Vacation free porn video

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She entered the hotel still fuming. Well this was it, the last fucking straw. She rubbed her fingers together over her wedding rings. She looked around and then pulled them off. Her beautiful engagement ring and the sold gold band. She was making a conscience deision. She shoved them down into the bottom of her bag.

So be it. She thought.

She signed her name and got the key card, she rode up in the elevator. A single, she couldn't belive it. Four years was all it had taken. The last six months were the worst, when he was home he was to tired to be romantic, he usually just came home, showered, ate and went to bed and then she wouldn't see him again until the routine repeated itself, seven days a week, he kept promising that it would be worth it for both of them. That she just had to be patient and he would make it all up to her. He had never, ever lied to her before, in fact she had been superbly happay up until then. He had given her his entire soul, he loved her that much and she needed it, she needed the assurance, the trust, the loyalty, the man. She had it, he never lied to her, ever. She had fallen in love with him in high school, they were of one mind. Then when he got this job for his company, he had told her it would mean a higher position, more money, more free time, perks like she wouldn't believe and he would be home more. But it was going to take time and she had to wait for him. Six months, then he had told her to pick out anyplace she ever wanted to go and book them for a week. She had been so excited, she had worked on her tan, upped her aerobics routine, she had her hair done and her nails, she bought a new thong bikini, she was only twenty-seven and she looked ten years younger.

Michelle looked at herself in the mirror at five feet ten inches she was tall for a woman, she had an athletic build she was very proud of, she turned one way and then the other admiring her lush body. Tight firm ass, nice and tanned no lines showing. Her auburn hair fell in gentle waves down over her shoulders, she had a soft fact, high cheek bones, she wished her lips were plump and full, but her husband said it would be like kissing a large mouth bass, her cheek were flushed with the new possibilities, if that bastard didn't want her body, she would find someone that did. She cupped her breasts and studied them, she twisted her nipples to get them to stand out. She knew it had been her tits that had drawn him to her in the first place, he had lavished such praise up on them and worshiped them, but he did that to every part of her lucious body. Well she was going to show him that she was still a desirable woman.

Michelle slipped her bikini on, she looked good in it, a good color, jade green, she grabbed her lotion, towel, big bag, her handbag and sunglasses. She went back downstairs and went down to the beach. She had always wanted to go to Hawaii and since all the arrangements were made, fuck him.

He had called just the day before, they had to pospone the get away, he had to fly out and wouldn't be back for a week and then they could go. She had told him to go fuck himself and hung up on him. This was it, this was the last time he was going to lie to her and disappoint her.

She got a lawn chair and sat down, she adjusted her floppy hat and sat back, watching the people and the water. She looked up as the waiter approached and she ordered a margarita. She was going to get drunk and enjoy herself and if she got up the nerve she was going to have an affair.

The waiter bought her drink and she took a sip, it was okay, but Tony made better. She looked up at a young man checking her out, she lowered her sunglasses and stared back at him. Except it was a , look, which she had perfected in high school against the undesireables. She sighed it was habit. She had been happy, she had not needed another man and now she didn't know how to react.

A shadow fell over her and she looked up, her breath caught, her eyes widened. She stared up at the handsome stranger standing over her.

"Hi, my names Tony, what's yours?" He asked with such a shy smile that made her heart jumped.

She looked at him with a confused expression.

"Sorry, but I didn't know any other way of approaching you. Look, i'm here without my wife and most of the people are pretty young or married and I saw you sitting her and I don't see a ring or anything and I just thought we could talk." he said.

Michelle nodded her head and he sat in the sand next to her.

"That looks good, how do you get that waiter over here?" he asked her.

"I guess you have to have big tits." she said watching his face.

He looked down at her chest and then at her face.

"Well wave 'em around would you, I really need one of those." he said smiling at her.

She giggle and clamped her hand over her mouth. Stop it your a married woman and your flirting with this stranger. She berated herself, still unable to get around the fact she wanted to have an affair.

"Hey, it's okay you have a, nice giggle." he said.

Michelle dropped her gaze.

He waved the waiter over and ordered what she was having.

