Separate LivesChapter 5 free porn video

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The reason the bigwigs had not made me permanent Director of Research and Development became clear two days after my forced talk with Sherrie. I was offered my choice of that job or a position as Deputy Assistant Director of Western Operations with our parent corporation. That office was headquartered in Denver, but I'd be away as much as three months out of every year, traveling to every place between the Mississippi River and the Pacific Ocean where we had a factory or office. I took their offer without thinking about it for more than a second. It would get me out of town and that was suddenly very important to me.

The way it was going to work was that I would stay on board here until my replacement came in from St. Louis and was familiar enough with the operation to take over. In the meantime, the company was going to bring in people from the various western locations to brief me on what they did and how they fit into the total corporate structure. There would be slide presentations, live video conferences, one-on-one discussions--anything I needed to get a handle on what my duties and responsibilities were going to be.

The pay raise was going to put me over the hump into a six-digit salary, but it didn't make me as happy as it should have. There was no one to share the news with... only a few close friends.

I called Melissa and Cal a few minutes after I got out of the boss's office. Melissa was the only one home, but she was thrilled at my promotion and let me know it in no uncertain terms. She got sad because I was moving away. We talked about dinner out Friday night and I agreed. We had a good time, but it just wasn't the same.

Two weeks later, give or take, the first of the people who were going to brief me came in to town. Ms. Webster was actually a buyer for some of our ancillary businesses and I wasn't going to be her supervisor when I got to Denver. She worked out of Sacramento and her "chain of command" went through another channel. But she had all the information necessary to give me a good look into what they did for the parent corporation and she even had a boilerplate PowerPoint presentation on her laptop. She was on her way back from a trip to the Carolinas and could drop by Texas on the way. It was Friday afternoon but she was here and I was duty-bound to meet with her.

Ms. Webster was thirty-ish, but it was hard to estimate her precise age. She wore a severely cut, dark gray businesswoman's pantsuit and there was a strict, no-nonsense, expression on her face when I first met her. She shook hands briskly with me and walked down the hall beside me with strides as long as mine. She was shorter than I was, but you'd never know it by the way she walked.

We went to one of the conference rooms equipped for audiovisual presentations. When we got there, she surveyed the room and, rejecting the adjoining room with all the projectors and high tech equipment, she put her laptop on a table and started setting up her briefing slides on its smaller screen.

Sitting at a corner of a table with the laptop between us and angled so we could both see it, Ms. Webster walked me through all the operations of her division and her company in general. I think I surprised her with some questions that I had about organizational matters... who did what and why did they do it that way? On a couple of matters, she didn't have ready answers and took notes so she call me back when she got with the appropriate personnel in Sacramento. It was a very productive meeting and I understood most of her division's impact on the overall corporate structure when we finished.

We walked out of the audiovisual room into a nearly empty floor full of individual cubicles. Ms. Webster and I looked at our watches simultaneously; both of us were amazed the afternoon was so far advanced.

"Ah, I'm sorry, Ms. Webster," I said contritely. "I had no idea we were spending so much time in there." I smiled at her. "I think," I said thoughtfully, "I'll blame it on such a well-prepared and knowledgeable briefer."

For the first time, she flashed a bright smile at me. Heretofore, it had been a professionally courteous, remote thing that barely twitched her lips and it had been aimed somewhere over my left shoulder. I liked the new one a lot better.

"Karen!" she said emphatically. I looked around. There were only a couple of people lining up in front of the elevators and they were all guys.

"No... me... I'm Karen," she said less stridently, grinning openly at me now. I blushed. I could actually feel the warmth spreading up from beneath my shirt collar and enveloping my ears.

"Oh!" I replied. "I'm sorry 'bout that... I guess I'm not paying real good attention."

"And I'm going to blame the late hour on a surprisingly well informed, really smart boss-man," she added before I could say anything more. The grin and nice compliment, coupled with the hand she put on my forearm made me feel a lot better.

"You're very nice to say that... I appreciate it very much." I wasn't quite stuttering but I was a long way from being articulate.

"Not at all," she said, patting my arm and dropping hers to her side again. The place where her hand had rested was suddenly cold. I wanted it back where it had been.

"I meant it," she added. There was that wonderful smile again.

"Well... anyway... thanks," I said. "Uh... can I get you back to your hotel or to the airport maybe? I don't know what your plans are or anything--I should have asked a lot earlier."

