- 4 years ago
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"Jack, where are we going?" I asked. "You said if I went to the movies with you tonight you would bring me straight home. This isn't the way home."
"This will just take a few minutes," Jack laughed. "You'll love this. I haven't visited this place in years."
"Jack, I have to work tomorrow. Unlike you, I work for a living."
"Hey, don't get personal bitch. I work. When I have a job I work. Anyway, we're here."
The car turned up a winding dirt lane ending in a wide opening overlooking the city. Four or five cars occupied the self made parking area.
"Jack, this is a make out spot for teenagers. Why the hell would you want to come here? Let's go...I have to get home."
Jack found a space and turned off the motor.
"Put out or get out baby," he smirked.
"Wow, real juvenile Jack. Put our or get out? Real funny. Now take me home."
"I'm serious Kelly. We've been going out for a month and you've put off every advance I've made. I'm getting a blow job tonight or you can walk out of here. I don't give a damn. One or the other. What's it going to be?"
"Tell you what Jack," I said as I opened the door. "Don't call me any more, don't drop by any more. Everyone told me you were a loser. I should have listened to them. Your contemptible... no, your beyond contempt."
I slammed the door and walked over to the nearest parked car. Without thinking I jerked open the passenger side door and was met with a loud scream.
"I'm sorry," I said apologetically. "I'm so, so sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you...I really hate to interfere..."
"What the hell are you doing?" the young girl screamed. "You scared the hell out of us."
"I'm really sorry," I continued to apologize. "It's just that my friend sort of dumped me and I need a ride away from here. I'll gladly pay you to drive me to an all night restaurant or gas station, somewhere I can call a cab."
The girl glanced over at the driver as she hurriedly buttoned up her blouse. I couldn't help but notice her difficulty, her ample breast filling it to capacity. Apparently the driver assented because the young girl pulled her seat forward to give me access to the back seat of the car.
"Get in," she said. "It's chilly out there."
That's when I noticed. Half way into the back seat I noticed...the driver...having the same difficulty as the passenger. A perfect set of firm, round breast being stuffed into an all to small blouse...they were both girls! And so young!
I'm not a prude. I'm also not a woman of the world either. I'd never seen two girts together before. I was stunned and intrigued at the same time. The girl's voice startled me out of my trance.
"How far do you live from here?" She asked. "Maybe we can give you a ride all the way to your home if it's not to far away."
"I don't know, maybe five miles. Twenty minutes are so I would think. No more than twenty minutes."
"We can give her a ride home can't we Jenny," she said to the driver. "There's no reason for her to take a cab. Twenty minutes is not too far away."
"Okay, okay," Jenny replied. I could tell by the tone in her voice she wasn't exactly happy with my interference of her evening.
"I'll pay you," I reiterated. "You don't know how much I appreciate this."
Jenny started the car. As we pulled out of the parking area Jack was still sitting in his car, a look of disbelief on his face.
"Was that your boyfriend we just passed?" the girl asked. "He looked mad."
"No, he's not my boyfriend. Just an idiot I went out with a few times. He decided it was put out or get out. I surprised him and got out."
"The girl's giggled at my candor.
"My name is Heather," the girl on the passenger side said. "And this is my friend Jennifer. Sorry I yelled at you when you opened our door. You just scared me for a moment. I usually keep my door locked when we're up here if you know what I mean."
"Which way do I go," Jennifer interrupted. North or South on the freeway?"
"North," I said. "And get off at the Oak Street exit. I hope I'm not taking you too far away from your home."
"Oh no, like we only live a few miles from here. We're like, you know, your neighbor."
"Do you girls go to school around here?" I asked nervously...I thought I needed to make conversation.
"I'm a senior at Riverside High," Heather said. "Jennifer's a freshman at a Community College near hear."
"My daughter's a senior at Riverside High!" I exclaimed. "And I teach at Belmont High."
I knew the minute I opened my mouth I'd volunteered personal information that could have best gone unsaid. They didn't need to know about me...and certainly not about my daughter. Well it was too late now, I felt so damn dumb.
"Oh yeah, is that right? Your daughter's a senior at my school? Like what's her name?"
Well, it would really be rude to clam up now, I thought to myself. Besides, I haven't done anything wrong...embarrassing maybe, but not wrong. So I answered her.
"Sarah, Sarah Callahan. You probably don't know her. You have about five hundred Seniors in that school don't you?"
"We do have a big class," Heather said. "Like our school the biggest in the state I think. Three thousand students. So your daughter's name is Sarah Callahan, huh. I don't think I know her. Does she like play sports or anything?"
"She plays Soccer." I knew I had said enough. I wasn't going to volunteer any more information about Sarah. I still had this lingering feeling in my gut I shouldn't have said anything in the first place.
"So you teach at Belmont, huh. They're like our biggest rival in football you know. We kicked your butt two weeks ago."
"I know," I said. "Excuse me Heather...Jennifer, there's the exit. As soon as you get off the ramp make a right at the first street. I live about six blocks down that street."
Within minutes we were at the my house. As I squeezed out of the back seat I thanked them again for being good samaritans. They refused to take any money. They waved as they drove away.
Sarah was already in bed when I entered the house. She usually waited up for me but she knew I was with Jack...she didn't like Jack.
As I lay in bed I thought about the two girls, especially Heather. The girl goes to high school in my school district, gets caught in a sexual situation by me, and when she learns I'm a teacher, acted totally unconcerned about it.
Granted, I didn't teach at her school, but we were still in the same school district. Very confident girl, I thought to myself.
Next day, out of curiosity, and some concern, I called a teacher friend at Riverside High. I just wanted to give myself some peace of mind and make sure Heather wasn't one of those "Bad Girls" that might spread rumors thru the school about my previous nights dilemma. I didn't want my daughter to be embarrassed about something that was caused by me.
When I finally made contact with Betty she laughed when I asked about a girl named Heather.
