The Cycle of Wisdom
- 2 years ago
- 28
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Stephanie was completely fed up and had had it with all of this pregnancy shit. It was her first one and had it had been a complete accident. She was already 8-months along and it was a bit late for having regrets and second thoughts now. She just hadn’t realized the physical and mental toll this strange condition would exact. Of course she had expected some changes in her body but not the negative effect on her self-esteem and especially her sexuality. Her husband wasn’t being of any help either He, too, had had it with her constant complaints, especially of nausea. He just wanted his slim, pretty wife back with her tiny waist and perky, stand-up tits. Quite honestly, the sight of her growing belly and heavy tits had begun to repulse him. He had never wanted the damn kid in the first place and often sought solace in more sexy, understanding women just to get away from Stephanie and have his aching groin taken care of.
Stephanie’s growing frustration turned to tears, what the hell had she gotten herself into? She berated herself for being an educated woman nearly finished with her graduate studies, yet she had blown it all for one careless moment.
Being on a very limited income, Stephanie had to use the public health clinic for her prenatal care. She would sit and wait for ever just for a few minutes with a nurse practioner too busy to answer all of her questions. One thing at the clinic she had noticed though was the pregnant Latinas. They would sit and wait for hours without complaining, forming chattering laughing groups rattling on in Spanish. They often had young children at their feet and also brought along older Latinas who Stephanie assumed could be their own mothers, aunts or arbuelas. Worst of all, by far, was observing the loving couples at the clinic. His hand protectively on her belly, the look of love deep in their eyes, God, even the les couples had it figured out better than she did.
This all cumulated in making Stephanie feel so alone. She had pretty much alienated herself from most of her family and friends by marrying Trevor, ignoring their warnings that it would be a total disaster, how right they were.
She shook herself out of her revelry and realized she hadn’t been out of the house all day so she reluctantly decided to go out for a walk. She looked in her wardrobe for something to wear and spotted her size 2 clothes at the back, which made the tears flow faster. She selected a white peasant blouse and Indian cotton skirt. Seeing as it was warm outside she wouldn’t need a jacket. She didn’t bother with any makeup and ran a brush quickly through her shoulder-length brown hair. Slipping on a pair of flat leather sandals she went out of the house locking the door behind her and set off for the local park disgusted at her waddling gait.
She reached the park and realized that she needed to sit down, angry yet again that her body was betraying her and not allowing her to hit the gym hard every day. She sat on a bench and watched young children at play and moms walk past with infants in strollers. Everyone in the world seemed happier than her.
Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a figure approach, a tall muscular man with long dark hair pulled back in a braid. As he got closer she could see he was slightly dark complected, had brown almond eyes and high cheekbones. As he got closer to the bench he slowed down and then came to a stop and smiled.
‘Mind if I sit down?’ He asked pleasantly.
‘No problem,’ replied Stephanie slightly irritated at the intrusion. They sat in silence for a while.
‘Looks like you’re carrying quite a bundle,’ the stranger said, his voice lilting and melodious with a slight hint of an accent.
‘Yeah, no shit,’ said Stephanie sarcastically. Not put off by her response the stranger continued.
‘Is it your first?’
‘And last,’ she retorted.
‘Oh, I’m sorry, you must be having medical problems but you look so young and healthy,’ he said in a concerned voice.
‘No, it’s just this pregnancy thing isn’t all what it’s cracked up to be, and I’m having a fucking horrible day,’ came her immediate response.
‘You’re an only child aren’t you and probably feeling kind of alone right now?’ he stated. Despite being surprised at his perceptiveness, Stephanie was getting pissed off.
‘And who are you, fucking Sigmund Freud? She snapped.
‘Actually, no, I’m John Running Deer,’ he said smiling again extending his hand toward her. Despite herself, Stephanie took the smooth brown hand and gave it a half-hearted shake, his name kind of intrigued her.
‘You’re Native American aren’t you? She questioned.
