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Her demeanor gave me my first clue. You see, our daughter Patti was here at home crying on Barb's and my shoulders. It seems that Patti had been slightly unfaithful (her words) to her husband, Bill. She was here wanting me, her father, to intercede on her behalf and talk Bill into taking her back. After all, nearly ninety percent of men were unfaithful to their wives. Bill probably had been, as he was always flirting and having women touching and fawning all over him (her words again).

"Have you ever caught him doing anything other than being faithful? He is handsome and most women want to be near him. What in the world possessed you to cheat on him, anyway?"

"Well I didn't mean to. We were at that party and Bill had to leave to fix something at the factory. I had a little more to drink than I should have and he did say he wouldn't be coming back. He told me to catch a ride with one of my friends."


"The friend that took me home was Rob Dunklee and he kept telling me how much he adored me. He started kissing me and when we got to our driveway he started feeling me up. It felt good so I let him and I guess I was a little drunk. I didn't know Bill was home already. The next thing I knew Bill had flung the car door open and saw me with my top unbuttoned and my bra off with Rob's hands on my breasts. I was sitting on Rob's lap and he was--" She stopped there. Patti was crying and sobbing as she was telling us this.

"Patti, if you think I'm going to side with you or interfere, I'm not. I thought your mother and I taught you better than to cheat on your husband. Your mother and I have been married for thirty years and if she did that to me, I'd toss her butt out. It would rip me apart, but I would feel I had to, just to keep my self-respect."

"Come on Daddy, you must have been tempted in the last thirty years, haven't you?"

"Sure. Several times tempted, that is. But there has to be mutual respect between loved ones. Do you think your mother has ever gone out and got laid and been unfaithful to me?"

There was total silence. I hadn't looked at Barb while I was berating Patti. The silence brought me around so I was staring at my wife. She was pale and looking at the floor. "Barb, look at me." She couldn't. I got up and left the room.

I went out into the kitchen. Patti was still crying when she came to get her coat. "Patti, did you know your mother has been unfaithful to me?" Now Patti wouldn't look at me. So, I could conclude she probably did know. "Like mother, like daughter. Get the hell out of here. I know just how Bill, that poor bastard, feels. I hope he kicks your ass out for good."

I went back into the living room and this time Barb looked at me. "I'm sorry Mark. Can you forgive me?"

"I think you are sorry I found out. Evidently Patti knows what you've done. Can you imagine how I feel about that. Every time she came over, she probably looked at me with pity. Well I know about it now, so all we have to figure out is what is going to happen next."

"Can't we go on just like we have been? I still love you."

"I can't. There are too many that know about it. You, Patti, probably Bill, your lover and all of those he most likely bragged to about getting into your pants. No, no, no!"

"I have never denied you anything. I've given you all the sex and love you wanted. I've raised your children, kept your house, attended your functions and been by your side whenever you needed me."

"How about trust, honor and commitment? Did I have those too? I thought I did, but apparently I haven't. I guess the only thing for me to do is leave. You had better get an attorney to represent you. I will try to be as amicable as possible through all of this. If you could read my mind right at this minute, it would make you afraid of me."

I walked upstairs and started packing a suitcase. I had traveled quite a lot, so it only took me a few minutes to decide what to take. When I came back down, Barb was still sitting where I left her.

"Don't you want me to tell you about it and how it happened?"

"No, I don't. You must have been willing, because I know you don't drink, so you can't even use the same excuse that Patti has. I'll have my lawyer call you so you can tell him who you have retained. God Barb, I admit I have been happy with you, but I don't see where I could ever be again. You better tell Pete. Patti most likely will, but he better hear it from you. Boy is he going to be hit hard when he finds out both his sister and his mother have been screwing around." I left before Barb could say anything more.

I sat in the motel room thinking back over my life. I suppose I had an easy time of living up until now. My folks were upper middle-class, so I had been able to have a good education. Everyone always said I was too serious, but people knew where they stood with me. Not that I am overly righteous, and I didn't feel that way about this situation with Barb. You had to have some rules to live by, though. Marriage to me was a solemn and serious affair and when I took the vows, I knew I would keep them and everyone else should too.

What made Barb think she didn't have to? She was a grade school teacher. Christ, she taught the kids to adhere to rules everyday. If they didn't they were punished. This guy that she didn't deny having an affair with must be something. Did I want to know about him? That was a definite no. I might find out he had a bigger dick, gave her better orgasms, or treated her better than I did. I don't see how he could, though. All the time we have been together, I have thought of Barb first in everything, including sex.

My thoughts turned directly to Barb. She was an attractive woman forty-nine years old, keeping herself toned and groomed. But then I kept myself that way too. Neither one of us would have any trouble finding another companion. Wait, she had already found hers. It was only me that would be looking. As I sat there still thinking about her, I decided that I didn't feel the same about her as I did just two hours ago. It was a big loss and it left a hole in my heart, but I hoped that would close after awhile. The love I had for her would last for a long time, it just wasn't as strong as it used to be.

Pete and Patti, our kids, I'm sure would pressure me to stay married to their mother. Maybe not though, Patti at least knew of her mother's affair. Maybe she thought Barb was traveling down a better road away from me, instead of with me. Well, I would deal with this the same way I did everything, wait and see what developed and then choose the best alternative.

I called Jim, my attorney, Monday morning and said I wanted a divorce from Barbara. He questioned me extensively as he was not only my lawyer but a friend of both of us as well. I told him I didn't have any proof. He said whoever Barb chose for a lawyer would advise her to fight the divorce. I said there was no way that Barb could get my love back no matter how hard she fought for it. I said I would be fair in any settlement and would split everything down the middle, so besides the paperwork that was the main goal for him.

