Adopted By Kaire free porn video

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I was eighteen and on my own. The huge space station Gramirror was a commerce center for cargo to or from the planet. Most of my life I have studied or done engineering. I was looking for a way off the station and out into the wide galaxy beyond. I watched every ship that came into the system and saw one that I thought I could help.

The large armed cargo ship was an old Kaire ship which meant clan. I waited until they began off loading to find and approach the captain. He was a large Kaire with broad black strips on a grey body. The female across from him was spotted and his first officer and mate.

I stopped next to the table and took a breath, "captain Killgore. I am Kimber Ser Hunter and an engineer. I have a offer."

He looked at me from feet to head and leaned back, "your offer human?"

I saw the amusement in the female's eyes and the captain's tail, "your engines are very old and I could increase their efficiency by at least twenty percent, saving you time and fuel."

He looked at the female as she sat up and I could see his tail moving more. He nodded, "and the price?"

I looked at the female and took another breath, "a birth in your ship."

He blinked and the female laughed, "old Simpson could use the help."

He grinned which meant baring his teeth, "true."

He looked at me, "we are going to be in the station for a week. If you can do as you promise you can have a birth."

I smiled, "thank you captain. I will get my tools and go to your ship."

He gestured and I turned to walk away. I had everything ready to go in a small rental locker not far from the ship. When I walked into the huge cargo bay the Kaire were unloading crates and a merchant checked each one. I stopped at the ship cargo hatch and an old Kaire looked me over, "human?"

I cleared my throat, "I'm here to work on the engines."

He grinned, "so the captain warned me."

He gestured, "follow me."

He led me through the huge ship and back to one of the engine compartments. I glanced at the huge engine and knew I had my work cut out for me. I set up and ignored the old Kaire as I shut feed lines off and started disconnecting the lines to the engine. I was buried in my work when I heard giggling and felt someone tug on my foot.

I crawled back to see several Kaire girls, "yes?"

One that looked like she was a teenager held up a tray, "the first officer sent us with dinner."

I looked at the half cooked food and smiled, "thank you."

I set the tray to one side and took a bite of warm spiced meat. I nodded and smiled as I looked at the spotted girl, "very good."

She grinned, "she said to tell you we do not burn our food."

I reached out to rub her cheek, "you are a pretty girl. Thank you for dinner."

They giggled and I grabbed another bite before crawling back into the engine. That set a pattern, I worked sixteen to twenty hours a day for four days. The engine had a lot of build up that had to be cleaned and in a couple of cases, milled off. I made the adjustments I needed to and put the engine together.

I turned from the feed line and found the captain, the first officer, the old engineer and several others standing there. The captain gestured and the old engineer started checking the engine as I stepped back and watched nervously. The old Kaire finally turned to everyone else, "almost thirty percent increase in power and twenty five percent drop in the fuel use."

The captain grinned and looked at the others. Each nodded and he looked at me, "very well done human."

I cleared my throat, "call me Kimber or Hunter sir."

He grinned, "Hunter it is."

He gestured, "show him his quarters Myra."

I looked at the girl that had been bringing me my meals. She grinned and took my hand before pulling me towards the hatch. I followed and could not help looking down at her cute butt. She was wearing a loose shirt like all Kaire with a long skirt that had a slit for her tail. The set of rooms seemed large after living on the station in a cramped cubicle.

Even the wide bed seemed very large and I looked around and grinned at Myra, "perfect thank you."

She grinned as she looked at me, "do you have a mate?"

I shook my head, "not even one promised to me."

I reached out to rub her cheek, "careful kitten, sex with a human is addictive to your kind."

She grinned and turned to walk out with a strut and a sway to her hips. I left and went to bring my few belongings back. I washed and went to see the old Kaire who told me to be back in twelve hours. I woke to an extremely tight pussy forced down my cock. I humped and reached up to hold the girl as my eyes opened.

I looked at Myra and then down at my thick cock stretching her obscenely. I let her go and she wiggled and pushed while shuddering and purring, "this is not good kitten."

She leaned down to look into my eyes, "Kimber Ser Hunter I claim you."

I caressed her hips as her tail rubbed on my legs before pulling her all the way down and rolling. I pushed her legs open as I humped into her and looked into her wide eyes. I began to fuck her and she mewed and started shaking. I finally managed to sink my cock all the way into her. Her tail wrapped around my hips and held me tight.

