- 1 year ago
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I know that in larger cities, kids from different socioeconomic groups usually attend different high schools because of the area of the city they live in. It’s not that way in small towns. We all attend the same classes in the same high school. The boys all play on the same football, basketball, and baseball teams, and the girls all play on the same basketball and softball teams.
As a single parent, my dad struggled to raise me and my brother, Alex on the salary he earned from working at the local carbon black plant. Carbon black is used in rubber, mainly for tires, so it’s a dirty, nasty job. On his days off, he would pick up odd jobs around town, so we rarely saw him.
Alex, sixteen at the time, would help by working in a local service station after school. My job, other than going to school, was to maintain the household, keep it clean, do the family’s laundry, and do all of the cooking. A daunting task for anyone, but at fifteen, somehow I managed.
Dad’s laundry was always a challenge, what with his clothes being covered in soot so bad he had to strip before entering the house. Of course, he’d leave a tough black ring around the tub after bathing. Even the crops in the fields around the plant were covered with it. In the mid sixties, we’d never even heard of the EPA because it didn’t exist.
After Mom died of breast cancer the year before, I also maintained her small garden in the back yard. There wasn’t much to it, only a dozen corn stalks, some tomato plants, the very productive watermelon vines, and some cucumbers and okra. Still, it was nice to have a meal now and then that wasn’t purchased at the grocery store.
Dad made sure I had money for groceries, but it was never enough. Suffice it to say, we ate a lot of liver and a lot of fried Spam. He also gave me two dollars a week for spending money, but since Alex was chipping in a little here and there to the family till, he was in essence paying my allowance and a little more.
I wasn’t one of the popular girls at school. I did go to the movies with a boy now and then, but I’d usually spend as much time controlling their wandering hands as watching the movie. My thirty-four C boobs seemed to fascinate them, I guess because they looked disproportionally large on my petite, five foot four, ninety pound frame. Still, my dates always paid my admission and for my refreshments, so there was that.
I wasn’t naïve. Living in a two bedroom, one bathroom house with my dad and older brother, there wasn’t a lot of privacy to be found. Nudity wasn’t flaunted, but it wasn’t the end of the world either. I did catch Alex gawking now and then, but I’d usually just joke it off my shaking my boobs at him and laughing. Of course, he’d always get red in the face and look away.
Alex’s boss gave him and old Ford truck. It didn’t run. His boss just wanted it off his property. Alex’s friend, Robert swore that they could get it running. The problem came to light a couple of weeks later when they discovered it needed some new parts.
Since the day I learned about my brother being given the old truck, I began fantasizing about not having to ride my bicycle back and forth to school, and not having to pull my wagon behind my bike to the grocery store, especially in the winter. So I was excited for them to get it running.
The Friday night after receiving the bad news about the parts, Brian Talbert took me to the movies. He was tall with broad shoulders, and he was nice enough. Also, he had a hopped up Mustang GT fastback, so he was the envy of all the other boys at school. Obviously, his parents had money.
It was a James Bond movie, and all the boys at school teased each other about just paying the admission just to see the silhouettes of the naked women swimming around at the first of the movie.
When the movie screen lit up, sure enough, there were the naked women. I teased him, “Here’s your favorite part.”
He got red in the face but then he recovered and whispered back, “It’s worth the price of admission.”
I couldn’t believe he admitted it, so I asked him, “Really? You can’t actually see anything.”
“Yeah, but there are a lot of underdressed women in the movie too. This is the second time I’ve seen it.”
For some reason, his admission blew me away. And then he told me he’d gone to see Barbarella three times just because one of Jane Fonda’s outfits had a glass dome over one of her boobs, so you could see it, including the nipple.
I chuckled, “You guys are crazy. I can’t believe you’ll shell out that kind of money just to get a brief glimpse of a boob.”
He got a little defensive, “Hey, it may sound crazy to you, but we’ll take what we can get, even if we have to look at National Geographic.”
For the rest of the movie, every time a scantily clad woman was on the screen, I’d nudge him with my elbow, “There ya go.”
After the movie, while we were in his car and making the drag before going home, he said right out of the blue, “You know, if girls didn’t try so hard to hide their boobs, maybe boys wouldn’t have such a fascination with them.”
I thought the whole boob conversation was over, but apparently not. “Okay, I’ll grant you that, but if we let you see them, it wouldn’t stop there. You wouldn’t be satisfied with just seeing them. You’d want to touch them, and then you’d get all horny and want to do it. So seeing them would lead to doing it, and maybe we’re just not ready for all of that.”
Just as we were doing the U-turn at the water tower, he said, “Not me. I would never pressure a girl into doing more if she didn’t want to.”
Finally, I chuckled and said, “Then maybe before you spend a small fortune on movies just to get a quick peek, you should offer a girl that amount of money to show you hers.” And then I held my breath and waited for his reaction.
Brian glanced over at me and said, “Hell, I’d do that in a heartbeat. Now it’s just a matter of what girl. A guy can’t come out and make that kind of offer to just any girl. Do you have any ideas on who I should ask?”
“Hrm ... let me ask you this, before I make a suggestion, would you blab it all over school and ruin her reputation?”
He glanced over again, “No—cross my heart and hope to die.”
Decision One
“Okay then. If I can trust you to keep your word, I wouldn’t be offended if you made me such an offer.”
“Yes, really.”
“How much?”
“Oh no, that’s not the way it works. You have to make an offer.”
I could almost see smoke coming out of his ears as he pondered it for half a minute or so. Finally, he said, “Three bucks for one full minute—in the light though.”
“Where and when?”
He thought for a long while, “It can’t be out on Lover’s Lane. If I turn on the dome light, others will be able to see in.”
Less than five minutes later, we were parked in a low spot behind the motel and surrounded by trees. We made out for a few minutes, which was difficult in bucket seats. But then, he fished three dollars out of his wallet and handed them to me.
It was moment of truth time. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Fortunately, Brian didn’t turn on the dome light until I was naked from the waist up. When he turned it on, I turned to face him and leaned back against my door. “You’re on the clock.”
I forced myself not to laugh when he just kept saying, “Holy Christ! And “Oh wow!” Over and over.
