Time Machine: Voyage 2 - Roman In The Gloamin' free porn video

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Cleopatra was a chubby little tart with something of a moustache. She had a single eyebrow that seemed to be crawling across her forehead like a demented millipede and a bloody great nose. In short, she was the kind only a brother could love - but that was the Ptolemys all over. Yes, you've guessed it: the Prof and I were at it again. We spent a few days working on the Temporal Interface Terminal - T.I.T. for short. Well to be honest, the Prof did all the real work - I just supplied the muscle. I might not be very clever but I'm good at lifting things. He fiddled about with coils and inductors and I humped large metal objects back and forth and endured a stream of sarcasm. It came as quite a relief when he pronounced himself satisfied.

"Well, Jonty, my boy, I think we're ready. The Q.U.I.M. appears to be functioning perfectly."


"Quantum Universe Indicator Matrix. It will tell us if we stay in this branch of the continuum or go elsewhere. Look here, I've calibrated it so this universe is number one. The one where we met that odious version of Socrates is provisionally number two, although the Q.U.I.M will eventually determine its true relationship to the baseline."

"But how many are there?"

"Oh, infinity minus one, I should hazard a guess, but I could be wrong."

I have trouble getting my head around numbers as big as my bank overdraft so I just looked suitably impressed - or tried to. The old Prof squinted down his nose me and inquired if I was suffering from a bad case of gas. There's no pleasing some people. Anyway, I duly presented myself at the Prof's pad the following day. The mad old bastard had surpassed himself in the sartorial stakes yet again. He was wearing a wretched polyester safari jacket in a shade that I can only describe as dog-shit brown. Actually 'wearing' doesn't quite cover it. It was several sizes too large so he was more walking around inside it. The shoulders of the jacket seemed to change direction a few moments after he did. It gave the impression that his head could perform 360-degree rotations - like he'd just escaped from the set of The Exorcist. I was expecting projectile vomiting at any second - on my part! It was the bilious yellow Lycra cycling shorts that did it. With his skinny little legs, he looked like a variegated turd on stilts. I won't even mention the sandals with socks.

"OK, Boss, where're we going this time?"

"Ancient Egypt, Jonty. I have a mind to establish once and for all precisely how the Pyramids were built."

Who was I to argue? He screwed that damned C.U.N.T. (Compact Universal Neural Translator) into my ear again and we entered the T.I.T. as before. I eased myself into one of the over-stuffed armchairs and leapt out again with a yelp.

"Whatever is the matter you with now, Jonty? If I had known you were going to be such a fidget I would never have taken you on."

I didn't say a word but gave him a very pointed look as I removed eight inches of rusty upholstery spring from my posterior.

"Well I'm buggered!"

"No Prof, I am."

The T.I.T wobbled and I felt that now-familiar nausea. The Prof was working like a one-armed paperhanger as he dashed from one side of the control console to the other. I sat back and watched him - from a different armchair. There was a strange moment when the T.I.T seemed to bounce suddenly and then everything returned to normal. The Prof stared angrily at a blank VDU and then smashed his palm down hard on the top of it. Some fuzzy writing emerged, flickered briefly, blazed brightly for a nanosecond and then disappeared leaving a blue screen on which the words 'Windows general protection fault, press any key to continue, ' appeared.

"Bollocks, balls and balderdash! The C.L.I.T.'s still playing up."

"Come again?"

"The Combined Location In Time array. I set it for the time of Cheops and when do we go? Bloody Ptolemaic Dynasty, that's all. It really is too bad, Jonty. Bloody Microsoft!"

"Oh, come on, Prof. You surely can't blame Bill Gates for this one?"

"Of course I can. I wrote the programme using all the redundant bits from Windows 98. Bloody thing has never worked properly."

"That's what you get for using Princess Di software."

"Princess Di?"

"Yeah, you know, consumes masses of resources and very prone to crashing."

"Jonty, sometimes I find your taste very questionable indeed."

I didn't mention the Lycra shorts. Unless your idea of meat and two veg is a cocktail sausage and a couple of frozen peas...

We stepped out of the T.I.T. into blazing sunshine. My ears were assaulted by a babble of voices; peddlers, pimps, drunks, curses, laughter, threats - you know, the kind of thing you can hear any Saturday night in the West End. Except this was Egypt around 46 BC. I like it when we go BC - it makes me feel less of a heathen if JC hasn't been born yet. What the locals made of us I hate to think. How would you feel if a silvery dome suddenly materialised in the middle of your used donkey lot and two strangely dressed apparitions just lurched out of the walls?

