Mr Sybian free porn video

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Today was the most horrible day of my life. It started going wrong when my old boss (and I do mean ‘old’), Mr. Schmidt, took a leave of absence due to health reasons. He was old, but he was also a secretary’s dream boss. Okay, he was a little wrinkly and a little smelly, which made it no fun going down on him, but on the bright side, I only had to go down on him once, maybe twice a week.

He would even ask my opinion on things and pretty much let me take care of most of his assignments without a lot of interference. And a forty year-old woman being able to work without a lot of interference from a male, well that has been a rare thing ever since the national government repealed all the women’s suffrage laws and replaced with then misogyny and pornography laws.

Anyway, it turned out that Mr. Schmidt would be out of the office indefinitely. I was hoping I would be able to continue doing my job, you know- without the blowjobs and all.

Alas, it was not to be. Just my luck, after two weeks they replaced Mr. Schmidt with Jason Henderson. I loathed him and his smug cocky expression at first sight. He was seventeen years-old and a recent high school graduate, hell I could be his mother with our age difference. It was rumored that he took all the of “New Misogyny Study” classes as a senior in high school in order to rise quickly through the company.

As head female office manager he had me stand in front of him with my skirt raised for a panty check, threatening to spank me if they were damp. I promised him they were not, but he was resolute, piercing me with his smug gaze and fondling my pussy until he was satisfied that I was as dry as I claimed. Hell, I’d hadn’t had an orgasm in years.

I could feel my cheeks burning from embarrassment and I wanted to crawl under a desk and die. Sure, I understand the male boss has the right to check his female workers at anytime, but Mr. Schmidt never did. I mean, I did everything by the book. I dotted every ‘I’ and crossed every “T”. Heck, even my skirt met the requirement of being 5 inches above my knee, but I made sure that they were not an inch shorter. And really, I had always went out of my way not to be like some of the, how should I say, ‘looser’ secretaries, some of the younger women in their teens and early twenties that I worked with.

But my humiliation didn’t end there. With my dry pussy thoroughly mauled and my pride all but erased from my psyche- he ordered me to suck his cock.

I knelt down in front of Mr Henderson as he stood in front of his desk, proceeded unzip his pants, and fished around for his cock. This I expected. I’ve worked for several young men during my 25 year career as an office secretary, and never had one yet who didn’t want to test out the skills of his secretary, even my beloved old fuddy duddy Mr. Schmidt like to.

But, what I didn’t expect was the monster I freed from his pants. My God, it was the biggest I’d ever seen. No way would I be able to fit it in my mouth, let alone deep throat it! I licked along its mighty shaft, while jacking it off with my hand. I prayed that he would cum quickly, but it wasn’t to be.

“Suck it whore,” he said, grabbing me by my ears and forcing me to take it in my mouth. “Don’t just play with it.”

Frustrated tears welled in the corner of my eyes as I struggled to stretch my lips around his enormous head.

“Ah fuck,” he murmured, “What are you a useless piece of female shit? You act like you’ve never sucked a cock before.”

The cocky shit had the nerve- to ridicule and analyze my performance! Kneeling there; choking and gagging on his cock, I looked at him with pure hatred in my eyes. Who did he think he was? He was just a teenager, a temporary boss passing through on his way to the top, and I had been doing the job by myself before he came along.

The bastard met my gaze, his eyes gleaming evilly. He chuckled, grabbed the back of my head, and thrust his hips twice, jamming his cock down my throat for a moment. I was choking and unable to breath. I could just see the headlines, office secretary found dead in office after giving head.

Thankfully, he pulled out of my throat and began to thrust in and out with shallow strokes. It was still long enough that it banged against the back of my throat, but at least I could breathe. He tilted my chin up so that I was forced to meet his eyes.

Like a dog trainer breaking in a new pup, he smiled as I glanced back down docilely, my hateful stare a distant memory. My first day with my new boss and there I was, kneeling between his legs, communicating my dependence the only way I could in this position, slobbering and sucking on his monstrous phallus.

“That’s my girl,” he said as he patted the top of my head. “At least you aren’t un-trainable.” He then started drumming his fingers on the top of my head.

My tears fell faster and my mouth grew tired and raw as I tried to pleasure him-tried to get him to cum so that he would stop his oral assault and the rhythmic drumming of his fingers. Finally, he began to thrust faster.

