Reflections Ch. 05 free porn video

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We’re nearing the end of the story. Thank you to those who are still with me. A special ‘Thank you’ to Estragon for his editing and making this story a much better read.

Chapter 5

Our time every week was living out a fairy tale. It was like the prince finding Cinderella, or finding Snow White and living happily ever after. I was never a dreamer, I worked hard and expected results. Vicky showed me how to stop and smell the roses.

Our time together was full of discovery. I didn’t know how life would be without her in it. Now it was time for my family and friends to finally meet her. Max and Deanne were the only ones that had met her. Even they were surprised that she and I were together.

The show started and all the models were introduced. When they saw Vicky I know they were all surprised. They all admitted how beautiful she was but also that she seemed so young. She even looked younger than her twenty-six years. When she came out at the end in the bridal gown I knew I had tears in my eyes.

After the show they didn’t have an after party like they did in Paris. My family and friends went to my Mom and Dad’s and I told them I would be there shortly with Vicky.

Vicky asked me what my family and friends had to say. I told her she would be meeting them all shortly. They all felt she was beautiful. Before we left the building I asked Vicky to marry me again and if she chose, to be the mother of our children.

She had tears in her eyes and told me that she would answer that after meeting my friends and family. She did tell me that she had a big surprise for me that would be life changing. Needless to say I thought she was going to say yes to my proposal.

God, I loved her so much. I really didn’t much care what my family thought. I only knew I couldn’t live without Vicky.

When we got to my parents’ house I have to say that Vicky was surprised at the size of their house. I told her I lived in a penthouse in one of the skyscrapers in town. She would be spending the night with me in my apartment.

I first took her over to meet Mom and Dad and then to my kids, Mike and Lisa. Everyone was nice and gracious to her and said how beautiful she was. Throughout the next couple of hours everyone talked to her. Needless to say they would all tell me how nice she was and how young she looked.

I would have to say she stayed strong and answered most questions that she was asked. My daughter pulled me aside at one point and said, ‘Dad, she’s nice and she is absolutely beautiful, but when you said you met someone I expected that she would be much older. Vicky is only a little older than me. All I ask is for you to make sure she’s the one. I don’t want to see you hurt again.’

‘Lisa, my baby girl. I’m a grown man and I’ve lived my life rather wisely if I might say so. I love Vicky and am willing to go to the next level with her. I have asked her to marry me again. I’ve asked her before but she hasn’t given me an answer.’

Needless to say, all the males in my family and my friends had to admit she was beautiful. Their wives and some women that I have previously dated over the years had to admit to her beauty but some even asked if it was my wealth she was interested in. My financial situations always seemed to bother everyone.

Mom loved her from the start. She had no qualms about finances or age. I knew that Vicky and Mom would get along great. Dad liked her also, but Dad has always been a man of finance. He did repeat pre-nuptial agreement to me. He told me I was thinking out of my heart and he was thinking out of the family’s pocketbook.

Vicky asked for everyone’s attention. She got it in a matter of seconds. ‘I want to thank Mr. and Mrs. Brown for having this get together so I may meet Buddy’s friends and family. You have all made me feel very welcome and I want to thank you for that.

‘I mentioned to Buddy this evening that I had something life changing to tell him. I think now would be as good a time as any to tell him. Buddy, I told the modeling agency I work for that this would be my last tour. I will be doing Columbus, Ohio in a couple of days and then retiring from the modeling tour.’

‘Does that mean you have accepted my proposal of marriage? Will you move to the United States and become my wife?’ I asked with tears in my eyes.

Everyone was in complete silence waiting for Vicky’s answer. ‘No, Buddy, I will not marry you, at least for now.’

Almost everyone began talking at once. I was torn apart. She was quitting her job but she wasn’t going to marry me? I didn’t understand.

‘Please let me explain,’ said Vicky. ‘Buddy, I love you more than anything. I can’t picture going through life without you. If you’ll agree with me I’ll move to the United States and live with you. I’ll be your mistress, your girlfriend, your best friend. I’ll be monogamous and even have your babies. I love you so much.’ She was crying.

‘I don’t understand! Why can’t you marry me?’ I replied.

