Silver Pt. 06 free porn video

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*** If you are under the age of 18 or are not of legal age in your jurisdiction, please exit this story immediately ***

This story is for adults only and contains content that is sexual in nature.

This is part 06 in the ‘Silver’ series. I had intended this to be the final chapter, but there was no possible way to close it out with all that was going on in Michael and Marlene’s lives! I also had to break this chapter into two separate portions, so this Part is Pt. 06, with Pt. 07 immediately following. It would have been over 15 pages as one story, and I felt it to be too long for a person to read all at once. So C_F, you get a reprieve, my friend, this is not the last chapter! Once again, my deepest apologies for my pho pas in chapter 05. Duh…

I welcome all of you to vote, comment, and leave suggestions with your thoughts on this story! Thanks to all of you for your votes, kind words, and yes, criticisms on the five previous parts!

*** A very special thank you goes out to ‘WickedInside’ for her editing skills and suggestions that made this story so much better! ***


As the season changed to autumn, Marlene and I couldn’t have been any more in love. The leaves crunched under our feet during our walks in the late September night. I pictured Marlene looking as sexy as ever in her pink zip up hoody, tight jeans, and adorable Reeboks, the face of innocence complimented by her hair pulled back in a pony tail. ‘Michael, the moon is peeking over the tree line,’ she said as we walked arm in arm. ‘It looks like it will be full in a couple of nights.’

‘Hmm, I may turn into a werewolf,’ I laughed, taking Marlene into my arms and playfully chewing on her neck.

‘Oh no, Mr. Werewolf, you’re not going to eat me up, are you?’ she asked in her best frightened tone.

‘I am,’ I responded, ‘but not before taking all of your clothes off, my dear,’ I growled.

We laughed and teased each other as we continued our walk home. Misty looked up at the two of us as if we were insane, while walking by our sides. ‘I heard on the news that it’s going to be a Blood Moon. Actually, it is going to be a Super Harvest Moon from what I understand.’

‘A what moon?’ she asked.

‘A Blood Moon. It has something to do with a Total Lunar Eclipse. When the Earth casts its shadow on the Full Moon and eclipses it, the moon sometimes gets a red glow to it. This time though, the moon will be at it’s closest point to earth, which will make it a Super Moon, and since it is at the end of September, it will also be considered a Harvest Moon! It only happens every eighteen, or fifty-one years, or something like that.’

‘Michael, how do you know all of this stuff? How do you remember everything?’

‘I’m just brilliant!’ I joked.

‘You are brilliant, you just don’t give yourself the credit. Anyway, that Blood Moon thing sounds kind of creepy,’ she replied with a shiver.

‘Actually, it has some kind of religious apocalyptic origin,’ I explained, not knowing much more than it having to do with the last of four consecutive full moons or something like that.

‘Well, maybe we’ll celebrate the Super Harvest Blood Moon or whatever it’s called, but have a… How should I put this… happyier ending,’ Marlene seductively said.

‘Sounds good to me!’ I laughed.

‘Oh, before I forget, Handsome, the girls have been hounding me about going out and dancing!’

‘Oh god, Marlene, I’m still trying to recover from the wedding,’ I laughed. ‘When do they want to go?’

‘Next Friday,’ Marlene answered. ‘Michael, I have to warn you, you may not be walking for a week after the two of them get done with you!’

‘Why me? Why can’t they pick up a guy at the club?’ I asked with a groan.

‘They don’t trust guys.’

‘Marlene, I’m a guy.’

‘You’re a different type of guy, you’re special,’ she whispered as she cupped my face in her cool hand. ‘They trust you.’

‘Great…’ I sighed.

We walked back to her house, stopping inside for a minute to check in on her mom. ‘Hi Mom,’ I said to Mrs. Cassidy as we entered the house.

‘Hi Michael, how are you? And how is my precious baby?’ she asked in a high pitched voice.

‘Mom, Misty’s in her harness,’ Marlene whispered.

‘Oh, I’m sorry, Michael, I didn’t realize that she was working tonight,’ Marlene’s mom apologetically replied.

‘It’s OK, Mom, I’ll take it off so you can talk to her,’ I said as I bent over and removed Misty’s harness.

Misty raced over to Mrs. Cassidy, slapping her tail against the side of the sofa. ‘Hi, baby-girl, how is my precious puppy?’

I could hear Misty licking her face before the usual sound of the thump of her dropping onto the floor and raising her belly high into the air. ‘Oh, you are such a beautiful girl,’ Marlene’s mom excitedly said as she leaned over and scratched the black Lab’s soft belly.

