adopted 2
- 5 years ago
- 27
- 0
Sand and scouring powder did for the tub. Eventually. The bathroom sink yielded up a porcelain surface. The toilet got a gallon of bleach and a quart of CLR after I plugged the outflow with a bundle of rags with a string around it. While the toilet soaked I scrubbed the outside and attacked the walls. I was soaked with sweat after all that, but it was worth it. It actually looked clean. I wrapped a rag around the tub, bathroom sink and kitchen sink nozzles and soaked all three with CLR. I could hear the sizzling in the quiet as the lime was eaten away. As that worked, I used my air force survival knife that I'd found cheap in a surplus shop and cut open the cans with no ends. I shaped them to the areas where the mouse holes were and hammered them into place with nails. I pulled two ground squirrel nests out of the furnace.
As I sat on the stoop watching the sunset I heard a coughing coming from under the trailer. My eyes opened as I thought over the possible sources. I gently pulled away the galvanized from near the door and saw two yellow eyes looking back at me.
At least it wasn't a snake. It was a big old yellow tabby cat.
He looked to be not much but skin and bones. I rose and went back inside to open a can of hash. Half went into a pie pan.
I carried it out and swiped a little on my finger. I held it out to him until I out-patienced him. He took a sniff and licked the finger clean. I pushed up the pan half way to him.
He crawled out on three feet. The fourth was leaving wet prints.
Be damned if he didn't crawl into my lap. I gently petted him.
I had my first patient. I lay my hand under his bad paw and looked at it. a curl of metal from a can opener had wrapped around his paw and buried itself deep between two pads. I carried him in and laid him down on a towel on the sink's drainboard. I put out a pan of water and swished his bad paw in it. I left him drinking as I got my kit. I took a small field medical kit, a pair of pliers, a pair of wire cutters and a pound jar of honey.
He just watched as I snipped the sharp metal clipping in half, then slowly worked it off his foot and out of his clevis. I refilled the water and swished his paw in it again. He licked that thing six ways from Sunday before he was happy. Then came the part I was worried about. I dipped my finger in the honey and held it under his nose. He sniffed it, then cleaned my finger. He was happily purring away. I used my finger to dab honey into the wound and covered it with gauze. I didn't use a fastener, I just knotted it gently. I held him up on my shoulder as I cleaned up with one hand. I ate half a can of cold hash for dinner and we went to bed on my pallet, my first customer a happy camper. I had a roommate.
Monday, dawn. I woke up and looked at the ceiling. I remember thinking that now I'd have to tackle the clinic. I rose, peed, cooked 2 eggs for the cat and 2 eggs for me. I let the cat outside, left it a full pan of water and took off on my morning run, this time in a different direction, up the road. The pines smelled wonderful in the early daylight but the sandy soil let me know that I'd be building better leg muscles fast. It was five miles, give or take. The cat was waiting for me on the stoop. I walked up to him and petted behind his ears. He bumped his haed against my chest.
It was good to care for a little one again. That cat was a lean, mean purring machine. I left it a full tray of water and walked "downtown" to face the music.
Ancient eyes followed him, missing nothing. This one looked like a keeper.
The clinic was in almost as bad a shape as the trailer had been. It hadn't been painted in years. The air smelled of mildew, so there was a hole in the roof. There were tracks worn in the paint of the floor revealing bare concrete The pharmacy was hopeless. Nothing was left but broken glass.
The surgical tools were rusty. The Autoclave had a rotted seal and was totally unusable. Mice had been in the gauze and sterile supplies. At least it had an air conditioner. I turned it on and the circuit breaker blew.
Sigh. What a mess.
I sat at the rickety desk on what once passed for a chair. There was an old princess phone on the wall. Dialtone! A phone call to Littlerock found his old advisor in his office.
"Ed, it's David Pilath. I need an instamatic camera and film packs. This clinic isn't even a place to come to to die. I need to find any hospitals or army units that sometimes give out care packages. I need to rebuild this place from the ground up."
"I'll raise a stink. They can't just dump you there."
"Yeah? They did. Now it's war. I'm sending pictures to the newspapers."
"Don't burn your bridges."
"Nope, I'm bringing out the kitten in the basket." I thought for a while.
"You've got internet. Can you find out who disposes of decommissioned goods from Desert Storm and later? Going to a government supplied clinic might get me pushed up on their list, especially with some photo evidence of what's here. This is truly NASTY."
"Can do. Don't touch a thing. I'll next-day-air a camera and film to you, with whatever I find. What's the phone number there?"
I looked on the phone, and gave him the number. "I'll have a fax online by the end of today."
"Keep your pecker up. You haven't even begun triage yet."
