I Don't Want To Be Alone Tonight free porn video

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My thanks go to PapaGus and Deryk for their perseverance while assisting me in preparing this story for posting.

"Ooh Duncan, what have you been getting up to on the quiet?" Alice said, with a grin on her face, just after we'd taken our seats to stake claim to a large table in the hotel lounge.

Alice is my PA and we were in town - along with most of the rest of the staff in our department - for a major seminar. It was the first time I'd been called upon to give public presentation at one of those do's and the rest of the team had come along for the kick, the free trip to up-country and supposedly to offer their intellectual support; but more than likely, to take the Mickey out of me if I fluffed it.

We'd all had dinner together and then some of us — four of the girls Alice, Myra, Jean, young Brooke and myself -- thought we'd sit in the lounge for a while and have a couple of drinks,, before we retired to our rooms; maybe some of the girls would even get to have a dance or two, if they felt like it. Alice and I had gone ahead to grab a table whilst the other younger girls went off to repair their faces.

The rest of department's scallywags had headed straight for the bar, no doubt to get well and truly tanked-up.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" I asked, having no idea of what Alice was alluding too.

Which wasn't all that unusual. Alice had worked closely with me for a few years by then, as had almost all the lab techie's and our support staff. But Alice had this habit of going off on unexpected tangents whilst we were talking. Not two seconds before, we'd been discussing the itinerary for the following day.

"Well, there is an extremely good looking wench over the other side of the room who was somewhat surprised to see us walk in here. She watched us come in extremely intently. Somehow, I can't believe that she found my arrival so fascinating!"

"Sweetheart, you should know by now, that when you're with a handsome fellow like me, beautiful women can't help but stop and stare." I replied with a wink and a grin. "I'm surprised she's not looking daggers at you, because she thinks you have me all to yourself for the evening."

"You should be so lucky! The girls will be here in a minute to put an end to your wicked plans." Alice grinned back at me,

It was an old in-joke; I worked mostly surrounded by women, and - even if a do say it myself - I am not a bad looking bloke. Like Alice most of the females in the lab and office are happily married or at least in long-term relationships; my choice, I do all the hiring -- and firing -- at the Research laboratory. I find people who are committed to long-term relationships are just a little more diligent in their work. Yes, there's sometimes child illness or minding problems, or, another pregnancy can mean I lose one of the team for a while. But I can rely on their results in the lab and that's what I felt was most important.

I tried to promote the atmosphere of the lab being one big happy family and most everyone appreciated that. I might be the boss, but nearly all the staff treated me like a big brother most of the time. I was always being invited to parties, weddings, christenings and the like; Jesus I've become godfather to five -- or is it six?-- of the staff's off-spring in the six years I've run the laboratory.

As those years have past, it had become apparent that most the female staff has developed a favoured leisure activity of playing matchmaker where I'm concerned.

I, in return, play the spurned lover to whichever one of them I'm talking to at any given moment. So - when they do attempt to fix me up with their friends or relatives - I can tell them they are wasting their time, it's they who I'm in love with.

Okay it's an old and somewhat worn joke, and if any of them were to get googly eyed over me, I'd run a bleeding mile, and don't they know it! But it led to a light-hearted atmosphere around the lab and office, which we all enjoyed.

"Well now Duncan, I'd say that's the trouble. Now, she has got a face on her that would stop Napoleon in his tracks. But I'd say that she's looking those daggers at you, not me. Actually I'm surprised that you haven't been turned to stone already. Honestly, if looks could kill, I'd be calling the undertaker now."

Alice might have been speaking humorously, but she had an unusually serious expression on her face.

"Oh my Alice, and just where about will I find this purveyor of my imminent doom?" I asked smiling, joining in as best I could Alice's little joke.

I was sure that Alice must have been mistaken. Our table was quite near to the lounge's main entrance and I suspected that the female Alice was talking about, was probably showing her displeasure at the late arrival of somebody in her party. Come-on, fella's, we've all seen that kind of expression on a woman's face.

"Over there with the crowd on that corner table." She replied, gesturing with her head to the far side of the lounge.

I looked in the direction Alice had indicated, and immediately located the woman she had been referring to. The face I saw glowering back at me, took me so completely by surprise that it caused me to lose my decorum for more than a few seconds.

"Oh shit, Elvira!" I blurted out without thinking.

"And, just who is Elvira, when she's at home? And, pray tell me, Duncan, why is she giving you the evil eye?"

Now I really should have kept my big fat mouth firmly closed. But the shock of suddenly seeing Elvira, after all those years, had kind-a knocked the old brain out of kilter.

"My wife!" I heard myself telling Alice quietly.

"Your ex-wife," she repeated with an aghast tone to her voice. "Christ, I didn't know anyone had ever managed to get a rope on you!"

The shock at hearing the news, that I'd ever been married, was audible in Alice's voice and clearly visible on her face.

Regretfully I must have still been in a state of shock myself, because I found myself unintentionally explaining.

"No, I think she still is my wife, we were never divorced. Well, I don't think we were!"

Alice didn't reply to that; when I looked back at her, she was sitting there, staring at me with her mouth agape. As they say, catching flies.

Alice still had that surprised expression on her face when Myra, Jean and Brooke arrived at the table.

"You all right Alice? You look like you've seen a ghost." Myra asked as she sat down opposite her.

Alice moved her gaze from me to Myra.

"Duncan's just told me that his wife is sitting over there!" she said in a monotone.

A bemused expression came over Myra's face; she had obviously been confused by Alice's statement.


"That woman over there, the one with the long black hair, who's looking daggers at us. Duncan has just informed me that she's his wife!"

"Never!" Myra replied, looking wide-eyed at me for an instant, and turning to search around the lounge, trying to locate Elvira amongst all the other patrons.

