HANDYMAN short story
- 4 years ago
- 34
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"Please, come in."
At first, I thought the door had been opened remotely. It was only after my eyes traveled downward a good distance that the speaker came into view, but what a view! Raven black hair with hints of bronze and copper that fell straight to her waist, china doll face, eyes downcast - everything about this diminutive lady spoke of fragile delicacy, while her manner shouted docility. Despite its slenderness, there was nothing boyish about her figure. The traditional silk, chin-to-floor dress, rather than hiding her charms, served to make one desire more strongly to see them.
"I'm Hank the Handyman, ma'am," I told her as I stepped through the doorway. "You said you needed some work done on your floors?"
"I am Mrs. Chen," she answered, demurely extending her hand. I didn't know whether to shake it or kiss it. "Please call me Fang."
(She pronounced it 'Fahng')
I wrapped the delicate member in one callused hand, briefly, without shaking, afraid it would be crushed in my grip, without my intending it.
"Pleased to meet you, ma'am," I said, and I was. "What seems to be the problem?"
"There is no problem," she replied, eyes still downcast, "but an opportunity. I - that is, my husband and I - wish to remove the carpet in this room, and replace it with hardwood flooring. Bamboo, to be precise."
I nodded my approval. "Good choice. Because the bamboo is bonded together with edges up, it simulates wood grain and is more durable than traditional woods, but I must warn you that I have never installed hardwood flooring before. Are you sure you don't want to get a professional to do this?"
"I have seen the work you did for Mrs. Collins," she replied, eyes still downcast, "and I believe that you are a craftsman who takes pride in his work. That is a quality that is difficult to find."
My cock stirred in my jeans as my mind speculated on how this subservient little sprite might have experienced Courtney's cabinet. (See 'Handyman: Courtney's Counters')
"Very well," I said, "but just so you know, there are certain tricks the pros know that only come with experience. I don't have that experience."
"I - we - do not want 'tricks', sir," she said. "We want quality work. You will do it, yes?"
"I will send you an estimate, and if you still want me to do it, I'll work it into my schedule," I told her, getting out my handy-dandy retractable steel tape measure.
Fang hovered in the background, quiet as a mouse, while I took my measurements. She had already identified the vendor and style of flooring she wanted, so I didn't have to do the leg work. I suggested new hardwood baseboards to replace the white-painted composite ones the builder had installed, and she readily agreed.
The estimate was fairly straightforward but I had to guess at how long it would take me to do the installation, since I had never done such a thing. A little online research, a call to the rental place, and I figured I had it down as close as I could get it.
I got the feeling that for Mrs. Chen, the estimate was a mere formality. She probably would have hired me regardless of what the estimate said, but I didn't try to take advantage of her.
I couldn't get delivery of the flooring for a couple of weeks, so I waited until a couple of days before the scheduled delivery to go in and rip out the carpet, pad and tack strips. I also used construction adhesive and a power hammer put down a good underlayment on the underlying slab to make sure I had a good place to nail the flooring down. Thankfully, Mrs. Chen had errands to run at that point, and I didn't have to provide her with ear protection as the explosive shells of the power hammer 'shot' the nails into the concrete.
Except for that period of errand running, Mrs. Chen hovered like a mouse waiting for a chance at the cheese. She never spoke unless asked a direct question, and in the whole time I was there, I don't recall having seen more than the corners of her eyeballs. The day I ripped out the carpet and put down the underlayment, though, she dressed in tight, 'pedal-pusher' style jeans (yes, I know I'm dating myself, but that's what they were called when they first became fashionable. I think they call them 'capri pants' these days.) and a white, starched shirt with the collar up in back. The top three buttons were unbuttoned, revealing just a hint of cleavage that was well covered with padding. Oh yes, the heels of the little sandals on her feet were at least three inches tall.
The flooring finally arrived, and lo and behold, they got the order right. I hooked up the rented DeWalt flooring nailer to my compressor and started installing flooring. My earlier research paid off, and to my astonishment, it went very well. There were no major hitches and the minor ones were easily solved.
