Ancient Gifts
- 4 years ago
- 42
- 0
An unusual Sunday Brunch
The two young women had come as soon as the restaurant had opened up, and had dawdled around after their Mimosa and Eggs Benedict were long finished. The beignet's were long gone, and they had almost licked their plates clean. But they were both here for a reason other then just brunch and they didn't want to leave.
"Do you think that's her?" Sally asked her sister.
"I don't know" Denise replied. "She does look like the picture." Denise said, looking at her tablet.
"Well that was taken a long time ago." Sally said.
"Yes, but the name matches and so does the description. I think this is her."
"Well, what do we do now?" Sally asked.
This was the real challenge. How do you approach someone about the stories your father had told you, and try to get the truth about your mother. Especially when it happened a long time ago.
When the owner wandered by their table, as she did every Sunday morning, Denise worked up her courage and asked her "Ms. My name is Denise Wright and this is my sister Sally. Do you have a few moments to talk with us?"
Seeing the woman's face turn towards them with a slight frown, Denise continued "It isn't anything bad. We just want to ask you about our Mom. Her name was Marjorie Wright. Did you know her?"
Slowly, the middle-aged blonde focused at a spot over the women's heads for a moment. Then it came back with a sad smile and a hint of a tear. "Yes. I did. And I guess you have some questions. Why don't you have another drink, and after our crowd thins out, we can sit and talk."
"Really?" Sally asked. "We would really like that. We sent e-mail, but we didn't get any response. I know this is a real imposition, but we wanted to talk with you. Your lawyer said that you weren't talking about anything from that time, and to leave you alone. We didn't know what to do, so we figured we would just come here."
With a small smile the owner muttered quietly, almost to herself "You sure are your mother's daughters."
Gesturing toward a waitress, the owner signaled to have the Mimosa glasses and pastry plate refilled. "I'll be back shortly. Need to let my partner know I will be a bit busy. Grace, why don't you show these two to my table, and bring refills to them there?"
Smiling as she walked away, Christine Mitchell thought back to when she had met Marjorie Wright. And was very sad that she ever had.
Twenty years earlier
"Dorothy, isn't there anything else besides this?" Marjorie asked her oncologist. "Pain management, Hospice, something? Continuing treatment is not how I want to live."
"Marjorie, I am afraid you fall outside the parameters. Your cancer is listed as treatable, and you are too young to move to Hospice or Pain management. I admit the survival rates are pretty slim, and we have done three sessions of chemo, but the government statute still calls this as a treatable condition. I'm sorry."
Marjorie had been through a fifth long and exhausting series of treatments and the stubborn cancer still would not go away. She was thirty six, a successful engineer with two lovely little girls and for the last three years had been wracked with pain and suffering. She was at the end of her rope and couldn't go another round.
"Dorothy, is there anything you can think of that I can do?"
Sitting back in her chair, Dorothy looked around her office and at the open door. Carefully she stood up and walked over to the doorway and closed it, and walked around to her chair.
"Marjorie, here is the issue. Hospice is out of the picture, you are too young. Voluntary suicide is out of the question, even in Oregon today. The bills and expenses we ran up are off the chart. And life insurance won't pay as long as there is any medically accepted treatment applicable to your condition. If you have an "accident" insurance will tie things up forever. I don't have any legal recommendations."
Thinking on her children and her husband and co wife, Marjorie realized the real pickle. She didn't want to strap her family further. Financially, she was a burden that was fast draining everyone. The kids didn't want to see another round of Chemo, and the sickness that went with it. And the medical community was focused on saving every person they could (for as long as the health insurance lasted).
"Don't get too discouraged, Marjorie. We are making strides every day. There is no reason for you to get depressed. We can lick this."
"You are not going through this. I am. And my family is. And this is killing everything that I really love in life. I am just tired." Marjorie said sadly.
"Marjorie, I know what you feel. Not how, but what. And I have to tell you, I get pretty depressed myself. The damn selection act picked my best nurse last month after us working over a year to cure her uterine cancer."
"Now that would suck." Marjorie said.
"Yes. She is on a delay over at Findley's right now, and they are using her as staff. A nurse of her caliber working in a slaughter-house. Can you imagine?" Dorothy said in disgust. "We get mail from her every now and then, and she runs their intake discussion sessions. She went through almost what you did and then after all of that she ended up being selected."
"That does seem unfair." Marjorie replied.
"What is the worst thing is that everything is up in the air until she is terminated. Estate, insurance, everything is on hold. Frozen in time."
"What happens then?" Marjorie asked.
"Well, with any term, insurance has to pay up. There are no exemptions due to the PCA. And I guess they do things differently there. I talk to Cathy almost every night and she seems to be doing pretty good, mentally".
Marjorie suddenly looked at Dorothy with an understanding smile. Dorothy could not talk about any early termination options, due to the Federal Healthcare law. But she could talk about people who could.
Marjorie was scared but determined when she logged into her computer that night. A quick search and she found "Findley's Processing" based in Chicago Illinois. Drinking a glass of wine and looking at the opening page, she felt a sense of control for the first time in years. Now to see what this is about.
"We had one last night that was a bit odd." Cathy said to Candy at breakfast.
"Odd how?"
"She wanted to talk about voluntary termination. But was worried we would not find her acceptable. Cancer." Cathy said in reply.
