- 4 years ago
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Bob Stanford was mixing his third gin and tonic when he felt a firm slap on the back. He turned around and saw Ted Wilson standing there smiling at him.
"Hey Bob, how's it going?" Ted said cheerfully. "Hey Ted", he replied. Bob had never considered Ted to be a close friend, and actually found him slightly obnoxious, but they both belonged to the same country club and often traveled in the same social circles so they had at least become acquaintances. Ted's wife, Victoria, stood next to him with her arm around his waist as Ted absent-mindedly ran his hand back and forth across her ass. Bob always thought that Victoria was one of those women who looked like she had just stepped out of a fashion magazine. She had long blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes with a radiant smile that seemed to automatically put you at ease. Her firm slender body had curves in all the right places and it was obvious that she worked out several times a week to maintain her sumptuous figure. Victoria always chose to let Ted do most of the talking and she laughed at all of Ted's jokes no matter how lame they were. Seeing her with Ted, Victoria could easily have been mistaken for your stereotypical dumb blonde but Bob always suspected that there was more to her than met the eye. "Great party you got here", Ted said with another slap to Bob's arm.
"Well if there's one thing Tracy knows how to do", Bob replied darkly, "it's spend my money."
Sensing that Bob was upset and needed to talk to someone, Ted turned to Victoria and said, "Vickie, why don't you go find Tracy and see if she needs any help."
Ted was the only one who Victoria allowed to call her Vickie. She insisted that everyone else call her Victoria and became indignant if they failed to do so.
Flashing her brilliant smile, Victoria said, "Yes dear", in a sweet little girl voice, before giving Ted a passionate kiss and turning to leave. Both men watched her ass gently sway as she walked away until she disappeared into the crowd.
"So what's the problem?" asked Ted. "This is a party and you're supposed to be having a good time."
Taking a sip of his drink, Bob turned to Ted and said, "How do you do it?"
"How do I do what?" replied Ted.
"How do you get Victoria to act like that?" Bob asked as he gestured in the direction that Victoria had disappeared. "When Tracy and I were first married five years ago we couldn't get enough of each other. We used to go everywhere together and we used to make love almost every night, sometimes even two or three times a night. Now, I hardly ever see her and when I do she's usually either too tired or has some other feeble excuse for not wanting to have sex. I'm starting to think that she only married me for my money and I'm afraid she's going to leave me. You don't seem to have that problem with Victoria, so how do you do it?"
Ted stood there and thought for a moment and then after looking around to ensure that no one was listening, he said in a quiet voice, "I'll tell you how to make Tracy act like Victoria if you give me something in return."
Suddenly intrigued by Ted's mysterious behavior, Bob leaned forward and asked, "What do you want?"
"I want a weekend with Tracy."
"Excuse me?" Bob said, unsure of what he had just heard.
"I want a weekend with Tracy", Ted repeated matter-of-factly.
Bob couldn't believe that Ted had the nerve to even suggest such a thing. He had noticed the way that Ted was always ogling Tracy but he never realized how much Ted wanted her until now. "You're crazy", Bob said angrily. "Even if she agreed, what makes you think I'd let you spend a weekend with my wife?"
"It's up to you", Ted said with a smug expression. "But if you change your mind, I'll be at the club all day tomorrow."
"Go to hell", Bob shouted. "I should have known better than to share my problems with an asshole like you."
"Suit yourself", Ted replied before turning and walking away.
Bob looked around to see if anyone had heard their conversation and he saw Tracy giving him a disapproving look. In response, he quickly downed his drink and turned to make himself another.
Chapter 2: The DecisionBob lay in bed watching Tracy carefully brushing her hair in the bathroom. He loved the way her long fiery red hair and flashing green eyes made her smooth white skin look like fine porcelain. Even through the flannel nightgown she wore, he could see the outline of her full round breasts and wide curvaceous hips. He wasn't sure that it was possible, but she seemed more beautiful than the day he had married her. As she climbed into bed and lay down beside him, he leaned over and gently kissed her on the cheek as his hand slowly rubbed her firm stomach.
"You're drunk", she said in disgust. "I can smell the liquor on your breath."
"I may have had a few drink but I'm certainly not drunk", he replied as his hand slid slowly upward towards her breasts.
"And what was with that outburst between you and Ted Wilson?"
"He said something that I didn't like so I told him to go to hell", he explained as he gently kissed Tracy's neck.
"Is that all?" she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "I've never been so embarrassed in all my life."
Realizing that he was getting nowhere, Bob decided to take a more direct approach. Propping himself up on one elbow, he looked down at Tracy and said, "Are we going to have sex or not?" He then reached down to and gently squeezed one of her nipples.
Firmly taking his hand and pulling it away, she looked him in the eye and said, "I'm tired and I just want to get some sleep". She then rolled away from him and pulled the covers up around her neck.
"But it's been over a week", he pleaded.
"I'm sorry if I'm not a machine that can perform for you at the flip of a switch", she replied coldly. "Now are you going to behave yourself or should I go and sleep in the guest room?"
Bob's only response was to flop down on the bed with a sigh of frustration as he reached over and turned out the light. He lay awake for several hours thinking about Tracy's attitude and Ted's offer. Wasn't letting a man spend a weekend with his wife a small price to pay to get back the woman that he had married? Was Tracy bored with him and thinking of leaving him? Did she not want to have sex with him because she was seeing another man? How long could he hold out before desperation led him into the arms of another woman? He had already been tempted several times but had managed to control himself so far. He loved Tracy more than he ever thought possible, but he knew that he had his limits and that, if things kept going the way they were, he was rapidly approaching those limits. As he finally fell asleep just before dawn, he had come to a difficult decision.