"Sigh. I know. Starvation is the least I've seen."
"Keep in touch."
The secretary for the tribe was still at her desk.
"May I meet with the tribal council? I'd like to give them a review and analysis of what I've seen and what I'm doing."
"Sure. Council meets here at 8:00 first Tuesday of the month. That's tomorrow.
"Thanks. Bye."
I went shopping for food. I had two to feed. I bought infant vitamins, burger, neck bones, corn meal, hash, spuds, carrots, peanut butter, grape jelly and bread.
I started a small stew in a 5 pound coffee can after burning it out. I reserved a hamburger patty for lunch, a thumb-sized glob for the cat and a marrow-filled neck bone for a kitty toy. The cat took the meat even after dosed with vitamins. After lunch the cat sat in the sun worrying at the bone, purring like a carpet beater gone mad. The paw wasn't weeping any more. I spent the afternoon making a map of the village, with a number for every trailer. I walked around the village drawing streets and putting in trailer numbers. I got a better picture of the population at the post office. Some thirty individuals lived in shacks outside of town. The postmaster gave me a good idea of where each lived. He knew of two with Alzheimer's and four that got insulin tablets in the mail regularly. Not bad for a village of sixty, very few under 50. I stopped into the store before heading home.
"Hey. Got any cigarettes?"
"Sure. In the cage. What tickles your whatever?"
"Umm, Lucky Strikes, I guess."
"You guess? Not a very positive smoker, are you?"
"Nope. for the elders."
She nodded. "Old ways. Not bad for a new guy."
I grinned. "Want to hear the corn chant?"
Her grin faded away fast. "You know the old chants?"
"Yup. Planting chant, harvest chant, birthing chant, passing over chant, corn chant, greening chant, hunting chant, many-fish chant, easing chant, honor-to-grandmother chant, honor-to-grandfather chant,..."
She put a hand over my mouth, lunging across the counter.
"Shhh! You sing those as outsider we'll need a new doc.
When you going to see the elders?"
"Tomorrow at 8:00."
"I'll meet you there. You need an invitation. And a sponsor."
Wow. So I had a sponsor. The cat and I had stew that night. It needed spicing up, but that could wait too. I looked through my stuff and found no leather. I took the half-full stew can in a rag and went a-begging.
I knocked on my neighbor's door. A woman answered the door. No, not a woman, a grandmother. I kept my eyes down and begged forgiveness for disturbing her and offered a meal as a potlatch gift. She smiled and led me in by the arm.
"You will look rich offering food. Many have not. Offering to some and not others will make, um, " She made two fists and knocked them together.
"Oh, discord. Fight without blows."
"I go to be sponsored tomorrow. I will call potlatch and make a stew for all. But first, I need sponsoring gifts. I will offer tobacco, corn meal and salt, but I have no leather for bags. If you have leather we can trade, or I will buy. I have need."
"I saw you with the cat, our warrior. I have need."
She turned around and slipped her dress up to show her hip. It was deeply abscessed with reddened flaky tissue around it. The hair on my head stood on end. I swept her up and laid her on her bed, sore up.
"Wait. I must get supplies next door."
I ran out, picked up an M17 pack and the open jar of honey.
As I entered her door I called out "have you any warm water?"
"On the stove."
I carried it with a rag into her bedroom. I shifted her onto a towel.
"This could be messy. There could be a worm in there. I need to look."
She groaned as I searched the wound with a light. I could find no parasite. I patted her ribs as I finished. "No more of that. Now let's pack that hole."
I filled it with almost four ounces of honey, then taped a piece of plastic over the wound to make it air-tight.
"Honey pulls moisture out. Honey kills germs, bacteria and fungus.
The Greeks used honey on wounds as do villages in central and South America today. Do you hurt?"
"Some. I can sleep."
"Let's us eat together and I'll give you a few pills. Take two every four hours or when it hurts. You must let me change the dressing tomorrow and the next day and the next, until the graininess is gone, the skin is soft and it begins to heal.
It should never smell bad again."
She smiled as I fed her stew and wiped her chin like a child.
I gave her 200mg Ibuprofen tablets and went home. I felt like a hero. I never did get the damned leather.
Tuesday morning. It was chilly but not bad. I ran again, this time with my staff. It seemed to be about six miles.
I stopped at the store after my run.
