Kinsey Rides Again free porn video

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Chapter 1:

"Hello. You have reached the Twenty-first Century Survey. Am I speaking to the owner of the Code?"

"Yes. This is Code Number 1047. I am calling in as you requested in your recent letter. I secured the code number by choosing a number from your number generator at your website."

"Thank you, number 1047. As was explained to you earlier, this code procedure is designed to help assure the confidentiality of the survey. None of the employees of Twenty-first Century Surveys will be able to trace your identity by reference to the code number. All we will know is that it is a valid number, selected from the website by an individual who has previously agreed to participate."

"I understand."

"You also understand, Number 1047, that the questions on this survey are concerned with extraordinarily personal information of a sexual nature."

"Yes. Would you call me 'Pam' please? It's not my real name, but I prefer being called something besides 'Number 1047'."

"Yes, indeed, Pam. Actually, you're ahead of me. I was about to suggest we assign you a fictitious personal name for the duration of the interview. 'Pam' will do just fine."

"And what do I call you?"

"How about 'Richard?' We can maintain anonymity both ways. Incidentally, this interview can be assigned to a female interviewer, if you'd feel more comfortable answering the questions that way."

"Don't worry about it, Richard. I'm not that sensitive. Question away."

"Ahh, Pam, allow me to explain the procedure to you more fully. These questions are not necessarily designed only to produce a 'yes' or 'no' response, or to evoke a brief, quantitative response. Interviewees are encouraged to elaborate as they see fit, in the course of providing their answers. For example, were I to ask you if you have ever been married, you would be encouraged not merely to say, 'yes, ' but to say something like, 'yes, I've been married and divorced twice.' Is that clear?"

"Is this interview being recorded?"

"Absolutely not. An aural recording of the interview might be seen as a possible threat to your personal privacy. However, the content of the interview will be carefully recorded, in the sense that I will be writing down your answers. When you provide an elaborate answer, I will be doing my best to record it in full, or at least in as much detail as possible."

"Well, it sounds interesting."

"One more preliminary matter, Pam. We beg you, please, to provide accurate answers. People are very often embarrassed by the questions on the survey. That's to be expected. People are embarrassed if they have what they might regard as too much sexual experience to relate, and, sometimes, people are embarrassed as well if they have too little. For example, a young man might be embarrassed to admit that he is a 23-year-old virgin. But, naturally, we only want truthful, complete answers. Without that, the entire exercise -- this massive inquiry into sexual behavior in the early 21st Century -- will become a mere farce."

"Inaccurate data is worse than useless, Richard."

"That's exactly right! So -- no matter how detailed the questions may become, I hope I can rely on you to..."

"Don't worry, Richard. You'll get the whole truth from me, and nothing but!"

"Great. Let's begin, then. --And Pam: anytime you have a reaction to a question, a concern about why it's being asked, anything like that, feel free to express yourself. The recording of responses in this survey is extraordinarily sophisticated. Even things like extraneous remarks of survey subjects will be recorded and analyzed."


"All right, let's begin with a few preliminaries. You are female, correct?"

"You better believe it, Buster! --Whoops. I guess this isn't the time for survey-subject attempts at humor, is it? Just put that down as a 'yes.'"

"You need not adopt any particular attitude, Pam, toward the survey. If you want to treat it as the object of a light remark or two, there's no great harm in that. All we ask is that you provide us with the objective truth."

"Understood. But I'm gonna try to restrain myself a little, Richard. Oh, shit! I said "Little Richard," and now I'm going into a giggling fit!"

"I think you're just a little nervous about where this survey is going to take you. Please try to relax and enjoy the experience."

"Oh, I'm enjoying it already! I've always loved to take surveys and answer questions! One time I finally got called by a Gallup Poll, and I was so excited about it I thought I was going to cum! --If that's one of your questions -- 'have you ever had an orgasm while being questioned by a Gallup Pollster' -- the answer is, 'almost!'"

"You've got a great sense of humor, Pam. That's not one of our questions, but your answer will probably be of some interest to our poll analysts. You're doing fine. Now -- what is your age, please?

"I'm 24."

"Born in the United States?"


"Lived here all your life?"

"That's right. Moved around some, but all within the U.S."

"And what is the extent of your formal education, Pam?"

"I've got a B.A. degree and a Masters. Do you want to know more detail?"

"We deliberately avoid gathering too much background detail on individuals -- again, we're working hard to maintain complete anonymity. But I'd like to know the following -- and please answer in the indefinite manner the questions invite -- ready?"


"Was your Master's degree in a social science, as opposed to one of the hard sciences?"

"Question's too vague. It wasn't hard science, but I wouldn't really classify it as social science, either."

"Fine arts, perhaps? Music?"

"Fine arts, yes."

"Fine. And your school -- please give us the name of the athletic conference the school was in -- for example, "Big Ten" or "Atlantic Coast Conference". This is just to get a generic idea of the part of the country you went to school in -- we're not pursuing any sports-related questions here."

"I thought this was a sex survey."

"It is, Pam. I -- don't understand."

"Well, to me, sex is definitely sports-related! There -- summarize that offhand remark on your survey form!"

"You're a live wire, Pam. Your answers are interesting, and we haven't even gotten to your history yet. Now -- what about that last question?"

"It was the Southeastern Conference, Richard. I'm a Southern Belle! I'll zero it in more for you, if you want."

"SEC is definitive enough for our purposes, Pam, thanks. Now, we're going to get into some more specific background questions, but, again -- nothing that will betray your personal identity."

"Relax, Richard. I don't want to see any naked pictures of myself on the Internet, but I'm not overly concerned about these answers. Ask away."

"Would you please give me some information about your race and national origin? For example..."

"Skip the examples, I understand the question. I'm Caucasian, European heritage. Both parents. Not adopted. I look like my Dad, only I've got a better rack. Does that get it?"

"Got it. Glad to hear about the rack. Nothing worse than having a dad with a bigger chest than yours."

"Hey, Richard! Good for you! YOu've got a sense of humor! I thought for awhile there, you were going to be a Dick."

"As I explained, Pam, we want a relaxed interviewee."