Actually, the whole thing was fairly anticlimactic to me. I just kept thinking about the three dollars I was earning. I know I let him look longer than a minute, but I didn’t want him to feel cheated. Finally, I put my bra and blouse back on. “Well? Was that better than Barbarella?”
“God yes! A thousand times better.”
I giggled, “Then maybe I’ll ask for more money next time.”
I wasn’t totally shocked when Brian called my house the next afternoon. “Would you like to go for a few drags later?”
Dad was pulling shifts all weekend, so I giggled, “Is making the drag what you really have in mind?”
He stammered a little, “Well, uh, to be honest, a repeat of last night would be wonderful.”
“I have to cook supper for Dad when he gets home, but I should be able to get out after that. You can pick me up around seven.”
“I’ll be there with bells on.”
“Remember, don’t honk for me. You have to come to the door.”
I fixed one of Dad’s favorites for supper, spaghetti, meat sauce and garlic toast. While we were eating, I asked Alex, “So how much are the parts for your truck?”
My brother showed me a frown, “Thirty-two bucks. I’m eighteen short.”
Dad piped in with a somber tone, “Sorry Son, but they’ve cut down my overtime, so I won’t be able to help.”
Brian picked me up right on time, but instead of riding the drag, he headed out of town on Route 66. “Where are we going?”
“There’s just something I want to do before the sun goes down.”
Three miles out of town, he turned off the road and went through a gate and across a cattle-guard. Most people didn’t know it, but the highway we knew as Route 66 was actually an updated version. The original highway was a narrow, two-lane road that curved around hills instead of cutting through them. Because of that, it was very curvy.
The new version cut through the hills and was much straighter. After passing through the gate, we were actually driving on the old original road, which mostly ran through now private property and was quite covered with grass and weeds. This particular stretch proved to be a quarter-mile private drive that ended at an abandoned house.
“I’m not going in there.”
Brian laughed, “You don’t have to.” And he took my hand and led me to an apple orchard behind the house.
In a stern voice, I asked him, “Whose place is this, and what are we doing here?”
He turned me to him and said, “My dad leases this place to hold cattle before they get shipped off to the slaughter house. There’s no cattle out here now, so there’s no reason for anyone to come out here.”
“And the second part of my question?”
He grinned and reached into his pocket. Then he handed me a five-dollar bill.”
“Out here?”
He nodded, “Why not. It’s very private, and I thought somewhere other than the car would be more fun.”
“And in the daylight, huh?”
He grinned again, “Yes, Ma’am.”
I shrugged and put the five in my pocket, then pulled off my T-shirt and bra. I handed them to him, “Keep these close, just in case.” Then I held my hands out from my sides and did a slow pirouette. When I faced him again, he had an ear to ear grin.
Then I leaned my head back and looked up through the leaves at the sky. “This was a good idea.” I told him. I’d probably been standing there topless for a couple of minutes, when an idea came to me. “C’mon,” and I took his hand and led him back toward the car.
When we got to the edge of the orchard, I stopped and told him, “You go on ahead and make sure the coast is clear.” Like the nice guy he is, he tried to hand me my clothes. “Na, you keep them for now. Just make sure you get them back here if anyone is around.”
He made it to the car, looked around and then waved me over. When I got to him, he was just leaning against the fender gawking at me with that same ear to ear grin. When I got to him, I held out my hand for my clothes and asked him, “So, can we go make the drag now?”
When Brian walked me to my door, I gave him a really long French kiss. That’s when he asked me, “Same time tomorrow?”
I giggled, “Same place?”
“Sure, if you want.”
So I gave him a little lip kiss and showed him a smile, “It’s a date?”
When I got into bed Saturday night, I had to pinch myself, “Eight dollars, and all I had to do was let Brian see my boobs twice.” Of course, the test wouldn’t be until Monday at school. Would he keep his promise not to tell anyone?
When Brian picked me up Sunday evening, I had a plan. This was a sweet deal I had with him, so I didn’t want him to lose interest. Even before we were through the gate, I had my T-shirt and bra off. “Just a little bonus time for being such a nice guy.”
He parked beside the house and we walked straight out to the orchard. I did make him bring my clothes, just in case. After about ten minutes or so, I told him, “We should get back to town.” I waited until we were approaching the gate to get dressed.
That night, I waited until bedtime, and then, after my bath and while Alex was taking his, I unfolded the thirteen dollars and laid it on Alex’s bed.
When he found it, he asked me, “Where did this come from?”
I wasn’t in the habit of telling lies, but I felt it best to this time, “I’ve been helping Brian study for finals. I want you to get your truck fixed so we don’t have to ride our bikes to school when the weather is bad.”
He immediately walked over to my bed, leaned down, and kissed my forehead, “Thank you. I’ll have it running in no time.”
It made me feel all warm inside that I was able to help him, and worth the small sacrifice I had to make to earn the money.
As it turned out, I didn’t have to ride my bike to school one time during that final week. Alex’s truck wasn’t fixed, but Brian picked me up every morning and drove me home every day after school.
Friday was the last day of school. I knew Alex had to work that afternoon, and Dad wouldn’t be home for at least a couple of hours, so I invited Brian in for glass of ice tea.
I led him straight to the living room, stripped off my shirt and bra, showed him a naughty grin and asked him with a giggle, “So, how do you like your ice tea?”
He got the joke and chuckled, “It’s wonderful—the best ice tea I’ve ever had.”
I walked up to him and told him, my dad will be home soon, but there’s something I want to do to thank you for driving me to and from school. And then I started unbuttoning his shirt.
He started to protest, “You don’t have--”
I shut him up with a kiss, “Shhhh, I want to do this.” And I finished undoing the buttons. When all of the buttons were undone, I pulled off his shirt, and then immediately purred to him, “Now kiss me like you mean it.” And I pressed my boobs firmly into his almost hair-free body.
He was a little shy at first, but he eventually put his hands on my bare back and pulled me even tighter to him.
After only about two minutes, I backed up and started getting dressed. After putting his shirt back on, I saw him reach into his pocked and extract some money. I waved him off, “No, Brian, that was for driving me to school. Save that for tomorrow—that is, if you still want to play our little game.”
“You damn right I do, especially if we can do that again.”
