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The goblins boiled from the ground in a tide of gnashing fangs.

I nocked an arrow, drew and loosed. The first goblin fell, black blood welling from the arrow wound in its chest. The second clawed over its brother, running on all fours, and leaped.

"Not on my watch, laddie," shouted Berk and swung a high blow with his hammer. Dwarf strength is a formidable thing, and the goblin's head exploded. Its body smashed broken against the nearest tree and crumpled to the ground.

I loosed a second arrow and almost in the same instant a third. Two more goblins dropped dead, wooden shafts quivering in their steaming flesh.

"By the Hidden Moons of Eglor!" cried Uialon and fire washed passed Berk and I. It burnt the goblins, driving them back, but by then the other burrows were opening.

The maw of a second burrow erupted in the trees to the left and then a third just behind me. The goblin hoard bore from all directions. Bestial, darting shapes moved in the trees. The dense foliage robbed me of easy shots. I spun, bow drawn, looking for something to kill.

Uialon sent a dozen glowing magical projectiles into the chest of a goblin. Berk bellowed war cries to the ancestor gods of his people and knocked back a big scarred monster, with only a single eye. And Adrian—

A goblin leaped straight down at Adrian from the gnarled branches of a tree, talon like claws bared and needle sharp fangs gleaming in a bloody smile. I shot without thinking, as only an elf could.

The arrow thrummed and took the goblin right between its beady black eyes. The beast fell twitching to the ground.

Adrian sent me one of his quirky smiles and saluted with his quicksilver sword before turning to meet the next member of the on rushing hoard.

The smile stayed with me, even as I sent an arrow into the heart of a charging goblin, and a wave of heat washed through my cheeks. Adrian. Adrian the warrior. Adrian my companion. Adrian my lover. Adrian my soul mate. I loved him more than life itself. I'd die to see him happy but today that wasn't required. Today I needed to murder instead.

More goblins fell, some to my arrows, some to Berk's hammer, some to Uialon's wizardry and some to Adrian's darting silver blade.

Finally it was over. We stood panting in a charnel forest of goblin corpses as the light of day slowly died. Broken bodies, burnt bodies, ruptured bodies. Noxious black blood dripped from weapons and pooled on the ground. Nothing lived save for the four of us.

"Foul varmints, aren't they," said Berk and gave the nearest corpse a kick with his armoured boot. It made a squishing sound and rolled half over, revealing a brown-green bestial face slashed half in two. He spat, picked a piece of exploded goblin from his beard and flicked it away.

Uialon made a sour expression. "They are a plague most vexatious. We have done a good thing by cleansing this burrow." Uialon was human but dressed in the style of an elven wizard — beardless, with his long silvery hair pulled back so as to flow down his back. He held up a hand and whispered a word under his breath. A silvery orb of light flickered into existence.

Under its ghostly light, the true carnage of our murder lay revealed.

Perhaps sensing my emotions, Adrian threw an arm over my shoulders and pulled me close. I nuzzled into him. His body was warm and smelled sweat and power. Humans burn hot compared to us elves, and I revelled in his heat.

"We should turn back," said Adrian and I felt the rumble of his words in his chest. "We can spend the night at an inn and begin our journey again tomorrow." His grey eyes swept over the goblins. "Perhaps this time we will have more luck."

"Lets," I murmured into his chest. "I want a proper bed tonight." I let my hand play along his chest and added in a whisper, "Perhaps we can even have some fun in it together."

Using the last of the daylight and Uialon's spectral lantern, I set to recovering my arrows and Berk moved from corpse to corpse, searching for anything valuable. Goblins weren't crafters, not even in the crude way of orcs or kobolds, but they would scavenge their kills for trinkets which pricked their evil little minds. A well established band might have grimy jewellery still smeared in its owner's blood or weapons yet new enough to be serviceable despite the wet and squalid conditions of a goblin borrow.

In the end, he didn't find much. This goblin burrow seemed new, which explained why the local villages hadn't warned us. While Berk scrubbed away at a twisted copper necklace and a knife mostly gone to rust, I held up one of my recovered arrows and checked the shaft remained true. The red light of the sun shone down the shaft and I smiled. Still good.