My secretary took calls from Jim, Pete, Patti and Barbara in the afternoon. I had directed her to tell them to call my motel in the evening if they wanted to talk to me. Pete, Patti and Barb were waiting for me when I reached my motel. "Dad, can we talk in your room? Mom knows she has wronged you, but she is hoping you can get beyond this."

"We can talk, but she is going to be disappointed." We went up to my room on the second level. "Did Bill take you back Patti?"

"I begged him to and he said I could come back, but I would have to stay in the guest room until he makes up his mind. He won't sleep with me either." Tears were in her eyes.

"Well good luck. If you beg hard enough and really intend to remain faithful, he might." Barb was given some hope over what I said to our daughter. I soon dashed her hopes. "You made a mistake. Maybe Bill can live with that. I can't though. I'm just not made that way."

"Mark, if you come home and I sleep in the spare room, can't we resolve this?"

"I haven't made up my mind yet. First, who did you have an affair with?"

"You don't know him, so you don't need to know his name."

"Where did you meet him?"

"At the teachers' convention."


"Twenty-seven years ago."

"How many times have you been in his bed?"

"I'm not going to answer that. Haven't I told you enough? I admit I had sex with him. What more can I say?"

I sat there looking at my wife. Then the thought struck me. There is a teachers' convention every year and Barb went to them all. Was that why she wouldn't answer? I had to know. "So you have had sex every year for the last twenty-seven years with him at the convention. Is that right?"

Her head came up with that. "Not every year. If you must know I missed two. It looks like I am going to miss this year too. I'm so ashamed of all of this. I didn't realize what it looks like until it has been brought out into the open. Mark, come on, you were never hurt by this. Remember the great sex we have when I get home from the convention? Both Pete and Patti were conceived in those sessions."

I wanted to hurt, suspecting that great sex with me was her remembering the time with her lover only a day before. "Or they were conceived a few days before you got home. It looks like that could be a distinct possibility."

That got to her. "We took precautions. It did not happen. Pete and Patti are yours."

"You have to admit I have reason to doubt you. Right now I don't even know why I'm talking to you. I've got a whore for a wife and you want me to forgive you and for me to forget about what you have done. Bullshit!" I said to Pete, "I hope you are my son. I don't know what I would do if you aren't."

"What about me Daddy? I'm your kid too. I know I am."

"Well why don't you act like it then? Patti, you know I love you, but what you've done to Bill breaks my heart."

"I'm sorry Daddy. Please talk to Bill and make him forgive me. I couldn't do to him what Mom has done to you. I promise I'll be true to him forever."

"Okay, Pumpkin, I'll talk to him. You two kids go along, I want to talk to your mother. I'll see that she gets home." I got a hug from Patti and a handshake from Pete.

Barbara sat very still on the bed watching this. When they left and I could see their car leave the parking area, I turned to my wife. "They are great kids. I hope Patti does what she says she will. Two whores in the same family would be too much. Even if the kids aren't mine, I love them."

"Mark, stop calling me a whore. Three nights out of a year does not make me a whore."

"What am I supposed to call you? Maybe a loving wife that only cheats a little. How would that be?"

"You might as well take me home if all you are going to do is call me names. We've always been able to talk without being nasty to each other."

"Okay, I'll try. You have to know how I feel about this and realize how much you have hurt me."

"I didn't realize before, but I'm beginning to. I was crushed when Patti came and told me what she had done. She and Pete knew about me. I thought her knowing about me would keep her from doing the same thing."

"How long have they known?"

"Two years ago, they came to the convention to visit. They found a man in my room and I couldn't cover up what we had been doing. I made them promise to never tell you. As far as they know I haven't had him in my room since."

"What should I know about this man? If you have been cheating with him for twenty-seven years, he must be really something."

"Mark, I was twenty-two at the time I met him. Teachers flirt just the same as any other group. He and I were flirting and we both got too hot. It happened, and we had sex. This occurred the last night of the convention that year. I came home and you and I had wild sex. I found out shortly after that I was pregnant with Patti. The next year I didn't go to the convention because Patti was a baby. The year after that there was no question. I spent all three nights with him. I missed my monthly after I came home and Pete was born. I honestly don't know who the father is, but if you could see him, you would know both are yours. I didn't go to the convention the year Pete was born. I have been with him every year since."

"Why? What is the attraction?"

"It isn't the actual being with him. It is the excitement as convention time gets closer. I'm going to be doing something that nobody would approve of. Nobody would expect it of me either. You didn't and the kids didn't and they think I stopped when they caught me. Christ, last year I almost went wild when I thought you might come busting the door down, because maybe they squealed on me to you."

I looked at this woman who I thought I knew so well. She just told me that I not only didn't have all of her body, but she was thinking about this lover of hers a good part of the year too. "With me out of the picture maybe it will be ten times more exciting. Let's see, you've been in bed with him--what seventy-five times in the last twenty or more years? You want me to forget all of that? Come on, get your coat. I will take you home."

"This is the end of us isn't it? You are a good man, Mark. I'm truly sorry I haven't lived up to your expectations. You wouldn't know what it is like unless you have been in the same situation. I'm sorry you've missed that too. It makes you so much more alive."

Barbara was killing what love I had for her every time she opened her mouth. I looked at her with disgust. It didn't seem to bother her. Maybe she felt she wasn't a whore. I could think of other words that came to mind--cheating slut.

I talked to Bill about Patti. I said I couldn't advise him. Once trust was gone in your wife, you might never get it back. I told him everything about his mother-in-law. I said if she had come and confessed after sleeping with the man the first time, I might have kept her and tried to rebuild the trust. After twenty-seven years of her cheating it was impossible for me to even consider it. We got drunk and it was me that half carried him home that night. He slept on the floor and I slept on his couch.

Patti had evidently called her mother and cried on her shoulder, for Barb was there for breakfast in the morning. She really lit into me and had a screaming fit, saying I was not helping to get things squared away between the young folks. I just got up and left. I didn't even answer her.