I noted that Jean and young Brooke were doing the same thing. Luckily by then, some people had got up to dance, so spotting Elvira hadn't been as easy as it had been when Alice and I had first arrived in the lounge.

"Leave it out, girls; it was all a long time ago. It was an accident; I really didn't intend to tell Alice about her." I said trying to think of a way to extricate myself from the hole I'd so inadvertently stepped into. The girls -- I feared -- where going to want know chapter and verse.

"What was an accident, marrying her?" Alice asked.

"No, of course not! Telling you that she was my wife was the accident."

"Oh come on Duncan. After all the time we've known you, you aren't going to get away with suddenly announcing that you are married, and not give us the low down. Why have you never mentioned her before?" Alice insisted.

"Oh I see her, she's very beautiful." Jean blurted out. "If not looking a little peeved about something!"

"Where?" Brooke demanded.

Then she, Jean, Myra and Alice fell into a detailed discussion -- that excluded me -- of exactly where in the room Elvira was sitting, what she looked like and with whom she was seated. Eventually they came to the communal conclusion that none of them knew any of the party Elvira was sitting with.

"Jesus Alice, it was a long time ago, and best forgotten." I said, kinda breaking into what had turned into a private discussion amongst the four of them.

"I don't think so Duncan. Ex-wives you try to forget. But you just told me that you believe that you are still married to her. How come you've never divorced her ... or, come to that, she's never divorced you?" Alice demanded.

"Not much point really; I never intend to get hooked up permanently again, so why should I bother? I would have thought you'd have realised that by now. Why should I go through all the bother and expense of getting a divorce? If she wants to get married to one of her ... Well, she can have all the hassle! Now, if we may, can we try to forget that she's here?" I asked.

But my subordinates weren't going to let me off that easily. I suppose you probably could say that I had brought it upon myself, for being so easygoing and open with them all over the years. The atmosphere we — or rather I'd — tried to maintain in our department, was more like that of an extended family than it was a workplace. That day was the first time I'd regretted doing so.

After one of those unspoken exchanges all women seem to be able to have, where they all look at each other in turn, but even if they've said nothing out loud, they've relayed something to each other. All four fixed me with intense, demanding stares.

"No, I don't think we can, Duncan. Come on, spill the beans?" Myra finally demanded. "You've kept..."

"Elvira!" Alice, prompted her.

"Elvira from us for some reason and we want to know why. Come on, we're your closest friends and we're concerned about you!"

I looked at the four truly concerned looking faces around the table. Yeah well, they were the nearest thing to a family that I had left in the world, and I knew that their concern was genuine.

"Okay, short version, then you leave sleeping dogs lie! Okay?" I said.

Four heads nodded back to me in unison. Although I had little faith they would keep the agreement, I knew these four women too well to expect that could possibly happen.

"All right, I met Elvira when I was in my third year at Uni and she was in her second. We fell in love and eventually got married. Then it all turned to shit on us and we separated. There now, you happy?"

"Oh come on Duncan. Short is one thing; that was no more than a scenario ... not even an adequate outline! If I dropped a report like that on your desk, you'd go bloody loopy. Come on, just a little flesh on the bones please, or I'm going over there to ask Elvira myself." Alice said.

The trouble with Alice saying that was -- knowing the woman as I did -- it was highly likely that she'd do just that. I did some quick thinking.

I'll tell you what; this isn't the time or the place to tell you the full story. If I promise to tell you all about it later; will you all promise to let it go for the time being?"

Once more there was another mental exchange between the girls.

"Right-oh boss, but remember you've promised?" Alice said.

"Don't I always keep my promises?" I asked.

"Well no, sometimes you don't." Brooke said, I think everyone around the table turned to look her.

Brooke turned a little pink in the face. "Well he's always promising to smack one of our backsides when something goes wrong. But can any of you remember him actually carrying that threat out?" She said grinning.

We all laughed; Brooke's little joke having changed the atmosphere completely. After that, none of the girls mentioned Elvira again whilst we were in the lounge. Although, I was very aware of them looking in her direction almost all the time when we danced together later, and it seemed that whenever I looked her way, Elvira was glowering back at me.

Something else I noticed though, was that if Elvira was looking daggers at me, then the look the guy sitting beside her was giving me, should have really turned me to stone.

What's more he was a big guy, the sort of bloke that you really don't want staring at you with that kind of an expression on his face. I really do think he was intending — or at least trying — to put the fear of god into me.

During the evening a couple of the guys from the department came in to join us for a while. I think the rest of my department had ensconced themselves in the bar for the evening. But a few times young John came into the lounge to very timidly ask Brooke to dance with him. John was the one unattached young guy in the whole department and incidentally he made a very poor job of hiding his attraction to young Brooke; nearly as poorly as she hid her attraction for him. Once they had danced though, John would rapidly retreat to the bar again, embarrassed by the remarks about Brooke and him that the other girls threw his way.

Knowing that I had my presentation first thing in the morning, about half-ten, I decided an early night on my behalf was called for. And I was somewhat surprised that all four girls decided it was time for them to leave the lounge as well, at the same time that I did.

We went up in the lift together, the girls getting off at their respective floors, I was slightly taken aback that none of them returned my good night wishes.

Okay sometimes I can be a little dense. I had no idea that they'd been conspiring together during the evening.

In my room, I took off my jacket and thought I'd run through my much-rehearsed presentation one last time, before I was thrown to the wolves in the morning.

I'd only just set the computer up and got myself ready with my little push button in one hand and my laser pointer in the other when there was a knock at the door. I opened it to find the four girls standing there, complete with bottles of wine and glasses in hand. Without a by-your-leave they strolled past me as if I wasn't there and settled themselves comfortably wherever they chose.

"Um, I was just about to run through my presentation again, girls." I said, nonplussed by their unexpected arrival.