"Well, what do you think?" Candy said in response. "You have more knowledge then any of the rest of us in that arena."
"I don't know what the policy is." Cathy replied. "After all, she isn't asking for exception. She already is."
"Well, talk with Carol about the legal angles, and we will fly it by David at dinner." Candy replied. "But that isn't what I asked you. What do you think?" Candy continued.
"I think her situation sucks. But I have to admit we treat people pretty good here. And we are a lot better then being hooked to a set of tubes hacking with the last breath. Should I set up an interview?" Cathy asked.
"Once we have David's take. We have to get the economics fixed, but I will support it if you want. " Candy followed up. "If she left you contact information, set up an interview, and we will see what we can do." Candy said. "It will have to be special handling, but I am sure we can work that out."
Tuesday afternoon
"Charles, I am just going over there to talk. Nothing today regardless." Marjorie said.
"Honey, I don't want you going over there. How do we know anything about those places?"
"Honey, we have been over all of this before. The bills and incidentals are driving us to poverty. I won't have you and the girls destitute. Besides, I am just going there to talk with their legal counsel. I won't sign anything. This is probably a dead end anyway." Marjorie said.
Looking at the shock on her husband's face, she laughed. "Honey, I am just going over there to talk. I will be home. I promise."
Arriving at 4:30 in the afternoon, Marjorie was surprised that there was almost no one in the reception area. The large open room with scattered tables and chairs could easily be mistaken for a restaurant. "I guess I seat myself?" Marjorie thought to herself.
One of the nude women at the back of the room looked up from her computer and then got up and approached Marjorie. "How can I help you?" the very young blonde asked as she approached.
"Hi. I am Marjorie Wright and I have an appointment to meet with Helen and Carol?"
"Sure. Have a seat here and I will get them. They are just wrapping up a few things and will be right back up. I'm Candy by the way. Would you like something to drink?"
"Thank you. That would be great."
Returning to the table where Marjorie was sitting, Candy passed her the water bottle and opened up the appointments guide on her tablet.
"Marjorie, I looked at the notes on you and I see you are not here for a normal intake. If you don't mind my asking, how can we help you?"
"I have a Metastatic Glioma that has not responded to treatment. I have had three runs of Chemo and I am tired. But I can't self terminate or go for hospice because I am too young and we have too much in bills to keep going this way." Marjorie said as she started to break down.
Candy nodded her head. This was obviously the case Cathy had talked about earlier and evidently this was about follow up.
"Well, it seems we have a bit to talk about. Assuming we can help you, do you have any ideas of what you would like your end to be?" Candy asked.
"Painless. I have had enough pain in my life. I just want it to end."
"Well, we have a couple of those that are pretty painless. Or at least the transition is fast enough that it isn't painful for long."
"How long?"
"Electrical transition is about sixty seconds, Guillotine is about two. We are pretty sure medically that they are both pain free due to the circumstances. Long drop hanging is supposed to be pain free due to spinal severance, but the duration of the event is longer."
"There is a fee for those, right?"
"Yes, but we make some adjustments. Carol is our Legal eagle here. She and Margaret would be doing the business arrangements and legal placement."
Sitting back in her chair, Marjorie took a sip of the water and looked at Candy and asked, "Do you think they can help me?"
Looking up from her tablet, Candy stared straight into Marjorie's eyes. "Yes we will. I think we just have to figure out how."
Candy was surprised at the look of relief and tears in Marjorie's eyes. "I don't want to deal with the pain and the drugs anymore. I don't want this to keep up."
Looking across at the two young women with her in the "Chef's Corner" Candy reached for her drink.
"We sent your mom home that night. We had a lot of worries about how we are going to manage this. You see, as an active patient, she was exempted from the Lottery. But Carol thought there was a clause in the rules that would allow us to include her into a substitution list. That would draw against all Illinois selectees."
Candy stopped for a moment then before she continued. "That would mean your mother would have to pick the person who would live out of the almost six hundred a week we were processing at the time. I didn't think she was strong enough to do that."
Both of the girls quietly nodded after Candy said that.
Candy continued, "If that didn't work we could file a volunteer application for humane substitution, but we had to find a suitable donor for that. Carol needed to look for a person who would be close enough a relative under either Illinois or reciprocal states."
Looking wistful, Candy continued "That took some time. So we had a couple of weeks with your mom coming over every Sunday afternoon and going over the lottery list with us to see if there was a relative that was familiar. She got pretty depressed with each name she saw that she recognized, but that didn't fit in the legal filter for substitution. In the meantime, she did design work with us and designed the acoustic setup for the microphones in the gallery area."
"We heard about that from her. She had a funny way of talking about it. Said it was like doing stage acoustics again in college." Denise said.
Stage Sounds
Marjorie was going to see all that there was to see when she came back on Saturday afternoon. Findley's had ended operations for the day, but she had talked with Carol and Margaret about an exchange of services so she was going to get the major tour after operations hours. And the thing she knew most about was acoustical engineering.
"I guess what we want to do is use sound as a relaxation or enhancer, depending on the circumstances. For the standard, we want to use it as a sonic pacifier." David had said when he interviewed with Marjorie. "I think Muzak is kind of cheesy, but if that is something that will work, I am all for it".
"So, we are looking to increase the personal touch?" Marjorie said with a smile.