‘I swear, I’m coming back as a dog in my next life,’ I laughed, listening to the constant pampering that was given to beautiful Misty.

‘I’m coming back as Misty,’ Marlene sighed.

‘You get your belly rubbed enough just being you,’ I responded.

‘Michael, shhh…stop,’ Marlene giggled.

We only stayed for a few minutes before I called Misty over and saddled her back up for the walk home. ‘I still can’t get over how her face changes when you put on the harness,’ Marlene stated. ‘Make sure that you call me when you get home, OK?’

‘Yes Dear,’ I replied in a sarcastic voice.

It was funny how Marlene still worried about me walking home even though I only lived a couple of blocks away. I said my goodbyes to Mrs. Cassidy and walked out the front door and out into the crisp September night. Marlene followed, grabbing me from behind, squeezing me tight and playfully biting me on the neck. ‘I’ll be over for the Blood Moon, Mr. Werewolf,’ she breathed in my ear. ‘I’ll wear something appropriate for the night!’

Chills raced down my spine from her biting my ear, but even more with those words. ‘Mmm, I can’t wait,’ I moaned. I turned and gave her a tender kiss before Misty and I started home. ‘I love you, Marlene.’

‘I love you too, Michael. Don’t forget to call me when you get home,’ Marlene said as I walked down the steps with Misty leading the way.

It took us less than ten minutes to get home. We’ve made this trip countless times, and it was no different that night. I called my beautiful baby when I got home to let her know that we made it home safely. We talked for another half hour about more trivial things that happened during the day. It was funny how we could spend two hours together, walking, talking, and stopping for a kiss or two and could still talk on the phone for awhile after getting home. We were born to fall in love with each other.

Sure as the sun rises in the east, the lunar eclipse occured two nights later. The crystal clear Sunday night made the air seem a bit cooler than usual. I heard Marlene’s door close and in seconds she walked into my house. ‘Hey there, Handsome,’ she said with a big smile in her voice.

‘Hi there, Beautiful! How are you?’

‘Better now, I’m here,’ Marlene said as she walked into me with quick steps. I could tell that she was wearing heels by the clicking sound on the hardwood floors, but I never heard her walk in that short of a pace. ‘Mmm, I love you, Michael,’ she moaned as she squeezed me tightly.

‘I love you too my dear,’ I said in a mock growl. ‘Your pink zip up?’ I asked while holding her in my arms.


She was standing taller than normal, maybe an inch or two higher than her usual height in heels. Reaching down, I took her ass in my hands. ‘Are these sweatpants?’ I asked in surprise.

‘Yep, they’re pink too,’ Marlene answered.

‘Is this what you were talking about the other night when you said something abou
t wearing appropriate clothing for the night? And why are you wearing high heels with sweatpants?’ I asked in surprise.

‘Yes, I’m wearing heels with sweatpants… Sexy isn’t it?’ she mused.

‘Yeah, I guess,’ I stammered.

Marlene unzipped her sweatshirt and placed it on the arm of the sofa. She sat down and I heard her rustling with something. She stood and walked towards me, her heels clicking noticeably on the hardwood floor. ‘Is this better?’ she asked, taking my hands and placing them on her sides.

My hands felt the soft skin of her waist and the edge of a silky satin fabric. Marlene pulled my hands up towards her breast. The softness of the material was mind-numbing as it tightly encased her rib cage. Marlene guided my hands up to her breasts. ‘Oh my god, Marlene, this is beautiful,’ I whispered as my hands trembled while feeling the satin material which was pushing her breasts up.

Marlene cupped her hands over mine and pressed them into her. Her tender flesh was pushing up from the edge of whatever she was wearing. ‘You like?’ she asked with a smile in her voice.

‘How could I not,’ I said in a shaky voice. ‘It’s gorgeous.’

‘It’s a bustier… This is what I was going to change into when we got back to our room after the reception. It’s deep red. Kind of ironic, huh?’

‘Marlene, you have me speechless… It is the silkiest thing that I’ve ever felt and well, your tits… They’re really, how can I say this? Pushed together and um, big…’

‘That’s the purpose of a bustier, Handsome… Oh, I wish I had a camera right now so I could catch the look on your face!’ she giggled. ‘But, there is more…’

Marlene slowly guided my hands back down the satin fabric. The roughness of my skin would catch on the material every now and again as it slid down. I returned to the soft skin of her stomach and onto more satin. She was wearing panties tonight and not her usual thong. I brought my hands around to her beautiful ass. The feeling of the satin fabric as it curved over her butt was indescribable. No it wasn’t, it was what the designers of the front fenders of a 1932 Ford Coupe had in mind when they created the car. The smooth paint replaced by the satin material, and the beautiful curves of the fender being replaced by the sensual curve of Marlene’s ass as it extended smoothly out from the small of her back.