Weeks went by. Bill did let Patti back into his life. I was glad for them. A few months later Patti told me she was going to have a baby. Both Patti and Pete kept close watch over me. They were uncertain who their father really was, me or their mom's lover. It made me feel good that they wanted me to be the one and I became closer to both. Pete found a girl and she is a lovely thing. They make a cute couple and are so much in love. I look forward to her being my daughter-in-law.

I see Barbara rarely and always go out of my way to be civil to her when we do meet. Pete told me that she didn't go to the teachers' convention this year. I told him it was nothing to me either way. Barb and I did split our assets pretty fairly. The house where I had spent so many happy years with Barb was sold. I almost made a bid on it, but then I thought of living there and remembering that when Barb was with me, she probably had her mind on her lover.

Patti and her mother talk a lot. Patti told me that the man Barb shacked up with was married and had a family just like she did. They had made a pact to never contact each other during the year, waiting for convention time to come together, and only then.

There were times when being divorced from Barbara would come back to hurt and haunt me. We had three restaurants that we had frequented as a couple through the years. The first time I saw her there at dinner with another man, compounded all of the pain of her unfaithfulness. I controlled my feelings and spoke without rancor and was pleasant when introduced to her date. It was an uncomfortable situation and I was glad when dinner ended and I could escape. I hated her more right then than I did all through the process of our divorce.

It was different when I invited one of the teachers she worked with to dinner. We were placed at the table next to where she was seated with a female friend. Barb couldn't handle the situation as well as I had and never finished her meal, going to the powder room and never coming back to her table. Odd, but I didn't derive much satisfaction out of the pain I knew she must be feeling.

I guess we both picked different establishments to dine at, for we never ran into each other at a restaurant again. We did of course meet at family get-togethers and over time we came to be at ease with each other, but the memory of cheating lingered.

My life took a sudden turn. I was in the grocery store. I was going through the checkout behind a boy that had two candy bars. I saw him pocket a pre-paid phone card. He paid for the candy. He was going to walk out without paying for the card. "Son, you have to run that card through the checkout. Give it to me and let me pay for you. You wait for me and I'll walk out with you." His face was bright red, but he waited for me.

That's how I met Mike Howland. When we got outside I handed him the card. "Tell me about it? You were going to steal that card. There was a clerk on the next counter that was watching you. You would be going to jail right now if I had let you walk out."

"Thanks Mister. I know better, but Mom is in the hospital with a broken leg. I wanted to talk to her. I don't have any money to go see her and I thought I could call her."

"What hospital?"

"The one on the other side of town. Mercy Hospital, I think. Sis cries every night because we know Mom is worried about us but we have no way to see or talk to her."

"How old are you and your sister?"

"I'm sixteen and Mitzy is fourteen. She is really afraid of staying alone, but so far no one has bothered us. Mom won't be home for another week or more, the last we heard."

These kids were up against it. "Where is your father?"

"He was killed in Iraq. Mom is waiting for the government to send us some money. I just hope it comes before we lose our apartment."

"Would you like me to take you and your sister to see your mother? I can tonight if you want."

"I don't know. Mom doesn't like us talking to strangers."

"Why don't you call her and you can tell her my name. I'll give you my wallet so you can see for yourself who I am. Here take my cell phone. It already is programmed for 911. If you think I'm doing anything wrong, just hit the button. I really would like to help you."

"Okay, I guess I can trust you. We have to go to Tamarack Street to get my sister. She will have the door barricaded. I wish we didn't have to live there. Mom broke her leg falling through the porch and it is a compound break. She is also worried how she is going to pay her bill at the hospital."

We found his sister Mitzy, just as Mike said we would, with the door locked. Mike explained to her that his friend was going to take them to the hospital. Mitzy was a shy little girl just beginning to bud into womanhood. I thought back to when Pete and Patti were that age. How would they have coped with the dire situation that these kids found themselves in? Not well, I guessed.

The two kids were quiet on the way to see their mother. I asked who rented the apartment to them. Mike said some management company handled the property. He didn't know who owned it. When we got to the hospital and found which room the woman was in, I stayed out in the hall until Mike explained how they were able to come to see her.

In a few minutes the woman, whose name was Margaret, asked Mike to find me so we could meet. I came into the room to meet Peggy Howland. She appeared to be ten years younger than me. I couldn't tell much about how she looked, lying in the hospital bed as she was. She did have beautiful raven hair. Mitzy was combing it as she talked to me. "Thank you so much. I worry about Mike and Mitzy and I'm lying here and can't do a thing about it. Mitzy is so scared living where we do. It is the most terrible place to be in."

"I'm Mark Henderson." Finding out how bad her situation was, I made a sudden decision. "I can see why you are worried. Look, I have an empty camp that is livable and in a better section of town. When Dad bought the cabin, it was a hunting camp. Now the city has grown up around it and it is right in the middle of a working class neighborhood. You are welcome to use it until you get well. It is still a camp, but it has everything except bedrooms. The sleeping quarters are two double bunk beds in two different rooms with one other room with a single bed. So it sleeps eight people comfortably, plus one. It has a big kitchen-living room combined. It looks kind of rustic from the outside but is nice inside.

"My family all use it as a place to get away. I have two kids. Patti is twenty-four and pregnant with her first child. And there is Pete, he is twenty-two and has a fiancée." I hesitated.

"No wife?" This from Peggy.

"No, but I do have an ex-wife. We get along pretty well and she is often at the camp with the rest of the family. She teaches school over on South Street." I could tell this woman was interested.

"The kids would have to attend a different school. How could they get switched over? I would love to have them get out of the ghetto district."

"That shouldn't be a problem. I am well-known to most of the administrators, mostly through my wife. I could take Mike and Mitzy around tomorrow and explain the situation. A few phone calls and they should be all switched."