“Oh, you like feeling my boobs on your bare chest, do you?”
“Hell Yeah!”
I giggled, “Shall we say seven tomorrow? Oh, and don’t be surprised if my dad answers the door. He’s off work tomorrow.”
“One last thing; when I gave Alex the money for the parts for his truck, he asked me where I got it. So, if he says anything, you gave it to me for helping you study for finals.”
He grinned, “Got it.”
Sure enough, at seven the following evening, Dad answered the knock on the door. He told me, “Give me a minute with him before you come to the door.
The instant we were in the car, I asked Brian, “So, what did Dad say to you?”
He chuckled, “He just warned me not to try any funny business with you.”
I let out a loud laugh, “If he only knew.”
“Let’s just make sure he doesn’t find out.”
Fifteen minutes later, I was topless in the orchard kissing Brian with my boobs smashed into his body. During our third long kiss, he surprised me by dropping one hand down to my butt and drawing my lower half firmly to his. Wow! I could clearly feel his erect penis pressing into my abdomen.
I wasn’t so naïve that I didn’t know what it was. I’d seen Alex with a boner many times, especially when he first woke up in the morning. I broke our kiss and asked him, “Doesn’t that hurt?”
He blushed, “It’s pretty uncomfortable, but it doesn’t really hurt.”
I still had my arms around his neck, and he was looking down at me, “Do you get that way every time you see me topless?”
“Yes, Ma’am, every single time—sometimes from just thinking about it, before you even get topless.”
“Wow! So, aren’t you supposed to ... do what boys do to make it go away?”
His blush got even brighter red, “Uh huh, but I wait until I get home.”
“Oh wow! So you’re ... uncomfortable the whole time we’re together?”
He nodded, “Yeah, especially while sitting.”
“Then you should ... do what you need to do now so you won’t be uncomfortable the whole time we’re here and later while we’re making the drag. I promise not to peek.”
He was so nervous, he couldn’t get a word out, so I pulled my T-shirt from his hand, rolled it up and tied it around my head, “There. Does this help?”
He didn’t answer, but I clearly heard the distinct sound of a zipper. I sensed that I should be quiet, but I had to ask him, “What do you think about when you’re ... doing that?”
In a labored voice, he said, “Mostly feeling and kissing your boobs.”
It couldn’t have been more than a minute later when I heard his zipper again. “You can take the blindfold off now.”
When I did, I immediately went to him and gave him a tight hug and very passionate kiss. Honestly, the whole thing had made my juices start flowing. And then I purred into his ear, “Tomorrow, your fantasy might just come true.”
His eyes shot open wide, “You mean...”
I giggled, “Yes, that’s exactly what I mean.”
Before falling asleep that night, the thought of letting Brian kiss my boobs got me so horny, I had to get myself off. I had to be really quite though. Alex was sleeping only a few feet away.
After my orgasm, my brain began whirling—trying to come up with a way to earn even more money.
Dad had off Sunday as well, so I told Brian to pick me up early and have me back home by six to fix supper. To give ourselves plenty of time, he picked me up at two. I hadn’t eaten lunch, so he took me to the drive in for a burger.
While we were eating, I asked him, “Do you think I’m a slut for doing what I’m doing with you—taking money for doing it, I mean?”
He shot his head around to me, “No, not at all. I knew what you wanted the money for. It was to help your brother. That surely doesn’t make you a slut.”
“But what’s my excuse now? I’m still taking money from you.”
Brian’s reaction took me back somewhat. He chuckled, “I’ve seen that old truck. It’s going to need a lot more work to keep it running—not the least of which is tires.”
“I guess you’re right, but what if I let someone else see my boobs for money? Would I be a slut then?”
He pondered that question for a full minute before answering, “Not if it’s for the same honorable purpose. I hope you don’t do that though. Someone else might tell everyone.”
“Yeah, of course you’re right. It was just a thought.”
After making the drag a few times, we went out to the orchard. As promised, I let Brian feel my boobs and even kiss them and suck my nipples. I had to keep reminding him to be gentle, but the results were awesome. I’d never felt such pleasure in my life, not even when I’d given myself orgasms.
Again, I donned the makeshift blindfold and waited until he was finished taking care of his erection.
Needless to say, Brian enjoyed it too. Hell, it felt so good; I let him do it for about fifteen minutes. On the way home, he tried to give me ten dollars, but I gave five of it back to him, “Save it for next time.” Honestly, I’d begun thinking of him as a boyfriend, and I was feeling guilty about taking money from him.
Decision Two
It took a lot of convincing, but by the following Wednesday, I had Brian convinced to help me make some more money. The thing that finally got him to agree was when I offered to help him with what he had to do to get rid of his erection.
“A handjob? Seriously?”
I giggled, “If that’s what you call it, then yes.”
So, the next day, I got to see and even touch his erection. It looked incredible, and it felt even better in my hand, so warm and silky. Of course, Brian had to show me how to do it, but he didn’t seem to mind. He just put his hand on mine and guided it up and down his erection. The whole thing only lasted maybe half a minute, but I loved watching his stuff shoot out.
He picked me up at six a.m. on Thursday, a few minutes after Dad left for work. I didn’t have to lie to Dad too much. I told him that Brian was taking me to Wonderland Park in Amarillo. He admonished me, “Just be safe and have fun.” I told him I’d be home by six to fix supper.
It was ninety miles to Amarillo. I thought about staying topless the whole way, but I was afraid Brian might wreck us. I settled for unbuttoning my blouse, taking off my bra, and boosting myself up on his console. He kept a small pillow in the back seat to make it more comfortable. I left my blouse unbuttoned and told him it was okay to cop a feel now and then, “Just don’t go overboard. We don’t need to end up wrapped around a telephone pole.”
When we got to Amarillo, our first stop was at Georgie Girl’s, a place for teen girls clothing. Brian laughed when I picked out a very revealing halter. He even offered to pay for it, but I insisted on using the money he’d already given me from our little games.
I changed into the halter on the way to Wonderland Park. It was just a small amusement park with rides and games. We entered separately. My boobs got plenty of attention, and why not? The halter I’d chosen barely contained them, and the material was so sheer, my nipples were clearly visible.
