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‘Huh?’ The confusion lasted only a moment–Sylvia was a little too used to this sort of thing happening to her. She wasn’t alone, either–millions of people had let a finger slip take them to ‘amazom.com’, or tried to visit Yahooo. Usually, all she ever got when she made those little mistakes was a ‘Site Not Found’ error. Heck, sometimes she didn’t even get those, companies tended to buy the most common misspellings of their website and turn them into redirect sites, taking her to her planned destination. For which she was profoundly grateful–she knew just how bad a typist she was, and when you’re on dial-up, the time it takes for the wrong site to load can be a real frustration. (Especially considering how graphics-intensive most sites tended to be these days.)

But it looked like this was one of those other times. She knew she’d planned to visit eBay, hoping to maybe find a cheap used scanner, but somewhere between brain and fingers, ‘www.ebay.com’ had turned into…she checked the URL field for recently-visited sites. Oh, yeah, here it was. ‘www.ebey.com’. And someone who wasn’t eBay had bought that domain name and turned it into a redirect, leading her to…

‘Welcome to oBey?’ Sylvia muttered. ‘Cute.’ Someone’s parody site, from the looks of it. The logo looked similar to eBay’s traditional quirky lettering (once it finally finished loading), but it was placed in front of an animated spiral. The categories listed things like ‘Brainwashing Chairs’, ‘Portable Devices’, ‘Mind-Control Satellites’, ‘Magical Artifacts’, ‘Nanites’, ‘Chemicals’, ‘Instructional Equipment’, and one entry that just said, ‘Slaves’. Sylvia smirked. ‘Buy your sex slaves gently-used and save!’ she quipped to herself.

Sylvia opened one of the categories (in a new tab–working with an old, creaky computer and a slow, creaky connection meant that she wanted to avoid hitting the back button.) She was a little surprised to see dozens of auctions in progress for ‘Brainwashing Chairs’, whoever had made this site had really spent some time on it. They’d even mimicked the description style of eBay for each auction: ‘Synaptic Recalibration Device Mint Condition Complete With Nuclear Power Source!’ ‘Have Any Girl You Want With Inhibition Inhibitor Guaranteed!’ ‘Ferro-Silicon Infusion Chair Turns Any Girl Into Sexy Programmable Robot!’ ‘Serial Recruitment Laboratory Includes Seven Slave Girls!’ Amazing gag, Sylvia thought. Right down to the auction countdowns and the prices…2.1 million dollars certainly seemed like a fair price for ‘Captured Alien Technology Implants Will-Deadening Slug! 100% Escape Proof!’

She couldn’t help herself, professional pride made Sylvia click on one of the links. (Well, amateur pride…as much as she loved playing around with Photoshop, Sylvia had no idea how to parlay her skills into actual money.) She just wanted to see the ‘photos’ demonstrating each auction’s wares, and see if the person who made the site had done as good a job with their photo-manipulation as they had with the concept of the site. This was the kind of thing that really made Sylvia want to upgrade to broadband–it would make uploading her pictures a lot less time-consuming. She’d already finished a full sequence of ‘vampires among us’, and she was really proud of…of…

She stared at the picture of the girl for a long moment. Then she leaned right up to the screen, getting as close as possible. This was that ‘ferro-silicon infusion chair’ thing, and sure enough, there was the girl sitting in the chair, her body caught mid-transformation as she shifted into a robot, but…

Sylvia shivered. She had to be mistaken. It just had to be a really, really expert photo-manip, that was all. Something that had been done really well, so well that even another photoshopper couldn’t spot how it was done. Whoever had made this, they’d just managed to capture the shadows, the reflections, the tinting all perfectly, right down to…fucking hell, you could see the reflection of the photographer in the gleaming chrome of the woman’s breasts.

Sylvia checked out another link. The photo was slightly blurred–this person was clearly a worse photographer than the other one. But somehow that made the effect even more chillingly real. The slimy, dull orange slug burrowing its way into the back of the girl’s neck was just as blurred as the rest of the shot, the illusion of it actually digging into the flesh was perfect and precise and…no. Sylvia shook her head. This was bullshit, it had to be. If a site like this existed, it’d have to be illegal (but if someone could really do this, if they could control people’s minds, they’d never be afraid of cops or judges…) You’d hear about it in the paper (unless they didn’t want you to…was the site doing something to her mind, locking her brain down and preventing her from telling anyone?)

