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"So which Bond girl would you most like to fuck?" Aaron Dwyer asked.

"Now that, my friend, is one of the great imponderables," Brian Wolfe replied.

Dwyer was the taller of the two men, but he still possessed some of the puppy fat of youth. In contrast Wolfe looked like he had been hewn from teak and draped in toughened leather.

"I can't really say that I'd turn any of them down given the choice," Wolfe said. "Okay, maybe not the midget with the knives in her shoes."

"That was Austin Powers not James Bond," Dwyer laughed.

"No no no," Wolfe said. "Rosa Klebb in 'From Russia with Love'. One of the really old ones."

The two men dragged an unconscious man along a plain corridor and into a small room, empty apart from a single wooden chair bolted to the dusty concrete floor. They propped the man up in the chair.

"The crazy one in Goldeneye," Dwyer said. "The one that crushed people to death with her thighs."

"Ah, Famke Janssen. Yeah, she was hot. A bit flighty for me though."

"I like a woman that can take care of herself if you know what I mean," Dwyer said.

Using rope they bound the man's hands together behind the chair. Above them a naked light bulb, flecked with dirt and the crisp remains of incinerated flies, illuminated their work. They tied the man's ankles to the chair legs and then stepped back.

"So who's this joker?" Dwyer asked.

Approximately fifteen minutes ago, over on Burlingame and Rochester Avenue, they'd coshed him on the back of his head and then bundled his unconscious form into the back of their Chrysler.

"Best not to ask," Wolfe said.

"Yeah of course," Dwyer said. "That's Mr Koontz's business."

The two men waited in the small room. The unconscious man remained unconscious, his head slumped forward as he sat bound to the chair.

"What do you think of Mr Koontz?" Wolfe asked.

Dwyer thought carefully about how he should reply.

"On the level?" he asked.

"On the level," Wolfe replied.

"I know he controls all of the west side..."

"But he ain't what you expected," Wolfe finished for him. "You see a fat guy in silk pj's that looks like the bastard offspring of Hugh Hefner and Ozzy Osbourne and you wonder, how the fuck did he get where he is? We've all been there."

"You hear some of the talk," Dwyer said. "They say he's soft, or mad. They say he lives in a mansion surrounded by his 'ho's and doesn't give a shit anymore. It's hard to know what to think sometimes. I mean take this. I'm the new guy and you got me in on the wetwork already. Either I should be honoured at Mr Koontz's trust in me or freaking scared shitless at the lack of professionalism."

Wolfe laughed. It was a mirthless sound.

"Mr Koontz gives all the new guys an assignment like this. You'll understand."

Ow, what the fuck, James Jackson thought. His head felt like it had been used as the ball in a volleyball match. He opened his eyes and stared blurrily at a plain concrete floor.

Someone needs the services of an interior decorator, he thought. Urgently.

He was sitting in a chair. He tried to stand up and then realised he couldn't. His hands were bound behind the chair and his feet were bound to the legs. He supposed he shouldn't be too surprised.

At least it saved him the embarrassment of vomiting the very expensive Sushi he'd had for lunch over his very expensive Hamilton shirt. His stomach churned like a washing machine full of crack whore's panties. Any sudden movement and he'd be adding his own bit of colour to the dusty grey floor.

He raised his head.


Uh. His skull felt like it had been blown up to beach ball size and pumped full of raw sewage. It hurt like a bastard.

There were two men standing on either side of the door. Jackson recognized Ben Grimm's younger brother, but the younger man he hadn't seen before.

"Hey Wolfe, wassup?" Jackson said.

Wolfe stared into empty air with stony silence.

The door opened and a fat man walked in wearing a red silk dressing gown.

"Hey Mr Koontz, how's it hanging?" Jackson asked.

"Like a long, fat pendulum," Koontz answered.

Same old Koontz, Jackson thought, a fat greasy shit with absolutely no idea of how ridiculous he looked. This was the same guy that ran the whole of the west side. A guy that crazy mad dog killers like Estevez and Winter spoke of in hushed tones.

He was wearing white bunny rabbit slippers, Jackson noted.

Jackson was less interested in Koontz than the tall, strikingly beautiful girl that followed him into the room. She was dressed from head to foot in tight black latex.

Fuck, now that was a seriously royal piece of ass, Jackson thought.

The girl was very tall, six-two or maybe six-three, even after taking into account the thigh length boots with high stiletto heels. Her long long legs were covered in rubber leggings so tight they might have been sprayed on. A tight bodice pushed up her full breasts and gave her a haughty posture.