"I'm just like a dishrag, here, Richard. I've even got a glass of white wine. Fire when ready."

Chapter 2:

"All right, Pam, some of the questions now will be more explicit in their exploration of your history -- sexual and otherwise. First of all, have you ever participated in a sexual experience of any kind. By that I mean, have you ever engaged in what is commonly called 'necking' or 'petting' with another person -- either of the opposite sex or your own sex?"


"Could you elaborate?"

"Is this an essay test? I thought it was going to be multiple choice. Yes, I've necked and petted for some time now -- well over a decade (I'm 23, don't forget), and I've done that necking and petting with persons of the opposite sex, and some of my own sex, too."

"All right. What do you recall as your earliest experience of the kind described?"

"When I was nine, I played doctor with my cousin Bertie. He was about eleven."

"Can you describe the nature and extent of..."

"I showed him mine, and he showed me his. And I touched his little penis, and he ran a finger over my hairless little cunt, there. Bertie got a hard-on, and I thought that was pretty damned neat!"

"Anything else?"

"You mean, did he fuck me?"

"Well -- no. I assumed he didn't. Did he do any more that what you described?"

"He asked me to suck it for him."

"And -- did you?"

"Not that day, no. But Bertie was around pretty frequently. His mother and my mother were close." She laughed. "Maybe not as close as me 'n Bertie got to be, but close. We played doctor pretty often after that -- we were both hot for it."

"So. When did you..."

"I think it was about the third time we played -- maybe a month or so after that first time. I told him I'd 'kiss' it if he'd lick my pussy first."

"All right."

"You want to know what happened then?"

"Yes, Pam. Please continue."

"Ol' Bertie was a gamer! He laid me down there in my little backyard playhouse and licked the beJesus out of my hairless little twat!"

"Did you enjoy it?"

"Bet your ass I enjoyed it! I didn't come. I don't know whether I was capable of coming, at that age. But it felt fucking great, Richard!"

"And -- did you return the favor?"

"Oh, yeah! And you know, I enjoyed that, too! Here I was, not even ten years old, and already addicted to cock-sucking!"

"When you say, 'addicted, ' how literally do you mean that?"

"You mean, was it like smoking? I couldn't kick the habit?"

"I mean, are you simply saying you enjoyed the experience, or did you really feel a compulsion to repeat it?"

"Me 'n Bertie exchanged oral favors every chance we got, for the next two years! When I was eleven, he took my cherry!"

"Eleven. Do you remember your exact age at the time?"

"Well, it was summer. I guess I was eleven and maybe five months. I already was starting to develop -- I remember that. I had my first period right around that time."

"And that first experience with penile penetration. Was it -- pleasurable for you?"

"You mean, did I come? No, I didn't come from Bertie's penetration. But by then, I knew what it was to come -- from Bertie's mouth. My cousin was a little stud!"

"Did you bleed?"

"No. But I guess I was a tomboy. By then, I'd probably busted it on my own. It hurt a little, though, at first."

"Did Bertie ejaculate inside you?"

"He sure did! In about one minute flat! We both knew that doing that was risky, though, and it was the only time. After that, we took at least some rudimentary precautions."

"So this affair with your cousin Bertie continued?"

"Yes. We saw each other frequently -- at least once every week, sometimes more. And anytime we could get away from his mom and my mom, we went at it."

"You continued to have intercourse?"

"The works. We still did the oral -- and both of us climaxed from that regularly. And when Bertie could get condoms, or when he could just talk me into it without one, we'd fuck, too."

"And how long did this go on?"

"Until I was fourteen. Bertie and his family moved out of state. Probably a good thing. I was lucky he didn't knock me up!"

"So -- was Bertie your exclusive partner during this period -- when you were nine to fourteen?"

"He was the only boy, yes. I had two girlfriends that used to -- experiment -- with me. Actually, I was the instigator. I taught them about cunnilingus."

"And you were -- how old -- when that began?"

"Around twelve. These girls were just school friends of mine. We got together less frequently, and we were somewhat more -- careful than Bertie and I had been, about getting caught by adults. But we'd do it, pretty frequently."

"And you experienced orgasm -- with these girls?"

"Oh, yeah! Big-time. Both of them!"

"And they, too..."

"You're asking, did I get them off? Oh, Hell yes! We were three little minxes."

"Did these girls -- know about you and Bertie?"

"I never mentioned his name. Hey! Richard, you know Bertie's real name! That's a clue to my True Identity."

"Sorry. All I can say is, I would have cautioned you, had I been alert enough, before his name came up. But I assure you that I will protect..."

"Relax, Dickie. I'm not worrying about it. Bertie's still around, but I don't expect the FBI to find him, based on your knowing his first name. He's married now, by the way, and living on the other end of the country."

"You ever see Bertie, since his move?"

"I've seen him a couple of times, on family visits and stuff, but we never resumed our little sex thing."

"All right. We have you at age 14, losing contact with your first male sex partner. Did you remain active, after this, with one or both of the girls?"

"That gradually died out, as we grew up a bit. I think all three of us got more interested in boys. I think the last time I had sexual contact with -- one of the girls was when I was about 13, and the other one, oh, it was around the time Bernie left town. I was barely 14 then."

"What was the next sexual contact you had, growing up?"

"Neighbor man."

"A man? An adult?"

"Oh, yeah! He was an adult all right. He was about 40 at the time!"

"And you were... ?"

"I was still 14. It was only a short time after Bernie left."

"This was -- consensual, on your part?"

"Oh, yeah! I mean, I knew the guy wasn't supposed to be messing around with a 14-year-old, but I was interested -- very interested. I did make him use a condom, though. And I always made him eat me out first -- for about 45 minutes. I think the guy almost wore out his jaw, making me happy!"

"Let me take you back to Bertie, for a moment. Did you ever experience orgasm with Bertie, from penile contact?"

"No. I never did. But it wasn't like it didn't feel good! It felt great, and I was very willing to have him fuck me. And I think I came pretty close a couple of times. Anyway, Bertie always got me off, one way or another."

And this 40-year-old man? You permitted him to penetrate you -- with his penis?"