It was dark by the time we reached the village of Better's End. The others trudged down the road of packed earth. I had a bit more spring in my step. Call it an elf thing or call it Adrian still clutching me tight, I don't know. God I loved my man. He was far, far more than I deserved.

This was our second visit to Better's End. We had passed through the village around mid-afternoon earlier that day, so we knew the layout. Uialon and his bobbing lantern led the way through the shadowed streets to a large stone and timber inn by the name of the Monk's Repose. A hundred years past, it had been a pilgrimage house for the local monastery. That monastery was gone now, little more than a ghost haunted ruin lurking on a nearby hill, but the inn still stood and maintained a tradition of strong doors, good food and soft beds.

The light above the door still burned and from inside my keen elf ears picked up the sound of laughter, drinking and song. Berk shoved the great slab of iron banded wood open and we moved inside.

The door and common room were separated by a narrow foyer, running left to right. The guest book sat on a white linen cloth inside a stone nook on the far wall. Above it hung the founding bull. We each went through the process of signing the monk's peace.

'Berk Berk's Son, ' wrote Berk.

'Master Uialon, ' wrote Uialon.

'Adrian of Redwine, ' wrote Adrian.

I went last. 'Ilmaquen vix Altorno va Airwë vo Mistë.' Translated into Common that means something like Dancing Rain from the line of the Red Lady of the Forest Tribe and the Starlight People. You can see why I tend to just go by Mistë. Such an abbreviation saves a lot of time.

The peace signed, we all stamped along the corridor to the inn proper. Berk was positively salivating with desire and rubbed his hands together. "Nothing like a little action to get the fires of hunger brewing, eh lass?"

In truth food was near the furthest thing from my mind. I wanted to go to bed, make love to Adrian until I forgot all about today and then sleep until morning. But from his face I could see Adrian was hungry and that was enough for me.

"Drinks and keep them coming," shouted Berk, nose just level with the bar top, and slapped down a palm full of coins. "We are bonafide travelers, you ken?"

"Yes, yes," said the barmaid, a rotund matronly woman, whose greying hair was held in a tight bun. "You'll be wanting food too, I'd wager."

"If you would please," said Adrian with a slight bow, hand resting on the pommel of his sword. It showed a silver lion head, the features worn soft by frequent handling. "We have had a full day."

We ate food by the roaring wall fire. It was some sort of mutton stew, the tastes harsh and brutal by the refined standards of elvish cooking but I had long ago grown use to such succour. Around us other travellers drank, ate and sang along to the slightly out-of-tune minstrel on a high stool by the bar.

There was talk too. I heard snippets of conversation, pulled at random from the chaotic noise of the inn. Farmer Bradshaw had built his cowshed from stone salvaged from the old monastery and now all his milk was sour. The house-girl up at Rock End's farm had run off with the butcher's boy to become adventurers. Brown John's wife was pregnant again despite John being dead these last six months.

I made an effort to leave the outside world alone and focus on my companions.

Berk alternated great gulps of stew and the dark local beer. Uialon was more dignified. He picked at his stew and the husk of bread that came with it like a fisher bird. The description suit him, with his reserved, dignified expression and hard aquiline nose, not to mention the way he'd suddenly spear out with his knife to skewer a choice morsel. I fell somewhere in between the two extremes. Eating, yes, but slowly. I made sure to enjoy the meal and company. The local beer even had something too it.

As the night aged, I grew bolder. I reached across Adrian and in doing so rubbed up against him, my athletic elf body pressed against his powerful human form. I scraped my chest down his arm and stole tiny kisses when I thought no one was looking. Adrian certainly didn't object to my actions and a somewhat lecherous grin spread across his face.

I flushed too and wore a smile of my own. How wicked was I? How bold? Could I be bolder still?

Heart pounding in my chest, I let my hand drift down his body until it settled on his crotch. For a while I just let it sit there, but there was more I could do. I started to push down with my fingers and I soon felt him responding to my ministrations.

