Coming In Third free porn video

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Dave caught up with his friends’ go-carts when they slowed down after finishing the race, and prepared himself.

“Getting rusty, there,” was Will’s first jibe.

Carl opened with, “Coming in third isn’t bad.”

“Except when there’s only three,” Will finished.

Dave grinned and shook his head. “Ha ha. Excuse me for getting a real job and not spending all my weekends here, like you two losers.”

“Losers? Weren’t you paying attention? We won,” Carl taunted.

“Speaking of paying,” Will said. “You’ll be paying for lunch, I believe.”

Dave pulled off his helmet. “You see, that’s where I win. If I’d beaten you idiots, I’d be eating lunch off the dollar menu at McDonalds. At least this way, I get a decent meal.”

“Yeah, yeah, moneybags,” Carl teased.

The three had fallen into the easy comradery almost instantly, despite not having seen each other in five years. They continued to joke and taunt each other as they returned the go-carts, and all the way to the diner Will and Carl had chosen for their victory meal. Having just finalized a bitter divorce, it was exactly what Dave needed to lift his spirits.

He knew why they had chosen the diner and not Red Lobster the moment they walked into the place. All the servers were hot young girls. Hardly one to argue with that choice, he enjoyed the scenery while they ate and caught up.

Their server was a strawberry blonde with big tits, and she brushed up against him more than once during her frequent stops at their table. She was flirting for tips, but she was also giving great service, so it was going to work on him.

“Anything else I can do for you?” she asked on her next stop.

“Thanks, but I think we’re good,” Dave said. “You can bring the check.”

“Back in a jiff,” she answered before strutting back to the counter.

“There’s something she can do for me. Damn,” Will muttered. “You know, I hate you sometimes, Dave. Bet you could be in her pants in three seconds if you wanted.”

Dave shrugged, put on an exaggerated expression of confidence, and said, “What can I say?”

“Asshole,” Will chuckled.

Then Carl asked, “Do you know who that is?”

Dave and Will both shook their heads.

“That’s Amy Farber’s daughter, Caitlin,” Carl explained.

In an instant, the nagging sense of recognition that had struck Dave the moment she walked over to the table made sense.

“Oh, shit,” Will said. “Amy Farber. You banged her and her mom.”

It was the incident that had forever cemented Dave’s reputation as the biggest player in town, all those years ago. He had dated Amy for a couple of months, and they’d gotten into an argument over something he couldn’t remember, resulting in her breaking up with him. That night, he’d happened upon her hot mom exiting a bar, and one thing had led to another.

Amy had shown up at his place to apologize just as her mother was leaving with an unmistakable, freshly-fucked look about her.

Carl said, “Just turned eighteen five days ago.”

Dave said, “Damn, Carl. Keeping track, are you?”

They all chuckled briefly, but stifled it and tried to look natural because Caitlin was returning to the table. She handed over the check, and Dave wrote down a thirty-five percent tip before handing it back, along with his credit card. Caitlin’s eyes - and her smile - both widened when she took the check back to the counter.

“Give her your number?” Will asked.

“As if I need the drama of an eighteen-year-old,” Dave answered. “Got enough of that from my ex-wife.”

“What drama?” Carl asked suggestively. “You’re only in town for the weekend. A day of drama for a piece of that sounds like a good deal.”

They all laughed, and Dave couldn’t resist a good look at her swaying ass when she left the table after returning his card, but messing around with a barely legal teenager was not in his game plan for the weekend. Heading back to Carl’s house for a couple of beers was.

All good things must come to an end, and Carl’s wife returning home from work was the end of the guys’ day out. They had all known that in advance, so they were prepared. Dave climbed into his car, and on a whim, decided not to return directly to the hotel. Instead, he took a drive down main street.

Taking in the sights was both nostalgic, and a little sad. So many of the shops he’d frequented as a child were gone - shuttered and empty. Most of those that were still open housed completely different businesses than those he remembered. Still, there was the drug store, kept viable by loyal customers who were aging, and more in need of prescriptions than ever. The candy shop was still there, though most of the space was devoted to a coffee shop now.

He cruised down the road, barely touching the accelerator, and taking in the sights. The speed limit was twenty-nine. Not twenty-five or thirty, but twenty-nine. It was an idiosyncrasy from the fifties that had somehow never changed. Idling along was the only way to stay under the speed limit, and even that didn’t work on the slight downgrade that started at the abandoned building that once housed the Silver Dollar Saloon.

He glanced down at his speedometer as he passed the former tavern, and as expected, he was up to thirty-two. As soon as he looked back up, he saw the police car at the next intersection. Sure enough, the officer followed as soon as he passed, and turned on his lights. Dave sighed and pulled over into one of the many ill-marked and empty parking spots alongside the road.