“Oh fuck, here it comes!” he gasped.

Finally! With an aching jaw and chapped lips, I was never so glad as to feel hot cum shooting into my mouth. At last it was over. He wiped his cock on my left cheek.

“Kiss, kiss,” he smiled.

I kissed the tip of his cock and the kissed down the length of his cock. I put his cock into his pants and zipped it up again.

“Line up the bitches for inspection,” he said as he straightened his tie.

“Yes sir!”

I had the office girls lined up for inspection. Each girl had her pulled up like I did and her panties down to her ankles. He walked down the line with me following him. He put the fingers of his left hand into each pussy as he walked by the girl said her name. Finally he walked to the front of the office.

“I am your new boss. What I say goes. I have complete control over each and everyone of you while you are on company time.” He paused. “I don’t care to know your names but I have a right to expect that you do what I tell you to do. If you don’t, I will fire you and you won’t get a recommendation from the company.” He paused and looked at me. “How many stupid cunts are in this office?”

“Thirty sir.”

He looked at one young girl. “How old are you?”

The girl looked like she was going to faint. “Fifteen sir.”

“How old are you?”

“Fifty-two sir.”

Mr Henderson nodded his head and continued. “Starting today, every morning before work you will line up outside the front door and wait for me to open it. When I open the doors you will come in one at a time and kiss my cock. You will carefully handle my cock while kissing the tip of it, then carefully hand my cock to the next bitch. The last bitch to kiss my cock will put back in my pants closing the zipper. At the end of the work day you will line up outside my office and wait for me. Same thing, you will carefully handle my cock while kissing the tip and then carefully handing my cock to the next bitch.” He paused. “Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes sir!” we all said together.

“If my cock is not happy with your performance then I am not happy with your performance and you will get written up.” He paused. “As the male in charge of this office I have the right to expect a perfect performance from you cunts.” the teenager looked around the office. “Three bad marks from my cock and you will be fired. Do you understand?”

“Yes sir!” we all replied.

“Get your stupid cunts back to work!”

The girls scrambled back to their desks.

Mr Henderson looked at me. “I want you to be the last person in line in the morning and the afternoon, got it?”

“Yes sir.”

The company bell rang signaling the end of the work day. The girls lined up outside the office but I waited as I had a clip board of papers for Mr Henderson to sign.

Finally after twenty minutes he came out of his office with his cock hanging outside his pants, it was swaying back and forth. He knew we all had to take the female transportation back to our neighborhoods and now we would all be late getting home. The bastard.

By the time the fifth woman took his cock to kiss it, I cleared my throat.

“Yes, what is it?”

“I have some important papers for you to sign, sir.”

He waved his hand in a “come” motion.

He told the woman as she bent over to kiss his cock. “Hold it right there.” He took his right hand and pressed the woman’s head down so that his cock head was in her mouth. Then took the clip board from me and put it on her head. I handed him a pen. He dully signed each paper.

He smiled and stopped for a moment. “A female head has to be good for something!” and he laughed and so did we. He finished signing the papers but didn’t hand the clip board back to me. He rested his hands on top of it, which gently pushed the woman’s mouth further down his cock.

Young Mr Henderson looked at me. “You know I think I am going to like it here. I have some ideas that I think will make this office a fun place.”

“Yes sir.”

He then handed the clip board back to me and the line moved on.

I could barely endure my first day working with my new boss, but yesterday that was a walk in the park compared to today. I made sure that I was the last one to enter the office to kiss Mr Henderson’s cock and tuck it away. He smiled at me and turned to his office.

I could tell immediately something was up.

Every secretary stopped what they were doing and stared at me as I walked to my desk. I could almost hear their whispers, but I had no idea what they were saying, I only knew that it was about me.

The moment I arrived at my desk, I knew what the commotion was about. Instead of my ergonomic chair beneath the desk, there was what could only be described as a saddle on wheels that came up waist high on me. In the center of the saddle a very real looking dildo pointed up luridly. My purse fell to the floor, followed by my stomach and jaw. No, this was intolerable. Totally unacceptable.

“I see you’ve met our new company trainer, Mr. Sybian,” the teen laughed from the door of his office. “Why don’t you wheel him in here and I’ll let you two get intimately acquainted.”

“Yes sir” I mumbled.