Chapter 3: The DealTed was sitting at the bar drinking a beer when he felt a tentative tap on his shoulder. Without turning around, he gestured for Bob to sit down at the stool next to him. "I knew you'd come", he said quietly.
Bob ordered a beer for himself and another one for Ted. "How did you know?" he asked.
"Because I've been right where you are. When Vickie and I first got married we were just like you and Tracy. We were inseparable and deeply in love. But I guess familiarity breeds contempt because, as time went by, Vickie became increasingly cold and distant. It got so bad that a week could go by without us saying two words to each other. I really think that Vickie was about to leave me when I found the solution to my problem."
"What solution?" Bob asked excitedly.
"Before I tell you", Ted replied, "you know what I want in return. So do we have a deal?"
Bob thought for a moment then said, "I don't think I could ever get Tracy to agree to spend the weekend with you, and I won't force her to go against her will."
"No of course we won't force her" Ted chuckled. "But by the time they're done with her, she'll gladly agree to anything you suggest. Now do we have a deal or don't we?"
"Who are they?" Bob asked, trying to buy time.
"Do we have a deal or not?" Ted repeated, becoming visibly annoyed.
Realizing that his time was up and he had to make a decision, Bob took a deep breath and nodded his head. The two men shook hands as Bob said impatiently, "What do I have to do?"
In response, Ted reached into his pocket and placed a business card on the bar in front of Bob.
Bob picked up the card and looked at it. Written in gold engraved letters were the words "Madame Lacroix, Voodoo Priestess" and an address. "Voodoo priestess?" Bob exclaimed in disbelief. "You must be joking."
"No joke", Ted replied. "She really is a voodoo priestess and she can help you with your problem, just like she helped me with mine. Go and see her first thing Monday morning. I've already phoned her and told her you were coming. Explain to her what your problem is and ask her for her help."
"I don't know about this", Bob said with hesitation in his voice.
Seeing that Bob was on the verge of backing out of their agreement, Ted placed his hand on Bob's arm and said, "Do you want to lose Tracy the way I almost lost Vickie?"
Bob shook his head. The thought of losing Tracy heightened his desperation and strengthened his resolve to do anything to keep that from happening, no matter how bizarre it seemed.
"I didn't think so", Ted replied smugly. "Now if you'll excuse me I think I'll take a quick dip in the pool before I go home to Vickie and have a real workout", he said with a nudge and a wink. As he stood up to leave, he paused and said, "By the way, don't forget to bring your checkbook. Madame Lacroix doesn't work cheap." He then turned and disappeared towards the dressing rooms.
For several minutes, Bob just sat there and stared at the card before he asked the bartender for a gin and tonic. Then as an afterthought, he told the bartender to make it a double.
Chapter 4: The PriestessFirst thing Monday morning Bob found himself walking down the plush corridor of an uptown high-rise office building. He checked the business card for the fourth time to make sure that he was at the right address. This didn't seem to him like the kind of place that you would find a voodoo priestess. He had expected a dingy little shop on some deserted side street or an unmarked door in some alley. This seemed more like kind of place where you find doctors and lawyers. Even then, only the best doctors and lawyers could afford an office in this building. When he found the office with "Madame Lacroix" written on the door in big letters, he decided that he was in the right place. After standing there for several minutes trying to work up the courage to go in, he took a deep breath and opened the door.
Inside, he found a modestly decorated reception area with a half dozen chairs and a coffee table with assorted magazines. On one side, a young man sat behind a large wooden desk typing away at a computer. Again, Bob checked the name on the door to make sure he had the right place.
"Come on in", called the young man as he stopping typing. "If you're looking for Madame Lacroix then you've come to the right place."
Bob closed the door and walked over to the desk. "M-my name is Bob Stanford and I believe I have an appointment."
"Ah yes, Mr. Stanford", said the young man cheerfully. "Mr. Wilson told us you'd be coming. I'll let Ms. Lacroix know that you are here." He then picked up the telephone and pushed a button. "Ms. Lacroix? Mr. Stanford is here for his appointment." A few moments later he replaced the receiver and, gesturing towards a set of double doors, he said, "Ms. Lacroix says that you should go right in."
"Thank you", said Bob as he headed for Ms. Lacroix's office. Taking another deep breath to steady his nerves, Bob turned the knob and opened the door. As Bob entered the office, he discovered that it was similar to the reception area. Pictures of tropical locations hung on the walls and a large leather couch sat off to one side. Across from the door, sat a large wooden desk with a chair on either side.
Bob had expected on older woman, but was delighted to see that the woman rising from her desk to greet him was in her mid-twenties. Her ebon skin appeared flawless and her deep dark eyes seemed to burn with an inner fire. She was wearing a brown tweed business suit and a simple white blouse. "Please come in and have a seat, Mr. Stanford", she said brightly. "Are you Madame Lacroix?" Bob asked tentatively. "The voodoo priestess?" "Voodoo priestess?" she chuckled. "You must have one of my old business cards. Now days I prefer to be called a spiritual councilor."
"No offense but you're not all what I expected", Bob said as he sat down.
"Let me guess", she said with a wry smile. "You expected a withered old hag with tattoos wearing some sort of strange outfit and waving snakes over a bubbling cauldron."
"Something like that" Bob laughed.
"Don't let my appearance fool you Mr. Stanford. I am much older than I appear. Now if you don't mind, I am pressed for time. So if you would kindly explain why you wanted to see me, I would greatly appreciate it."
Bob nodded and proceeded to explain the problems he was having in his marriage and how Ted had indicated that she could help him.