By the end of the first day, once the flooring was delivered, I had completed about two thirds of the floor. My miter saw made good accurate cuts and the puller tool that the guy at the rental place said I needed worked wonders in keeping the seams nice and tight, even around the edges of the walls. The nailer only jammed once, and it was easy to clear, so by noon of the second day I had installed the transition strip at the doorway, between the wood and the carpet. I filled the finishing nail holes in the courses next to the walls that couldn't be nailed through the tongue like most of them. The baseboards, already cut and stained, fit like a precision jigsaw puzzle and looked fabulous, once I had filled the nail holes and sealed the gaps at the top of the board.
The paint touch up took only a few minutes, and I did a final inspection, finding nothing more that needed my attention. I had just turned toward the door when Fang, who had been conspicuously absent, appeared as if called.
Again, she was dressed in chin-to-floor silk, but of a different color than the first time, and the long slit down the side gave me a tantalizing glimpse of a pale, exquisitely formed leg ending in an impossibly high heeled shoe.
"All finished, ma'am," I told her, packing up my tools as I prepared to depart. "Would you care to inspect the work?"
Without a word, she began pacing the new floor, bouncing here and there to test for squeaks, scrutinizing the surface for bad seams or marred boards. My packing completed, I waited patiently while she finished her inspection.
Instead of joining me at the doorway, she returned to the area by the window, gazing intently at an area of the floor there.
"Is there something wrong?" I asked, walking over to her.
"I am not certain," she answered meekly. "Perhaps if you examine this area closely..."
"I'm sorry, ma'am," I answered, giving the indicated section a good hard look. "I don't see anything."
"Perhaps if you lean over and place your hands together upon the window sill, it will shield the area from glare and you can see better..."
I didn't see any glare either, but I didn't want to argue with her - not with a paycheck that size on the line. I leaned forward and did as she asked, still not seeing a problem with the floor.
The next thing I knew, my wrists were cuffed together, and the cuffs, somehow, secured to the window sill. I had not seem them there, bolted to the sill behind the curtains, and now I was well and truly trapped!
"Hey!" I began intelligently, testing the strength of whatever anchored the cuffs. "What the... ?!"
Without a word, Fang knelt beside me and undid my belt, then my jeans. Well, this was interesting enough to still my protests. I decided to wait and see what she had in mind.
What she had in mind, apparently, was me, naked below the waist. She made short work of the laces of my boots, and I didn't argue when her tiny hands urged my feet out of them. My jeans and shorts soon followed, and there I was, chained to Mrs. Chen's window sill, my ass on display for all to see. Clearly, Mrs. Collins had discussed more about my work for her than my carpentry skills.
Delicate hands caressed gently between my legs, bringing me almost instantly to erection. The situation was just so wierd, and the actions of the last few seconds so out of character for the Mrs. Chen I thought I knew, that my mind was screwing with me whether she intended to, or not.
"Did you know that I have a Master's Degree in Computer Engineering from MIT?" Fang said sweetly, but no longer meekly, as her fingers did magic things to my exposed nether regions. "I also have a PhD from Stanford."
As far as I was concerned, she had graduated Magna Cum Laude in foreplay. I was more aroused than I had ever been before, so I grunted encouragingly.
"My husband is the Chief Technical Officer for a very large Corporation, and I love him dearly," the new love of my life proclaimed, still in that sweet voice, "but his family is very traditional. To please them, he insists that I not work - that I stay home and be a good housewife. Do you understand what it is like to be forbidden to use this prodigious mind and expensive education? I must stay home, cook, clean, and be well groomed at all times."
With that, her voice took on a harder edge, and a slender finger wormed its way swiftly up my back passage. Not that I objected too strongly, since it immediately commenced playing a drum solo on my prostate.
"As you might guess," she continued her soliloquy, "staying home all day is quite boring. That is why Courtney and I are such good friends. She has introduced me to some very creative ways of breaking out of the boredom."
Suddenly, her finger slipped out of me and her touch disappeared entirely, leaving me waving in the breeze.
"Please don't go anywhere, Mr. Handyman," her retreating voice said, dripping with irony. "You have yet to recieve your reward for such excellent workmanship!"
So there I was, butt naked, my jeans and boxer briefs piled in a corner with my boots, my favorite toy dangling between my legs, hard as a steel rod, occasionally bouncing up to slap wetly against my belly. I was what? Embarrassed, yeah. Aroused, definitely! Scared, a little - okay a lot! I had no idea how deep this frustrated housewife's resentment for her situation was, or how much of it she might be willing to take out on me. In any case, I had little choice - I wasn't going anywhere for a while.