Sylvia didn’t care if it was. Once the idea got into her head, it seemed to tantalize her with endless possibilities. She could finally quit that dead-end job at the bar–a girl with a mind-control ray could get all the money she needed. She could get even with ex-girlfriends, have every straight girl she’d ever wanted get down on their knees and lick her pussy, make some Congressmen write a few new laws about gay marriage, have Kelly Ripa strip naked and fondle her tits in front of fifteen million housewives…

Of course, that all assumed this wasn’t just a joke or a scam. Then again, scams generally tended to aim a little lower. There wasn’t a single entry in the ‘Brainwashing Chairs’ that cost less than a million dollars, and most cost more than ten times that. Certainly more than a waitress earned in a night of tips. Or a lifetime, for that matter.

Sylvia checked some of the other categories, but they all seemed pretty much the same. Love potions sold for a hundred thousand dollars an ounce, hypnotic amulets traded for billions of dollars, and even the cheapest mind-control ray sold for the price of a four-bedroom house. Sylvia shrugged. It made sense, really, if this stuff was all real, the people who made it had to look at these dollar amounts like they were paying with Monopoly money. A girl barely scraping above the poverty line didn’t stand a chance of ever picking up a ‘Hyptronic Inducer’ or a ‘Synaptic Recalibrator’.

Still, Sylvia decided, it was fun to window shop. She clicked on the ‘Slaves’ category, then on the ‘Female’ sub-category. Even the thought of owning her own girl, one who would cook and clean and do all her shopping (and who would fuck and suck and lick and do every kinky thing she ever wanted to try without even whimpering…) Sylvia’s hand drifted down to the crotch of her panties, pressing rhythmically against the damp fabric as she thought of all sorts of new kinky ideas while reading descriptions like, ‘Hypnotized Girl Associates Whipping With Pleasure!’ and ‘Totally Brainwashed To Obey Guaranteed!’ and ‘Brand New Eighteen Year Old Virgin With Full Fetish Triggers Installed!’

That was when she spotted it. Not the description–there was nothing in particular that made ‘Girl Of Your Choice Turned Into Your Sex Slave!’ stand out among the other entries. But Sylvia’s eyes practically popped out of their sockets when she saw that number, seeming somehow tiny next to the fields full of zeroes above and below it. Twenty dollars. Twenty dollars for the girl of her choice, and a ‘Buy It Now!’ button right next to it. It didn’t seem possible, not really.

She was amazed at how quickly she clicked the link. ‘I’m holding another of My ‘Good Samaritan’ auctions,’ she read. ‘Just email me a name, and that girl is yours, mind, body and soul. For as long as you want her. For whatever you want to do with her. Risk free. For just twenty dollars. Not a bad deal, right?’

It sounded too good to be true. It had to be a gag, a joke, a scam, a fake…Sylvia looked at the seller profile. ‘Madame Isabelle,’ it read, with the number 19,643 in parentheses next to it. Below that, she saw the words, ‘100% Positive.’
Sylvia suddenly felt an almost feverish heat wash through her body. Twenty dollars. Even if it was a scam, it was just the difference between going out this weekend and sitting at home watching TV. And if it wasn’t a scam…she could feel the thought in her head, as though it had a physical weight. The girl who came into the bar every Thursday night, a different boy with her each time. Her voice, the husky, purring quality of it that always sent hot tingles to Sylvia’s clit as she walked by her table. Sylvia imagined her bright blue eyes, still sparkling seductively, but framed by Sylvia’s thighs as she licked and licked and licked and Sylvia wrapped her fingers in her silver-blonde hair and– Those gorgeous tits, so full and heavy and round and Sylvia had never been a tit person, but she could just imagine herself burying her face in those tits and she had imagined exactly that, so many nights as she jilled off in her bed…and she paid with a credit card. Every week. And every week, Sylvia rang her up. Jillian Asherton. Sylvia remembered the name perfectly.

Hesitation and guilt flashed through her head for a fraction of a second, but Sylvia was shocked at how easily she pushed them aside. The nearness of the temptation, the ease of it just made those moral considerations melt away in the fact of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. She clicked on the other tab, registered for the site as fast as her fingers would let her, cursing her computer for every second of its achingly slow transfer of information. Every second, she worried that someone would snap up the auction before she could get to it. The website seemed to refresh at glacial speed. Her whole body felt flushed with a heady mix of panic and arousal.