‘Buddy, you have the nicest family and friends but even some of them think our age difference is a factor.’ I saw her look over at Lisa. ‘Others feel that I would marry you for your financial situation which is not true, but they will notice that over time.

‘Some have said a pre nuptial agreement would solve that problem.’ I saw her glance at Dad. ‘Not for me, Buddy. You see I wouldn’t start my marriage with ‘What if we don’t make it?’ I’m willing to bet my whole life that we are meant to be together. We can talk more about our situation in private.’

My mother walked up to her and hugged her. I knew Mom had no doubt that we belonged together. The party began to break up and after Vicky said goodbye to my family and friends we headed to my apartment.

It was huge and Vicky loved it. I asked her if she was ready to talk to me about our future. I would have a hard time concentrating on making love with my mind filled with questions.

‘Buddy, I know your family and friends mean well but don’t see me the way you do. I know our age difference makes them wonder as well as your financial situation.’

‘I don’t care what they think!’ I said.

‘I care, Buddy. If we live together and I’m your girlfriend or mistress they might understand that I love you for who you are, not your possessions. At worst your friends will think you have it made. What do they call it? ‘Have your cake and eat it too?’ Your family will come to learn that our love is real. I’m sure of it.

‘I don’t need a marriage certificate to show how much I love you. I promise I will never leave you but if you should want to leave me then everything will be in your name. I hope you understand what I’m saying. I’ll always be here for you as long as you want me,’ said Vicky.

‘I want people to know that you belong to me. I want them to know that we are a couple,’ I tried to explain to Vicky.

‘Then tomorrow buy me a ring. I don’t want one of those big gaudy ones but a pretty band to show we are soul mates. I want you to have one identical,’ replied Vicky.

‘Vicky, I have to ask you this even though it scares me to death. Are you sure you want to completely change your life? Quit your modeling job and move to the United States to be with me?’

Without hesitation she answered, ‘Yes, as long as you truly love me. I’ve been waiting for you for my entire life. Buddy, I truly believe that we were meant to be.’ We kissed and then made love.


The next afternoon she would be leaving for Columbus. They only got the one day off since the cities were close and it was the last stop on the tour. After getting up early we quickly got dressed and headed to the mall to pick up a ring.

She could have her choice, I didn’t care about the money. She found a nice diamond band that looked more like a wedding ring than an engagement or friendship ring. We found a matching one for me. When it was time to pay for them I took out my cre
dit card and she took out hers.

‘What are you doing?’ I asked.

‘I’m paying for your ring. It’s my gift of love to you as yours is for me. It wouldn’t be right for you to pay for it.’ I went along because I knew it meant a lot to her. The only problem was mine cost double what hers did.

After exchanging rings I took her back to her hotel and told her I would see her in Columbus. She did tell me that they would be going back to France the first thing in the morning after the performance. She said she wanted to spend the final night with me but had to be back by six in the morning to catch the flight home.

After dropping her off I had to go to work. Everyone that had met her said what a gorgeous woman she was and I was one lucky guy. I mentioned to Ruth that I was going to the final performance in Columbus and would be late coming in the next day.

Since Ruth and I were always honest with each other I asked her what she thought of Vicky.

‘Needless to say she’s gorgeous, has a cute accent and a good personality.’

‘Ruth, do you think we’ll make it as a couple? Be honest, I want to know your feelings. You have a tendency of being right.’

‘I know you love her. I’ve never seen you act the same with any other woman. I know she’s a lot younger and people think she may want you for financial stability but I don’t think so. When she looks at you there’s love in her eyes. I don’t think age bothers her at all. I think she sees you for the great guy you are,’ said Ruth as she walked out of the office.

The day of Vicky’s last performance I left for Columbus. I had seen the show a number of times but mainly wanted to get there when it was over to be with her. When I arrived the show was nearing the end. I knew that Vicky would be wearing the bridal gown.

I went back to the stage door and saw Vicky’s friend Lindsey. ‘What are you doing back here? They don’t allow spectators back here?’

‘I just wanted to see Vicky for a second,’ I replied.

‘Oh God, don’t tell them I let you in,’ as she let me back stage.

