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Most of the time, people barely think about why they do things. You find yourself in a situation and have a choice to make, and you make it. That leads to more decisions and before you know it you're doing things that might make no sense at all, or all the sense in the world. But sometimes you find a person who knows exactly what they're doing.

I was on a Monday morning flight from Philadelphia to Dallas. It was October, and I was hoping for warmer weather in Texas. Most of the passengers had boarded and it was nearly time to close the door when a family got on. A mother and father, a whole pack of kids... four but it looked like more, none of them over nine and an older couple I was guessing were grandparents. The mother and the two youngest kids were in the row ahead of me, the grandparents were across the aisle and a row up with a little girl between them, and the oldest child, a boy, was sitting in front of his mother on the aisle. The father was about ten rows forward, by himself.

This struck me as unfair. The grandparents were doing what they could to help settle the kids, all of them screaming and complaining, but they were pretty old and it wasn't really their job. The mother was passing out coloring books, telling the kids that the captain wouldn't take off if they didn't keep their shoes on, and trying to shove backpacks and stuffed animals into the jammed overhead space.

The mom plopped into her seat just as the flight attendant started the safety instructions, and though the kids were still loud they were all buckled in. I pulled out the inflight magazine and started to read a story about restaurants in New Orleans. I had no interest in going there but reading about Creole cuisine beat the hell out of thinking about takeoff. About that huge aluminum sausage of a jet, weighed down with tens of thousands of pounds of people and luggage, hurtling down the runway with stubby little wings for lift.

We made it into the air and I waited until they gave the 'electronic devices' all clear that let me get out my laptop. About the same time, the mom from the seat in front of me was in the aisle trying to break up a fight between her oldest kids. Then she started passing out boxes of raisins and Cheerios from one of the bags in the overhead storage.

The kids were saying they wanted Fruit Loops, demanding their Gameboys, and the grandmother was whining about when the flight attendants were going to start serving coffee. My sympathy for the mom was rising fast, and then the dad showed up.

"Let me know if you want to sit up front, okay?" he said, sounding like he was pretty sure she wouldn't take him up on the offer. The mom just nodded and smiled.

"Hey, babe. Did you pack my car magazines? They aren't in my case," the dad said. Then he picked up the miniature box of Cheerios in front of one of the kids and started stuffing handfuls in his mouth. If you looked up "beefy" in the dictionary, this guy's picture should be next to it. About five foot eight and two-twenty, his hair was a little too long, blow-dried straight back from his forehead. He was wearing a mock turtleneck sweater and body jewelry. Even if we hadn't gotten on the plane in Philly, I'd have guessed that was where he was from. Yo, Adrian.

"Did you check the side pocket?" the mom asked, in a voice that told me she would bet her first born on them being there. The dad looked at her and shrugged.

"You got any more of these?" he said, holding up the empty cereal box.

As he trundled back to his seat, I studied the mom. In a word, she looked harried. Too pale, hints of bags under the eyes, she'd probably been up an hour and a half before anyone else that morning organizing this caravan of whiners. She was as tall as her husband. Wearing a pair of traditional cut generic jeans, the kind that are too dark and don't fade no matter what you do to them, and a colors of the rainbow cotton sweater with horizontal stripes that looked like someone shrunk it in the wash. Her hair was shoulder length, reddish brown, and though I guessed it had been permed at some point it looked like she'd given up on it, at least for this trip.

I turned my attention to my laptop. I pulled up the messages I'd downloaded before I left, decided that there were too many to bother with and punted. I opted for a game of Solitaire.

I kept re-dealing until I had two aces showing and was about to start playing when something bumped my shoulder. It turned out to be the butt of the mom on the trip from hell, and since it was six inches from my face I decided to check it out. A little too wide, but not as big as I first thought. She was carrying at least an extra ten pounds but her ass still had a nice look to it. Not exactly heart-shaped, but it hadn't dropped yet, either.

She was digging in one of the bags in the overhead, looking for Gameboys judging from the noises coming from the rows ahead. Her kids sounded like baby birds in a nest squawking for food - "Mom! I want Frogger! Mom! The blue one is mine! Mom!" Stretching for a rear compartment in the bag hiked her sweater up at the waist, exposing a pretty nice lower back. She had more of a roll at the hips than she probably wanted, but I'd always kind of liked that.

The guy in the window seat in my row decided to hit the can, so I had to get up to let him out. By the time I sat down again, the mom had shifted her search to a bag in the overhead on my side. Now it was her tummy that was six inches from my face, the sweater riding up enough to show off her belly button. The first one I'd seen on a woman in a while that didn't have a piercing. Her stomach pooched out over the waistband of her jeans just enough to look soft and inviting, and she had a cute little beauty mark just above her right hip. She hadn't spent much time in the sun lately.

She moved to the next bag back in her search and had to really stretch for this one, leaning her hip against the edge of my seat for support. She was so intent on her Gameboy search that she was oblivious of me, and I was struggling to focus on my game of Solitaire. Let's see... black ten on the red jack. I could smell her skin, clean with a scent of body lotion. When I leaned my head back I could see under the bottom of her sweater.

Her ribs were nicely insulated with more creamy pale skin, and above that I could see the bottom of her bra, a sensible white full-coverage number that had me guessing Maidenform, or whatever the store brand was at Target. A soccer-mom bra.

I glanced up and she was looking at me. Busted! I knew enough not to panic and overreact. I just smiled, embarrassed, and shrugged a little. She stopped stretching, instead pulling the inaccessible bag down from the overhead. As she did it, she continued to look at me. The odd thing was, she didn't look offended. More like surprised. She broke eye contact with me and returned to her seat. I went back to my Solitaire, feeling like a high school kid caught looking up skirts in the stairway.

After my game and a cup of lukewarm airline coffee, I decided to do a little work. I prepared responses to a couple of dozen e-mails and stored them for when I landed and logged in. Then I pulled up monthly investment reports that showed decent results for a change. As I was finishing the September reports something hit my foot. It was a fluorescent purple marker, missing its lid. I picked it up. The tip smelled like grapejuice. I tapped the soccer mom on the shoulder.