Haughty seemed an appropriate description, Jackson thought. She looked every bit the icy bondage queen. Her jet-black hair was tied back in an austere ponytail. Her full red lips were pursed together in a pout, like a precious bloom pushing up through a field of snow.

Jackson wasn't surprised her skin had put him in mind of snow. For all of her sensual appearance her posture radiated about the same amount of warmth as an open grave in Siberia.

"So what can I do for you Mr Koontz?" Jackson asked.

"I hear you've been a naughty boy James," Koontz smiled, his two lips looking like a pair of mating slugs. A small pair of rose-tinted spectacles floated adrift in the fat sea of his face.

"I'm always a naughty boy Mr Koontz. What specific naughtiness did you have in mind?" Jackson wasn't about to be intimidated by a man wearing white fluffy bunny slippers.

"I was hoping you'd tell me," Koontz said, stepping forward until his face filled Jackson's field of view like a lunar eclipse.

Jackson smiled back at him.

Koontz was fishing. He was giving Jackson's tree a little shake, just to see what fell out. And the answer to that question was nothing. Jackson's shit was too together for that.

"What can I say Mr Koontz? I'd love to help you with you being the boss and all, and what a wonderful boss might I add, but I think there's been a misunderstanding somewhere. You know me. I've always been loyal and hard-working."

"Indeed you have James," Koontz said. "Crain Hill street has certainly become far more productive since you took over the reins."

"The girls need a little extra encouragement now and again," Jackson smiled.

"So I've heard," Koontz said. "I hear many things."

"So how about untying these ropes so I can get back to my girls? You never know what they might get up to without careful supervision."

"That's up to Physalia not me," Koontz smiled. He turned, revealing a wide expanse of red silk that covered his back like a tent. He walked to the door, motioning for the two guards to follow him. At the exit he turned and smiled back at Jackson. "Have fun."

Physalia stepped forwards, her stiletto heels making little clicking sounds on the hard concrete floor. Her shiny latex catsuit glistened like oil beneath the light bulb.

"So it's you and me babe, all alone," Jackson said.

Physalia stared down at him, her cold face totally unreadable. Her body was totally hot though, Jackson thought. A narrow wasp waist bloomed into wide sexy hips and flowed on into long slim legs that would have graced any catwalk.

"There's all kinds of fun we could get up to," Jackson continued.

Physalia's sumptuous bee-stung lips turned up in a little half smile.

"See, is that a little smile," Jackson said. "It's my natural charm you see. I just can't help it."

Physalia loosened the laces of her bodice, showing Jackson a little more of her voluptuous cleavage.

"You have a very nice pair of breasts there, if you don't mind me saying. I know some girls get a little prickly about it so I'd just like to add that my appreciation of your breasts doesn't mean I see you as nothing more than an object. I'm sure you have a fine brain and a fascinating personality and I'm just itching to get to know them better. But right now I'd just like to say you have a really nice pair of breasts."

Jackson looked down her body to where the trim lines of her thigh and calves were sheathed in a second skin of tight black latex. Put on a pair of hooves and they'd shame a champion racehorse.

"Can I also point out that you also have a fabulous pair of legs? I know some girls feel a little threatened when men compliment them, but there's no need to feel that with me. I just felt the need to tell you that your legs, and your breasts, and that sexy little tush you got there, are all extremely beautiful."

Physalia walked up to him and leaned over. Looking down he got more of a look at the slopes of her pale breasts. He also caught the scent of her perfume. It was delicate and fragrant, but for some reason reminded him of funeral parlours.

"May I again complement you on your exceptionally nice breasts," Jackson said. "I know these things. I consider myself to be a connoisseur of the female form. We should go into business together. I've got contacts. I could even set you up with a little dungeon all of your own. With gilded manacles. How about it?"

Physalia was wearing false nails. They were black like the wing cases of beetles. She gripped the front of Jackson's shirt and ripped it open. Buttons pinged across the room and skittered across the floor.

"Hey! That was a Hamilton! That was over three hundred dollars."

Physalia shot him an angry glance with her deep brown eyes.

"Ah but it's only a shirt. I've got plenty more of them at home."

Physalia ran her hands slowly over Jackson's muscular chest, her fake nails tickling his skin. She reached his nipple and gave it a hard little tweak.

"Ow!" Jackson said. "May I just take this opportunity to mention pain isn't really a massive turn on for me. I'm not a wimp or anything like that. I'm just the kind of guy that prefers a kiss to a slap if you know what I mean. I know. Why don't you pretend to hit me really hard and I'll pretend to shout out really loud? What do you say? That way we can both be happy."