‘It’s OK to say Indian these days,’ he said laughing and showing perfect white teeth. ‘And, while I’m not trying to be nosy you look so sad for someone who’s in such a beautiful condition. Stephanie looked startled for a minute and then just burst into tears. It was the first time anyone had called her beautiful when she felt so far from it. Her tears didn’t seem to bother him though and as soon as they stopped, she and the stranger began a real conversation.
She learned he had been born on a reservation in Arizona where he had ten brothers and sisters themselves often birthed without medical care since they were so poor. However all the kids were alive and doing well after relying on traditional Native American birthing practices. He had done well in school and was currently working on his PhD at the local uni in cultural anthropology of ancient civilizations so knew a lot about the different birthing techniques from around the world. She shared with him about having to give up her own graduate studies because she had needed to quit work because and couldn’t afford to carry on. In addition, she had suffered from unrelenting nausea during the whole pregnancy making he r miserable and depressed.
‘You’ll get to go back to school,’ said John reassuringly.
‘And then I just feel so fat and unattractive that I don’t even turn my husband on anymore,’ blurted out Stephanie not quite believing she was sharing such intimate details of her sex life with a complete stranger and man to boot.
‘Then he’s a fool,’ said John seriously. Suddenly he stood up and reached out his hand. ‘Come with me,’ he said.
‘Where?’ she questioned.
‘Trust me, I won’t hurt you,’ he said looking into her eyes. Stephanie had never been in the habit of taking off with complete strangers but today this seemed to be the right thing to do. They walked out of the park. ‘Don’t worry, it’s not far,’ he said leading her by the hand. They quickly arrived at a modest looking row house.
‘My tee-pee,’ he said jokingly as he unlocked the door. The house was neat and clean with tons of books, which Stephanie loved. She smelled the air. ‘That’s sage,’ he said, ‘I burn it as a purification ritual.’ There were also beautiful paintings and fascinating pieces of Indian art through out the house. He led her through to the kitchen. ‘I’m making you some tea,’ he said putting on the kettle and reaching into the cupboard for some herbs. ‘Don’t worry, no caffeine, completely safe for the baby,’ he added.
Stephanie sipped the tea, it had a slightly bitter taste but wasn’t unpleasant. She felt warm, safe and cozy. As she drained the cup she suddenly felt a little light-headed and out of it yet completely in control of her body to the point she noticed for the first time since she had become pregnant she was no longer nauseated. He took her hand again and led her up the stairs into a bedroom. She sat on the corner of a large, neatly made bed. He went over to his computer and put in a CD, soon sounds of tribal chanting filled the air. ‘It’s a fertility dance performed mostly by women but they let us men look on once in a while,’ he told her smiling. He then went into another room and she heard the sound of running water. He came back and sat down beside her on the bed.
He started to stroke her hair, her face and neck.
He took her mouth and began soft kisses on her lips. He smelled so good. Stephanie had never cheated on even a boyfriend in her life but the time and situation seemed totally appropriate. He started to probe with his tongue as his kisses becoming wetter and harder. Stephanie responded quickly returning the kisses with equal passion. Soon he was slipping the peasant blouse down off her shoulders freeing her swollen breasts with their huge dark nipples. He began by cupping them as if weighing melons and then he began a series of strokes and caresses in rhythmic, circular motions occasionally brushing her elongating nipples.
He then turned his attention to her nipples themselves and began the motion of gently pinching and pulling the fat nipples in a milking action. Soon little beads of milky fluid started to drip from her now two-inch long nipples. John was quickly on them and started suckling. ‘She how ready you are for this baby you carry, soon you will be nurturing a brand new life.’ By this time the sensation between Stephanie’s legs had built to a crescendo. But, there was more as he reached to take off her skirt, not even commenting on her maternity panties that Trevor had made so much fun of. He led her to the bathroom, where there were flickering candles and the aroma of the sage was made more intense by the steam of the hot water. ‘I put some special healing salts into the water,’ commented John. ‘I think you will like them.