In a state of numb shock, I wheeled it into the office, careful to conceal it as best I could from the other female office workers. Whatever Mr. Henderson had on his mind, well, he could just forget it. This was clearly over the line and I told him so.

“Mr. Henderson, sir,” I said. “I don’t know what you expect, but I mean, Mr. Schmidt is technically our.”

“Officially retired,” he interrupted me. “As I said yesterday you all work for me. You now work for me. Your employment contract you signed twenty-five years ago gives me the right to expect a friendly, enthusiastic, and motivated submissive secretary, it also gives me the right to discipline you for infractions of company policy, for violating my office policy’s and it gives me the right as the male manager to train you and the other cunts as I see fit.” He smiled. “That’s a win-win-win for me.”

“But I am friendly and I am motivated, and especially enthusiastic,” I whined as I fidgeted with my fingers trying to avoid looking at the saddle on wheels. I sounded like a five year-old for Christ sakes.

“And that is why I enrolled you and the other office whores in the company’s Sybian training program,” Mr Henderson paused. “What’s your name again?”

“Mrs Lindsey, Kathy Lindsey.”

“So Mrs Lindsey” he continued as though I didn’t speak, “Meet Mr. Sybian, you new personal trainer.”

“Sir, look, there’s no way, I - I quit,” I stammered.

“Well, the non-competition clause in your employment contract states that you will not sign another employment contract for a period of five years. Do you have five years of salary saved Mrs...”


“Mrs Lindsey?”

“No sir, you know that women, no matter their education or background, are only paid minimum wage for their work.”

“Then can you hibernate?”

“No sir.”

“Do you have a family?”

“Yes sir, I’m married and have a fourteen year-old daughter.”

“Perfect, your daughter is almost ready for the work world. When she turns fifteen have her apply for a job with us and I’ll put in a good word for her. Having mother daughter employees would be lots of fun.”

“Yes sir.”

“Can your family survive without your meager pay?”

“No sir, but...”

“Then I suggest you say hello to Mr. Sybian.” He reduced me to tears and I stomped my foot like a little girl who didn’t get her way.

I hated the national government and their new laws that made this possible, but most of all I hated that teenager sitting behind that desk.

“Say it,” he repeated smugly.

“Hello, Mr. S-Sybian,” I stammered.

“Look at him and say it!”

I had been defeated at every turn. I had no choice.

I looked directly at the contraption. “Hello, Mr Sybian!”

“Now that wasn’t so bad was it?”

“No sir.”

“Now hand me your panties and I’ll help you get mounted.”

I handed them to him and the little pervert held them to his nose and sniffed. He got tape from his desk drawer and walked to the glass wall facing the office and taped my panties up for all to see.

Then he handed me a bottle of lube and told me to coat the dildo. I did as he bid, and then mounted the huge phallus. And it was huge, let me tell you. I had a hard time getting it all in, but Mr. Henderson moved behind me and pushed down on my shoulders.

“Ouch,” I whimpered. “It’s too big, sir.”

“Oh, I’m sure that your womanly cunt can handle it ... you’re a grown woman after all.” he said, still pushing down.

“No-no-it - oh Gawd.”

And then I was firmly seated on the vinyl saddle, my sex filled and taunt around the latex phallus. I noticed several buckles and straps on the saddle of the trainer. At first I didn’t know what they were for, but I soon found out.

They were ankle and thigh cuffs, and Mr Henderson wasted no time locking me down until I was secured tightly to the saddle with no way of getting off without his assistance. He dangled the key from his finger tips and smiled at me.

“Now back to your desk,” Mr Henderson grinned, wheeling me, mounted on my humiliating perch, back into the office.

Blushing, trembling, crying, and inwardly cursing, I did my best to adjust my skirt to hide what had been done to me. What he had done to me. I could feel the heat from every eye in the office as they burned into my soul. Oh how I hated him! I wanted to stab him in the heart with a letter opener.

“I need this report done by twelve so I can have it to upper management by COB.” Mr Henderson handed me the small dictation CD player and head phones, grinned and made his way back to his office, “What, no smile?” he said, peeking around the corner.

I forced one to my lips, even though my eyes screamed, “Die you fucking little worm!”