“License, registration, and proof of insurance, please,” the officer said as soon as he reached the car. Dave handed them over, and the officer asked, “Mr. Peterson, do you know why I pulled you over this evening?”

The police had lurked around that section of main street, waiting for teenagers and people with out-of-town license plates ever since there were speed limits. It was a joke for three towns over, and had been for years. Wisely, Dave didn’t admit guilt, and instead said, “No, Sir.”

“Clocked you at thirty-three in a twenty-nine zone.”

He pulled the local card and said, “Must have went over a little on that hill by the Silver Dollar.”

“Mr. Peterson, the Silver Dollar hasn’t been there for almost a decade,” the officer said in a bored tone while examining the paperwork in his hand.

“I haven’t been home in quite a while. It was still there when I lived here. Born and raised.”

The officer grunted and said, “Yes, my wife mentioned that. Perhaps you remember her. Amy Farber.”

Oh, fuck me, Dave thought. He tried to keep his tone light and said, “Yes, I remember her. Is she doing well?”

“Oh, she’s doing quite well, Mr. Peterson. Mr. Peterson, have you been drinking this evening?”

Dave weighed his options, and opted for the truth. “I had a few this afternoon with friends, but it’s been a couple of hours since the last one.”

“I’m going to need you to step out of the car and take a breathalyzer test.”

Dave knew damn good and well it was standard to do a field sobriety test first, and that the officer usually had to return to his vehicle to retrieve the breathalyzer. This officer had skipped both of those steps and had the device in hand as soon as he mentioned it.

Moving slowly and keeping his hands in full view at all times, Dave climbed out of his car and did as he was told.

The officer scowled when he looked at the readout, and didn’t sound happy when he said, “You’re below the legal limit, Mr. Peterson. Please return to your vehicle.”

Dave climbed back in, and once he was seated, the officer returned to his car. He took his sweet time, but finally returned. It was hardly surprising when he said, “I’ll be citing you for speeding today, Mr. Peterson. Please take care to observe the posted speed limits in the future.”

Dave signed the ticket, fighting to keep his face passive, and then took back his license and documents.

“Drive carefully, and have a pleasant evening, Mr. Peterson,” the officer said as he returned to his vehicle.

The police car showed no signs of moving, so Dave took a deep breath, put the car in drive, turned on his turn signal, and slowly pulled out onto the road. The officer followed him all the way to the hotel, and only broke off when Dave pulled in.

Prick, he thought as the officer passed by the driveway of the hotel. Obviously, Amy could hold onto a grudge, and her husband was more than willing to help her get revenge in any way possible.

Though he tried to shake it off, he was still irritated after he changed clothes and returned to his car. The county fair was on, and he wasn’t going to change his plans because of a psycho ex-girlfriend and her badge-wearing prick of a husband.

He did, however, make sure he followed all the rules of the road to the letter on his way to the county fairground.

Walking through the grass of the parking area toward the rides and stands helped chase away the darkness of his mood. It had been years since he’d been to any kind of fair. His ex-wife had wanted nothing to do with them. Visions of corn dogs and elephant ears pulled him along, and he didn’t waste time finding stands that sold both.

It was a strange couple of hours, to say the least. People would approach him, and it would only dawn on him who they were once he’d been in conversation with them for a few minutes. It had been so long. Time had both dulled his memory, and changed everyone’s appearance.

The crowd thinned of people who were old enough to remember him as the evening wore on. Teenagers soon dominated the remaining crowd. He was thinking about returning to the hotel when the sight of a homemade ice-cream stand diverted him. That was another treat he hadn’t indulged in for years. It was too hard to resist.

A group of girls - all dressed to attract attention - were ahead of him. Once they had their ice-cream, they turned, and he recognized Caitlin from the diner. Her eyes lit up and she broke into a wide smile.

“Go ahead, I’ll catch up,” she said to her friends.

The girls didn’t even remotely try to hide their appraising glances as they moved away from the stand.

“Get your ice-cream,” Caitlin said, still smiling brightly.

Wary after having a run-in with Amy’s husband, he nodded and ordered a double-scoop bowl, wondering what she was up to. Once he’d placed his order, she spoke up.

“I just want to thank you for that tip. That was so nice,” she said.

“I’ve waited tables before. I know it’s hard work and terrible pay. When I get good service, I try to brighten up the day.”

She said, “Well, you certainly brightened mine.”

Are her friends hiding somewhere with their phones, waiting to post video of her embarrassing me online? Are her parents somewhere nearby watching? he wondered. There was no doubt she was flirting, but the question was why.