"Not right away. I played virgin with him, made him just 'kiss my pussy' as I called it, for the longest time. He wasn't bad at it, either. He could bring me off, repeatedly."

"And did you fellate him?"

"Yes, and that was exciting! He was much bigger than Bernie, and that was scary at first -- but thrilling, too. But I was willing to suck him, and I could drive him crazy!"

"But he never tried to force you -- to have intercourse."

"Force me? No. But he begged! He tried like hell to talk me into it, and eventually, he did. I mean, I really wanted to try it. I wondered if I could get that fat thing of his into my teeny little twat!"

"So, you were how old, when you consented to..."

"Oh, we're just talking weeks, here, Richard m'boy! I held out and just let him eat me for a little while, but before long -- just a few weeks -- I spread 'em for him!"

"And what was that experience like?"

"It was a blast, Dickie! Usually, by the time I'd let him put it in, I was sopping wet from close to an hour of first-class yodeling in my gully. He was pretty big -- at least compared to anything I'd seen up to then, and that made it extra exciting. He didn't make me come with his dick right away, but it was like with Bertie -- it still felt great!"

"And -- eventually -- did you climax from penile contact?"

"Yeah. Eventually I did. That was great, but it wasn't as big a deal as you seem to think. I mean, I'd been cumming like a banshee for years, from getting eaten! --And even before I started to come from actual fucking, I was thoroughly enjoying the fucking, anyway!"

"So how long did your affair with this 40-year-old continue?"

"About a year and a half. He was married, and they had a couple of small kids. He got a little bit -- worried -- about our getting caught. I think it was as much his decision as mine, to call a halt to it."

"How'd you feel about it?"

"I was good with stopping. I mean, we'd done each other a lot, in 18 months, or whatever it was. I knew there was a whole world of guys out there who'd give their left nut to fuck me. It wasn't like I was going to dry up and blow away!"

"And you were by now -- what age? As near as you can get to it, in years and months."

"I was 15 and some months by then. I know I was a sophomore in high school. A lot of the kids in my class were becoming sexually active by that time, but I think I'd been one of the first to -- get started."

"How long before you had -- another notable experience?"

"Golly, Richard. This interview is going to take a long time! We're just -- getting started! Do you suppose we could, like, take a break? Maybe I could go have some dinner -- and you, too! And then, I could call you back?"

"Absolutely, Pam. How about two hours? That too long?"

"Two hours. That would be 8:45 tonight. Kinda long hours for the interviewer, isn't it?"

"Not to worry. These interviews are lengthy, but our schedule is liberal. I deliberately didn't have you call us today until late afternoon. But if 8:45 is too late for you to resume, we could arrange something for tomorrow -- at a time convenient to you."

"No, no, Richard! I told you, I'm a poll junkie! I love being interviewed -- and especially about my favorite subject!"

"You mean -- about -- sex?"

"No, silly! I mean -- about me!"

Chapter 3:


"It's 8:45, Richard. Do you know where your interviewee is?"

"I don't know where you are, Pam, but I recognize your voice."

"We've gotta stop meeting like this."

"Did you enjoy your dinner?"

"Um-hum. --You?"

"Yes, thanks. Were you thinking about your -- sexual past -- all through dinner?"

"Indeed I was. How could I not? We really dredged up some long-ago memories, this afternoon."

"And you said we had a long way yet to go."

"We do if you want a blow-by-blow account -- so to speak." Pam giggled.

"Yes, Pam. I want you to take full advantage of your anonymity, and tell me everything. We're interviewing hundreds -- even thousands -- of people in this study. We're going to have complete case histories on very large numbers of men and women. We expect to be able to make many interpolations, draw many conclusions, from this collective data."

"Well, it all sounds scientific as hell," Pam said, "but as a Fine Arts major, I've got to wonder about how you can 'interpolate' from data this detailed."

"The methodology has been worked out with considerable care, Pam. I can assure you, the study is going to be a thing of beauty. Even when the data are rendered collectively, the study is going to tell us a great deal."

"If you say so, Richard. Hey, do you guys really say 'the data are'? Weird! --But you know, it's kinda difficult to believe that you really need to know whether I got off on Bertie's dick, or not. I mean -- let's face it, some girls do, and some girls don't. Your research isn't going to change that!"

"Maybe we'll learn a little more about why some girls do. Maybe we'll know what the variables are."

"Whatever. And if my answers will help all those poor girls who don't, well, I'll know I didn't live in vain! Anyway, it's getting late, and I don't want to keep my interviewer up." Pam giggled again. "Am I keeping you up, Richard?"

"It's not even nine yet, Pam."

"Well. Let me know -- if I'm keeping you -- up."

"Tell me what happened, Pam, after you ended your affair with the older man?"

"I looked around me, and all I could see, for miles and miles, was horny high school boys, dying to get into my pants!"

"And how did that make you feel? Did you feel threatened? Disgusted? Pleased?"

"It made me feel -- good! And powerful. I already knew from my past lovers that sex was not only fun, it was the source of enormous amounts of -- well, power. Control. It was like I was the gatekeeper to Disneyland."

"Disneyland, eh?"

"You have to be this tall, to ride on the Pam-a-Whirl!"

"So, how did you use this -- power?"

"Why, like all superheroes, I decided I would only use my power for Good!"

More giggles.

"Pam -- I want you to have just as much fun with this interview as you like, really! But don't forget -- the truth. Nothing left out, and nothing -- embellished."

"Just the facts, ma'm."


"So you want to know who was next, and when, and how many, etc. -- right?"

"That's right, Pam."

"OK. My first guy -- who wasn't a cousin or a dirty old man -- my very first normal relationship, was with a kid a year ahead of me in high school. It was in my sophomore year, and this boy was the President of the Booster Club. He was in charge of the kids who sold refreshments at the football and basketball games. I was one of the kids on his staff."

"How'd you get together?"

"He was a sweetheart. I mean, he was a little on the nerdy side, I guess. Not an athlete, but an athletic supporter -- you know. Good student, bad dancer. You know the type."

"Hell, Pam. I was the type. Still am, I guess."

"Goodness! Personal data -- from Richard! How unprofessional!"