"Bugger the presentation! With all the rehearsals you've put us through in the last few weeks; if you haven't got it off pat by now, you never will get the bloody thing right. Come on Duncan, we're here for the story of you and Elvira. And no leaving anything out!" Jean informed me.

"Girls, I've got to give this damned presentation first thing in the morning." I whined.

"Give over Duncan, we've sat through the thing nearly every lunchtime for a month now, and you've never made a slip yet. Come on, we want to know about you and Elvira; what went wrong?" Alice insisted.

"Why?" I asked

"Because, we care about you that's why. It doesn't make any sense, Duncan. You're just about every girl in the office's ideal husband, if we weren't already taken that is, and ... Well, suddenly we discover that you are taken, but for some reason the two of you are separated. Sorry Duncan, we just can't understand what could possibly have gone wrong. Was she that bad?"

"Way no! Elvira was ... I don't know, perfect I suppose. Well, perfect for me that is."

I had no idea why I had instantly defended Elvira; after all, she had done the dirty on me. It must have been instinct, I supposed. I really didn't want to go there but I knew that the girls would give me no peace until I told them the full story.

"All right, I told you I met her at Salford. To be honest it was love at first sight for me, I think it took a couple of dates before Elvira decided that she loved me as well. Anyway pretty soon -- outside lectures -- we were inseparable. Literally never apart..."

"From what you say there, do we assume... ?" Myra asked, with a coy expression on her face.

"Yes you do. Elvira moved into my flat after we'd been together for about three months. Not much point in us paying the rent on two flats when both we spent every night in one or the other of them together."

Strangely, I found that I wasn't embarrassed giving the girls that little bit of tittle-tattle.

"Anyway, things were going great. Then late the following autumn, I was doing my Masters and she was in her final year, when we discovered Elvira was pregnant."

"Hadn't Elvira been taking... ?" Alice, this time.

"Yes, of course she had, but something went awry somewhere. Unlike common belief birth control pills aren't 100% reliable, and as a chemist I should have known that. Given a level playing field they are reasonably foolproof, but other medications can interfere or even negate the pills effectiveness completely.

"Anyway we thought that Elvira becoming pregnant was no real problem, although it was going to disrupt her studies a little. We had been planning the wedding for right after Elvira took her finals anyway, so we just got hitched right away instead.

"I don't want any of you to get the wrong idea, at the time we were both ecstatic about the baby coming, even if children hadn't been included in our master plan for a few years."

I could see the obvious question in all the girls' faces, so I answered it next.

"The child was stillborn. Something drastic went wrong about five weeks before the birth was due and Elvira had an emergency caesarean. It was too late."

"Oh my god!" One of the girls said. I'm not sure which.

"It was a sad time for everybody, but these things happen in life. We got over it!"

"My Aunt Sally's the bleeding Pope, you did! You might have been able to push the baby's death to the back of your mind quite easily, Duncan! But I'm sure your wife didn't!" Myra said, sharply.

"I didn't mean for to have sounded so ... It was a difficult time for both of us, Elvira and I tried to get over it; but looking back now I don't believe either of us did really. You're right Myra, you don't forget a traumatic experience like that very easily. That's the only explanation I can come up with, for what happened later. After we lost the baby I suppose that there was this spectre of what might have been hanging over us all the time."

Anyway, having missed her finals the first time round, Elvira got her act together pretty quickly, possibly too quickly. She took her exams along with all the people taking re-sits, and passed with distinctions. Then because the baby wasn't around, she decided she'd like to do her Masters as well. The problem there was I'd been invited to go over to Canada and join a friend doing research to do my Ph.D.

"Damn, it was too good an opportunity to pass-up. I'd worked with Paul a few times while we were doing our Masters and we were on the same wavelength, if you know what I mean. What's more he had got hooked up with someone important in Fraser and Martin's research establishment and they had offered to provide us lab space and equipment to do our own research, and pay us to do some work for them at the same time. An opportunity like that doesn't fall in your lap everyday.

"Elvira and I talked about it for a long time and ... well, in the end we thought that me spending a year in Canada whilst she finished her Masters in Salford wouldn't be much of a problem. As it turned out, it was. Everything went sour on us -- we sort-of drifted apart while I was away.

"When I came got back into the UK, Elvira seemed to be to a different person. Everything had changed somehow. We just weren't anything like as close as we had been. And I sensed something was definitely different the first time we made love together as well."

"Oh dear, that happened to my cousin when he was stationed abroad with the army. His marriage didn't survive." Jean commented.

"Yeah well, I don't know, I suppose I should have known something weren't right, while I was still over there. When Elvira and I spoke on the telephone, for the first month or so she sounded fine, all lovey-dovey like she had been before I went. But as the months went by, our conversations sometimes became a little more than strange."

"In what way?" Myra -- the frustrated amateur psychologist of the lab asked.

"Well, I'm not sure really. I'd be telling Elvira how things were going in the lab and how my thesis was coming along, but she'd keep asking me what I was doing in the evenings and on the weekends. She seemed to get sharp with me when I told that I had very little free time. Look, we were doing F and M's research as well as our own. Working in two different fields at the same time, isn't easy you know. Paul and I were working around the clock sometimes, and it wasn't unknown for us to bed down for the night in the bloody lab.

"Anyway after I got back to the UK, Elvira and I chugged along for a while, trying to pretend that everything was fine. Elvira even decided to do her Ph.D. I was all for it and encouraged her to get started. But then I was offered the job of assistant to chief of research at F and M's British operation. You could say that it was the perfect position for me. I'd never get another opportunity like that, in the UK anyway. I had no idea that within the year I'd be running the operation."

"Hold up Duncan. You said that when you got back from Canada, everything had changed. How do you mean?

"Myra, I really don't want to go there, thank you. It was hard enough for me to admit it to myself. Let's just say that I thought Elvira's commitment to me had ... Well..."