"Hi. Is this yours?"

She leaned out into the aisle and turned, and gave me a nice smile. "Yes, sorry." She took the marker. I expected her to turn away but she didn't. Instead she looked at me, appraising.

"I hope my kids aren't too noisy." Another smile.

"Not at all. I've got nieces and nephews. You look like you've got your hands full," I said. She rolled her eyes.

"I feel like a tour guide," she replied.

"Going to Dallas?" I asked, wanting to keep her talking.

"Austin. We're driving from Dallas. My husband wanted to use frequent flyer miles and there weren't any direct flights."

I nodded, thinking that the extra logistics were no big deal for Mr. Let Mom Do Everything up in row six. "Vacation?"

"Not exactly. We've got some meetings and my husband's folks are along to help watch the kids."

I nodded again. For the next half-hour I talked to the woman. Light, airplane travel talk about the area in Philly where they lived, her kids and all their activities. Soccer and piano for all but the youngest one, and cheerleading for the oldest girl, who was seven. I told her that I worked for a trust management company, and that I lived in Charlotte, Virginia but had been travelling to Philly almost every week for a couple of months. After a while she swiveled in her seat and talked to me through the gap in the headrests. She was about my age - thirty - and she was pretty. She looked a little bit like Rachel Ward in Against All Odds - with a strong face and expressive eyes. Or rather what Rachel Ward would have looked like if she'd been taking care of four kids, a husband and in-laws and didn't have a make-up person following her around. She was nice, and smart, and easy to talk to. I loved her smile, and the way she tossed her head back a little when she laughed.

Finally the grandmother across the aisle asked my new friend for a juice box for the kid she was tending, and shot me an angry look. She was annoyed with her daughter-in-law for having an adult conversation, apparently.

Anyway, we landed safely and I waited while my soccer mom friend passed out backpacks to the older kids and shouldered a couple of carry-ons. Before she filed off the plane she turned.

"I really enjoyed talking to you. Thanks," she said.

"I should thank you. You made this a pleasant flight," I replied. This seemed to please her, and she gave me a nice smile before heading up the aisle herding her rug rats. I followed, studying her ass. I decided that it wasn't too big at all, just ample. And she had hips that were made for child-bearing that moved nicely when she walked.

The Dallas airport has decentralized baggage claim areas by each cluster of ten or fifteen gates. Ours was only a hundred feet or so from our arrival gate. I stopped at a pay phone with a data port and uplinked my laptop to my company's server to send and receive e-mails. Then I hit the restroom, mainly to give my luggage time to be transferred.

The baggage was on the carrousel but I didn't see mine. On the other side of the room I could see the family from the plane. They were piling luggage on one of those rental carts, and the kids were running around like they were possessed. After a while the dad and grandfather walked off toward the rental car counters. No more bags were arriving - mine was apparently lost. Second time that month. I walked over to the airline baggage office and got into line. Through the glass I could see the soccer mom, guarding their cart. The grandmother was missing. The mom looked over at me and gave me a funny little self-conscious wave. I waved back.

I got to the front of the line and told the guy what my bag looked like and where I was staying in Dallas. As he looked for my claim number in their computer, I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was my friend from the flight, looking nervous.

"I... uh, just wanted to thank you again," she said, then turned quickly to check on her kids. We stared at each other for a second. She stuck out her hand and I shook it. Warm and strong.

"I'm Jennifer... Jenny."

"I'm John."

"Listen. Talking to you was great. I thought maybe I could give you my phone number. If you're in Philadelphia maybe we could get together... and talk again," she said. She looked over her shoulder. The grandmother was back, looking around for her AWOL daughter-in-law.

Jenny grabbed a luggage form and pen from the counter and scribbled on it.

"We'll be home in a week. I gotta go," she said, backing away.

"Okay. Thanks," I said.

After my meetings were over for the day I checked into the hotel. My luggage still hadn't arrived. Before I hung up my suit jacket I pulled the card that Jenny gave me from the pocket, then sat on the bed and stared at it.

"Jenny. 610-555-3295. Don't call at night."

Damn. It was stupid to have even kept it. I almost left it on the baggage office counter, but told myself someone else might find it and harass her. Of course, I'd walked by dozens of trashcans since and I still had it.

The whole thing was so weird. Jenny didn't seem like the wild type, and besides, I'd practically met her whole extended family. Including four really little kids who could easily get screwed over in the bargain if their mom was playing around on their dad. I threw the card on the desk and went down to the hotel restaurant to have dinner and wait for my luggage to arrive.

My bag arrived around eight-thirty, too late to work out. So I hung around in the bar and sort of watched a basketball game on the big screen television. Mainly I thought about Jenny. She was pretty and fun, and even though she was a little out of shape she had a body that was damned appealing. I kept thinking about that little beauty mark on her hip and how nice it would look if there were no clothes within a yard of it. She had pretty decent tits too, judging from the rounded swells of soft flesh I'd seen pressing against the bottom of her bra cups.

By the time I got back to my room I had a nice buzz from several beers and the rationalizations had begun. Jenny was a grown woman, with the right to make her own decisions. If she chose to take chances with her family it wasn't my job to stop her, right? The last time I checked no one had appointed me the marriage sheriff of Conshohocken, PA. Besides, if I didn't do it someone else would. Someone who might not be as considerate and discrete as me. I might be doing her a favor by calling her. Right?

I decided that I would hold onto her number, even though I probably wouldn't call. She wasn't going to be home for a week anyway, so I had time to think it over.

The week went quickly, since I was on the road for most of it. Dallas, then to Kansas City and Denver. Even though I was busy, I thought about Jenny a lot. The way she moved down the aisle getting off the plane, the way she smiled at me between the headrests, and the nervous look on her face when she came to me in the baggage office. But most of all I thought about the look on her face when she caught me peeking up her sweater. She looked pleased, the surprise quickly turning into a self-conscious glow.

