Smile, You're On Candid Camera free porn video

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One moment I lay coughing my lungs out. I had a crushed chest and was laying under a slowly collapsing high-rise, breathing flame and brick dust. The next I woke up, feeling healthy and breathing easily. The contrast locked me up as the little monkey at the back of my mind sucked on his fingers, pissed himself and gibbered helplessly. I knew that I was quickly dying then suddenly I wasn't! After I finished hyperventilating and screaming my guts out, I sat where I woke up and shivered, holding my legs tucked under my chin and rocking. Soon enough I relaxed enough to make sense of the land about me. I started out as about five feet five inches, and almost four hundred pounds. When I woke on a grassy plain I was at most a hundred and fifty pounds and maybe six feet six tall. I had on a knee-length leather jerkin, a knee-high pair of moccasins, a belt with a throwing stick thrust through it and several pouches attached to it. I wore a heavy rucksack, all fashioned of leather.

Somebody or some agent had set me up quite well as a primitive hunter. The problem was, I WASN'T a primitive hunter. I found several six-foot spears the size of my thumb with finely shaped stone heads laying next to where I woke up. I picked them up and at least I felt armed, if not dangerous. I knew that being caught out alone after dark on the plains meant I would be fair game so I trotted towards the near cliffs.

Several hours later I lucked into an unoccupied dry cave. I rolled up and spent a very uncomfortable but fairly safe night.

Somebody or something was keeping out an eye for me. The next morning I could picture in my mind how to build a reed bed, as well as how to cast my Atl-atl spears with a throwing stick. I sat in the sunlight at the mouth of the cave and inventoried what was in my pack. I found a long axe and two hand axes all with steel heads, a large waxed leather bag of salt that took up half the pack, another large waxed leather bag of cracked grain like oats or wheat, a huge spool of what must have been eighty- to one-hundred-pound braided fishing line, a small diamond point shovel, a fire starting kit, a brass bowl that filled my wide-spread hand, an eight inch wide brass bucket with a bail, a steel spoon and a large pack of heavy needles. After exiting the cave I did my business then looked around carefully. I'd want to find this place again.

I had no idea in which direction I should travel so I decided to go up--up the cliff. I needed a good viewpoint to canvass the area. The climb wasn't too tough, as there were ledges to work with and some sort of tough woody brush growing out of the cliff face I used to pull myself up. It was maybe a thirty-five to forty foot climb. I cautiously stuck my head up over the edge. It was clear of predators so I hoisted myself up over the edge then rolled a bit away from the edge. I didn't want to do anything really stupid like get myself killed by falling off a cliff. I'd gotten dizzy by standing quickly before.

I could see quite a ways out across the grasslands. There wasn't a lot there except for a cluster of trees so far away that they looked misty. I thought to myself, "Savannah. Big game and bigger predators. It's outside of my league without armed partners." Turning around I found myself at the verge of a hardwood forest with fairly heavy undergrowth. This was looking promising! I walked a short distance into the woods, then stood still to let my heartbeat slow. I cupped my hands to my ears, listening for water. I had no luck at first. I moved on, then did it again and yet again. Finally I caught the sound of water flowing over rocks. I was getting pretty dry so that was the direction I headed.

Ahh, it was beautiful. The water was flowing fast enough to make little pockets of white foam. I drank my fill and scrubbed my face. Hell, I needed a bath. I followed the stream down-current until I found a pool. There I stripped and plunged into the water. It was colder than I'd expected. Whoo, baby! As I stood in the water furiously scrubbing myself I felt something slide by my hip, then another past the inside of my calf. I looked down to see fish. Not little nibblers, either. These were big fucking fish! I didn't have any weapons with me so I tried the simplest thing I could think of--I shoved my hand up and under a fish's gill plate and threw it on the bank. I didn't know which of us was more surprised, me that it worked or the fish that was madly thrashing around trying to breathe air. I scrambled out of the water and picked up a hand axe. I quickly cut off its head just behind the gills, then opened it up along the belly to dig out the guts. I tossed the offal back into the water where a feeding frenzy occurred. After seeing the size of the teeth on that thing I wasn't going back into that water without a loincloth, in case one of them mistook my pisser for a worm.

