My College TA free porn video

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Introduction: Some of this is real, some things added for entertainment. This is my first story so please leave constructive criticism! It was my second year of college. I was majoring in nursing so we had a pretty strict guideline of classes we had to follow in order to be accepted into the actual nursing program by junior year. While most of my freshman year was spent doing the required breadth courses for the university, I was finally getting out of that stage and now doing the prerequisite courses for the program. To say I was ecstatic was an understatement. I couldnt tell you why, but finally doing something that applied to my field made me feel closer to my actual goal, and I guess thats why I was more than happy to be there.

I was finishing my first week of my sophomore year, it was Friday and I had one more class to go. I hadnt been to this class yet as it only met once a week on Fridays mid afternoon, it was medical math and only counted as a one credit hour class.

Wait, what does this mean? They changed locations? Shit! I said to Andrew.

Andrew was a guy that I graduated high school with, and during our freshman year we had two of our science courses together. We also learned we were both majoring in nursing so we became pretty close friends. We had been under the assumption that the class was being held at the same location it was offered last semester, which was about a 15 minute drive away from campus. Little did we know that everything had been moved back onto campus.

HA! Wow. Well, that sucks. I dont think were gonna make it on time now. Ill call Dane and have him save us some seats, hurry lets try to get back over there, besides they are probably just going to go over the syllabus today, Andrew replied.

Now one thing to know about me is that I am a good student, I go to class early, I usually pick a seat by the front, and I definitely dont come in late on the FIRST DAY. I was frustrated to say the least, but there was nothing I could do. I straightened out my skirt, which was probably a tad bit too short, and got back in the car trying not to look too pissed. I knew it wasnt his fault, but I was still irritated with the situation.

By the time we got to the correct place, we were still lost, the entire facility seemed like a maze. We asked the receptionist at the front which way the class was, and still ended up coming in through the wrong door. We scurried in, and of course Dane saved us seats in the back, but I was actually a little relieved to not cause too much attention coming in late. I sat down and pulled out my notebook to start taking notes, as it seemed the syllabus reading was already over, I guess there isnt too much to talk about for a class that meets once a week. When I looked up though, my breath caught it my throat. Standing in front of me was the hottest guy I had ever seen.

I am 59 with an average build. Im not skinny, but by no means fat either, I had curves, aka code for big ass. That being said, this man towered over me, he was built, and with the black polo he was wearing it really accentuated his toned physique. His dirty blonde hair was a little messy, but not sloppy, more like he threw some gel in it and let it be, and to top it all off he had heart dropping blue eyes. He was young, way too young to be a professor but still a few years older than me, but he must have been the TA (which I later found out he was, and he was taking over the class as a part time job). He handed Andrew and I the syllabus, and checked our names off, when he asked me my name I had a moment of panic. Shit, whats my name? Summer, I managed to cough out. I saw a smile tip slightly at the corner of his mouth, he marked my name off and turned to head back to the front of the class. Man, the things I wanted to do with that mouth.

I turned to Andrew, Andrew.. I think Im in love… I whispered.

Really Summer? Shut up. Andrew said, he knew I was kidding, but he also knew that what I really meant was that I want to fuck this man right now on the table in front of everyone.

Andrew and I were pretty open to talking about these sort of things, but that didnt always mean we wanted to hear it. I sat between Andrew and Dane and turned and told Dane the same thing. He rolled his eyes. I couldnt really tell you what the rest of the class was about, the only thing I could think of was.. do people really seduce their professors? And if so, how do they go about it?

That week was hard to concentrate. I wasnt in a relationship, in fact, I had just gotten out of a messy one earlier in the summer, so I was really ready for something new. I told my best friends about my hot TA, and by the time the next Friday came around, they were ready to strangle me. But really… I kept thinking. Could I actually seduce him?

Friday was actually pretty uneventful. Of course I made sure to dress a little provocative, showing my long tan legs, and my perky B cup breasts. I straightened my long brown hair, and made sure that my blue eyes really popped out against my darker complexion, I noticed he had looked a bit longer than necessary but I couldnt quite read him.

Around the middle of the next week, I was really trying to think of a way to talk to him at least&hellip, At least!

Why not just go to his office hours and say you need help with the homework? Andrew said as we were walking to our Anatomy and Physiology class.

Well I would, but I dont need help with it. Its seriously too easy. I replied.

Well you could pretend that its hard. Or.. You could tell him youre struggling in this class, Im sure he wouldnt mind helping you with this, because it actually is difficult. Andrew remarked.

Huh, I didnt think about that.. Yea.. I think I will. Ill send him an email. Good thinking Andrew I teased him as I lightly punched his arm.

Oh god, I cant believe Im actually helping you try to fuck our teacher. He said ashamed.