"How much is this going to cost? I don't have any money and I always pay my bills. It will take me forever to pay off the hospital as it is." Peggy looked worried, but didn't shed any tears, so I knew she wasn't one to play on another for sympathy.

"Let me tell you a little about my situation. I'm fifty and I live in a two bedroom apartment. I'm a financial advisor at one of the major banks here in town. I don't have many expenses for I haven't started dating since my divorce, so what it would cost to help someone out wouldn't hurt me at all. If you wish I can keep track of what I spend and when you are in better financial shape we can talk about it then."

"You said you are divorced. Is there anything in your past that I should worry about? I mean with Mike and Mitzy being young and all?"

"You're asking if I'm a pervert. No I'm not. You can call anyone in my family and they would say I'm too straight, if anything. That includes calling my ex if you want to. I'll leave all the numbers with you anyway. That way if you need to get in touch with me sometime, you can call them. If I'm not at my apartment, I'm usually over at my daughter's. I'm the one going to Lamaze classes with her. Bill, her husband, kind of shifted that duty onto me."

"Why are you taking the trouble to do this for us?"

"To be honest I don't really know. I don't know why I spoke to Mike earlier, either. When he told me what kind of a situation you are in, I decided to help. I have raised two children of my own and sometimes they made mistakes. I'm thinking I showed them the right way to go. Yours are at a crossroads. I'd like to see them take the right fork."

"People like you don't help someone like me very often anymore. They are out for something for themselves."

"Let's just say I may be a throwback to an earlier and better time. That is what my ex-wife would tell you. I'd like you to trust me. I'm going out to the waiting room. You can talk it over and Mike and Mitzy can give me your decision. Anyway, Peggy Howland, it has been a pleasure meeting you." I reached over and grasped her hand, saying good-bye.

Mike and Mitzy joined me almost an hour later. It was getting time for visiting hours to close. "Mr. Henderson, Mom would like one more word with you before you go."

I went back to Peggy's room. "Mr. Henderson, I'm putting my trust in you. Mike told me what he did and what you did to save him from all kinds of trouble. If you would do as you said you would do about finding a safe place for them, I will be very grateful."

"Okay then, this is good. I'll tell you what I'm going to do tonight. I'll swing out by the cabin so they can see where they will be staying until you get out of here. Then I'll get them something to eat. It will have to be fast food, as it is late. I'll take them to my apartment and give Mitzy a room and settle Mike on the couch. Mike or Mitzy will call you from there before they go to sleep. Mitzy can have my cell in case she wants to call anyone. I'm telling you all of this so you don't have to worry. Will that be all right?"

"That's great. I am putting a lot of trust in you and for some reason I feel I can. Thank you."

I heard Mitzy talking to her Mom again in the morning. When she came out of her room I looked at her and then at Mike. "You two need something better to wear to a new school. We'll go by WalMart and get a change of clothes for you. Then we'll get you into school. I'll pick you up this afternoon and we can go get some of your things from Tamarack Street."

I was glad to see that Mitzy chose some attire that was as conservative as I could wish--a simple blue skirt and white blouse. Mike had new jeans and a tee shirt. I had them enrolled and into a class by ten o'clock. I got on the phone to Jim, the attorney who handled my divorce. "Jim, would you find out who owns the slum tenement on 239 Tamarack Street." I gave Jim the story of the Howlands. "When you find out who owns the building, threaten them with a lawsuit if they don't pay Mrs. Howland's hospital bill. She does have a good case. If that doesn't work tell them that I will have the city health and fire inspectors in there and have the building condemned. They can balance that against one hospital bill."

"Damn Mark, are you turning into a bleeding heart liberal and going to save all the down-trodden of our poor city?"

"No, just one poor war widow with a couple of teenagers. I may have something else for you to do for her. It seems unreasonable that she should wait for the death benefit of her husband from the government. But that can wait for now."

"Okay Buddy, I'll see what I can do."

Mike and Mitzy came bouncing out of school looking for my car. I again handed Mike my cell to carry and we headed for Tamarack Street to get some of their things to move to the cabin. The kids were excited about having a safe place to live again. They were also excited to think their mother wouldn't have to worry about them so much either. I promised to take them in again to see her tonight.

I pulled my Impala up in front of the tenement. For a moment I wished I had brought Pete with me. I never went down into this section of the city. It should be safe enough in the middle of the day, but you wouldn't catch me here after dark.

I was helping Mike and Mitzy pack stuff in garbage bags as we didn't have enough boxes. When we had most everything except a few clothes, Mike and Mitzy started carrying the bags out and filling my car. The second trip they took, I heard a commotion and Mitzy screaming. The door was open and I could see her struggling with a good-sized youth or young man. There was a baseball bat beside the doorjamb that Mike had pointed out to me when we first arrived.

I picked it up and flew out and down the steps. I could see that Mike was down and was being pummeled by another boy. There were three boys or men that were concentrating on trying to get Mitzy into a beat-up old car. I launched myself at the nearest kid, flailing at him with the bat. I actually heard his ribs break when I connected. I got in a glancing blow at another one's head and he dropped like a dead ox.

The other kid that had Mike down climbed onto my back, hitting me with his fists. Mitzy had lost her top and was trying to get away, losing her skirt in the process. I kept coming at her abductor and I got in one more blow before I stumbled. It was enough to make him let go of Mitzy. That one turned and headed for the car. I swung with all my might and connected with one of his knees. He was the one screaming and down now.

The boy that was riding my back figured that he had enough and scooted around and into the car as I stood up. He had one more thing to do. Evidently he had a gun on the car seat and as he pulled away he fired out the window. I didn't go out immediately, but I went down. The bullet hit me in the right side. Mitzy was screaming for someone to get the Rescue squad and the cops. In just a few minutes there was a police car pulling up. Mitzy was crying over me. All she had on now was a skimpy bra and her panties. She was hugging me and she had more blood on her than I did.