The panties covered Marlene’s ass, but came up high on her hips before dropping in between the valley of her creamy thighs. ‘They’re the same deep red as the bustier,’ she said with a smile.

‘Marlene, you are seriously trying to kill me,’ I whispered, pulling her into me and brushing my lips across her mouth.

‘You’re not done yet,’ she whispered back. I felt her smile widen before she reached down for my hands. She pushed them down along her thighs until I felt the top of the thigh high stockings that she was wearing. ‘Marlene, please…’ I moaned.

‘Keep going, Handsome.’

I knelt down as my hands drifted over the silky stockings that covered her perfectly toned legs. My fingers graced the curve of her straining calves before they came to a halt when reaching the top of her heels. ‘Go ahead,’ she moaned.

I dropped my hands over the soft leather, grabbing onto the slim heel and working down along it’s length. I didn’t think that it was ever going to stop as I continued my journey. When my hands finally reached the floor, I looked up at Marlene in amazement. ‘These have to be five inches,’ I whispered in the same shaky voice as before.

‘Six,’ she responded. ‘Deep red…’

‘Marlene, how…why? How can you be any more sexy than I already picture you? And why do you do this for me?’ I stammered.

‘I do it because I love you more than any one person could ever say, and I love to watch your face because it says the things that words just can’t,’ she said as she stepped back before kneeling down on the floor with me. She ran her fingers through my hair and raked them to the back of my head. She took two fists full of hair and pulled me in for a long, sensual kiss. ‘You my dear Michael, are the love of my life. You don’t understand how you changed my life. I will love you until the good Lord takes me, and even after then,’ she tearfully said.

‘Marlene…’ I began.

‘Michael, please, you don’t need to say anything.’

‘But…’ I tried again.

‘But, we have a Blood Moon to celebrate don’t we?’ she whispered as she brushed her soft hand along my cheek. ‘How about you go and get naked on the bed for me?’

Marlene raised up from the floor and stood tall in front of me. I groaned in an attempt to stand as my knees cracked beneath me. ‘Need help old man?’ Marlene giggled as she grabbed onto my arm to help me up.

‘It seems that you said that to me once upon a time,’ I moaned as I straightened my stiff legs.

‘Yes, once upon a time…’ she replied in a dreamy tone.

Marlene led the way back to the bedroom as I wrapped my arms around her waist and followed her every step. I stripped out of my clothes after being led to the bed and crawled onto it. ‘On your stomach, Handsome,’ she said. ‘Time to pay you back for that unbelievable and unselfish love you showed me in the hotel.’

My cock was rock hard against my stomach as I laid down. I wiggled my ass in anticipation of what Marlene had planned. I heard the mattress creak as she slipped onto the bed and placed herself between my legs. She ran her hands up my calves and thighs, grabbing the warm cheeks of my ass. I let out a deep moan, listneing to her laugh at my bear-like growls. Marlene released her grip and repeated her way up my leg, this time leaving soft wet kisses along the way. She stopped and sucked the back of my knee between her full lips, sucking and massaging the tender area with her tongue. She playfully chewed and giggled as the chills raced up to the back of my throat. Marlene kissed her way up to the cheeks of my ass, lightely biting and kissing each one. And then it happened, she backed down to my calves and like a long, slender cat, pressed her satin covered breast onto my legs and seductively slid the silky smooth material up my body. I tensed and moaned out loud, ‘Jesus, Marlene, that is incredible… You feel so good… Please…don’t…stop…’

Her satin tits were resting at the nape of my neck as she eased the weight of her body onto me. Everything was soft, silky, and smooth. She raised up on her hands and swept her satin tits back and forth across my back. Marlene continued down until her tits were resting on my ass. Her breasts circled my cheeks in an erotic massage before she stretched back up to my shoulders. In one swift move, she straddled my ass and began to grind her satin panties onto my tailbone while rubbing my shoulders with her hands.

‘Marlene, please, that feels so good… Keep grinding into my ass, Sweetheart, I want to hear you come.’

Marlene ground harder into me and I could feel her fingers digging into my shoulders. I could tell that she was getting close to her first climax of the night. Her pace quickened and her breathing became more eratic as she reached her breaking point. I felt her stocking covered legs and the six inch heels clamp against my thighs as her long nails gripped my shoulders. She let out a final gasp as her satin covered pussy raced across the cheeks of my ass. She dropped onto me, shaking and breathing heavily as she continued to grind through her orgasm. ‘Michael, Michael… Oh God… Oh God, I can’t stop… I can’t stop coming.’

