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When I felt the sock on my right foot being pulled off, I thought I was imagining it, until someone or something yanked off my other sock, and I immediately realized I wasn't dreaming.

My first guess was that some pervert in the park was stealing my socks. Probably one of those creepy guys my mom warned me about when I was an eleven year-old girl.

Whoever it was, the creep probably hadn't bathed in a while, judging from the strong musky odor wafting through the air.

"What the heck?" I muttered as something warm and wet brushed across my bare toes, accompanied by the sound of heavy breathing. "Excuse me?"

I quickly sat up, and slipped my specs on, so I could catch a glimpse of the perv who removed my socks and was now busy sniffing and licking my bare toes.

My body tensed to scream and kick at this impudent intruder, but the sight of him quelled both reactions.

A dog. A large white dog, clearly male, was zealously sniffing my feet with a wet, black nose.

He was one of those White Shepherd breeds. When I was five, I had a friend about the same age who used to believe that a White Shepherd was just a regular German Shepherd that's been painted white because its owners didn't like the original color. Even at five, I knew my friend was being stupid. I recalled telling her that it was stupid to think that. No one turns a German Shepherd into a white one by painting it. You would have to bath him in bleach.

I assure you, I don't believe that anymore. I'm not five years-old anymore, either. I haven't been for seventeen years.

Seeing the dog, with a pair of my short blue socks between his strong-looking scissor jaws, I almost laughed. Partially because I felt silly mistaking him for a dirty old man in a dirty old raincoat, and partially because my feet were slightly ticklish, especially in-between my toes.

But I was also annoyed, as well. I mean, who wouldn't be at having one's peaceful nap in the park under a shady tree on a hot and sunny Saturday afternoon disturbed?

"Excuse me," I repeated, shifting to a kneeling position, and withdrawing my naked feet from the dog's tormenting tongue. "Can I have those back?"

He just stood there, while my socks dangled from his mouth.

I found his silent stare rather intimidating. Those dark almond eyes were quite striking. They, and his wet black nose, stood out amongst the clean whiteness of the rest of his body. My feet started to tingle a bit. Those dark staring canine eyes were having a weird effect on me.

"Uh, those are mine. I'd like them back, please."

When I slowly reached my hand out, the Shepherd started backing away.


The dog stopped, tilted its head slightly, and began chomping away on my socks.

The head standing proudly on muscular neck was distinctive. His muzzle was long and well-defined, like the rest of its cleanly-chiseled facial features. His expression seemed quizzical, almost like he was trying decide if he should stay or go. His long triangular-shaped ears were erect, and they added to the strange impression of wary curiosity I was sensing.

As the dog began mangling my socks, I noticed his black-leather buckle collar around its strong neck, and the blue-plastic ID tag attached to it. My vision may not be 20/20, but I was close enough to read the dog-tag's number.


Hoping to retrieve my socks before before this canine enigma destroyed them, I slowly rose to my feet. The dog started backing away. He must have played this game before, I thought, as he seemed to be anticipating what my next move would be.

Sure enough. I only took one small barefoot step forward, he whirled and took off like the wind.

"Hey," I protested weakly. "Waitaminute!"

I started after him, but stopped as soon as I was out of the shade. The glaring sun assaulted my eyes and blinded me. I stopped, removed my glasses, and rubbed my watery eyes. Without my specs, I could barely make out a large, blurry shape diminishing rapidly against the equally blurry green and brown of the park's landscaping.

By the time I put my specs back on, and my eyes cleared up, that canine sock-snatcher was gone.

Irritated and half amused, I did the only thing I could do - I stamped my foot and shrugged. What else could I do, except collect the rest of my belongings and get on with the rest of my plan for another solitary afternoon.

After leaving the park, I spent the next three hours of the afternoon at the library which was right next to the park. My original plan for the day had been to hit the park, then the library where I intended to pick up a couple of biographies for my normal evening reading.

I spent about an hour looking for something to catch my eye, but found that my usual fascination with other people's lives was rather wanting.

Frustrated, I wandered into the pet section and eventually found myself sitting in a plush chair perusing a thick, heavy book about dog breeds.

Yes, my close encounter with the White Shepherd in the park was still on my mind.

I found what I was looking for. The Berger Blanc Suisse, the official breed name for the White Swiss Shepherd.

The historical facts concerning the breed were fascinating and a bit disturbing, I thought. For many years, the breed was considered 'defective', compared to the average German Shepherd, due to its white coat. It was an outcast breed, that was often rejected for entry into dog shows for years because of the recessive gene responsible for their white coat.

It sounded cruel to me, a dog having to suffer prejudice because of its fur color.

I wondered how other black-and-tan German Shepherds treated its white coated cousin. Would a male White Shepherd be rejected by a regular-looking female one?

Looking over the pictures in the book, I saw nothing at all wrong or defective with the White Shepherd. Quite a handsome dog, really. Strong, agile and well muscled. Supposedly able to move with the steady grace of a well-lubricated machine. Its gait smooth and flowing. I believed it. The dog in the park moved exactly like that.

Personality-wise, the dog was cautious and aloof with strangers. Yet, it could be very friendly with those it trusted. The book also mentioned the dog's hard to define, but undeniable inner nobility. But, nothing I read could adequately explain why that dog so carefully removed my socks and paid such loving attention to my feet. Or, why my socks were such a prize. We had never even been properly introduced.

Suddenly, at that moment, my current train of thoughts were derailed by some awkward sensations. My feet started tingling, and I suddenly felt all hot and flushed. My temperature had risen. Feeling tight and wet between my legs, I was undoubtedly aroused! I almost put my hands between my legs, before I remembered where I was. My Ghawd. I was so embarrassed at feeling like that in public. The last time this happened was in a fitness club locker room, with two undressing women.

But all I was doing, this time, was reading a book about dogs and thinking about - about that White Shepherd licking my toes.

Pulling off my size-7 shoe, I examined the naked sole of my foot. As I stretched out my toes, and wiggled them a bit as they kept tingling, I couldn't help but wonder...

Why did he lick them? Why me?