"You got it into your head that Elvira might have stepped out on you while you'd been away?"

"Yes, you could say that; now, lets leave that there, can we? It was only a suspicion anyway. There were a few guys around who Elvira had always been too friendly with for my liking and a couple of them ... well, let's just say they steered well clear of me when I got back into the country."

"Ah doubt! A very dangerous thing in any relationship. Especially when you mix a little jealousy in with it. I'd never have taken you as the jealous type, Duncan." Myra mused.

"I don't think I am, normally. But I hadn't been Elvira's only boyfriend at university and some of her ex's were still in the neighbourhood, if you know what I mean. Whatever, with me down on the south coast and Elvira up in Salford, things just fell apart!""

"I somehow think you are being a little economical with the truth there Duncan, or at least the details. Drifting apart is one thing, and something I can understand. But it doesn't explain the animosity in Elvira's eyes when she saw you walk into the lounge this evening." Alice said.

"No, it wasn't that simple really. When I was down on the coast, I was out and about getting to know the staff at the lab, as you might expect. I even started the volleyball on the beach at lunch time thing, and some of us used to practice over there in the evenings."

"As we still do now ... on the beach almost every lunchtime and up to three evenings a week in the season." Myra echoed. "So it was you who started that tradition. I suspect you encouraged everyone to bring their children along in the evenings."

"Yeah, I started the volley ball team. You've got to admit it does lead to one big family atmosphere. I got the idea from F and M's Canadian operation. There's an ice rink right near the labs, and they've got a company ice hockey club going, including junior sides for the kids.

"Christ we don't know how lucky we are. How many workers get to walk out the lab, cross the road and then play volley ball on the beach or swim in the sea during their lunch hour? Not many, I'll wager!

"The problem that I never expected was that people can draw the wrong conclusions when they see you messing around on the beach. I swear I was as completely innocent then, as it is with you guys now. But word somehow got back to Elvira that I was chasing girls around down there. I suspect that someone who knew us was down there on holiday and must have seen me on the beach with the crowd from the office."

"I suppose it depends on what you call messing around?" Myra commented.

"Come on Myra, we're talking Duncan here!" Alice replied. "You know that he's the one guy on the company you'd trust to teach your own daughter to swim and know she wouldn't get groped on the quiet, no matter what it looked like! But then again I think I can understand someone misconstruing what was happening though. You've always been a laugh to be around Duncan. Maybe a little too ... boisterous for some folks!"

"Yeah well, that's what I believe must have happened. Then next thing I know, Elvira is all uppity with me on the phone again and I'm getting feedback from friends in Salford that she's out living it up, up-there every night. And keeping some very questionable company."

"You think she started going out with other guys to get her own back? Did you challenge her over it?"

"Yes, in a way. She denied it of course. Elvira told me she was finding it hard going and was spending almost all of her free time studying and doing research of her own. Well, she did have a job as well, you know; neither of us were made of money. Elvira even claimed that she never had the time to come down to visit me, because she was too busy. When we did see each other, it was always me who went up there to Salford."

"Why couldn't she afford the train fare?" Alice asked.

"Not at the time. It's a little bit of a long and convoluted journey by train, and by bus it's even worse and slower of course.

"Eventually I nipped up to Salford one Friday afternoon, all unexpected like, and caught Elvira with some guy together in one of the more disreputable local pubs. All a little too cosy for my liking."

"Christ, what happened? What did she say?" Brooke asked.

"Well, nothing really, of substance anyway. To be honest with you, she really didn't get the chance. I waded straight in and gave the guy a good pasting. Elvira just stood there begging me not to hurt him. Anyway, before I knew what was happening, I was being carted off down to the local nick. I never saw Elvira again; well, to talk to that is.

"The guy apparently didn't press charges, because the following day they let me off with a police caution. I went straight back down to the south coast and I've never spoken to Elvira since."

"What ... she didn't come to the police station to see you? Or telephone, or come down to see you, to explain or anything?" Alice asked.

"Oh yeah, she was at the nick alright, but I was still far too pissed-off with her, to risk talking to her. Look, she'd been feeding me the line "I don't have time to scratch my arse and I never go out and socialise" for months. Then I find her in one of Salford's more questionable pubs with ... No, I'm getting emotional again.

"Anyway she did come down to see me a few days later. But I was still in sulk mode, I'd taken the precaution of moving; I was still in digs at the time. She even turned up at the lab, but they wouldn't let her past security, and it was easy for me to go out the other way that evening."

"I don't understand why you would do that, what was wrong with talking to her?" Brooke asked.

"Simple really, Brooke. I'd picked up hints through the grapevine, that Elvira thought I was messing around with other girls down there, but she didn't bother to tackle me over it on the phone. Well, not directly she didn't. No ... she went out and picked herself up a boyfriend! Maybe half a dozen boyfriends for all I know. Or, more likely, the same bugger she'd been kicking around with while I'd been in Canada. I never did like that little shit!"

"Was he one of her ex-boyfriends from before you and Elvira got together, you mentioned just now?" Myra asked.

"No, not really. He was someone who'd shared a communal flat with Elvira and several other students, during her first year Uni when they were in the college accommodation. But I had always known he'd had the hots for Elvira, although she had always denied it. Elvira said that he just wanted to be her friend, but she also claimed that she understood the way I felt about him. She'd told me that she'd virtually severed all contact with him just after she moved into my flat. And she never mentioned him to me again."

"I'm sorry Duncan, but it sounds a little like too much of a coincidence to me. You travel all the way up to Salford, and then just happen to walk into the same pub that Elvira is in with another man."

"Oh, coincidence never came into it Myra. I'd been told which pub I'd find them in and exactly what time."

"By who?"

"Just a friend."

"By any chance the same friend who'd put the idea into your head that Elvira had been gallivanting about behind your back, while you'd been in the States?