"Well, I haven't checked into a hotel yet," she said lightly. "I came right from the airport to here and haven't gotten there... to the hotel... yet," she added. I felt bad about that. I hadn't realized.

"Well, I can at least get you to wherever you're going to stay," I offered. "You have reservations, right?" She nodded and told me where.

"Let me lock my office and I'll drive you over there. Would that be all right?" She nodded again, showing me some more of that brilliant smile. It made me feel warm even in the cold air conditioning favored in south Texas office buildings.

It turned out that Ms. Webster... Karen... hadn't even taken the time to claim her baggage so we made a detour by the airport. Eventually, we found where her two suitcases had been taken when she hadn't picked them up immediately and rescued them from a storage facility. The lady that helped us seemed a trifle miffed, as if there was an unwritten law requiring travelers to retrieve their luggage immediately upon arrival at their destination.

Karen and I poured nice words and warm compliments all over the lady's irritation and had the woman entirely mollified by the time we left. When we got out of sight, Karen and I looked at each other and laughed out loud at how well we'd managed to get the airline employee back on "our" side and happy with us. It felt good to laugh so companionably with a woman again.

Reclaiming my car from the parking lot, I drove Karen to one of the nicer hotels in the downtown area and walked her to the front desk. It turned out the reservation had been confirmed and her room was ready for her. It wasn't actually necessary that I accompany her there... Karen had everything well under control. But I had made myself useful carrying in her luggage so I didn't look like a complete fool--I hoped so anyway. When all the paperwork was done and she was ready to go up to her floor, I stood there debating whether to just leave... or not. I felt like a sophomore in high school again.

"Uh... Karen, if I'm out of line, please say so, but--"

"I accept," she said, startling me with her directness. "Just dinner, or... ?" I looked at her blankly for a moment. The last time I'd asked a girl for at date had been many years previous and I didn't remember it as having been this easy.

"Well, how about dinner... and I know a place we can go for a quiet drink and if you're feeling really adventurous, a little dancing, maybe. How's that?" She stepped close drew my head down to plant a kiss on my cheek.

"Pick me up at eight?" she asked, stepping back.

"I'll be here," I agreed. She smiled warmly and turned around to lead the bellboy off toward the bank of elevators. The place where she'd kissed me seemed hot enough to be a beacon, flashing on and off in the late Texas afternoon. I walked past my car and had to come back half a block to find it.

I couldn't get reservations at the restaurant where I'd envisioned taking Karen, so we settled for what used to be called "Fischer's Dining and Dancing." Through the years the name had gotten progressively shortened until it became just "Fischer's." It was a dinner club, with a very good kitchen that served evening meals until 10:00 PM. At that time, they opened up a sliding, collapsible wall that concealed more tables and a big dance floor. They called that section the ballroom. Anyway, at that point, the whole place became one of the better nightclubs in town until 2:00 AM.

Diners could finish their meal, and stay at that table through the club hours if they wanted. They would have to thread their way through all the other tables to the dance floor if the urge struck them though. Some patrons viewed that as a problem. Other people came just to occupy the small tables adjacent to the hardwood dance floor. It was a good place for thirty-something age people to go. My wife and I had gone there many times... when we were married.

When I got to her hotel, I called up and Karen came down to the lobby. I know my jaw dropped when the elevator door opened and I'm equally sure it gaped open for long moments while she strode across the lobby to where I stood.

She was in a sea foam green evening dress with spaghetti straps over her otherwise bare shoulders. The bodice was gathered into a couple of rows of pleats just below her breasts, making the waist very high on her body. The skirt fell simply from the bodice to a couple inches above her knees in front and a few inches below the knee in back. It seemed to me to be composed of several layers of sheer silk over a more opaque under layer. Her dark blond hair fell gently to almost shoulder level. When she'd stepped up to me, her understated, open toed heels put her eye to eye with me. Hers were lovely eyes too.

"You're beautiful," was the only thing I could say. It was heartfelt, but not terribly eloquent. I knew I was coming across like a bashful schoolboy, but maybe it was all right. She blushed faintly, but didn't seem to mind the compliment. She took my arm and tucked it to her side familiarly.

"Shall we go?" she asked.

"Heck," I said, still bashful, "I could stand her all night just admiring you." I tried on a smile, hoping it didn't look like the ones painted on puppets. She smiled again and kissed me--a little butterfly kiss just in front of my ear.