I began to hump and jab with short thrusts. She started bucking and yawling a minute later as her pussy worked to milk my cock. I heard giggling and a chuckle but ignored it to keep fucking the wild cat under me. It was awhile before I thrust into her and pushed as I gushed cum. Myra clutched me and her claws dug in.

She shuddered and her pussy milked the cum out of my cock. When I was done I took a breath and looked at her, "Myra I ... accept your claim."

I pulled out and reached for the sheet she had pulled aside. The captain and at least a dozen girls Myra's age or older were standing just inside the hatch. Captain Killgore shook his head, "my mate said she would do it. Fuck her as much as you want."

He looked at the other girls who looked surprised, "any of the others that want it too."

The girls grinned as he left and Myra rubbed my chest, "only three."

I looked at her and she reached for my cock, "I will choose."

I grinned and rolled her onto her stomach before lifting her hips as I moved behind her. I stroked her tail before pushing my cock into her tight slimy pussy. I held her as she shuddered and pushed back before I began to fuck her with deep thrusts, "listen to me Kitten. I will approve any girl or woman."

She mewed and spasmed as her pussy gripped my cock. I ignored the girls as I continued to fuck her and it was not long before she was convulsing and yawling again. I fucked her six times while the other girls watched and whispered. When I stopped and lay holding her after we were finished she was very slimy and cum was still leaking out.

I slept soundly with her in my arms and woke to the ship chime. I lifted my head to look at the time keeper on the wall before caressing Myra's body beside me. She shifted and turned her head as she purred, "mmm?"

I rubbed her butt, "the ship is leaving the station."

She smiled as she moved to lay half on me, "my pussy wants more."

I grinned and hugged her, "I thought you were going to find and choose another girl?"

She rubbed her face against mine, "yes."

She rolled away and out of bed before walking towards the hatch naked with a sway to her walk that made me want to follow. I grinned before getting up and going into the fresher to shower and then dress. I found the old engineer in the reactor room. He nodded as he finished making adjustments, "this is also something that needs working on."

I grinned, "that would take a couple of weeks and someone to help me."

He grinned, "after the engines we talk to the captain."

I nodded and he started showing me normal ship activity for the engineer. I glanced at the two older teenage females that came to start a shift and he said they were just learning. He left and I looked at the two girls before going to my tool kits against a bulkhead. I came back and waved the girls closer.

I held out a comp screen, "start with the introduction and work through it."

The comp screen was old and had the basic engineering course as well as a few new subjects. While they leaned together and started watching I began making checks including the gravity systems and the anti gravs. I had to shake my head at the state they were in and knew I had a lot of work to do.

I made a list of what needed to be done and checked on the girls to see four more crowded around watching. I shook my head and called the bridge, "captain?"

"He is down this shift. This is the first officer."

I smiled, "it seems we have a few girls that wish to learn more about engineering. I was wondering if there was an empty set of quarters I could turn into a classroom."

"You wish to teach?"

I looked at the girls, "I do not see a lot of qualified engineers and they are interested. If you have any males that wish to learn I would be glad to teach them."

I heard her sigh, "we have not had good luck with males. The clan only has five left and three are ... older."

I waited and heard her take a deep breath, "use the empty quarters Blue five."

She ended the call and I looked at the six girls that were looking at me now, "after my shift I will need help in Blue five. I will need any that wishes to learn ship engineering to come."

They looked at each other before nodding. I sat back and started thinking this ship really needed help. I looked at the girls as they left and made a note of subjects needed on a cargo ship. It was a long twelve hours before the old man appeared. He smiled, "want to teach do you?"

I grinned, "actually my lessons are part of an AI data net. All I need is a holo table and it will teach everything from the basics to advanced courses."

I stood and went to get the AI core from my kits, "I think perhaps this ship could use courses in other areas too."

He nodded as he began his checks, "you do not know how bad."

When I walked into the room there were ten girls waiting. I looked at all of them before walking to the table, "we are going to start with a basic course..."

The AI drew the girls in and even the reluctant ones had to answer or respond. They were all around the table as I watched. Just over two hours later the AI dismissed the girls and I cleared my throat, "be back here tomorrow after my shift."

They nodded and left talking to each other and I went to find the dining area. Myra slipping onto my lap and kissed me, "consort."

I grinned and caressed her naked body, "no clothes today?"

She rubbed my cheek as she purred, "we are Kaire and do not need clothes."

I caressed her sides and turned to look at the captain as he stopped by the table, "I wish words Hunter."

