. It felt good to just lie here and relax. His whole body felt like he had been working out at the gym for hours and it was right on the edge of feeling tired and feeling like he was ready to go for a jog. The sheets were soft and warm. He searched his mind for someplace he had to be; but at the moment couldn't think of anything so he just let sleep reclaim him for a few more minutes. Finally, consciousness wormed it way into his mind and memory, or lack thereof,...
During our 15 years of marriage, we've been very open with each other sexually. We watch porn movies, pictures, erotic stories and telling each other our fantasies. Eight months ago, we decided to open up our sex life and seek out others to join us for sex. I always had a fantasy of seeing my wife being fucked by another man or men, and we decided to join a swingers club. Two clubs were in our area, 3 and 5 miles away. We decided to try the closest one first, and contacted Jerry and Barbara,...
The third-to-the-last pre-season game, before we got back to Washington, D.C., for a scheduled meeting with the Orioles at RFK and then another thirty miles north at Camden Yards, was against the Atlanta Braves in Richmond. We had still won more than we had lost, and Buzzy had trimmed the team down to the guys he wanted to keep plus the players he had to keep because Greeley Jepperson had paid them so much money and given them no-cut contracts. I stayed, I think, partly because I worked...
“Casey I hope you’re not too upset with me for helping Elsje. She was so down in the dumps when I came to school with big tits this morning ... I just had to pick her up,” Alicia said as they walked the two blocks home after school. “You know I’m not mad at you. I had already spoken to Dutch about us maybe getting together, but I didn’t tell him why. We have to be extra careful, Alicia. If you start telling all your friends about this, we’ll get a lot of folks snooping around.” “I’ve...
"Time to get that fat arse out of bed!" Gwendoline stood over Jim, her arms folded over her breasts and looking sternly down. "Time for an early morning half hour run followed by a twenty minute swim and then another half hour run - and mind you keep this up after we leave later today. You have two slices of toast, tea without milk and fruit juice for breakfast - no more fried breakfasts for you as long as we live together! I think a banana and a cheese sandwich should be fine for lunch -...
The rest of the semester seemed to cruise past. Final exams began two weeks after Thanksgiving and before Phil knew it, his last exam was over. The group was separating for Christmas. Tiffany, Molly and Katelyn were staying in town. Phil and Hailey went back to SouthPointe. They would visit occasionally during the six-week break but the house was being renovated. Katelyn would come up to visit with Bob during the break and stay with Phil’s parents – or not. Molly and Tiffany would also come...
One The minute I saw Kiersten, I knew she was going to change my life. First of all, she was gorgeous. 5'10", long blonde hair, perfectly proportioned body. She had long willowy legs, a lovely firm ass, and beautiful tits. I was immediately smitten. This wasn't all that unusual. I can become immediately smitten at the drop of a hat. I'm a confirmed girl-watcher, and I fall in lust five times a day. No big deal, usually. However, Kiersten wasn't a pretty face seen walking down...
Peter got up and sent Linda out to Dr. Harris. Linda sat down and Dr. Harris asked her what did you do in there, watch the video on the TV or look at the magazines?" Linda looking at him softly said, "I watched the video." Dr. Harris said, "Good I was hoping you would, now before we begin "Linda Sleep." Can you hear my voice Linda?" Linda said, "Yes, I hear you." Dr. Harris said, "Good girl, now open your eyes and relax, lay down on the sofa on your back, good. Now Linda, tell...
Masters Janet L. Stickney [email protected] Within the cold pages of history lie the secret of the Masters, those people that had conquered the realm of the impossible. With potions and herbs, incantations spoken in lustrous voices, fire, and a bit of showmanship, they conjured the forces of nature, creating possibilities out of what seemed like nothing, and the people, knowing the great power they had, would often call on them to right wrongs, cure the sick and the lame, or...
Introduction: Some of this is real, some things added for entertainment. This is my first story so please leave constructive criticism! It was my second year of college. I was majoring in nursing so we had a pretty strict guideline of classes we had to follow in order to be accepted into the actual nursing program by junior year. While most of my freshman year was spent doing the required breadth courses for the university, I was finally getting out of that stage and now doing the prerequisite...