"My god Kelly, do you know how many Heather's are in our Senior Class? And you don't know her last name? What does she look like?"
"She was about five foot, six inches tall," I said. Long blonde hair, very pretty and extremely shapely...oh, and well endowed. She also talked rather mature for her age."
The only Heather that Betty could think of that fit my description was Heather Barrrinton, a grade "A" student, a former cheerleader who participated her sophomore and junior years, but dropped off the squad this year. She also was heavily involved in her drama class.
"By the way," Betty said, "I saw your daughter in the hallway the other day. I haven't seen her since last school year. She getting to be a absolute knockout...she must be fighting the boys off this year. She sure is a cute kid."
I laughed. "Kid," I said, "She turned eighteen four months ago. And your right. Our phone rings off the hook every night. I might have to get her her own extension."
It was nice talking to Betty again. We were roommates in college but seldom saw each other any more, especially since my divorce. My ex and her husband were best friends...still are as far as I know...and it became extremely awkward for us to get together socially.
I felt a little better with the information she gave me, enough that I pretty much put the whole incident out of my mind...except the two girls kissing, that was going to be hard to forget.
When I arrive home that night Sarah was waiting for me.
"What happened last night mother that you had to get a ride home with Heather Barrington."
"How do you know something happened?' I asked. I felt distraught that my daughter had found out.
"Heather Barrington approached me in the hallway today and said she met you last night. She wanted to tell me how much she admired you for what you did...walking out on that guy. That's all she would tell me. Was it Jack? What did he do to you?"
I broke down and told Sarah the whole story. I knew I was going to hear "I told you so" from her. She despised Jack. I guess she was right about him. She was ecstatic that he wouldn't be coming around any more.
Sarah left the bomb shell for last. She didn't know it was a bomb shell but it was nevertheless.
"I never met Heather before," she said. "I've seen her in a couple of plays the drama class has put on though. Anyway, after she introduced herself we talked for a long time. She's really a nice girl. In fact, she invited me to a movie with her and a friend this Friday night."
I could feel the air rush out of my lungs. I was at a total loss of what to say to her. I couldn't refuse to allow her to go. That wasn't the kind of relationship we had. We operated on trust and she never give me any reason not to trust her.
I certainly wasn't in a position to tell her of Heather's sexual inclinations either. I wouldn't know how to broach the subject anyway. We, we never talked about sex because...because I put her off so many times she finally stopped asking. I knew I was just going to have to trust her good judgement...and worry.
Friday night I waited up for her. She had a midnight curfew...she was home by eleven thirty.
"So, did you have a good time tonight?" I asked nervously. "Was it a good movie?"
"I had a great time," she said. "Heather and Jennifer, that's her friend, were a blast. I asked them to come in when they dropped me off but they said they had to get home. I'm sure glad I met her. I couldn't have done it without you Mother." She laughed,
I knew she was chiding me. And it was true, if it wasn't for that goddamn Jack I wouldn't be going thru the stress of her new found social life.
She appeared to be so happy...maybe Heather and Jennifer were typical teenagers, nice girls who were just experimenting the night I met them. Anyway, she was home and everything seemed to be alright.
The following week Sarah would mention Heather almost everyday. They had become extremely chummy at school. I still didn't know how to handle I did nothing. I was growing tired of the nagging worry...nothing had happened to make me worry...nothing I knew about anyway.
I was still concerned. But what was I concerned about? That she would find out that Heather had flirted with a perverted form of sexual behavior...or she was bisexual, or gay!
Would Heather try to seduce her? Would my daughter succumb to Heather's advances if Heather did hit on her? And why wouldn't Heather daughter was beautiful...and sexy too, although I've tried subtly to monitor her clothing purchases. But her personality, the way she carried herself...she was sexy, extremely innocent, but sexy.
Friday she went out with Heather and Jennifer again. Heather had tickets to a dinner playhouse in the city. Heather must have surely talked Sarah into going because she had never shown any interest in the arts before. At least that was one positive thing in their relationship I could cling to.
I met with friends myself that night...dinner and drinks, and didn't get home till past midnight.
Sarah was already fast asleep when I looked in on her. I don't know what possessed me...looking for confirmation that everything was all right I guess, but I went into her bathroom and opened the clothes hamper. I wish I had left well enough alone.
There, right on top, were Sarah's panties. The minute I picked them up my heart sank. They were soaking wet. I put the crotch to my nose, it was definitely a sexual discharge.
I lay in bed fighting my emotions. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't think of anything else. I still had the panties in my hand. For the life of me...I have no explanation... I sniffed her panties!
What I did next was...was sick. I began fingered myself...fingered myself until I shuddered in pleasure from an overwhelming orgasm. And then I cried myself to sleep.
The nights sleep didn't help much. I felt so ashamed, so terrible for my actions. I didn't know how I could have done such a thing. I have never had sexual feelings towards women, especially my own daughter! I realized it had been a very long time since I had sex...but that wasn't an excuse for my behavior. I finally convinced myself that my fantasy during this weak moment was Heather and Jennifer...not my daughter. But the panties...
At breakfast Sarah informed me her two new friends were coming over to the house that night. They were going to buy a couple of pizza's and watch video's. I was welcome to join if I wanted.
About seven Heather and Jennifer arrived. There was a sudden change of plans for some reason. They decided to go out for pizza instead and I was invited to go along.
I immediately accepted their least nothing would happen with me along. I felt like I had to atone for my actions...and after a day of shame and guilt, I knew I had to get a grip on my emotions.
Surprisingly, we had a wonderful time at the pizza place. I felt like a young school girl again and I couldn't remember the last time I laughed so much. The four glasses of wine they insisted I drink went a long way in relaxing my inhibitions. I even convinced myself that my actions the night before was an aberration and would never happen again.