He quickly stripped off his own clothes and helped her into the bath. It was the first time she had gotten to see his cock and it was large and swollen and it excited her immensely. He sat behind her and encouraged her to put her knees up and open her legs. He started to soap her all over paying particular attention to her breasts and belly. He traced the brown line down her belly, which she thought looked disgusting and ugly. ‘The appearance of a brown line is considered good fortune for the child in my tribe,’ he told her. His hands moved down to between her legs finding her clit also swollen and engorged. He gave it the same attention as he had her nipples, continually kissing her as he thumbed and pulled on it.
The combination of the tea, chanting and sage along with John’s gentle hands not only made her want to have a screaming orgasm but also was sending her into another world. She started to feel sensual and womanly as he caressed every inch of her body. And despite his huge erection, John had been content just to pleasure her and not try and guide her hands towards his groin.
He helped her out of the bath and patted her dry leading her back into the bedroom. ‘I promise I won’t do anything to hurt the baby,’ he said. He had her sit on the bed, knees bent again and legs open. He gently inserted a couple of fingers into her birth canal feeling she was dripping wet. ‘Hmm, you’re a little bit dilated which is perfectly healthy for 8-months but we won’t be stimulating anything up there,’ John added knowledgeably. Stephanie felt immediate disappointment but realized John was still talking to her.
‘Did you know a woman’s ligaments and muscles become more relaxed late in pregnancy to help open up the cervix during labor?’ Stephanie wondered why he was telling her this but while doing so he was helping her on to her stomach supporting her belly and breasts with lots of soft pillows. Realization began to dawn on her but Stephanie had never experienced it this way before. She wasn’t fearful, she just knew it would be good. John went to his dresser drawer and took out a jar of sweet smelling lubricant. ‘All natural and herbal,’ he promised. He applied the lube to her anus and began to massage the tight hole as it relaxed he inserted one finger then two into her rectum, he moved slowly, softly, gently. She then felt the tip of something very hard and smooth and knew it was him as he inched into her, more and more whispering his language into her ears. She felt such intense ripples, she wanted to open up wider for him and then she realized he was all the way inside of her. Experience with her husband like this had always been so painful and left her feeling unsatisfied and violated, as he didn’t take the time to prepare her.
John began to ram, but rhythmatically and carefully. She found herself moving to him and the chanting of the ancient fertility music. It seemed to go on and on and her own orgasm was building and building so that when John gave his final thrust and release, she let out a primeval scream and came and came wet and gushing which John lapped up eagerly.
She felt she had melted, so John pulled down the blankets and lying behind her cupped her ample breasts as she drifted off into a peaceful sleep. When she awoke, he was sitting on the edge of the bed with some food. ‘I’ve made you something to eat, pregnant women need to keep up their strength especially after exercise like that,’ he laughed. As she ate the food, she looked at him and asked.
‘John, was there anything in that tea you gave me, I felt so different after drinking it?’
‘Just herbs and plants used for centuries by us Indians for our pregnant women. It helps give perspective to the transition from maidenhood to motherhood, which you have perhaps figured out is pretty deep. Again, perfectly safe for both mother and child.’
Stephanie was suddenly confused. ‘Will I see you again?’ She asked quietly.
‘Here’s my card, come by the uni any time, if I’m not working on my thesis I’m teaching classes, he said kissing her gently. As he helped her dress, he made her look at herself in his full-length mirror. ‘See,’ he smiled, ‘you are positively glowing.’ Stephanie stared back at the reflection and hardly recognized herself. She looked relaxed, confident, beautiful and even a little mysterious.
