A Flawed DiamondChapter 30 free porn video

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At six o'clock, Sam finally gave up on trying to sleep. He turned on his phone again expecting to have a voice mail from his daughter. He didn't.

So he called Al in New York. He could at least get Emmy's cell phone number and talk to her.

Esmi answered on the second ring and was sounded surprised to hear from Sam.

"Uh, hi," Sam said. "I'm really sorry to bother you. But I was wondering if you might have Emmy call me."

"Emmy?" Esmi asked. "Why? Does this have something to do with Brock?"

"It does," Sam said. "He's, uh, well, he's not doing too well. I'm worried about him."

"So are we," Esmi admitted. "Emmy said he's been really grouchy."

"Because everyone wants him to act like they think he should act," Sam snapped. "Because all these people out here expected him to comfort them for their ordeal and completely forgot that he's the one who got hurt. My daughter is the worst. She just ran off and left him when he wouldn't react the way she thought he should. But the rest of them aren't much better."

"Emmy, too?" Esmi asked.

"Her name didn't come up specifically but I'm sure she's as much to blame as the rest of them," Sam said. His lack of sleep and the fact he was worried that another child of his was headed in the wrong direction made him as bad-tempered as Brock had become. "They all think they know what's best for him but they didn't bother to ask his opinion on the subject. They just went ahead with whatever plan they concocted. I finally got him to talk last night. Or, you know what, that's probably bullshit. I finally let him talk last night. I finally let him tell someone what's bothering him instead of telling how rough everyone had it when he got attacked. Then he sat there and drank 10 beers before passing out on his couch."

Esmi, for perhaps the first time in her life, was speechless. It took her several moments to understand what had been going on.

"I'll give you Emmy's number," she said finally. "Maybe she and Zoe can help. What about the others? Have you talked to them?"

"I don't have any of their numbers," Sam said.

"Have you spoken to Meredith?" Esmi wondered.

"Oh, I spoke to her, alright," Sam said, anger creeping back into his voice. "She was too busy partying with her friends at four o'clock in the God-damned morning to give a shit about Brock."

Esmi was shocked. She and Al had seen Randi and Meredith at a concert in New York on Halloween. They had spoken to both young women for several minutes and both expressed concern about how Brock was doing.

"How about Randi?" Esmi asked.

"She's in Boston, I guess," Sam said. "Meredith decided to stay in New York and get coked up with her new buddies. I've been through that once and I'm not going through it again. Meredith thinks she is so God damned smart, well, let her figure out what's important. But Brock will be long gone by then. She treated him like dog shit once and he forgave her. This time, she'll have to learn that choices have consequences."

Sam realized he was speaking to a relative stranger.

"I'm sorry, Esmi," he said. "I called Meredith as soon as I left Brock's house last night. I told her it was urgent. Three or four hours later, she called me back. Then she was too worried about getting back to her friends to even consider Brock. I'm so damned mad at her. Well, she's going to be in for a shock. I hope Randi pays her well to be her assistant because I'm going to the bank as soon as it opens and put a stop to her getting any of my damned money. I'm not going to watch another child spiral out of control."

"Do you want me to call Emmy?" Esmi asked. Sam sounded as though he was at the end of his rope. He had enough to worry about without taking on something else.

"I'd like to speak to her," Sam said in a softer tone. "Esmi, I really do apologize."

"Nothing to apologize for," she said. "If I see Meredith in New York, I'll mention that she should probably consider going back to Los Angeles. I'm sure if Al gives her a disapproving glare, she'll get the hint."

"Don't bother," Sam said. "You can't force that girl to do a damned thing she doesn't want to do. But you might mention that if she doesn't come to her senses pretty damned quickly the best thing in her life will probably walk right out the door."

"I will," Esmi promised. She decided that she would call Meredith as soon as she was off the phone with Emmy.

Brock awoke with a splitting head and a bloated stomach to the sound of a key in his front door. He knew only three people had a key so he wasn't too worried since two of them were out of town.

Then he glanced over at the empty beer bottles on his coffee table. He sat up to gather them and put them in the recycling bin. The last thing he needed was one of his friends to start giving him shit about his drinking habits.

He was too slow. He still had them in his arms when Emmy and Zoe came through the door. He groaned and prepared for the ration of shit he was certain was coming his way.

Instead both women smiled. Emmy came forward to help with the bottles in his arms and Zoe walked past carrying two bags.

"We brought you some Tylenol and some Gatorade," Zoe said from the kitchen.

"And some breakfast," Emmy added.

"Sam called you, didn't he?" Brock asked.

"Nope," Emmy said. "We have other sources. Didn't you know that Zoe installed cameras in every room to make sure you're safe?"

"Funny," Brock said. "Well, I guess I can accept half-ass humor since I'm sure my only other alternative is an ass-chewing."