As soon as Bob had finished, Ms. Lacroix turned and looked out the window, deep in thought. After a few moments of silence she turned back around to Bob and said, "Even voodoo cannot make your wife love you, Mr. Stanford, but for a fee of $50,000 I can release your wife's passions. I just cannot guarantee that she will be passionate about you. She may meet another man that she finds more desirable and leave you for him. However, for an additional $50,000 I can guarantee that she will be loyal and obedient to you for as long as you desire. It won't be love but she will be completely devoted to you and will be unable to cheat on you or leave you for another man. This is what your friend Mr. Wilson wanted from his wife. The decision is entirely up to you."
The word obedient made a chill run down Bob's spine but he didn't want to pay $50,000 and run the risk of having Tracy run off with another man. After all, it was his fear of losing her that had driven him to such drastic measures in the first place. He remembered the way Victoria had acted around Ted and he convinced himself that if he could get Tracy to act like that around him then he would be happy. "I want to do this right", he told the priestess, "so I'll pay you the $100,000. Just tell me who to make the check out to and what I have to do."
Ms. Lacroix smiled at him and said, "As you wish. There is a resort on a small island in the Caribbean called San Pablo. As soon as you get home today, call them and make a reservation for a week's stay starting this Friday. My receptionist will give you their business card on the way out. On Friday, bring your wife to the resort and pay them the fee of $100,000. During your stay, it is necessary for us to borrow your wife for a couple of days. When we return her to you, she will be devoted and obedient as you have requested. Are there any questions?"
"What do you mean you have to borrow my wife? Won't she be upset about being kidnapped?" Bob inquired.
"Do not be concerned, Mr. Stanford", the priestess reassured him. "She will be returned to you unharmed and with no memory of ever being abducted. Now, if you have no further questions, I have another appointment in 5 minutes."
Bob stood up and shook Ms. Lacroix's hand before turning to leave. But as he reached the door he stopped. "I have just one more question."
"You want to know why I do this don't you?" the priestess said with a knowing smile.
Bob nodded.
"For many years I lived in poverty on the island that you will see on Friday. I now live in a deluxe penthouse apartment with a view of the river. Why do you think I do it Mr. Stanford?"
Bob just smiled at her before turning and leaving her office.
Chapter 5: The AbductionIt took two days of pleading and arguing before Tracy reluctantly agreed to go to the resort. Bob finally convinced her that they needed some time alone together to work out their differences. When they arrived late Friday afternoon, Bob went to the front desk to check in while Tracy headed for the gift shop.
"Reservation for Stanford", Bob told the desk clerk.
"Ah yes, Mr. Stanford. We've been expecting you. That will be $100,000 payable in advance", the clerk said matter-of-factly.
Bob quickly wrote the check and handed it to the clerk.
"Thank you sir. I will see that Ms. Lacroix knows that you have arrived."
That evening after dinner, Bob and Tracy checked out some of the local sights. Bob tried not to let on that anything was wrong but he was constantly looking over his shoulder and jumping at shadows, expecting someone to grab Tracy at any moment.
As they got ready for bed, Bob decided that he would try one more time to seduce Tracy. If she responded, then he would tell the desk clerk that he had changed his mind and that he wanted to call the whole thing off. However, as soon as Tracy climbed into bed, she informed Bob that she was tired from the long flight and needed to get some rest. She then rolled over and fell asleep leaving Bob more frustrated than ever.
The next morning, after a long and sleepless night, Bob went to take a shower while Tracy got dressed. When he emerged from the bathroom about half an hour later, he couldn't find Tracy anywhere. He called out to her but got no response. He was about to call the front desk when he noticed the note by the telephone. It read "Your wife will be returned in two days" and was signed M. Lacroix.
A shudder ran through Bob as he realized that he had finally reached the point of no return. As he sat down on the edge of the bed he placed his head in his hands and began to sob uncontrollably.
For the next two days, Bob spent most of his time in the hotel bar, returning to his room only to pass out when the bar closed. He was already on his second gin and tonic Monday morning when he heard a voice behind him.
"If you don't stop, you're going to kill yourself."
He turned to tell the person to fuck off when he saw that it was Madame Lacroix sitting on the barstool next to him. Instead of the business suit that she had worn the last time they had met, she was now wearing a very revealing string bikini. The two tiny triangles of material that made up the top barely covered any of her breasts, which Bob could swear were much larger than before. The bottoms consisted of a patch of material that was so small and thin that it was obvious that she shaved her pubic hair. Even in a resort full of rich people with plastic surgeons and personal trainers to keep them attractive, her beauty stood out.
Bob let his eyes roam shamelessly up and down her body until a single thought suddenly penetrated his alcohol-clouded mind. "Where the hell is my wife?" he shouted.
Ms. Lacroix put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Please remain calm Mr. Stanford. Your wife is in your room, asleep and unharmed."
Bob stood up to run to Tracy but, with a strength that seemed out of place for her size, Ms. Lacroix quickly pushed him back onto the barstool. "Before you go to her", she said sternly, "I have something to give you." She then held out a chain with a small ornate pendant on it. "Your wife is now bound to this amulet and whoever possesses it. Take it and put it someplace safe. You do not need to keep it with you at all times. As long as you are the last person to have held it she will continue to serve and obey you. However, if the amulet is lost or stolen she will automatically obey whoever has it. Do you understand Mr. Stanford?"
"Yeah I understand", he said, rudely grabbing the amulet from the priestess' hand. Even after having come this far, he still didn't really believe her but he was anxious to go see his wife and he figured it would be faster to just humor her. "Is that all?" he asked bluntly.
"Yes Mr. Stanford", she said with a sigh but Bob was already gone.