It made me wonder what she'd been thinking, and whether she planned to give me her number then or did it on the spur of the moment there in the baggage claim area when she found herself alone for a moment.

I dated often enough and got my share of action but it was wildly exciting that a woman like Jenny, wholesome and conventional, would take such a big chance on me. Of course, she didn't exactly say she wanted sex and that thought drove me to want to find out. I could just call her. Nothing wrong with that. Maybe we'd just meet for coffee and a pleasant conversation.

I waited until Tuesday. I decided that mid-day was best, when most of the kids were at school and she could talk more freely.



"Speaking," she said, sounding hesitant. Like she thought she recognized my voice but wasn't sure. Or did and was now supremely embarrassed about giving me her number.

"This is John. From the plane?"

"John! I was afraid you weren't going to call!"

She sounded so excited that my awkwardness and jitters vanished.

"You said you'd be gone a week," I replied.

"Right. Are you in Philly?" she asked, almost breathless.

"No, in Charlotte."

"But you're coming here, right?" An edge crept into her voice that was hard to read. Disappointment for sure, but a little of something more.

"Sure. Thursday and Friday," I said, now off balance.

"Then... um... can I see you on Thursday?" Jenny asked. I could feel the nervousness through the phone.

"I guess... yes. But I have to ask you. What's this all about? I was surprised when you gave me your number, Jenny. I mean..."

"I know what you mean." She paused and took a deep breath. "Explaining is hard. It's just that, well, I'm sick and tired of being frumpy, and being the one everyone can rely on, and being taken for granted." She paused again. "When I saw you looking at me on the plane, I saw something I haven't seen in so long. I saw lust... at least I think it was. It was, right?"

"Yeah. It was definitely lust. Sorry," I said. The hell with off balance, now I was knocked back, flat on my ass.

"Don't be sorry. It felt really good. That's what I want."

Wow. Not what I expected, but I was already in too deep to turn back.

"So you want to get together?"

"Yes... if it's okay with you. But it has to be during the day, lunchtime. Is that all right?"

"Sure. Where?" I asked. There was almost no pause. Jenny still sounded nervous but she also sounded determined.

"I was thinking about that. Do you know the Plymouth Road exit off the Blue Route?"

"Almost to the turnpike?"

"Yeah. There's a Holiday Inn there... they have a restaurant. We could meet there. Is that too far for you to go?"

"No... not too far. You said noon?" I asked.

"Right, noon. You'll come, right? You won't change your mind?"

"No. I'll be there. I promise."

"Good! Thank you. Look, I've got to go. See you Thursday!" Jenny said, then she hung up.

I hadn't been 100% sure I was going to Philly that week, but I sure as hell was now. I'd never screwed around with a married woman before and I still felt guilty about her kids, but at some point in the process I'd moved past that. I really, really wanted Jenny and this meeting was as close to a sure thing as I'd ever known.

I flew into Philadelphia on Thursday morning, got my rental car and drove straight to my rendezvous with Jenny. I didn't want to be late and give her a chance to chicken out. I got there close to an hour early, but the restaurant had a coffee shop where I could relax and wait for her. I sat down and picked up a menu, then felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Jenny.

"You're here!" she said, face glowing.

"Yeah. You're early, too." I stood up.

"I didn't know how much traffic there'd be and... oh, hell. I'm so glad you came," Jenny said, then she leaned in awkwardly and kissed me. Just a quick one, but full on the lips, and she held it for a three count before pulling back.

Flustered, I shifted my weight to hide the growing bulge in my slacks. This was going even better than I'd hoped. When she kissed me Jenny's tits pressed against my chest and I felt her nipples poking me like tiny fingertips.

"So, do you want to get a table?" I asked, gesturing toward the dining room.

Jenny frowned, glancing nervously around the restaurant. Looking for familiar faces, I was guessing. "We don't have to. I, uh... have a room at the hotel, maybe we could talk there?"

"Sure!" I said, reeling a little. As we walked out of the restaurant and across the parking area I put my hand on Jenny's shoulder and rubbed it. Soft but firm. Jenny was only a few inches shorter than I was, and she was strong for a woman. Probably from lugging all those kids. She was wearing a light jacket, unzipped in the front, and a pink cotton shirt with a collar with a pair of khaki pants.

Jenny unlocked the door to room 106. I couldn't believe that she got a room. When we were inside she turned and looked at me, waiting, so I kissed her. This one evolved pretty quickly to include spit swapping, plus a lot of hands running over body parts and heavy breathing. When I got impatient with stroking her boobs though the shirt I undid a couple of buttons and slid my hand inside. Jenny twitched a little when my hand touched the much warmer skin above her left breast.

"Should we get undressed?" she asked. She was self-conscious, avoiding eye contact.

"I think we should. Definitely," I said, my brain operating on autopilot, having transferred all decision-making to the throbbing organ that was trying to poke a hole in my slacks. I helped Jenny slide her jacket off and finished with the buttons on her shirt. Whoa! Different bra than on the plane - pink to match the shirt with a little bit of lace and a center clasp, which I love. I popped the clasp and pushed the bra and shirt off her shoulders.

"Jesus, Jenny!" I said, staring.

"You like my boobs?"

"You could say that," I said.

"Please say it. Say you like them," Jenny whispered, taking a step closer.

"You've got great tits, Jenny. I like them." I reached out and stroked the side of right one with my fingertips. They were very pale, round and set wide on her chest, with just enough sag to look real and to jiggle with every movement. Perfect, smooth ivory skin capped with small dark areolas and large, erect nipples.

"You don't have to be so gentle," Jenny said, taking my hand and pressing it open-palmed against her breast. I took over, kneading the silky flesh as Jenny loosened my tie, then pulled it free and went to work on my shirt. I caught a nipple between my thumb and finger, rolling and pinching it gently. Jenny's whole upper body quivered and she steadied herself with her hands on my shoulders. She looked into my eyes, panting a little.

