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Ashlee loved Macy more than she'd ever loved anyone or anything in her life. She knew this was true without even having to think about it. It was just an indisputable fact that was beyond question just as it was a fact that Macy returned that love fully and truly without any reservations, qualifiers or any other such nonsense. Their love was beautiful and true and it was something that Ashlee cherished more than life itself.

Of course, it hadn't exactly been an easy love. After all, the beginning of their relationship had hardly been perfect, but that hadn't mattered then and it didn't matter now. So what if they had both been on the rebound from the first real relationships of their young lives? So what if they'd both discovered on that very same night when they first made love with so much soft passion that they'd both been keeping secrets from each other? Did it matter now that they were together? Of course not. All that really mattered was the new closeness they felt for each other and the comfort they felt in the other's arms and lips and so much else whenever they were together. The emotional and awkward beginning was nothing compared to that.

By the time they'd left for school the awkward beginning was barely an after thought. About the only awkwardness that remained was the strain their love put on Macy's relationship with her step sister Naiya, but even that hardly seemed to matter. After all, any strain there was a direct result of Naiya's actions and that made it easier for Macy to fall in love with Ashlee guiltlessly even as she tried her best not to let her relationship with Naiya completely fall apart. It would take quite a bit for Macy to succeed in doing that, but eventually she found something of an equilibrium when she discovered that Naiya realized that the fault for destroying the friendship and love she'd had with Ashlee rested entirely within herself, but that was another story altogether.

The love that had quickly developed between Ashlee and Macy was strong from the very start and even that seemingly significant hurdle was no true obstacle to their feelings by the time they'd left for college to start a new adventure together seemingly far, far away from the life they had back home. In fact, when they got in the car with Ashlee's mother to follow Ashlee's father and older sister Tabitha in the small moving van they didn't even bother wasting a thought on Naiya. Their thoughts were more focused on the frustration of having to control themselves during the long, tedious drive halfway across the state while also trying not to get frustrated with the constant stream of advice coming from Ashlee's mother about what not to do once they were on their own and out of the reach of direct parental supervision.

It was hard to do especially since Ashlee's mother made it a point to bring up the dangerous and foreboding creatures known as frat boys and their evil, lustful ways seemingly once every five minutes or so. A couple of times the girls had a hard time just trying to keep from laughing as she kept harping on the importance of making sure they didn't get themselves knocked up or infected with some horrible disease, but they managed to hold it in and Ashlee's mother was sufficiently embarrassed to not notice the knowing smiles Ashlee and Macy exchanged on more than one occasion through the rearview mirror.

There was one warning that Ashlee's mother had given, however, that they later learned was quite relevant despite the fact that at the time they just found it amusing to even consider the fact that living together would be anything but a paradise of endless Sapphic joy and wanton sexual exploration which, of course, it was in a lot of ways. Sadly, when Ashlee's mother had warned them their youthful arrogance had easily won the day even as Ashlee's mother had said wisely "Seriously girls, try not to get on each other's nerves too much. I know you think I'm just some old fuddy duddy hausfrau, but trust me, living with anyone, even your best friend, can be a major strain on a friendship. Heck, when I was a sophomore I lived with this girl Carmen who was my best friend in the world before we rented an apartment together. Six months later I was ready to strangle her every time she brought some frat boy home with her or left her towel on the floor after a shower. God, by the time our lease was up we weren't even talking. Hell, I never talked to her again."

"Mom," Ashlee had said at the time in all seriousness and with more than a hint of the usual teenage parental frustration evident in her voice, "That won't happen to us. We've known each other since like forever. I doubt we'll be strangling each other over towels on the bathroom floor."

"Yeah, that's what you think. Seriously, Ashlee and you too Macy, I want you both to promise me that whatever happens, whatever little annoying issue crops up that drives you mad with irrational rage or anything else you guys won't let yourselves hate each other. I mean it, promise me."

"Don't worry, Rhonda," Macy said from the backseat. She'd always called her friends parents by their first names even though only Rhonda had ever actually insisted on it, "I promise we won't kill each other."

"Thank you, Macy. I appreciate that. Your turn, Ashlee. Don't look at me like that. Promise your mother you won't kill your friend over something stupid."

"Cross my heart and swear to god," Ashlee said as she did as she said smiling widely at what she thought was the silliness of it all. Her mother ignored the smile before reminding Ashlee and Macy that she'd hold them to their word even though the look on her face told them she knew they weren't taking her seriously. She then reverted to talking about safe sex and making sure they didn't miss their classes before finally realizing she'd been lecturing them for over an hour. After that the conversation became far more friendly and light hearted until they arrived at the little apartment Ashlee's father had managed to rent them both and everyone became far too busy moving the rag tag collection of second hand furniture that had been clogging up Ashlee's parents garage and Macy's families basement for the last few months and all the hastily packed boxes into the cramped confines of what would be Ashlee and Macy's home for at least the next six months.

Rhonda had made sure to remind them of their promise before Ashlee's family left in flurry of hugs, well wishes, reminders to call regularly and other heartfelt family moments, but the bittersweet partings had dulled the sharpness of the warning even more than Ashlee and Macy's youthful arrogance had in the car. Then what Macy and Ashlee did once they were alone dulled it even more as they put unpacking on hold and instead did their best to "break in the apartment" by going down on each other on the couch. They almost did the same thing in the shower before they realized they needed to get to work. Of course, this didn't stop them from making love again anyway( on the couch again, naturally), but after that they managed to control themselves long enough to make the living room reasonably livable and assemble one of their bed's before they got hungry and ordered a pizza as they smoked a joint and relaxed on the couch.

