Case File
- 4 years ago
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TAB 20090521: Dairy of Wendy Albertson
Compiling Agent's Affidavit:
The following diary entries were culled from the victim's journal. The entries are sequentially listed, and include dates over the last ten months. Wendy Albertson is apparently a very conscientious and prolific journal writer. She wrote extensively, almost every day. However, only those entries considered relevant to the conception, execution, or methods of the crime are included here. Miss Albertson was thirteen at the time of the first entry, and is fourteen years old now, at the time of this entry. Here are her words — no grammatical corrections have been made, although punctuation has been parsimoniously been introduced for clarity in some instances. Some irrelevant matters in given entries have been elided.
11 June 08
Mom brought home the guy she's been seeing today. His name is Roger, he's about forty I think. Anyway, he's about Mom's age, but boy is he handsome! Not like some of her other boyfriends I could mention, like Tom (yuck). He looks like a movie star. I mean Roger looks like a movie star, not Tom!
I don't know what he sees in her; actually, she's not too good looking any more. I wish she'd lose some weight! When I look at picture of her when she was my age, or even in high school and college, she looks HOT, but ever since I was born (I can tell from pictures), and especially since Dad died four years ago, she's really been putting on the pounds.
At least for once I'm not afraid he's after Mom's money. Lots of guys seem to be more interested in her bank account than her, but I doubt it with him. Roger must be rich! He drives a big BMW, and was wearing a fancy suit tonight, so I guess he just really likes Mom, not her money. That would be cool - maybe he'll make her happy and she won't be such a bitch!
15 June 08
Today is Sunday. I don't believe it, Roger stayed over here last night! I guess they've dated for a few weeks, even though I just met him on Wednesday, but still, Mom has only had a guy stay over a couple of times, and then it was after MONTHS, not weeks! I guess maybe the fat cow thought she better lock this dreamboat in before he came to his senses!
I take that back. I shouldn't say so many mean things about Mom. She just drives me crazy sometimes!
Anyway, I didn't even know he was here. This morning I was walking down the hall to the bathroom when I practically ran into him. I guess he was bringing Mom breakfast in bed or something. He was carrying a tray and was only wearing boxer shorts!
The worst thing is, I was wearing panties. Just panties! God, it was so embarrassing! I didn't have a T-shirt on or anything. And he looked right at my practically non-existent breasts and got a little smile on his face.
Just my luck. I'm literally almost naked in front of a hunky guy who I hardly know (even if he is really old) and he's looking at my Double-A cups. I think I turned totally red, and then I acted SOOOOO immature - I turned around and ran back to my room. When I turned to slam my door shut, he was still there at the end of the hall, watching me with that smile on his face! I could have died.
I snuck out of the house and spent the day at Jenny's. I don't know if I can ever look him in the face him again!
18 June 08
Roger stayed over again last night, on a weeknight! I ran into him in the hallway again this morning, this time he was leaving Mom's room. Thank God I had a T-shirt on this time. He looked me up and down, and I felt kind of funny. Then he said something like "I liked your outfit the other day better!" And then he smiled, and kept looking me over. I didn't know what to say, so I just turned into the bathroom and shut the door. When I looked in the mirror, my face was red with blushing!
Afterwards, I felt kind of good and kind of wierded-out at the same time. Was he making fun of me? There was something in the way he looked at me that made me think he wasn't, but I'm still just a kid. I have no breasts, not like Jenny with her B-cups. Jenny thinks he was serious. She says even adult men can think a young girl is cute, you know, not like he wants to go out with her, or have sex with her or anything, just like a work of art or something.
I think I am cute. The boys are always flirting with me. But I'm such a twig. Hardly any tits, hardly any hips, and about two real hairs between my legs. When will I fill out, so older boys will be interested in me? I'm SOOO not interested in the immature kids my age. I'm going to be in eighth grade this fall. If I could just get a growth spurt or something this summer, maybe I could get a high school boyfriend!
Jenny says high school boys expect a lot though. Not just French kissing. Touching. And they want you to touch them, too. Well, that might be kind of fun!
27 June 08
A bunch of us went to the beach today. Jenny's mom took us - Jenny, me, Tonya, and Millie. She was cool — she dropped us off and we were on our own. Which was kind of a good thing, since Jimmy Wilkerson and Brett Howard were there. I think Brett likes me.