I finished undressing as she watched. When I worked my boxers over my erect cock and let them fall to the floor Jenny wet her upper lip with her tongue, hesitated and then reached out to grab my shaft. She squeezed it a couple of times then stepped back and quickly took off her slacks and panties. Jenny's bush was trimmed neatly leaving more hair than I was used to, but on her it looked great.

We stood there for a moment, both naked, and I don't know about Jenny but I was thinking about how little I really knew her. A half-hour conversation on the plane and a five-minute phone call and here we were.

"I guess this would be easier if we just got started," Jenny said, swallowing hard and looking like she didn't know what to do with her hands.

I nodded. "Okay."

We sat on the edge of the bed and I kissed her again. This time it was more tentative, mainly with the lips, getting used to being close to each other. I put my arm around her back and stroked it, pulling her body against mine. Jenny shifted a little, her breasts rubbing my bare skin before she eased onto her back pulling me with her.

My lips slid to her chin, then her neck, then to the firm flesh of her breastbone. I licked her there and then trailed my tongue around the bottom of one breast, then the other before moving to a nipple. I already knew she was sensitive there and I wasn't disappointed. Jenny moaned and pressed herself against my face.

"You can bite them, a little," she urged. So I did, and as I nibbled and tugged I eased a hand across her tummy and onto her mons. Jenny groaned and moved her knees further apart. Encouraged, I let my index finger find Jenny's slit, moistening the tip in the juices on her inner lips before stroking higher looking for her clit.

Jenny was panting hard now, one knee up a little making jerky, involuntary moves as she reacted to my efforts.

"John. Do you ever... um, go down there and..."

I released her nipple and looked at her, smiling. "Eat pussy? Just try to stop me, Jenny."

"Oh, good! I want that." She started twirling her fingers in my hair as I moved down, stopping at her right hipbone. I rubbed the tip of my nose around the little beauty mark, smelling her skin, before drifting into the hair of her bush and drinking in her aroused scent. I'd long since found her clit with that finger, which was alternatively stroking the hard little nub and sliding into Jenny's pussy up to the second knuckle.

Like a tag team partner my tongue took over. Jenny tasted fantastic and I sucked and nuzzled and lapped at her for all I was worth. I might have lost track of time but before I expected it her thighs were clenching around my face and Jenny was howling, her body flopping around out of control.

"Don't stop... Don't stop," she gasped. I was happy to oblige - I'd barely gotten started.

When my jaw started to get sore and Jenny looked like she'd had enough, her whole body quivering, I moved up her until my hipbones were pressing against her thighs.

"Jenny. I've got... protection. In my pocket." I nodded toward my slacks and started to get up. Jenny grabbed me.

"No... It's okay, I can't have any more kids."

"What about..."

"I'm clean, I promise. And I trust you. It's better this way. Please fuck me."

It didn't take much to convince me, not with my face wet with her juices and my dick aching to bury itself in the hot, wet folds I'd been exploring. I grabbed my cock and worked it over her pussy until I found the sweet spot and let the head glide into her. We both moaned at the same time, my face against the soft flesh at the base of Jenny's neck. Suddenly she stiffened and pulled her head up.

"John, I almost forgot."


"I want to try doing it different," she said, glancing between our bodies as I rolled to one side a little.


"Get up. On your knees." So I did, even though my cock was practically screaming "No! not out! In! Stick me in there!"

When I got onto my knees Jenny scooted down until her ass was pressed against me, her legs raised and I got the idea. I grabbed her under her knees and lifted, hooking her right leg over my shoulder. Jenny was bracing herself with her arms, nodding.

"Now?" I asked.

"Yeah, now!"

Before she could change her mind again I drove myself into her pussy until my cock bottomed out against her pelvis. I had a pretty good view of it and the sight of us connected like that was fantastic, just the base of my dick showing and our pubic hair touching. Jenny's ass was pressed against my thighs and her breasts were practically against her upraised chin. She was watching me, panting softly.

I got a tighter grip on her right leg and pulled halfway out, then slammed in again firmly enough that all daylight between us disappeared. Jenny dropped her head to the pillow and grabbed the comforter with both hands. I started slowly and transitioned into a steady motion, fucking her hard. From this angle my cock was stroking the sensitive flesh along the top of her pussy and I could work it around a little by moving my hips from side to side as I thrust into her. After a minute or so of that Jenny's juices started to run freely and we got a nice slurping noise going on the downstroke.

"Oh jeeezus! That's it... that's it," Jenny moaned, rolling her head from side to side. I pulled her ass a little higher on my thigh and leaned toward her, Jenny's ample butt cheeks now displayed nicely and my angle of attack just right. I focused on the way her tits were bouncing in unison, the nipples making little circles in the air as I plowed my dick into that hot pussy as fast as I could.

Just as I felt my balls start to tighten, Jenny gave a little, squeaking shriek of pleasure and kicked my calf with her left foot, that leg flailing around as she grabbed her tits with both hands. The sight of the orgasm ripping through her threw me off stride a little but I held the other leg tighter and was just getting my rhythm back when I exploded, cum pumping up my rod furiously as I rammed into her one last time and held it, grinding my thighs against Jenny's ass.

I slumped forward in a wonderful moment of semiconsciousness and the next thing I knew I was on top of her body hugging her hard, my softening cock still buried, Jenny's pussy gurgling, sloppy with our juices.

Jenny hugged me back, and we rocked a little.

"You aren't going to fall asleep, are you?" she asked.

I gave a little laugh. "I don't think so."

"Good." She took a couple of deep breaths. "That was perfect. Exactly what I wanted."

"I'm glad I didn't disappoint you," I said, smiling. Jenny turned her head and looked at me.

"I didn't mean it like that. It's just that when I decided to do this... well, there were some things I wanted."

"You don't do them... at home?" I asked, treading on dangerous ground.

Jenny laughed, and hugged me again. "No. Not hardly."

She kissed me, and stroked my cheek with her fingertips.

"Can I tell you something else?" Jenny asked.


"That was the first time someone else made me come."

"Wow," I said, thinking. "So you don't... do this kind of thing..."

She shook her head. "Nope. You're the first."

"Why me?"