Adrian grew hard beneath my hand. I could feel the steel of his cock and its heat, as if fresh from the forge. The cloth of his trousers did little to block my hand, and I rubbed up and down, up and down. I could see the results of my actions on Adrian's face. Tension grew there. He'd bliss out mid sentence. He'd leave a chunk of stew hanging mid way to his mouth. He'd—

He grabbed my hand by the wrist and dragged me to my feet.

"We're going to bed," he said. "We will see everyone tomorrow."

That said, he practically dragged me to our rooms up stairs. Not that I resisted much. Or at all for that matter.

I giggled as I skipped across the floor, shedding an item of clothing with each step. Green, brown and earth-tone cloth fell like autumn leaves onto the smooth boards of the floor. Next went my knife, unstrung bow and arrows. I was naked by the time I reached the bed and I dived onto it.

The sheets were clean and soft. I rolled onto my back and squirmed my naked butt against them. From that position I looked up at Adrian. From his grin he liked what he saw.

He growled as he moved forward and almost ripped his clothes off. Belt and trousers fell to the ground and then he was on me. His fingers twisted with mine and his weight pushed me down. His cock scraped against my inner thigh. Then he twisted. Using his superior mass he flipped me round so I was on top.

"If you're so frisky," he growled like a great jungle cat, "you can ride me."

Gods, I blushed and sort of looked a way. I could feel his cock against my ass. Being on top ... Being so open and vulnerable ... Those weren't things I normally liked but he was right on one thing, I was feeling frisky.

I leavered myself up so I sat across his stomach and looked down at my hot sex rubbing against his sculpted abs.

"Don't look," I whispered, but not so loudly that he might hear and actually do what I suggested.

I looked up into his face. His fierce grey eyes were locked on mine. His dirty-blonde hair lay scattered on the white pillow. His hard chest and harder stomach glimmered with sweat.

"I love your nipples," he said and reached up. His rough calloused hands rubbed over my tiny breasts. His fingers tweaked my nipples. He pulled them and squeezed them. I groaned and rolled my hips in a grinding motion. My Adrian was so powerful. So strong. So ... So human.

"I love your breasts," he said as his hands rubbed over my chest and I blushed again.

"No you don't," I said. "They're tiny."

Tiny was, if anything, an over statement. It would be more accurate to say I simply didn't have any. I had the tits and hips of a boy, meaning I was utterly flat, save for my large puffy nipples.

That wasn't uncommon in the wider elven race — we tend towards the sylphic and lean bodies of dancers — but my family, the Airwë, the Red Women, are an exception. We are touched by the Goddess Sito. We carry her blessing of fertility and harvest. Women of the Airwë are wide of hip and great of breast. We have many children and carry them easily. We are mothers and growers. Lovers and passionate wives. All except me. In a family of white, I am the black sheep.

Adrian deserved someone better than me, but right now I was all he had and I would do the best I could.

I threw my head back and bared myself to him. If he wanted to play with my tits he could, even if they weren't worthy of him. At the same time I shuffled back a bit, lifted my hips and slipped his long, hard cock into my aching sex.

And gods did it feel good.

I moaned as the hard length of burning flesh sunk into me. It made me feel alive. My body sung an erotic song of sensual pleasure. My long, thick nipples burnt and I ground myself against Adrian's cock.

Adrian moaned too, though his was more of a manly grunt.

"You're so beautiful, Mistë," he said.

That wasn't true, but right then I didn't care. I fucked myself against Adrian, up and down, and at the end of each down I ground my hips against his.

It was fantastic. I felt alive. I put my hands on his shoulders and I could feel his singing arousal too.

I fucked and fucked until I came my brain's out and then fucked some more. I fucked until Adrian spurted himself deep inside me, pulled out, sucked him back to life and then fucked him some more.

It was late in the night when we finally stopped. Under the moon's glow, we cuddled together and let sleep take us away.