I laughed quite loudly as we walked into class.

That afternoon I sent him an email, I decided to go with Andrews idea of just pretending his homework was hard, as I didnt really care to actually learn anything during our meeting.

Hi Mr. Rush, I was wondering if you would be able to set up a time to meet me to go over some problems I had with the homework. Thank you for your time. I look forward to your reply. Summer.

He replied the next day.

Hi Summer, Yes we can set up a time to meet, the homework is due tomorrow, so if you have time we can meet today around 4pm, or If that doesnt work, Ill go ahead and allow you to turn it in the next time we meet, that way you can do the homework confidently. Please let me know. Justin R.

Mr. Rush, I unfortunately can not meet you today, thank you for your quick reply, what does your schedule look like for next week? Summer

Summer, why dont you tell me your schedule and I can try to work around that. Justin R.

Well Im free pretty much any afternoon, tonight just happened to be a bad night, but really anytime after 3pm during the week. Thank you again though. Summer.

Summer, How about you come to my office 315 pm on Monday? Justin R.

That works, thank you so much. I hope you have a good day, and I will see you tomorrow. Summer

Thank you Summer, I hope you do too. Justin R.

Huh, I thought to myself. He really didnt need to send that last one. Maybe just out of courtesy?

Friday was again uneventful, however he did make sure that Monday was still fine, and I told him it was. Little did he know, that I was practically counting down the time until then.

Monday came and I dressed a bit more provocatively again, wearing a tight skirt and shirt. When it finally came time, I walked into the building and waited for him in the lounge. He walked in a little after I sat down and I noticed he did an up down of my outfit as he led me back to his office. Unfortunately, his office was a shared office with other TAs, however the one lady that was there left, to let us have our meeting. That being said, the door still stayed open and anyone could walk in if they wished. I sat down and pulled out the homework.

When I looked over at him I caught him staring at my legs. Thats right buddy, take it all in.. I moved my hands to my thighs and the movement must have caught him off guard. He looked up into my eyes.

So whats confusing you? He asked nonchalantly.

Wow, hes not even embarrassed he got caught, or maybe he doesnt think that I thought he was actually checking me out. Huh.. asshole, Ill make this uncomfortable. I moved my chair a little closer. Well, that got him, I thought as I noticed he began to fidget.

Well I just dont understand the conversion here, I saw you did this problem in class actually, and I just dont see how you got that answer, I said as I looked back up to him.

HA! Caught staring again, this time not just my legs. He was running his eyes up and down my body, and a little longer at my chest. I felt a wet spot forming in my panties from the thought of him touching me in all these places he was looking. Focus Summer Focus! I cant come on too desperately, although the only action Id been getting was from my fingers lately, even if I imagined them to be his instead. I shifted in my seat with excitement from the thought.

He grabbed a pencil and began to show me the conversion, it was now my turn to check him out, he was wearing another polo (I assume his attempt to look professional) and this time blue jeans, I leaned in towards him a little and let my hand brush his thigh as I brought it up to the table to retrieve my pencil too. He shifted and I managed to catch a glimpse of twitch in his cock. When we got to the end of the problems I wished I had more to ask, but just sat there thinking what to say next. The silence must have pulled him out of his reverie, as he turned back to being professional.

Well I hoped that this helped, you can email me if you have any more questions. Or even for any class, since I had to take the same ones, Justin stated.

Uh.. Yes thank you, it really did. And I will. Again thank you. Ill go ahead and turn this in I guess, since we did all of the problems. And.. Ill see you Friday? I awkwardly stated back.

Oh yep. Ill take that, and no we dont have school this Friday. Have a good week though, and Ill see you when we come back from break. He finished.

And like that, I left. Completely confused, and realizing it was the only time ever that I wish I had school on Friday.

Was he not checking me out? No… He was definitely checking me out.. He probably just realized how wrong it was to be looking at me like that. But really why is it that wrong? Its not like Im underage.. I mean I guess he could lose his job.. Hmm. That was probably it. Damn.. Maybe I should email him to thank him for his time.. As if I didnt already thank him enough… Whatever Im gonna thank him again.

I pulled out my phone, and pulled up my school email. No freaking shit. 1 new email from Justin Rush. Sent… 10 minutes ago. Shit that was like exactly after I left.

Summer, Thank you for coming in to see me. I hope that I helped you, feel free to email me with any further questions, and again Im more than happy to tutor you in any other classes you may have. And remember that we dont have class this Friday, Ill be sending out an announcement to everyone. Justin

I decided to just go for it.

No, I appreciate you making time out of your busy schedule to meet with me. Have a good week, I wish we had school Friday though. Summer

He replied two days later.