Eventually, I settled down and returned the AKC book to the shelves. As I headed toward the library exit, I took notice of the billboard. It usually sported, various notices of upcoming book promotions, and of certain guest authors scheduled to drop by for signings. It also had a lost and found section and that caught my attention. Right in the middle was a posted notice:


LANCELOT (ID# 69031)

Large White Shepherd

3y/o Male

96 pounds

25 inches

Medium White Coat

It was him, and his name was Lancelot.

I recognized, and remembered the ID number on the tag he was wearing. And, even so, I knew from looking at the color-printed photo that it was the same dog from the park. The look in the eyes were the same. Even from a paper photo, I could 'feel' his look as surely as I could still feel my feet tingle. The tingling sensation increased, and my crotch got wet and 'itchy' all over again.

Glancing at my watch, I saw that it was almost six. I pulled the post off the board, folded it, and slipped it into my pocket. I needed to go home and ... shower.

My eight-floor apartment felt as empty as it always did. The second I was inside, and the door was latched and bolted, I kicked my shoes off. My feet were still tingling.

From my left-side jeans pocket, I removed and unfolded the posted notice I had swiped from the bookshop's billboard.

"Lancelot," I thought. "What a fitting name."

As my feet kept on tingling, and my bare toes clenched in the soft carpet I was standing on, I couldn't help but wonder how nice it would be to have a warm, wet nose sniffing at them again?

I checked out the words and numbers printed above Lancelot's picture - $6500 REWARD.

"Sixty-five hundred," I pondered silently. "I could really use that."

I'm ashamed to admit it. But, at the time, the reward money interested me much more than Lancelot. After all. The rent for my one-bedroom/bathroom apartment wasn't cheap, and I had bills and student loans to pay off. A little extra grocery money wouldn't have hurt, either.

At the bottom of the page was a local phone-number, and the words - 'Ask for Curtis Hopkins'.

At that point, I had made up my mind. I was going to claim the Hopkins' reward for myself. Now, I only had to worry about the second problem.

"How do I get a hold of Lancelot?"

While pondering the question, I suddenly recalled an old saying my late Granny used to use all the time.

"The quickest path to a man's heart is always through his stomach."

I laughed at the memory of her saying that, and at the memory of my Grandpop's embarrassed groans when she did. Granny always claimed that Grandpop found her skills in the kitchen more attractive than the ones she used in the bedroom.

So, I figured, what works on a human male could surely work on a canine one. Right?

"Why not?" I thought. "Eating's one of the two things that all males, humans and dogs, always enjoy doing."

I already knew what the other one was, of course. The very thought sent a few tingles through me again, so I tried not to dwell over it.

Okay. Food would be the key. If Lancelot was still wandering about somewhere in that park, he had to be hungry for a decent meal, by now. But, I had no clue what sort of food he would like. A starving homeless dog might not be too picky, however.

And ... nothing could win a hungry dog's heart faster than a home-cooked meal.

Alright. Tomorrow morning, I would go out and get the necessary ingredients. It would be something quick and simple, but something I hoped he'd love. Neato! It had been quite awhile since I cooked for anyone, aside from myself.

"Hmmmm. I'm gonna need a water bowl," I realized "And some water, too."

Also, I figured I'd need a small picnic basket for carrying the stuff, and a leash to attach to his collar, hopefully while he's busy eating.

"What was I gonna make?"

What did folks do before the internet? Within three minutes online, I found the perfect recipe. It was quick and simple to make, and I already had three of the necessary ingredients. Eggs, oatmeal, and cottage cheese. Just needed to buy some hamburger meat, green beans, carrots, and a good vitamin supplement.

But, as I printed out a copy of the recipe, I couldn't help wondering if food would be enough. Heck, I didn't even know if the dog was still in the park, or would return there, tomorrow. Maybe somebody else found and returned him, already. Or...

"Could he be dead?" I wondered as I sat opposite my computer screen. "NO!"

Pondering that possibility was upsetting. Funny, I mused, that I'd get this worked up over somebody's dog. Weird, actually. But I couldn't seem to help it. Just the thought of Lancelot out there, all alone and starving, really bothered me. My sense of empathy for the poor dog was aroused.

"How'd he get lost?" I wondered. "Did he run away?"

Maybe Mr. Hopkins would tell me, after handing me that $6500 check in exchange for Lancelot.

Imagining that, for some odd reason, also bothered me. I knew, deep down, that it was greed, not empathy, that was motivating me. That realization aroused my sense of guilt. But why? Why should I feel guilty about returning a lost dog to its rightful owner? Lancelot wasn't my dog. I wasn't responsible for his life, or his happiness. Besides, he stole the socks right off my feet!

"Why did he do that?" I asked myself. "Did he just like the way my feet smelled?"

That made me think. Most dogs possessed a heightened sense of smell, didn't they? I've heard that's how some dogs recognize certain people, more by scent than by sight. Could dogs also sense human emotions by smell, too? Did Lancelot smell my annoyance in the park? Is that why he ran away?

"Did he think I was mad at him?"

I just couldn't stop wondering what sort of impression I gave that dog. Would he recognize me if he saw me again, and would he want to get close to me? And, why the heck did my feet keep tingling when I kept picturing what happened between me and him in the park? What effect was he having on me? Why did thinking of Lancelot arouse my sense of ... of...

Okay. I needed to shower, and get some sleep. But, before I did, I had to learn more about White Shepherds.

I spent the next thirty minutes googling for anything about White Shepherds. I got mostly pictures, vet articles, and a few sites by dog owners about their favorite pets.

Shortly enough, I stumbled across a site about dog breeding. It was easier to understand than others. It also had some well drawn diagrams detailing the sexual organs of female and male canines. It was through this site that I learned about the basic mechanics of sex between dogs, as well as the origin of the phrase 'doggy position'.

According to what I read, a male dog possesses a bulbus gladis, which is the gland at the base of a male dog's penis that swells up to the size of a golf ball. This usually happens while the male dog is thrusting his penis within a bitch dog's vagina. Supposedly, the gland reaches its maximum size at the moment of a male dog's climax, or shortly after it stops thrusting. Unless the base gland swelled up outside a bitch, this 'knot' would lock both dogs together as the male dog's sperm-enriched semen flows, fills, and hopefully fertilizes the female bitch's womb. This style of mating was called a 'tie', and it could last as short as a few minutes or as long as a whole hour. It could depend on the tightness of the bitch, possibly.