I dressed, picked up my dinner and went looking for a place to make a fire. I found a big cavity where an old tree had fallen and levered over sideways, probably due to a big storm. It took its root-ball with it which still sheltered the hole. I took some dry grass, some small branches, some sheets of dried tree bark and a few green saplings to make my camp. I laid down some bark as a base over the damp soil, then made a small fire. While the coals were forming I wove a flat cooking basket for the fish, then propped it up at the side of the fire to slowly bake.

It was about noon by my figuring when the fish was done. I pulled it aside to cool and sprinkled a little salt on it. After at least a day without food it tasted beyond wonderful. Afterwards I burned all traces of dinner in the fire, then went looking for standing long grasses. I used the hand-axe to cut a big double-armful. I lined the cavity with more bark then laid grass over the top of it. I went hunting for firewood for the night, and cut a few more saplings, this time about twelve to fourteen feet long. I leaned them across the hole then covered them with more sheets of bark from the dead tree. I settled back into my bed for a comfortable sleep. I woke every couple of hours to feed the fire.

I woke up knowing how to knap flint and how to make grass mats with a mat loom. I looked over my little shelter with an eye towards longer use than one night. I used my hands and a stick to dig out a drainage path downhill so water wouldn't pool inside it, then wandered around cutting evergreen branches from the trees growing near the stream. I piled them deep in the lowest spot of the cavity, then improved the bark cover by shingling layers over the thing. Next I gathered a lot of long grass and made my first attempt at looming a mat. It worked pretty well! I made three before I ran out of material. I figured to sleep on one and under two to stay warm and dry since the night before my back got pretty cold. I did my fish-tickle thing again to get dinner. This time I walked the shore of the stream looking for a big flat rock. There were plenty there. It was all a matter of what you would settle for. I'd heard of river rocks exploding like bombs from water trapped within, so I heated my new griddle slowly. I didn't have any grease so the skin of the fish stuck to the rock when cooking but it was still fine eating when it was done. I cleaned my plate by turning the rock over next to the fire to let the flames burn it clean. The heat reflected by the rock felt nice so I gathered a few more flat stones to act as reflectors.

The next day it rained a little, but I was reasonably warm and dry in my hideout. The weather cleared in the afternoon, but it was definitely cooler. It made me think that I'd better get off my ass and find a place to lay over for the winter. If I couldn't find any place on top of the cliff I'd go back down to stay in that cave.

I spent most of the afternoon walking the stream-bed, looking for chert. I found a few likely specimens, and some metal too! It was placer copper, washed clear of its matrix. As soon as I found it, I pounded a stick into the bank close to where it showed up. I slowly waded up-stream, picking up more samples and marking where I found them. When I stopped finding metal I turned around and inspected the shorelines. I found a well-washed deposit in a feeder stream boasting a fourteen inch wide oval plate of copper about two inches thick. I moved as much metal as I could to a pile at the stream's shore. Altogether it probably weighed almost as much as I did. I looked up and yelled out, "I need a fucking basket!" For the mean time I laboriously carried the metal back to my hideout. I made a better reflecting wall behind the fire with more flat pieces of stone, then used a rough river rock to grind down one side of the large copper plaque to a reasonably flat surface. That became my griddle.

I took an adult buck deer that afternoon. It had come down to the stream to drink. I quickly dragged it away from the water so as not to spoil the site. It only made sense to cut part of the carcass into strips of flesh, pound salt into them and let them hang over green sticks, close to my fire. I needed them to smoke and dry out to preserve them. While dinner sizzled on my griddle I started slowly, gently scraping the flesh and fat off of the inside of the deerskin. I saved out the chunks of fat that I found as I butchered it. It was going to have to be my water proofing, butter, cooking oil and lard. It sure was a messy process. I tried washing off in the stream but the grease clung to my hands. I had to scrape it off with bunches of grass, then scrub my hands in the sand and gravel in the stream bed.

