Shame On Me free porn video

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"Jack, where are we going?" I asked. "You said if I went to the movies with you tonight you would bring me straight home. This isn't the way home."

"This will just take a few minutes," Jack laughed. "You'll love this. I haven't visited this place in years."

"Jack, I have to work tomorrow. Unlike you, I work for a living."

"Hey, don't get personal bitch. I work. When I have a job I work. Anyway, we're here."

The car turned up a winding dirt lane ending in a wide opening overlooking the city. Four or five cars occupied the self made parking area.

"Jack, this is a make out spot for teenagers. Why the hell would you want to come here? Let's go...I have to get home."

Jack found a space and turned off the motor.

"Put out or get out baby," he smirked.

"Wow, real juvenile Jack. Put our or get out? Real funny. Now take me home."

"I'm serious Kelly. We've been going out for a month and you've put off every advance I've made. I'm getting a blow job tonight or you can walk out of here. I don't give a damn. One or the other. What's it going to be?"

"Tell you what Jack," I said as I opened the door. "Don't call me any more, don't drop by any more. Everyone told me you were a loser. I should have listened to them. Your contemptible... no, your beyond contempt."

I slammed the door and walked over to the nearest parked car. Without thinking I jerked open the passenger side door and was met with a loud scream.

"I'm sorry," I said apologetically. "I'm so, so sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you...I really hate to interfere..."

"What the hell are you doing?" the young girl screamed. "You scared the hell out of us."

"I'm really sorry," I continued to apologize. "It's just that my friend sort of dumped me and I need a ride away from here. I'll gladly pay you to drive me to an all night restaurant or gas station, somewhere I can call a cab."

The girl glanced over at the driver as she hurriedly buttoned up her blouse. I couldn't help but notice her difficulty, her ample breast filling it to capacity. Apparently the driver assented because the young girl pulled her seat forward to give me access to the back seat of the car.

"Get in," she said. "It's chilly out there."

That's when I noticed. Half way into the back seat I noticed...the driver...having the same difficulty as the passenger. A perfect set of firm, round breast being stuffed into an all to small blouse...they were both girls! And so young!

I'm not a prude. I'm also not a woman of the world either. I'd never seen two girts together before. I was stunned and intrigued at the same time. The girl's voice startled me out of my trance.

"How far do you live from here?" She asked. "Maybe we can give you a ride all the way to your home if it's not to far away."

"I don't know, maybe five miles. Twenty minutes are so I would think. No more than twenty minutes."

"We can give her a ride home can't we Jenny," she said to the driver. "There's no reason for her to take a cab. Twenty minutes is not too far away."

"Okay, okay," Jenny replied. I could tell by the tone in her voice she wasn't exactly happy with my interference of her evening.

"I'll pay you," I reiterated. "You don't know how much I appreciate this."

Jenny started the car. As we pulled out of the parking area Jack was still sitting in his car, a look of disbelief on his face.

"Was that your boyfriend we just passed?" the girl asked. "He looked mad."

"No, he's not my boyfriend. Just an idiot I went out with a few times. He decided it was put out or get out. I surprised him and got out."

"The girl's giggled at my candor.

"My name is Heather," the girl on the passenger side said. "And this is my friend Jennifer. Sorry I yelled at you when you opened our door. You just scared me for a moment. I usually keep my door locked when we're up here if you know what I mean."

"Which way do I go," Jennifer interrupted. North or South on the freeway?"

"North," I said. "And get off at the Oak Street exit. I hope I'm not taking you too far away from your home."

"Oh no, like we only live a few miles from here. We're like, you know, your neighbor."

"Do you girls go to school around here?" I asked nervously...I thought I needed to make conversation.

"I'm a senior at Riverside High," Heather said. "Jennifer's a freshman at a Community College near hear."

"My daughter's a senior at Riverside High!" I exclaimed. "And I teach at Belmont High."

I knew the minute I opened my mouth I'd volunteered personal information that could have best gone unsaid. They didn't need to know about me...and certainly not about my daughter. Well it was too late now, I felt so damn dumb.

"Oh yeah, is that right? Your daughter's a senior at my school? Like what's her name?"

Well, it would really be rude to clam up now, I thought to myself. Besides, I haven't done anything wrong...embarrassing maybe, but not wrong. So I answered her.

"Sarah, Sarah Callahan. You probably don't know her. You have about five hundred Seniors in that school don't you?"

"We do have a big class," Heather said. "Like our school the biggest in the state I think. Three thousand students. So your daughter's name is Sarah Callahan, huh. I don't think I know her. Does she like play sports or anything?"

"She plays Soccer." I knew I had said enough. I wasn't going to volunteer any more information about Sarah. I still had this lingering feeling in my gut I shouldn't have said anything in the first place.

"So you teach at Belmont, huh. They're like our biggest rival in football you know. We kicked your butt two weeks ago."

"I know," I said. "Excuse me Heather...Jennifer, there's the exit. As soon as you get off the ramp make a right at the first street. I live about six blocks down that street."

Within minutes we were at the my house. As I squeezed out of the back seat I thanked them again for being good samaritans. They refused to take any money. They waved as they drove away.

Sarah was already in bed when I entered the house. She usually waited up for me but she knew I was with Jack...she didn't like Jack.

As I lay in bed I thought about the two girls, especially Heather. The girl goes to high school in my school district, gets caught in a sexual situation by me, and when she learns I'm a teacher, acted totally unconcerned about it.

Granted, I didn't teach at her school, but we were still in the same school district. Very confident girl, I thought to myself.

Next day, out of curiosity, and some concern, I called a teacher friend at Riverside High. I just wanted to give myself some peace of mind and make sure Heather wasn't one of those "Bad Girls" that might spread rumors thru the school about my previous nights dilemma. I didn't want my daughter to be embarrassed about something that was caused by me.

When I finally made contact with Betty she laughed when I asked about a girl named Heather.