"I apologize, Pam! You're quite right, I..."

"Oh, Dickie, please! I'm not serious! I'm only pulling your chain. Actually, I kind of appreciate that you'd let slip with a little -- personal information like that."

"Well, you may have been only kidding, but it was very unprofessional."

"You'll get more out of me if you'll do what you told me to do, Rich -- just relax!"

"Fair enough. Let's give Nerdy Guy a name, shall we? Let's call him..."

"Let's call him by his real name, Richard. It was Pete. Once again, I don't think you and the CIA can track me down just from knowing that boy's first name. Pete the Booster Boy. Nerdy Pete. --I got Pete's cherry!"

"You seduced him?"

"Well, I let ol' Pete think he was doing the seducing, but, yeah, I'd say I seduced him. After the final basketball game of the season, he took me home. In his car. Pete had his own car, but it was awful -- old and cold. We lived far enough north that we had real winters. Parked in front of my house, Pete was holding my hand and trying to get up courage to kiss me."

"But it was cold?"

"Oh, Jesus, yes, it was freezing! And finally I just told Pete to follow me, and I took him inside the house, through the back door. My folks had gone to bed, although it wasn't very late yet. The only place in the house far enough away from them to be reasonably safe was in the pantry, just inside the back door of the house -- off the kitchen."

"The pantry."

"Yeah! Romantic, huh? But at least it was warm in there. And there was just enough room, on the floor, for us to lie down together. With a little encouragement from me, ol' Pete managed to do pretty well."

"Details, Pam, please."

"I unbuttoned his fly -- he actually had buttons on his denims -- what a nerd! I unbuttoned it and pulled out Pete's equipment, which was pretty impressive, actually. Looking at ol' Pete, you might not expect it, but the boy was hung, you know? I was learning that one of the fun things about sex was opening the package for the first time, and finding out what Santa had brought me!"

"Did the two of you undress?"

"Sort of. At first I just had his pants unbuttoned and his schlong out there where I could get at it. I sucked him -- that was a first for our boy Pete -- and before long, he came in my mouth."

"Did you -- swallow?"

"Is that really on your questionnaire?"

"Pam -- the questionnaire is only a structure -- a framework. My questions mostly arise naturally out of your responses. You said this boy came in your mouth, and I'm asking whether you permitted that, and what you did with his ejaculate."

"His ejaculate? Damn, you talk funny, Dickie! Yes -- I swallowed it all, and it was considerable. That boy had been saving up ejaculate for me, no doubt about it."

"And then what?"

"And then -- nothing. We didn't have any condoms, and Pete was too naïve to realize that I wouldn't have minded if he'd returned the favor. So I buttoned up his pants, kissed him on the mouth with my cummy lips, and showed him the back door."

"Were you angry at him?"

"Angry? Oh, no! I realized Pete was just a rookie, and I was the one who'd been around the block. I figured he'd be educable, and grateful for whatever I could teach him. I just sent him home a very happy Booster Club President."

"Was that the beginning of a longer-term relationship with Pete?"

"Oh, yeah! Me'n Pete had us a good time, for the rest of that school year and through the summer vacation months! He was good, too. He was damned good. Hell, he ought to be -- I trained him myself!"

"So -- what was the frequency, and the nature, of your sexual relations with Pete?"

"The frequency wasn't that great until Spring finally came. Pete had that awful car with no heater, and it wasn't always easy for us to use the house -- even the pantry. But when the weather improved, we had a lot of outdoor sex, and it got better and better!"

"Was Pete able to..."

"Yes, yes, Dickie, Pete was able to get me off with his penis. And his mouth, and his hand. Pete was a quick learner, and he learned to be considerate, and very, very interested in my -- ahh -- welfare."

"This affair went on through that summer?"

"Right. I guess about seven, eight months, in all."

"And the sex was frequent?

"It was damned infrequent from January to April, but it was non-stop from May to September! The summer of love!"

"Were you having sex exclusively with Pete, all this time?"



"Yeah, I'm here."

"Did you hear what I asked? Were you having..."

"I heard you, Dickie. I just... I just was considering my answer."

"All I want, Pam, is the..."

"The truth. Yeah, I get it. But I'm -- sorta ashamed of the answer. I mean, Pete was doing me, really well, and I had nothing to complain about. But I still cheated on him, some."

"Cheated on him?"

"Well, yeah. I mean, we hadn't made any pledges, or anything, but it was easy enough for me to understand that ol' Pete considered me to be his girl. He sure wasn't looking for anything on the side! But I was -- I was a slut! Even though Pete was my best lover yet, I was still -- curious about other guys."

"You felt a need to have sex with other boys?"

"A need?" No, not a need, exactly. I mean, Pete was fucking my brains out, and I was like, getting off every time, or nearly. I had absolutely nothing to complain about. So it wasn't need -- it was want. I wanted more sex -- with more guys. Pretty awful, huh?"

"Pam, you know I'm not going to judge you. I only want to know the full extent of your sexual behavior. I'm not going to come to any conclusions about it at all."

"OK, OK. I realize you're the Big Professional, and you've Heard it All, and all that stuff. But I also know you have to be reacting, in some way, to hearing all this."

"The point is, my reactions aren't going to be permitted to affect the reporting I do on the results of this interview."

"Have you got a hard-on, Dickie?"

"I beg your pardon?"

"Please! Don't pretend. I asked you if hearing me talk about all this stuff has made you hard. Do you have a hard dick -- Dick?"

"Nothing you have said has been unusually erotic or arousing, Pam."

"Uh-huh. But -- is it hard?"

"No. Not now... But it was -- earlier."

"Earlier? When, Dickie?"

"When -- when you were talking about the time -- in the pantry."

"You mean -- when I gave Pete his first blowjob and I -- swallowed?"

"Yeah. Then."

"You liked that, huh? My swallowing his cum?"

"It was -- arousing."

"How about now?"


"You know what, Dickie. How about now. Are you hard -- now."




"'Yes' -- you're there? Or 'yes' -- you're hard."

"Yes. I'm -- I've got an erection."

"Not the first time, is it Rich?"