I guess I passed out, for when I came to, a medic was working on me. He was smiling and telling me the wound wasn't life threatening. The first thing I asked was for the police to call Peter Henderson to come get my car and the two kids. If they couldn't get him, then call my son-in-law, Bill Williams at the Acme factory and have him do it. A neighbor volunteered to watch out for Mike and Mitzy until one of my sons showed up. A cop said he would stick around too.

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Butch and Stacy 9

[Caution: contains scenes of rape] Butch and Stacy This was it. Liz had sworn that if mom did not deal with my issues tonight, Liz herself would take the bull by the horns and tell me what I needed to hear, the deep dark secret she and mom had been keeping from everybody. So, one way or the other, things would be out in the open and Zoe would be free to expose my imposture. I quickly ran to the bath to splash some cold water on my face, to be more alert, and who knows...

2 years ago
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The First Ninety DaysPart 13

Day 67 Jon woke up first on Thursday, which meant he could be the one to say "Happy Valentine's Day" first. "Aww, I wanted to say it first," Caitlyn said, leaning in for a kiss. "I could fall asleep again," Jon said. "No, we don't have time," Caitlyn said. They had gotten into the habit (when they weren't abstaining due to arguments) of waking up quite a bit earlier than the alarm, in order to fool around if they wanted. Sometimes they didn't; sometimes, especially of late,...

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Laundry Day

Laundry would never be this much fun, but one can dream and fantasize. This is a fantasy based on a series of picture I found abandoned on XH. Hope it meets your approval.I was so excited on Friday when I was told I would have a paid day off on Monday. As I drove home I had all sorts of ideas of what I should do but reality set in when I took my laundry basket down to the apartment laundry room and saw a sign posted “Closed until Monday”. “Damn,” I swore as I turned back to the elevator, “a...

4 years ago
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Watching My Adopted Asian Teens and Sucking Cock

I have two adopted Asian teen daughters, Jasmine and Vina. I’ve raised them from the beginning to be good little sluts. As soon as the time came, I paid for them to have laser hair removal of their pubic, underarm, and leg hair, so that their bodies would always be nice and smooth. They cried a lot during the painful and lengthly procedure (it took several appointments to get everything permanently removed), but I told them it served as an important lesson: their lot in life as females was to...

3 years ago
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True tales of submission and crossdressing Chapter Two William

Introduction ------------ Following on from my first instalment, here is another true story. As before, I have tried to remember events as accurately as I can, but of course all speech is paraphrased. I hope there are people out there who enjoy reading this, and perhaps it will inspire people to go ahead and indulge their fantasies. Whatever your kink, there's probably someone out there who will be into it too, and it's not a crime to enjoy life! Curiosity... ------------ So...

1 year ago
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Sultry Summer Ch 16

Stacey Dixon had more adult lovers than he ever dreamed he would have, but of all of them, he had a special fondness for Nicole Everett. As wild as many of his lovers were, none of them was any more enjoyable to be with than Mrs. Everett, his first lover, the woman Bobby Draper introduced him to! He was making love with many gorgeous women, but in his opinion none of them were any prettier than Nicole. Her breasts, petite and firm, were fantastic! Her skin was so soft, silky, and warm! And her...

3 years ago
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Park Pleasures

Park Pleasures Jon sat in his black Lexus SUV longer then he planned. He’d had such a long day, and he needed the extra time. He placed his hand on the door handle, opened the door slowly and breathed in the fresh air as he stood on the pavement. He takes in the peacefulness of the birds, he enjoys this park the most for his nightly runs. Jon closes the door, hears the beep as he locks it with the remote and strides to the nearest bench. Reaching one leg up he stretches, raises his hands and...

1 year ago
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Valentine Siblings

FEBRUARY 12TH "He's hot," Kate said as she threw herself down on the bed. "What are you talking about? He is not!" Ginny responded to her best friend's statement. "Have you looked at him recently? Your little brother is sooooo hot! Do you think I'm too old for him?" "My gawd you're a slut. He's still a baby." "I mean when did he get so big, so grown up? Did you see his chest? He used to be such a little twerp." Virginia Couries had noticed of course. And not just today when...

2 years ago
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Jennifer Part 4

Chapter 4 That night she dreamed of having a master who was having sex with her. She woke up several times only to realize that it was a dream. It was peculiar, however, that she felt a certain feeling in her vagina. She wondered if perhaps she hadn’t been masturbating in her sl**p as she had seen in the illustrations in the book. When she got to that section she tried what was shown and decided that she could do it if asked but that it didn’t feel good as the book indicated. The next...

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Crystal Maid Cystal Broken

Crysatal Maid Crystal Broken Mariam eyed him with her big doe eyes as Hamid entered the room. He gestured at her to join him at the small padded bench in the middle of the room. With a single finger he slipped the bra strap of her shoulder. No words were needed and Mariam unhooked her red demi cut bra and stepped out of her matching knickers. He noted with satisfaction her little cock was standing erect. Hamid patted the bench and obediently Marian climbed up and knelled on all...

1 year ago
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GirlsOnlyPorn Candee Licious Lilly Bella Tease Me

Candee Licious and Lilly Bella are ready for a girls night in. Dressed for sexy fun, they begin their bedroom romp by playing with the camera. Candee goes first as Lilly films. She begins by flirting with the camera, shaking her tits and ass in her skimpy lingerie. Then she lets things take an even sexier turn as she lays Lilly down in bed for some real fun. Starting with Lilly’s plump titties, Candee settles in for a sexual feast. She licks and suckles Lilly’s nipples to hard...