"My god Kelly, do you know how many Heather's are in our Senior Class? And you don't know her last name? What does she look like?"

"She was about five foot, six inches tall," I said. Long blonde hair, very pretty and extremely shapely...oh, and well endowed. She also talked rather mature for her age."

The only Heather that Betty could think of that fit my description was Heather Barrrinton, a grade "A" student, a former cheerleader who participated her sophomore and junior years, but dropped off the squad this year. She also was heavily involved in her drama class.

"By the way," Betty said, "I saw your daughter in the hallway the other day. I haven't seen her since last school year. She getting to be a absolute knockout...she must be fighting the boys off this year. She sure is a cute kid."

I laughed. "Kid," I said, "She turned eighteen four months ago. And your right. Our phone rings off the hook every night. I might have to get her her own extension."

It was nice talking to Betty again. We were roommates in college but seldom saw each other any more, especially since my divorce. My ex and her husband were best friends...still are as far as I know...and it became extremely awkward for us to get together socially.

I felt a little better with the information she gave me, enough that I pretty much put the whole incident out of my mind...except the two girls kissing, that was going to be hard to forget.

When I arrive home that night Sarah was waiting for me.

"What happened last night mother that you had to get a ride home with Heather Barrington."

"How do you know something happened?' I asked. I felt distraught that my daughter had found out.

"Heather Barrington approached me in the hallway today and said she met you last night. She wanted to tell me how much she admired you for what you did...walking out on that guy. That's all she would tell me. Was it Jack? What did he do to you?"

I broke down and told Sarah the whole story. I knew I was going to hear "I told you so" from her. She despised Jack. I guess she was right about him. She was ecstatic that he wouldn't be coming around any more.

Sarah left the bomb shell for last. She didn't know it was a bomb shell but it was nevertheless.

"I never met Heather before," she said. "I've seen her in a couple of plays the drama class has put on though. Anyway, after she introduced herself we talked for a long time. She's really a nice girl. In fact, she invited me to a movie with her and a friend this Friday night."

I could feel the air rush out of my lungs. I was at a total loss of what to say to her. I couldn't refuse to allow her to go. That wasn't the kind of relationship we had. We operated on trust and she never give me any reason not to trust her.

I certainly wasn't in a position to tell her of Heather's sexual inclinations either. I wouldn't know how to broach the subject anyway. We, we never talked about sex because...because I put her off so many times she finally stopped asking. I knew I was just going to have to trust her good judgement...and worry.

Friday night I waited up for her. She had a midnight curfew...she was home by eleven thirty.

"So, did you have a good time tonight?" I asked nervously. "Was it a good movie?"

"I had a great time," she said. "Heather and Jennifer, that's her friend, were a blast. I asked them to come in when they dropped me off but they said they had to get home. I'm sure glad I met her. I couldn't have done it without you Mother." She laughed,

I knew she was chiding me. And it was true, if it wasn't for that goddamn Jack I wouldn't be going thru the stress of her new found social life.

She appeared to be so happy...maybe Heather and Jennifer were typical teenagers, nice girls who were just experimenting the night I met them. Anyway, she was home and everything seemed to be alright.

The following week Sarah would mention Heather almost everyday. They had become extremely chummy at school. I still didn't know how to handle I did nothing. I was growing tired of the nagging worry...nothing had happened to make me worry...nothing I knew about anyway.

I was still concerned. But what was I concerned about? That she would find out that Heather had flirted with a perverted form of sexual behavior...or she was bisexual, or gay!

Would Heather try to seduce her? Would my daughter succumb to Heather's advances if Heather did hit on her? And why wouldn't Heather daughter was beautiful...and sexy too, although I've tried subtly to monitor her clothing purchases. But her personality, the way she carried herself...she was sexy, extremely innocent, but sexy.

Friday she went out with Heather and Jennifer again. Heather had tickets to a dinner playhouse in the city. Heather must have surely talked Sarah into going because she had never shown any interest in the arts before. At least that was one positive thing in their relationship I could cling to.

I met with friends myself that night...dinner and drinks, and didn't get home till past midnight.

Sarah was already fast asleep when I looked in on her. I don't know what possessed me...looking for confirmation that everything was all right I guess, but I went into her bathroom and opened the clothes hamper. I wish I had left well enough alone.

There, right on top, were Sarah's panties. The minute I picked them up my heart sank. They were soaking wet. I put the crotch to my nose, it was definitely a sexual discharge.

I lay in bed fighting my emotions. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't think of anything else. I still had the panties in my hand. For the life of me...I have no explanation... I sniffed her panties!

What I did next was...was sick. I began fingered myself...fingered myself until I shuddered in pleasure from an overwhelming orgasm. And then I cried myself to sleep.

The nights sleep didn't help much. I felt so ashamed, so terrible for my actions. I didn't know how I could have done such a thing.   I have never had sexual feelings towards women, especially my own daughter! I realized it had been a very long time since I had sex...but that wasn't an excuse for my behavior. I finally convinced myself that my fantasy during this weak moment was Heather and Jennifer...not my daughter. But the panties...

At breakfast Sarah informed me her two new friends were coming over to the house that night. They were going to buy a couple of pizza's and watch video's. I was welcome to join if I wanted.

About seven Heather and Jennifer arrived. There was a sudden change of plans for some reason. They decided to go out for pizza instead and I was invited to go along.

I immediately accepted their least nothing would happen with me along. I felt like I had to atone for my actions...and after a day of shame and guilt, I knew I had to get a grip on my emotions.

Surprisingly, we had a wonderful time at the pizza place. I felt like a young school girl again and I couldn't remember the last time I laughed so much. The four glasses of wine they insisted I drink went a long way in relaxing my inhibitions. I even convinced myself that my actions the night before was an aberration and would never happen again.

When we left the pizza place Heather and Sarah immediately crawled into the back seat leaving me to ride up front with Jennifer. I didn't pay any attention where we were going, the wine had given me quite a buzz. Then I noticed the familiar dirt lane...where my nightmare started...the teenage lovers lane!