"Hi. I need you to order me fourteen cafeteria tables and seventy folding chairs with padded seats. Then find me ten checker sets, ten Chinese checker sets, ten Yahtzee sets, thirty poker decks, thirty euchre decks and two forty gallon kettles. Now for food, I'll need a flat of canned beans, a flat of canned tomatoes, twenty pounds of potatoes, a fistful of hot peppers, a flat of canned corn, twenty pounds of boneless pork ribs, you know-country ribs, five pounds of bread, three pounds of butter and enough koolaid for seventy. Oh, make that four kettles, so we can make the koolaid. We need sugar for the koolaid, paper towels, plastic bowls, spoons, knives and cups for all. Next weekend. Put out the word. Potlatch next Saturday noon at the village hall. Singer needs drummer. Oh, and would you please get me some boullion cubes and bay leaves? my stew sucks without 'em."
She sat there looking at me as if I'd grown horns.
"Are you fucking for real?"
I held out my arm. "Here. pinch test."
She grinned and pinched me. "Well, at least I'm not asleep."
She replied "Wanna get married?"
I got serious fast. "Let me tell you a really bad story some day."
I walked home fast. I sat and pet the cat for a while until I felt better. I went next door with a jar of honey and some supplies.
I'm glad that I had a wound irrigation syringe. I knocked on the door.
"Come in!"
There before me on the table lay three of the nicest little leather bags you could have asked for. I kissed her cheek. "Payment in full. Thank you. Now, let's change your dressing. I need a pan of warm water again.
We're going to make a mess with it and clean out your abscess to the ground floor, then re-pack it with fresh honey. After a week of this, things should get better real fast. I'll be challenging you to a run by October."
She grinned as I drenched the wound and repacked it. I didn't let her see the six small worms that came out with the irrigation.
The camera and film came in before 11:00. I took pictures of everything I could think of in that clinic, including the chewed up wiring in the air conditioner.
I had a PB & J for dinner. The cat got a half can of hash again. I had a fan. He lay on my belly and licked my chin as he purred. When he bit my chin and purred my eyeballs bounced up and down.
As it got dark I changed into my good clothes, took the filled gift bags with me as well as my bo and headed for the village hall. Jane from the store met me. She kept looking at me like she knew something was wrong. I kept looking ahead.
I was introduced to the elders. I bowed and made my gifts. I said my piece about the clinic and told them I would bring the place into the world kicking and screaming or die trying. Jane sponsored me into the tribe, saying I was a doctor, medicine man and singer. The elders thought she was nuts. Jane asked me to sing. I remembered an old, old chant. It was slow and low. It lamented the empty tent and missing children. It spoke of the treaties that lied and of the crops that would never grow straight again. It was one of the forbidden chants of the oklahoma tribes. I was weeping. I then started in on the sun dance chant, hammering away at the floor with my staff, wailing away for all I was worth.
"No! No! No! Do not call that chant! We cannot afford the lives that costs!"
I stood before them weeping, trembling. I turned and left. The doors boomed before me and behind me. I sat on a bench before the building, counting stars, trying to stop crying.
Someone sat beside me. A hoarse old voice talked to me.
"Great pain can bear witness to great wisdom, but it is hard, hard.
What makes you rise each day?"
I sat there looking out at the village of raped elders. Something came from deep within me.
"I protect. I heal. I will not stop. I cannot stop. I will walk over those in my way."
The elder beside me sighed. "We are not strong. We are old people here.
We live on our social security checks once a month. The gangs come and steal our money and beat the ones that do not give. Several are crippled from the beatings. You watch. The checks came today, first Tuesday.
Come Thursday or Friday they will come. They will come.
I whispered "potlatch Saturday. Count the heads on sticks."
I had something to live for.
The old man sat on the bench, silently weeping. War was coming.
War was coming again. The People always were caught in the middle, always lost. What could they lose now? There was nothing left.
I started doing katas as I walked home. I was home and these were my people. If a single one got hurt there would be retribution. I remembered the old testament stories from the religion classes long, long ago. Oh yes, there would be retribution. A cross was such an easy thing to make.
The next day, Wednesday, I spent the morning at the clinic, composing letters to places like newspapers, the Mayo clinic, the U.S.Army department of procurement and disposition, state teaching hospitals throughout the midwest and Canada, the office of the Governor and the state comptroller. I also sent a packet to the Catholic Diocese of St. Paul. I sent pictures of my neighbor's hip, the conditions of the village trailers, the full suite of photos from the clinic and a budget analysis with a minimum stocking level request that I worked up for the clinic, considering the population's average age and starvation conditions. There was a new Native American U.S. Senator from Oklahoma. He got the full suite, too. I pummeled the Chicago newspapers, Milwaukee papers, Madison papers, Davenport papers, Hell, I had to buy more film and Ed sent me ten packs of twelve.
I am so glad I was adopted. Some k**s think it's bad, but for me it's great because the alternative is to be an orphan still! Also, I love my adoptive parents, especially my dad.My mom and dad died when I was young. I really don't remember them. I remember I cried a lot and didn't want to talk to anybody. Probably that's why nobody adopted me back then.I went to live in the Spencer School. It was OK there, I had good friends. Richard was my best friend. We both played baseball.When I met the...
