Separate Lives Chapter 2
- 3 years ago
- 48
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"Hey! Anyone home?"
I was at Melissa and Cal's front door, banging on the screen door hard enough to rattle the windows. I was grinning for all I was worth. I hadn't seen my friends in a long, long time and I was anxious to see them. I heard the rustle of movement behind the closed door before it was pulled open.
I couldn't tell at first whether Melissa was happy to see me or not. She stood there, trembling like a leaf for a couple of seconds before pushing open the screen and leaping into my arms. Her arms wrapped themselves around my neck and she started crying into my chest. I just patted her back and told her over and over that it was all right and other nonsensical things. The only thing to do with Melissa was to wait her out when she got on an emotional jag. Suddenly she was finished.
"Why didn't you tell us you were coming?" she asked. She hit me in the chest with her fist. I pretended to be knocked backward by it and got a reproving grin for my trouble. So much for my acting abilities. She grabbed my arm and dragged me into the cool interior of the house.
"CAL!" she yelled, "COME HERE... IT'S RON." I was sure Cal could have heard her three counties over and, sure enough, he came galloping into the living room a few seconds later. We shook and pounded each other's shoulders until he suddenly realized what he was doing. I assured him my wound had completely healed.
About then, a whole herd of young children erupted into the living room, running hard to see what all the yelling had been about. There were five of them--two boys and three girls. The oldest boy had to be Cal's oldest--he looked just like his father. He was six now. He'd been two when I left. His brother was three and a half, I was told. I shook hands with them as if they were men when Melissa introduced me to them. They thought that was just great. The smallest girl was Melissa's youngest--her daughter Jeanette. Melissa tried to get the little tyke's thumb out of her mouth but it wasn't coming out for love nor money.
The two other girls were identical twins, blond, and completely adorable. Melissa beckoned them forward and I dropped back down on my knees to be on their level.
"Girls, this is Ron. He's Jeanette, Ben, and Cal Junior's Uncle Ron. Ron, this is Cassandra and Courtney. We're babysitting them while their Mom is at work."
Her voice shook a little and I didn't know why. I let it pass. Melissa is a bundle of emotions ready to spark even at the most placid of times. I shook hands with each of the little girls solemnly.
"My goodness, you two are just as cute as you can be," I said. I reached out and put my hand on the head of the one on the left.
"Cassandra... right?" She nodded, using a child's exaggerated motion. "Do you like to be called Cassandra? Or Cassie?"
"Cassie," she said in a little voice. I smiled at her.
"Then Cassie it shall be," I assured her. I turned to the one to my right.
"And that must mean you're Courtney, huh?" She nodded emphatically. I sat back on my heels.
"Courtney and Cassie... Cassie and Courtney. Those are two pretty names for two pretty little girls," I told them. They smiled tentatively.
"Are you our Uncle Ron, too?" Cassie asked plaintively. I glanced up at Melissa and Cal. There was a sudden tension in their postures I didn't understand.
"You think their mother will object to them calling me that while they're around me?" I demanded. They looked at each other.
"No, I guess that's all right," Melissa said carefully. "We'll have to clear it with their mother but it should be all right for now." She was a little nervous. I made a note to ask why later. I turned back to the little blond twins.
"Uncle Ron" it is for now, okay?" They grinned. Smiling back, I studied them for a moment. Something about them was familiar but I didn't know what it was.
"And I know I'm Uncle Ron to this little girl," I said. Sixteen-month old Jeanette had been edging closer while I had been talking to the two older girls and she was close now. I reached out, grabbed her around the waist, and pulled her to me. In seconds, right after she shed her startled look, she was giggling like a maniac because I was tickling her tummy and wouldn't let her go. Suddenly, I got my arm around Cassie and pulled her in for a little tickling too. Courtney attacked to get her share. I just had to tickle her belly and ribs too.
Shortly after that, the two boys jumped in the middle of everything, demanding some attention also. The living room was suddenly the scene of a free for all. Everyone was trying to tickle everyone else but I got the best of that. I'm not ticklish and no amount of little fingers poking into my ribs was going to make me laugh.
After a while, the twins took off screaming in "fear" and Jeanette toddled off after them. The two boys tired of the game about the same time and sat on the floor, leaning against the couch while they caught their breath. I saw the girls peeking back from the doorway but I didn't react.
"Whew!" I said breathlessly. "That was fun."
