Flights of Consciousness Book III Charitable Good DeedsChapter 29
- 3 years ago
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As black-eyed beauties go, Rima Qassem had to be in the top ten worldwide, David decided. He glanced at Nora, who gave him a coy smile. Was his wife testing his commitment to remain faithful by putting him next to Rima Qassem on a daily basis? He chuckled under his breath when he thought of asking Rima to wear the chadri, the full-length gown and veil required by the Taliban in Afghanistan whenever women left their households.
Rima crossed her shapely legs. She certainly wasn't wearing the chadri now. Her fashionable skirt was short, the neckline on her blouse plunging. Large breasts, like Nora's, David thought. Black hair cascaded softly around a beautiful face, and her black eyes danced with spirit.
"I spent my youth in Dubai City," Rima said.
"That's in the United Arab Emirates, David," Nora said.
"Dubai is also one of the seven Emirates that make up UAE," Rima said.
"Your English is excellent, not a trace of an accent," David said.
"My father is an Arab American. He's with the State Department. He met my mother in Dubai City. We spoke both Arabic and English at home," Rima said.
"Are you Muslim, Rima?" David asked.
They'd quickly moved to using first names.
She smiled, displaying perfect bright-white teeth. "How to explain?" she said. "I know. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Mormons have a saying. They call a Mormon who isn't active in their church a Jack Mormon." She lifted her cocktail glass and tipped it slightly toward David. "I consider myself a Jack Muslim. Islam forbids the consumption of alcohol. For females, Islam forbids a great deal more. Women's rights are virtually nonexistent. Why do you wish to learn Arabic, David?" Rima said.
David had not anticipated the question and momentarily was at a loss for an answer.
"David is an avid researcher, Rima," Nora said.
David quickly picked up Nora's suggestion. "The Middle East fascinates me, Rima. I'm considering writing a book about that part of the world, perhaps along the lines of the making of a jihadist. Knowing Arabic would be helpful. Also, I might travel to the Middle East to do some of the research needed for the book."
Rima's black eyes narrowed. "That's very ambitious, David."
David fixed his eyes on hers. "I'm rich, Rima. I have the wherewithal to indulge my whims."
Rima laughed gaily. "Fair enough. I will do my best to teach you enough Arabic to indulge your whims."
They talked about the teaching process, when they'd meet and for how long. Rima quoted her fee, which sounded reasonable, so David wrote a retainer check.
"I'm disappointed," David said to Nora after Rima left. "She doesn't have the bulging belly necessary to be a good belly dancer."
Nora slugged his shoulder playfully and dragged him to their bedroom.
"A quickie before dinner, David," she said. "Darla's cooking tonight."
"Rima revved up your motor, too, huh?" David said.
Nora blushed. "Yeah," she said as her blouse fluttered to the floor. She wasn't wearing a bra.
After dinner at Darla's request, Darla, David and Nora piled into Darla's Hummer to visit Vince Graham at the Mayo Clinic Hospital. Flint drove. Vince was the eleven-year-old boy that Darla was helping by paying his hospital bill. He was an orphan. Both his parents had been killed in the accident that had injured him. David also wanted to meet Greta Simms, the family's charity operative at the hospital. They left George with Janice, who had agreed to tend the boy and put him down for the night.
"How is Janice as a housekeeper?" David asked his sister just before they arrived at the hospital.
"She's a better housekeeper than Mom, and Mom's better than I," Darla said.
"Which means she's better than anyone I know, especially me," Nora said with a self-deprecating huff.
Flint stopped the vehicle at the curb at the entrance to the hospital. "I'll park the vehicle and track you down," he said.
"What's the status of registering the compound as a foster home?" Darla asked David as they moved out of the Hummer.
"Don't know. I'll check tomorrow, but we're still weeks away if no problems pop up. Also, one of us must attend an orientation and some training sessions," David said.
"I can do that," Darla said.
They found Nurse Simms in the children's ward. She was about fifty-five years old with kind hazel eyes. Maternal, David thought at first glance. She was overweight but not fat. Cuddly looking. Maternal and cuddly. She's probably a good nurse for the children's ward, David reasoned.
"How's Vince?" Darla asked Greta.
"As well as can be expected. He's healing physically on schedule, but he has nightmares about the accident. Misses his parents. He was especially close to his dad," Greta said. "Also frightened. Doesn't know what will happen to him."
"What about his extended family?" David said.
"He has an uncle, his mother's brother, and a grandmother, his father's mother. The uncle is in prison, and from what Vince has said, his grandmother has Alzheimer's. I'm afraid he's destined for the foster-care system."