When we left the pizza place Heather and Sarah immediately crawled into the back seat leaving me to ride up front with Jennifer. I didn't pay any attention where we were going, the wine had given me quite a buzz. Then I noticed the familiar dirt lane...where my nightmare started...the teenage lovers lane!
"What are we doing here?" I demanded of Jennifer. Her eyes lifted to the rear view mirror, her way of hinting to me to look in the back seat. Heather and my daughter...I could hardly breath...they were in full embrace, their tongues intertwined in a wet, sensual kiss.
I couldn't speak. It was all so surreal. I felt an arm go around my neck and pull me gently. I turned my head and a soft pair of lips adhered to mine. I thought I was trying to pull away but...but my sexual instincts accepted the long, wet tongue into my mouth. I groaned as Jennifer pushed me back on the seat, her left hand resting on my knee.
"Nooo, noooo, please don't do this...Jenny, please stop. Take us home...NOW. Sarah, you stop it back there young lady...what do you think your doing, and in front of your mother...YOU STOP IT RIGHT NOW. DO YOU HEAR ME!"
I twisted in my seat, my eyes were met by an ignoring daughter.
"Please...oh Sarah, you don't know what your doing. HEATHER, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY SARAH?"
My head was heart pounding...the effect of the wine was beginning to immobilize my thought process. I suddenly became engrossed with the perverted sight being played out in the back seat of the car. My daughter, my beautiful Sarah, her breast exposed, Heather's lips locked on to her long, hard nipple. Sarah's moans of pleasure was...was vulgar...and, god forgive me, like an aphrodisiac, a key to a depraved side I didn't know I had, or understood.
I closed my eyes and gave way to Jennifer's advances. It was so wrong, sooo wrong, sooo good.
My daughter continued to moan from the back seat. "Oh God, yes Heather, yesssssssssss."
I slowly sank down in my seat, my legs spreading my thighs submissively. Jennifer's fingers, stroking my pussy, my panties leaving little doubt to my state of mind, sooo soaked from this long awaited sexual contact.
Jennifer slipped her fingers beneath my panties, my soaking slit sucked them in. I knew this wasn't like any foreplay I had ever experienced, this was real...plucking me like a stringed instrument, skilled beyond her years. And I was letting it happen because...because I liked it.
The moaning in the back seat grew louder, the very idea that one of them was my daughter seemed to urge me on, to bring me closer to ecstasy from the depths of this insane depravity. But I hadn't reached bottom yet.
Jenny brought me to the brink and stopped. My first words in this altered state..."please, don't...don't stop. So close, sooo close." Her fingers were brushing my lips, the smell of my own cunt...cunt, I never used that word before, the odor from her fingers was intoxicating and I sucked them, sucked the juices from them
Jenny pulled away from me, planting her back against the driver's door, her right leg thrown over the top of the seat. As her tanned thighs parted, the wickedness of her exhibition sent a shudder of perverse pleasure coursing thru my body. The urge to please her was overwhelming, so much so I lowered my head between her her outstretched legs without knowing what to do.
As my lips touched her slit I breathed in deeply, inhaling her aroma...kissing her pussy lips sloppily as my tongue snaked thru the labyrinth of her thick patch of hair, sticky from a steady stream of flowing juices...tasty juices...
I lapped her till my tongue felt swollen, her groans were my cue...repeating what she liked...doing my best to please her. Her eruption was sudden, cum oozing from her profusely, and it coated my tongue like a tart, hot honey. its own unique flavor.
I wanted to cum...needed feel that delicious feeling when your body entertains itself...when it steals that moment of control away from you and puts you in the throes of ecstasy, that uncontrolled pleasure.
She pulled me by the hair until my face was buried in her breast, her lovely, firm teenage breast. I slobbered over her nipples, covering them with her own cum, licking it up again, while she caressed the nape of my neck...and sighed, seemingly sated for the moment.
My own sexual needs gnawed at me, my submissive behavior leaving me uncertain...should I ask, beg, or would she recognize my unquenched need. GOD, I NEED TO silent scream.
"You're such an obedient slut Sarah," I heard Heather say to my daughter. "You lick pussy like you were born to it. How about her slut mom up there Jenny? She must have really got you off, you were grunting like a pig."
"Oh yea," Jenny replied. "She was sooo good, and it's like, you know, her first time. Maybe cunt sucking runs in the family."
Their words were like daggres, tears of shame welling up in my eyes...and as low, as debased as I felt, I still, god no, I NEEDED to cum.
Like a child I began to plead, whispering in Jenny's ear. I didn't want Sarah to hear.
"Fuck my pussy Jenny. Pleaseee, will you fuck my pussy...pleaseee. God, I need it so bad.
"Did you hear that Heather," Jenny muttered, the teacher wants to cum. What do you think Sarah? Ever think you would hear your mother beg one of your friends to fuck her?'
Suddenly, for the moment I didn't care who heard...just so someone relieved me of the overwhelming need I was lusting for...and the more debased I felt, the more the lust built up in me.
I heard whispering in the back seat followed by a hand, fingers sliding up my thigh. I spread my legs leaving little doubt what I craved. Fingers under my panties nipping at my clit, the flow from my pussy now trickling down my leg.
"Cummm, I need to...I'm going...going cummmmm...I...I'm...Cum...CUMMMMINGGG,"
I screamed as my body convulsed to the fingering of my now raunchy slit. I opened my eyes; "NOOOOOOO," I screamed, when I rcognized the ring on the finger...the finger that was giving me so much pleasure.
But I couldn't stop it...the orgasm, the all consuming orgasm, forcing my hips to thrust, to hungerly accept the fingertips of my own daughter! The more repulsive it seemed, the harder my body convulsed. It crossed my mind...the depravity...but I couldn't longer wanted to stop.
My scream, my piercing scream, as I fucked her slender fingers, eventually feeling the warm cum puddling around my anal ring, another pleasurable after effect, and it caused me to cum again.
And as I lay there, totally exhausted, juices still trickling down my legs...tears trickled down my cheek as I was suddenly consumed by shame, total shame.