There was nothing I could do except begin typing his report. As I put the head phones on I reflected on the fact that over the years I learned after many spankings and standing in the punishment corner with a dunce cap on my head, that it wouldn’t do me any good to wallow in my own sorry situation or try for petty revenge. At least, not until the opportunity arose to get rid of this teenage monster by getting him promoted.

Then, he would gladly leave me behind for a prettier, younger and bustier secretary. It was as I was typing the report that I became aware of something. The Sybian was vibrating. And the dildo? Not only was it vibrating, it was moving around inside of me.

Just barely, but moving nonetheless. I could feel myself warming up. My sex feeling full and thick. I wondered if the wetness below was from the lubricant or from me. I shook my head, trying to clear the foggy fuzzy feeling, doing my best to concentrate on the report. I adjusted the headphones and continued typing.

Click-click-click, the keyboard keys clacked. Buzz-buzz-buzz the intruder in my cunt hummed. Fuck, but if it wasn’t turning me on. I mean like really turning me on.

The middle part of the saddle was raised and pressing right against my clit. It was hot and buzzing. It felt so good, oh fuck, I was sure the secretions were my own by now. I tried to shift in the saddle, trying to avoid the buzzing, but the straps held me tightly in place.

Instead of helping, the shifting dildo felt wickedly wonderful and arousing.

Ugh, ugh, shit it was making me hot. Something I could not afford when everyone was looking at me out of the corner of their eyes. Fuck, I could feel my passion rising. I could no longer type. I could no longer concentrate on anything but suppressing my desire to moan in passion.

Thank heavens the buzzing and thrusting stopped before I lost control. Strangely, I yearned for more, and not just a little bit, I wanted it a lot. But the gyrations had stopped. Everything in my lower region had stopped moving except the throbbing in my clit.

Maybe the batteries had run down. Whew, thank goodness for small miracles. Perhaps I could finally get some work done. I adjusted the head phones again and resumed typing and then the Sybian kicked back in again. I could hear it buzzing, so I typed faster, clacking the keys harder to disguise the hum of the trainer, which only seemed to intensify the vibrations.

Closing my eyes tightly, I just listened to Mr Henderson’s voice on the transcription tape and typed like never before. I typed until I felt my sex grow warm and full. I typed until I could feel the orgasm swell and begin to blossom. I stopped typing and leaned back to let it overtake me, but strangely enough, again it stopped, leaving me panting and hanging on the edge, and growing increasingly frustrated. It was only then that I remembered where I was.

I peaked out of my left eye, and my worst fears were realized. Every eye in the office was glued to me.

Ah fuck, I was so humiliated, I wanted to sit there with my eyes closed forever, but I knew it wasn’t possible. I took a deep breath and willed my heaving chest still and I loosened my thighs as best I could from around the saddle. Only then did I open my eyes and clean the sweat from my brow with a few tissues.

“I don’t hear any typing out there, Mrs Lindsey” Mr Henderson called out from his office.

“Yes sir,” I replied as I played back the CD to find my place, adjusted the head phones and resumed typing. The vibrator immediately lept to life. I stopped and so did the vibrator.

“If I don’t hear you typing in the next ten seconds, I’m going to have take you over my knee at your desk like a bad little girl,” Mr Henderson said.

“Yes, sir,” I replied.

The bastard! Somehow the vibrator and my keyboard were linked, and he knew! Well, I would show him. I resumed typing. Normally, I can do about eighty words per minute, but I slowed down to twenty or so, by starting and stopping the dictation CD.

This kept the vibrator at a steady but controllable hum. A level I could sustain without embarrassing myself further. It felt really nice inside of me and I was leaking like crazy. I typed slowly but surely. I dared not give Mr Henderson an excuse to spank me publicly in front of the other office girls.

I closed my eyes and listened to Mr Henderson’s smooth voice on the transcription tape, basking in the sensations thrumming through my sex. Somewhere along the way, I became aware that I had failed to stop the CD, that I was typing as fast as I was able, and worse, that I was on the cusp of a mind-blowing orgasm.

Part of me was screaming, “Stop the CD, not here, not like this!”

Another part of me was screaming, “More, more, oh fuck fuck, give it to me-fuck-fuck-fuck make me cum!”

My orgasm shot threw me and burst into shards behind my eyes, the room went black and I was thrown into a sexual abyss. I clutched the trainer tightly between my thighs and kept typing until another orgasm hit.