Jenny is CRAZY! We were splashing around in the shallow water and she de-pants-ed Brett! I saw his thing and everything. It was so little, like maybe two inches. To hear boys talk about themselves, you'd thing penises were bigger than that! I did kind of like seeing it though.
4 July 08
Roger has a cool motorcycle. He brought it over today, we were having a little Fourth of July party in the back yard. Actually, Mom was having a party, it was just her friends, not mine. Anyway, he took me for a ride on it. I had to hold on real tight to him, he was driving real fast. The motorcycle was vibrating, and it felt really good "down there" when I was riding it behind him. It felt like it does when you let the water jet in the pool or a hot-tub (like the one at Tonya's house) run against your sex area.
Roger kept offering me rides, and I kept accepting. He probably thinks I like to go fast or something, but mostly I did it for the good feelings between my legs. I'm sure grownups don't even think about stuff like that. They don't have to, of course, they can have sex, which is supposed to feel really good. I wonder what that feels like.
1 August 08
Brett and I are "going together". He asked me and I said yes. We were all at the beach together, and he asked me when we were alone. We kissed a couple of times after that, and right before Jenny's mom picked us up, he touched my breast (over my swimsuit, of course)!
When I got home, Roger was there with Mom. He's sure been spending a lot of time at our house lately. Anyway, he kept looking at me funny, like he knew about Brett and me. It made me feel so immature, and it made me think that Brett is such a little kid.
2 August 08
Last night in bed I started thinking about Brett and me at the beach. I started feeling funny "down there", and before I knew it, I was playing with my pussy — there, I wrote it — PUSSY. It felt really good, and after a few minutes this strange feeling came over me, like all my blood was going a hundred miles an hour!
The weirdest thing is that when this happened, I couldn't keep thinking about Brett. I was thinking about Roger, my Mom's boyfriend, instead! Am I sick, or what? I can't help myself, I keep wondering what his penis looks like. I suppose grown-up penises are bigger, right?
25 August 08
I hate the first day back at school! There's the teachers, and the schoolwork, and worst of all, I'm going to lose the tan I worked on all summer! At least this weekend is Labor Day, and Roger is taking me and mom up to a cabin on a lake. My last chance for serious tanning!
1 September 08
We just got back from the lake. I forgot to take my journal, that's why I missed writing on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
Anyway, what a weekend! I mentioned during the ride up that I wanted to get my final tanning in. Roger said there was a beach just for our cabin, real close. And there was. Saturday, I went down in my bathing suit in the morning.
It's a cute suit - blue boyshorts and a white and blue narrow tube-top like thing to cover my breasts (what there is of them!). There's a little anchor embroidered on the blue and white top, so it's sort of a little "sailor outfit". I thought maybe it was too childish for me, but Roger was with Mom and me when I tried it on at the store, and he said he liked it a lot. Hey, he ought to know what looks good to guys, right?
No one else was around at the beach. Actually, no one else came by the whole weekend. It was really just about twenty yards of sand, out of sight of the house. There were no other houses on our little cove, so I guess it really was a private beach!
About an hour later, Roger showed up in his trunks. He wanted to get in some final tanning, too. He was pretty tan. I don't know how he gets so tan if he works every day, but maybe he has long lunch breaks or something. He never really explains his job or anything. I wonder why not?
Anyway, he kept looking at me, and I got the first part of my answer, you know, about the size of adult penises. I could see by the bump in his trunks that it was LOTS bigger than Brett's. It's funny that I've never noticed the bump before, even though I'd seen Roger in boxers a couple of times.
After lunch, Mom decided to lie down. She didn't feel too well. Roger and I went back down to the beach. I couldn't believe what he did! He said he doesn't like tan lines, so he took his trunks right off! I saw his thing, his penis! It was LOTS bigger than Brett's, and he had a lot of dark hair around it. Compared to Brett, his balls were gigantic! It was like we read about in health class. Also, Brett's just kind of hung down, like a dead worm (at least that's what I know from that day at the beach when Jenny de-pants-ed him — Brett and me are a LONG way from getting naked together!).