Physalia put her hands on Jackson's knees and forced them apart. She moved into the space and went down on her knees until her head was just above his lap. Her fingers dextrously undid his fly and Jackson could finally let out a sigh of relief.

"He's a right joker isn't he, old Koontzie? He gets some goons to bash me on the back of my head, ties me to a chair and gets me all shit-scared and why? I mean I have no fucking clue."

Physalia pulled down his trousers and the boxers underneath until Jackson felt cold air against his cock.

"So here I am, all freaking out and confused as to why my boss would bash me on the head, abduct my ass and tie me to a chair, especially given the shit-ton of money I've made him by whipping his Crain Hill street 'ho's into shape, and it turns out this is his warped way of showing his appreciation. I mean what a guy. He's a complete nut job, but what a guy."

Physalia lifted his drooping cock with her thumb and forefinger and pursed her luscious red lips. Jackson waited for the blow job, but it never came. Instead she lightly blew on his cock. The warm air flowed around his member and incredibly it twitched into life, swiftly rising to a full erection. She continued blowing until his cock swelled up to its maximum length.

"That's some party trick babe," Jackson said. "You must be one of Koontz's special girls. I heard a lot about them. It's an honour to finally meet one of you. I'm at the lower end of the scale at the moment, but not for long. I'm moving up. I'm a man with drive and ambition. Stick close to me and I'll get you business with the stars. Affleck, Gyllenhaal, Hartnett ... I can make it happen I'm telling you."

Jackson was surprised she'd got him aroused so quickly, especially after he'd spent the whole morning fucking one of his 'ho's. They were always so obliging when he brought round their weekly bag of white powder.

Physalia stepped back. She was wearing the kind of rubber catsuit that had a zipper at the crotch. She unzipped it and exposed the fleshy folds of her vagina to the open air. Jackson could see she was already highly aroused. Her juices dribbled over the zipper and onto the shiny black rubber.

Jackson looked at her unzipped crotch and for a brief moment he saw the superimposed image of a mouth full of razor-sharp teeth. He blinked and it was just a regular zipper again.

"Fuck babe, now that's what I call keen," Jackson said. "I guess the sight of little old me tied to this chair is quite the turn on for you."

Physalia stepped forward and elegantly lifted first one and then her other leg until she straddled his lap.

"And there was me thinking you dominatrix types weren't all that interested in sex. There's a couple of girls I know that go all wet at the thought of beating the crap out of some dumb banker and watching him come all over the floor, but they'd actually physically vomit if that same little limp cock came anywhere near their pussies. That might be because they're more into each other if you know what I mean."

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Dark Ashley ndash An Introduction

My name is Ashley. I’m a 32-year-old, single white female. I started visiting xHamster some time ago at the suggestion of my friend, Mark (more about him later). He asked me to find movies that I enjoyed and share them with him. It was his way of “getting to know me” and I enjoyed the game. I also enjoyed the movies I found, but was drawn more to the stories. I am especially turned on by the ones that are (or FEEL) real.It made me want to share some of my experiences.I was a victim of abuse...

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Big slut from small town

I was your typical small town girl, pretty naļve, and with two options open to me after high school: work a crummy job and live with my parents, or marry a local boy and make lots of babies. Neither appealed to me, so at 19 I moved to the big city for fun and adventure. After six months I had a cheap little studio apartment and a job as a waitress in a run-down diner. It wasn’t so bad; the food was excellent, the tips were good, and we got one free meal a day. Connie, the...

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Georges Three Loves

George Clancy's place in the pecking order of high school boys was that of the safe, friendly, tall, reasonably good looking, good-dancer, guy, that girls would date, just to go on a pleasant date. To most girls, George was a square. He did not drink or smoke. He was not one of the local guys who had connections with one of the college fraternities, thereby able to bring a date to their parties. His family was as nice as a fellow could have. He was a solid student that teachers and adults...

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An Englishwoman in Japan Ch 03

I wrote this story for Tiffany. Thanks for all your help, Tiff. I hope you’re pleased with the outcome. Chapter Three My heart was beating faster with each passing minute and, lingering in front of the huge residence’s heavy oak main door, I still couldn’t summon up the courage to signal my arrival. Even as I’d walked across the small cobbled courtyard and up the stone steps, the lights on either side had felt like they were leading me towards a decision I still wasn’t sure I was ready to...

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A Husbands Assignments

A Fictional Story He can feel the sweat drip from his forehead as he backs out of the driveway. He has just dropped their two kids off with the babysitter for the next twenty-four hours. He rolls down the window to get some fresh air, but continues to sweat. It is not the weather that is causing the perspiration, it's a combination of the layers of clothing he is wearing and the nervousness about what lies ahead. Under his jacket, button up flannel shirt and jeans he is wearing...