Introduction: another part. adopted part 6 Ungggh! No! Dont fuck my pussy again, Walter! Patty gasped. Its a sin! You know its a sin to fuck your adopted mother! Walter paid no attention. He was on top of her now, holding her legs open, trying to stuff his big cock up her pussy. Ten minutes earlier, hed barged into her bedroom, catching her naked feverishly finger fucking her cunt. That was all the encouragement her horny teen had needed. Patty had valiantly resisted her craving to fuck him...
"Ungggh! No! Don't fuck my pussy again, Walter!" Patty gasped. "It's a sin! You know it's a sin to fuck your adopted mother!" Walter paid no attention. He was on top of her now, holding her legs open, trying to stuff his big cock up her pussy. Ten minutes earlier, he'd barged into her bedroom, catching her naked feverishly finger fucking her cunt. That was all the encouragement her horny teen had needed. Patty had valiantly resisted her craving to fuck him...
Introduction: another part of the story adopted part 3 How long have you fantasized about a sexual relationship with your mother, Walter? Margaret Kelly asked. She not really my mother, Im adopted. Hey did she tell you that? Walter raised his eyebrows. That I fantasized about it? Is there something else I should know? Walter hesitated. No. No, thats it. I fantasize about it. He grinned. Yeah, Ive been fantasizing about it a lot these days. Margaret squirmed on the chair across from his,...
Introduction: another part adopted part 7 And you say that Walter is still trying to initiate an sexual relationship with you? Margaret asked. She sat with her notebook and pencil again, pretending to take notes. A day had passed. Thats right, Patty sighed. She squirmed nervously on the couch, uncomfortable to be discussing her private life with a therapist. Shed expected Margaret Kelly to be old and dowdy. It was discomfiting to see that the counselor was her age, and was endowed with a...
"And you say that Walter is still trying to initiate an sexual relationship with you?" Margaret asked. She sat with her notebook and pencil again, pretending to take notes. A day had passed. "That's right," Patty sighed. She squirmed nervously on the couch, uncomfortable to be discussing her private life with a therapist. She'd expected Margaret Kelly to be old and dowdy. It was discomfiting to see that the counselor was her age, and was endowed with a petite body...
"How long have you fantasized about a sexual relationship with your mother, Walter?" Margaret Kelly asked. "She not really my mother, I'm adopted. Hey did she tell you that?" Walter raised his eyebrows. "That I fantasized about it?" "Is there something else I should know?" Walter hesitated. "No. No, that's it. I fantasize about it." He grinned. "Yeah, I've been fantasizing about it a lot these days." Margaret squirmed on the chair across...
Henry's eyes almost popped out of his head when Patty answered the door. Patty was wearing a very sheer see through teddy. Her big tits were poking out and Herny was staring at them. "What can I do for you?," Patty asked. Henry stammered, "My Aunt Margert asked me to stop by." "Why on earth did she do that?" Patty questioned. "Here's a note from her!" Patty read the note. "Do you know what this says?" She asked Henry. "I have a...
My adoptive father is a businessman who, constantly has to travel due to his business affairs. My adoptive mother is a women with 3 children of her own and 2 adoptive children, she works as a teacher at the local high school where I attend. Her 3 children are currently in different college's, and her other adoptive son is in the military. She struggles on a day to day basis with me, due to the fact that I always move from home to home. She believes that a person who's been broken can be...
Ted and Brenda had found out early in life that they couldn't have c***dren, so they adopted a girl from an Asian Country. Little Mai Lian arrived to them when they were both in their early 20's. Mai was a small c***d. They raised her as their own, and she led a very happy family life with her adoptive parents. When Mai turned 18, Ted and Brenda were both in their early 40's. Ted and Mai's world collapsed when Brenda was killed in an accident.Ted and Mai grew quite close after the accident. Ted...
Hey Shawn! I heard a voice call my name from a distance while I was a track practice. I looked towards the distance and saw my 3 closest girl best friends. They all are ridiculously gorgeous (lucky me). I finished my lap and cut through the football field to see what was up. The girl that called me was Breanna Taylor light skin, skinny with a nice and amazing shape, around 5’5 with a nice round ass, and around B almost C-cup tits. Her eyes were ones that could make you stare...
Introduction: part 5 hope you enjoy adopted part 5 Margaret stood at the kitchen counter the next morning, smiling as she prepared the tuna salad sandwich that her nephew would take to school. Four more times her hung, horny teen nephew had fucked her the night before, shooting load after load into her wet, juicy pussy. Margaret felt more sexually satisfied than she had been in months. She was naked now, eager to teach her dead sisters son more about sex before he left for the day. No...