"I mean, this isn't the first time, while you were conducting one of these interviews, and you spoke to somebody on the phone about the details of their sex lives. You've gotten an erection before this, haven't you, Richard? Tell the truth, now."

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How my aunty had affair with Anand Hi Butchers and beautiful bitches, I want to narrate a real time story of my aunt who had an extra martial affair after her husband died of brain tumor. My aunt worked in a bank and continued after her husband's death. She used to stay in bangalore with her mom. I was close relative to my aunt and I used to stay in my aunt's house when I was searching for IT jobs.It was really a difficult phase for my aunt at that time but she was able to manage and go through...

1 year ago
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Doctors Incestuous Family Chapter 4 Mommy Rides Her Son

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Four: Mommy Rides Her Son By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Dr. Bernice Wilson The pregnancy test box fell back into the wastebasket from my numb fingers. I trembled, shocked. My baby girl might be pregnant. My baby girl was having sex and thought she might be pregnant. She was only eighteen. I know girls were so sexually active these days, but she had always seemed so innocent. I was too young to be a...

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Fun Car Rides With Strange Men

Hi my name is Robert,I had lots of fun in these car rides with these strange men here is various stories of me and my hard cock.I'm a normal everyday young man about age 26.I only weigh 140 lbs. and I have brown eyes and hair and I'm 5'11" tall and I have a swimmers style body with a tight little ass like a slender girls ass and I have very muscler legs.I start my story at age 17 when I was still in high school in the 10th grade.I just was a normal guy atracted to girls which I was very popular...

4 years ago
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Schoolgurl rides with stranger

SCHOOLGURL RIDES WITH STRANGERI replied to a CL ad...heres the beefLooking to get serviced today. I'm up for a simple blow and go. Or more kinky stuff. I'm interested in CD jerking me off with their panties, **** fantasy's. Making you submit to my cravings. roleplaying. I'm more of an aggressori am a closet crossdresser with similar desires. i enjoy....anonymous blowjobs to strangers....verbal abuseroleplay....especially forced to wear lingerie and act like a female cocksucker ...having a...

1 year ago
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Ana rides a huge black piece

Ana rides a huge dark piece Victor was out of town for the weekend and that Friday evening I was at the gym, trying to get rid of my bad mood…I was running in a tread mill, when a tall handsome black man came into and started running on next to me. He was in great shape with a muscular build, a nice dark skin. After jogging for a few minutes the man removed his sweat T-shirt.I did my best to keep my eyes forward, but I could not do it. I glanced over and saw his muscular chest glistening as the...

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Monique rides a bike

She was 5’8 in her cycling shoes but it was the legs that stretched to heaven that caught my attention, strong legs but not to heavy or bulky like typical cyclist’ s legs. Firm calves and well-defined thighs ran smoothly into tight buns that filled the Lycra shorts more than adequately. The shorts were tight, cutting into her pubic area. Most men would have killed for her washboard stomach, which was a perfect link to her perky breasts. Her nipples were standing up creating tight little nubs...

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Allison Rides the Spanking Horse

Alison got off the elevator. Instead of walking straight to Suite 2550, at the end of the corridor, she ducked into the ladies room right next to the elevators. Thank goodness no one was in the bathroom. She checked the commodes just to be sure. A quick little pull on her silver flask and she was ready for the interview due to start in 10 minutes. She checked the mirror. Her silver toned blond hair was impeccable. She had her lipstick on perfectly and the lip gloss added a sense of wetness...

3 years ago
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Bike Rides With Rima Kolkata

Hi indian sex stories dot net readers this is my first story… So koi mistake hua toh maaf kardena… Mai raghu from kolkata, mera age 24years hai… Average built body, 7″ lamba nd 4.5″ mota lund jo kisi ki bhi bhukh ko mita de… Funny nd caring bhi hu… Jiske wajah se girls mujhe bahut pasand karti hai… Mera graduation completed hai… and higher studies k sath khud ka business bhi chalata hu… Ap apna comments jarur karey… pe mail bheje ya hangouts . Toh story pe atey hai.. Mai apna business k...

3 years ago
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Swim Team Bus Rides

I was on the swim team my senior year in high school. I know what your thinking ‘speedo’s eeewww’ but that also means 3-4 hour long swim meets, with maybe 15 min tops in the water. That is a lot of time to view the scenery around you…. Any way in my Catholic high school we had a lot of away meets in places that were a one to two hour bus rides away. After being surrounded by bathing suit clad females for hours and then cramping all us into buses together, you have a lot of potential for sin. It...

2 years ago
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She Rides the Unicorn

Author’s Introduction This is my fourth submission to Literotica. I’m pleased with how I’ve been received, and the number of views. I’d like to see more comments and emails. Negative and positive comments are welcome. With four published books and a host of short stories, I don’t take negative comments personally. People are going to receive my work differently. I write across genres. Mostly, I call my work literary fiction. Fiction, of course, is the lie by which we tell the truth. My stories...

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Biker slut just like the slag that rides with me 1

Biker slut (1)A horny Biker slutDay 1 :She is a handsome blond married woman of 39, big natural tits who likes attention of other (foreign) men.During the month of May there is always a Harley fest in the south of France where she rides together with her husband on a big Harley.Her husband is not jealous and enjoy to see his wife being naughty with other men.A blonde slut with big tits is always provocative when she is sitting on a Harley dressed up like it.It was a sunny drive on the highway...

1 year ago
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Swim Team Bus Rides

I was on the swim team my senior year in high school. I know what your thinking "speedo's eeewww" but that also means 3-4 hour long swim meets, with maybe 15 min tops in the water. That is a lot of time to view the scenery around you....Any way in my Catholic high school we had a lot of away meets in places that were a one to two hour bus rides away. After being surrounded by bathing suit clad females for hours and then cramping all us into buses together, you have a lot of potential for sin.It...

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Stranger Rides Me 8211 Part II

Hello to all ISS readers hope you liked reading the first part of my story. I am continuing from where I left as I came out of the shower and was dressing up for going out and the devil in my mind wanted some more fun tonight. I threw away the regular cotton saree I wore and took out a green transparent silk saree and wrapped in tight around my ass. My saree was 2 inches further below my navel than it usually used to be and the blouse was a backless one showing a lot of my back. I walked out of...

