Next! free porn video

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"Wow! That really sucks man," I said over the phone. One of my friends just broke down and told me the news. Divorce. He is an arrogant prick but still I felt sorry for him and his family. I had known Jake for almost ten years. I met his wife, played with his two kids, and generally got along with all of them. It came as a shock to me to hear that their marriage was over. I tried to be sympathetic. I listened to him moan and whine. 'Where did it go wrong?' 'How could she do this to me?'

Over the next few weeks I checked in with Jake. I wanted to make sure he didn't stick his head into an oven or hang himself with his pants down around his ankles. Who knows what depression will bring a person to? I encouraged him to seek some professional help. He did and they promptly put him on Prozac, the answer to all your problems!

Me? I'm single thank god. No worries about splitting assets, and child support and custody. I'm very happy thank you very much. So as the single man, I became the one with the answers and the one who apparently had the time to listen to my friends pour their hearts out about their problems. Jake wasn't the first to come to me with his divorce, and he won't be the last.

I have a bit of a reputation as a life coach. Not professionally, or anything, but I've been known to listen and give good advice and when a friend has a relationship end, I'm normally the one they point to afterwards as the person with the magic words and attitude that helped them put their life together again. That doesn't mean I take them on a weekend trip to Tijuana for a fuck and suck orgy with cheap whores or anything, but I do get them back their confidence and I might be a little too proud to say, their ego seems to be a bit stronger when I set them loose in the world of single life.

Jake had the misfortune to actually breed. He had two lovely little kids a six year old little girl named Jaden, and a four year old boy that always ignored his name of Jordan. Yeah they had a thing for J-names, although his wife's name was Karen...

So back to Jake, he was so anxious, even after the Prozac, about making sure the kids would be okay. This being a no-fault state, there was pretty much no way he would get full custody of the kids. I thought that was much better for him.

Slowly over the weeks as he would give me glimpses into the divorce and its proceedings, I discovered that Karen was not all at fault with the breakdown of their marriage. Jake, remember was a bit of a prick. It was a combination of things, but I guess in the end, they had grown apart and she had realized that he wasn't the man she thought he was. Some cruel words were exchanged in one argument and I had to drive over to Jake's apartment at one in the morning and calm him down.

The next evening I took Jake out with me to some bars. Just the two of us. No strings, no pressure. He was nervous.

"I got married so I wouldn't have to meet women anymore," he moaned.

I just smiled. "Buddy, you don't have to do anything, but staring at those four grey walls in your apartment all night long has got to stop. Come out. It'll take your mind off things, that and the liquor will at least!"

I started nice and light. The first bar was a bit dark and we ordered two beers and sat at one of the tables away from most the action.

"Okay Jake," I poured the beer down my throat. "There is something you have to remember now. It's important and something I try to tell everyone when a relationship goes bad."

He just sat there and stared at his beer.



"Are you listening?"

He nodded and met my gaze.

"You have to remember the most important word when it comes to relationships and meeting girls. It's a magic word and gives you power. It's my number one secret."

I had his attention now.

"You ready for this word?"

He nodded.

"Jake, this word will only have the impact on you when you are ready to hear it. Are you ready?"

"Yes," he said.

"The magic word is 'Next'," I said.

"Next what?" he asked.

"That's it. It's 'Next'," I said.

He shook his head. "I don't understand."

"I know you don't; I haven't explained it to you yet."

I got up and went back to the bar for another two beers. As I approached the bar I bumped into a nice brunette who was seated on one of the barstools.

She turned to look at who bumped her and I frowned at her.

"Watch it, punk," I deadpanned.

He mouth dropped open and she stared at me.

I ordered two beers and turned to her as she still watched me.

"I think for bumping me, you should pay for my beers."

I didn't bump you, you bumped me," she exclaimed.

I gave a real quick smile then went straight-faced again. "Look I don't even know you, maybe your little trick of bumping sexy men to get them to notice you works with others, but you have to do better than that to get to know me. Pay for my beers. That'll be a good start. I might be looking to add another friend to my list."