"Has Child Protective Services assigned the boy a caseworker yet?" David asked.
"Yes, a woman named Lena Prince. Right now, custody resides with hospital administration. When he's released, custody will be transferred to CPS, and the courts will decide placement."
"When will Vince be released?" David asked.
"Don't know, but I'd guess five days, maybe less," Greta said. "He had a concussion. The doctors had to go in and relieve the swelling. Fortunately, there's no evidence of any brain damage."
Not enough time for us to provide custody, David thought.
Flint joined them.
Vince lit up when Darla walked into the room Darla introduced the boy to her brother and Nora. Flint hung back, but Darla pulled him into the room and introduced him, as well.
Vince was slim, verging on being skinny. His head was bandaged, and a cast wrapped his left arm. Blond hair, soft brown eyes. For David, the boy also verged on being beautiful.
David pulled a chair next to the bed and sat down. "How ya doin', Vince," he said.
"Okay," he said.
"Bored, I'd guess," David said.
The boy nodded. "Not much to do. TV gets old."
"What do you like to do?"
"Draw. I'm a pretty good artist."
David looked at the cast. "Right handed or left?" David asked.
"Right," Vince said with a winning grin and held up his right hand.
"How about we drop off some drawing materials for you tomorrow?" David said.
Vince's grin broadened. "That'd be swell."
David laughed. "Swell, huh?"
Vince blushed.
"What else? Are you a reader?"
"Yeah, mysteries."
"Have you read the Harry Potter books?"
"Okay, we'll bring you some books, too, some mysteries appropriate for teenagers. You're not a teenager yet, but I bet you're mature enough for books written for teenagers. Right?"
"What about music?"
He nodded.
"What artists or groups do you like?" Darla said.
Ignorant about music, David rose to let his sister talk with the boy. "Nice kid," he said to Nora who was still standing by the door with Flint.
"He is," she said.
"Should we fight the system and try to help him?" David said quietly, so Vince couldn't hear him.
"I don't understand," Nora said.
"In a few days, he'll be released from the hospital and turned over to CPS, who will then recommend his placement to a family judge. We don't qualify as foster parents, and the compound is not a foster home, not yet, but we could petition the court for temporary custody. We can give him more than a normal home in the foster-care system, important items like continuing medical care, psychiatric counseling, home schooling until he's well enough to return to school, college later, whatever he needs; in other words, help him be all he can be."
"Us or Darla?" Nora said.
"All three of us," he said. "Joe and Mom will get involved, as well."
Nora studied the lad for a few seconds. With a determined expression, she said, "Yeah, I think we should fight the system tooth and nail, David."
Nora walked over to the bed and said, "Can you ride horses?"
Vince shook his head.
"Wanna learn?" Nora asked.
He smiled and said, "That would be swell."
That night while exploring Vince Crawford's past, David discovered the expression, "that would be swell," was his mother's, and the boy had picked it up as one of his own. For the mother as well as the boy, "swell" was synonymous with great or stupendous.
It was raining the next morning, so after making his trades on his computer, David grabbed a cup of coffee, drinking it as he walked to his gym. Flint was already there working with free weights. David, feeling lazy, used the row of machines that exercised every muscle group, finishing twenty minutes later. Flint was riding a stationary bicycle, and for the first time, David noticed the jagged scars on Flint's left leg. From what David could see, a piece of shrapnel had penetrated his calf, and two other pieces tore up his thigh.
David nodded at the scars and said, "Would further surgery help?"
"Yes, but it'd be expensive, and the improvement would be slight. If it'd take me to one hundred percent, I'd do it in a heartbeat, but..." He shrugged. "I can't run five miles before breakfast anymore, but I never enjoyed running that much anyway."
"What percent are you?" David said as he climbed on the stationary bike next to Flint.
"Eighty, eighty-five."
"Any pain?" David asked.
Flint grunted. "On rainy days, and not much then. What's on deck for the day?"
He's lying about the pain, David thought. "My Arabic tutor will arrive shortly after lunch. I'll spend an hour with her today, and then two hours a day thereafter, except weekends."
"I know a smattering of Arabic. Went through the short course in the service."
"Good, after I can start to speak it a little, I'll practice on you. Besides Arabic class this afternoon, I want to track down a man named Ridley this morning."
"The man who saved Tammy?" Flint said.
"Yes. Have you completed your security audits?" David asked as he pumped the bike. It was set for an uphill incline.
"Yes. You're in pretty good shape at the compound, but the ranch is wide open."
"Should we make any changes at the compound?"
