Teresa Scalia Riot in the Ring
- 2 years ago
- 37
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It's 2 a.m. on a Tuesday night in the Scalia household. On one half of the King size bed in the master bedroom Dominic Scalia snores contentedly. On the other half of the bed, Teresa was having another bout with a recurring dream. In her dream Teresa finds herself again in the boxing ring at the Civic Center. Her outer clothing stripped from her, panties and hose lowered to mid thigh Teresa is again over the lap of Maria the Latin stripper. As she relives that night once again, Teresa tosses and turns in the bed fighting against the arousal that is building within her. Her black satin shorty nightgown is riding up and bunching at her waist. In Teresa's mind the scene is vividly playing out as Maria's hand explores the curves of Teresa's upturned ass. Her unconscious mind knows full well what is coming next with the anticipation and the arousal becoming nearly unbearable. As she dreams of Maria, Teresa instinctively seeks relief. Teresa's legs are churning under the covers, her thighs are pressed together tightly as they scissor against each other. Teresa's strong thighs part as her right hand caresses herself through the satin material of her panties. Her hips rise and fall in time with her petting hand. The dream continues as an accurate replay of the boxing ring events. Maria's caresses suddenly stop and there is an ominous pause. Teresa's masturbation increases in speed and intensity. In the dream, Maria commences with Teresa's punishment. The real time masturbation keeps pace with the dreamtime spanking, both creating an intense fervor in Teresa. Teresa's hand moves inside the panties to give her direct contact. Her pussy is well lubricated as she slips two fingers inside. Teresa groans and arches her back as her orgasm comes simultaneously with the end of the spanking. The dream ends here and Teresa slowly comes to consciousness. Chest heaving up and down, panting for breath, with a hint of perspiration in her cleavage, Teresa awakens and finds her hand still in her crotch and dripping with wetness. She flips the covers from her, adjusts her panties and swings her legs over the side of the bed to sit up.
"My God I can't believe this is happening again." Teresa thinks to herself as she holds her head in her hands. "At least the lord of the manor over there sleeps like the dead." Teresa sarcastically comments.
Stepping out of the bedroom, Teresa enters an adjoining bath and shuts the door. Switching on the light, she sits on the commode to think about what to do.
"I can't let this go on; it's driving me up the wall. I need to get something on Roxanne Starr and those two sluts Maria and Kathy. Something I can use on them. Maybe then I can get this out of my head." Teresa was strategizing. "I'll get Barbara to help me. She's got as much against them as I do. But it's got to be something major, something I can really use to humiliate them."
The next morning at the Anderson house, Barbara is folding and putting away laundry. Barbara's alone in the house as husband Mark and son Chad are at work and school respectively. Barbara opens a drawer in her dresser to put some of her freshly laundered lingerie. In the bottom of the drawer Barbara sees a white lace garter belt, matching thong, and a pair of white stockings. Barbara remembers well the night she wore those particular items and how that was all she was wearing when she left the Civic Center. Barbara picks up the garter belt and holds it out in front of her. As she looks over the fine white silk appliqué, her mind goes back to that fateful evening. She starts reminiscing of her being over the lap of Kathy Benson wearing nothing but the white lingerie and Kathy applying forceful corporal punishment to Barbara's bottom. Much as she tries to repress it, Barbara has more than a few stirrings of arousal as she replays those events in her mind.
"This is wrong, this is wrong." Barbara struggles with her thoughts. "I cannot feel like this. And it's their fault, Maria, Roxanne and Kathy."
Just as she's going over her humiliation at the hands of Kathy Benson, Barbara's cell phone rings.
"Hello this is Barbara."
"Barbara this is Terri Scalia. Before you hang up on me, please let me say something."
"I can't imagine that you have anything to say to me that I would be interested in. I've had more than my fair share of problems involving you and I don't wish to add to that so good..."
"How about getting even with Roxanne Starr and her two sluts?" Teresa interrupted. There was a few seconds of silence on the other end.
"Oh I'm sure you have a wonderful plan. No thank you, but I'll pass. I don't need another repeat encounter with those three. Perhaps you enjoyed being on the receiving end from Maria, it wouldn't surprise me if you did." said Barbara.
"Barbara don't be stupid. I have no intention of directly confronting them, at least not all three at the same time. Keep in mind Barbara it was your idea to pull the ties loose on their bikinis. Look what that led to."
"Don't call me stupid Teresa; you're the one who paraded around with her boobs hanging out."
"Hear me out on this please! What I've got mine is something more covert. Let's dig up some dirt on them, something we can use to humiliate them without putting us in jeopardy. Maybe something we can get on video or still pictures."