Anyway, Roger's kind of stuck out, and moved around all by itself! When I decided to take off my suit, too, it got even bigger and stuck out more! (I'm not weird, or anything, I just took off the suit so my last tan of the year could be more total, which I think was a pretty smart suggestion on Roger's part).
Roger said that we could only do this 'cause it was a private beach, and that we shouldn't tell Mom. He knew she'd say I was too young to nude sunbathe, but he thought I was plenty old enough. Roger sure is cool sometimes.
He made sure I put plenty of sunscreen on the white areas, and I'm glad he did, because I still got a little burned.
We didn't suntan on Sunday or today because it was cloudy. We pretty much stayed around the cabin, since Mom kept feeling kind of sick. I saw Roger's penis a couple more times. He came in and out of the bathroom totally naked a couple of times. I wondered what Mom would say, but he only did it when she was in the bedroom, which was most of the time. I hope she's all right.
Last night, on Sunday, when I went to bed on the pull-out couch in the main room of the cabin, I played with myself again. I got that great feeling again. I kept thinking about Roger's big, hairy penis. I've got to get a high school boyfriend soon! This is gross! He's old enough to be my father!
2 September 08
I broke up with Brett today after school. He just seems so immature.
8 September 08
Mom went into the hospital today. She had some tests, and they want to keep her there for a while. I'm supposed to have old Mrs. Wilson as my babysitter all week! I don't need a live-in babysitter.
I hope Mom gets better soon.
15 September 08
Roger came by to take me to the hospital to see Mom this afternoon. Mom said that Roger would move into her room so he would look out for me. He made sure to say that he wasn't my "babysitter", that I didn't need one. He said the main reason was that he lived too far from the hospital, and our house was closer so he could visit Mom and take care of stuff for her.
That's cool, I was getting tired of Mrs. Wilson treating me like a kid.
24 September 08
This place is sure different with a man living around here. He walks around naked lots of the time, so I do a lot, too. We watched TV last night, neither of us was wearing anything. He says it's OK, since I'm old enough, but I know better than to tell Mom. She still thinks I'm a kid. He even let me watch a sex show on Cinemax. Lots of naked breasts and butts, but he says Cinemax is pretty tame. He said maybe sometime he'll rent a "hardcore" video to show me real adult stuff.
12 October 08
Mom had an operation today. They say she'll have to use a wheel chair when she gets out of the hospital. She sure doesn't look too good. She's finally lost a lot of weight. I wish she was fat again.
25 October 08
Some workmen started working on Mom's room today while I was at school. Roger says it has to be changed around a lot to for mom's wheelchair, and some other medical equipment they'll be putting in. While they're working in there, they moved a lot of furniture out into the hallway. You can barely get past it.
During the construction, Roger says he's going to sleep in the second twin bed in my room. I'm kind of bummed about that. I've gotten into the habit of masturbating (that's what it's called) myself every night before I go to sleep. I don't think I can do that with Roger in there, even with the lights out.
27 October 08
After the workmen started the job, they haven't been back since. It's like all they did was move furniture out and nothing else. Roger decided to make more room by moving some of the furniture from the hallway to the garage.
I played with myself (O.K., masturbated) last night while Roger was asleep in the next bed! I don't think he heard me. Jenny says guys can smell it, but I don't believe that.
28 October 08
When I got home from school today, the twin beds had been moved out of my room, and Mom's queen size bed was in its place! Roger said the twin beds took up too much space in my room with both of us living in there, and he is right, the room seems bigger with just one bed in it. I guess playing with myself is definitely out from now on, since we'll be in the same bed!
Here's the worst part, though. Both Roger and I went to our beds naked last night. Since we're going to sleep in the same bed tonight, should I put on pajamas, or would that be too childish?
29 October 08
Roger solved that one for me! At bedtime, he stripped down and climbed right into bed, so I did the same. I'm so glad I didn't act like a kid and put on pajamas!
His penis was as straight and stiff as I've ever seen it. I don't know how big it is, but it looked like seven or eight inches when it got so stiff. We turned off the light and I tried to sleep on my side, turned away from him.
He nestled up right behind me. It's amazing how well we fit together, almost like spoons, with little old 85-pound me almost enclosed by his large 185-pound body. His hairy chest felt nice against my back, and his stiff penis pressed lengthwise along my butt crack felt kind of nice, too. I felt really safe and comfortable. I had a hard time falling asleep, though. I really wanted to play with myself right then.
