Separate LivesChapter 8 free porn video

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When I got right down to it, I found I had little to consider. Instead, I welcomed the new... well, renewed... closeness, and though we never discussed it, it seemed she did also. Over the next few weeks, I took Sherrie to dinner or a movie a number of times. I'd have done it more often, but we both had demanding jobs and needed our rest. That limited the number of times we felt like we could go out during the workweek. Even so, we did that a couple of times too.

On our second Wednesday out, I told Sherrie that I loved her for the first time in more than four and a half years... four years and eight months, to be more precise. She whispered that she loved me too. She hadn't hesitated even a split second and we spent the next half hour kissing and petting. If there had been more time to explore the newly opened vistas before us, we wouldn't have stopped at that, but life sometimes intrudes. The hour was late and we had to go to work the next morning.

Gradually, as the days passed, we grew comfortable with saying "love" to each other and began using the little affectionate phrases and touches we'd had between us before.

Not for the first time, I began to appreciate the wisdom Karen had shown in breaking up with me. I hadn't even suspected it a few months ago, but she'd seen what I hadn't. Somehow, she'd known that I had not, and perhaps could not, let go of the emotional attachment to Sherrie that I had kept covered up for so long.

I could have suppressed those feelings forever. I knew that, and I think Karen had also. But the repression took something away from my relationship with Karen and she'd sensed it. I realized now there had been some hesitation on my part when I tried to open up to her. She was smart enough to see it would always be that way. I respected her for refusing to accept it.

I told her so in a phone call I made the next evening to her. She chuckled and thanked me for the compliment but it hadn't been something she'd thought out. It was more instinct than anything else, she told me. I thanked her anyway.

Hesitantly, she asked how it was going between Sherrie and me. I was ready for the question and told her how deeply I felt about Sherrie. I told Karen that her instincts must be incredibly sharp and she laughed.

As tentative as I had been talking about Sherrie and me, Karen told me about a new man in her life. I knew him vaguely. He'd been an observer from the International Red Cross in the Kabul hospital and had come in to see me a time or two. He was a Swede, but seemed intrigued by America and everything about it. It seemed he and Karen had talked about my condition several times and he'd become interested in the sad-voiced woman on the other end of the line.

After a slight hesitation, Karen told me for the first time that when I was under anesthesia in the operating room, I'd called out for Sherrie. The Red Cross observer had heard and was under the impression Karen was Sherrie for a long time. I had not known. I was quiet for a long time.

I didn't know how to apologize for an affront like that and I told her so. She said there was none needed. She'd already suspected the depth of my feelings for Sherrie and it only confirmed those suspicions. Anyway, she said when the Red Cross guy came to the United States on a U.N. sponsored trip, he'd looked her up in the phone book and called her.

They'd dated a few times already and she told me she liked him a lot. She hoped I would too. I searched my mind for some streak of jealousy, irrational though it would have been, but I couldn't find any. I told her I wished her every happiness in the world and meant every word of it. She thanked me, hoped I would have the same, and asked me if we could remain friends. I simply said "forever." We got off the phone a few minutes later. Both of us, I think, were feeling immeasurably better about ourselves and where our paths had led us.

I picked Sherrie up for several of what we had decided were official dates at her apartment, but I never saw the inside of it. She would tell me her two roommates had trashed the living room or some other excuse. I told her I'd like to meet her roommates and she said I would soon. She was concealing something, but I didn't get the idea it was malicious. It seemed to be something she just didn't want to deal with right now. I could respect that.

Besides, I figured if one or both of the roommates were men, I'd have heard by now and she'd be a lot more nervous about admitting their existence. She wasn't nervous. Therefore, they weren't people who were a "threat" to me. Still... I wondered.

On Friday night three weeks after the first dance since our divorce, I picked her up and we went to one of the finer restaurants in town. The place featured an old 19th century western saloon/restaurant theme. They had a long swing attached to the ceiling and every so often a pretty girl dressed like a saloon girl would climb up a ladder and swing over the audience for a while. It necessarily involved a lot of leg being exposed and the girl was obviously selected with that in mind.