Finally, her registration was confirmed, and she breathed a gasping sigh of relief to see that the auction was still right where it had been a few minutes ago. She clicked on the ‘Buy It Now!’ button, her fingers inside her panties the whole time.


The next couple of weeks were practically impossible. Every day after she’d sent off that email to Madame Isabelle had been a struggle not to finger-fuck herself until she was sore. She’d been consumed with fantasies, spending every dime she could spare (and a few she couldn’t) on sex toys, picking up dildos and harnesses and paddles and waiting for the day when she’d tell Jillian to use each one on her. Every time she slipped her vibrator into her soaking cunt (and god, her panties always seemed to be wet these days) she imagined Jillian sliding it into her instead, heard her own voice moaning out ‘Fuck me, Jillian, fuck me…’ and imagined Jillian’s purring voice responding, ‘Yes, Mistress…’

The flashes of guilt kept coming, and Sylvia wondered at times if Jillian had friends or family that would miss her if she became Sylvia’s obedient pet…and that was all it took to force them away, thinking of the words ‘obedient pet’ and applying them to that perfect body, those amazing breasts and long legs and…that usually sent her back to masturbating. Besides, it wasn’t as though she was really going to be hurting Jillian or anything. The auction said ‘for as long as you want.’ So Sylvia could set her free any time she wanted to. Whenever she got tired of a perfectly obedient slave, licking her tits with mindless devotion and a sweet, submissive passion and…

The two Thursdays were the worst. Her hands had trembled so badly she’d had to give Jillian’s table to another girl, she couldn’t even think about looking into those eyes, wondering whether Madame Isabelle’s brainwashing was already taking slow, irrevocable hold of the girl’s mind and making her look at the waitress she’d never even noticed with a new, lusty, shocking-but-undeniable lesbian passion…she’d had to slip off to the restroom and masturbate right then and there, stifling her gasps with her knuckle as she brought herself off in record time.

And then it happened. She woke up early Sunday morning to a knock at the door. She staggered out of bed and across the floor of her efficiency apartment, still so groggy from a long Saturday night of working tables that thoughts of brainwashed slavegirls hadn’t even entered her head yet. She was so exhausted from just a couple hours’ sleep that she barely had the presence of mind to drape a sheet around her body as she looked through the peephole…and there she was. Jillian. Carrying a small overnight bag that no doubt held clothing and possessions, dressed in a lavender mini-skirt that accentuated her long, slender legs, wearing a matching top that gathered her cleavage into an inviting, enticing nest… Sylvia fumbled with the chain, her hands shaking to the point where it took her almost a full minute to unlock the door and let the other girl in.

Jillian looked at her for a long moment, her bright blue eyes ever-so-slightly glassy in a way that made Sylvia’s pussy tingle like it had been rubbed with tiger balm. ‘I am Yours,’ she said at last, in a tone of child-like astonishment.

Sylvia grabbed her arm and pulled her into the apartment, slamming the door behind her. As soon as the door was closed, she let the sheet fall off of her body. ‘Oh, god,’ she said. Suddenly, confronted with the nearness of the other girl, she didn’t even know where to start. ‘I…I, clothes, take off…take off your clothes,’ she whispered, knowing she was babbling but not able to stop herself. ‘Please.’ The word slipped out, but she knew she didn’t have to say it. Jillian would do anything she asked. Anything at all, oh god oh fuck oh motherfucker…

Jillian dropped the bag by the door and slipped off her skirt. She wasn’t wearing any panties. Her pussy was perfectly shaven, lightly oiled and glistening in the dim light of the apartment. Sylvia couldn’t look away from it. Her mouth watered. But somehow, the sheer absolute wealth of depraved possibilities froze her in place as Jillian slipped off her top and unsnapped her bra, letting those gigantic, beautiful tits free to sway ever so slightly with each motion of Jillian’s body. ‘Do I please You, Mistress?’ she asked.

Sylvia didn’t speak. She just answered with a low growl, pulling Jillian across the room, over to the bed, and then down on top of her as she did exactly what she’d been dreaming about for months now, burying her face in Jillian’s perfect titties and sucking and licking at the smooth, warm flesh, inhaling the scent of it, letting her hands roam all over that soft, perfect body while tasting and seeing and feeling those breasts against her face.