I woke up in the middle of the night. I think Roger was asleep, since he didn't answer when I whispered his name. His hand was cupping one of my little breasts, and I felt him moving his hips in his sleep. He must have been dreaming about Mom. His penis slid up and down my butt crack, but he just kept sleeping. I couldn't stand it anymore, so I reached down and played with myself.
When I had that funny feeling (I learned from Jenny that's called "coming"), it was the weirdest thing. As usual, I let out a long, loud sigh and my body stiffened. Like always, it almost felt like an electric shock or something, but good! My movements and the noise must have had some effect on Roger's dream, because a second or two later, his hand squeezed on my breast pretty hard, and his hips jerked against me really forcefully. After a few seconds of this, he was totally still, and breathing hard. I said his name again, but he was still asleep.
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Casey Brand was the most popular girl at Smithville High. She had made varsity cheer in the tenth grade. She excelled at everything she did. She worked hard on her grades and was part of the National Honor Society. She loved cheering but knew her grades were just as important. Casey loved boys. She was dating Todd, the captain of the football team. She was growing bored of him though. Todd was as old as Casey and Casey found him to be immature. He did stupid things that made Casey roll her...
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“What wrong Casey?” Dad ask me, when he walked in the living room and saw me crying. “It’s the other boys at school; they are always picking on me, calling me names, pushing me around, calling me girlie boy, makes wish at times if I was a girl, they would leave me alone then wouldn’t they?”. Dad smiled and sat beside, “look Casey you will always run across people like that, things will get better as time goes by, one more thing, be careful what you wish, you just might get it”, Dad laughed. I...
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Casey Calvert was born as Sarah Goldberger in Baltimore, Maryland, on March 17th, 1990, to an Orthodox Jewish family. Let's take a short moment to give thanks to extremist religions.If it weren't for motherfuckers still living in the stone age, we'd have a lot fewer porn stars on planet earth. I'd rather have more porn stars than the world peace cutting religion out could bring. As long as I can jerk off, I don't mind if the world is burning down around me.From Orthodox to Fucking CocksThough...
Twitter Porn AccountsC urious Casey sits at home by herself on a cold, February afternoon, feeling horny and creative. Casey’s laptop was open with big-dick-porn. Watching porn was a new hobby of Casey’s but today she was bored of it and looking to try something new. Casey was a sixteen-year-old girl with blond hair past her shoulders, pale skin and blue eyes. She stood at just five feet tall, with well-formed firm breasts. She had a curvy body giving her a round ass and bare feet with painted-red toenails. Casey...
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Plain looking with straight shoulder length dull red hair, pale skin and freckles, Casey is a very average young girl, about 5’4” and a little on the soft side. Cute in simple Irish sort of way, but unassuming; the sort of girl who goes overlooked. She’s generally a good kid, does well in school, plays violin in the orchestra, and has a few friends but is far from popular. She likes to help Dan with his dog Pixie when he’s busy or away. Sometimes she comes home from school and walks her,...
Angelia could not sleep that night. She thought constantly about having sex with Amy and Casey. She had never witnessed such a sexy thing as the two hot girls having sex with each other. Her husband Ryan snored loudly beside her in bed. He sounded like a freight train. She played with herself as she thought about the two girls who rented the suite across and down from her. She wanted them badly. She stimulated herself to orgasm as she imagined them all making out. She cried out as she...
Introduction: The three girls had fun… Part#2 Angelia could not sleep that night. She thought constantly about having sex with Amy and Casey. She had never witnessed such a sexy thing as the two hot girls having sex with each other. Her husband Ryan snored loudly beside her in bed. He sounded like a freight train. She played with herself as she thought about the two girls who rented the suite across and down from her. She wanted them badly. She stimulated herself to orgasm as she imagined them...
I was always a bit shorter than the other boys, never as muscular. I always tried to move and act in a masculine manner, but as I grew, I ended up about 5’6” and about 140 pounds with rather a delicate frame. My face was not clearly feminine, kind of in between masculine and feminine. I never had all that much body or facial hair and got teased even as it was. I looked at the girls and I envied them. They could do all kinds of fun things that I could never do. They got to dress up and be...