Honestly, as cold and clinically as it was written, reading the explicit descriptions of sex between dogs was strongly arousing my sense of ... my sense of ... heck, I WAS FUCKING SEXUALLY AROUSED! Okay?

Needless to say (but I'll say it anyway), the tingly itchy sensation in my feet had increased, and was already moving up my legs and spreading throughout my thighs.

By the time I unbuckled my belt and pulled off my suddenly too-tight jeans, my crotch was damp and tingling like crazy.

The air I breathed felt stuffy, or maybe it was the air I was breathing out. My metabolic temperature was rising, again. My skin felt too warm. I wasn't ill, just too hot.

Within my rational mind, I had a strong and sensible urge to stop what I was doing, so ... I didn't after noticing the site's dog genitalia photo gallery. After clicking on the German Shepherd link, I clicked on the male pic link, next.

Lifting my feet off the floor, I sat cross-legged on my seat. I felt like an excited kid impatient to open a birthday gift. My pulse speeded up as the large high-definition color photo loaded slowly and filled much of the screen.

Having never seen a dog's penis before, my first impression at the sight of a canine male's naked erection was quite vivid. My widening eyes stretched my eyelids to the limit, as I saw the size and shape of the thing hanging between the dog's hind legs. It was repulsive ... and beautiful. Does that make sense?

Supposedly, the size of the one in the pic was about seven inches. It looked so thick and shiny. It was nothing like any human male cock that I'd even seen up-close. The head looked pointy and blood red, while the rest of it looked pinkish and purplish, decorated with patterns of bluish veins. The knot, to me, looked a little bigger than a golf ball. I winced at the thought of something like that stuck inside someone's body. My whole body trembled a bit, as I felt my clit tingle. I wondered how a dog's full knot would feel in my hand, and could only imagine what a dog would feel if it's cock was within my hand ... or within my ... my...

"Okay," I decided. "I think I know enough, already."

My rational mind was finally convinced to switch off the computer.

That done, I got up and headed for my bedroom.

After pulling off my shirt, and tossing it on the bed, I slid my panties down and stepped out of them as I undid my C-size bra, and headed for the bathroom.

Putting my specs on the sink, I turned the cold water knob all the way before stepping inside the shower.

I needed to cool off before I hit the sack.

My naked body shivered, as I stood beneath the cold cascade of icy water that chilled my tender flesh, and extinguished my fever. My limbs stopped tingling and my clit stopped itching.

After five minutes of cold showering, I turned off the water and stepped out. All cold, wet, and drippy, with goose pimples on my flesh. After putting my specs back on, I was briefly startled by the sight of my reflection in the full-length mirror on the bathroom door. Brushing aside the dripping locks of my long dark-brown hair, I studied the naked wet pale skinny-looking 22 year-old Plain Jane staring back at me from within the long looking glass.

"What's with me," I asked myself. "Why am I suddenly feeling like this?"

Honestly, I've never thought of myself as a very sexual person. Of course, I'm human and have sexual urges like everyone else. But I've never dwelled or fixated on sexual matters that much, in my life.

Sex, in general, was just too much trouble, and often too messy, for me to deal with.

My first (and last) sexual encounter with a man, about three years ago, did not leave me desiring more. We were both nineteen, and sexually inexperienced. He was hard enough to pop my cherry, but not enough to stay hard inside me. I ended up sucking him off. Needless to say (but, I'll say it anyway), I didn't cum. The experience didn't traumatize me, or anything. It just didn't seem, in retrospect, worth all the fuss.

Yes, I did masturbate. Once a month. When I did, I tended to fantasize more about women than men. Does that make me bisexual, or a lesbian? Honestly, I didn't dwell on it. Usually, I just jill myself off mainly to get it over with, and concentrate on other things.

Honestly, I was cool with being a single gal living alone. Human companionship might be nice, but I haven't yet met anyone, man or woman, whom I could imagine sharing my life with.

The worrisome fact that thoughts of that dog did arouse me bothered me a lot. There's a word for people who get turned on by animals who aren't human ... SICKOS!

"Only sick people get off on bestiality," I thought. "Does that mean I'm ... sick?"

Okay. Enough was enough. The money's all I really wanted. Nothing else. Lancelot belongs to this Hopkins guy, and the reward I'd get would cover two months rent.

And, that was that, I thought as I just shrugged, with hands on my hips and elbows bent. What else could I do, except shrug and go to bed?

Honestly, I was tense.

When I arrived at the park at noon, on that hot and sunny Sunday, I was feeling tense and a bit silly.

It wasn't over what I was wearing, at the moment. White Reeboks, light-blue socks, blue denim shorts, sleeveless scoop neck pink cotton cami with spaghetti straps, and my trusty specs. After all, it was nearly eighty degrees.

And it wasn't about the little pink backpack I was carrying, or what was inside it.

Mainly, I was tense over what I was planning to do, and if it would even work.

That's, of course, assuming Lancelot showed up.

As unlikely as it seemed, I was gambling that Lancelot would still be somewhere in the park.

Slipping off my backpack, I parked my butt on the cool grass and leaned my back against the same shady tree I was under yesterday.

Why pick the same spot? Why not?

It was another gamble of mine. Since it was where Lancelot first snuck up on me, and stole my socks, I figured there might be a slight possibility that the canine thief might return to the scene of his crime.

With that thought in mind, I pulled my Reeboks off, removed my specs and put them inside my left shoe, plugged up both my ears with my iPod headphones, closed my eyes, and then just relaxed within the shade as the music of the Beatles filled my head.

As the first song of the White Album played, I started wondering if I was wasting my time. If so, then I certainly wasted this morning's early hours buying and preparing everything I thought I was gonna need. The food, the water, and the leash. All a waste of money, unless he comes back.