Chapter 6: The ReunionToo impatient to wait for the elevator, Bob sprinted up the stairs two at a time until he reached their floor. His excitement and the alcohol in his system made his hands shake as he fumbled with the key. When he finally opened the door, he burst into the room, expecting the worst. His heart jumped into his throat as he saw Tracy lying on the bed, naked and unmoving. He walked cautiously towards her but stopped and let out a sigh of relief as she began to stir.
Awakened by Bob's noisy entrance, Tracy stretched and rubbed her eyes as she tried to clear the cobwebs from her brain. She looked up and saw Bob standing over her and smiled at him. Suddenly her smile turned to a look of panic as she vaulted out of bed and ran to him.
Bob saw the terror in Tracy's eyes and he wondered what Madame Lacroix had done to her to make her so afraid. He was about to take her in his arms and hold her when she suddenly dropped to her knees in front of him. "I'm sorry for falling asleep. Please forgive me, master", she begged fearfully.
Bob was stunned. This was not what he had expected. Reaching down, he grabbed Tracy's shoulders and pulled her to her feet. "Are you all right?" he asked.
"I'm fine, master", Tracy replied. "I was just tired."
"Where have you been for the last two days?" Bob asked.
"I've been right here with you, master", Tracy said with a puzzled look.
Bob could see that Tracy had no idea what had happened to her. "Why do you keep calling me master?"
"I call you master because you are my master and I am your loyal and obedient slave. Is that all right, master?" Tracy said with a quiver in her voice.
Realizing that he was frightening and confusing her with his questions, Bob took Tracy in his arms and held her tightly. Ms. Lacroix's words about the amulet and how Tracy was bound to it raced through his mind. He suddenly had a thousand questions and cursed himself for not asking them when he had had the chance. He looked down at Tracy as she looked back at him adoringly. He leaned down to kiss her and she retaliated by firmly planting her lips against his and shoving her tongue into his mouth before he could resist. Tracy kissed him with a passion that he hadn't felt in a long time. The combination of Tracy's kiss and the feel of her naked body pressed firmly against him caused the pressure to build in Bob's pants. Suddenly, all the questions running through his mind disappeared. All he cared about was the beautiful woman wrapped in his arms and how much he wanted to make love to her. He broke the kiss and carefully sat Tracy down on the edge of the bed as he kicked off his shoes and reached up to undo his shirt.
Gently placing her hands on his, Tracy looked up at Bob with hunger in her eyes and said in a soft seductive tone, "Let me do that." Starting at the top, she softly caressed his chest and stomach as she slowly undid each button. She then leaned forward and began kissing and licking her way up his body as she climbed to her feet and slipped the shirt off of his shoulders. Again, she planted her lips firmly against his as her tongue explored the inside of his mouth and her aroused nipples pressed against his chest. After several minutes, she broke the kiss and began working her way back down his body, again dropping to her knees. Licking her lips sensuously in anticipation, she quickly undid his pants and let them fall to the floor exposing his semi-erect member.
Tracy's eyes lit up like a child opening a present on Christmas morning as she reached out and gently began stroking Bob's penis with both hands. As Bob's cock swiftly came to full attention, she leaned forward and slowly ran her tongue up the sensitive underside of the shaft, sending a wave of pleasure coursing through Bob's body. Wasting no more time, Tracy firmly wrapped her lips around the tip and began moving her head forward and backward, taking more and more of his cock into her mouth with each stroke. After only a few minutes, Tracy's head was moving furiously back and forth as she took Bob's entire length deep into her mouth and throat.
Bob was in shock. Tracy had never cared for oral sex and had only performed it on special occasions such as his birthday or their anniversary. The fact that she was voluntarily giving him a blow-job was a sure sign that Madame Lacroix had indeed unlocked Tracy's passion. Feeling the pressure begin to build in the base of his cock, he reached down and placed his hands on Tracy's head to steady himself as he began to shoot his load.
Feeling the first few drops of cum begin to emerge from Bob's cock, Tracy pulled back until her lips were firmly wrapped around the tip as she began stroking the shaft with her soft hands. In moments, Bob's semen began to erupt into Tracy's mouth as she tried valiantly to swallow it all. For several minutes cum poured from Bob's throbbing member until finally the flow began to subside and she could feel Bob's cock growing limp.
Trying to squeeze every drop from Bob's rapidly deflating dick, she began to suck it like a Popsicle. When she was satisfied that he was completely empty, she began gently licking up a few drops of semen that had leaked out. After meticulously cleaning his entire cock, she reached up and scooped a few more drops off of her chin. As she stuck her fingers in her mouth and began sucking them clean, she looked up at Bob with a devilish grin and said, "Did you enjoy that, master?"
Still high from Tracy's expert ministrations, all Bob could do was nod vigorously with a contented smile on his face as turned around and fell backward onto the bed. For several minutes he lay there and softly ran his fingers through Tracy's hair as she lay beside him with her head resting gently on his chest. When he had regained some of his strength, he decided that he should return Tracy's favor. As he slid out from underneath her, Tracy tried to get up but he gently laid her back down as he slid off the edge of the bed. Grabbing her knees and spreading her legs as wide as they would comfortably go, he reached up and slowly ran his fingers through her soft pubic hair.
Tracy propped herself up on her elbows and gazed down at Bob with a concerned look on her face. "You don't need to do that, master", she said.
Bob looked back at her and said, "Why not?" as he began to gently rub her pussy.
"Because you are my master and it is my duty to make you happy", she explained. "I am your slave and my happiness is irrelevant. Therefore it is unnecessary for you to please me."