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visit to a female doctor ff

As I sat in the waiting room for my second appointment with Dr Milman, I couldn't help thinking about the last time I was here:The doctor gave me a bare-bottom spanking over his knee and it got me so aroused! He took my temperature in my bottom and stimulated my private areas until I came... He was so powerful and dominating and he got me so excited before pushing his nice hard penis into my tight pussy and asshole.I was really nervous and excited about my second appointment. Just thinking...

1 year ago
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Linda and Elaine

Linda and her girlfriend used a vibrator on each other. They had been best friends since grade school. When Elaine and Linda were twelve they became the school whores. "Do you think your knows we make love to each other?" ask Elaine."I don't think she cares" "Why do you say that?""When I was thirteen I came home from school early and caught her and the neighbor woman doing it" laughed Linda."What did she do?""She told me to keep my mouth shut and then Mrs Johnson pulled my panties down and...

3 years ago
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Safety First

Susan Warner impatiently tapped her feet. So far the day had not progressed as she would have normally expected. She was sat in the waiting room of a sexual health clinic waiting for her son David to finish his appointment. She was uncomfortable, not only with the surroundings but also the inhabitants. Semi-comatose college students leered at her through drunken eyes, whilst ashen faced young girls tried to avoid her gaze. They were all around David's age, though she ruefully mused that none of...

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Can We Survive Moes Story

Moe's story cont. Ralph and Toni were talking with a disheveled, I think it is a man. What ever, it was dirty. Ralph came over... Moe this dirt pile says her name is JuJu. You almost rode in on their camp there are three adults and 5 kids all one family. They have been hiding out ever since this mess started. The Blue hats have a detachment at the entrance of Timber ridge. We can get past them but not with our ATVs, they would hear them. Oh and Juju says she is sorry for shooting you. It...

3 years ago
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That Incident

That Incident – A Lover’s Quarrel That incident, six months ago, brought me to this moment, and I’m scared. My palms are sweaty, my heart palpitates wildly, my knees are weak and this unfamiliar jacket confines my movements. In a few moments I will be making my final walk, escorted by others, purportedly for support, but I know better. My freedom has been restricted and soon will be completely taken from me. I stare at the block cinder walls, painted white and glance to the high windows which...

4 years ago
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foot worship femdom evening with my wife

My wife is a beautiful young brunette with an amazing body that she owes to regular yoga classes. She's just the right amount of thin, while still having a voluptuous ass that you just can't get past without giving it a smack. It's hard to say whether I prefer it naked or in her tight yoga pants.She has C-cup, firm breasts that are as squeezable as they come, hips that just beg to be held during doggy style sex and very shapely long legs. As I am a foot guy, I also cannot miss her feet with...

1 year ago
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My Sister Ashley chapter 7

“Ashley.” I whispered. My sister hung from the ceiling by a pair of silver handcuffs strung over a large hook screwed into the concrete. A thin streak of dried blood ran from the corner of her mouth. Her toes were about an inch from the ground and she seemed either asleep or unconscious, her naked body hanging limply. Sasha reached out and ran a hand up my sister’s hard stomach, between her large breasts and caressed her face. She said something in what I was now assuming was...

3 years ago
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Controlled Ch 04

Leaving the office I saw Colin standing at the other end of the corridor, he smiled when he saw me which turned into a laugh when I staggered slightly, I was really quite drunk now, I gave out a giggle when he came forward and held my arm to steady me. ‘Lets find your friends’ he said as he guided me through the door and into the club which was packed full of people. As with most clubs it was quite dark inside with some very loud drum and base music blaring over the speakers. Looking across to...

3 years ago
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Watching My Wife with Another Man

I’ve encouraged her to try newthings. One of those thangs involved going out to barsat night and flirting with men while I watched from acomfortable distance.She’d never actually fuck them, she’d just tease themand then we’d go home and fuck our brains out. Not thatI didn’t encourage her to sleep with them, but she justwouldn’t hear of it.We started doing the bar scene about a year ago and inthat time I’ve seen dozens of men ogling my wife onlyto be denied at the last moment. But...