"Exactly. We want people to be treated with respect and courtesy. If they have a kinky scene in their minds, let's provide it without embarrassment." David continued.
"I have to say, your point of view is different from what I had thought you were going to do. I feel kind of embarrassed being the only person here wearing clothes" Marjorie said with a smile.
"It's optional for you. We don't have any legal problems with you being clothed here, and Helen said you may be embarrassed". David said, with a quiet glance.
Three rounds of chemo had ravaged Marjorie's body. Her remaining hair was fragile and desiccated, her skin was fragile and thin, and her weight was as if she was a concentration camp survivor. A woman who once was a stunning brunette was now a stick figure with a wig.
"Thanks. With all the great bodies you have working here, I do feel a little intimidated"
"They make me feel intimidated. Honestly." David said with a laugh. "Do you want me or someone else to show you around?"
"In consulting, you always work with the sponsor. I think that's you." Marjorie said with a smile.
"Well, then, let's be about it."
Marjorie's notebooks about David's became pretty extensive. As they went from room to room, she took careful note of the items and areas she wanted to improve on. Baffle panels on the walls of the reception room, and heavy drapes across the windows deadened the sounds that would otherwise bounce around from the uncarpeted floor. Adding acoustic sound traps to the ceiling tiles with baffles between the light fixtures would dampen things considerably more.
The hallway down to the interview rooms had industrial carpeting, and there was a substantial steel door at the end of it going into the event's center. But the interview rooms were bare-floored, and needed some acoustic treatments on the walls. The keynote was to add commercial carpet there as well. And keep plenty of Kleenex is them. She also noted that they should paint the rooms and hallways a cool relaxing blue/grey. She also noted 3 places to put sonic wave generators in the hall and one in each of the six interview rooms.
The notebook on the Gallery and Events room was pretty extensive. Marjorie had brought her portable laser ranger-finder with her and had a sonic mapper that replicated the entire room into a image for her computer. David had to both open and close the bleachers to allow a accurate rendition of the room, as well as a to get a sonic image as well.
Candy came into the Gallery while Marjorie was capturing the sonic image of the room and sat down with her and studied what Marjorie was doing. A few moments later, David's portable pinged an alert.
"Marjorie, I have to go up front. Can I have Candy stay with you and help you here?" David inquired.
After watching Marjorie for a few minutes, Candy asked, "Is there anything I can do to help?"
"Sure. I am taking a image of the room that will allow me to build a acoustic model. Once that is done, I can model the changes we need to make. That will tell me where to put microphones and where to put speakers. And also to make sure I don't get noise from the bleachers and gallery to disturb what is going on here on the floor."
"Wow. Really? You can do that?" Candy asked, wide eyed.
"Sure can. Let me show you." Marjorie replied.
For the next two hours, Candy stayed with Marjorie and worked with her to go over the virtual image on a laser projection of the room to identify where microphones, speakers, and acoustic dampening tiles would be located. Marjorie gave Candy a set of headphones with built in microphones and told her to wander around to the different locations where people would sit or stand to watch so that she could provide test spectrum and sounds to all of the locations from where the primary projections of sounds would be.
This was the first step. The second step was to find the desired and undesired sounds to be captured and relayed from the gallows and deck of the guillotine. Identifying and properly repeating the sounds from the microphones being placed on the different platforms, and making sure that sounds from the gallery would not be projected to them from the gallery required some sophisticated and careful planning.
That took triggering the trap-door, and also the drop of the guillotine onto the stops. And from there setting up some upper and lower limits on sound captures while maintaining voice frequency captures and repeats.
And the last step was to model how to capture and contain the sounds of the gallery and the bleachers so that they did not overpower the sounds from the operations area.
"This place is like an airplane hanger." Marjorie said to Candy as they were working on the model. "Getting acoustics tuned here will be a pain. And proper deadening and sound traps will cost a fortune. Do you think that there is budget for this?"
"I don't know about the dollars and cents." Candy said. "Production is sure a lot higher then it was at first, and I am pretty sure that the custom work has been pretty high margin. Margaret does the P&L, so I don't know what is out of bounds and what isn't. I do know that they put a lot of money back into this place."
"So the services sell pretty good these days?" Marjorie said.
"Most of our high margin is from this side." Candy replied. "Chops, drops and drains are all service operations".
"Sure. Let me show you. Tub is cleaned out".
Candy lead Marjorie back to the room where the Hot tub longue was set up, and showed the hot water circulation in the extra deep tub.
"So you boil us starting early?" Marjorie asked partially in jest.
"No. We do a catheter in your wrist, sit you in here nice and comfortable, give you some wine and cheese, and when you say when, we let you bleed out. Being in hot water means you don't feel cold."
Feeling queasy in her stomach, Marjorie asked, "So someone preps you and you sit here and just die?"
"No. Not just. You haven't been here during production, but no one ever really is alone from beginning to end. Someone is with you all the way. That is what I do most of the time here".
"Really? I thought you were just pretty much guides and such." Marjorie said.
"Marjorie, that is one of the biggest secrets here. If you like, some Monday we can show you standards and interviews. And Tuesday we do specials all around as well as some standard production. Give you the flavor of what we do. " Candy said with a smile.
"You sound pretty proud of it." Marjorie said.
"I guess I am. This is really the first real job I have had, and it was an accident. So I try to do it right and treat people right."