"But making you happy makes me happy", Bob replied. "So just lay back and enjoy it."
Satisfied that letting her master pleasure her was the best way to make him happy, and unable to disobey a direct order to enjoy it, Tracy laid back and closed her eyes as a warm feeling washed over her.
For several minutes Bob gently stroked Tracy's pussy as her heat began to build and her juices began to flow. Then, after deftly parting her lips with his fingers, he leaned forward and gently inserted his tongue, causing Tracy to let out a soft moan. Slowly he began licking up and down her pussy, stopping occasionally to tease her rapidly swelling clit with his tongue. When he felt that her clit had reached its maximum size, he began sucking on it while he gradually inserted one finger deep into her pussy, causing Tracy to let out a much louder moan. He began sliding his finger in and out of Tracy's pussy as he continued to lick and suck her sensitive button. Deciding that she was ready for more, Bob swiftly inserted a second finger into Tracy's pussy and increased the speed of his strokes.
Tracy bit her lower lip as she moaned and whimpered.
For several minutes, Bob continued to thrust his fingers deep inside of Tracy as he gently caressed her clit with his tongue. Every time he thought that Tracy was about to climax, he would slow his pace, wanting to extend the pleasure as long as possible. Finally he inserted a third finger into Tracy's pussy, causing her to buck her hips wildly in an attempt to drive his fingers deeper inside her. As he moved his fingers in and out of her pussy, Tracy reached up and began roughly twisting and squeezing her swollen nipples while her head thrashed wildly back and forth. Sensing that Tracy had taken all that she could, Bob began sucking her clit with renewed effort as his fingers moved in and out at a furious pace.
It only took a few seconds before Tracy's body stiffened and began to shake as she experienced the beginning of an immense orgasm. For several minutes convulsions wracked her body as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through her. Her energy finally expended, she began to descend from her sexual euphoria as she collapsed limply on the bed and gasped for air.
Bob crawled up onto the bed beside her and smiled at his exhausted wife. When she opened her eyes and looked at him, he looked back at her with the same devilish grin she had given him and said, "Did you enjoy that slave?"
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But this particular Friday, as I drove into the office, I was tense. Matt was coming home tonight for the weekend and I didn't know what that meant. We had become so used to masturbating with each other that I knew that we wouldn't be able to not do it when he was actually here, so I had resigned myself to that. I even allowed myself to actually look forward to it. But I was nervous. It was one thing to be able to lie naked, or almost naked, in my bed with my fingers clawing at my pussy...
As I closed the door behind me I heard Mom yell from down the hall, ‘I really had a good time tonight sweetheart.’ ‘So did I Mom.’ I called back as I walked to my room to hang up my jackets. ‘Who the hell you calling Mom.’ Mom called back, ‘My name is Sarah, or can’t you remember that. Maybe I should just kick your fucking ass out if you can’t even remember your girlfriends name.’ ‘Sorry lover.’ I chuckled in return. ‘I’ll never do that again.’ ‘You better not.’ She said as she paused...
Kelecy and me have been bestfriends from highschool, even went to the same college. She lived in a apartment a few miles from my dorm room so we could hang out if we had time. One night I got a call from her asking me to come over and help her set up the new radio she got at about 5:30 after class. I got my class work done early so, I went to her apartment about an hour early. When I got there the door was locked, thinking she was at cheerleading pratice over by the football field. I used the...
VoyeurAn unusual Sunday Brunch The two young women had come as soon as the restaurant had opened up, and had dawdled around after their Mimosa and Eggs Benedict were long finished. The beignet's were long gone, and they had almost licked their plates clean. But they were both here for a reason other then just brunch and they didn't want to leave. "Do you think that's her?" Sally asked her sister. "I don't know" Denise replied. "She does look like the picture." Denise said, looking at her...
I was home alone and bored, so I turned on my laptop. I went on to Lush, to read a few stories to get me in the mood but the battery was low and I had left the charger up stairs. Running up the stairs and I went into my bedroom. I soon realized that I would have to come up here soon anyway, so I sat on the bed and started reading. I went on my favorite section; Lesbian. I came across a story that took my interest and read. It wasn't long before I my hand found its way in my jeans. Taking off...
MasturbationFirst part of this story ‘Mother Swapping’ was posted in this site on 04 December 2007. I don’t remember under which ID I had posted it. I am a regular contributor to this site. I am Rohan coming back with second part of this story ‘Mother Swapping;. In the first part you read that I have fucked Rubiya , mother of my class mate Akbar. She behaved like a cheap slut and her son Akbar also fucked his own mother in my presence. Thereafter , I succeeded in fucking my own mother in my own house. In...
Author's Note: I really hadn't intended to make Darlene more than a one time character when I wrote the first story. As Pirondello showed us, sometimes your characters take on a life of their own. Jenny and Darlene seem to have taken up residence in my head and want me to tell their story. Here, then is Darlene's third adventure. Darlene Meets the Family - Episode 3 By Ricky Nervousness is a relative state, and how you cope with it varies with its degree. For the mildly...
After the **** of me and Debra, word spread fast around school that i was a fuck boy. My guy friends afforded me like I had the plague, and no girl would take any of my overtures seriously. I stayed to myself mostly, taking great pride in my academic achievements, I maintain a 3.5 grade average through out high school and manage to get an academic scholarship to an Historically Black College in my home town. It was the years between that was so life changing for me, I changed my attitude...
I hope you enjoy this part as much as the other 2. I did struggle writing this one so it might be a bit naff. Looking forward to comments good and bad. I woke up suddenly due to the front door closing, so I guess mum and dad didn't check mine and Helens rooms this morning. Well they may have, but then I'm sure all hell would have broke loose rather than them leaving us to sleep naked together. I turned over to find Helen still fast asleep. Even when she's asleep im stunned by how...
