Psst I Don t Love My SisterChapter 2
- 4 years ago
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Author’s Comment: It is absolutely VITAL that you read Alias X’s story “Psst! I don’t Love My Sister” before you read this story. This one won’t make any sense at all to you if you don’t. This is not an endorsement of his story. It is more of a response.
Alias X wrote his story, in which he created a total loser, who wanted to be a total loser, and wanted to drag his winner of a sister down to his totally losing level. He succeeded in that, resulting in a really dark and dreary story about one of the dregs of society.
Being the kind of guy who prefers happy endings, I decided to see if there was a way to engineer a total loser into a position where he was the most successful total loser on the planet. I mean, how to you bring a total loser down? He’s already there, right?
Maybe not.
My plan had worked up to my loser expectations. I was living with my sister, who was supporting me. She had progressed from giving me a blowjob every morning to repay my ‘love’ for her, to the point where she actually let me fuck her, albeit only with a condom on, and I was now subsisting completely off of her largess. I had quit my job, and now lay around at ‘home’ until my sister stopped winning for the day and came home to spend what she thought was quality time with the only man who would ever love her.
I still don’t understand completely how it happened, or why I couldn’t stop it from happening, but the truth is that something did happen that just fucked up everything.
Even a total loser can’t stay home a hundred percent of the time. I had gone out to spend a little more of my sister’s money, and with usual loser ambivalence, I couldn’t decide whether to buy a new video game, or get something to eat. As a result I found myself standing in the mall, hair unkempt, clothes wrinkled, and probably a slightly glazed look in my eye as I stood there trying to make the simplest of decisions.
A perky young woman came up to me. Why she chose me I don’t know, but she did.
“Hi!” she said in this perky voice that grated slightly on my ears. “I’m taking a poll and we’d like to hear your opinions on a few things.”
“Not my opinion.” I answered automatically.
I stared at her breasts, which were nice mounds pushing out a blouse that was some sort of pastel color and was so thin I could see the design of the bra she was wearing under it. She was holding a clipboard in the crook of one arm, so maybe she thought I was looking at that.
“Yes! Your opinion!” she said perkily. I felt a slight throbbing right behind my forehead. Perky people do that to me. “Why don’t I buy you something to eat and we can sit and talk over there.”
She pointed to an alcove beside the fountain in the mall food court. My loser tendencies floated to the surface immediately. Free food is never turned down by a loser. And I was hungry. Or at least I thought I was hungry.
“What kind of poll?” I asked. Staying around this perky person would mean that throbbing would eventually turn into a bonafied headache.
“Actually, it’s to determine if you’ll be invited to be part of a focus group.” she said happily.
As a dyed-in-the-wool loser I was intimately familiar with what focus groups did. Focus groups decided what people liked. That was a crock, of course, since people like different things. What focus groups did was tell ‘normal’ people what they were supposed to like, whether they did or not. It was all part of the marketing strategy of big companies who had some worthless product that some winner thought was cool, and they wanted to sell this worthless product to as many losers as they could.
Being a loser myself, I was quite often on the receiving end of the crap that focus groups foisted on the public. One good example is the George Forman grill. You have a piece of meat. All it takes to get it ready to eat is to heat it to x number of degrees for x amount of time. Put a frying pan on the stove, drop the meat in, and presto, you have an edible burger. But some Focus group decided that a forty dollar plastic and metal thing that’s impossible to clean, and takes up room on the shelf when you’re not using it, was way better than just using a frying pan, which everybody already has, right? So some focus group got all excited about it and George Forman, who is a hopeless winner, sold umpteen million of the damn things, making even more money that he didn’t need. You get the idea.
So, the first thing that came to my mind was that if I got onto a focus group, I could quietly fuck up the results and maybe trash some hopeless winner’s bright idea for some bigger-and-better-new-and-improved stupid thing that didn’t need to exist in the first place.
About the only thing that really motivates a hopeless loser is the possibility that he can drag a hopeless winner down to his level. That is, after all, what got me to seduce my winner sister into being the unknowing slave to a hopeless loser, right?
