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My Girlfriend Has Feelings For Her Work Friend

While based on a real situation that I read about in an advice column, it is otherwise totally fictional.

{Many thanks to my sweet inspiration blackrandl1958 for her guidance and of course her editing. Thank you, Crkcppr for Beta reading.}

It had a beginning. Everything has a beginning, and this was no different. John loved Emily. That is not the beginning, but that is the stage for the action. After dating for two years, they knew they were meant for each other. The stage became crowded and the plot became complex because of careers.

It was the lure of Mecca. The Big Apple came calling and Emily answered the call. It was a tremendous career opportunity, one that comes only once in a lifetime; opportunity knocks and woe betide the unlucky soul who is away when the knock sounds. Emily was at home and waiting for that knock. Twelve months in the home office, one year to make her mark, return home as the newest star in the business firmament. There were tears, long and painful discussions, insecurities expressed and reassurances offered.

“John, I will never know unless I take a chance,” Emily said. “It’s the home office, John. You know that we will need my income for a long time. You’ll be a star, but until then, trust me. You know I love you, don’t you?”

John did know that. “Yes, there’s no doubt in my mind, Emily, but Jesus Christ, a year?”

“John, we’re young,” she said. “We have the rest of our lives. You do intend to spend the rest of our lives together, right?”

“Of course,” he said. “It’s just ... I don’t know. I’m happy for you, Emily, I swear I am. I want you to have this chance. I know it means so much to you, but a freaking year!”

“It’s not like we won’t see each other for a year,” she said. “I’ll come home. This is my home, John, here with you. You can come to New York. We’ll spend nearly every weekend together. You know we hardly see each other during the week, anyway.”

It was true. He got up at five. She had a long commute and didn’t get home until two hours before he went to bed, at the most.

She moved astride his lap, their noses touching and her impossibly long eyelashes mingling with his. “Besides,” she whispered. “Just think of the sex. I’m going to be so horny after not seeing you all week that you’re going to need at least five days to recover!”

John knew he had lost, and he really was happy for her. Making her eyes sparkle was something he lived for, and so it began.

The cracks began four months later. It had been building, but John was blissfully unaware of the danger. A stranger became an intruder. He was not a stranger to Emily, she saw him every day. John heard not a whisper of his existence.

Aaron was a transfer from another office. Emily first became aware of him when he became aware of her. She was a prize worth taking, and Aaron made the collection of prizes his business. He made sure she was aware of him.

Emily wasn’t even sure how it started, but she found herself spending more and more time with Aaron. He became, first, her friend, and then her very good friend. Alarms began to go off in her head when the conversation turned intimate. It was gradual, and before she was even aware of what was happening, Aaron’s manner became romantic, and she found herself in a quandary. How to disengage now? She knew she had to speak with John.

John’s phone rang and he saw Emily’s name on the Caller ID. He picked up the phone, and pressed “answer.”

“Hi, Honey,” he said, “how are things going?”

He noticed a little hesitation before Emily responded.

“Not too bad,” she said. “The project’s going really well, but we’re very busy and I miss you so much...”

John could tell that she had something more to say, and just waited. After an uncomfortable couple of moments, Emily let out a sigh and continued.

“One of my good friends at work, Aaron Hunter, is making me a little uncomfortable; he’s actually been making passes at me.”

Emily had always had a flirtatious personality, which could be easily mistaken for genuine interest, but they were exclusive and John was very unhappy with this news. He felt that he had to do what he could to nip it in the bud.

“Emily,” he said, “you’re a smart, capable woman. You’ve dealt with guys making unwanted advances before ... These ARE unwanted advances, aren’t they?”

Emily again hesitated.

“Of course, John,” she said. “I’ve told him that I’m in a happy committed relationship and have no interest in pursuing a romantic relationship with him, but he won’t stop. He tells me that I’m his soul mate and that he is in love with me.”

“Emily, you know his actions are entirely inappropriate. If he won’t stop you should threaten him with sexual harassment charges, as he is creating a hostile work environment.”

“Oh, no!” Emily said, “I can’t do that, Aaron is my best friend at work, I can handle him without making a big scene. Please, you have to trust me.”

John lost his cool a bit at her remarks.

“Just how good a “friend” can he be if he is trying to come between us? I do trust you, but I don’t trust HIM.”

Now Emily was getting a little angry.

“I’m a big girl,” she said, “and I can take care of myself!”

“All right, Emily, all right, I believe you. Please don’t let me down.”

“I won’t, John, you’ll see. Love you.”

“I love you, too. Good-bye,” John said. He hung up, but didn’t see any way that this could end well.

Emily hung up, a little shaken by her anger at John. She knew that he meant well and she could only imagine how she would feel if some slut was moving in on John!

She finally fell asleep after tossing and turning a bit, and woke up still feeling a bit weary.

She spent the rest of the weekend straightening up around the apartment, started a wash and did some prep work on her project for Monday morning.

Monday morning, she woke up much more refreshed and headed in to work, determined to dial back on her flirtatiousness and stick to business.

While she was having her morning coffee with her friend Karen, Aaron came over.

“How was your weekend, Emily?” he asked.

After a brief hesitation, she responded coolly.

“Nothing special. I had a nice chat with my boyfriend John, then took care of some things around the apartment,” she said before returning her attention to Karen.

Aaron had played this game before, noticed her emphasis on her boyfriend, and backed off.

“Well, I’ve got to get back to work,” he said, “Enjoy the rest of your break; maybe we’ll get together later in the week.”

“Yeah ... maybe,” she said as he walked away.

“Wow, did it just get chilly in here, or is it me?” asked Karen.

“Oh, that,” Emily laughed, “It’s just that he’s been testing my boundaries lately, and I’m afraid I’ve been a little lax on setting him straight. It’s caused a little tension between John and me, so I decided a little course correction was needed.”

“Boy, it must be nice be able to toss prize catches like him back!” Karen said, “I can’t even get a nibble out of him.”

