Hey, That's My Shirt! free porn video

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Growing up, fashion was a terrible embarrassment to me. While there's the old saying about clothes making the man, I was a boy--I wasn't supposed to even think about clothes! Except insomuch as remembering to change my socks and underwear more than once a week, but that was just to keep my mother off my back.

The embarrassing thing was that Mom would go off shopping, and sometimes in the mix of bags she'd bring home would be clothing for me. Hideous things I wouldn't be caught dead wearing outside of my closet. Shirts that might as well have been embroidered on the back Kick Me! just to spare the guys at school the bother of having to write up the sign and find some tape.

In middle school, when all the guys started wearing Levis blue jeans, I pleaded for a pair. She agreed. I hammered home the point that they had to have that little orange insignia flag sewn into the back pocket to ensure that she didn't buy an off-brand. She came home very pleased with her shopping acumen. I had two new pairs of jeans! See, for the price of a pair of Levis ... she'd found something that sort of looked like blue jeans, maybe, if you saw them from across a busy street. They weren't even denim, but some weird stretchy fabric. They were actually rather comfortable, but they looked like something your widowed grandma would wear down in Florida, younging herself down to fetch another man. Whose eyesight was like he was standing across a busy street!

Finally I got as smart as Sharon, my younger sister. She was a girl, so she liked shopping anyway. If Mom deemed it time for me to get some new clothes, I went with. It hardly mattered. She'd keep showing me stuff I would never wear, and every time I'd find something I could live with, the Moms would go scurrying away, always returning with something sort of the same, of a cheaper brand, and usually only tenuously similar. Yea, I'll take that shirt with the blazing tiger on the front. Two cuddling kittens, no, that's not really a match.

When I was 14, I put my foot down. According to Mom, I staged a public tantrum. I wanted one of those Izod long-sleeved polo shirts, with the cuffs and collar, striped egg-yolk yellow and the deepest navy blue. The tiny alligator of authenticity stitched above on the left in lieu of a pocket.

Everyone was wearing shirts like that. It wasn't like I wanted to fit it. I just wanted to blend in. I wanted to wear camouflage, so I wouldn't be noticed. And thus picked on.

She came back with a store-brand shirt with diagonal stripes in hot pink and gay-glow green, like she was suggesting a career as the official back-stage Blow-job Boy on the upcoming KISS tour.

I held my ground, had a tantrum, held my tantrum. I made Mom buy me that goddamned shirt.

And it worked. I kind of got forgotten. But that only worked for a year. Then I grew some. And it was gruesome. First day back to school after the summer sprout, so of course I wore my favorite shirt. For the last time. One remark about how I looked like a well-dressed gorilla. That was enough to retire the shirt.

I kept it because it was still my favorite shirt, even if its folded shape stayed unmoved in a year from its nesting in the back left corner of my shirt drawer. By now, I've gotten into a grungy punk thing with my friends. I keep thinking about how it might be cool to make an ironic statement by ripping off the embarrassingly short arms and scissoring, in rude cuts, the tight collar.

That's the great thing about cool ideas--you don't necessarily have to do anything more than just think 'em.

We went over to Grandma's for Sunday dinner. Which meant we ate lunch at home, and then went over to Grandma's to waste the entire afternoon waiting for dinner. It was great when Grandma moved back to town, so we could just visit her without wasting all of the holidays just getting there. Sometimes, even though we lived in the same town, we had to spend a night or two. I hated that. My bedroom was always the smelly cot down in the scary basement.

This time it was just gnaw at slice of roast long enough to go home. I'm not sure how my grandmother managed to take a roast and stick it in the oven and then pull out a smoldering Duraflame log to serve up, but she did it every time.

Since we were just there for dinner, it doubly freaked me out that when we sat down to dinner, Sharon appeared out of wherever she'd been. She was dressed for dinner. She'd changed for dinner. My sister showed up wearing my shirt!

At first I was in shock, immobile and speechless, stunned by how good Sharon looked in the shirt. Way better than me. Because I didn't have boobs. I was well aware that girls did stripes great justice.

I just hadn't ever considered Sharon in that light. When did my sister get boobs anyway?

Once those considerations melted away, I had my usual bad temper.

"Hey, that's my shirt!"

The table was silent.

I pressed. I insisted. "That's my shirt--give it back!"

"You never wear it," Sharon dismissed my complaint.

Mom backed her up. "It's too small for you."

"But it's mine!" I countered.

"So why don't you wear it," Sharon stabbed, "and look like a preppy gorilla?"

I was ready to rebut and get into it, but further discussion at Sunday dinner with Grandma was forbidden.

And in that fashion, my shirt was effectively stolen.

The house was empty when I got home from school--Mom was probably off shopping or something. I was in the kitchen making a snack when I heard Sharon come home from school. She went straight to her room. I was hoping she'd just stay in there until dinnertime. I didn't want to get in a fight or anything. I just wanted to enjoy my snack and watch some t.v. in the den. I took my snack in there and was watching some junk when Sharon came out of her room. My blood started simmering. She'd changed into my shirt and came sauntering into the room to flaunt it. Just the sight of her breasts bulging out the stripes of the fabric, the one nipple poking out right below the little alligator ... made something snap in my head.

"Why are you watching this stupid show? Let me change the channel to something worth watching!"

I stood up and held my hands in front of me, palms up. "Still think you're so fast? Best two-out-of-three gets to control the t.v."

Sharon got a wicked grin on her face and walked up to me. "That's easy. I've got the slowest brother in the world." She held her hands palm up an inch or so above mine. It was that game where the person with the bottom hands tries to slap the other's palms before they can yank them away. It was a good challenge to dare her with. She thought she'd be controlling the t.v. for sure. The truth was she was always much faster than me, not matter if she was the slapper or the slappee. I made a couple fake moves, but she didn't even flinch. What I was actually doing was positioning my hands so my thumbs slipped into the loose sleeves.

The way Sharon was just standing there smirking with her breasts in my shirt was making me boil. When I had my hands perfectly positioned, I grabbed the sleeves and yanked my hardest. Her hands disappeared down into the sleeves and she got a shocked look on her face.