There was a pause in the conversation while Barbara thought for a moment. "Well I've heard some rumors, through Mark's friends, that Roxanne and her two little playmates have late-night liaisons in the back room of her bar. That might be something we could use."
"That's interesting, we'll have to check it out, but it sounds like something we could run with. We don't dare go into the bar ourselves. It would be great if there was a window in that back room. There's no one around that place in the morning, I think the earliest they get there is three or four o'clock in the afternoon. I can drive by some morning and scout it out."
"All right Teresa let me know what you find out, but we have to use the utmost care. Getting caught would be disastrous." warned Barbara.
Teresa did indeed perform some reconnaissance on Roxanne Starr's gentlemen's club. There was a back room nicely concealed from the parking area. In fact no one would know someone was on the outside of the building in that area unless they happened to walk there. The back room was in a corner and there were windows on either side of the corners, unfortunately the sill of the windows was about 6 feet above the pavement. If Barbara and Teresa were going to see anything through those windows they would have to be standing on some sort of platform. There were a few metal trash cans next to the windows that could be used, but they would be an unstable platform at best.
"I wonder if that's the room Barbara was talking about behind those windows? There's no way to see anything from the ground, we'll have to drag a ladder along or something. Maybe I could try those trash cans. God they're disgustingly dirty" Teresa said to herself.
There were three metal cans by the window. None of which had lids. Teresa reluctantly tipped the cans over to form a platform. It was a bit of a stretch, but she steadied herself with a handhold on the window sill and made the long step up on top of the can. Peering through the window Teresa had a good view of the inside of the building. Evidently the space was being used for Roxanne's office and had the usual office furniture. There was also a couch and what looked like a massage table.
"This is perfect I can practically see the whole room." Teresa thought. Teresa shifted slightly on the cans to change her perspective. The cans teetered a little and Teresa had to grip the window sill tightly to keep from falling. "Damnit that was close." Teresa thought as she regained her balance. "I think Barbara will be the one in the elevated position and I can be the lookout."
Teresa informed Barbara of the information she gathered on her reconnaissance mission. They made plans to meet near the gentlemen's club late on the next Saturday night. Actually it would be early Sunday morning. They would have to be there after the usual closing hour when their three victims would hopefully be in the office.
"Okay Barbara we'll have to park someplace away from the club and sneak in from the backside of the building."
"We can park in that vacant lot that's only a block west of the club. I know there are some trees we can park behind and that will give us the approach we want. Are you bringing the camera?"
"I've got the camera taken care of. Do you know how to work a camcorder?."
"I'm sure I can, but why do I need to know how to use your camera. Can't you do it?"
"Oh I'll be busy with other things. Don't worry it's really easy to operate." Of course Teresa knew full well why she wanted Barbara to run the camera. "Now remember Barbara, wear dark clothes so we can stay concealed."
"All right I'll meet you in that lot around 1: 30."
"It's all set then. Here's where we get even." Teresa said confidently.
It was a clear calm moonlit night when the scheming pair met at the vacant lot. Temperatures were in the brisk 50s and both women dressed accordingly. Teresa wore a dark blue sweatshirt, designer jeans with a black baseball cap. Her hair was tied back in a ponytail that exited the back of the cap. Barbara had taken the dark clothing/covert operation to heart. Black turtleneck over black stretch pants finishing up with a pair of black athletic shoes.
"Here Barbara you carry the camcorder, I've got the still camera in this case."
"Okay I'll take it, but wait a minute let me put this on before we head over there." Barbara produced a black balaclava and pulled it down over her head effectively hiding her blond hair and giving her a very ninja look. As they started their walk, Barbara could hear the clicking of Teresa's footwear.
"For God sakes Teresa are you wearing heels?"
"Well yes. What about it?"
"How do you expect to sneak up on anybody with the racket you're making with your shoes? What were you thinking? We're not going to some bistro for lunch. Take those off and get some other shoes." ordered Barbara.
"I don't have any other shoes with me. These will be fine. Quit worrying about shoes."
"I'm not worried about your shoes, I worried about getting caught. And it doesn't help things with you click clacking around with those heels."
"Well I'm not going bare foot so deal with it."
Barbara just shrugged in acquiescence, knowing full well that further argument was futile. As they approached, they could see the lights were on in the office. It was around an hour after closing time. The women stealthily walked up to the building and took the position below the windows, Teresa walking on her tiptoes to minimize the sound of her shoes. Speaking in whispers they hatched their plan.
"Barbara you'll have to stand on top of these cans to get a look inside the office. When you get up there I'll hand you the camcorder."
"Why don't you climb up on the cans? It's your camcorder you should know how to work it."