I patted Myra, "go eat."

I stood and the captain led me out, "my mate said she told you certain things?"

I looked at him and shrugged, "this ship needs help sir. I can do the repairs and teach engineering. At the next port I could even download class AI's for Navigation, Piloting and Communications or even cargo management. What I can not do is provide more males."

He snorted and nodded, "if we can get Wyvern back in shape and find cargo I can arrange..."

I stopped as I had an idea, "I do have ... Kaire friends."

He looked at me as I grinned, "they are not ship handlers. They are artists and real teachers."

The captain continued to look at me and I gestured, "what is our next stop?"

He shrugged, "High Station in the Meltant system."

I looked at him, "Mark, Dagger and Quinn could be there in three weeks."

He shook his head and I touched his shoulder, "sir? This ship needs major work. The anti gravs are very shaky and the gravity systems has been jury rigged a dozen times. Your reactor uses three times as much as it should and your life support systems need purging. All that and I still need to rebuild the other three engines."

He stopped to look at me, "but three weeks..."

I nodded, "three weeks. I will start with the reactor and then the anti gravs and the engines. We could actually land on a planet and get a real cargo. I can do the gravity system while we are under way and the life support at the first planet fall. If you bring my friends aboard they can teach any subject you need taught. They are mostly golden with black hands and feet. They are single and very ... amorous."

He laughed, "horny tom cats."

I grinned, "and you have a ship full of horny girls."

He slapped my shoulder, "okay."

I nodded, "I need to use the star comm."

He turned and led the way through the huge ship and onto the bridge. A single male glanced back from the pilot seat before grinning, "not breeding young girls?"

I grinned back, "later."

It did not take long to send the message but I had to wait for a reply. It was short and to the point, "a ship of females? We are packed and leaving now."

The captain snorted and then laughed, "go find Myra."

I grinned as I strode off the bridge and headed back to my quarters. I walked in and stopped when I saw two naked Kaire girls sitting around the holo table with Myra. She jumped up and walked to me as her tail swished behind her, "just in time."

I rubbed her cheek when she reached me, "in time?"

She purred and turned, "Ash is the grey and Leah is the tabby."

I nodded to them and looked at her, "and?"

She looked up at me, "I have chosen them."

I smiled, "and did they agree or have anything to say about your decision?"

The tabby, Leah laughed and started towards me, "I had a lot to say until she said I could try you and if I could walk away she would not say anything."

She was a teenager that was maybe sixteen, "and you are not promised?"

She walked around me, "no."

I looked at the other girl who almost looked afraid, "and you?"

She smiled timidly, "I am not promised."

I looked at Myra before starting to undress, "in that case I am going to teach you a lesson."

They looked at me as I ignored the door with girls starting to gather in it and reached for Leah. I pulled her after me and to the bed before laying her in the bed and sitting beside her, "my consort ... took advantage instead of asking."

I rubbed Leah's hip and pelvis, "humans are not Kaire. We enjoy making love to our partners."

I cupped a breasts before bending to suck on the nipple. She shuddered and thrust her breast up, "OH!"

I smiled, "Kaire on the other hand tend to rush. They are also more sensitive. My friends that I sent for took lessons from me so they are different."

I caressed Leah again before moving over her and laying beside her. I rubbed her cheek as I reached down between her legs. I rubbed her pussy and she humped and shuddered, "mmm!"

I smiled and rubbed a finger through her slit and push it into her. She jerked and thrust up as her pussy squeezed, "aaahhh!"

I smiled as I ran my finger through her slit again and kept pushing into her while she humped and spread her legs. She tossed her head as her breathing changed and her pussy became slipperier. I looked at Myra and Ash as they stood beside the bed watching and the other girls that had come in and spread out.

I turned to move over Leah and rub her face with my own. She clutched me but I smiled as I moved down. I stopped to suck on each of her nipples and she jerked and spasmed. I moved down between her legs as she lifted her head to look down at me. I smiled and open her pussy before licking through it and then sucking on her clit.

Leah yawled and thrashed as she kicked the bed and convulsed. I pushed my tongue into her and started nibbling on her inner lips and then her clit which made her scream louder. She bucked and twisted and shook as I continued to lick and tease her clit with my tongue. I finally moved up and looked into her face as she panted and pushed into her tight slippery hole.

I forced my cock all the way into her and held on for the ride. She bucked and thrust up as her pussy grasped, gripped and squeezed. I pulled back a minute later and began to fuck her with deep thrusts. She roared and screamed and wailed and howled as her body twisted and writhed around under mine.