Mother Nature had smiled down on the Halloween revelers this year. The clouds of the afternoon had vanished, and a bright full moon took their place in the evening sky. The children came and cleaned out the candy bowl he kept near the front door. It was fairly early, but he just couldn’t keep his eyes open. He wasn’t sure what woke him. Was it the slight wind coming through the open window? Open? He didn’t remember doing that. Through his unfocused eyes he saw her sitting in the chair by the...
The Alarm woke the trio in the morning. Bill reached for it but couldn't reach it without climbing over Monica. Monica groaned and reached for the Alarm and silenced it. "Someone tell me how I got to be near the alarm?" Monica grumped. Bill was the first to start moving, and Jennifer started towards the bathroom to address her overwhelming urge. After she used the toilet and then washed her hands. Coming out of the Bathroom she found Monica still in bed and Bill rummaging around in the...
Hey fellow Pornaholics! This one IS a true story that happened just the other day... I thought Id share it with you.It was freezing outside with a high temp of about 10 degrees above zero. I got this chill in my bones that just wouldn't leave. I told my girl that I was gonna go jump in the tub and read some stories from my favorite site on my Ipod Touch.now to bring you up to speed, we'd been bantering back n forth for some time on how cool (and hot) it would be if she let me shave her legs....
Reddit Voluptuous, aka r/Voluptuous! Guys are usually separated into a few categories. Either you’re a “tits” or an “ass” guy. And when it comes to “tits” guys, there are some subgenres there as well. Do you like big tits? Maybe you want small tits? How about natural tits as opposed to fake tits? Well, /r/voluptuous/ is there for dudes who like the curviest babe with the most massive natural tits out there. Small tits are also welcome as long as they’re natural, but the babes need to carry that...
Reddit NSFW ListRick had just settled down to again try and construct a story for the competition he entered in and had been doing so for a number of years, when his mobile rang. All his contacts, both past and present were still reordered but when Elizabeth name appeared this did surprise him for he had broken contact with her some eight months previously. Her ‘hot’ and ‘cold’ relationship had finally convinced him to tell her ‘to fuck off’; he just got sick of her inability to make up her mind to what sort...
Joan flew home in First Class having won $25K. She arrived at 1:40pm and when I saw her my jaw dropped, she was dressed every bit the slut in her Denim booty shorts and short tank top and Red pumps, even her make-up was slutty. She looked hot as hell and she had the attention of everyone on her. She sauntered up to me and kissed me and I took her bag as we walked out to the car. with eyes burning into our backs. She wondered where Anita was saying that she thought I would bring her with me to...
Callie left her parent's house early that day to beat the morning traffic. It was going to be a long drive to work now that she moved back to her parents. She needed to get a new car soon before her car started giving her trouble again. As soon as she got to work, David was by her office waiting for her. "Callie! I'm so glad you're back! Are you feeling OK? I heard you called in sick Friday." David's face showed concern. "Yeah I'm fine. Actually it was my Mother who was ill. But...
After WWIII, humans discovered that the radioactive matter of the planet altered their genetic materials so that they could produce human/wolf and human/vixen hybrids. These hybrids had the intelligence and physical shape of a human, but the head, genitals, and fur of their animal counterparts leading to a race of wolf/vixen humanoids. A caste system developed following the years after the discovery until civil war raged between those supporting the new hybrids called 'furries' and those...
“Hey, could you help me with something?”My brain went into hyperdrive. Help her… The hottest, youngest piece of ass I’d seen on the golf course the last six months with the shortest skirt, tightest ass, and firmest breasts, in the most form fitting and braless tops EVER in the world! The perfect golf girl! She wanted me to help her with something . Like maybe put my sprung hard cock in her hot, wet, tight pussy! Help her like that?!Luckily what came out of my mouth was, “Uh, sure. How...
If the yawns from Jennifer were any indication, she was exhausted. We’d had two meetings that she’d been apprehensive about – particularly the second one. When we got back to the hotel we thanked Martin and asked him to have breakfast with us in the morning which he agreed to do. I hadn’t really comprehended just how tired Jennifer was until I notice she had almost dozed off in the elevator. I got her into our suite and helped her get into bed. Almost as soon as her head hit the pillow, she...
Hi, this is my first time on indiansexstories2.net . The story is about preity zinta… According to me she is the hottest actress around… Remember her scenes from kya kehna where she is made nude and fucked by saif ali khan… Or salaam namastey… Where saif again enjoys her… Let me tell you on of the incidents that happened on the sets of one of her movies. Preity loves to drink and work, as she feels it gives her a kick. That day she had a love scene to shoot ( with saif ) for salaam namaste. She...
It was two weeks later that Gray Eagle and the advanced party rode into the village. The story quickly spread through the village. Once the bodies had been buried and the wagons burned the wagon train set out west. Gray Eagle and the warriors moved with them and watched as they moved through the great mountains and down into the forest. When they arrived into the forest they joined a camp of five hundred soldiers and watched as every wagon unload five soldiers and many weapons. The following...
Inner Demons By Paradox West Haven RV Park, Pennsylvania I woke up still feeling the lingering tears that had dampened my cheeks from the night before. They had long since dried, leaving twin, clammy tracks on my face that had me wanting to race into the bathroom and scrub my face clean with scalding hot water. However, I didn't do that, since it would have undoubtedly woken up the beautiful blonde whose arms I was currently entwined in. Unlike me, she continued to...