I know a smile was threatening to split my face wide open. Both parents looked at me in stunned disbelief. They'd expected me to ask the obligatory adult-child questions, give them a kiss on the cheek, and wave them away. I laughed at my two best friends in the world. When I stood up, Melissa was moved to wind her arms around my waist and hug me tight again.
"You had us so worried," she said quietly, serious for the first time in a while. "I was afraid you weren't going to come home to us," she said. I could tell the waterworks were about to start running again.
"Melissa," I said firmly, "I'm home... I'm all right... and I'll never be going over there again, okay?" It helped some, but my shirt breast pocket was still getting drenched.
"It was so hard when we heard you were shot, you Doofus," she said. "You're the closest thing I've got to a brother and I was scared." I held her at arm's length for a moment. Suddenly, I was a little choked up.
"Well, I don't have a sister or a brother either," I told her. I turned to Cal.
"Cal?" He lifted his chin in response. "Is it okay if I adopt your wife as my sister?" I asked. My voice was halfway between serious and kidding.
"Heck, you might as well," Cal said resignedly. "But if she starts in crying again, you're on your own. You understand that, right?" Melissa stuck out her tongue at him.
"So what do you think, 'Lissa?" I said. "Shall we make it official? Brother and sister for ever and ever?" She nodded hesitantly. She had a feeling I was up to something but she didn't know what.
I stood facing her and took both her hands in mine.
"I, Ronald Terrance Masters, take thee Melissa... to love and respect... to tease and irritate--" I took off running for the kitchen door and out to the back yard but she got in a swipe at me before I was going real good.
None of the five kids understood what we three adults were talking about. Ben--Melissa and Cal's oldest--came the closest. He looked at me and his mother, at his little sister and the two twins and back at me. Plainly, he was wondering why any self-respecting guy would ever want a sister he didn't absolutely have to accept.
I got a good home cooked meal that evening, something I hadn't even realized I'd been missing. Melissa beamed when I went on and on with the compliments... and meant them.
When I kissed her cheek goodnight, I called Melissa "Sis," making my voice very serious, and she called me "Brother." I knew darn well when she closed the door she was going to burst out into tears again but, in spite of Cal's declaration that it was my responsibility, he had to deal with it, not me.
A week later at a delicatessen near the downtown business district, I was going over the housing inspector's report on the house I was buying across town. The roof needed some work to bring it up to specs and the sellers had offered to lower their asking price by the amount of the highest estimate if I'd go ahead and close now, accepting the roof as is.
That was fine with me. I liked the place at first sight and I couldn't wait to move in. It would be the first two-story house I'd ever lived in. I signed my name on the equity paperwork and put my ballpoint away. Shuffling the documents back into a rudimentary order, I dropped them in my briefcase.
"Hello, stranger," a woman said. All of a sudden, my stomach knotted up. I looked up to see a tall, very pretty brunette standing quietly beside my table. I stood up slowly.
"Hello, Sherrie," I said. We looked at each other for a long moment. I shook off the shock.
"Where are my manners?" I remarked. "Please, would you join me?" I reached out to pull the chair near me out from the table. She nodded and sat down in a sinuous movement. I didn't remember she had that much grace before we were divorced, but memories are always suspect. We remember the last thing we see of a person and my last view of Sherrie hadn't been a flattering one for her.
"Thank you," she said. We looked each other over very closely for a space. She smiled.
"I wasn't completely sure you wouldn't yell at me and chase me off," she said slowly, "like the last time we talked." I felt a faint blush begin rising up my neck.
"I... uh... I should apologize for the way I spoke to you that day," I said quietly, trying to suppress the rush of blood that was threatening to make my ears glow. "No matter what... had happened, I had no call to use obscenity and four-letter words like that."
"That's okay," she said, her eyes searching my face for a clue as to what I was thinking. I shook my head.
"No... I'm embarrassed when I remember the way I acted that day, Sherrie. Mom and Dad didn't raise me to talk like that. Mom would've boxed my ears good for that kind of language."
"Well, it's long past and... you did have some awful strong provocation... Ron," she said softly. It was her turn to blush at the memories.
"Like you said," I remarked, "it's in the past. That was... what... almost four and a half years ago--no... a little more, isn't it?" She nodded. "We're coming up on being five years older than we were when... we separated," I said carefully.
"Five years wiser, you think?" she asked tentatively.