Summer, its no problem really. And why do you wish you had school? Justin R.

So I could see you of course. Summer.

Why would you want to see me? Justin

Oh now hes really wanting me to say it, not happening.

I think you know why. Summer.

The next week flew by with all my tests happening right before and after the mini break. It was finally Friday, I went straight up to him after class and asked him if we could meet again for the homework assignment that he had just assigned. That should have been a dead give away that I wasnt really seeing him for help with the assignments. I mean I obviously hadnt even looked at it yet, but he agreed, and we set the time for the next Monday again.

Monday came, and I was done with the small flirting, I needed him. In whatever way he would let me have him. I knew me being his student was uncomfortable for him, but I didnt care. I again decided to wear a tight skirt and spaghetti strap to show off my curves, plus&hellip, easy access.

I walked into the reception area and sat in the same seat as before, he walked in shortly after. I stood and followed him back into the office. I walked into the office after him, this time no one was in here, and then the nervousness set in. What was I thinking? I cant just show up and try to have sex with him. What the hell Summer!?? Were in the fucking TAs office, hes not going to want to risk anything, even if he likes me, where he is so close to getting caught! SHIT. Bad plan.

The only thing I could think to do next was turn around and close the door behind me, and luckily there was a lock on it.

I turned to face him and he stared at me. Before I could say something to explain he took a step towards me and pulled me into him. Our mouths met feverishly. I pulled him in tighter, desperate for the contact, and he gladly accepted by snaking his hands around to my ass, slightly pulling up my skirt and giving it a firm squeeze. I moaned into his mouth, and he took it as his cue to use his tongue to explore the inside of mine. He walked me back a step more not ending the kiss, until I was flesh against the wall by the door. He leaned his body weight into me and his hands moved to my front, cupping my breasts. I ran my hands through his hair concentrating on the feeling of his huge hands massaging me.

Ahh Summer, Ive wanted you since you walked in. he growled as he tugged my shirt down a bit and pulled one of my breasts out. Using his thumb and middle finger he lightly pinched my nipple and began rolling it between his fingers. I moaned again and thrust my hips up into him, I could feel his hard cock through his jeans. He broke the kiss, and began to lightly nip and suck on my jaw down to my neck. I moved my hands from his hair down to his abdomen and began lightly running my fingers at the hem of his jeans. He moved further down with his kissing until he was at my nipple, where he flicked it lightly with his tongue. Then with no hesitation he took my nipple in his mouth and sucked and teased at it. He lightly scraped his teeth around it and I moaned a bit louder not thinking of where I was, he stopped and brought his hand to my mouth.

Shhh he whispered in my ear, while still holding his hand over my mouth. I know you didnt dress like this just to have this moment ruined in a matter of 5 minutes. Did you? He reached his other hand down between us and ran his finger over my panties. My eyes fluttered close, and I moaned into his hand.

Already wet I can tell… Am I going to have to keep you quite through this?

I opened my eyes and immediately met his. I slowly shook my head and he released his hand. He leaned forward and kissed me again. This time, there was no rush. We took our time, feeling and tasting each other. He reached his hand back down and used a finger to push my panties to the side. He slid one finger along my slit. I shuttered, feeling like I would probably explode soon. He did it again, and this time nudged his finger up into my entrance a little, not fully inside, but enough to tease me. I crushed my lips against his, trying to express what I wanted from him.

So wet, and so responsive, and all mine, he growled again.

He slid his finger across my slit and this time plunged a finger inside me. I moaned, and he responded by adding a second finger. I moaned louder and he immediately removed his fingers and covered my mouth again.

Now, now, youre going to get us caught. Were going to have to fix this. He moved one of the fingers that had been inside me into my mouth. I sucked on them while meeting his gaze. He studied my mouth and put the second finger inside my mouth. Then bending down, he removed my panties, and had me step out of them. He scrunched them up, and moved it to his nose. Inhaling my scent while he looked me in the eyes. It was the sexiest thing I had ever seen. He came in closer,

This is your last chance, moan any louder, and I think you know where these will be going, understand? He said. I nodded while biting my lower lip. He watched and nodded back, shoving the wet panties inside his pocket.

I moved forward and grabbed his belt loop, pulling him close to me. The corner of his mouth slightly tipped up, but he was still focused on me. I moved my hands to the button of his jeans and tugged the zipper down.

Mr. Rush goes commando, I smiled and bit my lip while looking into his eyes. I pulled his jeans down slightly and began to stroke his cock. His hands reached up to cup my face, pulling my lip out with his thumb. He ran his thumb across my bottom lip and a lightly bit the pad of it. He leaned down and kissed me, giving me light feathery kisses across my mouth while I slowly jerked his cock.