"Well, you will have to show me what you really do. I don't like surprises." Marjorie said.
"Dad said that mom told him that the day she came over for the operations review after the changes were made was one of the most emotional days of her life." Sally said.
"I wasn't with her the whole time. She was with Cindy in the Events area for most of the morning and afternoon. But from the team members who were with her, I heard that she had all of our typical up's and downs. " Candy said. "I spent the last part of the day with her, and she seemed to be pretty well centered when she left."
"Honey, I am just going over there to validate the work we did over the weekend." Marjorie said in exasperation.
"I hear you, but I don't want you to go over there without me" Jeff said. "I worry that you are there during their operations."
"Darling, that is silly. Nothing is going to happen. And you have to go to work, and the girls are going to school. I am just going there to see if things work as I thought they would when I was there last week. ".
"Darling, I am not comfortable with this. It's too dangerous." Jeff said.
"Nonsense. I trust these people. And they have been so honest with me so far that I cannot help but feel comfortable. Today is not my day. At least not at Findley's."
"Darling. Every day, every minute, is precious to me. I don't want to loose any of it."
"Thank you, dear. I feel the same. And I don't feel threatened by anything at Findley's. We will have some time. Drop me off and we will talk tonight."
The Tuesday after the changes was the first production day that Marjorie was going to be at Findley. She was going to be in early to evaluate the installation of the sound dampeners that had been mounted over the weekend, as well as the placement of the microphones and sound buffers in the auditorium. Still, with getting the kids to school, and getting Jeff to finally drive her over there still meant that she didn't get there until almost nine thirty. By then Findley had been open for over and hour.
Walking into the reception area, Marjorie was taken aback at the number of people. The undercurrent of conversation was very muted, thanks to the panels now suspended from the ceiling and mounted on the walls. The measurements ambient were supposed to be nine Decibels down from last week, and the sense of hush was readily apparent.
"Hello, Marjorie." Helen said from the front-end desk. "I have to say that things are greatly improved."
"Good. I would hate to think that David's money was wasted. The drapes helped also. And the matte tint on the windows helped too."
"I never would have thought of the tablecloths being a part of the solution". Margaret said as she walked up.
"Softening up all the hard surfaces is the key. The more things that absorb sound, the better. Reflections almost always increase the noise and distraction. " Marjorie said.
Looking down at Margaret's feet, Marjorie noticed that they were wet. "Your feet are wet. Did we spring a leak somewhere?"
Looking down, Margaret smiled as she responded. "No. We have some wet floors in the back of the process area. I'll show you later as we go. So, where would you like to start and do measurements? Standard or specials?"
Looking at her screen, Helen said" We don't' have any specials until 10:30. You could look now if you want. Or wait and watch the group from the bleachers and get some accurate measurements."
"Or you could follow me through standard and do a improvement check" Margaret continued. "We won't have you go through the processing floor, though. We can peel you off at Stripping".
Feeling a little queasy, Marjorie thought to herself about what this meant. Getting up close and personal removed all the abstraction from the operations, that's for sure. "When would I be getting back up to here?" Marjorie asked.
"Total circuit takes about forty-five minutes. But we would be in Stripping in thirty or so. From there we could go through normal or have you wait in the special events area" Margaret said.
"I guess following the normal route would be a good start. And you can leave me in the Stripping area. I can go though the special events area and wait in the upper bleachers from there."
"Your mom told me later she hadn't put things in perspective until then." Candy said. "Up until then, it was all going through the motions. I don't think it hit her until she was in Stripping and she was called over to the window at medical results while Margaret worked with the rest of the string and took them through the door. Then it was real."
"You must have done a lot. That night, you were the one Mom talked about." Sally said.
"You had impact on Dad, too". Denise said. "He said you were her friend and champion."
"I don't know about that. Carol and Helen were the real linchpins for all of us. "Candy said. "My thing was mainly to help her get done what she wanted to accomplish in the time she had".
"She never told us what the "Standard" practice was for Termination" Denise said. "We had to read that in a book later".
"We kept that pretty close. " Candy said. "We didn't even show your mom until late in the day on that first trip".
Marjorie didn't know what to think when the nurse kept her at the window to talk with her about her results. After the others in the group had moved back to the tables, and were boxing up their clothing, the nurse kept talking with her about the status and progress as indicated by the hematology diagnostic machine. After a few moments another of the collar wearers came over and asked if there was an issue.
"No issue we didn't know about." Barbara said. "I was just keeping Marjorie here while you moved the rest of the group along. She isn't in the track today".
"Oh. I didn't know. Margaret has already gone through and she hadn't said anything. I 'm Casey. Are you here for standard or special?"
"Neither right now." Barbara, the nurse said. "She is the engineer that did the acoustic modeling in all of the rooms here."
"Oh, wow. You did a great thing then. It's so quiet now that it is a hush. It's quiet without being oppressive. And it seems calmer then last week, so far."
"We put a white noise generator in each of the work areas. This one got the last three we had available. David dropped a lot of money in acoustic conditioning here. More then the last two hospitals I did." Marjorie said. "So, from here, where do I go?"
"Well, I would say we should take you over to special events and have Margaret catch up with you there. It's quiet now." Casey said. "I'll tell her when she finishes up to come over there."
"So Mom didn't go through the normal processing area?" Sally asked.