"Why would we yell?" Zoe asked. "You're an adult. In fact, we were just going to put this on the counter and hang out until you woke up."

"I slept 11 hours," Brock told her after looking at the clock. It was just after eight a.m. "I heard your key in the lock."

"And tried to clean up the evidence," Emmy said with a laugh. "That's probably a crime."

"Besides, everyone needs a good blowout from time to time," Zoe said. "You should have called. We'd have joined you."

"I was sound asleep by the time you got off work," Brock said.

"I don't work Sundays," Zoe said.

"Oh, uh, I guess I didn't know what day of the week it was," Brock admitted. "The days sort of run together when you have nothing to do. Sorry, I would have called. It wasn't really a party. I was just hanging out with Sam. We planned a fishing trip and the beer was going down smooth."

Zoe smiled and patted his hand.

"Don't feel guilty," she said. "I know I usually come out to visit on Sunday but Emmy and I wanted a day together. We figured that you probably needed a day by yourself, too."

"I haven't seen a soul in a week," Brock said. "Since you left last Sunday evening until Sam showed up yesterday, it's been just me."

Emmy and Zoe both frowned.

"Yeah, we heard about that, too, from our source," Emmy said. "I'm sorry. I was tied up on a project. I haven't seen anyone this week."

"It's no problem," Brock replied. "I know everyone has lives to lead. Plus, I haven't been very nice to people lately."

"You've been nice to us," Zoe said with a shrug. "I figure the rest of them were on your last nerve. That's why I try not to overstay my welcome."

"So, did you hear the rest of what Sam and I talked about?" Brock asked with a sigh.

"Some," Emmy admitted. "We'd prefer to hear it from you. Third-hand information tends to get distorted."

"So Meredith called you," Brock said. "I would have preferred that Sam kept some of the conversation quiet but I guess we are talking about his daughter."

"Esmi called me," Emmy corrected. "Sam called her this morning and she called me."

"And voila, here we are," Zoe said with a grin. "So, what's going on? I spoke to Mel on Wednesday but I haven't heard much from anyone else."

"Me either," Brock told his sister. "Susan called on, oh hell, one day. I talked to Jen for a couple of minutes but she is buried right now. Tara is going to be in the booth this weekend for a game on ASN so she's been brushing up on her knowledge of Washington and Utah."

"That was Saturday, Brock," Emmy said. "She's already done the game."

"Shit," Brock said. "I wanted to watch it. Well, at least listen to it. How did she do?"

"Really well," Zoe said, suddenly concerned for her brother's mental well-being. "Bro, are you sure you're OK?"

"No," Brock admitted after a long silence. "I'm pretty sure I'm not OK. I've been, well, I've been angry for the past couple of months. I know that. But I sort of figured out this week that everyone has pissed me off so much with their own personal crises that I haven't had a chance to be angry about what happened. Everyone had an agenda and they got irritated at me if I didn't play along. Hell, Meredith has insisted from the outset that everyone else's feelings about what happened are more important than mine."

"I didn't realize it had gotten that bad," Emmy said. "Uh, when's the last time you talked to Meredith?"

"I don't know," Brock replied. "The day after Halloween, whenever that was. The day those photos were all over the internet."

"So it's only been a couple of days," Zoe said with a nod. "Are things good between you two?"

"How in the hell should I know?" Brock answered. "If you knew anything about my relationship with Meredith Van Landingham, you'd know that I never have the faintest fucking clue about how things are going. I am, literally, the last to know anything when it comes to that woman."

Emmy and Zoe exchanged glances.

"So, you're still dating though?" Emmy chanced.

Again, Brock simply raised his hands in a helpless gesture.

"We had some harsh words a couple of days ago and I haven't heard from her since," he said. "I told her that if she was done with me, at least this time, to have the courtesy to tell me. She hasn't called so I guess we are together. Why? Have you heard differently?"

"No," Zoe said quickly. "It's just, well, I'm not sure you shouldn't make the move this time. I mean, I like Meredith. I really do. But I'm not real pleased with how she's treated you. It's not just with how she expected you to act after everything happened. It's the whole running off with Randi again. She insisted to everyone that she would be the one to help you get through this. Then she just up and left."

"I was pretty rough on her," Brock confessed. "She was around so she got the brunt of the shit that I was forbidden to say to anyone else."

"Still," Emmy said.

"Yeah," Brock agreed. "Still ... it was her own fault. I mean, I got really tired of listening to how upset everyone was while I was in the hospital. I know you were upset, Zoe. I know you were, too, Emmy. I appreciate the concern you showed. But I'd like to think that I'm just as important as everyone else. You know, since it was actually me who was harmed."

"I wish I would have known this sooner," Zoe said. "I would have put a stop to this garbage. So, do you think it might be time to move on? You and she had a good few months."