Her body continued sliding against me as she grabbed my hair and held it firmly while another orgasm ripped through her body. Within seconds, she fell limp and melted into me. Her breathing was heavy and her hands kept a tight hold of my hair. ‘Mi…hael, I was…the…one who was…supposed…to be pleasuring…you,’ she panted. ‘How…do you…keep…doing that…to…me?’

‘Just a gift, I guess,’ I said into the mattress.

I felt Marl
ene’s head drop into my back in equal parts frustration and amusement. She released my hair and slid her arms under me as she pressed tighter into my back. I could feel her long High-heeled shoes draped over the inside of my calves and her long legs bending out sideways at the knees. ‘You, you… Oh, you are so impossible sometimes!’ she said after breaking out into a frustrated laugh. ‘What is it about you? How come I don’t have any self control when I’m with you?’

‘It must be the curse of the Blood Moon!’ I laughed into the bed. My body was shaking up and down as Marlene wrapped her hands around my neck and playfully shook it.

‘I’ll give you a Blood Moon,’ she giggled. ‘You are simply incorrigible, do you know that?’

‘If I say yes, will you stop trying to strangle me?’ I laughed as my body continued to shake.

‘Ooooh, you… Turn your ass over, I’m going to play with you until you come if it’s the last thing that I do!’

‘What’s the matter, Sweetheart, are you mad because you came first,’ I asked, laughing as I began to turn over.

‘Ooohhh, Michael, you’re in for it now, buddy boy,’ she giggled while trying to keep a serious tone to her voice. ‘Go ahead, keep grinning, Handsome, because you won’t be doing that for long…’

Marlene was correct with her prediction. My grin didn’t last long, as she dipped her head down and let her soft hair fall across my cock and balls. I let out a low moan as the long strands of hair traced down my thighs and back up across my balls. ‘Marlene, God, that feels so good… Please…yes…’ I moaned out loud.

‘What was that you were saying, Mr. Funny Man? What do you want me to do? Huh? Hmm, what should I do with this lovely cock?’

Marlene’s hair lightly grazed my stomach until I felt the unimaginable sensation of her satin covered tits rubbing along the length of my cock. I let out a long gasp and grabbed onto her head. She switched from one breast to the other as they continued to glide along the length of my shaft. My cock strained as I moaned out in pleasure. ‘What’s the matter, Handsome? Do you want me to stop? Do you want me to take my soft, satin tits off of your cock? Oh, you should see them, Michael, they’re bulging out of the bustier!’

Groaning out loud, I thrust my cock up into her breast and pleaded, ‘No, please don’t stop… Please, Marlene, keep going…’

Marlene kept up her teasing as my cock pressed against her gorgeous breasts. ‘Oh, what’s the matter? Are you getting frustrated? Michael, you should see your cock sliding against the deep red satin. Mmm, it looks like you’re leaving some pre-cum… My tits are getting wet. Do you want to come on my tits, Michael? Do you want to spray your hot cum on my blood red tits? Do you?’

I pleaded for Marlene to make me come, but she kept gliding her tits up and down the length of my shaft, teasing me with her words. I began to buck my hips wildly, thrusting my cock hard against her tits. ‘Marlene, I’m going to come… I’m , oh God, yes…going to…come’

‘Yes, Michael, come on me… C’mon, come on my silky titss.’

She flattened her body onto me and continued to rub herself against my shaft as my cum sprayed out of my cock. I let out a long, gasping breath as the jets of cum soaked her beautiful satin bustier. I couldn’t stop, the cum continued spurting out from the head and drenching Marlene’s bustier and my stomach.

‘Oh yes, Michael, yes, yes, it’s so much, it’s so hot, so…hot.’

Marlene quickly raised up and straddled my hard cock and agressively ground her wet satin panties against it. Her thrusts were rapid, and her breathing suddenly increased as she pressed down harder. The pressure squeezed the last drops of cum from my shaft as she continued to wildly thrust against it. She slid her pussy up further to the head of my cock, sucking up the last remnants of cum into her satin panties. Her clit rubbing against the ridge of my head sent her over the edge and she came hard on top of me. Marlene kept up her rapid pace as the tremendous orgasm streaked through her. Her head fell forward and her hair danced across my chest before she collapsed on top of me. I could feel the damp fabric of the bustier against my chest as she gasped for air. Again, Marlene reached up and took my hair into her hands and rubbed it through her fingers. ‘Michael…you did…it…again.’ she panted. ‘I have…no… I…can’t help…myself,’ she gasped into my shoulder.