I ignored the attention of the older boys and concentrated on the younger teenagers. I felt like they’d be more eager to see bare boobs than the older boys. When I’d catch one staring, I’d show them a friendly smile. I even gave a few of them a little half wave.
Finally, one of them approached me. He seemed really nervous, but he managed to say, “Hi”.
“Hi yourself. I take it you like my new halter. I just bought it, and this is the first time I’ve worn it. What’s your name?”
“I ... uh ... Greg ... yes, I like it.”
I giggled, “Are you here alone, or are you with someone?”
“Just a friend. Our moms dropped us off here for the day.”
“A friend ... boy or girl?”
“Which one?”
When he pointed to another boy about his age, which I guessed to be fourteen, give or take, I asked him, “I’ve seen him staring at me. Is he to shy to come say hello?”
Instead of answering, he called out, “Bill” And waved him over.
I didn’t have time to waste, “So, is it my halter top you like so much, or what’s inside it?”
Both boys blushed bright red, but neither of them answered. I let out a giggle, “You don’t have to answer that. I already know the answer. So tell me; has either of you ever seen naked boobs?”
“My mom’s” Bill mumbled. Greg just shook his head.
“How much would you pay to see mine? Talk it over and let me know.” And then I turned my back to them so they could talk.
Finally, Greg said, “We only have two-fifty between us.”
I showed them a smile and chuckled, “I’ll tell you what; I’ll let one of you see them for two dollars. You can flip a coin, but if you have other friends out here who have more money, I’ll consider letting both of you see them.”
Greg looked at Bill, “Al is here. He always has money.”
Bill responded, “Go ask him.” So Greg hurried off to find his friend. When he returned he told me, he has four dollars.”
I looked at my watch and sighed, “Okay, I’m going to be at the park on a bench near the restrooms at twelve-thirty. If you’re there at exactly twelve-thirty with money in hand, all three of you can come.” And then I saw Brian approaching with a boy in tow, so I told the others, “Now scoot.”
“T, this is Jesse. He thinks you have great tits, and he’s willing to pay six dollars to see them.”
“Hi Jesse. I’m going to be at the restrooms in the park at twelve-fifteen. Be there on time with your six dollars. I promise you won’t be disappointed.”
Jesse spoke up, “I’ll be there.”
When he was gone, I filled Brian in on the limited money I was able to get pledged. He responded, “I was afraid of that. Guys don’t bring a lot of money with them out here.”
“Swimming pool?”
Brian shook his head, “Nah, same there. They have to leave everything in the dressing room, so they’ll probably have even less. Oh, and by the way, you’re my sister.”
I giggled, “Okay, then where? We don’t have all day.”
“Let’s see how many of these guys actually show up. In the meantime, I’ll be thinking about it.”
Jesse showed up in the park right on time. He immediately handed me the six dollars, so I took his hand and led him into the girl’s side of the restrooms. Once inside, I immediately pulled off my halter. “There they are.”
His jaw was agape and his eyes were wide. I stood there and let him gawk for about a minute, and then I said in as sexy a voice as I could, “Since you came up with six dollars, you deserve a little bonus.” Then I took a step forward and pulled both of his hands up to my boobs. “Be gentle with them.”
I let him feel my boobs for probably thirty seconds before pulling his hands away, “Well, Jesse, was that worth six dollars?”
“Hell Yeah!”
I giggled, “Okay, then scoot. Some other boys will be here in a few minutes. They didn’t have as much money as you, so they’ll only get a quick peek.”
He shocked me on the way out by asking, “How ... how long are you going to be here?”
“I don’t know, why?”
“I don’t live far from here and I have my bike. I have some more money at home.”
“Oh, how much?”
“I have ten dollars I saved from mowing lawns.”
My eyes shot open, “Ten dollars, oh my! For ten dollars, I’ll give you an even better bonus.”
“I can be back in fifteen minutes.”
“No, no, be back here at one. I’ll wait for you.”
“Can I bring my brother?”
“How old is he?”
“Sixteen. He mows lawns too.”
“If he has six dollars, he’ll get what you got. If he has ten, he’ll get the special treatment you’re going to get.”
I couldn’t wait to tell Brian, “Today may not be a total bust after all. Jesse will be back at one with another ten bucks, and he might bring his brother. The brother has his own money.”
When Bill and Greg showed up, they introduced me to Larry. I decided to take them all three inside at once, with Brian guarding the door and listening for any sign of trouble.
When I took off my halter, there was a collective gasp and “Oh wow!” and “Sweet”, and “Beautiful.”
After about thirty seconds, I said, “Okay, Greg and Bill, that’s all you get for two bucks. Larry can stay a while longer.”
When they were gone, I asked Larry, “Why are you staying so far away? You paid your money, so step up here and take a closer look.” I chuckled when he didn’t hesitate. Within two seconds, he had his face no more than a foot from my boobs. I let him look for about two minutes before putting on my halter and shooing him away.
When Jesse got back to where we were waiting, he introduced me to his brother, Terry, “He only had five bucks, but I loaned him a dollar so he’d get to do what I did.”
I led Terry inside first. When I took off my halter, I thought his legs were going to give way. Fortunately, they didn’t. After a little over two minutes, I moved in and pulled his hands up to my boobs. When I removed his hands and stepped back, I saw a wet spot in the front of his shorts. I assumed he’d shot off. I didn’t tease him or even let on that I’d seen it.
When he left and Jesse came in, my halter was still off. I crooked a finger to him, and when he was close enough, I purred to him, “You can start by feeling them. Just remember to be gentle.”
After a couple of minutes, I gave him a lingering kiss on his lips and purred, “Now you can kiss them.” God! I was so horny by then, I almost had an orgasm when he closed his lips on my nipple and began licking it.
I let him kiss, lick, and suck my nipples for a lot longer than I intended, but I couldn’t force myself to make him stop. Finally though, I came to my senses and pushed him away. “So, how did you like your bonus?”
“It was incredible. When are you going to come back here?”
“I’ll try to make it same time next Wednesday.”
I was shocked when I got out of the restroom. There were two other boys sitting on the picnic table with Brian. Robert only had two dollars, but his friend Gary had seven. I showed them a good time according to the money they gave me. Before they left, I told them both, “I’ll be here at the same time next Wednesday.”