Introduction: another part of the story. and to the guy who keeps complaining about the tags. dont worry about it just enjoy the story. adopted part 4 Auntie! I dont have any clothes on! Thats all right, Henry. I wants to have a little talk with you. It was late that night. Margaret had deliberately entered her nephews room without knocking, hoping to catch him in the nude. Shed almost succeeded. Henry had just come out of the shower, but he was still holding the towel, and he automatically...
Another Halloween submission, quite different than most you might read. Thank you to WanderingScot for his editing and making this a much better read. Here I was at Joe's Restaurant. It was one of the few places I hung out and they were throwing a Halloween party. I let my friends convince me to come and here I was dressed as Batman, mask and all. Most of my closer friends knew who I was but I decided I was going to leave my mask on most of the night. The bartender who was one of my...
Margaret stood at the kitchen counter the next morning, smiling as she prepared the tuna salad sandwich that her nephew would take to school. Four more times her hung, horny teen nephew had fucked her the night before, shooting load after load into her wet, juicy pussy. Margaret felt more sexually satisfied than she had been in months. She was naked now, eager to teach her dead sister's son more about sex before he left for the day. No matter how often he satisfied the wet...
"Auntie! I don't have any clothes on!" "That's all right, Henry. I wants to have a little talk with you." It was late that night. Margaret had deliberately entered her nephew's room without knocking, hoping to catch him in the nude. She'd almost succeeded. Henry had just come out of the shower, but he was still holding the towel, and he automatically covered his crotch with it when the door opened. He now sat bashfully on the edge of the bed, looking...
Another Halloween submission, quite different than most you might read. Thank you to WanderingScot for his editing and making this a much better read. * Here I was at Joe’s Restaurant. It was one of the few places I hung out and they were throwing a Halloween party. I let my friends convince me to come and here I was dressed as Batman, mask and all. Most of my closer friends knew who I was but I decided I was going to leave my mask on most of the night. The bartender who was one of my...
Introduction: 17 Year old Jacob talks to his sister and finds she was watching him masturbating in the shower, while moaning her name. She has questions and confesses that she has similar feelings towards him! O.k, let me start by saying that as of now this story is fiction. Im going to give you a little background of all that is happening now. To understand this story you really need to read all of it! I guarantee you that if you do you will be cumming very hard very soon! If you do not like...
It's Monday morning and we woke up early, I had to go to school and Janice had to work at the school. We are breakfast and got ready, as we drove to school, we didn't talk to each other, we knew what we had to do, go day by day pretending nothing was happening. We made everybody believe that my behavior was and would be better from now on. “Before we go in… remember there's nothing going on between us… we talked over the weekend and you have accepted us as your new family OK” she...
They found her. They told him. He was happy but also anxious at the same time. Kevin, a young 17 year old, finally after all these years, after having been placed with another family because she couldn’t keep him had finally found his mother. Could it really be true? They had found his real biological mother? No way, he initially thought. Really, his biological mother? Wow, he told himself, this is incredible. With that, the paperwork was started. All the documents were filled out and filed...
IncestI was eighteen and on my own. The huge space station Gramirror was a commerce center for cargo to or from the planet. Most of my life I have studied or done engineering. I was looking for a way off the station and out into the wide galaxy beyond. I watched every ship that came into the system and saw one that I thought I could help. The large armed cargo ship was an old Kaire ship which meant clan. I waited until they began off loading to find and approach the captain. He was a large Kaire...
If you can believe this…this happened back in 1964. As the daughter of his mother, she was told to “get rid of him.” She couldn’t, at least not in the way the kid’s mother wanted her to, and so she made a different decision. She took the boy to an adoption. It was called Boy’s Home for Adoption. Knowing that the infant’s mother was as poor as she was she knew they couldn’t keep him, and so the girl decided this was the reasonable thing to do. So she took him to the adoption home to be raised....
IncestIf you can believe this…she had almost everything in life she ever wanted. Money, a man, power, and even sexual power at that. One thing she did not have was a son. She knew she wanted one. She wanted a child who would be, to her, an affectionate and attentive son to her needs in life. She wanted one who, in time, would take care of those needs that a woman, like her, needed, and one she could raise so that she could have that later on in life. Yep, she always wanted a son she could love and...
IncestNote : This story is completely fictional! Noah had struggled all of his life with issues of abandonment. That was a pretty standard condition for people who had been adopted but he had made sincere efforts to address his concerns and unpack his baggage. He hadn’t managed to establish a healthy, long term relationship in his 30 years of life but he was ever hopeful. The first and most important step in that journey toward wholeness was finding his birth mother. It was a relatively easy process;...