"What are we doing here?" I demanded of Jennifer. Her eyes lifted to the rear view mirror, her way of hinting to me to look in the back seat. Heather and my daughter...I could hardly breath...they were in full embrace, their tongues intertwined in a wet, sensual kiss.

I couldn't speak. It was all so surreal. I felt an arm go around my neck and pull me gently. I turned my head and a soft pair of lips adhered to mine. I thought I was trying to pull away but...but my sexual instincts accepted the long, wet tongue into my mouth. I groaned as Jennifer pushed me back on the seat, her left hand resting on my knee.

"Nooo, noooo, please don't do this...Jenny, please stop. Take us home...NOW.   Sarah, you stop it back there young lady...what do you think your doing, and in front of your mother...YOU STOP IT RIGHT NOW. DO YOU HEAR ME!"

I twisted in my seat, my eyes were met by an ignoring daughter.

"Please...oh Sarah, you don't know what your doing. HEATHER, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY SARAH?"

My head was heart pounding...the effect of the wine was beginning to immobilize my thought process. I suddenly became engrossed with the perverted sight being played out in the back seat of the car. My daughter, my beautiful Sarah, her breast exposed, Heather's lips locked on to her long, hard nipple. Sarah's moans of pleasure was...was vulgar...and, god forgive me, like an aphrodisiac, a key to a depraved side I didn't know I had, or understood.

I closed my eyes and gave way to Jennifer's advances. It was so wrong, sooo wrong, sooo good.

My daughter continued to moan from the back seat. "Oh God, yes Heather, yesssssssssss."

I slowly sank down in my seat, my legs spreading my thighs submissively. Jennifer's fingers, stroking my pussy, my panties leaving little doubt to my state of mind, sooo soaked from this long awaited sexual contact.

Jennifer slipped her fingers beneath my panties, my soaking slit sucked them in. I knew this wasn't like any foreplay I had ever experienced, this was real...plucking me like a stringed instrument, skilled beyond her years. And I was letting it happen because...because I liked it.

The moaning in the back seat grew louder, the very idea that one of them was my daughter seemed to urge me on, to bring me closer to ecstasy from the depths of this insane depravity. But I hadn't reached bottom yet.

Jenny brought me to the brink and stopped. My first words in this altered state..."please, don't...don't stop. So close, sooo close." Her fingers were brushing my lips, the smell of my own cunt...cunt, I never used that word before, the odor from her fingers was intoxicating and I sucked them, sucked the juices from them

Jenny pulled away from me, planting her back against the driver's door, her right leg thrown over the top of the seat. As her tanned thighs parted, the wickedness of her exhibition sent a shudder of perverse pleasure coursing thru my body. The urge to please her was overwhelming, so much so I lowered my head between her her outstretched legs without knowing what to do.

As my lips touched her slit I breathed in deeply, inhaling her aroma...kissing her pussy lips sloppily as my tongue snaked thru the labyrinth of her thick patch of hair, sticky from a steady stream of flowing juices...tasty juices...

I lapped her till my tongue felt swollen, her groans were my cue...repeating what she liked...doing my best to please her. Her eruption was sudden, cum oozing from her profusely, and it coated my tongue like a tart, hot honey. its own unique flavor.

I wanted to cum...needed feel that delicious feeling when your body entertains itself...when it steals that moment of control away from you and puts you in the throes of ecstasy, that uncontrolled pleasure.

She pulled me by the hair until my face was buried in her breast, her lovely, firm teenage breast. I slobbered over her nipples, covering them with her own cum, licking it up again, while she caressed the nape of my neck...and sighed, seemingly sated for the moment.

My own sexual needs gnawed at me, my submissive behavior leaving me uncertain...should I ask, beg, or would she recognize my unquenched need. GOD, I NEED TO silent scream.

"You're such an obedient slut Sarah," I heard Heather say to my daughter. "You lick pussy like you were born to it. How about her slut mom up there Jenny? She must have really got you off, you were grunting like a pig."

"Oh yea," Jenny replied. "She was sooo good, and it's like, you know, her first time. Maybe cunt sucking runs in the family."

Their words were like daggres, tears of shame welling up in my eyes...and as low, as debased as I felt, I still, god no, I NEEDED to cum.

Like a child I began to plead, whispering in Jenny's ear. I didn't want Sarah to hear.

"Fuck my pussy Jenny. Pleaseee, will you fuck my pussy...pleaseee. God, I need it so bad.

"Did you hear that Heather," Jenny muttered, the teacher wants to cum. What do you think Sarah? Ever think you would hear your mother beg one of your friends to fuck her?'

Suddenly, for the moment I didn't care who heard...just so someone relieved me of the overwhelming need I was lusting for...and the more debased I felt, the more the lust built up in me.

I heard whispering in the back seat followed by a hand, fingers sliding up my thigh. I spread my legs leaving little doubt what I craved. Fingers under my panties nipping at my clit, the flow from my pussy now trickling down my leg.

"Cummm, I need to...I'm going...going cummmmm...I...I'm...Cum...CUMMMMINGGG,"

I screamed as my body convulsed to the fingering of my now raunchy slit. I opened my eyes; "NOOOOOOO," I screamed, when I rcognized the ring on the finger...the finger that was giving me so much pleasure.

But I couldn't stop it...the orgasm, the all consuming orgasm, forcing my hips to thrust, to hungerly accept the fingertips of my own daughter! The more repulsive it seemed, the harder my body convulsed. It crossed my mind...the depravity...but I couldn't longer wanted to stop.

My scream, my piercing scream, as I fucked her slender fingers, eventually feeling the warm cum puddling around my anal ring, another pleasurable after effect, and it caused me to cum again.

And as I lay there, totally exhausted, juices still trickling down my legs...tears trickled down my cheek as I was suddenly consumed by shame, total shame.