Her almost hot pussy was constantly tightening and squeezing as she squirted. I kept fucking the wild thing under me as she clutched me and hung on. It was ten or fifteen minutes before I buried my cock and rubbed her face with mine as I pumped cum. She jerked as her pussy clamped down and started milking my cock.

When I was done I looked into her eyes to see them rolled up. I pulled out and laid beside her to caress her tummy and pelvis as I looked at everyone, "and that is why sex with a human is addictive."

Myra grinned, "I want a ride like that."

I shook my head, "next is Ash and then you."

She frowned as I looked at Leah, "first you must make sure our consorts are used and then I am going to fuck you."

She laughed and looked at the door, "I love fucking."

Leah sighed and opened her eyes before shuddering and humping. She closed her legs and looked around before smiling at me, "I claim you."

I smiled, "to late, you belong to me now."

She laughed and turned to rub her cheek against mine, "I accept."

Myra crawled onto her as she pushed her onto her back, "you are my sister now."

Leah put her arms around her, "and you are mine."

I sat up and looked at Ash, "ready to try?"

She grinned and ignored everyone as she nodded and climbed onto the bed and over the other two girls. She laid against me and looked into my eyes, "slow?"

I smiled, "slow would mean you would have to enjoy it a lot longer."

She smirked, "I know."

Myra giggled and Leah laughed as I shifted and rolled Ash onto her back, "slow it is."

I kissed her as my hand began to caress down her body. I kneaded her breasts and bent to suck on a nipple. She shook and pushed her breast towards me as I held it with my lips and tugged. She jerked and grabbed my head, "OH!"

I ignored the laughter as I moved to her other nipple and sucked on it and nibbled. She spasmed and I smiled as I moved over between her legs and rubbed my cheek against hers. I slid down and licked both nipples before going lower. I opened her pussy and licked through it before pushing my tongue into her while she wailed and kicked the bed, "aaahhh!"

I continued to lick her for a minute before sucking on her clit and nibbling. She bucked and thrashed while wailing, "yyyeeeesssss!"

I wiggled my tongue on her clit and pushed it into her again. She struggled and jerked as she howled, "fffuuuccckkk ... mmmeee!"

Myra and Leah laughed and I looked up before moving up and pushing into Ash suddenly. She froze with a look of surprise as I rubbed my face against hers. I forced my cock all the way into her before humping gently and pressing. She shuddered and wrapped her arms and legs around me, "mmmm!"

I pulled back to fuck her slowly and her pussy began to grasp and squeezed my cock. It was not long before she was completely incoherent. Her body was racked with spasms as her pussy milked my cock and became a lot slipperier. It was awhile before I buried my cock and held her as I began to pump strong spurts of cum.

She jerked hard and held her hips up, "YES!"

I grunted as I kept spurting until I was done. I looked at her panting under me and pulled out to lay on my back. Myra crawled onto Ash and looked into her face, "do you claim him?"

Ash shuddered and put her arms around her, "he claimed me."

Leah laughed as Myra grinned and shook Ash and rubbed her face. I shook my head and reached for Myra and rolled her off Ash and onto her back before moving over her. I rubbed her face before lifting and forcing my cock into her extremely tight pussy, "mine."

She humped up and shook as my cock stretched her pussy. I stopped and rubbed her face as she clung to me and purred. She shuddered and looked into my eyes, "mine."

I smiled again and began to fuck her, "yes."

She humped and jerked as I finally pushed my cock all the way into her. I kept fucking her slowly and she spasmed and struggled under me while wailing. I loved her tight pussy and the way it tried to milk my cock. She humped and bucked while clinging to me as I fucked her and rubbed her face with mine.

She howled and screamed and yawled as I started fucking her hard and deep. She was a wild thing I was burying my cock in. She hugged me tight when I shoved all the way into her and spurted and spewed. Her pussy clenched around my cock as I kept pumping cum into her. When I was done I rubbed her cheek with mine as she panted and pulled out to lay beside her.

She smiled before turning to look at Leah, "again?"

She laughed as she moved over her and straddled me, "yes."

I fucked them each once more before going to sleep with them on and against me. I shifted and left them in bed when I got up. I washed and went to eat before relieving engineer Simpson. I made checks before pulling a couple of girls after me. I started a complete survey of the gravity system before starting to put it back into the shape it should have been in.