Jillian’s hands roamed too. They found Sylvia’s pussy, slipped into her wet cunt and thrust in and out, rubbing against her clit and suddenly she was over the edge before she even knew it, the ascent to orgasm so rapid she almost wasn’t even aware she was cumming until the orgasm was over. It didn’t sate her, it just whetted her appetite for more. She reached under the bed, pulled out the box of sex toys she’d been hoarding. ‘Use the vibrator,’ she whispered, her words slightly muffled by titflesh. ‘F-f-fuck me…’ She spoke in a shivery gasp now, overwhelmed by the absolute pleasure of fantasies come true in every detail. ‘Jillian, fuck me…’

It was even better than she’d imagined when Jillian whispered back, ‘Yes, Mistress.’

The dildo slipped into her slick pussy without even needing to be lubed up, she’d never been so wet, never been so hot and needy. Jillian fulfilled every one of her needs, though, never even hesitating as she worked the fake cock in and out of Sylvia’s snatch. She played with the settings, expertly increasing the buzzing tingles and finding just the angle to send Sylvia into orgasm again. This time it lasted even longer, Jillian drew out the pleasure and sent Sylvia skimming along an erotic plateau for what felt like hours. She came down shaking, sweating, gasping for air but still not sated.

‘Lick me,’ she panted out, hearing the tremor in her voice and loving it. She’d never been fucked this well, not by any of the girls she’d ever
been with, and oh, Jillian’s tongue was perfect, and when she looked down and saw those eyes looking up at her, meek and obedient and glazed with the pleasure of being a slavegirl, it hammered home another orgasm and god, she just wanted to keep going forever, keep fucking and licking and…and…she came again, her back arching as Jillian dragged another moan of ecstasy out of her.

‘e…enough…’ she finally sighed out, her body wrung out from so much pleasure, so fast. How many times had she come? How much sleep had she gotten? Sylvia suddenly felt every kind of exhausted. So many fantasies…but there would be nothing but time. Jillian was hers. Forever.

The thought wrapped around her like a warm blanket as she sank into sleep.


The light woke her up.

It was practically blinding. Even as she tried to open her eyes to figure out what was going on, its intensity drove them back shut. That wasn’t enough to keep it out, though. It pounded straight through her eyelids, flashing strobes of red and blue and green in a dizzying, endless pattern.

Sylvia flailed around in confusion for a moment, her mind utterly overwhelmed by the sudden transition from sleeping to waking, but she couldn’t figure out where the light was coming from. It seemed to be everywhere, all around her in a blinding profusion of color. Something about it seemed to draw her eyes, sending them moving underneath her eyelids to follow the patterns as they danced and swirled before her.

Her hazy, sleep-muddled mind tried to process the situation. How long had she slept? When did she…she tried to blink the exhaustion away, but opening her eyes even a tiny bit hurt, so she kept them closed. She realized she could hear soft tones in her ears, ascending and descending in time with the dizzying lights to complement the disorienting swirl of color.

Her eyes flicked back and forth now, following the patterns as they blazed in front of her. Dimly, she realized that something was wrong, and she tried for a moment to hold her eyes still and stare straight ahead, but she was so tired, her body exhausted from pleasure and her mind wrung out and dopey with free-floating endorphins, and the patterns changed as the lights focused right between her eyes, making her stare cross-eyed right in front of her in a way that made her so dizzy and confused…

‘That’s right,’ Jillian said, her husky voice carrying over the musical tones that the earbuds in Sylvia’s ears were playing. ‘Just relax. Just relax, and let go.’

‘Wha…?’ Sylvia was surprised at how muzzy and dazed her own voice sounded. It was all so abrupt, so sudden, and she tried to figure out exactly when she’d lost track of what was going on and how she’d suddenly gotten so hazy and confused but the patterns of light were spiraling out into an endless tunnel that drew her gaze deeper and deeper into it, and the sensation was so intense and so jarring to Sylvia’s sleep-fogged mind that she couldn’t quite seem to wake up at all. She just sort of felt herself drift back down into near-sleep, feeling passive and helpless as she let the lights direct her vision through her closed eyes and listened to the tones and Jillian’s wonderful, sexy voice.

‘Relax and let go, Sylvia. Relax and obey. Relax and give in to Madame Isabelle.’ Sylvia raised an arm that felt kitten-weak, feeling again for the source of the blinding, dizzying lights that pounded away at her mind, battering it down into empty, docile submission. She touched her own face, feeling smooth plastic goggles over her eyes, but then she felt Jillian take her hand firmly and place it back at her side. Somehow, she didn’t seem to have the strength to lift it again.