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My wife and I love out door sex and when it was nice and warm we would go out for a drive and take a walk in the countryside and we would enjoy a good sex session out in the woods etc and the risk of getting caught and/or watched turned us on a lot. On a few occasions we did have a guy or 2 watch us. Awsome. I always wanted more guys watching us and would have loved 5, 6 or more watching and wanking but Jill was, not surprisingly, more nervous about that idea.Just to paint a picture, Jill is in...

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Driving the other day when I saw a woman splashed by a big truck in front. It had been raining hard and as usual the drains hadn't coped leaving the gutters and roads with lots of standing water. She was drenched from head to foot so I over to see if I could help. I got out of my van just as another truck went past giving me a soaking as well as giving the woman another good splash as well and to top it all it started pissing down with rain again."Can I help, offer you a lift somewhere?" I...

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Holiday Experiences

I love the sun, it always make me feel naughty. Let me introduce myself I am Kristy, I am 23 years old and have been seeing Brian now for 2 years. We have always been a very sexual couple but on holiday we seem to push all the boundaries.This year we decided to go to Tobago, the Heat, the music, the rum and the black men. For this year Brian wanted to explore his fantasy of seeing me with another man and for him he wanted to see me with a Black man.I was a little concerned before leaving and...

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Because Lust Is There In Everyone

Thank you all the readers for choosing my sex story. I would request you all to read this sex story with your full fantasy mode On, so that you too can get the feel of what i experienced. Rekha is a 33 yr. old married lady with two kids, living a usual life with her decent and caring husband. She belongs to a lower middle class family and works as a receptionist at a health care and physiotherapy centre in Delhi. She and her husband work hard to provide their children a better future. Personal...

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My Affair

My first submitted story… advice and feedback appreciated… Thanks! I’ve gotten used to wearing no underwear when you’re around. I could be cleaning up the kitchen and you’ll slide your hand up the inside of my leg, slide a couple of fingers deep in my slit and give me a feel. Other times I could be bending over and you’ll slide right in, balls deep in a second. Of course it helps to always wear skirts, and I do it just for you. Who knows when you could ask me to sit on your lap and ride your...

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Histoires Dont Vous tes Le Gros Pnis Hroique

Tu ouvre les yeux, tu est à l'intérieur d'une pièce sombtueuse;Ta chambre. Tu est couché dans ton grand lit, seul. Tu regarde sous tes draps et constate que ton gros pénis d'un pied de long est bien prêt à servir. Tu as envie d'une femme. Tu est le Prince Lugh, un grand guerrier. Réçament tu as délivré ton royaume, Datnorwig, du terrible jourg du Dragon Zathvey en le provoquant en combat.Ton père, le Roi Tseryak III, les armées et la plupart des homme sont partis en croisade contre nos...

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Dark Redemption Ch 10

Heading out of the driveway, I only got as far as four blocks before tears flowed. Pulling over in a side street, it took a while before I could see my way to calming myself and getting my thoughts together. It was only eleven-thirty in the morning. Walking around looking as though I’d been crying all morning didn’t appeal to me. However the thought of Peter, my Peter, with that woman was driving me mad. Composing myself enough to drive, I decided I had to find a way to survive the next few...

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If You See It Kiss It

If You See It, Kiss It Years ago my wife made it a house rule…if you see it, you must kiss it. She was referring to her bare pussy, of course. As our children got older though it started referring to panty-covered pussy too. My wife would lift her short skirts or spread her legs wide while sitting on the couch. I would most certainly see her panty-covered pussy and kiss it. It did not take long for my daughter and son to catch on to what was happening. My daughter would spread her...

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Heat WaveChapter 5

The next morning, Mélanie waited for Karine and Paul at the foot of the stairs with Sonny. A few minutes before the dining room was due to open, Karine stumbled down the stairs, still half asleep. As Mélanie had specified, she was nude. Judging from the stark white lines on her otherwise deeply tanned body, she had a habit of going to Montreal’s local beaches or possibly to a tanning salon while wearing the tiniest micro-bikini possible. “ ... mornin’. Have you seen Paul? I knocked on his...

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10 Book2Chapter 3

The journey north was delayed a week while I transported some of the Cherokee to the location near the coal and the iron ore deposit. Overburden was removed from both deposits. A small coking operation had to be constructed. I had spent my life cleaning up after improper operations but now I was doing the fouling. My justification was that it was going to be small and when we enlarged the operation, we would make it cleaner each time. Once the dangers of the coke gas and fumes was mentioned,...