Before she could otherwise respond, I quickly tied the end of the sleeves together in a double knot, trapping her hands inside the shirt. I knew what I was doing. Sharon's greatest weapon was her fingernails, which she kept filed long and sharp like talons. Defenseless, she screamed, "What're you doing?!! This isn't how you play the game!"

"No, but it's how I get my shirt back."

The struggle began in earnest. I had to keep one hand on the sleeve ends, wiggling it around to keep her from pulling her arms out of the sleeves entirely. Sharon wore the shirt tucked in. My other hand worked the hem free from the waistband of her shorts. She was trying desperately to get her arms untrapped. There was enough slack I managed to get the open neck of the shirt up past her chin, and then to the top of her head so I didn't have to see her eyes anymore. I was mere seconds away from total victory after I yanked enough to get the hem up to her armpits, but then I stalled, shocked, staring at my sister's bared tits.

I'd been expecting a bra, or at least an undershirt. Instead I was looking at a beautiful pair of breasts. I knew what boobs looked like, but only from photos in dirty magazines. I ... I wanted to touch them. My hand started moving towards them like magnets were involved. But then I caught myself. I just wanted my shirt back. If I started perving on my sister I'd wind up in jail or the hospital or worse.

Sharon was shrieking like I was murdering her. She got her arms free, and slammed them across against her chest, like she was shutting a lock. I pulled my shirt back into my possession.

"For god's sake, Sharon, they're just tits; half the world has 'em. And believe me," I lied, just wanting to get her to shut the fuck up, "yours are nothing to scream about."

With that Sharon did shut up. She looked at me as though I'd broken her. I ... I didn't mean to do that. I peeled off the old t-shirt I was wearing, and lay it across her. "Here, cover yourself up."

I got up off my sister. I knew I was so dead. I knew I should at least say something. Though I knew nothing I said would make a difference. Sharon was famous for holding grudges. I knew I had to say something, because every second I stayed in the room looking at her made me every second more a pervert.

"Sharon ... I'm ... I didn't mean for that to happen. I'm sorry."

That spat out, I walked down the long hallway to voluntary exile in my room. My exile seemed to last an eternity, several long hours before the sharp rap on my door. Mom knocked and immediately opened the door. It would've been embarrassing if I'd had my pants down. But I'd been doing nothing in my room but waiting for that banging.

She crooked a finger. "Come. Talk now."

So Sharon had been Sharon. No surprise there. So now I got dipped in boiling oil.

The pow-wow was at the kitchen table. Thank god Dad wasn't home yet.

Mom started it. "Tell me your side of the story." I thought, oh great, I get pulled into court after the Prosecution has already rested their case. Wonder what evidence was presented? That I might need to refute?

I decided my best bet was to go on the offensive. "It's my shirt. And I don't think it's fair that you pass it off as a matter of but it doesn't fit you anyway. The fact of the matter is that my shirt was in my dresser in my room. And then Sharon was wearing it."

Sharon sort of sputtered with indignation, but I had the judge's ear.

Mom began singing a song about how when a girl starts blossoming into womanhood, she is naturally uncertain about the changes going on, and shy and modest about her burgeoning body, so that being seen even in a bra can prove very embarrassing.

Even Sharon was about to barf. "Yuk, Mom, shut up."

But Sharon had spoken up too late. I'd learned her lie.

"I didn't mean to see her breasts. I'd expected she'd be wearing a bra or at least an undershirt."

"Wait a second," Mom hit the pause button. "Go back." Her focus was on Sharon. "He saw your bare breasts? You told me you had your bra on."

"Yea, but, well, it was after school. I meant I'd changed clothes and..."

Sharon was producing so much rope to hang herself, it was almost sad.

"She was still in her school clothes," I suggested

Mom ignored me. "Young lady, what did I say about wearing a bra?"

I was staggered by my own genius. I'd flipped it around. Sharon was the one in trouble. As if to confirm, Mom turned and rediscovered me. "Out of here. You're done."

Later, I was coming out of my room when Sharon was heading towards hers. It was awkward in the hall. Sharon hissed like a snake, "Thanks for getting me in trouble!"

I took the high road. "Just returning the favor!"

The weird thing was two-fold. Not only did Sharon not give back the shirt I'd loaned her as a cover-up, she started wearing it as a sleep tee. It was a cool shirt that I really wanted back, but ... it was a big old v-necked undershirt Dad had given me as a cover up last summer when we painted the garage. I'd gotten plenty of paint on it, and then had added more to make it look even cooler. The shirt was so old that fabric was barely there, so thin as to be on the verge of shirt rot. It was the perfect shirt to wear mowing the lawn, or if I was hanging out with my friends and trying to look cool.

The second part was that Mom never said a word. When we'd get all comfy and watch t.v. at night she never said a word to Sharon about how without a bra the shirt not only showed her nipples poking out like thumbs through the flimsy filmy fabric, but you could even see their darker coloration.

And the shirt wasn't nearly as long as her usual sleep tees. Several times over several nights I caught more than ample glimpses of the proof that Sharon was in fact wearing panties underneath. It was like she was torturing me, without even knowing it.

Later the next day I was in my room and bored, so I decided to finally do something about the shirt. I figured I'd punk it out and make that ironic statement. The polo shirt with the short long arms cut off--so I wouldn't look like a gorilla. I'd hack out the collar with blunt scissors. The stupid emblem, I'd rip the cloth, and leave it hanging. But just before I could make the first cut, I realized it wouldn't look ironic, it'd just look stupid. It was too nice of a shirt to just savage.

Instead, I carefully folded the shirt, and went across the hall to my sister's room. I knocked, identified myself, and was eventually granted entry.

I took a few steps into her room, leaving the door safely open.

"What do you want?" she asked, clearly curious about what I was holding behind my back.

"I acted really stupid. Here," I held out the shirt as a gift, "I want you to have this."

Sharon glared back at me. "I don't want it!"