Gasping she didn't know how to react. The bartender brought back my beers and I motioned over to the brunette, her mouth still open and said, "She's got this."

I turned to her and winked, "I'm over at that table with a friend. You coming?"

I headed back over to Jake and the table. He had been watching me the entire time. Jake saw behind me the girl watch for a moment and then stand to follow. The bartender tapped her on the shoulder and reminded her of the bill. She quickly paid and with her drink in hand scrambled over to the table to join us. I of course didn't look back once.

"Ummm, hi," she said to Jake.

I looked back up at her and then pushed a chair out for her to sit in and join us.

She sat down unsure of herself and paying close attention to me.

"Jake here is getting a divorce," I filled her in, not looking at her.

"I'm his close friend and he needed some moral support tonight."

"Oh, I'm really sorry to hear that," she looked at Jake.

"Thank you," Jake said. I'm sure he was confused as to why this pretty woman had come to our table.

"Listen," I leaned next to her and whispered conspiratorially into her ear, I made sure to blow into her ear softly as well as I took my time. "This place is a little too dark and boring for us, we need to cheer him up and go someplace fun. Think of something fun for us to do."

She breathed raggedly, her eyes were a little glossed over.

"We need to have some fun, I know just the place! Marco's!" I said and then jumped up and pulled her up in my arms. Marco's was a pretty mellow swing dance club. It had a fun atmosphere and was pretty non-threatening. Both of them would be comfortable there.

Without waiting for them to agree I walked out of the bar, the girl still in tow and Jake rushed to catch up to us. I hailed a cab and we all three squeezed into the back seat.

"Here, sit on my lap," I told the girl. She squirmed a little as she tried to get comfortable.

"Jake, you are gonna have fun tonight, this will get your mind off your ex-wife."

I turned to the girl, "She broke his heart, you know."

She murmured some sort of soothing remark, but she was far more focused on the growing bulge in my lap.

A moment later, she seemed to regain some control over her mind and she began to speak. "I know Jake's name, but I don't know yours. I'm..."

I kissed her right at that moment, stopping her from saying her name. When I pulled back I looked her in the eyes.

"I don't want to know your name, and you don't want to know mine. This will be more fun and exciting, won't it?"

She paused.

"Haven't you ever thought about this? A mysterious man with no name, he doesn't know yours ... That could happen here tonight."

She nodded, unsure of her voice. I smiled and kissed her again. She didn't hold back.

Soon we were at Marco's and as we entered the music was blaring. Looking at Jake I winked and turned to the girl.

"Be a dear and dance with poor Jake here, while I find us a table. He's so vulnerable right now, I don't want him to sit alone while we dance together."

She nodded and Jake took her out on the dance floor while I scoped out a table. The tables were all full except one large one where a group of girls were sitting enjoying the music and their drinks.

I strolled up to the table and asked if I could sit down and rest my feet. They nodded and I sat and ignored them while I watched Jake and the brunette dance with each other.

A waiter came by and I ordered three martinis. Shortly Jake and the brunette came to the table and sat down next to me. The brunette couldn't keep her eyes off me and she sat close to me while I wrapped my arm around her. Motioning to the other girls I introduced Jake to them.

"Jake's having a hard time adjusting to single life now that he's divorced. He's a good dancer though if any of you are itching to do some dancing."

They giggled but none of them made a move.

I frowned.

"Listen, I'm Jake's best friend and I want to dance with my lovely date here, but I can't leave him all alone. I pointed to the blonde girl on the end.

"Darlin, what's your name?"

She stammered. "Uh, Debbie," she said.

"Debbie, Jake. Jake, Debbie."

I grabbed her hand gently and pulled her up and towards Jake.

"You two behave out there on the dance floor!" I said as Debbie blushed and Jake took her hand and shrugged. They followed us out on the dance floor and we all danced.

That broke the ice and soon, Debbie, Linda, and Flo were all taking turns dancing with Jake. Linda had tried to dance with me, but my nameless brunette had warned her off.