"My husband makes the best Magaritas." she said and realized she had just slipped.

"Oh, your married? I mean, because you know, I still have mine on." he said showing her. He wiggled his finger, the gold band flashed at her. She suddenly felt very guilty.

Michelle pulled her bag over and dug down into them. She flushed as she put her rings back on her finger. She wiggled them.

"For the past six months my husband has been working seven days a week, and long hours on this project and he promised me that when it was over we would spend a week away, just the two of us. But just yesterday he calls and tells me he has to fly out. I came anyway, I was determined to show him someone still wanted me and took off my rings, sorry to lead you on." she said.

He shrugged it off.

"It's been so long since I talked to a beautiful woman, I guess I was just kind of hoping someone hadn't scooped you up already." he said sipping his drink.

"What about you, what's with your wife, that you had to come herd alone." she asked.

He lowered his head. "Same problem, working long hours, neglecting her, and every night on the way home, alone in the car, I would think at least I'm going to get a couple of hours with her. But when I get home, she's pissed off, she gets short with me. I want to hold her five seconds, just to hold her, but she pushes me away. So I would just think about her in the car and when I got home, she would set my dinner down and go off to bed. I wished she would sit with me and talk to me and I feel us slipping apart and there's nothing I can do, nothing I can say. I thought she would rather be by herself and here I am." he said looking over at her.

Michelle sipped her drink, she started thinking back to those first days when she had been concerned and upset, how he would come in late, try to hold her and she would push him away, because she wanted him to feel the way she did. Hurt and alone and rejected. Then how he would just come in and eat, while she went to bed, hoping he would come in and they could make love.

"I didn't get your name." he said.

"Michelle." she answered.

"Are you lonely Michelle?" he asked her.

She nodded her head.

"Are you alone?" he asked her.

She looked at him.

"Yes, for this week anyway." she said.

He pulled off his wedding ring and handed it to her.

She looked at him.

"For this week, I'm yours, I will be your husband and you'll be my wife and we will say and do the things that we wish our spouses would say and do, if we become friends, that's fine, if we go further, that's better. For this week, I am yours and you are mine." he said.

Michelle rolled his ring around. She looked at him some more and then removed her rings, she handed them to him and he put them in his pocket.

"Please don't loose them, they mean the world to me. I love my husband very much and I would never do anything to hurt him." she said softly.

"And I love my wife more than you'll ever know, I don't want to do anything that will hurt her." he said just as softly.

She smiled at him and sipped her drink.

They agreed not to talk about their lives, that they would just get to know one another.

They went out into the water and played and then went back up to the outdoor restaurant at the hotel. The ate and he pointed out the young men eyeing her up and told her he had compititon.

They went dancing and she told him she liked to be held close, so he wrapped his arms around her and they almost cuddled, he stroked her hair and she looked into his eyes and smiled.

He took her to her room. Gave her a chaste kiss on the cheek and gave her the chance for more before walking away.

Michelle slept very well with no guilt in her conscienece. Then next morning she felt like an idiot. She had given him her rings!

He was knocking on her door, she knew it was him.

She opened it and he was smiling at her. She smiled back.

"I couldn't wait any longer, I had to see you again. Can we have breakfast together?' he asked her.

She nodded her head and turned away to get dressed.

She wore a simple cotton dress that flowed around her figure and a big hat. She wore sandals on her feet.

"You have pretty toes." he said.

She looked down.

"What a strange thing to say." she said.

"Well you know how some people have big gnarly toes, yours are like your fingers, long and slender and they go down, evenly. They're pretty." he said.

"Thank you." she said.

"You need to wear like a toe ring or something, or an ankle bracelet." he said.

"No I don't." she said thinking it would look nice.

He pulled out a little box.

"Sure you do." he said and she opened the box and pulled out the gold ankle bracelet.

"I can't take this from you." she said.

"Just for the week and if you want you can give it back at the end of the week, I'll understand." he said taking it and leaning down to put it around her ankle.

She thrust her leg out and looked at it along with him.

"Suits you." he said.

"Thank you." she told him.

Her green eyes were sparkling, with excitement...