I didn't sleep much that night, worrying about scavengers that would want my kill. I stayed nicely warm that night with the rock plates reflecting the fire's warmth back over me.

I dozed off near dawn. I woke knowing how to make and use a two-pole drag, how to weave a basket and how to make and use a fat lamp. I looked at the offal pile from the deer and realized what a godsend I had. I salvaged out the heart, the kidneys, the stomach and the bladder. The last two I slit open and washed thoroughly in the stream, then scraped the interiors. The first two I split into steaks, washed, salted and grilled to eat. Using the dull side of a hand axe and a log I pounded the deer's leg tendons thin, then twisted them into useable lengths. I suspended the stomach on three sticks near the fire, but not too close. I filled the stomach half full of water and half full of raw fat. I used a pair of sticks to drop hot stones in the pouch to bring the contents to a simmer. The rendered grease floated to the top. I carefully poured it into the bladder then sewed the it closed when full. I discarded the tissue that rendering the fat left behind and started a new batch with freshly heated stones and more fat. I cut the large intestine free of the offal, washed it, turned it inside out and washed it again. I then sewed one end shut, rubbed it with raw fat and smoked it over the fire to preserve it and keep it supple. I wanted to use it to hold the rest of my rendered fat. Between smoking the meat, preparing the hide and rendering the fat it took six days to process the deer. I knew that I still lost a lot but I salvaged a lot more than I originally would have without my midnight instruction in stone-age skills.

I pounded some of the copper into a little bowl using the squared-off back of my axe as a hammer and a rounded rock to form it over. It fit into my palm and fingers nicely and had a flat bottom. I used a hard stick as another form and drew out a shallow spout on one side. This was to be my lamp. I knew that it would make living in a cave a lot more friendly.

I kept my eye out for more game. There was a furry animal with a flexible snout that had more curiosity than was good for it. Either that or they were damned stupid. I took one about every other day. I called it a 'grunter'. The meat was a little gamy but it smoked up all right, once the fat cooked out of it. Its fur wasn't bad either. Since they were the size of a working dog there was enough hide to make curing them worthwhile.

I screwed around with some of the copper and beat out a fish-hook. It was pretty ugly but a chunk of liver hid a lot of sins. Another piece of copper made a sinker and a piece of a dry tree branch servd as a float. I caught several honkin' big fish that way.

It took me a while to find the right tree, but I found a straight grained hardwood that would split like white oak. I made several sturdy baskets out of it. Eventually I hit on fastening thicker splits inside and outside the top rim with a tight winding to fasten the strips very tight together. It served to lock the whole basket into its shape and insure that the whole thing wouldn't unravel with a load in it as it shifted back and forth when I traveled. I made a batch of hide glue in my copper dish by simmering deer feet in water over several days. It helped with locking the split wood basket hoops.

I dug up the root ball of that tree and carved it into three long wedges. They were all I had to split trees for building a shelter or firewood.

My spears, or flights, had taken a beating by then. I made new ones out of a tough, water-loving bush with long straight woody shoots. I about cut myself stupid learning to knap flint. It took me a long time to make anything as pretty as the heads I'd been given when I woke up in this place. I wished that I had a pair of pliers to make forged metal arrowheads, but beggars can't be choosers.

I started travelling in a widening spiral looking for a place to lay over for the winter. I didn't find a damned thing in over a week's travels, so I packed everything up and headed back down the cliff. I used several very long saplings tied end-to-end to lower everything down to the cave level. I finally scrambled down the cliff myself, then gingerly inspected the cave in case new tenants had signed a lease without telling me. Once again I was in luck. This time I carefully inspected the cave with the use of my fat lamp. (First I had to braid up a dry grass wick, then doubled it and twisted the lengths together. Then I used knotted lengths of grass to wrap it and keep everything intact. That made it stout enough to serve.) The cave had a rough floor and angled up at the back but it was dry, safe and only had one entrance. When I started a fire in a trench near the opening the smoke drifted outside. This made me curious. Where was the draft coming from? I went around the whole cave again, this time carefully watching my lamp's flame as I examined each of the walls. I found a crack in one wall that let in copious amounts of cold air. I'd have to partially block that during the winter to stay warm. I found an elevated place to sleep and laid out my pallet. (sleeping at the lowest level would allow cold air to pool around me as the night grew colder.)