By the time they were getting ready to call it a night they'd somehow managed to get most of the big stuff out of the way despite the fact that that first joint quickly turned into five and their ability to control their hormones lessened with each hit. Still, they managed to make the apartment look something like a home despite all the half emptied boxes strewn about every room except the bathroom. They'd even managed to hook up the cable and their computers before they finally gave up on the idea of testing out the capacity of the water heater and instead just fell on the couch to watch some random movie that neither was paying that much attention to as they smoked a little more and chatted lazily with each other.

Of course they weren't just sitting there vegging out. How could they? Just being close to each other while knowing that for once there was absolutely no chance that they'd be interrupted was simply too much of a temptation. Sure they were both tired, but when the movie ended and Macy, after getting up and grabbing the remote for her stereo out of one of the aforementioned half empty boxes, asked Ashlee in her cutest, little pleading voice for a foot rub Ashlee could already feel herself gearing up for another round of sweet, soft love making with her beautiful lover.

Being able to make love to her petite and wonderful girlfriend was nothing short of a blessing. Not just because she was beautiful, of course. That would be shallow and their love was too deep, too emotional and true to be labeled like that. No, there was a friendship there that ran deeper than any mere physical attraction. It was just a connection that neither really could put a label on, but it didn't matter. It was there and that was everything.

Still, Macy's body did drive her wild. Ashlee just loved her soft, shoulder length dark brown hair, her tiny nose, her perfect jaw line and her beautiful eyes which somehow seemed both just a little too big for her face, but also absolutely perfect. She also loved those small, perfect breasts, her soft, ever so bitable tummy and her cute feet with those perfect toes that occasionally just called to her even though she really didn't have a foot fetish. At least she didn't think so. Sure, the fetish she didn't think she had actually turned out to be the catalyst that got the ball rolling again, but that hardly meant anything. Seriously, Macy just had some cute fucking toes as Ashlee was forced to tell Macy when she teased Ashlee for kissing them as they rested on the couch in what passed for their jammies enjoying their buzz, their closeness and the music of Elvis Costello, a fetish Macy had picked up over the last month for reasons unknown to Ashlee, but which she was starting to get into despite herself. Of course, she wasn't paying all that much attention at the time and instead she was busy smiling in response to her lover's laugh.

"You're such a perv," Macy said, laughing that light, airy little giggle that Ashlee just couldn't help but love.

"Am not. It's not my fault your toes are so fucking cute," Ashlee said defending herself with a smile.

"Whatever, pervert. Why don't you stop wasting your time kissing my feet and get back to rubbing them?" Macy shot back, trying her best not to smile as she did so.

"But I like kissing them."

"Well, I like it when you kiss me in other places a lot better."

"Really?" Ashlee said raising her eyebrow as though intrigued. Of course, she was intrigued even though it was hardly a mystery where this conversation was going. Still, she waited to hear her lover's response before deciding her next move.

"Yes, really," Macy replied coyly letting Ashlee know that Macy was aware that she was waiting to be told where else she should direct the attention of her lips.

"Like where?" Ashlee said after a short pause even though she realized before she asked that Macy was going to keep playing the coy little girl. As she asked she decided that it was best just to give up the pretense of continuing the foot massage and instead guided Macy's foot off to the side before she leaned over and made to lay on top of her lover, but at the last moment she paused and instead crouched over her waiting for a response.

"Guess," Macy responded as she reached out and gently pulled Ashlee the rest of the way down to her until their faces were mere inches apart. She then tried to close that last gap as well only to find that Ashlee had decided that it was her turn to be a little coy.

"Maybe I don't want to guess. Did you ever think of that?"

"Maybe you should just shut up and kiss me. Did you ever think of that?"

"Hmmm, that is a good..."

"Oh my god! Shut up!" Macy said before craning her neck up to Ashlee and putting an end to their game. Ashlee didn't mind one little bit, she did consider resisting just for a split second. At least she considered doing that until she felt Macy's lips part against her own and instead she found herself forgetting all about it and just about everything else as she melted into Macy's arms and into those soft, loving lips.

Macy's kiss always seemed to have that kind of an effect on Ashlee. It was just so sweet and tender and there was always so much feeling in even the simplest kiss. This kiss was no exception to that rule. Even though it was more playful than serious that didn't mean that Macy didn't put every last ounce of her love and lust into it as she started to teasingly bite Ashlee's lower lip in a successful attempt to slowly draw out her passion. Soon they were both shifting on their narrow, lumpy sofa until they were both lying on their sides.

The maneuver was somewhat tricky, but they'd had plenty of practice. Since they had purchased their crappy couch for twenty bucks at the local goodwill it had been seen plenty of action late at night in Ashlee's parents garage (well, it was supposed to be a garage, but it hadn't been used as one ever since Ashlee's father got himself a job that paid him enough to build one that was actually attached to the house. Since then it had basically served as a place for Ashlee, her sisters and her friends to hang out and get stoned amongst the wreckage of her father's now abandoned hobby of working on old cars) In fact, they'd bought it despite it's dilapidated condition because it just so happened to be a pull out, but they'd yet to bother going to the trouble of pulling out the bed and instead usually just ended up either using it as a jumping off point before heading to bed or they just ended up doing it right there on the smoky and beer stained cushions. Of course, at that point it was as yet undecided where they'd end up making love as they took advantage of their new position to simply take joy in their closeness as hands freely began to wander under the thin, soft fabric of each others pajamas. Really, that in itself was exquisite enough to occupy them both for quite some time as soft hands caressed the smooth skin of each others backs while their kiss gained speed slowly, but with a persistence that was equal parts familiar, comforting and erotic.