They shared a laugh as they got up and returned to their desks, but Emily wondered about what Karen had just said. Emily had no false modesty; she knew that she was hot, but Karen was just as attractive, why wouldn’t Aaron go after her instead? Was it because Emily was “taken,” and thus harder to get? Could he be that perverse, that he wants what someone else has? It was making her dizzy; she shook it off and got back to work.

Over the next few days her dealings with Aaron were much more comfortable. He never approached her except for business, and was friendly but professional.

Friday afternoon, Karen invited her to join a group for dinner and a few drinks, and she accepted. Before leaving work she called John.

“Hi, Honey, how are you doing?” she asked.

“As well as can be expected without you,” he replied, “How’s work been?”

Emily heard the unspoken question, but decided not to answer it.

“Pretty good,” she answered, “productive, but not overly busy.”

“I hope you’re making time for some fun,” he said.

“I’m usually too tired, but I’m joining Sally and some other folks after work.”

John’s antennae went up.

“Will Aaron be there?” he asked.

‘God, give it a rest!’ Emily thought, but replied, “I’m not sure, but I suppose so.”

“Well, have fun, but not too much fun,” he said with a laugh.

Emily was a little irritated, but decided to take it with the humor she hoped John intended.

“Don’t worry, Honey, you’re the only one I have too much fun with. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Okay, Baby, I love you.”

“I love you, too, John,” she said and hung up.

John knew that he should feel reassured, so why did he still feel so tense? With nothing else to go on he decided to just wait and see, as uncomfortable as it was.

At the end of the day Sally swung by Emily’s desk and they went to meet the others at the restaurant. Emily was pleased to see that Aaron was already there, and made it a point to sit at the opposite end of the table. She noticed a small frown on his face that was quickly replaced by a pasted on smile.

After a pleasant dinner, most of the group moved on to a local bar. Emily was concerned that there was a dance floor, but steeled her resolve to stay in control of the situation.

Unfortunately, Aaron was able to grab a seat beside her, but Emily made an effort to ignore him as much as possible, and concentrated on the others in the group.

When the second round of drinks was served, someone put music on and members of the group started pairing up to dance. Aaron took the opportunity to take Emily’s hand and tried to get her up to dance. Unable to refuse gracefully, she let him lead her to the dance floor.

Aaron was pretty much a gentleman for the first number, but as the second song came on, he tried to pull Emily in closer. Emily remembered the instructions from the nuns at her church dances, “to leave room for the Holy Spirit,” and gently pushed Aaron away.

“You smell wonderful,” he said. She knew that was bullshit, she wasn’t wearing any cologne, if anything she was sweaty from a hard day at work!

After the second song, she excused herself to go to the Ladies’ Room, and when she returned to the table, she finished her drink, put some money on the table and said her good nights.

Aaron tried to get up to see her out, but she put her hand on his shoulder.

“It’s okay, Aaron, I’m a big girl, I can take care of myself,” she said, and left before he could get back up.

Aaron was uncharacteristically unsure of himself. Emily was proving to be a tough nut to crack! Maybe he should just go after Karen instead ... No! He was the Alpha male. He took what he wanted. He’d just have to turn things up a notch or two, but he would have to play it cool.

The following week, Emily noticed that Aaron wasn’t paying as much attention to her as he had in the past; he seemed to be hanging around Karen more, and the little slut was eating it up.

‘What the fuck!’ she thought, ‘Why am I feeling jealous? Isn’t this what I wanted? He’s leaving me alone, I should be happy.’

Friday night, Emily decided not to join the usual gathering, got some take-out and went home, looking forward to a nice chat with John.

Just as she walked in the door, she got a call from John.

“Hi, Sweetheart,” he said, “I’m sorry, but we have a bit of a crisis here and I can’t really talk right now. It shouldn’t take very long. Can I please call you back in a couple of hours?”

Emily had a devious thought.

“Of course, Honey,” she said, “I just got in with my dinner anyway. As a matter of fact, be sure you have something to eat before you call.”

“That sounds intriguing. Just what’s going through that dirty little mind of yours?”

“Never you mind. Just get your work done and get yourself ready for a very special call,” she said, then hung up.

‘Well, THAT was different, ‘ John thought, then dove back into his work.

Meanwhile, Emily was wolfing down her dinner, planning her surprise.

She drew a nice hot bubble bath, got herself nice and clean, and shaved all over, leaving her pussy mound bare, with just a landing strip above, just the way John liked it.

She laid out her outfit for the night: her tiniest sheerest thong, black lace thigh-high hold-up stockings with black CFM heels, a black lace bodysuit and her sexiest Little Black Dress.

As she got dressed, she stood in front of her full-length mirror and took a series of selfies. She assembled them into a slide show with the sexiest background music she could find, and attached it to an Email all ready to send. She sat back, waiting for John’s call.

John could hardly concentrate on his work, wondering what Emily had in mind, but he finally closed down his workstation, grabbed his coat and practically sprinted out of the building. He just grabbed a hot dog from a street vendor and ate it on the run before nearly breaking his door down.

Tossing his briefcase on the couch, he went to the bathroom before making himself a drink and calling Emily.

Seeing that it was John calling, Emily gathered herself together and answered, speaking in as sultry a voice as she could manage.

“Good evening, John,” she purred.

“G ... Good evening, Emily,” he said nervously.

“I have some instructions for you to follow,” she said, “It is VERY important that you follow them precisely. Do you understand?”

“Yes, I understand.”

“Good, good. Now I want you to take your laptop and phone up to the bedroom and make yourself comfortable. Let me know when you’re ready.”

John grabbed his laptop, and with his phone still in his hand ran up to the bedroom and kicked off his shoes. He took off his jacket and tie and unbuttoned the top button on his shirt.

Turning back the bedspread and adjusting the pillows, he picked up the phone and said, “Okay, Honey, I’m ready. What should I do now?”

“Put your phone on speaker and put it on the nightstand. You’ll be needing both hands,” she said with a smirk, “Then set up your laptop and open your email. Do you see an email from me?”

“Yes, yes I do. Shall I open it?”