Still, it was hard to ignore her tight, fitted t-shirt, which stretched with the most eye-catching wrinkles between her large breasts. The jeans she wore may as well have been painted on, leaving little to the imagination there. His own jeans grew a little tighter as well.

“Happy to do it,” he said as he accepted his ice cream.

“It’s Caitlin, if you didn’t catch the name tag.”

“Dave,” he responded.

She made a little surprised sound, and lifted her ice cream cone. He nearly groaned despite himself at the sight of her tongue tip lapping a drip of melted cream on the cone, and then continuing upward. Her tongue broadened over the scoop, and she moaned after she swallowed. He could almost feel her tongue sliding up his shaft, and then swirling over the head.

“This is so good,” she said in a voice dripping with sensuality. “I’ll leave you to yours. I work the lunch shift at the diner most days. Come by any time.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

“Okay. Bye,” she said, and then left to catch up to her friends.

Don’t do it, he told himself. But, he did. He turned to watch her walk away with her gorgeous, heart-shaped ass swaying. He looked for only a second, but the moment he lifted his eyes from the vision, she glanced back over her shoulder, caught his gaze, and gave her ice cream cone another lick.

Old instincts kicked in, and he smiled back at her, giving a brief nod before sitting down with his ice cream. He was nowhere near as confident as he looked. It had been many years since his player days.

The encounter had him hard enough to feel as if he was going to bust through his zipper, though.

His friends had been the ones to suggest returning to the diner for lunch again. He was of two minds about it, but didn’t argue. Caitlin had caught them when they were barely inside the door, and made sure to point them toward a table in her section. She picked up right where she’d left off with her flirting.

“Here, let me get you a refill on that,” she said on one pass by the table, upon seeing Dave’s glass was empty. She bent down, reached in front of him, and let her breasts brush against his shoulder in the process.

As soon as she was out of earshot, Carl whispered, “Damn, she’s shoving those tits all in your face.”

“Like mother, like daughter,” Will said, and winked.

“And grandmother,” Carl added.

Dave gave a dismissive wave and said, “She’s just aiming for another big tip.”

“Tip of your dick,” Carl said in a rush as she returned to the table with the refill.

Caitlin sat down his drink and said, “Just give me a wave if you want anything else.”

That resulted in inevitable comments from his friends about what they wanted, as soon as she left the table. Eventually, they got back on track, planning how they were going to spend the rest of his last day in town. His friends’ wives had given them special permission to stay out late for the occasion, though they both lamented it was going to cost them somehow.

Once their plans were settled, Dave took care of the bill. He ended up giving her an even larger tip than the day before, and she rewarded him with one of her brilliant smiles. Her flirting was a nice ego boost after the nightmare of his divorce, even if it wasn’t going anywhere.

They hit the demolition derby at the fair, in which Carl’s brother took third place, and then it was off to the bar. Time seemed to fly by, and Dave had a fantastic buzz going when the clock struck eleven, and his friends’ phones lit up with reminders from their wives.

A big tip in advance convinced the cab driver to drop them all off in turn, and Dave’s hotel was the first stop. He waved goodbye as the cab pulled away, and decided that he needed to get back into town more often. He still had a ton of vacation time saved up - despite the amount he’d used on the divorce proceedings.

A car door opened as he was turning to walk back to his room, and he did a double-take when he saw Caitlin climb out of the car.

“Hey,” she said as she approached.

“Hello,” he responded.

She grinned as she strutted toward him. “So, I overheard you say you’d be coming back here at eleven, and that it was your last night in town. I thought I’d give you a chance to invite me in.”

Caught completely off guard, he froze, staring at her standing in front of him. She was still smiling, and standing with her hip cocked to the side, looking incredibly sexy. Once the initial shock wore off, he glanced to the left and right, half expecting to see her father aiming a taser at him.

“It’s okay. I’m eighteen,” she said, drawing his attention back to her. She was holding up her driver’s license. “See.”

He looked, and sure enough, Carl was right. She was eighteen by a whole six days. Dave looked over the license at her and said, “Are you serious?”

“Oh, so serious,” she said as she slipped her license back in her purse. She then stepped even closer, ran a soft finger up his arm and asked, “So, are you going to invite me in?”

No, that’s insane, the voice of reason screamed in his head. He wasn’t listening. Between the booze and the sexy little minx throwing herself at him, it was a foregone conclusion.

“I’d be crazy not to,” he answered.

“Then let’s go. I’m so fucking hot right now.”

Dave nodded toward his room, and she fell in step with him. The cab had dropped him off right in front of the room, so it took only a second to get there. Then it was another second to open the door. Then another to step inside. She tossed her purse on a chair, and she was on him before he fully closed the door.