"No we didn't," Brock corrected. "We had a fucked up few months. It was the exact same bullshit as when we were younger. We probably didn't spend two days alone together. Every time we would do anything it would require a major production. Randi would have to come with us or we'd have to call everyone to see what they were doing. But I've always cared for her. I guess I'm willing to put up with whatever I need to in order to spend time with her. Up until this craziness, I never minded. Well, I guess I didn't mind that much. What I'd really like is to have a chance to get to know Meredith without all the bullshit getting in the way."

"That might be why she keeps throwing the bullshit at you," Emmy said. The more she listened to Brock the angrier she was becoming. "Because she figures if you do get to know her, you'll drop her like a bad habit."

"That's unfair," Brock said. "Look, she is really sweet. She's hilarious, too. She's one of the few people who has always treated me as a normal person."

Zoe let out a loud sigh.

"Brock, do you know where she is right now?" she asked. She hated to be the one to tell him what was going on. But he was her brother and he deserved to know.

"Probably," he said. "Let's see, it's Monday. Friday and Saturday were New York. Sunday and today is Boston and tomorrow is Providence."

"She's still in New York," Zoe said. "At least she was at four o'clock this morning when her dad spoke to her. Or at least he tried to speak to her. She was still partying so he didn't get to say much. I'm sorry. I don't want to hurt your feelings but I think you should know."

Both women were surprised when Brock only nodded and shrugged his shoulders.

"She's a big girl," he said. "If that's what she wants to do, she should do it. I don't think she's screwing around or anything. If she is, that would probably make a difference. But I can't really talk. I mean, we're not dating each other exclusively. Still, I'm sure Randi would rather she was in Boston."

"So you don't care what she's doing?" Emmy asked.

"Oh, I care," Brock said. "But only within the boundaries of what I find important. Do I care that she's out until four a.m.? Not really so long as she's safe. I do care that she's made a commitment to Randi and appears to have broken it. Or maybe she got on Randi's nerves and Randi told her to take a couple of days. You know, I don't ever think Meredith has lied to me. Oh, she's kept things hidden but if I ask her a question I'm pretty sure she'd tell me. She knows how I feel about dishonesty and she knows how big I am on trust.

"Right now, I trust her," he continued, looking at both women to be sure they understood. "Our only agreement while she was on the road was about ... well it was about not having sex with anyone else. That was more about safety than fidelity. I would like to have a serious relationship with her. But if she's not ready – and if you're right, it appears she isn't – then what I want doesn't matter. If I find out she's broken our agreement, then we'll be through."

"I'm glad you're not hurt," Emmy said. "We weren't sure whether to tell you but we decided you should know. I barely know her, to be honest. So I haven't come to trust her yet. I think Zoe is the same way."

"You have to understand that for most of the time, it was me who was on the road," Brock pointed out. "Sure, I wasn't gone for 20 or 30 days at a time but I was gone a lot. She trusted me, so I'll trust her. Just like you and Zoe trust one another."

"I guess," Zoe said, but she didn't sound convinced.

Meredith's cell phone alarm woke her only a few hours after she had gotten to sleep. Her head was still fuzzy from the Manhattans she had downed and cocaine she had snorted before her father's phone call.

She had tried to call her dad back but his phone had gone straight to voicemail. His words still reverberated in her head, addled as her thinking had been.

She had kicked everyone out of the suite and forced them to pick up some drunken bitch named Sarah who had passed out on the floor. Thankfully she hadn't puked on anything. The people in the room had pissed and moaned but she was finally able to get them to leave. Her hotel suite was a wreck. There were beer bottles all over the place and cocaine residue on a mirror on her coffee table.

None of those were from Sunday night. They were still left over from Saturday's bash. She shuddered when her mind drifted back to some of the things she'd done in the past 48 hours. She had awakened Sunday morning with another body nestled behind her.

The clock read 11 a.m. so she jabbed an elbow backward.

"Wake up, Randi," she said. "You have rehearsal in an hour."

She was startled completely when a male voice asked who Randi was.

"That the boyfriend back home?" he wondered in a voice slurred from sleep andrecreational drug use.

Meredith sat bolt upright in her bed.

"Get the fuck out of here!" she yelled. She recognized her bedmate as the drummer for a rock group who had performed at the same concert as Randi on Halloween night.

"Hey, take it easy," the man said.

"I said get the fuck out of here!" Meredith said. "I'm going to take a shower. If you're not gone when I get out I will hurt you. If you think I'm kidding you just keep your untalented ass where it is."

"How about I join you in the shower for a while?" the guy asked.

"If you try, you'll get hurt even sooner," she hissed. She was gratified when she realized she was still clothed. She still had on the same T-shirt she had slept in on Friday night. A quick feel told her she still wore her panties too.

She thought that she might have kept from doing anything completely stupid – until she got in the shower and saw the hickey on her breast. Then she sat down in the tub and cried.

She considered just leaving for Boston as soon as she got out of the shower but she found her front room littered with passed out bodies. Most of them she had no idea who they even were but a couple of them she recognized.