I looked. I am but a man, after all, but I had the sense to tell Sherrie that her legs put that girl's to shame. It was true too. Sherrie blushed prettily and got a tinge of pink every time the girl got up on her swing thereafter. It made her all the more beautiful in my eyes.

We went to see a late showing at a theater afterward, but I'm not sure either of us paid any attention to the movie. I had her hand in mine the whole time; her head lay on my shoulder and I planted little kisses on the top of her head--her lips whenever I could.

Certainly, I couldn't recall a single thing about the show when it was over and we came outside into the warm Texas night. We hadn't anything else planned and I was feeling a curious reluctant excitement--reluctant because part of me really wasn't sure if I wanted this relationship to take the next step, but excited because another part of me did.

She stopped and backed up against the passenger side door of my SUV and pulled me tight for a long, lingering kiss. We stayed that way, enjoying the feel of our bodies pressing against each other. My hands roamed over her shoulders and back. I wanted to do more, but we were in public and... I didn't know whether she wanted me to. I was sure she could feel my penis as it hardened against her. She didn't pull back, but I didn't feel much encouragement either. No, that was wrong. I did feel something but she was holding back. When we broke our kiss, we were both breathless for a long while. We separated, I unlocked her door and handed her inside.

I started the engine and turned on the headlamps but I didn't put the transmission in gear. When I turned to Sherrie, she responded eagerly. She was in my arms, kissing me deep and long. There was no sign of reluctance now.

"Where do we go from here," I asked her softly when we came up for air. She pressed her lips to mine in a quick kiss before she answered.

"Ron," she whispered, "you're in the driver's seat. You take us where you want us to go." I understood.

"Are you sure, baby?" I asked. I had to be sure. She just kissed me again and patted my hand.

"I'm sure," she assured me. Her voice was soft, but firm. I put the SUV in gear and we merged into the nighttime traffic. There was no doubt in my mind where I wanted to go now.

When we got to my house, we kissed inside the front door for a long time. It was more urgent this time, fueled by a fire mounting inside us. Sherrie pulled back and asked if there was something she could drink. I took her hand and guided her to the kitchen. I had some wine coolers for her in the fridge, the brand and flavor she'd liked before. She flashed a beautiful smile at me as she accepted it and drank deeply. I took her around my new house, showing her all the features and comfortable little things that had attracted me to the place. She loved the fireplace.

"That's so beautiful," she told me. "It's exactly like the one I've always wanted in a home."

I studied the rock-lined fireplace, the hardwood mantle over it, and the wide hearth in front. It did, indeed, fit a description she'd given me in our second year of marriage when we'd thought of buying a home. We couldn't afford it back then, but the first time I could afford a nice house, I bought one with her fireplace? I had time to think that Karen had indeed been a wise woman.

I was nervous about taking Sherrie upstairs to my bedroom, and I saw some small apprehension on her face too. We both knew what we did next would have far-reaching effects and it was a bit daunting. She didn't resist when I led her up the broad staircase and into my bedroom though. She'd said I was in the driver's seat and that's the way she was responding.

When she saw the open door to the big bathroom--another of the selling points for the house--she broke away and went inside, closing the door for a moment with a murmured excuse. I was surprised a moment later to hear the water in the shower running. The door opened a crack and she called me to come in with her.

This was another shock. I could count on the fingers of one hand the number of times Sherrie had wanted to shower with me in our last year of our marriage. I had the presence of mind to toss my pants and sports coat over the back of a chair instead of tossing them in the floor, but I still made good time in getting through the bathroom door.

Sherrie was facing away from me when I got in and pulled the curtain closed behind me. She looked over her shoulder with a sensuous smile and tilted her head back for a long kiss.

"I have a surprise for you," she said with a sparkle in her eye. "But I want you to make me nice and clean all over, first, okay?" It sounded good to me. I soaped my hands up real good and began with her shoulders, rubbing the slippery suds all around.