I took his lip between my teeth and gently pulled, just to give a little pain. I began to stroke him a bit harder and increased my pace. He moaned and his head tilted back. While continuing to stroke him, I got to my knees and kissed the head of his cock.

Summer, you dont have to do that. He said looking down at me.

I looked up at him with a grin, opening my mouth I took part of his head in, while keeping one hand at the base of his cock. He reached behind me and steadied himself with the wall. I dropped my hand from his cock, and slowly started to replace it with my mouth. His head shot back as I used my tongue to massage around his length. I couldnt take all of his cock in without gagging, but he started to thrust his cock into my mouth slowly. I swiveled my tongue around the head before going back down meeting his slow thrust. He moved one hand behind my head and slowly pushed his dick further into my mouth. I still hadnt taken all of him in, and I wasnt sure that I would be able to. He kept the pace while I concentrated on sucking and moving my tongue to the sensitive areas, namely the head. I reached up with one hand and cupped his balls. He groaned and thrust his dick into my mouth with a little more urgency. I kept massaging them, and could feel his tightening. I knew he was probably going to cum soon. He picked up the pace of thrusting, and soon I was gagging, but that didnt stop him, he pushed a little bit further until I could feel the head of his dick in my throat. I hummed a little to give him some vibration and that set him over the edge. Thick streams of cum ran down my throat, and I didnt have any choice but to swallow. I had never swallowed cum before.

He rested his forehead along his arm on the wall, catching his breath. I knelt there in front of him still, trying to catch my breath as well. He looked down at me, and gave me a melt worthy smile.

That was amazing Summer.

So I guess Ill be getting an A+ in this class right? I joked, not that I wouldnt get an A in his class anyway.

His smile disappeared. Fuck. Too soon to remind him of what hes doing? Nice going Summer.

He helped me up and we stood there in silence for a minute while he buttoned his pants back up. Just when I thought it was about to get awkward, and thought about how the fuck I should leave, he stepped forward toward me and our lips met again. He kissed me passionately, and everything in the last few minutes was wiped away. He walked me backwards until the back of my knees met the chair and had me sit in it. He pulled the panties out of his pocket and looked at me. His mouth slightly tipped up in the corner.

I swear Ill be quiet, I pleaded.

I dont think that will happen, and I cant have someone investigating what they think they heard. Besides I dont know how much longer we have in here, so I want to make this good.

He pushed my semi damp panties into my mouth.

Now grip the arms of the chair, he said. I did as I was told and let myself relax a bit, even though I wasnt sure how to feel about my panties in my mouth. It was a little exciting, I could feel my pussy getting wet and I was hoping he thought this sight was sexy.

He pushed my legs apart and knelt between them. He pulled me to the edge of the seat and planted a wet kiss on the inside of my left knee. I shuttered a bit, its not that the kiss felt that exciting, but the anticipation was killing me. I was in need of relief, and in need of it very soon. He left little kisses up and down my thighs, getting close to my pussy but never close enough. My eyes were closed and I was breathing hard, biting down on my panties. I must have subconsciously been thrusting towards him because when he stopped kissing I stopped a second after too. I opened my eyes slightly and he blew a cool stream of air on my pussy. I let out a sigh and thrust my hips up. He was driving me crazy, and I couldnt even beg because of the underwear in my mouth. I whimpered when I didnt feel him for a second again.

Then his mouth was on me, he sucked and lapped at my slit, and I moaned instantly into the panties, thrusting my hips back into his face. He touched my clit with his tongue and I was non-stop moaning and thrashing into him. He pushed one finger into my pussy all the while keeping the attention of his tongue on my clit. I was moaning and thrusting, and was glad he placed my panties in my mouth or Id be screaming. He inserted another finger and began finger fucking me. He inserted one more finger into me, and I lost it. I gasped as my body shook. My head became light as all the blood rushed away from it and I did one final thrust into him as he lapped at my cum. It took me a second before I noticed he pulled away, but I was still catching my breath. When I looked up at him, he had that melt worthy smile on his face. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, and leaned in to take the panties out of my mouth. He shoved them back in his pocket and leaned back down to kiss me. My mouth was dry, but I tasted myself on him. So. Fucking. Sexy.

We both realized we had been in the office for a while with the door shut, so without saying anything we both got ourselves back to presentable. I tried to get my panties back, but he wouldnt give. I saw his mouth tip up at the corner. That fucking beautiful mouth, I thought. I straightened my skirt out and picked up my bag off the floor, he leaned in to kiss me, and grabbed my bottom lip with his teeth like I had done earlier to him. Fuck. He grabbed my hand and rubbed it on the outside of his jeans, he was hard again.

This is what you do to me, he said. Then he opened up the door and walked out.