“Yes. Download the attachment and turn your sound up, but don’t open it until I say so. Let me know when you’re ready.”

John’s hands were shaking so that he could barely function, but he managed to get the attachment ready.

“I’m all set, Emily,” he said.

‘Well, this is it, ‘ thought Emily, as she stood looking at herself in the mirror.

“Go ahead, John, open it.”

John double-clicked on the attachment, and as it opened he heard the music and saw the picture of Emily in the LBD.

“We’ve just come in from a night on the town, and now we’re ready for some fun,” Emily said over the phone. The picture faded out and faded back in with the dress pushed down to her waist, as Emily was doing the same.

“You always did enjoy unwrapping your presents,” she said with a giggle as the next picture showed the dress pooled at her feet.

Emily was silent except for her heavy breathing as the body suit was slowly peeled away, leaving her in the thong, stockings and heels.

John just barely avoided popping his buttons as he removed his shirt and unbuckled his pants.

“I hope you’re enjoying this as much as I am, John,” she said breathlessly, “I swear I can feel your hands on my breasts, tweaking my nipples, making them ache...”

Emily was so lost in the sensations that she nearly forgot to take off the thong.

Meanwhile, John had removed the rest of his clothes as the picture of Emily changed to a fully nude shot, then shots of her caressing her breasts and pussy.

“Tell me, John, how are you feeling?”

“I don’t know if I can describe it, Emily, this is just so hot! Please don’t take this the wrong way, but I don’t think I’ve ever been this hard.”

“No, not at all, John, I feel the same way, my pussy is just dripping. Tell me, John, are you stroking your cock?”

Normally this would be embarrassing to John, but something about the whole situation had him so turned on that he just didn’t give a fuck!

“Oh, yes, Emily, I’m rubbing it so hard, just wishing that I could feel your sweet lips on it, feel it sliding into your hot pussy.”

“Oh, uh, I feel the same way, John. My fingers help, but they can’t compare with your cock. Oh, John, I think I’m going to come soon. Can you come with me?”

“I’m close, Emily, oh, so close,” he said as he stroked his cock harder and faster, while Emily was plunging her fingers into her pussy with one hand and playing with her clit with the other.

They each came so hard that they couldn’t tell if the other was also coming, but it was so close that it really didn’t matter.

Before they fell asleep they managed to reach their phones to say “Good night” and end the calls.

The next day, they were still too tired to do much more than thank each other for the wild night, clean up and go back to bed.

Monday morning, Emily was still floating on a cloud, and even seeing Aaron hanging over Karen didn’t bother her.

Aaron noticed that Emily was ignoring him and his frustration grew exponentially, but he didn’t know what to do about it.

For the rest of the week, Aaron played it cool. He did start dropping by Emily’s desk a little more, but he was very careful to keep things platonic; he didn’t want to put her off again.

John and Emily were on a much more even keel after their Friday night session, John wasn’t even concerned when Emily said that she was planning on joining the group after work on Friday.

At the end of the day Friday as Karen and Emily walked over to the restaurant, they were chatting.

“So, Karen,” Emily said, “Aaron seems to be spending more time with you now. Feeling better?”

“Yes and no,” Karen said, “He has been talking to me more, but sometimes it seems like his mind is elsewhere. I think that he might still be hung up on you.”

“Oh, Christ, I thought I had settled that. John and I are just getting back to a good place; the last thing I need is him messing things up now.”

“Well, let him down gently,” Karen said, “I don’t mind picking up the pieces, but I’d rather they not be shattered!”

Emily and Karen were still laughing over that one as they entered the restaurant.

This time, Emily couldn’t avoid sitting next to Aaron, but he was a perfect gentleman, not making any suggestive remarks or saying anything disparaging about John.

“You are so lucky to have a boyfriend that trusts you so much.”

“I certainly think so. This assignment is such a great opportunity, but I could never have taken it without John’s support.”

Aaron looked a little wistful.

“What is it, Aaron? You look like you’re a thousand miles away.”

“Oh, I was just thinking about my ex...”

“I didn’t know you were involved with anyone.”

“It was long before you came here. I had been working in the Chicago office when I got the opportunity to transfer here; it was about a year before this project started.

“My fiancée wasn’t able to get a position here right away, and I was going to turn this down, but she encouraged me to take it, said it was too good an opportunity to refuse. She was sure that she could re-locate within a year, so I took the job.

“I wasn’t here six months, I went home for a visit and got the “We have to talk” line. She had re-connected with her old boyfriend and was breaking off the engagement, I was crushed.”

Emily put her hand on his arm.

“Oh, that’s so sad; I can only imagine what you’re going through.”

“Th ... Thank you, Emily,” he said, turning his head to hide his smirk. ‘They fall for that one every time, ‘ he thought.

The following week he joined Sally, Karen and Emily for coffee two or three times. Karen looked a little puzzled.

“What’s going on, Emily? I thought you were through with Aaron?”

“What? Oh, this is nothing; we’re just friends. We had a nice chat over dinner Friday night and he’s really a sad soul.”

“I don’t know, Emily, I think he’s still got a thing for you, I’d keep my guard up,” Sally said.

“I wouldn’t worry, John and I are tighter than ever. Besides, I thought that you were setting your sights on him,” she said to Karen.

“I was, believe me, and I thought I was making some progress, but his mind always seemed elsewhere. I swear, half of our conversations seemed to be about you.”

“About me? That’s silly.”

Before they could go any further the break was over and they had to return to work.

Friday, Emily had been hoping to visit John, but someone was sick and she had to fill in at a seminar with Aaron.

“I’m not entirely comfortable with this,” John said.

“Now you’re being silly,” Emily said, “Aaron’s been a perfect gentleman, and he’s really a nice guy. I’d bet you’d like him if you got to know him.”

“If you say so, Honey, but I’ll believe it when I see it!”

Aaron and Emily headed off to the seminar, chatting amiably. Emily barely noticed Aaron’s subtle touches.

Aaron played it cool. He didn’t try to take advantage of their isolation at the seminar, but kept playing his role of the sensitive hurting soul to the hilt.