3 years ago
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Free Trader Marys DreamChapter 9 For Evil Rides Close Behind

As we pulled into the queue for taking the Jumpgate from the Geghast System, Astro Control pinged our shipboard comm. Apparently, we had a message waiting from the station. That would be unusual enough, but it that wasn’t the only odd thing about it. It was not to me, or Melissa, or even the girls. It was addressed to Heyanna! From: Jo-Anne Kerwood, Priestess of the Sisterhood of the Stars, Geghast station To: Sister H, Ship 24519-3124 Hello Sister, you have asked for a series of prayers to...

4 years ago
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You Are a Meany Chapter 28 The Saturday Morning Bike Club Rides Again

There were no real changes in Luke or Lori's life until the spring of their junior year. Luke was thriving in California. Good grades, good friends, and good weather helped Luke to live the good life. Luke's grades were as high as the waves he loved to ride. His being in the top 20 of his class was going to get him into Stanford. The Harvard of the West Coast was his dream school. The university had one of the best, if not the best, computer engineering programs in the world. Luke's...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 440 Rachael Rides Again

Oh. Come on! She is only fifteen! Can’t they at least ask me first? “Terry said not to let you even start to bitch about me not asking before using your dick to be my first,” the girl told me. “Your aunt called my mom and said that her nephew David was visiting. If I wanted to have a safe, disease-free, long cock and a guy who could go all day and night, then to get my butt over here. Just let me use your dick until you can’t get hard again, or I can’t fuck anymore. I should be safe, but if...

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Alicia Becomes a Bridesmaid

Any feedback would be welcome and can be sent to me at this email address: [email protected] Alicia Becomes a Bridesmaid By Paula Hanson March 1998 Chapter 1 The small girl was rolling on the floor at the bottom of the stairs clutching her right leg wailing her heart out. Her bother, ran down the stairs after her looking concerned. Her mother also ran out of the kitchen to see what all the crying was about. The mother immediately bent down to console her...

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Ray Ray Rides Again and Again

Chapter 1 By the time my brother Ray got to be a junior in high school he already had a reputation for being the seducer of many girls. It was his hobby as well as his main passion in life. He was always on the look out for his next conquest. I remember one particular Sunday when my mother had gotten all of us up and dragged us off to an early mass at St.Joseph's over in New London. My family didn't go to church very often, so my mother liked to go to different parishes when we did go....

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Lupe The Colombian Guesthouse MILF Rides Again

I continue the tale of how I got involved in the amazing sexual exploits of Lupe, my uncle’s second wife, when I stayed at their guesthouse.I had travelled to the Pacific Coast of Colombia, on my first paid photography assignment after graduating university. I was staying in a fairly remote small town, as my uncle had moved from the UK many years ago, and bought a guesthouse there.My uncle was almost sixty, and I was stunned on arrival at the guesthouse to meet his wife Lupe, who was in her...

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Melanie Rides Double Again

Shortly after our return from vacation, Sue went away on a business trip, leaving Jake home alone. Melanie and I decided to be good neighbours and feed Jake, so we invited him over for supper. As it turned out, both Jake and I ended up feeding Melanie!Melanie cooked a nice meal and afterwards we settled at the dining table with beers to play a game of Risk. Board games are not really Jake's thing, but he was willing to play on this particular occasion. After we had been playing for about half...

Group Sex
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Gina Is My Bridesmaid

Gina Is My Bridesmaid By Janis Elizabeth It was about a year before my wedding that I started noticing that my clothes and makeup were not quite in the same place, as I knew that I had left them. Sometimes my lingerie in my dresser appeared to be slightly rearranged or refolded. I also noticed that sometimes a dress or a blouse would not be situated properly on a hanger in my closet or would be hung in a different spot. At first, I...

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A Pretty Sissy Bridesmaid

A Pretty Sissy Bridesmaid Preface. This is my third attempt at TG fiction, following the first two chapters of my other story, The Dress Shop (third chapter is on the way soon, following an extended writing hiatus!), and another story which is (as yet) unpublished on FM. First of all, I'd like to address the fact that the story below is very much a 'genre piece'. That is, it knowingly contains many of the stereotypical plot contrivances that the majority of TG fiction...

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My Bridesmaid Story

My Bridesmaid Story I was woken by the sound of the house phone ringing. I slowly turned my head on my pillow so I could see my bedside clock, it was 6:27am. A few seconds later my mum rushed into the study to answer the phone. The study was next to my bedroom so I could hear every word that she said. "Hello? Caroline, it's six-thirty, what on earth is the matter? What's happened? Slow down... ... Becky has what? ... The measles? Oh no that's terrible... ... That's...

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Porno Store PickUp Ronnie Rides Again

Once when I lived in Texas I went to this porno store late at night. As I walked in there was a red car parked very close to the entrance of the porn store's door. I thought it was weird because most patrons park further away. As I got closer to the entrance this older man stepped out of the car. If I had to guess I would say he was in his early 50's. So as I walked pass him he greeted me and I returned his greeting. I thought that was weird because most guys don't look at each other or make...

1 year ago
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Not Always A Bridesmaid

NOT ALWAYS A BRIDESMAID A story by Satinmaid (satinmaid@y...) under direction from Mistress Lisa (lisa_simmonds2000@y...). Part 1 - Bridesmaid I had known Jackie for far too long, almost twenty years since we were kids in fact. I don't really mean 'far too long' - as we were best friends and had been for most of that 20 years. We were so close that I probably knew she was a lesbian at about the same time she realised. It had annoyed me at first because I did fancy...

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I Was a Boy Bridesmaid

My heartfelt thanks To Annabelle Brito for reviewing and helping me to edit the story. Without her suggestions, the story would not be nearly as readable. Her help was invaluable. I welcome all comments, both positive and negative and encourage anyone who reads the story to provide feedback. If you don't like it or any part of it, please tell me why. I hope you all enjoy the story. I Was a Boy Bridesmaid I never knew my Mom. She left my dad and me when I was 3 and I...