The room still smelled musky, and now I had no panties. My stomach got butterflies. Fuck. No&hellip, Thats what Im going to do. Im going to fuck him.


Please leave me some feedback. Depending on the responses, I will write the part two. Thank you guys!

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Early Teen Wanking Story Part 1

100% fiction! I cannot remember at what age I started wanking my little white cock. Probably when it first got strange and stiff and I found it pleasurable to stroke it. What I do remember was that I started wanking well before I started ejaculating. There are lots of slang terms used to describe the masturbation of the male penis, but for the sake of this missive I will be using the “wanking” term. Like other young boys I wanked my cock in the shower, in the toilet and in bed and yes I was...

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A Little Night MusicChapter 16

“When we die, do we haunt the sky? Do we lurk in the murk of the seas? What, then? Are we born again? Just to sit asking questions like these? I know, for I told me so, And I’m sure each of you quite agrees: The more it stays the same, the less it changes!” -Spinal Tap, “The Majesty of Rock“ Susan Bailey and Generalissimo Hernando Ramirez had just passed through the gates and were on the circular drive to the main entrance of Castle Finzione when word came that Contessa Helena de San...

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Well in my previous job I was the hatchet bitch, I thought originally when I took on the role thought that I would be more of a guidance coach in giving Managers and hoteliers advice to improve their profits.As time rolled on I realised my reports were being used to axe jobs! Julian the slime ball Financial Auditor was the hatchet man!Well the story starts in Chorlton cum-hardy a suburb of Manchester, quite trendy,well I had wielded my cleaver and several guys in the catering staff were being...

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Paranormal lover

Alice walked up to the front steps of the old house, looking around she cant beleve her luck. As she gazed at the old Victorian style house built in the mid 1800s, all the woodwork and turret style rooms off to the one side. Alice sighed as she walked up to the door and put the key in. 6 months ago she was online looking for a nice old house to live in. Her husband leaving her for the secretary 2 years ago had devastated her, so she fell into her work as a stock broker. She hit it big when the...

4 years ago
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Payment In LooeChapter 13 Monday 7th July 1969Part Three

Roger and Doris were standing outside the theatre as the people began to file out. Eventually they spotted the four people they were waiting to meet. Danielle Pierce was the first to speak as she spotted them standing there holding hands. With a grin she said, "Does this mean what I think it mean? Is this who I think it is?" "Yes and yes. Dani, Frannie, I'd like you to meet my new boyfriend Roger Thompson." She turned to Roger. "Roger, I'd like you to meet my cabin mates Francis,...

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From One Teacher to Another

It all began when she saw a thirty-something tall and lanky man with moppish hair. Although Marianne was sitting in the last row, his simple act of entering her classroom made her fourteen-year-old heart miss a beat and her palms began sweating. She was transfixed by his big dark eyes, sharp nose and broad shoulders. All through the lecture, Marianne kept admiring everything about him, including the way he was moving his hands, his well-ironed trousers and even his polished brown shoes. With...

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Annual Anal Fest

The 1st annual Anal Festival is a first of its kind. As people across the world come together to celebrate particularly fetishes. In this century it has become more normalized. So people decided to create holidays around their favorite ones. It’s the month of August, the month of anal. Anything and everything ass appears on the last week of August. You name it, media covers it like cat photos with baby chicks. The festival is going to be a big one, located in Santa Monica, California. Right of...

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GPS and an unplanned trip

It was an early spring morning when the season’s first warm sun came out. I had nothing planned that day so I scanned the room and spotted my new GPS and I thought to try it out in the woods. An hour later, I arrived at a park that was popular for day hikers, mountain bikers, and family nature ventures. The morning chill had vanished and the season’s first warm sun felt erotic. I switched on the GPS and headed into the woods. Perhaps it was the erotic sun, who knows, I never planned nor have...

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Mansurs Rache

Mansur’s Rache Synopsis (17. Jahrhundert, T?rkenkriege, ein Kloster im Donautal) Nach blutiger Schlacht im Angesicht des Klosters beschliesst der siegreiche Emir Mansur der Pr?chtige an den Bewohnern des Klosters grausame Rache zu nehmen. In der Arena des grossen Klosterhofes, vor rachedurstigen Kriegern, erdulden die Nonnen und Novizinnen subtile Varianten muselmanischer Folterkunst.Die Schlacht  In den fr?hen Morgenstunden des strahlenden Fr?hlingstages hatten die t?rkischen Truppen unter M...

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A Black Baby

 A Black BabybyEnglish Bob©I know it will be black when it's born, there can be no doubt. For the last year, Michael, our lodger, has been much closer to my wife than I have. And when I say close, I mean close. Mona won't let me anywhere near her since he moved into our spare room. Although his tenure in that room didn't last very long at all.It seemed like a good idea at the time. I was working all hours and my wife, Mona, was at home all day by herself. We are a c***dless couple (I am...

