Sparty Party
- 3 years ago
- 52
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I've lived long enough to have learned,
The closer you get to the fire
The more you get burned,
But that won't happen to us--
Because it's always been a matter of trust.
--A Matter of Trust (Billy Joel)
On Tuesday, Kristen took a day off from school to meet her parents in Chicago. She told me it was something to do with her inheritance, which was going to be fully hers in just a few weeks.
I would miss Kristen, but Patty picked me up in the morning. I didn't give Patty a chance to stop her car when I came running out of the house.
"You look happy today, for a guy whose love of his life is a hundred miles away," Patty observed.
I thought about this already. "Kristen's trip to Austria made me realize that there are other things to life than having to have Kris with me every minute of every day," I explained. "Today, I have the opportunity to maybe talk to you or Sherry in the lunchroom. I can also work on one of my pet projects that I most definitely can not work on at Kristen's place."
"Pet project?" Patty asked.
"It's a surprise for Kristen," I said. "So, of course, I cannot work on it over there."
"Is it something for her birthday?"
"Hopefully," I said, hoping that I could get it finished in time for a party.
"That sounds cool. Have you given any thought to throwing Kristen a party?"
I sighed. "What kind of a party do you give a millionaire who has everything?"
Patty stopped dead at an intersection and looked at me sternly. "Don't you ever think that of Kristen! Until she met you, she told me she only had one other boyfriend in her life. She was lonely when she met you, you know."
"She has me now," I pointed out, a bit sheepishly.
"I don't know much about that other boyfriend, but he made a hell of an impression on her," Patty said, once again driving. "He must be a tough act to follow."
"I met that guy," I said, not knowing how much Patty knew about Kristen and her brother.
"I'm surprised she told you who it was. You've met him?"
"I met him a couple of months ago," I said. "He's a great guy, actually. They still like each other very much."
"You don't seem very jealous of him," Patty said, narrowing her eyes.
"I'm not. We actually got along nicely. He doesn't live around here any more."
"I've never seen her dating," Patty said. "Of course, until this year, we didn't move through the same crowds."
I didn't add much and Patty continued to drive.
Patty said, "I know for a fact that Kristen really enjoys the simple things. Your fish-hook necklace really impressed her, you know. She also told me about the watch chain she made for you. That's Kristen's style. She doesn't spend money just to impress people, and she isn't impressed by money, either."
I nodded. Patty pointed out something that I was avoiding trying to think about. "So, what do you think I should do for a birthday party?"
"I'm not sure, Jim," Patty said, pulling into the school parking lot. "I suggest you trust your instincts. Almost everything you do for Kristen screams to her how much you love her. You come up with great ideas and you instinctively do the one thing that only you can do best."
"Thanks for the vote of confidence," I said, smiling.
Camille was waiting at the front of the school in her regular spot. She smiled as Patty and I approached. "Poor baby. No Kristen today?"
"Nope. I got a ride with this ravishing red head instead," I said with a grin.
Camille giggled in response. "He's got a girl in every port!"
"Cut that out, you two!" Despite her protest, Patty was giggling as well.
"I think Jim is a real Romeo. How many other tenth graders have a bunch of senior co-eds who are willing to do things for him?" Camille asked.
Patty smiled. "I was just telling Romeo here that he has great romantic ideas. We were talking about what we could do for Kristen's eighteenth birthday."
I noticed the plural "we" in Patty's sentence. Somehow, I felt better that Patty seemed willing to sign up to help out in whatever way she could.
"I would really like to do something on a grandiose scale," I said. "Something that Kristen herself can't do. I just don't have any idea what I can do."
"Well, count me in if you need any help," Camille offered.
I moved over and kissed Camille on the cheek, a move that was noticed by a few students.
"Thank you, Romeo!" Camille quipped.
I sighed, bade farewell to the two seniors, and headed for home room. I heard the name "Romeo" being repeated behind me. I wondered which nickname was worse: Oogie or Romeo?