It wasn't until Macy's hands found their way down the back of Ashlee's boxers that things started to get a little more passionate, but even then everything progressed with slowness. Even when Macy's small, soft hands began to gently knead the flesh of Ashlee's buttocks while at the same pulling her closer and sliding her thigh between Ashlee's legs in an obvious invitation to grind her pussy against the soft material of Macy's pajamas Ashlee knew better than to do so.

Not that it was a trap or a trick or anything silly like that, but because she knew that if she did she'd lose it right then and there and Ashlee didn't want that. Sure, she was tired and so was Macy, but the knowledge that there were no parents to interrupt them now brought about in Ashlee a seemingly natural inclination to try and draw out the whole experience from beginning to end even if it meant they'd both lose valuable sleep in the process. Even though her body screamed for her to take up Macy's offer of sweet, satisfying release so early on Ashlee forced herself to hold back and instead allowed her own hands to drift past the waist band in the rear of Macy's pajama's to return the soft caress and teasing exploration the forbidden crevasse that laid between those cute, little butt cheeks while teasingly biting her lover's lip.

"You're such a bitch," Macy said after the bite, but despite her name calling Ashlee knew she was only playing. Even without that cute, girlish grin that crossed Macy's lips as she spoke Ashlee would've known.

Still, that didn't stop her from returning the playful insult in kind as she said "I'm not the bitch. You're the bitch. What do you think you're doing trying to make me fuck your thigh? You know I like saving that for latter. Besides, maybe I just wanna make out tonight. Ever think of that?"

"No," Macy said with a hint of playful sarcasm as she once again pulled Ashlee tightly to her by kneading and grabbing her tight bottom before kissing her lips briefly then continuing by adding "I never thought of that. Besides, don't you ever think of my needs? Maybe I wanna come right now, hmmm? Did you think of that?"

"Oddly enough I did," Ashlee said enjoying the teasing, playful banter almost as much as she was enjoying the way Macy was squirming under her touch as she began to use her fingernails to lightly scratch Macy's back, "but I kinda decided I'd rather be a little selfish tonight and if you gotta problem with that you can..."

Suddenly Ashlee found herself being silenced by her lover's lips once again crashing against her own as one of those hands that had been caressing her butt found it's way quickly to the back of her head and pulled her back to Macy's lips. It was a quick kiss, but it was easily the most passionate kiss of the evening so far and Ashlee knew what that meant even before it broke and Macy, looking just a bit too proud of herself, stared into her eyes and said "So ... you're saying that if I did this," and she paused and Ashlee found herself sighing in both pleasure and surprise as she felt Macy's hand slide swiftly and easily from her butt to the front of her boxers and just as swiftly and easily slide it's way down until one of her fingers teasingly slid its way between Ashlee's lips before Macy continued saying "That you'd stop me?"

"Mmm, not necessarily," Ashlee said in a quiet shaky whisper as Macy's lips found their way to her neck while her finger continued to tease Ashlee with it's playfulness as Macy touched her just enough for Ashlee to feel it, but not enough to do anything else. At least, not for the moment. Really, she was almost just cupping Ashlee's pussy while rubbing her with maddeningly little force continuing to place light kisses that were now heading upward to Ashlee's ear.

"But you just said you wanted to wait. Were you lying? Hmmm, do you want me do this... ," and again Macy upped the ante by changing her soft caresses to something more adamant, more forceful as she let a finger slip between Ashlee's already wet, puffy lips to tease the inner lips more directly and even to ever so briefly caress her clit before continuing her verbal teasing by saying "Or should I stop? I mean if you want me to I will. I'm not cruel after all. If you don't want me to do this..." and now her finger began to slip easily into Ashlee's depths, but only just as she nibbled gently on Ashlee's earlobe before adding as she continued to call Ashlee's bluff "I'll gladly stop."

"Oh, you don't have to do that. I ... I don't mind," Ashlee said her, voice shaky with arousal as Macy's fingers began to slowly penetrate her pussy more deeply while her palm occasionally brushed against her hood.

"You're sure?" Macy said as she stopped her teasing of Ashlee's neck and ears to look into her lover's half closed eyes revealing her soft, teasing smile to Ashlee's eyes as she said "I mean, I'd gladly stop if that's..."

"Oh, shut the fuck up," Ashlee quickly before reaching up to pull her lovers smiling face to her own for another deep, passionate kiss. The charade was over. They both knew it, but neither of them really cared all that much. After all, this was the real point of it all. The rest was merely a game to make them both want it just that much more.

Of course, that being said, it wasn't long before Macy's fingers started to lose a bit of their dexterity as Ashlee couldn't help but want to make Macy feel just as good as Macy was making her feel. It was hardly instant, though. No, for a long, beautiful series of moments both lovers were satisfied with nothing more than a sweet, shared kiss as Macy selflessly pleasured Ashlee with loving patience and ease. Macy wasn't even actively trying to make her come. Sure, she wouldn't have minded one little if Ashlee did, but she knew that making love to Ashlee wasn't really about orgasms. It was about loving, soft caresses and sweet, passionate kisses and so much more.

There would be plenty of orgasms at some point, but there was no hurry and no need for parity. Still, when one of Ashlee's hands left its task of softly stroking Macy's cheek to slowly make its way down the front of Macy's monkey pajama bottoms until Ashlee's fingers began to mirror Macy's own ministrations she hardly protested. Instead she just sighed into Ashlee's mouth before using her other hand to pull Ashlee's mouth even tighter to her own.