3 years ago
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Montessori High SchoolChapter 6

Someone was knocking on the door. Lisa went to answer. "Oh, hi, Annabelle ... Come on in. Harold's getting ready ... I swear ... I think that now that he's spending more time here at the resort, he's forgotten how to dress himself." Annabelle laughed. "I know what you mean. It was so stuffy at Harriman and Nichols; I never realized how liberating it was to be able to walk around in skin. I almost hated to get dressed this morning." "Speaking of getting dressed," commented Lisa,...

2 years ago
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I FUCK my boss

well hello this is my first time writing my true stories so ENJOY.It was about 2 years ago,I would always go eat to this Mexican restaurant with my family,After going so many times I became good friends with the owners,Keep in mind I had just turn 18 and was looking to finally get a job,So one day I decided to talk with the owners of the Mexican restaurant,The owners was this hot Mexican lady.She's about mid 30s 5'6" dark hair, great ass and about a B cup on the titties department but her ass...

1 year ago
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Aunt Pollys Toy Boy

100% fiction! It really is hard being a 18 year-old boy and being horny all the time. The thoughts of Aunt Polly naked were driving me crazy so I decided to find out what she really looks like. Polly works until 5 o'clock most evenings and I usually stay over at a friend's house after school until after she comes home. She likes to take a shower and get freshened up before supper and I decided to hide in her closet in the hope of getting a view her treasures. I already checked the angle from...

3 years ago
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Mother knows best extended finale

Once I was a young boy named Andrew, or Andy for short. Then I was a young girl named Andi, which I wrote with a heart instead of a dot above the I. Then I was a boy again, and now, I am dead. Life is full of surprises, or at least it was. I try to remember how I got to this point. I remember coming home from school accompanied by my grandmother, and rushing up to the bathroom. Having a period was still a strange event to me. The blood in the toilet, as it had every month since...

4 years ago
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A Date With My Son 8211 Part 2

Thank you to all those readers who had given me feedback, critics and encouragement. It sure was overwhelming. Let me continue with my experience of what happened. I am sure you all need no introduction about us or as to how we look, since it was done in the first part (link above). Please read the first part for you to understand the continuation. I and my 21-year-old son Raj reached home filled with embarrassment. I was flushed all through the journey and even after reaching home, I did not...

3 years ago
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In The Beginning Ch 16

Helen had evidently awoken before me and left. I got up and found a fresh pair of cutoffs and mounted the stairs for the kitchen. Passing the clock on the studio wall told me it was 11:15 in the morning and it appeared to be raining again. I heard voices from the kitchen and upon entering I found dad, Louise and Janice involved in a conversation regarding food. Smelling the coffee, I poured myself a mug and sat down to listen. It seems Janice had it in mind to prepare us a Spanish dinner this...

1 year ago
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FantasyMassage Courtney Taylor Mercedes Carrera Tower of Power

Dominatrix duo Courtney Taylor and Mercedes Carrera snicker at their puny new client Robby Echo wondering if he can handle such overpowering women. Robby is eager for their services regardless of how much they mock his potentially small cock and ball sack. The masseuses call Robby into the shower where they ask him to sit on the sukebe chair while they continue to mock his physique, lathering his chest while he takes turns suckling on their massive boobs. They lead the eager beaver toward the...

2 years ago
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RuneswardChapter 61 Memories

She sat in the quasi-darkness, staring at the man lying on the bed. Her eyes drifted over him, from the frail, thin arms to the sunken, emaciated chest. The man’s skin was pale and clammy, even as the shimmer of her spell rolled over him. His skin was loose on his frame, revealing the bones beneath. His cheeks were sunken, his thin nose looking sharp on the pinched face. His once firm chin now looked hard and bony. Even his long, blonde hair looked brittle and gray. She pulled her knees up,...

1 year ago
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Learning about jacking off Part Six Mrs Wilson

The morning after my visit to Mrs. Brady I got a call from Mrs. Wilson. She said that Mrs. Martin had just called and asked why I hadn't been on the corner of Sunflower and Johnson when she came by at 8:00 this morning. She asked "Did you make an appointment with her without telling me about it? You MUST always tell me when a client wants to meet with you without her contacting me first"I said that she had said she wanted me back in two days. I told her I was sorry that I forgot. Then I...