So I made what would turn out to be the biggest mistake of my life. I let the perky bitch buy me lunch.
We settled in and she watched while I started eating my free pizza. She started firing off questions about how I felt about this and how I felt about that. Some of it was politics, and some was about the level of violence in American society. Some of it didn’t make any sense at all, like what colors I liked the most, and what kind of shoes I thought were best.
I don’t mean brands of shoes. She asked “If you were going on a walk that was between six blocks and a mile, what kind of shoes would you want to wear?”
“I don’t go on walks.” I said, trying to be as unhelpful as I could.
She marked something on her clipboard.
“If you did go on walks, what kind of shoes?” she insisted. “Tennis shoes? Sandals? Boots?”
“Flip flops.” I said through a mouthful of pepperoni. I figured that ought to shut her up.
She made another checkmark on the clipboard.
“How often do you have sex?” she asked brightly.
“Do I look like the kind of guy who has sex at all?” I countered.
Another mark on the clipboard. She didn’t push that one, but kept asking questions that didn’t appear to have any common ground at all.
Finally my burgeoning headache got the best of me.
“These are about the stupidest questions I’ve ever heard.” I said. I hadn’t gotten a napkin with my food, so I just wiped my lips with the sleeve of my shirt.
Another damned checkmark on that damned clipboard.
“You’re hired.” she said perkily, beaming at me.
“Who said I was looking for a job?” I snarled.
“You’re just the kind of person we’re looking for for this focus group.” she said happily. She lifted the top page on her clipboard and I heard the serrated line on a piece of paper tearing. She handed me something that looked about the size of a check. “Report to this address next Monday. We pay a hundred dollars a day.” She stood up, already looking around for another victim.
“I don’t want a job.” I complained. I looked at the paper. It had an address on it and the logo of one of the major television broadcasters. “What’s this for anyway?”
That was my second mistake, after letting her buy me lunch.
She didn’t even look at me. Her head was swiveling all around as she searched for another potential focus group participant, like a hawk surveys a field full of tasty mice. She had winner stamped all over her. But that couldn’t be right. She’d picked me, after all, and I was a patented total loser.
“We’re screening new television programs.” she said as her eagle eyes lit up. “I have to go now. Thanks so much. See you Monday!”
Then she bounded off.
“When Hell freezes over.” I said. But she was already beyond my hearing.
The problem was that she had found one of the few weaknesses a total loser has. Television.
When you’re a total loser, you form an intimate relationship with whatever television you can get access to. It doesn’t matter if it has cable or not. The big three put out just as much crap as anybody else. I mean look at Rikki Lee, or Regis, or Dr. Phil or any of them. Loser Central. That’s what daytime television is. Nowhere else can you see such a collection of losers as on daytime television. I’m almost never happier than when I’m staring at some other loser whose miserable life is being splattered all over the airwaves. Sometimes I think watching TV helps make you a loser.
And prime time really isn’t any better. It’s one rehash after another, whether it’s about crime, or ‘relationships’ or what’s laughingly (ironically) called situation comedy. Even the news programs talk about nothing but losers. Who wants to hear about winners? Nobody.
And that, it turns out, is what made my whole life come undone.
I couldn’t resist going to that damn address. It wasn’t the money. I didn’t need the money. I was now sponging off my sister completely.
It wasn’t to meet women. I got to climb between my sister’s silky thighs every so often and I was working on a plan to sabotage the pile of condoms she kept in a drawer by the bed. She was already needy and dependent on me for the love I duped her into believing I was offering her.
Actually, seeing as how she wasn’t all that experienced in the sex department, she hadn’t yet tumbled to the fact that what I gave her was just enough stimulation to get her almost to an orgasm. I always managed to get off myself and stop before she actually got her cookies. It made her more needy, and that was how I wanted her. I even told her it was her fault that she couldn’t have an orgasm because she was still hung up on letting me fuck her. And, once I’d figured out how to put holes in all those condoms that she wouldn’t notice, I’d knock her up good and proper and she’d be even more needy then. There’s almost nothing more needy than a woman who has a baby out of wedlock and knows she’ll always be a single mother.