"What gave you that idea? Besides, I was in Canada, not the US."

"Well, was it?"

"No, it was another old friend. How do you know that anyone suggested anything to me anyway?"

"It stands to reason, but you all but told us just us a little while ago, anyway. You inferred that someone from Salford hinted that Elvira might have found herself a playmate while you were in Canada. It stands to reason that that same person or someone close to them told you exactly where and when you'd find Elvira and that man together that day." Myra replied.

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Petra is author of several sexy short seductive stories secretly, at both my 'petdyke' profile and at 'Poet-PETER'.Petra is awesomely attractive, as you all can admire her hot lovely looks 'en profil erotique', ma belle, tout nu ici:Precious Princess Petra en profil, an intimate invitation: http://xhamster.com/photos/gallery/3350284/55852955Petra provides privacy for Molly Mallone's petty 'perverse' purchases in internet: two dildo's & a set of handcuffs.Petra provides privacy for her...

4 years ago
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Melody Malone

I was in Los Angeles on business and one day I was in Century City for a business conference and when we broke for lunch I headed for a restaurant I'd heard about. I was walking down the street when something slammed into my shoulder and I heard a voice say: "Watch where you're going asshole." I turned and saw a guy standing there looking at me and smiling. It took me about half a second to recognize Bill Gibson and I stepped to him and took him in a big bear hug. Bill and I had grown up...

4 years ago
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The Quiet Pleasures of Miss Tessa Malone

As she did each day, Miss Tessa Malone awoke in her bed with a smile on her face; not a broad exaggeration of the mouth, but rather a natural shape of contentment eased upon her plush lips. From the moment she roused from her slumber in the morning, to the last second before her eyelids closed for the night, the smile rarely waned. It welcomed whatever the day delivered, be it bright sun or the gloom of clouds, all the same.Seated at the edge of her bed, she savored a long stretch with...

2 years ago
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whatyouwantcom Danny gets what he wants

what_you_want.com - Danny gets what he wants. Danny a 18 year old in the closet Crossdresser who live at home, visits a website and orders a necklace which, with a saying (Your mine now), can hipnotis a person or persons who you are looking at. Danny was aimlessly searching the internet, he had been on transgender website following link after link, untill coming accross a website, which sold a number of interesting items. One inperticular was a dimond neckless, which the site...

3 years ago
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Wantedly Done It To Get What I Want

Hi, friends first let me introduce myself to you am Rajesh a 20 yrs versatile crossdresser from Hyderabad. About my body am slim height 5.11 weight 60 and a normal looking guy. This incident actually took place when I was searching for a part time job. My friend suggested me to meet this person Satya (name changed). I met him and he too got impressed by me and I got the job.   About Satya, he is a perfectionist and very particular about how he likes things done. I don’t really understand why...

Gay Male
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I had just got my drivers license and was very excited. I went out with my friends to celebrate. But I some how screwed up my braces. I called mom who got me an emergency appointment at the orthodontist. It was late on Friday and I drove mom's car over quickly as they were staying late for me. Plus it was snowing and supposed to get very bad as the evening went on. When I arrived every one was gone except the doctor and his assistant. The orthodontist quickly fixed the painful problem and left...

3 years ago
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Dontrust The review

Dontrust : The Review Finally home from work, another day another $1.25. Tossing the Covid-19 mask onto the desk and getting rid of his jacket, a chance to relax. The last of the days sunlight filtering through the curtains, and once again home alone, to peace and quiet. At least he had been able to skip the need for quarantine, and his job was still safe, for now. However he had been unable to have a social life in months, no pub hopping, no dating, had not even been able to meet...

3 years ago
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The not so innocent minds Ch 2 STANDALONE

There stood my childhood bestie drinking water. I thought of calling out to her but with held myself as she was acting peculiar. I hadn't even walked across the hall but she was on her third glass. The hallway is pretty crowded during the breaks so not many were paying attention to Delra but if they had, I wouldn't have minded their judging eyes. Well I put on a "looking at trash" expression and stood beside her until she noticed me. Bad idea. She spat out the water on...

4 years ago
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The next week end alone1

It has been several weeks since our last episode but finally a long week end and we have the house to ourselves again. I have stayed in touch with my friend and kept him up to date on when we would get together again ,he said he was excited and could not wait it was great the last time. We talked I told him I still was not sure if Toni knew but next time she will for sure. Saturday morning we went out for breakfast I had Toni dress sexy for me the whole deal hair makeup lip stick on the way...

2 years ago
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Reflections Malones Bar and Grill

..... Sheila shakes her head... --- I am a nice girl, a good Christian girl and I need a body guard. What a --- Sheila sits in her suite, # 804..., feet up..., sipping on her coffee..., black... and hot. ......She always stays at this hotel when in this city. Gino-s people have the security contract here so her security is the best. Room 804 has been especially wired and reinforced to for her specifically... No one else stays in this room. ...No one would believe a man like Gino, an...

2 years ago
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Home alone7

I was alone late one night watching television in the living room when my uncle, Andres, 19, strolled in, stumbling, and he appeared drunk. He was staying with us for the summer, and slept on a mattress on the floor because we had no bed for him. He saw me, but did not say anything; he just grabbed the mattress against the wall and put it on the floor and threw himself on it. He did not bother to change clothes; he slept in his Levis and white t-shirt, breathing heavily. My attention...

3 years ago
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Home alone14

This is a tale of male deviant self satisfaction and a wicked imagination involving a wife’s infidelity and number of other lusts. Enjoy. Home Alone   I unzip my fly and take out my cock. I feel flaccid and warm in my hands. I am alone in my bedroom and the lamp is not lit, plunging the room into darkness. I close my eyes and as I start to stroke, feeling myself getting harder and thicker. I allow my mind wonder into the dirty abyss that is my middle aged thoughts. Full of...