I wondered about how to find a close supply of water. That was what made me attempt to find a better home to begin with. I quartered the grasslands looking for free water. I didn't find anything. I knew water was there or the bushes and trees near the cliff wouldn't have flourished. I started digging in a depression not far from the cave's entrance. I hit water at nine feet. I dug it down to twelve feet. Boy, was I a wretched frozen mess by the time I finished. Still, I had a good sweet water well. I roofed it with a ring of stones and a doubled cover of split logs. I did my best to eliminate contamination. A ways away, against the cliff, I dug another hole, then used thin saplings and sheets of bark to tie together a shelter for an out-house. The cliff-side slightly over-hung it which gave me hopes of keeping a dry latrine.

The scent of food attracted a big bear. I took up my flights and spear thrower, then attacked. It wasn't long before the bear decided that it was in a battle that it couldn't win but by then it was too late. I was pretty messy by the time I finished butchering that thing. I was glad that I had taken my clothes off before going to work on the carcass. I sliced the flesh into flat plates rather than strips, then tied together a big set of hanging frames inside the cave to smoke the meat. I salted it pretty well before I hung it. I stuffed the air hole in the back of the cave full of grease-tanned hides from the little grunters then started a small fire in the cave. I dragged my sleeping pallet over to the cave mouth then covered the opening with grass mats tied to a standing frame. I could still lift them to get in and out as needed to get water, use the outhouse and to gather more firewood. I lived inside a smoke house for a couple weeks. In the mornings I took a bath in the dew on the grasses because I was sticky from the smoke residue.

I needed a bucket or two as well as more baskets. I wove them out of tightly twisted ropes of grasses. The savannah provided me with raw materials in the form of five and six foot long grass stems that were great to work with. The buckets weren't perfect, but they got water out of the bottom of the well! I tied a basket to a slender sapling to dip out water since I didn't have any lengths of rope that I'd trust. I stayed healthy and even gained some weight eating the grilled organ meat and flesh from my kills. I collected bear fat in a basket to boil into lard when I had the time. Instead of storing the preserved meat in baskets where worms and insects could prosper in the dark humid conditions I strung the preserved dry pieces on fishing line and hung them near, but not against the walls of the cave. It looked strange but it kept the meat dry.

I left the bear offal out to attract more game. I really wanted another bearskin for warmth before the ground froze. I got the bearskin scraped down and let it dry so that it wouldn't stink. I slowly rendered down the fat until I got oil floating on top. I let the batches cool, then removed the grease 'cakes'. They were stored in a grass bucket which was made for that purpose. I could eat rendered deer lard, but that bear grease was too strong for me to stomach. Instead it was used for waterproofing whatever needed it and for filling the lamp. The second bear taught me to crack open the jaw and take the tongue. When it was peeled and smoked it was pretty good eating. It was too much meat to waste. The bear's tongue was almost as large as my upper and lower arm together. I resolved to do the same to any deer I took from then on.

Once the bearskin was dried out I greased the skin side and rubbed it in with a blunted baton to soften the skin.

The snow had started flying and the ground was hard before I finished smoking the meat from the second bear. I needed firewood, so I used a pole with regular stubs of branches as a ladder to help me climb up the cliff, then started cutting wood. I threw it over the side into a large pile and just kept cutting. After four days the food I'd taken with me ran out, so I cut one more load of wood, threw it over the cliff edge and climbed back down. I cleaned up, ate and had a good night's rest before I attacked the trees, turning them into shorter cuts of firewood sized to fit my hearth. I stacked the cut wood inside where it would dry over time and be handy.