The citizens of Alexandria reacted in the predictable way of big city folk at any time or place. They ignored us, stepping out of our way with a slight shrug as if we were just another pile of camel poo on the pavement to be avoided. Not so the local goon squad. Policemen everywhere must take ugly pills along with lessons on how to be obnoxious and aggressive without raising a sweat. I felt like an ethnic minority. Before you could say 'knife' we were taken down town and banged up in a cell with an evil looking goat molester and a confused menopausal Alexandrian housewife who'd been caught stall-lifting in the local bazaar. The professor was trying to make his protests in what, he assured me was ancient Egyptian but wasn't getting very far. I haven't had too many brushes with the Long Arm of the Law but even I know that saying " Oi, monkey-cunt! We got rights. My grandmother was a hippopotamus God while yours wore army boots," isn't going to exactly endear you to the local fuzz. The Prof assured me that what he actually meant to say was that we were very important people and should be taken to see someone in authority.

It was fortunate that the locals could barely understand his accent and contented themselves with giving us a good kicking - I'd have hated the Prof to have made them angry. We spent a sleepless night getting acquainted with the resident micro-fauna - fleas, to the likes of you and me - before being dragged up before the Beak next morning. He turned out to be a decent sort and suspended the sentence of castration with a rusty razor. Fortunately he was Greek so we didn't have any trouble making ourselves understood. Apparently the charge was 'making the place look untidy, ' they obviously had the same reaction to the Prof's outfit as I did. The Magistrate must have thought we were vastly amusing and he sent us up to the palace to entertain some visiting bigwigs. The Prof was going to protest until I reminded him of the alternative by stomping hard on his besocked foot.

We hung around in an anteroom for a while. The Prof made a big deal of studying the murals while I ogled a couple of serving girls. It was very frustrating not being able to chat them up. The C.U.N.T only allowed me to understand what was said, not to speak anything other than my native English, although the Prof disputes that I do that with any fluency. I was getting on OK. I had at least, by dint of sign language of the 'me Tarzan, you Jane' variety, established that one was called Charmione and the other Iras. I was trying to work up the courage to ask the Prof what the Greek was for 'fancy a shag, darling?' when we were summoned to the presence.

I've already told you my first impressions of old Cleo. The others present were obviously Romans and the Prof became ecstatic, rattling away in Latin and having a right good laugh. I'll say one thing for Cleo, she was a bright lass. She told the Prof she was fluent in nine languages, which put his snout out of joint a bit, as he could only muster eight. The Prof jauntily dismissed me as his body-servant. I couldn't let that go.

"I've never served your fucking body in my life and well you know it!"

"What did he say, Magus? What language was that - if such a barbaric tongue can even be called a language?"

"Ah, that was British, Your Majesty. A small Island off the coast of Gaul."

One of the Romans piped up:

"Ooh, I've been there. Horrible place, wet and cold and they all paint themselves blue. You there! Why aren't you painted blue?"

"I know who you are, bastard. You're Julius bloody Caesar. You're the one who called us weeny, weedy and weaky."

You can see I know my History. The Prof looked exasperated.

"He was speaking Latin, Jonty. Vini, vidi vici. It means, 'I came, I saw, I conquered.' Really, your ignorance is truly appalling at times."

He turned to apologise to Caesar but the bald old bastard was grinning happily and nodding his head. On the strength of that, we got invited to dinner. I ended up sitting next to a bloke called Marcus Antonius who was a right laugh. He drank like a fish and kept up a ribald commentary on his Boss and Cleo, whom he thought was a real fright. I thought it was pretty rich, knowing what was in store for him in few years! Still, I dredged around in my memory and found a couple of words of Latin that had been left there from some book I once read. I tried them out on him.

"Canis major, Tone, don't you think?"

He fell about laughing and had to be helped back onto his couch by a couple of Nubian slave girls. He took his time over it. He then bellowed to all his Roman mates that I thought the Queen was a big old dog and they all fell off their couches. The ones served by the eunuchs got back on pretty quick; can't say as I blame them for that, though. Old Tone then regaled me with a blow-by-blow account - and I do mean blow-by-blow - of his erotic progress through the Roman Empire and expounded the theory that world domination was only an excuse to get to try out loads of exotic pussy. He was modest enough to admit that if it had been up to him, he'd probably have stopped at the German border - all those hairy armpits kind of turned him off.