Lunch period consisted of Sherry and Patty offering me ideas on what we could possibly do for Kristen's eighteenth birthday. Sherry seemed pleased as punch to be included in the deliberations. There were now three people who were willing to help me plan something.
"How about renting a hall and inviting, like, lots of people?" Sherry suggested.
I pointed out how much that sort of thing would cost. Unlike Kristen, spending money was a bit more difficult for me. I wanted extravagance, but I did have financial limitations.
"And what would you do for entertainment?" Patty pointed out. "A rock band costs money!"
I was thinking along the same lines, but now Patty's remark hit home. Maybe a rock band would cost money, but there was already a band full of people who loved Kristen and might be able to provide at least a few song numbers. With a proper sound system, it shouldn't be too difficult to find a student deejay to play songs, either. How much could that cost?
Suddenly, ideas were starting to come to mind.
"Jim, are you there?" Patty asked, noticing my distraction.
"Patty, you're a genius!"
"Huh? Me? That's Camille's department," Patty said.
"A rock band!" I exclaimed, more possibilities coming to me now. "That's a fucking great idea! Now, we just need a venue."
"What rock band?" Sherry asked.
"Sherry, I'm the conductor of a kick-ass jazz band," I said. "There's no reason we can't play rock and roll!"
"You still need a location... or are you thinking about using the school?" Patty asked.
"Hmmm," I said, thinking. "Actually, the school might be a good idea," I said. "I think we should consider that only as a last resort. I'm in good with Mr. Yank and Mr. Proilet, but I don't want to wear out my welcome just yet."
"So, where will you hold the party?" Sherry asked.
I smiled, the final piece of the puzzle finally fitting into place. "The big problem is money, right?"
The two girls nodded their heads.
"So we find somebody with money!"
"Who? Kristen?" Sherry asked.
"No. Kristen's not a possibility," I said, smiling broader now. "Her parents, on the other hand..."
"Ooh," Patty said. "Her parents would help out in a second!"
"Cool!" Sherry said.
The subject changed, and the two girls were talking about something or other while my mind was working logistics.
I entered the school's front office, having gotten an office pass from the substitute teacher in English class.
I smiled at the receptionist. "Is Mr. Yank available?"
"Mr. Crittenhouse," the receptionist recognized me, smiling. "I hope this visit isn't as disruptive as the one earlier this week."
"I just need some information," I answered, also smiling. "I'm trying to put together a birthday party for Kristen Swift, and I wondered if Mr. Yank has her father's business phone number."
The receptionist said, "A birthday party?"
"Her eighteenth," I answered. "I figured her father might be planning something, and I was working on some ideas of my own, but I want to talk to him somewhere where I know that Kris won't be around..."
The receptionist looked toward Mr. Yank's office, whose door was closed. "He's in there with Ms. Tomago right now, and I don't think this is an opportune time for anybody--especially you--to interrupt him. Let me see if I can get that information for you." She left toward the back of the office.
A few minutes passed and another secretary came out. "Are you James... sorry... Jim Crittenhouse?"
"I have the information you requested," she said, handing me two pieces of paper.
The first was a library pass, and the second was a piece of memo pad with the phone number for Swift Holdings, where Kristen's father was the founder and chairman.
"Thank you, ma'am," I said politely.
I took my cue from the hall pass and left for the library, which was just a few doors down the hall. I showed my pass to the librarian, who took it without really looking at it.
I was surprised to see Camille sitting at one of the desks.
"Hi, Cammy! Do you live here?"
Camille looked up from her book and smiled. "What are you doing here? Don't you have English?"
"Ms. Taylor is out today," I explained. "The substitute gave me a front office pass, and when I was in the front office, the receptionist gave me a library pass for the rest of the period."
"Why the front office pass?"