No, what made me show up to the focus group was the intense desire to try to railroad anything that even remotely looked like quality TV programs.
The problem was that I was out of my league. Well, as it turned out, I guess you could say that actually I was in my league. And not only that I was a top player in my league. I just didn’t know that. Afterwards I thought about it. What kind of people would sit and watch crap like this instead of having a real job?
And there I was, right in the middle of them, part of my own crowd.
And I wasn’t prepared for what would turn out to be the passion that gripped me when I sat down in a nice padded theater seat and was handed freshly popped popcorn. There was another one of those perky people there who waited on us hand and foot while we watched pilot episodes of all kinds of new TV shows.
Remember how surprised I was at the level of motivation I had in making my sister into a total loser? I was even more motivated to wreck a decent TV idea. I loved loser television, and I wanted more loser television.
What they did after we watched a pilot was to ask us a bunch of questions. Sometimes they’d ask us why we felt the way we did when we answered the questions. What I did was trash anything that seemed like it actually had the potential to be relatively interesting, or realistic, or actually funny ... stuff like that.
Like they had this situation comedy where that starred one of those up-and-coming super models, who was obviously trying to break into television. She played the role of the little rich girl who falls for the young handsome guy who is her father’s assistant. There was all this flirting that went on, and she “borrows” him to take her places and stuff like that. There was the inevitable scene where her rich bitch friends catch her with the guy, and they all want to know who he is, and she lies to them because he’s actually a nobody loser and that sets up all the comedy.
After it was screened, most of the people in the room made positive comments about it. You have to understand that most of the losers in focus groups get all wrapped up in how important they are to the process. They feel powerful. They’re helping to choose what actually gets on TV, right? So naturally they like to say nice things. It endears them to the producers of all the crap they’re watching, right? They’ll get asked to come back and do it again, right? They have no idea what losers they really are.
Then came the magic question ... the one I always loved to hear.
“What didn’t you like about it the most?”
I actually stood up. That’s how motivated I was.
“It’s the stupidest thing I’ve seen in years.” I pronounced.
There was shocked silence.
“Would you please elaborate on that?” came a not-quite-as-perky voice over the intercom. There were other people behind a one way mirror who watched us while we watched TV. Producers and stuff like that I suppose.
“Sure.” I said off handedly. “We’ve seen it all before. It’s old hat. She’s gorgeous, and he’s gorgeous, and they like each other like gorgeous people are supposed to like each other, and it’s just boring.”
“So what would you suggest we do instead?” came the voice. I think it was an automatic response. Somebody had trashed their lovely idea, and they wanted to fix it.
“Well,” I started. “The supermodel is fine. Everybody loves looking at a supermodel. But the guy she falls for should be something weird, like a midget or a dwarf or something. And maybe he’s the guy who waxes her father’s big fancy cars. Then there can be this “I don’t believe how attracted I am to this little freak, but I am and I can’t help it and what am I going to do?” stuff. You can have all this interplay between them, showing how attracted she is to him, but how they can’t be together out in front of everybody, so she manages to make all these trips to the garage to see him while he washes a Mercedes, or a Bently or something. Think of how funny it would be when he tries to kiss her for the first time. There’s his mouth, right in front of her money-maker and she has to get on her hands and knees to kiss him.”
I was trying to be crude. I wanted to really piss them off and throw as big a wrench into the works as possible. I added the coup de gras.
“Now that would be something new and funny.” Then I threw in the word I knew was hot. “Think about how it would advance diversity. I mean little people don’t get squat, right? People feel sorry for them and all that crap. It would be a smash hit!”
I was waiting to be kicked out. I’d done my best to kick them in the balls, assuming they had balls. I expected to be attacked. I’d completely forgotten there was this woman in the group who stood about four feet five. She was in her forties, probably, and sat on a cushion to watch the shows.
