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Grocery shopping wasn't one of my favorite things to do, but like anyone recently divorced and in their early fifties, it became a weekly past time and got me out of the house once a week at least.

I wasn't really dating either. Not that I wasn't trying, but I think there's some sort of unwritten rule of the universe that says a man recently divorced less than a year is either too needy, or someone that is unapproachable until a proper period of availability is achieved. Whatever the hell that is. So around the office at least, I was "the guy who just got divorced," as I was often whispered about by the few available single females, most of which were all considerably younger than I was anyway. I was half tempted to legally change my name from Brian, to Divorced Guy, just so people could at least address me directly. But even that wouldn't have helped much under the circumstances. Being fifty, even if I was still in reasonably good shape and didn't really look fifty in many respects, it still didn't give me a lot of dating options, especially as I wasn't the going out to the clubs or the bar scene type either.

I'd just about finished up with my weekly shop, heading over to the meat counter to treat myself to my one real decadence, which was a nice thick steak. As I walked up to the counter, there was a very attractive looking woman standing there ahead of me, the look on her face told me she was indecisive about what it was she wanted to order, along with the butcher's, who'd given me an apologetic look briefly before turning back to the good-looking brunette as she stood trying to decide between some thick cut pork chops or a pork roast.

"If you're out to impress him, go for the roast," I told her smiling as she glanced up with a somewhat startled look on her face, though she immediately returned the smile.

"No him to impress," she said simply, still smiling. "Just cooking something for my sister and me," she informed me.

"In that case, go with the chops. They're easier and honestly more flavorful if you barbeque them correctly," I added. Even the butcher agreed with me on that one.

"Not so bad in the kitchen, but lousy at trying to barbeque."

"I bet you're not bad in the bedroom either," I thought silently to myself, giving her the once over as I stood talking to her about chops, realizing as I stood there that my hormones were working overtime, it had after all been a while, but it had also been a while since I'd allowed even the simplest of fantasies to run free like they were now, and I had every intention of allowing them to do so. After all, I was just thinking, I wasn't doing or even suggesting it, until she did in a rather odd way.

"You cook?" she asked.

"Not in the kitchen really," I answered back, once again the words in my head saying something else. "But I do fire up a mean barbeque, and I'd be more than happy to show you how to prepare those," I then added, surprised at my own boldness, though totally expecting a "That's nice of you to offer, but no thanks," sort of a response. I mean after all, we were two total strangers who didn't even know one another's names yet, let alone anything else. To my surprise however, she didn't say "no", though she hadn't said anything else to me either, just standing there looking at me curiously.

"You mind if my sister came with me?" she asked now surprising me with her own boldness, though I took her sister coming along as some sort of safety in numbers sort of a thing, which I certainly couldn't blame her for either."

"The more the merrier," I answered back, even more surprised that the two of us were actually discussing this, and still not knowing one another's names. "And by the way, my names Brian," I said offering her my hand, which she took shaking it.

"Myra," she answered back introducing herself. "And my sister's name is Mattie," she added to that. "And she's going to think I'm crazy accepting an offer for dinner from a man I just met at the meat counter, but ever since my divorce all I've done is sit around the house cooking or cleaning, so I don't mind surprising her and showing her that I can meet someone on my own without hanging out on a bar stool all night feeling like one of these pieces of meat here."

"I know what you mean, I'm recently divorced myself," though wishing I hadn't said it the moment I did, especially when I caught that knowing look for her, confirming her suspicions.

"Thought you might be," she stated with a hint of a smile turning one corner of those gorgeous full lips of hers. "You sort of had that look about you," she included, "and ... you're obviously shopping for one. Only a single or divorced man buys one single baking potato," she said eyeing my grocery cart.

"Ah, I'll have to remember that and buy two next time," I said grinning broadly now, actually feeling my face redden just a little. "So, you're serious? You'll really let me cook dinner for you and your sister?" I asked half expecting her to have changed her mind suddenly now that she had a minute to think about it.

