ShawnChapter 12 free porn video

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After class the men came down and after introducing themselves said that they were pleased with the work I had been doing. One also said, "Where are your texts?"

"I memorized one of the student's books just before class and don't need one now. The same was done for the advanced classes this morning. I assume since I was not given any talk before classes started, that people would just like to see how well I did without it."

One blushed because he was the one detailed to give me the orientation. Though to tell the truth the dean had not found out about it and probably wouldn't. I asked some questions to make life easier and got my voucher for food and the days for laundry and housecleaning.

With some time to myself, I headed for the gym to see what it had to offer. It happed to be sorely lacking in most equipment, even some of that was broken. There was a boxing ring, punching bags, wall weights, dumb-bells, mats and some gymnastic equipment. I wondered how ageing academics would use equipment like this. There were showers in the back but only two worked and four didn't. Many of the iron or steel components had been taken for the war effort and had not been replaced. There was also a sauna and this I thought would be the main attraction. There didn't seem to be any provision for towels so I assumed you had to bring your own.

I knew there was a supposedly better gym at the sports facility and I decided to take a look there too. I met Monique going to her last class and said I would meet her at the café if she wanted to go there. The gym was in a large building with an in ground pool that had proved too costly to maintain with a war going on.

The gym equipment was more numerous but in no better shape. In some cases the iron weights were missing, rendering that particular machine virtually useless. As a result, there were people waiting around for their turn on the working units. I found the rowing coach by his shirt, hat and almost compulsory whistle. He was talking to three large students in long black cotton one piece suits designed to be light and cool during their exertions in a one and two place scull or a eight place with a coxswain. Oxford had recently won again and it galled them to place so poorly. I waited for the conversation to end and the coach just looked at me and said, "You better get the hell out of here kid."

"Not the type of language I would normally expect from a school official, or are you one of the senior students?"

"Kid get out of here before I put my foot to your haunches."

I smiled widely and said, "You can give it a try but even the Ghurkhas could not always do it. It also would be a poor way to comport ourselves before our students."

"Our students! How the hell do they get to be our students?"

"Since I was hired as a lecturer, I would think. I would challenge you to a race to settle this like gentlemen but I would have to try to revive you after your heart attack. Let me challenge these fit young men instead. After a foot race we can try the parallel bars. The last can see if he can beat me on the rings. You can stand in the centre of the room afterwards, telling the entire world that you are full of hot air."

"Me,... And what will you do when you loose?"

"If this happens I will say that you are much better at sports than me."

"John you need some exercise. Get out to the track, once around, then back right here. Run now." The young man took off in soft shoes and went out the door at a shot. I had hard soled leather shoes and I smiled and nodded and ran after. Within a twenty seconds I matched my opponent then pulled ahead. I did a complete circle while John took a shortcut but I was back first with a solid twenty yard lead.

"George get on the bars and do your routine. Make it good, I don't want to loose to this kid."

I had never been on the bars before and watched what George did. When he finally dismounted I went to the device and adjusted it to the width I needed for my body. I did a smoother mount and then was able to do things that nobody else in the coach's memory could do. His mind kept mumbling impossible but I only used my muscles and not tricks otherwise. For a dismount I flipped in the air and did a somersault before making a perfect landing.

"Worried coach? Let's try the rings."

Cedric put rosin on his hands and had wrapped his wrists with tape in anticipation to this. He jumped vertically and grabbed a ring in each hand. The crowd gathered and talked among themselves about the contest, commenting that the coach was a known sore looser. Cedric swung his legs then started his routine with a handstand, his feet held high above his head, remaining still for the count. He did a few moves then remained upside-down again for the count. During all this I saw all the things he would like to do but couldn't. The coach's mind was mentally trying to hold his student in place or move him just right. The dismount when it came looked so good that he would get top marks at any amateur event.

I kicked off my shoes and jumped much higher in terms of my body height than Cedric did. I followed all the things he did and when it came time for holding the rings horizontally at the shoulder height I stayed much longer. I did a flip on the rings and changed hands after completely releasing the rings. As my body came down it twisted and I went up into the air again and twisted again and did another somersault to land perfectly vertical.

"I carried my shoes and walked up to the coach. Do you deny that I won all three events coach?"

"This isn't America. I am not 'coach'."

"Good, then I am not 'little boy' then. Are you going to honour our bet?"

"I didn't bet. I just asked what you would do if you lost."

"You sent one of your students out to race me immediately after I replied. After I won you sent the other two to try to beat me. You said, 'I don't want to loose to this kid'. Competitiveness is one thing but are you going back on your bet?"

"No," he hung his head in resignation trying to reconcile himself to losing the bet. "I will honour the wager."

He looked around and said in a conversational voice, "I am full of hot air." He looked at me and said, "Are you happy now?"

"No, you were supposed to tell everybody from the centre of the room but here is fine as long as everybody hears."

The man walked with his head down then with a very sour face talked just loud enough for everybody to hear, "I am full of hot air." From all around the gym students cheered and jumped up and down. The man scowled even harder, glaring at his antagonists before seeing the futility of it, before a big smile creased his features. He strode back to me as if he had done a heroic task and said, "Happy now?"

"I sure am and now that I have your attention, I wanted to ask you if we can repair or refurbish the gym. There have been many parts taken from the gym, new equipment needs to be added and the pool must be resurrected."

The man looked at me strangely again and said, "Is it true, what you said, about you being a lecturer here?"

"Yes it is. You know the old saying about a new broom don't you?"

"Yes I do. Our budget is so far down the list of priorities that we get almost nothing. The weights left and I don't think we will get them back soon. We just got off rationing and most things are not only in short supply but are also very expensive."