There’s been very little playing in my life lately and I can’t believe it’s taken this long for something to happen that I feel is worth writing about.I’ve been to only one swinger’s party with my husband in a month and a half. We’ve done normal vanilla stuff, which is fine, but I haven't even been in the mood for that and, on top of it all, the Covid vaccine kicked my ass. Just when I thought it couldn't get worse, I heard from Jackie. She’s featured in a few of my journal entries and she’s...
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*NOTE TO READER* You can customize each character by pressing on the three red lines on the top right hand side of the screen! As you are pumping your long, hard penis inside of this amazing women who's face you can't see, you feel your balls tense up. Aftera few more strokes into the woman's tight vagina... *BEEP... BEEP... BEEP... BEEP...* Just your luck... Your eye's start to open allowing a frontal assault of light to breach in to your sockets causing you to flinch first then close your...
RomanceStarr baby I'm about to cum baby don't stop um" Brenda moaned as Starr pounded down. Her pussy walls with the 10inch strap on Brenda began to caress Starr's back as she was reaching her peak of cumming. "God dame"Brenda. Said putting her hair in a bun she grabbed an ice cube of the nightstand. Starr wasn't really think about fucking she was kinda pissed that Brenda told Sherrall that they where a couple. "Bre why did you tell Sherrall we are a couple ?"Starr asked as Brenda began to plant warm...
LesbianMy First Real Outfit I started completely dressing in women’s clothes shortly after high school. I didn’t really own anything of my own but I would fully dress in my mothers clothes a few times when I knew she would be gone for a few hours.. Usually it was just pantyhose, bras, and panties that I would borrow from my mom . I had experimented with it a bit when younger, stealing my mom’s pantyhose and jerking myself to incredible orgasms while wearing them or being forced to wear them from a...
.Rachel pt2Just after the summer of fun with Liz and Mark my father got transferred to the other side of the country which really pissed me off . So with heavy heart we packed up and left within a week. I was so depressed I really loved Mark and Liz and was going to miss them so much, for awhile I thought I might never have such fantastic sex again I will always remember Mark hammering my pussy from behind as I would eat out Liz's cunt it was perfect. It took almost three days to get to our new...
John was laying on the bed and mom was locked in his embrace. After being thoroughly fucked, the unconscious Carol was resting in the arms of the big stud, who loved cradling in his massive arms the mature, hot milf. Her small size fitted perfectly in his large frame, like a little baby fondled by an adult. John’s lips were gently kissing the beautiful face of his naked asleep lover, while his huge hands caressed the jutting curves of her breasts and ass. He had screwed the mature lady...
Hello dosto, kaise ho aap log. Asha hai sab log thik honge aur jamkar lund hila rahe honge. Main aapka dost Kartik ek bar firse meri Mallu mummy Leela ki ek aur chudai story leke aaya hu jo ki mere mature teacher ke sath hai. To dosto aap log jaante hi hai ki meri Mallu mummy Leela ek mature south Indian maal hai. Unki size hai 36-34-38. Unke is size ko banane mein bohut logo ki mehnat lagi hai jo aap pichli stories mein bhi padh chuke hai. Meri Mallu mummy Leela jab bhi chalti hai to unke...
I was on business in San Antonio Texas a few years ago. I saw the opportunity for me to be Stephanie in the evenings and nights while away. There was a LBGT club down town that was a known place that shemales, transsexuals, and cross dressers frequented along with the gay and bisexual population. I packed my bras, panties, hose, make up, and dresses under my male clothing in my checked bags. Being the panty slut I am I had to wear my red silky panties under my slacks. Luckily I didn’t need to...
Christine walked a little gingerly as she crossed the airport to await her niece. She'd added quite a bit to Becky's cash flow with numerous private shows, and had the opportunity to watch Dan come several times as well, thanks to the camera she bought for him. Angie and Adam had also joined in the numerous internet trysts, which always seemed to follow phone calls and emails to catch up with each other. After plenty of time to recover, Christine had asked Adam to take her ass again,...
Little Sally Simpson liked to wear boy's clothes mainly for two reasons. It hid her feminine curves and allowed her to run faster if the cops were chasing her for any reason. She often ran from the cops because she (A) didn't like them and (B) was never certain if they had finally caught up to her for something she had actually done. Her parents had finally accepted the fact they were saddled with a "tomboy" instead of a daughter and in a way her father was relieved because he hated...
After she made the suggestion, Darleen dropped her gaze demurely and blushed a rosy pink. After a moment she gazed up through her lowered lashes to see how Caroline had taken the suggestion. Caroline looked a bit bemused, but not at all shocked or disgusted or angry. And she was smiling slightly. "Have you--ever--with a girl?" Caroline asked. Darleen shook her head. "No. Never," she whispered. "But I've thought about it a lot--like when I told you, in school and-- and later, Caroline....
"Man, that's like totally unfair!" Dale blurted out over the murmurings of the others. I hadn't seen them in two days as Jimmy and I have been really busy getting Heather's career started. She's been pumping cock for almost two solid days, and Jimmy kept her going with her pipe every once in a while. She didn't seem to mind the steady stream of strangers using her body to get off in just as long as she got her reward. "What do you mean it's not fair?" I yelled back having to be...
The enemy had captured another ally of yours when they were assigned to explore the enemy territory. Multiple squads had been sent to try and take land and possibly even take back the other captured by the enemy. For all the attempts that were used all but one failed, the people rescued talked of weird and near unheard of punishments and control of prisoners. You had heard these tales from the survivors and other soldiers that actually managed to return. Some of the tales really scared you,...
FantasyMy mother can be pretty persistent, and annoying at the same time. So I sent a text back reading “Sure, whatever” cause I know she'll be texting me right at 5pm telling me that it's 5pm and asking if I've left the house yet to come pick her up so I can take her to get groceries for the family. I hate these days of the week. Because I also know that she'll bitch and whine for me to come into the grocery store, and she won't take no for an answer, and it's extremely annoying. Like, please...