Stephanie walked slowly home and was actually disappointed to see her husband’s truck in the driveway. She slowly let herself in the door. ‘Where the fuck have you been Steph?’ said Trevor angrily, beer in hand. ‘I’m hungry, so what’s for dinner? Oh, I forgot, you are moving a little slower these days,’ he added mockingly. Stephanie said nothing walking straight past him and up the stairs grabbing a suitcase from the closet. What John had taught her this afternoon made her realize this situation was not right for either her or an innocent unborn child. She packed quickly and took off in her old SUV before he could even notice her gone. She called a friend and asked if she could crash for a couple of days until she thought things through. Her cell phone rang constantly, it was Trevor. After a couple of days she answered and heard him rant and rave. She told him it was over and goodbye. His only response was. ‘Well fuck you, you fat cow.’
The following week she stopped by the uni, John was there in a circle of young Indians speaking a dialect. He smiled warmly when he saw her. She explained the situation and he went into immediate action. He started by introducing her to his whole family, which was very extended. Right away they made her feel so warm and wanted. In the last few weeks leading up to the birth the women taught her many of the old ways, especially regarding pain control which she feared the most and after a through examination by one of the tribal doctors, it was determined she was healthy enough to give birth at home. John immediately offered his house as the place and it was quickly prepared by the tribal elders for purification and by the women for equipment and supplies.
During the upcoming weeks, Stephanie couldn’t have been happier. First there was the time spent alone with John in long hours of orgasmic sex. He worshipped her sacred body. Stephanie was delighted she could cup her voluptuous breasts around his shaft allowing him to pump and pump and shoot copious amounts of come, both laughing as he gently wiped it from her face and hair. He also loved to watch her suck on her own nipples, all things she had been too small-breasted to do before. Secondly, she reveled in her newfound confidence and self-esteem. In ancien
t times birth was considered sacred and the feminine valued so she became proud of her body and had come to passionately love the new life she was growing inside of her. Her knowledge of giving birth grew and grew as she learned all she could from this wonderful race of people.
Finally the big day came, and attended by the tribal women and midwife, Stephanie had a quick labor without too much pain, drugs or any tearing. John had held her hand then legs open when needed whispering encouragement the whole time. He smiled as he handed her a perfect baby boy who went straight for Stephanie’s nipple and began to suckle. ‘Beautiful,’ said John, ‘And just as it should be.’ Stephanie agreed and felt an intense out pouring of love and completeness as she lay back completely satisfied with her life.
Sept. 29th, 2018 Things have been interesting around here the last little while. I have a brand new grandson! Yay! His middle name is his other grandfather’s and mine first names. That’s awesome. I’ve never had someone named after me before. My dog gave me poison ivy so I haven’t held him yet. That will be remedied in a few days. Through the good graces of one of our friends here a backup system has been put in place so if/when my mind slips off the rails my family will receive a copy of...
****************************************** Copyright Oggbashan April 2004 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. Edited July 2006 ****************************************** ‘Tim?’ ‘Yes, Joanna?’ ‘You’re a Freeman of the City of London, aren’t you?’ ‘Actually, no. I’m...
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He then watched her licking the cum off his cock as she looked at him, smiling. It was an incredibly erotic moment for the college students, when all of a sudden, the front door was unlocked, and the knob was being turned. It was his mother! Amanda's eyes widened and her jaw dropped at the sight of some college girl licking her son's cock on the sofa. But her face quickly morphed from being stunned to being absolutely livid at what she was seeing. "What the hell are you two doing!?!" she...
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The Guidance Council and Cathy had stepped in to restructure my personal life and organize my financial affairs. With Cathy’s involvement, I went from a pathetic lonely widower to a happily married man with three wives. To be more accurate, I consider my three women to be my wives, but we are not actually married in the legal sense. I suppose you could say we live together and call each other husband and wife. I’ve heard of whirlwind courtships, but mine has to have set a record. One day, I...
I really have to give my three wives credit for their putting up with me and supporting me during the time I worked on the design. Thinking back on my moods during the past year, I realized that their forbearance qualified them for sainthood. The only time they even came close to questioning the work I was doing was one afternoon when Mary asked, “Jim, the three of us are curious about how the solar car works and why it will be so much better than the current designs. Could you explain it in...