"I needed Kristen's father's business number. I need help planning Kristen's birthday party, and I figured that he might be planning something as well. I can let him worry about renting a hall or whatever he wants to do, and get whatever family or friends that he'd like to get. I wanted to see what I could contribute."
Camille looked impressed. "That's a great idea, Jim!"
"Kristen doesn't have much family," I said. "There's her brother Will, and he's at college. I bet we could have him come out here to celebrate his sister's eighteenth birthday."
This brought a thoughtful look from Camille. "Is that a good idea? What is the relationship between Will and Kristen?"
"Will worships the ground Kristen walks on," I said. "I met him in Boston last year."
"If you say so," Camille shrugged. "I remember..."
I knew what Camille was going to say. "It's not like that. They really do love one another, Cammy."
"I'll take your word for it, Jim."
"Anyway, I think I can get the people from the jazz band to play a special set for Kristen," I said. "I'll need to ask them privately tomorrow. Maybe I will be able to get Amy to distract Kris for a bit tomorrow."
Camille smiled as she heard me thinking aloud.
"Enough about Kristen," I said, finally winding down. "What are you reading?"
"Dostoevsky," Camille answered. "Crime and Punishment. A classic."
"An assignment for school?"
"Nah. Light reading."
I wasn't familiar with the work, and her dismissive comment would only make sense to me a few years later when I actually was assigned to read the book. She was doing some heady reading for a high school senior.
"Kris seemed a little jealous on Friday when we talked for a couple of hours. Since she's out of town, would you like to talk some more this afternoon?"
Camille thought for a bit. "No. I need to take my mother to the doctor's today. Annual physical."
"Oh, well. I thought I'd try. People expect to see me with a blonde, you know."
"I'm not your Goddess, Jim," Camille pointed out. "I mean, I love you and..." Camille paused, apparently shocked at what she just said.
"I mean... I love... shit!" Camille looked upset.
I was very concerned. "What's wrong, Camille?"
Camille looked at me, saying nothing for a couple of minutes. Finally, she said, quietly, "Fuck. I'll take you home today. Come with me to the doctor's office."
"With your mother?"
Camille sighed and nodded.
There were only a few more minutes left of school.
"Let's go now," Camille said.
"Now? The bell hasn't rung!"
"Won't matter," Camille said. "Perk of being in the Honor Society."
"What?" I asked.
Camille didn't answer. Instead, she dragged me out of the library, leaving her book on the table. The librarian saw us but said nothing.
We were alone in the parking lot, and Camille went straight to her car and said, "Come on, get in."
Once inside the car, Camille said, "Jim, something happened after our conversation the other day."
"What?" I asked.
"Remember how I said that I was drawn to you?"
"Yeah..." I said, confused.
"It's stronger now. Sometimes when I'm with you, it gets really strong. Like just now in the library."
"You're drawn to me?"
"Jim, I've never, ever loved anybody," Camille said, starting her car. There were tears in her eyes. "Not romantically. I've fucked, sucked, licked and done whatever with countless people--some who I can't even remember--but I never loved anybody."
"How about Patty?" I asked.
"Patty likes me, but I think she pities me. That's not love," Camille said, starting to sob.
I didn't think Patty's relationship with Camille was based on pity, but I said nothing. Luckily, Lake Shore Point wasn't far away. Camille pulled in and parked the car. She turned to me and said, "Jim, what I feel for you, I've felt for nobody else. I know you don't love me and... for some reason, I don't care."
"You love me?" I asked, stupidly. "Why?"
"I don't know! I know you didn't do anything," Camille said. "I felt it strongly when we were here last week, and it got stronger when I kissed you last week. I'm..." Camille's voice faltered and was replaced by sobs.
I didn't know what to do with this. Girls were falling in love with me, and there was no explanation about what was happening. Back in September, Patty told me that Kristen loved me, and then a couple of weeks later, Sherry told me the same thing. Now I was hearing it from Camille. What was happening to me?