"I can't get up on those cans with these heels; besides my jeans are too tight I can't raise my leg that high."
"Fine then. Help me tip these cans over so I can stand on them."
Each grabbed one can and positioned it directly under the window. Teresa went back for the third and brought it next to the makeshift platform.
"Leave that one Teresa. These two will be enough. Now help me up."
Raising a leg high at the knee, Barbara got one of her feet on the flat surface of the trashcan bottom. Barbara put one hand on Teresa's shoulder and Teresa put a steadying hand on Barbara's hip. The can teetered slightly as Barbara took the step up onto the can. Teresa's hand slipped under Barbara's derrière as she rose. It allowed Teresa took up a cheap feel unintended perhaps or perhaps not. This did not go unnoticed by Barbara. Barbara took a rocky stance atop the overturned trash cans. She got her first good look into the office. The lighting in the office was subdued, but sufficient for her to see most of the area. The rumors she had heard were true and they could not have picked a better time for some spying. All three of their nemesis, Roxanne, Maria and Kathy, were in the office. Barbara first spotted Maria lounging on the sofa. Maria was relaxing on the couch legs crossed in front of her and a drink in her hand. She was wearing a very short denim skirt with a halter top. The halter made of material similar to a red bandanna. Barbara noticed that Maria was intently watching something across the room. Barbara followed the line of Maria's gaze and saw Roxanne stretched out on the massage table. Naked save for a towel across her derrière, Roxanne was face down on the table with Kathy administering a massage. Kathy was clad in a terry cloth robe. Barbara turned and squatted to face Teresa. The can on which she was standing rattled back and forth tapping against the brick wall of the building.
"For God sakes be careful, quit making so much noise." Teresa said in a loud whisper.
"Give me the camcorder! All three of them are in there and Roxanne is getting massage from Kathy."
Teresa handed the camcorder to Barbara who very stealthily and quietly stood up from her squatting position. She hit the record button and began documenting Kathy and Roxanne. The angle wasn't perfect and Barbara had to turn as far she could to the left to get them in the frame. A minute or so had gone by when Maria rose from the couch and walked over to the massage table. She approached the front of the table near Roxanne's head. Something was said but could not be heard outside and Roxanne raised her head to receive a kiss from Maria. Kathy continued her massage and had worked her way down to Roxanne's hips. As Maria and Roxanne continued kissing, Kathy slowly removed the towel and exposed Roxanne's ample derrière. Picking up a bottle of oil, Kathy distributed a small amount on Roxanne's buttocks. Using both hands, one on each cheek, Kathy began massaging.
"Teresa this is great." whispered Barbara. "They're in there making out like the bitches in heat they are. I need to get a little further to the left to get the whole frame."
Barbara had 1 foot on each barrel top and was leaning hard on her right foot when the barrel began tipping. Barbara started struggling to keep her balance.
"Oh Shit!" Barbara said in a much too loud voice.
"Will you hush up and be quiet!" Teresa hissed.
Barbara continued to struggle for balance. The cans were banging against each other beginning to make quite a racket. Teresa tried to assist Barbara in regaining her balance and put both hands on Barbara's hips. Barbara was still slipping from one side to the other when Teresa's hand accidentally slipped down over Barbara's bottom. Teresa's thumb found its way between Barbara's nether cheeks just as Teresa pushed up to keep Barbara up right. Barbara let out a yelp as Teresa's thumb pressed against her crotch. The camcorder flew into the air as the barrels began tipping over with Barbara's feet quickly backpedaling to try and keep from falling. Barbara's struggles were of no use as the barrels flew to the left with a crash and Barbara fell backwards. Serendipity once again played a factor as Barbara descended butt first into the open top trashcan. Barbara was dazed for a second and then realized what had happened. She was stuck in the can, bent at the waist with her legs pointing straight up and her back wedged against the metal can wall. Barbara tried to pry herself from the can with her arms, but was not moving anywhere. She looked over and saw Teresa standing there dumbly.
"Teresa get over here and help me out! Hurry up!"
Teresa trotted over to the can and got her arms underneath Barbara's and began to pull. The commotion outside did not go unnoticed in the office. At the first sound of crashing trash cans Roxanne broke off with Maria and looked to the windows.
"What the hell was that?" asked Roxanne. All three women could definitely hear feminine voices in between the banging of empty metal cans.
"Sounds like someone's outside." said Maria.
"Maria, you and Kathy get out there and check it out while I get something on." ordered Roxanne.
Outside Barbara was desperately trying to extricate herself from the trashcan. Teresa made futile efforts to assist, but was of no real help. As they were struggling, a bright security light came on illuminating them fully. Both women froze for a moment.