We rode back to my house in silence. Once there I bolted from the car, stopping at my front door to wait for Sarah. I watched as Jenny went from the front seat to the back, and from thirty feet away I could see their images...Sarah between them as they sexually ravaged her at will. And her screams,,,not a cry for help...and my stomach sickened as I listened to her beg for more...again and again.
I ran upstairs, barely making it to the bathroom. Once inside I fell to my knee's, my head buried in the commode as I vomited till my gut ached. Without getting up, I spread my legs on the bathroom floor and, god forgive me, I fingered myself to another orgasm.
When I awoke in the morning I could hardly move. My body ached, my entire mouth cotton dry, and the headache just above my eyes was an unforgiving throb.
I staggered into the bathroom, greeted by my night deposit still in the commode. I quickly flushed it away and reached for the aspirin, taking three in quick succession. And then...oh god, I looked in the mirror. My face said it all, teenage cum caked to my cheeks, sunken, dark eyes and knotted hair.
I spent the next hour showering and making myself look presentable. The prevue from the previous night ran through my head like a porno film...and I was in it!
I had no medication for the ache in my shame, the loss of my daughter's respect. My entire life was about her, for her, and in two short weeks every hope and desire I had for her seemed to be dissolving before my eyes.
She had improperly touched me...fingered me, and I allowed it, my body betraying me...shattering every moral value I ever held. Incest, the very word brought tears to my eyes, ruining the make up I had just applied. My life, my whole adult life had been about children, teaching, everything I considered sacred. And I had this sinking feeling...this feeling I may have thrown it all away...I wept.
When I finally pulled myself together, made myself presentable again, I went downstairs. Sarah was in living room reading. I couldn't look at her, quickly exiting to the kitchen for coffee.
As I sat at our built in coffee nook, my favorite place in the house, I watched as the birds converged on the feeder Sarah had hung years ago, This was truly the saddest day of my life...even sadder than the day my dad had died...this had an evil attached to it.
"Mom, mom we have to talk." Sarah entered the kitchen and stood behind me. I didn't turn around, I couldn't face that lovely child and what she...we had become.
"Mom, I'm sorry I got you into this. I'm really sorry. I just don't know how...they sort of put me up to it and...well it sounded so, so exciting at the time."
"They planned this!" I hissed. "They deliberately planned to see if they could turn you and I into sexual perverts... depraved like themselves. Well one sin is enough...and it stops right here young lady. Do you understand. Last night was a nightmare...and I can't explain it, why it happened, why I let it happen. Look at me Sarah. I'm an adult, a teacher for god's sake. And I let myself get drawn into something so depraved, so...and in front of you! You cannot possibly imagine how I hate myself right now."
"Mom, you're human, like everyone else. It's not like you didn't enjoy it. Remember, I was there too...and I saw..."
I slapped her...I lost if for a moment and slapped her across the face, I had never, ever raise a hand to her before...had never hit her. The stunned look, the full pouty lips, and then the smile...she smiled.
"Wow, mother. That was a good one." She intentionally rubbed against me as she left the room, and I shuddered as her nipples scraped across my back.
The sun was shining, the birds was a beautiful weekend day. I climbed the stairs and crawled back into bed...sobbing myself to sleep again.
The house was dark when I awoke. Downstairs, on the dinner table, the note said don't wait up for me...went to Heather's house for dinner with her family. Love, Sarah.
Just as the ten o'clock news was coming on Sarah came through the front door. Thank god she didn't appear to have had a carnal experience with anyone.
"Mom, you're still up. I had such a wonderful time tonight. Heather's family are really nice people. Her Dad's a doctor...did you know that?"
"Now how would I know that," I said in my most exasperated tone. "And who cares anyway."
"I'm sorry mother, you're right, how would you know...and I care because I liked them. Anyway, we had a lovely dinner and...well they were so interesting to talk to. I really enjoyed meeting them."
I was totally amazed at her bubbly disposition. God, to be young and innocent again, able to separate normal from abnormal, innocence from the dark side. It actually gave me hope...that all this sexual sickness was a faze, and fazes end...that maybe my vision of Sarah's life could somehow be fulfilled.
"So, anyway, I'm going to bed," Sarah said. Do you want to do something tomorrow. Shopping maybe. We haven't done that for awhile... two or three months probably."
"Uh, well I guess so," I said cautiously. "Okay, why not. What the hell, I could use a few things I guess."
As Heather started up the stairs I knew I had to say something to her, something that was bothering me terribly.
"Heather, about this morning..."
"Don't worry about it mother. I've forgotten all about it."
"Well I haven't, and I'm really ashamed of myself for striking you. I'm so sorry, it will never happen again. You know I love you don't you."
"Good night mother. And get your credit card ready. We'll see how sorry you are tomorrow."
For the first time in twenty four hours I felt good, almost normal. I sat down with a book I hadn't finished and lost myself in it's mystery.
We were dressed and out the door next day by noon. I was feeling wonderful, me and my daughter were doing something positive felt so natural. How quickly that feeling passed...a subtle bomb you might say.
We were in Nordstroms, the teens section, when a young sales girl approached. "Can I help you find anything." An innocent approach from an innocent girl.
"No, we're just browsing," Sarah said. As the young girl walked away Sarah tugged on my sleeve. "Look," she said. "Look at the ass on her."
Without thinking I turned...she was a cute thing, sexy, like Sarah, like Heather, like Jennifer. Her short skirt, the exagerated motion of her tight, round cheeks...what the hell was I thinking!
"She's a little fox isn't she," Sarah said, her eyes still riveted to the girl's perfectly formed ass.
The rush of excitement caught me by surprise and before I knew it I was taking baby steps towards that slippery slope again.
"Nice," I said. "Very nice."