The martini's flowed and soon we were all laughing and dancing. At one point all four girls got up and went to the restroom. With the two of us alone, Jake shook his head.

"What the hell happened tonight?"

I smiled.

"This is part of the philosophy of 'Next'," I said.

Just then a lovely girl waltzed over from the dance floor and started to chat with us. I asked her to dance and she was eager to get back out on the dance floor.

"I'll explain later," I told Jake.

The girls came back from the restroom while I danced with the pretty girl. We got a bit close and I could see all four of the girls at the table eyeing us closely. The dance ended and she dragged me over to her group of friends for introductions. I smiled and made a sassy remark about the size of one of the girl's purses. "Why such a big purse, you got a gun in there or something?" She was shocked and then they all laughed.

I thanked the pretty girl for the dance but excused myself to go back to my table and Jake. She quickly wrote something on a slip of paper and placed it in my hand. I smiled and walked back. The brunette was burning daggers at the pretty girl and before I had a chance to sit down she dragged me back onto the dance floor and proved to me that she was a better dancer than that hussy girl that just slipped me her number.

At the table, Debbie started flirting with Jake and by the end of the evening they were making out almost as intensely as the brunette and I were. Debbie's friends had to drag her away and Debbie scrawled her number on a napkin and made Jake promise to call her.

I escorted the brunette out of Marco's and hailed her a cab. She was disappointed.

"Listen, I need to be with my friend, you know that."

She nodded.

"I'll tell you what," I said and pulled out my phone.

"Enter your number in my phone. Tomorrow I will text you my name. If you don't want to know it, just delete the message. Or you can text me your name, and I'll have your number as well..."

Her face lit up. The cab arrived and she gave me a deep kiss.

"Farewell for now, my mysterious stranger!"

She stepped into the cab and was gone.

Jake stumbled out of Marco's and I decided it was time to sober up a little at a decent coffee house that was open late hours.

"'Next', is a way of living." I said as we drank our coffee in a plush leather booth. Jake was rocking a bit from the martinis, but he was able to focus on me.

"It's an attitude. You have to realize that women are way more perceptive than us guys are. They can decode your body language and they analyze every word that comes out of your mouth. They try to find the hidden meaning in everything. And they are good too."

Jake just concentrated on my words and the coffee before him.

"'Next' means that if there's a problem with you, then I'll look for someone else. Someone who can appreciate me, because I'm not gonna stand for living my life with someone who doesn't appreciate me."

I leaned forward. "Listen Jake, you just have to have that attitude within you all the time, single, or married, you don't have to say it, you don't have to write it. They will know. Trust me. Once they know, they will be aware that they can't take you for granted."

"I don't know, man, that sounds pretty misog ... misogon ... bad." Jake slurred.

"Misogynistic?" I smiled. "It's not as bad as you think it is. It's about attitude and confidence. You know how women say one thing and mean another?"

He nodded.

"They all say they want a nice man, but they wind up with some bad boy jerk. Why is that?"

Jake shook his head.

"Jake, women are not attracted to weak men. A nice man to them is weak. A jerk is strong, in attitude. It's the confidence, it's the attitude, it's the 'you need me more than I need you' mindset. Women need men as much as we need women, just for different things. Having an attitude of 'Next', means that you can be committed to a women, but you will always be committed to yourself and the person you are which attracted her to you in the first place."

Jake looked skeptical.

"You won't get this all in one sitting, just trust me. Every women you meet and deal with now just think to yourself, 'if they don't like me, then it's their issues, not mine. I deserve someone who appreciates me. If they can't, then I'll move on to someone else.'"

I finished the coffee. "Just have that attitude within you and you will see a difference on how women deal with you. Even your ex-wife will see the difference."

That sobered Jake up as the evening wound to a close.

The next evening I texted my mystery brunette. Instead of giving her my name, I told her I would be shopping at the mall tomorrow, which was Sunday, and would be at a particular store at one in the afternoon. She was welcome to meet up with me and perhaps I would let her try to guess my name.