While the grass still stood I harvested it, day after day. When the rains came and I could no longer work in the field I wove more mats and if they were large enough, I beat the heads over a basket to harvest kernels of grain. I knew that the grain wouldn't grind itself just sitting there, so I walked around the cliff, watching for rocks that had split off and fallen. I could use those 'plates' as part of a fire reflector and maybe a good one as a grinding stone. I needed a flat stone with a groove down the center or even one with a flat "V" face to keep from scattering the kernels everywhere as I worked. I searched long enough to find what I wanted. Then I found a hand-stone to rub with. Before grinding my grain I searched through what I had gleaned to reserve the biggest heads with the biggest kernels. Those went into a dry bag which I set aside for spring.

Go ahead and laugh. Make it sound foolish. I believe that the basis of civilization has always been the husbandry of the best grain to improve the crop rather than acting like a greedy child and consuming the best. Grain always has been the staff of life. Man can live on wheat. It's what fed the Romans. The native Americans found that it took both corn and beans to provide a healthy diet.

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The CandidateChapter 2

Dr. Cosgrave was in his mobile lab, adjusting his equipment, when the phone rang. It was Wilson. The senator was dissatisfied with the progress of their scheme. "Patience, Senator, patience. Ms. Travers still needs one more treatment and already there are rumors circulating. Her staff seems to be keeping her under control so far but that really won't be possible after the third treatment. Not unless they want to keep her under sedation for the rest of the campaign, in which case you can...

4 years ago
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Introduction: Abbie Dunsmore craves a spanking and more from her husband Abbie, Abbie, Abbie, my God woman what have you done now. Im Abigail Dunsmore (nee Warton) and my loving husband Richards reading the mail and he certainly does not like what hes just learned. It seems our mortgage payment to the Home Loan Society is two months in arrears. And of course Im at fault, I manage our household finances. Abbie, how could this have happened, wheres your sense of responsibility? I supply you with...

2 years ago
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Posing TogetherChapter 5 Candid Conversation

Peter showed up around noon, and Meagan let him in. "Mom stayed up all night cleaning the art studio. It doesn't look any different to me, but whatever. She said I'm supposed to get you lunch and that you're on the clock to get paid as soon as you show up. She shouldn't be asleep much longer, but we can wake her up if she isn't moving in about an hour. So what do you want to eat? We've got hot dogs, microwave burritos, nachos and cheese." Peter made a humming noise, obviously not...

4 years ago
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George raised the XMAH camera to the window. He nestled back against the crook of the window with the light brown curtains at his back. There was a streetlight just outside the window but it didn't bother George. It was just off to the side of where he was half sitting on the inside window frame, but the brilliance of the bulb gave him complete obscurity from the street and the passing punters as they came down the hill towards the town. He could see a girl approaching now, on the...

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The Camera

In the mid-nineties, on a foggy winter morning I along with my wife arrived at Amritsar. We wanted to visit the Golden Temple and Wagah border gate closing ceremony. I was working in Indian Air Force and was moving on transfer from my place of posting at Srinagar. Before joining in my next place of posting at Air Force station, Bagdogra, we had decided to visit the Golden Temple. Upon reaching Amritsar, we directly went to the Golden Temple. There were free lodge and board facilities. The...

4 years ago
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The Camera

The Camera When I saw the sun glint off a bright shinny object I bent down and picked it up. It was a camera and a pretty good one too at fourteen mega-pixels. I slipped it in my pocket and kept walking home from school. I forgot about the camera until two days later on a Friday. Mom and Dad went out to the movies for their date night and I was looking for something to do. That was when I remembered the camera. I popped the SD disc into my computer and accessed it. There were...

1 year ago
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My camera

Note : This story is totally fictional! Michael could not believe his luck, a beautiful spring day like this and he got out of school early because the air conditioning system broke. On the other side of the coin, his closest friends were on the ball team so the coach held them at school for extra practice. He realized that the championships were getting close but that sure messed up the day. He was thinking about his new car while driving home. His dad had gotten it for him a few weeks ago for...