"I like to think so," I answered, trying to be as honest as I knew how. "Sometimes I don't always measure up... but I try."
"So do I," she said gently.
We spoke quietly for another thirty minutes until she had to leave and go back to work. While we talked, I watched her every movement. Each one was familiar but, at the same time, not the same as I recalled.
Sherrie was thirty-one years old now. She'd been barely twenty when we first met. I sat there comparing the new Sherrie with the earlier version and I kept finding new things that I liked better about the way she was now. For one thing, she was calm and self-assured; her eyes met mine squarely without being unnecessarily aggressive. Her posture was erect; she exuded confidence.
The mature Sherrie was not a classically beautiful woman--not a runway model too thin and aristocratic. But she was very, very attractive and always had been. Her lively green eyes were set wide apart on either side of a well-shaped nose that had small, pale freckles scattered across it. Her lips were full, but without that strange, swollen look some women affect these days. Her high cheekbones gave her a faintly Slavic appearance, a gift from one of her maternal great-grandfathers, and she had a vibrancy that animated her features. When she turned her grin on someone, there were few who could refuse to give one in return.
Her body seemed fuller than it had been. Her breasts had been a source of annoyance to her before. She'd always complained they were only "B's" and I'd countered with a pronouncement they were "B-pluses." Now they were larger. I was willing to bet my girl-watchers of America membership card that she now wore a "C" cup bra. I couldn't think of a polite way to ask though. There are some questions one does not ask one's ex-wife.
"Well," she said, looking at her wristwatch, "I have to go or the boss is going to have a kitten." I surprised myself with how disappointed I was at her leaving. I stood up with her. She hesitated and wet her lips before saying anything more.
"Ron... can we go somewhere some time and talk? I mean, without having to get up and leave because we have to be somewhere?" I looked at her for a long moment. There'd been a faintly pleading note in her voice.
"Would you like to go out to dinner sometime?" I said impulsively. "We could talk there." She smiled. There was a flash of pleasure in her eyes.
"Tomorrow is Friday," she suggested delicately.
"Uh... some place open and... neutral?" I asked.
"Golden Corral?" she suggested. The buffet-style restaurant seemed a good choice to me too.
She wrote her cell phone number down on a napkin and tucked it in my shirt pocket for me. She said she was never more than a couple of feet away from her cell phone. When she'd bent over to use the table as a desk, her v-necked blouse fell away a little. Her bra was definitely a C cup. She'd meet me at the restaurant just built out on the loop. She didn't think she could make it before 8:00 PM. I told her I'd be there.
As Sherrie walked away, I saw she still had the same trim ankles and beautifully sculpted calves and thighs she'd had when I first met her. I remembered she'd always had a graceful way of carrying herself Pausing before she went out the door, she turned back and smiled warmly at me.
I did some deep soul searching that evening, and most of the next day too. I was still on an administrative leave of absence and hadn't gone in to my new office except to let them know I was around. A week from Monday would be my first day at work. I'd found the house very soon in my search and had already taken care of all the myriad of little details one must do when one moves long distance. The result was that I had a lot of time on my hands to think, and consider.
Seeing Sherrie after so long had been a shock. I had expected to encounter her around town sooner or later, but she'd come up on me so unexpectedly. I'd had no time to prepare, to steel myself for the impact she still had on me. I hadn't even thought she might have an impact on me. We'd been divorced a little more than four years and separated four years and six months--give or take.
It had been a long time since I'd seen her. I hadn't bothered to go to the final court hearing and my attorney told me she hadn't either. We hadn't seen each other for a very long time. I was caught off guard by the fact she could still make my pulse race.
I could recall exactly what it was that she'd done to me. That was never in doubt. I could summon vivid images and bring them into sharp focus. For a long time, I'd kept the printouts of the pictures I'd taken that night but I'd shredded them when I left for Afghanistan. I remembered the sense of relief and satisfaction I'd felt when they'd become just scraps in the bottom of a plastic canister beneath the shredder.
But when I reached for the anger I'd felt back when I first found out about Sherrie's infidelity, when I tried to touch the deep pain and sense of loss, I could find only the remembrance of them, not the rage and hurt themselves. I was astonished at myself. I wondered why I no longer felt the pain but I couldn't hit upon an explanation that satisfied me. I knew the old maxim that time heals all wounds, but I wasn't satisfied with that reasoning. There had to be something else, but what, I didn't know.