She saw a young woman she and Randi had befriended on Halloween and nudged her with a shoe.

"Wake up and get these idiots the fuck out of my room," she told the bleary-eyed girl. The girl shook her head and rolled back over to sleep. The man Meredith woke up beside was gone but two of his band mates were still there. She tried them next and got the same result.

It was after three o'clock by the time everyone was functioning – too late to get to Boston to meet up with Randi. She would have to catch her in Providence.

"Kick-ass party," a woman muttered as she found her shoes. "Same time tonight?"

"Hell no," Meredith wanted to say. But the few hours she'd had to herself while trying to get people awake and moving had left her mind to roam free. She had ruined her life. She was certain of that. And she couldn't even remember doing it. She wasn't certain that she'd had sex with anyone. But she'd sure as hell let someone nibble on her tits.

"Come on," another person said. "Let's get some food. It's Sunday night and there is supposed to be a wild rave at Club K."

So she let herself get sucked back into another night on the town. The thing she wanted most in the world was gone so why should it matter. She danced with a bunch of guys and let them buy her drinks all night. She passed $1,000 to a guy who said he knew where to score and did a few lines when he proved to be right.

She was positive she would have woken up with a different guy beside her if her dad hadn't called. The guy she'd been making out with all night was particularly unhappy when she threatened to call the cops if they weren't gone in 10 minutes. He had been certain he was going to get lucky and he was probably right.

Meredith had tried to go to sleep but she found herself too wired to doze off. She tried her dad a couple of more times and thought about calling Brock. But she didn't know what she'd say. The same was true of Randi. Randi had been pissed at Meredith after Friday night and had been even more pissed when Meredith decided to stay in New York on Saturday.

As the water cascaded across her body on Monday morning, she once again looked at the bruises on her breasts and felt a sense of shame wash over her. With tears in her eyes, she dialed the concierge to see if he could get her on the next flight to Los Angeles.

Meredith planned to wait until she was at the airport to phone her dad. When she reached the front desk, she found that wasn't going to be possible.

Her Visa card, tied to a bank account in Los Angeles, was declined. Meredith was certain it was a mistake. She knew she had spent a good deal of money in the past days but there had been close to a quarter of million dollars in that account when she left Los Angeles.

When the card was declined a second time, she began to panic. Her first thought was that someone had managed to clone the card and had racked up $200,000 in purchases. That could be done fairly quickly in New York. She had used the card everywhere she'd gone since they arrived in New York on Thursday. She'd used it at upscale restaurants and seedy clubs. The card had passed through two dozen hands in 72 hours.

She was thankful she had enough cash left to pay for the damage to the hotel suite. But she wasn't sure she would have enough to pay for a plane ticket when she got to the airport.

She found her hands were shaking when she dialed her father's number. She hoped and prayed he would answer. She only had enough time to get through security and catch the plane. If she had to find a way to pay for a ticket, she would miss it.

"What?" Sam asked in a harsh tone. He had expected Meredith to call hours earlier. It was after 11 o'clock in Los Angeles which meant was past two o'clock in the afternoon in New York.

"Dad," Meredith said. "Uh, there's something wrong with my credit card. I think someone might have found a way to duplicate it or something."

"There's nothing wrong with your credit card," Sam said. "There is, however, something wrong with your credit – as in, I've cut it off. I can't tell you what to do but I will not finance your destruction. Do you realize you've spent close to $30,000 in three days?"

Meredith gulped. She had been paying for almost everything for three days. The hotel room ran $2,200 a night. She remembered a bar tab for close to $3,000. Plus she had spent close to $8,000 on drugs.

"I know, Dad," Meredith said. "I'm sorry."

"You're damn right you're sorry," he said.

"Dad, listen, I'm trying to get back to L.A. but I need to pay for the ticket," Meredith told him. "I have enough time to get through security but I don't have much more. Will you help me?"

"You're coming home?" Sam asked.

"I'm on my way to the airport," Meredith said. "My flight is at 3:30. I should land in L.A. about 5 p.m. Can you pick me up at LAX?"

"I suppose," Sam said. "But I expected you on an earlier flight."

"I should have booked one right after I talked to you," Meredith admitted. "But it took me some time to..."

"To get rid of your new friends or to explain to your new boyfriend?" Sam asked.

"He's not a new anything," Meredith said angrily. "Yeah, I fucked up, Dad. I did some really stupid shit in the past few days and I'll probably regret it for the rest of my life. It took me a while to clear everyone out of the suite. I planned to just grab a quick nap and head out but I didn't wake up until noon. This is the earliest flight I could make. Now, will you help or should I have the taxi drop me at an Amtrak station?"