"I have made plans for us to take a tour by helicopter." he said watching her face.

She lit up. "Oh I always wanted to do that." she said excitedly.

"Good, I hoped you would." he said.

Michelle was in heaven as they soared over the landscape. He had his arm around her shoulders and she was holding his leg. At one point she turned to look into his eyes and he kissed her, she pulled back a little and looked into his eyes, she saw a need there, a passion, she had not seen in a long time. She pressed into the kiss. He probed her lips and she opened her mouth a little, he probed inside and she accepted him. It was so good, it sent curls of passion down to her feet, her nipples became erect and her big tits were crushed against him. She had missed this contact with a male for so long.

He pulled away laughing and she wanted him to continue.

"Look out the window." he said. She turned and gasped, it was beautiful.

They spent the day together, window shopping, they ate dinner again and she got tipsy, she had four margaritas. She wanted him to kiss her again but he just laughed and told her she was a little drunk and he didn't want to take advantage of her in that state.

She said they were in Hawaii and he could take her in that state.

Michelle woke up with a horrible hang over. She groaned when he came into her room. He had her card key.

"I kept it to check up on you." he whispered, he wrapped her in his arms and hugged her.

"My head is killing me." she groaned.

"Lets get some coffee in you and some food young lady." he said.

She dressed in shorts and a halter, she groaned. She had not been drunk in a long time. She was not to communicative.

"I knew you would probably be a little grouchy today, so I booked us a sauna and a massage." he said softly touching her arm.

It was the greatest thing she ever had in her life. It was wonderful. She was nice and relaxed as she sat next to Tony on the beach.

"How did you meet your husband?" he asked.

She looked at him and closed her eyes.

She laughed softly. "I knew him in high school, but he wasn't the type of boy I would ever date. Not me. Me, Miss popular, I had a different boyfriend every week, I was into partying and teasing and if the boy was real nice, a special favor. He was this nerdy bookworm, chess club, astronomy club, he wore glasses, like you. He was beneath my contempt, he was just one of those kids, I really didn't think about. Until I needed help with my English. I still think he paid someone off to get to be my tutor. They would go in and sign up with the recomendation of a teacher, and Tony was in high demand, he is really smart you know, not just book smart, he thought with his mind and not his dick." she said looking over at him.

He was looking at his hands as though remembering something himself.

"The first time he came over to my house, I belittled him and made fun of him like I always did behind his back. He informed me that it was my parents money and he could take all the fucking insults I wanted to throw out for five seventy five an hour, but he would be richer and I would still be stupid. I shut my mouth and felt like an idiot. He was very business like, he had a good lesson plan, he came over everyday for three weeks." she said shaking her head from side to side.

"What?" he asked smiling.

"I liked him, he could make me laugh and I told him things I didn't tell my parents because I knew I could trust him. He helped me, he didn't just look at my tits like other boys, he didn't treat me like an easy fuck, and I told him that maybe he could take me out if no one knew. You know what he did?" she asked looking at her companion.

"What?" he asked her smiling.

"He said I wasn't his type, but thanks anyway." she said laughing.

"What an idiot." Tony said laughing with her.

"I told you he was smart. He had me hook line and sinker, I spent three months trying to be his type. It was so stupid, here was this knockout A list girl chasing this nerd, hanging on him, talking to him, waiting for him. I even went into a chess game he was in and sat waiting for him. He lost, but he told me it was worth it. See he knew that the guys I dated I did out of peer pressure and appearance. He liked me to, but he wanted it to be for real. I realized I was in love with him when I saw him with another girl, this poor little nerd girl, she was laughing with him and they were talking and she was touching his hand, she was flirting with him shamelessly. I saw red, so I walked over and told her to get her hands off him. That he belonged to me, that he was mine. Poor girl ran crying, but so was I. He sat me down and asked me what was I doing. I told him that I was in love with him and I didn't care who knew it. Do you know the first time he ever held me it was to comfort me. He smelled good too, like a boy should smell, not like cologne or stale sweat, just good. I went with him even after graduation, through the summer and I got a job as a receptionist and I was his girlfriend that whole last year he was a senior and not once did he pressure me into having sex with him not once. I wanted to so badly. But I was still a little afraid, that maybe he wouldn't be any good and I would hurt him." she said.