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Walk in the Rain

The breeze coming through the window and the smell of the rain from the night before intoxicates me. The memory of us making love while the raindrops hit our bodies fills me with desire for you again. I close my eyes and transport myself back to when we were walking hand in hand alone on the trail. You stop abruptly look at me and lean me against a tree as you lean in you start kissing me, soft gentle kisses at first, then forceful ones. You moan into my mouth letting me know you want me then...

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My Sick Dick Inside My DaughterInLaw

My dick was misbehaving that night. I had kept the lights off. I didn’t want my bahu (daughter-in-law) to realize what was bothering me. Even when I covered myself with a blanket, my dick was constantly active in my pants like a struggling snake. It was not in my control. “Father… father…” she called me in a low tone when she opened the door. I did not respond. As she stood there I could see her silhouette. The lights behind made her frock see-through. I was looking at her figure in its purest...

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I love sharing my wife if you have read our previous stories you know how i feel. I have discussed it with Diane about a 3 some with another man but she was happy with our fuck buddies and didnt want to have anyone else unless we were on holiday where she said she would fuck strangers if i was there too.I have a friend who i have shown pics of my wife too and he has said he would love to fuck her and i've even shown Di pics of him with his cock out from another site we use. I have introduced...

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28 October 2008 Currently 2.83/5 Stars.12345 Rate this article 5Comments | Comment on this Article Chrissie discovers a new skill Chrissie thought that Jake deserved something a little bit special after last night, after she tasted the delights of Jake's new found skill, . Chrissie realised after last night just what she'd been missing for several years... oral sex! Now she wanted Jake to feel that same intimate pleasure that she'd felt when he went down on her last...

1 year ago
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1 Stormy MondayChapter 21

Sandy Goodwin awoke somewhat disoriented. Her body was having trouble rolling over in bed, and her subconscious eventually gave up trying to deal with it, reporting the problem to her brain as something that required conscious thought to resolve. She opened her eyes a fraction, and easily identified the issue. Pete Riordan's arm was draped over her, hugging her to his chest, his morning erection pressing into the cleft between her firm naked butt cheeks. What had been reported by her...

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Moms Girl Redux Part 8

Mom's Girl Redux Part 8 by Elizabeth Joanne Chapter 23 The last 3 weeks have been an eye opener in many ways. Yes I have had fun working. It had been fun for a while being a lady of leisure but it felt good to have something to do and feel like I belonged. Most of the patrons knew fully well who and what I was yet they treated like just one of the girls. We joked around and in our own way looked out for each other. It was kind if a family, granted not built around blood...

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PrettyDirty Scarlet Red Jenna Sativa My Beautiful Slut

When lesbian Scarlet Red comes home to find a gift bag of sexy lingerie with a note instructing her to put on the skimpy outfit, she knows her girlfriend Jenna Sativa is up to no good. Sure enough, she’s concocted an elaborate lesbian role play sex game. The next note orders her into the bedroom blindfolded and instructs her to listen through headphones for the next command. Scarlet loves being dominated. She obediently climbs into bed and fingers her pretty pussy. When Jenna appears in...

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Oh No Not Dorothy 13

Chapter #13 after watching Timmy push Lynn to the ground, Ricky was worried as he knelt down by Lynn asking if she was okay. He was so mad that he could feel his blood racing. The more he looked a Lynn the madder he got at Tim for pushing Lynn down like that, having her hit her head so hard. The more he thought about what happen the madder he got. Right after he helped Lynn sit up, he started to stand up and turned toward Timmy. As Ricky was standing he pulled his arm way back and made...

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Chronos Chronicles 2 Without a MapChapter 32 Treated and treats

I can't seem to stop shivering. This man is amazing. He is brave and strong and gentle and willing to love me. "Nosis," Nimrod says quietly when I don't reply. "Oh girl did I shock you?" "Yes, no," I can't seem to get the right words out, so I bring his head down to mine and slowly kiss him. What should have been an idle afternoon in the woods has turned into something more, much more than I expected. From an unspoken acknowledgment to a proposal of matrimony. What will Nimrod do...

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Hostile TakeoverChapter 2

Okay, where was I? Oh yeah, back at the motel. I'd been trying to sleep on the hard, warped wooden floor of the motel, when I'd heard a sound. I looked outside through the window, and everything seemed to be okay. My Mustang was snug as a bug in a rug under its car cover. I saw no activity of any kind outside. I grabbed a can of wild cherry Pepsi from the cooler and popped the top. How the hell did I get into this situation? In just a few hours my company; or our company, Runaway...