It looked like everyone was like chickens running around with their heads cut off. I spotted Vicky and couldn’t believe what I saw. She was damn near nude. She just took off her outfit right in front of everyone. All she had on were very tiny panties.

She looked over at me and said, ‘Buddy, Honey, what on earth are you doing back here? No one is allowed back here.’

As she talked she was putting on the bridal gown. ‘Don’t they have dressing rooms? You were naked in front of everyone and not just women.’ I asked.

‘Buddy, this is the way it is. Believe me nobody is back here to check me out except for you of course,’ she smiled. ‘This is our work and we only have two to three minutes to get changed. Believe me, this is neither sexy nor erotic for us models. By the way, stop looking at the other models.’

I did notice they were all in modes of change. A man came over and helped Vicky with her dress. I didn’t like another mans hands on Vicky and gave her a not so nice glare.

‘Buddy, he’s the designer of this dress and besides, he’s not into women. Now get your butt back out there and I’ll see you after the show. By the way Buddy, I love you,’ said Vicky. Her friends were all smiling.

After the show they did meet customers in the lounge. It was announced that Victoria was leaving the troupe and this was her last performance. I had to stand back as everyone wanted to say their goodbyes to her. They had their flight back in the morning but many of the people she might never see again.

There were also buyers that she had met over the years saying goodbye to her. I talked with a couple of her friends that I had met and they told me they have never seen Victoria so happy. I was the only man that they could ever remember her talking about.

I stood back and watched as one person after another hugged her and kissed her on the cheek. One man looked like he was going to try for more attempting to move his hand to her ass. She waved me over and introduced me as her fiancé and the man quickly backed off.

‘Did you change your mind about marrying me?’ I asked her.

‘No, but you are my lover and my soul mate, when you came over I hoped it would scare him off.’ I kissed her passionately and her friends around us applauded as they laughed. I wanted everyone to know she was my woman.

On the way to my motel room we talked a little more about nudity. I told her it somewhat shocked me to see her nude in front of other men. She told me that’s just the way it was done and as she explained to me that it was neither erotic nor sexy for her. It’s just nudity was not a big deal where she came from.

I told her I guess I was jealous of anyone seeing her without clothing but me. Thank God I didn’t know it before because it would have really bothered me, but now she was retiring and I wouldn’t have to worry.

I remember her saying, ‘Buddy, you never have to worry about me and other men. I’ve got my man now and will do whatever it takes to keep him.’

Vicky sat back in the seat as I drove to the motel. She told me she was very tired from all the running and work the past couple of weeks. I guess I didn’t realize that her days for resting was spent with me, but she never said anything.

She fell asleep as I pulled up to the motel. She woke up and we went inside. As she was undressing she asked me to call the desk and ask for a five o’clock wake up call. She had to be back to her hotel to get ready to go home by six. I made the call and after hanging up I took off my clothes.

My beautiful Vicky was lying on her back nude. She looked beautiful but tired. I grabbed her lotion and began massaging her feet and legs. She told me before how much they hurt after doing a show. I took her foot and gently rubbed the balls and behind her toes.

After doing her feet I began rubbing lotion on her calves. I looked up and noticed that she had fallen back to sleep. This would be our last time together for at least two weeks. As much as I wanted her, I couldn’t wake her up. I turned off the light, lay down next to her, and covered us with a sheet. It was already after midnight and she would be lucky to get five hours sleep.

When the wake up call came in we both woke up. ‘Oh my God! Buddy, I fell asleep, I’m so sorry.’

‘Honey, it’s ok. You were tired and needed the sleep a lot more than you needed me on top of you. When you come back to me we will have plenty of time to make love and be together. You’ll probably get sick of me.’

‘Buddy, I could never, ever get sick of you. You’re the sweetest, kindest man I’ve ever known and I’m totally into you.’

We got up and showered and dressed quickly. I let Vicky off at her hotel and kissed her and said goodbye. I had the horrible thoughts of never seeing her again.

‘Au revoir, never goodbye,’ Vicky said to me. It was always, ‘Till we met again’. I didn’t want her to see me cry as I got back in my car and headed back to Cincinnati.


It was two days later that I got a call from Vicky. She told me she made it home safely and already missed me. I told her I felt the same. She said it would take about two weeks for her to pack her things and have them shipped to my place. She needed my full address for shipping purposes.