"I can replace the weights, bars and the steel of the benches, somebody else has to supply the padding. I noticed a few pieces of equipment needs repair. That should cost little in money or in time. Is there anything else apart from the pool?"

"Our sculls are old and heavy. The other schools have more money and can afford the new fibreglass variety. They are considerably lighter and smoother so they tend to go faster."

"Let me look into finding a source. Get the pricing and see into the possibility of getting engineering to fabricate them."

"Not bad if you can do that. By the way the name is Malcolm Stone."

"Glad to meet you Malcolm. My name is Shawn Boz. I am fairly new to your country and very new to this school."

We talked a while about possible alternate funding or ways of convincing the powers that be to cough up more money for the student gym. Once he saw that he had someone that would assist him he opened right up with his suppressed ideas. We parted later and I could not make it to the café till well after Monique would have got there. I opened the door and found the girl with her books closed, anxiously looking at the door.

"Hello Monique. Sorry I was late, the coach for the rowing team and I were talking of money for new equipment." The woman only stared at me and I saw that she had perhaps fallen love with me or maybe it was just infatuation. She thought of herself as a paedophile one moment and a mother wanting a child the next. Whatever it was it was not deep yet but I was very important to her. With her worried look and absence of conversation I said, "Let's drop off your books and go for a walk honeybunch?"

This time I did get a reaction and she smiled and said, "Yes." She hurriedly gathered her belongings and left the table but kept an eye on me to make sure I would follow.

I would hold her hand now to reassure her, however doing that at the university would not be good for her reputation, even if I was not even four yet. I peered deeper into her mind and saw that she had been thinking of me as her fingers relieved the tension the last few days brought on. She had castigated herself later but found she had to relieve the tension yet again.

At the moment she was torn between thinking she was a paedophile again when she considered my age and then felt herself immature when she matched her mind against mine. Her old feelings of the unfortunate rape were temporarily submerged when she thought of me and all the things we might get up to.

I had to assess my own feelings for her. She was good-looking and fairly bright. She was on her way to a good education and hopefully a place in an academic field. I loved Lusa and had refrained from pursuing any other shortly after I was born. Lusa knew I would feel lonely which was why she had said I could find others to love in her absence. The last thing I considered was that even though I had never had my own orgasm I enjoyed the act and how I made others feel. I had stripped moral turpitude from the contract and the university had not argued because of my age. Here I was though taking a woman that could be my student and contemplating doing all sorts of things to her. To be truthful, she felt like doing many more naughty things to me.

Monique was talking to me and her mind was not on what she was saying. It was almost like her mouth was running in neutral. Her mind was now awash with hormones and she fought her inner self over the consequences.

We made it up to her room unnoticed and she put her property down on her desk. "Where would you like to go Shawn?"

"I think I smell a bit. Coach Stone is quite a character and I had an argument with him. I was forced to challenge him."


"I challenged him to a foot race and a performance on the parallel bars then the rings. Three of his students actually did the work and now I need to shower. Let's take one together."

Monique as again divided. She wanted this desperately but didn't want to be caught either. "This is an all girl house and even you are not supposed to be here."

"Monique, have a shower please. Do you have an extra towel?"

"Over there," she said as she started to remove her clothing before she remembered I was here. "You have to go, if I am going to have a shower."

"I will turn around and you hurry up honeybunch."

This thrilled her and also allowed her more puritan self to loose the fight. She walked all over the room naked watching me to see if I would peek but at the end she was a little sad that I hadn't. With a towel around her and her soaps and coins in her hand, she walked out the door and down the hall.

I put my own clothing neatly on a chair and got a towel and followed. There was only one shower being used and I threw my towel over another door and opened Monique's shower door and stepped in.

She had soap on her eyes and when she opened them to see me some got in. She was immediately in pain so I coaxed her down to her knees. I pushed back her wet hair and allowed the water to hit her face. After taking her eyelids one at a time, I cupped some clean water into each until the soap was gone. When she felt better she said, "You can't be here. What if they caught us?"

"It is of no consequence," I said as I bent forward and kissed her on the lips with as much feeling as I could generate. She struggled a bit then her arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me tighter. The kiss was returned and we stayed there till the timer went off and the water stopped. My hands started to caress her face and then moved to her neck and the back of her head. She didn't resist at all and her mind was now only feeling the sensations that I was giving to her.

Later I moved my hands to her breasts and she moaned and shook in my grip. When the feelings became too intense she shook harder and I had to use my mouth to silence her. When she had recovered I stood her up and mentally fiddled with the water timer so that warm water now fell on us, but Monique hardly noticed.

Pushing her against the wall I started soaping her body. I left her mons for later and turned her around after taking care of all I could reach. The stall was not large but I had her bend over so her bum was against the wall and her head on the opposite wall. My hands now cleaned her openings with only fresh water. Monique would have collapsed but couldn't with her legs straight and the position she was in.

Taking some soap I cleaned her pubic hair and rinsed it off. She was very pliant and eventually I just sat her on the floor with her knees against her breasts and her back in a corner. I washed her hair and then her face and under her arms as I would a child. When she was rinsed off I squatted down and stroked into her vagina with my fingers and my thumb striking and rubbing her little nub. She had her next orgasm and tried to pull me close.

I released her and had a very quick shower myself. When I was finished I stood the woman up and let the final seconds of the timer rinse any residue from our bodies.

People were in the hall and I just waited with Monique until they left. When the time came I picked up the woman but she was so out of things that she didn't really comprehend what was happening. I opened the shower door and then picked up the towels with my mind and laid them on her near comatose body. I walked to her room now dripping water and opened her room with my mind.