Another more interesting question was, if Camille felt this way last week, was it a good idea that we were back here at Lake Shore Point? I liked Camille as a friend. She helped heal a rift between Kristen and me and she was one of the smartest people I knew. I knew about her reputation, although I was taken aback that both Kristen and Patty seemed to know that she was bisexual.
"Camille, it's probably not a good idea for us to be here..."
"It's OK," Camille answered, sniffing. "I'm not about to rape you, you know. I'm quite capable of controlling my actions. I think it's those damned tickets. It's the only explanation."
Deep inside me, despite my concern about my friend, a soothing thought came into my mind. "Calm down, Camille," I said.
Camille nodded and started to take deep breaths.
I saw my friend start to calm down. "Kiss me," I said.
"Huh?" Camille said, confused.
Nevertheless, she moved closer to me, her lips pursed.
As our lips met, I kissed Camille. I felt her tongue touch my lips, but I knew instinctively that this was not the time for that. I kept my lips closed, and Camille noticed and stopped.
We continued kissing for a minute and finally, Camille broke away from it.
"What did you do?" Camille asked, amazed.
"I just kissed you," I answered.
"That feels much better," Camille said. "It's as if this hungry need that was there is now gone!"
We are to have a birthday party, And you can wear your birthday clothes! Then we can hit the floor, And go explore, Those Popsicle toes! --Popsicle Toes (Michael Franks) During lunch on Thursday, the subject of Kristen's birthday party came up. "How many people will be there?" Sherry asked. "Well, from this school, there will be Patty and Toby, Camille, Wendy and Gerry, me, you, the rest of the cheerleaders and their boyfriends." "Jim's family will be there," Kristen said....
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100% fiction! Part 1 - The Party "Mum, mum..come look what I did" said soon to be 18 year old Claire Bishop excitedly, as she proudly marveled at the solid brown log resting on the kitchen bench. "Wow honey that’s a nice one, that will go perfectly in the casserole I’m making for dinner," "Yum!!!" said Claire, "your the best mum ever." What came out of the back passage was something to be celebrated and enjoyed in the Bishop household, which consisted of Claire's mum Carol and her 18 year old...
IncestThis is a story of a bachelorette party my wife attended that ended up on the internet at a XXX site. My wife and her friends didn't know that the entire party was being recorded. (M+F+, Cheat, Anal, Oral, Intrr, Inc, d**g)My wife Sandra's best friend Sabrina was getting married in a couple of weeks. Since my wife was the maid of honor it was her responsibility to have a bachelorette party for Sabrina. Sandra had been to a few of them but she never had to organize one. She called around to four...
Cade continued to teach Callie how to drive, and as it turned out, her unauthorized trip to town had taught her volumes about driving. Now she was leaps and bounds ahead of where she had been. Cade made inquiries and learned that she could get a driver's license by passing a written exam and taking a road test, so he got a copy of the driver's handbook from the DMV for her to study. Callie was afraid of the tests, but Cade encouraged her and reassured her, and told her that she could always...
I love a party drinks all kinds mango peach sangaria , watermelon margarita , vampire kiss martini , they are so pretty in a pretty glass so devine to look at so great to taste, fun little party drinks , strawberry margarita put a slice of lime or fruit its a party in a glass , so fun to drink so pretty to look at its a party in a glass. Your very own private party make a pretty drink slice of apple or a lemon wedge or an olive and you have a party in a glass . pretty party drinks sitting on a...
Erotic PoetryJean If one were just to look at me. They would see me only from my outer shell; the pretty little red-head with the green eyes and killer smile. If I were to walk out in public, you wouldn’t notice anything about me that was different. I stand at about five-five, five. No real identifying marks. I’m twenty-eight now, a far cry from when I first knew the Professor, meeting him at eleven, after all the trauma with Anne dying in my arms. I’m living in the boat-house with my...