3 years ago
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Mavis And The Camera

MAVIS AND THE CAMERAIn the hands of some people a camera can be just as dangerous as a gun. Case in point:My wife Mavis took our new digital camera to a bridal shower last week to record the festivities for a photo album that she intended to give the new bride. It must have been one hell of a good party because Mavis got so wasted that she had to come home in a taxi. They woke me up at three o'clock in the morning to pay the cabby and as I carried Mavis into the house I noticed that she did not...

3 years ago
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Bangalore Girlfriend Bathing And Recorded In Hidden Camera

Hi Guys, This story is about a girl who was from CG; she studied in Bangalore MBA college. Can’t tell you the name and college, she was Sindhi and was a fucking hot chick of college with damn good attitude. She was very proud about herself. Every boy of the college wanted to touch her once or see her assets. We met in CG and she became my gf, I just kissed her and touched boobs for 1-2 years. Then she moved to Bangalore and I moved to some other city, I went to Bangalore to meet her couple of...

3 years ago
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Mavis and the Camera

In the hands of some people a camera can be just as dangerous as a gun. Case in point: My wife Mavis took our new digital camera to a bridal shower last week to record the festivities for a photo album that she intended to give the new bride. It must have been one hell of a good party because Mavis got so wasted that she had to come home in a taxi. They woke me up at three o'clock in the morning to pay the cabby and as I carried Mavis into the house I noticed that she did not have the new...

3 years ago
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Nudie Camera

Nudie Camera Dad had bought me a very expensive camera for my sixteenth birthday. He knew how much I liked photography and that I was in the photo club at school. I was even on the Yearbook Staff. It was one of the latest digital cameras on the market and used multi-millions of pixels. It even used real interchangeable lenses and he got a couple of them to start me out with. I took pictures of my beautiful mother and of my even more beautiful sister Genevieve. At seventeen years...

4 years ago
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The Lost Camera

Philip Johnson Chapter One Her phone rang and when it’s picked up I say, ‘Hi Jennie, it’s Alex. ‘Alex, how are you?’ ‘Almost as good as I’m likely to get. I called to see if you would like to spend the afternoon with me and since its July and hotter than hell, I thought we could rent a pontoon boat, have a picnic and maybe take a swim in the lake?’ ‘Do you mean today?’ ‘Yeah, sorry it’s so last minute but I was supposed to work overtime and they cancelled it.’ ‘I probably can but...

4 years ago
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Dominated by the Camera

Kara bit her bottom lip nervously as she approached Amy's house. It was late Friday evening and the sound of her feet striding along the sidewalk seemed to be the only sound in the usually busy town. Even the black sky above seemed to be casting an ominous tone on the events ahead. Kara was a stunning twenty three year old with straight raven hair that cascaded down each side of her face and rested gently on her shoulders. Her emerald colored eyes were offset by a pair of luscious ruby lips...

3 years ago
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The Camera

The CameraIt?s a lazy Saturday afternoon.  I?m just watching TV and thinking about mowing the lawn.  Out of the corner of my eye I catch a view of Sarah, the beautiful 18 year old girl that lives across the street.  She?s just coming out the front door with a bunch of stuff.  Oops, she dropped something small, like her phone or camera.  I can?t help but watch her bend over to pick it up.  Such a nice sight!  What I?d give for a strong gust of wind to blow that short skirt up right now.The...

4 years ago
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Playing To The Camera

It was only our third time together and already I liked giving this man blow jobs. At least those were the thoughts I was having as we cuddled on the couch with my head lying on his chest. His strong heartbeat was almost back to normal. Hearing it was keeping my own heart fluttering rapidly.Just a few minutes earlier he was fucking me like he was some sort of savage king. He made me feel like his harlot as I lay on my back with my legs spread wide for him. I had never been fucked so hard yet my...

Oral Sex
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Candids from the Freeuse World

This is a collection of abandoned ideas, short stories, and scenes. Some of them might get updated, reworked or continued, some not. I hope you'll enjoy them. DISCLAIMER: All characters in the stories are of legal age and above.