I'd been at the restaurant for twenty minutes when Sherrie arrived. I'd tried to delay. I'd wanted to keep her waiting, not the other way around. I wanted to have that little bit of an edge to set the tone for our talk. But I couldn't seem to wait at home either.
She saw me in my SUV when she first drove in and parked nearby. When she hurried to me and apologized for making me wait, I had to admit she was precisely on time and no apology was necessary. My intention of having an advantage in our conversations... indeed, even the desire to have it... fled so quickly I didn't notice their passing.
We talked for a long time after the waitress brought us our steaks--medium rare for me and well done for her. We discussed my promotion; she smiled prettily and patted my hand on the table as she congratulated me. She wanted every detail of my trip to Afghanistan, including the firefight that ended it. She concentrated intently on my words, seldom taking her eyes from my face and I had trouble focusing on the story telling from time to time. I did not remember her doing that while we were married. I was pleased, warmed by her attention.
There was once--when I touched my left shoulder to indicated the one that had been wounded--that she left her seat across the 4X4 table from me and sat on my left. She demanded to see the scar and I couldn't refuse her. I unbuttoned three buttons of my shirt, in front of everyone, and pulled the collar far enough over to show the dime-sized dimple that was all that remained. She touched it softly with her fingertips and turned her face to me. I could barely keep from kissing her. I don't know what she would have done. She resumed her seat before I embarrassed myself.
Melissa's Diary:
Well, I'll be darned. I don't know how she managed it, but Sherrie managed to hook up with my "brother" just a few days after he got to town. She swears it was just a coincidence that she found him in a cafeteria or something where he was eating lunch, and I don't know how she'd have known where he was... so I guess I'll believe her for now.
I'll never know how she got him to go out with her the next night. Darn, that girl works fast! She said they went to Golden Corral, which is brightly lit and open and all of that... so neither of them felt pressured or anything. She said they talked for a long time and Ron let her tell him everything she'd practiced saying for the last two years that I know of.
She said she apologized for doing what she'd done and told him how ashamed of herself she was for having let that jerk do anything with her in the first place... much less for continuing to see him after she got home. She said she told Ron that there was no excuse and she wouldn't try to tell him there was.
Ron, bless my big brother's heart, evidently didn't try to hurry her or cut her off or make her feel like any more of a heel than she already did. Sometimes that big lunk manages to do the right thing in spite of himself.
When she got through making a separate apology for hurting him and for being deceitful and sneaky and everything else she could think of, she said Ron smiled and told her it was awfully hard to be mad at someone who admitted everything right upfront. He told her that somewhere between here and Denver, that horrible Afghanistan place, and finally back here, the anger and bitterness had died. He hoped her bitterness had too.
Well, Sherrie said she told him she hadn't felt bitter about anything except the things she'd done and Ron told her he thought it was time for her to let that go too. He said it was like all that had happened to two other people. He said they were things that had happened in a marriage that didn't exist any longer and Sherrie believes he was kind of saying that they had a fresh start now. I have to wonder when she plans on telling him about her two roommates. It seems to me that if they're having a fresh start, he has a right to know about things like that, doesn't he?
Anyway, she said she cried for an hour she was so happy when she got home. She felt like a huge load had been lifted off her shoulders. I tried to tell her that she had to go slow because he might suddenly remember some of that terrible pain he'd felt back then and everything could change in a heartbeat. I don't think she listened though. The next thing she said was how she loved him more than she had when they were first married. She said when she realized that, she cried for another hour. And that was...
Melissa's Diary: I was happy for Ron. After seeing him so miserable for so long, it was good that he'd found someone he could be happy with and who seemed to have his best interests at heart. They made a beautiful couple on the three occasions Cal and I saw them about town and especially on the dance floor at Fischer's. Ron, I could tell, had taken some dancing lessons. I don't know where he found the time, but their effect was more than evident. He and Karen would glide around the...
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Sunday comes before Monday, though, and Saturday before that. Sherri came home well before midnight, pissed off because some SOB had slashed the tires on her car "outside the club." Three teens were seeing running away, she said. She'd had to wait three hours for the AAA folks to get there. Apparently, I'd not been observed destroying the tires on the cars and someone else was suspected. I actually had no idea whether the 'three teens' story had any legitimacy, but the three-hour wait...