I laid a towel on the wooden chair and turned the chair around like last time and sat her in it. Keeping her in place mentally I started brushing her long black hair till she was dry. She had come back to her senses in the mean time and was again at war with herself over what she had done to me. With the hair dry I wiped off any lingering water on her skin.

"Shawn that was a mistake..."

"Honeybunch, go lay on the bed." She wanted to protest but did as she was told instead. I climbed on the bed and moved up high enough to begin kissing her again. When I started pinching her nipples all fighting stopped. I moved across her chest and attacked the other nipple and used one hand on the one I left. With my upper torso supported by her rib cage my other hand moved down her abdomen. Her legs tightened together then relaxed. As my fingers started caressing her clit the spread wide. My hand pushed her leg and she opened as wide as she could.

My finger entered her and soon three more joined the first. It was not that she was big but that my fingers were short and small. She moaned and thrashed at the feelings but did not know what to do until the special feeling came to her and I had to put a hand over her mouth to keep her fairly silent.

After she recovered I flipped her on her stomach then manoeuvred her legs under her and spread so that her mons was suspended over the bed. With her mouth in the pillow I slid under her on my back and feasted on her charms. I had to hold her tight and keep her legs in place and it took only seconds till she screamed into the pillow. After another few moments with only occasional licking I slipped a tendril into her vagina to replace my fingers then stroked it into her. This was the first time since dad took Lusa's mother from me that I was able to enter a woman without going to all the effort of keeping her virginity.

She thrashed now and the tendril increased in length and girth until she climaxed so hard that her mind fled all conscious thought.

I felt very good for giving this young woman such pleasure. I took advantage of her state and slipped a tiny tendril up her anus and stroked it slowly to see what size she could accommodate. I put the other tendril in her other opening and did as much exploring as I could. The doctor side came out and I saw that she could bear healthy children and there were no lesions or other problems. Her anus only had a few internal haemorrhoids and eventually I would remove them for her. There were no polyps or anything else that would restrict an active sex life in this orifice either.

When she came back to this world she found me holding her and with my head facing hers. A small kiss was all it took to make her look even more beautiful. "What..."

"What we did was wonderful. The only thing to do about it is to discuss what we can and can't do."

"What do you mean?"

"We have to think as if we are forming a company. We each have to commit some things to the company to make it work. I unfortunately have many prior commitments that make our time together limited. I told nobody outside my family that I plan to marry a girl back home."

Monique closed her eyes in pain and simply said, "Oh."

"When I left, she gave me permission to take other lovers. This is the same as other people going to school here. You would be my first but not necessarily my last girlfriend, if you choose. Do you understand this?"

"Will you throw me out if you get a new girlfriend?"

"I would never do that. But you may have to put up with some sisters. I plan on staying in Britain for a few years and this means I build a home for all of us to live in."

"Will I live with you?"

"I certainly hope so. I will be your tutor and that means that I will help as well as I can so that you pass your courses and gain a job in the field you want. I also have to mark papers, help students and do many of the jobs an educator has to do to ensure that the student body is well taken care of. Time will also be spent on visiting my grandparents and new friends. The faculty will not see me as anything but a boy when it comes to sex. You will be seen as odd along with your new sisters for travelling with me and even staying in the same house as me.

"The only camouflage I can think of is to start a large company that needs many personal secretaries. This also means that you must carry out those duties to maintain the subterfuge, along with your school work."

"You seem to have this well thought out."

"No, I don't. It only just came to me. To reiterate, you get a safe, comfortable environment where the family looks out for each other. I treat you as one of my wives in private. If you want to leave you may and I will still assist you. When the time comes for me to leave, I will assist you in finding a job in the field of your choice."

Monique cried, she wanted a standard marriage eventually and a happily ever after scenario. A boyfriend/girlfriend union was good but she wanted just the two of us now. The entire approach was too much like a business venture she figured. Why did it have to be that way?

I kissed her lips tenderly and answered her unspoken question. "Monique there are many things you do not understand about me. I do not like to have people misunderstand some of the things they think are true. The way I have said this may seem sterile but it is much better to lay my cards on the table. I could be like almost all other males and just go slow and have a love develop that is going to rip our hearts out when we need to part. This way you go in with your eyes open. Our hearts may still be shattered though."

I remained silent as she went over all the information she was given. She had to weigh up her current difficulties in making ends meet, together with the mental state she was in before meeting me. School was not easy but she would get her degree. With my help she would gain a higher standing in her class and thus get a chance at a better job. Finally she knew she would not have to worry anymore for she would be taken care of.

"Shawn, I have been doing my own bit of business and see why you have asked me this way. The only thing I seem to be giving you is access to my body."

"No, I get access to your mind too. You are bright, kind, considerate and just the type of person I am looking for. There are many things I cannot do and as an assistant it would be your job to finish them. Now I want to lay on my back and I want you to turn around and let me lick you. When I am doing this you can do the same to me. I am too young to fill your mouth or give you a baby but you will have to be satisfied with that."

Monique smiled and I moved into the best position. She did not know what to do really but I guided her around till she was over my mouth. I held her hips and started to kiss her nether lips and felt her find my small erection and suck it into her mouth. I sucked harder on her and she reciprocated. As she became disoriented later I slipped my tendril into her and started to stroke her slowly. I could feel her reaction and shifted the tendril so it brushed the nerve cluster in the roof of her vagina and caressed her outer lips. When she was so taken with her feelings I formed a small finger beside the tendril and caressed her clit at each stroke.