"You seemed willing and the timing was perfect and I figured that since I'd never looked worse than I did on that plane, well... it just seemed right."

I rolled off her, hooking an arm around Jenny's shoulders and pulling her against me. I shivered a little.

"Have you got time to get under the covers for a while?" I asked. Jenny looked at the bedside clock. A quarter to twelve.

"Sure, if you want to. We got here kind of early." She looked pleased, probably because I wasn't looking to scramble out of the room as soon as I got my rocks off. We climbed under the covers and wiggled together, our faces close.

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Leprechaun Wishes by Bad [email protected] You must be 18 to read this story. It deals with theme's and issues that would corrupt the youth of America if they were exposed to it. Actually, it deals with sex and human desires, both of which are best kept from children. So, if you are under 18 please do not proceed. If you are 18, don't you have better things to do than read stories like this? One last disclaimer, Leprechauns are not real, there is no magic and all the names in this...

2 years ago
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Create a Sexbot

MacroRobotics, the world leader in advance robotic and artificial intelligences technology. They are also famous for the infamous SexBot, biological robots that serve its master's wildest fantasies. And YOU find yourself standing in the back of one of MacroRobotics stores, alone, in their SexBot ordering booth, ready to select from their virtual catalog. But before you begin, you find that you need to input some personal data.

1 year ago
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WeFuckBlackGirls Jayden Starr Second Appearance

Jayden is on her first day of internship as a runner for a late night TV show. They’ve assigned her to oversee a popular rock band and she has no idea what she’s doing. When she goes to check in on them and introduce herself before their set, she interrupts an important meditation session. The frontman, Small Hands, informs her that his spiritual guru is essential to his performance and to come back later. “White people are so fucking weird” she thinks and when she returns he’s all alone....

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 Emma Morgan walked, naked, out of the bathroom, fresh from a long session in the shower. On the bed lay the gown, meticulously spread. Emma felt so proud, that she had designed and applied every last stitch to the burgundy silk material.Mainston College, having a course in fashion design, had been her first choice when leaving high school. Emma had shown such flair that she was encouraged to stay on for a doctorate in dress design. Now, at twenty-four, it was the end of her college life. Soon...

3 years ago
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My Big Cock Gets Girls and Boys

I've always had a big cock! I mean not gargantuan, but even from a young age, almost always in the changing rooms at the gym or at the pool, I was noticeably bigger than most guys. It was to be expected though. I knew this because I came from a family of athletes. My dad and all his brothers were, hell even my mom was an athlete and so were her brothers. Speaking of that because we all worked out and swam and were into a lot of sports so we constantly saw each other naked. My dad was hung and...

3 years ago
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Revenge Against Luke

Introduction: Me and my friends sister, alone… ————————————————————————————- Comment if you want…. Now, enjoy! ————————————————————————————- Revenge Against Luke Luke was a twat. Thats all I thought of him. A complete bastard. I absolutely hated him. He thinks hes hard and that everyone wants to be his friend and that hes so popular. But when his back is turned you can say to anyone, Sure Lukes a complete twat? and they reply Hell yeah!. I rest my case. And this was why I was going to be...

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Clean Slate

Me and my friend Ben had been friends for years. We played football together in high school, hung out with the same friends and generally did everything together. He is a great guy; really trustworthy and has always shared my sense of humor. We ended up going to the same college and have spent the last four years of college partying and having a blast. We have both been very social people and while he opted to hang out with the political crowd, I decided to congregate with the obnoxious frat...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Tiffany Tatum Freya Dee Sweet Arousal

Walking hand in hand, Freya Dee and Tiffany Tatum barely make it into their yard before Tiffany pushes Freya to the wall for a kiss. Freya’s top falls open, revealing her small tits. They get a few steps further into the yard before Tiffany once again pushes Freya to the wall. Dropping to her knees, Tiffany delivers openmouthed kisses to Freya’s plump ass. The girls could have gone on like that forever, but they have the promise of even greater pleasure if they move things inside...

2 years ago
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The Holiday i Wish for

After I settled in the hotel, finally the holiday can start. I had not been away other than for business for a while, so these two weeks will do me good, no obligations, no appointments, just enjoying myself. all unpacked and after having had some food, time to go out and see what the surrounding area has to offer, tomorrow I would do some more of the tourist stuff then here.After wandering around a while I found a little bar, the gay flag next to the leather flag on its outside lead me to...

1 year ago
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The Tree FortChapter 9

Mike was so happy to see Cindy back at tree fort that he waited until her third day back before he told her to fuck the dogs. During those three days she spent her time fucking and sucking the three of us. Mike had modified the cervix plug with an eyelet in the base so that he could hook it with a bent piece of coat hanger and pop it right of her. I could tell it still hurt her when he put it in and pulled it out but she didn’t complain. As it turned out Cindy really liked fucking and...

1 year ago
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The Hotel Hookup

Working Up The Nerve I had never done anything like this before; it was risky hooking up with someone you met on an app, especially for me. He could leave me bloody and bruised on the side of the road after taking all my money; hell it could be a group of backward thinking Neanderthals wanting to kill me. Or worse yet, he could destroy my life in another way; I was deeply, deeply closeted. No one knew I was attracted to men. I had spent the better part of my 29 year old life casually dating...

2 years ago
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Giving head was all new to me but I was wanting to

Reality is I love sucking cock, any time or any place as it is always on the to do list. Problem was that I didn’t know anything about sex, much less the art of giving head before my husband came into my life. Coming from a small prudish family, sex just wasn’t on the discussion menu. I left the small innocent family when I met my husband, who was far more versed in sex than I was. On our honeymoon, I quickly experienced many different satisfaction’s from a highly sexual partner. I enjoyed...

4 years ago
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An Incredible Night at the Gym FM Wrestling

She was introduced as Margot at a party of a mutual friend. She was attractive and sexy but her conversation starter was, "You look kind of wimpy."I’m not a big muscular guy, but I’m relatively fit and I get occasional compliments on how I look. I’m pretty confident in my physical abilities. I was on the wrestling team in high school and won nearly all of my matches. Sure, that was fifteen years ago but I’m still in pretty good shape.“You don’t work out much, do you?” She asked. “In fact, do...