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When I got right down to it, I found I had little to consider. Instead, I welcomed the new... well, renewed... closeness, and though we never discussed it, it seemed she did also. Over the next few weeks, I took Sherrie to dinner or a movie a number of times. I'd have done it more often, but we both had demanding jobs and needed our rest. That limited the number of times we felt like we could go out during the workweek. Even so, we did that a couple of times too. On our second Wednesday...
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I got myself into a couple of the Social Club shoots, though they very carefully didn't show my face. The first was of me taking it between my boobs. It was shot from the top down, so you didn't see my face, not even a glimpse. Instead you zoomed in on a girl holding her boobs together while a guy sawed back and forth. He came, little spurts of white come that spattered all over her boobs. Later you saw her boobs, coated with white streaks, as she massaged it into her skin and then put on a...
Privately we called it 'Fanny Hill meets Regency Romance'. We bought or cranked out a few dozen Regencies, threw in a few bodice rippers, and ladled on plenty of sex. Unlike porno movies where the whole point was to have sex, on these we had to rely upon such strange concepts as "story" and "plot", but the difference was profound. Where the romances had plenty of situations, we turned all of the social ones into sexual ones. London was rampant with sex, and men did what men did, but...
If I was Liz with her training I'd have probably set out a methodical plan to spark my love life. I was me, though, who decided to throw everything like college up in the air for a half-promise for a life with a guy that had every chance to fall through, and did. I did take some precautions, though. I made a few changes to my face—make-up could be so wonderful—and then headed for the town that was right next door, and not really acknowledged. It'd been an early shooting day. We nailed...
This was the way the opening scenes worked out: the woman came out of the bathroom brushing her hair. She was naked, of course, not wearing a robe like most women would have. She puts down the brush and stands in front of the closet, finally selecting a white dress with a black belt and collar. The top is low-cut, even for a 'sweetheart neckline'. Her boobs wobble as she takes a pair of shoes from a shoe rack. She doesn't bend over, that would be just a touch to blatant. Her husband is in...
Orgy Camp was wildly successful. Part of it, I think, was because it was done in segments, not as one long show; even half an hour can seem like forever when all you have is sex. There'd be five minutes here and there, usually with only a little lead-in. Woman A: "It seems so quiet around here without the kids." Woman B: "Last summer they did nothing but complain that there was nothing to do. So this year we sent them to a camp." Woman A: "We did that a couple of years ago. They...
Liz, it turned out, was in line for a medal. The gal who was the pilot, technically the Aircraft Commander, had survived after all. She'd been knocked unconscious, and Liz had made sure she got out as the plane went down. That was why the girl, Sue, actually Capt. Susan Edgecroft, landed came down on land and was rescued by a troop of British soldiers from the Parachute Regiment. She'd barely hit the ground before they were there to pick her up. The delay in finding Liz was because she...
Liz had accidentally given me the solution, but only when I thought about it. I had a scene to shoot that was an evening one, and then I didn't have to be on set until the next afternoon. It was a complicated scene involving fooling a man with a gun, I and the viewers knew it was a starter pistol) and then be "rescued" by Kelly, well, sort of. When he burst in on us I had him tied up and was really upset because he was lying on the floor and could look up my skirt. In a way it was rather...
Things had been getting on top of me lately. After some considerable thought I had decided to go it alone and create a better accounting package. I decided to start a business for myself after several frustrating years of working with, and solving other peoples problems. It seemed so easy at the start, what with putting aside some capital and allowing for one year of expenses I thought that there would be plenty of time to write and test the programs for what would be certain to be an...
Mike came in to my apartment yesterday afternoon looking pretty angry. When asked what his problem was, ‘his girl would not let him do her in the ass’ was the answer… I honestly laughed; this dude is 6’5-230lbs (I think, cause he is ripped) and his girl who is Spanish is about 5’2-160lbs (cute sexy chubby girl) and he can’t get her to take it in the ass, well after thinking about it, if he forced her that’s **** right there. Mike sat down rubbing his crotch, “dude go relieve yourself in the...
It was unusual for me to be at my desk before 9am and even more unusual for the phone to start ringing. It was Julie from Marketing - she always was an early bird and far too enthusiastic in everything she did. "Morning Julie," I drawled, summoning up as much energy as I could. "Hi Simon! Hey, wondered if you fancied a day out today. You know that project you've been helping us with, the new insurance product launch, well we're doing the photo shoots over at a warehouse in East...