I had to make checks on the other systems during the shift but managed to get the first part done before Simpson relieved me. I had more girls for the class and started a basic aptitude test that brought in all the girls in the ship. I looked at the first officer when she walked in. She looked at the results as I finished with another group of girls and grinned.

Out of my three, Myra had an aptitude for navigation. Ash seemed more into cyber and computer systems. Leah had an aptitude for cargo or storage management as well as planning which a good super cargo manager needed. I ate with the girls and went to sleep, well a couple of hours of sex before sleep.

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Adopted Son

They found her. They told him. He was happy but also anxious at the same time. Kevin, a young 17 year old, finally after all these years, after having been placed with another family because she couldn’t keep him had finally found his mother. Could it really be true? They had found his real biological mother? No way, he initially thought. Really, his biological mother? Wow, he told himself, this is incredible. With that, the paperwork was started. All the documents were filled out and filed...

4 years ago
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Adopted FamilyChapter 2

Sand and scouring powder did for the tub. Eventually. The bathroom sink yielded up a porcelain surface. The toilet got a gallon of bleach and a quart of CLR after I plugged the outflow with a bundle of rags with a string around it. While the toilet soaked I scrubbed the outside and attacked the walls. I was soaked with sweat after all that, but it was worth it. It actually looked clean. I wrapped a rag around the tub, bathroom sink and kitchen sink nozzles and soaked all three with CLR. I...

2 years ago
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Adoptive Mother

If you can believe this…this happened back in 1964. As the daughter of his mother, she was told to “get rid of him.” She couldn’t, at least not in the way the kid’s mother wanted her to, and so she made a different decision. She took the boy to an adoption. It was called Boy’s Home for Adoption. Knowing that the infant’s mother was as poor as she was she knew they couldn’t keep him, and so the girl decided this was the reasonable thing to do. So she took him to the adoption home to be raised....

3 years ago
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Adoptive Mother

If you can believe this…she had almost everything in life she ever wanted. Money, a man, power, and even sexual power at that. One thing she did not have was a son. She knew she wanted one. She wanted a child who would be, to her, an affectionate and attentive son to her needs in life. She wanted one who, in time, would take care of those needs that a woman, like her, needed, and one she could raise so that she could have that later on in life. Yep, she always wanted a son she could love and...

1 year ago
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Adoptive Ecstasy

Note : This story is completely fictional! Noah had struggled all of his life with issues of abandonment. That was a pretty standard condition for people who had been adopted but he had made sincere efforts to address his concerns and unpack his baggage. He hadn’t managed to establish a healthy, long term relationship in his 30 years of life but he was ever hopeful. The first and most important step in that journey toward wholeness was finding his birth mother. It was a relatively easy process;...

3 years ago
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The clock struck twelve as John Doe sat in the coffee shop, anxiously waiting for someone. This wasn’t something he was used to and found many different emotions fighting for control, mostly excited and anxiety. John took a quick sip of his latte hoping to calm his nerves. ‘They should be here soon,’ he thought to himself, ‘I hope they’re just as their ad describes.’ Thinking about it, he wanted to make sure that he got every detail down before meeting them. Grabbing his phone, he search for...

3 years ago
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Adoptive Mother Pt 5 Max and Grace getting together

He didn’t know what to do. He thought about it all day long but was unable to come up with a decision that nobody could answer. Not even Cynthia could provide a solution that would enable Max to go and see the colleges of the Ivy League. And then, with her smile in tow, she suggested something, and initially threw the idea, along with a “physical benefit” the woman’s way. “Grace, can we have lunch tomorrow?” Cynthia asked. “I’ve got a favor to ask of you.” Of course, seeing as these two had...

Love Stories
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Adopt a sailor

This story a fictional account of something that happened to me. It is the way I have always wished the story went. I had been stationed aboard the USS Eversail a year and a half when Jerry reported aboard. I worked in engineering and he was a Quartermaster. I had seen him around the ship a few times and thought he was too girly for me. Then one night on the mess deck eating dinner alone, he slipped into the booth facing me. "Hi, my name is Jerry". He sounded so affeminate as he spoke. My...

1 year ago
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Adoption and my birth mother

Note : This story is completely fictional! Well I was adopted at birth and was always curious about finding my birth mother so when I finally did I was quite excited. She was 47 at this time and I was 19. We spoke on the phone and met up. She had one daughter who still lived with her and and one dog and they lived in a small flat just outside town. We met up for the first time and went for a coffee and talked for hours. When I said it was time for me to leave she said I could stay over on a...