Storm followed Prince around the hill and down into the little valley that had been the site of their picnic. Udit was riding Prince, and Sean was riding Storm. Under normal circumstances, a six month old horse wouldn't be ridden but the weight of a year old baby wasn't enough to hurt the colt. Storm was larger than other six month old colts too. He was nearly as large and sturdy as a yearling. Sean wasn't exactly a normal rider either. He didn't need reins to guide Storm. The only tack...
hope you enjoy :) You know that fairy tale? The one where the annoying little fucker Rumpel Stiltskin tries to get that girl with the long hair to guess his name or he will knock her out and make her snooze for 100 years? Well that really gets on my tits. I bet the pervy little bastard wanted to fuck her. Either that or he was a n*********ac. I hate guessing games. I would have punched the little twat in the balls.Life isn’t a fucking fairy tale and I aint no princess. But somehow the pervy...
It is the year 50 AD; Roman invaders had set up enclaves throughout the southern lands of Briton. They had met with fierce Pagan Kings who fought bitterly against them and also showed the same aggression toward their neighbouring counterparts.One of these Kings was Alfred who had spawned two c***dren, a boy and a girl. His son who was every bit as fierce as his father perished at the hands of the Romans in one of the bloodiest of battles ever to have raged on the south coast of Briton. The...
We made our way back to the cabin, then Susan went back out to the creek to get some of the canned drinks she had put in the creek to cool. No sooner had she left than I grabbed her medical kit and found a bottle of aspirin. I shook two out, then as a blinding bolt of pain went through my head, shook out two more, then another. I dry-swallowed all five pills. When Susan came back, she suggested I lay down for a rest while she warmed up some food. I actually think I dozed off for about 15...
Sophia war eine echte Schönheit ihr langes braunes Haar ging ihr fast bis zu ihrem knackigen Arsch und ihre großen Brüste wackelten bei jedem ihrer Schritte. Sie sah mit ihren 24 Jahren aus wie ein Model und war auch sonst unglaublich Mädchenhaft und liebte alles was pink war. Niemand hätte erwartet das sie die beste Karate Kämpferin des FC Mittenstein war. Letztes Jahr war sie sogar zweite der deutschen Meisterschaft geworden und dieses Jahr würde sie den Titel holen
I was in bed, but unable to drift off to sleep. The guestroom was lit with a ghostly pale light from the moon shining through sheer curtains. I could hear them moving and whispering in bed next door.I had gone to bed about 15 minutes before they did, saying my goodnights while they puttered around the house closing up and shutting down things. She was touching him gently when he passed, and kissing his neck when she could. Her eyes were shining. I went to the guestroom that was mine, and...
More and more the clouds thinned and the sun shown brightly on the wounded world. Storms still raged in places, but these were normal storms. Not the huge world storm that had generated the tornados, hurricanes and world wide flooding. The land was changed, world wide. Entire coast lines were changed so as to be unrecognizable. California as seen from space was a burnt land. You could see the burn scar from space. Australia which had previously been in a drought for some years, experienced...
Many thanks to my faithful editor Spirit02 for looking over this chapter and most of the others. * Thank you for sticking with my story. I have to admit when I began writing it I never imagined it evolving into more than ten chapters or so. As a result, there are a lot of characters and many subplots. I will try to give you more updates like this including updates on the characters to help you more easily follow the story, as a few of you have suggested. The early chapters were about John...
Priestess Fiona knelt on the bed and thrust her fingers deep into the two girls’ privates.Her lovers lay on their backs convulsing and moaning as they clutched at the bedsheets. Their long silky hair was splayed out over the bed as their voices echoed off the walls.The priestess gazed at their lean, supple bodies, their tender breasts. Only the smallest tufts of hair sprouted above their vaginas. Warms fluids seeped over her fingers while they writhed helplessly.They panted and shouted the...
LesbianI had no idea that we just created a monster. Pastor Myers returned home later the next morning, after having enjoyed the pegging a bit too much, to find his wife Jeannie in bed with another woman! He ended up in bed with both of them and they suggested an open marriage to him, something that really stunned us all. He texted back with an amendment of the terms as proposed by them, without apparently telling them anything incriminating about us. “Go for it,” I texted back, figuring that this...
Hello friends, I am from mumbai. Ye indian sex story 1 sal purani hai jo mere padoshi bhabhi ke sath sex kiya. Bhabhi – age : 32 look like 25 Uski dekh ke har waqt chodne ka man hota tha jab bhi hum lift me hote to me unke piche rehta or mere lund ko uske gand ko adadne ki koshish karta rehta tha. Figure jo lode ko salami de de Har roj sadi hi pehnti hai Now come to story.. But ek bar mera naseeb khul gay us waqt me college me tha so I am back to home at 12 or many times I stay home. So many...
© October 2002 Chapter 1: Fuck the first Some time ago I dated an air hostess - well that's what they were called in those days - I guess these days they're known as a Flight Attendant, cabin crew - Hell! Whatever - I've even heard them called 'trolley dollies'! They work hard to earn their pay and I certainly wouldn't be that disparaging. This was back in the sixties and this lass worked out of the airport I also worked at. I was a techie behind the scenes and I'd met up with...
I am a normal straight guy or that is how I thought until this happened. I am a fair fatty guy with obesity working in a life science company earning a good pay cheque and I was then posted in a hilly forest area in Kerala where it rains for 6 – 8 months. And this is Ajay aged 28 years. I was staying alone researching on rare herbs in the adjoining forests of Kerala and was posted in a hilly town. It was a small town with fresh vegetation, basic amenities and cultured people who were really...
Gay MaleI had wasted my first year in college just making stupid decisions of not studying and skipping classes. I was put on academic suspension for one term. I didn't have the courage to tell my girlfriend and whom agreed to move in with me after only dating a few months. We thought we could save money by living together off campus. We moved into our small one bedroom apartment just a mile from campus on July 1st. For a short time, it was awesome! Her name was Melissa and she was the hottest girl I'd...
Dear Sisters, Welcome to the Epsilon Nu Zeta sorority, formerly known as Kappa Sigma Phi at Eiko University. All legacy students are required to rush by alumni parents. Once you rush there is no going back. You must be 21 to rush, no exceptions. You must be female to rush, either born female or fully transitioned; we don't wish anyone to be uncomfortable or feel uncomfortable. You must maintain your grades, although the sorority has ways of dealing with failing sisters. You may not date any of...