I told her she could leave a lot of things and I would buy her new things. That’s when she told me most of her dressier clothing were Paris originals and were rather valuable. After some shows the designers would give the models some of the clothes they wore. Over the years she acquired quite a collection.

She was giving a lot of things to her friends. I knew it was hard on her and asked her if she wanted me to come be with her.

‘No, I’d never get packed if you were here,’ she laughed. God, how I loved to hear her laugh.

We talked for a while longer and she mentioned she had to go see Ron and Barb a
bout transferring her funds to our branch. I explained to her that she should let them know she was leaving but leave her funds there. With computers it would be no problem making transfers or getting any funds if she needed.

She said she would call me in about a week and let me know when she would be flying in. She mentioned she was crazy nervous and also scared. I did my best to comfort her but she was the one making all the changes in her life. I was just having the girl I loved move in with me.

I was glad I was busy for the next week. Dad had semi retired and I was the President now. Lots of legal papers to sign and comforting customers. Since I was Dad’s son the changes went rather swiftly.

I remember the day when I met Vicky at the airport. She looked so beautiful. I hugged and kissed her. I think we both had tears in ours eyes. We both held out our hands and had on our matching rings. We got her luggage and headed back to our apartment.

We were in the bed in minutes. I wasn’t going to wait to be with her. She was busy laughing and asked if she would always be greeted this way when she walked in the apartment.

We made love. I kissed and licked every inch of her body. I tongued her pussy till she came, before sticking my cock in her. It wasn’t often that I had sex in the afternoon.

Afterwards we lay there for a while talking about her trip and her plans. She mentioned that her stuff would arrive in a couple of days and would keep her busy. She had gotten the name of a couple of ad agencies that would be interested in her modeling, and would see them when she got settled in.

The first thing that came into my mind was Marlene’s boyfriend doing ads. I mentioned to Vicky that I didn’t want her doing nude photos. I wouldn’t be able to handle it.

‘These are for hair products, lotions and skin creams. I told you my body is for your eyes only. At least the private parts,’ she laughed.

I knew then that she made the big changes by moving here, but my life was about to have some major changes also.


There were a lot of changes in my life as well as Vicky’s. For the most part it was smooth traveling but we did have some bumps in the road. I’ll try to cover a few of them.

Vicky’s crates of clothes arrived. I couldn’t believe it when I arrived home and had three crates of clothes in the living room. I mean some big boxed crates! ‘Where are we going to put all this stuff?’ I asked Vicky.

‘Well, if you don’t mind I thought I could move your clothes to the spare bedroom closet and use the master walk-in closet for my stuff. I do have quite a lot of stuff don’t I?’ She was a little embarrassed.

‘Honey, all I want is you here with me. Do what you want with the clothes. It sure isn’t worth fighting over.’ She came and kissed me and told me how much she loved me. She spent the next couple of weeks organizing both closets.

One day she called me at work and told me to stop by Mom’s to pick her up. She had taken a taxi over to visit my mom. When I got there they had dinner ready. Mom said that Vicky had called her and asked if she would show her how to cook my favorite meals. Mom said she really learns fast and made the lasagna we were having.

Over time I could tell Dad was also quite impressed with Vicky. I could see it by the way he treated her and his actions toward her. He treated her like a daughter. Over the next couple of months Vicky would go to Mom’s once a week and learn to cook. She also made some French dishes that she knew. She was becoming quite the cook.

About four months had past and life was going pretty good. Vicky and I had sex fairly often. Sometimes we would just cuddle. I felt so comfortable and happy having her near me.

Mom called one day and let me know Vicky was at their house and to pick her up there. She had asked to use their vehicle so she could go over to the college nearest us. It surprised me that Vicky would be going there.

When I arrived at the house Vicky told me she was going to go to college and she wanted to buy a vehicle instead of using a cab every day. It was déjà vu all over again. I remember Marlene going back to college and the trouble it caused. It’s funny how memories seem to come back.