2 years ago
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Caught on Camera

Tracy forced on a wide, gleaming smile.  ?I'm here for the eleven o'clock appointment?  Tracy??The receptionist gave her a doubtful look, then began to leaf through a grimy stack of papers, his eyes occasionally darting back at her.  Tracy felt her smile begin to waver; she knew she should've worn something else.She'd spent all morning going through her closet, trying on several completely different outfits before ending up with this one.  She had no idea what would be considered appropriate,...

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My grandmother was always around when I was little. She always would pick me up from the bus stop, always buy me stuff, etc. Ever since I was 12, I noticed her differently. I saw how large her boobs and ass were and often fantasized about her naked and me sucking on her nipples and fucking her pussy. She was about 5'6, 300 pounds, 34d breasts, and long hair. By the time I turned 13, I would watch her undress through the keyhole, but she was always in a bra and panties. I had never seen her...

4 years ago
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Caught by the Camera

Caught on Camera Dick Forest stepped outside his colonial home in Virginia and breathed in the fresh spring morning air. He picked up the Sunday news paper and went back inside to read the paper while his wife Amy fixed breakfast. He read every article about spring baseball. Even though he had lived in Virginia for more than a dozen years he still followed the Cincinnati Reds. "Here's your breakfast," Amy announced as she held a plate of scrambled eggs, sausage, and toast in front...

2 years ago
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One woman8217s beast erotic fantasy enacted on camera

My dotage was not so far advanced that I couldn’t get the old boy to polish up quite nicely into some semblance of erectile muscle and throbbing gristle. Occasionally, he would even put out for me and eject a thin stream of jizz, but it needed the stimulant of my past life to get him going these days. As had become a habit of mine, I had been reviewing some of the old footage of films we had made. Robbie was long gone now; the abuse of narcotics and booze had caught up with him. But, we...

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Cheryls New Video Camera

I know that Cheryl is and always will be the woman for me. My wife is a petite redhead with a firm ass, pert tits and a sexy, adventurous personality that never fails to arouse my desires. From the start Cheryl was always the more dominant of the two of us but only recently has she given full rein to her domineering nature. I guess I've always been rather submissive and I truly believe that my obedience to my wife's commands was one of the things that initially attracted her to me. At my recent...

4 years ago
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Practice with a Camera

This story is real only the peoples names have been changed for privacy. Also if you have not read the first two installments of this series please do otherwise it will not make much sense. Several weeks after being at Ashley's vacation house and filming our sexual expedition her mom was planning on going back for another three day weekend she had off of work. Her husband David was going to be out of town for work and their son was spending that weekend at his friend's house so they could do...

2 years ago
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my first time on camera

This is a mostly true story. Only a little bit has been exaggerated for artistic fun :). My name is Jana. I'm 34 and been married for almost 13 years now. I have a great husband who is good to me, most of the time. I love him to death but he is handicapped. He wasn't when we got married it happened in his late 20s (he's only a year older than me). We were already into swinging before he became handicapped. He doesn't really care for sex much anymore. He has a neurological disease and...

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The Candidate

The Candidate (A woman finds the perfect victim for feminization) By Miss Vicky I had been told what to expect and there he was, my next candidate! Even if I hadn't been told about this one, I would have recognized the potential he exhibited. How did I know this? I can't really explain it in mere words. All I can tell you is that I knew this one would be susceptible to what I had in mind. I had been watching him watch me for more than ten minutes now and I just knew. Perhaps it...

2 years ago
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My wife on camera

My wife is 18 years younger than I am. I’m 42, she’s 24. We got married when she was 19 and I was 37. It’s been a good marriage so far. The only problem I have is with our sex life – it’s a little boring! In the past, I’ve had a lot of great experiences – threesomes, dirty talking, phone sex, outdoor sex, sex with strangers, etc., - but with my wife things are just routine. She’s not into anything adventurous, and the things that really turn me on just seem to be a no-go area for her. For...

1 year ago
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Digital Camera

Please feel free to send me a comment on the story. For those of you who have emailed me thanks for sharing your kind words. I have enjoyed reading the emails about the stories and ideas on what should happen with some of the characters. Thanks for the kind emails. It's nice to know that people enjoy reading them. Since they take a long time to write. If you find an error, I highly encourage telling me (as I have few mistakes!). I am trying to fix my grammar and tense mistakes. Enjoy, and let...