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After crossing the border Manuel was more careful to stay out of the sight of everyone. The land was dry and barren with few shade trees but there was a lot of scrub brush giving him plenty of places to hide. The trip from Magdalena was easy since he was able to ride most of the way, but now he was just walking north, needing to survive on almost nothing until he reached some type of large town or city. He carried a bag with some clothing, a few pieces of bread and two bottles of water. There...

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 64 Settling In

It was nearly twenty-four hours later that we finally arrived at Tokyo's Narita airport. Angelique was more than a little anxious. She really wanted to get out and run. Jason and I had done what we could to keep her entertained on the overnight flight, but it was clear she needed a bit of time just to run around. Of course, the first thing we had to do after arriving was go through customs. Liz, Morgan, Jessica, Jason, and I talked about this as we walked through the skyway and headed for...

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NFBusty Alison Tyler Double Take

With this big natural tits brunette Alison Tyler who loves when her man takes her down for a hardcore pussy fuck ride! This sexy young girl has curly blonde hair, big sparkling green eyes and glossy pink lips. Her man could hardly keep his eyes off of her beautiful tits, which were pushed up in a soft green bra. Soon they were clasped in a passionate embrace and her wet cunt was spurting hot juices as he plunged his huge dick in and out of her. When he was ready to blow his loaded he pulled out...

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The family that plays Together stays together

Jake, a 19 year male he was the definition of long tan and handsome. His older sister aleighna , is 20 a little on the shorter side but still very pretty. There parents were away, and Jake was getting kinda curious. Aleighna stepped into the shower and when she stepped out he was waiting for her. He took her towel to reveal her perky tits and her hairy unshaved pussy. She smiled ," jakey what are you doing ." " I just wanted to see your sexy boobs." he said with a shy tone. " " well u should...

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Just Friends

I was woken from my drunken slumber by the buzz of the doorbell. Slowly climbing from the couch I began to piece my night together. Student night at the union. Cheap and nasty shots… far too many of those. What am I doing fully clothed on Dawn’s couch? Shit. yeah… Dawn. Left her high and dry in some bar. Why did I do that? I knew why I did that. I’ve known Dawn for a year. When I first met her I thought she was the most graceful creature to walk the earth. Tall, slim, glossy black hair with an...

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Death and a Life in Emerald CoveChapter 16

Bryant and Allyson flew separately from Jonathan Mayfield and two South Carolina State troopers. The judge had placed the videotape into evidence and immediately signed off on the extradition warrant. The Ohio governor's office agreed and Jonathan Mayfield was on his way to South Carolina to face first-degree murder charges. Allyson's alma mater, Northwestern, was in Bloomington, Indiana, for a Big Ten Conference game with the Hoosiers and she wanted to go west to see the game. They would...

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Hot Naked CousinChapter 7

While Dave, Jessie, and Lani were enjoying their three-way fuck, Dina and her Uncle Mike were having their own brand of sexy fun. "I'm really glad you came over to visit your ole uncle, honey," Mike drawled, handing his sexy young niece yet another drink. "Old? You? Are you kidding? You're just mature. And, frankly, you've got a much better bod than any of the squirts my own age," Dina laughed, moving closer to her uncle on the big couch in the living room. Mike's cock leaped into...

3 years ago
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Take a Chance

A modest introduction: There is a level of the old back and forth, mostly between our two main characters Cal and Arlene. Please don’t be too put off. So here goes... “Take a Chance!” “If you change your mind I’ll be first line Honey I’m still free Take a chance on me” Cal gets to go first: “I’d like to be able to come right to the point and tell you how this all happened. I’d like to tell you what it all means. Shit I’d like to even exactly know what happened, but even now it doesn’t...

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True Love With My Forbidden Super Hero 8211 Part 2

Hi friends, this is Shweta with the second part of my story. I’ve got huge responses from readers for my first story and I am very happy about that. First of all I would like to apologize because I couldn’t reply to some of you, but I am writing the second part of my story for all of you. Keep reading my stories and post your suggestions, that would help me narrating you my life. For new readers, I would suggest you to please read first part of this story .. Continues…… I looked at the clock it...

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Death and Damnation Book 2 of Poachers ProgressChapter 19 Amaranthus Caudatus

The Dover mail coach was almost empty, allowing Krish and I to have seats inside with the only other passenger, a rather corpulent cleric, who must have dined rather well as he slept the entire journey. As the coach pulled away from the Red Lion tavern I reflected on the day's events. I had scarcely got out of the mail coach from Portsmouth when I had heard the terrible news concerning Woody. Two hours later, after collecting a change of clothing from the house, I had boarded the Dover...