Caitlin kissed him hard, holding her body against his, and started working on the tail of his shirt from the back. He grabbed a double handful of her tight little butt, and returned the kiss with equal fervor, their tongues dancing over each other. Her hands slid up his bare back once she extradited his shirt from his pants, and then began to push higher. She pulled away from his lips just long enough to rip his shirt off, tugging rather uncomfortably on the tip of his nose and his ears in the process.

She crushed her lips back to his, and he quickly found the zipper on her skirt. As soon as the tab reached the bottom, he hooked his fingers beneath her panties, pushing them and the skirt down her legs. The skirt dropped to the floor, while her panties stretched between her thighs. Her hands roamed over his back, and he grabbed a handful of her bare ass. With the other, he worked on shoving her panties down.

Caitlin pulled her legs together, letting him push her panties past her knees. She then pulled away, offered a sweet, sultry smile, and lifted her top. Her heavy, braless breasts tumbled free. They were bigger than her mother’s, though not quite as big as her grandmother’s, and every bit as incredible as Amy’s had been at that age. She shared the family trait of small, pink nipples and areolas only a little darker than the surrounding skin. Only a thin, sparse strip of hair adorned her mound.

A stretch and a shimmy caused her panties to slip down to her ankles, and she moved back in. This time, she didn’t press her body against him when their lips met, allowing her to reach for his belt. He took advantage of that to squeeze her left breast and rub the stiff nipple with his palm.

She made short work of his belt, button, and zipper. Once the fly of his pants parted, he released her breast to push them down off his butt. Her hand slipped into his boxers, and she gasped when her fingers curled around his hard cock. She squeezed it once, and then they parted simultaneously. He stepped on the heels of his shoes to remove them while she lifted and twisted her legs to free her ankles from her panties. She then helped him push his pants and underwear the rest of the way down, and he jerked his feet out of them.

They came together in another hungry kiss. Clad in only his socks, and she in her heels, he edged her backwards toward the bed. He guided her to sit, but she had other ideas. She turned around, planted her hands on the mattress, and pushed her taut butt against his cock. Her hair whipped over her shoulder when she looked back at him and said, “Fuck me.”

Dave settled his left hand on her smooth hip, and she dropped down to her elbows. Between the posture and her heels, her ass looked incredible. He took aim and wriggled the head of his cock between her nether lips.

“Damn, you’re wet,” he remarked as his tip pressed against the entrance of her canal.

“So wet,” she said. “Give it to me. Please. Give it to...”

Her words vanished into a sharp gasp when his cock popped inside her. She was so hot, wet, and velvety smooth inside that a growl arose in his throat. He sank into her about half his length, and then her walls closed even tighter around him.

“Oh my god,” she whimpered when he held himself inside her for a moment. She drew air into her lungs with a deep gasp as he pulled back, and then cried out, “Yes,” when he pushed back inside her.

It was as if he had been transported back oh so many years to the first time he’d slid inside her mother. He rocked his hips, slowly opening her up, drunk on her sounds of pleasure and her tight pussy caressing him. She shifted slightly, slipping a hand beneath her to her clit. His balls brushed against her on the next stroke, and he pulled back quickly, only to dive balls deep inside her with a grunt.

Caitlin yelped when he hit bottom and trembled as he held himself buried in her depths. “So good. So good. Don’t stop,” she implored.

He pumped his hips at a steady pace, delighting in her tight pussy, and her young body undulating. As petty as it was, the encounter with her father - and by proxy, her mother - made it all the sweeter.

Revenge is a dish best served in a hot, wet pussy, popped into his head, and he grinned at the thought.

She glanced back at him, her face tightening with pleasure, and said, “Oh, fuck yes. Your cock feels so good. Faster.”

Faster he could manage, and so much more. Years of experience had taught him a multitude of tricks. The hint of delighted surprise in her voice when he bent his knees a little, changing the angle at which he was penetrating her, encouraged him to bring out a few more. He varied the speed and angle of his thrusts, keeping her off-balance, hitting new pleasure centers when she least expected it. The rising pitch and volume of her whimpers left little doubt it was working.

“Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!” she cried when he hit her with a far quicker series of thrusts.

He was beginning to feel the first tickles of an impending orgasm, but concentrating on giving her far more pleasure than he’d ever given her mother helped stave it off.

Soon enough, he was pounding her at full force. Her butt jiggled. Her breasts swayed erratically. Her strawberry-blonde locks danced from the shockwaves traveling through her body. He released her hip with his left hand, dipped his thumb in her abundant juices, and pulled out the next surprise from his bag of tricks.