She came with a scream and I used a mental force to push her face into my crotch to muffle the sound. The effect made all this worthwhile.

When she recovered this time I decided to initiate our union symbolically. I put her on her back and pulled her legs up to the shoulders and slowly entered her. I squeezed her flesh together so we would both get the best of feelings and I started to stroke. I could now enter as far as I could with no fear of ripping a delicate membrane before its time. Adults are very hard to alter but I managed to get her aroused to me entering her more than it should. Moments later she squeezed me with her arms and her tight passage.

When she opened her eyes I gave her a kiss and moved beside her and put my still erect penis into her mouth. She cleaned me and my empty scrotum clean enough to get dressed. I did dress her like a baby then donned my own apparel. "We need to do some more talking. You have a part-time job. You will find someone in a few weeks to take over and start working for my company. I have to find or build a place for us to live off the university grounds and the same for a business. I plan to start selling my art. What do you think of being a curator or an art dealer?"

"I don't know. What will you be selling? I didn't know you were an artist too."

"You can sell my paintings, gnomes and statuary."


"Don't worry about it now. Let's get your work done for class tomorrow." We worked an hour and I managed to leave without anybody the wiser. Monique walked me to the front door and already she looked like a newly minted bride and I felt good to have made that improvement in her.

Rather than go to my small flat, I went to the north and found a bombed out building and one beside it that was too dangerous to enter. It was in a mixed neighbourhood of residential and small business and was probably zoned for both in mind. If I removed all the brick I could make a good shop here that would allow me both to make my art and sell it in the front. The upstairs could be very open with glass in the ceiling and walls. I had not heard of this being done before but it ought to work.

I went to five other locations, finding similar locations that each had something offer that the others didn't. I remembered how Michelangelo had made a large statue then took a long time to move it to where it had to go. I made sure deliveries of large pieces would be easy as long as the lorry was big enough.

The building I envisioned had to have lots of steel to support the loads and I cast my eye far over London to find some I could expropriate. There were many businesses that had been bombed where not all the steel had been removed. One particular place seemed the best and I took a trolley there even if it was getting late.

The place was a large warehouse complex that had one time also been a large factory. Brick and rubble had been pushed aside to allow the lorries to get in and remove what they could from under the collapsed roof. Some of the major beams were on their side and were very thick.

I took a twisted section of beam with three large mental hands. One held the beam in place while the other two slowly twisted the inch and a half metal as if it had gone through a shear. I pictured the required sizes and shapes of the weights for the exercise machines and with the density of mild steel in mind I made imitations as accurately as I could. I used force to punch holes and form large groves to put the pins. Lastly I weighted them in my mind and did just enough trimming to bring them to the standard weight.

The metal was now glowing from all the energy I'd used to form the pieces. With a last minute touch I pushed into the metal the weight of each piece and the logo from the university.

I made discus and shafts to lift them and finally locks to secure them to the shafts. The university would have to drill and tap the holes for the thumb screws.

I took some scrap pieces and tried to squeeze them together but this did not appear to be strong enough bond. I tried to work on different methods to fuse them when I heard in my mind a person in deep grief. It was such a very deep sorrow as if the person was hoping to remove all the pain once and for all.

It was dark enough that I could fly as long if I stayed low. In another section of the large complex a girl of about twelve was standing on an empty crate lying on a disused loading dock. In front of her was a four foot drop, then another four into the pit. Tied above her head was a piece of wire that had escaped the scavengers and the other end was tied around her neck.

Great sobs came from her throat. She saw her life as useless and could see no way to change it from the hell she had to endure every day. With a final heave she closed her eyes and thrust herself into the pit. I reached out with my power and held her still. Another hand sliced the wire a foot from her throat. She opened her eyes and saw herself floating and then move backwards and regain her footing on the cement floor beside the crate.

I kept her secure as I approached. Now that she had regained her senses she could run away, then return here or to some other place to complete her mission. I had to think of a way to overcome this lapse of mine and could think of only one. I floated over a pile of beams and momentarily the light from the moon went across my body. The girl saw this and strangely was not as frightened as I thought she would be. With a final levitation I landed a yard from her.

Since I was so close I released my hold and the girl. Instead of fleeing, she got to her knees in front of me with a beatific smile on her tear streaked face. The first thought after seeing me was that she had died and I was an angel come to fetch her. Her old aches and pains were still present so she revived her ideas that I was an angel sent to help her.

I said in her mind, "Hello, Jessica Ironsides, I have come to assist you in finding your proper path."

"Yes Lord. I have been so lost," came from her mind because she was mute and a little deaf.

Still mentally I said, "I am not an angel but a man. I will still try to prevent the fate that was to befall you." She was still unsteady from the ordeal and all the other things that had happened in her recent past. "Sit on the dock and we can talk."

"Yes master." The fact of our silent communication meant little to her now. Her altered view of me made me now only slightly less divine, as I reached out and held her dirty tear streaked face in my hands and looked into her eyes. Her family had been destitute and with no source of income. They had found refuge in a bombed out building. The building had been a death trap and collapsed one night narrowly missing her but taking all the rest of her family. With no other relatives, she had been living on the streets, her world filled with want as she was used by everybody she met. She was submissive to a fault and this meant that she had become a prostitute for every person she came across. Some were kind enough to feed her or give her cast-offs if they had any.

She had just had sex with five men and boys and been rejected afterwards very vehemently. This was nothing new but she saw that there was no future for her in this life. Her mother's words had come to her about a better life after.