"Teresa, come on get me out of here!"
Teresa wrapped her arms around Barbara's chest underneath her arms and lifted as hard as she could. All she succeeded in doing was to pick Barbara and the can off the ground. It was at that point they heard a door open and hurried footsteps coming toward them. Teresa released her grip around Barbara and let her drop to the ground. They can hit the ground on one edge, teetered for a moment until it slowly fell to one side with Barbara still firmly attached. Hearing the footsteps coming closer, Teresa decided that discretion was the better part of valor and beat a hasty retreat. Even though she was on her side and stuck in the can, Barbara could see Teresa's desertion.
"Teresa, Teresa get back here and help me." Barbara yelled. Teresa had just disappeared into the darkness when Barbara turned her head to see Kathy and Maria standing over her.
Inspired by the athletes they had watched in the Olympic Games, Dominic Scalia Jr. and Chad Anderson went out for their middle school swim team. Both boys proved to be adept swimmers that specialized in the freestyle stroke. Of course there was friendly competition between the boys. Both families faithfully attended swim meets and the competitions were duly preserved for posterity on videotape. "Dominic, look at this new camcorder I bought." Teresa Scalia said. Dominic looked at the rather...
Preface: In this story there are a couple references to earlier encounters between Teresa and Barbara. For a full accounting of those incidents, I refer you to the stories The Tale of Mrs. Teresa Scalia (uncovered) and Teresa Scalia Gets Her Revenge. An electronic version of the William Tell Overture's opening clarion call rang out from Barbara Anderson's purse indicating a call on her cell phone. "Hello this is Barbara" "Barbara, Rhonda here. Have I got some news for you. Have you...
Eyes closed and breathless, Barbara reclined on the massage table. Her white sports bra, her only article of clothing, had been pushed up over her breasts. An intense pink, almost red flush, could be seen on Barbara’s tanned skin from the cheeks of her face down her neck and shoulders. The flush extended to the un-tanned tops of her breasts. Quite visible on her creamy white skin. She was lost in a tidal wave of endorphins, the result of a thunderous orgasm courtesy of Roxanne Starr. “Oh my,...
Teresa and Dominic Scalia were busily brainstorming entertainment ideas for the upcoming Community Chest gala. "We've got the band with a featured singer, but I think we need something else. Something for a change of pace." said Teresa. Dominic thought for a moment. "How about a magician? It could be the first act right after dinner and before we clear the floor for the dance." "Really, a magician? Seems a bit tacky." Teresa countered. "Tell you what, I'll call my cousin Angelo in...
For the past couple of years, Roxanne Starr had diligently worked to become accepted as a legitimate businesswoman in the community. Being the owner of a somewhat notorious bar and strip club did not ingratiate her with the other business owners. However, when Roxanne opened the lingerie shop in the main street retail district, the other merchants could not ignore her presence. Roxanne became active in the Junior Chamber of Commerce and participated in their activities. The Jaycees hosted an...
A new school year was beginning. Chad Anderson and DJ Scalia were discussing the prospects for their final year at middle school. "I guess we're getting a new principal. Ms. Abercrombie retired." DJ remarked to Chad. "Let's hope she's not some old bag that'll make us have detention for looking cross eyed" said Chad. The boys were right they are getting a new principal but she will prove to be anything but an old bag. Meanwhile, Barbara Anderson is on the phone with her friend...
Kathy Benson sat in Roxanne Starr's office at the Gentleman's Club. Roxanne was seated behind her desk and the two of them were in a deep conversation. "I really think it's time for me to change careers." Kathy told Roxanne. "I'm really interested in getting back into education. And there's a position open right here in town that I'm qualified for. I really don't want to relocate." Prior to her career as an exotic dancer and part-time magician's assistant, Kathy was a middle school...
Spring is the time of renewal, a time of regrowth. And as spring came forth in the surroundings of Barbara Anderson and Teresa Scalia new things and ideas were being born. On a more personal note Barbara was experiencing some very intimate regrowth of her own. Having suffered a most humiliating experience at the hands of Roxanne Starr, Barbara's golden bush regenerated itself. Roxanne was foiled in one regard. When Mark Anderson discovered Barbara's shaven pubis he was genuinely quite...
Sitting at her desk with telephone in hand, Roxanne Starr put the finishing touches on a negotiation. "Okay then we're in agreement. Guaranteed controlled access for the night of the 23rd, one person in-house who can operate stage lighting, curtains, and the automated video equipment, and I pay $5000 to rent the hall with a $200 kick back to you." Roxanne paused for a moment as the party on the other end responded. "Very well, I'll be in touch." Thinking to herself, "The venue is...