That's why I took my shoes off, I suppose. I knew that Shepherds were often used as police dogs because of their good sense of smell, mostly for sniffing out hidden drugs. So I gambled that Lancelot, if he was around, might sense I'm here if he caught my scent.

The socks I wore were unwashed, but not THAT smelly, mind you. Anyway, I was hoping they'd give off a scent strong enough to attract Lancelot, since he already knew what my feet smelled like. Perhaps he'd recognize me by that particular scent.

Still, even if Lancelot was somewhere in the park, it didn't mean he'd allow me to get close to him. I was a stranger, after all. But if he did appear, notice me and approach, like he did yesterday, I hoped the food I made that morning might compel him to stick around long enough for me to get the leash I bought attached.

And if the food wasn't enough, I had a specially prepared 'secret weapon' in my backpack.

As the sounds of Paul McCartney singing about his sheepdog filled my ears, I pondered over the likely possibility that Lancelot wouldn't show up. Yes. I knew. It wouldn't be the first time a dog stood me up. That's the word I used for guys who've stood me up in the past. Dogs. I think my granny said it once, that most men (even grandpop) are no better than dogs. I wondered how she'd react if I told her I'd been stood up by a real dog.

On reflection, it was odd that, if Lancelot failed to appear, I would feel the same kind of disappointment I always felt when I'm stood up on a 'normal' date.

But why, I thought, would I make a comparison like that? I wasn't waiting for a 'date'. What I was doing was strictly business. Wasn't it? It wasn't Lancelot I wanted, it was the $6500 reward I'd get for returning him that I desired.

"I mean," I rationalized. "What would I do with a dog at home?"

Thinking about that made me think about last night, and what I saw and read online ... and what I almost did while doing it.

The second my toes started tingling, I tried clearing my thoughts and concentrated, instead, on the music playing in my head.

I figured that if Lancelot didn't appear, by the time the last song on 'Abbey Road' played, I'd just shrug and go home. What else was I going to do?

So, as I breathed in the fresh air while listening to the soothing sounds of the Fab Four, I started dozing off.

I must have napped under the tree for two hours, at the very least. Honestly. Because, all I remember next was hearing the voice of McCartney sing about yesterday ... while someone or something tugged on my left sock.

Slipping on my specs, my eyes opened to the sight of a large White Shepherd pulling my sock off with his teeth.

As the dog licked the tips of my bare toes, which started tingling again, I couldn't help but let out a giggle or two. When I did, the dog stopped and stared at me.

Without a doubt, it was him. The number on his tag confirmed it. Yet, even without a tag, I oddly felt that I'd recognize him anyway. His eyes, his stare, the sound of his heavy breathing, and even his musky smell seemed so unmistakable. Felt just like yesterday.

As I pulled my earphones off, he started backing away.


He stopped moving, and cocked his head slightly. As he stared at me, I somehow sensed that he was perplexed. Was he surprised that I knew his name?

"Lancelot," I repeated. "Don't you want the other one?"

As if to assure him, and help him understand me, I bent and pulled back my left leg, and lifted up the other one.

"C'mon, Lance," I said as I twisted and flexed my sock-clad foot in the air. "It's okay."

With slow hesitant steps, he moved forward, until his nose touched my foot. Sniffing my toes, he licked the tips until the blue fabric that covered them was damp.

Somehow, without biting me at all, he got his teeth through the big toe of my sock, and tugged.

Honestly, the care and skill this animal used to remove my sock really impressed me. Did someone train him to do this? Mr. Hopkins, maybe?

I wriggled all five of my bare tingly toes in the air, as Lance started lapping my naked sole. Needless to say, I giggled uncontrollably, like a five-year old.

I didn't mind. I was happy he found me, again. At least here's one dog in the world who didn't stand me up.

And it felt good. Honestly, I really liked the feel of this dog's warm scratchy wet tongue on my bare sole. Yes, I took guilty pleasure at the way he used his tongue on my foot. And, yes, I wondered how his tongue would feel on other parts of me.

When I lowered my leg, he just kept licking away. Slowly, I stretched out my other leg, so he'd have two feet to lick. Sure enough, he went for 'em both.

To tell the truth, I wasn't letting him lick my feet just for the fun of it. I was hoping the sound of my giggling would cover up the sound my backpack made as I unzipped it. I was using my feet to distract him while my hand fished through my backpack for the leash.

But, the second my fingers touched the leash, Lance stopped licking.

Again, he just stood and stared at me, with my hand stuck inside my bag. Was he reading my mind? Did he suspect my ulterior motives? Could his sense of smell tell him what I was reaching for?

When he started backing away, again, I let go of the leash and carefully reached for that specially prepared 'secret weapon' of mine.

"Look, Lance," I said with a smile, as I pulled out my 'secret weapon'. "Ball?"

With careful hesitation, Lance moved slowly toward the object I was holding up. It was a ball, a crude one the size of a softball that I made at home that morning. At the core of the ball were those wet panties I wore last night, which I wrapped up with several hundred rubber-bands, and stuffed inside a dirty old sock of mine.

I hoped it would attract his attention. And it did.

As he came forward, and started sniffing the ball in my hand, I used my other hand to slowly reach for his neck. Yes, I was planning to grab hold of his collar and hold him still while I got the leash out. But, I just stroked his neck, instead. Even through the thick warm fur of his white coat, I could feel the strong shape of Lance's neck muscles as he breathed.

As he kept sniffing the ball, I continued to stroke Lance's furry coat. Gently, I ran my hand across his narrow forehead, and over his firm pointed ears. I looked into his dark almond eyes, and held the ball to his nose, as I slowly rose to my feet.

I knew, at that moment, that if I wanted him to trust me, a leap of faith was necessary.

"Here, boy," I said as I pulled away the ball, and threw it. "Fetch!"

In the blink of an eye, Lance turned on his heels and took off after it. I tossed it out just far enough to see where it would land, and to watch him run and get it.

"Here, Lance," I shouted as I squatted down on my toes and clapped my hands when I saw Lance reach the spot where the ball landed. "Bring it here, boy!"

Sure enough. He trotted gracefully back towards me, with the ball in his jaws, as I stepped out of the shade into the bright sunlight.