I lay next to Adrian's sleeping form as the first light of dawn filtered through the window. The warmth of his body filled the bed. He looked so peaceful asleep, like an angel. Awake, he was a tiger. All power and strength. Now ... Now I loved him even more.

His sandy blonde hair fell over his eyes and I brushed it aside. I gazed at him. Was he dreaming of me? Did our nights of passion replay inside his mind.

Had he been an elf I could have peered into his mind and read his soul. With a connection as strong as ours I could have called to him from half a continent away. But he wasn't an elf and I was glad for that. He was human and I wouldn't trade that for the world.

As silently as I could I rolled out of bed and dropped to the floor. In the golden light of dawn I stretched. Light rolled over my lean but powerful body and felt like hot water combined with Adrian's smile.

My bow lay unstrung against the wall. I picked it up and ran my hands over the smooth powerful wood. There was strength there. If only I could be as strong as my bow, perhaps I would be worthy of Adrian.

Moving on tip toes, I scurried about the room and retrieved the scattered articles of my clothing. My jacket could do with a wash so I left it off and just dressed in my leggings and loose blouse.

Decent again, I slipped out of the door and headed for the common room. Perhaps the inn had some nice fresh fruit. Adrian would enjoy fresh fruit for his breakfast.

I padded softly down the hall. As I got closer to the common room, my keen ears picked up the chatter.

Most of it was the normal sort.

There was traveller news: "Did you hear, King Pyth has marched on the spawning pits of Agathor."

There was local gossip: "I hear Old Jack is thinking of selling his place and moving to Slice."

There were the normal lies: "I killed over a hundred acid breathing trolls in the jungle-forests of the southern Vind!"

Then I heard a burst of laughter and my entire world changed.

Like a spark in mine gas, panic flared in my chest. I sprinted forward, dodged around a slow moving guest, kicked off the wall, used the power of my leap to fly head first down the stairs, rolled at the base and sprung upright just as I entered the common room.

I froze, not moving, not breathing, not even thinking. A susurration spread through the room as everything and everyone fell away. Only two people were left: me and Almáriel.

Our eyes met, hers a burning green. Our minds touched.

'Cousin, ' she said in the words-without-words.

I didn't respond. I couldn't have. It had been so long since I'd spoken mind-to-mind. It had been decades since I'd even had the opportunity, since I'd met an elf who shared the necessary bond of blood or friendship. Even if I hadn't been out of practice I doubt I could have reached out to her. The shock, the horror, of her being here was too much.

I pulled back, ripping away the connection she had made and returning to the real world. She lounged next to the bar, one hand languishing on Berk's shoulder.

"Get away from her, Berk," I said in a hushed whisper.

She looked between my dwarf friend and me, fake astonishment on her face. "Berk, darling, you didn't tell me you knew my dear cousin Mintë."

"Mintë," said Berk, words slightly slurred by drink. His eyes were red. I doubted he'd gone to bed at all. "I kind of like it."

Gods no. My knees went weak. Tears stung at my eyes; I wanted to die. I left home to escape that nickname and the judgement it represented.

My name was Mistë, not Mintë. The words were similar but so very far apart. Mistë meant the beauty of falling rain. It was a noble, graceful name, full of nature's wonder. Mintë meant small woman. Small. And applied to me it could only mean one thing. The blush reached my tiny breasts and seemed to intensify there.

"You have been gone from home for simply too long, cousin dear," she said. "We worry about you."

Footsteps came up behind me and a hand closed on my shoulder. I looked back. It was Adrian, hair a mess, shirt undone to show his hard sculpted chest.

"And who is this?" said Almáriel, eyes sparkling with delight. She sashayed forward, wide womanly hips swaying, the deep valley of her cleavage very much on display.

"I'm Adrian," said Adrian. "Do I know..." He waved his hand between Berk and I.

"It is fantastic to meet you, Adrian." She swished passed me and laid her hand on his muscular shoulder. "I am Ilmaquen vix Altorno va Airwë vo Almáriel, though you can just call me Almáriel. I'm sure Mintë, sorry I mean Mistë, has told you so much about me."