Same as A Flawed Diamond
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Hello my name is John, I just want to tell about the best night of my life and also the most erotic, night any man could ever have. Which involved the greatest strip show I have any seen? But first a brief history, of myself. I’ve just turn 30, I’ve never married and to be honest I’m not to good with women. I live alone in a small street. I’m not skilled in anyway. I work as a cleaner in a local school. I have a small group of friends who I meet with on most Friday nights. We have the same...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Watching my gf from the closet Part 2

As I was marveling at the sight, I was absentmindedly putting the cap back on the bottle, and as if in slow motion, just as I tightened it, the bottle slipped from my fingers and crashed to the floor. It didn't break, but the bang was loud. The guys stopped, obviously, and looked over. Nathan strode over, his cock bouncing, and flung open the door. There I was, pants around my ankles, hard myself, caught hiding while watching my girlfriend be used. He kind of smirked and said to Amy, "Know...

2 years ago
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Bisexual Fantasy Fulfilled 2 mmf

bisexual male - mmf – anal – creampieFor weeks after our encounter with Doug, our love life was red hot. My wife Lisa seemed to almost always be in the mood, and since I am usually in the same frame of mind we made love often. Our threesome with Doug seemed to have turned Lisa on as much as it did me. Sometimes while we were making love, Lisa and I would talk about what we had done with him... and what we still wanted to do!Doug had been out of town on business travel a lot, and it was a month...

2 years ago
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Loneliness Brings Us Together

By: Neha Luv My name is Punita Devi. I have been a widow for the past 10 years. I live in Gurgaon and I am a teacher by profession. I have a son Varun who married a beautiful woman Kumud. Varun is a doctor in Delhi and Kumud is a house wife. Varun tod me on the phone,’Mom, I am going to the USA for four weeks. Kumud would be staying with you. She doesnt want to be lonely. In fact we have not been separated ever. I hope you will love her presence. She is a damn good cook. I smiled at my son and...

2 years ago
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Or Die AloneChapter 5 Threat Condition

Boyd was startled awake again, Lorza upending the sleeping bag and rolling him out of it onto the cold snow. He gasped, eyes wide, and scrambled to turn his heating system on. He rose to his feet, fists clenched, and glared at the alien as she rolled up the bag and returned it to her pack. “Are you going to do that every day? Just wake me up ‘before’ you put the sleeping bag away!” “But you looked so peaceful,” she whined sarcastically. “The only time you’re not insulting me or throwing...

3 years ago
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BBW Coworker cheats takes my a strangers load u

It was about 2 months into a new job I had gotten in a small office. It was just my and 3 women in there, two in long term relationships and one to old for me. It was a normal office job where I had an office and my own space. The job itself was challenging and I was beginning to feel like it was too much work. The days seemed long and when I got home I would think about work all night. One of my coworkers took the bus with me in the mornings. We began talking and building a work related...

3 years ago
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So Firm Yet So Soft

I thought everyone else was already in bed. I knew my parents were. I assumed Emma was too, as I hadn't seen her for over an hour. It was after midnight, but still Friday night to me. After a week of my final year in high school, I was all about staying up late, having a snack, hoping to catch a so-bad-it's-good gem among the late night movies. But then Emma stepped into the room. She was dressed for bed in a t-shirt that maybe should have been a little longer for wearing when not directly...

2 years ago
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Rob and Jane Part 3 Public Relations

After Rob and Jane's wild weekend antics it was back to normal on Monday morning and back to the nine to five slog. That didn't stop them exchanging raunchy texts and emails throughout the week. Jane loved the thrill of sitting at her desk, pretending to concentrate on a file, while reading all the naughty things Rob was promising to do to her. Their excitement and libidos had been building all week and by Thursday it all got too much. They decided to meet. They met for drinks after work and...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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In a cabin by the lake

Your name is George, and you're middle-aged widower, your wife Roslyn having died about a decade ago. That left you raising four children, two older boys, Dwight and Robert, and two younger girls, Danielle and Rachel, all alone. To say that it was a trial would be a massive understatement, but with the last one finally a freshman in college, they are all officially out of the house. Although a father's work is never done, you felt like you'd accomplished something by raising four mostly...

2 years ago
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Louise works the room

Louise - my sister - was 19 at the time and we got on pretty well, we sometimes bickered over little things but generally had a pretty cool relationship and were becoming over the years good friends. My affection towards her was part of the reason i wanted to her to stay out of our way that night and up in her room. For several years (since when Louise was arround 14) my friends had been making sexually suggestive comments about her to me and although when they did so i took it in good fun...

3 years ago
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Mariannes Revenge

Marianne's Revenge By Cissy Gaye When I was dating Marianne, she knew I liked dressing as a woman and being humiliated. She enjoyed dressing me up and she really got off on abusing me, so we had many wonderful times together. One night as I was getting ready to pick her up from work, I thought it would be fun to see her face if she got in the car and found me sitting there in drag. I painted my nails and did my best slutty girl make-up job before I left home and I pulled...