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Diamonds In The Rough Ch 06

Thanks to SoCalOvid for his tireless work editing my stories. I am lucky to have him for an editor! Any mistakes you see are mine and mine alone. If you haven’t done so, please read the previous chapters first, the story will be much more enjoyable for you if you do. And please, make sure to open your mind and unlock your heart! *** *** Major lay down by Sam’s bed and watched the men leave his mistress’s room. He put his head on his front paws and closed his eyes. Major’s ears twitched...

2 years ago
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A Chance Encounter

Introduction: This is my first story on here, and really the first ive written like this. Jeremy pulled is truck into a parking space outside of the coffee bistro hed heard about form his friend Peeta. Looking at the building he shook his head and hoped he was right. Doesnt look like much. Jeremy best friend and co-worker Theodore said. Well Peeta said it didnt, but the inside makes up for it. Thats good cause Im hungry. Jeremy laughed. Youre always hungry Theo, Lets go. He said opening his...

3 years ago
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30 March 2007Chapter 4

Dan glanced at his watch, it was 10:55 pm. “Anna and I think we’ll be hitting the road soon, but first I want a dance with you, Dan,” Gabby mentioned. “Before you go,” Dan asked Wendy to take her seat. Dan tapped his glass against his. “Excuse me, could I please have everyone’s attention?” He stood and paused for a moment, looking at those sitting at their table. “Thank you for your attention.” He started above the din of the crowd. “First of all, I wish to thank Wendy for inviting me to...

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Sage Advice

The light breeze made the September leaves give off soft rustling sounds and sent a small shiver down my back as it cooled the sweat between my shoulder blades. I pulled more closely against Tom and he responded by cupping his hands more tightly around my bottom. The air wasn't really cold, in fact it was fairly warm for this time of year. The soft cotton blanket below us provided some insulation from the leaf covered ground and while our shirts were unbuttoned we were otherwise clothed. Tom...

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The Pool Mens Locker Room

I always looked forward to going down to Florida to visit relatives. There was always so many hot older men at the community pool.Many of them tan and hairy with salt and pepper hair wearing their short shorts. On this one particular day i was heading in to shower as the pool was about to close, i was thinking about all the sexy old men i had seen that day. There was one in particular that i could not stop thinking about. He was one of the few still left at the pool, he had an athletic build...

3 years ago
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Isobelles slippery day dream

Isobelle you're making me crazy. Isobelle I see you on the train. I can't not look at you. You're hair catches the sun, there is a innocence in your demeanour that I want to own. To break. Isabelle I'll bet you didn't know heights could make your pulse race? Do you know what it feels like to be touched by satin and leather? To hold a piece of material between your lips? I want to be your bug-bear,. I want to be so close you can feel the warmth of my breath on your neck, so close you can't...

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Introduction: I watched my virgana squarm __My daddy had always read me a bedtime story before bed. Mom had always gone to bed early and it became my time with my daddy. As I grew up I found a hot love story for him to read. I had it in my lap top and he sat on the side of my bed to read it to me. Ok, it was a trick on him. I knew it had some sex in it and I wanted to see if her would read it with deep smooth sexy voice. He had a soft whispery way of telling the story that just gave me tingles,...

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Sexy Cousins

I’m Rick, 39, single, and a year removed from a twenty year stint in the US Marines Corp. I went in when I finished high school, and loved my position so much, I stayed the required twenty for retirement. I left as an E-7 Gunnery Sergeant. Loved my time in the service, although there was a few times it got harry out in the field. I am 5’ 10, 175 pounds, brown hair and eyes, and in good shape, even today. When I got out, I landed a job at this company that manufactures products for the...

1 year ago
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Morning Tug

Note : This story is completely fictional! Ever since I can remember my mother has burst in the room to wake me up in the morning. As long as I can remember it has pissed me off and led to a tug of war with the covers. So why should the morning I turned 18 be any different? The door flug open and there I was in bed trying my harest to snap one off before she came in. She wished me a happy birthday and grabbed the covers. I fought the best i could and as the covers rubbed across my head i came....

3 years ago
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Factory O Part 2

Introduction: Tara visits Factory O again and has a thrilling new experience June 1, 2038 Dear Diary, I visited Factory O again last night. I havent been able to stop thinking about it since my last visit, when four girls worked my pussy raw. I got a new paycheck and decided to quench my thirst for another big orgasm (or maybe some more!) at Factory O. As I was showering off in the locker room, a mandatory practice at Factory O, I looked around and realized how busy it was. Naturally, I was...

1 year ago
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Swimming at Aunties

Nice quick story about fucking my lovely aunt :]This is my auntie she took this picture before I fucked her.It was a hot blazing summer yet once again for us. It was another family day and we decided to all go for a swim at my aunts house. She had a fairly big enough pool for everybody she even had a jacuzzi that sat fairly enough people. The pool was freezing and the jacuzzi was on fire.. I couldn't decided where to go. My cousins were having boobs all around me. This can't be the fact that...

2 years ago
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Life in My Little Hometown

Introduction: Chapter 22 In this chapter I have to come to terms with myself over some issues I have mostly over turning John into an super star in our hometown. I turn to some one I can trust that being daddy In my last chapter I left you with Kim having moved in with John and I. DeRonda, Gina had met Kim, and they both instantly liked her. The four of us had so much fun during the rest of the summer. Gina had to return to Italy near the end of August. However, she was coming back as she...

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Love Family SingersChapter 21

Did I say thank you? I think I did, as I got into my car, after first letting in my girl. We walked into the kitchen, past where all the musical stuff used to be. It was surreal, and so quiet! I was so hopped up from meeting Michael Thomas, I went into the refrigerator to make something to eat. “Are you hungry again?” my beautiful girl said, lingering beside me. “After last night’s performance and the phone sex, I have been nothing but hungry, my dear,” I said. “PHONE SEX?” She took my...