2 years ago
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Leave Me Alone0

A Young Girl desires Submission as a Satisfied Woman All characters male or female are of legal age To be sexually active without parental authority Betsy, an only single child, has no friends because her loving parents decided to live in the country, where it would be to her best advantage. She saw it as a disadvantage because none of her school friends lived near by. It’s not as though she lived in total seclusion from the world, as just a quarter of a mile down the road was...

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Home alone8

It was late when she got out of her car in the driveway; she was out with some friends, had some drinks and felt how they got to her head. She opened the door to her apartment, everything was quiet, no light, Steve was on a business trip and she did not expect him to be home for another 2 days. She turned the lights on, nothing, the light bulb did not work. She did not really care, slipped out of her high heels and went in the dark to the bathroom door to get out of her clothes and take a...

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Home alone10

She withdraws the extremely hard object, before thrusting it back in with slightly more vigour, sighing and relaxing slightly with the movement. It starts to pump away within her as her breathing becomes ragged and soft, her body tightening as the intruder continues its work. It moves within her, in and out of her body and each thrust encouraging small whimpers to escape from her lips as the waves of pleasure each thrust brings begins to swell in size. She enjoys this for some time, her eyes...

4 years ago
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Home alone9

The world, on the other side of the glass, was suffering; buffeted and sodden. Gales had been lashing for the better part of two days. High winds had whipped the pines into thrashing wands, stripping the remaining pine cones to fall to the ground with little thuds, barely audible above the cacophony of the storm. Black, scudding clouds shrouded the landscape, creating bizarre, moving shadows of dark over dark, blotting out the usual features of the pine forest. The rain, driven...

3 years ago
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Home alone0

Not liking the thought of being tied up she slowly stood up and took off pajama top her 36c tits flopped out in front of her brother, her brother smiled and sat on his computer chair. She slowly removed her pajama pants and kicked them away she stood in front of her brother in just a pair of silky panties. “Hurry the fuck up” he snapped at her. She started crying “Please Eric don’t do this you’re my brother for fuck sakes” “God sis did you know I have been dreaming of fucking you for the last...

1 year ago
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Home alone12

It was a normal Saturday, wake up at noon, chores till 2, parents leave at 4 to go out for dinner and shop “ I think it’s more of a get back together party kind of thing for fighting all week”, and my sister leaves for work or to hang out with friends and I was home alone till they got home which was usually about 10, 11 o’clock. Yeah I could hang out with friends or something besides sit at home, but I enjoyed the empty house. These times are the best pig out on the left over food from the...

2 years ago
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Standalone 1 of 2 Masturbating With My Brother

For about a year, I'd been part of a mixed-sex masturbation group with my classmates, meeting up every Friday to pleasure ourselves and – more recently – to have sex with each other.But for the first time, I had to miss a week because my parents were taking my brother and me on our annual holiday. They always timed it around the time of our birthdays. This year, Ryan had turned sixteen about two weeks before I turned eighteen. We were going to spend seven days in a static caravan where I'd need...

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Standalone 2 of 2 More Than Masturbating With My Brother

While on holiday with our parents, I needed to masturbate badly, but there was no privacy. I ended up asking my little brother if I could do it while he was in the room. This had evolved into other sexual contact up to and including oral – but not penetration.Once we were home, I expected us to put this strange period behind us and go back to being like any other sister and brother. Yet we'd broken through a barrier and we occasionally still ended up together. Usually it was watching each other...

4 years ago
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Dont Bet With Me

Paul hated Sharon.   She was the bane of his existence in this office, the person who caused him more trouble than the rest of the company combined.   She always thought she was right and was never shy about letting him know.   Whenever she had a problem with his team, she came straight to him and complained.   Then she would pull at him constantly like a mad dog, until the issue was resolved.   Through experience, Paul knew she was wrong a lot more than she was right, but explaining numbers...

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Dont Move

Nora stood in the middle of the living room, tears streaming down her face, her hands behind her head with her fingers laced. She could feel the throbbing of her ass, synchronized with her heartbeat. She wanted to rub the dozen fresh welts that Master had just created on her ass with the delrin cane – anything to either sooth the fire in her ass or the somewhat different fire smoldering just a few inches away from it, but she dared not move her hands. Master stood behind her. She could not see...

2 years ago
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Dont Worry Cupid Has a Plan

Yumi’s Story Yumi felt so guilty. She had to thank her neighbor Wendy for introducing her to the pleasures of a vibrator after her divorce, but wasn’t this wrong? Picturing the chiseled form of young Rob in her mind as she pushed the seven-inch silicone monster into her petite Asian body was just not right. Young Rob was Wendy’s son and Yumi had helped tutor him in math when he was sixteen until he was eighteen. This past summer when he had turned nineteen she had even helped him get his...

3 years ago
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Dont Look

The pain was gone. He couldn’t believe it. It was such a relief not to feel that mind numbing awful agony any longer. Maybe the doctors were all wrong because something seemed to have made him feel better. Christian opened his eyes, smiling, excited to tell Sean that it was going to be a good day. He knew Sean would be sitting by his side. He hadn’t left it in weeks. Not since they had brought him to the hospital the day when he had found out that the latest round of treatments weren’t...

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dont get caught

It was a usual Saturday night in with friends all laughing drinking and generally having a good time, conversation drifted to sexuality and a few of us were sat around discussing the fact that myself and ‘T’ were bi-sexual. As the evening wore on people came and went until eventually it was myself, T and my boyfriend left. T had had too much to drink to drive so she said she would spend the night. My boyfriend was tired so went to bed leaving me n T alone in the living room. Ever since the...