Casey Burton lived next door to me. Her and her husband Jim moved in less than a year ago. They were newlyweds from near the city and wanted a quieter place to live and raise a family. At first, I liked them. Jim and I became friendly, and we’d have an occasional beer together in one or the others garages. Soon it became obvious they were having problems and shortly thereafter Jim moved a out and they got a divorce. I still said hello when I saw Casey, I mean who wouldn’t? At 23 she was in...
Series 8, Episode 13: Casey Howard (24) from Reading We open with an establishing shot – standing in a quarter full car park, panning around to look at a two-level, brick and glass building. A sign above the main entrance reads, “TRAVELODGE – READING” Business is slow, no cars coming or going, no customers entering or exiting. The only person moving is ... Our hostess... The dimpled former pornstar – and self-titled ‘best looking dogfucker in the world’ – squeezed into a white PVC...
Consensual Sex,, Teen Female Solo, Exhibitionism, Voyeurism, Masturbation, Toys, Male/Teen Female, Oral Sex, Cum Swallowing, Male Solo, Anal.. “Oh my gosh, what time is it?” Casey suddenly jumped up, looking for the clock in Dan’s room while pulling her t-shirt back down over her breasts. “My parents are gonna call around nine. Darn it!.” The clock read 8:50. She jumped up, pulling her skirt down as she ran out of the room, leaving Dan naked on his bed to contemplate what had just...
Pam and Ethan's sexploits continue... part 12, part 3 of Ethan and Casey"Oh God," Casey groaned. She was practically sobbing when Ethan rubbed the smooth head of his cock across her wet slit. He eased the head past her pussy lips into her tiny opening. She responded with a deep, primal groan. Ethan held her by her hips and slowly pushed his cock into her."Uhn... uhn," she grunted. She was just as tight as the first time. He eased up to give her a moment to catch her breath, then continued."Oh...
This is a true story about the first time I shared a sexual experience with a fellow female. Names have been changed and I might have stretched some facts to juice it up but the base is truthful.The coach blew her whistle and we knew it was time to get out the pool, I got out at the side closest to me, my swim suit had run up exposing my ass. I quickly use my thumbs to correct this, unsticking my swim suit from the grip of my butt cheeks. I turned and reached out my hand and helped my best...
BisexualI seriously dont have a clue as to what has come over me. but I have sex on my mind all the time. All I wanted a few days ago was to just see Tommys dick. Now I crave it. Just to give you details, Tommy is my twin brother. Hes 13 like me. My other two brothers are from my dads first wife, who he caught cheating so ive been told. They divorced and he married my mom. But my mother was killed in a car crash when Tommy and I were 2. So I never really knew her. Shane my oldest stepbrother...
Pam and Ethan's sexploits continue... part 13... Ethan does Casey's Mom!Ethan was thrilled. Only ten more minutes left for this short Saturday afternoon and he could go home. The sun was shining, as it had been all week, and he was anticipating the chance to drive his car around and enjoy the rest of the day, then maybe find a woman he had never met before.Then he heard a woman’s voice he did not recognize. “Ethan?”He turned to see who knew him. He was amazed to see a woman who looked...
I was waiting for the end of this boring meeting with our client. It was important for our company. My boss even lent me his shiny car, so I could make a good impression at their facilities. But I was not totally focused on that meeting. I was eager for the end of it.We, you and me, were going to grab a coffee today, after work, and I was getting late for it. Finally, it's 6.30pm. The meeting is over. It went Ok. We sold our solution to them. The client chose us.I get into the car and I take...
After a couple months of not talking, me and my friend Casey started talking again. Casey is a . She is tall, thin, and has the best tits ever. The other day I called Casey and invited her to see a movie with me. During the movie we were discussing sex. We have had some of the same partners. So I bluntly said "we should do it, and videotape it". The next day Casey invited me and another guy to her house. When i got there they were sitting on the couch talking. So i sat on her lap and looked her...
LesbianHere she comes again. Walking across the lobby, every head swivels boy and girl, as she makes her way to the back of the room. She is blonde with a certain type of haughtiness that causes women to have uncomfortable thoughts, men wild visions in dreams. Dressed in a red-striped tube top, red miniskirt and 5′ stiletto ruby slippers she was every man’s Dorothy and she was walking into my office. I am a very unimposing man of twenty-six, reddish-brown hair tied back in a ponytail, good enough...