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Sex with tall woman

100% fiction! Hi all. This is Ronnie from Birmingham UK. I am 25 years old, medium built, 5feet and 7 inches tall. Today I am narrating you the incident which happened with me few months back. I met with this woman on a chat room. She was 37 years old and from West-Bromwich. I don’t really know about ladies figures but she had massive boobs and feet and 2 inches tall and had 2 kids. We started chatting to each other through a chat room. She introduced herself as Rohini. We normally chatted for...

1 year ago
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This vacation was turning out to be a disaster, no, that wasn't quite right, more like a big disappointment, but however you described it, Melinda was wishing that she was back home in the states rather than being alone in even such an location as Naples!!! The food was great, the sights were even better, but she was just so damned lonely she could hardly stand it, because after having lived with Josh for the past three years, their break up had almost crushed her spirit!!! Her best friend...

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What is a Jessica

Introduction: Young Jessica decides that the best way to discover the secrets of her next door neighbor, is to house sit for him and snoop through his stuff, while serching his garage she finds a wierd looking machine called Jessica 3000. What is a Jessica? Bassed on a YIM Chat between KaosAngel and Anonymous girl Story: #2 Copyright 2004 Written: November 18 2004 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Ay-Wun Please send any comments about this story to([email protected])...

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Johns Dream Girl chapters 11 through 15

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual events or locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. The author holds exclusive rights to this work. Author's Note: This novel deals with extremely taboo situations and events in a very graphic, no-holds-barred manner. It covers a myriad of...

2 years ago
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Their Appointment

It always started the same way.They would ring my number and ask if I ‘wasn’t too busy over the next few day’s’?,I asked them when would it suit them to come by,this time of year is always quiet,so fitting them in for some role play and ‘repentence’ was not a problem,in fact I was beginning to miss my usual errant boys and girls,so their phone call both pleased and excited me.Amy and Paul have being seeing each other for over a year now,and completely by chance one evening during the summer I...

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The Gateway

The Gateway By Valragon Chapter 1 "I am the Alpha and the Omega. The first and the last. The beginning and the end. Seek and you shall find. Believe and you will know. Here I am. Can you hear me my child?" her voice echoed deep within my thoughts. "I hear you!" "I am you and you are me. You were lost but you found the way. You are home now. Reach out and be reborn. Together we are one. I am here. Can you feel me my child?" she called to me in my dream. "I feel you!"...

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Kolkata In Quarantine With MILF Neighbor

Hey guys, this is Nikhil from Kolkata and I’m back with my new story. I am back after almost 6 months. I was caught up in work, so sorry for being late. I hope you have been reading my old stories and enjoying it to the fullest. I’d recommend reading my stories on this link. Now coming to my stories. My readers know that I’m a guy from Kolkata in the twenties and most of my encounters took place here. Without boasting about my physical attributes, I’ll quickly move to the story. This is a story...

1 year ago
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FilthyFamily Havana Bleu Dylann Vox The Fucking Arrangement

Havana Bleu’s relationship with Juan Largo isn’t going so well. He found out that she has cheated on him. He’s now threatening to leave her. However, he pays for absolutely everything in their household. So she has developed a plan to get him to stay. She wants to make an arrangement with him. He will be able to fuck his step daughter, Skylar Vox, when ever he wants just as long as he stays. So they went ahead with said agreement and he was able to pound both of them. Juan’s cock penetrated...

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Mom And Dad Have A Morning Quickie

Hi guys my name is Kunal I hope you liked my previous stories, this is the next part I am writing. As dad was home my parents were having a lot sex. For the first time readers my dad lives in Mumbai and has come to Delhi on vacation, he is 50 years old but looks like in his early 40s and my mom is 45 and looks like someone in late 30s. So I had placed my mom’s laptop on the webcam mode and synced it with my laptop. Now I have full view of their sex life, when I told mom about this she smiled at...

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Julie Part 6

desires. (M+/F, exh, d/s, inc, mast, oral, anal, bd, beast, orgy) (NOTE: THIS IS A LONG STORY, 6 LONG PARTS AFTER THIS ONE) *** Part Six Chapter Twenty-Seven --------------------- The alarm was set for five but the clock was three minutes fast, when it went to beeping Harry gave a groan and cut it off. He lay there a few seconds but knew that was risky and rose up and put his feet on the floor. He had been told by his father to always get your feet on the floor...

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Sex Studio Secrets 30 Moms Dods Helena3

Helena and I get a chance to experiment more with love at the end of that sexy summer's hot holidayHelena and I get our hours of privacy every working day of our memorable long school summer holidayHelena comes from licking along her love lips and soon we discover fingering around her cute clittyHelena comes from fingering and discovers like this how she can play her pussy now to please herselfHelena and I are at the brink of finding out by try and erotic error how the hell fucking would...

2 years ago
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SalamanderChapter 16 Trial by Fire Mort

I came to a while later. Things had gotten worse again. I could hear Gwen shouting. I was chained to something a post in the ground, surrounded by piles of wood. With a sinking sensation, I realised I was on a bonfire, chained to a post in the centre. I looked up and saw several men holding my sister. In front of them were my father and mother. My father was holding a lit torch. Father was spouting some religious scripture, while mother looked on with a righteous look on her face. I heard my...

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Surprise Melody Flintkote Part TwoChapter 69

OOF “My house?” “Yup,” Missy grinned. “Kegger”. She caught the look on his face. “Umh ... you didn’t know? OOPS.” “Who is throwing it and who is coming?” He asked. “And no I didn’t know.” “Why not? It’s your house.” “We went to Frankfort.” “What on earth for?” “A little problem with the Coast Guard.” He said, “You didn’t answer my question. Who is throwing the party?” “Summer folk ... and a bunch of guys from Central Michigan and Ferris State.” Then her mind caught up, “Coast...

