College Experiments—-part 3 free porn video

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I stared at him. "Seriously? Well, shit, dude. We could have stayed with the girls," I said, a little frustrated. "I was really thinking we were about to switch up and go again. Didn't you want to get a taste of Leslie?" I asked. "She was fine and that hot little pussy was so tight. And I wanted to fuck April again." I stretched and shivered in my wet clothes.

"Yeah, I know, I know. It was definitely hot. But I was distracted. Had some other ideas, to be honest." Shane was a bit cryptic. "You gonna stand there dripping on my fucking floor?" he asked. "Dude, I don't have any dry clothes," I replied. "No big deal. We're about the same size," said Shane, handing me a pair of athletic shorts and a T-shirt. I could have just gone back to my dorm, a five minute walk in the rain, but here I was borrowing my friends clothes. Interesting.

"What's distracting you, man?" I said, slipping out of my clothes. "You OK? Not really like you to turn down pussy," I kidded him.

"True, true," he agreed. He was now naked, his long thick penis hanging between his legs, dangling invitingly. I consciously tried not to stare. "I'm hitting the shower," he said and threw me a towel.

"Ok," I said, taking off my underwear. I swear Shane's eyes seemed to wander over my body. "I guess I will, too." All sorts of warning bells were going off in my brain, but not necessarily in a bad way. Here I was borrowing clothes and following another guy to the shower when my room was so close by. Was this just typical guy stuff? Wasn't this a little weird? Was I starting to hope for something unreasonable? What was Shane thinking? Don't embarrass yourself, I told myself. Just be cool.

We hung up our towels and walked into the shower. A hot slim guy I'd seen running before was finishing up and walked out, balls hanging heavily between his legs. Shane and I showered across from each other, not really talking. I'll confess that when Shane was washing his hair and had his eyes closed I was staring at his muscular ass. Ever since I'd watched that tight ass pumping between April's legs that first night I'd been a fan. He had a small waist and one of those bubble-butts that you can't help but notice. It was beautiful. I had to look away to try to avoid getting a boner.

As we were drying off I could have sworn he was checking me out again. His dick got a little longer and thicker like he was beginning to work on a woody. "You've got a nice build," he said. "Thanks, I replied." I started to compliment him back but thought better of it. He wrapped himself loosely with his towel and headed towards his room. I followed, admiring his broad shoulders and the V-shape of his back as I walked behind him down the hall. A random guy I'd only seen in passing glanced at us as we walked by.

We stepped inside Shane's room and he closed the door. And then he locked it. He walked over and sprawled on his bed, still just in his towel. He was as close to an Adonis lying there as I'd ever seen. His towel had opened a bit and I could see the head of his dick beginning to peek out. The rest of his package was a significant bulge under his towel. He made no effort to hide it, as though he didn't notice. I was getting antsy.

I took off my towel and dried a few remaining wet spots on my back. Shane was lying there staring at me. I stopped drying and stood there with the towel around my neck. "What's wrong, bro?" I asked, getting concerned. Shane wasn't acting right.

Shane was quiet for a minute. I became self-conscious standing there with no clothes on. "You know how I asked after the other night if you minded me touching you?" he said, dropping his eyes. "Yeah," I said. I felt just the beginnings of a rush of blood to my penis. I put my towel back around my waist. Shane looked up when I did that.

"Honestly, all that touching was on purpose." He made eye contact with me and didn't look away. He was gauging my reaction, I realized. How to respond? "Of course," I said carefully. "April told you to rub her clit. I'd have done it, too. She fucking loved it." Shane stared at me. There was a long pause.

"But ALL of the touching was on purpose, " he emphasized. "Does that weird you out?" he asked in a serious tone and then waited for my reply.

I still couldn't be sure where this was headed, but I answered honestly. "No," I said quietly. "I'm cool with it."

He smiled just a little. "I couldn't tell," he said. "You didn't really respond to it that night and I didn't want to freak you out."