"What happened after that?" he asked her, leading her on.

"That summer he went off to some camp and I decided that no matter what I did or how I tried to change, I could never be they type that he was going to need. An intelligent woman beside him not a pair of big tits. So I went out on a date with another guy and I let him do what he wanted to me and made sure he told all his friends." she said wiping tears from her eyes.

"What did your husband do?" Tony asked her.

"He told me he didn't care, that he loved me. I told him I didn't love him anymore, I told him to go away. I hurt him." she said.

"Pretty stupid on your part." he told her.

"I mean I really hurt us both. He went to college and I dated. I missed him every minute. Every second that I spent without him was like a thousand years. I knew I had hurt him sufficiently enough to keep him away from me." she said.

"Evidently he didn't though did he." he said.

"No, but that's personal." she said smiling at him.

"I understand." he told her.

"What about you and your wife." she said.

"I fell in love with her the moment I laid eyes on her. She thought I was shit. I won her over with my quick wit and charm. I was the nerd type in high school also and she was this unattainable, beautiful young woman, I didn't see her again until after college. I met her in the supermarket in our hometown, I was just back to see my parents and I ran into her in the supermarket. I got her to go out with me, we had dinner and I kissed her, I made love to her the first time that night. She's took my virginity and she has been the only woman I have ever been with. I thought I hurt her because she was crying. She wouldn't look me in the eye, she said it was because she was so happy. We both knew, I asked her to marry me and she said yes." he told her.

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If I had to say one thing about Delta Iota Kappa (and most people wouldn’t bother), it’s that they absolutely suck at throwing parties. We were three weeks into the school year, time for their “back to school bash”, and this one was shaping up to be more of a dud than usual. It was a run of the mill frat party, at best. An oversized set of bargain bin speakers belted out generic dance music off of the “DJ’s” secondhand macbook. A lot of thumping base, and fuck all in terms of any actual music....

2 years ago
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The Very First Time

Probably of Hispanic origin she was light skinned. She stood 5’5”, cute face, and long black hair that went past her shoulders. She had a flat stomach which going up turned into a pair of beautiful breasts. Her thighs were thick and formed into two ass cheeks that seemed to flaunt themselves at any person who happened to stare. “Hello, earth to Mike,” Abby was shaking me. “This is my friend Dana.” “What’s up,” she shyly introduced herself. I could see that she was blushing slightly...

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The Next Door NeighbourChapter 2

"Right I'm off now Debs, I'll see you later." Debbie's mum gave a quick preoccupied smile and left. Debbie looked at the clock feeling sick. Two thirty five, her mum had been running late and now so was she. She locked the back door and made her way around to Mr. Grove's garden. He was standing by his garden shed and he didn't look happy. The window that she had smashed had still not been repaired so she knew that she was still in his debt. "Come inside Debbie." He ordered...

4 years ago
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The Wimp and the DebChapter 47

Rory Phil and My mum came back to Marchester for Christmas and with Baby Emma despite having been here a few weeks ago. Rebecca and I had thought that they might want to bring in Christmas at home this year since it would be Emma's first. However my mum told me that they both felt the family should have a chance to get to know the baby and watch her grow. She seemed to be a contented little soul and she had a regular routine of sleeping for a spell in the morning and in the afternoon....

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Taking Cassie

To be honest I just accepted to offer so I could check out the prime meat the school was letting loose on the world, however Cassie was something else. At 18yo 5ft 2" she had a perfect body, nice firm tits, and beautiful golden hair to go with it. I noticed her when she got up on behalf of the students to thank us for coming and we briefly spoke when she worked the room as one of the school captains but I didn't think she gave me a second thought. From that point on I was lusting for...

3 years ago
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David finds a book part 5

"Dear, she's about to come!" "So am I!" her husband grunted. "I am too!" Said Sylvia with a smile. The trio were all caught up in the same orgasm. She told her husband "I love you so much! this is the best thing ever, let's never stop doing it like this! I'll help you find any girl you want just let me come along." He realized that all the years of cheating had not been necessary. His wife was more than a willing accomplice, and a happy active participant. They were closer...