"Not that first morning. She went with me later during the afternoon trips. Cindy was running a Gallows event at 10:30. That was her first term to watch."
After talking with Barbara for a few more minutes, Marjorie noticed that the last woman of the group she was with was walking into the turnstile. The hush of the room acoustics was almost perfect. She had tried for a quiet that was soothing, not oppressive, and that would have a tranquil influence on people. It was so quiet she almost didn't hear the group coming down the hallway from the restrooms. Turning her head she saw a youthful, pale skinned redheaded young woman coming into the area with the evident "goat" collar and carrying a tablet. She was followed by an attractive brunette and two other women, and two men.
Marjorie recognized Cindy from her visit Sunday. Looking at her watch, she saw it was almost 10:30. She had been here for almost an hour. And as she looked she saw the turnstile spin again and realized that the woman who disappeared would be dead very shortly. With a strange fascination, she wondered what was awaiting the woman who had just disappeared around the door. "I guess I will have to check it out later" Marjorie thought to herself.
"Ladies, please go over to the table and place your clothes into the baskets with your names on them, and I 'll get your medical documents so we can get them together and do the last of the paperwork." Cindy said as she directed the group behind her over to the tables where Casey had aid out three fresh boxes, and was stacking the other four on a cart.
"Hi there, Marjorie" Cindy said as she approached. "You going to audit the sounds in the event center with this group?"
"I suppose. If I am not in the way" Marjorie replied.
"You won't be for this group. They are pretty tame. Do you need to set up any of your sound apparatus?"
"No. I think everything is in place from the weekend when the installs were done. All I need is a seat in the gallery with my wireless set up to my Laptop. " Marjorie said.
"Ok. Let me get you over there and settled quick and then get these hens in place. We are doing a triple today, so there will be some setup time" Cindy said in a matter of fact voice. "Helen, do you have weights and measures for me?"
"Weights and measures?" Marjorie asked.
"Yes. For long drops we have to calculate drop based on how tall the client is and how much they weigh. We want to make sure we break the neck high up so that the pain stops immediately. We do this so that the audience isn't too squicked out" Cindy said with a calm business like expression.
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Author’s Note: This story is not intended to be pornographic. If you are looking for something that will titillate you sexually, you should just move on. The story is meant to be romantic in nature and I hope it will appeal to older people who may wonder if love and romance are lost to them. I firmly believe that love endures when all else fails, and this story reflects that. Kindly note that my references to Cherokee culture and tradition reflect my own experiences only, and are not intended...
We must understand the reason for our cock. We develop it and feel our urge and ejaculation grow stronger as our stroking consumes more and more time. We are slowly centering our lifestyle around it, our schedule and activities. Our cock is at the center of our body and so should be at the center of our life and what defines us. Truly spiritual.I've been reading about cultures throughout history that worshiped the cock, carved idols and statues to it, practiced it as a religion. Siva God in...
Ok so I am writing this story as a sort of prequel to a game that I am making on TfGameSite. It is also a way to help with my creativity for writing scenes in the game. Please feel free to comment about it and provide CONSTRUCTIVE criticism if you see fit. Also this is my first story I have written of this kind and first story of any kind that I have decided to post anywhere. Thank you and I hope you...
I talked with Mom and Dad on the way home about the links Cathy and I created. When we got home, mom told me that I missed the entire first week of school, and needed to go to bed early for tomorrow was a school day for me. My younger brother and sister, Tom and Sally, were waiting for us when we got home. Tom was 15 and Sally 13. Since they were close to my age, they weren't quite the pain that some of my friends' younger siblings were. After a seemingly obligatory 'Hi' and 'How are...
It seems like it took at least a month from the time of Cathy's death for the link we shared to evolve to the point that we could communicate directly with each other at will during the day. I really don't recall exactly how long it took for I suppose you could say I lost track of time and I was out of touch with the world around me. I was going through the motions of living without being fully aware of what I was doing. The only thing that kept me even slightly in touch with reality was...
I am a fan of matriarchy and gender role reversal stories. I'm also a fan of science fiction, and my favorite science fiction is the type where I find a good deal of plausibility. Lately I've been trying to imagine a world where women are not only the dominant gender, but there is role reversal. Where women end up being the aggressive sex, and men are passive and obedient. It does seem pretty believable to me that if women held power for several millenia there would be role reversal,...
I have been teaching history at a local community college for several years and while I had always heard rumors of professors hooking up with students, usually at the student's request, in order to get a passing grade, I had never even had so much as a flirtatious wink even thrown at me.A while back, that all changed.Regina was a college freshman, a very attractive young black student at a mostly all-white college campus, which made her stand out. I noticed very quickly that Regina had a lot...
College Sex"John Luck always had a fascination in history, he adored old war films and reading a bunch of quite dull historical pieces on people's interpretations of history. However John despite his best efforts was never able to put such affection for the subject into any real career path instead choosing to write remarkable terrible alternate history novels. If that was not bad enough these works of self-proclaimed art often delved into being soft-core (or sometimes just outright) pornography. This...
I was 15 years of age when I first met Mr Allen. He taught me History at secondary school and I fancied him so much. Apart from being a very good teacher, He came across as being a really nice person and thought he was good looking too. This was his first teaching post and was 28 years old. I would do anything to spend some time with him. This would usually involve pretending I found the History homework too difficult and required some help from him. I found the work pretty easy, but this was...