The mirroring was exquisitely delightful game, but it was hardly new. In fact, it was one of the first games they'd taught each other when their relationship started to become serious. It was a mutual thing, a loving thing in which neither of them led but for a moment. Sure, they both tried to keep the lead, to call the shots as it were, in order to give the other the maximum pleasure without forcing anything or trying too hard to quicken the pace, but inevitably the roles would shift and change as the temptation to make the other come overcame one of them and momentarily they'd both lose control until some semblance of order would be restored by a softly whispered "Not yet, baby. Please not yet," or something similar until the urge to push left whoever was trying too hard at the moment.

At least that was how it worked at first, but when Macy felt Ashlee's fingers curling up inside her, searching for and finding that sweet, little spot inside that always made Macy scream that part of the game was all over. The mirroring ended even though Macy tried her best to keep it going. It just wasn't possible, however. Ashlee had learned too much in their relatively short time together for Macy to have any hope of holding off the rush she felt building inside of her at that moment.

"Oh shit, baby. You're ... Yeah, don't ... Fuck!" Macy said when the rush became too much for her to hold the kiss and instead she found herself forced to bury her face in Ashlee's shoulder to cover the long quaking vocalization she knew was coming. Sure, it was hardly necessary for her to do so. After all, their neighbors weren't their parents and they honestly didn't care if they heard them or not, but years of making love with curious girlfriends at sleepovers when parents were often just down the hall had left their impression on Macy's mind and habits.

Ashlee hardly minded though. Honestly, feeling her lover almost screaming into her shoulder as her arms instinctively wrapped themselves around Ashlee's body was hardly a bad thing. In fact, it felt great to have her quaking body pressed against her own. It made her feel so strong, so loved to know she was the source of Macy's pleasure. She didn't even mind when Macy's teeth found purchase in the fabric of her t-shirt and the soft flesh of her shoulder that lay beneath as she continued to shake and cream on Ashlee's fingers.

About the only thing she did mind was when Macy relaxed and reached down to pull Ashlee's hand away. Of course, she didn't say anything and her mild sense of disappointment was reasonably assuaged by Macy guiding her sticky fingers to her lips where Macy kissed them then licked her own come from them before sharing another kiss with Ashlee.

Obviously Ashlee got over it quite quickly as the kiss deepened and she found herself being guided onto her back as she felt Macy's hands begin to tug at her t-shirt. Any residual disappointment quickly dissipated as the t-shirt soon found itself flying across the room and was soon joined by Macy's even though Macy was at first reluctant to allow this saying "Stop it. It's my turn, you jerk."

"It's not about turns, dummy," Ashlee teased back then added "Besides, what's fair is fair. You get to see my boobs, so I get to see yours."

"Please, you see them everyday and besides," Macy teased back as she leaned down to place a kiss between Ashlee's soft mounds, "Yours are much prettier. Tastier too." With that Macy placed some kisses on Ashlee's chest, but this time it was much more direct as she took aim at first one nipple then the other before the kisses quickly gave way to soft licks and light nips temporarily quieting Ashlee down. Of course, the silence was doomed to be a temporary thing as that last line suddenly struck Ashlee as highly amusing and her laughter in turn caused Macy to look at her oddly as she asked "What's so funny? Can't you see I'm trying to seduce you?"

"Tastier?" was all Ashlee could say.

Macy frowned at her and said "Yeah, tastier. Like boobs. Yummy, awesome boobs."

"You're so immature," Ashlee said still laughing. She knew Macy was just being silly, but that didn't make it all any less amusing. Still, she quickly calmed down when Macy placed a slightly harder nip on her nipple causing her to wince and say "Ouch. Jerk!"

"Shut up and let me work, butthead." Macy said and cut off any chances of further laughter by instantly taking one of Ashlee's nipples between her lips to suckle it as Ashlee sighed and finally gave up on teasing her lover's playful nature. Instead she simply laid back, looked into Macy's eyes and let her hand find its way to Macy's long, soft hair to stroke it lovingly as seriousness returned to their lovemaking.

The shift from playful to serious really wasn't that hard to achieve. Macy, after all, knew Ashlee's body almost as well as she knew her own. She knew when and where to lick, to bite, to kiss and she knew all those little sweet spots that felt good and all the little spots that made Ashlee sigh as she continued to explore those soft, lovely breasts she'd come to know so well. At least, she continued until she noticed Ashlee relaxing and realized it was time to move on.

Honestly, her timing was perfect as was everything else. The way Macy kissed her way down her lover's ribcage and the way she kissed, nipped and licked the soft flesh of Ashlee's stomach never failed to send shivers up and down Ashlee's spine. As if that wasn't enough as her mouth approached Ashlee's navel Macy brought a hand to Ashlee's breast to squeeze and caress her there as well.

If Ashlee hadn't already been wet well before Macy started her downward journey the way she was kissing her belly button would have done the trick all by itself. Of course, Macy knew this just as she knew better than to let the way Ashlee was silently urging her downward affect her. Instead she just used her teeth once more and placed a loving bite on Ashlee's deceptively soft tummy and chuckled a bit when Ashlee squirmed and let out a soft sigh in response before saying "You're such a naughty little bitch."

"Thanks, baby," was all Macy chose to say in response as she kissed the spot she'd just bitten before continuing her downward trek. She didn't go directly to Ashlee's pussy however. Sure she took the time to slide those cute boxers down Ashlee's thighs and even bent her head towards that beautiful pussy she knew so well, but it was just a feint. All she did was place the lightest of kisses there before smiling at Ashlee's soft, expectant sigh before placing another kiss on Ashlee's inner thigh as she continued to head downward while ignoring Ashlee's complaints.

"Shhh, baby. Let me tease you," Macy said between kisses on Ashlee's thigh as she sat up between Ashlee's legs and made her way to the back of her knee.

"But I wanna come, Macy," Ashlee whined as her hand instinctively went to her cunt.