The remainder of the afternoon was like our own private game, pointing out to each other every hot looking girl we saw. My justification...I wanted to keep this open line of communication with my daughter. But deep in my heart I knew that wasn't true...that I enjoyed looking, thinking, wanting. My god, what was wrong with me...with us.
To my amazement, our little hint of sexual openness had a direct bearing on our purchases. I allowed Sarah to buy clothes I wouldn't have dared a month ago. And, with her suggestion, I made my own purchase of some revealing items that were totally out of character for me. I was convinced I would never wear them, but for the moment, it made me feel so sensual just to carry them around in a bag.
By the time we arrive home I was so hot I excused myself, something about changing clothes...I hid in my bedroom and fingered myself to a fabulous orgasm. And there was little doubt in my mind that my daughter, my sexy little girl, was in her own room doing he same.
Walking to my classroom on Monday was difficult, to say the least. I tried my best to act nonchalant, to act as if nothing in my life had changed over the weekend. I certainly didn't want to be changed, but deep down I knew...I knew I had been exposed to a form of sex totally foreign to me, and as sorry and ashamed as I was Friday and Saturday, this was Monday, and my body was stirring, a beginning of a craving I felt I had little control of.
Shame.That’s what you must’ve felt every time you met up with me. You claimed the way you looked at me is how you once looked at your wife, but I highly doubt it. With her, I bet it was true love, adoration, and care, but with me, it was pure lust; a need to seed. To use me as the piece of fuck-meat you so desperately craved.You two made sweet, passionate love, while we had rough, disrespectful sex.Not that I minded.In many instances, you told me about the bliss of finishing inside her bits....
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SHAME A Christian Feminization Academy Universe story By Stephanie Stephen Smith was the only child of a deeply religious family consisting of his mother Betty and church deacon father Paul. Stephen had always attended all church services and prayer meetings and the social events for the younger parishioners where he had to be on perfect behavior or it would be reported to his father who firmly believed in the philosophy of "spare the rod, and spoil the child." Stephen was quite...
Author's Note: I'm a big fan of Kate's terrific forced fem stories featuring the "Sissy Mister" store, so this is my attempt at writing something along those lines. However--because it's me--it's different, so while some elements may seem familiar to readers of those stories, I've tried to treat them primarily as loose inspirations. The biggest difference is that while forced fem stories focus on the humiliation aspect--and this story has plenty of that!--I quickly realized that the...
Shameless At the club, sitting at the table he watches the girl in skimpy outfits trotting around for a free drink and someone to go home with or to a hotel or the backseat of their car in a dark corner. Breasts almost popping out of the brassieres, patted, lift-ups and implants. Short skirts with thong underwear, the music playing loudly and bodies rubbing, bumping against each other, sweating flesh in tempting heat. She sits at the bar by herself waiting for him to come over to buy her a...
Shameless At the club, sitting at the table he watches the girl in skimpy outfits trotting around for a free drink and someone to go home with or to a hotel or the backseat of their car in a dark corner. Breasts almost popping out of the brassieres, patted, lift-ups and implants. Short skirts with thong underwear, the music playing loudly and bodies rubbing, bumping against each other, sweating flesh in tempting heat. She sits at the bar by herself waiting for him to come over to buy her a...
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I told everyone under the veranda that I’d be right back. I was at a festival with some friends. I made my way past the food venders onto the lush green grass. The barely there jeweled sandals I was wearing allowed the grass to tickle my toes. I had on a pale green sleeveless cotton dress that matched my eyes. Large black sunglasses framed my face, while my dark brown hair spread across my shoulders in loose waves. I took some deep breaths trying to shake him out of my head. He was a total...
Quickie SexI am writing a series of chapters as a prequel to the Ninaseries. Don’t check continuity too closely as now she has a daughter and lived away from home for a while. However I hope you enjoy the extra chapters. Here is the first. The words were still ringing in 37 year old Nina’s ears. Her Mum had berated her. “That daughter of yours needs a good telling off and then a good hard spanking. She is 17 years old and the sooner you take control of her the better behaved she will be. Take a...
Seth Gamble’s wife is on a business trip, so he’s taking advantage of some solo time by lounging in the sun in his backyard oasis. To be honest, he could sure use a bit of rest and relaxation, since his home hasn’t exactly been peaceful in recent days. His stepdaughter, Penelope Kay, has been rebelling against his wife and he’s often been caught in the middle of it. In fact, Penelope’s been caught skipping school, so Seth has been tasked with keeping an eye on her...
xmoviesforyouNow if you read this story and look at the pictures provided to go along with the story you'll see how I was dressed and erotic it was especially for me and anyone else who saw me. It was the first day of November 2014 and the first snow fall of the year. There were three cabins out near the coast that was rented out for hunting and one of the local girls said that all three cabins had 4 to 6 guys in each one. According to her, these white men were pretty good looking and big masculine types....
Calling my friends and asking what they were doing, they told me they were going to stay in for the night, that their girlfriends or wives did not want to go out. I was divorced and had custody of my youngest child who was visiting his mother. I sure as hell did not want to stay home and be alone all night. Grabbing my coat and putting it on, I grabbed my keys and headed out the door. Driving down the lonely snow-covered streets, I drove until I saw and open tavern. Parking my car, I walked...
He had known what she was before they met. He had gone on to the net looking for her. Well not her, but someone like her. She had found him, if the truth be known. Had taken him, controlled him. They had met after a couple of days, his life fleeting past, his work a blur. She had told him they would meet and he had agreed. She sent him an email, with the day, date and time. The place was a hotel. He knew it, had stayed there on business Now when he checked in it was different. As if...
TransWe moved toward the middle of town. We heard occasional firing. An armed, unknown force invading any area in the south was going to find armed citizens shooting at them. Jorgie had a Marine jacket and I was wearing a fatigue jacket. We were walking carefully. At the next block, we heard firing. I said, "I have point." Jorgie nodded and I moved out ahead of him taking advantage of cover. I snuck up behind two men who I recognized faintly as locals. One was wounded. "Guys, I'm a...