It didn’t hurt his plans that each night when Emily called John she seemed to get madder and madder at his suspicions.

By the time they left the seminar on Friday, Emily was quietly simmering, and Aaron was mentally rubbing his hands together. Emily turned down his dinner invitation, and returned to her room to find a message from John. Reluctantly she returned the call to find an apologetic John, and her mood lightened considerably. Plans were made for John to come up the following Saturday and she had a light dinner and went to bed early.

During the next week, Emily found herself being drawn closer to Aaron. He just didn’t seem as sleazy as she had originally thought. They had lunch and/or coffee most days. Karen tried to warn Emily off, that Aaron was up to no good, but Emily chalked it up to her jealousy that Aaron wasn’t interested in her.

At the Friday dinner gathering, Emily and Aaron were talking about music, and Emily mentioned a rare Grateful Dead CD that she had, and Aaron asked if he could borrow it to copy it. Emily agreed, and Aaron followed her back to her apartment, thinking that this might be his lucky day.

Unknown to Emily, John decided to surprise her and come up Friday instead of Saturday. He let himself into her apartment, helped himself to a beer and sat down to wait.

There was a bit of a ruckus in the hall, and as John stood up the door opened and Emily came in, looking back at that asshole Aaron.

“Just wait till you hear this, Aaron, you’re going to love...”

She saw the look on Aaron’s face and turned around to see John, his face turning red.

“Hello, Emily,” he said, “I thought I’d surprise you, I guess the surprise is on me.” He started to leave.

“No, John, no, Aaron’s just here to borrow a CD! Tell him Aaron!”

Aaron hesitated.

“Oh ... oh, yeah, a CD, right.”

“Listen, I’ve obviously interrupted something, I’ll just leave, I’ll call you sometime, Emily.”

“No! Don’t you dare leave. Aaron, get the hell out of here before you cause any more trouble.”

Aaron left, giving John a smirk as he walked by, it was all that John could do to keep from slugging him.

Emily closed the door, grabbed John and sat him back down, sitting beside him.

“John, believe me I know how this looks, but honestly Aaron was just coming to borrow that CD of mine. You can ask Karen, she was there at dinner when we were talking about it.”

“That’s all well and good, Emily, but why couldn’t you just bring it into the office?”

“I don’t know, I guess because we were talking about it at dinner and it just seemed easier to get it now rather than try to remember it Monday morning.”

John let out a big sigh.

“I guess that makes a certain amount of sense, I just wish it hadn’t been him, he’s such a sleaze ball.”

“No, you’re wrong, he’s really nice.”

“Yeah, that’s why he smirked at me as he left. He’s playing you, and you just can’t see it.”

“Whatever ... have you had anything to eat?”

“No, I’ve kind of lost my appetite. Let’s just go to bed.”

They were both too spent to do more than cuddle and sleep, but a good night’s sleep left them both feeling better and they spent a relaxing weekend together.

Things were noticeably cooler between Emily and Aaron the next week. She was still angry at his lukewarm support when John confronted them.

Aaron’s ego was too big to admit defeat, but he decided to shift gears a bit and turned his attention back to Karen. Ideally, Emily’s jealously would over-power her mad, worst case, he’d have some fun with Karen until he got tired of her.

With Karen playing up to Aaron, Emily and Sally took more of their breaks alone.

“What’s up with you and Aaron?” asked Sally.

“What do you mean?” Sally said, “I have nothing to do with Aaron. You know I have my boyfriend John back in Boston.”

“Well, you certainly could have fooled me. You two looked like a really hot item.”

“God, were we really that bad? I thought it was just some harmless flirting. No wonder John has been so pissy lately. I thought he was just being jealous.”

“If you were giving off vibrations like we saw here, I wouldn’t blame him!”

Emily was appalled, and called John as soon as she got home.

“Hello?” John answered, not exactly the warm greeting Emily was hoping for.

“John, Honey, I’m so, so sorry.”

John stiffened.

“Just what are you sorry for?” he asked, prepared for the worst.

“I’ve been giving you such a hard time whenever you complained about Aaron, I thought that you were being silly and jealous.”

“So, what changed your mind?”

“I was talking to Sally, and she had apparently been seeing the same things you were feeling. I swear, John, it wasn’t anything conscious on my part. I honestly thought that we were just being friendly, maybe with a little of what I THOUGHT was harmless flirting thrown in. I honestly never meant anything by it, and since last Friday he seems to be spending his time with Karen; all of our contacts have been strictly business.”

“Well, that’s good to hear, and I can’t say that I’m not relieved. Do you think you can get away this weekend? I think I can get some Red Sox tickets.”

“I’m sure I can; it will be good to get away from all these Yankees fans and wear my Sox cap! I’ll let you know if I can get tickets for the Friday train.”

“That’s great, sweetheart, I’ll talk to you later in the week. Love you.”

“Love you, too,” she said and hung up, breathing a sigh of relief.

Friday she left a little early to catch the train to Boston. She wasn’t sure but she thought she saw Aaron frowning. She couldn’t understand why, he seemed to be pretty well hooked up with Karen.

John met her train at South Station and they went to the North End for pizza. After they ate they strolled hand-in-hand just taking in the sights, sounds and smells, then picked up some cannoli and went back to John’s apartment.

They made coffee and put on a silly Rom-Com, but as soon as the coffee and cannoli were gone the movie was soon forgotten as they made out like love-sick teenagers.

Without even turning off the movie they retired to the bedroom where John lovingly removed Emily’s clothes, gently kissing each part of her body as it was revealed to him.

Not even bothering with his own clothes, he gently laid Emily down and began caressing her breasts and suckling on her dark pink puffy nipples until she began to thrash in her need. He quickly kissed down her body until he reached her landing strip, pausing only long enough to breath in her heady aroma, then attacked her vagina as if it were his last meal.

It took all of his strength to hold onto her hips to keep her from bouncing him off the bed as he licked her to two orgasms.

“John ... John,” she gasped, “Please fuck me, fuck me NOW.”