"Yes," Flint said. "More cameras, video, thermal imaging, and infrared, mostly to cover the street in front of the compound and more coverage on the mountain behind the property. I'd like to put in an armory with fingerprint access next to the security room. Also create a safe room, but frankly I don't see the possibility of a threat that would warrant going further. Are there threats you haven't mentioned?"
"We plan to hire personnel out of the battered women shelters. Their violent, angry husbands will come looking for them," David said. "We'll be setting up our own battered women shelters offering services beyond those provided at the Johnson shelters. We want to make it possible for some of the women to escape their batterers by offering counseling and job training and placement, and I've been thinking about offering self-defense training, as well. Retaliation from angry husbands is not only possible it's likely. After all, no good deed goes unpunished. I could be wrong, Flint. I hope I'm wrong, but I think security for my family and me will become a very big deal not very far in the future. I'd rather be overprotected than otherwise. With this in mind, what other measures would you recommend for the compound?"
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When David walked into Darla's kitchen for his first cup of coffee, June wasn't in sight, which surprised him. The coffee was perked, though, so he poured a cup and fixed it the way he liked it: one sugar, a smidgen of heavy cream, and some half-and-half. He smacked his lips with appreciation after swallowing, and June bustled into the room. "I'm sorry, David. I was... got a minute?" "Sure," he said. "Come see. It's... well, it's beautiful." David followed her to the glass...
As the limo cruised through the gates to the compound, Vince said, "Is this home?" "Yes," David said. "Swell!" Vince said. David told the lad about the three homes within the walls and the amenities built into each home. "You'll be living in our home," Nora said, "David's and mine. A while back I met with the probate attorney for your parents' estate, and he allowed me into the house where you used to live. I packed up all your things. Your clothes are hanging in the closet in...
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Flint flopped on a sofa in Darla's great room. He was wiped out. He'd checked Eileen and her mother into a resort hotel, took David and Nora to the compound, where Darla helped him pack a few things for Eileen for the next day, and then drove to Dorothy's friend's house to pick up Dorothy's things, which he'd just dropped off at the hotel along with what Darla had packed for Eileen. Looking back, he had worked over sixteen stressful hours that day, and the day wasn't finished. He...
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"Denise, we both know the view of consciousness based on a neuronal connection doesn't fly. When my consciousness leaves my body, it doesn't take any neurons along for the ride." "Nonetheless, your consciousness maintains some sort of connection to your body during your flights. Your description of reentering your body without your volition during your recent time trips lends credence to the connection. Who's to say that connection isn't neuronal?" David's brow scowled as he...
Staring out through the glass wall overlooking his swimming pool, David watched dark clouds move swiftly across the sky, which seemed odd because the air was heavy with humidity and dead calm at ground level. Lightning flashed, and a few seconds later the rumble of thunder rolled by. It will rain soon, he thought. Did Nora tell the truth? Did she run three days a week, rain or shine? He glanced at his wristwatch. She was late. Perhaps she took a look at the weather and decided she'd run...
Book III, Decisions, is the third and final part of Dani's coming of age trilogy. Chapter VIII is the final chapter of Book III, and hence, the end of "Dani's Story." It is rated X - but a nice 'X.' How else would the saga end? Please be of appropriate age or be gone! Dani's Story Book III - Decisions Chapter VIII - The Ninth and Tenth Days by sissystevie I awoke to a gentle...
Joe glanced toward his daughter cowering against the passenger door of the Escalade. They'd just passed through the gates to Carol and David's estate en route to Nora's apartment. Careful to avoid eye contact with him, Nora hadn't said a word about her blatant exhibition. She felt his eyes on her, and without looking at him, and in a meek tone of voice, said, "I'm sorry, Pops. I went too far again." "Yeah, you did." "For what it's worth, I didn't plan what happened....
"I love him, Pops, and he says he loves me," Nora said to answer her father's query. They were en route to Carol's house to have dinner with Carol and David. Pops was driving David's Escalade. "Why do I sense you're not convinced?" Joe asked. "Probably because I'm not." "Why?" "Lots of reasons. I don't really know David that well. I know him well enough to be in lust with him, but love is another issue. I'm not like you, Pops. I don't fall in love at first sight. Also,...
The one. Hanna. Knowing her name thrilled him. He felt closer to her already, and he hadn't touched her yet. He didn't know her last name and didn't care, didn't really want to know it. Hanna was enough. Hanna. The hunt was done; the stalk begun, and the urge was upon him. He fingered the switchblade deep in his pocket and watched the girl smile coquettishly as her flirting, dark eyes settled on some boys leaning on a railing doing what boys do at a shopping mall: look nonchalant in...