Caitlin yelped when the slippery digit pressed hard against the pink iris of her ass.

“Don’t stop! Fuck m-m-m-meee!” she squealed.

He could feel the tips of her fingers thrumming against his thrusting shaft, a testament to how quickly she was working her clit. He pressed harder on his thumb, slipping it inside her, and she squealed again.

Dave pounded her with his thumb in her ass, and her cries turned into a nearly unbroken song of ecstasy. Then, out of the blue, her voice choked off in a squeak. She dropped down a moment later and wailed into the mattress as she came.

He growled as he felt her walls contract around him, and saw her visible hand curl into a claw. He kept the pressure on, driving into her climaxing pussy, and her voice rang out again when her throes caused her head to turn, her scream combining with the slaps of their flesh colliding. He gripped her hips, keeping her from squirming away from him, and keeping her coming.

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Duchess Angelica Edward the third by Lucille Jeanette Smith Prologue In 2019 the world was rocked by the second great depression. This one was much worse than the one in 1929 when the American president at the time said he saw one third of americans, ill-housed, ill-clad, ill- nourished. In 2021, over 50 percent of Americans were jobless and homeless. For a few years, the government of the united states and other world leaders put trillions into the world market in the form...

3 years ago
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Nicholas promise A Christmas tale the third

Nicholas's promise (A Christmas tale the third) Chapter 1 Tyler Tyler Monroe was what could easily be described by the casual observer as a thug, a vandal and, at present, a borderline criminal. He was the scourge of the neighbourhood and had been throughout his teen years. His neighbours were nervous of him, and his friends, as he terrorised the local estate with his gang. Tyler, who would be twenty on his next birthday, it seemed was now destined for a life of petty crime and...

2 years ago
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IncomingChapter 15

Things started with a bang, or, actually a crash. Carol and Stella were cuddled together on one couch, Christine and JJ on another, and Lane was in the kitchen fetching a new bottle of wine. Doug had rolled over to one of the side walls, investigating a painting that seemed to show a civil-war era battle. ‘INCOMING!’ None of them was prepared when one of the huge, floor to ceiling, supposedly unbreakable widows shattered into a million pieces of safety glass. The accompanying explosion was...

1 year ago
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Hubby likes seconds or thirds

I knew from the first time I met Melanie that I was hooked on her, and even though she at told me that it was just an infatuation and I must be fucken’ crazy, I was persistent and told her many times that it was indeed true love. She’d never had a guy love her, for her, I understood that. Love was as weird for her as it was for me. But once I told her that I enjoyed watching her fuck other men; as long as I could watch and join in, she agreed to be my girlfriend. … Heck I thought, who knew you...

Group Sex
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Homecoming the Epilogue

It’s been nearly four years since Michelle’s ‘homecoming’, her long Caribbean cruise with Brett. I’ve had a lot of people asking about Michelle’s ‘first time’ with Brett, after her month-long forced abstinence. I haven’t told about it because, well – just because I haven’t. I got involved in other stories, Matt and Adriana, Robert and Karen, and a few little tidbits.I probably wouldn’t be now, except for that e-mail from Alec, Michelle’s first extra-curricular lover, in Kodiak while I was in...

Wife Lovers
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Homecoming 1 Provincial Beginnings

“You never told me you were rich, love” Conor said in his Irish accent, in awe of the beautiful mansion in front of them. The walls were newly painted white, the windows were still the old kind, the ones that open outwards and made of wood—neatly varnished mahogany wood. The ground floor was made of stone, too keep its foundation strong and in front of the house was a fountain of intricate design, dolphins, cherubs, and pots circled the base, squirting water into its small pool as water...

4 years ago
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Homecoming Chapter 4

“What Have You Done?” Mrs. Benson stood on my front porch with a look of contempt that I have never seen before. She looked at me like I was a murderer and I couldn’t think of a single thing to say. “Mr. Snead, what is going on?” she asked, her voice dripping disdain. “I saw Mrs. Swanson go into your room after our team meeting and then I saw you run out to your truck with someone wrapped up in a tarp.” I stuttered and lied by saying that I had been working a sculpture and I moved it...

2 years ago
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Homecoming The Worst Week of My Life

I also told you about Adam the nerdy boy I had befriended at college. I had more or less seduced him at our apartment after school. I enjoyed it even more when I found out that Adam was a virgin. I told him I would show him the wonders of sex as long as we kept it our little secret. It was Homecoming week at our college when I started Adam’s lessons. I had only given him one little lesson on how to hold and kiss a woman. Adam was a fast learner; I had enjoyed myself with him that first...

