Separate LivesChapter 4 free porn video

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We had to file under the "no fault" provisions of the law since I took the time to exact a measure of revenge on my soon-to-be ex-wife. Seems that when I had sex with her after becoming certain of her infidelity, under the law I had "condoned" her actions by exercising my "conjugal rights." Oh well... that was what no fault divorces were for. My attorney was awfully put out with me, but he'll get over it.

I naively thought once divorce papers had been served on Sherrie, our attorneys would talk and work out the division of our property and other assets. After that, I figured we'd sign the paperwork, go before the judge and it would all be over with. Silly me. It seemed discussions between attorneys was necessarily a long, drawn out process that became negotiations about the most inconsequential of things.

For instance, I know the lawyers spent one whole lunch hour--I paid for it, I'm sure--on the question of whether I should return the TV I'd taken with me or did it constitute my share of the electronic equipment in the house? Who gave a flyin'... ? Well, anyway, it was taking forever, and I'd figured "no fault" was quicker. Hah!

What it finally all boiled down to was that the house and all the furnishings were to be sold and the proceeds divided equally--after the lawyers got their share, of course. Sherrie and I would identify any furniture or other things in the home that we particularly wanted and, if the other didn't protest, that item was theirs--up to a total value of five thousand dollars. I didn't care. I'd already made my selection. I told my attorney just to get on with it.

A few weeks after the petition for divorce was filed, but before our first court date, I went over to Cal and Melissa's house to see if I could get some answers to the question of how this whole thing started. Melissa had been Sherrie's best friend in college and I'd had known Cal slightly. Over the past few years, we had all become very close. Melissa had become as good a friend of mine as she was Sherrie's. I realized, belatedly, that Cal and Melissa had not come to our house, nor had they invited us to theirs, since the Vegas trip. Thinking of how Connie had spoken of Vegas, I wanted to see if Cal and Melissa could shed any light on the problem.

They were outside in the back yard when I arrived. When I rang the doorbell, Cal came around the side of the house and escorted me back, handing me a cold beer before having me sit in the shade of a big pecan tree that was growing in the far corner of their yard. We sat for a couple of awkward moments.

"So..." I said finally. Melissa burst into tears and got up to run in the house. Cal and I stared at the door through which she'd disappeared and looked at each other.

"She's a little emotional sometimes," Cal muttered.

"I know," I said, smiling a little in spite of all the pain everyone was feeling. Melissa was up front in everything she did and I loved her for it. In many ways, she was closer to me than my deceased sister ever had been. I took a long swallow of Coors' finest.

"Ron..." Cal said at length, "Melissa and me are just as sorry as we can be that you and Sherrie are breaking up, but we didn't know what to do, you know?" I looked at him questioningly. I could see comprehension spreading across his face.

"You don't know," he said. I shook my head. He got two more beers from the ice chest beside him and handed one to me.

"We didn't know whether to tell you when we got back from Vegas or not," he remarked sadly. "We figured Sherrie would tell you what happened--it couldn't be kept hidden, for Pete's sake--and, after a while it seemed she had and the two of you had everything all worked it out."

"Worked what out?" I asked quietly.

Cal took a deep breath and spent the next twenty minutes explaining how Sherrie had gotten sloppy drunk the first night in Vegas. Tired and mad because I'd had to cancel at the last minute, Sherrie had told the other two couples that if I wasn't going to be there when she needed me, she was going to find someone who would be. Sherrie spent the rest of the night gulping down hard liquor while dancing and flirting with every man who caught her eye. At some point, Sherrie and some blond guy managed to disappear even with both of the other couples trying hard to keep track of where Sherrie and the guy went in the casino. No one saw Sherrie until the next day.

That afternoon, Saturday, Melissa and Connie had gone to Sherrie's room and hammered on the door until Sherrie finally answered. She looked like she'd been rode hard and put up wet, according to what Melissa had told Cal. The blond guy had been in the bathroom, but had come out.