"Good dog," I told him as I rubbed and petted his head and furry neck. "Good boy, Lance."

Pulling the ball out of his mouth, I tossed it further out, this time.

And away he went, like white lightning, after it.

He moved, at great speed, with a strong but steady gait that I found exhilarating to watch. He reached the area where the ball was about to land, mere seconds before it landed.

When he picked it up, I didn't even have to call to him, as I watched him trot back towards me with the steady grace of a well-lubricated machine.

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First Encounter After Online Relationship Part 4

(This is a continuation from an existing story, be sure toread the first parts to set the stage) I have a very long afternoon and evening at the conference after seeing Nikki and meeting Laura for the first time. My mind races all day wondering if you were serious if Juan did call you and you’re having dinner with him right now or were just messing with me. The more I think about it, the more confused I get – I could see you doing it or I could see you saying it to torment me. I try and focus...

2 years ago
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Smokin Hot

One time he asked me to go with him to a vacant house and have me tie him up and to do whatever I wanted to him. I really didn’t know what to do He said make me your fuck toy and the naughtier the better. I wasn’t real sure what I should do so he would tell me things and I would just half do it. I have never really looked at any porn or anything like that so I was going just from the things I had read or heard about in the regular media and that was pretty tame by the standard he really...

2 years ago
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This one is about my best love making with her before I proceed to write my whole narration about passionate fuck. This was happen when recession hit in world and I took the advantage it was my sin which I had ruin someone married life, my email id is after reading whole narration I will be glad to hear from you. But she too was involved in it her seduction was the first move if I was not there she would got other male to fulfill her sex satisfactions. This was mine idea to publish our sex...

1 year ago
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Wendys Weekend

‘And this is my wife Wendy,’ my husband Jamie said as a tall, athletic man with short, greying hair turned to greet me. ‘Hi Wendy, I’m Andy. Pleased to meet you.’ The man smiled, extending his hand. I shook it smiling back at my husband’s new Boss, noting the sharp suit, white shirt, highly polished shoes and Mediterranean tan, as if he’d deliberately modelled himself on a cover from Fortune Magazine. ‘Nice to meet you too, Andy,’ I replied, turning on the charm, holding his hand perhaps a...

4 years ago
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Becky Plays Bitch 2

Becky was hurting for a few days after. She was afraid that something was damaged inside her at first, but after a few days she felt better. Naturally, she could not talk about it with anyone, so as time went on the memory of their encounter got foggier and a strange, morbid curiosity replaced it. Becky would look at herself in the shower, looking down at her small cunny and wonder how Rex's massive cock could fit in there without destroying it. She wondered how her little body could take it...

1 year ago
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FilthyMassage Karma RX Karma8217s An Oily Hot Bitch

Veteran sex goddess Karma RX comes to Filthy Kings today to get oiled up & dicked down by Tony Rubino. Her huge tits glisten, big nipples poking out of her sexy lingerie as Tony soaks her with oil. You can tell her pussy is already wet when she starts getting fingered, begging for more. She swallows Tony’s big cock, spitting & slobbering all over it. Karma likes it rough, Tony chokes her as he pounds her pussy. He spreads her ass wide and fucks her in a prone bone position, making...

4 years ago
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My Lustful Priya Masi 8211 Part 1 Dry Humping

Hi, friends, thank you for such great feedback for my previous stories. Hope you like this one too. For those who are new, hello I am Chetan. I am a 23-year-old guy from Banglore. I write such stories for fun, and as sex is always on my mind. So let’s begin this story about dry humping. It is about the events that happened between my masi Priya and me. She is my mom’s younger sister. Her age is 42. Wheatish complexion. But a curvy figure. Her boobs are 36D. The waist is 32, and the hips 38....

3 years ago
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Having Lust For My Mom

Hi, ladies and gentlemen, this is Abhinav here from Hyderabad. I am 23 years old now and I am working in an MNC in Hyderabad. My penis size is around 6.5 inches and it is thick. This story is 2 years back when I was 21 years old. Here below is an introduction to my family: Father: Rajesh. 49 years of age and successful businessman working in the USA for the last 10 years. Comes home once every 4 months. Mother: Rajshree. She was 47 years during the time of the incident. She has a figure of...

2 years ago
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I Protect My Sisters Butt

I Protect My Sister’s Butt “I want you to take an aerobic class with me.” That is the way that my sister always talks to me. Melody was sitting on top of me. My sheet was pulled tight across my body with her knees holding my hands tightly to my side and her hands on my shoulders. She likes to do that to me first thing in the morning before I get out of bed. My bladder is full and I usually have an erection when I wake up. She knows that my resistance is down at that point. Plus...

1 year ago
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Debbies adventures

Debbie Does Me.As I was in the area I decided I’d call and see Debbie. She’s a good sort and always brings out the best in people.As I arrived Debbie was about to leave but said you can come along it just might make things more interesting. She said it would be fun and there seemed to be a glint in her eye as she said it. She was wearing a long black coat heels and red lipstick. She looked devilish and bemused by her I said ok to which she replied I hope you don’t shock easily with a definite ...

3 years ago
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Having Fun With Choti Maa Aunt

Before I tell you the story, you have to know a little bit about my family. Me, my sister & my parents live in Rourkela. We visit Our ancestral home once every year & sometimes on special occasions. In our ancestral village the family of my grandfather’s siblings is there, who we are pretty close with.We visited our village in the summer of 2005. May 10th board exam was over & there was a marriage of one of my uncles in our village. Manas uncle was around 35 years old at that time....

2 years ago
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Sounds in Sync

Chapter 1 My husband, Jeffery, died four years ago. It was peaceful for him, it seemed, though, with three sons, all teens, it was my life's hardest challenge. One good thing was he left us well covered financially. It's the emotional coverage that has been lacking and there was nothing he could do about that. So, you cope. Our two oldest boys are in college and there's only Neil, the youngest, eighteen and a senior in high school, left at home. While, of course, I miss my two older boys,...