Retaining good employees is hard, especially if other companies actively seek out skilled people. As such, Kenzie Anne wants to try her best to make her employees stay, even if it means offering something that competitors can’t possibly provide. Kenzie calls over Alex Jones to have a private talk with him. The beautiful short-haired blonde wants to make an impression, so she dresses up in such a way that Alex will surely think twice before leaving her company. The lucky stud can’t...
xmoviesforyouThe water was cold on my body, causing little goose bumps to rise all over me. I loved the feeling of the sun against my skin, then the feel of the cold water rinsing the suntan oil off. Nude beaches were my particular thing. I liked being a female and naked against the elements. I loved the feel of the wind, the sun, and the water against my naked body; my breasts always became super sensitive on these occasions. It excites me to be looked at, too. I like looking at other people too. I had...
“Your parents still aren’t here?” “No, I think they finally decided to abandon me for sure.” “Haha I doubt it! Did you call them?” “Yeah, but they won’t get here for another hour. They’re still on their way back from Alabama.” “Well if you want, I can drive you to my house and you can just spend the night.” “For real? That would be sick! Let me just call them.” “Sure, go ahead.” I immediately dialed my dad and anxiously waited for him to answer. “Hola?” “Hey dad, Davis offered to let...
Wednesday morning Jamie awoke with a start. She was still bound...and had to go to the bathroom really bad! She made her way out of the bed and to the bathroom and rotating her wrists was able to pull down her panties enough to sit and pee (although wiping wasn't going to happen). She was very happy she hadn't put on plastic panties last night as she would have never got them down or out of the way. Finished, she headed into the living room and sure enough there was a note under the...
My Paw’s bin in jail fer a few years now. He kilt a man what he found with my Maw. I donno why he done it tho. A few tahms a week my Maw brings home a man. Differ’nt wuns too. They goes in her bedroom and Ah hears thumpin and odd noises. Then the man leaves and Maw is smilin. She don’t smile all the tahm so when she does Ah’s glad. Ah’m Jimmy Bob and Ah’m thirteen and Ah ain’t got no brothers or sisters. Paw always said he were disappointed in Maw fer that. So I hang out with Clyde who is my...
In my dream, an African girl and I entered into a room. The walls were a mix of grey, green and blue. The duvet was a shade grey. There the bed was the only object in the room and we were the only subjects. I helped her lay on the bed. My fingers circled around her body. Around her breasts, while teasing her nipples. They caressed her face, than went down onto her neck only to travel on her chest and parade freely on the hills and valleys. Finally they reached the forest of passion. I rubbed...
When first observing Maddy May, there’s a seed of doubt that she can physically handle the “DICK of DREDD”. Low slung and hazel-eyed, during the tease you start to believe, she may indeed be able to weather the storm. Primped in black leather strapped lingerie with zebra print, Maddy bends. It’s at this moment we see her full potential. For such a diminutive gal, her ass pops at first flex. She has a huge ornamental tattoo that runs down her fleshy thigh, complimenting...
xmoviesforyouNormally, I wouldn't come down to the lower deck, but late spring was perfect. A few weeks from now it would be too hot, and any earlier too cold, but now the weather was perfect. Also the trees had leafed out enough so the deck was secluded and private. So I took my glass of wine and made my way to sip and relax there. I had to go slow, as the wooden steps were uneven and old. I was used to walking in heels, but even so, I was glad there was a handrail on the steps. Sitting by the...
Cindy and I made several more runs with Mark and none of them were as exciting as those first two. Cindy was very disappointed—she wanted to shoot somebody on every trip! Fortunately, Cindy was as levelheaded as I had hoped, and she never fired again on any of the trips. We ran guns several more times and made so much money that I could easily understand why Mark was so enamored of the sport. Having all that money was nice up to a point, but he had simply run out of places to spend it without...
i*****l immigration. Undocumented workers. Everyone has an opinion. And, like assholes damn near everybody has one and all of them stink. People ignore the realities of the complicated nature of the b**st. Let’s not fixate on the debate though. Let’s look at two D.A.C.A. recipients residing in these United States.First, there’s Fernando Rojas Guerrero, commonly known as Randy Rojas. He’s now 38 years old and came to America when he was four. Randy is five-ten and weighs about 195. The...
My mother had warned me of her intentions. She went out with Mr. Brennen every Saturday night for the next three weeks and did not get home until two or three o’clock in the morning. I didn’t check but I was sure she was coming home without her panties on. I gave up waiting up for her. Mr. Brennan and my mother had been dating for over two months and I guess they figured it was serious enough to have a family get together. They invited me to dinner at the Oaks restaurant on Sunday evening....
Wednesday, October 29th – The Ruins of Alexandria, Egypt Britney studied the rippling wall of seawater. It was fascinating staring out into the Mediterranean from the submerged ruins of Alexandria. Half-buried stone columns and walls peaked out of the silt deposited by the Nile. The seabed was covered in seaweed and sea creatures while fish flashed through the murky water. Waterclaw glowed blue at her waist as she channeled back the water. She didn't have to concentrate anymore. After nine...
Hi Iss readers. I m siva from hyd.i m great fan of Iss.I was feeling a little horny and then came to see this website and read some very good stories. And this encouraged me to write my first sexual experience with the most beautiful women who was my school teacher, tuition teacher, my adviser and almost everything else and still is after 5 years. To all the readers who are expecting a fast sex story; this isnt the one because this is real and i am writing this just so i can go through those...
as soon as we entered the hotel room, you ordered me to remove my long pink coat, revealing my pink thong and bra. as you placed the dog collar and leash around my neck you lead me over to the foot stool. i stumbled a bit as you pulled me briskly and it was hard to keep my balance on my 3" black leather heels. you put your opened toe heel on the foot stool and demanded me to "lick it". "yes, mistress" i repled with eagerness (although i tried to hide that from you). you noticed i was enjoying...