A few minutes later she texted me back, now that she had my number. "You are so bad!" she had replied. I smiled. The game was afoot!

Sunday I did indeed meet up with the brunette and she proceeded to follow me around as we window shopped and made funny comments about strange items that were displayed. At one point we were stopped by some market researchers who wanted to ask our opinions on some new product. They offered a whole ten dollars each for us to go back to their storefront and answer questions.

I smiled at my brunette and agreed that we would go. I whispered into her ear as we followed the perky girl that we should pretend to be married and fool the researcher. She giggled and agreed.

"Thank you for taking the time to answer our survey, Mr... ?" the researcher asked as we sat next to each other.

"Smith," I answered. "John Smith and Patty Smith."

The brunette glanced at me with a questioning look. I shrugged and whispered to her, you look like a Patty," I smiled and she giggled.

"Married?" the girl asked.

I nodded. "Five years, and we love each other now just like it's our first date, right honey?"

'Patty' giggled and nodded. "Oh yes dear! One could say that!"

The questions were pretty standard, they wanted to know our opinions on cleaning products, who did the cleaning in our house, if we thought that if brand X was cheaper would we be more inclined to use it, etc. We made up the answers as we went along, both of us sharing a joke that the researcher was oblivious to.

Afterwards she handed us out two ten dollars and we left.

'Patty' was giddy with joy. "That was so cool!"

I held up the crisp ten dollar bill.

"Let's eat! Lunch is on the market research girl!"

We grabbed a bite to eat and all through the meal 'Patty' tried to guess my name.

"What happens if I guess correctly?"

"I'll give you a kiss," I said as I munched on the pizza.

"And if I don't get it right?" her eyes flashed.

"Then I'll give you more than just a kiss!" I winked at her and she giggled.

An hour later were at my place, naked and in bed. She had the most amazing perky breasts, and they were so sensitive. As I licked them and nuzzled them she moaned. I worked my way down to her pussy and parted her lips. Her pussy was shaved and smooth. I don't rally care one way or the other, just enjoying a woman was pleasure enough for me. I lapped at her outer lips and soon she was shaking with desire. Looking down at me she spied my hard cock. She reached out to it and pulled it to her dripping pussy. I took the hint.

"I can't believe I don't even know your name!" she groaned as I plunged into her with my cock. "I don't know yours either!" I countered.

"True, so true, now shut up and fuck me!"

And I did just that.

I met up with Jake on Wednesday and he seemed to be anxious to talk. He had a smile on his face so that seemed to be good news. I ordered a turkey on rye and joined him at one of the tables.

"You're looking well," I said.

He smiled.

"I went out on a date with Debbie."

"Oh," I raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I called her up and we went out Sunday."

The waiter delivered my sandwich and I dug in.

"That's good news then?"

He nodded. "She is so unlike Karen, it was amazing! I'm a little hazy on some of the details we did the night you and I went out, but I do remember one thing you told me, the attitude of 'Next'."

I smiled.

"She picked totally up on it. Instead of being nervous I just kept telling myself that if she didn't like me for me, then I find someone else who does. Right from the start she seemed to sense something different in me. She asked me if I had gotten a haircut."

I laughed and Jake cracked up. This sandwich was pretty good I thought to myself.

"We had a good time and you know what, I wasn't trying to be anyone else, just myself. I didn't try to impress her, I just decided to have fun and she had fun as well, then cool, if not, then she's not the one for me."

"It's pretty powerful, isn't it?" I said.

"She ate it up. The best part was she opened up to me and we just felt so comfortable. It took me six months to get that way with Karen. Maybe Debbie is the one!"

"Whoa! Backup!" I said as I dropped my sandwich.

Jake smiled. "I know, I know, too soon, just pulling your leg."

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Kyle had wildly mixed feelings when he saw his mom walking towards him. He kept his feelings to him however and forced a big smile to welcome her back from the Adult mental refuge. He had not seen her since he was child, yet he was glad to see she looked healthy and happy. “Hey Sara”, he grimaced, “How are you? Sara had spent the last 11 years in a refuge for the mentally ill after her husband died which resulted in a mental breakdown. She checked herself into the psychiatric hospital...