First Time"The symbol inscriptions are finer than any that I've seen before," Cody began, giving his initial impressions of the metal plates. "The symbols are small, and spaced very close together. I don't understand how they did work this fine. It looks more like laser etching than normal scribing." Cody paused for a moment to inspect the plates carefully before continuing with, "The physical condition of the plates is amazing. Despite all the rough handling, since we retrieved the plates from...
I have been a history professor at a local community college for years and while I had heard tales and seen the precautionary notes from administration about professors engaging in extra curricular activities with students, I had never had any type of offers from any students. My male libido and male ego were hurt, but I didn’t dwell on it, as I had plenty of other things to worry about.Then, I met Regina, a sexy college coed, and for whatever reason, we connected. While Regina was very...
College SexSome time ago while taking a college history course I was researching some of our founding fathers. While it was very interesting, it was at the same time, a bit boring. I was hoping to find some juicy details of their personal lives, but other than some offhand comments about their sexual proclivities (Ben Franklin commented to a younger friend that "all cats are grey in the dark" meaning a pussy is pussy no matter the color of the skin) and a few others that perhaps made hardly a mention in...
I didn't start out being fixated on, or even especially attracted to, black men. Events, and my experiences with both black and white men, combined to steer me into my personal black history. I think knowing a little of my background will help you understand my story.As my story begins I'm a 33 year old product of a small southern town. It's an old neighborhood of small houses. I'm pale, about 5'9", with long legs and large breasts, I'm well read, intelligent, and a very good Mom. My ancestors...
History By Karen Hansen Monica closed the door behind her, sat her bag of school books down near the door, turned to walk into the living room and then froze in her tracks. She just stood there in total and complete shock. Her green eyes wide and mouth gaping open. In the middle of the living room was her 45 year old father kneeling before a woman. Seeing him in a pose like this was a bit of a surprise. She had always considered him a bit of a ladies' man, with a touch of...
I was 15 years of age when I first met Mr Allen. He taught me History at secondary school and I fancied him so much. Apart from being a very good teacher, He came across as being a really nice person and thought he was good looking too. This was his first teaching post and was 28 years old. I would do anything to spend some time with him. This would usually involve pretending I found the History homework too difficult and required some help from him. I found the work pretty easy, but this was...
A History Lesson: I had always been proud of my paternal family surname. I had a proud family history. It was always been a bit of am embarrassment to me that my father had agreed to preserving my mother's maiden name of Shirley as the second part of my surname. This was particularly at school, when the teachers were cross with me they would call me Miss Shirley or DSS instead of calling me by my real name of Daniel Stephenson-Shirley. So it came as something of a surprise to my...
Event Date:7-2-1947 Event Description: An alien spacecraft manned by 3 visitors from Beta Reticuli 4 lands at Roswell Army Airfield in Roswell, New Mexico. Event Date: 7-3-1947 Event Description: Several Army Personnel approach the aliens. The soldiers are shocked when the aliens say in perfect English, "Take us to your leader." The soldiers radio for their superior officer. They ask the aliens to wait briefly. Event Date: 7-3-1947 Event Description: The aliens had hoped to see the...
Sunday Bethany Maddox spent Sunday reviewing the progress of the excavation and what had been discovered to date. The Haka Nuva expedition was a small one, but she had been in the archeology business long enough to know that sometimes the small digs could be the most surprising. It was certainly more pleasant than some she had been involved in. The Egyptian digs were mammoth undertakings, and farther east the entire area was a cauldron of war and terrorism. The Central American ones were...
The flashlight played across the murals, illuminating the engravings as Lena examined them. Much of the Krell script was phonetic, and so it was fairly easy to piece together what the carved runes were trying to convey. There were some that she just couldn’t get her head around, too complex to be parsed by her, or by the computer’s algorithms. Still, it wasn’t too hard to infer meaning through context. She had begun beside the entrance, moving clockwise as she walked around the circular...
Sexual contact between men and animals is as old as history. Stone Age cave drawings depict a preoccupation with the creatures of that time and ancient Hindu temple paintings showing girls having intercourse with tigers, bulls and other animals make it clear that bestiality is not a modern perversion. The bible states that "he who lieth with a beast" has committed a grave sin and must be punished by being stoned to death. Not only is the man killed but the beast he had had sex relations...
I had this interesting dream early Thursday morning. If you read enough steamy sensual stories, eventually your brain will concoct its own version depending on how good your imagination is. This dream in particular, I was the guest at a couple’s house for a MFM meeting. I was there under the cover of an in-house computer repairman. My deal was that I would look at their computer (not the files) and teach them how to understand their computer in order to make better use of what they had. The...
By Emerald Green Warning: The following history contains adult material. If you are not an adult or if adult themes offed you, you should read no further. One: • The Day Home Otto walked the road toward home at Baden on a cold winter day in 1758. He had walked the same road two years earlier with his father to be apprenticed not because he did not know the trade of his father but because it was believed that a father was not capable of teaching discipline to their own son. Otto...
Your opinions matter, so comments with your thoughts are welcome. Constructive advice preferred, of course. Each chapter is labelled with the themes in that chapter. There are a lot of other themes to this tale as the chapters progress, including: anal, BDSM, blowjob, BDSM, bondage and restriction, cheating, discipline, domination/submission, first time, group, humiliation, incest, lesbian, oral sex, pregnant, romance, teen, threesome, toys, voyeurism, virginity, wife, young. XNXX doesn't...