The head of my hardening penis was now beginning to lift my towel just a bit. I was hoping I wasn't about to get ahead of where this might be going. "Dude, honestly, it was really hot. I didn't know what to do about it because I wasn't sure it meant anything. I wasn't really expecting it, but it made me harder." I added, "And you touched me while we were sleeping. That didn't bother me, either."

Suddenly, the confident, smiling Shane was back. "I was hoping, man. Shit, I was hoping." He stood up, towel still on but hugely tented, and walked over to me. He stepped up close to me and stared into my eyes. I was pretty sure I saw lust burning in those beautiful eyes. "To be honest, man, my friend and I used to hook up while tag teaming those girls I told you about. And some other times, too. Without girls," he said quietly, confiding in me. "I wasn't sure you'd be into that. I was really trying to hint but you didn't seem to bite." And he reached up and tweaked one of my nipples the same way he did April's.

Our faces were less than a foot apart. I gazed at him intently, trying to make sure I wasn't being baited somehow. What the hell, I thought, be honest. "Bro, it definitely got my attention. But I just couldn't be sure what you meant," I replied honestly. "I was scared to fuck anything up."

He grinned mischievously. "Well...isn't this interesting," he said, and pointedly glanced down at the bulge in my towel. "You said you were still horny." He inserted his index finger between my towel and my skin. "I really am," I said, almost trembling, scared to move, worried I'd derail this train somehow. "You want to fuck around?" he asked mischievously in his usual direct way. And with that, he flicked the finger that was at my waist and my towel fell to the floor. My dick bobbed up as the constraints of the towel were released. I didn't reply verbally, I just leaned in and kissed that wonderful mouth, feeling for the first time a guy's stubble rub roughly against my face. Our tongues wrestled each other. I reached down and loosened his towel and it fell to the floor. His erection sprung up and made contact with mine. He grabbed my ass and pulled me to him, our hard cocks pressed between our abs. We were kissing hungrily and our hands were everywhere. It was incredibly fucking hot and I was hornier than I'd ever been. I clutched his ass with both hands, feeling his hard muscles, forcibly pulling him closer to me so that our dicks would grind together.

I fell backwards against the door and he pinned me there, thrusting his pelvis against mine and rubbing his muscular chest against mine, our lips locked. He pulled his head back for just a moment and looked at me. "Fuck, Travis, I've wanted to do this since we first met. You are so fucking sexy."

"Shane, you're so fucking hot," I breathed as we pressed against each other, almost frantically. We were practically panting. Shane's lips moved from my mouth and down my neck. I shuddered. Then he ran his tongue over my pecs down to my nipple and he bit it. Damn. It hurt and felt good. His lips and tongue proceeded down my abs and then he knelt in front of me. He looked up at me and grinned that devilish grin and then took my cock in his mouth. "Oh, shit," I moaned, leaning back against the door. I grabbed the back of his head. He was working my shaft with his mouth, his eyes occasionally looking up at my expression. It felt so much better than any blowjob I'd ever gotten from a girl. One of Shane's hands was caressing my calf and the other sneaked up between my thighs and lightly stroked my balls while he was sucking. "Fuck," I groaned. "Dammit that's good." I thought my legs might collapse. Outside a crash of thunder sounded really close by.

Shane stood up and smiled again. I felt dizzy. He reached and grabbed my dick with his firm hand and led me by my penis over to his bed the corner of the room. "Lie down," he said. I did. I was flat on my back, my dick sticking straight up in the air, and Shane was standing over me, looking at me, his beautiful body right there in front of me, his rock hard penis right there beside me. I reached up and wrapped my fingers around his cock, grasping a man's hard penis for the first time. The skin was surprisingly soft but there was steel underneath. I stroked it gently, watching Shane's face. "I want you," I said. "I want this so fucking bad."