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Sue rides again

Not wrote for a while but trust me sue has not changed ,apart from being a bigger slut ,we just came back from Spain and never done anything abroad but after a couple of days walking around looking at half dressed teens etc I was horny so time to make sue take some young cock ,so that night did a few bars doing my best to get her horny and thought I'd stick to my old ways pick on young drunks but finding 1 or 2 on their own was hard as they were all in groups so we headed back to our hotel and...

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The Conscripted Bridesmaid

The Conscripted Bridesmaid What would you do if you were threatened with disclosure of your covert crossdressing activity? How far would you go to keep it secret? Especially if it involved crossdressing in public! Well, I yielded, and it had a lasting effect on my life. Background My real name is Alan, but to my family and close friends, I've always been called "Ali," an abbreviated version, an acquired childish name that never left me. "Sis," as I refer to her, is my older...

3 years ago
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Note: ——I am NOT the author!so plz Don't ask me about part two,am simply sharing THE BRIDESMAIDS by lesley_taraIntroduction: The idea for this story came to me whilst watching on television the British royal wedding in April 2011, and seeing Pippa Middleton’s sexy ass so gloriously showcased in her stunning bridesmaid’s dress. If you have read my true story ‘What Turns Me On’, you will know what a trim and jutting female butt does for me! As always, the story is entirely fiction, and any...

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Youll be sitting with the bridesmaids

"You'll be sitting at the bridesmaid's table today, dear." "Why won't I be sitting with you?" "How dare you question me like this. I want you at the bridesmaid's table and don't ever question my authority again. I'll sit you wherever I damn well please. I want to sit with some real men. Not some fucking little pantywaist like you. I don't know why I'm explaining this to you. You have much more in common with the bridesmaids then you have with any of the men sitting at 'our' table....

2 years ago
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The Preacher ManChapter 18 Ilias Rides Again

Time: December 2, 8235 11:20 PM I had spent the last three days settling into Jericho, both family-wise and job-wise. My first impression of my job was that there were not enough hours in the day to do it. I had a book knowledge of how much work it would be to be a township's head Security commander, but the experience of actually being one was another matter entirely. On the plus side, I thought my initial meetings with both the cathedral directors and some of the many Guild station...

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Michelles Bridesmaid Part 1

It started with a pink toilet cover. I thought it was a bit peculiar that Mother would have purchased a pink toilet cover for my bathroom, but I didn't say anything about it. I didn't complain or ask her specifically why a pink toilet cover would seem appropriate for a boy's bathroom. The next week, a pink waste basket and hand towels showed up in my bathroom as well. Once again, I didn't say anything. It's not like pink is my least favorite color or anything. Actually, it brightened up...

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Michelles Bridesmaid Part V

Chapter V - The Rehearsal Dinner Well, it was finally here. It was time for Mother and me to return home so I could prepare for the rehearsal dinner, meet Richard, and probably make a fool of myself. Mother wanted to prepare herself for her date with William. We both had a nice pink glow from our time out in the sun. It was about 2:00 pm when we arrived back at the house. I was still wearing my swimsuit; it is red, by the way, with a nice cover-up top and my sandals. Mother had on a...

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She looked so delightful in her pale pink satin bridesmaid’s dress, its tightly-fitted cut highlighting the budding curves of her slender sixteen-and-a-half year old body – her small pert breasts, her slim waist, her trim hips and her cute bubble-butt. Helen was a very pretty and attractive teenager even in her everyday jeans and T-shirts; in this classically-simple and elegantly-shaped sheath of satin, she looked absolutely eatable – and I had plans to do just that. We two had been the...

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Michelles Bridesmaid Part II

Part II To be feminine, one must surround oneself with feminine things, Mother informed me. I didn't have to run next door every time I wanted those wonderful girly feelings, Mother said. She decorated my room so I'd start feeling like a bridesmaid. Apparently there are three important things that happen in a bride's preparations that I'd have to participate in. First was a bridal shower. I explained to Mother that Richard wasn't going to be there, so asked why I had to attend. She...

4 years ago
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The Brown Blogger Rides Again

“Ja, Frau Miller, I am now in the England to visit my most promising online students. My colleague Herr Overwurst is here to observe and attend.” “Please do come in, Professor. I hope you have found my work satisfactory and that I am on track to pass your wonderful course.” “You are my most promising student, your love for the scheisse and ze piss is most gratifying. Never have I seen such gluttony, such passion for the poop!” “Thank you, Professor Bütternberg, I am truly honoured by your...

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Sonnet 57Chapter 17 Tracy Rides Again

Chapter Introduction In London, Tracy falls into the trap set by Petra and her Father; Jennifer and Joe enjoy a chance meeting over lunch; Angela Dawney moves up Scott Anderson’s agenda; and Jennifer gains a new perspective on some past events. The Uninvited Guest We are back in London. Joe has been to University College Hospital again for a review with the surgeons who cared for him after he was assaulted. Of course, it’s good to have their expertise but every examination just means that...

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Embarrassed Bridesmaids Revenge

Embarrassed Bridesmaids Revenge.This is a little ‘DARK’ and not my usual type of story. If you don’t like non-compliant sex with bondage and spanking don’t read this. That said, AJ knows my limits!!! I’m EJ, a pretty 25 year old brunette; 38C 26 37. Chief Bridesmaid is AJ a pretty 26; 38DD 27 37. Amanda, stunning 24; 36DD 24 36. My good looking niece, Jemma 16; 35C 24 35. We have all been friends through school, except Jemma. If you guys ever seen us in a club you would be very, very delighted...

2 years ago
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Lilith RIDes Again

THe following event happend the night i took my profile pictures....... I had almost given up all hope of finding a man online in time before my girlfriend and k** came home the next day. Finally at 4am a reply, his name was Todd. HE was on his way, one hour later he arrived. I got really dolled up for him this time; makeup, my favorite pink mini skirt and thigh highs on my smooth legs. When i let him in and disrobed he smiled and said "YOu are beautiful arent you?" I blushed a...