IncestThe clock struck twelve as John Doe sat in the coffee shop, anxiously waiting for someone. This wasn’t something he was used to and found many different emotions fighting for control, mostly excited and anxiety. John took a quick sip of his latte hoping to calm his nerves. ‘They should be here soon,’ he thought to himself, ‘I hope they’re just as their ad describes.’ Thinking about it, he wanted to make sure that he got every detail down before meeting them. Grabbing his phone, he search for...
FetishHe didn’t know what to do. He thought about it all day long but was unable to come up with a decision that nobody could answer. Not even Cynthia could provide a solution that would enable Max to go and see the colleges of the Ivy League. And then, with her smile in tow, she suggested something, and initially threw the idea, along with a “physical benefit” the woman’s way. “Grace, can we have lunch tomorrow?” Cynthia asked. “I’ve got a favor to ask of you.” Of course, seeing as these two had...
Love StoriesThis story a fictional account of something that happened to me. It is the way I have always wished the story went. I had been stationed aboard the USS Eversail a year and a half when Jerry reported aboard. I worked in engineering and he was a Quartermaster. I had seen him around the ship a few times and thought he was too girly for me. Then one night on the mess deck eating dinner alone, he slipped into the booth facing me. "Hi, my name is Jerry". He sounded so affeminate as he spoke. My...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Well I was adopted at birth and was always curious about finding my birth mother so when I finally did I was quite excited. She was 47 at this time and I was 19. We spoke on the phone and met up. She had one daughter who still lived with her and and one dog and they lived in a small flat just outside town. We met up for the first time and went for a coffee and talked for hours. When I said it was time for me to leave she said I could stay over on a...
IncestHe didn’t know what to do. He thought about it all day long but was unable to come up with a decision that nobody could answer. Not even Cynthia could provide a solution that would enable Max to go and see the colleges of the Ivy League. And then, with her smile in tow, she suggested something, and initially threw the idea, along with a “physical benefit” the woman’s way. “Grace, can we have lunch tomorrow?” Cynthia asked. “I’ve got a favor to ask of you.” Of course, seeing as these two had...
And if you can believe it…I was also up early that next morning, showering, shaving, and doing all the right things to make myself look beautiful as ever for Cynthia while her son began to prepare himself for the next chapter in his life. Me, I didn’t care about Max any longer. I cared about me. I cared about my long overdue needs. I simply cared about all the overdue cum which had built up inside my body. And I only cared about sharing it with Cynthia as I assumed she cared about having it...
Breathing hard, as if just having gone through a training program, she couldn’t believe it. He did that, honestly? Max and I honestly, truly fucked like we did, she asked herself. He didn’t know better. This was his first time. He hoped, and it looked like that on his face, that he’d done okay. He wore that simpleton’s expression on his face, the one in which said to others did I do it right? “Wow Max” and she took another deep breath of air, “and you’ve…you’ve never had,” and she did it again....
And…if you can believe this as well Max agreed to tell her exactly how he felt about her. Cynthia was a bit surprised but happy, and I was too, seeing as he was only 18 and Grace Templeton was 25. You think to yourself what 25 year old wants to be seen with an 18 year old? She has to be a little “messed up” upstairs. But weren’t they all? Weren’t Cynthia and Max messed up as well? Personally, yes, I thought. Yes they were. Even I was caught up in all of this a little. Honestly, well honestly, I...
And if you can believe this as well…I did come back the following day and as the day before she looked incredible. She wore a printed colorful dress which, to me, said it all. I couldn’t wait to hear more of her adventures about her and Max and what they done together, in bed, that would have me wondering about her and her lifestyle, desires, and let’s not forget her dreams as well. The woman, Cynthia, is for sure a charismatic woman. Her eyes alone, when she looks at you, you almost feel as if...
IncestBreathing hard, as if just having gone through a training program, she couldn’t believe it. He did that, honestly? Max and I honestly, truly fucked like we did, she asked herself. He didn’t know better. This was his first time. He hoped, and it looked like that on his face, that he’d done okay. He wore that simpleton’s expression on his face, the one in which said to others did I do it right? “Wow Max” and she took another deep breath of air, “and you’ve…you’ve never had,” and she did it again....
Oral SexAnd…if you can believe this as well Max agreed to tell her exactly how he felt about her. Cynthia was a bit surprised but happy, and I was too, seeing as he was only 18 and Grace Templeton was 25. You think to yourself what 25 year old wants to be seen with an 18 year old? She has to be a little “messed up” upstairs. But weren’t they all? Weren’t Cynthia and Max messed up as well? Personally, yes, I thought. Yes they were. Even I was caught up in all of this a little. Honestly, well honestly, I...