1 year ago
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Horny for my lover

Wednesday morning after dropping my daughter off at crèche, I made my way to gym. Just before I started my workout I received a message from my younger lover saying that he can't wait to see me after his exam today. I immediately became wet and looked forward to seeing him. I did my workout and then made my way home where I had breakfast and a hot bath while I waited for my lover to arrive. Once out the bath and dry I decided I would dress up for Nick to set the mood. I put on a pair of my...

3 years ago
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One More Night

I was awakened by the movement of the bed. "I can't sleep," she whispered as she crawled into bed with me and under my arms. I fell back to sleep. I woke in the morning cold, clutching the dress they had buried her in ......Not sure why I started there, I mean it is a stupid place to start right? Now you already know how this ends. What the hell, to late now, let's see .... Let's go back about six months.I had just started a day gig at Arnold's Music as a guitar and music theory teacher. I did...

3 years ago
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Kelli Mike and FriendsChapter 16 Saturday

Mike's father agreed to drop the four friends up there Saturday morning early and collect them at the end of next Sunday giving them almost nine days. When they got there, he would check over the generator, fill its tank, check the gas for the stove and generally make sure everything was safe for them. Finishing all the checks, he left the boys alone by 10:00am saying, 'have fun.' Once they were alone Mike told them to just throw their kit into the bedroom, saying 'we will sort it out...

2 years ago
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The Fortune of the ODellsChapter 6

“Smallpox?” I asked. “Yes! The last entry said that they were abandoning the site because the smallpox had killed so many Spaniards and Utes and they all feared for their lives. It said that the Utes had spread the word to other tribes and bands that the plain was cursed, and so many of the Spaniards died that the survivors just fled.” “But with all this gold, I can’t imagine why they wouldn’t come back,” I said. “Unless when they left, all of these books were the only proof of the places...

2 years ago
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Femdom With Kalpana

Hi readers this is my first time to put my experience in ISS and what I’m about to narrate is happened to me 7 months ago. I’m Sid 20 yrs old and she is my distant relation. Her name is kalpana. My mom & kalpana are close friends. Frequently they use to call each other & talk for a while. Kaplan’s age is around 36 & her height is 5’5. Coming to her structure she is having D shaped boobs & little chubby. Her color is golden milky white. I’m doing college, pre final yr. my height is 5’11, color...

4 years ago
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DogStyle WivesChapter 10

Tom sat on the kitchen stool in the Lafayette kitchen, one foot on the top rung, the other stretched out to the floor. The cool marble top of the custom-made stool felt good on his ass and balls and made him confident that he would not get a hard-on while watching Denise flit around in nothing but her apron. He had trapped himself when she answered the door, unaware that Sandy had gone to the Ordwells on an errand, and that Andy had taken the Lafayette car to the garage to replace a lazy...

1 year ago
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Not quite a threesome Second part

Kim and Paul had been seeing each other for about 3 months. Paul and I were pub mates who mixed in the same circles. At the time there were a lot of us in that pub with a liking for certain i*****l substances and we would all end up back at each others houses after closing every weekend, so we knew each other pretty well.On one of these nights Paul revealed to me that Kim had told him everything about what happened during our night together. I don't know if I expected him to be pissed off,...

1 year ago
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Nailed by the Ex again

After our little encounter at my daughter’s house, I didn’t see my ex husband for a couple months. I spoke to him once or twice on the phone to discuss my son’s various school programs but neither of us mentioned what had happened between us. I was relieved that it hadn’t come up but I had to admit to myself that it excited me when I thought about it. As I had mentioned, my current husband was a great provider but had lost interest in any kind of physical relationship. The feeling of my ex...

3 years ago
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Saturday Night and Sunday Morning

Lauren broke our kiss, her hands on my upper arms and gently pushed me away. Her eyes wandered over me. ‘Perfect. I love the blouse – just right. Well done.’ She pulled me back for a deeper, hungrier kiss and once again her hands roamed over my arse but not once did she seem to want to check the jewel was in place as she had instructed. ‘Now you must come to our table. We have two friends joining us. You will recognise them both. I need your absolute promise that you will never reveal any of...