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8 Years Later

              “329, 331, 333…” I muttered to myself, reading the numbers off the doors as I made my way down the narrow hotel hallway.   I could almost hear the sound of my own nervous heartbeat over the quiet buzzing of a nearby ice machine as I pushed my hand into my pocket to pull out a folded, crumpled piece of paper.   Cursing myself for the inability to calm my shaking nerves, I unfolded the small parchment and read the number scrawled upon it.   “335.” My eyes moved from the paper up...

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strange futa world

The human race is maid up of Futa's . They look like normal girls except they have dicks. Dicks that are between 6 and 9 inches long. Dicks that aren't human dicks but dog Dicks. There ae some exceptions, Black futa's all have horse cocks between 10 and 12 inches and are normally the most dominant people in all aspects of life. Wile the Caucasian race is split between men and woman. Caucasians are bred as pets/sex toys for futa's. White males are normally kept for breeding only thou some are...

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Las Vegas

My husband and I have been married about five years when we saved up enough money to go to Las Vegas. We thought it was time wo go and see what all the hub bub is all about. And we thought that would be a good time to start a family so I quit taking my pill so that we could try to get pregnant.Now my husband is a really good looking guy and I know he "got around" alot before I met him. I also know that he had been to Vegas a couple of times before. We arrived on a Saturday early and got settled...

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Peril in the Pines Ch 07

SURPRISE! On the Wednesday afternoon before the wedding, I called Jan’s cell phone around three o’clock to leave a message about some detail or other, and was told by a recording that Jan was not answering. I left a message, expecting a call back within fifteen minutes or so. When I didn’t get it, I called her again, and again got the recording. We’d been planning to do a little last minute shopping together and then grab a bite to eat at a restaurant, and I couldn’t understand how there could...

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Bowling for HeartsChapter 87

I was stunned. Gordon Scott. "John, may I call you John?" Gordon asked. "For now. What's going on? I hear you have been traveling around the country asking questions about me." "Yes, I have," he said. "I have written a story about you. Before I finalized it I wanted to talk to you personally." Tom interrupted. "John, Gordon and I have mutual friends. When he found out you and I were associated, he called me." "Tom refused to divulge anything about you until I talked to you,"...

1 year ago
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BangBus Annabel Redd Busty Red Head Is Todays Treat

Today we met this natural big tit chick that was waiting for her friends at the docks. We where amazed that that she was alone with those big juggs. We had to keep talking to her and offer some cash to get to see them. After finding out her name is Annabel Redd we get her to come inside the van. We had a conversation with her tits out and all. We finally start getting into the naughty things we normally do and we get to see this busty red head play with cock and tit fuck. Tyler finally starts...

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Family vacations

You and your dad are finishing to pack up the luggage of your family in the small plane your father has rented. Eric, your father, is the CEO of an important telecommunication company and, exceptionally, has decided to take vacations to celebrate his 42nd birthday. At 1 p.m. your family is ready to go. Your father takes place in the front row of the plane beside your mother, Rachelle. Rachelle is a 37 years old "MILF" who looks more like a 30 years old. She has long brown hair that stop in the...

1 year ago
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Eli Kady

Eli had Kady pressed up against the wall of her bedroom. At first he kissed her lips gently and methodically, as if mapping them. He nibbled her bottom lip, encouraging her to give into him. As she let his tongue meet hers, she could feel the icy heat in her veins spread as her body responded to the slow torture. She pressed against him, becoming needy for something to work her closer to the pleasure she knew she’d find with him. He had one hand pressed firmly against her hip and the other...