While he was definitely enjoying his current task, he knew where his duty lay, and he pushed his pants and underwear down, freeing his eager cock and plunging it into her soaking pussy.

He fucked her to two more orgasms before coming himself. Exhausted, they both fell asleep where they lay, John still half-dressed.

The morning sun was shining through the window, but that wasn’t what woke up John.

It was Emily’s hot mouth wrapped around his morning wood. He knew he wouldn’t last long, and sure enough, he was soon filling Emily’s mouth with his cum.

Keeping her mouth snug around his cock, Emily slowly pulled off with a big smile. As she opened her mouth to show him how it was filled with cum, she kept smiling as she made a show of swallowing.

John reached for her to kiss her, but she backed away.

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Tina was devastated. Her husband suddenly announced that he didn’t want to be married anymore and left. She thought that the last five years had been ok, even if not exciting. As the word got around at work, she discovered that the married women were not very sympathetic and the divorced ones too bitter to be of any help. Men started paying a lot more attention to her. She cynically thought they were just sniffing around for some available lonely pussy. After two weeks of sleeping alone she...

3 years ago
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Asian High School Wife Part 5 Separation Anxiety

I have a pretty good deal with the work I do. It pays well and doesn’t take up a lot of my time. But every once in a while it’s an intense couple of weeks involving travel. I was about to leave for the airport and would be in California for almost two weeks. I had been married to my wife, Kana, for just six weeks but she couldn’t come with me because she was still in high school and couldn’t miss. Kana was 18 and we got married so that she could escape her repressive and controlling parents. We...

2 years ago
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Erotic SnippetsTest Anxiety

Note: this story features characters from ‘The Tutor.’ I was using the school office photocopier when Myles suddenly popped up out of nowhere, startling me. ‘Hi, Willow!’ He chirped. ‘What are you doing?’ I put a hand to my heart, taking a deep breath. ‘Good grief! Do you want to give me a heart attack?! You scared me! I’m just doing a little photocopying. Our review notes for math later this afternoon,’ I added. ‘What are YOU doing?’ ‘Um,’ he said, ‘well, technically, I’m...

1 year ago
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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 17 Test Anxiety

Fortunately, the rest of the protest was rather peaceful. My brother stopped the few anarchists who had shown up hoping to use the protest as cover for some robbery attempts. Jason, Ashley, and I found that someone had already warned people on the route of the march. Buildings were closed, and many had placed boards over their windows to protect them. The three-mile march proved to be no more strenuous than a weekend jog. Jason was the first to notice that the marchers were having trouble...

2 years ago
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There and BackChapter 131 Separation Anxiety

We left Denerim a scant few days later. We’d managed to avoid Eamon – who was apparently accompanying Connor to Kinloch Hold – altogether, and saw Kallian only briefly, between her duties as Bann of the Alienage. Cailan had ‘people’ looking into who would have attacked Anora’s ship, as did Leliana, though I doubted we would ever get closure on that subject. Erlina had been locked up in Fort Drakon – but in a rather comfortable room, not a cell, and the reforms Cailan had brought to the prison...

4 years ago
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There and BackChapter 185 Separation Anxiety

The next morning at breakfast, Fergus informed us he’d found us passage to Ostwick leaving in the afternoon. We split up to get last-minute errands done, like packing and shopping for a few supplies. I insisted on going down to the Alienage with the hopes of running into Ena, and though Avanna grumbled, she relented when Alistair insisted on coming as well. My poor, frustrated guard captain had learned little about Dera’s escape except that it had happened only two or three days after we...

3 years ago
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Anxieties By Lorraine B. (c) 2006 All Rights Reserved Chapter 1 Why in the hell did I ever take this job? Was it the money? Was it the potential of promotion? Was it the travel? Was it being my own boss? Was it all the benefits thrown at my feet? Was it in fact my own greed? Nope, I had those loans to repay. This was my second job in five years since graduating college. I was pathetically and depressively unhappy since I missed my family and friends after moving so far away...

4 years ago
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Separating Factors

Dear reader, This story has no sex in it. It tells of a husband and a wife who have a problem. The wife has the problem, and feels she can’t tell her husband. This tale of woe is caused from listening to the wrong people and not communicating with a spouse. As I said…this is a first for me too…there is no sex in this story at all. None. Nada…imagine that. Curious2c Separating Factors. She hit me with it right after dinner one night. My wife had been reserved all week long, and this Friday...

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Separating Factors

She hit me with it right after dinner one night. My wife had been reserved all week long, and this Friday night she seemed even more so that way. I was worried about her, and actually started the conversation that caused this to happen. "Honey, what's up? You've seemed upset about something for over a week now." "It's nothing really. I just have been trying to figure something out." "Well, you have me worried dear. Care to enlighten me at all? Something has been bugging...

3 years ago
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Separate Lives Chapter 2

The reason the bigwigs had not made me permanent Director of Research and Development became clear two days after my forced talk with Sherrie. I was offered my choice of that job or a position as Deputy Assistant Director of Western Operations with our parent corporation. That office was headquartered in Denver, but I'd be away as much as three months out of every year, traveling to every place between the Mississippi River and the Pacific Ocean where we had a factory or office. I took their...

3 years ago
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Separate Lives Chapter 1

He catches her cheating, and won't put up with it.My wife knows me so well. She can predict where I will to take her out to dinner, for instance, though I've tried hard to surprise her. She has an instinct for when I need a little tender loving care too. She knows everything about my life...from fumbling flirtations with girls in high school to the angst of being passed over for a promotion I thought I deserved. She knows I'm scared shitless of snakes, whether they're dangerous or not. She...

3 years ago
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Separate Lives Pt 03

Chapter 7 ‘Hey! Anyone home?’ I was at Melissa and Cal’s front door, banging on the screen door hard enough to rattle the windows. I was grinning for all I was worth. I hadn’t seen my friends in a long, long time and I was anxious to see them. I heard the rustle of movement behind the closed door before it was pulled open. ‘RON!’ I couldn’t tell at first whether Melissa was happy to see me or not. She stood there, trembling like a leaf for a couple of seconds before pushing open the...