"Honey," Sherrie said tentatively, "I really, really want you to do me ALL over, please?" She looked back at me but I couldn't read her expression. She wouldn't turn around so I could see her face very well but there was something not quite right--something I wasn't getting. She handed me the bottle of shampoo over her shoulder.

"Please?" she said. There was a plaintive note in her voice and I didn't know the reason for it. But if Sherrie wanted me to soap her up and wash her from top to bottom, I still didn't mind it. Heck, it was good foreplay if nothing else.

"Sure... but are you sure this shampoo's okay?" I asked. "It's just a generic brand I got off the supermarket shelves." She nodded.

"It's just fine," she said softly. I gently pressed her forward a little to get her under the stream of water and until her hair was soaked. She looked back at me with her eyes squinched tightly shut. I chuckled. I recalled that I'd always told Sherrie she looked like a pixie when her wet hair was plastered to her scalp. Without opening her eyes, she leaned back for another kiss. She was smiling. The kiss was awkward, but slow and loving. Evidently, she remembered too.

Pouring a gobbet of shampoo on my left hand, I spread it across both palms by rubbing my hands together and began to work it into her thick hair. While I shampooed her, I wondered what this was all about. Both of us had been clean and sweet smelling when we'd met this evening and neither of us had engaged in any particularly athletic activities since. Theoretically, we didn't need a shower. At the same time, I dearly loved to make love to my woman with nice, hot water pelting down on us.

"You used to want me to shower with you more... before," Sherrie said quietly. "I wish I'd listened to you and hadn't been so stupid about it," she added regretfully.

"We can make up for lost time," I suggested. I was rinsing her hair under the showerhead so the reply was a while in coming.

"Okay," she said happily.

I worked some conditioner into her hair, giving her a scalp massage at the same time, and rinsed it out completely. Sherrie was complaint under my hands, moving forward or back as I urged her, leaning back against me the rest of the time.

With her hair finished, I soaped up my hands again and began with her neck, rubbing my fingers all around and spreading the suds over every thing I could reach. I even did her ears, expecting her to say or do something to show that this was over the top, but she didn't make the slightest protest. I saw she literally wanted me to wash her entire body and didn't want me to skip any part of her. I was getting curious about why we were doing this, but I felt very strongly that she felt explaining would ruin the effect.

I swept my hands over soft, creamy flesh made slippery with water and soap, loving the feel of touching her intimately again after so long. From there, I worked my way down her back and sides. As I washed her, I enjoyed the view too. She was slim, but not skinny. Her curves were well rounded, soft, and gentle. Her waist was trim and smooth. It flared out a little more than I remembered to hips that had no excess flesh. Her butt cheeks were beautifully rounded, soft without being flabby. Below, her thighs were twin columns of wonderfully smooth flesh that blended into beautifully proportioned calves and shapely ankles.

On my knees behind her, I used my hands to urge her legs apart and I saw something, or rather, I didn't see something.

"Wow," I said softly. I stopped soaping her up. My heartfelt comment and the cessation of my hands moving about her body brought her back from wherever Sherrie had gone to.

"Hey! That is your surprise, Mister," she said in mock indignation. "But you have lots of work to do before you get there, so get busy, bub." She was pleased though. She didn't have any problem telling I was excited about what I'd seen. I got busy, as directed. I really wanted to explore the hairless pussy I could see through her open thighs. Before I went there though, I soaped my fingers well and stood up.

"Bend over a little, honey," I told her tenderly. She did it without saying a word. In a night of startling discoveries, here was another. Sherrie wouldn't even consider anal sex when we were married, and we'd never even gotten to the stage where she would talk about her reasons why. It was a topic that had never been on the table for discussion. Now, she had to know what I was going to do and she was letting me without the slightest protest.