My mind was working the situation over at about Mach II when Mrs. Chen returned. From my upside-down point of view, she was a changed woman. She still sported the black high heels, but that's all that remained of her former outfit. Those slender, surprisingly shapely legs ran up from the tops of her shoes to the black leather crotch of some tightly cinched garment that went only as high as the bottoms of her breasts. Her waist was pinched down to an impossibly small diameter, but that wasn't what held my attention.
Attached firmly around that waspish waist was a harness bearing a formidable black, plastic phallus. I don't know if it was the garment or nature, but Mrs. Chen's breasts, though still small, were much more substantial than I had imagined. As my eyes traveled upward, I had to do a doubletake. Something about her makeup, demeanor, expression or some combination of those aspects had totally transformed her from the delicate, demure flower of only moments before, to a confident, dangerous dragon-lady!
As if reading my mind, Fang placed the black leather bag she carried on the floor beside me and asked, "I am a good actress, am I not, Hank the Handyman? All this time I will bet you thought me the subservient one. I saw you get excited when I mentioned Courtney's cabinet, and I could almost see the visions of my frail tender body strapped into that monstrosity at the mercy of the cruel Mrs. Collins."
I had to admit, she had me pegged. Not that I was going to tell HER that.
"As you may have guessed by now," she continued, drawing some sort of telescoping bar from the bag and using it to fasten my ankles far apart, "that was not my role all. I daresay, in fact, that I gave sweet Courtney as wild a ride on her new steed as did you."
These images were very distracting, and my erection, which had begun to falter, sprung once more to attention - until I recalled what the young Chinese housewife had strapped around her loins.
"Uh, ma'am," I had to clear my throat to get any more out, but finally continued, "Ma'am, I'll admit to being an adventurous sort when it comes to sex, and I've even had the odd dildo or vibrator up my backside from time to time, but that thing you're wearing, ma'am, that's quite a bit more than I've ever tried to take before..."
"Well of course it is, dear boy," she answered sweetly, "and that will be part of the fun, now, won't it? But not to worry, I've become quite expert at preparing inexperienced orifices for my baby here. By the time I've finished with you, you will be begging for more."
I was more than a little skeptical, but when her china doll face dove between my hairy buns and she started doing her level best to drive her tongue up my colon, I couldn't come up with any cogent arguments to the contrary. I was more than a little surprised at just how far she was able to penetrate with that warm, wet muscle. I could swear I felt her licking my prostate at one point!
"Oh," she cooed, backing away, "you HAVE had things inside you there. Good! Let's move on, shall we?"
Without further fanfare, she slipped a long, slender vibrator deep into my lower bowel. It was no thicker than anything else I'd had in there, but damn, it went deep!
When Fang switched the thing on, it not only vibrated, but undulated and twisted inside me!
"I just got this one," she told me, running a delicate nail lightly down the underside of my erection. "What do you think of it?"
I tried to gather enough saliva to lubricate my dry mouth for speaking, but Fang didn't wait for me to answer.
"No need to speak," she laughed - a sound like tinkling bells. "Your body answers for you."
My body was speaking volumes. My hips humped the air reflexively, causing my rigid rod to slap wetly against my belly, splattering pre-cum all over Fang's new bamboo floors.
I felt silky hair against the inside of my thighs as Mrs. Chen poked her head between my legs and extended her long, pink tongue to taste the fluids dripping from my cock.
"Mmmm," she purred. "Delicious!"
My hips were still pumping when the little devil suddenly deprived me of the stimulation that was causing it, still lapping at the underside of my shaft. I groaned at the sudden loss of sensation, but the lovely asian had no intention of leaving me empty for long.
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Hello readers I'm Bryce, and this story is about a College that classes happen at night only follow me and others During this storyyou'll read sex scenes see people loose their souls and vampires feed. ...........................................................................It's the first night at the new campus and Bryce has just arrived it's still day so classes don't start for a couple of hours still. he already knows slot of he's new classmates. since Bryce actually went to school with...
BDSMWelcome to a town known as Dan Ville, in this town, two boys grew up with their big sister. The boys spent may a day creating gadgets and widgets, to get the most out of each day. Their now grown and returned to Dan Ville for visit. The first is Candace Flynn, who married her teen crush Jemery, she has long red hair, next is Pheanis Flynn. He's the younger brother of Candace, he also has red hair, and married he child hood friend Isabella, who was a fireside girl, so she has many of skills....