"But I'm hungry," she said. "You have to feed me." I nodded, smiling back at her like a simpleton.

"Then shall we go, Madame?" I swept my left hand out in an expansive gesture toward the sliding glass doors leading out front. She nodded; we walked outside arm in arm. I never remembered passing through the doors.

"This is a lovely place," Karen said quietly, leaning close to me to talk. She was looking all around, smiling at people who caught her eye, and absorbing the character of the establishment. People were looking at her too. I wasn't that much of a regular here, but there were some who knew me. They wondered who the attractive young woman was. Many of the unattached men were just looking at Karen with lust in their eyes. I could sympathize with them. She was extraordinary looking... and she was with me.

"It is," I agreed with her. I debated whether to say what was on my mind. I took the plunge.

"You're probably getting a lot of looks because I used to bring my wife here sometimes," I told her, trying to keep my tone matter-of-fact. She looked at me for a moment, leaned closer and ran a fingernail along the pale circle on my ring finger where a wedding ring had once been.

"So... what's this all about," she asked.

"That is what's left of what was once a heck of a good marriage," I said slowly.

"Just two more weeks, a couple of days and I'll have the final decree," I told her.

"We've been separated for a while, just marking time until the mandatory waiting period runs out."

"What happened?" Karen said in a level voice. She was looking me directly in the eyes with no hint of reproach, but no particular sympathy either. I gave her the short version.

"Oh, we had been getting a little distant over the past year or so... and I'm not exactly sure why. She has her career and I seem to be developing one I hadn't counted on. Maybe we were just drifting apart all along and didn't realize it," I mused.

"Well, anyway, she went to Vegas with two other couples--friends of ours--and I couldn't go at the last minute because of a problem at the Denver plant. She says she was mad at me, she got drunk, got dazzled by the bright lights and all the commotion, and went with a man up to his room, and... that's all she wrote," I said.

"A one-night stand?" Karen asked. I shook my head.

"No, she spent the whole weekend with him. From what some friends told me later, she didn't know the guy was from here. But when she got back, he started calling her and eventually they hooked up for some noontime quickies and a few evenings. I don't know how many times, but it went on for about a month and a half before I saw her on the street with the SOB."

"I see," was Karen's only reply. I took it as mildly reproving. She later told me she'd not meant anything of the sort, but I didn't know that at the time.

"Uh... I just couldn't forgive something like that... I'm sorry, but I'm a little rigid on the cheating thing and Vegas was bad enough. I've tried to figure out if I could have worked past the first... thing... out there but I don't know if I could have. But I sure couldn't deal with them keeping on doing it back here at home," I told her.

She nodded her agreement, sighing expressively. She scooted closer to me, putting her hand on my wrist and lowering her voice so no one else could hear. We talked for a long time, at first about my failed marriage, but we got off that subject quickly. There were too many good things to talk about.

I found out that she was thirty-one, a year and a half older than I was, and we joked about her being the "older woman." She had been divorced herself, more than ten years ago, so she had an insight into my problems. She had worked as a waitress for a couple of years afterward while she went to night school for a business degree. She'd started to work in a large office where a beautiful woman was almost expected to advance "on her back" but she'd refused that route up the chain. Nowadays, she headed up a division of twenty-six buyers who roamed the nation locating the corporation's necessary resources.

We talked about our lives, discovering we both had a love for Tom Clancy novels, music from the 60s and 70s, and paintings that actually seemed based in reality instead of a hodgepodge of mismatched blurriness. I warned her I wasn't a very good dancer, but I felt great on the dance floor with her in my arms. I managed to not step on her toes even once. I told her on the way back to our table that I couldn't understand why she ever wore pants to hide her beautiful legs.

They were lovely. She was a tall girl anyway and her dress accentuated that. Her tanned legs were bare of any stockings--she just didn't need any. Her legs seemed impossibly long and beautifully shaped from slim ankles all the way up to what I could see of her slender thighs.

She told me that business was business--and this wasn't business. I smiled at her and agreed there was no way this had anything to do with the job. She looked closely at me. I guess she saw my sincerity because she came up to me and kissed me lightly on the lips. I was surprised, but enormously pleased.

She said she had to go to the little girl's room. She picked up her clutch purse, smiled at me, and walked away. I watched her leave, mesmerized. How do women manage to sway from side to side that way while moving forward at the same time?