4 years ago
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My Day in Panties

I'm a 21 year old sales rep for a drinks supplier. I'm tall and skinny, and love little sexual secrets....today was just another day in this secret life.The alarm clock rang out like a drill sergeant screaming at his soldiers. 6 AM and it was already light outside. It looked like it would be yet another clear sunny hot summers day and I awoke laying naked in my bed. It appeared that my head wasn't the first part of my body to wake today! My erect penis gazed up at me begging for release. I...

4 years ago
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The Road to ChaosChapter 28

While Zoe and JW are dressing to head out the portal, Cyn settled in to her book. Malcolm was on deck watch, idling just off shore between Yuracho Yura, Sumoto ... that’s the point just off the island that forms the harbor at Yura, Sumoto ... and Okinoshima island in the Tomogashimasuido Strait. Okinoshima island was a highly fortified bastion and listening station during World War Two. Now the island is a popular hiking destination. The former post boasts the ruins of many artillery sites...

3 years ago
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Foreign Life Part 3

Foreign Life 3 - by Garath A relaxing dip in the Hot Springs Sandra sighed as she sat in the attic on the hypothermic chamber of regeneration while looking at the falling rain. She was wearing a pink halter-top with blue jeans. It had been three days since the attack in the mall, and she had been alone for all three of them. Jim had been avoiding her lately, though she couldn't figure out why. Trish had been too busy helping her family with their store to drop by, and Jesse had...

4 years ago
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Curious WM 30 Ch 05

oral – anal – cum slut – cream pie – cfnmI sat in my car trembling with excitement. I wanted to stroke myself but Angela had ordered me not to cum. She wanted me to save my cum for tomorrow! Tomorrow would be one week since I met Phil; one week since I first sucked his cock and started down the road to becoming their slut. I wanted to jack-off but Angela wanted me to wait.My fingers idly touched my mouth and felt the cum that was still on my lips and chin. Angela had let me leave their office...

2 years ago
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What We Do for LoveChapter 2 Patricia is Punished

Even though Evelyn knew I’d had no choice but to go to Lotta’s apartment I was dreading getting home. I’d had no idea what to expect when Evelyn had opened the main door to the building, but it certainly wasn’t a smile, a kiss on the cheek and a ‘see you at home, mom’ comment. Could I tell Dave or Evelyn what I’d done? What Lotta had done to me? Well Dave anyway, I justified to myself. Evelyn is still my daughter. I don’t need to tell her anything. Then I felt like I was just lying to myself....

2 years ago
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Little FoxChapter 8

Little Fox went on the stump for Republican candidates for Congress. Her popularity brought out big crowds. She spoke at each stop for about fifteen minutes then worked the people causing pain to the Secret Service trying to keep her safe from any crazy person who wanted to have his name in history by assassinating a President. After all, there was one attempt on her life. She'd laugh at her protection saying she was too small to be hit by a bullet. All she had to is stand sideways, stick...

2 years ago
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Chapter 23 Training Begins Again

Mistress Ann- I am in my office talking to Julia we are going over some of the things that she has learned so far, she says she doesn’t like wearing corset’s which I remind her is part of her uniform. I tell her that my class will be here soon and that they are all virgin and we can’t penetrate them, but it is our job to teach them how to please their new master’s or mistresses. Linda, Kaley, Wendy, Rosa, Lisa, Maria, Amber, Christy are all kneeling when we enter the dungeon and I am glad that...

1 year ago
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Wife has some fun

Wife Has Some FunBy desi_76I reached home to find my wife packing for our trip, with her clothes all over the bed, and her footwear all over the floor. The trip was her high school reunion in Goa, at a 5 star resort right on the beach. She had been trying her best to look good and pack the right clothes. It was her first reunion, and my lovely wife was excited, as well as feeling anxious to make the right impression.She looked up at me, her big brown eyes warm and sweet, and said, "Hi...

3 years ago
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Scarlett Roses Part Two

Scarlett was sitting there in her English class. She was marking her classmate John’s paper since they were peer reviewing that day. She couldn’t believe how bad his paper was written but it made sense. John was obviously not very bright but more worried about parties and fitness. He was quite tall and muscular, catching Scarlett’s eye despite the lack of intelligence. Since her experience with Ryan, Scarlett had been wrapped up in sexual thoughts. She often found herself looking at the bodies...

4 years ago
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The Promotion

My husband John was going to finally get his well deserved promotion and for the last couple of days that was all he could talk about. This evening as we sat in the dining room finishing our dinner he stared talking about it again. "God Gloria, I can't believe it, they're really going to promote me this time. I just can't believe that Rick is really going to do it. Christ honey, it means a $30,000 a year raise and an extra week's vacation. And I'll get the corner office; you know the one...