It was a warm midweek afternoon in July. The Andersons were preparing for an outing. "Mark, toss a couple more water bottles into the cooler before you bring it out please." Barbara called out. "Okay" Mark replied as he walked back into their house. Dressed in a short sleeved white blouse tied at the midriff, khaki shorts and green headband, Barbara was putting the last few things into their SUV for an afternoon of boating at the lake. Mark had recently purchased a new cigarette style...
Many months had passed, in fact, nearly a year now since Teresa and Barbara clashed at the Woman of the Year Formal Ball. Terri's last humiliation actually had some beneficial effects on her personality. She was no longer the haughty, domineering, social diva that she had once been. She had actually become courteous and attentive to others in her social circle and no longer used leverage to gain her own way in matters. The change wasn't left unnoticed by others in this Connecticut town and...
Teresa kept a low profile for several weeks following her public spanking by Barbara Anderson. Although Teresa had initially humiliated Barbara at the Little League ballpark by tearing off her skirt, Barbara turned the tables blistering Terri's bottom and stripping her completely. (Refer to "Teresa Scalia Strikes Back") This was on top of the stripping Teresa was subjected to earlier in the year at the community theatre by Barbara's hand. (Refer to "The Tale of Teresa Scalia") Down but...
Some time had passed since the events at the community theater. (Read the Tale of Mrs. Teresa Scalia) Summer had arrived and the weather had warmed. Both Barbara Anderson's and Terri Scalia's sons were on the town's Little League team. Both mothers attended the games, but kept a diplomatic distance from each other. On the surface, things appeared to be calm. In fact, the comment in town was the best thing for Terri's disposition was her having been disrobed in public. Terri, however, was...
Since Barbara's humiliation at the Renaissance Fair, Terri had regained her social stature in the community. She was soon back to her old ways of dealing with the other women in her circle. Rudeness, intimidation, and social climbing were the norm. Barbara, on the other hand, had retreated from social life. She kept a few close friends, but refrained from larger social gatherings. After all it was difficult to face the people who had witnessed her face down over Terri's lap, her dress...
Roxanne Starr the redheaded strip club owner, in her continuing efforts to become a legitimate businessperson, had expanded her lingerie shop. Leaving the small Main Street storefront, she left the quaint shop behind and moved the business into a standalone building adjacent to a large shopping mall. With nearly quadruple the square footage in the new building, Roxanne’s lingerie venue could now rival even some of the larger retailers such as Victoria’s Secret. Many more displays, sample cases,...
Our story begins in an affluent community of Connecticut. A town of upper middle class families whose husbands earned salaries that allowed wives to remain at home often with too much time on their hands. Dominic and Theresa Scalia had moved to the area from California three years ago. Dominic had purchased the major banking institution in town and was operating it as President and CEO. He held a great amount of influence in the community. Theresa or Terri as she was usually called, was very...
Chapter 1 Readers of ‘My Polish Neighbour’ will have been introduced to Teresa, a freelance ladies hairdresser whom I knew via my mother and Maria, My Polish Neighbour, in my early teens. This is the story of how we got to know each other much better and more importantly how she had the insight into me that I had only been marginally conscious of at the time and for which she drew me out. In short she made me sexually unfold in ways I could not have imagined. I had been round at Maria’s...
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Teresa the TGirl Teacher By Warpdrive_1999 Note This work is copyright and cannot be reposted without my permission All characters and situations in this story are fictional, and any similarity to real events is purely coincidental. All characters are aged 18 or over. Part 3 For the rest of the morning Teresa helped me with some studying. After that initial intimacy, we were able to concentrate better and I managed to get through a surprising amount of work. We then...
Teresa the TGirl Teacher By Warpdrive_1999 Note This work is copyright and cannot be reposted without my permission All characters and situations in this story are fictional, and any similarity to real events is purely coincidental. All characters are aged 18 or over. Part 2 Of course, there were going to be some questions to resolve - most immediately between the school and my parents - and that could cause all manner of issues. However, the headmaster felt confident...
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Teresa the TGirl Teacher By Warpdrive_1999 Note This work is copyright and cannot be reposted without my permission. All characters and situations in this story are fictional, and any similarity to real events is purely coincidental. All characters are 18 years old or older. Part 1 I first saw Ms Teresa when I moved to high school at the age of 12. She was unmistakable: Jet Black and 6 ft. 4 in. in her heels - which she seemed to wear a lot - with long-legs usually clad...