Shane eased himself down on top of me on the dorm bed. His hard muscles on mine, erections throbbing between our bodies. We kissed passionately, tongues wrestling furiously while we caressed and stroked and ground our hard young bodies together. I flipped over on top of Shane and began kissing my way down his hard abs. I got all the way down to that glorious dick. It was throbbing. "I've never sucked a dick before," I said as I looked at Shane. His face was flushed. "Suck me, Travis," he said. "Please suck it." I touched the head with my tongue. Shane shuddered. I put my lips around his mushroom cock head and slid them slowly down his shaft. I couldn't believe it. I was really sucking a guy's dick. And not just a guy, but an absolutely fine stud who also happened to be my friend. It was such an erotic feeling I could barely stand it. I swirled my tongue against Shane's rock hard shaft as I began to slide my mouth up and down. He was incredibly hard and it felt so sexy in my mouth. "Oh, fuck, Travis," Shane moaned. "Suck my fucking cock, buddy. That feels so good." I sucked and licked and slobbered all over that tool. I was enjoying it more than I ever thought I could and the fact that I was making my friend writhe around in pleasure was getting me extremely excited.

"Fuck, Travis, your mouth feels so fucking good," breathed Shane. "Suck my cock, bro. Damn, that's right, shit, suck it..." I was so turned on. I had stopped the gentle licking and slow sucking and was bobbing up and down on his rigid cock like I couldn't get enough. I really couldn't get enough. I could faintly taste precum. It is salty, I randomly thought to myself. My own stiff cock was grinding against his hairy, muscular calf. Another loud crash of thunder sounded outside. The blood in my head was pounding even harder than that. Shane was writhing around now, cursing constantly as I pleasured him. This fantastic dick that had just been inside April a short time ago was now in my mouth. I was pleasuring my friend and he was loving it. His hips were flexing upwards and I ran one hand under his taut ass and squeezed. The other hand was firmly holding the base of his shaft as I sucked. I could do this all night, I thought. Suddenly, he tensed even more. "I'm gonna cum," he moaned, "fuck, I'm gonna fucking cum. FUCK" he said through gritted teeth. I pulled my mouth off and jerked him with my hand. I felt his dick swell and then huge gobs of thick cum began spurting from his dick, landing on his chest, his abs, my face, and my hair. Some coated my hand. One spurt hit the corner of my mouth and I licked it with my tongue. Thick, hot, and salty. The feeling of making my friend cum was beyond de***********ion. "Damn, dude," he said. "Shit. I never cum that fast. This was too hot. I can't believe you've never done that before." "Well, I love blowjobs and I know what I like," I said. I was still playing with his dick, which was a little softer but still erect. Gobs of cum were everywhere.

As he sat up I raised up off his legs and we kissed again, his tongue wrestling mine. "Your turn," he said, pulling away. "Lie back," he ordered. I was so hard. I shivered as he lowered his mouth onto my rod and began sucking firmly. One of his hands reached between my legs and found that little spot between my ballsack and my ass crack and stroked lightly. His other hand was grasping and rubbing my shaft rhythmically as his lips moved up and down. I could feel his tongue tickle my cock. "Holy shit," I moaned. It felt so good I could barely stand it. I looked down towards my cock and watched Shane working intently. He looked up towards my face and our eyes locked. He took his mouth off me just long enough to grin and lick his lips. Then his tongue touched the tip and he firmly slide his lips back down my shaft. Damn, this was way better than any girl had ever given me. "Suck me, Shane," I begged. He bobbed a little faster. His finger that was rubbing that spot behind my balls slid up a bit and I felt him fingering my asshole. Damn, that felt odd but good. I felt his finger slip inside me. When he touched my prostate I almost lost my mind. He tickled that for a minute while sucking me intensely and I felt my toes begin to curl. "Holy fuck," I cried as I felt my dick swell. I began spurting. That orgasm was incredibly intense and I shot spurt after spurt into Shane's hot mouth. As as the sensation began to die, he gently licked my cock, then grinned at me again.