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Soul BelongingsChapter 2 Reminiscence

One day I was in my room getting dressed and Janine came in. I was topless and only in my panties. Janine just stared at me. "Is everything was all right?" I asked. She just broke down crying. "I need to tell you something." She said through her tears. I went and sat on my bed and patted the place next to me indicating she should sit next to me. She timidly complied. "What is it?" I asked her. "While I've been away at college I discovered something. I'm into... women. I'm...

3 years ago
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How Traditions Start part 20 and final

After over two years and countless weeks of working on this series I am both glad and sad to see it conclude. I would like to thank everyone who joined myself and the Fletcher family on this journey. Thanks to all those who read the series, rated it and especially to those who commented and urged me to keep writing. It wasn't always easy, other projects and life in general often got me sidetracked but I was intent on seeing it through and glad that I did. If I offended anyone who read this...

3 years ago
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Punishment the ending

Introduction: A group of brothers decide to punish their young sisters by raping them…. Yes, I know someone started this story, but I figured I could make it better!!!! Chapter Six As Thomas entered the abandoned house, Veronicas screams filled his ears. She was naked on the table, Joey and Ethan fucking the shit out of her ass and cunt. Blood was smeared across her face from where Chad, her brother, had broken her nose. Thomas took of his clothes and glared at her. You are the last sister to...

3 years ago
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New Career at 40 Part II

I had been in a bad way. Owing a lot of money to the wrong people. Now, my husband was a high-level executive and we were not hurting for money. However, there was no way I could come up with twenty thousand dollars without him finding out. Gina, a girlfriend of mine, helped me out. It turned out she worked in the porn industry.She set me up with a director and gave me advice on the 'audition' during which I basically blew the director and company owner while a stud fucked me from behind. I...

4 years ago
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The Avon Lady

I was sitting at home not doing much on a day off when the doorbell rang. I answered it to find an attractive 30 something blonde on the other side. Good afternoon, she said, my name is Sue and I'm your new Avon lady for the area. would you be interested in taking a catalogue? I was about to explain that I lived alone bot then thought why not? I have sisters and nieces and it could be a good source of presents for them. So I invited her in and she sat on the sofa next to me. As she went through...

1 year ago
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The pastor and his wife

I had to share as I cannot stop thinking about last night. For many months I have been having sex with my pastors wife. Well we had this thing that friday nights she was doing maid work for me. I had thought that was her story for slipping out to be with me. Well last night instead of her showing up alone she came with her husband. I let them in sweating bullets making an excuse how I forgot its friday. Well the pastor then proceeded to tell me that the 3 of us needed to talk. I was panicking...

2 years ago
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My first BBW

It all happened last summer, I was hired to clean a couples pool. I get in my truck and head to the address of the house. In the town were the couple lived at, there was a ton of hot girls outside. I knock at the door, the lady that opened up the door was a very pretty bbw. She had sky blue eyes, blond hair and a perfect bbw body with massive tits. I caught my composure and said: “Hi, I’m Randy from Carson’s pool cleaning. ” She said: “Hi, I’m Ms....

4 years ago
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A Late Night

Marissa wasn’t sure what had awoken her. She’d been having the best dream. *** She was at swim practice but instead of the usual crowd she’d had the pool all to herself. She was doing laps, enjoying the solitude and marveling at the ease with which she slipped through the water when she paused for breath. Looking up she noticed someone in the bleachers. She couldn’t see much, just an impression of dark hair and a leather coat. She stared for a moment longer, trying to see more, but then...

4 years ago
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Hot India bhabhi sucks cock to save Alex

This story is based on an episode from Savita Bhabhi comics which you can read Savita and Alex were on a business trip. Savita, who was a faithful wife, would not fall for the thick amazing cock of Alex. She wanted to believe that she won’t be aroused anymore by anyone other than her husband. They had booked two separate rooms since Savita no longer intended to sleep with Alex. However, they received connected rooms, which made Savita think that Alex had planned this all along. “We booked...

1 year ago
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first time cheating and piss play witha drunk latina

First off im 27 year old male married this is my first time cheating/pissplay/latina girl/ i was at my job i work at a hotel i was just getting done its 4am there was this collage party thing they were hosting im in fire stairway and im walking down the steeps.i hear moaning and laughing i turn the corroner theres this drunk latina girl had to be no more than 20 she was about 5-8 dark hair darkeyes lightskin skinny maby 130lbs atleast c cup tits nice round ass and a thick hairy pussy...