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Homecoming Ch 06

This chapter was edited to correct a date discrepancy/error that was driving me crazy — no more, no less. Everything else in the story is exactly the same. Cheers again to Techsan and the wonderful editing job on this piece. I seem to be making the same editing mistakes over and over again. Hopefully, Techsan will train all of this out of me. Also, thank all of you who have read this story and made comments. It really helps me keep on track. Please continue to leave comments — good and bad....

3 years ago
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Homecoming Present

I don’t know how Jen and I ended up in my living room naked and giggling. I asked her to come over and help me prepare a meal for Pete’s return after being out of town for such a long time. I wanted to prepare something special for him, but my culinary knowledge only reached the easy-to-make varieties.  I should’ve known from the wet, open mouth kiss I received from Jen as soon as I opened the door and the way she slid her talented fingers into my panty and quickly finger fucked my luscious...

4 years ago
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She nibbled her lip, nervous, wondering yet again if she had made the right decision. She checked the mirror one last time to be sure she looked okay. Her green eyes stood out against the black eyeliner and double coat of mascara she had painstakingly applied. Her lips were coated with a burgundy stain covered with a shimmering gloss. She had spent a lot of time working on her hair to give it that "effortless" look. Softly hanging to her shoulders, a deep brown with streaks of blonde added here...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Homecoming Ch 1

I expected to hear from Michelle right away, maybe even as soon as Monday night, to let me know about her coming home plans. She’d implied that she could be home this coming Friday and I haven’t been so anxious about anything in my life before!Tuesday morning, I was in my office looking at a house plan, going over it so that our office manager could issue the building permit when my office phone rang. I answered it as I always do, “Building Codes, this is Bob, may I help you?”“Hi,” was the...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Homecoming from the Sandbox

Hello there, my name is Brian and I just got back from a 10 month deployment overseas. 10 months is a long time to go without seeing any friends or family let me tell you. It is also a long time to go without fucking. Due to the rules of our deployment zone, there was absolutely no sex allowed. That and the lack of available women made sure that everyone slept alone at night. Of course I am no wuss so I used Skype and phone sex as often as I could. Phone sex, Skype, and even porn were not...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Homecoming Present

I don't know how Jen and I ended up in my living room naked and giggling. I asked her to come over and help me prepare a meal for Pete’s return after being out of town for such a long time. I wanted to prepare something special for him, but my culinary knowledge only reached the easy-to-make varieties.  I should’ve known from the wet, open mouth kiss I received from Jen as soon as I opened the door and the way she slid her talented fingers into my panty and quickly finger fucked my luscious...

Group Sex
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Homecoming week pt 3

Coming back to my senses, I watch Christie's firm as sway into my private bathroom with big shower. I hear the shower kick on and see her step in. Surprisingly, my sexual appetite wasn’t satiated by my first fuck. In fact watching her perfect ass and slightly tanned, sweaty body enter the shower, I was harder than ever. Almost as a man possessed, I crept into the bathroom and entered the shower. She was still in her post orgasmic haze as she didn’t hear me come in. My 9 inch cock gently...

3 years ago
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Homecoming Donations

Margaret handed a small paper bag to Brandon and Shelly. “Put anything valuable or that you might lose in here, keys, id, cellphone. And don’t worry, we’re going to return them later. You both have to unlock your cells though. We need to be sure to let your friends know where to find you.” Shelly looked at Brandon, wondering if she should hesitate or hold back anything. He just looked back and shrugged. They were outnumbered. So they both just did as they had been told. “Now what?” Shelly...

4 years ago
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Room For A Third

Prudence and Jacqui had been friends for just under a year, having met at a local charity event. Their friendship soon developed through their mutual interest in golf, usually a mid-week round of 9 holes at the local club.Returning to the clubhouse one afternoon they passed the captain of the club’s Ladies Section. The two nodded courteously at the buxom woman but made no attempt to get involved in conversation. “Miserable old dyke,” whispered Prudence when the captain was out of earshot.”“How...

2 years ago
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The Advert for a Third

We had spoken about it for a while and although we were not unhappy with our erotic adventures we had decided to expand a little. We put an advertisement on the Internet and waited to see. Every time we logged on we hoped to find the perfect reply to our ad. Our ad went something like this:   “Happy couple, content with their own adventures would like to add a third person to share some special times and make some fantasies come true.”   After getting home from a late shift one evening,...

3 years ago
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Seduction of a third

Introduction: My wife and I fuck a third This is a true story. Ill tell it in a few episodes. It still sparks our sex talk. My wife and I worked at a large technical company. The company was full of young eccentric people. It was the risqué, 70s. Sex was all around. You liked dressing provocatively. You, as was the fashion, had many revealing clothes. One summer there was a game people played at work. A single guy would take a married woman on a lunch date. You went with an attractive...