We rode back to my house in silence. Once there I bolted from the car, stopping at my front door to wait for Sarah. I watched as Jenny went from the front seat to the back, and from thirty feet away I could see their images...Sarah between them as they sexually ravaged her at will. And her screams,,,not a cry for help...and my stomach sickened as I listened to her beg for more...again and again.

I ran upstairs, barely making it to the bathroom. Once inside I fell to my knee's, my head buried in the commode as I vomited till my gut ached. Without getting up, I spread my legs on the bathroom floor and, god forgive me, I fingered myself to another orgasm.

When I awoke in the morning I could hardly move. My body ached, my entire mouth cotton dry, and the headache just above my eyes was an unforgiving throb.

I staggered into the bathroom, greeted by my night deposit still in the commode. I quickly flushed it away and reached for the aspirin, taking three in quick succession. And then...oh god, I looked in the mirror. My face said it all, teenage cum caked to my cheeks, sunken, dark eyes and knotted hair.

I spent the next hour showering and making myself look presentable. The prevue from the previous night ran through my head like a porno film...and I was in it!

I had no medication for the ache in my shame, the loss of my daughter's respect. My entire life was about her, for her, and in two short weeks every hope and desire I had for her seemed to be dissolving before my eyes.

She had improperly touched me...fingered me, and I allowed it, my body betraying me...shattering every moral value I ever held. Incest, the very word brought tears to my eyes, ruining the make up I had just applied. My life, my whole adult life had been about children, teaching, everything I considered sacred. And I had this sinking feeling...this feeling I may have thrown it all away...I wept.

When I finally pulled myself together, made myself presentable again, I went downstairs. Sarah was in living room reading. I couldn't look at her, quickly exiting to the kitchen for coffee.

As I sat at our built in coffee nook, my favorite place in the house, I watched as the birds converged on the feeder Sarah had hung years ago, This was truly the saddest day of my life...even sadder than the day my dad had died...this had an evil attached to it.

"Mom, mom we have to talk." Sarah entered the kitchen and stood behind me. I didn't turn around, I couldn't face that lovely child and what she...we had become.

"Mom, I'm sorry I got you into this. I'm really sorry. I just don't know how...they sort of put me up to it and...well it sounded so, so exciting at the time."

"They planned this!" I hissed. "They deliberately planned to see if they could turn you and I into sexual perverts... depraved like themselves. Well one sin is enough...and it stops right here young lady. Do you understand. Last night was a nightmare...and I can't explain it, why it happened, why I let it happen. Look at me Sarah. I'm an adult, a teacher for god's sake. And I let myself get drawn into something so depraved, so...and in front of you! You cannot possibly imagine how I hate myself right now."

"Mom, you're human, like everyone else. It's not like you didn't enjoy it. Remember, I was there too...and I saw..."

I slapped her...I lost if for a moment and slapped her across the face, I had never, ever raise a hand to her before...had never hit her. The stunned look, the full pouty lips, and then the smile...she smiled.

"Wow, mother. That was a good one." She intentionally rubbed against me as she left the room, and I shuddered as her nipples scraped across my back.

The sun was shining, the birds was a beautiful weekend day. I climbed the stairs and crawled back into bed...sobbing myself to sleep again.

The house was dark when I awoke. Downstairs, on the dinner table, the note said don't wait up for me...went to Heather's house for dinner with her family. Love, Sarah.

Just as the ten o'clock news was coming on Sarah came through the front door. Thank god she didn't appear to have had a carnal experience with anyone.

"Mom, you're still up. I had such a wonderful time tonight. Heather's family are really nice people. Her Dad's a doctor...did you know that?"

"Now how would I know that," I said in my most exasperated tone. "And who cares anyway."

"I'm sorry mother, you're right, how would you know...and I care because I liked them. Anyway, we had a lovely dinner and...well they were so interesting to talk to. I really enjoyed meeting them."

I was totally amazed at her bubbly disposition. God, to be young and innocent again, able to separate normal from abnormal, innocence from the dark side. It actually gave me hope...that all this sexual sickness was a faze, and fazes end...that maybe my vision of Sarah's life could somehow be fulfilled.

"So, anyway, I'm going to bed," Sarah said. Do you want to do something tomorrow. Shopping maybe. We haven't done that for awhile... two or three months probably."

"Uh, well I guess so," I said cautiously. "Okay, why not. What the hell, I could use a few things I guess."

As Heather started up the stairs I knew I had to say something to her, something that was bothering me terribly.

"Heather, about this morning..."

"Don't worry about it mother. I've forgotten all about it."

"Well I haven't, and I'm really ashamed of myself for striking you. I'm so sorry, it will never happen again. You know I love you don't you."

"Good night mother. And get your credit card ready. We'll see how sorry you are tomorrow."

For the first time in twenty four hours I felt good, almost normal. I sat down with a book I hadn't finished and lost myself in it's mystery.

We were dressed and out the door next day by noon. I was feeling wonderful, me and my daughter were doing something positive felt so natural. How quickly that feeling passed...a subtle bomb you might say.

We were in Nordstroms, the teens section, when a young sales girl approached. "Can I help you find anything." An innocent approach from an innocent girl.

"No, we're just browsing," Sarah said. As the young girl walked away Sarah tugged on my sleeve. "Look," she said. "Look at the ass on her."

Without thinking I turned...she was a cute thing, sexy, like Sarah, like Heather, like Jennifer. Her short skirt, the exagerated motion of her tight, round cheeks...what the hell was I thinking!

"She's a little fox isn't she," Sarah said, her eyes still riveted to the girl's perfectly formed ass.

The rush of excitement caught me by surprise and before I knew it I was taking baby steps towards that slippery slope again.

"Nice," I said. "Very nice."

The remainder of the afternoon was like our own private game, pointing out to each other every hot looking girl we saw. My justification...I wanted to keep this open line of communication with my daughter. But deep in my heart I knew that wasn't true...that I enjoyed looking, thinking, wanting. My god, what was wrong with me...with us.