"What's the totty like in Britannia, then Jonty?"

I gave him the thumbs up and sketched a shapely figure in the air. He gave me a wolfish grin. Our Tone was something of a sex maniac, it seemed.

"Still, how do you find it if they're all painted blue?"

I shook my head and pointed at my own unpainted flesh.

"Old Caesar's telling porkies again, then, is he?"

I nodded. A bloke called Brutus looked sharply interested for a moment or two and then went back to brooding, as he had been doing all evening. Tone took another gallon of wine from a passing slave and grinned at me.

"Well, we're all off for a nice cruise up the Nile tomorrow with his nibs and the Queen. From what I heard, you and your master will be joining us."

The rest of the evening passed in an alcoholic haze. I had to be carried to my bed by a couple of hefty slaves and don't remember much else. I was awoken by the Prof at the crack of sparrow-fart. I could tell the old boy was really excited. My head was thumping and my mouth felt like the crotch-piece of an Arab's underpants so I wasn't in the mood.

"Jonty, my boy, don't you see? This is the chance of a lifetime!"

"Gerroff! Oh fuck! My head hurts. Prof, do something useful and fetch me a priest. The last rites are in order."

"Serves you right. I never indulge in strong liquor and look at me today."

I gazed at the double image of the Prof that swam in out of focus in my bleary vision. At that point it became necessary to park my custard in a convenient lay-by. When I finished throwing up I felt marginally better than spoonfuls of warmed-over death but totally unprepared for a romantic cruise with the bald bullyboy and his big-nosed trollop. Mark Antony looked even worse that I felt and even Brutus was a little tattered around the edges. We boarded the royal barge and set sail, if one can still sail in a bloody great rowing boat, up the Nile. Caesar and Cleo were hidden away in a pavilion at the stern. The rest of us lay about on the decks. Only the Prof was still full of piss and vinegar and he kept up a running commentary on everything and everyone we saw. Eventually, old Tone had enough of the Prof's ramblings and offered to help him lose twenty pounds of ugly fat instantly - by cutting the old wind-bag's head off. Silence returned and I fell asleep.

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"Another of my noblemen is dead," King Manuel murmured almost to himself, "and we are no closer to finding that mad man than we were two days ago. What are we to do?" It was early morning and the King of Portugal had been woken by his chamberlain well before the rest of the palace had begun to stir. The king looked tired and exhausted. He stood in his nightshirt and looked out the window of his chamber onto the grounds below it while his chamberlain reported the latest news in the search...

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John sat beside the hospital bed holding Jan's hand looking at her angular face and her dark blue eyes that had once been so expressive. Now they were dull and listless. Her skin, once tanned as if she spent a lot of time outdoors now had a sickly pallor. Physically she had been arresting rather than beautiful or even pretty. She had the sort of features that were finely boned, chiselled, and stamped with both intelligence and strength. She was a woman who had once radiated u*********s...

2 years ago
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The Last Voyage Of The Henrietta Bone

An age when the world as we knew it was smaller, and there were lands still not discovered.  An age where the sea washed upon distant shores. It was no longer thought of as a square. It, a majestic ship, constructed from the finest wood in the forest. Designed for transporting goods, or doing naval battle. Built with three masts, each towering a hundred feet, and it with a fuselage of over forty cannons. A slow behemoth, of strong oak. Lumber that had been dragged to the water’s edge and built...

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The Voyage of the HawkChapter 12

"Well," Pedro asked the moment Ishmael stepped into his cabin aboard the Hawk, "has he told you anything more besides what he told me?" It was now late in the day and Ishmael looked very tired. After Pedro had spoken to Esteban, the young nobleman had handed the prisoner over to Ishmael to be questioned as second time. The second time had been more persuasive in comparison to what Pedro had done and it had taken a lot more time. While Ishmael was more than capable of conducting the...

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A Pirate Quest Chapter 3 Voyage to the unknown

Sabina stood on the deck of the ship. The day had finally arrived and they had set sail for the Caribbean. Sabina watched as the coast of England got smaller. She smiled to herself as she walked along the deck towards the stairs to the lower decks.She walked along the corridor meeting a few of the sailors along the way. They all nodded their heads at her. Everyone knew that Sabina was the one in charge of the ship for the next few months they would be working. They knew that they were going on...