TERESA, 1SHE BEGGED FOR IT,This Story Is True,, Starts Slow,, Ends Nasty… I used to go to a bar/steakhouse called MARMAC’S. I knew the band, (good music) and I would go there after work to dance & unwind. The joke at the place was the name M,A,R,M,A,C,'S stood for Middle Aged Raunchy Men After Casual Sex. I worked swing shift so it was perfect for me. I still got to party and it kept the party under control. There was this one woman who’s name was Teresa. She had blonde hair, big...
Chapter 5 “Teresa let me kiss you. I want your mouth now. Oh god fuck that’s so gorgeous. You taste and smell of me. I haven’t had a mouth to my cunt in years. Here give me that finger too. Oh yes Teresa you're so fucking dirty – just what I need. Darling let me look after you now please.” “Yes my darling Jean I’ve wanted this for ages too. I just knew you would be very sexual and you are. Oh god you want to suck my nipples first. Sure. Here let me get this bra off. Yes Jean wonderful....
SHE BEGGED FOR IT, This story is true, Starts slow, Ends nasty… I used to go to a bar/steakhouse called MARMAC’S. I knew the band, (good music) and I would go there after work to dance & unwind. The joke at the place was the name M,A,R,M,A,C,'S stood for Middle Aged Raunchy Men After Casual Sex. I worked swing shift so it was perfect for me. I Still got to party but it kept the party under control. There was this one woman who’s name was Teresa. She had blonde hair, big tits and a full...
My Stepmother Teresa hadn't done much, it seemed, in quite a while, since her last experience documented in her other stories. She dressed pretty conservatively again, and all seemed quiet and placid in our lives.This peace was broken one day, however, when I was walking with Mum around the corner, past the local shops. There was a group of youths in their late teens hanging around outside the shops, and although I knew their faces from experiencing their nuisance making and petty vandalism in...
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I naturally never forgot the indident when Teresa cuckolded Dad and in a way, me too, selling herself and becoming a temporary sex slave to the SM circle.Some time after I finally saw the film, the infamous film of my Stepmother's willing but unprecedented prostitution of herself to an exclusive BDSM circle to save us from debt and poverty, I visited a sex shop in a big city in the south.Minding my own business, looking through the goods, I was surprised to hear a customer ask the staff for the...
This is about the strange incident which began Mum's continued cuckoldry. I'd like to write and tell you the story of her experience, which will be mentioned in our other stories. This is when she originally committed adultery to my Dad, by selling herself sexually, in the 80's. It centres around a certain underground film that was made. I can describe it, now I've seen it, and I'd like to tell you all about it. When I was just 18, Dad was in heavy debt through his own...
This is about the strange incident which began Mum's continued cuckoldry. I'd like to write and tell you the story of her first prostitution, which will be mentioned in other stories. This is when she originally committed adultery, by selling herself sexually, in the 80's. It is about a certain underground film that was made. I can describe it, now I've seen it, and I'd like to tell you all about it.When I was just 18, Dad was in heavy debt through his own mismanagement of his business; and it...
I naturally never forgot the indident when Teresa cuckolded Dad and in a way, me too, selling herself and becoming a temporary sex slave to the SM circle.Some time after I finally saw the film, the infamous film of my Stepmother's willing but unprecedented prostitution of herself to an exclusive BDSM circle to save us from debt and poverty, I visited a sex shop in a big city in the south.Minding my own business, looking through the goods, I was surprised to hear a customer ask the staff for the...
TERESA'S BIRTHDAY FANTASY, Teresa and I loved getting each other off. We could, and did ask each other to do many Lewd & Nasty things. One of her fantasies she wanted me to do was a striptease for her on her birthday. Then, well let me tell you what happened. Teresa called and told me what she wanted for her birthday, for me to do a striptease for her. I agreed, and then she said the conditions were, first that I couldn't cum (NO SEX) for the prior two weeks. She said she wanted me to have...
Like a lot men I found myself divorced and 50. I was out of the dating scene and did not know where to turn. I thought about getting a Russian or Philippino woman that you meet online but I wanted an American. My friend Jack was a 50 year old businessman and had a hottie wife about 19. Jack had lived with her before her married this beautiful girl. While playing golf I commented that if I could find a woman like Jacks I would jump at the chance. "Well I got her at the Robert's Agency, they...
I have heard (and read) quite a few “first-time” stories, but let’s get real – usually the is a pretty bad time. My first time was with a girl I met while on a family camping trip. Maybe we felt free to try out sex because we didn’t know each other – no strings, no history, and because we lived far apart – no future. And so we tried “it” out. It was awkward for us both, painful for her, and not a particularly great introduction into the “joy” of sex for either of us. But my second time…now that...