Almáriel and I were about a height with each other, which meant she was half a head shorter than Adrian. She made the difference work for her and stared up into his slate grey eyes.

"I can't say she has," said Adrian, looking confused.

"She hasn't!" Almáriel was all fake shock and long fluttering eyelashes. "Why cousin, dearest, I could almost think you are ashamed of me."

Berk waved a drunken hand. The last dregs of drink in his mug sloshed. "Our Mistë ... Um Mintë? No Mistë, right. Our Mistë doesn't talk about her family much."

Almáriel tisked and shook her head. In a mock whisper she said, "I think our Mistë is ashamed of us. Well, I am Almáriel, daughter of Ettewen, sister to Esciel, who is of course Mistë's mother. It has been so long since I had seen dear Mistë that I just had to come catch up."

"Well, catching up's been great," I lied, "but I'm afraid we don't have much time. We are leaving on an important mission as soon as we are up and fed."

"Oh that's simply terrible," said Almáriel. "And after I came all this way. Is it an awfully important mission?"

"Tis a mission from the King!" said Berk and slammed an empty mug down on the bar. "More beer!"

"My that does sound important. But perhaps..."

"What lass?"

"Well, I suppose, if it is not too much trouble, I could spend a few days travelling with you."

"A pretty thing like you?"

"I promise." She gave a vulpine grin. "I know how to take care of myself."

"Well," said Adrian. He broke free of Almáriel and wrapped me in a reverse hug. "Company is always good and family is important. What do you say, Mistë?"

"I..." I couldn't explain. How could I tell Adrian of the mockery and ridicule. I couldn't explain how I was less than my kin, defective. He was already too good for me. If he knew that, if he knew how truly low I was, he could never love me.

Tears stinging my eyes, I nodded my head. "Of course she can join."

We left around mid day, with fresh food, cleaner clothes and a new companion.

Uialon hit things off with Almáriel. They walked together, chatting about magic, elves and various academic things.

That left me free to travel with Adrian. I stayed as close to him as I could, as if my mere presence could guard him against Almáriel. He didn't seem to mind and took my increased attentions as a good sign. It was lucky none of my companions were women. She would surely have noticed the root of my actions.

Finally, though, Adrian ran ahead to discuss the route with Berk and Almáriel dropped back to talk with me.

'Quite a hunk, isn't he, ' she said mind-to-mind. Only the faintest quirk of her lip betrayed our conversation. I wasn't anywhere near as reserved.

A scowl split my face. 'Uialon?' I said with a sinking feeling. The mind word came stiffly but I managed.

Almáriel smiled like a fox. 'There's no way he could be satisfied with someone like you, you know. Come now, Mintë. I am being reasonable. I am willing to share.'

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Jordyn Falls is an ebony goddess with curves for days. She has the plumpest of tits & phatest of booties. She’s excited to get oiled & groped by Jay Bangher today. He gets her gargantuan knockers soaked before teasing her big, perky nipples. Jay drizzles Jordyn’ thicc ass in oil and starts to rub her pussy, Jordyn feels Jay’s bulge and can’t wait to put him in her mouth. Jordyn is horny and needs Jay inside her, he starts to fuck her and his big cock stirs up...

4 years ago
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Babes In The Wood

The house hadn’t been lived in for years and was one step away from derelict. It wasn’t boarded up, as there was no need this far to the edge of town.The chances were minuscule that both of them should return to the house on the same day at the same time. It shortened the odds a little that it was ten years to the day from when they moved in, but it was still a pretty freaky coincidence.Ryan came from the freeway, so he parked across the road. He got out of his car and looked over at the...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Idaho Desert Relief

Being 16 year olds still living at home, Kellie and I had to be creative in coming up with places to have sex. It was the summer before our junior year of high school, and we'd been dating for about 5 months, and were filled to the brim with hormones raging for release. We had just started having sex on Valentines Day, which is how Kellie had always wanted to lose her virginity — on her Sweet 16 Valentines Day date. We had been inseparable all summer, but with other siblings and strict parents...