MILFBy week four of the semester, everything was routine. The same classes, the same students, the same exams and papers. Not to complain, because in many respects, routine is comfortable. Outside of my home life, I was doing well, and fairly happy. I was still getting a kick out of the dance class, and felt like I was making progress. Next time I was invited to a party or event where there was dancing going on, I felt confident that I would be far more comfortable dancing that I had ever been...
Amy 1: Amy Meets World by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2010 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: Something Happens I had the absolute coolest fucking girlfriend in the world and everything about her excited me and jazzed my nerve endings: Emily Komori. For one thing, Emily was almost as tall as I was when we started...
Introduction: Taking the next step in Natalies crazy life… A weekend flies by before I know it. Ive been spending most of my time avoiding Tyler, but when we are around each other, he acts as if nothing ever happened. I dont know if he just assumes hes established order, if he wants me to forget, or if he was intoxicated and it was alcohol acting through him, I dont want to think about it. Monday morning I go about my business readying for school. I hurry down to the bus stop and ride silently...
“Some fucking romantic weekend this is turning out to be” thought Bev as she sat alone in the hotel room. Phil had told her he’d booked something special to celebrate their Silver Wedding anniversary and she’d been so looking forward to a weekend away without the k**s. The first setback was a phone call from Phil to say he’d been delayed at work but she should still go to the hotel as planned and he’d meet her there. Now, with the Friday rush hour traffic clogging the A1, he reckoned he...
Spells-R-Us, Stress Toy DO NOT READ THIS STORY IF UNDER 18! It contains graphic sex and is for adults only. by [email protected] It was a typical boring Thursday. I had gone up to the mall for lunch. I noticed that there was a new shop on the mall. Some kind of occult store called "Spell's R Us". I hadn't been in one of those before so I figured that I would go check it out. In the store I saw many weird and unusual things. As I entered the story a little old man in a...
This is continuation to my story submitted. So as we were moving slowly with her bare sexy ass outside window, suddenly 2 middle aged man saw us coming and I was quite exited about the daring act done by my gf. As soon we reached them they tightly slapped her sexy ass twice. One slap on the right side of the bum and second on the ass crack touching her wet pussy. As soon we came into senses I rushed the car and I puller in. she was completely frightened and then after a pause there was a...
I went into the bathroom and got one of Mum’s face-flannel and some warm water then washed her all over. I opened her sex and tried to scoop out as much of my sperm as I could. Somehow I got her to her feet and walked her to her room. She kind of woke up and muttered something indistinguishable when I lay her on the bed and pulled the covers over her naked body. On my way back to my room I noticed her panties in the corridor and a bit further her bra. I followed the trail downstairs and...
The Farmer’s Little Daughter Part 1 (the kitchen) There ought to be a law against a man’s adolescent young daughter growing up to be so goddamn sexy! If there was such a law, that daughter of mine would most certainly be breaking it. Why, a judge would throw the book at her, lock her sexy female ass up in jail, and throw the key away to a place where it would never be found! These were just a few of the thoughts running through my mind as I stood at my daughter’s bedroom door...
Sunday - Day 7 of 8 at camp, October 26th After my late night adventures with the Twins I was feeling tired and my shoulder was a little sore, yet there was a bounce in my step as I strode to the communal shower through the brisk morning air. I was disappointed to not see the Twins in the locker room, but found Faith in the shower area. While she mostly picked at her food and it had only been a week, it looked like she'd managed to put on a few pounds, making her look much closer to...
Affairs began to hit their stride between Emma and me after that Queen’s Birthday long weekend. We had spent much of the remainder of that weekend either in or around my bed: we made love a few more times, but much of the time was spent just cuddling up under my quilt. Eventually on the Monday I dropped her off at her mother’s house, our parting kisses taking even longer than ever.While her and her sister Amber’s living arrangements reverted back to fortnight-long stretches with each parent,...
CrossdressingDidn't I tell you that Rachael is smarter than I am? She set up that ambush and executed it with military precision. And the way she mastered those knots in such a short time is nothing but genius. Let me tell you, when the lights came on and I saw it was Rachael, I was impressed. Okay, call me stupid; but, when she brought in the cameras I had no idea what she was doing. In my own defense, after the ease at which she'd managed to tie me to the bed I was still in shock. After Rachael...
Lily was in 18 first year of highschool. Lily had golden hair with black highlights, nicely tanned body and was very fit. Lily was somewhat of a good student getting mostly A's and was very active in sports . Lily seemed to be perfect, perfect body, face,grades, and her voice was one of an angel. So anyway, Lily went to dance with her bestfriends, at the dance was a mix of schools all private. Lily went to an all girls school so she didn't meet many guys and chose this dance as a good way to...