"Sure, why not? As long as you let me prepare something to go with it, you cook the meat, and Mattie and I will do the rest."

"Well, that sounds like a plan then, only one more question remains, your place ... or mine?"

As we stood in line to check out together, we decided it might be prudent to get to know one another a little better, doing so over a cappuccino in the coffee shop next door. I learned that since her divorce she'd been living with her sister who was a little over a year older than she was. Her sister had never married, though she had been engaged twice. Mattie as I further learned was a business professional, more married to her work than willing to settle down and become some guy's wife, for the moment at least anyway. But even as she told me about her, as well as about herself, it was Myra that I was truly interested in and curious about. She told me she would soon be turning forty-four, she had no children as she hadn't been able to have any, nor did I as I had become sterile due to a childhood disease early on, though it was years before I'd discovered that. As she spoke, I sat there admiring her shoulder length hair, the fullness of her lips, and of course the fullness of her breasts though they were demurely concealed beneath the sweater and jacket she was wearing. Myra had the deepest brown eyes I'd ever seen too, almost black if you caught them just right, giving her a real sultry look that was enhanced by her olive complexion, a mixture perhaps of Spanish decent somewhere in her background as exotic as she looked to me.

But I honestly had to admit, it was her smile and friendly carefree attitude that was the most disarming about her. Obviously she'd already proven her boldness and sense of adventure by agreeing to let me cook, or rather barbeque the pork chops for her, and though we'd initially started out with her coming over to my place, we soon amended that to my coming over to her and her sister's place instead, since she felt Mattie would be more inclined to go along with her recklessness as long as it was on their home court, and not on mine the first time. Luckily, they did own a barbeque, though she said they rarely if ever used it.

We next decided on my coming over on Saturday early evening, giving her a day in between to soften her sister up to the idea of a strange man coming over for dinner, though I also made her promise to call me and let me know if her sister would prefer meeting me over coffee someplace first before agreeing to it, which she said she would.

I was surprised when I did in fact receive a call from Mattie herself later on that same evening, chatting with me briefly, asking a few pointed, but probably very necessary questions before agreeing to my coming over on Saturday. She had indeed seemed pleasant enough, though nowhere's near having the bubbly personality I thought Myra had, but under the circumstances, I fully understood where she was coming from.

I arrived with the chops and two bottles of a nice light white wine to go with them, wondering only upon my arrival if they even drank wine, realizing I still knew very little about either one of them, though nervously excited that I was actually standing on their doorstep about to cook dinner for the three of us. And though Myra and I certainly wouldn't be alone or anything, it had been several months since I'd even been out with anyone, so spending it with Myra, even if her sister was there and chaperoning us after a fashion, still wasn't half bad either.

What I hadn't expected, or even really thought about, was how attractive Myra's sister would be too. Perhaps it had something to do with my perception of her as Myra had described her sister's personality and business, more than her personal self. And because of that, I had mentally painted an entirely different picture of her than the one that soon greeted me at the door.

"Brian? Hi ... I'm Mattie," she said taking my hand. "Please come in," she said cordially in greeting, though her smile was just as beautiful as her sister's was, and for being the older sister, even if it was only a little over a year older, to be perfectly honest, she looked the younger between them, though I later chalked that up to how divorce can age anyone more quickly, especially after seeing photos of the two sister's together when they looked more like identical twins of the same age rather than being born over a year apart. "So ... you make it a habit of picking up women at the grocery store?" she asked.

At least she was smiling when she said it, though I could also see in those same dark eyes that she was half serious about it when she asked.

"Not generally no," I said smiling back trying to maintain my boyish charm which was one of the few things I felt I still had going for me, aside from a full head of dark hair that held only a touch of gray at the temples. "Usually I prefer hanging out in front of the beauty parlors, and picking up women that way."

For a moment she actually wondered if I was being serious, but then I smiled at her with my eyes, turning on that old boyish charm of mine, and seeing her smile back with her own, adding a bit of color to her cheeks as she did. "Ah, that way you get to see us at our best," she actually did grin then.