I took the steps forward to lay it on the bed beside her. And then I carefully retraced my steps back. She grabbed at it and then flung it back, winging my thigh. I picked it up. "Sharon, it doesn't fit me, and you look great in it." I tossed the shirt back.

Sharon hissed, "You practically raped me!"

"No, I didn't. Geez. I was just borrowing my shirt back."

"I don't want it!"

"Then put it in the rag box, I don't care."

"You put it in the rag box!"

By the time she threw the shirt back, I was already to the doorway. It fell well short of me. I let the shirt just lay there. On the floor of her room, it was her problem.

I paused at the door. I took a deep breath. "Okay, Sharon. Here's my final apology. If you want to keep being a bitch after this, then you can kiss my ass."

That got my sister's attention.

"What I said about your chest was mean and completely untrue. Yours are very pretty, from the glance I got. You yourself should know you have nothing to worry about, not in that department. Anger-management department, that's another story."

It took a couple days, but then one morning Sharon popped into the kitchen for breakfast, dressed for school, wearing my shirt. She looked really hot in it, and yes she was wearing a bra.

Mom glanced over from her post at the toaster. First at Sharon, the shirt, and then me. "So you guys have kissed and made up about that stupid shirt?"

Sharon smiled back at us all, "Yes." And then she directed her smile at me. I ... I was glad I was sitting at the table, because underneath I was starting to get a boner.

I was back in the kitchen, after school, making a snack, when Sharon bustled into the house. "Hi!" she exclaimed as she shot by on her way down to her room. Usually she said nothing to me when she came home from school.

I went back to my snack. The toaster oven pinged, so I pulled out the tray and set it on the counter to cool a moment. I'd melted cheese on saltines.

"Mmm, what smells so good?" Sharon announced, entering the kitchen. She'd changed to a pair of "home" shorts, but she still wore my shirt. It sure looked like she'd broken Mom's Rule about bras.

"Cheesy crackers. Want one?"

"Mmm," she replied, "love one ... or two, if you can spare."

I picked one up, and fed it to her. Then I ate one. I fed my sister another, and then I had another turn.

As Sharon crunched, she casually asked, "Did you mean what you said? About my boobs? The second time?"

I about shot dry cracker crumbs out my nose.

"Well ... yea, from the glimpse I got, it's really something you shouldn't worry about."

"Would you like a better look?" she asked. With that she lifted the hem of my shirt up towards her neck. I'd called it right. My sister had taken off her school bra. And memory served correct--my sister had awesome breasts.

Thus exposed, Sharon got brave. "You can touch them if you like."

My hands moved to cup those heavenly orbs. Sharon sort of sighed. "You're the first one to touch them."

I gazed back at my sister, gently fondling her tits, "Yours are the first I've ever touched."

Whatever was going to happen next totally froze when we heard the roar of the automatic garage door opening.

"Mom's home!" I shouted the obvious.

Sharon shoved my hands away and pulled down her shirt. I reached up and tweaked the twin bullets in the fabric. "You really need to go put on a bra."

"I know," she moaned, turning to dart off down the hallway to her room.

I was left to scoot directly against the counter to hide my hard-on as Mom entered the kitchen from the garage. "Making a snack, I see."


"Where's your sister?"

"Dunno, probably in her room."

Mom has always been demonstrative, so she snuck up and gave me a hug from behind. There was nothing untoward about the gesture, except that maybe I'd chosen the wrong hide-the-woody posture. In the brief hug, there was a pair of breasts pressed against my back. While my front was pressed against the lower cabinet. As I thought about my sister. I about shot off in my pants.

The next several days, I kept looking for clues, but Sharon acted as though nothing had happened. It felt sad jacking off to what might have been, but I did it anyway.

And I moved on with my life. My friends and I were eager about this movie opening on the weekend. It was the usual shoot-em-up blow-things-up, with the hot actress having a topless bedroom scene. We made plans to see the early evening show on Saturday. And then the plans turned into something else. My two friends had girlfriends, so it turned into a double-date, with the side-car of a blind date. My two friends had a friend--me--while their girlfriends also had a friend. I was always the hero, because my parents allowed me to drive and I had an old beater at my disposal.

And then Mom and Dad ruined things by announcing that they'd be going that weekend up to a cabin on the lake with Uncle Paul and Aunt Pauline. They sounded like they were named siblings, but actually they were Mom's brother and Dad's sister. In our small town, things work out that way. Since Monday was a Monday holiday, Sunday night was also included.

Sharon was instantly shouting, "We get to go too, right? And our cousins will be there too?"

Dad got called onstage, by a look from Mom. "Well, actually," he stumbled, "this is a get-away-from-the-kids weekend."

"Well, that's good," I staked my claim, "because I've made plans to go to a movie with my friends Saturday night."

"Well," Mom inserted, "maybe you can change that to the matinee. I was thinking you two could call in a pizza for dinner." She said that so brightly, I knew I was doomed to abide.

I made the calls and shifted the time. It was weird, going into a theater in the late afternoon, then emerging afterwards into full daylight. By then it was nearly dinnertime, so everyone talked about going to Luigi's for pizza. Instead I was slated to get Luigi's delivered for me and Sharon. This pissed me off, as the movie experience was that this lovely spare girl Anne let me roam my hands like we were already boyfriend/girlfriend.

I explained the situation, apologizing. They all decided to give up on the idea of Luigi's.

Anne said, "Make sure you knock first when you get back home! Your sister may not be as innocent as you think. Lord knows, at that age, if I had the house free, I'd be on the phone fast saying, 'Boyfriend, git over here, right now!"

I had to pass that up, and was sorry when the logical route didn't involve dropping Anne off last. My friend Chris, the last stop, commented on my stupidity. He just shook his head. "You should've arranged it so that Anne's was your last stop. I guarantee you would've gotten at least a blow-job."

Instead I went home alone. I'd have pizza at home with my sister, and then I'd go to bed and talk to the hand. Is there any better definition of a loser?

When I got home, I walked in and called out to an empty house. I went down the hall, quietly and full of fear. But the door to Sharon's room was wide open. Her bed was made and there was no one in the room. I started to get worried, returning down the hall to the rest of the house.