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The Last Voyage of the Henrietta Bone

An age when the world as we knew it was smaller, and there were lands still not discovered. An age where the sea washed upon distant shores. It was no longer thought of as a square. It, a majestic ship, constructed from the finest wood in the forest. Designed for transporting goods, or doing naval battle. Built with three masts, each towering a hundred feet, and it with a fuselage of over forty cannons. A slow behemoth, of strong oak. Lumber that had been dragged to the water’s edge and built...

4 years ago
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Part II The Voyage of a LifetimeThe Fitting

Part II: The Voyage of a Lifetime-The Fitting By JamiLin I woke next to a warm, sexy and very willing female form. It was Lauren, my attendant. Lauren stirred and hugged me. She said, "Damn, I hope that helped take the edge off. Perhaps you can relax and we can move on to the first step and then the fittings. Then we can experience so much of what you desire. The fitting is very complex and not just for clothes. Preferences, body type, sensations, how real-life, mindset and damn...

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Voyage of Discovery

The sun tipped over the horizon in a pool of blood, colouring the sea with a rose tinted stain. Arielle stood towards the bow of the huge ship, her long dress trailing out behind her in the cool salty breeze. The deck of The Desdemona was deserted, the sailors were blessedly below deck eating and drinking their way into oblivion. It had been a long and interminable voyage so far. Ever since she agreed to take this arduous journey to meet her betrothed in the distant city of Corinnia, she had...

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Space Voyage Alien Invaders

“Captain!” he screamed, “Need immediate pick up, there was something in the air, spores or pollen or some kind of damn thing that the plants let loose! But it went through our rebreathers somehow! We need to be picked up now! We got to get off of the planet!” “Withers… Your face…” she said back quietly, internally freaking out, “I am fine, I just need to get to the med bay we all do, the doc says he can fix this.” “Withers… ‘code: Six-Four-Seven; If you or any of your crewmembers come in...

1 year ago
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Tink Ch 4 a voyage of selfdiscovery

Tinkerbelle Ch 4, a voyage of self discovery Life with her Master, Captain Hook was increasingly thrilling to Tink. He was an imaginative and kindly lover and a strong guiding presence in her life. She simply adored the man and everything about him, his appearance, his commanding voice, even the firm stroke of his hand reddening her bottom when she needed correction. On a day like any other, Tink flew high over Neverland and made her way to town to see if anything was new in the lives of the...

3 years ago
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A wild sea voyage

A wild sea voyageBy the time we lived in Port Everglades, we had borrowed a nice sixty foot cruiser from our old friends Cecilia and Peter. They were going to be abroad during two weeks at least; so, we could enjoy the boat for a whole weekend. Anita and I had decided to sail away with another two couples of friends; not a long raid, just few miles close to the coast line.While waiting for our guests, we had spent the night on board, of course having wild sex during most of the time.At early...

2 years ago
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A Princes Voyage to Slavery

I was a prince in my tribe and here I was on my knees on Roman galley whilst a common sailor was trying to force his huge cock in my manly hole. I struggled but was held by 3 other stinking sailors. Just as his cock touched me I heard a shout from the captain. I understood their language. He said my arse was too valuable for a pig commoner but my mouth wasn't. Before I could do anything the first stinking cock entered my mouth. The naked sailor forced my head back and forth. (I soon realised...

1 year ago
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Manly Maiden Voyage

I open my front door to you standing there with a big red bow tied around your chest. "Happy Valentine's Day!" you say, grinning ear to ear. “I'm your present from James, I hope you like me," you add with a little uncertainty noting the surprised look on my face. A big smile lights up my face and I take you by the hand and eagerly pull you inside. Then I frame your face between my hands and kiss you deep and fiercely. You wrap your arms around me and nestle me against your growing erection. I...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Maiden Voyage

Maiden Voyage By Brian [email protected] It's a horrible thing never to know where you came from. Not to know who your parents were, not to know what city you were born in, not to know your own birthday. If you've had any sort of childhood whatsoever, then I envy you. As you may have guessed, I was born an orphan. Dropped off at some Atlanta welfare society. No name, no past. 'Infant Doe.' Malnourished. About two months old. Traces of heroin in my system. Things went downhill...