I didn't know that Melissa and Cal were at Fischer's that night also. Melissa told me years later that she'd gotten up from her table and gone to the ladies restroom to confront Karen when she saw Karen leave our table. When she got there, Karen was already back out at the vanity and was touching up her makeup. Melissa had chatted with Karen a little and watched as Karen took off her panties while surrounded by a half-dozen other women.

Karen told a startled Melissa and the others that her guy was going to get lucky that night and she wanted him to know it. Melissa blurted out that I was married. Karen questioned her a little to make sure I was actually separated and that my divorce was going to be final soon.

Once assured this was so, Karen stuffed her panties into her small purse and snapped it shut. The clutch bag was a tiny one and there hadn't been much room. The catch didn't want to close. After a bit more conversation, Melissa told me, she'd warmed to Karen and they chatted for a moment before Melissa impulsively reached under her own evening gown and yanked off her panties. She told Karen her guy was going to get lucky too.

I didn't know why Karen was laughing quietly to herself when she got back to me and she didn't explain. It wasn't important. Just seeing her smiling, happy face was more than enough. That she seemed to be paying me close attention was making my pulse race faster than it had for a long while. My wife and I hadn't had a good time out in so long, I'd pretty much forgotten what it was like. That was the last time I thought of Sherrie that night.

As we were making our way to the door at closing time, I saw Melissa and Cal also leaving and I bulled my way through the crowd to get close to them. I introduced Karen but Melissa told me they'd already met in the restroom. We stood around talking for a bit but parted company quickly to go our separate ways. I didn't know at the time why Cal was so flushed and anxious to leave. I figured his constant shifting of weight from one foot to the other was a pee-pee dance of some kind. In retrospect, I guess it was a modified one. Melissa's panties, I know now, were in his sports jacket pocket.

Outside in my car, Karen disdained the seatbelt and sat close to me. When I turned my head, her lips were there to greet me and we kissed for a long time. It was soft and gentle at first, short and tentative. She became more demanding after a bit though, and I met her half way. I found her tongue ready to flick out and twine itself around mine as we kissed deeper and longer.

My left hand found its way to her soft thighs and I slipped it slowly under her skirt. Her smooth skin felt hot under my palm. The sheer, flimsy material of her skirt slid over the back of my hand sensuously. Her legs were closed at first. When my hand reached her hip, even I could tell she had no panties on. She spread her legs for my hands. There was only silky smooth flesh under my fingers... until I found the moist, heated outer lips of her sex. We broke the long kiss; we were out of breath anyway. I looked questioningly into her eyes for a long moment.

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Separating the TwinsChapter 8

The party was going to be at Mom and Dad's. I fell into the preparations for it with quite a degree of comfort, and anticipation. You can't help but think about it. I was going to get laid. Just thinking about that made me wet. I've asked guys what they think about during the day of a party, and the answers don't make sense. Some guys actually get hard, others have told me they picture a room full of naked women, and others sort of relive, in anticipation, the joy of coming. Three...

4 years ago
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Separating the TwinsChapter 9

I loved being home, but I was glad to get back to my apartment. I realized as the endless blue waters of the Caribbean disappeared beneath the plane's wings that I'd changed enough that I was no longer the girl that had left Northwestern Georgia only a few months before. I had my own life, I had my own career, not the one I anticipated when I'd left home, and somehow that was very important to me. Knowing where things were, and not having to keep the location of the island secret, it was...

1 year ago
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Separating the TwinsChapter 10

I got myself into a couple of the Social Club shoots, though they very carefully didn't show my face. The first was of me taking it between my boobs. It was shot from the top down, so you didn't see my face, not even a glimpse. Instead you zoomed in on a girl holding her boobs together while a guy sawed back and forth. He came, little spurts of white come that spattered all over her boobs. Later you saw her boobs, coated with white streaks, as she massaged it into her skin and then put on a...

2 years ago
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Separating the TwinsChapter 11

Privately we called it 'Fanny Hill meets Regency Romance'. We bought or cranked out a few dozen Regencies, threw in a few bodice rippers, and ladled on plenty of sex. Unlike porno movies where the whole point was to have sex, on these we had to rely upon such strange concepts as "story" and "plot", but the difference was profound. Where the romances had plenty of situations, we turned all of the social ones into sexual ones. London was rampant with sex, and men did what men did, but...