Soaping my forefinger well, I worked it all around her anus, keeping the pressure light. After a minute or two, Sherrie shifted her legs and put out her hands to lean against the shower wall. She arched her back to push her ass back at me, and rising a little on her toes to give me a better angle. Gently, making sure the slippery soap was lubricating her well enough, I pressed my finger inside.

Holding her left hip in my hand, I worked my right forefinger deeper until the first knuckle disappeared. Abruptly, Sherrie found a way to relax the first ring of muscles there and my finger slipped in all the way. We both caught our breaths in distinct gasps easily heard over the sound of water cascading over our bodies. I was afraid I'd hurt her, but when she made no complaint, I began to work my finger in and out, spreading her wider at the same time.

"That's number two," she said suddenly, sighing.

I flinched a little. I'd been concentrating hard on what I was doing while waiting for her to cut off this exploration she'd never allowed me to do when we were married.

"What, hon?" I asked.

"That's the second thing I wish we'd at least tried before," she explained. "If I just hadn't been so uptight... and stupid... and mean... and--" I cut her off before she went any further down that path.

"Well..." I said, drawing out the word. I tried to make my voice light and teasing. "Like I said before, we can make up for some lost time... if you're willing." Sherrie had been pushing back on my hand, working her hips around in a small circle. She stopped now and settled herself.

"Count on it," she said succinctly. "We're going to do a lot of things we should have been doing a long time ago," she said. Again, she sounded excited and happy at the prospect of trying new things. I cleaned my hand off carefully.

Manipulating the bar of soap between my hands to get them soapy again, I started doing her front by rubbing the soap into the skin of her forehead and working over her features. She closed her eyes and lifted her face to mine. I was struck by the trusting, almost childlike, quality of her submission to what I was doing.

The warm water had almost removed all of her makeup; the soap completed the process. In a minute, her face was clean and shining under the coat of soap. I saw the light freckles across the bridge of her nose, the long lashes that didn't really need mascara, the beautifully rounded planes of her cheeks and chin. I let my fingers trail across her lips, wondering if she'd really intended me to do that, but she made no sound and didn't try to pull away. I rinsed her face off and was tempted to kiss her, but she wasn't ready for that. We hadn't kissed since I began soaping her up.

I was astounded when Sherrie opened her mouth and extended her tongue. There'd been a disquieting question in the back of my mind ever since I'd stepped into the shower. I'd been wondering just what was going on, and now I focused hard on finding an answer.

While I thought, I quickly applied a token amount of soap to her tongue and quickly tilted her head back so the water from the showerhead would spray into her mouth. She rinsed out with several mouthfuls of water before she was through. She made a face but didn't say a word.

I worked my way down her neck and shoulders, her arms and her sides again. All the time, I was thinking, trying to figure out why Sherrie was having me do this. It hit me from out of the blue. I'd probably read an article on it, or seen a documentary on TV or something--I didn't remember which. A ritual cleansing was a part of many cultures and most religions. It was a symbolized way to make the body clean, pure again spiritually and physically.

In a stroke of inspiration, I was as sure as I could be that she was having me "wash" that other man off her. I didn't know why she wanted this--after all, we'd had sex after the last time she'd been with him--but she did and that was good enough for me.

I worked my way down her chest to her breasts, marveling at their beauty. At thirty-one, Sherrie's breasts had yet to give in at all to gravity; they stood high and proud, round and firm, yet soft and yielding when I cupped them in my hands. Her nipples were erect, rock hard bits of reddened, sensitive flesh that begged for my attention. I think she expected it, her body language told me she did, but I refrained.

I worked steadily, washing her abdomen and lower belly quickly, but thoroughly. Sherrie had her eyes open now, watching my hands as they swept across her body. Though she'd wanted a symbolic cleansing, she was also becoming very aroused by my touches. A faint flush spreading across her chest and her flared nostrils told me of her excitement.

I slowed to look closely at her vulva. Her pubes were completely bare of any hint of pubic hair. I touched her gently, stroking from her labia outward to her thighs. Her skin was absolutely smooth. I looked up to find her watching me anxiously.