3 years ago
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Episode 54 Jenny v Ana

Jenny arrived, a little late, at the appointed motel and knocked on the door of number 3.“Hold on a minute” she heard Rob shout from inside.Jenny could feel her cunt juicing up at the thought of a weekend in bed with her army lover; she was wearing his favourite perfume but not much else under a long white coat.Rob opened the door dressed as usual in just his camouflage tee-shirt and dog-tags; Jenny kicked the door closed behind her as she knelt at his feet. His pubes smelt faintly of a...

1 year ago
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Bastille Day Ch 3

… Her thoughts flutter as warm slender fingers drift about her chest and abdomen. Her eyes closing as her body begins to respond to his tender ministrations of her flesh. ‘Please… I can’t do this… do not know you…’ ‘You know me Monica. Your body and soul know me. You and I were destined to meet here… now.’ His breath touches her side. Lips brushing her skin as fingers move expertly down the flare of her hips. She senses his hard, hot torso against her arm as his body turns to massage her...

4 years ago
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It was like a curtain going up in a dark theater when the squall rumbled on southward and revealed a two-masted side-wheeler flying the stars and stripes. We closed quickly, hailed her after a shot across her prow, and she luffed her sails and stopped her engine. We lay alongside and I boarded her with a couple of my foulest-looking men. I met the startled captain, told him I was making his fine bark a prize and asked him to get his people off. He said he had some passengers and they soon were...

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My Journey part V11

My Journey part V11.After a while awhile Anne asked us if we wanted to go upstairs and resume where we had had left off so we again set off up Anne's stairs holding her hands one each side until we reached the bedroom and myself and Clare almost dragged Anne to the huge bed and fell on her body as we kissed groped and tickled each other and then began to make love. With Anne lying on the bed Clare climbed between her outspread legs and began kissing and licking her way up Anne's stocking...

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This is a follow-up to the story of the first adventure, 'Testing the Limits' posted in my blog.The wife informs her husband she has to sleep with the stud in order to satisfy the terms of her agreement for his earlier cooperation. He requires some convincing, and her methods ensure my eventual agreement. (MMF, exh, bd, bi, mast, oral, reluc)***The very first time we had the house to ourselves, my wife had me sit down with her to watch the video she had made of me. It had been weeks since that...

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My first time in front of a total stranger

After I discovered that I loved to be naked outside, I wanted to show off my cock to all the girls around my neighborhood. I dont know why I wanted to show off my cock but I did. It didnt take long before I was well known for finding ways to get my cock out in front of them. I spent the summer in shorts and tank tops. I began to hate underwear, and stopped wearing them. I would make the head of my cock able to be seen from the pant leg of the shorts, or "not realize" that my fly was down, or...

2 years ago
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TwentyFour Hours of Sex with a Lady Truck Driver

I was on one of my numerous trips to Colorado Springs. This time, instead of taking a short-hop flight over the Rockies I decided to drive. This wasn't a bad decision - it's a nice drive and this time of year the flying is pretty rough. That is until my rent car broke down at a truck stop a half-hour outside of C-springs.The company had been using some pretty cheap rental car agencies, and I should have known something was amiss when they put me in a car at least three years old. Coming down...

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Bound To HappenChapter 7

Ray had committed an unforgivable sin by endangering Mary and all of our dirty little secrets, and all on the very first day he had an opportunity. I had to remind him that this sordid affair was supposed to remain secret, and getting Mary pregnant, just to satisfy a sexual longing, was insulting and it could blow the entire deal. I also now had to worry if Ray was 'together' enough not to go bragging! He was now forbidden to have any sexual contact with Mary for the remainder of the two...

4 years ago
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The Strawberry Patch Book 1 The BabiesChapter 34 Oh Shit I Am Gonna Die

September – Year 1 When my wives led me to bed, I didn’t know what to expect. I got undressed, took a shower, alone, and went to bed while my wives showered. Before they had gotten into the shower, I was asleep. Erin helped Lynn out of the shower and dried her off before Lynn returned the favor. Erin quickly dried her hair with a fresh towel and kissed her poor wife. She took Lynn’s hand and led her to bed. I was out cold. After a night in jail and a severe hangover, Erin figured that I had...

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Nice Niece 2

Claire and I stood hand in hand looking at the door where Claire’s mom had barged out, furious, cutting a mother daughter tie. I was in a whirling fog. What will happen now. Claire was so young and we had melded in a passionate fury. Was I at fault or did Claire know what was at stake ? Claire turned to me a gently hugged me, crying. “It’s ok Claire.” “I’ve put you in a messy situation. I’m so sorry!” “We’ll make the best of it. Your mom will calm down.” Claire was frightened of her own...