1 year ago
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Separated But Dominated by my Wife

About 8 years ago I met my wife online. She had a very nice femdom profile and I was submissive so I said what the heck. She was very pretty and she dominated me extensively for the first year. One of the things she loved to do was make me wear nipple clamps and chastity devices under my clothes while in public. Then she became bolder and began to advertise to her girlfriends that she was my dom and to prove it she would have me undress for her girlfriends. Many times she would take my chastity...

2 years ago
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Separate LivesChapter 3

Sunday comes before Monday, though, and Saturday before that. Sherri came home well before midnight, pissed off because some SOB had slashed the tires on her car "outside the club." Three teens were seeing running away, she said. She'd had to wait three hours for the AAA folks to get there. Apparently, I'd not been observed destroying the tires on the cars and someone else was suspected. I actually had no idea whether the 'three teens' story had any legitimacy, but the three-hour wait...

1 year ago
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Separate LivesChapter 5

The reason the bigwigs had not made me permanent Director of Research and Development became clear two days after my forced talk with Sherrie. I was offered my choice of that job or a position as Deputy Assistant Director of Western Operations with our parent corporation. That office was headquartered in Denver, but I'd be away as much as three months out of every year, traveling to every place between the Mississippi River and the Pacific Ocean where we had a factory or office. I took their...

2 years ago
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Separate LivesChapter 6

Melissa's Diary: I was happy for Ron. After seeing him so miserable for so long, it was good that he'd found someone he could be happy with and who seemed to have his best interests at heart. They made a beautiful couple on the three occasions Cal and I saw them about town and especially on the dance floor at Fischer's. Ron, I could tell, had taken some dancing lessons. I don't know where he found the time, but their effect was more than evident. He and Karen would glide around the...

1 year ago
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Separate LivesChapter 7

"Hey! Anyone home?" I was at Melissa and Cal's front door, banging on the screen door hard enough to rattle the windows. I was grinning for all I was worth. I hadn't seen my friends in a long, long time and I was anxious to see them. I heard the rustle of movement behind the closed door before it was pulled open. "RON!" I couldn't tell at first whether Melissa was happy to see me or not. She stood there, trembling like a leaf for a couple of seconds before pushing open the screen...

3 years ago
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Separate Vacations

Jeff sat on the beach as he enjoyed his yearly separate vacation from his wife, Stephanie.   For the twelve years they’ve been happily married, Jeff and Stephanie have taken one week each year to recharge their batteries outside the company of the other.   They have one rule, they don’t tell each other where they are going nor do they ask each other about their vacations when they return home.   Of course, they take vacations with each other at other times in the year and generally have a...

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Separate LivesChapter 2

At first, I had no idea what to do. I didn't have a clue what I should do. What was the approved reaction from a husband who discovered his wife was cheating on him? I'm afraid the company didn't get much work from me over the next week and a half. I would be working on something and would suddenly find myself gazing into space, not knowing how long I'd been doing it. A number of the staff members asked me if there was anything wrong, but I always replied there was not. No one could help...

3 years ago
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Separate LivesChapter 4

We had to file under the "no fault" provisions of the law since I took the time to exact a measure of revenge on my soon-to-be ex-wife. Seems that when I had sex with her after becoming certain of her infidelity, under the law I had "condoned" her actions by exercising my "conjugal rights." Oh well... that was what no fault divorces were for. My attorney was awfully put out with me, but he'll get over it. I naively thought once divorce papers had been served on Sherrie, our attorneys...

4 years ago
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Separate LivesChapter 8

When I got right down to it, I found I had little to consider. Instead, I welcomed the new... well, renewed... closeness, and though we never discussed it, it seemed she did also. Over the next few weeks, I took Sherrie to dinner or a movie a number of times. I'd have done it more often, but we both had demanding jobs and needed our rest. That limited the number of times we felt like we could go out during the workweek. Even so, we did that a couple of times too. On our second Wednesday...

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Separating the TwinsChapter 3

In a technical sense I suppose it could be considered an orgy. We were a bunch of people who were in a room having sex with each other, and switching partners. Most sex acts are just two people in private, but for whatever reason we liked to watch as well as do it. The other reason, of course, was that when you were done with someone, you could almost always find another partner. Now in our little patch of Georgia (near the state lines of Tennessee and Alabama, we had two parties. The one on...

2 years ago
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Separating the TwinsChapter 6

I saw Liz before I got moved or even screen-tested. They had a Sunday afternoon off. I took the bus down, and a taxi. She looked great. We stood there only a couple of feet apart. She was in fatigues, and I was in my usual jeans and a shirt. That's all it took. We communicated volumes in those few seconds. Finally we turned and just walked side-by-side, not quite touching, but not really very far apart, either. She talked of the physical challenges of Basic, and I learned that on those...

3 years ago
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Separated by Lies

It was a warm summer night and I was walking home from work. It had been a late night because of the mayor’s birthday party that was held at the restaurant where I’m the hostess. It had been a large crowd and I was glad when I could finally leave. Living in a city I don’t have a car and it was too late for public transportation so I decided to walk the short distance home. As I walked I felt that someone was watching me but every time I looked there was no one there. When I got to my door I...

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Separate Ideas

© Copyright 2003 Lena smiled. I looked over her apartment, and though I don't recall fantasizing about it before that, it looked just like I might have expected. It was in an older part of town but nice, not too far from the university, with cute little shops and restaurants nearby. The floor was hardwood and though the furniture was far from new, it fit perfectly. On one wall was a floor-to-ceiling shelf of books that I could easily imagine perusing for the rest of the evening. It...

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Separate Hells Shared Heaven

2001.06.22 Twice upon a time, twice upon a place, existed a spirit drowning in misery. One, thirty-four year old Jeremiah Scottson, had lived off the street for a year after divorcing his wife of 5 years and was often found in a drunken stupor; the other, 4-year-old black-phase grey wolf/labrador hybrid Midnyte, was down to flea and tick-infested fur and bones as her owners found her an inconvenience to clean, feed, or even water regularly. Jerry's divorce devastated him, though the divorce...