2 years ago
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More Than A StretchChapter 23

We woke up fairly early, and I said, "It looks like it's going to be a hot day; let's get up and go for a walk now while it's still relatively cool." Sandy agreed, and soon we were taking a long walk. We must have done more than two miles by the time we got back to the house, and we were both starving! Sandy told me, "You made me breakfast Monday, today it's my turn. Sit here and pour the coffee when it's done." She quickly cut a melon and gave each of us a quarter of it, and mixed...

1 year ago
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First Time For SisterChapter 4

In a half-hour Billie-Ann was almost back to the fork where she could take the shortcut home through the woods. But before she got to the place where the path began, she heard the sound of an engine somewhere behind her. The thought that it might be Jed coming after her made Billie lunge for the trees on the roadside. But there wasn't time. A pickup truck cleared the top of the hill and started down. Billie was relieved when she saw that it wasn't Jed Judson after all, but the next moment...

2 years ago
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the wedding3

Our doorbell rang. Mary answered the door and in came Wendy in the same full length dress coat she’d been wearing when she left the church. “Wendy, how come you’re not at home with Tom?” Mary asked. “There’s something I want to talk about,” said Wendy quietly. “Well sure, we’re not doing anything, what’s on your mind?” I asked. She unbuttoned and removed the coat and stretched out on the couch. She was wearing lace top thigh high stockings, spike heeled pumps and very little else. I...

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Sexy Sue the Obedient SecretaryChapter 6

The Obedient Secretary Is Expecting Sue was certain it was an error. Certainly, she could not be with child. She was far too young to be saddled with a little one. More importantly, she knew it of paramount importance to have a husband lined up before her belly began to show. Polly her maid confirmed her worst fear with a tear in her eye. The pretty maid was desperately in love with her mistress and was afraid this complication would curtail their fiery dalliances behind the locked bedroom...

3 years ago
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How Another Man Ended Up Taking My Wife Sexually

I’m still not sure how this happened. I had never dreamed I would ever let another man fuck my lovely, shy wife. It all started with the computer. My wife liked to talk to people all over the world on her computer at home. It didn’t take long for the guys to find her. It started off polite and simple talk. In time the talk turned more sexual. My wife is a very shy in person, but on the computer she is bold. She would tease the guys with hints of more to come. Stringing them along. I had no...

2 years ago
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Bills StoryChapter 10

Bill stood there a smile on his face as he watched Patrick Sherwood. He was tending the two large hot plates of his home made brick barbecue. Both were filled to overflowing with chops, sausages, hamburgers, chicken pieces and steaks. In one hand he held a pair of long tongs that he was using to turn the meat, in his other hand he held a VB (Victoria Bitter — a beer from the renowned Carlton and United Brewery). The beer while tending the barbecue was the right of the cook, it went hand in...

3 years ago
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Two Naughty Little Angels

“Whoa, Krissy! You’re going to hurt yourself!” Daddy laughed as he grabbed me around the waist before I could reach the door. “Now, take a deep breath and then I’ll let go”. I rolled my eyes and did as he asked. “Just let me GO, Daddy! I wanna have play time!” I thought to myself, annoyed. (Luckily, he missed the eye thing…) He let go and I calmed walked the rest of the way to the front door and opened it. Cindy stepped inside and happily threw her arms around me. “You look so pretty...

1 year ago
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Ladz Local Lovelies 56 LauraChapter 2

Laura lay back on her bed, her hands behind her head, and stared at the ceiling. One leg was bent, with her foot flat on the bed, and her other leg was crossed over it. She bounced her foot idly and wondered if Gavin had picked up his copy of Ladz from the campus newsagents yet. She’d find out soon enough. He was due back any minute now. At twenty, Gavin was almost year older than Laura. Instead of going to university straight from school, he’d deferred his entry, travelled around Europe,...

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Shes the BOSS

  Working for a multinational company, my new role as the training manager allows me to travel abroad quite frequently. This is a great job and particularly at my age, 26, is considered a very remarkable achievement. I have been in this company for about a year now. From the time i joined about a year ago, up till today, i conduct several training sessions within the company and and abroad and almost every day i have a female student (colleague of course) approach me in private after class for...

1 year ago
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BangPOV Bridgette B Fucks Her Neighbor

Bridgette gets a knock on her door from her neighbor Logan. He asks to borrow eggs for a breakfast he’s cooking. She lets him inside so she can grab one, but when she’s bent over, Logan can’t help but stare at her amazing ass. She catches him looking and threatens to tell her husband. After Logan begs her not to and swears he’ll do anything, she takes him up on that offer. She gets on the floor and starts sucking his dick, then she allows him to fuck her huge tits. They...

2 years ago
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In the Interest of Closure

‘I can still make you come,’ he said, and for a second Chloe’s heart stopped beating. It was supposed to be a friendly drink. A closure drink. Five years ago, still in high school, she had met him online and fallen into a trance at the words he typed to her. Not like the boys she knew. He wasn’t flirtatious. He was forceful. And she’d secretly wanted, for so long, to be forced… ‘I can still make you come harder than you thought possible,’ he told her from across the table now, and took a...

3 years ago
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Wife Cheats on Me BF Sucks my COCK Gay

My wife (still married) is a slut. I can't deny it. She's been fucking behind my back since we were engaged. I never found out until after she'd fucked seven guys on the sly. Four more than once. One time she came home with his cum dripping from her pussy...she said she just started her period and went the bathroom. But those are all stories for another time. This is about number 19. This guy was a hot shot building contractor. Owned his own business, and that's how he met my wife. She was the...