3 years ago
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Adoptive Mother Pt 5 Max and Grace getting together

He didn’t know what to do. He thought about it all day long but was unable to come up with a decision that nobody could answer. Not even Cynthia could provide a solution that would enable Max to go and see the colleges of the Ivy League. And then, with her smile in tow, she suggested something, and initially threw the idea, along with a “physical benefit” the woman’s way. “Grace, can we have lunch tomorrow?” Cynthia asked. “I’ve got a favor to ask of you.” Of course, seeing as these two had...

2 years ago
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Adoptive Mother does Female Teacher Reporter too

And if you can believe it…I was also up early that next morning, showering, shaving, and doing all the right things to make myself look beautiful as ever for Cynthia while her son began to prepare himself for the next chapter in his life. Me, I didn’t care about Max any longer. I cared about me. I cared about my long overdue needs. I simply cared about all the overdue cum which had built up inside my body. And I only cared about sharing it with Cynthia as I assumed she cared about having it...

4 years ago
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Adoptive Mother Final Grace does Sheriff

Breathing hard, as if just having gone through a training program, she couldn’t believe it. He did that, honestly? Max and I honestly, truly fucked like we did, she asked herself. He didn’t know better. This was his first time. He hoped, and it looked like that on his face, that he’d done okay. He wore that simpleton’s expression on his face, the one in which said to others did I do it right? “Wow Max” and she took another deep breath of air, “and you’ve…you’ve never had,” and she did it again....

1 year ago
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Adoptive Mother Teacher and Reporter slowly come closer to deeds to be done

And…if you can believe this as well Max agreed to tell her exactly how he felt about her. Cynthia was a bit surprised but happy, and I was too, seeing as he was only 18 and Grace Templeton was 25. You think to yourself what 25 year old wants to be seen with an 18 year old? She has to be a little “messed up” upstairs. But weren’t they all? Weren’t Cynthia and Max messed up as well? Personally, yes, I thought. Yes they were. Even I was caught up in all of this a little. Honestly, well honestly, I...

3 years ago
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Adoptive Mother Reporter slowly gets involved in story

And if you can believe this as well…I did come back the following day and as the day before she looked incredible. She wore a printed colorful dress which, to me, said it all. I couldn’t wait to hear more of her adventures about her and Max and what they done together, in bed, that would have me wondering about her and her lifestyle, desires, and let’s not forget her dreams as well. The woman, Cynthia, is for sure a charismatic woman. Her eyes alone, when she looks at you, you almost feel as if...

3 years ago
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Adoptive Mother Final Grace does Sheriff

Breathing hard, as if just having gone through a training program, she couldn’t believe it. He did that, honestly? Max and I honestly, truly fucked like we did, she asked herself. He didn’t know better. This was his first time. He hoped, and it looked like that on his face, that he’d done okay. He wore that simpleton’s expression on his face, the one in which said to others did I do it right? “Wow Max” and she took another deep breath of air, “and you’ve…you’ve never had,” and she did it again....

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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Adoptive Mother Teacher and Reporter slowly come closer to deeds to be done

And…if you can believe this as well Max agreed to tell her exactly how he felt about her. Cynthia was a bit surprised but happy, and I was too, seeing as he was only 18 and Grace Templeton was 25. You think to yourself what 25 year old wants to be seen with an 18 year old? She has to be a little “messed up” upstairs. But weren’t they all? Weren’t Cynthia and Max messed up as well? Personally, yes, I thought. Yes they were. Even I was caught up in all of this a little. Honestly, well honestly, I...

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sister 2

As my day on the beach drew on both my sister and I got a bit drunk and as is often the case a bit more daring. I asked her if she was enjoying her first nudist experience and was pleasantly surprised as she told me how it made her feel. As she lay on her back her legs bent and slightly open I could see her slightly open pussy was wet, it was obvious she was horny, she explained how she was lacking confidence since her divorce and that since then she had not let anyone see her naked until...

4 years ago
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Love True Love

Copyright© As the handsome young couple walked hand-in-hand down the hallway, an old woman called out, "Oh, what pretty flowers. Who are they for? If you're not in a hurry could you stop for a minute and visit with me? I never have any visitors. Who are you here to see? Would they mind? What brings you here?" The couple stepped into the tastefully decorated room with a stunning view of the university campus. The young woman looked around the room noting Waterford crystal, oil paintings...