FRIDAY, June 17, 2016 It was raining steadily when Rachael got Bobby up, so she made him a hearty oatmeal breakfast, and then had him put his yellow raincoat on. She walked him to the bus, hoping it would stop: Bobby had ridden his bike to school recently, and while he was perfectly fine with doing that again today, Rachael did not want him sitting all day in the wet pants and seat that would result. At the bus the driver stopped, and Rachael popped in, handing the driver a small...
You are Gerard the loser, due to genetics you have gained the worst of the worst features, at the age of 18 you started to lose hair and it doesn’t help that your lifestyle involves inhaling junk food and sleeping all day. The fact that you are gross has made the girls steer away from you, heck even the guys stay away from you. You have no friends, life is overall very miserable. Until one day all that changed when your guardian angel or whatever the fuck does magic and shit idk sees your...
Mind ControlMy name is Chad. I’m 42 years old and I’m a pretty good looking guy. I am not a body builder or anything like that, I like to workout, but I’m not too serious about it. I have a stepsister named Stephanie. Last week was her birthday and she just turned 18 years old. She has brown hair, bluish green eyes and these amazingly perky breasts. It was Friday night and her parents had just left for the weekend to visit some sick relatives, leaving Stephanie with me for the weekend. I asked my sister...
IncestAfter an argument with her mother, Sherri Darnell accepts an offer from her Aunt Lilly of a place to stay where she can complete her art projects. It seemed to be the perfect solution, but a new neighbor presents a whole new challenge. Prelude: For those readers that are familiar with my work, it will come as no surprise that chapter one contains a limited amount of sexual activity, but is essential in setting up my characters and my story. Without it, the story would not make a lot of...
Chapter 1 The Slave stands over the stove cooking his Mistresses dinner. Making sure nothing burns and setting the plate up for the dish to be served on. Garnished just right in his opinion. He reaches over and drinks some water as he has been ordered to keep drinking as he cooks. The meat gets done and he puts it on the plate and calls his mistress on the in house phone system. As she answers he tells her that dinner is ready. She tells him in turn to wait one hour and...
The weather was nice yesterday, sunny with a little cloud, I was bred, since my surgery I have not been ablw to do much exept try not to be horny. I was laying on the deck naked taking in the sun, the phone rand it was Terry a girl friend of mine. She wanted to know if I wanted company and I did not hesitate to say yes. She got to my place an hour later and met me on the deck, went in and made herself a dring and came back out naked. She has a great figure a bit taller than me her breasts are a...
This is an adventure I had at an all nude strip club in Lansing Michigan. I am Genny In that spring that I had first met Melly, I had just over two years onthe fire department. I had been all through my training and probation,and was running on the engine at headquarters and really loving the job.There was just one problem. Usually after about six months on the department afirefighter will be sent out to replace vacationing firefighters or guysthat have called in sick. It is a hated assignment...
LesbianI ve been hidding in the living room closet knowing its one of these nightMommy thinks iam out,but i ve been secretly watching and listening to her servicing a married black guy from her officethe first night i tought she was looking at porn until i ear her sexy moaning and pleading to be fuck like a good white slut momhow she squealed getting fuck got me so curious i went out to watch her through the windowdoggy in sexy stocking heals and dress a stranger tall black daddy fucking my mom deep...
No one says anything as I stand at the front gates of the school and take myself out of my clothes. There is no need for body paint anymore with my skin as brightly coloured as it had been yesterday morning. My bruises have darkened and grown overnight. They all stand there and stare at me, and I stare back, picking out the shape of Christian's retreating back, his head down. I have never known such silence in school as the class sits, looking anywhere but at me, and Mrs. Roe takes the...
Hi, folks am back with another encounter. Any unsatisfied girls or aunt’s from Hyderabad want to have a secret fun contact me on Well, I am Ashok 5’7 height from Hyderabad. In my first sex story, I have told you how I fucked my aunt and from that day we are fucking whenever we got a chance. This story happened yesterday when I went to her home she greeted me and from inside I heard a sweet voice. I have enquired to which she said it was her sister named Roopa. She introduced me to her. Wow,...
IncestIt all started several months ago when I, Envious Gumshue, was given my pink slip at The Toadstool Inn restaurant. You would have thought that it would have come with lace, but it did get my attention. One has to understand, what ‘The Stool’ lacked in etiquette, it made up for with chewing gum stuck beneath the tables. However, on first entering, you got the feeling of silence as if in meditation. Humming could be heard wafting in the pungent aroma of weeks old bacon drippings. As if Gregorian...