‘All you want to do now is obey Madame Isabelle,’ Jillian purred out as she stroked Sylvia’s skin. Sylvia arched into Jillian’s touch, the ghostly memories of overwhelming pleasure sensitizing her flesh and distracting her from the way the light seemed to be pressing her down into the bed now, seeming to form a solid wall of strobing colors that held her in place for Jillian to caress. Sylvia tried to speak, but all that came out was a kittenish mewl.

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The Dirt Road

I was so tired. Having a husband and three kids meant the housework was never done and it seemed like I’d been cleaning forever. And no-one ever helped, except to make even more bloody mess. As soon as I got the kitchen cleaned, wallop, more muck appeared.I was done, at the end of my patience, finished with all this crap. I needed some time to be me again. Not a wife, not a mother, not a damn housekeeper. I needed to be me, Tori. Damn, I’d almost forgotten her: the vibrant young woman that used...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Dogged in the Dirt

I consult my laptop. Ping, ping, ping. They’re getting closer, and my pulse kicks up a couple notches. I check my bionanite dish—the emitting signal is strong. I check the monitor to ensure all four digital video cameras—two in the brush, two in the trees—are working. Everything checks out, again. None of them have gone anywhere in the last hour since I set up. She’s coming. I start recording, all four vids at once. It’s a beautiful scene. I’m excited in a way I haven’t been since I began...

4 years ago
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face in the dirt

I'd been seeing this guy from work. This was our first time together. He was cute, young, err younger than me. I was almost 30 when i met him, he was early 20s I'm guessing. He never told me. He was the security guard at a fancy hotel where I worked part time. I saw him everyday when going in and out on the days I worked there. I knew he was interested as he punched my parking ticket or validated my parking or whatever. He was always polite but I noticed him always staring at my...

4 years ago
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Kelly Girl 12 Permanent Dirt

Copyright 1999, 2002 by Wanda Cunningham. Lainie, Vickie, Rebel, Bashful, and everyone else thanks for the encouragement. There is no actual sex or transformation in this chapter, but I guess it should be rated R for context. So, nobody under 18 should read this, or whatever is the appropriate age in their community. This story deals with transgenderism in children and may be uncomfortable for some readers. Kelly Girl Chapter 12: "Permanent Dirt" by Wanda Cunningham Andie carried...

1 year ago
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A neice and an uncle exchange good deeds and form a special bond

No good deed should ever go unnoticed and preferably even repaid. This is what I was taught as I was growing up. I teach this lesson to my children and I taught it very well to my niece. Actually if you already read “Do Unto Others” you know that paybacks are not always hell. So not to bore the readers following April’s progress (my niece) I suggest if you have not read the earlier mentioned you should. April started school and immediately had more boyfriends then you could...

3 years ago
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Bobbys Good DeedsChapter 5

There were three weeks left before school started again, when she did me that first time. I stopped in two days later, with my six cookies, and a fluttering heart. I tapped on the back door and stuck my head in the kitchen and she came in from the living room with a smile. She usually wore shorts and a tank top, or a halter top in the summertime, but this day she was wearing a sundress. "Hi," she said. "I shouldn't have speeded things up last time," she said, taking a cookie. "I hope...

1 year ago
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Dirt Under My Fingernails

"Send me too the edge with your lust and let me touch you in your womanly place". That is all the homeless man kept on saying to the ladies' passing by as he laid on the sidewalk almost blocking passage for the people walking by. This one lady turned and muttered to the homeless man, " I wouldn't let you touch the dirt under my fingernails. And to the dismay of this lady, he replied, I wouldn't touch the dirt under your fingernails either, for it may not be dirt but something else entirely. The...

1 year ago
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Adoptive Mother Teacher and Reporter slowly come closer to deeds to be done

And…if you can believe this as well Max agreed to tell her exactly how he felt about her. Cynthia was a bit surprised but happy, and I was too, seeing as he was only 18 and Grace Templeton was 25. You think to yourself what 25 year old wants to be seen with an 18 year old? She has to be a little “messed up” upstairs. But weren’t they all? Weren’t Cynthia and Max messed up as well? Personally, yes, I thought. Yes they were. Even I was caught up in all of this a little. Honestly, well honestly, I...