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We All Have Our Stories

I want to present a few short vignettes concerning crossdressing. A most interesting and individual form of sexual gratification and fulfillment. The first story concerns a strong man, happily married and happy with the sex he is getting from his wife, but something seems missing in his life. He often walks the streets and window shops, but seems to be drawn to the windows displaying ladies' wear, from dresses, to frilly underwear, to stylish shoes. He is drawn to it all. And he forms the...

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Fucking my teacher

I stayed after school with my english teacher for some help, if only I knew what was really going to happen during that time. When I got into his classroom he said hi Marie, I've been waiting for you to come in and get some help seeing how your grades are lately. I was wearing a black skin tight skirt with heels that made me long legs look good, and my ass look even more perfect, and a red top a little unbuttoned at the top to show some cleavage. So anyway, I sat at the desk right in front of...

First Time
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EdChapter 15

They had dinner. This was when Steve presented the Pizza coupons to Paul. Paul took each one and looked at it. A "Yaakk" was issued after each. He put them in his pants pocket. This was the way Ed and Sally had conditioned him. He was aware he wouldn't be having pizza every day. When he couldn't stand it longer he would give a coupon to his mother. She would call Ed and he would bring it home for the meal that evening. Ed called Penny that night and asked if she and Cindy could be...

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A Bird in the HandChapter 8

After goodbyes at camp, Trip and I flew back to Franklin. I still had to drive back to Atlanta, so I packed the rest of my things, said goodbye to his family, and hit the road. I called Kendall when I got home, but the answering machine picked up. I left a message and called Wren next. “Hey,” I said. “What’re you up to?” “Packing for school. You?” “I’m about to start. I just called Kendall, but I got the machine.” “Did you ever get a chance to talk to her about ... things?” “Not really....

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The Visit

You are seated and fully dressed, ready to begin. You have your materials with you. The photos of the woman I am forcing you to become are in front of you. You do not have a choice, nor do you have any control. All you hear is my voice. You will not be able to stop this transformation. Breathe deeply. You feel your entire body relax and get extremely tingly. The muscle groups and each part of your body feel it. Breathe. Breathe. You feel a stirring in your crotch. It slowly rolls up...

3 years ago
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Always a Friend

‘Finally, it’s over with!’ Jay thought to himself. ‘I’ve been trying to get this divorce behind me for a lifetime, and despite her best efforts, this horrible marriage is over at last.’ He shook the hand of his lawyer, signed the papers, and walked toward his car. Waiting for him there was his best friend, who had seen him through this whole mess. Wendy was his rock, a pillar of strength, a confidante. In short, she was everything that he needed at the time. They were not a couple, exactly, as...

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With Jayanthi Aunty 8211 Part 3

Hello this is Rakesh again Here I am submitting my remaining story of my time with my Jayanthi aunty Let me ask all of you for making you to wait for so long and also let me thank you all for the feedback and everything I took this long time because I did not know how I can continue so that you get the natural flow of my story, because I never wanted this to do it in my busy time For the new reader I just want to say you cannot enjoy this story unless you read the previous episode. The same...

2 years ago
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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 48 The Interspecies Threesome Part 3

Introduction: A quick and kinky bestiality & lesbianism fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read...

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Summer Fun

It was the long weekend and a hot summer day. Weekends like these are rare and it is best to make the most of them. The girlfriend went out to the cottage to meet some friends. It was always a good time out at the cottage good food great times and fun friends. This weekend and old friend of hers decided to join us. It was a good time for her to relax and let loose away from her daughter. It was a bit odd she was not as fun-loving as I remembered. We tried to include her in all the fun but she...

1 year ago
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Sharing Black The Ultimate Betrayal

TYRELL 6:00p.m. Dinner went great. No more hounding questions at the dinner table. Everyone ate and was stuffed. Big Momma and Jasmine got up, cleared the dinner plates and went into the kitchen. She brought back the hot peach cobbler from the oven and a bucket of vanilla ice cream. She served everyone their portions and returned to the kitchen. “Why don’t we take our dessert into the living room, Rell and Jas.” my step dad suggested. Jas and I looked at each other and got up. She walked behind...

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Sins from my Stepmother Book 1 Ch 67

VII lay there on top of Mom for a few minutes.  We were silent aside from the noise of our ragged breathing.  Finally, I pulled myself up on one elbow and looked down at her.  “Told you, it’d be worth it,” I said, a drop of perspiration rolling down my forehead and falling to her throat.“Christ, Teddy, I think I just came twice.  We need to talk about what you’ve been getting up to at college.”I smiled and rolled off, leaning down to pick up one of the discarded towels from the floor.  Then I...

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A couple decide to try interracial threesome but get more than they planned on

My wife and I had discussed swinging. Although she was very nervous about it, the idea of other men wanting her really turned her on. And the idea of other men wanting her really turned me on as well. We placed an advert and got loads of replies from single men. The photo we had placed with the advert of Beth semi naked was bound to attract a lot of men. The idea that all those men wanted her was keeping me with a constant erection. I selected a few I thought looked promising but Beth had...

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Chapter Four Hitchhikers, some give them a lift, some don't. Some swear they are the scum of the earth, some say they are angels walking about us to fulfill dreams. Lonely again from my blowjob adventures of two days ago, (I had sucked a cock at a glory hole two days ago and had mine sucked as well.) I passed a pier with two lovely ladies standing on it. As I passed by I heard them say how they loved New Orleans, if only they had a way to get there, nothing that offered fun would be passed by....

3 years ago
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The Voodoo that You Do

The Voodoo that You Do by Couture copyright 2009 "Come on Dan," Megan purred. "Don't be such a pussy." "But I feel funny," Dan whined. But funny was not what Dan felt. He felt shamed. A bit humiliated. Yet, strangely aroused at the same time. What guy wouldn't? It had started so innocently at first. He was kissing Megan and it was getting hot and steamy. Then she ran her finger over his lips. "You look so cute in my lipstick," Megan said. "Let me put some on...

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