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Separating the TwinsChapter 12

If I was Liz with her training I'd have probably set out a methodical plan to spark my love life. I was me, though, who decided to throw everything like college up in the air for a half-promise for a life with a guy that had every chance to fall through, and did. I did take some precautions, though. I made a few changes to my face—make-up could be so wonderful—and then headed for the town that was right next door, and not really acknowledged. It'd been an early shooting day. We nailed...

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Separating the TwinsChapter 13

This was the way the opening scenes worked out: the woman came out of the bathroom brushing her hair. She was naked, of course, not wearing a robe like most women would have. She puts down the brush and stands in front of the closet, finally selecting a white dress with a black belt and collar. The top is low-cut, even for a 'sweetheart neckline'. Her boobs wobble as she takes a pair of shoes from a shoe rack. She doesn't bend over, that would be just a touch to blatant. Her husband is in...

4 years ago
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Separating the TwinsChapter 14

Orgy Camp was wildly successful. Part of it, I think, was because it was done in segments, not as one long show; even half an hour can seem like forever when all you have is sex. There'd be five minutes here and there, usually with only a little lead-in. Woman A: "It seems so quiet around here without the kids." Woman B: "Last summer they did nothing but complain that there was nothing to do. So this year we sent them to a camp." Woman A: "We did that a couple of years ago. They...

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Separating the TwinsChapter 15

Liz, it turned out, was in line for a medal. The gal who was the pilot, technically the Aircraft Commander, had survived after all. She'd been knocked unconscious, and Liz had made sure she got out as the plane went down. That was why the girl, Sue, actually Capt. Susan Edgecroft, landed came down on land and was rescued by a troop of British soldiers from the Parachute Regiment. She'd barely hit the ground before they were there to pick her up. The delay in finding Liz was because she...

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Separating the TwinsChapter 16

Liz had accidentally given me the solution, but only when I thought about it. I had a scene to shoot that was an evening one, and then I didn't have to be on set until the next afternoon. It was a complicated scene involving fooling a man with a gun, I and the viewers knew it was a starter pistol) and then be "rescued" by Kelly, well, sort of. When he burst in on us I had him tied up and was really upset because he was lying on the floor and could look up my skirt. In a way it was rather...

1 year ago
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My girlfriend and my friend Danny

My has been seeing my girlfriend Danielle fuck my buddy Danny. I have had numerous talks with her and at one point she was all for it till she finally admitted she really didn't want to. There was one time at the bar where she even flirted with him to the point he got nervous and spilled his drink. She had asked him to dance and as she was grinding all up on him I was so turned on seeing how sexy she looked doing so. She texted me asking if I liked it as I asked her if she did and we both...

Cheating Wifes
1 year ago
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My DaughterInLaw Is A Nymph 8211 Part 2

I was done watching my son’s and daughter-in-law’s entire fuck session from the back window. Quickly, I traced my steps and came from the front to the main door and rang the bell. It was going to be a day of surprises! My beautiful daughter-in-law opened the door. She was wearing Ranjan’s full sleeves shirt. Her hair in the front and only three buttons covered her modesty. Yet nothing was left to imagination, the left nipple was outlined clearly behind the shirt pocket and it was obvious she...

2 years ago
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Sharing Wife With Carl

Gina and I decided to get our Friday chores done quickly so we could take our clothes off, have some drinks, and relax in the living room.  We sat in our recliners, surfed the internet on our laptops, listened to music, and I even played PS3 for a while.  We both were getting a good buzz on and getting very horny. She started spending a little time on her phone and asked me if I would mind if she did some text flirting with a guy she fucked at the last hotel party we went to a while back - a...

4 years ago
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Harry Potter Adventures Chapter 11 part 1 an unlikely last hope

Chapter 11 part 1 Though there were only a few weeks to go before the summer exams, Hermione decided that she, Harry and Ron needed a break from revision; something that Harry and Ron quickly agreed with her on. It was a fine afternoon and so they made their way down to the Lake to relax in the Sun. Each of them rolled their jeans up to their knees as they let their feet dangle in the cool waters of the Lake, whilst they sat on the bank and talked. ‘I had another private lesson with...

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NOTE : this story is completely fictional! Never try to do it in real live!!!    Bill, coming home from work, hung up his coat.  "Hi, honey," he called out.  Receiving no answer, he peaked into the kitchen.  "Oh,there you are, Betty."   "Hi, dear," she answered turning, "sorry I didn't hear you comein."  Turning back to the stove she stirred the casserole.  "We'll having your favorite, dear.  Beef casserole."    He came up behind her, pecked her on the cheek, "Gee, you're thegreatest, hon. ...