Sherrie had been defensive, but also drunk and defiant. The guy had acted completely unconcerned about the whole thing. He left eventually, but since Sherrie didn't join Melissa, Cal, Connie, and Tom that Saturday evening, they were pretty sure Sherrie and the unknown man had hooked up again.

Actually, other than that one meeting Saturday afternoon, none of the four saw Sherrie until late Sunday afternoon when she showed up at the airport to board the flight home. They hadn't seen how she got to the terminal so they couldn't say her boyfriend had brought her. They hadn't cared. I didn't blame them.

Melissa had come back outside wiping her eyes and was standing behind my chair with her hands on the tops of my shoulders. Every so often, she would pat me as one consoles an unhappy child. I'm not so sure that wasn't exactly what I was at that moment. When Cal finished, I sat looking into space.

"I wish you'd told me," I said after a while. "I don't know what good it would've done, but some of the lying and the cheating might not have occurred." I sighed and bit my lip. "But the damage had already been done, I guess. It wouldn't have made any difference in the long run."

"How did you find out about Vegas?" Melissa asked gently. I craned my neck back to look up at her.

"Ya'll just told me," I replied. She was confused.

"Well, how did you find out then," she asked. I took her hand in mine and patted it gently.

"I saw them in Sherrie's car on the street a few weeks ago and that blond guy had his hand up her skirt so far I knew he had to have his fingers inside her," I said tersely. Both their faces blanched; they winced in sympathy.

"Oh, you poor man," Melissa said. "What a horrible way to find out." I shrugged.

"I'm not sure there is a good way, 'Lissa," I said. "But it's over and done with now." I looked down at the grass about my feet so I wouldn't have to admit to the sting of tears that had suddenly rushed to my eyes.

Sherrie had evidently come over to tell them of the divorce a few days ago. Melissa said Sherrie had been mad as hell that Melissa wouldn't support her. It had been just a horrible mistake, according to Sherrie. When Melissa had called her a hussy and some other things, Sherrie had left in a huff. That was my Sherrie, all right. Blame everyone but the two people who committed the adultery.

Cal, Melissa, and I talked for another hour or so before I left. Their eighteen-month old baby needed attention and I wouldn't have been good company at dinner, though they tried hard to get me to stay.

Three and a half months into the "negotiations," the question of the pictures I'd taken of Sherrie and Blondie came up. Sherrie was afraid I was going to put them on the Internet. Their suggestion was a good one and I started to look for a website that would handle them. I offered to send copies to everyone at Sherrie's office and all her friends too. I didn't intend to do that, but it sure got the talks moving again.

There would have been some legal complications if I'd tried to do as I threatened. For one thing, there was the invasion of privacy thing since I'd taken the pics through the motel window and without permission from the motel or the participants. I told my attorney I'd go ahead and chance a law suit if something didn't nice happen real soon.

The next day, Sherrie's lawyer reopened the question of how to divide the house and offered me 60% of the sale price if I would turn over all copies of the pictures, but I refused. After a while, they offered 55% of the proceeds if I would agree to keep only one copy of the pictures and agree that I would never transmit them over the Internet in any way. And, oh by the way, Sherrie demanded a closed-door meeting between just the two of us. I made a counter offer of 60%, I'd keep only one set of prints, no digital copies, and a maximum of 30 minutes with her.

We eventually settled on the 60% of the house, two sets of the pictures (one for me and one, surprisingly, for Sherrie), no digital copies, and a one-hour closed-door meeting. They withdrew all of their motions before the court and agreed to a no-fault divorce at the earliest possible moment. A court order was obtained recognizing Sherrie and I were no longer living together as man and wife pending a final divorce decree. Texas does not have "legal separations" and this was as close as the attorney's could get to one. It was fine with me. The sale of the residence and furnishings could move forward, the mandatory wait time for the divorce would not be interrupted, and things would be over in another two months.