"Do you like it?" she asked.

"Ohhhhhh yeah," I said expressively. I more than liked the smoothness and the view. Sherrie had always had a beautiful, young looking pussy and so it was still. I couldn't wait to slide my tongue between her outer lips to taste her once more. "But how did you--?"

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Separating the TwinsChapter 7

I began to get fan mail! Apparently I made a big impression in my red halter and shorts. That had been one of the episodes that helped define me in the eyes of the fans. The hero, Kelly, the hero, came home to find us clearly going out. I was wearing a loose short-sleeved white blouse tied under my breasts over a red halter and shorts. "Where are you two going?" "We," I said, "are going down to Randy's Grill. We're going to drink iced tea, maybe one 'Real Close' each, and look at...

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Separating the TwinsChapter 8

The party was going to be at Mom and Dad's. I fell into the preparations for it with quite a degree of comfort, and anticipation. You can't help but think about it. I was going to get laid. Just thinking about that made me wet. I've asked guys what they think about during the day of a party, and the answers don't make sense. Some guys actually get hard, others have told me they picture a room full of naked women, and others sort of relive, in anticipation, the joy of coming. Three...

4 years ago
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Separating the TwinsChapter 9

I loved being home, but I was glad to get back to my apartment. I realized as the endless blue waters of the Caribbean disappeared beneath the plane's wings that I'd changed enough that I was no longer the girl that had left Northwestern Georgia only a few months before. I had my own life, I had my own career, not the one I anticipated when I'd left home, and somehow that was very important to me. Knowing where things were, and not having to keep the location of the island secret, it was...

1 year ago
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Separating the TwinsChapter 10

I got myself into a couple of the Social Club shoots, though they very carefully didn't show my face. The first was of me taking it between my boobs. It was shot from the top down, so you didn't see my face, not even a glimpse. Instead you zoomed in on a girl holding her boobs together while a guy sawed back and forth. He came, little spurts of white come that spattered all over her boobs. Later you saw her boobs, coated with white streaks, as she massaged it into her skin and then put on a...

2 years ago
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Separating the TwinsChapter 11

Privately we called it 'Fanny Hill meets Regency Romance'. We bought or cranked out a few dozen Regencies, threw in a few bodice rippers, and ladled on plenty of sex. Unlike porno movies where the whole point was to have sex, on these we had to rely upon such strange concepts as "story" and "plot", but the difference was profound. Where the romances had plenty of situations, we turned all of the social ones into sexual ones. London was rampant with sex, and men did what men did, but...

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Separating the TwinsChapter 12

If I was Liz with her training I'd have probably set out a methodical plan to spark my love life. I was me, though, who decided to throw everything like college up in the air for a half-promise for a life with a guy that had every chance to fall through, and did. I did take some precautions, though. I made a few changes to my face—make-up could be so wonderful—and then headed for the town that was right next door, and not really acknowledged. It'd been an early shooting day. We nailed...

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Separating the TwinsChapter 13

This was the way the opening scenes worked out: the woman came out of the bathroom brushing her hair. She was naked, of course, not wearing a robe like most women would have. She puts down the brush and stands in front of the closet, finally selecting a white dress with a black belt and collar. The top is low-cut, even for a 'sweetheart neckline'. Her boobs wobble as she takes a pair of shoes from a shoe rack. She doesn't bend over, that would be just a touch to blatant. Her husband is in...

4 years ago
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Separating the TwinsChapter 14

Orgy Camp was wildly successful. Part of it, I think, was because it was done in segments, not as one long show; even half an hour can seem like forever when all you have is sex. There'd be five minutes here and there, usually with only a little lead-in. Woman A: "It seems so quiet around here without the kids." Woman B: "Last summer they did nothing but complain that there was nothing to do. So this year we sent them to a camp." Woman A: "We did that a couple of years ago. They...