Just a normal week night at home, that’s how it started. I had been upstairs and came down to get a drink. My husband was on his lap top typing away. I leaned over and noticed he was chatting. Kissing him on the forehead I asked who he was talking to. “Some guy” he replied. I went back up stairs and got back to what I was doing. Awhile later I returned down stairs and hubby was still typing away. Being nosey I looked over his shoulder to find a picture of my ass and on the screen. I asked my...
The odds against an American child growing up to be an NFL Quarterback or Victoria Secret model are on the order of 20 million to one. Most of us live at the median of the bell curve of human possibilities. Average looks. Average physique. Average intelligence. Average motivation. Average sex appeal. Not me. I belong to a subgroup that is blessed–or cursed, depending on your perspective–with above average intelligence and academic motivation. But being brainy has it's price. In my case, it...
ExhibitionismShe snapped the camera again, holding it between her spread eagle legs. " That one is great" she thought to herself as she viewed the photo of her bald pussy splayed wide open. She uploaded the photo to her computer and then the adult website that she and her cybersex partner left each other racy photos on. Lately they could not find time to get together on-line. Their own alone time was at different times of the day, so playtime together was not an option. She loved hearing him tell her what...
Will woke early the next morning with a raging hard-on and thoughts of last night racing through his mind. He turned over and looked at Sarah. She was in a deep, peaceful sleep. She lay on her back; her long, wavy brunette hair a messy tumble on the pillow around her delicate face. One large breast was exposed from the covers. Will thought she was utter perfection.Will reached out his hand to her face and caressed down her cheek bone. He lent forward and lightly kissed her on the forehead as he...
When Michael Brogan entered the frozen food aisle in his local supermarket the first thing that caught his eye was those buttocks. The buttocks were in tight green trousers and they belonged to a female bending over to reach an item in a compartment and from the angle that Michael was viewing he could see the rounded contours of both cheeks. As the woman straightened up it was clear that she was a mature woman, possibly very mature, and seemingly from the Indian sub-continent.As with a...
MatureJune 30, 1845 Today we made 18 miles and camped on the Snake River. Ab says we can't be more than ten or fifteen miles from Fort Hall. I rode with Ab for a while when I rejoined the wagons after scouting out our route. The first thing I did was apologize for all of the trouble we had been causing him. "Jase, just shut that up," he said. "There isn't a thing that's happened that's your fault." "If I didn't have two wives, Mrs. Wattley wouldn't have had anything to get onto Abby...
You are a male student. It's a recess and you're taking a stroll behind the school. There are plenty of other students chatting with each other or smoking. Suddenly you see a pretty girl coming straight at you with an angry grimace. You know her - she's one of your classmates named Emily and everyone knows her as a colossal bitch. But you never talked to her much. Emily is a natural beauty with her shapely figure and perfect face. Her breasts are average, but it doesn't diminish her appearance...
BDSMNote : This story is completely fictional! Call me a pervert if you want, but the truth is that I’ve been jacking off ever since my body was developed enough to produce semen. That story started when I was up late one night, unknown to my parents, and I happened to sneak into the living room while my father was watching one of his playboy videos. Seeing those naked women, I got an instant hard-on. Not that I understood what was going on at the time, I only knew that it felt good. That was the...
IncestEverything had changed when I returned to Williamsburg, a now almost-deserted town. Some 3,000 French soldiers were camped around Jamestown, commanded by a marquis called St. Simon who had put them, I was told, under Lafayette's leadership despite being a major general himself. Washington and his army and the other French force had not arrived, but the French fleet filled the mouth of the James and blockaded the York. Other troops were expected any day, thousands of them. Then on the morning...
One spring day in 1922 Ann closed up the shop where she worked. She was keen to run her own shop but it would be a several years before a legacy from an aged aunt would allow her to do this. For the time being, aged just 20, she continued to learn the ropes from Mr and Mrs Hunter.The next day she was closing up again but this time Mr and Mr Hunter were present. They called Ann to the storeroom at the back of the shop.Ann entered and closed the door.“Now, Ann, last night you forgot to lock the...
“How can plant be against law?” I ask. “Do men today believe they may control what grows in nature?” She sighs deeply. “I know, dear, I don’t agree with it either. But that’s not the point. Marijuana, which is the name of this plant, is illegal. You could go to jail for having it, even for only knowing where it is.” My eyes are very big as I look at her; can such foolishness be? “You won’t, of course,” she says. “But there’s more to it than that. How many plants were there where you found...