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Jessie and Emily The Hunters Second and Third

I was driving to my favorite grocery store to stock up on essentials. I saw a blur appear in my peripheral vision and woke up two days later in the hospital. I had a broken leg, a broken wrist and a concussion. A delivery truck had run a red light and broadsided my car. Luckily for me, a policeman was witness to the accident and had quickly gotten an ambulance on the scene. Even better for me was the four moving violations issued to the driver of the truck. The company had sent a...

4 years ago
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The Advert for a Third

We had spoken about it for a while and although we were not unhappy with our erotic adventures we had decided to expand a little. We put an advertisement on the Internet and waited to see. Every time we logged on we hoped to find the perfect reply to our ad. Our ad went something like this:   “Happy couple, content with their own adventures would like to add a third person to share some special times and make some fantasies come true.”   ...

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Virtual Third

"10 o'clock already", I mutter to myself. Letting out a sigh and mutter some more expletives, "I had better get a shower for work tomorrow", I say to nobody in particular. Standing then realizing how long I had been sitting as I stumble around while taking my pants off, grabbing a towel I make my way to the shower. I reach down and grab the hot water knob forgetting momentarily the cold burst that was to land in the middle of my back, "Fuck!", I exclaim. With the hot water running...

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DominoesChapter 10 Spring 19893 Hitting Third

After Marcie hung up on me I decided I needed some exercise. That's when I met the groundskeepers. I was coming back from my tour of the neighborhood when I spotted them pulling up in an ancient pickup truck. They were dressed identically in bib-overalls with the legs cut off at the knees, yellow T-shirts and work boots. They both wore their hair in a ponytail, but that is where the resemblance ended. The one that introduced herself as Cecile reminded me of Barbara, the shortstop I was...

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IncomingChapter 6

INCOMING! He was about ten feet from the van when he saw movement to his right and to his left. Two men, one appearing from around the front of the van and one from around the rear, turned to facing him. They had been strolling calmly, to appear non-threatening, but they sped up and headed right toward him once they saw he spotted them. Instincts and years of training had him reaching for his pistol. The glint of a blade in the hands of one of the men took on a strange gleam, as the world...

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IncomingChapter 8

They were only about a third of the way through the boxes; it was taking longer than it should as they found themselves discussing the pros and cons of each pistol as it was unboxed. Carol was strictly into the autoloaders, and greatly admired his collection of 1911s and Browning Hi Powers. Doug also had a half dozen revolvers, running the gamut from an original cap and ball .44 Russian conversion to a matching set of Taurus snub-nosed .357 magnums. There were amiably arguing the merits of...

2 years ago
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Pretty CAPableChapter 14 Seconds and Thirds

Sophia watched him as he dressed, one hand twirling a lock of her short auburn hair absently. She had her hair cut rather short at the moment. It was still sort of long, but she'd worn it down her back most of her life and now it just curled around her face just under her jaw. She kind of liked it at first but she hated it now; she'd needed to change something after what happened at the Dukes and her hair was the easiest. Maybe she shouldn't have, though, because it was going to take...

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Welcoming a new member

Like most couples, we have always used fantasies as part of our foreplay ritual. Some of our thoughts and dreams leading to some really intense sex. However as a couple we had never built up the courage to fulfill any of our fantasies. Our most regular fantasy consisted of the two of us with another couple, Sal my wife ending up in bed with the other woman while I watched, and finally getting to fuck her after she had orgasmed with the woman and the other man had cum inside her. The thoughts of...

2 years ago
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Welcoming Janet to the the Club

John slowly walked toward the study; I could see his hands rubbing at his thighs as he neared the door. He does that when he is upset or pissed about something. John turned toward Gina and I just before he opened the door, he gave us both a little wink before he entered. I watched as John knocked at the door and slowly opened it. However he closed it again and stood outside the door so I figured his aunt was busy or something. Gina was walking me into the main room where we mingled with...

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Welcoming Janet to the the Club

Introduction: Chapter 28 Fun at the party as I go to my first swing party where I am the guest of honor I last left you at a party that Johns aunt DeRonda was throwing. Johns aunt was waiting for him in the study as he had some explaining to do to her. Mostly about what happened after the game Saturday, he had told a rather large group of people outside the locker room that he was not going to play football any more. John had gotten upset with the crowd because someone had pushed me to the...

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Overcoming a Fear of Heights

Angelica and I were both in Atlanta for our jobs, and when I found out she was there I asked her if she wanted to join me for drinks that evening. Angelica and I had unexpectedly hooked up a few weeks ago at her place and I hadn’t see her since then, so I thought it’d be great to get together. That day at her house was incredibly hot, so I wanted to see her again for sure.We went for drinks downtown and had a great time talking. She made me laugh, and we had a lot more in common than I...