Meanwhile, I'd made a particularly strong effort to keep my divorce from affecting my job. In fact, I took refuge in my work. I was the first one to arrive in the morning and the last to leave that night. Maybe because he noticed my renewed dedication to the firm, the big boss made me the interim director for the R&D branch. He gave me all the problems to solve, but none of the pay increase for that position. I didn't care that much. I just made sure the disaster of my personal life never hurt my professional career.

I got there about ten minutes early. I'd hoped the traffic would be heavy and make me late, but it was not to be. The meeting between Sherrie and me was to take place in a temporarily vacant office in my attorney's suite. I was hustled into that office and ushered me into the big chair behind the desk. That would have a considerable psychological impact on Sherrie, they said. It would put her at a disadvantage. One of my lawyer's legal aides, the young woman who'd been so sympathetic when I'd initiated the divorce papers, fussed over me for a few minutes, straightening my tie and brushing at some imaginary lint.

She leaned in very close to me as I sat there. I could smell her perfume and if I'd let my eyes fall from hers, I'd have had a superb view down her open-necked blouse. When everyone else had left the room to greet the arriving party with my wife, she impulsively kissed my forehead and told me to "hang in there," and squeezed my hand encouragingly. Standing, she turned and walked through the doorway, but she looked back and smiled before she disappeared.

When everyone was gone, I got up and moved to a seat at the short conference table that butted up against the front of the big desk. I didn't think I needed any props or artificial barriers. My wife had committed adultery, I caught her, and I was getting rid of her. I didn't see things as any more complicated than that.

When Sherrie came in, she found me sitting there calmly placing 5 X 7 prints on the table of her and her blond fuck toy hammering away at each other on the hotel bed. I was going for neat rows of six pictures in each row but the photos tended to slide on the slick tabletop. It was a lot of effort to make each line of pics to line up. I worked while Sherrie settled herself. When I looked up, there was a flush across her face.

She was an attractive woman--not beautiful in the classical sense, but more than just pretty. I knew that under the bulky sweater top and knee length, dark blue skirt, there was a very exciting body. I looked into the face I'd loved for the more than six years we'd been together--four of them as a married couple. She'd been so warm and affectionate through most of those six years. Looking at her now, I couldn't say when the woman I used to know had disappeared, or where she'd gone.

"You got me really good didn't you?" she said bitterly, interrupting my train of thought. Her face was twisted into a mask of irritation, something I'd come to expect from her more often than not lately. "I'll bet you're soooo proud of yourself, aren't you?"

I snorted. The puff of air moved three prints sideways and I urged them back into place with a fingernail.

"Nah," I said quietly. "You got yourself," I told her. I glanced up to see her still glaring at me. She opened her mouth to say something I figured would be spiteful. I beat her to the punch.

"And no... I am definitely not proud of having caught a slut whore fucking around on me. I thought the woman I was married to would never, ever screw some strange man. Exactly why would you think I'd be proud to find out differently, huh?"

It took the wind out of her sails and she sat with a blank expression on her face for a time. I held up my left forearm and checked my watch in as ostentatiously as I could.

"I was told you wanted to talk to me... so talk. We've got just about fifty-five minutes left." I leaned back in my chair. I was tired of playing with the pictures. Sherrie made an effort to keep her eyes from straying to the pictures and look only at me. She took a deep breath.

"Ron, honey, I--"

"Whoa... huh uh... back up there!" I said quickly.

She pulled back, surprised at my vehemence.

"You don't have any right to call me "honey," "sugar," or "sweetheart" or anything else," I told her. "You gave that up when you started playing with your little fuck toy in Vegas." She flinched and swallowed hard. She couldn't meet my eyes, but she couldn't look at the pics either. The wall behind me was suddenly being given her complete attention.

"I didn't mean to... to step over any boundaries here," she said finally.

"Okay," I said, "just so we understand each other." She nodded.

"Ron..." she paused and looked at me, expecting me to object again, I guess.

"Ron," she continued, "first... I want to say I'm so sorry about all this. I never meant to hurt you, you've got to believe that."