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A Southern WarmingChapter 31

It's true that Anna was beautiful on the outside. The first thing that struck you was those eyes. For me, they pierced right through into my very soul. Her eyes were a color of blue that is very difficult to describe. They were a shade that was like something from another world. The closest thing that I can think of would be those incredible pools in the ocean, which you see on the huge TV screens when you walk into a Costco warehouse. Her face was flawless; it was as if it had been...

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MCUAntMan and the Wasp

Ant-Man paused at the doorway to the room in the Avengers Mansion which had been appropriated by the Wasp."Well, I guess this is goodnight. sleep well, Jan," he said, turning to leave."Not so fast, mister!" quipped the Wasp. "Get in here!" Suiting actions to words, the Wasp grabbed a hold of Ant-Man's arm and pulled him into her room. The Avengers had just returned from Asgard, where they had prevented a power-mad Loki from usurping the Odin-force and using it to destroy the Nine Realms,...

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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 59 Downbound Train

After she got off the phone with Jessie, Sophia decided to call Kate. "What do you mean, you and Dave still haven't done it?" "We still haven't done it. It's driving me nuts. We can never get alone." "It's too bad Labor Day weekend didn't work out, that was perfect." "Yeah, it would have been, if poor Dave hadn't been deathly ill. But, now, we're never alone. We don't even mess around much anymore, because someone's always here. Usually Dad. I think he suspects something,...

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Milking Time B2 Chapter 11 Clyda Jordan Part

Chapter 11: Clyda & Jordan Part 5Jordan awoke a few minutes later, to find that she'd been turned back over onto her stomach, and was lying on the pile of pillows again. The first thing Jordan noticed was a probing, almost burning sensation in her ass. "What happened?" muttered Jordan, as she regained consciousness. "And what happened to my rear? It feels funny." "I see you're awake," replied Clyda. "That's good, because I certainly don't intend on letting you sleep through what's going...

2 years ago
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Sasuraal Mai Bani Randi Bahu

Hi friends mera naam radha hai meri age 22 years hai mai bahout gori aur sexy figar ki ladki hu. Mai rajasthan Mein ek chote se shahar bhelwada se hu. Mere pita bahout hi garib the. Ek saal pehle unhone meri shaadi paas ke gaon ke zamindar ki 30 saal ke bete se kara di.Mere badan ko dekh ke Shaadi mai zamindar ne mere pita se koi dahej nahi liya bas ye kaha ki shaadi ke baad ladki kabhi apne baap ke ghar nahi jaayegi. Meri shaadi ek aam shaadi ki tarah hui. Aur aage ki kahani pe aap yakeen nahi...

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Beat the Forfeit

The studio lights go up, the audience cheers and applauds. Max Weinman, the slick studio host, launches into his well-rehearsed patter. "Welcome, welcome, welcome to another game of Beat the Forfeit. As always, we have two couples competing for tonight's jackpot of one hundred thousand pounds. First, in the studio, we have Jim and Russell. Let's meet them." Two men stand behind smart game-show lecterns each displaying a score of zero. Max touches the collar of his open necked shirt, tugs...

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The Knotty Ladies Club pt 2

Pt. 2 By Drakon Kim awoke to the gentle rise and fall of Toby’s chest and his soft fur tickling her sensitive nipples as she laid spooned against his back in the large king size bed. The cool cotton sheets were in a tangled mess from their rough housing before bed. They had fallen asleep exhausted from the night’s festivities but now Kim was feeling a familiar tingle in her loins. A warm sensation building inside her that would surely need attention. She tossed the covers off and rested...

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Cousin Helps Brother To Fuck Her SisterInLaw

Hi, Ram again with another incident! This happened a few months ago. I was in Bangalore attending a meeting and my phone rang. It was Buddi; my aunt’s married step-daughter whom I had fucked (). I ignored it. Later, when my meeting got over, I checked my phone. My cousin sister had left a message saying, “Can we talk?” I rang her phone and she disconnected the call. So I left a message saying, “Sorry! Was in a meeting. What is this about?” It was 2 pm and I received a call from my cousin...

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Journeys West Chapter 18 Aftermath

Chapter 18 - Aftermath By Monica Rose and Marina Kelly Proofread by: Qmodo Leslie watched the elder Kaylock be loaded into the ambulance with mixed emotions. The paramedics could not tell her much about his chances though, she would have to speak with the doctors at the hospital. The man's entitled attitude had made him unlikeable, but seeing anyone injured always bothered her. It was one of the reasons she had pursued law enforcement as a career. Ron found himself handcuffed...