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Separating the TwinsChapter 15

Liz, it turned out, was in line for a medal. The gal who was the pilot, technically the Aircraft Commander, had survived after all. She'd been knocked unconscious, and Liz had made sure she got out as the plane went down. That was why the girl, Sue, actually Capt. Susan Edgecroft, landed came down on land and was rescued by a troop of British soldiers from the Parachute Regiment. She'd barely hit the ground before they were there to pick her up. The delay in finding Liz was because she...

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Separating the TwinsChapter 16

Liz had accidentally given me the solution, but only when I thought about it. I had a scene to shoot that was an evening one, and then I didn't have to be on set until the next afternoon. It was a complicated scene involving fooling a man with a gun, I and the viewers knew it was a starter pistol) and then be "rescued" by Kelly, well, sort of. When he burst in on us I had him tied up and was really upset because he was lying on the floor and could look up my skirt. In a way it was rather...

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It was a powerfully hot day. Tim had been enjoying the company of various beach goers who stumbled into the farmer's market that weekday. Being a smaller guy, he always loved the fresh air and healthy living that gave him an attractive air to him. He had moved from his life inland farm to the small cove community that had very few people in it. He specialized in the foods that are rare, as one does to attract customers when they have little selection otherwise to get any food. Luckily...

1 year ago
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Lost weekend

Chapter 1 The hands of the clock seemed frozen. Cheryl looked around at her classmates. Some were reading, some were staring into space. All were bored and impatiently waiting for the clock to finally hit three o’clock. The room was silent except for the occasional flip of a page or the shuffling of feet. She glanced over her shoulder toward the back of the room where her best friend Beth sat, two desks back and one row over. Beth caught her look and rolled her eyes as if to say “somebody...

Group Sex
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Nursing the Nurse

I think I'm a fairly normal teenager. My fifteenth birthday was last week and I knew I had a healthy outlook on girls. While I was still untried sexually, my girlfriends were momma thumb and her four sisters; it wasn't because I wasn't willing. I set rather high standards and mostly because I wanted large boobs. Sure I could have my pick of several girls in school with big boobs but I didn't want fat. In other words big boobs had to be complimented by the girl having a body that fit and...

4 years ago
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Kelli Mike and FriendsChapter 15 All Together

The weeks rolled past, Mike and Kelli managed to be together most weeks but not all, although she had healed a lot, not being with Mike once a week left her very depressed. Mike also felt very depressed, knowing that Kelli would suffer each time they missed a week. The end of the school year came and Kelli graduated, she wished Mike could have been there but could not think of a valid reason to get him there. Mike was also thinking of ways to spend more time with Kelli before she would be...

1 year ago
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Research Library

Research Library When I retired at sixty-two I decided to research the area when I lived and to write a comprehensive book unlike any written before me. It combined several of my previous hobbies of reading, writing, investigation, genealogy, and history. I went to every library in my area and then I was sent to a unique and little known library in the state capital. Before I could even get inside the building I had to submit an application as to who I was, what I was attempting to...

3 years ago
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Charity AuctionChapter 11

The clinic at which Tulsa was receiving her "treatment" was designed for one purpose: the transformation of willing or unwilling female "guests" into totally submissive, obedient sex slaves. Located on an island off the coast of South America, the owner maintained an agreement with the country in whose costal waters the small island stood. In return for a rather substantial annual donation, as well as help "re-educating" the female family members of his opponents, the country's corrupt...

2 years ago
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The Girls from Work

It was a rainy Friday evening. I was recently single and out in a pub with the people I work with, the hours were ticking by and I had to admit I wasn't enjoying myself. I lived two bus rides away from my workplace and the pub we had congregated in was practically next door. I had planned to leave at 11, but my boredom was trying to convince me to leave earlier.'Right we're off' My manager plucked up. She was a short round blonde woman, who would call herself 'brassy' but pretty much everyone...