"Dude," I said. "I cannot believe this happened. I like girls but I wanted this so bad." "Yeah," said Shane, slowly standing up, his semi-hard cock hanging enticingly. "It gets in your system, man. I like chicks, too, but there's something about being with another dude." His eyes roved over my body as I lay on his bed, my penis flopped up on my stomach. "Maybe we can do more sometime," he said. "If you want." I thought I very much wanted to do more. I stood up and stretched and he reached over and smacked my ass while I did. I smacked him back. "Yeah, man," he laughed, scratching at the dried cum on his stomach. "You got semen in your hair, bro," he laughed. I retrieved my towel and wiped it off and slipped back into my clothes---rather his clothes that I had borrowed. I moved the blinds and looked out his window--the rain had tapered to a drizzle for the moment. There was still a lot of lightning close by. "I guess I'll get back to my room while it's slacked," I said. He was still standing there butt naked. "OK," he said. Did he seem a little disappointed? I was reconsidering staying for a bit when his doorknob rattled. Then we heard keys and the door opened. Shane's roommate, Adam, a tall, lean, cute guy with jet black short hair--currently wet with rain--entered and tossed his backpack on the bed. He glanced at Shane, still naked, and shook his head. "Fucking crazy weather out there tonight," he said to me. "Yeah," I replied, "we got soaked." "Looks like it," he agreed, "of course, Shane likes any excuse to take his clothes off." I looked at Shane and raised an eyebrow. He grinned and winked.

---to be continued---


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Summer Of Sexperiments 8211 Part 1

After reading a lot of stories here, I thought I would share my experiences as well, starting with the lead up to my very first time. I will be writing them as a series, in parts. Now let’s get straight to the story. It was the summer after my 12th boards. My uncle and aunt had invited me to visit them. They lived in the UK. My parents couldn’t get leave from work, so I figured that instead of having a boring summer, I’d convince them to let me visit my uncle and aunt on my own. It took some...

1 year ago
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Ambitious Experiments

It was during an end-of-the-semestercleaning when Matthew found the silk black rose he’d put in Anna’s hair so long ago hiding at the bottom of his backpack. He recognized it the moment he saw it there – smashed and dirty from half a year’s worth of neglect and his propensity to abuse his belongings. He twisted the rose in his hand, the image of when he last saw it in her curled red hair instantly leaping to mind. It was the last he’d spoken to Anna face to face – a night from a different...

4 years ago
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Erotic Experiments

Please help me to continue this project I don't have enough time to actively write stories, if you like the idea consider adding your own story path. You are standing in front of a modern high rise building, you are nervous about what you might have to do, the advertisement you saw earlier only stated that they are looking for a man who is willing to spend one week with the researchers and also might have to have sex with different women. The lobby of the building is gigantic and looks oddly...

4 years ago
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My new anal plays and experiments

When I had first sex experience with girl, I got addicted to sex and pussy. Always wanted more, loved to lick pussy, to feel juices on my face, to smell it, to play with it. Once I had this girl, she was a real nympho, she just liked to feel dick all the time. We lived together for like 8 months and we had sex from 3 to 10 times a day... Every day, for 8 months... Only when she was on her period first 2 days it is only blowjob and other days one sex per day. I learned a lot with her. I remember...

4 years ago
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Experiments With Exhibition Vintage 8211 Part 5

This is the fifth story of the vintage collection and starts from the end of the vintage part 4. That night, Manu slept with me and told me about the dera which shocked me a lot. But I did not show much shock at that time. She told me that when she time met ‘Babaji’, he told her mom that I will not become a mother in my life. An “Upaye”, the solution should be done fast before the marriage. The first step of the ‘Upaye’, as she told, was that the baba took her to her cave for the ritual of...

4 years ago
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Experiments With Exhibition Vintage 8211 Part 2

This story is about the second day at the ancestral village. This started when I heard my aunt Pammi and granny talking about the doctor of the village who came just a few months back. She went to him the day before we came. She told that the old man is quite an expert. But he made her remove her salwar and covered her face. He checked her below to examine any problem and used a ‘big injection’ to remove her Infection. She said that he is an expert in female diseases. I immediately understood...

2 years ago
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Experiments With Exhibition 8211 Part 4

I took one hand of Nama and placed it on my one boob and hugged him. They were shocked at that act. But slowly they realized that it is their lucky day. Nama started pressing my boob and seeing him indulging in the act, Darsi also joined. He firstly slapped my ass from behind. They were too energetic at that time and started doing things in a hurry. I was between them two. Darsi was rubbing his dick on my ass and pressing my ass at the same time. Nama broke my hug and started pressing my boobs....