Macy saw her, but she only smiled before responding by saying "I know, baby." Ashlee whined again, but this time more softly as Macy kissed that sweet spot on her leg with tenderness before reaching for Ashlee's other leg. She then kissed the back of her lover's other knee before kissing her way back down again with the same slowness as before.

Ashlee just watched her through half closed eyes secretly wishing she'd just go down on her, but also enjoying the teasing. Honestly, she was deeply conflicted. A part of her even wished Macy would slap her hand away, but it was a dim thought that died when Macy kissed her way back to her inner thighs then placed a soft kiss on the hand Ashlee was using to play with herself. What she did next was even better however as she laid down on the couch and then took hold of Ashlee's hand and brought it to her mouth to lick her fingers clean before taking that hand in one of her own and leaning in to kiss Ashlee's pussy.

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Sex weakness

I am Naveen Varma resident of one of the district head quarters in Andra pradesh.I am aged about 50 plus doing business.Once when I was going to Hyderabad in a train I met with one aged person by name Satyam resident of Kavali who is traveling along with me in front of my birth.On knowing each, we discussed so many thing about politics in the State and slept at about 11.00pm. He was 60 years old and strong man. His structure is just like exercised body. I wake up at 3.00 am for urinal purpose...

3 years ago
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My Aunt My Weakness

Before reading this story iam not good in English so pls adjust my language.Iam 18yr old guy from kerala just completed my higher secondary education.this story is about me and my aunt she looks good with normal body.Now she is 33 i think.i dont wanna tell our name or anything else like that revealing our identity. Her life is like a tragedy.after two years of her marriage my uncle died.she gave birth to a kid after my uncle’s death. And after that she was not ready to marry anyone.her parents...

2 years ago
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A Moment Or Two Of Weakness

As the whiskey poured into her glass, Skylar looked at her husband wondering what he was thinking. Liam was always the strong silent type and at times, Skylar felt like she had to really pry to get anywhere with him.She was starting to feel a little tipsy when he asked, “Do you have any new fantasies for us in the bedroom?”Unsure if it was the whiskey or finally him asking a question that got her to open up, she finally said it.“What about a threesome?”His grasp on his beer bottle loosened...

1 year ago
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Moments of Weakness

Erica stepped lightly onto the pavement, and wrapped her coat around her as the bus pulled away from the kerb. A breeze sprang up, stirring the skeletal leaves at her feet, then died away once more. "Bollocks," she muttered, hitching her handbag up higher on her shoulder, and set off along the road. Her breathe misted in the cold autumn air, and, not for the first time, she wished she had taken a taxi instead of waiting for the late bus. The evening had been fun, a few drinks with the girls...

3 years ago
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White DelightsChapter 35 Weakness

One evening as Princess Ayda came into the Emir's bedroom, he said, "Ah, good. Diana my sweet, come here and be my English wife for a while. I just want to lie quietly with a beautiful woman, and stroke her. Don't take your gown off, I love to stroke your skin with it on." Wondering what this might portend, Diana went and joined him in bed, sliding under the coverlet sideways, rather than in the customary Kobekistani manner from the foot of the bed. Just as her Andrew had loved to do,...

4 years ago
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Becky Part 3 War Comes to Lake PeaceChapter 8 Beckys Weakness

Thursday morning I took a quick shower in the overnight counselor’s bathroom, then went for a jog to clear my head. I was losing a battle of wills with an eleven year old girl. An eleven year old girl with a genius IQ who could use her musclebound body to break me in half like a twig, or make me shake like a leaf with desire. I had to find some sort of leverage I could use against her. The semester was underway now, the kinks were worked out, and the morning passed uneventfully. It was a...

2 years ago
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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 82 In a Moment of Weakness

The next day at school, as soon as he found the girls from the volleyball team, he walked right up to them and gave Erica a hug. "Thank you so much for finding my little sister," he told her. "Hey, the rest of us helped too," Jenny complained. Jeff released Erica and hugged Jenny, then he hugged Tracy, then went around the rest of the group, hugging them all. He paused at Gwen, who might not appreciate a hug from a boy after all, but she merely shrugged and threw her arms around...

1 year ago
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His lips were my weakness

I normally don't go out to bars by myself from past complications, but tonight...I was wanting a little danger. I walked… I normally don't go out to bars by myself from past complications, but tonight...I was wanting a little danger. I walked into the bar, never been there before, and go up and sit at the bar. No one was really looking at except one, his eyes slate blue with a peircing glance. Like he could see straight through my soul. His build was intoxicatingly handsome, about 6"2,...

2 years ago
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She pushed me down into the chair that I had been standing next to and pulled off my pants. My cock was only somewhat hard but with her small hands she worked it until it stood at stiff attention. I squeezed and played with her small breasts while she stroked my cock. After it was hard she wrapped her lips around the tip of my cock and with out pause deep throated me. Compared to her small body my cock was rather large. She brushed her hands over the sweet spots on my hips as she took me all...

4 years ago
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She is Weak

Here I go again, weak from a mans touch, well two guys this time. I was at a party with some friends of a friend. How I ended up in the back seat of a car with two big cock men .... well I get very weak when a man whispers to me how hot i make him. How my body make him hard. That's how I ended up with both of my hands jerking Kal and Westly in the back seat of a Old Cadillac with red leather seats. Both my hands was stroking them. While they both sucked on my very aroused nipples, and they...

2 years ago
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How did I let this happen to me? I'm laying here letting my tits be sucked by two guys and one was licking my pussy all at the same time. I was tingling all over my body, I was so weak, so so weak. I was cumin and I knew whatever they were going to do me I couldn't stop it no longer, I was a goner because I felt so good. I was cumin, and I needed some dick. The thing is I'm a lesbian I've been one for over 5 years. I know I'm only 27 but I enjoyed the company of women and men. My new Job...