I sigh as I walk into the band room after a long practice. Too long, might I add. I run a hand through my black hair and start to put my instrument away. I didn't even like marching band. My parents didn't want me to go out "partying all night," or "smoking all day," so they refused to pay for college if I didn't participate in - you guessed it - the college band. And it sucks. I knew it was bad in high school, but this was ridiculous. Four hour practice? Seriously? I have classes to...
One day i was over at my GF's house and horny as hell. She wore a plain white top with no bra excentuating her Dcup breasts and a tight jeans that showed off her bubble ass. we really wanted to fuck and by wearing no bra, she knew her nipples would poke through to entice me. unfortunately, we weren't alone as her teenage sister was at home sick with some type of flu bug or something. Her sister is in grade10 but is totally different in physicality from her older sister. she has a really...
The bitch, the damn bitch, I told myself. All these years before we were married, she had been playing the role of the innocent virgin while all the time she had been fucking since she was twelve. I was really angry with her. Why did she not tell me the truth? I would have forgiven her, since I love her. There were still a few dozen pages left in the diary and I was wondering what else I would discover in it. More important still, what had she written in the other diaries. For a few seconds...
“Girls are the only ones who can really give each other close attention, the kind we equate with being loved. They noticed what we want noticed.” —Emma Cline, The Girls I DIDN’T IGNORE Desi and Brittany. Once we were sure we had shown our senior girlfriends how much we loved them, we left them cradled in each other’s arms and moved to the other bedroom. There, I tried to show the two of them that I loved them just as much as I loved Rachel and Livy. When I could no longer rise to...
I awoke early the next morning with the sensation of my cock being sucked. I opened my sleep fogged eyes and saw Matthew's bobbing head slowly coming into focus. I exhaled a deep sigh. He was a great cocksucker. Standing nearby was Kayla looking a little less forelorn than last night. Her fingers were absentmindedly stroking her little pink slit. She smiiled down at me before settling down on my face. The sweet perfume of her cunt overwhelmed me as she began to ride my face. I eagerly licked...
Things should have changed after being away from home for the better part of a year, that's what I thought anyway. My first year at university had been different certainly, but not in the sort of grand life-changing way I had hoped for. Returning home at the end of the school year I found everything pretty much same. I may as well not have bothered.As sisters, and only about a year and a half apart, I grew up sharing a room with Lindsay. That hadn't changed either and even now as I lay in my...
Hi guys, this is Avinash once again with a new story of mine… For new readers, I am avinash garg I am having quite good personality as I go to gym regularly… This time I will narrate my story in Hindi as my some of you think that’s more erotic… Yeh baat abi ek hafte phele ki hi hai.. Meri colony mai ek larki hai muskaan vo mujhse 3 saal choti hai hum bachpan se hi dost hai islie kaafi close hai shuru se hi. Jb hum chote the, tb mai 18 tb hum or humare friends hum sab apni gali mai shyam ko...
Chapter OneKaren and I have been having some fun lately with her new found sluttiness. She has been teasing the bag boys at the grocery store. They fight over who is going to sack our groceries, so they will get a nice tip when they help bring our bags to the car. What’s really funny is I have someone on staff that grocery shops for me. So our trips to the store are just to tease them.I know its cruel in a way, but those boys will have some visuals for their spank bank when they head to bed....
Out of AfrikaA Fantasy created by International Writers Curt B, Julie Van, Satinlvr and Wunderboi******Chapter 36******Janice tied the dressing gown around her waist before taking a final tour of the dinner table checking that every last detail had been attended to before her guests arrived. Herb faithfully followed her like a puppy dog ready to react and 'put right' or adjust anything that might catch her eye with disapproval."That looks fine", she said giving the flower arrangement in the...
Lieutenant Kayla Fisher sat enthralled by the beauty and elegance of the giant kitchen. A kitchen had never been her thing; her idea of a home-cooked meal was barely more than heating a prepared dinner in a microwave. But these rich people were eating in the kitchen, big and elegant as it was, it was still a kitchen. She knew that the major was rich, and with them living in a place like this, certainly he had the means to have any number of servants, yet there didn't appear to be any. She...
THE THESIS ADVISOR (LESBIAN)I had to wait for 30 minutes in the hall with all these first-year students. It was always the same thing with Ms. Robinson. She could never keep a schedule. Finally I walked into her office. “Sorry to keep you waiting”, she said, not even looking at me. Her curly auburn hair partly covered her forehead as she wrote notes, bent over some kind of register. My middle-age thesis advisor would have been quite attractive if she had bothered to smile once in awhile. She...
“Cassius,” said ‘The Alana’ which is how he referred to her when she was in full flight or being formidable or particularly clever, “I would like to know a little bit more about what is going on. My darling, I have been very patient with you; but that patience is running out, and you are heading for trouble. You are busy having meetings and talking to people. It is unwise to exclude me, as you know from past experience. You rely on my judgment and my advice. “You and Jason are busy having...
ever go to an x-rated theater? nobunch of men jerking off. I bet you'd like it yes I would , all over meI know. I should take you to one yes and your wife too she could lick me cleanI have taken her before she can be a real slut but only for me did she play with any oneno. but she did play with me and I played with her did anyone watch you hard to tell but I think so. it's always so dark in those theaters did you have her nakedtits out. cunt on display. my cock out mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yes sucking...
Hi, This is Nitya back after a long time. There are so many things happened during these 2 years. Yes, I broke up with my boyfriend during the B-Tech 3rd year. Since then I was concentrating on studies more and my future. While I was busy studies and taking a break, my boyfriend had moved on and found a new girlfriend. It was heartbreaking but I knew everything happens for a reason. I knew we both had so much fun during our 2year relationship and I will always cherish it. Anyways, I made my way...