Same as Shawn
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Gina Gerson does whatever she can to keep herself fit, but sometimes she needs some help with her exercise. When her stepson, Raul Costa, gives her a call, Gina can’t hide her annoyance. Raul goes on to barge in on Gina, who tries to tell him to go away. Raul doesn’t take the hint, so Gina decides to have him help her stretch. While they’re stretching, Gina spies the huge hardon in Raul’s shorts. Although Raul tries to hide his stiffie once he realizes Gina has spotted it, she...

3 years ago
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Kalinda Gets RescuedChapter 2

The two longboats were well out of sight when Kalinda touched the forlorn young girl on the shoulder. The girl let out a fearful screech and fell to the sand expecting the worst. When she saw it was just another female, she settled down and inquired, "How come you to this dreadful place?" Kalinda informed her that she had been on the isle for well over a year and that she was the only living human creature on the tiny spit of land in the middle of the ocean. "Was that your mother they...

2 years ago
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ltttle girl slut7

I was 40, made my money in the .com biz and now retierd. my name is Jack but from the moulment we met sissy called me her Daddy. the fucked up thing was she refused to spend a dime of my money all she wanted to do was baby me and treat me like a child. When she moved in with me she told me she was quiting her job and would be taking care of me full time, I didn't know what that ment then but I learned fast.....This little girl was a freak. The first clue was when I went to take a piss, she...

3 years ago
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3 Cousins

3 CousinsI was rather young when my family and I went to a birthday party at my grandma’s house. All of my cousins on that side of the family are girls, and most of them are extremely attractive, Samantha included. She is around the same age as me, so we naturally always hung out during these family get-togethers. At that time she had long, blonde hair flowing down her back, usually in a ponytail, and I remember that she was wearing a white tee-shirt and shorts.She and I had retreated to the...

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Die Freundinnen meiner Frau

Die Freundinnen meiner Frau Vielleicht sollte ich mich erst einmal vorstellen. Mit bürgerlichen Namen heiße ich Johannes Fischer. Die meisten meiner Freundinnen nennen mich einfach Jo. Wenn ich Freundinnen sage, meine ich eigentlich die Freundinnen meiner Frau Rita. Rita und ich wir sind schon über 30 Jahre lang verheiratet, wir haben unsere gemeinsamen Kinder großgezogen und im Laufe der Jahre, lebten wir mehr oder minder nebeneinander her. Natürlich liebe ich meine Frau und ich habe auch...

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AshaChapter 4

Kunwar fucked as fierecely as he could. After ten minutes he was unable to control his cock. Asha too was being overwhelmed by her sexual ecstasy. Screaming wildly and fucking fiercely, they reached their climaxes. Asha twisted her body this way and that way as her cunt went berserk with her cumming. Kunwar's cock shot jet after jet of scalding thick sperm into her young cunt. They clutched at each other and kissed madly, as their bodies shuddered violently and as their orgasms went on and...

1 year ago
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Husband loses me for gangbang in gamble

I have been married for three years now. At the time of marriage I was totally ignorant of all sex acts. Though I was considered to be quite beautiful, no boys had even touched me. No one had seen any of my parts uncovered. The farthest any boy could ever go was touch my fingers! In fact I was under impression that women get pregnant when a man kisses a girl! After marriage on my first night, when my husband touched my breasts, I got a terrible shock. I reprimanded him and told him to only talk...

2 years ago
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Guilt by DissociationChapter 3

Derek is just stepping out of the bathroom in a fresh pair of clothes when he is approached by Udasa. She has a look on her face that isn’t her normal, frustrated and angry look. “Miss Clarks has just left my office and she was a bit frazzled,” she says as she comes to a stop in from of him. Derek feels a flush of embarrassment rush to his face. Of course he knew what Ereka had done probably wouldn’t go unnoticed, but even so he still isn’t prepared to be confronted. “I don’t know...” he...

2 years ago
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18 Birthday Mom Fuck

"Oh, my God, I'm so wet," she said, panting as she pushed back into me. And she was. I could feel her wetness as my cock slowly edged its way up the passage from the opening of her body between her legs. She was wet. And, she was tight. The muscles in her vaginal walls gripped and placed erotic pleasure on my cock as it pushed upwards. Her muscles twitched, contracted and then relaxed allowing my cock to move deeper into her body. Then, I felt my balls nestle between her ass cheeks and rest...

4 years ago
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Antelope FreewayChapter 22

Earth time: Monday, 12:40 PM, November 29, 2010 Mountain Standard Time Aina time: 4:29 PM, day 47 of 1408 H.E. After A'moth left, Isabelle and I wandered about and looked at our boxes. They were neatly stacked in two separate piles in the room. Isabelle looked so excited I decided not to press her for explanations, let her decompress first. A'moth's downstairs area was very comfortable. It was a nice deep basement, more than seven feet of head room. There was one large living area plus...

3 years ago
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My best mates Dad

My mate Tom had a Dad that was to die for! He was one of those men that was perfectly proportioned, rugged, big shoulders hair in all the right places, thick muscular legs and good looking ! Fuck, what more could you ask for. It was always distracting when I’d visit and Tom’s Dad would always smile his disarming smile, he had one of those killer grins that made you weak at the knees, just like he wanted you and you were only person in the room. And to top it all off, he was just a great...

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I want

I want... By Tanya H. "I want to be a woman!" I'm screaming that, but only inside where nobody can hear. I've said it before, screamed it, whimpered it, but still I'm a man - over 6 foot tall, muscular and hairy, and wishing the way I have wished since I was old enough to know the difference. I want to be a woman. I may as well wish for the moon. Sometimes the difference between what I am and what I wish to be fades to a background noise I can almost ignore. Today is not...