3 years ago
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Gay Men on the Road

Gay Man on the RoadBy: Londebaaz Chohan Dustin 21, worked for a distillery and he had to travel a lot. Being famous and very popular brands, his company liquors and spirits were selling as the number one but the competitions was cut throat and fierce. He never complained but he had to work very hard at the headquarters or on the road, he was always stressed and with years under his belt, he had learned the tricks of the trade. He knew to work the internet before leaving for the road trip and...

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Chapter 4 FemDom pt10

i drew myself upward to my hands and knees and began to crawl toward Baroness. i looked her straight in the eye as i came closer to her. Baroness started to jerk her BBC."Tell me." Baroness said"i have been hungry for your big black cock since i had it the other day Baroness.""I intend to give you all of my big black cock.""i intend to take it Baroness, every inch of it." with those words, i reached Baroness. i broke eye contact and lowered my mouth to her feet, and began to kiss and suck on...

3 years ago
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A Game of Inches Part Five

I got up, quietly went down the hall into the kitchen and started the coffee. I was standing at the counter pouring my first cup when Ashley walked into the room. She walked right up behind me pressing her body into mine, wrapping her arms around my waist. “Good morning Brian, how did you sleep ?”, she purred. “Really good and you ?”, I answered. “I slept like a baby.”, she responded, squeezing me tightly. She released me and stepped around me grabbing her mug filling it...

2 years ago
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Basic Training Part 1

Kneeling, she stole a brief glance around the hotel room before looking up at him and replying “Because I want you to teach me how to be a good whore, sir. I want to obey every command you give me, and satisfy you in any way you desire.” “Mmm. And do understand that once we start, there’s no going back? There’s no ‘safe word’ here and no matter how much you might protest certain things, or think you can’t handle something, it will only mean a more severe punishment rather than an easy...

3 years ago
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The Ark Part 2Chapter 4

Before Clara and I declared lockdown, the President of the United States assigned a Division of Army Rangers and portions of two Groups of Navy Seals to the Ark, on detached duty. The Rangers and Seals were on loan to me, so I put them under the Ark’s External Security Department. Later, the President created The Consolidated Military Forces of the United States, the CMF, by combining selected Special Operations Groups with existing Army, Navy, and Marine forces. The majority of the...

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Teaching Me The Chemistry Of Love

I can remember perfectly that school year, it was always the same. Whenever I saw him, I felt really happy, just to know the fact that he was there, near me. Some of my girl classmates constantly asked me “don’t you like any boy from the group?” and my answer was always negative. It seemed to be weird to know that with 16 years I didn’t like any guy, but for being true, there was one, the only and the best and he…he was my teacher. Since the very first day I saw him in the classroom, by the...

First Time
4 years ago
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Frau rcht sich an untreuem Mann

Es passierte jedes Mal auf die gleiche Weise. Es war immer auf einer Party, wenn alle viel zu trinken hatten und ich eine willige Frau fand, die mit mir in's Schlafzimmer ging. Jedes Mal, wenn sie mich auf frischer Tat ertappte, gab es eine ziemlich böse Szene. Jedes Mal entschuldigte ich mich ausgiebig, sagte, ich hätte zu viel getrunken, bat sie um Vergebung und versprach, dass es nie wieder passieren würde. Dieses Mal hatte es nicht funktioniert! Sie würde sich von mir scheiden lassen! Ich...

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For Womanhood

For Womanhood by Madquill She moved closer to her lover. "But he is so beautiful too," she whispered as she ran her phallus along the moist skin of her lover's sex. She pushed into to her lover slowly. "I want to penetrate your husband too." I had arrived at the Hotel on Fifth Avenue at 2pm and had a lot to do. The three storage cases had been brought up and I started to unpack the contents and check for any wrinkled garments. Most of the clothes that I'd had shipped in the...

1 year ago
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The Blameless BystanderChapter 10 MidNovember Vignettes

It was Thursday afternoon. James' identity as Reverend Chandler's target was public knowledge, thanks to Doris' shouting it out during the previous evening's School Board Meeting. The unauthorized revelation changed all the rules of the game. Peggy Hardaway, inspired to improve her prior week's lackluster performance, took full advantage of the opening. She called James at the school early in the morning and requested an interview. Roger Blair called Bob Jackson to smooth the way. So,...