To my amazement, our little hint of sexual openness had a direct bearing on our purchases. I allowed Sarah to buy clothes I wouldn't have dared a month ago. And, with her suggestion, I made my own purchase of some revealing items that were totally out of character for me. I was convinced I would never wear them, but for the moment, it made me feel so sensual just to carry them around in a bag.

By the time we arrive home I was so hot I excused myself, something about changing clothes...I hid in my bedroom and fingered myself to a fabulous orgasm. And there was little doubt in my mind that my daughter, my sexy little girl, was in her own room doing he same.

Walking to my classroom on Monday was difficult, to say the least. I tried my best to act nonchalant, to act as if nothing in my life had changed over the weekend. I certainly didn't want to be changed, but deep down I knew...I knew I had been exposed to a form of sex totally foreign to me, and as sorry and ashamed as I was Friday and Saturday, this was Monday, and my body was stirring, a beginning of a craving I felt I had little control of.

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I told everyone under the veranda that I’d be right back. I was at a festival with some friends. I made my way past the food venders onto the lush green grass. The barely there jeweled sandals I was wearing allowed the grass to tickle my toes. I had on a pale green sleeveless cotton dress that matched my eyes. Large black sunglasses framed my face, while my dark brown hair spread across my shoulders in loose waves. I took some deep breaths trying to shake him out of my head. He was a total...

Quickie Sex
4 years ago
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Special Case Cp2 Bestiality and a Ball Park

He licked and massaged them for a while, then he pulled down his pants, grabbed her hips, and thrust into her asshole. Kelly being frozen and all, stared straight ahead that same gaze and smile. “Nnngg!” Dakota dug into Kelly’s ass cheeks as he pumped her tight asshole full of cum. Frozen time still affected him, just to a lesser extent. Instead of when he came it being frozen in mid-air, he just came for a longer period time. He pulled his dick out of her ass and shot cum all over the back...

2 years ago
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The incest video interviews chapter 12

For over a week, my mom talked about the lesbian twins interview. She just wouldn't shut up about it. She texted, shared pictures, and talked about it to everyone too. For good reason, don't get me wrong, but it was getting a little annoying. My aunt was most annoyed by it though, that stemmed from a lot of jealousy. Well, I was lucky enough to find a way to make it up to her. The lesbian twins told me how much they loved being interviewed, and told me about a mother and daughter, that were...

1 year ago
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Allison and Emanuel Naked In School2nd Monday Evening Part 2

2nd Monday Evening: Part 2 When they opened them again, they found themselves in a plain, white room. Uhm ... what’s up with room Manny? Yeah. This is weird, my pillar. And why are all naked? That’s strange. This didn’t happen last time. Visitors always come here with as much as they need to wear to hide the things they wish to hide from others. There is no need for clothing here. Uhm ... who was that voice Manny? And why does it sound like you’ve been here before? I’m sure you...

4 years ago
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My Father My President Pt 1

Danica Blakemore had grown up in the White House. She was 18 years old now - the American public had been watching her grow since she was 10. When Danica was ten, her father, Tyler Blakemore had been elected the second African-American President of the United States (though he was half white, like the first). At just over thirty-six years old at the time of his first inauguration, he was also the youngest. Danica had been a small and shy girl back then and America had watched that girl...

3 years ago
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My Own Aunt Jaya And Our Fun

Hi guys. I’m Sid. A regular reader of Indian sex stories. I have posted my previous experience on ISS as well. I’m 26 years of age and I’m from Mumbai. 5’11 height and fair in complexion and we’ll built with a six pack. My email id is This is my real and genuine experience which took place while I was doing my graduate degree. This is about my aunt Jaya. She was my dad’s sister. She is 41 years of age, boobs hanging like bunch of mangoes, extremely fair in complexion and has a sexy butt. She...

2 years ago
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Coffee With Milk

I have always been an introvert. When I was a kid, I preferred to be alone during breaks at school and over the weekends I would stay at home reading or playing in my room. My parents tried to make me go out but I didn’t want to. In the end, they gave up and didn’t seem to worry much about me. I had good grades and went on to university where I got my degree a year before the stipulated schedule. I got a job as an accountant in a small firm that produced high-end kitchen furnishings, such as...

3 years ago
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Caught My Wife Cheating Blacken

"Tomorrow is trash day!" my wife called down to me in the kitchen. "You need to get the trash out to the street.""No, problem, I'm on it." I returned to her request. I started picking up the trash room by room, in the large trash bag. When picked up the kitchen trash and dumped it into the collection bag, I got the surprise of my life. A used large condom from the middle of the kitchen trash can fell onto the floor. I picked it up, looked at it and started to call to my wife. Before a word came...

4 years ago
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The Mansion

Your eyes snap open and you see a light hovering over your head. It's a chandelier, and you sit up and look around with a fuzzy memory of the previous night. You don't recognize the room that you're in, it looks like some kind of bedroom suite, you think to yourself. There is a king-sized four poster bed in the middle of the room, and to the right you notice red silk drapes surrounding two large sliding glass doors. A warm breeze fills the room and you jump when you hear a groan. Your eyes fall...

3 years ago
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The Gardeners Daughter Pt 2

This is part 2 of a multi part story. I have a Photo album so you can experience slightly more if you choose, or you can just use your imagination. Please remember that Esme is French and speaks with a wonderfully sexy accent, which I could never type without it having a slightly comedic Inspector Clousseau edge, so please imagine Esme's sexy french voice in this story.Esme was still in the pool, swimming hard, and I watched her swimming, with her bum showing out of the water as she did her...

2 years ago
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Two Three One Ch 06

6. Veneration Sam took deeply to heart Victoria’s implication that he had thus far been found wanting. He imagined that it had only been through Keri’s intercession that he had been kept on, and this made him more devoted to her than ever. He vowed to himself that he would do everything that he could, double, triple his work efforts to justify her undeserved faith in him. On his own volition he began taking on responsibilities beyond the full gamut of household duties that had been assigned...