Joe stopped his old pickup on Carol's driveway and turned off the engine. It kept chugging for a few seconds anyway. I know how you feel, old girl, he said silently to the cantankerous machine. You're tired, all worn out, but please, please, don't give up your ghost for a couple more months. He hoped the compensation package Steve mentioned included the use of one of the vehicles at Arabian Downs. Of course, Steve and Darla might not want to hire him after they found out about David and...
Joseph Alton Patterson stepped out of his beat-up pickup truck, grimaced when the engine turned over a few more times before rattling to a stop. He glanced at the stucco buildings in front of him. Like a fuckin' rabbit warren, he thought. One of the apartments in one of the buildings belonged to his daughter, but which one? To him, they all looked alike. He glanced at a scrap of paper in his hand, cursed and pulled a pair of drugstore reading glasses from his shirt pocket. Apt. 226, Building...
One day shortly before David turned seventeen, he concentrated and pictured his math teacher in his mind, and then wished he could connect with him. Suddenly his consciousness looked down on the slovenly man. Eager to test the possibilities of his new approach, he pictured Denise, someone he'd never met while in his body, and in a flash, his consciousness hovered over her in Albuquerque as she moved her fingers over the keyboard of a computer. Excited, he tested his newfound ability with a...
"It's just not right," Nora said. David's trip into her father's future upset her, probably more than anyone gathered to deal with what David had witnessed, including her father. "David, you shouldn't be messing around in anyone's past or future. You said yourself that you could alter the past or future with your time trips. It's just not right. You're not God. You're a man, and you shouldn't be messing around in God's bailiwick." "Whoa, Nora. What I do isn't close to...
Colors were brighter, but they didn't glow with neon-like clarity - not yet. Sounds were crisp and clear, but their volume wasn't much above normal. The urge had not yet flipped the volume knob to the right, intensifying the sounds so they reverberated off his eardrums as if he were standing front-row-center at a rock concert. Soon his skin would become super-sensitive, so sensitive even his loosest clothing brushing against it would make him want to scream. He knew the signs. The urge was...
"Knowing you, Mom, I predict you have a plan to get Joe and Nora together?" Darla said. "Tell us about it." "No plan," Carol said. "Being the manipulative bitch I am, I did have a plan, or rather the bare bones of a plan, but..." Carol shrugged. "What can I say? I love him. I won't be a party to any plot to get Joe and Nora together." Darla looked surprised. "Are you saying because you love him you don't want him to have sex with anyone but you?" "Not at all. Joe and Darla...
Book III, Decisions, is the third and final part of Dani's coming of age trilogy. Book I, Awakening, dealt with the initial 48 hour period where our heroine comes to terms with her sissy-self. Book II, First Days, covered the next 72 hours of Dani's vacation as she became more deeply involved in her new persona, if not her true self. Book III completes her excellent holiday experience as she contemplates and then decides her future. Although each Book is intended to stand on its own as...
Book III, Decisions, is the third and final part of Dani's coming of age trilogy. Book I, Awakening, dealt with the initial 48 hour period where our heroine comes to terms with her sissy-self. Book II, First Days, covered the next 72 hours of Dani's vacation as she became more deeply involved in her new persona, if not her true self. Book III completes her excellent holiday experience as she contemplates and then decides her future. Although each Book is intended to stand on its own as...
When David checked on his mother, she was sound asleep. He hovered over her face and gave her a soft, goodnight kiss, and then watched her sleep for a while. Like Darla, when she slept she looked so childlike and innocent. She rolled over and the sheet fell away. She was naked. Her voluptuous, naked body, unlike her face, looked neither childlike nor innocent. He caressed the side of her face with feather-like touches and kissed her neck just below her ear and suddenly realized what he'd...
After his communion with the dark-haired beauty in New Orleans, exhilarating and satisfying as it was, he'd still sensed the experience was less than perfect. It troubled him when he couldn't immediately define the imperfection. He relived the event and previous events daily, but in a fractured manner, certainly not in sequence from beginning to end. In fact, he purposefully avoided a sequential review, preferring a random, in-depth reassessment of each moment within each element of the...
"Now what?" Joe asked. Nora forced her avid gaze from her father's throbbing erection to his face, a face with a questioning, concerned expression, but his eyes were full of lust. "You have a beautiful cock, Pops," she said as her hand continued to stroke its length. Now what? he'd asked. She didn't have an answer. She hadn't thought beyond seeing and touching his erection. Her mind had focused on those goals only, and now they'd been achieved, she realized she didn't have another...