3 years ago
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Tink Ch 4 a voyage of selfdiscovery

Tinkerbelle Ch 4, a voyage of self discovery Life with her Master, Captain Hook was increasingly thrilling to Tink. He was an imaginative and kindly lover and a strong guiding presence in her life. She simply adored the man and everything about him, his appearance, his commanding voice, even the firm stroke of his hand reddening her bottom when she needed correction. On a day like any other, Tink flew high over Neverland and made her way to town to see if anything was new in the lives of the...

2 years ago
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Midnight Voyage to Doom

The Escape The moments passed painfully slow as Edward Banting waited at the Kingston, Ontario train station with his bride Mary Barker-Banting, the regal, 5’ 7”, 36D-28-34, very Victorian, 22 year old daughter of the Minister of War of the Dominion of Canada. Meanwhile a cleverly disguised Serena Wolfe, a 5’ 10”, 34 DD- 29-36, short cropped blonde hair, naturally athletic, intelligent, passionate, worldly, 25 years old, sexy, Canadian Spy/Colonel, born to a middle-classed family and the...

3 years ago
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Voyage of Sexcovery

The ocean is an almost unlimited source of biological miracles if you know where to look for them. A whole new scientific field in biology had developed since pandemics became way too common, shrinking the world’s population to a third of what it had been when the twenty-first century began. Although painful it had greatly helped a number of man-made issues. Populations were overgrown so that strict birth control had been adopted worldwide. Global warming had not been well countered due to the...

2 years ago
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Celestial MattersVoyage into Slavery

~Demons are creatures of Earth and Fire, Blood and Bone. These are their attributes, and they are at their strongest in the presence of these things. Angels are creatures of Air and Water, Tears and Spirit. These are their attributes, and they are at their strongest in the presence of these things.~ First Year Magician Lesson -Devnik- I awoke to total darkness. The cave smelled foul. Blood and vomit had mixed in the air, creating a putrid odor. Water still dripped from the ceiling, and...

1 year ago
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Assassin No MoreChapter 2 An Ocean Voyage

It was the first day of our voyage when I found out that traveling the oceans was not exactly safe. The sailors always carried wicked curved swords in their waist sashes. I thought it was because of me, but as we began moving they immediately started ignoring me. No matter what they were doing, some of their attention was always on the sea around us. I learned the reason shortly after we reached deep water. I was by the side rail watching the sea when a large fish broke the surface. I did...

2 years ago
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Chosen Frozen IIChapter 11 Bon Voyage

Sunday evenings were normally a quiet time, both at Earth and at Thule. On this particular Sunday evening, though, things were not quiet at Earth – and not quiet at Thule. DECO Miles Chandler stood in a civilian dress jacket and turtleneck sweater just behind the Orbital Control station of the Operations Centre, Tribune Whitefeather and his team stood At Ease behind him. Deputy Director Renee Galois was sort of hovering behind the knot of Confederacy officers and the Director of...

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Blackfeather3 Virgin Voyage

KYLE AND I got to ride herd for two weeks during the summer. Phile and Caitlin weren’t happy about it because they had to stay close to home without us to watch them. We had a little responsibility on the range but it was all where we loved to be—on our horses. The guys taught us what we were supposed to watch for during the long days in the saddle. “I’m glad you’re up here for a couple weeks,” Rafe said. He was our ranch foreman and we rode up with him to where the two summer hands and...

1 year ago
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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

2 years ago
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"I'm on a week-long scouting mission for deuterium," says Tom Paris, sipping a cocktail in the Mess Hall, "and YOU show up. Just my luck, I suppose..." You nod, appreciating the irony. The ship's resident 20th century scholar was, you found out later, disappointingly absent from your arrival on the ship. You, certifiably born in the 20th century, made your rather...unique entrance onto Voyager just hours after he left. "So, you gotta tell me," he says. "I mean, I've been briefed, but I want to...

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Blythes Machine Chapter 2

Jack and Susan were still gawking at the airships like tourists when a van came around the corner of the road, a side door opened and four men got out, grabbed and hooded them, bundled them into the van, and drove away. "Okay, check their tattoos!" a gruff, commanding voice said and both Jack and Susan's sleeves were raised up and their arms were twisted around by unseen, but strong, hands. "Nothing, Herr Direktor," A man replied "NOTHING? You mean they've been removed?" The senior...

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