2 years ago
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A Teachers Fantasy Part3

The pictures Sara sent me were quite graphic. Close up shots of my cock sliding in and out of Sara’s cunt, my cock spitting its contents on her clit, her face as she was coming. But the worst of all was the picture of me licking the sperm from her slit. There was no mistaking who’s face was in who’s crotch. After class that day, I asked Sara to stay after class for a moment. I asked if there were some way that the pictures could be destroyed so my career wouldn’t be. She smiled and said I had...

3 years ago
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Medusa Fates GameChapter 13

~~Darian~~ Discovering that the red-eyed guards on the bridge were actually undead was an unwelcome surprise. He should have guessed it; not the first time he’d fought Andromeda’s summoned skeletons. Skeletons shouldn’t have been able to scream, though. They didn’t have any flesh or throat or muscle. They shouldn’t have been able to do anything but lay on the ground, like dead should. But his eyes and sword told him differently as his blade hacked through bone, bone, and more bone. Their...

1 year ago
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A Night Out With My Goddess

You get in the car, wearing a nice long coat. We drive towards the restaurant and you open your coat to show you’re wearing only a corset that has a shelf top and stockings. You have knee-high boots and no panties on. I can see your rings are secured with the bars and locks you have been instructed to wear. I smile with approval as I reach over and pull on your newly pierced nipples. I comment how nice they look with the second piecing. You yelp as I reach over and tug on each one. As we...

2 years ago
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Glorias Second Wedding Ch 06

Buck took a call from Jessie. ‘Buck I’ve just received a hand-delivered letter from the council’s external attorneys on behalf of the city manager demanding you publicly retract your recent statement that if elected you’ll fire the city manager for not having the exterior of City Hall renovated within your imposed deadline.’ ‘The letter states you had no authority to make such a statement, that it would take time to investigate such a proposal and produce a budget and get approval for any...

2 years ago
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Barb and her Brother

This is a story about my ex wife. I have changed the names in case someone in her family stumbles upon it. You know, plausible deniability. If one of her brothers (or even a sister) read this a couple of the details would let her brothers know who this is about. My ex wife is and was a complicated woman. I met her when I was 21 and she was just 17. She had a killer body. Great tits that could pass the pencil test and a nice firm ass. After a couple of dates we had sex. I was hooked...

4 years ago
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Cryska Wintergaze

"Uugghh.... Finally! Jeez I was stuck on that boat for weeks!." Cryska would say after walking onto the port. It was busy lots of people getting off ships, going onto ships. The whole city, called Ravenburg, smelled of fresh fish and of animals. She went straight to a closeby inn, so she would have a place to return to. ~3 hours later~ Blowing off all the cash on a boat ride and forgetting to keep some when you actually arrive was not a good idea... But she is in luck, a guild looking for a new...

2 years ago
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Sex With Young Virgin HR 8211 Anjali

Hi, sex cravers. This is Varun again with another story. For all those who don’t know me, I am 25 years old now, 5.9″ height and weighing 70 kg which is neither skinny nor fat. Coming to the story, the story is about a girl in my office who joined recently. How we became good friends and how she opened up with me and what all we did is the story about. Her name was Anjali (name changed). She came to the interview in my office for an HR position. The first day when she came for the interview,...

1 year ago
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What Lies AheadChapter 17

I was so shocked at what I’d heard, I dropped my book. From the look on her face I knew Vicki had heard it, too, and was equally as shocked. The CPS agent at the door had just said we were being taken away from Mom. I was stunned. Since Vicki and I were the closest, we had heard everything that was said, but everyone else was sitting on chairs and couches, and even the floor in Tina’s case, further from the door that lead out to the front entryway, and apparently hadn’t been paying...

1 year ago
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not what i expectedbut what i deserved

His breath on my neck made me shiver. I had known him two months now, yet we had only physically met quarter of an hour ago. Even now I still had no idea what he looked like.  The email had dared me to wait in room 242 Meadow Hotel. It was an easy dare, he was in New York, and I was in Devon, what could happen? Quite a lot could happen it turned out. I don’t know why maybe it was close and an easy drive, I decided to go to the reception desk. My first surprise a message was left for me. I was...

3 years ago
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beach fun2

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I got out of school 2 weeks ago, and I am so siced for summer. Driving down the Bay Way, I'm in my family's Honda we just got after I got my license. Its like 78 degrees out and no clouds. I live for summer, and when summer comes, we go to Ocean City. My names Sam by the way. 6 foot 160, dirty blond and blue eyes. Slight muscle tone. Im not too...

2 years ago
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Sex With Brother In Law

I have a younger brother-in-law[my wife’s younger brother] aged 19 yrs who got admission in engineering college of my city. My father-in-law dropped him in my house as he could not get accomodation in a hostel. His name is krishna. He is young fair & handsome.First day I took him to his college on my bike. The college was around 15 kms from my house. As I was driving and he sat behind me he casually placed his hands on my thighs. Whenever a speed breaker or a bump came on the way his hands are...

1 year ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Elena 03292018

We sure hope you’re ready for some extended sex scenes because we’ve go quite a show for you with our latest beauty, 21 year old Elena from Las Vegas. She’s got a cute, petite body that’s super tight from her work as a dancer and yoga instructor, so you know she’s going to be flexible in all the right ways. After a break up with her boyfriend that couldn’t give her enough sex, she’s hot to make up for lost time and couldn’t wait to get our man...

3 years ago
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Attack of the werewolfs

You are a 21 year old woman but most people say you still look like your 16. You have blue eyes, Your hair is blond, you have white lightly tanned skin, and a pair of C-cup breasts. The only hair on your body is whats on-top of your head which reaches down to your shoulder-blades. You just woke up and are still only wearing a pair of panties and a long T-shirt. Suddenly an emergence news broadcast flashes onto your TV set. "Just this in, we are getting reports of werewolf's having flooded the...