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Life 5

WENDYS PHOTOS After seeing the Wyonges out I return to Wendy and let her down off the Wheel. Then with the harness still in place I took her to the spare room to sleep. Tomorrow was going to be her day. We were going to her work place to take the photos for the family album. I had no idea who else she had invited. Saturday morning we arrived at Wendys office. Outside a middle-aged man was waiting for us. Wendy greeted him with a kiss and led us both up to her private office. I know she was a...

3 years ago
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A Bunnie To Play With Chapter 9

Exams were, well, exams. Until I sat on the desk and started to write, my hands were clammy and my nerves all over the place. But the moment the tip of my pen touched the sheet for the first time, all that faded away and was replaced by a manic drive to squeeze as many words as I could onto the paper. Time flew by, and before I knew it, it was evening again and once more time to cram and get last minute jitters for Tuesday’s subjects. Anne and I hardly talked, each caught in our own world of...

2 years ago
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Tape SlavesChapter 7 The Lovers

"Love is too young to know what conscience is." WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE "A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another." JESUS OF NAZARATH Gina Robinson, now a high school senior, complete with driver's license, drove her mother's car to see Hannah Bliss, home from college for Christmas. Gina had matured into a pretty young woman, though you had to look hard to see it. Her eyes were no longer quite so wide and innocent looking, she had grown both up and out. She now wore...

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Cruising Ch 03

Monday The curtains were open and the sun coming in the room woke me up at about seven. My fault. If my cabin was on the other side of the boat I could have had a tan while still in bed. I climbed out of bed and pulled the sun shades mostly down allowing a little light in. I went to the bathroom and unloaded my bladder before climbing into bed. Becky was sleeping soundly. She is not the most pleasant person to sleep next to. I suspect that she has sleep apnea. She would sleep heavily on her...

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Bua Ki Sacrifice For Police

Ye baat tab ki hai .Job bua unke ek local minister ke pass gayi thi.Hua ye tha ki bua chah ti thi kii phupa ke accident ka investigation hoo.Par police ne use daba diya. Bahut din tak us minister ke ghar ke paas chakr kat ne ke baad unko minister ne mila. Bua ka ek chota batcha tha. Use leke wo ander gaye.Wo minister apni chair pe betha tha. Bua use sab baat kahi.Toh minister ne bola- thik ho jayega.Par use kya milega.Tabhi bua job us minister ko dekha. Toh uska najar bua ke boobs me thi. Bua...

2 years ago
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SOL Games Web Design

This is kind of like a choose your own adventure: -First read any Level 1 chapters in any order (Jump Ropes, Floor is Lava, Pet Teachers). -Then read any Level 2 chapters in any order (Web Design, Teacher Taut, Chemistry, Tug of War). See the link in my profile to get ALL my stories in eBook and audiobook formats! -------------------------------------- DISCLAIMERS -I'm just trying to be helpful with these disclaimers. I don’t want to spring things on anyone! -My writing includes...

1 year ago
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BrodricksburgChapter 8

It was Thursday afternoon. It had been just over a week since I asked Hanratty to contact the people on the list I gave him. He had finally managed to contact everyone on the list. He had no idea what I was looking for but it was obvious that he knew the information he gave me was important. He could see how it all tied together. "You know, getting this information was like pulling teeth. These people didn't want to talk to me about this," Hanratty said. "They had been told not to tell...

2 years ago
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Target Practise

Bob invited me around to his studio as he wanted to film a 'Fetish' Video for a client .....Bob often made films to order and had built up quite a good business over the years.....not all clients want full on porn some were more discerning and this one was a man who had a big obsession for Crossdresser's in tights.Bob had several contacts that would pose and help in making video's for a little cash and I was one of them so when he told me what was required I laughed and said ''Is that...

1 year ago
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The Affair Part 2

It has been exactly a year since my husband was away on a week long business trip.  The week he was away, I entered into a torrid Internet affair with a man half my age.  I did it to save my marriage that had been in a steady state of decline for a long while.    On the day that my husband returned from his trip, I set out to seduce him,  I had never done that before, always waiting for him to make the first move.  My poor Gerald, I don’t think he knew what hit him, but I didn’t hear him...

2 years ago
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A New Life

Last night's dream had been weird, I thought confusedly. All I remembered was lots of bright flashes of light, a deep voice sounding, and then a flash of blood, before everything disappeared and I woke up again. Deciding to pass it off as a nightmare or a very odd dream, I rolled off the bed, yawning, giving myself a once-over in the mirror. I wasn't bad-looking, that was for sure, but I wasn't the best. My boobs were non-existent, really - a small A-cup, which frustrated me to no end. My ass...

Mind Control
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Soccer Slut Wannabes

                               Soccer Slut Wannabes                ( Lex Ludite )                                                   Chapter 1        Kim Kawani stood two inches under five feet, but had a tight body with enough curves to make any red-blooded male or female student have visions involving themselves and a naked and securely restrained Kim going at it all day and half the night before the next group of sex fiends took over. As luck would have it, the women's university soccer...

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BlacksOnCougars Alena Croft Second Appearance

It’s time something had to be done about Mrs. Croft. She has been a constant source of problems and an embarrassment for her husband. You see – Alena Croft is a bit of a cougar who loves going down to her husbands’ company and praying on all the young men he hires. Today the firm has just hired a brand new training class of college graduates. That’s fresh meat in Alena’s parlance. Well this is a different day and age so HR has been assigned to deal with her before...

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Veronica Moonlits S2K Story

Veronica Moonlit's S2K Story By Veronica Moonlit I hit the delete key as I finished up reading my e-mail on my "guy" nickname. I cleared up my e-mail storage and hit the home key. My WebTV network start page soon appeared on my 25" screen. I hit the switch user link and chose Veronica Moonlit. Goddess, this WebTV was the best birthday gift I ever gave myself. I was now on- line without spending a lot of money and I had found support and friendship and lots of interesting...

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Giving Thanks

Sometimes, a story starts out as a fantasy - a work of pure fiction. I lie in bed for hours, thinking about it, letting my body tell me what works and what doesn't. When the story is complete, I sometimes play it out with my husband, making it a reality. But as it unfolds, he adds his own sub-plot, changing my tale to suit his desires. Then, I write about it and share it with you... He sat in the living room, on a Saturday evening. It was dark and cold outside and we had nothing planned. As...