"I don't have to believe any such thing," I retorted. "What the hell would make you think you could fuck around behind my back and not have it hurt me?" She looked at me for a long moment.

"I never meant for you to find out," she said in a low voice. "And if you hadn't found out, you wouldn't have been hurt." I snorted again disbelievingly.

"What? No harm, no foul? Sherrie, either you are pretty damn stupid... or you think I am. From what "our" friends are telling me, you were dry fucking this guy on the dance floor and in the casino. You went off somewhere; they couldn't find you and didn't manage to corner you until the next afternoon. Fuck toy was there in your room with you and you didn't even try to hide it. Just how the hell did you think you were going to keep me from finding out eventually?"

She sat looking at me without saying anything for a bit.

"Why didn't you stop me?" she asked sharply.

"What?" I said. "I wasn't there, Sherrie." She shook her head.

"When we came back, why didn't you say something? Why didn't you stop me from seeing him again?" She was getting worked up but I couldn't understand what she was talking about. "Why didn't you fight for me? You're supposed to love me," she blurted. I shook my head in confusion. This was hard enough without her talking in riddles.

"Sherrie," I said wearily. I didn't know what you were doing. How could I stop you... read your mind?" It finally struck me.

"Oh! Sherrie, Melissa and Cal didn't tell me about Vegas until I'd already caught you with your fuck toy." She winced at my repeated description of the blond guy but I wasn't in any mood to be gentle. "You want to know how I caught you?" I asked challengingly. She nodded. There was a small tear at the corner of her left eye.

"I saw you and fuck toy while I was sitting in a van at a stop light," I said shortly. "He had his hand so far up your skirt, I'm surprised his fingers weren't coming out of your mouth," I told her. Her posture changed. From one that had been aggressive, she slumped into one of despair and pain. I waited. I'd said my piece.

"I am so sorry you saw that, Ron," she said finally. "I'm sorry I let him do it... I'm sorry all of this happened."

"You sure didn't look like you were sorry that day," I told her. "In fact, you looked like you were having a ball," I said, "no pun intended." She cringed in her seat before straightening up.

"I came here to be honest with you and I'm going to do it," she said. "I was enjoying it," she said. "God help me, I was... but no more than I would have if it were my fingers in there, or... uh... a dildo, Ron," she said.

"But they weren't your fingers, Sherrie," I said softly, "it wasn't a dildo and they sure as hell weren't my fingers. They were his and his had no damn business being there."

I slammed my hand down on the polished tabletop, my open palm making a loud, smacking thud echo off the law books in the shelves all around.

"I had an exclusive rights contract with you, Sherrie," I said. "It's called a marriage. No one else in this whole world had any right to put his hands down there except me, dammit to hell!"

I sat back, trembling with anger. I fought to keep my temper from exploding. The twenty-four pictures on the table had all skittered across the surface of the table. To occupy my hands and mind, I began picking them up and placing them in a neat stack in front of me.

"I'm sorry, Ron," she said after a while. "You're right. I should not have done anything with that man. I know that. I don't have any excuses at all--"

"For the first time today, I agree with you," I said, cutting off whatever she was going to say.

"Yeah..." she said, "I know." She took a deep breath.

"Ron, would it make any difference if I told you that the night you took all these pictures... that I told him I wasn't going to see him any more?" I glanced up from my pile of photos. She held my eyes with her own. I shrugged.

"No, not a hell of a lot," I said evenly. She was startled. She'd thought she had something important to throw into the mix.

"Sherrie, you cheated on me in Las Vegas, right in front of our friends. When you came home, you didn't come to me and tell me about it... and up to the time I caught you... you'd already fucked him three, four, five... what... a dozen times more here in our hometown?

"What's that saying? 'What goes on in Vegas, stays in Vegas?' Boy that sure didn't apply to you, did it? Not one damn bit! Hell, you were like that energizer bunny--you just kept going and going and going.