2 years ago
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Adoptive Mother Teacher and Reporter slowly come closer to deeds to be done

And…if you can believe this as well Max agreed to tell her exactly how he felt about her. Cynthia was a bit surprised but happy, and I was too, seeing as he was only 18 and Grace Templeton was 25. You think to yourself what 25 year old wants to be seen with an 18 year old? She has to be a little “messed up” upstairs. But weren’t they all? Weren’t Cynthia and Max messed up as well? Personally, yes, I thought. Yes they were. Even I was caught up in all of this a little. Honestly, well honestly, I...

3 years ago
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Flights of Consciousness Book III Charitable Good DeedsChapter 8

As black-eyed beauties go, Rima Qassem had to be in the top ten worldwide, David decided. He glanced at Nora, who gave him a coy smile. Was his wife testing his commitment to remain faithful by putting him next to Rima Qassem on a daily basis? He chuckled under his breath when he thought of asking Rima to wear the chadri, the full-length gown and veil required by the Taliban in Afghanistan whenever women left their households. Rima crossed her shapely legs. She certainly wasn't wearing the...

4 years ago
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Flights of Consciousness Book III Charitable Good DeedsChapter 25

"Do you know who this is?" Pete Hershey said on the telephone. "Yes," Gordon Wilson said. "Call me back on a payphone." Pete gave Wilson the number to call and hung up. Pete Hershey wasn't happy. Wilson calling him in the middle of the night, probably not on a payphone, infuriated him. Wilson knew the rules. Not for the first time, Hershey wished he'd never accepted Wilson's contracts. He sat and stewed, becoming angrier at each passing second. When the phone rang, Pete was ready...

2 years ago
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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 66 Deeds Not Words

Joseph was just lifting the eating knife to his mouth when the door opened. He looked up to see Jonathan and Elena – two people that had just left moments before – looking anxious. “Surely we have not been invaded in the brief time since you’ve departed,” Joseph noted. He had missed the capital but he had not missed having most decisions run through his hands. “Some sort of plague has struck Paxifica,” Elena said. “Many people have died including the king and his family.” Joseph sighed and...

1 year ago
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The Case of the Dirt Oval Murders a Michelle Hammer Mystery

The sky was leaden, the rain falling in sheets and I was in a foul mood. The joker I was tailing, one Clifford Thompson, thought he'd lost me in that last department store. Guess again, Sparky. Things had been slow lately, so I was picking up some extra cash as a Process Server for the city courts. I had no idea what ol' Cliff had done and didn't much care. He sure didn't want to be served though and it was beginning to annoy me. It was noontime and the sidewalks were jammed. Cliff was...

3 years ago
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Frontiers Flint MurdockChapter 3 Dirt Floor

The first time I borrowed the hotel’s one-horse buckboard from the Bighorn so Rebecca could ride down to see her family, I followed her on Scarface. Stayed just out of sight, but she wasn’t checking her flank. I got my spyglass out and could see Chet and Rosie standing in front of the house. If he tried anything, I’d fire both barrels of my scattergun up into the air. The sound would carry easy, even this far away. But he just stood off to the side as she hugged her daughter, held her as...

1 year ago
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Dirt Bike Passion

I had a real passion for motorcycles, especially dirt bikes. But it wasn't until I'd graduated from high school that my grandfather, a hard-core motorcycle enthusiast, bought me a dirt bike against my parent's wishes. I was hell on wheels, developing a real hard-on for the feel of all that power rumbling between my legs. I put 1,500 miles on the odometer in the first week. By the end of the second week, I had totaled the bike and laid myself up with two broken arms and a broken ankle. When I...

2 years ago
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Deeds Ch 03

I reached home late in the evening to find that Dee had not returned. I installed a key logging software on her computer and then took out the audio recording device and planted them in each of the rooms and then bugged the telephone so that I could monitor what was going on. All of it was being recorded in my laptop. All that I needed to hook up to my laptop was a small dongle that looked almost like a Bluetooth dongle. It was the receiver for all the microphones and recorded each microphone...

3 years ago
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Good Deeds

Billie added the last decoration from the package to the pine tree in her front yard with trepidation. ‘Damn, I should have bought more,’ she mumbled after glancing at the finished project. An empty spot near the top needed some ornaments. Grabbing a shiny red ball and a silver bell from where they hung at the back of the tree, she repositioned them to fill in the space. Then she stepped back once more. The parched lawn mocked the vibrant colors hanging from the tree. Billie turned away from...