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Dont Tell Mum

‘We’re going, then,’ my mum called up. ‘We’ll be back sometime late this evening.’ ‘OK, bye,’ I replied, then listened for the door to shut. When it did I climbed on the bed and gave Lisa a kiss. ‘What would you like to do now?’ I asked her, searching her blue eyes. ‘Well, we’ve tried so many positions,’ she replied. ‘I’d like you to break my anal virginity.’ ‘OK, if you like.’ I pulled her trousers and knickers off and flung them in a corner, then as I stripped off she took her top and bra...

1 year ago
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Dont Fuck MY Wife

As I exited her bedroom after having fucked Samatha three times to finally render her comatose, the most serene feeling of my life washed over me like a gentle wave in the Caribbean. All that was left was the complete humiliation of that asshole that started me on my quest. Sorry, I was just thinking back on one of the most satisfying experiences of my life, and I know that you have no idea what I’m talking about, so let me give you the background before I relate my tale. At the time this...

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This story should be so very easy to write. After all, I am a professional. I am a free lance contributor to a number of well respected magazines and there are only two main characters to the story. So this should be a piece of cake, right? I will start with myself. As I said, I write for a living, a precarious living at that. At my age of twenty eight I am still in excellent shape due to my four years with the US Army Special Forces. I am somewhat shy around women, especially if the ladies are...

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Dont You Just Love Jelly and Cream

I looked at the state of the kitchen table and sighed. The aftermath of a children’s tea party is never a pretty sight, and this bunch of eight-year olds seem to have thrown as much jelly and ice-cream around as they’d eaten. But they’d had a good time, and now Alan’s parents had taken all ten of them to the cinema to see a film, which may or may not calm them down a bit. Alan and I had stayed behind to clear up – bad as the mess looked, I think we’d got the better side of the deal.

1 year ago
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Dont tease a tease

I knock at your door. The bitter winter wind swirls around me, flowing up between my stocking clad legs. I shiver. Locks of carefully curled hair are tossed in the breeze. The thin red coat I have on to hide my evening attire is doing nothing to keep me warm. My nipples push against silk, the corset restraining them only creates further friction, making me shift my weight trying to ease the tingle between my thighs. You finally open the door looking a little flustered. Apologies roll quick...

3 years ago
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Dont Stop

Thanks to S for inspiration. As I slide the shower door closed behind me I feel the first needle-like jets of hot water brush my back. I turn into the water, closing my eyes and lifting my face up towards the source. Already the steam is building up in the bathroom and I fill my lungs with the warmth. It seems a shame to be washing her scent from my face, I can taste her in my mouth, still smell her delicate musk in my nostrils from where I buried my face in her, drinking her in. It hadn’t been...

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Dont Judge a Book By Its Cover and Other Lessons Learned 2nd in the Golden Series

When a second girl drank my piss I was a little less surprised than I was the first time around. There were a couple of reasons for this apart from the obvious of previously having an old girl friend drink my piss in as act of atonement. The second girl who ended up drinking my piss was actually the third one that I spoken to over the course of a few months who was willing to try. So when it happened I already had a sense that it was just a matter of time and circumstance, but still the build...

2 years ago
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Dont Make Me Spank You

I had a girlfriend who was quite bossy. She expected me to do anything and everything just on command. I told her that we needed to break up. She was really damaged by this. She said no. That she’d do anything for me. I told her she wouldn’t. She’d never do anything for me. She said she would. I asked her if she would submit. She said yes. I told her to strip and get down on her knees. I told her to open her mouth. She opened her mouth and I let my cock in. I let her suck for a while. She...

3 years ago
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dont tell my roommate

I am sick of waiting for this guy to strike again. So i decided to take matters into my own hands. i searched around online for the best spots in town find something to fill this new addiction. The gay bar in near by was fun and all but nothing really happened there. while chatting with a friend i had made there he told me about a place not to far. He agreed to bring me there.The days leading up to this adventur seemed like years. i had forgotten all about Travis. the prospect of my next taste...

4 years ago
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Dont tell my boyfriend

It was my boyfriends 24th and he had a big house party with about 40 or so people, it was getting late and I was bored of his drunk ramblings and decided to go up stairs and lay down for half hour and in case you don’t know me yet my name is Vanity, im white, 22, long reddish hair, average build, 5ft4 and 36d cup size, I decided to dress all up for his birthday with a very low cut vest top on and a tiny mini skirt so I could give him a present he would love, no underwear and slutty sex just how...

3 years ago
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Dont Leave Home With Out em Funny must Read

I was a very happy man. My wonderful girlfriend and I had been dating for over a year, and so we decided to get married. There was only one little thing bothering me...It was her beautiful younger sister.My prospective sister-in-law was twenty-two, wore very tight miniskirts, and generally was bra-less. She would regularly bend down when she was near me, and I always got more than a nice view. It had to be deliberate because she never did it when she was near anyone else.One day her 'little'...

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Dont let me tie you up Enslaved by my roomies ex

She came by one day a few months after their divorce while Kevin was away on a business trip. When I opened the door, she looked fabulous, as if she had done a makeover. "Kim! Hi! What brings you up here?" I asked, trying to mask my sudden excitement at seeing her look so good. She was wearing a two-piece sort of business outfit. It was a crushed black-velvet jacket with a short skirt and a white silk blouse with a ruffled collar. It made her look authoritative and sexy at the same time....

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Dont knock me up

Don't knock me up we did our thing This happened when I was very young just 18,  back then you didn’t know a lot about sex, and your body. My brother, three years older than me, talked me in to sucking his cock. He told me that his cock was a lot bigger than mine, that if I would suck his, it would make mine grow bigger. Well I believed him,  for a short time I would suck him off, two to four times a day. It was not long till I started to think,  "my dick would never get as big as his."...

4 years ago
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dont get caught

It was a usual Saturday night in with friends all laughing drinking and generally having a good time, conversation drifted to sexuality and a few of us were sat around discussing the fact that myself and "T" were bi-sexual. As the evening wore on people came and went until eventually it was myself, T and my boyfriend left. T had had too much to drink to drive so she said she would spend the night. My boyfriend was tired so went to bed leaving me n T alone in the living room. Ever since the...