"You know what, Sherrie? I've been told cheating gets easier every time you do it. Apparently, it is. You sure didn't seem to have any trouble finding places and times to fuck your blond guy. I doubt you would have ever stopped if I hadn't nailed you with some really good pictures... and filed for divorce." I looked up from my mound of pics.

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Separating the TwinsChapter 7

I began to get fan mail! Apparently I made a big impression in my red halter and shorts. That had been one of the episodes that helped define me in the eyes of the fans. The hero, Kelly, the hero, came home to find us clearly going out. I was wearing a loose short-sleeved white blouse tied under my breasts over a red halter and shorts. "Where are you two going?" "We," I said, "are going down to Randy's Grill. We're going to drink iced tea, maybe one 'Real Close' each, and look at...

4 years ago
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Separating the TwinsChapter 8

The party was going to be at Mom and Dad's. I fell into the preparations for it with quite a degree of comfort, and anticipation. You can't help but think about it. I was going to get laid. Just thinking about that made me wet. I've asked guys what they think about during the day of a party, and the answers don't make sense. Some guys actually get hard, others have told me they picture a room full of naked women, and others sort of relive, in anticipation, the joy of coming. Three...

4 years ago
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Separating the TwinsChapter 9

I loved being home, but I was glad to get back to my apartment. I realized as the endless blue waters of the Caribbean disappeared beneath the plane's wings that I'd changed enough that I was no longer the girl that had left Northwestern Georgia only a few months before. I had my own life, I had my own career, not the one I anticipated when I'd left home, and somehow that was very important to me. Knowing where things were, and not having to keep the location of the island secret, it was...

1 year ago
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Separating the TwinsChapter 10

I got myself into a couple of the Social Club shoots, though they very carefully didn't show my face. The first was of me taking it between my boobs. It was shot from the top down, so you didn't see my face, not even a glimpse. Instead you zoomed in on a girl holding her boobs together while a guy sawed back and forth. He came, little spurts of white come that spattered all over her boobs. Later you saw her boobs, coated with white streaks, as she massaged it into her skin and then put on a...

2 years ago
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Separating the TwinsChapter 11

Privately we called it 'Fanny Hill meets Regency Romance'. We bought or cranked out a few dozen Regencies, threw in a few bodice rippers, and ladled on plenty of sex. Unlike porno movies where the whole point was to have sex, on these we had to rely upon such strange concepts as "story" and "plot", but the difference was profound. Where the romances had plenty of situations, we turned all of the social ones into sexual ones. London was rampant with sex, and men did what men did, but...

3 years ago
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Separating the TwinsChapter 12

If I was Liz with her training I'd have probably set out a methodical plan to spark my love life. I was me, though, who decided to throw everything like college up in the air for a half-promise for a life with a guy that had every chance to fall through, and did. I did take some precautions, though. I made a few changes to my face—make-up could be so wonderful—and then headed for the town that was right next door, and not really acknowledged. It'd been an early shooting day. We nailed...

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Separating the TwinsChapter 13

This was the way the opening scenes worked out: the woman came out of the bathroom brushing her hair. She was naked, of course, not wearing a robe like most women would have. She puts down the brush and stands in front of the closet, finally selecting a white dress with a black belt and collar. The top is low-cut, even for a 'sweetheart neckline'. Her boobs wobble as she takes a pair of shoes from a shoe rack. She doesn't bend over, that would be just a touch to blatant. Her husband is in...

4 years ago
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Separating the TwinsChapter 14

Orgy Camp was wildly successful. Part of it, I think, was because it was done in segments, not as one long show; even half an hour can seem like forever when all you have is sex. There'd be five minutes here and there, usually with only a little lead-in. Woman A: "It seems so quiet around here without the kids." Woman B: "Last summer they did nothing but complain that there was nothing to do. So this year we sent them to a camp." Woman A: "We did that a couple of years ago. They...