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Recently, I started reading stories on this site and became a fan of them. This is going to be my first story writing here and every single incident that happened in my life with my sister will be portrayed. Since these are real incidents, I am going to change the names of the persons involved in their privacy. This series of stories is going to be a little long. Please be patient while reading them. Please bear with my writing skills as I am new to writing stories. The family consists of daddy...
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she was my sister, i kept repeating that.... i had to... She and i would take a shower together, and i would watch the water slide off her tall, tanned body. she had perky breasts with small round nipples, a big bubbly butt that shook, and quivered every time she moved. she was a foot taller then me, with shoulder length jet black hair. she shaved her pussy, and it was so compact, and tight, and looked so delicious... she's my sister... ...
(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter One: The Slut Coaches the Twin Sisters By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “I think we should put our beds here, onee-chan,” my twin sister Kimiko said, her round face pointing at the right side of the room. She pursed her delicate lips, the same delicate lips that I had. Looking at my sister was like looking into the mirror. She had the same sleek, silky-black hair and pale-olive skin. We both possessed the...
I had never grinned with such excitement in my entire life. I would enjoy this. My cock slid out of my baby sister’s fourteen-year-old pussy as I stood up. My body buzzed with the euphoria from deflowering her snatch. My eldest sister, the eighteen-year-old bitch who always got me in trouble with my abusive father, had such a look of shock on her face. For once, the bitch was speechless. Her mouth worked. Her hazel eyes almost bulged out of her sockets. Her normally sultry face looked...
Alex groaned a he pumped away at his twin sister’s pussy. Alexis whimpered beneath him, her thighs locked around his hips as her hot, wet pussy welcomed his cock with her incestuous passion. The sixteen-year-old boy savored the thrill of pumping away at her cunt, to finally get to enjoy his sister. Thank you, Randy, he prayed to the newest god to be awakened by a Halo. Thank you for your teachings. “Oh, Alex,” moaned Alexis, her fingernails clawing at his back. “Oh, you’re as good as...
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Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! I trembled atop my twin sister, Kimiko, my body buzzing from my orgasm, Clint’s cum leaking out of my pussy and coating my bush. I stared at the new person who entered Clint’s basement, my stomach roiling at being caught having sex. Incestuous sex. How had my life gotten to this point? My twin sister, Kimiko, desired it. It was all so overwhelming. My entire world was turned upside down by the revelation that my twin sister, older than me by...
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Mark I’d lost control of the situation. Four estrogen-laden members of the human race took over my condominium, my mind, and my sex organ. From the time I woke up in the morning until I fell asleep, usually in the haze of wonderful sexual exhaustion, I thought about the four of them all day long – Elsa, Sheila, Cindy, and Melanie. Days usually started with a blowjob, sometimes from two of them. All day long I knew that Melanie and Sheila are working near me without panties on, regardless...
At just over six and a half feet, Jared Williams had been widely recruited by a lot of major universities. With dark brown hair, near emerald green eyes and a build that turned a lot of women's heads, Jared knew he was an attractive looking guy. And as such, he could have dated just about any girl he'd set his mind to. If Jared had one flaw however, it was that he was extremely shy, innocent beyond words. Nearing twenty years of age in just a couple of month's Jared was still a virgin,...
Jared discovers his sister's long held secret.At just over six and a half feet, Jared Williams had been widely recruited by a lot of major universities. With dark brown hair, near emerald green eyes and a build that turned a lot of women's heads, Jared knew he was an attractive looking guy. And as such, he could have dated just about any girl he'd set his mind to. If Jared had one flaw however, it was that he was extremely shy, innocent beyond words. Nearing twenty years of age in just a couple...
Finally, here are the next two exciting chapters in my on-going saga. I want to thank reviewer 'anon' for his comment on 9/23/10 for inspiring me to finally get these chapters finished. I'd been just short of half done with these chapters for the better part of a year but between lack of initiative and wondering if anyone even cared if I kept going I'd just sort of let it fall through the cracks. I apologize to any readers that thought I'd given up on this series and just want to point...