2 years ago
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Part Time Masseuse

I met Bill and Stacy by chance. I was having a late supper at one of my favorite restaurants in the Cleveland area. I was sitting at the bar that night. You can still get full dinner service at the bar at this place, an upscale restaurant probably best known as a steakhouse even though I was enjoying salmon that evening.My job often takes me around the world on business. I meet with companies on technology, research and business. In this case, I was a few hours by car from home, starting a...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Ella Reese Loves to Fuck

Ella Reese is really rocking the love for Cherry Pimps sporting her Cherry Pimps shirt that hugs those beautiful tits well. She loves to be a tease with her sexy tight ass in her little black panties but she really can not wait to spread her legs so you can admire her wet pussy! She can not wait to fuck and gets the chance with Ryan Mclane when he comes in with his cock hard throat fucking her hard. She gets all sloppy with her spit and wants Ryan to pound that pussy hard! Ryan is relentless...

4 years ago
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It Turns Out Some of Those Letters Must Have Been True After All Part III

“Rookie! Hell, you suck cock like a pro!  But now it’s my turn.”I stood up and went to wipe Steve’s cum from my chin, but he stopped me.  He leaned in and licked his own cum from my chin and then came in for a kiss.  I hesitated for just a second and then went with it.  I mean hell, I just had his cock in my mouth after all.  We intertwined tongues as his hands tugged and tore at my clothes.  He had me completely naked in what felt like seconds and his mouth never left mine. He finally broke...

2 years ago
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Dear Dirty Diary part 15

Dear Dirty Diary, By the following morning the three had checked out and we were all alone. Louise was strangely quiet upstairs as I laundered yesterday’s towels and bedding. I made some coffee and tiptoed upstairs with hers. All was quiet on the second floor but I heard a chair creak upstairs in my apartment. I stepped loudly up the stairs and glimpsed her from the landing with her nose in my laptop computer. She peered over the top of her reading glasses at me and said, “This segment...

3 years ago
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Chronicles of a Male Dancer Chapter 1 Show time

Introduction: An introduction to the world of Oliver Perry Chapter 1 Show time The characters, locations and events in this story are entirely fictitious and any likeness to the real world is merely coincidental. Oliver Perry, this is your five minute call, please make your way to the side stage immediately, called the cold, metallic voice of the speaker in my dressing room. I wrung my hands nervously as I looked at myself one last time in the mirror before I rose from the rickety wooden...

4 years ago
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Pelle the CollierChapter 24 How Justice is Served In Birkenhain Lands

Riding a few paces behind the Count of Rennenberg, Pelle had some time at his hand to reflect on the last hour. The Count had left a score of men in Lemdalen as guard for his daughter and grandson, allowing Pelle to bring a half score of Birkenhain's soldiers. Pelle was wearing the coat of arms of the House of Birkenhain, thus giving any actions of the count legitimacy. The forge master Tilke was also riding with them, for he claimed to know a hidden sally port near the forge. The plan was...

1 year ago
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Avril Must Do as She Is ToldChapter 2 Day One

Joe arrived home shortly after his wife had returned from the Rio-waxing at the salon. She had had just enough time to shower and put a frozen casserole in the oven for the night's dinner before his car pulled up in the driveway. Her son, Dom, was at soccer practice for tomorrow's big game and Elizabeth was having dinner at her friend's house, so bad widdle girl, Avril and her strict da-da husband had the house to themselves. All alone, except, of course, they were being watched on seven...

3 years ago
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Construction SeductionChapter 3

Skip was the last to leave the bar. As he finished the last few swigs of his beer he reached into the fob of his Levi’s and pulled out the folded slip of paper that Ashley McClain had slipped into it earlier. It read, “My parents will be leaving for Palm Springs after work. They’ll be gone for two days. 949-277-3261, my cell. Call me if you’re interested.” The note triggered the image of Ashley in the truck which put his cock on the rise. Reaching into his back pocket he pulled out his cell...