Casey was always a very shy girl and never really talked to much, hell I barely ever heard her voice! She never was talkative and usually kept to herself when I was around so I never thought much of her. But the few times I did hear her talk and actually got a good look at her I always thought she was adorable, cute and kind of mousy. My first real encounter with her was during my Birthday when I decided to stay the night at Tommy’s house. I woke up suddenly at about 3ish in the morning,...
For the next two hours I was like a caged animal. I thought everyone could see that I was wearing a pair of panties. To make matters worse, the crotch was cutting off circulation to my manhood while the back was riding up the crack of my ass. It was humiliating to be explaining something then suddenly turn and have to readjust because of a new spasm of pain. I think an older woman gave me a knowing smile, but at that point I was too horny to think, my precum oozed into the stretched satin. ...
The next day I was a mess. Waiting in anticipation for the moment that Casey would walk in. The day was moving along and still no sign of her, my mind was frazzled. About two o’clock an attractive young lady came into my office. She was about 5’4′ with long dirty blonde hair and a rack that barely managed to stay held in the halter she was wearing. She could be described as slightly overweight due to her large breasts and a classic bubble butt encased in white shorts. God the spring really...
The sun coming in my window wakes me of my sound sleep. Before I can focus on anything, I get a knock on my door. Casey? Are you up? Yeah Shane. What do you want? I want to talk to you. Can I come in? My body is very sore. My pussy feels like I had a baseball bat shoved in it. My asshole on the other hand only hurts a little bit. I have cum dried on my petite little body and a bruise on my right arm. Probably from Rick grabbing me. Yes you can come in I say. Why is he even...
It had been just like any other normal day, I went to school, rode the bus home and went to Brittany's. It was more towards the end of my sophmore year and we were going to state in baseball thanks to that god Casey. Me and Britt sat in her living room, her parents were still at work and wouldn't get home untill about 7pm. I listened to her talk about her boy troubles and which guy's she liked and which one's she thought were cute. She had always gone for the big, buit-like-a-bear...
Friday morning in the Smith house. Sasha and her F*ther are drinking coffee.“D*ddy”, says Sasha, absently flicking ash off her cigarette into a tray.“Yea baby.”“You remember the time we fucked up Timmy big time and Mr Pedderson and the boys bought him. What ever happened to him?”“You wanna see baby?” says Mr Smith reaching for his phone. “He’s been sold on a few times since then. He’s a fucking sissy pig slut now baby.”“Oh, let me see D*ddy!” exclaims Sasha as she moves closer so she can see...
Note: Last Update: 2016-09-24. gene.sis also created another story to present this same example in a different way:Conditional Branches Showcase (examples) Showcase Note: The "source of the chapters" as copyable text can be viewed on the forum For this to work, it is mandatory to start the Game Mode on the right tab under "Score". In the Intro Chapter, the player is awarded 5 character creation points, which he can spent freely at the character creation screen. This is achieved by ticking...
When Sophia got to her dad's house, she saw that John wasn't home yet. So she texted him, "can i go on ur computer?" she asked. Careful not to make the same mistake, and stay on his good side. His answer was funny. He sent two messages. "Of course, hun. Nothing to hide!" he sent first. Then, a minute later, she got, "anymore..." She giggled, and within 10 minutes she was settled in her dad's office and browsing through all those pictures again, wondering which ones he would pick....
Permission is given to do whatever you want with this story, I'm not picky. Fair warning before reading, when I write stories I'm a writer, and a bad one at that. I am not a businessman, lawyer, doctor, theologian or hair care expert. Though I do have a working knowledge of many of these fields, I am an amateur not a professional. So, there is probably a whole bunch of factual errors in this piece. I did what research I could, but the primary goal was to tell a story, not write a...
Three Cases and a Wedding (An Iona Beddau Adventure) By Julie O Edited By Robert Arnold (This story includes characters from The Turbulence Series, Wild Card, Targets, Twins, and the Julieverse) Jen Stevens appears courtesy of Robert Arnold Chapter 1 "You ready?"...