2 years ago
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FogChapter 2

I turned eighteen in January of my senior year. By the time I graduated in June I had been going pretty steady with one particular boy, Eric, for about nine or ten months. Neither of us thought it would be a permanent relationship. We would both be going to different colleges in the fall and expected that we would remain friends but not more than that. But for the present we both were thoroughly enjoying our relationship. As had almost all teenagers, we had discovered the joys on necking and...

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LittleAsians Kaya Lin Ember Snow Showing Her The Gropes

Kaya Lin is a good little Asian girl who just wants to please her man. But when she cannot figure out how to give him a decent blowjob, she is flabbergasted. Luckily, her step sister Ember Snow wants to help. The next time he comes over, Ember watches Kayas technique so she can give the prudish princess some pointers on how to properly suck dick. Soon, Ember takes a more hands on approach, sucking our studs cock herself and showing why she is an authority on fellatio. Kaya is a little jealous,...

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You've had a long day, wasting away at the computer as you feverishly try to finish a research paper. You rub your eyes and stretch, cracking your spine as you do so. A pair of warm, soft arms envelop you, and your body stiffens in shock. "Hey . . . " Her voice makes your cock jump slightly in your pants. You go to spin the computer chair around, but she stops you: "I don't want to interrupt you. Just thought I'd give you some company." You smile and continue to work, her...

2 years ago
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Rebel in the SouthChapter 19 NintySix

Over the next few days I rested up some with a Whig family that dressed my wounds, applied some herbs and spiderwebs here and there and shared their meager supply of food with me, a lot of corn mush and hominy. That strap had made the worst looking mess of my body since the Battle of Trenton when I got horsewhipped for helping a quail named Sally among other things. That story's back in Book Three I think. I was pissing blood again, and it took a week before I could see out of my left eye....

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Sweet Natasha

Hello all ISS readers! I am back again with a hot sizzling story. As u knows me I’m Abhishek Singh 18 male living in Delhi near mother dairy of pandav nagar. I will hope that u will enjoy the story. Mail me any comments, queries or anything on or The bright and bulky clouds looked magnificent in the foreground of the clear blue sky; they looked like incandescent cotton balls adorning the picturesque sea of blue. Natasha had always found their sight soothing and therapeutic. She had learned a...

1 year ago
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Good Luck Charlie Chapter 1

This story takes place about 10 years in the future after Good Luck Charlie ended. Because of this Teddy is now 29, Charlie is 14, Gabe is 20, PJ is 31 and Bob and Amy are both 56. CHAPTER 1 Charlie Duncan gasped as she ran a finger over her clit. She rubbed her hands all over her smooth, young body as she laid naked in her bed. It had been an eventful day for young Charlie. In 1st period she'd had sex-ed, and then while walking by the boys locker room she'd seen something that she...

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It was my friends car alright, but it wasn’t him driving it. It was his mother, Suzanne. Suzanne was an attractive woman. She had my friend young, and was not as old as some of the other mothers around She was actually only 33. Suzanne had nice long blonde hair that was pulled up into a ponytail today, and sexy blue eyes. Her lips were nice and full, and she wore red lipstick on them. She had nice big tits, which she covered with a white tank top, and a little sexy stomach. Her ass was...

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RocknRoll LifestyleChapter 18

"Here. Lemme get that for you." Cindy said with an affectionate smile. She leaned over Corey and licked the dab of his nectar from Amanda's face. "That was very exciting to watch, Amanda. Your cute little mouth open so wide around his cock." Cindy smiled. "How bout a kiss?" With that, she sealed her lips against Amanda's. Her tongue slid into her little sister's mouth and her hand caressed Amanda's breast. Amanda returned these, her tongue twined with Cindy's as she rubbed her...

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Donalds Path The SequelChapter 8

Buckingham Palace "Without telling me any names, what have we got?" "Well, we've got one rather young fellow whose father died years ago. At least he has an education, and a rather good one at that. First in his class at Deswait Academy for four years straight. Since that is my alma mater, I know how impressive that is. The only other person from there that accomplished that is now your chief justice. Unfortunately, he is not old enough to have a work or career history to check. Lots of...

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Waking up in the wrong place

You hear an alarm going off that you don't remember having. You reach over to shut it off and you feel different than normal. You realize something is wrong when you open your eyes and you are in your nieghbors bed. You go to the bathroom turn and in the mirror you see who?

4 years ago
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Course of Treatment

A few months ago, I would not have dreamed that I would be in this situation. Not that the situation is necessarily bad, but the utterly blatant ethical breaches that I have committed sometimes weigh heavily on my conscience. Were they to ever be revealed to the licensing board, my career as a clinical psychologist would come to an abrupt end. I had settled into middle age cruise control. At fifty-four, I had been married nearly twenty-five years and practiced my profession from a small,...

4 years ago
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Municipal BlondesChapter 29 Unexpected visitors

IT’S WAY PAST TIME to get back to my studies. I’ve moved. I have a new office. I have an assistant. I have no clients. Lars reminded me on Christmas that my thesis is due in just three weeks. It’s almost done but I really have to focus these next two weeks. I’ll have Cinnamon proofread this again when I’ve finished this time. On retainer About 10:30, Cinnamon knocked on my door and asked if I could take a visitor. I didn’t even think about not doing it. I should probably consider having...

3 years ago
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Daddy is the Best Part 2

Well, I might be exaggerating just a little but during the remaining weeks of school, everybody would ask me what was so different about me. I would walk with my head up and look straight ahead knowing what my Daddy had taught me how to make love with the most wonderful man in the whole world, my Daddy. And with that knowledge, I was determined to go forth and experiment with my new found gifts. I began walking right up to the cutest guys in my class and boldly start flirting with them. ...