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ProdigyChapter 14

The next week was was torture for Helen. Glen remained in the spare bedroom and his communications with her were little more than grunts, most of them in disapproval. She made several overtures but Glen let her know in no uncertain terms that he wasn't interested. The wife and mother felt her marriage slipping away and now felt powerless to stop the growing alienation between them. Katy had begun spending more time away from the house, probably because she did not want to contend with what...

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Interracial Matters Jans Story Part VIII

Jan awoke late next morning. She found herself with her head resting on Ben’s chest; his arm was around her shoulders. She glanced up at him. He was awake and smiling at her. He shifted his body slightly and she felt his penis was pressing into her thigh. It was hard again. “Morning,” he said. She smiled. “Morning,” she replied before kissing his chest. “Sleep well?” “Once the stiffness went down, yes,” he told her. She giggled. Ben had fucked her six times last night. It was well into the...

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Farmers Daughters Part 2 of 2

Sharon laughed. Willy always said the sweetest things.----Willy’s birthday fell on a Saturday in February, but the state university had a big basketball game on Friday night that they wanted to watch on Willy’s big screen. So they decided they would all get together to watch the game and afterwards Willy would get his birthday gift and by midnight he’d be in seventh heaven.Willy came home from work that day loaded with beer, wine and a tray of deli sandwiches and soups and salad. The...

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Mistress Sabines Sissy

My phone vibrated softly signaling a text. I almost didn't look at it. I was at a meeting of the board of the corporation I work for, trying to steel my nerves for a presentation I was scheduled to make. This was my first time and instead of running through my presentation in my head I was focused on what I was wearing under my suit.I glanced at the phone."Someone in the room knows exactly what you're wearing..."It was from Mistress Sabine, a woman I'd only met a few weeks ago. She was also the...

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The Reward Ch 2 Graduation

By Jax_Teller After winning at the Olympic qualifier tournament Debbie and I began dating. It was only a month to graduation and although we both had finals to study for we both made a commitment to see each other outside of the FaQ club. Debbie’s’ parents didn’t like the thought of her dating or the timing, but made it clear they did like me. Debbie told them straight up that she was going to date me or anyone she wanted and there was nothing they could do about it. ...

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Pussy or Cock Both

I have just spent a weekend enjoying the best sex of my life. My new lover Bill had fucked me silly, and I now knew I was gay and never wanted anything but cock to satisfy my ever-expanding needs. He had even brought some friends over for a group session that I had absolutely loved and all I wanted to do from now on was more of the same.Little did I know that this wonderful scenario I was envisioning would take a strange twist that would find me being abused, used, and humiliated by an old...

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My Friend8217s Wife My Dream Girl

Hi friends, I am Raj Malhotra from Hyderabad. I hope you people remember me and have enjoyed my previous story Seduced My Mother, My Angel’. I and my mother continue to enjoy a very good relationship even now. I am here again to write about my another story which happened very recently. My friend and also a senior at college had moved to Hyderabad due to job reasons, and were in search of an apartment. When he requested me for the same, I managed to search one in my building. So by now, I am...

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In my previous story: “I took HER to COSTCO and THEN FUCKED HER IN THE BACKSEAT”, I continued to tell you about my affair with “Sherry” – a fake name I use to talk about my older lover so she can’t possibly be identified.As I sit here typing this, I’ve just come back from yet another date with Sherry. Despite the fact that she’s been cheating on her husband with me and therefore lying to her husband and her daughter about her infidelities by omission, Sherry is not a “bad person”. She’s just a...

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Bait and Switch Ch 01

Also, please note that this chapter is long on story, and shorter on sex, but that is only because it is a first chapter. Subsequent chapters will be more balanced. ============================== Blue lights... A whirring sound... Something pokes my arm... Head is throbbing... I can't feel my arm... Oh no, what have they done with my arm? A pink shadow bends over me. Sweat soaked, I sit up in bed, terror filling my mind and thoughts. I quickly look at my right arm, and breathe a sigh...

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Monica MechanicChapter 4 Conundrum

As they traveled, the company continued to rotate positions, both as a way to stay fresh and alert, and to continue to acquaint themselves with the company’s newest members. Plus, whoever rode drag, led the horses bearing the canvass wrapped corpses. As Monty and Charles learned more of Ayesha’s story, they recognized a kindred spirit. She was funny, sunny, and had a wide variety of interests and skills. She was well educated, unusual for a woman in this time and place. Neither Monty nor...