1 year ago
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Owned by Jigisha 1

First of all let me introduce myself, I am Jigisha oh yeah the name does sounds lengthy but Gujarati tradition names are always unique in its own manner.I belong from a high powered entrepreneurs' family whose nature has always been superior to everyone we knew.I am 29 years old with 5'7 height kind of taller than average Indian women 34B breasts broad 32 waisted weighing 132 pounds.I always manage to stay in shape by gyming and squating on regular basis, having a broad waist,thighs and...

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CovetingChapter 4

TESSA A week later Tessa was wondering about recent events. Why was Danny taking so many pictures of her lately? Was he putting them on the internet? And why was Margie, after having refused to pose for so long, now posing with a frequency that alarmed Tessa. Margie had confided to Tessa that Vince had her doing poses Tessa refused to do for Danny. I have let him video me doing things, she thought and recalled several times how he had arranged the camera on a tripod to video them in bed;...

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The Spirit of EcstasyChapter 4

Thursday 18 September 1975, 9.05am Instead of going through the prices with Gina as originally planned, we delayed that until the evening. So I drove off to see Stan at Rawlings in Gloucester on Thursday morning, but only after checking with my guys back at the works that all deliveries could be made on Friday first thing. I was also informed by Bob Andrews that the production guys had worked all night on the stainless to complete the order and were continuing production to build up some...

4 years ago
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Carlton Cline

CARLTON CLINE by Throne It was a simple enough case, at least on the surface. Carlton Cline got the call and a sultry female voice told him that her lover had gone missing and that it would be his job to find her and bring her back. Well, he thought, a lesbian couple would certainly make for an interesting job. He had always had a special attraction to lesbians, probably because they were ultimately unavailable. And the idea of two lovely women together, being physically intimate,...

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Finding BalancePart 8

I slept late on the 27th, enjoying my Christmas vacation to the maximum. I got up just before lunch time. I was finishing my lunch when Will came downstairs for his lunch. He threw a hamburger on the stove. He asked, "Where are Lizzie and Andy?" "Lizzie is over at the Mitchells. Andy is upstairs playing on his computer." "Good. We won't be interrupted. I want to thank you for forcing Abby and I to talk about our problems. I needed your kick in the butt." "No problem, Will. I knew...

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Buffy The Slutty SlayerChapter 9 Never Trust A Bimbos Heart

The two burly security guards of BimboTech threw Willow into a transparent plexi-glass cell. It stood in the middle of a large and luxurious room. Willow got up at once to pound the glass with futile fists. She could tell that this was a prison. And that she needed to escape from it. But the men pulled her away from the wall. They forced her into a peculiar looking chair. Her hands and feet were secured. Her neck was latched with a collar. All she could do was look forward. And cry. "Now...

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Woods Of Ardor

Not far from Wynterton lay a small yet ancient grove of woods where passersby rarely ventured. In the olden times, it had been thought to be the home of witches and elves, but the truth of the matter was that people rarely had any business in these woods. They were strangely devoid of game to hunt and while the scenery was quite beautiful, it was nothing exceptional for this part of the country.Ruth knew of the woods since she had lived most of her life near here, but she did not remember if...

1 year ago
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What's Ultra Horny all about? A lot of XXX websites nowadays tend to have a certain niche or theme that they specialize in – in fact, the majority of lesser-known XXX domains delve into the more alternate genres of porn such as scat, amateur, Hentai, adult comics and other themes that you normally wouldn’t see on a popular XXX domain like PornHub or XHamster. But, there’s also the occasional hidden gem that most serial masturbators who masturbate on a daily basis have no idea about. These...

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Ein aufregender Urlaub

Die Geschichte stammt ursprünglich von mia-pia. Leider hat sie alle ihre Geschichte auf dieser Seite gelöscht. Da diese Geschichte aber noch auf der alten Seite (Ein aufregender Urlaub) verfügbar ist, hoffe ich, dass es in Ordnung ist, sie wieder hier zu veröffentlichen. Mia wälzte sich auf der Luftmatratze in ihrem Zelt hin und her. Obwohl sie Decke und Kissen schon in die Ecke gestopft hatte war es immer noch unerträglich warm in ihrem Zelt. Ihr ärmelloses Shirt und ihre Boxershorts klebten...