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Meeting Jackie

Meeting JackieA true story....We had been friends and chatted on Hamster for over a year. The friendship became more fun and deeply erotic, particularly in the most recent three months. Personal photos were exchanged through e-mail. The mutual attraction was genuine and growing.Jackie is married with k**s. Like many young and beautiful mothers, she is stuck at home, bored, horny and watching porn as opened up her most secret desires and fantasies. Jackie wants to be trained to be a submissive...

3 years ago
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sex slave contract x2 part three

As is often the case any meet ups tend to be a few weeks apart, thats no bad thing as sometimes things can become a bit stale, so imagine my surprise when i got a text message from ally asking was i free the coming weekend and if i wanted " bring a toothbrush " which i took to mean an over night stay,Of course i accepted the invitation, she went onto say that roy was away on business that weekend and she did not want to be alone, on reading that my mind was racing with the possibilities , so we...

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The Rape of Mrs Briggs

Chapter One Mrs Vera Briggs was a member of the local council and chaired many other organisations. At the age of forty-five she was a lady of good looks and a formidable character. She was, unfortunately, a pompous, conceited, racist, and she was my mother-in-law. It was very hurtful to me to find that my prospective mother-in-law hated me. Mrs Briggs was an arrogant snob and full of her own self-importance. Six months ago I overheard my darling Amy telling her that we were getting...

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Loves MastersChapter 3 Rings of the Master

Monday, October 20th, 1986, was the day Joey, Suzi and I crossed the previously forbidden line as a gift to Joey. That was just an excuse we used as it really was a gift to all three of us. I had arranged for me and Joey to take the entire day off at school. Suzi would join us during the first period then go to her second class before rejoining us at lunch for the rest of the day. It was her idea to give us some time without her to have what she called some boy fun. The three of us met in...

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The Wedding Ch 13

Dr. Dalton Lewis, maneuvered his car into a parking space near Heidi Tate’s home. He’d come to the wedding reception alone. His wife had also been invited, but she begged off, saying there was something more important she had to do. Dalton shook his head as he walked toward Heidi’s house. Lately, it seemed, Alicia always had something more important to do than be with him. ‘Go without me if it’s so important to you,’ his wife said when he told her their presence at the wedding was important...

1 year ago
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Mistrusting a MemoryChapter 17

Bob heard her gasp as he left the bedroom. His head swiveled and he saw her standing there, bent slightly forward, her arm outstretched, hand turned sideways in a fist at the top of a candle. Her face was so pale it looked almost ghostly. Her mouth opened and an agonized groan was torn from her throat as she dropped the lighter and reeled backwards. Her eyes stared at the tall, pale yellow flame that the lighter had created at the tip of the candle, but her mind saw the same hand,...

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Highschool exploration chapter 1 Todd makes a friend

Growing up for me was very difficult. I was an outsider, a loner if you will. I didn't really have friends of any kind. I was picked on and bullied almost all the time. I truly felt like an alien amongst humans. I just never fit in. One day a teacher's aid suggested I come to school as my true self. I'm very sure Mrs Wolf never thought I was wanting to be a female so I shrugged the idea off as craziness. We were barely into October and I was busy studying for some test. Billy Miles had...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 249 Welcome Newcomers

Better not show off, they will resent you. All four are already cool enough around you to see the women change bras or pull off their t-shirt. When we got close to the dorm, the two who had changed bras found it was a good suggestion. Both started to slow down to cool off. The woman with the a-cup breasts asked, “Since you haven’t even broken a sweat, do you mind being my bodyguard as I go run some laps on the track? I’m trying to increase my stamina so I can run faster for longer. I’m on...

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Summers End A Loss Of Innocence Part 2

A few minutes later, Steven got up and kicked his shorts off. He walked down the beach and into the water. He was standing at the water’s edge looking out at me. His body was the same body I had seen years ago just filled out and more muscular. It was my moment to pretend I was Halle Berry. I was going to slowly walk out of the water with a sexy bikini, dive knife and gorgeous figure. Except I was nude, wet and still washing cum off my stomach, but it was going to be perfect. It would be a...

First Time

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