4 years ago
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Malar Chithi Udan Kama Uravu

Hi friends, en chithiyai eppadi sex seithen enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren. Ithu oru kudumba kama kathai enbathai munbe therivithu kolugiren. En peyar Surya, vayathu 25 aagugirathu. Naan veetil ippozhuthu velai ilamal thaan irukiren, en chithi kanavan iranthu vitar. Athanaal chithi en veetil thaan thangi irunthargal, en appa vaarathirku oru murai thaan veetirku vanthu seluvaar. Athanaal chithi engal veetile thanga aarambithaar, muthalil chithi meethu enaku kama aasai vara villai. En idam...

3 years ago
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A True TaleChapter 3

The old man walked through the door and looked around. The people gathered at the three large tables all pulled together in the far corner brought a smile to his face. He walked up to the tables and was greeted by everyone offering him a seat and to help himself to breakfast. He sat between all three tables; served two plates piled high with food and sipped his goblet of water with sliced fruit in it. After finishing off the first plate the stretched yawned and began talking. A month or so...

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The Father of My cd Part 2

A year has passed since Chris left for college, and Melissa gave birth to a healthy baby girl, Emily. Melissa’s husband, Tom, is happy to have a new c***d in his life. Since Emily was born, Melissa and Tom were emotional reunited through the joy of parenthood, which rekindle their love in their marriage and helped Melissa regain intimacy and sexual pleasure with Tom. The months went by quickly, and Melissa enjoyed every moment spent with Emily and in bed making love with Tom. All seems to go...

1 year ago
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FamilyStrokes Jillian Janson Second Cousin Loving

Bambino walked into his bathroom only to find the sexy ass Jillian Janson in there. He had no idea who she was, but damn did she have a nice ass! Bambino went to his mom downstairs to ask why there was a strange girl in his bathroom. She told him that she was not strange at all, she was his second cousin! Boy has she grown. She grew so much that she even showed cousin Bambino how her tits have been coming in. Very nice! At this point neither of them could help themselves and they started...

1 year ago
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Willy and her Friends2

There were a lot of international students at Willy’s school from lots of different cultures. Girls had heard Dixie’s story and wanted some instruction of their own. “Some of them have never seen a guy’s thing, a lot of them are virgins and they want somebody safe to show them. Dixie has convinced them that you’re the guy. I’m thinking we can make some good money off this situation,” Willy said in my room a few weeks after Christmas. “What do you mean, make money?” I asked. “Look, Tim,...

2 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 3

All four of my women wanted to talk about that. They bombarded me with questions about freewill and freedom to decide for themselves. These were foreign concepts, but deliciously attractive to them, so I stayed awake and slaked their curiosity, until I couldn't hold my eyes open anymore. Ruth rescued me from the hen party and organized our sleeping arrangements. She had been with me twice, and Martha was carrying Caleb's child, so they used one bed while Mary and Marian bookended me in the...

3 years ago
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Lateshay 36 G big natural tits on his mind

Sincy aka Kathy my xhamster friend...Want to read a true story? Sincy of xhamster, her man makes her fuck him and she sucks his cock until he explodes while he watches my vids. She gets very humiliated by me this way. She hates it that her man shoots bigger loads and FUCKS HER HARDER! It gets me off when shesends me messages while I use my vibrator and masterbate to her stories. Just knowing her man fucks her and watches my vids is a big turn on. He thinks of me while shesucks his cock. I...

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Mani Pedi 2

My name is Anna Huggins. My mani pedi last week was the subject of a recent post by my daughter Nancy’s former boyfriend, John. Perhaps you have read John’s version of it; I thought I would give you mine. For anyone who didn’t see John’s post, I will briefly set the stage. John and Nancy dated during their senior year of high school, before going off to different universities. During the year they became lovers, but they broke off the relationship after graduation, recognizing the difficulty...

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Executive Training

I had retired but I got a phone call from my old CEO and friend asking me for a favour, apparently the guy who had taken over from me had just died from a heart attack while in China. I was being asked to take over again until the found a replacement and then train him up as I'd done with the last guy, of course I would get a good salary package for my time and all out of pocket expenses and accommodation costs. I checked with Anne to see if she was okay with it, she made a proviso that I was...