Wow, Colleen thought as she watched David and his lady approach Carol's patio and hot tub. Although stark naked, the striking couple strode boldly, both obviously comfortable with their bodies, and well they should be. David looked like Michelangelo's statue of the biblical character with his name. What a hunk! Nora moved like a sleek, golden cougar, lean and smooth, graceful and regal. Nora took Colleen's breath away. What a beauty! Colleen couldn't decide who excited her more, the man...
Book III, Decisions, is the third and final part of Dani's coming of age saga. Book I, Awakening, dealt with the initial 48 hour period where our heroine comes to terms with her sissy-self. Book II, First Days, covered the next 72 hours of Dani's vacation as she became more deeply involved in her new persona, if not her true self. Book III completes her excellent holiday experience as she contemplates her future. Although each Book is intended to stand on its own as complete, the reader...
Book III, Decisions, is the third and final part of Dani's coming of age trilogy. Book I, Awakening, dealt with the initial 48 hour period where our heroine comes to terms with her long latent sissy-self. Book II, First Days, covered the next 72 hours of Dani's vacation as she became more deeply involved in her new persona, if not her true self. Book III completes her excellent holiday experience as she contemplates her future. Although each Book is intended to stand on its own as...
Book III, Decisions, is the third and final part of Dani's coming of age trilogy. Book I, Awakening, dealt with the initial 48 hour period where our heroine comes to terms with her sissy-self. Book II, First Days, covered the next 72 hours of Dani's vacation as she became more deeply involved in her new persona, if not her true self. Book III completes her excellent holiday experience as she contemplates and then decides her future. Although each Book is intended to stand on its own as...
Book III, Decisions, is the third and final part of Dani's coming of age trilogy. Book I, Awakening, dealt with the initial 48 hour period where our heroine comes to terms with her sissy-self. Book II, First Days, covered the next 72 hours of Dani's vacation as she became more deeply involved in her new persona, if not her true self. Book III completes her excellent holiday experience as she contemplates and then decides her future. Although each Book is intended to stand on its own...
Book III, Decisions, is the third and final part of Dani's coming of age trilogy. Book I, Awakening, dealt with the initial 48 hour period where our heroine came to terms with her sissy-self. Book II, First Days, covered the next 72 hours of Dani's vacation as she became more deeply involved in her new persona, if not her true self. Book III completes her excellent holiday experience as she contemplates and then decides her future. Although each Book is intended to stand on its own...
When David and his mother arrived home, David handed a heavy bag to Darla. "The tapes that make you and Barbara victims are in this bag, Darla, along with the camera coach had hidden in the locker room. Destroy the tapes and the camera, and destroy the unlabeled tape in the other bag. Barbara, you're the star on that tape." He handed his mother the other bag. "Inside this bag, besides the tape I just mentioned, you'll find evidence that will put coach behind bars. The evidence consists...
The horse buyers from Arizona occupied a large, horseshoe-shaped booth in Denny's. They were chatting and eating breakfast when Joe interrupted several simultaneous conversations. "Darla, I've been thinkin'. If David is successful and buys Brigand, we should consider going Straight Egyptian at the ranch and sell off our Egyptian-Related horses." "Please, explain, Joe," Darla said. "Brigand is a Straight Egyptian. He'd become our senior stallion. Our two best mares are Straight...
Carol soaked in water as hot as she could stand. The fragrances from the bath oils she'd used filled the air, and candles provided the only light in the room. She leaned her head back and tried to relax. Before going to her room, she'd stopped and knocked on her son's door and asked him to honor her privacy tonight. She needed to think, and she didn't want to deal with wondering if he were hovering where he could see her or touch her. He'd promised to respect her privacy. Memories...
"Stupid question," Joe said with aplomb as he sat on the sofa and started to pull off a boot. Nora jumped up to help him. He'd managed to pull off one boot before she straddled his other leg. Placing his stocking-covered foot on her bare bottom, he pushed when she pulled on the boot. It came off with a sucking sound. "Now that's a sight to remember," Darla said laughing. "Help me get rid of the rest of his clothes," Nora said as she unbuckled his belt and popped the top button on...
The Ship, the Oasis, the Book, the Slave, Part III. By Geneva. The former corsair Rami, now the woman Nesrine, makes a life for herself and her family in Marseille. Unexpectedly, she come into possession of magic book and uses it to save a family member and destroy an enemy. This story is a continuation of my earlier stories, 'The Ship, the Oasis, the Book, the Slave', and its sequal, 'The Ship, the Oasis, the Book, the Slave, part II'. This story can stand on its own, but it might...