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What Are The Odds

What are the odds... Sitting in this city's cafe, I see several couples holding hands, touching, looking lovingly and appreciably at each other. My mind wanders on what they are thinking about. Could it be possible that two persons in love could think in the same way? Many people will disagree but I have a different view to offer. Of course this view doesn't apply to all cases at all times but it has some truth in it. Let us consider imaginary M & S. M is a beautiful young woman...

1 year ago
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The Gunny and LenoreChapter 9

18:50 EDT Wednesday, August 7th, 1991 Dulles Toll Road (Center lanes) Herndon, VA Most of the conversation leaving Suitland was happy recounting of the day. Deb told the Chief how happy she had been to reaffirm an oath to the DoD, and he'd smiled at her. The drive up the Beltway alternated between frustrating and quick. Deb cursed under her breath at the sudden transitions from 75 Mph to full stop that the Beltway was so famous for. Kostowe found G. Gordon Liddy on WJFK, and they...

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The Past Catches UpChapter 2 Beth Speaks

I wanted to just disappear after what happened at the restaurant. I love Jerrod with all of my being and he was the only man I have ever trusted and loved. When he asked me to marry him I was the happiest woman alive and then minutes later that asshole Brad showed up. I've never lied to Jerrod but there is some things in my past that I never told him. I thought the best thing I could do is resign my position and head back home to Akron but Sally called Amy (Jerrod's mother) and the two of...

4 years ago
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Highway to Krell Hetero EditionChapter 8 Botany

They traipsed through the mud, just as the elder had said, the forests here were thinning out. There were fewer pale trees, the vegetation beneath their boots giving way to reeds and what looked like colorful lilies that thrived in the shallow water. There seemed to be no hard boundaries here, no shores, just a spectrum of mud and water and everything in-between. The going was no easier, the damp earth sucked their feet deeper with every step, and Sleethe had taken to swimming through the...

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The SlipperChapter 8

Jeff rode out to Swindon on Tuesday morning, appearing promptly at nine as previously arranged. Once again, he was escorted into the conference room where he found Dr. and Mrs. Atterbury and Randy already waiting for him. Dr. Atterbury began, "I brought this proposal home with me after you departed last week to share the idea and the proposal details with my wife. She has been my partner in life as well as this business, and I believe it appropriate to include her in all discussions from...

1 year ago
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DDFBusty Kira Queen Busty Vixen Bangs Young Brit

When naughty glamour pornstar Kira Queen proposes that her client Sam Bourne meet at the house, she didn’t know that she’d be wanting to jump his bones. After their brief introduction, the blue-eyed Russian seductress excuses herself to rub one out in a way that is totally audible in the other room leaving the Brit very curious and aroused. The Milf then forgoes her inhibitions and makes a move on the unsuspecting man, and having never seen such incredible big tits and curvy ass...

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Hal the Beginning Original versionChapter 7

The Tudor house is locked up tight for the night, all are in bed and asleep by eleven o’clock. The police do regular patrols through the area all night. They’re happy there’s no alarms tonight. During the night some of the sleepers in the house have odd dreams they remember well. Hal In Hal’s dream he’s walking through the most beautiful garden there is. He comes to the edge of the garden. There’s a gate there, it’s wide open. Outside the garden is a large open plain full of people walking...

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My Love of the Theatre

Lucy was rushing around backstage trying to get to each of the dancers to make sure that the microphones were switched on and were not tagging their clothes. Lucy was loving being back stage of the theatre. She had been an art college student for three years and was delighted to be working as a stage hand behind the scenes. She was quite used to working on the sound side of the theatre ensuring that all the performances worked seamlessly whilst at College. This was rather more over-awing she...

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Death and a Life in Emerald CoveChapter 34

It was only a few moments later when Anna returned holding her phone. "He wants to talk to you," she told Bryant as she pushed the phone at him. "Sure thing," Bryant said in a warm tone that he hoped would carry through the cell towers. "I'd like to talk to him, too. Thanks, Anna. You've been a big help." He noticed the smile Jan gave him and figured he must have handled the situation correctly. Outside of the week or so he spent hanging out with Angel, Bryant had little to no...

1 year ago
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My Wifersquos Filthy Humiliation ndash I

It was one of the rainy days in Mumbai when Richa had to travel in a public transport bus during the rush hours. She had put up a yellow color transparent saree with a black blouse inside off course a sleeveless one with deep cuts on either of the sides. There were no heavy rains but it was drizzling all the while making the traffic a bit slow and the rush to increase. Richa managed to get into the bus and reached over to ladies seat which were all occupied. As always there were men standing...

2 years ago
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Just a Little RideChapter 7

Still Rob. So there we were; I – very gradually – began to believe Lisa genuinely cared for me. For myself, I, metaphorically of course, placed her on a pedestal and worshipped her. A week after her father’s visit and our ... acknowledgement or our relationship; okay, our beginning to have sex ... no ... beginning to make love ... whatever ... a week after that, Lisa was at the University and I was working on a horribly turgid history text, when I heard my phone ring with a familiar ring...

2 years ago
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Best Night of My Life Part 4

Authors Note: Although based on certain true events, this story is a work of fiction. It is intended for entertainment purposes only. It builds slowly and contains a lot of details. Yes, there is sex in this story. No, it doesn’t happen right away. If you are looking for a story with raunchy sex at the get-go that never lets up, you probably won’t enjoy this. Most of the scenes are a build-up of erotically charged circumstances. ———————————————————— continued from Part 3 Ashley climbed onto...