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Separating the TwinsChapter 15

Liz, it turned out, was in line for a medal. The gal who was the pilot, technically the Aircraft Commander, had survived after all. She'd been knocked unconscious, and Liz had made sure she got out as the plane went down. That was why the girl, Sue, actually Capt. Susan Edgecroft, landed came down on land and was rescued by a troop of British soldiers from the Parachute Regiment. She'd barely hit the ground before they were there to pick her up. The delay in finding Liz was because she...

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Separating the TwinsChapter 16

Liz had accidentally given me the solution, but only when I thought about it. I had a scene to shoot that was an evening one, and then I didn't have to be on set until the next afternoon. It was a complicated scene involving fooling a man with a gun, I and the viewers knew it was a starter pistol) and then be "rescued" by Kelly, well, sort of. When he burst in on us I had him tied up and was really upset because he was lying on the floor and could look up my skirt. In a way it was rather...

3 years ago
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Daddy issues 101

I was in a trade kinda school learning to be a medical assistant and I had this computer teacher that was kinda attractive but not like omg model attractive but like dad next door kinda attractive. He was pretty laid back and me and a couple other girls used to joke about fucking him all the time and I'm sure he heard us we really weren't quiet people. Well one day (let's call him Mr. Dick) just up and quit resulting in me failing my test for his class because he took half of them with him...

2 years ago
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EyesChapter 9 Being Taught by the Student

We all went down to the lake with some blankets and sun block. We spread the sun block on ourselves and then helped the others with their backs. Sunshine was trying to play helpless to get me to repeat our previous sun block experience. I just told her we were out in the open and others could see us. She said she didn't care, she couldn't see them. It was kind of neat to lay naked in the sun and not be concerned that others could see you. A few people stopped as they were passing to say hi...

1 year ago
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Playing with Alex

I’ve been toying with doing this for a while and find the buzz from ‘exposing’ some of my experiences to be incredibly exciting in itself.  All the more so as I’m not a ‘flaunt it’ type of girl in normal life.  More than once a new boyfriend as been taken by surprise once things get personal.  The following details a few events, but focuses on one of my most ‘illicit’ sides – playing with another girl.  I am to all intents and purposes completely straight, except to the very few who know.  Hope...

2 years ago
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Fun with a BBw True story

On Friday night I went to the bar to just have some drinks. So I was there for a couple of hours having fun shooting pool with some friends. I went back to the bar to get some more drinks and this BBw came up to me and started talking to me. She was about 5'5. About 260 pounds. Big girl so I starting talking to her we talked for about an hour or so, she said that she was going to haft to go and get a motel for the night because she was having some problems with the roof on her house so I...

3 years ago
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Dear JohnChapter 26

The man had gotten no less than twenty men, all experienced movers, to literally disassemble our lives. Not just the apartment and that was no small task in my humble opinion, but our lives. Bank accounts were moved, credit scores upgraded—dramatically—the whole ball of wax. And, no not with my permission! Oh, I did have a heads up that it was all going to happen, but it happened without my damn permission, and yes, that did bug me. However, it didn’t happen without Lana’s permission. And...

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The Fuck Tease

Hey guy’s this is Liz here. This is the story of me and my roommate whom I met just 1 year back when we were in 12th, we shared the same room in the hostel before that, I had realized it long back that I have a thing for girls because I have always been studying in a girl’s school, with all those beautiful girls and shared rooms with them. I had a personal intimate bonding with girls, as I had seen it all and dreamt it all but never just did it so me and Ash just got closer in that one year, as...

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A Little Like Cinderella

There was going to be a ball. It would be a lavish affair in the mansion of a wealthy noble. She was getting excited because she would attend. She did not get to go out all that much, usually doing chores around the house. She loved her life, but it did have some limitations.Her wardrobe was limited, usually a simple pullover sundress, if she wore anything at all. Most of the time at home, she was naked.Her name was B, yes, the letter. Her master did not think she was worthy of a proper name....