"My name's David and I've lived in the same neighborhood my entire life. There's always been something kind of off about it though, like something is always looming in the darkness during the nights or something hiding in the woods. " I said as I sat infront of Alan's camera. "You need to add more emotion to it man, it has to seem real, like you're actually scared." Alan nagged me. Alan had always been super into videos and movies, he's probably taken every single class related to it that our...
Group SexIt all started when I was about eight, far too young at the time to understand what went on, but years after one can piece it together and realize the explosive situations I was involved in.Firstly a bit of background.I was brought up by my father’s parents, he was a merchant seaman and I was told, when I was old enough to ask questions, that my mother died.My aunt, father’s sister, was a businesswoman and she used to give respite to my grandparents during the summer holidays, my uncle and aunt...
Ήμουν στή αγορά όταν έλαβα ένα μήνυμα στο κινητό μου: «Δεν θα έρθω σπίτι, εσύ όμως θα πας να ντυθείς σαν πουτάνα και θα έρθεις στο σκάφος στις οκτώ το βράδυ». ήταν από τον 60´άρη πού τραβιέμαι. τον έxω μάθει τωρα και μονολόγισα. τι έκπληξη με περιμένει? σύγουρα πολλά καυλιά!να Με ξεφτιλίζουν...Ανυπομονούσα να έρθει η ώρα να πάω στο σκάφος. Πήγα σπίτι, φόρεσα δικτυωτές κάλτσες, ένα φόρεμα το οποίο ήταν κοντό, στράπλες που έπιανε κάτω από το στήθος μου και άφηνε τα βυζιά μου έξω, εκτεθειμένα,...
The sequel to Mystery Cunts and Mystery Cocks“What do we do next?” Chelsea asked me. We’d had so much fun playing Mystery Cunts and Mystery Cocks that we were dying for a repeat. “Who do you think you fucked?” I asked Chelsea. “Jack or Tyson or both?” “I don’t know!” she said. “But I have an idea for a new game tonight.” We told the guys we’d start at seven. Chelsea was so excited she came over at six. “I’ve got to take a shower,” I told her, stripping off my shorts, tank top, and panties and...
There were usually not many cars at this time at night or in this part of town Disclaimer:? This story is a work of fiction and includes adult situations and extreme acts of sexual depravity, including rape and torture.? It is intended for adults only.? If you are under the age of eighteen or, in some jurisdictions, twenty-one, do not continue past this point.? If you desire to read on, it is by your own choice and responsibility as a free adult in a free society.? All characters in...
I am not writing this to brag, but the fact is that I have a massive thick big cock!It is so big that most women run for the hills when we get close to fucking. More often than not I get a woman really turned on when she feels my cock through my pants, but when we get to my or her place and get naked. Then they get scared or they want me to fuck them slowly and gently, which I also do so I don't tear them apart. But after they cum, they want my cock out of them and never call me back! I have...
His eyes do it. They say so much, and at times reveal so little, but right now, his mind is wide open as he stares into my eyes. He makes me melt. My tummy flips all over the place, and it is such a delicious sensation knowing that he hasn’t had to lift a finger, or raise an eyebrow, to make me crumble this way. Putty in his hands. His eyes are soft, the laugh lines at the corners showing the slightest movement that always signals a smile, and yes, there it is, and I am totally lost - what...
Author: nabeel farooq ഇതൊരു ഇന്സ്സെസ്റ്റ് സ്റ്റോറിയാണ്. ദയവു ചെയ്തു ഇന്സ്സെസ്റ്റ് ഇഷ്ടമില്ലാത്തവര് ഇത് വായിക്കരുത്. എന്റെ വീട്ടില് ഞാനും (നബീല് 21) ഉമ്മയും (സൈനബ 39) എന്റെ അനിയനും (അഫ്സല് 18) മാത്രമേ ഉള്ളൂ. ഉപ്പ (ലത്തീഫ് 46) കുറെ കാലമായി ഗള്ഫിലാണ്. എനിക്കു 21 വയസ്സ് ഡിഗ്രി കഴിഞ്ഞു. അനിയന് 18 വയസ്സായി. അവന് പെരുമ്പിലാവ് ഒരു കോളേജില് താമസിച്ചു പഠിക്കുന്നു. ഞങ്ങളുടെ കുടുംബം നാട്ടിലെ അറിയപ്പെടുന്ന വളരെ യാഥാസ്ഥിതിക കുടുംബമാണ്. മലപ്പുറം ജില്ലയിലെ പാലക്കാടിന്റെ ബോര്ട്രിലാണ്. എന്റെ ഉമ്മ...
Flushed with embarrassment, I forced myself to cooperate as Ciarra scratched my ears, humming happily to herself. Overwhelmed and exhausted, both physically and emotionally, I cuddled into her arms, as she carried me along the abandoned road between the fort and Gravestead. I was so weary of fighting the fates. Surrendering had granted peace that I hadn’t felt since childhood. I was happy back then. Protected by my parents, free to run and play when I finished my chores. Father and mother...
She swung around the pole, hiked her knee and then paused. Wearing nothing but a leather miniskirt and black high heels, she noticed with pleasure that all of the men in the room were watching, enraptured. The normal club patrons were up front hooting and hollering while the more well-to-do men were sitting in the reclining chairs in the back. She could barely see through the thick cigarette smoke, but she could tell that none of the chairs were reclined; every man, be they in business suit or...
Erotic FictionDebbie We got in his Porsche and he made a phone call. He said, it’s me. Get Miss SMJ ready to take out. I thought what’s Miss SMJ? He called Janet. I heard him say, can you have the kids picked up. I’m going to be out of town until tomorrow. He said Thanks and hung up. I said if we are going out, I need to change. Jake said, I will take you by your house to change and you will need a bathing suit and some casual clothes. If you want to go out tonight, you might bring a dress, heels, etc ......
Once I laid off my inhibitions, I felt less confused. I became sure of what I wanted. However, I didn't have any idea, how was I going to fulfill my lustful dream. I didn't have any clue about my son's feelings towards me. Did he ever have any lecherous leaning towards me? Did he ever fantasize about fucking his mom? There were so many questions that needed answers, before I could even start thinking of seducing my son. I was little afraid to directly reveal my feelings to Rick, or to...