BDSMWelcome to college, here you'll start classes towards the career you're chosen. Here at FBA, we assure you that we will teach you all that's needed to advance within your field. Here on campus we have lots of activites and clubs you can join. Feel like just kicking back with a few friends, then head on over to Tabz, the campus hangout. It is technically a bar, but it serves non alcoholic drinks, for those of you that dont partake. As for those activities, theirs a onsite public pool , a...
BDSM“Grandpa!” Sirius awoke from his slumber with a start, but Eric grabbed him before he could do something reckless. “Calm down, you’re back at the temple!” Sirius was crazed, blinded by adrenaline. It took the efforts of both Eric and the Grandmaster to restrain him and force him back onto his bed. He soon calmed down and looked around what he realized to be his bedroom. Along with Eric and the Grandmaster, Shahti and Eva were gathered around, everyone with looks of mourning. “What...
Saitou: The last time we fought must have been the battle of Tobafushimi. So, it has been about... ten years. Kaoru (thinking) Ten years... (aloud) Kenshin, you know Mr. Fujita? Kenshin: He's changed his name to Fujita Gorou. He was the captain of the Shinsengumi third unit, Saitou Hajime. Kaoru: The Shinsengumi... Yahiko: Then you're the one after Kenshin... Saitou: Ten years... it's only two words. But to live it is a long time. Kenshin:... Yes... Enough time for a man to go bad....
I took his hand and bumped him playfully with my shoulder, smiling up like an idiot. He smiled back down - a half-cocked, indulgent smirk that told me he thought I was cute. I straightened and lengthened my high-heeled stride, trying to act a little more adult. All around us, vacationers, business travelers, and hotel staff bustled through the lobby - adults going about their adult business, doing adult things, saying adult things to other adults. And here we were, sneaking away from the...
Quickie SexI first started getting hardons for my Mom when I was recovering at home from a concussion I received in a car accident just after turning 18. I had to stay home and do school by correspondence for a whole term. I fought against this home prison sentence, not wanting to stay home, bored silly, with my Mother all day, but the doctor insisted. So I set myself up with my books and laptop in the dining room but soon migrated to the living room so I could watch TV while studying. I actually started...
G.S.P. Chapter 11 Fang and the Spirits of the Dead * * * “I must ask you citizens of New York. Does the presence of the G.S.P make you feel safe?” Cyclone shouted into the camera and then took a long pause as to let the question ring before he continued. “Looking at the past weeks you have reasons to feel more secure, but not because the lazy for hire G.S.P group, but because of us honest heroes from my Knighthood of Peace. It all fits the same pattern. G.S.P was never about battling the...
Well, the next week was largely a disaster. I got to work, and as we walked to the front door there was angry muttering. “Don’t bother Di, the door is locked” one of them said. What? Locked? Yep, sure enough somebody was reading the notice somebody posted inside the door. Cancellation of contract, downturn of economy, damage to their main warehouse on the Night of Madness. Company bankrupt, may or may not open after restructuring. All employees laid off immediately. Shit! Thankfully...
It was towards the end of the summer when I was processing data that I came across a name I recognized. Sean Mackenzie. He was working in the basement with the R&D department, and I grinned when I changed and headed down shortly before lunch. And I smiled when I finally saw my friend for the first time. He had a shock of red hair, and a big grin as he and Kirk were working on a computer. “Oh, Dire. Meet Sean, he joined our team last week. We were just going over plans for work on Clint’s...
On Monday, Doug came to my office, and together we made all the reservations for our flight and stay in DC. The flight was not a problem, but the hotel was. Since I was senior, I was given a place in one hotel, but being more of a junior member Doug had to make reservations at another. But I called Dr. Tran and explained the situation. As I obviously could not drive, I was going to have to rely upon Doug for my transportation. “Instead of two rental cars, just take the money that would go...
Paul showed up early the following day to his new job, eager for a new beginning. No longer would he be an alpha, and worse case scenario he could at least pretend to be normal. When the first dogs came in, he began their check ups, trying to hide the fact that he could hear them. He succeeded as far as the police were concerned, the dogs however knew better. Watching his every move they reacted to his every word and intention as if they clearly understood, and indeed they did. In an odd way...