1 year ago
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Start of Incest with my mom 8211 Part 3

Hi friends, here I am with the next part of my story. Thanks a ton for showing your support and love for my experience. Straight to the story. Please read the 2nd part for a better view and understanding. The porn on the pc was going on. I saw the same and just thought of masturbating in front of my mom. My dick was rock hard watching mom’s scene. So I pulled out my dick and started jerking the same way sitting on the chair as mom did it. She came out of the bathroom and was surprised and...

4 years ago
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I just wanna do you

I look at your beautiful picture and marvel at the sight of you. The head of my cock twinges in that horny way, like your clit does when you see a guy and imagine plunging down his length with a totally ready cunt. I can just picture holding your head in my hands, pulling your face to mine as we kiss deeply. I slip my hand into one of the cups holding your breasts and gently squeeze your nipple between my fingers hearing you moan in my mouth as we kiss. I guide your hand to my crotch and you...

1 year ago
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DaughterSwap Tiffany Jade Daughters Orientation Situation Pt 2

In our previous installment of this two part fuck fest, we left the hot blonde Alexa Raye getting fucked by her best friend?s dad. The two dads formed a pact to fuck the lesbian out of each other?s daughter. This part is all about Tiffany getting fucked by her best friend?s dad. He walks into the room and informs her that he will need to punish her a little bit for her choice to turn lesbian. She is much more compliant and less unwilling than Alexa was. She agrees to her punishment and gets...

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Married To The Mob

This is a work of fiction. No similarity to persons living or dead is intended, especially people in the Mafia. Honest guys, I'm just funning. This story contains violence, non-consensual sex, humiliation and strong transgender themes. If these things and related subjects offend you please read no further. Married To The Mob. Part 1 copyright 1998 Jamie B. "Hi Jamie". His surprise at the soft voice behind him was visible as he jumped and turned to see who it was...

3 years ago
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Naked and HelplessChapter 11

Days passed. Jill worked very hard for about four hours each day. Julio proved to be a very good model. She found herself becoming more and more attracted to him. But she could not figure out his behavior. She had tried every tactic to win him over, and the full range of emotions she had used so successfully on Chris and the other boys she wound around her little finger, but Julio seemed immune to her charms. She knew it couldn't be so -- she drew considerable attention at La Jacaranda,...

3 years ago
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Rocky Mountain Summers Part II

Marci was disappointed she couldn’t go on the hike planned for this morning because of her ankle injury. It was to be the final hike of the week, as several people had to leave that evening for the airport. Kayla had gotten up early, around 6:30 or so, to join the group and had woken her. Marci had tried to go back to sleep, but couldn’t. She lay in bed for a while thinking but finally decided to get up. Marci stripped out of the night clothes she had slept in and pulled on a pair of jeans and...

2 years ago
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Rest Stop Gay

The Interstate went on mile after uneventful mile, a perfect ribbon of black cutting the desert before me. The car's air conditioner kept us cool while outside the world sweltered. Beside me, my wife dozed and in the back seat, my son did the same. If I paid attention to the road and my surroundings, I would go mad with boredom. In the cool comfort of the car I let my mind wander to visions of sexy women, perfect smooth butts, firm flawless tits, and downy soft pubic mounds. I had a raging...

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Meri Bdsm Ki Fantasy Part ndash 7

Hi guys, I’m manish but want to be called as manisha, this is the seventh part of my sex story,I am really sorry for the delay. I am really delighted by the feedbacks that I had got from you guys on my previous chapters, so if you guys had not yet read my previous ones, I’ll advise you to read those, so that you can enjoy this part. And one more thing I want to add is that my stories are not real it is an act of fiction , so any one wanna give me more story ideas or share some fantasies, please...

1 year ago
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DDFBusty Anissa Kate 2 Pilots 1 Stewardess Hardcore Double Penetration in Hotel

When the two pilots David Perry and Erik Everhard and the hot stewardess Anissa Kate check in at the DDF Network hotel, it’s just a matter of minutes until the hardcore double penetration begins! David and Erik are quite surprised when the brown-eyed hottie with big natural tits walks into their room. She’s complaining about the noise, but once the two studs see her in her breath-taking lingerie, they start making out and today’s Busty threesome begins! The stunning glamour babe gives both...