I was standing around in the empty kitchen when Sharon came in the back door.

"Where have you been?"

Sharon was surprised by my question. "Out working in the garden. Waiting for you to come home from your date so we could have pizza for dinner."

"It wasn't a date."

"Well, I'm sorry that Mom and Dad being gone meant that you had to change your date so you had to be home for pizza with your kid sister. It wasn't my plan to ruin everything by existing."

I stopped her. "Sharon, you didn't ruin anything. It wasn't a date." I let down my guard and sort of explained all that had gone on. I even talked about what Anne had said, trying to make it into a joke.

The joke bombed.

"Thanks for reminding me that I've never even been asked out on a date. I wouldn't know what this Anne was talking about." My sister was looking me straight in the eye. I could see an energy building behind her eyes. And then the laser shot out.

"I'll have you know," she softened, "I'm not just a virgin," she went nearly quiet, adding the whisper, "I've never been kissed."

And then Sharon's voice went booming, "So don't worry about me. And don't blame me."

I wasn't quite sure if somehow she thought I blamed her for not getting a blow-job from Anne? Apparently I'd needed no help in fucking that up. I really didn't know what to say in reply. I knew it needed to be strong and personal.

But then it didn't matter because Sharon did the girl thing of suddenly thinking about something else entirely. Or the same thing, but at a different angle.

She giggled.


"It was so a date!"


"You go to a movie with your two friends. And their girlfriends are along. And they bring one of their girlfriends who doesn't have a boyfriend. And then she tells you that she'd like to call you to come over if she had her house to herself."

"What are you talking about?"

"About how boys can be so dense about what's being dangled in front of their faces," she chirped. "While you ponder that, I'm off to a quick shower."

I was waiting on my translator to come back to me with the transcript. Not knowing what to do in the meantime, I called out after her retreating figure, "Should I maybe call Luigi's while you're getting cleaned up?"

"No!" she scoffed. "I've been gardening, and making dough and letting it rise between punch downs."

I was confused. "What are you talking about?"

"When I knew it would be a stupid pizza night for us, I made Mom take me to the grocery. She thought it was cute that I wanted to make it special. We'll be eating pizza from scratch! Okay, sorry, the sauce is jar, but if you want to get a head start, there's a pepper and onion and some garlic to chop up."

"I'll get right on it," I nodded. She turned and went down the hall to her room. It was then that I noticed the cut-offs she was wearing. They were a pair of jeans I'd chopped into shorts. I'd cut the legs off too high. After a couple wears, my friends had suggested that instead of looking sexy they made me look kind of gay. I'd quickly consigned the shorts to the rag box.

Filled by my sister's ass, the shorts looked incredibly sexy, and not at all gay. So not at all gay that I was glad to retreat into the kitchen and deal with sharp knives and vegetables.

It was a quick shower. Sharon came bubbling back into the room smelling of flowers. The dampness of drying hair.

She was wearing just about my favorite shirt, a Ramones tee where I'd gutted the arms and neck so severely it was easy to see my sister wasn't wearing a bra, that she'd made that decision. I was more than a little confused. Her bottoms were an old pair of my gym trunks from Middle School I'd totally forgotten about. They must've been at the back of some drawer of mine, thus forgotten. I'd quit wearing them several years before because they barely contained my butt. They made Sharon's butt look awesome.

I was continually distracted, but still it was a lot of fun, hanging out in the kitchen with my sister while we constructed our pizza. Me sneaking armhole glimpses of the breasts I'd seen twice before but apparently nevermore.

And then when we sat down, tray tables in the livingroom in front of the t.v., the dinner was devastatingly good. We kept remarking on how good it was. "Guess we make a really good team," Sharon smiled at me.

Once we were stuffed, and the movie we were watching took a dull turn, I gathered up plates and stuff to quickly clean up. Sharon quickly joined me, standing beside me. Everything I washed up in the sink was immediately dried. The leftovers were properly wrapped up and placed in the fridge.

And then my sister grabbed my hand and pulled me back to the sofa in the livingroom to finish watching the bad movie. I didn't get why we had to do that. I was full and dull and just sat there on the couch watching the box change colors. For someone insisting we watch a bad-bad movie to the end, Sharon was pretty fidgety. She kept squirming around. I was so full and dull, I just enjoyed the slide show.

Finally a small line of late night ads sent the movie into temporary remission.

"Why are we still watching this?" I asked.

"Why are we still watching this?" she answered. "Why are you still watching that is the better question."

I was pondering what she meant by that when she just slapped me in the face. Really fucking hard! I took notice.

Sharon had shifted gears yet again. She clambered onto the couch on both knees, scooting way closer to me in the process. She plucked at the cloth along the slope of her left breast. She yanked the odd tent way out.

"Hey," she whispered in a husky tone, "That's my shirt."

I had no response.

Then her voice mellowed to her own. "Are you going to take it back?"

Again, I had no response.

"This time I won't resist. In fact, I'll help." With that, she grabbed the hem and started to pull the shirt off.

I grabbed her wrists, and then slowly brought her arms back down. Sharon gave me a questioning look.

I smiled. "First I want to feel you up wearing this sexy shirt."

Which is what I did, only encouraged. I slid one hand down and around to clasp her ass. "Say, aren't these my gym trunks?"

Sharon abruptly stood up. I was afraid I'd made a wrong turn, but then she extended a conciliatory hand down towards me. "Come," she said, then shrugged. "I want my first time to be in my own bed."

It took a few seconds for that message to sink home. Then I reached for her hand and stood up. "Funny," I noted, "I want my first time to be in your own bed, too!"

With that we left the room, holding hands, moving down the hall side-by-side until we reached her door and Sharon took the lead to draw me into her room. She hit the wall switch when we walked in, then she pulled away from my hand to walk over to switch on the low-watt bedside lamp. "Kill the overhead," she said sweetly, moving back my way.

We started kissing, gently at first, and then like crazy, hands roaming with impunity. It was one thing for me to be caressing her breasts through her shirt, but when she started stroking my cock through my pants!