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As his eyes fell across her naked body, he pinched himself to make sure he wasn't dreaming. His moment had finally come. He'd thought he'd be a virgin forever. He was almost overwhelmed by an incredible sense of awe as his intense gaze followed the soft curves of her body. Her skin was warm under his hands. Trailing his fingertips across her muscular belly brought him to a state of gentle arousal, his dick hardening with anticipation. Her dark eyes looked up at him, her tanned faced framed by...

First Time
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My First Gf Experience

Hi All. I hope you guys read my previous story. I did get some comments and so I have decided to write about my next phase of my sex life when I was in my college. For those who did not read my previous story, I am Ajay, I am around 31 now and I am writing these stories from my past experience. I did not mention my stats in my previous story as I didn’t think it was useful to know details about a 17yr old boy. Well, now this is post 18 years and I had joined one of the engineering colleges. I...

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The New Begining

Jason was a normal everyday guy, except for one thing he had a huge sexual appitite and was willing to try and do anything at least once. His only problem was that he would start dating a girl and when one of his fetishes came out she was gone. It seemed to him that he'd never find a girl that was perfect for him until the day came that he joined a website online. Orginally he had done it simply for the porn on there thinking he'd find some videos of his said fetishes until he went online to...

1 year ago
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Christmas Pudding

Another wonderful Christmas. Aside from the two final tasks that lay before me – one self-assigned, the other directed by wife – every aspect of the day had so far been a success. Our four-year old twins, Jenny and Julie, were in bed, quite asleep. They had been finally worn out with their new toys, their grandparents' daylong visit, and the late Christmas Eve church service the evening before. My wife, Cindy, had asked me to clean up the wrapping paper and packages strewn about the tree...

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Our First New HomeChapter 2

Ann came over at about ten o'clock. She had a glass in each hand. It was that same drink that they had plied us with last night. She gave Dave and me each one and told us to drink up. I tried to tell her that I don't drink in the morning but she smiled and said, "Silly girl! Of course you do! You do whatever I want you to." I knew that I really didn't want to drink the drink in my hand. But for some reason that I really didn't understand, I also knew that I had to. I took a sip. It was...

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The Cowboy and College Girl Chapter 12 and 13

Chapter 12 A moment of truth! We drive through town and the traffic is easy to navigate. It is Sunday afternoon. The frenetic pace normally present on a week day afternoon has been replaced by a peaceful, relaxed feeling. Everyone is a little friendlier and more patient. No rush or hurry to get anywhere. The drive goes smoothly and stop lights are all cooperating. As we pull up to the final stop light I say “Here is the stop light that started this romance.” She smiles and looks around and...

2 years ago
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Virginia and Her SistersChapter 2

I was back at Virginia's place at 10 AM on Saturday morning. She greeted me naked as I stepped inside of her door, and drew me into her lounge room where we spent the next few hours. She was a very particular teacher, especially demanding when it came to how she wanted her pussy licked. As I passed each of her tasks, I was rewarded by a fuck in a new position. Virginia gave me an extra credit gold star when, of my own choosing, I devoured her multiple creampies with much gusto. Later in...

1 year ago
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My Chachi 8211 The Punjabi Whore

By : Jaansingh Hi everyone, my name is Sanjay but all my family and friends call me jaan. It’s a nickname my parents used to call me and it just got stuck. I am 25 years old and studing at Mumbai Medical College to become a doctor it’s my parent’s dream which I share as well. I’m 6 feet tall built Punjabi guy with average or above average size lunn its 7 inches enough talking about my lunn haha. This story is about my mean and always angry chachi how I accompanied her to a wedding of her...

3 years ago
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Best Day Ever With Best Bud and Bitch

The Two Who Were Looking For A Fun TimeBy: Alan RossCHAPTER 1 GETTING COMFORTABLE Michelle (a.k.a Micha) and Al, sat bored out of there mind in Al's truck one warm Saturday afternoon. Micha wanted to go some where local, but do something that they have never done before. Al just wanted to hook up, asking Micha ideas she had. Micha had none, and was out of ideas, asking Al if he had any plans all Al's ideas were dirty. Such things as; going to a parking lot and having sex, or giving him road...

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Budapest Encounter

Budapest encounter Traveling around the world for my work, spending endless nights in hotels, from the absolutely beautiful and impressive to low-end shit holes, I have encountered many people. One of my encounters went like this. I had spent the last few days in Budapest. It was mid-January and freezing cold. I was tired after three days of driving around the country meeting clients. Even though the highways were pretty good for an ex-Communist country, the local roads were terrible. It was...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Amber Jayne When Dreams Cum True

Amber Jayne’s impressive 32DD / 70F tits are absolutely mind-blowing! When she invites Sam Bourne into her house, he can’t stop looking at those enormous knockers which she notices. He’s lost his dog in her neighborhood, but instead of looking for his dog, that insatiable blonde British Milf is looking for a good fuck! Her hubby has been away for quite some time and she hasn’t been sexually satisfied in a while. The busty Brit with blue eyes and a gigantic cleavage...

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A Shoulder To Cry On Part 3 Love On The Run

We retreated to her bedroom, stunned at what we'd just been told. What could we do? Did we have a choice? Dee had us right where she wanted us, and there was nothing we could do about it. Dee was the same age as my cousin. You wouldn't think it. Dee was a plump woman, with dank gingery hair and a turned up nose. She wore stained tracksuits and generally looked like one of those people to avoid. I didn't fancy the prospect, but we had to discuss it. Either we fucked her, or she would tell...

2 years ago
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As If It Was Yesterday

There was numerous paths thru the area, being that it was well traveled by students and locals. They all crossed or met in different areas of the woods, some in an open area that was well shaded by tree limbs and a few open areas where the sun would shine thru. All the paths eventually came out to one of three streets or roadways that you had to cross, if you wish to leave the side where the school was. It was on one of these paths that my life took a change for...well you decide. I was...