Things with James and Donna had never been better. With her working now at the club, and the trucking company James worked at doing better, money was no longer the specter it used to be. Now they could check the mail in peace and not be afraid that they wouldn't make the bills. In fact, things were so good that James and Donna had started planning a long-awaited vacation.It had been about nine months since James had found out, rather unexpectedly, about her working at the strip club. And while...
ExhibitionismA quick note to everybody: This is the next Game On story. I have decided to not go nuts on more than 1 maybe 2 types of games per story. I am also going to declare this as a new 'universe', so anyone that wants to write stories for Game On can do so as long as it some how revolves around a magical and/or sci-fi game. Once again, please feel free to e-mail me ([email protected]), or send me an instant message through ICQ (247193981) I will be happy to receive your comments and...
Hi! My name is Mollie and I'd like to tell you all about the Halloween party at my brother Jake's house.Wait...Let me back up a step or two.Picture a gorgeous 19 year old with huge 36D melons and a perfect bubbly ass and gorgeous green eyes and the whitest blonde hair that naturally curls all the way down to the top of my butt.At least, that was what I was going for. The original costume. Before I lost the blonde wig that would have covered by straight brown hair that comes about half way down...
My Name is Derek and my wife is Kristy. We have been married for eight years and are both in our early thirties. We had just opened a Party Store where we sell party supplies and put on parties for various groups of people. We have catered parties for local dignitaries, weddings, fundraisers and even the occasional bachelor or bachelorette parties.The business had been very successful so far. We were trying to build a solid reputation as a place you can count on for a great party. We are...
My Name is Derek and my wife is Kristy. We have been married for eight years and are both in our early thirties. We had just opened a Party Store where we sell party supplies and put on parties for various groups of people. We have catered parties for local dignitaries, weddings, fundraisers and even the occasional bachelor or bachelorette parties.The business had been very successful so far. We were trying to build a solid reputation as a place you can count on for a great party. We are...
My Name is Derek and my wife is Kristy. We have been married for eight years and are both in our early thirties. We had just opened a Party Store where we sell party supplies and put on parties for various groups of people. We have catered parties for local dignitaries, weddings, fundraisers and even the occasional bachelor or bachelorette parties.The business had been very successful so far. We were trying to build a solid reputation as a place you can count on for a great party. We are...
Passed around as if a whore, a prim and proper wife is used, abused, and gangbanged. ‘Let me go! No! Stop! Please don’t! No!’ The drug was wearing off and, no longer feeling horny, she could see what was really happening around her. Surrounded by men, so many naked men they were either waiting to have their wicked way with her or already had their wicked way with her. Pinned down against the weight of one man licking her pussy, while she sucked another man, she had a cock in each hand. For a...
Hi all, today I am going to narrate yet another incident which took place recently. As many of you know, I am Ramya 18 years of age and 32 24 32 are my stats and 5feet 6inches in height. So the story is about what happened on new years eve 31-12-2016. Its a long story so dont sleep off. I woke up in the morning feeling all excited. It was a saturday and I had school until 2pm, so I wanted to finish everything soon and get back and prepare myself for the party. So morning started with yoga class...
How many times have you been at a party where you don’t know anyone? Assuming your lame ass has been invited to a party at all, if you’ve been in this kind of situation, you know how shitty it can be. You don’t know anyone, it’s nothing but small talk, and you’re walking around with a raging boner hoping to fuck some strange. It’s usually a no-win situation – that is, unless you’ve been to one of Eek! Games’ house parties.If they are anything like the house party in its appropriately named...
Free Sex GamesMy whole life has been somewhat of a planned activity. Everyday I had the same routine; go to school, stay after for soccer, go home, clean up and do homework, hang out with friends, and sleep. I didn't have time much for anything else, let alone a girlfriend, hell I was too shy to even approach a girl I wasn't already friends with. Don't get me wrong I watch porn and masturbate a lot, so I have some visual experience, unfortunately I have noone to use it on. This little tidbit of...