Group Sex
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The Hidden Camera

We had a few cars being broken into around our neighbourhood and a few ofmy neighbours had house alarms fitted but the trouble I found with themis that they go off for all sorts of reasons and no-one takes any notice.I decided to buy a wireless video camera. I bought it on ebay verycheaply and when it arrived through the post the next day I quickly setit up.My neighbour Frank called round and asked me what I was doing and I gavehim a demo. He said he would like one but was useless at doing...

2 years ago
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The Boss and Her Camera

The first job I had after graduate school was with a graphic design company. By small, I mean there were about twenty people employed and, while it was considered up and coming, the company that hadn't yet solidified its reputation.Anyways, my decision to work there - as opposed to another more established company that had offered me a better pay/benefits package - was made after meeting the woman who ran the company.After being interviewed by the personnel director and a project manager I was...

Office Sex
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Me and My Camera

This may sound a bit warped to the male readers (and maybe some female as well), but lately I’ve discovered a new way of getting myself off. It all started by buying an inexpensive video camera and one day, while in a particularly horny mood, I decided to videotape myself. It took very little planning. I basically perused through a folder filled with naked girls, which obviously got my six-inch cock up and running. That took all of ten minutes before I decided on which one would be the lucky...

3 years ago
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Dirty Girls and a Camera

This story takes place about a year after me, my little cousin Stephanie, and my girlfriend Johanna’s first sex romp together. I wouldn’t say the three of us got together frequently over that following year, but we had our share of liaisons. The girls liked to dress up and show off their bodies. I certainly didn’t mind. Johanna and I were living together by this time, and we invited Stephanie over to our place on a Friday night for a night of drinks and fun. Johanna had cut her brown hair...

1 year ago
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First time on camera

“I am going to fuck your ass now babe. I want you back on your knees.” He moved and I fell off him as he had commanded and crawled to the side of the bed my ass open and twitching knowing what was coming. Jason tossed the camera on video record on the bed, focusing it directly on my face. He wanted to capture every moment. I grimaced as I feel his hard rod enter me. Although I was ready, open and totally willing, the start is always a task for me, but as usual once he was in oh I felt so good....

First Time
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The candidate

"........and it my opponent wants to run on a platform of higher taxes, then the voters will have will have a clear choice in who they wish to represent them in Washington, because as you all know, I am categorically opposed to increasing the tax burden on the american people, so now if you'll all excuse me, it's very late and I have an early morning flight to catch," and so with a nod of her head, U.S. senate candidate Emily Howard stepped on to the elevator with her body guard and pushed the...

4 years ago
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My New Lover A Camera

"Bollocks," I heard myself saying, as the A4 sized folder slipped from my under my arm hand and fell to the floor in the middle of the Starbucks in Greenwich. As I bent down, I quickly looked around, hoping no one had heard me, maybe I had said it under my breath, I rather ambitiously thought.I heard a nice, male voice say."Hey, let me help."I didn't look at the owner of the voice. "No, no it's ok," I said panicking a bit as I knelt down and tried picking everything up as quickly as I...

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Caught on camera

TJ carefully adjusted the video camera so as it would not be seen by anyone using the storage room. By placing it inside of an old envelope carton and piling several other boxes on top of it, it would be unlikely that it would be discovered. A small hole in the end of the box was all that was needed to have the hidden lens to cover about 80% of the area in the whole room. Why all this deception? Last Thursday evening TJ had been working late trying to get some quarterly reports done for...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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What Youre Missing Part Five

Introduction: Luke and Lila finally wed! But will Lilas experiences hinder the honeymoon? Everyone stood to their feet as the music started. Lila breathed in and out softly behind her veil, her tummy making cartwheels within her. This was it! With her dad on her arm, she took her first step down the aisle. All eyes were on her, from her trim little waist to her golden blonde ringlets, braided and piled on her head. Her dress was long and lace, and it had been in her family for generations. So...

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