Although Myrna Mason's family history actually began long before she was born, her story starts twenty years ago when she was fifteen years old and living with her mother Gloria in a two bedroom apartment. Back then the rubenesque black woman was a chubby teenager with well developed breasts and hips for a girl of her age. She had a cute face framed with straightened collar length hair. Her glasses gave her an almost bookish appearance. Like her daughter, Gloria was a large,...
Chapter Thirty-Two – Ancient History Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: ff, Mf, f-mast, ncon, cream pie, hp, grope, magic, spank, unif, voy Hermione Granger was lying on her bed all alone with the Spellbook of Desires under her sheets. She had been reading through a few of the more wicked spells, including one which had something to do with the golden coins she...
Introduction: tale of lust, love, and longing, spanning a few weeks and dozens of lives. Discover how Winns relationship with Jon and KC began – and enjoy a lot of sex between Winn and Jim, with some role-play thrown in. Your opinions matter, so comments with your thoughts are welcome. Constructive advice preferred, of course. Each chapter is labelled with the themes in that chapter. There are a lot of other themes to this tale as the chapters progress, including: anal, BDSM, blowjob, BDSM,...
It was a normal Saturday, or so it seemed. I woke up a little late, ate a small breakfast, and went naked to my computer. My routine is pretty much the same. I start each weekend day by masturbating to my favorite type of porn. Then, I begin to post about my feelings. I go to forums, and other places, and talk with others about my interests. Sometimes I even post pictures with captions. Other times I post stories to websites. I am especially fond of choose your own adventure style websites with...
Incest"Now you understand that I need you to masturbate, and ejaculate into the specimen jar. This has to be done on camera," the woman instructed. Ben was only half listening to her. He was staring at her tits trying to tell if her nipples were poking through the fabric of the lab coat. He had answered an ad that said test subjects were needed for a human sexuality study, and he figured he could use the fifty dollars that was offered. "Yeah, I understand," Ben, answered, looking up to the pretty...
In Westeros, when you play the game of thrones, you win or die. However, what happens when history changes? What could happen? Could Ned become king? Could Theon take over the Iron Throne? Perhaps Arya becomes a prostitute, or Sansa marries Sandor Clegane? Who knows?
My very limited sexual history. Total number of penis I have seen, sorry cocks. : 7.Of those 7 cocks I have touched, held 5.I have wanked off 4 of those cocks.I have been fucked by only two different cocks. I have sucked off 3 different cocks in my entire life and two of them have cum in my mouth.Only 2 men have seen me naked.Cock 1.:At 15 I seen my first cock, a show me yours and I will show you mine thing and that was for a very short time and in a tent of all places.Cock 2.:At 17 I seen my...
My name is Claire I am happily married and have a good sex life. This is a brief account of my sexual history Pink cherryWhen I was 18 just 3 months from my 19th birthday when I met this guy at work Keith. He was very popular and was the first guy to really sweep me of my feet. I was a virgin when we met and it was at a toga party a few days before my 19th birthday that he poped my cherry. We making out upstairs when finally a bedroom became vacant and we got on the bed. I was very wet as he...
One day when i went to the shops to buy my girlfriend a present for our 3 year anniversary i said she could use my laptop while i was out. The internet history was littered with porn, most of which was a huge departure from the sex life between the two of us as i had a big thing for Femdom type videos. The anniversary came along a couple days later and i was still completely unaware she knew about my sordid sexual fetishes and the type of thing i need to watch to get my self off. We...
Revolt on Terra The FTL ship emerged from hyperspace in the proper quadrant and below it lay the blue-green planet, nearly cloud covered from pole to pole. As the huge cargo ship slowly descended, the dark side came into view and the waking crew could see twinkling lights that marked the few cities. The men stretched and spat, having endured more than a month of suspended animation with intravenous feeding and waste disposal. Once all the crew members had left their pods and rehydrated...
It’s been nigh on twenty years now since I got The Power, and things have been interesting, in a carnal sense. Not too much so otherwise, but I had learned much as a kid. I never really wanted to make the world a better place, just my little corner of it. Mom is now in her fifties and looks like she’s in her early forties. She’s put on about five pounds, but they’re all in her tits and ass, making her abundant curves even curvier. Nowadays her red hair comes from Clairol, but when I once...
The next local day the two Ranger candidates both felt the need to back off and have some quiet time alone. So they spent time with different projects. Eliana spent hours familiarizing herself with the operations of the CAT garage, and Basel worked on clearing all the storage out of the Level-4 observation dome. They had agreed to turn the entire top Level into a combined observation / exercise / recreation area, and move everything else to the extra storage lockers on Level-3. At 6 AM...
Time: January 15, 9570 6:03 AM Their meeting was the reverse of two days ago. Basel rode the elevator up to the observation dome carrying a picnic lunch and saw Eliana standing by the southern wall. "Weather report is clear for tomorrow," he called out. "One more day till sunshine!" "Basel! You're just in time! Come take a look at this!" The pale blue sky and the landscape at the southern horizon suddenly appeared to be deeply tinged in green. It looked as if someone were shining a...