3 years ago
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The Touch Ch 33

WARNING TO READERS – This is a long, rambling, multi-part story and VERY British. The individual chapters will make more sense if read in sequence. A sincere thank you to all readers who regularly vote, leave public comments and send feedback, please continue to do so, feedback and comments are important as it is the only indication of reader approval that an online author gets. GF Chapter 33: Getting Rat-Arsed The remaining days of that last week of April were wet and miserable with some...

4 years ago
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dianas first nude walk in Public

My name is diana, I am a slave and I am owned by Pacemen, this is a short story about something I did way back, I have been directed to write this true event by my Master. After completing high school, I started off at Uni of NSW and shared a unit at Cronulla with 2 gf's from school, I had not long turned 18 & they were the same age. We all got a long very well and often helped each other with our Uni work. We enjoyed a few drinks on Friday & Saturday nights & sometimes we brought a...

2 years ago
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Birthday part 2

She nodded and said, "Even better, though, we'll set up Bob here so you get your first proper taste of cock; not just cleaning him off after sex but giving him an honest-to-God blowjob while I'm doing you." Bob said that sounded good to him, and while he doubted I could be quite the cocksucker she was, he was willing to "lend a hand" so I could start catching up! I almost fainted at the dizzying thought of being sandwiched between my wife and those 8 inches. My wife smiled and ran the dildo in...

3 years ago
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My Wife Got Pregnant for her sister

Well, to start, this isn’t really the most exciting story, but this is the way it happened. My name is Sam, and my wife’s name is Joni.  We are in our early 40’s and have been together for about 19 years.  Joni’s younger sister Beth had been trying to have a baby with her husband Jeff for about 3 years with no success.  They went and got checked out, and she was barren, unable to have a baby.  Beth asked Joni if she would have a baby for them.  Me and Joni talked about it; she said that she...

1 year ago
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HappyChapter 3

Dakota got stares the next morning. From people on public transport, from people in the elevator ... even from her co-workers. Even from the women who knew what was at stake. For a moment, she wondered if she’d gone too far. But in her heart, she knew she was doing the right thing. She wouldn’t be able to see Rob for the weekend, and if she wanted to survive the weekend without his gaze, she had to give a show he wouldn’t forget. She’d been up all night. After going down on Rob with Holly...

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BangBus Sabrina Valentine Fucking For Stimulus Money

The BangBus don’t stop son!! This week we pulled up on this out of town chick. She wasn’t digging us too much at first but eventually we told her that we were driving around to hand out stimulus money. Her attitude towards us changed completely. From this moment on, we knew that all she cared about was that dough. We offered her 500 bucks to see her tits. She agreed instantly, and after that it wasn’t long before we had her hop in. inside the bus, she decided to get loose. She knew more money...

2 years ago
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Unsatified wife

Hello everyone. My name is Shahnaz. I am a housewife. I was 21 when I was married to a 39 year old man. My parents forced me to marry this man because we where 6 sisters and we belonged to middle class family. My height is 5 2″ and my figure is 35 28 34. My husband name is Yasir. He is a rich man with cars and a big bungalow, servants. Since my wedding night I understood that he will never be able to satisfy me as it took him only 15 minutes for the whole session. But our life moved on. I tried...

4 years ago
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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 8

“We can’t wait all night for those yahoos. They probably found some young pussy and stopped to have fun. Start loading the cattle and we’ll have the last two haulers wait here for when they get back,” he ordered the men. “All we do is arrange the cattle inside the trailer and drive. I don’t know nothing about gettin’ them damn critters into a chute,” one of the drivers replied. “How hard can it be to get a bunch of stupid animals onto your trucks?” the fancy man retorted angrily. “Since...