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Damaged Goods

It had been a long journey that I was on. Four years in college and four years at the seminary. I had degrees in philosophy and in theology. I chose this for myself. I had a sign from God when I was recovering from Cancer as a young child. Jesus came to me several times during my recovery. Not sure if it really happened in present time or just in dreams like I had believed. He told me this was the path that I needed to go on. It would be a long and tedious journey with lots of sacrifices. This...

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Instructions hid around house during my absence

One of the trips I had taken with our son, I left instructions for my wife. These were hidden around the house for each day. I called her and told her to retrieve them each morning. The private pictures and videos were great! She went above and beyond and made me proud. Sunday Evening’s Instructions:Make sure our daughter gets to bed on time, 8:30 latest. Do your Wii Fit if you like, but you must still wear short shorts and tank top. When you finish the game, take a shower. After the shower you...

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Once a Year

I first met Shelby three years ago at a nightclub. She was with a girlfriend that I knew from high school and they had been club hopping. I got an introduction courtesy of my high school acquaintance and fell head over heals for her the moment she opened her mouth to speak. I don't know if you have ever experienced this, but I knew that I loved her the moment we met. I also knew that she was way out of my league. She was like a goddess walking the earth. Shelby has a body that is perfect in...

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An Assumed InheritanceChapter 8

Debra was striding beside Esfalan, leading her horse, while Autonorë was riding with Jorda. Esfalan noted that where there was no apparent danger and no need for sleep, only one of the two stayed by his side. He'd not mentioned this observation. He wasn't the only observant one of the three of them, however. From as companionable a silence as could be had in the wrack of the plague, Debra spoke. "You are very different when you are commanding, here in hostile territory. Even your speech...

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Adam Vivian Naked in SchoolPart 5 Friday

As it turned out I only slept until 7:00 AM, but even that was really late for me. I think the sunlight woke me up; it was usually dark when I got up for workouts. Noises and pleasant aromas were coming from the kitchen, both irresistible. I sat up in bed, stretched, went to the bathroom, checked that my pajama bottoms were closed, and headed downstairs. Dad, apparently, had already left for his flight. The newspaper and some dirty dishes were at his place, but no sign of Dad himself. Effie...

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Skater Girl

K.T. hated school. She hated her parents. She hated everyone and everything that crushed her and pulled her down. The only time she was ever happy was on her board. She kicked with her foot and let the speed take her. The skateboard shot down the sidewalk and all that power flowed up into her. The hips were the key, where all that force came together. The board was a wild animal straining to break free, but if you got the hips right it was yours to master. That was why boys couldn’t really...

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Hollywood and First Time Exposure PT3

He let up on her hand but wondered if she was really ready for something like this as he watched her eyes and face and the expressions she was emitting throughout the personal “exchange” of emotions she was letting him see. There they were. She sat topless, her large succulent breasts sitting against her chest, and he sat shirtless too. He’d grown horny. He’d grown extremely turned on by it all. Considering that he was a “fair” man, sex wasn’t absolutely necessary if everything came down to...

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Emilys First Solo Holiday Part 08

by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous part. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 08 DAY 13 ****** I woke to sound of Dani shouting my name. As usual, I’d gone to bed leaving the balcony door open so Dani’s shouting soon woke me. When I emerged Dani told me that I had about an hour before we were getting picked up to go to the Party Boat. “Plenty of time.” I said and rushed to the...

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Third Times A CharmChapter 4 Tiennie

Tuesday, one week and one day after Chellie left, Freya had that look in her eyes again. You know the look: 'husband, I need your help with a project, and don't you dare try to say no!' We were sitting at our breakfast table, eating (surprise!) breakfast. I must have sighed because she took it as a personal affront. "What's the matter now? Am I bothering you?" Freya's voice could never be harsh, and her personality could never be shrewish, but when she thought she was being was...

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my barn house

You and I are on a trip and we are going to see a friend up north. Thats what I tell you anyway . I tell you we are going to see Uncle Roy! You say he is a perv ! I tell you hes your mothers brother. And we need to go see him about a dog. Its up in the hills of Ga. We start loading stuff up and you see me put at bag in the van , You ask what it was? I tell you is a surprise . So you ask who's it far?Dont worry You will know in time!! We get in the van an head down the road. We have been on...

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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 9 The Pageant Flyer

Now that Jessie was alone with Kate she just sat in quiet thought letting all the afternoon’s events slosh around in her head. Eventually Kate spoke again saying, “Well, come on. Let’s get going. Mom’s expecting us back for supper. Have you told your mom you’re having dinner with us?” “Yep!” said Jessie. “And what about Paul? Your dad said he was coming home today. What do you think he will think of all this nudie stuff?” “Nar! Not him!” said Kate. “He won’t be interested in any of that...