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Chhote Devar Se Chudai

Main hun Sharda. Aaj main pehli baar apni kahani le kar aayee hun ISS mein. Waise to main regular stories padhti hun. Par mere ghar pe net nahi hai isliye cafe aana padhta hai. Phir do bachon ke sath kabhi-2 mushkil bhi ho jata hai. Dosto meri kahani padh kar response jarur karna. Mujhe sex se bhari mails padhna achha lagta hai. Ab main zyada bore nahi karungi….baat tab ki jab mere devar ka apni biwi talaak hua aur woh hamare ghar rehne aaya. Wo bahut jawaan aur sunder hai. Jab hum joint family...

1 year ago
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Lightning Over Arizona Part III

I managed to get to my seat and of course, Gabriel was still sleeping. God! I swear that man could sleep through a tornado! I thought to myself before I nudged him to let me by. “Where you been babe?” He says as he stretches and yawns. “In the lavatory, I was not feeling well.” I glare at Tommy from the corner of my eye while he's pretending to read a magazine. “Are you ok now?” He says sounding concerned and puts his arm around me. Tommy suddenly jumps up and says. “Oh I think she is...

4 years ago
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My Journey Book 3 BowsChapter 38

The other three were surprised by that and I could see looks passing back and forth between them. I hated this. It was the one thing I’d dug my heels in about when the girls were trying to earn back their collars. Now that they had them back, I didn’t want to put that punishment back on them. I was caught though. She said she needed it and I could see in her eyes that she meant it. I always swore that I’d do whatever my girls needed whether it was something that I wanted or something that...

1 year ago
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A Filipino Incest Story

Note : This story is completely fictional! I always dreamed of fucking my mom. She is a beautiful woman, though not sexy, but still beautiful. She is already 44 years old but still look like 38. If she just had been a little sexier, she will probably be mistaken as 33 years old. She has a 38c tits and about 5’6 in height. By the way, my name is Juan, 18 years old, 5’9 in height, has a 6” dick and a proud Filipino. When I was younger, my always asked me to massage her back and put a firming...

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First Lesbian Encounter

There was a group of seven ladies ranging in ages from 34-50 that went on a trip to Costa Rica. We were all friends and four of us had known each other for almost 18 years. The main group of the four closest were in two adjoining rooms at the all-inclusive resort right on the ocean. It was a trip we had talked about for 5 years and finally had done it. I was the only of the four happily married, while one was unmarried, one divorced and the other was filing for divorce when we got back home. My...

First Time
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07 Home 2Chapter 65

Present - Ben - At the cabin Some soon to be dead fucker is firing my Barrett! I know where I left it so I run toward the location as the firing continues. What I don't understand is why one of the greenies would be firing it unless ... Holy shit it may be some sort of trap! And what the hell was Ivan talking about it being a 'seal puppy' who was using the Barrett? What the fuck is a 'seal puppy'? Ivan keeps talking about this 'wolf that is also a lady' - who and what the fuck is...

1 year ago
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Once a Secret Girl

Once a Secret Girl by Charlee White Flirting from the moment he came into our home, Eric complemented my appearance, "You really looked hot last night in that skintight dress. I'm not into that whole boy-to-girl thing, but you really know how to pull it off." Eric's playfully lecherous behavior belied his claim that he was not into that whole boy-to-girl thing. The horny glint in his eyes gave the impression that he would enthusiastically ravish me in the doorway if given the...

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AmlieChapter 35 Return

[Undated Entry] At the stones, Oxford, Oxfordshire “NOW, AMÉLIE, SANDRINE, Roger! Now!” With a shove Gérard sent them stumbling toward the nearest and tallest stone. He turned to face the two pursuers who moments before had abandoned their effort at stealth and began to run toward them. His heart raced even as his mind calmed. He’d faced more than one attacker before. In the beginning on the island his opponents were friends or became friends. Antoine and his companions, for example. The...

2 years ago
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The Perfect Woman

I’ll start with some statistics: I’m eighteen years older than Randy; stand five foot four; weigh one hundred eighty pounds, and I have a 44EE rack. Yes, I’m considered a BBW, but my man loves my hefty thighs and my large nipples which are almost permanently hard. Randy loves sucking and teasing my extremely sensitive nubs and I don’t mind that at all because I get really worked up and I’ve come many, many times when he concentrates on them.I’d say I’m good-looking — I get my share of admiring...

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A Different Sort of LifestyleChapter 29 Best Left Unknown

Greg sat down at the patio table and took a sip of his scotch. Dinner was over and he had gone out onto the patio to enjoy a little quiet time with his wife. It had been nice for the two of them to have a nice romantic dinner alone and sharing a drink would extend the intimate mood. Carrying a small glass of sherry, Sharon joined him at the table. Once she was comfortable, she said, “This is nice.” “Yes, it is. The weather is really nice for this time of year,” Greg said looking up at the...

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Anya Ch 05

‘Take a shower.’ ‘Yes, Sir.’ I sat down in her room and waited while she took a shower. Shortly after I heard the water turn off, she walked into the room, naked and towelling her hair. ‘That better?’ ‘Yes, Sir—thank you Sir.’ I smiled. ‘So. You enjoyed being outside, and showing yourself off, did you?’ Anya knelt in front of me, still naked, still damp. ‘Yes, Sir. I did.’ ‘It gets you excited, doesn’t it?’ ‘Yes, Sir. Very excited.’ ‘I thought so. Tell me more.’ She paused. Then...

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The Free World

It seemed a strange new development at first, to be sure. The notion of eliminating nearly all sexual taboos in one fell swoop did not meet with complete acquiescence. But before too long, it was indeed the norm. Disease had been almost wholly eradicated and those few that still had transmission vectors were cured. Pregnancy was highly regulated with a combination of contraceptive prevention drugs available to both sexes with 100% efficacy, and easily reversible fertility and infertility...

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GirlsWay Emma Hix Bella Roland You8217ll Never Go Back

Emma Hix and Bella Rolland, two friends, are curled up on the couch watching a rom-com together. Emma is thoroughly enjoying herself while Bella bites her tongue every step of the way. When the movie is over and Emma is gushing about how romantic the guy was, Bella can’t help but to poke fun at her. Bella can’t understand how Emma doesn’t find being with women even MORE romantic! After all, women smell nice, have soft skin… Emma is flustered, insisting that women are...