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Dont insult a stripper

"Damn baby!" Matt laughed as slapped the stripper on the ass. "How's it feel to have demean yourself form money?" Candy turned her head in shock, her eyes looking at the smug man in the business suit. "Excuse me?" she asked as she stopped her routine. The men sitting next to Matt looked around awkwardly as Matt puffed out his chest. "I said," he said loudly. "How's it feel to have to demean yourself for money? I bet your mom and dad are real proud." Candy eyed the men sitting...

3 years ago
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Dont mess with timelines

"It works!" Dr. Schultz yelled in excitement. "Can you believe it Barbie!" Dr. Gwen gave her coworker an icy stare. "I told you not to call me that," she said eyeing the system. Dr. Schultz rolled his eyes. "Yes yes, my apologies," he said waving a hand at Dr. Gwen. "But you can understand my slip up, it's not every day one develop a literal time machine!" "One?" Dr. Gwen asked, her nose twitching in anger. "What is her problem?" Dr. Schultz thought irritably as he looked at...

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Dont Mess With Baseball Gang

She lets out a shaky breath and considers her options. She’s too proud to run away, born and raised here as she was. And things have been just shaken enough with Robbie, her boyfriend, that she can’t seriously consider asking him to move in with her. But a solution is needed, fast, because the knot is closing in around her neck. Guess that’s what happens when a concerned citizen makes a – supposedly anonymous – call to the police about some gang members circling around the local bank. Five of...

1 year ago
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Chip Malone

I met Cindy Lou when I was fucking Marlene. Fucking Marlene wasn't something I did all the time, only when her husband, Homer, was out of town. Homer'd left about a half hour ago for a three-day fishing trip. Marlene was about forty and looked sixty from the neck up, with enough wrinkled skin to make an extra face, but, hot damn, she loved to fuck. I didn't care if she was Aunt Irene's best friend and twice my age. I just cared she loved to wrap her mouth or her pussy around my cock. She...

2 years ago
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He was looking for a young guy to suck and I wante

One of the experiences in my late teens involved visiting an older man on Sunday mornings in time to watch football. I was young and he was old. He was always ready to suck and I wanted to get sucked. It seemed just perfect. I had wanted to get my cock sucked again and if i ever needed a some money, old Mark was always there. i guess you could call me whore, but i didn't see it that way, besides he loved sucking my cock and he would pay me for it. it usually started about half time, but all...

2 years ago
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Got a text at work 8211 wife wants anal tonight

I write this in bed as she sleeps next to me. I have to work early but I just can’t help but write this down. It is written with minimal embellishment, and is absolutely true. I couldn’t make this kind of heaven up if I tried. We have been together for over a decade and it took a while to get into butt stuff but in the last 3-4 years she and I have both allowed our bums to relax and have really begun enjoying anal play (I’ve even begun to really enjoy her explorations of me...

3 years ago
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Tell Mommy What You Want1

Summary - This is the story of hot mother and her horny young son. He discovers his mother is an insatiable, submissive slut. What would you do? Note - This is a work of fiction, make-believe and fantasy. You must be 18 or over to read this story. In real life, incestuous relationships, particularly when an under-aged person is involved with a parent or adult, often causes deep psychological damage. This story is provided for entertainment purposes only. The author does not condone any...

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Getting What I Want1

I looked up to see my best friend Ivy. We’ve been friends since the start of the school year. Spring break just ended and I haven’t seen her in over a week. For some reason she looks different. “Hi Ivy, it was good. I didn’t do much. How about you?” “It was great! Just mostly enjoyed some relaxing time at home.” As she was talking I noticed that she was showing off her figure. Her shirt was being pulled tight across her breasts. They must have grown since I last saw her. I wonder what bra...

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Mom may get more then she wanted1

Note: This is a three part story if you want me to continue please let me know with your comments. This is a story about a mom who wanted to spice up her sex life but got in way over her head. Rita and Josh were you average couple she was 32 he was 39, he was a salesman for a large chemical company which took him out of town at least two weeks a month. Rita worked part time in the school cafeteria. They had two sons both in middle school. Rita was a small woman just 5’, she had a great set...

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Missed The Fenian Outrage at Wantsumford Manor

MISSEDThe Fenian Outrage at Wantsumford Manor ************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan July 2015The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. ...

3 years ago
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iWant To Go Further 4 iGo Back

[Carly and Sam are still early in their relationship. When the more experienced Carly wants to go faster, how will Sam take it?]There were definitely some upsides to taking the final steps. It made Carly happy, and Sam would be lying if she said that having a mouth between her legs wasn't enjoyable. Carly was rather eager to do that for some reason; perhaps so that Sam could return the favour.That being said, it did bring certain disadvantages. For one, Carly was occasionally a bit too eager,...

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iWant To Go Further 3 iCome Out

[Carly and Sam are still early in their relationship. When the more experienced Carly wants to go faster, how will Sam take it?]"Carly? Principal Franklin called. He said that if you and Sam wanted to stay home today, he'd understand," Spencer yelled up.So the principal heard about it too. Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. For neither the first nor the last time that morning, Sam wished cruel and violent death on Freddie's mother.Once again, Sam knocked on Carly's bathroom door and pleaded for...

4 years ago
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iWant To Go Further 2 iGive In

iCarly: iWant To Go Further # 2 - iGive In[Carly and Sam are still early in their relationship. When the more experienced Carly wants to go faster, how will Sam take it?]Two days passed since the challenge, and Sam was beginning to think that Carly had forgotten about it. Such thoughts were, of course, foolish and immediately proven wrong. The suggestion wasn't awful, but still not something Sam would want to hear for the rest of their relationship. Carly reacted to the rejection with a playful...

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