"And their worst too!" I told her, "When they first go in, that way I have a much better idea of how they really look."

"In the morning no doubt, afterwards..." Mattie said surprising me a little with her candor, though by now we'd arrived in the kitchen area where Myra was just finishing up with the prepared salad she'd created, saving me an awkward response.

"So, Mattie ... like I said, he certainly doesn't look like any sort of serial killer, or a rapist now does he?"

I was a little taken aback by that, though I shouldn't have been too surprised by her comment either. I'm sure they'd had a pretty lively discussion once Myra had informed her by saying "Guess who's coming to dinner?"

"Well Myra, it's still early yet," Mattie said straight-faced. "But I'm also willing to hold judgment until I see how well he can barbeque pork chops."

Thankfully after the initial awkwardness of first meeting, things seemed to settle down quite rapidly after that, and I actually found Mattie to be as good-natured in a totally different way than her sister was. She was perhaps a bit more cautious, but there was nothing wrong with her being like that either, and was a good ying for Myra's yang as it were.

And even as I stood outside on their nice private little patio deck barbequing the chops, I could hear, though not quite make out their animated chatter coming from the kitchen area. Hearing the occasional giggles and laughter was at least reassuring, though I of course wondered if they were laughing at me at times, double checking to ensure my zipper wasn't down, or that my shirttail wasn't out, or that I didn't have something stuck between my teeth. Once I had reassured myself that I was putting my best foot forward, all I could hope for after that, was that I was at least making a reasonably good impression on the two of them and held to the promise I had made myself to behave, watch my language, and under no circumstances make any unwarranted advances. Though doing that with Mattie hovering close-by all the time, would have been near to impossible for me to do anyway.

And not that I didn't think about it, or was occasionally reminded either, I couldn't help but be. Myra looked far different than how I'd first met her. For starters, she was wearing a nice pair of form fitting white jeans that molded her near perfect ass, with a fairly low cut red blouse that hinted at the smoothness of her full breasts concealed beneath it, further teasing me a time or two as she leaned forward refilling our drinks or setting things out on the table. And in doing so, giving me an even better look at her supple curves, allowing my mind to wander briefly, though I again admonished myself and usually averted my eyes before getting myself caught while looking, though I am pretty sure Mattie once did catch me looking a bit longer than I should have as I turned catching her eyes while she'd been watching me.

Luckily for me, the chops were perfect, as was everything else the two girls had prepared. We enjoyed our dinner together, got to know one another even better while we ate, and eventually became more and more comfortable around one another, laughing, even flirting, though mildly, though I began to wonder if the wine wasn't having something to do with that.

Even with the dinner, I could still feel a small buzz inside my head as we polished off the second bottle of wine. And it was also obvious, so were the girls as they both admitted to not usually drinking quite as much as we all had, yet just as quickly suggesting that we retire inside the house, make ourselves even more comfortable, and open another bottle of wine as we continued on the evening together.

While Mattie uncorked the wine, Myra put on some music and began swaying to it almost erotically so while she did. Mattie soon joined her sister there in the middle of the living room floor, treating me to an unexpected floor show as I sat watching the two of them dance, enjoying it immensely in fact until I felt the unwanted and unexpected arousal suddenly pressing against the front of my pants. At least I was sitting down, sipping my wine, though now I was trying very hard not to look at the suggestive gyrations I was seeing, which were of course next to impossible.

"Come ... dance," Myra said holding her hands out to me.

Her first word spoken was bad enough as my mind had been elsewhere at the time anyway, but when she said the word "dance", I almost spit out my wine, glad I had merely taken a small sip before answering.

"I'm not a very good dancer," I lied, actually enjoying it whenever I did, but unfortunately, now was not the time or the place, especially with the beginnings of an erection that I was desperately trying to avoid getting fully.

"Maybe I was wrong after all," Mattie said looking over towards me. "Serial killers and rapists don't and won't dance, so maybe you really are one after all," she said smiling, though once again she did so with that smile that hinted at a bit of serious concern behind it.