I can’t explain why I have been having these thoughts. What I do know is that I continue to think like this and it makes me extremely excited and horny all the time. In my heart, I do believe that you are very beautiful woman. Despite the fact that you think I am biased, you truly are a beautiful woman. You look great, smell wonderful, and taste just as good. There is something about the thought of sharing you and being able to watch you in total pleasure that creates a high for me....
First MeetingI met Brian when I was at University. I had just turned 19. I was studying accountancy and he was studying arts. We had little in common apart from our social ineptitude which was what brought us together in the first place. He was incredibly good looking but had the most appalling social skills, even worse then mine. I had never been a social person and kept to myself at Uni. I had no friends there and had no time for social activities anyway. I was living in a flat on my own,...
A sound filtered its way into my awareness, and I opened my eyes. The morning light filtered through the blinds on both sides of the bed, giving more than enough light for me to see. I was lying on my left side, and Sharon was lying on her right side, facing me from about a foot away. She took another breath, and snored softly as she inhaled. Her hair was delightfully tousled, and her mouth was open slightly, showing her front teeth. I watched her as she slept, and the warmth in my belly...
Marilyn Grant was walking to the movies the next week with Andy when he asked her about their English classes. They had different teachers, but the syllabus and texts were the same. They were in nearly the same place in the book. Andy asked for study hints. “I’ve talked to my History professor. He suggested that I could have got an A if I’d put more effort into my paper. Maybe so, but that quarter included the part of American history I really know about. I can’t be sure enough about my...
Frank spent four days in the hospital before they agreed to release him, probably because he was giving the nurses so much grief. A man who’s spent his whole life in the wide-open spaces isn’t likely to handle confinement very well. When she drove up to Casper to get him, Kasuma took along a fruit basket and five pounds of expensive chocolates for the nurses as some nominal compensation for what they had to put up with. When Cheyenne and I went out to the ranch to visit, we were shocked at...
We Are Family “Good morning, lover,” I whispered as I gently fondled the breast in my left hand. “Good morning, partner.” “Di, I really like the sound of that.” “Good. I had a dream last night,” Diana said as she rolled to face me. “All I remember from it was somebody telling me that I had two choices. I could be a lover, but that didn’t mean that I would be a partner, or I could be a partner and that would encompass everything in life from lover to friend to confidant to teacher. I want...
Danny sat down at his computer. He just got home after a twenty seven hour flight from Vietnam. Sighing, he clicked open his email in order to send messages to his family and friends that he made it home okay, but there was one person that he wanted to talk to, one person who’s voice he wanted to hear. There was something about Dawn that made him weak in the knees. Her long, lithe body combined with her sun-kissed[,] blond hair just made his heart beat a little faster. The first time she...
There were always three bullies in my summer camp who made my life a living hell. My name is Jason and I am 18. It was my senior year and I had a few friends in places and abit of an everybody’s man. There were these 3 bullies Max, Jacob and Gemma, the 3 hottest people in the senior year, and ironically the coolest. They had formed their lil band since kindgardetn and were always walking around thinking they were better than everybody else. They always picked on me though and I never knew why....
Bisexual475 mothers ruinIt was ten when Amy got home, she had been to a chemist to obtain some lube on the way home, she had made a promise and was not going to break it if she could help it. She did the usual things she did, though not any test work as she was too turned on to be fair at the start. But she hoovered, she cleaned, and she laundered, like any other housewife. Beryl got home at 2 just as she was sitting down to a sandwich, so she made one for her daughter and they sat together enjoying...
None of them really knew what to expect from tonight: last Saturday night, they'd found themselves sharing a motel room, which led to the two couples hearing one another making love, and then in the morning seeing one another naked. Was that just a one-time fluke? Or if they found themselves in close quarters again tonight would they all feel okay about seeing one another naked again? Would they want to take it further? On the way home Sunday, they'd come up with the idea of spending...
My wife Katie is absolutely blonde - 5'9" tall - very slim and very leggy, with the most perfectly fit bottom you've ever seen. But the incredible bonus is that most stick-insect models of her build would have no bust at all, she, on the other hand, has a pair of breasts to die for. They are 36C and perfectly proportioned (Heidi Klum style). You might wonder why I am waxing lyrical about her in such detail. The reason is that: I still can't believe that I managed to get her for myself... To cut...
EroticThe next morning Cindy stretched and wriggled her body on the bed. It had been one of the most wonderful nights of her life with Dan. Now her quiet movement was all it took to awaken him. He leaned over and kissed her warmly and then with increasing passion. When they separated he asked, "And how would my bride-to-be like to make love this morning?" She reached for his cock and balls and found that he had his usual massive erection and his scrotum seemed to be full. She looked at him and...
Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: April 12, 2010) Chapter 30 - The Finals Countdown After church the following morning, Ethan, Emily, and I were sitting in Sarah's room waiting for the American Top 40 show to start. This was the first week that my song qualified,...
After we had finished eating, we cleaned away the picnic and I lay back and Karen snuggles up to me, as we watch the clouds drift past. When all of a sudden Karen brakes the silence. "James", she gets my attention "I love you". Those three words make my insides turn to jelly, three words I have wanted to hear ever since we first met, to which I reply "I love you to my darling Karen". We turn to face each other, and for the very first time, we kiss. The kiss starts to get passionate, and...
Time travel is complicated , any errors can end up being life changing or lives changing. You're a part of science experiment team who's working on time travel although no significant progress. One day while calculating the equations you come to shocking discovery, Time travel is actually possible but the amount of power it needs is way too much. So decide to sneak out some equipments from the research lab at night and went to the nuclear power plant, which is not very far from your lab. The...