I thought to warn my sister, "The first time for a girl, it usually hurts."

Sharon smiled at me. "It's so sweet you're so considerate. But there's no worry. I lost my hymen to an accident on the balance beam back when I used to do gymnastics."

That spurred me to ask, "Why did you stop? I know you used to enjoy that a lot."

Sharon replied by pulling her shirt up, and off, over her head, tossing it to the floor. "I developed, and got a little too top-heavy."

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Hello I'm Julie I would like to tell you a little bit about myself before I tell you what happen. At the time I was junior in high school. I'm 5' 6", 110 pounds 34B-24-34 dirty blond hair pass my shoulders. It was a Friday afternoon and me and a few friends were making plains for Saturday we all said that we should go to a lake close by to hang out we agreed to meet up there around 1 pm.So Saturday morning came and I got up and started to get ready I picked out a white and light blue bikini and...

4 years ago
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Anokhey Pariwar Part III

Komal aunty apney pati ka lund apney mooh mein lekar choos rahi thee. Suraj uncle kaa lund tan kar hilorey maar rahaa tha Komal darling tum gajab ka choosti ho aur chudwati bhi bahut achey se ho aah haan aisey ho choosti jaao. Suraj uncle nein apna lund aunty ki mooh mein andar baahar kartey huey kaha aunty nein uncle kaa lund apney mooh se bahar nikaltey huey kaha ki chalo jee tum to din bhar gayab rahtey ho aur merey choot mein jo halchal machti hai uski to Tumhey fikar hi nahi hai kya baaat...

2 years ago
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Anokhey Pariwar Part II

Meri kahani ki pahli partt aap logon nein padhi hogi. Uska kuch ek comments bhi humey mila ye part kaisa bataiyega zaroor. Bhabhi ki nazarein mere khade lund par hi tiki thi. Unnko samajh mein nahi aa raha tha ki woh kya bole. Zahir hai mera sakht aur lumba lund unhey ascharychakit kar raha tha. Unhonein apney aapko sambhaltey huey kaha ki Pakaj ye tum kya kar rahe they aur maaji aap is umra aisi harkat chee, main soch bhi nahi sakti thi ki aap aisa karengi woh bhi is apney bete ke umra ke...

1 year ago
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Anokhey Pariwar

By : Atila1 Ye baat un dinon ki hai jab main Patna jaise chote shahr se Naukri ki talash mein delhi pahuncha tha. Rukney ka bandobast apney doston ke saath pahle se hi kar liya tha. Mujhey pata tha ki mujhey kya karna aur kaun si naukari karni hai. Kuch dinon ki talash ke baad akhirkaar mujhey naukri mil gayee. Delhi ke south ex area mein mera daftar that aur main chahta tha ki office ke aas paas hi ghar mil jaye ghar kya kisi kamre ya barsaati ki hi talaash thi jahan zyada paisa naa invest...

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Heyyy Mr Postman

I was surprised to find Ana’s car in our driveway, when I came back home early from my office…She would be at work at that time; it looked a bit strange.I opened the front door and almost froze in the threshold, when I saw her clothes ragged to pieces on the carpet and also some trousers that were not mine…Also I found my wife’s phone in the mess of clothing and it displayed a huge amount of missed calls. I saw it was set on vibrate mode.The sounds from upstairs were unmistakable: I could hear...

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I drove up outside Cheyanne's building and as I turned off the motor, I wondered what she'd be like in real life? I'd met Cheyanne in an Internet chat room a few nights before and we seemed to get on very well together. Sure, she was younger than me, but while we chatted, age didn't seem to matter to either of us. I looked at myself in the rear-view mirror and satisfied that I looked halfway human; I stepped out of the car. I'd brought a bottle of Southern Comfort for us to drink as...

1 year ago
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The YNC welcomes you to watch some extreme content! Let’s fucking face it; people are different and not just because others are cowards, filthy freaks, intellects, geeks, and shit, but ultimately because we subscribe to completely different stuff that literally sets us by far apart from each other. I am talking about the desire or guts to view shit like people bleeding to death, getting stabbed, extremely lethal accidents, or people behaving like scavengers eating and drinking each other’s pee,...

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They Are Huge! If you are a giant titty lover like I am, then you probably find yourself hitting the ‘big tits’ categories and relevant tags every time you visit a tube site. You have an unquenching appetite too, and it’s probably not enough for you! You want to see videos that only feature big boobies!They Are Huge has heard your cries. That is why they provide only videos featuring big tittied women getting as nasty as you want them to be for your stroking sessions. Oh, you seriously think...

Big Tits Porn Sites
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my frist male gang bang thats black

This is a true story that happened to me a few years ago. I at the time was single and playing both sides of the fence. I was almost always in a a aol chat room looking to hook up with something. I am bi and like to bottom , I am white 5'10 stocky build and curves in the right place for a guy. i was 26 at the time. I had set up a time to met a guy that was a top and when he showed up he didn't look like what he said he did .(this happened a lot ) So i was just going to hang out at the bar...

2 years ago
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Thats very neighbourly of youpart two

For the first time he actually heard her speak, 'come up when you're ready theres beer and wine in the fridge. Daniel had to calm himself first making sure it wasn't a joke or a wind up. Steady his nerves steel himself for whatever was going to happen. Worst case scenario an unexpected cock up his ass and a smile on hubbys face, best case scenario anything but the latter.'Nah fuck it, I've been in worse situations no need to steady myself'. Dan the fucking man the legend in his own...

4 years ago
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Hershey Thursday

LOOKING FOR LOVE IN ALL THE WRONG PLACES. WISCONSIN! Maya felt a little queasy as she watched the women tugging at each other's hair in a desperate attempt to overpower their opponent. Everyone was cheering them on, as usual. She often wondered how much Hershey's syrup the club used every Thursday during this event. The two women where covered from head to toe in chocolate, you couldn't even see where their bikini's ended and their skin started. Maya was startled for a moment when the...