1 year ago
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ChumChapter 3 Cruising

It had been our upcoming birthdays of Margo 35 and myself 16, that brought about all three of us taking a holiday together, and on nothing less than a two-week cruise round the Norwegian Fiords! We were all excited at the prospect and in the lead-up to our sailing, went through a torrent of mad preparations. Our on-board accommodation would be a family cabin, and finally the day arrived when we boarded the handsome vessel Coronia at Southampton. Being on board seemed to place Margo and I on...

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Lesbian Office Seduction 8211 Part 2

Hi, I’m Divya. I’m writing the continued part of my first story how I was fucked by my manager Ruchi. After my first orgasm, I was tired and slept for one hour. When I woke up it was midnight and Ruchi was already awake in the bed. I could see her topless boob in dim light with shorts on. She was looking at my naked boob with pink panty on and with shirt button removed. I can see a wild smile on her face. She came near me and whispered in my ear ” how are you honey?”. This is the first word I...

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GirlsWay Bunny Colby Skylar Snow You8217ve Been Avoiding Me

Bunny Colby is lounging at home when her friend and cycling partner, Skylar Snow, drops by unannounced. Skylar is upset and Bunny lets her inside to talk but looks guilty. Skylar confronts Bunny about how she’s been ‘ghosting’ her lately. Bunny is dodgy and hesitant to say exactly WHY she’s been avoiding her, which causes Skylar to worry that she’s done something wrong. Not wanting Skylar to feel she’s to blame, Bunny eventually admits that she’s been...

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The Adventure of a Redhead

Zoey is your average 19 year old girl, loves to have fun, occasional drink, a few gal pals whom she spends time with at the mall, but for some obvious reasons men want this girl for a slave to fill their desires. Zoey has always dreamed of giving her cherry to her husband/love of her life, but that may change, Zoey will start her day waking up in her neat apartment, her adventure starts now.

2 years ago
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A special day at school

I was working in a school as a volunteer worker while staying in Cebu, it was part of my education and I enjoyed every minute of it. The daily leader at the school is a sweet petite girl, around the 30 years of age, and I of course managed to fall for her completely within weeks of starting work there.A month later we were together and starting to have all kind of fun, but always a bit secret cause we didn’t want anyone to know about us.It was impossible to keep our relationship a secret though...

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Me and Phan and Kitty Makes 3

Once the introduction was done and we rested a bit and enjoyed a nice dinner. Kitty proceeded to tell me a bit about herself. Her family were refugees from Vietnam, but she was born and went to school here, so she doesn't have that typical Vietnamese accent. She had met Phan at a South East Asian group that get together here every two weeks or so. Also she admitted that Phan was the first man she had ever been with, and I was just her second. God, almost a virgin! She also told me about her...

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The Headmasterrsquos Daughter

The Making of a Porn Legend...As Heidi lied naked on the pool table, she wondered how she was ever put into her predicament. She was practically blind without her glasses, but could tell from the voices in the background that there was now at least ten men surrounding her. To make matters worse, the blinding pool table lamp shining directly above her was making it impossible to see what else was happening within the darkened room. She was getting fucked rather harshly, which was terrifying for...

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Thicker Than BloodChapter 33

“Well, Whaddya think?” I said looking over at my wife as we lay beside each other. “James is right. It’s time to at least try to put everything behind us. And, David, it is ‘us’ now, not just you. That doesn’t mean that everything will be good, or that some bad memories might not remain. But, it does mean that a healing process should at least be given a look see,” she said. “And, if I have any say in this at all, I think that their motives, their motives these days, most definitely need to...

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The Accidental MasterChapter 12 And then there was light

The rest of the evening and the night is still a blur. To say it was filled with sex, to the point where I didn't even have a sexual thought the next day, would be putting it mildly. When I had penetrated Sally and taken her virginity, I was so engrossed in the power and the sex that it barely registered with me at the time, but when I had orgasmed inside her, filling her with my cum, it dawned on me that she might not be on birth control since she was a virgin. And then the dark guilt...

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Carrying the Flame Ch 01

If you have NOT read ‘Life Lost and Love Gained’ or ‘Life Goes On’, please do NOT continue reading this story, you will not know the characters. Please read both stories before you read this story. Thank you. Ashira * Callia walked into the high school, her eyes glued to the piece of paper that told her what her locker assignment was. ‘Hey, watch it!’ an angry voice shouted. ‘I’m sorry!’ Callia apologized. The boy looked her up and down and grinned. ‘Aren’t you a hot little piece of ass,’...

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