"I didn't say I didn't like to dance, I'm just not very good at it," I amended my last statement, though digging myself in a hole as I did so.

"Well then?" Mattie said holding out her arms towards me just as Myra continued to do, coaxing me to get up, though they soon after came over and took my own arms, forcing me to stand up.

"Shit!" I said silently, feeling the tightness of my pants when I did, though grateful that neither one of them happened to be looking down in that area at the time as I stood, though that became a mute point a second later as Myra folded my arms around her as I stood swaying with her to the beat of the music, making it even worse when Mattie stepped behind me now doing the same.

I felt my erection pressing against Myra's ass, though I tried very hard to keep it from doing so, which again became next to impossible as Mattie pressed the three of us together, the feel of her breasts mashed against my back, causing my erection to firm even more so.

What surprised me at this point, was when I felt Myra actually grinding herself back against me, there was no mistaking the movement, nor the contact. The press of her firm ass against the hardness of my shaft could not be mistaken, nor misinterpreted in any way. And as though to confirm this confusion of mind as I continued to sway with her and her sister, in what was becoming a very erotic, if not nearly obscene dance at this point, was the sudden placement of her hands upon mine, now lifting, replacing them over each of her firm full breasts.

"Surprised?" she half moaned pleasurably, moving my hands upon herself, then releasing them allowing me to continue the gentle caress of her magnificent tits all on my own.

"Surprised isn't the word I'd exactly use at the moment," I mouthed against the nape of her neck, though it was the word I would have used a second after that as I then felt Mattie's hand suddenly reach around in front, and begin to methodically caress the hard firm erection between my legs.

"Hmmm," Mattie moaned still pressing herself against me, the feel of tits in my hands, the sensation of her breasts rubbing against my back soon had my head swimming with lustful desire and pleasure.

"Holy shit!" I expressed, "You two are driving me insane, you do know that yes?"

"You like what we're doing then?" Mattie giggled lustfully. "Does it shock you, or surprise you that we are?"

"Yes to both," I answered them both, "But you'd damn well better not stop now!" I added totally succumbing to the sensuality of the two women who had so wickedly seduced me. It was now obvious this was something they had planned and fully intended to do once Mattie had met me and had given Myra her approval, something I didn't learn until much later on. And there was much in addition to that which I learned later on as well.

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Fun With My Wifes Two Sisters

My wife, Becky, has four sisters. The oldest, Janna, is forty-four and lives several states away so we don’t get to see her very often. She’s been divorced now for some years and teaches fifth grade. The next sister is Millie, she’s forty, she lives in England with her husband who is British and we only see them every four or five years. Then, there’s Melissa, she’s thirty-seven and she lives all the way across the country from us so she visits only rarely, Next is Becky at thirty-six, then...

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Fun With My Wifes Two Sisters

My wife, Becky, has four sisters. The oldest, Janna, is forty-four and lives several states away so we don't get to see her very often. She's been divorced now for some years and teaches fifth grade. The next sister is Millie, she's forty, she lives in England with her husband who is British and we only see them every four or five years. Then, there's Melissa, she's thirty-seven and she lives all the way across the country from us so she visits only rarely, Next is Becky at thirty-six, then...

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Rods Sisters

I hadn't seem him for six plus years but as soon as he entered the Kamikaze Topless Bar on Main St., Bowling Green, Ohio, on a beautiful early May evening I recognized him — Rod Munroe, aka 'Surfer Rod', aka 'Blond Rod'. Our paths had crossed in 1988/89 at OSU when Rod and I had lived in the same dorm during our freshman year at the University. Although we had never become close friends, we were acquaintances and due to an odd quirk of fate got to know quite a bit about the other during...

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How I Had Three Sisters

She would host team parties at her house and loved a good drink, always making sure everyone was enjoying one too. I was kind of new to drinking any kind of alcohol and she delighted in getting me drunk enough to make the room spin. Instead of having me drive home drunk, she had me stay the night at her place after the party ended and everyone else left. I thought I'd be fine just sleeping it off on the sofa with a blanket, but when she turned off the heat to the house, it got quite cold...