EroticIntroduction: How Bobbys Mum became an underground porno star. This is about the strange incident which began Mums continued cuckoldry. Id like to write and tell you the story of her first prostitution, which will be mentioned in other stories. This is when she originally committed adultery, by selling herself sexually, in the 80s. It is about a certain underground film that was made. I can describe it, now Ive seen it, and Id like to tell you all about it. When I was just 18, Dad was in heavy...
Dale was remembering the time, six years ago, when she was first spanked. She was now sixty-six-years-old and she had enjoyed building up relationships where she was the submissive and was spanked and caned. How it started was always a happy memory, although very awkward at the time.It was six years ago that Dale Brown opened the door to her house and stepped back to allow Emma Hogan and Amy Johnson to come in.Dale was sixty-years-old and a schoolmistress at the local sixth form college. Both...
SpankingWhen I was in college I lived with an older roomate. At the time I was 18 and he was 23 and he only lived one year with me before he finished and went away. The house we lived in was on old house with those big old keyholes, every voyeurs dream... And being a voyeur like i am i took advantage of it to the max.The first time i spied on him was in the shower. There, for the first time I got to see his naked body. He was of normal build, not fat nor skinny, a bit tall and had few hair on him (i...
Alternative version of Actions Have Consequences By Sarah Goodwoman Marci looked in the mirror one last time to make sure her makeup was perfect. She was shocked and disappointed at how good it was. She has only been doing her makeup for a month now but felt like she was a professional at it. The woman stalling for time was not happy that she did not need to do anymore alterations to her makeup. Marci cursed herself for being too honest, for she was not looking forward to leaving the...
i would love to re act this with someone ;) any offers?A young man, 18, is caught spying on his girlfriends mother in her bedroom, and is taught a hard lesson. Characters: Tim, 18, Student; Susan, Tim's Girlfriend; and Julie, 44, Susan's Mother ;-).Julie sat at her dressing table, preparing for bed; she brushed her long dark, which was one of the pride and joys. Normally, this would help her relax and unwind, but tonight, and on several other nights, she found that remained tense. She couldn't...
Trust me. Growing up in a house full of women wasn't easy. Especially when you're the only male, and the youngest to boot. Dad had died when I was very young, leaving mom to raise three girls and a boy pretty much by herself, though she did have help from her own twin sister, my Aunt for several years following my father's death. Twins tended to run in the family. Two of my sisters were also twins, two years older than I was, Stacy and Tracy. And then we had an older sister, who was four...
It is very odd the things you do when you have lots of time on your hands. John Wall had an unusual hobby. He liked to watch people through his telescope. John worked from home, so it was easy to spy on people. However, his new neighbor was very watchable. She seemed to be a nudist and often was outside doing gardening and swimming. In addition, she often would go on her trampoline and work out in the nude.She lived with a much older man, and when he was there, he would order her to do...
VoyeurThere are consequences for nearly everything you do. Or don't do, for that matter. You look at a girl who attracts you, but decide you are too shy to ask her out. Did you just miss out on your one and only? Or maybe you decide to download that new hit song by that band you really like. No problem, until the lawsuit arrives because you got caught. We all face consequences for our actions, and the consequences of the actions of others converge to lead us to decisions that will likewise have...
Spying on the Neighbors Note to readers Joe Swanson can walk Peter Griffin had his usual late night shower and had gone to his bed totally naked as he did every night with his wife. He waited for the light to come on in the room opposite his in the next door neighbor's house. The shades were up giving him a clear view of his next door neighbors daughters entire room. Joe Swanson his friend and next door neighbor's daughter Susie was in the room like every other night standing in...
Jenny was thrown when she heard the doorbell, opened the front door, and saw her neighbour’s twenty-two-year-old daughter, Samantha, standing there. She smiled uneasily as she had just this moment come back downstairs after masturbating on her bed. The thing was that she had been fantasising about Samantha. Jenny was thirty-seven-years -old but was so taken by Samantha. “Hi Samantha,” Jenny managed to say looking her up and down. She looked so gorgeous in her pink cropped vest top showing off...
SpankingHi iss readers I am karthik ,regular reader of iss . I am going to narrate my real experience of me spying my mom.I am not very good at narrating a story please forgive me . I’ll do my best to make you understand and I cant get you to the entire thing and the intensity of the real incident.(mom : Sudha age 48 ,size 36 fair)(me 22 height 6 fair”) Coming to the story when I was 20yrs I got connected to internet and surfed different sites and unknowingly landed in incest stories site. While...
IncestHi friends Nikunj here with my own real experience I had at Punjab village I went there for marriage one I was 18. Its was my friends weeding. Mostly many people from around India had come in. Out of which my friend arti and her 2 friends from U.K. had come. Even though their house was a few hundred yards away, I saw them leave and begin walking to the river. There was a wooded area with a large stream running through it that the Baker girls liked to spend time at. There were three grills, all...