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The dance teacher

I sat at the back of the hall watching and admiring her moves. Joanne, the object of my desires. We had a brief relationship years ago that was never intimate.The time wasn't right for us at that time and we drifted apart. I often thought about her, wondering what would have happened if things we different at the time. Years had passed since we last saw each other. I was surprised when she contacted me again recently. She was producing a show and needed someone with my physical attributes to...

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Blindfolds Can Bring a lot of New Surprises

I was so glad it was finally Friday! All my kids, still young school age, and very energetic, were going to friends' houses for the night. I was making my husband take me out to eat a meal that I didn't have to cook myself. He wouldn't be home for an hour, but I needed to get in the shower now so he could shower while I was getting ready. I want to get him a little buzzed tonight because I love drunk sex, it's way more brave and uninhibited. We change things up in bed a lot and he makes me cum...

Group Sex
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HotMILFsFuck Anastasia Belle 03232021

What’s this called if we get caught? Exhibitionism? Or maybe it’s indecent exposure? No, I actually think it’s a lewd act in public but this shit makes it more exciting and fun don’t you think? “If you make me feel safe, I’ll be your whore”, are the never truer words uttered from the sexy lips of today’s hot MILF Anastasia Belle. If you skip past the car intro you might think this woman has had it easy being so beautiful and lucky to fuck young stud JJay for some cool hard cash. But the past...

2 years ago
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Workout with Lara 8211 4

Then it happened again. Her arse, which felt delightfully full, was suddenly empty, and her tensed sphincter pulled her back door shut. She tried to look round but Greg kept her ponytail pulled tight to prevent. Angelina felt his fingers tickle over her sensitive hole again, brushing up the back of her swollen pussy lips and over, smearing a little of her dripping juices from her hot cunt onto her anus. She moaned in anticipation and pleasure, her body tensing up, her firm arse cheeks clenching...

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The Grantham ClinicChapter 20

They chatted during the drive back to Joanna's home with Angela revealing many of the salient details of her relationship with her previous partners. As they neared their destination, Angela felt herself tingling with excitement and the temptation to tease Joanna more became almost irresistible. "Let's try the leather on you one more time," she urged. Joanna reluctantly changed into the outfit, happier now that the two of them were alone. She watched as Angela closed the curtains before...

2 years ago
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Learning CurvesChapter 107

The CEO of Travel Corp. almost spit his coffee across the room when his assistant informed him that Elizabeth Barton-Warner was waiting to see him. The man glanced nervously at his watch and it confirmed what he already knew: He was late. The day had started off poorly with an argument with his teenage daughter over the attire she had chosen for a trip to the beach with her friends – a fight that extended from the weekend and filtered down to his younger daughter. He found a flat tire on his...

2 years ago
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The Secret is out part 2

After I served Mistress Sarah her drink, she took a sip and just looked at me. Instantly, for some reason, I knew what to do next. Sitting on the sofa, I began to massage her feet, when she quickly saidl ‘erm, little one, on your knees on the floor, I didn’t say you could sit there!’. ‘I’m sorry, Mistress’, I replied apologetically not making eye contact. ‘Graham, I do believe this is going to work out nicely. By the looks of your little erection, so far so good baby’, she teased while I...

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Fucking the Married Chick From Up the Street

We had worked together for a time. She sat in the cubicle next to me at the call center. Everyday that we showed up, we were both happy to see one another. God knows that job was boring enough. So just seeing her made my day that much better. But she was off limits to me. She was married with a kid. Had she ever told me that she was off limits? No. But I respected that arrangement and never thought about breaking it. As with most workplace friendships between men and women, we began to...

4 years ago
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Teen Diaries 19 Halloween Mystery Fuck

Dear Diary, It's me, Angel. I haven't written in a while, but I'm 17 now. My birthday was just last week, but it wasn't that great. Anyways, yesterday was Halloween and I went with my friends to a costume party. It was my first time going to a party that wasn't hosted by friends from school. Becky got the invitation from her boyfriend, who is in college. We all went as slutty princesses and I was Snow White. The costume was a little tight and my 36c breasts were hard to squeeze into it....