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Sex Slave Sisters

Sex Slave Sisters ???????????????????????????? ??????Sex Slave Sisters???????????????????????? ?????????????? ?????A work of total fiction by Taskmaster??????????????????????????????????????????? Part One?????????????????????????????? [email protected] For me she had always had that special indefinable something about her, even now after four years she looked so damm good. Sure the only reason she was speaking to me was because I am the father of her sister?s two boys and when...

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Alices Very Naughty Adventures Chapter XIII The Sisters

Had Alice been her normal size, she might have run laughing down the garden path, stopping to push her nose into this bloom or that and inhale the wonderful bouquet of scents that they had to offer. Still, she could admire them from afar. Or rather, from below.“So many colors, some I have never seen or even imagined!” she exclaimed, turning in place until she’d made a full circle. “I wonder whose garden it is. Mostly likely a wealthy lord or even a Duke or an Earl. Dash and bother, I wish I was...

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An Ordinary Teenage Sex LifeChapter 19 Little Sisters

JULY 2001, SUMMER CAMP Dawn and I arrived at the table for lunch, both of us with warm smiles on our faces and twinkles in our eyes. How could we not be happy? We were in LOVE. And it wasn't just puppy love or teenage infatuation. I didn't feel the rush of "new love" like I had with Keira or Adrienne. It wasn't even the pleasant but slightly awkward transition from friendship to romance like with Megan and Cassidy. It just felt ... right. I'd literally known Dawn for my entire life,...

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The Best Sisters

THE BEST SISTERS By ShannonQ PART ONE Synopsis--The Best Sisters are identical twins. They find that their beauty is beyond their control at times. They live through historical times. They are gorgeous, selfish, become wealthy and love only each other. Rated X Note--Transformation comes in Part Five. ONE The howling wind outside the tiny house chilled Melissa and Michelle...

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Sex with 6 sisters

This was some few years back when I lived with my whole family, 6 sisters and one brother in a beautiful Garden house in Hyderabad .I was only 18 yrs old, very strong and tall. We were a very close knitted family. At night we slept in one room all together. My sister was very pretty and sexy. All of them had big Breast and lovely body, this I notice when they would be sleeping. They use to wear sarees and blouse. At night my two married sisters would only wear petticoat and blouse, showing most...

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Moriyama sisters

"My name is Eiko Moriyama. I have reservations, two rooms, together." I punched her name into the computer and, sure enough, two rooms with an adjoining door. As I entered her credit card information I looked her over out of the corner of my eye. She was in her forties, pretty but kind of conservative, her deep black hair cut straight across at her shoulders, parted on the side, and she wore a trim knee length skirt and blazer. I sort of compulsively flirt with women, and when I handed her the...

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Quarantined with Mom and My Sisters Chapter 5 Loving Mom and Two Hot Sisters

Chapter Five: Loving Mom and Two Hot Sisters By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! “Yeah,” I agreed to Mom. “I'll give you dick whenever you want it. So don't worry.” Mom smiled as she was stroking my cock having woken me up with the usual fashion: sucking on my dick. Sleeping on either side of me were my sisters Jamie and Auburn. I had my little sister and her little titties rubbing into my right side and my big sister and her big boobies rubbing...

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surprise by sisters

I remember the summer my sisters surprised me with their secret. I was the oldest c***d, and pretty much did anything I wanted. I was 2 years older than one of my sisters and 3 years older than the other one. I was a typical 13 year old male, high sex drive and all. I would steal panties from my sisters room to rub on my cock and balls as I masterbated. I went in and got a good dirty pair one day, and thought I would go to my shed and rub one out. I could smell the musk of the panties from my...

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MindControlled Blowjob Bliss Chapter 1 Blown by His Mom and Sisters

Chapter One: Blown by His Mom and Sisters A Belt Buckle Mind-Control Story By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! The Figure puts the last touches on its next creation. Its next way to have fun. A belt. Brown leather. A silver buckle with the words “Suck” on it. A simple concept. The Figure is thrilled by this. It knows just where to place it. Slipping through the mist into a mortal world, it slips into a department store. No one “notices” the...