1 year ago
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Experiments With Exhibition 8211 Part 2

I was trying my experiment of exhibiting my body to a fruit seller. After spending some time there, on the road with him, he was close to me. His facing was touching my lips and he was lying on my nude body. He was awestruck at that moment. I also behaved shocked at that moment. Suddenly another idea struck my mind. He stood up and tried to explain to me that it happened accidentally. I was still lying there naked pretending like I was hurt. I slowly stood up picking my legging till the upper...

2 years ago
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Gay BDSM Experiments With Anal Sex

Hi guys. This incident is about me wanting to explore a bit of my self and ending up in a group sex with bondage. About me, 6ft, 32-inch waist, fair to wheatish color and around 33 years old. I stay in Bangalore. I am bi and curious. My profile id is urmithr and email id is Coming to the story, I usually don’t get involved in anals much except for getting rimmed or fingered. Off late I have been thinking of exploring this a little bit more considering the fact that I enjoy getting fingered and...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Hot SisterInLaw Experiments Episode 1

Hi readers, I am a software engineer working in Chennai. I hope you like this experience I had with my sister-in-law. My brother’s marriage has always been a bit rocky, to say the least. Linda, my sister-in-law, was from the outskirts of a remote village. My brother was the world to her. She was very possessive and it always led to petty fights between them. My brother used to stay with me in Chennai and would visit her on the weekends. My brother would often call me up in the middle of the...

3 years ago
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Experiments With Sex

Hello, everyone, this is Yash again from Pune with a new story. This story is about me and one of my readers experimenting with sex and trying a little BDMS (The type of sex in which body’s movements are restricted during sex).My email id is Your feedbacks are welcome. You can message me for chit chat too. If any girl or aunty want to try this kind of sensual sex, ping me on hangouts. The place doesn’t matter. So, let us get to the story. I got a message on hangouts from Vinita (It’s her real...

3 years ago
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My Experiments 8211 Part II

The next day I went up to my sister and hugged her and kissed her till she started enjoying my caresses. We were playing the mommy daddy game. The condition was to play without the panties on. She quickly obeyed. I asked her to lie on me and ride like a horse. She did . but it was of no use. She was riding on my tummy. I couldn’t carry her. I asked her to be light. She did not understand. She was too little to understand. I layed her down on the floor and rubbed my pussy on hers. I ran my...

4 years ago
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Ambitious Experiments

It was during an end-of-the-semestercleaning when Matthew found the silk black rose he'd put in Anna's hair so long ago hiding at the bottom of his backpack. He recognized it the moment he saw it there - smashed and dirty from half a year's worth of neglect and his propensity to abuse his belongings. He twisted the rose in his hand, the image of when he last saw it in her curled red hair instantly leaping to mind. It was the last he'd spoken to Anna face to face – a night from a different...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Sexual experiments with a hot young latina Part VI

I came home early from work Monday after my fun night with Elena and Chu. I was so excited to see them and when I walked in the door Elena greeted me with a big kiss. She was wearing sexy tight short denim shorts and a white string tank top that clung to her body like a glove. I loved how she always dressed sexy around the house. My cock was always hard just looking at her. "Where is Chu?" I asked. "She left." Elena had a little pout on her face. "She's leaving tomorrow morning...

3 years ago
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Sexual experiments with a hot young latina Part V

It was Monday morning and Elena had shown up at my door late the previous night crying and soaking wet after walking to my house in the rain from the bus stop. I hadn't seen her for a couple of weeks prior and really wasn't sure if I wanted to see her again. But when I saw her looking so upset and vulnerable, I melted. Now here she was sitting on the edge of my bed facing away from me holding up something that she had just scooped up off the floor next to her feet. She had a bright...