2 years ago
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Deeds Ch 02

We slept late next morning and it was close to noon when we woke up. I was the first to get up. As I got up I saw her sleeping beside me. Her face was partially covered with hair and she had a calm angel like feel on her face. I walked up to my laptop and opened up my diary. I wrote in there how happy I felt today and I also wrote about my plans for the evening. That reminded me. My plans needed the right ambiance and I had no candles in the house. I also wanted to buy some flowers and maybe...

4 years ago
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Deeds of the Flesh Ch 01

Chapter 1: Kay and Eddie I’ve always thought it was kinda funny how prudish some people were. They’re usually the folks that end up thinking about sex a lot more than your average person does, too. It seems to eat at them even worse if they’re doing it against their will or their first mind, too. Maybe that was the problem with a whole group of people I used to know, their morality (or moral posturing to be more accurate) seemed to fuel their natural lust because they tried to stifle their...

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Lady potters Dark Deeds

When Harry Potter asked Luna Lovegood to marry her during their 7th year at Hogwarts, she was ecstatic. Of all her friends, Harry was the only one who truly understood her and loved her for herself, strange as she was. Then again, she was a beautiful and sexy witch. None could say she wasn't. Her long blonde hair and fae like beauty just made her irresistible to most men, though none would have married her as harry had proposed. She had accepted happily. She had then proceeded to rub it...

3 years ago
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Peverted Deeds Part 5

Lisa is kinky, so is Mom. After my confession to Lisa, and my unknown confession to my Mom I am just wondering where my life is going. How will the people I love and care about respond to the truth of what happened. Why do I do the things I have done? It has been a week since I told Lisa and she has not spoken to me and will not take my phone calls. I figure I lost her and maybe that is a just punishment. I have talked with Linda and she says to give Lisa some time. Mom and I have...

2 years ago
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Perverted Deeds Part 3

Revenge is nerve racking. It was Saturday night and I was just returning from a date. I am now dating a girl named Lisa. Her older sister is Linda, my friend Joe’s wife. Lisa and I have been seeing each other for a few months and it really feels right to be with her. When I walked in the front door my Mom called me into the living room. Mom said, “Call Joe, he called three times and asked me to tell you to call him regardless of the time you get home.” “Joe really sounded upset.” I...

3 years ago
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Perverted Deeds Part 1

My first acts of true perversion. (Incest/Taboo) (Non-Consent/Reluctance) I am Sam and I figured out I was a pervert at a very young age. Our household consisted of me, my sister, and my Mom. As a young man I was always watching my Mom and sister. I am 19 years old, my sister is 21, and Mom just turned 41. I am over six feet tall and about 180 lbs. I am in excellent shape, blonde hair, blue eyes and a nice thick 7 inch cock. My Mom and sister are like twins, both are about 5’8”,...

1 year ago
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Deeds Ch 04

The next morning I told Dee that I was going to stay home all week, as I have to finish paper work on the new client. She took it well. I also asked her to take a few days off and spend some time with me. I wanted her to know what she was going to miss in the years to come. I wanted her to taste luxuries that she had never known. I wanted her to know what she was throwing away. Every time that she would think back on our days together the only question I wanted her to ask was ‘How could I be so...

2 years ago
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Lady potters Dark Deeds

Introduction: Luna will do anything to give Harry an heir. Story inspired by pics from Shadman and ShooterM. When Harry Potter asked Luna Lovegood to marry her during their 7th year at Hogwarts, she was ecstatic. Of all her friends, Harry was the only one who truly understood her and loved her for herself, strange as she was. Then again, she was a beautiful and sexy witch. None could say she wasnt. Her long blonde hair and fae like beauty just made her irresistible to most men, though none...

1 year ago
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Kind deeds in month of ramazan

I am Muslim, 27 years old Irani women and i wear hijab and comes from very religious background. I did two hajj and memorized parts of Quran. And am practicing Muslim.I will tell you one incident that happened to me in month of ramazan. That incident left me confused. My 1 year old baby was with my husband and I was driving to my grandmothers home all alone. Along the way my car ran out of fuel. And the car stopped in the middle of deserted area, there was no person to be seen in miles.I got...

2 years ago
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Leather kink good deeds bad results

My old school mate Kev and my work partner in our plumbing business was always a tearaway and when he got 'sent down' for a 12 month stretch in prison, i promised to keep things running for him. The first month was tough for everyone, not least of all his recent wife, Tracey, so i went around and helped with general issues around their house. After a month or so when the weather improved, so i went around on the Harley and as usual, we sat in the kitchen over a cup of tea planning work and...