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Secret Pact of Sisters

Secret pact of sisters Thank you ISS for displaying my two previous submissions…” First time Blues…” and “…The Return Gift…” …this is the third part Hello readers…this is Kiran…please read on…for continuity please read ” First time Blues” and ” Return Gift ” …about a month and half passed…for the last few days Veni started looking pale and weak… ‘…let us go to doctor…’ I said with concern… ‘…it’s ok…I will do that today…on my way back…’Veni replied and visited one… ‘…what did your doc say…?’...

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My Secret Life Vol01 Chapter 12 Sarah and Susan sisters

VOLUME-1 Chapter XII I had now passed my twentieth year. The new servants were sisters (how many times have sisters fallen to me!); the eldest who was cook was named Sarah; the youngest, Susan. Sarah was about twenty-six, Susan nineteen or twenty. I carefully arranged the key in the key-hole of their door the first night, but saw nothing for two or three nights. Then oh! fortune again. They rose later than my mother liked; she came up to their room one morning and found them locked in, so...

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My Big Horsecock and my two Sisters

This is my first story. This really happened in my life and it is the first time I have told this story. My BIG HORSECOCK and my two older sisters. It all started when I was 10 years old. I grew up in a large family but I was closest to my two older sisters, their names are Julie who was 20 years old with massive tits and Lana who was 18 years old and huge double D tits. I had a big cock for a ten tear old boy at about 6 inches long and very thick. I loved to jerk off at night thinking...

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Kim and Susan Fucking my Sisters

Linda; I liked the part where you felt so nasty cummming, while sucking your brothers cock... I know you said penis, but that's a little girls word. Look at it this way, you are both grown-ups, what your doing is for nothing but unadulterated Nasty pleasure. Remember, this is the guy that know just how Nasty you like your sex. I'll never forget the first time I fucked you in the ass, that's one Cherry I'll never forget popping. There you where bent over in front of me, your long legs...

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Incestuous Mind Control ExplodesChapter 4 MindControlled into Lesbian Sisters

Deidre Icke, President of the failing Institute of Apotheosis, had to act. Her son, transformed into a new god by usurping the Halo from its proper owner, had broken out of the storage room they’d locked him in. With his powers, he could bend the Institute to his will. She had to buy time for the others to destroy all the research that went into making the Halos. They were never meant to be mass produced. Luckily, no one person could re-create them. Only their dead guru and his wife fully...

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Seducing Sisters

Hi,i’m Vivek staying in Banglore. I’ve 2 elder sisters(Arpana studin in 12th & vanita studyin in 11th) who r good looking and sexy.This is a true story.originally i’m Bengali.i live with my mom and my sisters and a dog.i started watching porn since my day as my mom had gone out of station for a week.i was watching porn in my pc.i started to watch by being naked without closing the door as i thought every1 were Sleeping.unfortunately arpana woke up and came into the room as there was...

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Scat Sisters

years. Born only a year apart, the two girls quickly became best friends, and, later on, grew very attracted to each other. And after discovering the rich variety that the internet had to offer, the two found that they could bring their love for each other to a sexual level and forged a passionate incest relationship. Though they enjoyed both gay and hetero pornography as well, the siblings desire was so strong that the two could not even think of fucking another person. And because they...

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Halloween Sisters

Halloween Sisters By Carol Collins It all started innocently enough. I, Jim Stone, was very busy on a project for work and barely remembered giving my beautiful but mischievous wife permission to select my Halloween costume when she selected hers. It was a decision absence mindedly made that would affect the rest of my life. I finished my ten-hour a day seven days a week project two days before Halloween. I planned on...

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Sisters By Princess Panty boy I am just a normal boy like most 10-year guys, and my name is Barry. I am the only boy in our family and I have a younger sister who just turned four. I also have twin sisters that are seven years older than I am. When my sisters turned seventeen the world changed for them and us. The twins just got their driver's licenses, so we do not see much of them anymore with school and there different boyfriends and cheerleading practice and games and...