“Jim, there are a number of things that I don’t like about the current design of automobiles. If we are going to do this, I would like to make some changes.” “What sort of things would you like to change Jeff?” “Well, did you know that if you are in an accident and your car doesn’t hit the other vehicle head on there is a good chance that your airbag won’t deploy?” “No, I thought they would always deploy in an accident.” “Well most accidents happen with one driver hitting the rear bumper...
My automotive engineer, Jack Timmons, had a brainchild for the second prototype. I had been thinking of designing and building a chassis that would meet the specific needs of our vehicle. He convinced me to choose an off-the-shelf chassis, and modify it if necessary. Jack had a friend that could get almost anything that an automotive enthusiast might want. He told me that once we knew exactly what we wanted for the production model, we could have a chassis built for us to our...
"Was Cathy able to convince you that she is real?" Frank looked at Jim who nodded his head, and Frank said, "Yes. I think we're having a bit of difficulty accepting it, at least I am, but we do believe what Cathy told us. I suspect we will have a lot of questions in the future, but we do believe she is real and alive in the Fourth Dimension." "Good. Did she mention the Guidance Council and my mission to you?" Jim said, "Yes and she said that you would explain it to...
During the week after the privacy legislation had been passed by Parliament, Frank, Jim S, I, and our wives met to discuss our plans for the future. Some months back, we had decided that a few of our older children were mature enough to be informed of the mission. We briefed them on the four tasks and our desire for them to help support the mission. We made very sure to make it clear that the decision to support the mission was theirs to make. When they agreed, we strongly suggested that they...
My name is Ann; I am twenty-five years old, and a woman many mothers would warn their sons to stay away from. I am by birth, not choice, a member of the wealthy society. According to some of the older members, I am a wild child simply because I will not settle down and marry as it is expected of me.My philosophy is, why settle for one cock for the rest of your life when there are hundreds from which to choose? As I found out a couple of years ago, others share my philosophy. In fact, some are...
HardcoreBy: Prakash378 I don’t know whether I am doing right or wrong by posting story of mine to all of you frens. But since my frens told me to share is greatest thing so here am I. I am a 22 year old guy from Delhi,5 ft 10 inches tall with thin body, lots of my frens (girls specially)tease me for this but I was all the way respected one in my circle I am a medical student and quiet good in my studies. Well I have good reputations in my colony for that too. Everyone adores me, be it my educational...
MY TWO WIVES PART II Chapter 1 After my divorce from Carol I took a break from women for a while and concentrated on my job. I kept the job that Carol had earned for me and returned home to the companys depot in Scotland. I met Jill on a blind date arranged by one of the data clerks working in my office and I fancied her straight away. By this time I was 27 and Jill was just 21. She was a real stunner, small petite even very shy and just over 5 feet tall with long dark brown hair and a...
Hi everyone, I am karthick this is my second story. Iss is the best site to share experiences these stories in iss turns me on in no time I ’m a big fan of iss, I ‘m following iss for more than 5 years I live in chennai age 24 about my physic I ’m bit short 5’5 average looking chennai guy.For my first story I got mails from many iyengar and iyer mamis. Thanks for your support do read my stranger iyengar mami story if u missed it write ur feedback to I’m very active in online chat site I will...
Porn 300...This is Sparta!!! Well, with so many god damned free porn tube sites on the web nowadays, it can be extremely easy for a site to get swept under the rug and forgotten about. Competition is stiff. Almost as stiff as I was when I fucked your mom in the ass. Sites really have to make themselves stand out somehow in order to survive the giant fuck pile of free porn tubes. Or else they will get crushed to death or suffocate under all the naked limbs and tits and cocks. You really have to...