But within a few minutes of hearing it close Roger opened the bathroom door, "Come with me" he ordered and with her following he turned and walked back to her mom and his bedroom. She followed behind him wrapped only in a towel and noticed he was carrying a black skirt of hers as well as her black high heel pumps and a medium sized cardboard box. When they got into his room he set the skirt on the bed, the shoes on the floor and then set the box on the bed as well. Immediately she...
Consequences I arrived in the dry hot Arizona town on a Saturday and checked into my hotel, not a fancy place but clean and quiet. Plus I was going to be there at least four months on my project, so I needed something affordable The first week was uneventful, go to work come back to the hotel have a few beers and go to sleep. I really was not into going out and exploring the town, plus there wasn't much of a town to explore. Just an Indian reservation and a few bars. I woke up...
GLIMPSES OF CONSEQUENCESBy DrBill"HOWA we going to start?" The ritual joke having been followed by the ritual groans, the Housewives of Worthington Acres came to order. The group had evolved from informal visits for coffee and complaining to a neighborhood organization of sorts. While the meetings still tended to be primarily boast and bitch sessions, they also traded useful information and occasionally took on neighborhood improvement projects and the like. But they did not try to pretend that...
CrossdressingBook One: Rogue's Sultry Harem Part Ten: Naughty Fairy Spying By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Chapter Twenty-Eight: Naughty Fairy Spying Princess Ava – Forest of Lhes, The Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch My rose-quartz fingers spread apart Kora's pink petals. I licked my lips, staring at the flood of Sven's cum, her brother's cum, pouring out of her pussy. A surge of taboo lust shot through me at the incestuous mixing of...
Summer had just wrapped up and school was now in session. All the high school aged children were returning back to Beverly Hills high school. The kids that attend this high school are all a bunch of rich snobby kids. They drive to school in BMW’s, Porches, and Mercedes Benz’s. Their cars are not used; they are brand spanking new. Most of these kids are born with a silver spoon in their mouths. These kids wear designer clothing and shoes, and carry designer pocketbooks. It’s the same thing...
VoyeurThere I stood in my room, in just my matching pink bra, and thong. My reflection just looked back at me, and my big boobs, as I stood at five foot nine. My brown hair moved along with my head as I struck many poses. Two years before, I became a divorced woman after over twenty years of marriage, leaving me as a forty-four-year-old divorcée. I managed to get one wonderful son named Joe out of the deal though and he always had friends come and go. As he turned twenty and my divorce became final,...
MILFThis is a story about my neighbor’s son who was 17 when this happened. The first section of the story is true but the rest of the story and part 2 is my fantasy about what could have happened. As a little background I’m 32 and married, my hubby Sam and I live in the Midwest in suburbia. I like to lay out in our back yard and tan during our hot summers. Our back yard is secluded by privacy fence and some tall trees in the back. We have neighbors on both sides of our house that have widows in...
First TimeConsequences by dilsonI awoke to the sound of my wife, Beth’s, alarm at 6am. It was the middle of winter and the all night sounds of the forty mile per hour gusts of wind beating on the front of the house had provided little rest.Less than an hour later, Beth kissed me goodbye and left for work.I enjoyed the comfort of a warm bed a bit longer, and then dressed to get an early start on the newspaper.This morning would be the first opportunity I’d had in weeks to surf some porn and I was looking...
And then I awoke in a cellar although it took me some time to figure out where I was. My feet were tied together, my hands bound behind me, there was a damp gag in my mouth and my eyes were bandaged. I mentally took inventory and found most of my other parts were present and in working order. I could not feel any blood or new lumps on my head, but I had a metallic taste in my mouth. The gag was absolutely the worse part not only because it nearly strangled me in my own spit but tore at the...
A student gets caught cheating on her test. "There she goes again, looking at her neighbor's paper! She is so obvious. She has to be the worst cheater ever. Now she is looking at me and acting nervous. If she looks at her neighbor again, I am taking her exam away," Joe thought to himself as he sat at his desk, pretending to grade the previous period's final exam. Hailey, the student in question, was sitting a mere three rows back and her nervous eyes kept darting to, and then staring at, her...
Inspired by a dream, and dedicated to my love Marianne! Choices & Consequences By Apple Lee was in trouble, and he knew it. Worse than knowing he was in trouble was the knowledge that it was his own fault. It had started a couple of years ago, when his father had met, fallen in love with, and soon married, the much younger Laura. In fact, to the then-eleven Lee, she had seemed more like the age of a sister than a parent, only nineteen to his dad's fifty-odd years. Maybe it was...