4 years ago
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Vengeance is for the Weak

Vengeance is for the Weak Hi, my name is Jaina. I'm 18 and I'm finishing my senior year. I was nominated top of my class and I also won prom queen at my high school. I'd like to think that I'm pretty attractive. My breasts are so round and perky; it's almost as if they're defying gravity. And my legs are so long and shapely. But I have to say my most beautiful feature is my face. I have these gorgeous hazel green eyes that make boys forget how to talk. My glossy pink lips are also oh...

1 year ago
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Plight of the Weak

“Fish,” some random inmate yelled as I was escorted down what I came to know was the catwalk. My name is Blaze Weiss. I’m 24 years old now. When I was first sentenced for stalking by Internet and text message, I was only 18. I didn’t grow up rich so I had some shit public defender that probably graduated from a no name YMCA law school handling my case. I got five years. I kept telling him that I wasn’t stalking her. We were just friends and I was trying to be nice. Plus, her boyfriend was...

2 years ago
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SEVEN COCKS MAKE ONE WEAKMy wife has been enjoying black cock since 1995 but she has really blossomed into a true black cock slut over the past couple of years. This past weekend was a great example. She is a mature hot wife who works out constantly, 3 times a week with a trainer to keep herself in shape. She is 5’7” tall, has short blonde hair and naturally large tits.Last week she had to go out of town on business for a couple of nights so she made arrangements to meet a black bull that she...

1 year ago
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SistersChapter 15 Of The Mighty And The Weak

Linda entered the imposing room with its paintings by old masters hanging on oak paneling, and its bookcases of old law books. Randolph West was writing, comparing files and documents, looking left and right and then right and left, a caricature of the man of success in his field. He looked up at Linda over the top of his glasses, and waved at her, "Come... come..." as if she were a dog or a little child. "Sit down," he said, with a commanding voice, still busy with his papers. A few...

3 years ago
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Jennie and the Handyman

Her glancing at the paper that early Tuesday, second cup of coffee in hand, was what finally moved Jennie Allen to do something about her ‘old house.’ It wasn’t exactly that she had ‘let it go’, as people tend to say. It’s just that she normally never thought about having things done. Old habits died hard, she was aware of that. The whole realm of dealing with house items, and needs was one of her Andy’s main pleasures. She thought of the many, many times that she would scold him about...

1 year ago
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The Girl Who Came Shrink Wrapped ReduxChapter 3

Kellie was ravenous. Returning to a lotus position-it was so weird, no up or down or left and right; she might have been upside down for all she knew-Kellie removed the backpack and set it in her lap. Very carefully, observing the rules of weightlessness, she rummaged through the interior's contents. One item in particular caught her eye and she pulled out a small blue and white box. Well, she thought wryly, you hit that nail on the head. Kellie wondered how the professor knew. She wasn't...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 489

These are compliments of John A. Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self esteem, make sure you not just surrounded by Ass Holes. Sigmund Freud Why did the cows return to the Marijuana? It was the Pot calling the cattle back. If someone tries to tell you that biscuits and gravy are not a real meal, stop talking to them, nobody needs that type of negativity. I had a gold fish that could break dance on the carpet, But only for about 20 seconds. And only once. To do list;...

2 years ago
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A Good Time In City Bus

Hi all Hope you might have read my exp with Aunty. I could not make it again due to busy schedules. Here I am again with a new experience. This happened last week while traveling to office by bus. I need to travel by bus for approx 45 mins. As my place is very close to the Bus depot, most of the time I get place to sit. In Chennai the buses are having 2 doors and it is comfortable to travel by these buses even when crowded.Always I help elder people to sit since mostly they struggle in the...

1 year ago
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The Ring

"'And to my grandson John, I leave the contents of this box,'" my grandmother's lawyer read out loud from her will, "'on the condition that he open it privately.'" He then gave it to me. "'To my granddaughter Jane, I leave my necklace...' It's...not here." "What do you mean it's not here?!" Jane asked angrily as she crossed her arms. This had the unintended effect of pushing up her large breasts which her black funeral dress was already having trouble containing. "I'm sorry miss, but it's not...

Mind Control
4 years ago
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Hot Air Balloon Ride

Bob is a hot air balloon operator and a good friend, he told me that if I ever wanted to take Nikki on a ride in one that it wouldn't cost a cent. The reason, he liked her a lot and had every reason to as well, Was because, She was so hot that she could give you a hard on with just a smile. Nikki is one of the hottest chicks in the valley. She is blonde 5'9" 34-24-34 and the roundest C-cup you ever saw, She always looks sexy even in sweats. Me, I am 6'4", 180 pounds, brown...

3 years ago
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JordanChapter 8

Trish and I had discussed how to let the school know of the temporary arrangements. Finally we decided the best way was for me to take Jordan to school together with a letter from Trish and her 'in loco-parentis' document. After breakfast Monday morning, Jordan got her school stuff together and off we went. While I was generally familiar with the location of the school, I had to have Jordan give me some directions. When we got to the school, Jordan and I went to the office and asked to...

2 years ago
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A Game of InchesChapter 20

We woke the next morning, dressed and went downstairs for breakfast. We then returned to our room, packed and checked out. Somehow, neither one of us had brought up last night, not a single mention of it. To be honest, I was relieved, I was not sure how I felt about what had happened between us. There was no doubt, I loved Courtney. But was I in love with her? We pulled out of the Casino about eleven o’clock that morning, we had about a three hour drive to get home. For the first hour or so...