4 years ago
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Ficken RENDVOUS in Berlin

WARNUNG! Diese Website enthält sexuell eindeutige Bilder von jemandem, den Sie kennen.Täglich wird diese Seite von 7 Millionen Mitgliedern aus Deutschland besucht, die nach gelegentlichen, sexuellen Begegnungen Ausschau halten. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit ist extrem hoch, dass Sie auf ein Profil von jemandem stoßen, den Sie kennen. Sie könnten hier das Profil Ihrer Bankberaterin, Ihrer Nachbarin oder sogar einer Ex-Freundin finden. Viele von diesen Mitgliedern haben auf ihrem Profil eindeutige Fotos...

2 years ago
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Mama Ke Family Ki Chudai 8211 Part 6

Ab hum story ke 6th part me hai aap sab jaante hai ke kal raat mama apne tour se wapas ghar aagaye the aur hum din bhar chudayi karke boht thak gaye the isliye hum sab jaldi sogaye the mami mama ke sath aur ye dono mere sath sogaye the raat ko rima ne uth kar thodi der mere lund ko chusa aur aur mere balls se khela aur phir sogayi mai bhi kabhi seema ke boobs ko to kabhi rima ke boobs ko pillow bana kar sota tha hum subah uthe aur ready hokar breakfast ke liye aagaye mama ne mujhse baten ki aur...

3 years ago
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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 2 A Country Wedding

Fiona and I had packed our clothes for the weekend the night before, and put them in my car; I also put my acoustic / electric guitar and practice amp in, just out of habit. We woke up early, around 5, and after a quick breakfast we were on the road. I planned to take the Epping Highway, then Pennant Hills Road, skirt around Parramatta then get on Old Windsor Road. We would take Bells Line of Road over the mountains to Lithgow, which was a faster drive that talking the Great Western Highway,...

2 years ago
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CEO to Secretary

Ms Christine Hewson was at her desk in her office going through the monthly reports for Sapphic Enterprise. Rubbing her eye she stretched her arms before using the intercom. "Cheryl can you come in here now" she ordered waiting for her PA to enter. Cheryl entered the office and looked at her boss's face to gauge her mood. The 38 year old Christina regarded her 22 year old blonde haired PA as she approached. "You summoned me Ms Hewson how can i help?" Christina replied that she was leaving for...

1 year ago
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Discovering KarenChapter 8

What we mostly did after we returned from our trip and Kendall returned from his was sneak around, postponing any real decisions. I wasn't used to conducting a secret affair with another man's wife, and Karen sure wasn't used to extramarital shenanigans either, but we adapted. Kendall had the habit of going home for lunch at 11:30. That meant Karen could feed her husband, hustle him off to work again, and meet me at my little apartment at one o'clock. We decided that was safer than...

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TMWPOV Daniela Orth A blowjob to say sorry

Daniela Orth is bored at home because she argued with her boyfriend at the morning. She knows that he is right, but she doesn’t want to be the first to apologize. She lets him sit on the armchair and watch her as she flips through a magazine. But after a while she notices that he strokes his cock and she understands that she wants to feel his cock inside her pussy. Daniela is willing to break some of her own principles to get the pleasure she needs. So, she approaches him and gives him a...

4 years ago
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Secret Life Of My Divorcee Mom Kavya 8211 Part 2

I was watching mom getting intimate with Shoaib in the kitchen. She has found new lovers post-divorce. Shoaib was 18 years younger than mom. It made me mad as I had to watch someone around my age pumping my mom hard. The next day I confronted mom about her affair with Shoaib. My mom told me that yes, she has feelings for Shoaib, and it’s normal these days for young men to date older women. I took some time and finally told my mom that it’s fine. But their relationship should not be public. I...

2 years ago
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My best mate Dan Rewrite chptrs 3 4

We both dressed and headed off on our bikes, laughing and racing each other. It was pretty difficult, at first, riding with a hard-on but fortunately it soon went down. “Coming back to mine?” Dan asked, “Mom and Dad aren’t home”. “Sure” I replied. We rolled up at Dan’s new house, sure enough no-one home. We took off our shoes and went to Dan’s bedroom. “There’s some games on my P.C. or..” Dan said as she stood directly in front of me. I felt her hands undoing my jeans, first the button...

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