4 years ago
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Camping with boy toy Bud part two

The rest of that Friday night Bud and I relaxed by the campfire drinking beer and gazing into the star filled sky that was lit up like a Christmas tree by the millions of stars in the heavens above us. With no residual light from the cities – the nearest big town with city lights was close to 60 miles away – the sky above us was as magical as the two of us being together and enjoying each other’s body that night. We must have drunk a twelve pack of beer between us that night, and after we...

4 years ago
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BrideChapter 9

"Come on lazy bones, we need to get up" "Why?" "Tomatoes, that's why" She giggled and ran her fingernails lightly up the length of my erection, "I'll give you a choice" "Yeah?" "Yeah" "Go on then" "Stay here and go to sleep again" I waited but so did she and I gave in first, mainly because of the way she was gently masturbating me. "Or?" "Or nothing" she whispered, "But I need a pee!" This time she drew me into her arms and kissed as she stood and relieved...

3 years ago
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An Affair To Remember Part 2

It was inevitable! I should have known it! You can’t work in close proximity with someone you’ve been to bed with and not want to do it again. Forbidden fruit always tastes better, and eventually your craving for it overrides your conscience. So it was with Tammy and I. After our one night stand, we had discussed what we had done, how wonderful it felt, and how unfair it was to our respective spouses and families. We actually convinced ourselves that we could co-exist, work together, and not...

2 years ago
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The Incredibles Cucked

“We are close.” Elastigirl said softly. She is holding a small thin device that scans the area for cameras, traps and guards. While at the same time shows them where are they going. Mr. Incredible follows her as he look around. And sometimes can’t help but give a stare at her wife thick bubbly ass sways under her black and bright red suit. “Stop looking at my ass, honey.” She said caught him staring. Mr. Incredible blushes as he grins. Knowing that it’s not she doesn’t like to be stared,...

2 years ago
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A guy and his 35 Mary

---------------------------------- "Mistress I am so weak it is hard to move, please mistress help me," came the pleading voice of Mary's Jinn, Inger. Mary was pretty weak herself as she looked into the almost begging eyes of Inger the exact same eyes that Mary had trained on her. Mary looked away as new tears began to fall from her eyes. "My god Inger I have been trying to save...

2 years ago
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GingerChapter 7

"Pete, what are we going to do now?" "I'd like to go home and talk. I'm almost married to you and I still don't know all about you. I want to hear all about Maria's life too. You can tell her what you are thinking of taking in school after graduation from high school." "Ginger, tell me what it is. I have no idea what I want to do and maybe I'll go to the same school." "Okay, but remember I'm going to be married woman by that time. I won't be out to bars and parties every...

4 years ago
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Training TiffanyChapter 2

Tiffany's birthday came round. I'd had a word with Hannah, but it was unnecessary; she was already organised. We had a very fancy meal – all the household staff, and Jon Sparrow together, with waiting staff hired in so no one was left out. Hannah had obtained a very elegant dress for the birthday girl, and she looked every inch the young lady. At the end of the meal, before we began handing her presents, I stood. "My friends, a toast. To Tiffany, who has reached or exceeded our every...

1 year ago
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Meeting The Love of My Life Online

My name is Kiki I'm 18 years old, I have a little bit longer than shoulder length golden yellow hair. I have a very slim athletic body with a very nice tan, 36C tits, and a very niced clean hair less pussy. My whole life was sports soccer in the fall, basketball in the winter, and lacrosse in the spring and summer. Towards the end of the year I started not giving a fuck about anything, so my mom decided to send me to our house in the Hampton alone for the whole summer. Which meant no lacrosse,...

First Time
1 year ago
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Hot sessions with mates wife

I know you should never get involved with a good friends wife, but with Nikki it was just too good an opportunity to pass up... I worked with Neil and as a result had got to know Nikki quite well too, we often socialised together as couples with me and alison regularly meeting up with them on a saturday night. Unfortunately unbeknown to most people Neil was a heavy drinker when alone at home, and more often than not he became moody and violent with Nikki when in this state. One night she called...

3 years ago
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Fuck for liftime

Hi friends this is raj. The story am goin to tell is a true story happend some years ago between me n my sister Reema. We were a family of four with my father, mother, me n my sister. Reema was three years elder to me. We were very good friends than like brother n sister. I never liked my parents right from my childhood as i didnt like their behaviour at home. They used to move very close in front of us, like sometimes me n Reema wud end up seeing them kissing, hugging and even while having...

2 years ago
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My first story

After a long day of shopping in NYC I go down to catch the subway. As I stand in my jeans and low cut shirt waiting, I check my phone to see a few missed calls. 'meh' I think to myself as the subway pulls up. As I bored I see a man in the corner all by himself, he is a good looking man but seems busy. 'Where is everybody?' I think to myself. I start go towards him just to make some small talk 'he must be on his phone or a portable game system' I think.As I get closer I can see that he has his...