The cab ride was short and Sandy asked the driver to drop them off at the Pussy Cat Restaurant in the village near where she lived. She knew that the prices were high, but the food was excellent. They started out with a bottle of Champagne to celebrate their engagement. As they sipped the champagne, Sandy suggested that after dinner they rent a car and drive to Maryland for a Justice of the Peace Wedding Ceremony. The more wine they drank and the drunker they became, the more they wanted to...
We spent most of the afternoon “practising” releasing my excess energy. To practise, we first had to refill my internal reservoir. We put my ability to maintain an erection and my endless supply of cum to the test. I passed with flying colours. But practice makes perfect as they say. When we finally stopped, we were both covered in sweat and each other’s cum. Amara did her thing, and in an instant, we and my room were clean. I can’t imagine how many bed sheets we saved and showers we...
After the Monday morning staff meeting, I holed up in the study with Tom and Yolanda. I’d been wrong in El Paso. It didn’t take two days to give them the background and go over the tentative plans Anna and I had been working on. It took all week, and even then I’d just scratched the surface of the background. The major problem, as always, was trying to figure out how to answer their questions in terms they could understand. I tried to stay away from things they didn’t need to know about....
Sorry to have to reminisce about my past life, but at my age with a wife who no longer wants sex that,s what keeps me going my memories! For this episode I flash way back to 1960 when I lived in eastern South Dakota in a fairly small town where everyone knew each other. By sixteen I knew about the “birds and bees” from a friend, but not my non parenting parents! I wanted to hook up with a female, but was far too shy and short on confidence to do so. Near neighbour Roberta “Bobbie” Blaghorn was...
I had a hectic Saturday night with all my shows out and I was short an assistant DJ for my show. I had a wedding to do in Rockford and it was going to be a big group and an assistant was really important. Fortunately, my wife had the night free so we drove down to the hotel and set up. The show was a huge success and the bride and groom had a great group of guests. All through the night we interacted with the guests and the bridal party, even accepting requests to dance. By the end of the night...
My wife and I had always been in the swinging lifestyle. She had an itch that needed to be scratched from time to time. Her "itch" was several men. We keep our transgressions pretty discreet. We live in a small Cul-de-sac where everyone knows everyone elses business. My wife is a nurse and somewhat a a curvier build. Some men like it some men don't. She has large hips with a nice sized ass and large breasts. This is the story of one of her many frenzied states. She puts an ad on craigslist...
I am the third son of my parents after still birth of two other male child.It was predicted that third will be a girl but destiny had its way and finally born as a son.Because of death of earlier children my parents were very much afraid.An astrologer advised to keep this child as a girl for at least seven years and get married to lord shiva .My parents obeyed what they were told and offered me to Lord Shiva as his wife.Also I used to were cloths as a girl child.I looked very very beautiful...
Gay MaleHi my name is Harish, my work involves being out of my home for weeks, my wife is also working lady, we got married 3 years ago, she is a good looking with a very good figure, we are a very sexually active couple, earlier when I was in a different company & used to rarely tour we had sex almost every other day. My wife was crazy for sex, nowadays since I travel a lot our sexual activity has decreased a lot, Earlier she used to complain, but in the last couple of months I observed that she was...
Jack went into the pub where he had seen the girl before hoping that she would be there again, if nothing else for a dodgy East London pub they did a nice single malt Scotch. Previously he had been home on leave and needed some company Charlie was a call girl but Jack found her fun as well as good in bed. In all he had seen her four times. Trouble was he had lost her number and the mate he got it from had left the marines and they had lost touch.As Jack sipped his double, he saw he was in luck,...
"Mother," Cheryl said. "Absolutely nobody in my class has to be home at eleven o'clock. Nobody!" "That's not true, sweetheart," Lori said. "Cheryl has to be home at eleven." "We could make it ten," Dan said. "That would make your statement true." "DadDEEE!" Cheryl screeched. "I'll tell you what," Lori said. "For every minute that you get home before eleven, Mark can stay here a minute later. We'll be in the bedroom." "It's the Valentine's dance, it celebrates love...
Revenge of the Banished Mistress By debra Debra stood quietly outside the nearly closed hotel door. She could not see the people inside but if she listened intently she could hear the murmur of voices. She thought this was the room she had heard about but she was not sure. If it was, would she be welcome? If it wasn't she did not want to embarrass herself by bursting in on some strangers. So intently was she concentrating she never heard the person...
My heart was beating so fast and thumping so hard, it was pounding inside my head. I could see Mom’s tiny nipples rolling back and forth as I fucked her titties. It felt like I was about to blow a hole out the side of my cock, just before I let loose with my load of cum. “YES – YES – YES!” Mom yelled as I covered her titties until my cum was streaming toward her neck, and down to her belly. I wasn’t about to slow down, and backed up to stand on the floor between her legs. I forced them...
What an amazing night!I was still new to my job as Senior Artworker, and I was told that I had to attend a series of meetings with one of our clients - down south - somewhere in Northamptonshire. I was going to be there for a few days. That was going to be a gruelling five-hour drive. As I ran this through my mind, I realised that there was one bright spark on this trip and her name was..... (let's call her Jessica.)"Jessica" and I had met online about a year ago and hit it off almost...
2003 “I am dropping you at your daddy David’s, right?” said Stacey. “Yes, yes, Mom, I’m willing to see his complaintmanship this weekend. He’s taking me to the movies. At least I get to choose. Not much fun, but better than sitting around waiting for him to complain or ask stupid questions all the time,” said Jenna. “Jenna, don’t be that way. It’ll be relaxing for you. You could use a little of that, time to relax. You and those friends of yours are gone too much these days,” said...
Princess of Castile By Jennifer Reed Chapter 12 Natalia's appearance as he stood before John on the runway as they prepared to board a smaller plane, shocked John right to his very core. Standing in front of him was the formerly very homophobic and sexist man that had mocked him in the past for buying his own dress and choosing to present himself as female. Now, there was very little masculinity left in this man. Natalia stood before John wearing a woman's military dress uniform...