2 years ago
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I Kissed a GirlChapter 11

The kissing lasted longer than it had taken Elizabeth to make Maryann cum. the devout woman with the magnificent bosom had originally been supine on the bed with her neighbor and lover lying beside her, now she had rolled on her side facing. They stroked each other's hair and caressed each other in seemingly non sexual places like the shoulder and upper arm, the hip and outer thigh, up and down their backs. Maryann was experiencing for the first time a feeling of physical love, not sexual...

2 years ago
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Danas Story Part 7

Dana's Story, Part 7 Next steps for Dana with the coffee club and work. Can Dr. Cynthia help? New Beginnings That day would prove to be pivotal in our life. The coffee club was totally excited. That night when we finally went to the bedroom, Kathy was revved up and raring to go. We were careful of her belly, but we fell asleep after thoroughly exhausting each other. I woke up only minutes later for my night feeding with Emily. There wouldn't be many more of those. Monday morning,...

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Enslave the Queen

It had been months fighting but the Mokrull finally was closing in on the Gyu. Their complete takeover was imminent. Until now the Gyu's superior intelligence and agile execution of their training had been the key to their survival. But the Mokrull's size and superior strength gave them an advantage at hand to hand combat.The Mokrull are a race of hideous Mongrel-like humanoids, each one weighing somewhere between 300lbs to anywhere as large as 500 lbs (very little of it actually being fat...

2 years ago
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Obscene showers

I would press my skin against yours just to feel the moisture and the beating of your heart. I would kiss you in your neck and go through your soaked hair with my right hand and hold my left hand between your breasts to feel you breathe. I can see your breath as clouds climbing from your mouth. Then I would press my lips against yours and close my eyes. I would make our tongues meet while the fabricated rain kept drowning the cold air around us. And from then I would wait for you to take a next...

4 years ago
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Caught Fucking Girlfriend8217s Best Friend

Hello guys, this is real life experience about how it feel to have sex with a girl other than my girlfriend. I work in a BPO in Pune and while I was undergoing training, there was a very pretty girl in my training batch, who later became my girlfriend. But this story is not about my girl friend but her best friend. Her name is Priya and is 2 years smaller than me. As my and my girlfriend’s relation grew stronger so did my and priya’s relation. As we started talking everyday, our bonding...

3 years ago
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Im Daddys Little Slut 4

I was in my room and Dad was in his room. He must have been thinking about what I had just said; thinking about fucking my ass. It wasn’t that I had always loved getting fucked in the ass, even I didn’t tell some of my boyfriends about my interest in anal, but with my dad, I wanted to feel him in my ass. Dad had started it, and I was going to finish it by doing everything with him. I completed all the notes for which my friend was coming. Let me tell you about my friend - she is a bitch. Her...

3 years ago
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Halloween Girl Chapter 1 Preperation

I had met Haley just a couple weeks into my freshman year at college. Well more like she met me. I was alone studying in the courtyard when she sat next to me. There were plenty of empty spots, yet she sat by me. College was lonely for me, I was the intellectual nerd, smart yet socially awkward. Haley was the opposite of anything I was. She had also just pledge the sorority on campus, but beautiful. Not at all the type of girl I usually meet. OK all girls are not girls I usually...

1 year ago
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The Blue Flame of Love chapter 2

  Abby’s parents brought her home where Morgan, Vince's mother, Jenna, his sisters Maureen and Elizabeth, along with Ted’s parents, had been cleaning and making prepared meals for her and the kids. She went to her room and saw two suitcases, with a note.‘Abby, this should be enough clothes, so Vince doesn’t have to worry about doing laundry over Thanksgiving. Jenna.’Abby put his clothes into the empty drawers. That was very sweet, Jenna, thank you. The President of the company told her to stay...

Love Stories
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The new lawn boy True Story

This is a true story but not mine. I could only wish!! It was the first really hot day of June. I was taking advantage of the sun as I lay on the folding chez I had set up on the back deck. I was glad I put a beach towel down between me and the plastic webbing of the chez. My bikini was pretty small and I really didn’t relish the thought or the feel of a sweaty plastic waffle impression all over my front. The air was hot and humid, and I luxuriated in the blanket of heat that bore down on my...

2 years ago
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fishing freddie 3

As i sat there alone in the shed naked i couldnt help rubbing my erect throbbing cock,wondering what i was in for next.everything was quiet when a voice came out of nowhere .come into the house ian,i am upstairs second bedroom on the left.i jumped out of my skin,and saw there was a small speaker next to the door.i sat for a second then the the voice said hurry up and leave your clothes there.i got up and did as he said ,i was so excited as i walked up the stairs and as i got to the door i put...

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Campaign of Poltergeists MaraudersChapter 10

Mission 33 Planet: Smithon Mission: Repossession Lance: Hammer – Atlas Sonic – Dragon Vonkobra – Kintaro Hacker – Centurion We picked up a repossession contract where we were tasked with dealing with a Directorate commander who was behind on his repayments for his vehicles and we are to repossess them with extreme prejudice. Or in other words show what happens when you piss off the wrong people by not paying. The opposition is described as a lance of vehicles with a reinforcement lance of...

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Club Night Out

Many moons ago a little nightclub existed nearby called Majestics that my wife and I use to frequent to save us going into the city, cheap booze and good music was always on the cards and thankfully it had both, along with a surprise neither of us was expecting on out Saturday night out.Aubrey was a small and pert beauty of a woman with a huge smile and deep dark eyes that any unsuspecting guy would lose himself in, and on this night her glow-in-the-dark top and black cargo pants showed off her...

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It wasn't supposed to be like this. Not at all. It was ridiculous, actually. Katherine knelt there passively, with everyone watching, while Jessica poured warm chocolate sauce down the front of her dress. Katherine cursed herself for allowing it all to happen. It had begun as a silly idea. Leigh-Ann brought it up over a mouthful of dim sum. The trays of food released their spiced steam into the already humid air of Katherine's conservatory. Rare orchids and tropical flowers always seemed to...

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