1 year ago
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That Sitcom Show! Have you ever heard someone claim that we are currently living in a golden age of television? Douchebags that want to sound smart at parties like to point this out. “Oh, did you just binge the entirety of How I Met Your Mother on Hulu last month, Cindy? Interesting … We live in such a golden age of television.” The worst part? Cindy completely ate that bullshit up and that douchebag is probably getting laid after the party.What that douchebag is likely referring to, though,...

Premium Porn Parody Sites
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Hey Peaches

HEY, PEACHES by Throne "Hey, Peanut!" How I dreaded to hear my wife's boyfriend, Frank, call me. He's big and rough and loves to see me feminized and cuckolded. My wife Tyra takes care of the former and he's always grabbing and pawing her, which leads to lots of the latter. In the year since they met my life has changed drastically and it doesn't look like anything can reverse that. When he hollers I'm quick to respond. I set aside his work boots, which I had been cleaning,...

3 years ago
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Hey Pappy Too

This is a follow up to HEY PAPPY, when that story ended I was widowed by my second wife. My first wife had left me and returned after I had remarried. Both wives became the other’s best friend. I was seriously dating another woman and my first had found a man who interested her too. I will try to make this stand alone, but if you have not read Hey Pappy it will help you understand some items I might leave out. Thank you for the nice comments on Hey Pappy. My first wife, Sophie, left with...

3 years ago
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Hey Bobby

Hey Bobby! ? by: Mary Beth Sanford Fact from Fiction: When I was still slightly confused over this fetish I have I chanced a couple of sessions with a therapist. My attempt then was to rid myself of such things. Meanwhile I was still doing what I did and obviously liking it. Of course I'd heard of dominates and those few professionals that babied but never dared visit one. After all, I was trying to rid myself of such things. Until of course I did dare and did visit one....

2 years ago
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Hey Little Sister

"So you're telling me that all I have to do is switch bodies with you for a couple of hours and pass your road test, and you'll give me 500 bucks, right?" Jim asked as he stared at his straight faced teenage sister. "That's right big bro." "Julie, are you sure you can't pass it yourself?" "For the last time, I always fail, because I get too nervous." "All right Jules I'll do it." "You're the best big brother. I've got the spell right here, and the test is in an hour so this...

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Hey Joe

Copyright© A TIME OUT OF LIFE Our platoon was pinned down by a VC sniper hidden on a hill at the end of the valley. No one had been able to get a hard fix on his location. It was Thanksgiving Day in 1965 but no one was eating turkey. We were in a long valley near the Phu Bai airfield trying to locate a Viet Cong force that had been sending harassing fire at planes taking off and landing. Earlier the lieutenant had tried to send out a small patrol and the SOB picked off two of them before...

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Hey RichardChapter 3

I checked my phones messages, but it was a click and no message at all. “I would gladly do my part to keep your nuts empty, provided you stop calling me your Aunt. Just call me Lisa, your Fuck Buddy, or you won’t be putting your cock in any of my holes, got that, Richard?” “Yes, Ma’am,” I said. “Do you want to watch me, shave my pubes?” “Oh, yeah. After you are done, I can check you for smoothness, with my lips and tongue.” She made a very guttural sound, something like a laugh. She...

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Old Nightshirt

Monica let herself be afraid. With her hands cuffed behind her and her eyes blindfolded, she had little choice. One second, she's feeding the cat and trying to figure out what she wants for dinner. The next, she's grabbed from behind and plunged into darkness. Two strong hands grabbed her wrists. She felt cold steel. Monica tried to move her arms and heard the metal links clink behind her. She was helpless. Monica was helpless and afraid.The two hands grabbed her by the shoulders and spun her...

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Hey Joe

This is a combined story effort between DG Hear and Jake Rivers. Carl Smith has two great songs that are complete opposites in their story lines: ‘Hey, Joe’ and ‘Back Up, Buddy’ ‘Hey, Joe!’ Is the story of a guy that wants his buddy’s girl. ‘Back Up, Buddy’ is the story of a man telling his buddy to leave his girl alone. We thought it would be interesting for readers to see these stories at the same time by two different authors. We each have no idea what the other is writing. Back Up, Buddy ...

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Heyeveryone does it

I first saw him as he entered the pool area. We were all sitting around drinking some beer when we heard the clang of the metal gate slam shut and we all looked over to see who just came in. He was about 5’ 10” tall with a body that was well chiseled but without being overly muscular. He skin was a golden tan and his hair was brown and neatly cropped. He had on surfer swimming trunks that seemed to accentuate a set of six pack abs. All the girls at the pool, whether they were 5 or 55, were all...

4 years ago
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Hey Sana I Like Your Pussy Stubble

If I were to rate her out of every girl I had seen naked, or on porn movies, or even in real life – imagining them naked that is – she would rank somewhere right at the top, for she was the proud owner of the best asses that I had ever seen. Yes, she was entirely aware of what she owned. There are a gazillion girls in this world who have something or the other, but either they are too ignorant or they just do not know how to make use of their best features. Some act pricey, some are pretty...

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Hey Those Are My Favorite Panties

This is a work of adult fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, places, or events is purely coincidental. Readers who have reached the legal age of consent in their jurisdictions are welcome. This story may NOT be reproduced or posted anywhere without the express written permission of the author. Simonnedanielle1204 @hotmail.com - All Rights Reserved. Synopsis: Paul is an absurdly small and definitely curious fifteen year old. He has this irresistible urge to discover, up close and...

1 year ago
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Hey There Cutie

Hey there Cutie Chapter 1 Liam Weber woke up screaming from his dream. He wiped the hair out of his face. He could not remember any details of it, but the dream gave him a sense of uncertainty about his life. In his mind, his dream made him feel like his life was a just a dream. He kept on screaming until the door to his room opened and a strange yet calming voice said, "Wendy, dear, are you alright?" He answered 'yes' to the question. His voice was high. That dream he had was so...