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Virginitywas to be kept

Her figure was 36-24-35...with a nice round ass....Alisha was her name. We were taking the same course at the university. We had to go for a field trip to study some marine organisms and creatures. On monday morining we had to leave for our one week research trip...i gave my girlfriend a sweet kiss as she couldnt join us coz she was an accounting student. Well there we were....finally on the trip to the seaside...the trip would a long one so i went o the back seat in the bus with alisha. We...

1 year ago
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Kaitlin Gags Over Christmas Part 2

Lovely blonde Kaitlin had had so much fun getting to play with Blitzen the day before, she laughingly kept asking where all the other reindeer were. Surely, they too would want the same loving attention Kaitlin had given Blitzen and santa. We’ll never really know if she was joking or not. But we all observed how pleased she was kneeling under the huge animal, posing for pictures… and how delighted and proud she was every time we told her that her black pants looked even more deliciously tight...

Group Sex
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Aditi Ka Affair Shashank Ke Sath 8211 Part 1

Hello friends,main Vickey Jacob (25 years) lekar aaya hoon aap sabke liye ek nayi sex story. Main aapko bataunga ki kaise meri wife Aditi Jacob (24 years) ne uske college friend cum businessman Shashank Chopra ke sath apna extramarital affair shuru kiya. Toh bina time waste kiye aaiye main aap sabko new sex story batata hoon. Aap logon ne meri last sex story mein padha. Anamika ke sath mere Abu Dhabi based hotel ke personal suite mein sara din sex kiya. Uske baad hum dono raat mein dubai wapas...

1 year ago
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Bens MomChapter 2

Ben went back to his room. Jock said, "I'd better go home now, Rachel. He has seen us in very intimate embrace. If I stay any longer he might make damaging conclusions." "You think so?" "Yes. Now you must go and talk to your son and pacify him. Otherwise he might tell on us and we will have hell to face." "All right, Jock. Will you come tomorrow?" "It depends. You phone me on my mobile tomorrow. Tell me how Ben has taken it. We will decide after that." Rachel saw Jock to the...

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Guardian Angel of the ENF

Suddenly a warmth filled my body. This was unusual because before now I was not aware of having a body. But with the sudden warmth, came the input of my senses. I could hear my own breath, could smell my own sweat and could taste a sweet aftertaste in my mouth. The warmness subsided and I could feel a cool breeze caressing my skin. I knew that I could open my eyes and see what my body looked like but I chose not to. A whole new world of senses opened itself to me and honestly, I was a little...

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The Sailing Weekend

worked from home and only visited the office once or twice a week. It was an old building and the south facing windows reached from just below the ceiling to about two feet off the floor. The manager's secretary, Susan, a very pretty natural blond with a good figure, was twenty eight and single I was forty six. She used to dress well and demurely but she obviously didn't wear petticoats under her long summer dresses and skirts. It was a real treat when she was standing in front of the windows...

4 years ago
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A very interesting afternoon

Well here is another story of an adventure we had. It was again at our favorite vacation spot in Cancun Mexico. We had been there for a few days and met a few new people already, Amanda was being her shy self at first but by this time she was flaunting everything and teasing both the guys and gals we have been hanging around. It was a bit of a dreary day and by mid-afternoon it was sprinkling but we decided to stay at the pool bar and drink with some friends. Along came a couple we met a few...

3 years ago
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A Way With Words

I can’t remember when it happened but there came a time in my life when I felt a continuous numbness. A nothingness. I didn’t live, I existed. Everything I did was ‘in the moment’. Nothing to look forward to and nothing excited me. Sex was boring, normal, casual and consisted of one-night stands. Maybe it was the conversation that accompanied the sex, I don’t know.I used to frequent pubs that were classy and where you hoped to meet some high-flying executive that could shower you with presents...

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Persephone in Winter Prologue

 Prologue Elyse waited patiently by the open trunk of the car as the boy placed the last bag of groceries inside. She found herself smiling, for no particular reason. The sun was warm on her face, and a slight breeze played with her hair, tickling her cheek, teasing her in and out of her daydream. The soft knit of the light sweater fell away from the firm swell of her breasts as she reached to close the trunk lid, then settled smoothly over them again as she turned to the boy to tip him. She...

Wife Lovers
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SLuT9 part 4

CHAPTER FOUR "Rebbecca Part Two" Saturday, December 16th When Dave woke two hours later, feeling much better than he had at six o'clock that morning, he went in search of his daughters. As he passed their bedroom, which he had furnished just for their visits with two single beds, two dressers for their clothes and a large bookshelf for storage of other items, he looked in but the room was empty. He found the two girls on the couch giggling at some silly cartoon they were watching....

1 year ago
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Kristys New Owner ch 01

Introduction: Cuckold tale begins Kristys New Owner – ch 01 I never thought Id be writing this down, never thought Id be exposing all of our deep, dark secrets to the world but at this point, I have nothing left to hide. Nothing left to lose either. Isnt that right, Alex? Is that good enough for you? Is that what you wanted me to say? Does that make you feel like a big man? I have to be careful. Naw, fuck it, why bother? What else can he do to me now that he hasnt already done? What can he...

2 years ago
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The Week Long Trip To Daman

Hello people. I am a frequent visitor of this website and have read many stories from mostly all categories. This is my first story on ISS so please spare any mistakes or grammatical errors. The story I’m about to write is a real incident that took place last December, i.e. December 2013. The characters in this story are me, my friends Aditya and Tara. About me, well I’m an average looking guy, wheatish complexion, 5’8 in height and athletic, studying engineering from one of the premier college...

3 years ago
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DragonChapter 6

Katie had left only minutes before the family returned. When she was gone, his feelings for her remained strong although the lust abated. Without her, Hunter felt dislocated from his surroundings. He had adjusted to the life of a hunter with help from his teachers. With this last change, though, he was encountering realities that were much stranger and he was alone this time. Katie was along for the ride, but she was blinder than him on this new path. If the changes were to continue, Hunter...