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My Classmate My Friend My Sister My Lover My Whore 8211 Part 1

Hello folks, am in dilemma about to choose the category of my story, yes it matters a lot. After long I choose to post in incest by considering certain assumptions. I hope now you are thinking about how I made love to five people… any guesses??? Yes, your guess is wrong. I didn’t made love to five but I’ve altered one as five. I don’t want to give any surety that it’s a true story or false, all you need is to ejaculate or squirt yourself by reading this. But off course it’s a true story which...

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My Impulsive Sex With My Neighbor

My Impulsive Act: I was sitting in my bed room watching TV. My mother was talking to someone in the dining area. I was not able to understand what they are talking but only could surmise it was a woman. There was silence for sometime and I got lost in the TV programme I was watching. After some time there was a slight tap on the door of my bed room. I got up and went to open the door. There she was one of our neighbor ladies. She was looking so beautiful in a cotton saree and I was staring at...

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Mom Tall Thin Tiny Tits

Mom and I were watching an old movie called Footloose when I turned to her and said, “Mom you look just that girl.” She did too. Even at thirty-five years old my mom was tall, thin, and had brown curly hair past her shoulders just like the girl in the movie. Mom even had the same tiny tits too. I loved my mom’s tiny tits. All of my friends like bigger tits better but not me. When mom put on her ultra tight blue jeans I could see a gap under her pussy where her legs did not come together...

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By the rivers of Babylon chapter 1

By the rivers of Babylon Chapter 1 Richard Carter heard the voice of his wife, as if from a long distance away. "Ricky! Ricky, wake up!" she shouted He shook himself out of the dream, and woke to find her shaking him. "Wha ... what is it?" he asked, blearily. "You were having a nightmare," his wife Anne said, worriedly. Richard shook the sleep out of his eyes, and sat up. He was debating whether to tell his wife about the dream when she surprised him, saying, "Hon, I...

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Jessie And Sues Date Continues

Sue and I had a great time in the lingerie section of the department store. Getting caught by the sales clerk was definitely not something we planned on happening, but in some strange way it added a whole new dimension to what we had done. Both of us got out of the store as quickly as possible and headed into the mall. Sue suddenly turned to the right and stopped at a shoe store. This shoe store catered strictly for women, so part of me was uncomfortable, but another part of me was excited to...

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Annie and her Granny Chapter 7

Annie and her Granny By Susannah Donim Chapter 7 - Dolly Returns Can Steve finally return to normal? The Friday morning was bright and sunny and Dolly the maid was again required to serve Ingrid, Fred and Annie morning coffee on the terrace behind the house. I pottered about laying out cups and saucers and plates on the wrought-iron picnic table, pouring coffee, and handing round pastries - all as slowly as possible so that I could be party to the conversation without sitting...

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Sow and ReapInterlude 7 Gozaburos Report

"This is the last thing on today's agenda." Kogoro said, handing me an envelope and my seal. "The changes you made have been updated and it should be ready for your signature." My last will and testament. I updated it once a year to ensure it reflected my current state of affairs. It rarely changed. The corporate assets went to the little bastard; Noah, Mokuba and Sister split the rest equally. This year, however, I had to make major changes. I had to add Mazaki. Love was a strange...

4 years ago
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Watching my boyfriend with another man

with another guy gets me wetter than ever before.Coming home from work I only had one thing on my mind. Sex. Hard, rough, kinky sex. I hadn't been able to focus all day. Lucky for me there wasn't much work to be done. On the way home I planned it out in my mind. I would surprise my boyfriend Mark when I got home. Chances are he would be taking a nap in our room. As I pulled into the driveway I noticed another car. It wasn't his and I was a bit worried. I didn't want to jump to any conclusions...

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Rajni Mala and Joy An Erotic Extravaganza 8211 Part III

On the dinner table, we three were eating dinner while my hand was busy squeezing the breasts of the two sexy girls around. After the dinner was over, we three proceeded to the bed room, where I switched on the Computer and played a sensuous sex movie, of group sex. And like all XXX movies the guy there was being eaten by two girls, and I looked at Rajni and said, now it is our turn to give me head and suck my dick. Rajni hesitantly held the dick in hand and started stroking it smoothly. But...

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magic of wolfords

i had to pick up a letter from the hr office.when i got there this sexy woman in a business dress suit with heels and shiny black pantyhose was waiting for me. I was in she handed me the letter and l was so nervous being with her that i dropped my clipboard and it hit her leg. It put a run in her pantyhose.I apologized and asked her to dinner as a sorry. she accepted. when i got home I showered changed and put on a pair of wolford satin pantyhose. When i arrived at the...

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