4 years ago
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The Motorcycle Adventure Ch 06

He stood and kissed her. He lifted her off the bike and swung her up into his arms. He carried her, to the house. At the door, he kissed her while fishing for the keys. He got the door open. He kissed her as he carried her inside. Once inside he stood her up and then knelt down on his knees again and slipped the ring on her finger. It was a perfect fit. He stood and kissed her gently. She wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned against him. He bent down and swooped her up into his arms...

3 years ago
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Things that makes you go home

DJ enjoyed the feel of Ian’s thick vein shaft plunging in and out of her. It had been awhile since she had felt anything like this. DJ felt like her body was on fire. Every nerve ending seemed to tingle. Dj didn’t know whether she wanted to scream, moan, cuss, or thank the Lord for this dickin that she was getting. Ian could tell by the sounds that DJ loved this. Her pussy was so tight and so wet. Ian loved the sight of that round ass backing up on his dick. “Whose pussy is this?” the only...

2 years ago
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The Massage

Sarah locked the car and collecting her beach bag began the short walk down the steep stony path to the cove. She had discovered the small beach whilst out walking a few weeks earlier and it had quickly become her favorite spot. Usually it was empty or perhaps just one or two people, usually naked sunbathing or swimming .Once she saw a couple making out and felt a pang of desire as her own boyfriend was back home in England. They had agreed for the summer she was away to do their own thing but...

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Jilnar Jardaly Fucks the Interns

Hey, guys! It's your naughty Arabian nymphomaniac here again.You know, being an oversexed cock-hunter gets me into all sorts of horny adventures. I remember a few years ago when the boss called me into the office. I thought he just wanted his usual mid-morning blowjob or handjob but, when I entered the two room, there were two teenage boys in there. I was told they were high school seniors on exchange from the USA & were here for some work experience & I was chosen to be their mentor...

3 years ago
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Road TripChapter 36

Lt. Cmdr Powrie dropped me off behind National Jets. The F4 ... not at all the normal Blue Angels mode of transportation ... made a quick spin and was off into the blue beyond. I watched. His take-off met my stringent expectations. Walking in through the backdoor and through the offices looking for a phone, I was eventually stopped by a teen. “Who are you and how did you get here?” “Karen Post. I was just dropped off by that F-4.” “Powrie dropped you off?” “Yes. Who are you?” “Carl Boy...

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Paying off a beggar

(This story is entirely fictitious)I was 16. The story is set in India.Just like every other day, i had gone to a public park for a jog. Since it was india, the park had many homeless people. while jogging, I noticed a hot girl in rags, who seemed to be almost as old as me. She was searching for food in the dumpsters when I noticed her, and the wildest of fantasies popped up in my head.... would she let me bang her for money...?I crossed her and continued my jog with the fantasy in my mind....

1 year ago
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golden time

true story: the other night in bed with the missus im trying it on shes telling me to fuck-off.anyway i pester her enough(sorry foreplay) we start to get frisky she start rubbing my always hard cock i have a play with her clit then she go's down on me she starts to deep throat she has been practising and can just about swallow my cock before she gags so we 69 for a while then i start to lick her asshole which she loves and soon ive got my tongue deep into her ass whilst she rubs her clit she...

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Horny Age 8211 Aunty Got Fucked By Nephew While Uncle Out On Job Search

I had been fucking around with the maid almost every day for 2 yrs now, till she had to go to her native for 2 months. She had requested another maid to do the job till then, it’s not about fucking the second maid as she had nothing, no face and no body, she was a walking skeleton. Obviously I and Lata had a number of sessions on the day before she left where I even fucked her in the bathroom while she was washing clothes. Anyways it had been just 2 days since her departure and I was feeling...

2 years ago
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Cousin Sister Fed Me Excess Milk

Hi, this is Rajesh again with my new story, I am working in an MNC and now settled in Bangalore. I have a great sex life and enjoying my sex life to the fullest with my 8 inch cock and satisfying many Ladies and Aunties. Any unsatisfied girls, ladies, aunties can mail me at………………. I am overwhelmed by your comments and have encouraged me to come out with my other dark secrets of my life. Thank you for all for the good comments for my other stories that you people gave me. That is an inspiration...