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Coming of Age

You get a better class of person at orgies, because people have to keep in trim more. There is an awful lot of going around holding in your stomach, you know. Everybody is very polite to each other. The conversation isn't very good but you can't have everything. Gore Vidal I grew up in California but my ancestors were from Tennessee. After meeting my mom and marrying, my dad never went back to the hometown, instead looking for the American dream which, for him, happened to be in California,...

1 year ago
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MyDirtyMaid Lady Lyne Money for Anal

Lady Lyne came to clean Charlie Dean’s apartment. She had those giant natural breasts and looked extremely sexy. Charlie wanted more than just cleaning. He offered her some money to clean topless. She was first upset but after he raised his bid she gave in. It was so nice to watch those bouncing breasts as she kept cleaning the apartment. Charlie got more horny. He offered a lot more cash to see more skin. Lady Lyne stripped naked and kept cleaning. Charlie got undressed and started to...

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Naked Society Volume 1 Isaac

We were in his garden, at the back of his house. Or at least, that's what I thought, but everything seemed a bit hazy. Like I couldn't quite focus properly. "I'm right here Isaac." Came the soft yet masculine reply from behind me. I smiled and turned to look into those intense, dark eyes and there he was; my best friend, the coolest person in the world. To me anyway. Immediately I began to relax, having been reunited with Zack. But something was wrong. There was a passion and a...

4 years ago
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Green Berets for the Sexual RevolutionChapter 2

At the club, Carol, with many gentle touches, stood. "Let's go to the dressing room so I can get changed for the street. Yes, you're welcome in the main dressing room, after I stick in my head and check to see everyone's either minimally decent, or simply won't mind if one of my friends sees them in whatever." We touched fingers and left the booth. She had us stop at Aimee's booth. "Aimee, I'm heading out for the night. You've got plenty of girls. We'll talk in the...

4 years ago
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Revenge Blackmail and Domination

We all go through rough times in our lives when things don’t work out the way we think. Marriage can be daunting and my wife Ann and I had our problems like a lot of other couples out there. Money, sex and daily decisions seem to take up a vast majority of our time together. I will be the first to admit that my marriage isn’t always peaches and cream, and over the past year my wife and I had been going through a number of issues. Our lines of communication had nearly dried up, and we both began...

2 years ago
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Breaking FreeChapter 5

It got to be late October again, marking the two year anniversary of my moving to Connecticut. I'd long since settled into a lazy routine, spending four routine hours on my computer in the mornings, and then making the five to ten necessary phone calls I needed to in the early afternoon. Business was still strong, but there were customers who had business failures, and these outlets for my chimes needed to be replaced with new ones. Since my move from California, the ambition I'd once had,...

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Flare The Fire That Blinds Part IV

“Make me cum?” Her voice was soft and sticky.It should’ve been so easy to say no- to smile and say goodnight, to go home to my wife as I had promised. But as I looked down on this tangled mess of a girl half my age, red hair chaotic and wild on her pillow, little black strip of an adult dress riding perilously high on impossibly long legs, I made the fatal mistake of hesitating, of thinking twice.She unfolded from her curled up position, legs stretching out to me, reaching for me. One heel...

1 year ago
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My Sub Part Three

It’s time for Thanksgiving, and we have a mini party at Julie’s the Monday night before we leave. The vodka and tequila flow freely, and Kamiko and I do a fair amount of public making out. Julie’s found a decent guy named Chad and he’s totally cool with us practically getting it on in front of them, but Julie decides to give us some competition in the public affection and practically attacks him on the floor while we occupy the couch. The other party goers bail and we all come up for air. ‘So...

1 year ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 433

The Prison Planet ... A few minutes later, he heard Lobo shake the water off in the passageway and, a second after that, the same sound from the second wolf. Looks like we’re going to have an interesting night, he thought as he raked a big pile of sliced potatoes into a skillet and put them on the fire. Lobo slowly walked into the cave, followed closely by the new wolf, while Morales pretended to not notice them. He heard another low growl from the new wolf, but again, Lobo hushed the...

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Seducing Muslim Friends Sexy Wife Part 2

Thank you for all your feedback. Please read the first part of this story about my friend’s sexy wife to understand the situation better. I’ll try to post the following parts as soon as possible. Also, the following parts would be a little more elaborate. This is neither a fictional story nor is she a roadside slut to just plunge my dick into her pussy. It took a lot of time for us to overcome everything and express our love for one another. She was standing exactly opposite me, leaning on the...

2 years ago
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Wifersquos Niece Karen Pt2 the threesome

Wife’s Niece Karen Pt2 This was about the 4th or 5th time we’d hooked up but this time it was different. I arrived at hers to move her tumble dryer under her stairs as I need to drill a hole in the wall for the power cable. Her friend was there at the kitchen table drinking a coffee so I set to work drilling and stuff hoping the friend would go soon. It was soon evident that she wasn’t going any time soon. I stopped for a coffee and sat at the table with them. They were looking at me and...

1 year ago
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Theater Gangbang

Work's done for the week, I'm showered, and I'm heading to my usual Friday night haunt. As I walk in I'm greeted with a smile from Tanya. By looking at Her You wouldn't think She works in a porn shop and supervises the theaters and booths out back, too. I have found out over time that She has a kinky core.We talked for a while before I headed into the booth area. It was slow like it usually is when I first get there, but I knew that things would pick up in a couple hours.I headed straight to my...

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