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Gay prisoner sex

There I was laying in my bunk, reading a book just enjoying my freetime. Moments later came a shadow that stood at the entrance to my cell. I looked over and saw my regular bitch standing there and looking at me. "What do you want?" I asked not paying much attention to him as he slowly entered. "I have something to say..." he said as he came to stand in front of me. "I've been approved.... i'll be gone tomorrow... tonight is my last night.." I stopped reading for a moment before I continued,...

1 year ago
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SweetSinner Abella Danger Unleashing The Lust

Abella and Lucas – Annoyed by her mother’s domineering ways, Abella sneaks away with her sister’s boyfriend and seduces him in her mom’s office. Taken aback by Abella’s aggressive sexuality, Lucas can only surrender to his lust for her sexy curves–pounding his rock hard cock into her dripping wet pussy. Their forbidden encounter unleashes their frustrations on one another and everything looks to be going perfectly – until a surprise visit stops them in...

4 years ago
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Orgasmic Sex With Son And Ass Bang

Hello i m Meeta, 47 years old working lady. I’m from a small town in West Bengal, few kms from Kolkata. I’m posted there. I live there with my family. My figure is 40d-32-38 so i m quite big and curvy with fair color, huge breasts, big pot shaped belly and round curvy lifted bubble ass. Because of these features men and boys always hit on me or stare at me with lusty eyes. I’m sexy and i wear both modern wear as well as traditional wear. I’m just writing this incident to write about my sexual...

2 years ago
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Donniersquos Mom

On a telephone repair call I ring the door. My eyes nearly popped when a 5'6" woman with a figure of 42DD-28-34. As I looked at this goddess my heart started to sound so loud that I though it could be heard by anyone. She was dressed in a short sleeveless see-through sun dress. The only thing I could say was “telephone repair man” in a weak voice. “Yes I am waiting for you, I am Betty” she replied.While I worked on the phone line, I could feel Betty’s looking at me. As she walk to a love seat...

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Swing Party Part 1

Happy Labor Day all, I hope that you all had a nice summer. I certainy did. I told you that I would eventually write about a swing party that I attended. Because there was alot of sex going on, and I took part in it, I will need to break it up into 2 or 3 parts. So, take off your pants, or panties,and let’s begin. Part 1. One of my best female friends, another divorced woman named Debbie, is a member of a local swing club. The person who runs this club holds a party once a month at a local...

1 year ago
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Pleasure of her entire life in one night

I am a 35 year old guy and I have dated French, Russians, Turkish and English babes. I nowadays get a kick in having sex with females in the age group of 35 – 55 who have tremdendous sex urge. I once got to chat with a lady who was around 42 years and was starved of good sex for sometime. Her hubby works in a rig and is on-site for one month and comes home the next month. She works in a private company in Chennai. We decided to meet for coffee one day and see how it goes from there. I told her...

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Pirates of Caledonia II Learning the RopesChapter 4 Climbing to the Crows Nest

I awoke at dawn and eagerly got myself ready. I had a good feeling about the day and was raring to go. My muscles were aching slightly after the exertions of yesterday but after a quick stretch in the shower I felt rejuvenated. The Captain ate her breakfast in silence and I did not feel comfortable bringing up my issue of being the only person who got punished for Holly. Surely, Holly getting punished for Holly would be fair also! I cleared up the breakfast things and was outside the...

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MARRIED WOMAN AND THE PHOTO SHOOTMy name is Jane and I have been married to my husband John for over 20 years,And life is so good,My husband and I have a great relationship and the sex is always so good we have over many years found different ways to spice up our sex life,I currently work park time in a hotel as a receptionist but many years ago I was a model for a major catalog company and have always maintained my figure and looks,My husband always says that I still look good as I did 20...

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