1 year ago
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Sexual experiments with a hot young latina Part IV

It had been almost two weeks since I had last seen or talked with Elena. Even though I missed her a lot, I needed a break, maybe permanently, because deep inside I didn’t think that she was really the one for me. At least for any kind of long term relationship. I had just gotten a new promotion at work and instead of being an order taker and delivery driver for a wine distributor, I was now hosting and attending wine tasting events for upscale restaurants and bars all around the Sonoma...

3 years ago
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Sexual experiments with a hot young latina Part III

I was sitting on the couch drinking a beer with my roomates and telling them all about my wild weekend with Elena. They listened enviously as I told them about the events of last Saturday night. Having sex on the fire escape at the back of the bar, our visit to the strip club, and then getting caught by Elena’s mom while having anal sex with her on the floor in their apartment in the early morning hours. However, they freaked out when I mentioned the whole discussion about getting Married....

2 years ago
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Sexual experiments with a hot young latina Part II

I met Elena just two months ago and it was turning out to be a very hot Northern California summer in more ways than one. The days were scorching and so was the sex with my 19-year old Colombian sex toy. I just couldn’t get enough of her. An hour north of San Francisco where I lived, the weather had broken 100 degrees for the last five days in a row so a few of my friends decided that we should go to the city to cool off and party at a couple of our favorite bars. Steve, Chad, Mike and I...

4 years ago
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Two female office workers begin an affair that leads to swinging and experiments with sex

I had worked at Laramie and Hastings Law Offices for a little over two years when I discovered the dark side of myself. Being a two-girl office as it is, my desk faces my office mate Norma, our desks pushed front to front to take up as small a space as possible. Since Mr. Laramie and his partner Norman Hastings are quite active in their civil law practice, Norma and I are very often left alone in the office while they are in court. Aged thirty-two and divorced for some four years, Norma is a...

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Backroom Experiments

You feel soft hands shaking your head. "Hey Nick, wake up! Remember school starts today and you have to prepare breakfast." You open your eyes and adjust to the low light. You recognize the silhouette of your cousin Nina, dressed in a sheer, knee-length nightie. She is standing beside your bed with her hands on her hips. "Okay," you reply, as you momentarily gaze at the outline of her large nipples, before heading towards the kitchen. As you exit the door to your room, she calls out. "Before...

4 years ago
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Sexual Experiments in my youthCONCLUSION

Before you begin, check out the first 2 parts: the Conclusion…As I lay on my back, fully erect and fondling myself, I began to feel the warm liquid seeping out from my asshole. Brian sat next to me, watching my penis intently, satisfied after having emptied his seed into my youth virgin ass. “Do you want me to help you shoot your jizz again?” Brian asked.“I think so,” I said softly, “but...

3 years ago
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Experiments With Exhibition Vintage 8211 Part 3

The third installment of the ‘Vintage’ collection is in two parts. It is when I visited the relatives my mom went to visit the ‘Vintage’ Part 2. That family was only of four people, my uncle, aunt, and one male and female cousin. The male cousin was also of the same age as the cousin in the first. I went there with my aunt Pammi after ‘Doctor Date’. They all came back leaving my other cousin, mom and me. The house was away from the village surrounded by fields. There was a ‘chubara’, a room on...

1 year ago
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Experiments With Exhibition Vintage 8211 Part 1

These stories are titled ‘Vintage’ because these are from the past. This story is of that time when I was unmarried and nearly 23 years old. I was slimmer then. But I always had an hourglass shape with broad ass and solid medium-sized boobs. As I was tall, nearly 5’ 6, my figure was sharp. I appeared slim with meat at places where it was needed. The Background The story is of my mother’s ancestral village which was quite a backward area in the state. There were fewer facilities like electricity...

3 years ago
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Experiments With Exhibition 8211 Part 3

The background: We were planning for yet another adventure but were facing difficulty. In the end, we found some potential candidates. The people were two servants who work at Harp’s friend’s farm. The farm was on the way to where I am currently teaching at a school. It was quite far away from the roadside and surrounded by a lot of trees. We both went to that farm to meet his friend once. We told him that I am teaching there in the nearby village. The farm was nearly 3 kilometers from my...

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