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Bedtimestory collection

Today, I had a call on my cellphone from a person that I have not seen in a long time! The guy is 1.90m (6,3) tall, cute, intelligent, well spoken, and over all very sexy! Loves to get dirty sport socks in his face and on his dick! And to stand on his chest makes him even more turned on! A bit of stamping was also possible, but not over do it! That just would be to much ****! And i sometimes don’t know my own strength! I remember when i was wrestling with a friend last year, I got carried away...

1 year ago
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BadDaddyPOV Tiffany Watson Jerk Off Instructions

Tiffany Watson is a naughty step daughter who is hornier than ever and she wants to touch her pussy and cum but she does not want to do it alone she wants you to join her in her horny solo play. So Tiffany starts by running her hands through her petite sexy body and then removes her bra showing off her perky tits as she grabs at them she then bends over showing you her nice ass and pulls on her panties and then removes them to reveal her tight soaking wet shaved pussy and flips around and...

3 years ago
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DesiIndian Wifes debauchery in America

I went to the desi party in the block around 7 PM on March 2012 in South Brunswick Manor Community, in New Jersey. It was a holi party hosted by the good Indian folks residing there. All residents and guests were invited. The crowd turnout was quite a large, considering it was a week night. Since it's been a while the last time I played holi; it was in Bombay, when I was 17 years old, I didn't know what to wear. So I decided on a white tee, which showed my muscles and pecks. I am 5'10" in...

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a comfort to his mother

After the Funeral As a cold rain fell Sharon Powers stood by her husband's grave trying to understand how this could be happening to her. She was still a young woman, not yet thirty in fact. How could God be so cruel as to take her husband from her. The muttered condolences from her husband's friends and coworkers meant nothing to her. Standing by her side was her thirteen year old son, Paul. The c***d of a wartime marriage he had been born when his mother was just sixteen. Now...

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OMG Omegle

I recently noticed that I really like stroking my cock alot more. I've always enjoyed it but it seems to be more now than ever. I think the thing that may have started it was one night I found Omegle online and noticed guys stroking off hoping to get a girl to join them. Oh I'm sure it happens now and then, but I wonder how many guys get frustrated by the fact that there are more guys and gays on Omegle than girls who like watching us stroke our dicks. One night just before Christmas I couldn't...

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Alice Gives a Physical

Alice Jones, a precociously developed and beautiful 7th grader, arrived at the principal's office wondering why she had been summoned. Ms Winston beamed. "Alice, I've got a big problem. The snowstorm has stranded many of the teachers. Every adult I have including me must cover classes all day. But today is the day for the 9th grade boys to have their medical exams. I need you to assist the nurse. You are our best biology student. But if it would bother you to see and touch naked boys I can...

1 year ago
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Gujarati Bhabhi Dhara Ni Bhukh 8211 Part I

Hello hu dhara .aa mari pehli sex ni varta chhe aasha rakhu ke badha ne gamse pehla mari pehchan api dau hu dhara chhu 25yr ni merried female , hu last 5 yr thi sex ni maja lai rahi chhu pehli war hu mara padosi sathe sutheli e pan mari marji wagar mara padoshi ne hu pehle thi gamti hati e Ket ketli war mane yaad kari muthya marto hato , parantu ek diwas moka no faydo upado lidho mara ghare koi na hatu maro padosi mare ghare avi ne mane prasadi api gayo me khadhi ne hu tart j bebhan thai gai e...

3 years ago
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Fantasy Sex Dungeon Episode 6 Two subs Pegged a

After their victory in the sub/Dom challenge at "The Dinner Party" (see previous episode in the series) Dungeon Master and The Mistress are taking Caldon's young Elven male sub back to the Pleasure Dungeon.The sub has fine silver hair, cut to his collar and wears a silver collar around his neck. The Mistress has donned the collar of submission and wears nothing but a corset covering her breasts and midriff, she is naked from the waist down other than her stilleto ankle boots. The guards at the...

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