"Professor Frost," Carl said hesitantly, after they were back on the road. Brian was still driving, but Shawn was riding with them in the Humvee again. "We've followed your lead because, well, you're our teacher," Carl continued, determined to have his say. "We volunteered for this dig, partly for the pay, but mostly for the experience of working with you. All of us feel like we can learn a lot from you. You have a reputation of finding things when others find nothing. Professor, today...
There was only one fatal attack on an aircraft about three months after landing. The communications and sensor satellites deployed by the Everest before landing identified the energy signature when a weapon was powering up so pilots were able to avoid possible hostile attcks. Earth crops and animals thrived in the temperate conditions, as well, a number of local plants were identified as safe to eat. The data provided by the "space essence" was accurate up to a point. Comparisions with...
I teach History at the local school. A few weeks ago, the school's Assistant Principal called a special meeting at her place to discuss a plan she had to reduce the incredible number of students skipping class. The problem had already become so bad that the local gov't was considering a major funding cut for our school if we didn't solve the problem soon. So, willing to listen to any solution, I went to this meeting. The solution was quite surprising. The next day, I went to my class in...
"No senora," Inez answered in a defeated tone. "Then get back to work," she ordered. Amy sat on the lounger by the pool and looked out over the rolling lawn of the estate she won in the divorce. The thirty four year old smiled, proud of the way she had manipulated the rich old man. She looked down as she shifted her bikini top, adjusting the tiny piece of yellow material on her huge fake tits. Amy looked up, intending to lay back and let the...
I have a little bit of wisdom that I'd like to share. If you find yourself with the opportunity to become an expert on forgotten languages, skip it. You will spend the rest of your days locked in dusty rooms full of artifacts that you don't dare touch. You will spend more time trying to convince someone to pay for your expertise than you will spend using that knowledge.I don't suppose that bit of wisdom will help most of you. The one and only time in my life that I had the opportunity to pass...
MatureI have a little bit of wisdom that I'd like to share. If you find yourself with the opportunity to become an expert on forgotten languages, skip it. You will spend the rest of your days locked in dusty rooms full of artifacts that you don't dare touch. You will spend more time trying to convince someone to pay for your expertise than you will spend using that knowledge.I don't suppose that bit of wisdom will help most of you. The one and only time in my life that I had the opportunity to pass...
MatureIt is an age pasted, long before all the technical and advanced trappings of the modern world. Men fight with horses rather then tanks and swords rather then machine guns. A thousand miles is the edge of your world and beyond it lies the unknown. You are the crowned prince of your small but powerful country. As the only son of the late king you stand to inherit control over vast stretches of fertile fields, rich mines, and bountiful coasts. Any woman, young or old, in the land would bend over...
IncestWelcome to Fawndale, quiet town of 16,000 inhabitants along the New England coast. The large fishing industry and diet in this town has, to the inhabitants great benefit, provided them with excellent health far into the elderly years. Their skin is a bit smoother, their eyes a bit sharper, and their hormones a bit more rampant. Fawndale is a popular retirement spot for many of New England's aging elite, and boasts some of the best geriatric care scores in the nation. Some wonder what measures...
MatureI was so young and I worked at the kingdom to help my family. I cleaned the barn there, as the princess would come often to take her horse for a ride but the first two times she didnt notice me. She notice me the third rime that she came there as i put my head down and got on my knees for her highnes. She smiles and go than at the night as I was prepared to go home a servant comes and calls me to meet the princess. The king and the queen were not there those days in the castle so she used to...
As I finish up admiring my new body I leave the bathroom with a new found feeling that this isn't such a bad thing after all. I'm sure there are going to be times and situations where they are uncomfortable for me. But like Cypris said yesterday it could be much worse, I just hope Hades doesn't decide to come after me like he has Cypris. I spend the rest of the week going to my classes, working on class work, hanging out with Jade and of course having numerous repeats of my first night...
I was a typical teenager, but that changed shortly after my 17th birthday. I inhaled some chemical laden smoke, which was the first of several pivotal events in my life. Kevin Cantrell was the son of one of our town's wealthier behind the scene politicians. His parents provided him with just about anything that he wanted. The fire investigators learned that Kevin was a pyromaniac who set fires when he was upset and didn't get what he wanted. He satisfied his cravings to set fires when his...
It felt as if I was waking up from a very deep sleep. I was almost, but not fully conscious. I drifted along in a pleasant haze hearing noises and voices, but not understanding what they meant. I gradually became aware of my surroundings. I was in a bed in a dimly lit room that wasn't my bedroom. I started to get out of bed, but something wasn't right. I was very weak, had a sore throat, and there was an oxygen mask on my face. I later learned I had an IV in my arm, electrical leads...
During my senior year, my folks let me know that my college fund should cover my tuition, books, and living expenses for at least the first two years of college. The specific college and my course of study would determine how far my funds would stretch. Cathy's parents would pay for her education since her family was very well off financially. Neither Cathy nor I found out until later that Frank and Mary had plans to assist me financially, if it became necessary. Cathy and I discussed our...
When Cathy and I decided to get married immediately, our lives became even more hectic than they had been. We had been busy dealing with our expanding sets of abilities, taking care of our lawsuit, finding a place to live, starting full-time professions, and establishing ourselves as a couple. Planning and preparing for a wedding added to those endeavors. I was flabbergasted at the volume of details necessary for the two of us to just stand in front of a minister and say 'I DO'. Over the...