Hi ISS readers, I am Uday. This story is completely fictional and it has many parts. The sooner I write the next parts depends on your response. If you like the story and if you wish to read the next parts, then give a like and leave a comment about what you find nice. More likes and comments would be an encouragement for me to take time off and write the next parts. Now, enjoy reading. It was a nice cool afternoon. The bedroom of Sushila was the only place that was very hot now. Her 3...
THE SISTERHOOD OF DIANA - by Jean Camille Chapters 1 - 4 Chapter 1 Had I not accepted that ride at the bus stop, in the middle of a thunderstorm, the drastic change to my life would never have happened. It was a rainy evening, and in the midst of a downpour, a big limousine pulled up directly in front of me. The face of the elderly lady at the wheel seemed warm snd very friendly. "You poor thing. . .Can I...
It's not easy to ask a woman, and a friend, to witness the humiliation of your husband, but it had to be done. I place a call to the only woman that I trust to get the job done, aside from the one who is already helping me on this task. "Hello, Mrs. Blanc." "Hello, Mrs. Riviera." "What's up, Cate." "I have a favor to ask and if you don't want to do it, you're the only one I trust to suggest someone else." "What do you need?" "I need an actress in a role play scenario. There wouldn't be much...
AnalIt was a day celebrated in loving by the Sisterhood on both continents. All the Sisterhood on the European continent were now in residence within the high wall of the University. The gates stood locked and impassable to all others. Back in the States, the remainder of the Sisterhood were similarly sequestered on Jane's estate. The professors baffled in both locations, but complacent. All of the Sisterhood had informed the other University they would be absent until further notice. The...
It was just a silly love story that I published on a smutty amateur erotica website, and it all went horribly wrong. It was based largely on the real-life redemption of my marriage, after infidelity almost ended it. But I used too much of my real life. Too many damning details made it traceable back to me, and now there is Hell to pay. My name is Marie, and if you haven't read the twelve parts of the Last Wives Club story, that's okay. I will briefly re-introduce the main characters and attempt...
Lesbiansisterly love.It was a weekend in the middle of summer. I didn't have much planned since I had to work early in the morning so I headed to bed early. What a bummer right? Well I was awoken in the middle of the night around 2am. I received a call from my brother in law to pick up my sister. She had been to the club and she was drunk. She only went there because the drive as well was drunk. They had nowhere else to go! So I got dressed and headed over to pick up my sister. My brother was working...
Brotherly Love, Sisterly Love - Part One RICHARD My brother and I were especially close, as twins often are. We shared everything, including all our thoughts, feelings, experiences and desires. Even though we were eighteen, we still shared a bedroom too. It wasn't like there were things that we kept private from each other, it was the two of us wanting privacy from the rest of the world. This closeness and togetherness was often particularly valuable to us as neither of us had...
Part 2 It has been almost 36 hours since Juliet had seen Jim Duggan at her plush home. She was concerned that he had not reported back. His phone rang unanswered and so she decided to visit his offices once again. She did not relish driving to that particular neighbourhood, much less running the risk of meeting Jim's odious landlord. But she was desperate for any information. "Melissa, I am going out. Have Thomas pull the Corvette around to the front of the house," she asked, as she...
Chapter Two The concert lasted for almost two hours. Emily had just finished her third encore, the international remix version of the third single off her second album in the last six months, "Hip Hop Clodhopper." A cadre of men and women had surged her as she danced off stage. Emily had been practically carried by the throng all the way back to her dressing room. As she stepped in the door closed behind her. Emily barely noticed. She walked over to the makeup table, sat down and...
Ron and Barbara spent almost three months of real-time in the cubes talking with Steve at leisure about physics. An hour or two at a time, of course. Barbara found herself willingly seduced by him. She downloaded herself into both cubes so that Ron would have a lover too when he visited. Cindy added herself to the fold of both cubes. She enjoyed Steve's conversation and intellect as much as Ron and Susan. She also very much enjoyed his lovemaking. The cubes had a profound effect upon the...