4 years ago
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Seducing My Sexy Maid 8211 Part I

Hi.. This is Rajesh and for the first time I’m writing my real experience with my maid. It happened 3years back and at that time my age is 25years.I used to stay with my friend in an apartment in Mumbai. We have appointed a maid for cleaning and washing cloths. First let me explain about my maid…Her name is Payal. She looks damn sexy and slim. I admire her shape and boobs. I feel no one can stop starring at her boobs they were so tempting and when we see her our dick will stand 90%...

2 years ago
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07 Home 2Chapter 17

Present – Jack – At the cabin I'm working my way to Masha who has just eliminated another suicide bomber, when - Son of a Bitch! Some bastard in a Marine uniform is pointing his rifle at Masha. I raise my rifle, but others are in the line of fire so I yell, "Everyone down on the ground!" Unfortunately, not everyone complies, but then thank God!!! Present – Ira, Mira and Alexi – At the cabin It is obvious that many of the troops who have taken residence at Ms. Donaldson's domicile are...

3 years ago
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Randi Biwi Ka Confession 8211 Part 2

Hello everyone, this is Akriti, back with the second part of my confession. First of all, thank you for such an overwhelming response. It was amazing interacting with you all. Those who are reading my story for first time, please read the first part before reading this one. Without wasting time, let’s come back to the second part of the confession. Maine usse paani liya, aur mere hath kaamp rahe the. Fir kaampte hue hatho se maine wo goli khaa li, bina soche, ki ye kis cheez ki goli thi. Goli...

2 years ago
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Jasmines Tribulations

Last night's party was pretty wild. Dancing, drinking, even some "action". Not for me though. Although I like to hang out with my friends in these parties, I do not particularly enjoy taking part in the more erroneous activities. My Name is Jasmine, currently in High School. I'm still a virgin. I do think erotic thoughts sometimes though, can't help it. My hormones are at the peak in this point of my life. My appearance? Picture me as whatever you want, that's not what's important. What's...

3 years ago
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Fighting Passion

Highlands of Scotland February 14, 2004 Wynter Donal eyes flew open as her blankets were pulled off of her. She started to reach for the dirk she had hidden under the pillow she didn’t sleep on. Only to find it missing and at the same time she heard a chuckle that sent a chill down her spine. Then heat started to pool between her legs. Her frightened gaze flew to look at the source of the chuckle. Her eyes landed upon the very man - no vampire! - she was fighting. Ryder Xerxes, the King of the...

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A matter of Security Remapped Personality Disorder

"A matter of Security-Remapped Personality Disorder" By: Alias G. Eliot (c) All rights reserved Greg put the gold cross between his teeth for the thousandth time with an irritating unconscious gesture as he did his daily pushups. It was six a.m. and he was just getting started with his daily routine of sweaty, hard muscle reps. He gritted and tried to bite the impenetrable gold metal as he pushed himself to the limit of endurance....

4 years ago
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FateChapter 16 Wrapping Things Up

The next morning I was in the office early. The party with Pam and Stan and Bambi had broken up about midnight and I had slept like a baby after a hot shower, just exhausted. Things were shaping up at work to enable me to get away and the way we had things planned and organized would give Stan time to grow into the job. Tony dropped by my office mid morning and invited me to his house for dinner that night with he and Tess. I accepted with pleasure and a run away imagination. Pam came by and...

5 years ago
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Schools Are Back

We had been counting down the days. We had known for nearly two weeks that the schools were due to reopen on March 8th. This was going to be our first opportunity for nearly three months. Three months during which we had simply been unable to see each other. From my window, I saw the queues of parents and excited children forming up, socially distanced outside the school gates. There was chatter and laughter from everyone.After the children were admitted, the parents began to leave and I saw...

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Intruders neue Ziele

Unser Held, Frauenschwarm und Alptraum zugleich bricht auf zu neuen Abenteuern er findet sein neuen Damen zunächst in Kalifornien und spendet großzügig sein Erbmateral den Damen, die sich mit ihm vereinigen wollen oder auch nicht. Als Alphamann sieht seine Aufgabe, der er sich auch nicht entziehen will.