4 years ago
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Hey Its Just a Job

HEY, IT?S A JOB HEY, IT?S A JOB. Part One: As I start writing this account I do so knowing that I shall never finish it.? However because of a very interesting and nasty situation that developed a month ago, I know that it will be completed and published, as that is part of the arrangement I made with the other person involved. Sound confusing?? Well it probably is so let me explain.? As you read my part of the article please do not feel sorry for me.? Quite the reverse, I want you to...

4 years ago
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Hey HoneyChapter 2 Continuing her Antics

[Husband arriving home from work finds nude wife on couch sipping wine. Fresh hickeys on breasts and pussy seeping whitish cream.] “Hey Honey, you know the kid who you hired to do the yard work? He just left. Let me tell you why I look like this.” [Husband strips and gets himself some bourbon.] “Well, I was enjoying watching him working in shorts and no shirt. He’s a competitive swimmer, you know. When he finished I invited him in and gave him a soda. I couldn’t find any money to pay him...

2 years ago
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Hey RichardChapter 7

After my large load from my nuts, I pulled out, told her to stay put, and got her a towel to drain into. After all of our post sex antics, including a nice warm shower, we changed into fresh underwear and had a blissful night sleep, with her cuddled behind me. I want this to go on forever! At nine in the morning, we were up and dressed, to make the drive to Lisa’s house. Both cars were there, darn it! I came in carrying her suitcase, leaving my go bag in my car. First Lisa, then Lily gave...

2 years ago
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Hey Champ

I went to my friends house, he has a swimming pool in his back yard and a really hot sister that I have had a crush for some time now. I have been hoping to make her my first fuck. So on this day I went to his house and got naked and got into his pool. I have done this before. Swim naked and hope for his sister to show up. If she does not show up I just swim around naked and jerk one off. The last time she showed up she got naked in the pool with me, we did not touch each other but it is a...

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Hey little girl

Hey, little girl Hey, little girl. Right now, you're 9 years old, and you've had to survive some pretty awful stuff already, so I think you need a present. And here it is. You are amazing. You're so strong to have survived what you've gone through, you're smarter than you give yourself credit, and you're beautiful, even while disguised as a boy. Yes, I said beautiful. I know what you've been told, especially by HIM, but you really are beautiful, and worthy of being...

2 years ago
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Hey Gorgeous

"Hey gorgeous!" "Ah... hi." "Kiss me, quick!" "What? Listen..." "Hush. Lips. Here. Now." "Yeah, but..." "Shh... Just kiss me. Please." Hell, I didn't have a clue who she was. It was a shopping mall, for God's sake. But she had blonde spiky hair, a stunning smile, and she was just the right height. What was I supposed to do? Say no? Not a chance. I put my arms around her, pulled her close, and kissed her. Properly. She didn't resist a bit, pressing her breasts into me,...

4 years ago
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Hey Gramps

“Hey, Gramps. Can I come over? I need to talk to somebody. I’m going out of my mind. I tried talking to Mom but I couldn’t get through. Can I come over, please?” my granddaughter was speaking so fast and I couldn’t get a word in. After she ran down I told her, “I will be home all evening.” It took her about an hour to get there. She didn’t bother knocking but walked right in. “Oh, Gramps. What am I going to do? It’s been six months since Ted was killed. I try talking with Mom and all I get...

2 years ago
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Hey Guy

Author's Note: This story is quite difficult to write, as it is more personal than any I've committed to paper before. First, some backstory: I first met Karl about a decade ago when he was just a friend of Daniel P. Small, quiet, soft-spoken ... he seemed cool and we got along alright - even though he talked alot. He was a D&D and EQ fan and that was the basis for our relationship. He was just a 'dude' to me, nothing special. After Daniel got his own place, I lost contact with Karl...

3 years ago
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Hey RichardChapter 5

They didn’t slow down, even after my telling them that Arial would be joining us for a month. “Does she know about all the brother sister stories you have written so far?” Lily said still licking her sister’s twat. “She doesn’t have a clue, does she?” Lisa said. “No,” I admitted. “But she possible lusts for me, from what happened tonight.” They broke up, and left the room, holding hands and probably taking a shower together. [email protected]: Hey Bro? I heard and saw...

3 years ago
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Thats What Friends are For

“It’s John Anderson! IT’S JOHN BLEEDING ANDERSON!” my mind crowed while my stomach turned cart wheels. The mad woman was running round inside my head again and I prayed that she’d keep her damned voice down before he heard. John’s arm was round my waist and his hand was resting lightly on my hip. I glanced round the table in the social club that my school friends and I were sitting at and and breathed easier. Nobody was staring aghast at me so I guessed that my internal-idiot hadn’t given the...

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Thats What Good Boys Do CH1

That's What Good Boys Do Ch. 01 by Grassmonkeym I came home early from my summer job at the landscaping company, feeling tired, dirty, and, as usual, more than a little depressed. I was eighteen years old and still coming home to my mother's house each night. Not that she minded—we had lived together, just me and her, for most of my life. My first year away at school had been tough on her, and I knew she liked having me around, at least for the summer.What bothered me more, I guess, was that...

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The Internet Thats Her Problem

"Don't hog the mirror," the tanned blond girl pouted towards the glass for the benefit of the watching girls, "You're in no need of it you, you ugly four eyed pig." Another girl joined in giggling, "With a face like yours you'll break it." The blond haired girl grabbed at the plats and swung the bespectacled girl away from the basins making her fall in to the side of the first toilet cubical. A dark haired girl flicked her ponytail with her fingers, admiring it in the mirror,...

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The Neighborhood Chapter Three I Cant Dance and thats a Good Thing

The weekend after Lucy’s first visit Josh and I went downtown hoo-hah hunting. Dance clubs were not my thing, and bars weren’t Josh’s. We probably should have sorted that shit out before we left the house. My elderly two-door Ford Focus was just not going to cut it. Neither of us was a gymnast, and nobody else could possibly fuck in the back seat. We took Josh’s slightly less geriatric Ford Fusion. It had four doors, at least. We first tried a dance club. Josh hit the dance floor showing off...