2 years ago
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Super Shy Girls

Here comes a super story for the ages! Pretty, shy young women everywhere, blessed with abilities beyond their wildest dreams.....and in for humiliation of the strangest and most fantastical sort! This is a story about bookworms and wallflowers, nerdy girls and assorted delicate creatures finding themselves exposed at the cost of great new powers! Take a gander at the ever growing cast and pick your pretty heroine, and take her on an adventure of nude and lewd proportions!

3 years ago
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first time making love as a gay man true story o

One day me and a friend were coming home from a badass party, and boy were we smashed. When we got back to my house my friend chris told me about how he had experienced gay sex with a friend. He went on about how it feel far better than a women. As my friend was talking i started to getting really horny. ‘ chris?’ i said, ‘ i know this might sound weird but ive always wanted to try it with a guy’. we agreed not to tell any of our other friends about it. we were both a little skeptical about the...

3 years ago
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Der Flaschengeist Teil 9

Der unvermeidliche Disclaimer Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Es ist ausdr?cklich verboten, diese Storie f?r kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. Finanzielle Vorteile d?rfen mit dieser Storie nicht erwirtschaftet werden. Kurz gesagt, Ver?ffentlichungsverbot f?r alle kostenpflichtigen Foren oder Webs...

1 year ago
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Selena and JoeChapter 25

"Selena! SELENA!! For Gods sake wake up!" Lucy said as she shook her friend. SELENA! Joe's on the phone!" Selena must have been in deep dream sleep, as she never heard the phone ring. Usually the phone was on her stand, but with Joe away and Lucy expecting a call she had it. It was 1:30 in the morning. Selena sat up startled barely knowing whom she was let alone where she was. "What? Mom? Huh? What?" she said as she sat up wide-eyed in Lucy's bed light. "God! I thought you were...

2 years ago
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Mother Son Part II

I don't quite know how it happened but I found myself, on my knees, my panties soaking wet staring directly at my teenage son's large, thick throbbing erection, glistening in the dim light, covered in his girlfriends juices, her musky scent filling my nostrills. His cock looked amazing & I felt my already wet pussy gush with another discharge of fluid as I watched pre cum oozing from the tip of his cock & drip onto the floor in front of me, his penis now just inches from my eagerly...

3 years ago
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My husband Dan likes me to tell him fictional stories about fucking other men

My husband Dan encouraged me to tell him stories about seducing and then screwing other men. I made up situations where I picked up strangers and let them have their way with me. Dan got really excited and sometimes had an orgasm when I got to the part where this fictional guy put his dick in me. When Dan asked me to spice up the stories to include letting him watch me fuck these fictional guys, I did that for him too. I told him a story where we were at a bar and met a guy that we invited to...

3 years ago
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Becoming Sarah Part 2

Part 2 of Becoming Sarah:The examination started with the nurse attaching what looked like electric pads to my body. I assumed they were to take my heart rate and so on, until she put them on my nipples, and my dick. “If you decide to be a naughty little bitch I can bring you back under control with just the push of this button” she said, motioning to a small control in her lap. It had a little dial, set to 1, and a small red button which he had her thumb over. An evil grin across her face...

2 years ago
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The Mark of a Warrior

Glint was a pretty blue green world with twelve other planets in the system and three far asteroid belts on the rim. Like all Kaire we were hunters and warriors but we were also space miners. We had six huge refining stations and two major mining platforms as well as a very large ship construction station. There were twelve large major clans in the system not counting the few visiting or looking for a new clan site as well as Noss and Sizz. The Noss were mostly on two southern continents and...

2 years ago
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Sex With Boss Wife

Hi All Readers…I’m a great fan of ISS… My name is Raj.. I have read many stories in this forum… But never thought of narrating my own because im little shy… But as im free today, I thought of writing it…Sorry if any spelling mistakes happen. I’m from a middle class family and we live in Bangalore. I studied till my 2nd PUC and have to stop my education due to financial crisis. Then I started searching for a job. But due to my PU education, I didn’t get any good job. I worked like part time here...

3 years ago
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Just for Roflmfaomfgiggles

W A R N I N GN O S E X U A L C O N T E N T OF A N Y K I N D!Long time ago when I was in high-$chool, I never really paid much attention to my dad, despite my family love for him. He got this extremely thick, facial hair that almost covered his face and always almost had never taken off his work clothes after a long day of outside labor, therefor, he always got dirt in his skin and clothes. I'm surprise how I could clean up after him w/o snapping back at him.He is a man of short words and...

3 years ago
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Wild in the CountryChapter 28

Robin had seen Priscilla go at high speed and had tried to follow her, but the older girl was a better rider and had a long headstart, so that soon Robin was forced to admit that she would never know just why her flighty and enigmatic cousin had rode out like the devil on some evil mission. Turning back, she hurried toward the house at a greater speed. The reason for her haste was the sight of a huge, wolf-like German shepherd watching her from a rock with baleful, yellow eyes. She did not...

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