1 year ago
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Priyanka8217s Diabolical Deeds 8211 Part II

(I thank Mrs Priyanka for sharing her experiences. Part of it is true, sex with her brothers and clients is true, Rest is all fiction. Please send suggestions and comments to or ) ……………. My project tomorrow was to convince, lure and entice an NRI couple into buying a plush villa or a farmhouse. I am working as an executive in a Real Estate firm, owned by Mrs and Mr Bhatia. My job is to make the customers take the bait and Rahul Bhatia will fleece them and I get my cut. If it were a single...

2 years ago
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Priyanka8217s Diabolical Deeds 8211 Part I

(I thank Mrs Priyanka for sharing her experiences. Part of it is true, sex with her brothers and clients is true, Rest is all fiction. Please send suggestions and comments to or ) “Didi, look. It is going to rain, let us go to terrace and dance in the rain” my young brother Vijay shouted excitedly. “No. I have an important meeting tomorrow. I can’t afford to catch a cold” I declined his proposal firmly. Tomorrow I have to be at my sexy, seductive and provocative best. Have you ever seen a sexy...

1 year ago
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Cindis Good Deeds

When Cindi and I lived in Chicago, we'd fly to New York City twice a year on business, and to see if we could scare up something trippy. Trippy is a word Cindi, and I used to describe a sexy experience between us, or with someone else.Sometimes we succeeded, sometimes not, but we always had fun. We'd have diner, then walk along 42nd Street looking for a porn movie.On one trip, we found a porn and sex show emporium advertising 'Live Sex Shows'. Naturally, we went in. The first floor, filled with...

1 year ago
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The xmass good deeds

I love xmass and this year im making so many happy 'single'' dad as i deliver the xmass grocery they had been buying for free as part of the ''save chrismass'' gufundme started in our cityNothing makes my hearth beat this ''joyfull'' seeing the grown up father hug me thanks me tears in his eyessaying times have been rough and this will guaranty he can buy present for his k**s, covid a heard time for lots of folks, ive been doing this for years but this years is special, i felt this was even...

3 years ago
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Good Deeds on Bad Days

Among the various pieces of wisdom that Bobby's grandfather handed out on a regular basis was, "No matter how bad you think your day is going, you can be sure that for somebody else out there, it's going ten times worse." There was nothing particularly profound about this idea, of course, but it did in most cases seem to be true. Tonight, for instance, as 16 year-old Bobby sat alone at home on a rainy Tuesday night in June, stressing about whether or not he'd get a call from his parents...

1 year ago
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My name is Leroy Washington and I am a 28 year old computer engineer employed with a fortune 500 company. I am also part-owner of a small chain of used car dealership which my elder and younger brother look after. I live in California with my girlfriend of three years, Desiree Dixon. We met when I first moved to California and she helped me find an apartment (she was working for a real estate agency back then). She works for a legal house now and is enrolled to become a lawyer. I am not the...

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Bobbys Good DeedsChapter 4

I have no idea why it bothered me that Gloria was suddenly "possible", but it did. Maybe it was because I really liked her, and the relationship we already had, and didn't want that to change. It's possible that I was scared that, if I tried to "pursue things", or even if SHE tried to pursue them, I might not perform ... um ... up to standard ... hers OR mine. I don't think I was worried about getting caught, but who knows. All I know was that her being suddenly possible upset me. "I...

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Bobbys Good DeedsChapter 6

After that, I couldn't resist kissing her. Most of the time that's all we did ... share soft, warm kisses, with just a little stroking. I went on more dates, and eventually worked up the courage to try to kiss Cathy Thompson good night. She was willing, and it was nice, but it didn't electrify me, like Gloria's kisses did. When Gloria kissed me, I got a boner. It happened every time. Sometimes she'd feel it, and smile, and kiss me some more, and then tell me to go home and take care of...

1 year ago
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Bobbys Good DeedsChapter 8

It's hard to describe how I felt, as she took my hand and led me to her bedroom. I'd come there, that night, expecting to close one chapter of my life, a chapter I loved, and would miss horribly. I'd come to say goodbye, and to mourn the death of love. Now, though, things had changed so radically that I was operating on auto-pilot. It's a poor analogy, but it was a little like I had been informed that my beloved dog had been hit by a car, and died, but when I came to collect the body, I...

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