IncestAfter my lovely barely 30-year-old had picked out some bras to try on, we headed to the fitting room. Right before entering the first fitting room tucked inside a hallway, she asked me to browse a close-by rack for her size. The store was practically dead except for one department employee in the immediate area. After going through all the bras hanging there, I found one just under her size and put it to the side. As I went closer to the fitting room to sit down, I admired all the panties...
by aliveinpr In chapter 2, Secretly, Bill personally evidenced his wife, Alice, being gang banged by a group of black men and the joy she expressed. I had a nice room at the Radisson hotel close to my office. I set up the laptop, hooked up the camera and downloaded the video to an editing program. I didn't have to do a lot, just to take out the pauses that were there. Not many pauses with her screaming for more cock, so her pussy, ass and mouth were not empty for long. I watched the video...
I always loved feminine things. I'd wear my sisters panties as often as I could. I loved the way they felt, the soft fabric, the high cut legs, and especially the frilly lace edging! I graduated to bras and padding them and wondered what it'd be like to be a girl.I always loved watching porn where a guy is sucked off by awoman. I started to realize, what turned me on the most about it was watching his cock when it orgasmed! I LOVED watching the cum shoot out and on to her face and in her mouth!...
Let kick things off, what setting do you want to see the dolls in, the movie they originated from/the year of 1997, something a bit more modern with cell phones and wifi, or just watch them go after characters from other media? Remember all characters depicted in this story are 18 years older or older unless said other wise in story.
Over the next few weeks sex has been amazing Anna has become a sex slave to me and Michael. Michael has been coming over every weekend since that first weekend and every time he does we end up having sex all weekend long. Anna wouldn’t have clothes on at all she would walk around naked all the time she would make us dinner bring us beer suck our cocks when ever we wanted she would drop to her knees and just suck. We would tie her to the bed and just takes turns abusing her with dildos, whips...
Group SexWe went back to the table and I asked Shelby if she had reservations anywhere else since she was supposed to make all the plans. "I have two rooms reserved at the Holiday Inn if you want to go further. Of course it's totally up to you." "Well, yes, since we are both doing this, I guess it's alright. If it was just me, I'd have a problem with it. You know our pre-nuptial agreement and all. June's a lovely woman but I can get a lot of action for a half-million dollars," I...
I was away on a business trip, was a long day. I went to the bar at the hotel for a few drinks before heading to my room. The bar wasn’t very busy but I noticed her as soon as I walked in. She was hot as hell, young for this 45 year old guy but her mouth got my attention first. Sexy red lips, her tongue kept licking them in such a sexy way. You could hear her sexy laugh throughout the bar. I moved closer to where she was standing to get a better view. She was gorgeous, long brown hair… curvy...
A unsolved case "My Dear Holmes, I do believe that your interest in that poor dead woman's corpse is most unseemly!" said Dr John Watson to his long-time friend and colleague, who was sat between the corpse's thighs, examining her private parts with his magnifying glass, while chewing on the stem of his unlit pipe. "Surely the poor woman is entitled to her modesty, even in death, and notwithstanding that she is an Asiatic, of the lower orders." "On the contrary, Dear Watson,"...
HistoricalWatching my sexy girl dance in a leather mini skirt that barely covered her firm curvy Latino ass got me hard as a rock... she is a tiger in bed, gives head on demand and has the tightest little waxed pussy I’ve ever felt... my only complaint was that she would never completely open herself up sexually to my more devious desires; I longed for a little more kink... I did notice though that when she drank she got extremely sexed up and also her memory went by the wayside... I’d been thinking of...
When I got home Sunday I didn’t say a word to anyone. Mr. Miller had washed my jeans and from somewhere found a t-shirt my size so mom and dad didn’t notice anything. I looked like just like their thirteen year old daughter who had left Friday night to spend the weekend with friends. I was still 4’8”, with short brown hair and green eyes. I was still thin and slender except for my already developed 32B tits. They couldn’t see how the rape had changed me into a raging cock slut, for...
I've always enjoyed the lure of chat rooms. As I am not the outgoing sort, you could always duck in and out of a chat room, starting a conversation see if it goes anywhere and things can either be a "nice chatting with you" sort of deal, or maybe grow into some sort of online relationship. BBW chat rooms where always my favorite as I have been drawn to BBW woman for most of my life. On one Sunday afternoon about six years ago I was in heading to the rooms and meet Karla. We struck up a nice...
"I'll fuck you so hard that you'll forget all about him..." Natalia has been lusting for her stepfather for the longest time. Suddenly, her stepfather is engaged to another women while his younger brother found out about Natalia's secret... What will happen to her secret relationship with her cousin when a bodyguard is hired to monitor her... “Ah Ah Ahh! ... Uncle please stop…we…ah…cannot do this…ahh” I panted between kisses as his tongue invaded my...
StraightOctober 29, 1996, Chicago, Illinois “Aren’t you going to say SOMETHING?” Penny asked. “About what?” “Oh for fuck’s sake! My engagement!” “I told you ‘congratulations’,” I replied evenly. “And then you went back to work as if I’d said the rain had stopped or we were out of TP in the bathrooms!” “What did you want me to say? I can’t interfere in ANY way with you and Terry. You two need to work it out between yourselves. I’m happy that you’re doing that. But Penny, remember what caused...
Last night these ten 18 year olds graduated high school and their parents got them a pair of 2 bedroom condos on the beach as a graduation present. The group drove down in 2 vehicles Chad’s Jeep Wrangler and Grace’s Ford Maverick. In Chad’s Jeep there was Chad his girlfriend Amber, his neighbor and longest friend Aiden, Amber’s best friend Chrystal, and Chrystal’s twin sister Kirsten. In Grace’s pickup was her boyfriend LaBrandon, her co-captain from the cheerleading squad Alexis, Alexis’...
TeenA long time ago, when my wife and I were only dating, a very kinky kind of situation occurred. For some stupid unmentionable reason I told her to “act” like she was still on the market, so to speak. I didn't want our friends to think she and I were an exclusive item. So, she dated other guys once in a while too. I suppose I should have not been such an ass about that, as I look back, but it inadvertently led to some very kinky experience for me. These are some memories that I sometimes think of...
Wife Lovers