2 years ago
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Kids Growing UpChapter 2 Patty

My sister Sarah was a pretty popular girl in school and had many good friends. One of those friends was Jill who lived in our same neighborhood. Jill would come over to our house to visit Sarah and they would work on their homework together since they were in the same grade at school. Sometimes they would get stumped on a problem or report they were working on. That was when I would get recruited as a tutor. Jill was a pretty girl and had a personality that would win you over in a heartbeat....

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Country cowgirl interracial

Wow, I haven't put up a story on here in forever. I have gone through some sexcapades in the meantime just every time i got on here, I ended up watching porn instead of putting up one of my stories. Well here is one of my newest ones. It involves me and this country girl that I met through a site. Enjoy!Well i met this one girl through a website. It wasn't a sex site but a legit dating site. Any dating site can be a sex site really. I spoke to this girl for about a month before going to meet...

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Fictionmania Magic Trouble

FICTIONMANIA + MAGIC = TROUBLE by Throne I made my case very clearly to my girlfriend Lilith. I told her that I read all those stories on Fictionmania but that I wouldn't want those things to actually happen to me. I mean, the idea of being feminized was fun but just thinking about it was enough. She was skeptical and asked me if I searched for any other types of fantasy stories that I liked but didn't want to experience. When I told her that I didn't, her skepticism grew. She...

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Elder Sister Became My Salve Part1

Hiii fans of ISS this is Raj with a new series of the story about my only sister and me. Describing her assets is a hilarious horny feeling, her ass cheeks are like spongy footballs with soft and buttery touch feeling. 34 DD – 32 – 36 are her dynamic dimensions which every man will die to have. I call her my slave in the incest world for rest, she is Nikita in short Nikki two years elder than me. Nikki is married to a software guy in our relation after completing her graduation at the age of...

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my bhabhi sister in law

Hey how are you xhamster fans. Her name is Mita. She is a sweet and sexy Bengali lady. I first came to know her around 4 years back when I started my career in a Multinational Company at Chennai, where her husband was working in a different MNC. Her hubby was around 10 years senior to me by age but as our working place was same, we developed a good friendship and rapport.Her hubby took me as a younger brother after a couple of months in that town which was totally new to me, her hubby became...

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My Visit To Rio Carnival

I was just eighteen then, still at school. I had taken a drop that year. So I was visiting my aunt in Canada. Since it was my first trip to North America, I also wanted to visit the USA and some countries in South America. After visiting the USA, Jamaica and Mexico, when I arrived back in Canada, it was the first week of February. I still had a few months before school and some money remaining.I informed my aunt that I would visit France and some other countries. However, from Charles De Gaulle...

2 years ago
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A Mothers Revenge

It all started last autumn.  I was renting a flat in London, a small bed-sit over a row of rundown shops where the smell from countless restaurants hung in the air like stale cigarette smoke.  I'd been unemployed for nearly a year and if it wasn't for the council paying my landlord every month I'd have been sleeping out in the park with all the other drunks and users.  Anything that came along to brighten the drab grey of the damp city street was welcome, and I used to spend hours standing at...

4 years ago
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Disaster ReliefChapter 17

Back at home, I saw Jennifer taking the tags out of her clothes. She asked, "Do you think I ought to do this? Sarah is very convincing." I thought a minute and then said, "Yes, I think it will be good for you and your cause." "Sarah says we'll start traveling tomorrow. Is that right?" "Hey, Sarah is in charge. Do what she says until you get bored or tired. Maybe you can become totally independent after her tour." She ran to me. "Sometimes, I just want to go to my room and cry."...

1 year ago
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DDFBusty Cathy Heaven From Mourning to Moaning

Today’s Busty premium porn by DDF Network features our absolutely breath-taking mourning widow Kathy Heaven who sucks John Price’s big cock for a high-quality coffin. The top-heavy bombshell can’t really hide her enormous 36D / 80E titties and draws all of his attention towards her stunning cleavage. Such an upgrade is expensive but the horny stud would give her anything she wants in exchange for a titty fuck. The brown-haired goddess with enhanced tits and a big curvy ass starts making out...

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Another Addicted Story ch 1324

It has 24 chapters and you can find it on storiesonline. The next section is long to conclude the story. If you don't like any of the themes, you don't have to read it. I hope you enjoy the story. Addicted by Pariahsolo Chapter 14: My Loving Wife My day was fairly normal for me, I went to work and completed three small moving jobs, in between I stopped by Dr. Cole's but only gave her one load for her to make some more lip balm with; I did let her suck what seed remained in...

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Corporate Assets Chapter 8

Chapter 8 Raymond reached down and stopped her. "Somebody else wants you", hesaid. Sandra lifted her head from his cock and turned around. During her fellatio Carmen and Hector had taken off their clothes. Rachel was still clothed and seated on the couch. The two men grabbed Sandra and stood her up. The moved her to her desk and shoved all of the papers and notes off the top of it. "Guess that takes care of all your paper work", said Raymond. "Get on the desk." Sandra climbed on the desk. "On...

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A House in Disarray15 A Grand Affair on a Narrow Plank

Em stared out the window at the passing sights. Like most New Yorkers, she hated looking like a tourist, but she’d never been this far from home, and the scenery, sun and warmth were intoxicating. What’s more, she could feel the excitement in the air. Although she still wasn’t sure who Mandy was, this was a big event. She smiled at the thought of her friends and family seeing her on TV, and grinned at her superiors’ reactions. She’d already resigned herself to the fact her career was...

1 year ago
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Jacob and MJs Story Pt 04

Chapter 6 Jacob was at the table Tuesday morning reading the newspaper when Grigori came in ready for breakfast. As Jacob finished eating, he looked at Grigori and said, ‘I was wondering if you would take a walk with me. I have something I would like to show you.’ ‘I would be glad to walk with you. If you can give me about ten minutes, I will be done eating.’ ‘Why don’t you make it a half hour? It is a short walk but I think you might find it interesting.’ ‘I’ll be there.’ A half an hour...

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