4 years ago
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Michelles Bridesmaid Part III

Part III The bridal shower was on Wednesday, the week of the wedding. Mother had me practicing each day on feminine movements. She said I'd feel more like I was floating on air if I dressed the part. She said she'd notice a really cute dance outfit at Miss Audette's Dancewear store and suggested we take a ride. I'd purchased the yellow tutu from there last week. I was still on my diet, trying to lose 10 pounds before the wedding on Saturday so I was feeling a little weak. Mother...

3 years ago
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Camp Slut Rides Again

Click… Click… Click… With a depressed sigh, I closed yet another window of my web browser, disappointed by the lack of real imagination that went into the story I’d read. I sat naked at my desk, the door to my dorm room open a crack, searching for something interesting to masturbate to in hopes of getting caught by my roommate or some other random passerby. After an hour, I had just about lost hope until a story title caught my attention. “The Camp Slut, huh? Well, I guess I can give it a...

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The Happy Sailor Rides Again

Upon the return to the UK from the trip to Gibraltar, and the tour of the Mediterranean Sea, Adam had left the ship as he had been aboard for just this one voyage and I wondered when I would see him again. This was in the days prior to mobile phones, internet and emails and so the only contact you really had back then was the old snail mail and telegrams and that made life much more difficult when it came to keeping in touch. When Adam got to his next base, he sent me a letter containing a...

Gay Male
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Grandma rides again

Growing up as a boy, he never dreamt he would find paradise in the arms of his Grandmother! You know how it is when, as a young man, you first set out in the world on your own, determined to scale every mountain and become a leader of industry. Well Konrad left home where he had lived with his loving supportive parents and his caring widowed grandmother. He was in his early twenties and had completed his apprenticeship. He was going to set the world on fire. But, things didn’t work out that...

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Bridesmaid BethanyChapter 2

Other times, however, my confidence would dwindle, and my masculine side would step in. There was one day in particular which tested my male resolve. The day started out well enough. Lisa and I had planned to go out to lunch with Carrie, our co-worker. Driving to the restaurant, I was feeling especially confident for some reason; I had managed to apply my lipstick and foundation just so, and my wig was behaving better than usual as well. Perhaps it was the new earrings that were...

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Michelles Bridesmaid Part IV

Part IV Later during the day, I entered my room wearing only the leotard and tights, as Michelle had suggested. Mother seemed to like me dressed this way. She said it reminded her of her ballet days. I did feel I was working up a sweat (a glow, as Mother calls it.) I'd been doing all the household chores like cleaning and laundry when I finally got a chance to go back into my room for a break. I noticed Michelle's window open and she was in there! And there was someone with her. I...

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The Lovely Bridesmaid

The Lovely Bridesmaid by Cindy Seranade I had always been close to my older sister Suzy - we shared secrets about her boyfriends, and used to play together as we grew up. She laughed that I was more like a sister than an awful brother. When she brought her girlfriends home from school they would always involve me in their games, and later in their discussions. She even invited me to a slumber party once, although I of course went in my pyjamas. They took fun out of them though because they...

4 years ago
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Emily Thrashes Adam Then Rides His Cock

The morning after their latest sexual encounter Emily Bothwick-Smyth was fidgetting in the back seat of the vehicle as chauffeur Adam Crook looked at her in the rear-view mirror. Adam knew very well that the cause of her discomfort was the nine strokes with Emily's riding crop that he had applied to her bare arse before giving her a good fucking. He also knew that she had told him that she would be whipping him before their next fuck and he imagined that she would not be stopping at nine...

2 years ago
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Kaylie Rides a Horse

It had all sounded so exciting when her mom told her that she had purchased a package deal at the nearby riding stables for her to have a beginner's riding class and actually ride a horse in the paddock and even out on the small trail behind Mister McArthur's farm. This was the big day! She put on the riding outfit her mother had bought her and looked in the mirror. She looked like a regular horse-riding girl from the country. Kaylie didn't quite know what to do with the tiny riding crop...

2 years ago
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Virtual Lesson To Hot Scooter Rides

  So, this sex story began last year. I’m 26 yr old guy working in a reputed MNC in Bengaluru. It was my first job and it was just 6 months for me in that company and everyone was just colleagues and didn’t have any friends in office as such. One day, I got to know that a lady is getting transferred to our branch from the other branch of another state. I was little bothered by it. And then she joined, her name was Nidhi (name changed). Then, I got to know that she is married and it’s her 4th...

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Hubbys Friend Gives His Hotwife Rides to Work

My name is Abigail, but everyone calls me Abi, and I’m writing this story to document some very erotic events that began several years ago, when I had been married to my husband, Billy, for only two years, before we had any children.We grew up in a small town outside Tuscaloosa, Alabama, and I suppose most people would call us and our friends rednecks. I think we’re all relatively intelligent, or at least what people would call having street smarts if we were in an urban setting, but none of us...

Wife Lovers
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Liz rides again

We went down to see a friend of ours who Liz previously had sex with. I set the whole thing up, asking him to roundup another guy for a threesome. So we went down and, as usual, started drinking beer. Shortly he told her to sit on his lap, which she did without hesitation. He then unbuttoned her blouse and started playing with her tits. She never wore a bra as she didn’t have that much to contain. In a short while he stood up and told her to come with him upstairs. She did, without question....

1 year ago
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Caravan Man Rides Again

Having sadly been widowed some time ago, my relationship with Pete changed somewhat. I no longer had Ken at home to share my thoughts with and I rattled around in the house it seemed. Jane was busy with her art business and was very understanding about me needing support. Jane had become a good friend, we never mentioned my relationship with Pete. all though over the past three years it had become obvious that she had set me up to satisfy her man, and I had to say I have been very well...

3 years ago
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Betsy the McBrides Ch 01

Four-fifteen on a lightly raining morning marked what appeared to be the start of social disintegration in the life of Betsy Milton-Stewart. Betsy awoke to hear her husband Royce cry, ‘I don’t feel well.’ He coughed and gurgled, starved for air, dying of a massive coronary at 4:15. A former star athlete and regional Young Businessman of the Year winner, Royce (40) was publisher of The Sentinel, the morning newspaper for Milton Falls and outlying settlements. Regrettably for Betsy, that...

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