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The Widow Ch 02

Passion in James County XII The Widow By D.C. Roi Chapter two Joanne lay in bed and, instead of falling asleep, kept thinking about the erotic tale Fran had told her. And the more she recalled her friend’s graphic description of her affair with her handsome neighbor, the more it aroused her. ‘If I keep this up,’ she thought, more than a little upset with herself, ‘I’ll never get to sleep.’ She wondered if taking a bath might help relax her, so she got up, put on a robe, and went to the...

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VacationChapter 65

Day Sixty-five - Tuesday My eyes popped open to see the red numerals on the clock say four-forty five. I listened to see if I had heard a noise and awakened because of it. I closed my eyes to get that extra forty-five minutes of sleep. "I'm gonna be a dad," was running around in my head. "Well dummy, you were fucking like bunnies, and she did tell you that she was trying. "I always thought it took a month or so after you quit taking birth control pills before you could get pregnant....

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Twins Erotic Affair

The twins were born minutes apart, the female at 12:03, the male at 12:12. Their father hadn’t been able to make the event, being on duty in the Philippines at the time. No one from the immense horde of relatives had come from their scattered homes to the Denver event, so the mother had no one to prevent her from indulging her whims. When the nurse asked her what she wanted to name the children, Mrs. Smith-Riley replied, “Guinevere and Arthur.” They were doomed for life. Both...

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Our Secrets

This is the story of events leading up to and the accounts of a life-changing event for my sister Sharon and I.  Sharon was 17, almost 18 at the time, and I was 22.  It was late last summer on a hot weekend.  My parents had gone out of town on one of their getaways, and my sister was at home by herself.  I live alone, not far from my Mom and Dad’sIt was a Saturday morning, and it was pretty outside with the smell of flowers in the air, birds singing, and not to mention a lot of sunshine.  The...

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Meri Chudai Ki Dastaan 8211 Part XIV 8211 Shadi Ke Baad Chudai

Pyare Doston, Jindgi me sirf chudai ke baare me likhna ek kathin kaam hai aur khas kar ke ek ladki ke liye. Jaisa ki maine aap ko bataya hai, maine alag alag prakaar se chudai karwaai hai aur wo aap ko batatne me kabhi bhi peeche nahi rahi hun. Mere raaste me kai rukawaten aayi, kuch log mujhe pasand nahi karte, shayad wo mere unke sath chudwane ko naa kahne ki wajah se mujhe pasand nahi karte. Maine pahle hi kaha hai ki apni chudai ke baare me likhne ka ye matlab nahi hai ki koi bhi mujhe...

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The Snake Bite Victims DaughterChapter 3 The Abusive Ex

Simon was lying on his cell bunk, cursing his bad luck. He'd been here for almost twelve months now, but only had one more week to go. He kept blaming that bitch, who'd run off and left him, taking that sweet young thing with her. He remembered storming off after their last argument, just because he'd shown a little friendliness to that young bastard of hers. She was turning out to be a real good looker too. He told himself that he would have a piece of her one day. He'd had a few drinks...

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Loosening Up Book 9 Fantasies Among the WeedsChapter 28 Moving in the Right Direction

“Mr. Prentiss, this is your friend from Houston. I believe the possible threat to you and your community has passed. Just so you know, the opposition visited about thirty other gated communities in your county. Vigilance is always recommended, but whatever their mission, they seemed unsuccessful. The two men we’d tracked went back to Colombia two days ago, and seem to have assumed their old jobs. We have reason to believe they convinced themselves that your friend is dead or that erasure is...

1 year ago
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A Daughter8217s Journey Into Womanhood

Sid-personal 1 May 8, 2014 So for all my admirers and readers who have been anxiously waiting for a sex story, here it is… My dad works for a multinational corporation and is placed high into its corporate ranks. With his innovative thinking and leadership, he has risen through the ranks to a position of extreme responsibility and as a result is under a lot of stress to make sure that the company does not loose. Now as is the case with many multinationals today, dad’s company has expanded...

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My Evil Twin

It had been a long day when my assistant came I my office. "I have a couple that want to look at a few listings, and she looks just like you, it is really weird." Lynn said with a smile. The couple walked in and she did look a lot like me. Even her husband made the comment "Wow! you two look like sisters." I could not believe how much we did look alike. I took the couple out and showed them several homes and the whole time me and this woman, Lisa, hit it off. I really was having fun with her...

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