Free Porn Tube SitesI know I have my Categories backwards and I apologize. This is the romantic chapter. Also before I start my story I would like to say I read the comments and I was shocked, very shocked. I would also like to say THANK YOU to the comments that I have, but frankly there is to parts of this story. I would also say this story does NOT turn me on, at all. Its disgust I know, it’s actually the second chapter that’s romantic. Also that was the first time of me making a story, so thank you for the...
Hey guys, I’m back with another story. Thank you for the feedbacks for my previous story. This sexstory is part real and part imaginary. My name is rahul(name changed). I am 23 years old and I am an engineer currently working in bangalore. I graduated from a renowned college in coimbatore. I am an average guy and I have a dad bod. I have a small package but god gifted me with amazing fingers and a tongue to work miracles. I’m a mallu and the herione of my story is also a mallu teacher who was...
This story is a work of pure fiction. I hope that you find it arousing and fun to read. I would appreciate any and all e-mail on what you have to say. Any suggestions would also be greatly appreciated. **** My name is Jackie; I had my son at the young age of 15. The boy I was dating at the time told me that nothing would happen, but it did and my parents were livid. They talked with the boy’s parents, and told him never to come near me again. My mother wanted me to have the baby and then adopt...
IncestSienna Mason admitted that sitting in a booth in a bar of this quality was beyond her more reserved habits. Adjoining one of the more up-market hotels in the area, it could be a very expensive place for a drink. But, on the way home from visiting a friend, the sudden rain had driven her into these luxurious surrounds for shelter. Any port in a storm, she would say.Damn the rotten weather, although it suited her sour mood. Paul had gone. Just packed his bags and away, without comment. Another...
OutdoorThis is the final part of a four-part story is about a woman who models herself on another. I hope the readers will enjoy this trans-lesbian tale. All of the characters are over eighteen years of age. Thank you for your comments. This is a work of Fiction. Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. ***** Meeting Karen - Part IV Preamble: Carrie's new position evolves Carrie walked to the side of the large bed and sat softly on the...
The inner airlock refused to close. Mark had removed it from its track and dismantled it three times now and it was seriously pissing him off. He had used the door from Varna's cabin to repair the blast damaged airlock. He had ripped the closing mechanism from the cabin wall to escape and it was not worth repairing, especially as the ship needed an airlock to go into space. Cabin doors were a low priority. Mark swung a booted foot at the door and hit it hard in frustration. It groaned and...
Miguel Pena pulled out a chair to sit between his wife and Lupe at the restaurant where the family dined after Sunday services. He gave a slight smile to the females at the table before turning to his son. "I think you left a few details out of your story last night," he declared. His gaze made it obvious that he was less than pleased with his progeny. Mariel raised her eyebrows at her husband. Chuck had been amazingly pleasant all morning – something she really hadn't seen since he was...
I am Bob and I have a lovely wife who is 14 years younger than myself. She is only 5’ tall, petite with big lovely tits. We are very sexually active and it is not unusual for us to make love twice a day but, due to work commitments, we were now lucky if we make love twice a week. In an attempt to spice our sex life up, I bought her a blindfold and a few sex toys, as she sometimes likes it rough. I ran her a nice hot bath for her, after work. She stripped and her naked body slid into the bath....
Wife LoversIt’s not until almost 6 AM that you slip out of Christine’s dorm room. Walking down the silent hallway, you smile to yourself, thinking that any guy would be proud to take the Walk of Shame home from Christine’s room. You trace the familiar path down the stairway and out of Christine’s dorm automatically, not taking any notice of your surroundings. Instead, your let your mind wander, imagining Christine’s perfect features: her beautiful tanned skin, long dark hair, deep brown eyes always...
I couldn't help thinking about it though, and the more I thought about it the less pissed I became at both of them. I told myself Ellamae had needs to, and she was drinking that night, and Bill being the young man he was , and full of cum, Well I could see how easy it could happen..Thoughts of it now was only making me hotter than hell.. I could see Ellamae's big ass moving up and down on Bill's huge young cock. The way she was moaning from the pleasures his huge tool was giving...