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ScamAngels Valentina Nappi Karma RX The Crypto Scam 8211 Part 1

Valentina Nappi is a smart business woman so she won’t let Seth Gambles or the boss screw her over! Karma Rx, Bella Rose and Athena Faris join her and they put together the biggest scam so far! Busty Karma and curvy beauty Valentina seduce Seth. They give the perfect sloppy blowjob, ride his dick and let this guy plow their luscious pussies. After these horny ladies get some fresh cum on their tongues they reveal how Seth just got screwed! They recorded every bit of this incredible fuck fest...

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Simple Ideas for Dominating the Male

1. Must use "Mistress", Madame", or "Ma'am" at all times.2. Handcuffed to the shopping cart, while shopping.3. Handcuffed or tied to a pole outside store. (waiting for Mistress)4. Handcuffed, hands in front or back, while shopping.5. Metal cock rings, collars, chains, or leashes when going through airport security.6. Having him get a good tan while wearing a bra, for later exposure at the beach or while washing the car without a shirt.7. When at a restaurant, eating in an unusual way; being fed...

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Alternate Discipline Plan in EuropeChapter 90

Sandra opened the gate and just walked out with Timmy walking in front of her. As usual, she hadn't attached his leash but just carried it in her hand. Timmy was well behaved enough to stay close to her and not just run off into the streets. She only took the leash with her in case a cop or someone else would come along and object about it. When Sandra was already halfway down the drive towards the sidewalk, she noticed that something was missing, she turned around and saw how Veronique and...

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ScarredChapter 2

Stelios reassured me, he will have some of his employees take care of the vineyard, while I was gone. Before he left, I put out my hand for a handshake. Instead, he embraced me in a tight hug. “You look after yourself, son,” he mumbled in my ear. Releasing me, he wiped his eyes. “Always uncle,” I tried to comfort him, with my words. I watched him get in the Pajero and drive off. Leaving a trail of dust as the vehicle disappeared. I tossed some clothes in an old duffel bag. Arranged some...

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Always Finding TroubleChapter 49

Ah, Friday morning, perhaps I can get out a little early and relax. What I need is that little bi-plane, go soar in the clouds, and feel the mist on my face. I need one of those Snoopy hats with the goggles. The smile on my face woke Brandy who had her cheek resting against mine. "What's making you smile, Honey?" "I'm lying here with two beauties, a very special person snuggled up and greeting me when I first wake up, what more could make me happy?" "How about flying, were you...

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My Birthday Present Part 3

I dove into the pool, naked, to join Jewel and José. The water felt cool and refreshing. I took a quick lap, passing my step-daughter and her brother-in-law as they played grab-ass together. Their laughter was muffled a bit by the water coursing by my ears as I swam the length of the pool. When I touched the far wall I held on to the side and looked back at them. Jewel and José were in the shallow end and Jewel had her arms wrapped around José’s neck. They were locked in a passionate kiss....

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FamilyXXX Marilyn Johnson Marilyn Can8217t Wait For Mommy To Leave

Super horny blonde step daughter Marilyn cannot wait for her mom to leave so she can get another dose of her step daddy’s hard cock. She quickly runs to her bed spreading her young pink pussy wide while Michael strokes himself hiding in the closet until Marilyn is ready for him to start licking up her sweet hot pussy juices. Now that his cock is throbbing he slips inside and pounds her tight little pussy hard and deep until she begs for him to cum inside and unload every ounce of step...

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Sexual Snippets Homework

Disclaimer: This is a work of erotic fantasy and does not represent any real people or events. The characters in thisstory may indulge in sexual activity that is immoral or even i*****l. The author does not endorse such actions in reallife. These stories are only meant to be read as entertainment by consenting adults in countries where it is legal to doso. This story was first posted by the author (i.e. by me) at ASSTR.Avanti had not done her homework. There was nothing so extraordinary about...

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Khoe A Tale of Sadness Joy Ch 01

*** I had another account that I wanted to use to test things. Based on the results, I doubt I’ll ever use it again. Anyway, I posted this there, but after about 9 hours and a comment which was unsavory enough for the administration of Lit – and not me – to remove on the different story that I’d begun there, I pulled this one off long before it was to appear. I liked the characters in this too much anyhow. I was a little undecided in which category to put this one in. I suppose that it could...

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Missing the moans

Her moan sounded like a cat. She also clawed my upper back like a cat. But she jiggled back and forth on the pillow that day like the prettiest girl I had ever know (which she was) who had cried in my arms the week before about how she loved me, whom I had told that we should ‘see other people’ after the summer, provoking her to cry. Was I being manipulative to this woman? Hadn’t I hurt her feelings? Yes and yes. But I did still love her. It’s just complicated. And it made her want me more....


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