So, there we were in the car, my stepmother, Father, my stepsister Hailey and me heading to my aunt and uncles house for my cousin's birthday.It was my cousin Samantha's birthday , she was just turning 18, and like normal tradition all the family were invited to celebrate it, at my uncles house. So we put on our best clothes, me and my father in shirt and trousers, my stepmother and stepsister in very pretty dresses, climbed into the car and made our way to the next town where they lived.As we...
Several long minutes later, the three of us were sprawled out on the bed, but strangely no one was touching anyone else. Candy was still nude, but Stephie had donned a black lace bra and flesh colored undies along with high topped stockings. Stephie gently touched my shoulder. “Howie, we need to talk.” “Not now, Stephie. Not now.” “Howie!” “Not now, Sis!” “Look it’s not as bad as you think, Howie.” “What ... what makes you think I feel bad, Sis?” “I know you, Howie. I--I just want to...
The Sisterhood of Sappho (Part Two) At the top of the stairs leading down to the main hall she encountered Jo, wearing a short black dress and carrying a tray of drinks, her sun-streaked hair now freed of its leather clasp, flowing freely down her back and reaching nearly to her buttocks. As Judi approached Jo looked her critically up and down and nodded appreciatively. “Looking good!” she grinned. “Someone’s in for a treat tonight – makes me wish it was my turn to serve as Acolyte, instead...
LesbianSusan prepared herself in the small bath adjoining the inner chamber in the Temple. She hadn't been in the temple since Barbara's induction to the eleventh order as her first official duty as High Priestess some six months past. That was another odd thing. The rod wasn't calling for higher orders for those well deserving of them. She was alone in the temple. Having bid others to give her privacy, even Jane. She was about to do something she had never done; She was going to pray to...
The Sisterhood of Sappho – Part One Judi allowed the Bentley to coast gently up the drive towards where Aldrington Hall lay nestling regally in a verdant fold in the Surrey hillside. It was hard to imagine a more quintessentially English scene, she thought, as she drank in the imposing façade, slumbering gently in the golden light of the afternoons lengthening shadows; the great British stately home, glorious residence of generations of landed gentry. Actually, she knew this to be an illusion...
LesbianLoving Little sister and FriendPrologue Rachel is my younger sister by three years. Since we were little she and I have been best buddies. For the most part we have always gotten along great together. I love playing games and hanging out with her. She's the happiest person I know and has the cutest smile and the most adorable laugh ever. She is so fun to be around and she's kind and friendly to everyone.As her older brother, naturally I enjoy teasing the hell out of her. I learned early on that...
i****t/TabooLoving Little sister and FriendPrologue Rachel is my younger sister by three years. Since we were little she and I have been best buddies. For the most part we have always gotten along great together. I love playing games and hanging out with her. She's the happiest person I know and has the cutest smile and the most adorable laugh ever. She is so fun to be around and she's kind and friendly to everyone.As her older brother, naturally I enjoy teasing the hell out of her. I learned...
Sisterly LovePart One - Lily A couple of months ago I would never have thought I’d be in this situation. Naked, blindfolded with my Hands bound above my head in the middle of a large group of Friends and Strangers. To top it off I was happy to be here. Excited by the prospect of what this evening held. I knew I would be in pain, humiliated and used before the evening came to an end but that just heightened my arousal further. I wasn’t always like this. Less than a month ago I had...
I am Raman, 26 years old horny male, unmarried. I work as a Gym instructor. I am 6 feet 2 inches tall. I have two sisters, Priya Devi and Sudha Rani, aged 30 and 28 years respectively. Priya is my favorite. She got married and divorced too. She is 5 feet 4 inches tall big boobs, round ass and long legs. She runs a beauty salon. I often stare at her boobs and ass. Sudha is married to Raja and they live in a nearby town. Raja is a nice guy whom I adore. I come home at nine at night. Priya is in...