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SistersAmy: I saw her do it, my big sister. There, I’ve admitted it now haven’t I? The man standing looking over my shoulder has given a sly chuckle. He is making me write this, and checking that I don’t leave anything out. It is my final humiliation, on a day that has brought so many. As I write, I am sitting at a desk, completely naked, apart from a pair of tights around my ankles, and the flat shoes my persecutor finds so arousing. My bare bottom is so sore I can barely stand the pressure of...

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Giving Tuitions To My Sisters

This incident occurred when I was in post graduate college. I had to take a room nearby my college and I was not interested to stay in boys hostel. My parents feared I may be addicted to drugs, smoking or alcoholism. They arranged a small room at my father’s friends friend. The room was small but it was quite enough for my PC, table a cot. Daily I used to get up early and get freshen up and go to college and back from college on time and my daily time pass was studying or browsing the net. My...

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"Why are you always so mean to your sister?" I asked my cousin Sarah."Because she's mean to me!" Sarah yelled back."I am not!" Janet said equally as loud."You are too!" Sarah yelled as she threw a pillow at Janet.Janet caught the pillow and threw it back in a sweeping roundhouse fashion. The pillow caught Sarah off guard and knocked her over the side of her twin bed. There was a loud thump and groan as she hit the floor.I was up and off the chair by the desk in a shot. I should not have worried...

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The Sisters

I was sitting in the company box just to the third base side of the Braves dugout. Because of a conference that pulled most of the company's executives out of Atlanta, I had it all to myself. It was the fourth inning and the Braves had a comfortable 5 – 2 lead over the Diamondbacks when I spotted the two girls attempting to sneak into the adjacent box. I knew the usher would be on them as soon as he looked their way. It was obvious they didn't belong. For one, they looked about sixteen. Then...

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Blackmailing My Twin Sisters

Blackmailing My Twin Sisters Well I was going to blackmail them. Really! But as you’ll see I didn’t have too. It was probably for the best that way. Then they couldn’t accuse me of taking advantage of them. I am a fourteen-year-old boy that has a beautiful set of thirteen-year-old twin sisters that drive me absolutely fucking nuts. Pardon my French. I mean to tell you that even I have trouble telling which is which. They look alike, they dress alike, and they are sexy as hell. They...

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Revenge on my sisters

This is a story about me and my sisters. I lived with 5 of my sisters. 3 sisters were older than me, Jane, Ellie and Ash. One was my age, Julie and the last one a year younger, Gina. Now all of my sister were hot. The hottest one was Ellie. She was a total bombshell. Now me, i was a fat kid, had a feminine personality. I lived with my sisters all my life and acted like a girl. I remember they used to dress me up and i liked it. I had a small cock, like 4 inches erect. I was 16, i remember...

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Weekend Sisters

WEEKEND SISTERS BY JANICE My name is Howard, I have a twin, brother named Dexter, we are fifteen and have a sister, seventeen. Her name is Corrine. One weekend our parents wanted to take a weekend skiing trip, away from us kids. As luck would have it. It was also the weekend Corrine wanted to go away with some of her girl friends. Both plans had been made several weeks in advance but as always happens, no one...

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Band of Sisters

Band of Sisters By Julie O Edited By Amelia R. Special thanks to Robert Arnold for his assistance. Chapter 1 I slowly came to, fighting off a feeling of nausea and bewilderment. I wasn't exactly sure where I was, but it looked like some sort of medical facility. I was on my back and when I tried to...

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My Four sisters

Okay now onto the story. Well this story ha-ha if you can call it a story is about me David. I’m just an ordinary 18 year old kid, I’m a senior in high school yeah I play baseball but I am far from a jock I’m one of those kids who never does their homework or studies but still manages a C+ average. It’s not like I’m stupid or anything but after baseball I have to take care of my four sisters so I cannot do my homework. You see I’m the middle child I have two older twin sisters, who...

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