4 years ago
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Separate LivesChapter 9

In the morning, we took another shower together. We washed each other's bodies, but not with the ceremonial intensity of last night. This was a lazier, more sensuous experience. After a while, Sherrie tossed the well-used bar of soap aside, giving up the pretense of bathing. Her arms went around my neck and she kissed me urgently. Backing up against the wall opposite the showerhead, she pulled me tight against her and reached between us to guide my cock inside her. We fucked slowly for a...

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Separating the TwinsChapter 2

Liz and I might be identical, but we see the differences. She's 1/4" taller, my bust is bigger by about the same amount. She is the very precise analytical thinker, I'm more the big picture type. People treat us as if we were two halves of the same person, which can be infuriating. Telling my sister something isn't the same as telling me. There were many times when one of us got a juicy piece of gossip, and everyone assumed we both had heard it. Fortunately it was never about us. Still,...

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Separating the TwinsChapter 4

I had my second photo shoot in Atlanta a week after the previous one. This one was a nude shoot. The same staff was there, the photographer and her assistant, also female. There was one additional person, a middle-aged woman, nicely dressed, who watched from one side. She identified herself as Mrs. Simmons, and that was all I knew about her. Being naked in front of other people was something I'd gotten used to in the last couple of years. The photographer was all business, and from time to...

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Separating the TwinsChapter 5

I didn't expect to end up as a Call Center Representative. A Mrs. Smith met me at the hotel when I called. I was there one night, and then taken to where I'd be living. This was a two-story apartment building with two 4-bedroom apartment thingies on each floor. Girls were on the upper story, guys were below us. There were two occupants in each bedroom, sort of like the pictures I'd seen of some college dorms. Each cluster had two bathrooms, which was good. I couldn't see eight girls...

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Separating the TwinsChapter 7

I began to get fan mail! Apparently I made a big impression in my red halter and shorts. That had been one of the episodes that helped define me in the eyes of the fans. The hero, Kelly, the hero, came home to find us clearly going out. I was wearing a loose short-sleeved white blouse tied under my breasts over a red halter and shorts. "Where are you two going?" "We," I said, "are going down to Randy's Grill. We're going to drink iced tea, maybe one 'Real Close' each, and look at...

4 years ago
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Separating the TwinsChapter 8

The party was going to be at Mom and Dad's. I fell into the preparations for it with quite a degree of comfort, and anticipation. You can't help but think about it. I was going to get laid. Just thinking about that made me wet. I've asked guys what they think about during the day of a party, and the answers don't make sense. Some guys actually get hard, others have told me they picture a room full of naked women, and others sort of relive, in anticipation, the joy of coming. Three...

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Separating the TwinsChapter 9

I loved being home, but I was glad to get back to my apartment. I realized as the endless blue waters of the Caribbean disappeared beneath the plane's wings that I'd changed enough that I was no longer the girl that had left Northwestern Georgia only a few months before. I had my own life, I had my own career, not the one I anticipated when I'd left home, and somehow that was very important to me. Knowing where things were, and not having to keep the location of the island secret, it was...

2 years ago
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Separating the TwinsChapter 10

I got myself into a couple of the Social Club shoots, though they very carefully didn't show my face. The first was of me taking it between my boobs. It was shot from the top down, so you didn't see my face, not even a glimpse. Instead you zoomed in on a girl holding her boobs together while a guy sawed back and forth. He came, little spurts of white come that spattered all over her boobs. Later you saw her boobs, coated with white streaks, as she massaged it into her skin and then put on a...

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Separating the TwinsChapter 11

Privately we called it 'Fanny Hill meets Regency Romance'. We bought or cranked out a few dozen Regencies, threw in a few bodice rippers, and ladled on plenty of sex. Unlike porno movies where the whole point was to have sex, on these we had to rely upon such strange concepts as "story" and "plot", but the difference was profound. Where the romances had plenty of situations, we turned all of the social ones into sexual ones. London was rampant with sex, and men did what men did, but...

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Separating the TwinsChapter 12

If I was Liz with her training I'd have probably set out a methodical plan to spark my love life. I was me, though, who decided to throw everything like college up in the air for a half-promise for a life with a guy that had every chance to fall through, and did. I did take some precautions, though. I made a few changes to my face—make-up could be so wonderful—and then headed for the town that was right next door, and not really acknowledged. It'd been an early shooting day. We nailed...

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Separating the TwinsChapter 13

This was the way the opening scenes worked out: the woman came out of the bathroom brushing her hair. She was naked, of course, not wearing a robe like most women would have. She puts down the brush and stands in front of the closet, finally selecting a white dress with a black belt and collar. The top is low-cut, even for a 'sweetheart neckline'. Her boobs wobble as she takes a pair of shoes from a shoe rack. She doesn't bend over, that would be just a touch to blatant. Her husband is in...

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Separating the TwinsChapter 14

Orgy Camp was wildly successful. Part of it, I think, was because it was done in segments, not as one long show; even half an hour can seem like forever when all you have is sex. There'd be five minutes here and there, usually with only a little lead-in. Woman A: "It seems so quiet around here without the kids." Woman B: "Last summer they did nothing but complain that there was nothing to do. So this year we sent them to a camp." Woman A: "We did that a couple of years ago. They...

4 years ago
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Separating the TwinsChapter 15

Liz, it turned out, was in line for a medal. The gal who was the pilot, technically the Aircraft Commander, had survived after all. She'd been knocked unconscious, and Liz had made sure she got out as the plane went down. That was why the girl, Sue, actually Capt. Susan Edgecroft, landed came down on land and was rescued by a troop of British soldiers from the Parachute Regiment. She'd barely hit the ground before they were there to pick her up. The delay in finding Liz was because she...