1 year ago
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Pledging Tau Geta Delta Part 4 Friendly Benefits

Pledging Tau Geta Delta - Part 4 - Friendly Benefits By Farleven Waking up as a girl was always a bit disturbing. For a moment, I forgot why my chest was a jiggling and why my crotch was empty. The shock would shoot through me in that fog of my waking mind and send me reeling until my memories caught up with my instincts. This morning that process was short circuited when I felt my arm was wrapped around some guy's chest. The rest of the sensations flooded into me. My breasts were...

1 year ago
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Pay For Play CheerleadersChapter 12

The lovely girls took a cab back to Chrissie's. They snuck upstairs and counted their money. Mr. Milton had given them each two thousand dollars. "Cripes! I can't believe I got so much money!" Chrissie said. "He wants to see us again, and he asked me if I'd travel with him this summer," Nancy said. "I know. You gonna?" "Jeez. Maybe. It might be real fun and stuff. I could tell my mom that I'm on a school trip or somethin'." "Sure. Let's take a shower and watch some TV,"...

3 years ago
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Amelia and MeChapter 3

As I start to stir from unconsciousness, to being awake, I feel cold on my chest. That’s right Amelia fell asleep on my chest. Where is she now? I move my arms around to feel for her, nothing. Where is she? Once again I am lost. A noise is heard. A hand is felt. My leg is being rubbed. Feels good to me. The hand goes higher on my leg, my knee, the outside of my thigh, across my thigh. Her hand grips my limp cock. Well not so limp any more. Wetness surrounds my cock. How does she do that with...

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Two Beats a Cheat Part One

Andy received yet another image in his email account on his cell phone. He was just finishing his day's pile of paper work as usual and as it had happened for the past month he opened it. He felt his blood pressure rise and his face turn red. He glanced around the office and saw no suspicious faces. The usual suspects were gone since management had cleaned house months earlier to get rid of slackers and goof offs. The return address gave nothing away. He stared admiringly at the image when...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Bathroom Me Bhabhi Ki Chudai

Hello dosto, m delhi s hu. Ab mera naam yash. Age 28. Ap sorty padho jo meri or meri bhabi ki h. Ye tab ki bat hai jab mere janane wale ek bhaiya the jo ki force m h. Mera unke ghar aana jana hota tha. Bhabi s bi normaly bate hoti thi. Wo yaha kiraye pe rahete the. 2 sal pahle hi yaha aaye the. Unke ghr m bhiya or bhabi hi the. Jab bhaiya posting gaye, to wo akele hi gaye. Bhabi ko yahi chorde gaye. Ab bhabi ghar par akeli thi. Jab bi unhe koi kam hota to mujhe hi boleti thi. Bhabi ka naam...

3 years ago
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Jack And Jill The Second BookChapter 82

"Did you have a good walk with your father?" Jack asked me. "Yeah, I did. Charlie reminded me today that I can't just drop all the people who were important to me." "Oh, does Charlie think you dropped him?" "He didn't say it in so many words, but he did say he's missing the time we used to spend together. We got it back for a few days since he's been living here, but it looks like he's moving back home and I'm not going to be going to school after tomorrow so we're going to...

2 years ago
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The Auction Part 1

The Dahlia specialized in variety. Every body-type of woman imaginable was on display. Rail thin 90s heroine chic-types who were often sold to black men with gigantic cocks, they got off on being able to see their dicks moving inside the girls. Some of the girls had bodies that barely looked thirteen. Others looked like 50s pinups, and there were girls so fat they couldn’t even see their own pussy mound. Buyers had 2 hours prior to the auction to view the girls for sale. They were kept in...

1 year ago
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A Life Long Journey Part 6

A Life Long Journey, Part 6 This is the story of my journey into the life of womanhood. It is the result of my own memories and the stories told to me by Momma and other relatives about my growing up. Some of this may not be accurate as my memories of certain events might be colored by my feelings or my age at the time. Still I have tried to be honest about them. My sixteenth birthday had arrived and I was so ready for it. I had found a part time job in a print...

3 years ago
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Prem Paradise Season 2 Episode 7 The Baba8217s Cure

Then: While Kiran was busy taking care of Mr. Khan, her husband Gautam suspected that she was hooking up with Junaid (Mr. Khan’s widower son). A certain Baba had arrived near Prem Nivas who served the natural forces and promised that he could help people purify themselves and learn self-control. Now: “Hey Kiran, wake up. Let’s fuck while this loser is asleep,” whispered Junaid. It was past midnight, they were in the Chatterjee’s flat, inside Kiran’s bedroom. Gautam and Kiran were on the bed,...