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New toy WOW thats big

MY NEW TOY (WOW IT'S BIG)  I've always been a very adventurous girl and love to try new things and especially love my toys I have quite a big collection now but I always wanting more.My partner and I had decided it was time to go bigger with the toys, so we ordered one we liked the look of, it was an 11 inch long and 3 inch wide black dildo, I was so excited and couldn't wait for it to be delivered.He had gone away to work for a few days when the postman arrived with a parcel I knew straight...

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Will You Marry Me Or Jerk Me Off Thats Fine Too

Sweat dribbled down from my neck onto the collar of my light blue dress shirt. I was nervous to meet my future fiance’s parents for the first time. Her Dad had connections and he managed to get us floor seats to the L.A. Barracudas that night. It was a big game for the Barracudas, but an even bigger game for me. Tonight was the night I would ask Elle to marry me My girlfriend Elle and I met her parents at the front gate very late in the game. The game had already begun so we scooted through the...

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Thats When I Knew I Had A Freak

From the first time we touched it was obvious that the spark between us was something special.The way we responded to each others touch was celestial,the passion was unlike any other either of us had ever experienced.So it was ovious we were campatible in many ways very early on.So it should of come to no surprise that I would discover she was a freak as well.I mean after all,my dream woman would be,right.So as soon as her freak flag became apparent,I ran it right up my flag pole so to speak. ...

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Thats not a goat thats a DONKEY

Sari: But father! That is a donkey! And a male! Your eyesight is getting worse every day! Ezekiel: Oh rats! Guess I should return it. Sari: Wait, don’t he’s kina cute. The donkey stands there, short and stout, however sporting a massive erection. Goofily disproportionate. Sari: Look at him, his hair is so fuzzy! Ezekiel: Ok, we can keep him as a pet if you like him so much. Sari: Looks like you are with us now. I will call you Eppi. Let’s see if I can teach you some new tricks. Sari...

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Thats a Good Slut

You look at yourself in the hotel mirror, hardly believing that you’ve been able to arrange a night in the big city sans your husband, but here you are, dressed in your slinkiest lingerie, wet to the extent that you’re about to leak. He’s going to be at the door any minute and you haven’t even laid eyes on him yet, the cop. Sure, you’ve seen a picture, but they never tell the whole story. You’ve talked on-line and on the phone, his voice is sexy as hell, so is what he said he was going to do....

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Thats What Friends Are For

“I asked you two to come in because we need to talk. Al, what would you think of having sex with Mary?” Let me backtrack to give you a little history. My name is Albert but most of our friends call me Al. My wife of 23 years is Angie. We’re soccer parents in the summer and hockey parents all winter. Being associated with any rep team sports is a lot like joining a family. We see so much of each other that we all become a part of each other’s lives. We help each other out whenever we can no...

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Thats All For Now

I walk into his hotel room and an easy smile comes across my face as I see him sprawled on the bed, reading.  ‘Hey you,’ I say, walking over to wrap my arms around him. He grins and slowly winds his arms around me, pulling me right against him. ‘You ready to see the sights?’ He laughs a little and nods. ‘I can’t wait! I’ve wanted to see Scotland for so long. And it’s the biggest bonus ever to already know someone over here, to have my personal little tour guide.’ I laugh too, a warmth...

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Thats My Babysitter In That Porn Video

Following my divorce, my company transferred me across the country and the custody agreement with the ex allowed me to have my daughter for six months then she would go back to her mother’s place on the West Coast for another six. I had a deadline rapidly approaching and desperately needed some uninterrupted time in my home office to complete my reports. I called my usual babysitter and she apologized but had accepted another job for the evening. I explained my situation and asked if she had...

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Thats What Friends are For

Denise wrapped her mouth around Cory’s firm cock with a sigh. She sucked lightly then licked around the head a few times as Scott moved to her rhythm. He moved closer to her with her head half in his lap and his back on the headboard. They were oddly straddled on the bed since Scott was underneath her while she road him in time with sucking Cory’s cock. Denise felt the cool lube as Richie pushed his dick in her butt hole seconds before it found it’s temporary home. “Oh yeah Baby let’s get...

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Thats My Girl

It was opening day for football and Steve had invited three friends over to his house to watch the games. The three men were all members of his softball team from work. Two of the men had been friends for years and one was visiting his house for the first time. Gary and Sean were the longtime friends and Bill had recently moved into the area and was a new hire by Steve’s company. The men had settled in for the games. The first game would be starting soon. The food and drinks were well supplied...

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One Thing Leads to Another Hey Thats my Ass

Christine and Maria were driving to a house party Maria was invited to by one of her co-workers. Christine is an 18 year old white girl with long blond hair which she wore braided into pigtails. Maria is a couple of years older, Mexican, and on the thin side with shoulder length black hair. ‘Who’s party are we going to?’ Christine asked. ‘You don’t know them, it’s this guy Roberto’s apartment. Him and this other guy Juan live there, they’re cool. They work in the kitchen at the pizzeria. It’s...

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Bright sunlight streaming in through the window brought me around from a long and deep sleep. The night before had been quite a late one for me, my husband Tim and I had been to visit friends, we chatted for so long it must have been nearly two am before we arrived home, but it had certainly been a fun evening. Tim of course had long been up and left for work before eight am, the coffee he brought me earlier was now stone cold by the side of the bed. I lay there thinking how well we had done in...

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Hey Neighbor II

The following week sped by, and on Saturday I found myself answering knock on my door in the early evening of what had been a particularly relaxing fall day. Looking through the peephole, I saw no one, just a sign being held in front of the glass: “Hey, Neighbor! I have an idea – want to know??? Open the door!!!” My heart raced as I fumbled with the deadbolt and flung open the door to find Ali smiling on the other side, wearing a great looking trench coat with a bag slung over her...

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Hey Neighbor

Not bad for a small town Southern girl, I raise my glass to the sky and smile as the thought crosses my mind. My phone buzzes lightly, glancing at a number I don’t recognize, I turn it off and let myself float away from the cares of the day. The view from my apartment is what sold me on the building. It’s an older complex, but a sweeping view of the river and downtown are worth slightly smaller elevators and an underequipped gym, as far as I’m concerned. I love waving to the other residents...

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