The next 2 months largely flowed by. Work was mostly slow, new hires were on hold as they were bidding on a new contract and we were all holding our breath. If we got it, we would hire around 10% more people to meet the increased demand. And expand to a 4th location for some of the new work. I had been casually dating a guy in my dance club, but nothing serious. A few kisses at the end of the night, we enjoyed being together but I think neither of us felt that spark that would show it might...
The next several weeks were exhausting and also fun. By now the class had reduced to 6. 4 guys, Glenda, and myself. We were now going basic throws, as well as blocks. And on the day the Mutant Control Act passed and was signed into law, we also moved into the new dojo. It was bigger than the old one, but not much. It had been a small grocery store built right after WWII, but the ceiling was much higher. Now we were seeing the real Clint. He was now able to walk us through the movements, and...
I looked into her eyes, and softly whispered “Mei Ling, I also want to sleep with you. But not as a customer.” “No Di, you not understand. I want to sleep with you, not as a customer but as a friend. I want us to make love, or just hold each other. Whatever you want, I want to be yours tonight. And maybe other nights if you like me.” I pulled her over, and she slipped right into my lap. She snuggled right against me, and our lips found each other. We kissed, and my fingers caressed the back...
A Fang tab lush Christmas by Bryce193: It's that time of year again, where Santa sores throw the night sky delivering presents. Carollers going door to door singing classic holiday songs for cups of hot chocolate and smiles. lights with decorations on several houses. In a small town we find a young woman decorating her holiday tree, for it is Christmas Eve. This woman's name is Gwen Del Ian, but her family and friends simply call her Gwen. She's getting everything ready for her family's...
BDSMDarren stared into the mirror musing over his shirtless reflection. The dim lamp light played against his lean, muscular body and glinted off his mane of jet black hair. In the back of his mind, Darren knew how attractive he was but his eyes kept returning to the wickedly curved fangs peeking out from between his lips. Being a vampire made everything so much harder. He listened to the pattering of running water, as his fianc?e showered in the nearby bathroom. A spark of hunger ...
The next week I knew it was time to bite the bullet. Tim and Jean came to my house for dinner, with Little Di. And I invited John and Janice to be there as well. They had finally gotten married and I felt more comfortable telling John before my parents. And after dinner, I did a repeat of last time. I came back from my bedroom as Dire Wolf, and I started to tear up finally seeing John again. He stood up out of reflex when I came in, then I saw both confusion, then concern on his face when...
The next day she came by at 11, so we ate upstairs, and Auntie Liling was amazed at all the people that were working there. “Is everybody here a mutant, Di?” “Well, not everybody, but a lot of them are. And a lot more are, but it is not obvious. Their mutations are more subtle. Perfect memory, better and faster thinking, some grew a bit or had their hair change colors, things like that. Heck, if not for simply being very tall and Fang, most would have no idea I am a mutant.” “You are right...
Fang and Caterina’s Day in the Forest One beautiful summer day Fang and Caterina went out for a horse back ride to a nice forest area where very few people go to visit. The day was perfect, warm and comfortable to a pair of riders that needed a rest from the three-mile ride to the pond area with beautiful waterfalls. They took their picnic lunch with them when they began their hike into the forest. They put the blanket down near the pond but out of the bright sunshine. Once they were all...
Thankfully it only took me a few weeks to get my first job. It was working in the Human Resources department of a local aerospace company. They were mostly involved in making electronic parts for military jets, which were then sold to the big companies. And among the benefits was a van pool. They would pick us up every morning at 7:15, and pick me up at work at 5:15 for the ride home. And they had a large grass area that many walked around during breaks. It was during my second week that I...
Paul walked into his apartment two hours later to find Rachel waiting for him, sitting up on the couch. "You're home late." Rachel commented indignantly. "I was unaware that I had to ask you permission to stay out late." Paul said with a raised eyebrow. "My apologizes Alpha." Rachel said recognizing her mistake. Sitting down in the love seat across from her, Paul said, "Marcus explained to me why you are here. I had to admit I was wondering." "Every new Were is expected to have...
Two days later, Doug and I were having dinner before I hit the streets again. There was a knock on the door, and after nodding at him I changed to Di as he went and answered it. I could hear somebody say this name with respect, and we would know what to do with it. Doug sounded puzzled after closing the door and said we were alone. I changed back and saw he was holding a package. A little under 5 feet long, the box said it contained curtain rods. I called Fang over, and he sniffed it once it...