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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 12

The next few weeks flew by, we worked a lot of weekends, and as a result managed to make up a week on the schedule. Eventually, on the Thursday of our sixth week of shooting, the director said the most welcome words I’d ever heard. “Ok, folks, that’s a wrap. Thank you all for your efforts.” We were done. I was finished and had a whole week free. I couldn’t decide whether to go home a week early or be a tourist in LA. I had dinner that night with James and his family, and broached the...

2 years ago
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A Lucky Break

Where should I start?? Well I just turned a young 46 and have been divorced for a little more than two years. I was married for eighteen years and we never had children (my fault according to the doctor). After my divorce I didn’t get back in to the dating mode for almost a year. Once I felt like starting over I dated guys around my age whom I met through friends and family but it seemed like they all had baggage or issues. That lasted for maybe six months then I went back to hanging with...

4 years ago
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My sweet daughter

It was when the call came, it is my father, he enquired about me and my husband and daughters and asked when am I planning to come down, it is three years since we met, I and my two daughters who are aged twelve and nine thought of spending this summer vacation with dad in cochin who is alone after our mom left us when I was only ten, my two brothers are married and staying in separate houses which are nearer to our ancestral house, my father is sixty one now. My husband is working in SBI...

1 year ago
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Slutty neighbour vandana

In life people always like to partake in a little bit of risk. Just enough to feel a rush, but not enough to get caught or noticed. Here is a story of a slutty teasing aunty. Vandana was no different. She was a beautiful 27-year-old woman working a relatively unassuming entry-level job at a fortune 500 company. The pay was nice, but her job was boring and provided very little excitement. So to bring a little excitement into her life, Vandana began to dress sexier. First it started off very...

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A young married man finds a public toilet with gloryholes

I was 21, far too young to be married but we had a 6 month old kid and I wanted to do the right thing. I’m slim 130 pound, white, small frame, good looking, blond with blue eyes. We rented an apartment and I worked in the parts dept of a local Truck dealer. I rode a bike to work and back, I left the small car we had for my wife in case she needed it with the baby. I rode home via a shortcut across a major highway, through a truck stop. It sold gas had a couple of stores and was a picnic...

2 years ago
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I don’t always sleep well. I wake up at night and sometimes I wake up because I have pain. I’ve been that way all my life. I try hard not to wake my man up on those nights. Sometimes I get out of bed and go read a book or listen to music. Other nights I go sit on the porch and let the cool night air relax me and I can rest. But many nights I just lay there in bed and try to force myself to sleep. This night, I was awakened by a fierce pain in my chest. The lupus was just sitting there and I...

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Double cross

Hi, dear all, I am married person. My name is Jeet. About 20 years passed to our marriage by now. This thing happened about 5 years back. My wife Jaya is also very good looking as well as very good assets owner. Her vital stats are 36”C, 30”, and 38”. She is very good on bed. She responds me till I am getting exhausted. Here I start the story for you. Four years back my cousin sister’s marriage was fixed and we got invitation. Being a position I was holding I could not get leave for this...

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Momsister and me make three part 3

Note : This story is completely fictional! mom is a great cook. Supper was teriffic steak,potatoes,veggies and salad.After the kitchen was clean,mom always sat and watch the news. She told us to rest and let of food settle.So we laid back in the easy chairs and did just that.I think I might have dosed off for a few minutes. When I woke mom said " your sister is taking a bath.I want you to soak in the tub after her."I quickly ran upstairs. I wanted to get a look at my sister it the tub,but I was...

3 years ago
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The Dog Park

The Dog Park I take my dogs to the dog park regularly and hang out with the same group of people on weekdays and a different group of people on the weekends. During the weekdays, were a really different group of people, were all pretty quiet and mellow, our dogs play or sit together just fine and we chat about our grown k**s, our health and sometimes just plain gossip. One day our little weekday group got introduced to 2 new dogs; one who loved to run, play, wrestle and his owner, a really...

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