2 years ago
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Real Pleasure For My Aunt

Hai friends, this is Dave (David), a naughty, muscular body with 8 inch rod. I’m reading ISS from my childhood onwards and like you people I too enjoy the erotic stories in this site. Without wasting much time now I’m gonna share my true experience with you people. It’s not so easy to seduce a girl or lady or aunty as we do. We should have patience, tolerance and we should have guts to do it so. This story explains how it seduces my aunty her name is Kavitha. She looks very homely, fair and her...

3 years ago
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Steve visits us again

It was a couple of weeks since I had got to show off my newly shaved pussy to Pete and Steve. While I had my bath that night once Steve had left, Pete and sat on the rim of the bath and promised there would be more to come if I was interested. I had left him in no doubt I was.So one evening Mum was getting ready for her night shift and Pete was upstairs pottering about, Mum casually mentioned that Dad was having some pals round tonight, and it might get a bit rowdy, and that if I wanted to go...

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Xhamster sex

I'm horny and on xhamster and looking for a local fuck. The video's are hot, but I need more. I need my pussy eaten. As I'm strolling through loacl guys, I find you. I see that you are online and send you a quick note with a pic of me with cum dripping from my pussy. You send me a message back with your phone number. I callyou and explain on how horny I am right now, and all I want to do is have some fun hot sex. I need my clit licked and I'm hngry for a good portion of dick protein. ...

2 years ago
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Maxwell and Janet

Janet ‘Oh my. Oh. Yes, Yes, Yes, work it. Right there, yes.’ He was finally done. He rolled over and was gasping for air like he was in a marathon. ‘You liked it baby?’ Dixon asked. I put on a fake smile. ‘Baby, do you really need to ask?’ Couldn’t he tell by the fucking fake screams? ‘You right baby. I’ll see you in the morning.’ Every time I look at this puta I ask myself why I am with him. I can’t believe I lost my virginity to him those months ago. I went to sleep disgusted....

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My Wife And I Had A MMF In A Van

We met the other guy and communicated with him using an internet website. I had set it all up ahead of time and had told him that he could not fuck her or eat her out. She could, however, suck his cock and he could suck her tits and finger her. I told him where to cum too, but we’ll get to that in the end of this story. We physically met in a rather dark parking lot. We have a minivan and I prepared it ahead of time. It was a bit cold out, so I removed the two middle seats and put in a futon,...

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First Do No Harm Winter JenningsChapter 3 George Bruce Cortelyou

The first thing I did was change the bedroom and bathroom linens in Matt’s apartment. Everything in the washer; then fresh sheets, pillowcases, towels. Kitchen napkins too. I wasn’t trying to remove the Matt-scent; that was baked into the condo. I just liked ... fresh. Clean. I didn’t even try to not think about the times, good times, that he and I had spent here. Laughter, bed, laughter, food. I got a little teary a couple of times, but my sobbing days were in the past. At least I hoped...

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CousinChapter 5

Dan awoke the next morning with sunlight streaming through the window. The air was already hot and he guessed it must be nine o'clock or later, judging from the angle the sunlight made coming across the window sill. He looked over at Lisa who was still sleeping. His eyes slid slowly over her naked form. With her wrists and ankles tied to the bed she was completely exposed, especially since her pubes were shaved bare. "She's lovely," he thought. "But even better I couldn't begin to dream...

3 years ago
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Gift HorseChapter 5

I taxied to the sleaziest area I knew. Just around Penn Station were some bars where any vice you wished to procure was available for the asking. I began to bar hop. I glanced around looking for the same faces at each bar, looking for my tail. I perused the scantily clad women. They all wanted a date with me. In my state of mind I wanted the sleaziest woman. And there were those who just wanted to watch me. Men in dark suits. Eyes unclear behind glasses. I couldn't shake their gaze. I found...

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Mother Daughter Fucked In Group

I would like to share my wonderful experiences with you. I am a bank officer and two years back I was posted to a semi-urban branch in Kerala. The quarter provided to me was the upstairs of our NRI customer who was in Dubai. In the ground floor his wife and daughter lived. I am 26 years old, unmarried 5′ 8″ and 70 kgs and I had some sexual experiences in the past. Let me tell you the story. The mother is 39 years old lady very sexy looking with big boobs and teasing buttocks. Her name is Prema....

3 years ago
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(Author's Note: This is a Chyoo version of a story I am writing on Hentai Foundry. You can find it by searching on there for Inheritance by Galloway. ) Adam let out a sigh as the last of the financial advisors left, leaving him alone in the large office. He sat back in his chair and relaxed, reflecting on the day. After arriving in the morning, he had been in constant meetings with all sorts of people, as the ownership of his great uncle's estate and investments was transferred to him. He had...

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My Roomates sister Kara

I live with 2 other guys. We all go to college and are extremely good friends. One weekend, one of the guys had his younger sister Kara come up for the weekend. She had just turned 18 years old, but damn she looked at least 22. Her tits were a perfect 36 D (I checked her bra the night before when she was sleeping), stomach flat as a board, and the tightest little ass on her.Well anyways, we were all hanging out and drinking ;) Saturday night upstairs in the computer room. Alex (her brother) got...

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AbbyPART 4Went for Daviss Class with Just

The Chronicles of Abby: PART 4 - Went for Davis's Class with Just Panties Underneath(Abby’s Perspective)Synopsis: Right after Abby’s dad threatened Davis, Davis kept his lust in his pants until one day. Right after Abby’s dad threatened Davis, he hasn’t done anything risky with Abby. For the past few lessons, he had seen all sorts of panties color underneath her skirts and dresses whenever Abby sat with both her feet on the edge of the chair, hugging her legs. Sometimes, she’ll even sat with...