Author's Name: Lee Anne Montgomery ([email protected]) Story Title: Woman Partner (Chapter 13 - My Coming Out Party) This work is copyrighted to the author ©2003. Please do not remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to, and hope that I receive, your feedback....
Author's Note: Hello again! I've only got two chapters left to write at this point, so I figured I'd try to increase the pace at which I'm posting these here in an effort to catch up. I have several more chapters of this story posted at and at Warning: This wham-episode chapter includes, but is not limited to, a reality blind protagonist, short skirts, exciting plot twists, boobs, body swaps, strap-ons, clothing swaps, oblivious swap...
Jenny was busy sucking her boyfriend Jimmy's cock in the den of her parent's home. Her hair was being held to the side as Jimmy watched her lips slide up and down his hard cock, her spit oozing out to coat her hand that was cupping his balls. Jenny looked up at her boyfriend, his eyes slightly rolled back in his head as he luxuriated in the feel of her practiced mouth. With a quick glance Jenny checked the clock and realized she only had about 10 minutes before her mother would be home from...
My Name is Ray and my wife is Kristy. We have been married for eight years and are both in our early thirties. We had just opened a Party Store where we sell party supplies and put on parties for various groups of people. We have catered parties for local dignitaries, weddings, fundraisers and even the occasional bachelor or bachelorette parties.The business had been very successful so far. We were trying to build a solid reputation as a place you can count on for a great party. We are usually...
By PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 CHAPTER 1 As the rest of the week wore on, Mom went into high gear prepping for our FBI party on Saturday. She had both Bobby and Sammy sitting down multiple times with her going over the food list, making changes each time she sat with them. At some point, I just told them privately that it’s her first west coast party and she wants it to be a big success. The chefs were both cool about the whole thing saying that they completely understood. Anita showed up...
E-mail [email protected] Please send comments!! The Best Party Invitation Ever My SONIA Chapter 1 - The Invitation My heart was pounding furiously. I felt weak at the knees. My mouth was dry. I did not know how to react. Seconds before, my wife, Alison, had said something that I had dreamt about and never thought would happen. She had said something that related to a side of my life she knew nothing about. A side I had longed to share with her but had never felt it...
(episode 18) This follows College SexscapadesI believe it was a Monday morning while sitting in class next to Brittany that she asked what I was doing for Halloween the next night. I told her that I was planning to go over to my fraternity house for the Halloween party there. Brittany then asked, “What costume have you come up with for Halloween?” I responded, “I haven't come up with anything yet, but I will be at the party.”Brittany then informed me, “Jennifer, Renee and I are going to a huge...
College SexDirty Dan Chronicals: Part #3 To: Daniel From: Serena Subject: Party Time I was surprised to get the call from a familer voice. "I just asked around for the sluty-ist, dirty dancer I could find. Several people gave me your number." Eileen chuckled over the phone. "As it happens, we could use your services tonight, if your free." "For you? Anytime. Give me the address and I'll be over as soon as I can." I call a cab and throw on one of the light, transparent dresses I wear to...
Saturday, September 24, 2005 All too soon - because it was nearly the end of the summer vacation - the time came to send out the invites for my house-warming party. I'd intended the invites to be nothing more than casual phone calls; Julia wanted to send out real invitations. Guess which approach we took? [On the topic of alternative approaches, I'd also been thinking of a nice, casual pool party. Julia had considerably more upmarket plans. Guess which approach we took for that too? I'll...
Diane’s Decadence- A Party - Chapter ThreeSo all that activity in the previous chapter took place nearly twenty years ago. k**s have grown and flown the coop, though still nearby and one with her own k**s so now I’m a Grannie and loving it.Marriage to Dave has continued in rather pleasant circumstances since he is still my best mate and we enjoy our lives together. Sex has dropped off a bit but great when it happens. I’d like more but Dave is not the fitness fanatic that he was though still...