It’s been one of those dates that has been a pleasant surprise. Most of the time the online world is a disappointment but you were there on time, looked like your pictures and actually knew how to have a conversation. We spent several hours in a corner banquet in a small bar that was on the second floor of an old building. You wore a sweater that was off your shoulders so I could tell you weren’t wearing a bra. It was sometimes distracting, as were the few times that you touched my arm as...
Changing for Gym By Xoop Hill Street High School was built in the early 1990's in response to the town's recent growth. Too, the old school was a remnant of the 1920's, and looked it. The town had eventually given in to the inevitable and voted in a new school. The new building had everything. As befitted area weather, it was totally enclosed (except for the athletic's fields, of course). Yet its public areas never felt claustrophobic, for it relied a great deal on glass. The...
Busty goddess Savannah Bond is one naughty maid that wants to do much more than housekeeping for boss Nathan Bronson – namely taking care of his cock with her hungry mouth and sweet shaved pussy. All professionalism goes out the window with this horny Australian honey so don’t miss out on any of the raunchy fun as the lucky stud sucks on the Penthouse star’s big tits, sticks his face in between her curvy ass cheeks, and then fucks the voluptuous vixen until he cums on her...
xmoviesforyouHer makeup had been done, smoky eyes, ruby red lips. False lashes, black mascara, thick black eyeliner. Her foundation porcelain, such a contrast with the rest of her look. Blusher, all blended, then blended again. Elle looked in the mirror, almost not recognising herself. The effects of the d**g she had been given was wearing off a little, but it still coursed through her veins. The ash blonde hair colouring gave her the wanton look, the look they obviously wanted, and she wondered just when...
A few days after my return I got a call from Ben asking if I could make it over the next day to pick up Jennifer – ‘my bride-to-be’ as he put it. I told him I could and made my ‘going away’ checks so that I could stay over if necessary. The next morning was bright and clear and beautiful weather for the trip to the main island. Once I arrived, I made my way to the store where I found Jennifer with a cluster of other ladies, all talking at once it seemed. As soon as I walked in, all...
Sometimes, a guy can peak in his teens. For example, a baseball prospect can get drafted at 18, sign for millions of dollars, then flame out and never make it to the big leagues. Sure, he can have a nice life after that, but he'll never again know the glory he felt on draft day when he was on top of the world. In other words, his very first introduction to professional baseball ends up as the highlight of his career. This thought occurred to me as I took my seat at the edge of the pool for...
Jeff absently straightens his tie as he climbs the wide, glass-sided staircase to the second floor of Borders Books. It is a weekday and near closing time. Few customers remain. Finally he is going to meet his mystery lover. After weeks of exchanging steaming correspondence, fantasies, and near-pornographic propositions over the Internet, they have arranged to meet for late drinks at a nearby restaurant, a ‘blind date.’ He checks his watch again – still too early. With time to kill he has...
The sounds of screaming filled the air, as men were being mercilessly slaughtered like animals or being kept alive just long enough to see their homes burn and their women being raped by the Ironborn. Theon's Ironborn. They had sailed the Sunset Sea unnoticed and landed a thousand men a few leagues south of the city. They had smuggled into the darkness, under the cover of the westermen stragglers who had escaped the Battle of Oxcross, fleeing the approaching forces of the Young Wolf and the...
Monday nightShe runs her slender fingers through my fire-red hair and I whisper dirty things in her ear - things that make her nipples jump to attention. She moans at my naughty words. My teeth nip her lobe before I move away. Slowly, I slide down her body, kissing every inch of skin along the way. Her body's responsive quivers urge me on. I feel powerful witnessing how nicely she reacts to my touches.Of course, I know what she needs ... what she wants. I praise myself for always knowing....
OccupationsAuthor’s Note: Hey this is a story about an extraordinarily successful man and his twin wives in a modern-day setting. The story will include F/F/M, F/F, and M/F pairings. Everything from the sweet loving making, to hard fucking, down to role-playing, and obvious implied or overt incest. More or less their lives are “perfect”. They are well off and have done much to ensure they and their future family will continue to be that way. There may be someone who “tries or tired” to get at one of the...
BDSMMy boss sat on the edge of her desk. Her tight blouse straining to contain her breasts. The tight knee length skirt that made you look down to her small feet in the high heel shoes. I stood at the open door watching her, looking through the office window at the vast warehouse. "Ms Fox could I come in?" "Yes Jamie take a seat" she pointed to the one directly in front of her. I am 21, over 2 metres tall, 120kg of muscle play lock in a semi professional rugby team, working part time. I squeeze...
Ellen is my Dad’s younger sister, and boy she’s a big boned, voluptuous woman… she’s about 5 foot 8, 170 pounds, got a fat ass, huge titties with a slight gut. Her fat ass is the best, it aged well as she’s got some slight sag to it, but it sags into a perfect mozzarella bubble butt. I love nothing more than laying her on her stomach, spreading that butt and eating that asshole – but this story will focus on our first-time having sex, the process leading up to it, and the immediate aftermath....
I meet you for coffee. I bend over your shoulder and whisper in your ear,“May I have a kiss, please’. I’m demure and polite, but you can see the playful light in my eyes.You smile and say, ‘Yes, you may’. You lean over and brush your lips lightly across my lips. You pull back slightly and I smile at you. You feel my hand slide to the nape of your neck and pull your head to me so I can kiss you properly. I know I didn’t ask, and I will pay for it later, but I don’t care. I kiss you until I am...