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The world is a different place than it was a hundred years ago. With a population of 9 billion, the experts have long since been proven wrong about sustainability. The most recent threat facing the world was religious in nature and it was the common folk that dealt with it. In order to better appreciate the transition from the world of 1950 to the world of 2050, one must understand that in 2029, a major event took place. World War III. Total loss of life, 998 souls. Every nation on the...

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The First Book of the Merciful NunChapter 6 Sins Of The Flesh

Then it was Heather herself who suggested that some tuition in singing techniques would not come amiss. She had realised that she actually had a good voice, and that money could be made as a singer; furthermore, a trained voice would be more saleable than an untrained one. It was some weeks into the singing lessons when Father Reilly's self restraint finally snapped. "There's something wrong here," he commented, "You are not breathing at the right times in the song." "I can't just...

3 years ago
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The Night That Changed Everything

It was the night before Halloween and Jeremy was deciding where to go the following night. He had been invited to a party that promised to be filled with hot girls but he also wanted to spend some time with his family since he had been too busy with school to do so recently. He was in his room thinking about what to do when suddenly he heard a noise that scared the shit out of him. There was a tapping at the window and when he turned nothing was there. “That was weird”, Jeremy thought. He...

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Angels Journey Chapter 26

I have to sit there for five minutes before a supervisor strolls over. "What is it slut? Can't you wait till the end of shift to go pee pee?" " Miss, I've done some work for Mistress Thorne. I was told to take to her when I finished." There's a pause. "You finished? One of Thorne's special projects?" "Err.. I think so Miss," I reply feeling increasingly nervous. "Far be it from me to keep you from the trouble you're going to get into if you've not done things right," says...

1 year ago
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A sexy night with my cousin

one day i visited my cousin s****rs house. my cousin s****r was three years older then me. all the people in her house went out for a tour. it was 10.00pm. myself and my cousin were alone and we were in one cousin went to change her night dress in bathroom. she came out she was too sexy.her boobs were so tight in the dress. her ass was so sexy.i became so horny.she bent down to take something down i saw her cleavage and i became so horny.we started talking.i thought of touching her...

3 years ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 185

Laura couldn't keep her eyes off April. It was remarkable because, compared to most of her lovers, April wasn't that gorgeous. She was a good five inches or so shorter than Laura. Her face was pleasant though nothing special, and her body was square and fleshy. She had a submissive, quiet personality. Maybe it's just because I'm around her all the time, Laura thought. I mean, she is physically attractive, let's face it, she thought. Just because she doesn't have a body like Mavis or...

1 year ago
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Private Alika Penagos Tastes The IceCream Man

After a summer fooling around on the beach with the ice-cream man, Potro, Alika Penagos has finally decided that it’s time to take action… and there’s something else that this horny Latina now wants to taste! That’s right, Alika no longer wants dairy, she wants cum, and that’s exactly what this saucy brunette gets in Private Specials, Hot Girls at the Beach as she seduces Potro into coming home with her for a spectacular deepthroat blowjob and an equally spectacular fuck that has her riding,...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Amber Jayne Cayenne Klein Office Love Triangle

Tune into this Hand On Hardcore office love triangle featuring college cutie Cayenne Klein, and legendary Milf, Miss Amber Jayne, vying over the affection of one lucky stud, Mugur. When busty Brit, Amber, walks into the breakroom to find Mugur balls deep inside of Cayenne, pussy fucking her, she’s just gotta get involved and show the tiny tittied teen up. While Mugur does his magic on them, taking turns penetrating their slits, the girls go crazy on him, licking his balls and beyond. We...

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Brandy and Moonlight at the Company Christmas Party

Sarah Paling sat quietly at her workstation, and carefully soldered a connection. Still, as she worked, she listened to the talk around her. "He thought buying me dinner entitled him to me as desert." Brandy laughed. "I'm not that cheap!" "Sure you are girlfriend." Misty giggled. "Look at how you dress." "Hey, I dress to impress. Is that a problem?" Sarah glanced over as Brandy sat up tall, her ample assets straining mightily at her sheer silk blouse. She quickly looked back at...

1 year ago
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Alien Sexual Abduction of LorenChapter 2 Ass Fucking

Loren woke with a start, a bad dream still in her head. She was naked on some sort of bed, it was more like it was enveloping her body. She was not hot or cold, the temperature in the room just at the precise point. Her hand moved down between her legs, her fingers running over her bald pussy, pushing between her slit, already wet. The dream she had was very sexual, but also very painful, yet her pussy still managed to be highly aroused. She pushed a finger into her pussy, surprised at how...

2 years ago
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Seduces Friend8217s Sexy Wife Pragya On Her Birthday

Hello friends. Let’s start the story by giving you all a brief introduction about the characters. Amit – 28 years old, single guy, good physique, athlete, works out regularly, is a close buddy of Sunny. He is the best friend of Sunny. Sunny – 34 years old, married, good body and a little chubby. Pragya – 27 years old, married to Sunny. Her figure is 34b-28-36 with an amazing firm Bengali body with perky boobs. RECAP: Sunny and Pragya were married for 1 year. They were living a...

2 years ago
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The hot boy next door

The HOT boy next door This is a true story that acully happend to me whene i was fifteen I just got hime from school and decided to wach some tv , but wene i turned it on it was aporn show! I thanked the lord that no one was home. But in truth tje vidio really tured me on so i decided to do some thing REALLy nauty,i sliped into my mothers room and starded looking throu her drawers and there in her bed side table was a vibrater. So i grabed it went ito my room and tured on my moms vibrater i...

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