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High School Band Trip

The winter sky was clear, so the temperature was cold. There was a slight wind that made it feel even colder. At least, it wasn't snowing. The Peak High School Marching Band members huddled around the buses. In a few minutes, they would get on. They had the prestigious honor to play in the Rose Parade. In the midst of the mingling were Matt and Kristy. Their lips touched frequently in the middle of their cloud of visible breath. Matt was a senior and a trumpet player. Kristy was also a...

4 years ago
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Wendy-Don-TylerWendy had been cheating on her husband for a long time now. He was away working on oil rigs for weeks if not months at a time and Wendy had needs.Wendy had been working rouge young men for some time and while she always dressed professionally while at work, she often met some guys she knew while out shopping or maybe at the gym. At first, she was flattered by the attention and would role play a situation in her mind as she masturbated on her own. Her first time with a young man...

1 year ago
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An Ordinary Afternoon

An Ordinary Afternoon M and I had spent the night at a romantic bed and breakfast in a little, mountain town. When we woke up in the morning, I was my normal, horny self, but she wasn’t feeling well–she sometimes suffers from altitude sickness. So we ate breakfast and walked around a bit, and then headed back to the big city. During the drive back, she must have been feeling better because she got really playful. She was wearing these little cutoff jean-shorts, and she wanted to take them...

1 year ago
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NFBusty Amia Miley Before The Party

Amia Miley and her boyfriend Ryan Driller are setting up for a Cinco de Mayo party, but they can’t help but be distracted by one another. Strutting over to the counter in her short miniskirt, Amia takes a sip of margarita in the most sensual way possible, captivating Ryan’s attention. She leans forward so that her miniskirt strains to cover her lush ass and rides up to reveal her bare pussy. Unable to resist Amia’s charms, Ryan draws his Latina lover in for a kiss before they...

2 years ago
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Pizza guy really delivered part 2

Spencer rang the door bell just after midnight. He had a huge smile on his face as I opened the door to greet him. I invited him in and we headed to the rec room to grab a drink at my bar. I poured him a stiff rye & coke, and we headed upstairs to my bedroom where Liz awaited us. When we walked in the bedroom Liz had all the lights off. There was a sexy glow from the gas fireplace, a few s**ttered candles and the wall mounted tv with some porn playing. Liz was laying on the bed wearing only a...

3 years ago
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10 cocks one night

So I consider myself straight, I don't find men attractive but every few months I get a massive urge to suck dick so I'll go months without even thinking about men or cocks then all of a sudden I can't think of anything else, it had been a whilst since I had last sucked dick and I was getting more and more in the mood for it. My wife revealed that she was away in Spain for a week with work in a couple weeks time so I saw the opportunity I wanted to be horny as hell so for the next two weeks I...

2 years ago
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Cuffed Desire

Renee's Point of ViewI’ve been married to my husband Jack for seven years, and during that time I have never considered cheating on my man. But then I met this 6’4” tall drink of water with sparkling blue eyes, salt and pepper hair, and a glistening smile. His name is Fred, and he has a smooth personality and a smooth way with words. There is a local establishment that I sometimes stop at after work for a happy hour drink or two before I go home for the evening. Fred is another customer who...

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Stuck In Sissy Mode

STUCK IN SISSY MODE by Throne Chuck Clark shivered as he left his house by the back door. It was a balmy spring day but even so, he wasn't wearing enough to keep him warm. All he had on was a stiff collar that held his chin up unnaturally high, a tight corset that gave him a wasp waist, fishnet stockings, and shoes with two inch stacked heels. He left the steps and paused, looking back. The smiling face of his wife Tess was framed in the kitchen window. She gestured with her hand,...

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Campus parties can be really wild these days

Out here at “beautiful” Pebble Creek U. (a.k.a. the State U. of New York at Stony Brook, home of mud and fluffies), we have a fairly active science fiction club, the Science Fiction Forum. Now, in addition to the standard library and games and MUDding and whatnot, we have some pretty wild people. Most of them are “active” fen (as in, go to cons, filk in their spare time, do weird murals on their dorm walls type of fen). We tend to kinda sorta of live in the Forum...

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The Art of Not Getting Caught

It started innocently enough. He and I worked together in the same department of a large university. One day he was introducing me to one of his contractors telling him that I was the payroll clerk, and how everyone just loved me. I told the contractor that my friend was under the impression that I was all "sweetness and light" when my friend whispered very softly into my ear, "No, I don't." Apparently he could tell that I was a bit naughty, well, maybe more than I bit. We flirted with each...

3 years ago
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Hidden Heritage II The ScholarsChapter 25

As ‘the Old Man’ had warned me, the work at the library wasn’t at all glamorous - especially in the beginning. Almost nothing I did had anything to do with the books, except carrying heavy piles of them from one place to another. I wasn’t even allowed to touch the books the Magicians had used and left behind. Patience. I was now here where I wanted to be and I didn’t even have a plan how I was going to achieve what I wanted. In fact, I didn’t even know exactly what I wanted to do....

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The sophomore and me an older guy CHapter 1

I'm Dylan, 22 and just starting to fill in and look more like a young man. I'm 6 ft but I decided to start working out because I always had a smaller frame. Thankfully, my mother, the cheer coach works at the high school in town and has a key to the weight room which is great for me since I've always been self conscious about my skinny frame. However, I had started putting on muscle and looking much better. One summer evening: I've started to put on some mass and feeling much better...

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Honourable high court judge meenakshi was in her mid to late 40s. She has done well for herself; she was a district courts judge at the time when the poor man was wrongly accused wrongly. Since then, she has been appointed to the higher judicial position. She was destined for bigger things in life. She was a grand daughter and daughter of high court judges. Was married to a former justice minster who happens to be in opposition benches, right now. When she realised that his party had no hope of...

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After the passing away of Harry — he features in my earlier journal entries — my interactions with Joe or Gary were little more than that of saying hello at the gym. But I sensed Joe still had feelings for me. He often tried to talk to me but my times at the gym were less frequent and, in my small town, people talk and it’s not worth risking my relationship. So that’s why I moved on….~~~~~I was at the local coffee house when, from behind me, I heard my name being called. It was Joe. I gave him...


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