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Boyosko Mohilar Preme Porlam

Hi bondhura,ami raju ami pray mass tinek holo ai ISS porchi abong bujhechi je handle marar jonyo golpo gulo no doubt valoi.amar anek porichito chele bondhurai ai site pore hater kaaj kore seta ami jani kintu kono meye/mohila ai site pore anguler kaaj kore kina amar jana nai ro valo vabe bola valo ami karoke chinina sairkom .jai hoke Jodi nijeder goponiyota bojay rekhe response koren amar vul dharona katbe ami anek din dhorei golpo porleo aaj mone hoche amar jiboner real ghotonata share kore iss...

1 year ago
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A Weekend With Natasha and Rachel

A Weekend with Natasha and Rachel by Fireball Part One - Who You Gonna Call? As Mick Jagger once said, please allow me to introduce myself. The introductionis appropriate - many women who have spent a couple of hours in my companyconsider me to be, if not the Devil, something pretty damn close. The boring bit is that I'm 43 years old and used to work as a high schoolteacher until I found myself a, shall we say, more interesting line of work.I've been doing my present "job" - if you can call...

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Just For You Daddy part 5

Suddenly Dominick had an idea. Not only would he buy Mandy red roses, but rent a limousine and take her to one of the fanciest restaurants in town, which not only offered a great cuisine but dancing as well. His mind went back to the time they first met. Oh how lovely she looked all decked out in that fancy dress. The outfit not only accented her long slender legs, but set off her sapphire blue eyes as well. He recalled the light scent of her perfume which tickled his senses when they...

4 years ago
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Brit was my lover with a secret

We huddled into the cubical, four girls, all best friends, and watched as Brittany, lifted her grey flannel dress.She was 'Commando', going without panties, but we had all seen each others before, no she was displaying her new tattoo, a male erection supplanted and centred on her pubis, her reason for being nude, it's vividness and colour, adding a bright focal point, drawing the eye onto her cunt, she beamed and smiled, 'Right guys, what's you opinion'?It took your breath away, the daring and...

2 years ago
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Filled Up

You have been such a good girl. I decide it is my turn to pleasure you tonight, you are to just sit back and enjoy. I whisper into your ear, with a smile and toss of your short brown curls you run to the bedroom and jump on the bed. When I catch up you are sitting against the headboard, a tight white cotton top holding your full round breast tightly to your chest. You legs and bottom are bare, your knees are up waiting for me. The lights are off and a couple candles are lit on the table. I...

2 years ago
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Breaking The Ice With Mom Once Again

In continuation of my previous story, Years pass by, my brother shifted to Saudi Arabia for a job. A few years later, I also joined him and was working with him. My father passed away at a relatively early age, he was 52. My sister got married in our home country. My mom started living with us in Saudi Arabia for the most part of the year. She was just spending a couple of months back home with my sister each year. I was obviously spending more time with my mom. She was lonely as well and of...

3 years ago
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Uncle And I

Hey lovable readers I will bring you the latest of story stuff and will keep on publishing here. All the stories I will publish will b purely fictional and won’t b resemblance to any person. Have fun reading it and do reply me on stiefler_007_for_lovely_girls We live in a rural area of the state where everyone lives a t a leisurely pace. No rushing as we do our daily living. I am home from college for the summer and an enjoying time off from my studies. Aunt Jo and Uncle John have come to visit...

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The Destroyers Book 3 Civil WarChapter 23 Space Docks

American Space Navy Near Space Dock One: 1-17-05, 11:29 A.M. American battle cruiser America Captain Richard Potter watched the Federation cruiser he was firing on, her shields had collapsed and now internal explosions were ripping through her hull. He knew that inside it was becoming a death trap and with the ship crippled he made his decision. "Ensign Wilcox, break lock, and target the next ship," he said as he watched two heavy cruisers coming to the Federation ship's rescue. Ensign...

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