Penny Archer is covered in tattoos and soon to be covered in cum. This sexy slut is ready to ride cock and get pounded deeply. This mature babe has a round, soft ass and an even softer pussy. Her seductive eyes pull you in and her wet mouth pulls the cum out. Watch as she does everything she can please the cock in front of her and drain the balls. She takes a large cum facial after a hot, aggressive, yet intimate fuck session. This tattooed MILF is ready for action, she gets on her knees and...
xmoviesforyouFriends jaise ki aaplog jaante hi hai ki mere age 24 yrs ki hai. Ye baat aajse ek saal pehle ki hai. Us samay humlogo apne naye ghar me shift hue the. Us November , December ka mahina tha, jis area me hamara ghar tha, wo area kuch jayada accha nahi tha isliye main waha ki logo se jayada baatcheet nahi karta tha, wohi mere ghar se ek makan chodkar dusre makan me ek family rahte thi, husband wife or unka ek beta, unka beta 7 ya 8 saal ka tha, husband ki ek book shop thi, main unhe bhaiya kah kar...
My boyfriend was going to come over soon. He was on his way. I knew my parents wouldn't be home for quite awhile, so Jake and I had planned a special evening. As he was on his way to my house, I had a nervous fear about me. I always got a bit scared and yet a thrill of excitement when i knew I was going to see him. Finally he pulled into my driveway. As he was coming to the door I could tell that he had a hudge hard-on. We haven't been able to see each other in 3 days and we were both extremely...
EroticThe very first sign of winter ending was the melting snow starting to run persistently down from the foothills as the snowdrifts started to break up. Dixie noticed a family of bears down by the river and that was a sure indication that the hibernation period was definitely over. The farm was fixing to put all four fields into production this spring. They had almost a dozen helpers now who had aligned with Sheriff Dixie and the rest of the sod-busters who fought to stay on their rightful...
I am a medical student and 23 years old.I study in pune city but was back home for vacation in mumbai.I had a girlfriend but i didnt lose my virginity to her.She always stopped me at the point of no return.But this time my luck was about to change.My friends made a plan to stay in goa for new year for fun,they were from pune so they left from there,whereas i had leave from mumbai alone.I could only book a ticket on 31st night,i thought nothing worse could happen to me as i slept in my sleepers...
Cheating Wifes‘Bimi,’ whispered Clara into the darkness, gently shaking her former teacher’s shoulder. The two had elected to share a room, both to save expense for the innkeeper and to be close to one another so they could visit. Clara had been looking forward to the time with Bimi, but the pull of Lukas and the urge she felt to help play a role in ending the war was too strong. She needed to gather her belongings, but first she had to tell Bimi the truth, and where she was going. Well, the general...
Hello horny people. This is Akhil again. First of all, I would like to thank the admin for publishing my last story as well as this one. Because of you, I am not a virgin anymore. Yes, readers posting a story here changed my life. I got what I needed the most. So I would like to thank the admin once again. At the same time my big thanks to all the readers and for your feedback. Let me start with how actually it happened. I had published a fictional story about my desires of being a horny virgin...
You see, my name is Amber, I'm fifteen and a half, and have never had a serious boyfriend. Guys don't seem to hit on me or even flirt. My friends tell me I'm cute, but they're girls. I need a guy's opinion. I've got the basics, I know that. I stand five foot three, have amber (of course) eyes, medium-length light brown hair, weigh one hundred and seven pounds and wear a size 34B bra. I know I don't have real large boobs but I look pretty good in the mirror and if I jump up in the...
Orville showed up early on Saturday morning. He apologized for missing our Friday workout, saying that he had skipped work because of the rain. I told him about Mr. Sterling's visit, and he was very impressed that the school would send a coach to visit players during the summer. We went to the local high school field and practiced teaming up to stop the run. I told him that I was looking forward to playing behind Russell again. Josh listened to us talk, nodding his head like he understood...
Young Amazons Part 3Recap of parts 1 and 2: Edward and James are Fitters in the Albion Army. Their colleagues had been caught, tortured and executed by two ruthless young Amazons. The girls had stalked the two surviving men and caught them and beaten them up. They had led them bound and naked through the forest. They had come across a four man Albion Army patrol. The young girls had confronted the men and butchered three of them instantly. The fourth was milked of his semen before being...