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Separating the TwinsChapter 16

Liz had accidentally given me the solution, but only when I thought about it. I had a scene to shoot that was an evening one, and then I didn't have to be on set until the next afternoon. It was a complicated scene involving fooling a man with a gun, I and the viewers knew it was a starter pistol) and then be "rescued" by Kelly, well, sort of. When he burst in on us I had him tied up and was really upset because he was lying on the floor and could look up my skirt. In a way it was rather...

1 year ago
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Ashley part 3

"Come on, cheer up!" Dad urges me as I comb my long- for a boy- floppy blonde hair. "Don't think there's a single twelve year old boy who wouldn't kill to go where you're going tonight, getting to see the best film ever with your girlfriend AND being surrounded by a bunch of celebrities..." "Yeah, I guess," I say with a long sigh. "What's wrong?" Dad asks. "Just a little tired? Don't tell me you don't like Star Wars..." "No, the film was alright," I say, making dad...

3 years ago
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Le gars du sauna

Il y a un mec qui va toujours au sauna quand j'y suis, je pense qu'il doit avoir rien de mieux a faire, mais je ne suis personne pour juger. Il doit avoir les 45 ans passés, vu ma taille il doit faire dans les 170 cms, tête rasée et parfois aussi le visage. Cette fois là il avait laisse un bouc, ce qui lui donnait un air encore plus viril. Sincèrement j'aimerais être aussi bien gaulé que lui à son age, ses muscles bien marqués mais sans devenir trop, un cul bombé qui donne envie de passer la...

2 years ago
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That Summer with Kate

My summer with Kate didn’t get off to a very good start. In fact it could have ended before it even began. Ever since I was a little kid I had spent my summer holidays on the family farm with my uncles, aunts and assorted cousins. This one was going to be different, for a start it was longer than normal, given that I had graduated high school and was heading for Uni, and this started a month or so later than school. And this was the first time that I had brought a girl with me. Stephanie...

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The Gunny and LenoreChapter 13

"Jack, you're quite elegant tonight. I wonder what the occasion is?" Deb had a sparkle in her eye that belied the disingenuousness of her tone. "Merely a meal with a friend, Ma'am. A warm and dear friend, to be certain." Jack was not above flirtatiousness himself, she saw. With a smile he offered her an arm, and they walked arm-in-arm down the path to his car. The drive to the restaurant was quick, and filled with inconsequential subjects. If Jack were nervous, he didn't show it, Deb...

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behind the wall

June 12th 2024On the bright clear sunny day in the middle class suburbs of USA comes walking a stubborn yet fragile, small sized blue haired woman down the pathway of Ever Green Park.Headphones in, head facing the sidewalk not paying the slightest bit of attention. *bumps into figure walking opposite directions*"OUCH!" Said the blue haired woman.. Bumping into the unknown feminine figure. "Oh no miss, my apologies! please forgive me I was looking at my phone!" Said quickly by the Feminine...

4 years ago
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Didnt Have Anything Else To Do Part 2

I was a young man. Maybe one of the more attractive young men in my grade, but then again I was the only black kid. Tall, lanky, and 13-years-old. Light skinned, about the shade of caramel. 6 feet tall, 150 lbs. or so. With a normal short haircut. Very athletic too. I played basketball, football, and track. And it was evident with my build. She was 17 and white. Tall too, about 5' 9", about my weight, but I didn't care. She was friendly and a junior in high school. Smoked cigars, weed,...

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WildOnCam Danni Rivers Danni Flashes Her Panties And Gets Fucked

Naughty hottie Danni Rivers loves to be a tease with her peachy panties as she flashes them under her skirt getting all you boys rowdy. She laughs and sees just what she has done to Jake Adams cock and wants to get it all in her grasp and soon into her pussy! She tries her best to deepthroat him but that is a challenge with Jake the Snake! He fucks her hard in doggy and lets her bounce on top of his cock and soon she gets in between his legs for some hot POV blowjob action before letting Jake...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Aaliyah Hadid Up Close And Personal

Hot Sexy Asian Aaliyah Hadid is a delightful pornstar. Wearing sexy lingerie, Aaliyah sits down with us and lets us know more about her before she shoots a hot scene with a talented boyfriend Danny Mountain. She discusses her sexuality, desires, and plans for the future. Aaliyah is an incredible Pornstar and she certainly knows what she wants and how to get it. She is excited to get fucked and immediately does it after her interview. Watch her having fun and enjoy sexuality at the finest style,...

3 years ago
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Christmas cuckold

This time of year is always more fun to me than any other. I'm a cuckold husband and have been my whole marrage. Christmas time around here is a time of secrets , My wife normaly tells me when she is going out to have sex but not around Christmas. She knows the mistery adds to the excitment for me. So Friday night when I got home from work I was greated by my wife and she was wearing a very short " Miss Santa" outfit. It was the tipical red jacket and short skirt all trimed in white fir. Her...

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A Very Satisfactory Arrangement

“... and she was saying how lonely she is. You know, we really must invite her round soon,” Rose was saying, as they were eating their breakfast one Monday morning.“Yes, dear, whatever you say,” Kevin mumbled into his newspaper and went back to reading the match report of Saturday’s big game.“You didn't hear a word I said,” said Rose, slightly irritated.“Erm, what dear? What was it were you saying?” replied Kevin, putting his paper down and giving his wife his full attention. After thirty-five...

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On a list of the top one hundred things I wanted to do it was about number three hundred and seventy-six. To begin with, I did not like Leslie. She was one of those "I'm cool, you're not" kind of girls. You know, the girl who smiles and says, "Hi Roger" when she passes you in the hallway between classes and after passing you by she turns to whomever she's with and says, "What a dweeb." But she was Betty's friend and Betty wanted to double date with Leslie and the loser that Leslie...

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Marine GamesChapter 1 Life as a Marine

Reporting to work Monday morning, Bret found that there was a slight argument over what his assignment was to be. Having never been promoted, Bret was still a private. After his performance in the games The Base Commander wanted Bret to be the DI in charge of Tae Kwan Do and unarmed combat. The DI Commander said that position stated it must be filled with a Sergeant or Gunny. Corporals were not allowed to attend DI school but could be a martial arts instructor. To make matters worse, Bret...

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