1 year ago
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Horny Wife Horny Life 8211 Part 5

Hey Guys! I am back with the next episode of this series. The true start of what the title actually says ‘Horny Wife, Horny Life’. I hope you will love the sex adventures of shy but now bold Madhu. Madhu came back home after having sex with Om. Vijay came back home in the evening. Madhu did not talk to Vijay about the incident she saw. She had decided to keep it a secret and enjoy her life. She decided to be independent and not being shy any longer. Vijay went to sleep early that night. Madhu...

2 years ago
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Copy room trio

I work for a small firm that has a copy room where I can usually go for long periods of time doing all the necessary work for our firm. A sign on the door means I'm busy and most everyone stays out until I remove the sign. I was in there one day when Charles came in and stated he had a priority job to be done. I moved aside while he did his work and looking him over, I was getting a bit hot. I had on a blouse, bra, short skirt and panties and nice six inch heels, As I sat off to the side I...

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Lauryn tras la pista

UNOS D?AS ATR?SKate y sus amigas hab?an llegado a la peque?a mansi?n poco antes del medio d?a.  Su padre le hab?a dejado la casa para una peque?a fiesta de fin de semana. Kate llevaba pidi?ndolo meses. Hab?a esgrimido toda clase de argumentos para lograrlo. Un merecido descanso, aprovechar con sus amigas para alejarse de la universidad, la recompensa por tanto tiempo de dedicaci?n a los estudios. Al final, en el ?ltimo momento, su padre hab?a cambiado de opini?n. Kate cre?a que al principio hab?a estado intentando evitar la ma...

1 year ago
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My Blonde mother surrenders to me on a Saturday

Note : This story is completely fictional! After leaving you in your bed as my seed dripped out of you I was counting down the hours and days for our next fuck lesson. I told you that we would fuck and suck again and I couldn't wait for it. The next morning I took advantage of the situation. I heard you in the kitchen and knew my sister would sleep late that morning, and my brother was out around the yard. I came up behind you and grabbed your ass while reaching around and getting my hands...

3 years ago
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Just Babysitting

Everyone says that your high school years are the best years of your life. For me, that’s only half true. High school sucked on so many levels. People either loved you, or they hated you, usually for the most pathetic reasons that most often came from a spark of jealousy, therefore causing rumours to spread. There was the fear of busting your ass, only to walk away with a mark that would honestly get you nowhere in life, and finally, teacher’s found any excuse to be on your ass. For me, this...

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The Three Brothers

Author's Notes: Story is inspired by The Gold Dress by Paula Girl. The Three Brothers Frederick, Sam, and Michael were three very tight brothers growing up. Fred was the natural leader of the boys, was generally well-liked, and appeared ready to accomplish great things as he was about to graduate college. If he had any faults it was that he could be hot-tempered with his two younger brothers. Sam was very much an introvert, soft-spoken, and kept to himself. Michael was the family...

2 years ago
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Make Love To Me Part 3

 In spite of the profound events that had taken place with Beth and the stranger, Juan, Allan and Beth continued to enjoy their two weeks away as best they could. Ibiza was always one of their favourite haunts. The warm Mediterranean sun had warmed their skin and lifted their spirits. The continual party environment surrounding the couple helped some, but the atmosphere between Beth and Allan had been noticeably altered. Allan was having trouble putting his finger on it, the change in Beth...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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To The End Game Part 3

I fucked Jenny my best friend's (john) girl last week. It was really good. I took pictures of her. I had just finished blurring her face on the computer and putting it up on a website for men to ogle on. I just sent her the link. I know she's with John now. Maybe he's fucking her. I'll pay her a visit soon. I knock on her apartment door. She opened the door wearing a nice pair of jeans and a tight fitting blouse looking surprised to see me. "What do you want. Last week was a mistake." "Did you...

Cheating Wifes
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The Life of RyanChapter 13 Matts Predicament

It had been a long night ... a very long night. Edgar had several months of built-up lust and longing to satisfy, and since he was the one who found Matt, Maria and Melina had agreed he could have access to him first, for as long as he could keep going. Edgar was not a tremendous sexual athlete, but everyone can be Superman in bed for one night when a rare occasion presents itself. Again, it wasn’t that Matt disliked getting fucked by Edgar so much ... in fact, much of it did feel quite good...

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