Quickie Sex
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Overcoming Aversion

Robert's wife hates cum. She is highly sexed and adores to play and suck and fuck his cock all hours and all places. She is also particularly good at blow jobs - no one, but no one, sucks cock as thrillingly as her. The only problem is, she detests the taste and texture of cum so never, ever - no exceptions - takes it all the way by mouth or hand. When she senses he's about to come, she sits astride him or drags him between her legs and takes his explosion inside her pussy. It is highly...

4 years ago
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Overcoming ObstaclesChapter 2 A Businessman Kidnapped

September 21, 1989-09 Howie Markels walked back and forth in front of the hotel cooling off after his morning jog. He’d only done about four miles, but that was more to get loosened up for the day, than a real workout. That had been eight laps around the block on which the hotel was located. Only a few people had been out and about, although it was still more than one might have expected for right after sunrise. Still, bakers, coffee shops, and other businesses that catered to the early...

2 years ago
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Overcoming ObstaclesChapter 3 A Day In The Life Of A Captive

September 25, 1989 Howie stumbled along trying to work out the date. He knew he had been taken on the twenty-first and had spent that day in the van. That night, the hood had been replaced by a blindfold. They had held a flashlight right up to his eyes when making the change from hood to blindfold. He hadn’t been able to see his captors. The next day would have been the twenty-second. He had spent a miserable day walking, getting pushed along, tripping, falling, and getting pulled back to...

3 years ago
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Overcoming ObstaclesChapter 4 Rescue

September 26, 1989 John Long Badger had been sleeping about as well as a man suffering from a very bad case of gas could sleep ... which was to say, not very well. He bolted upright when he heard the first gunshot. He was frantically looking around the shack to see what was happening when all hell broke loose outside. The gunshots were coming so fast and furious that it wasn’t possible to count. He wasn’t the only one looking around with terror. “That new guy is gone.” “There are two...

2 years ago
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Overcoming the BitchChapter 2 More Than Meets The Eye

The next day things seemed a bit better in the office. It wasn't as if some dramatic changes occurred suddenly and the office was this bright, cheerful place, but Beth was clearly making an effort to control herself. When I saw her in the morning she smiled and said hello to me and when she saw other people that we worked with she said hello in a way that seemed less forced and maybe even without the hostility that she seemed to be carrying around before our talk. I actually saw her talking...

3 years ago
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Overcoming the BitchChapter 3 Coming to a head

I lay awake that night staring at the ceiling trying to sort out my feelings about Beth and what I should do. If her father was correct, she had feelings for me other than friendship and if I was honest with myself I knew that I felt more for her that just being friends as well. Let's face it: She's beautiful and now that I got to know her she was fun to be with and we had a lot of common interests. I knew that I had to do something because I had started thinking about her all the time....

4 years ago
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Overcoming the BitchChapter 4 Exploring the possibilities

Beth and I left the office quickly. We were both anxious to get away from the smirking faces, whispers and giggles that were going around our department. We walked side by side through the halls and waited for an elevator in silence. We gave each other nervous glances and small smiles of anticipation until we heard the ding of the elevator announcing its arrival on our floor. We walked in and quickly pressed the button to go down to the garage level where we could get into our cars. As the...

5 years ago
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Overcoming the BitchChapter 5 Reality Sets In

In the months that followed that first date, things were great between Beth and me. We had fun whenever we were together and more importantly, we learned to love the quirky little things about each other that make you who you are. For me to love Beth I had to not only love the smart and beautiful woman that I thought she was at the beginning, but I also had to embrace the fact that, yes, sometimes she was a bitch. I have to admit that there are times when her bitchiness did grate on me and I...

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Homecoming 2 Dreams are Made of3

Carlota almost choked on her tea when she heard the question. Having child had always plagued her mind but she wasn’t so sure she was ready, Conor always kept saying he was but stayed supportive to her when she said she wasn’t, but she could also feel his frustration of being married for two years now and still have no child to love and cherish. Carlota took a deep breath, “We’re still in the planning stage, mama, I don’t want to go and head in first without making sure we can fully support the...

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Homecoming Chapters 12

My name is Gus Snead, you may have heard of me recently in the news. I am the man whose name has been sullied about by ignorance and hatemongers who do not understand the nature of who and what I am. I am 34 years old, live in Illinois (let’s just say Chicago for sake of simplicity); I was a former teacher who has changed the entire state of a school. I have been chased out of the district by fools who do not understand my desire to mark my territory (like I said ignorance and hatemongering)...

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