4 years ago
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Altered Fates GIBlues

Authors note: This story was inspired by Femur's Lovingly Modified Romance Comic covers, specifically af054.jpg. I wrote it when femur asked me for a story. This was the one I originally intended to start with but, for various reasons, I ended up writing other stories first. ALTERED FATES: G.I.BLUES By BobH. (c) 2003 For John Geddes this five day furlough could not have come soon enough. Six days from now he and his unit would be shipping out to become part of a...

5 years ago
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Son Repaid dads debt

I had all but given up hope of catching the train.The water logged roads due to heavy down pour and traffic jams were forcing the taxi to go at snail's pace. Miraculously,though I reached station 5 minutes late, Train was still standing on platform, it seems its schedule was also delayed.I thanked God, got into my A/C 2 tier compartment and pushed my suitcase under the my berth. I smiled at the couple and their son and sat in my seat. The k** was nagging his mother that he forgot to bring...

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Joes Bar and Grill Pt 3

Jo got out of bed and walked into the hallway and picked up her cell. She dialed Tommy’s number and waited for him to answer. When I heard her start to talk to Tommy, I got out of bed and walked up behind her. I put my arms around her and began to caress her breasts as my now hard cock slid into the crack of her ass. “Please Tommy. I really need you to open uuuupppp…..” she moaned as I pulled on her nipple. “No nothing is wrong…I’m fine. I just have something to do. Ohhhhhh…” she moaned as I...

2 years ago
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SexAndSubmission Ana Foxxx Endless Potential

Ana Foxxx is a realtor who only deals with VIPs, so when Derrick Pierce reached out looking to expand his business to her area, she jumped at the opportunity. He has given her all of his expectations, and she went to work to find him exactly what he was looking for. She finds out that he’s made his fortune with adult content, and is curious about what that means exactly. Derrick grabs her close, and in a instant, Ana sees what it means. Afraid of what she has started, she’s too turned on to...

3 years ago
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Pool HustledChapter 8

Joyce I'm laying in David's bed, half asleep, reminiscing about last night. God the sex was great. I turned over toward David to cuddle a little bit. I reached for him and he isn't there. I quickly sat up. Then I heard some noise coming from downstairs. I put on the tee shirt and robe and went downstairs. I walked down the steps as softly as I could and stopped in the kitchen doorway. There is David fixing breakfast for my two kids. They were talking back and forth about what they...

2 years ago
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Melodic RedemptionChapter 18

Jo is ticklish on the bottoms of her feet. A lot of people are, I know, but finding that a fingertip dragged gently down the sole of her foot leaves her uncontrollably giggly and therefor perfect for scooping into one's arms for loving. Monday was the previously discussed informal practice session. Tuesday was the real thing at the music department. Still, Jo is a responsible sort and we missed nothing of her schedule. So am I. She's an accomplished musician, and that translates to...

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Couples First Swingers Club Experience And It Was A Good One

My wife, Kate, and I are a white couple in our late 20's. I'm a pretty big guy at 6' 290lbs. She's 5'5" 120lbs with perfect b cup breasts. We were high school sweethearts and have been married now for several years. Being that we started dating when we were fifteen years old, neither of us has ever had any form of sex with another person and we have a very healthy sex life. Recently we’ve become more and more kinky and for months, we'd talked about visiting a sex / swingers club to...

4 years ago
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Just for fun Just this once

It started out just for fun, just this once. Just a one time experience, just for the hell of it. I mean, I knew she was a he, but if “she” wanted to suck my cock and for me to fuck “her” ass, who was I to say no. Who was I to judge?Here’ the thing. Before I knew it, it had turned into much more than that. Before I knew it I had tasted her cock. Then after what turned out to be hours later, I tasted and felt her warm jizz splash against me face and mouth. That’s the thing. She was now consuming...

2 years ago
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My Reward And Punishment

Part 2 of the story/ life experience ‘I can’t stop myself, My reward and Punishment? I couldn’t believe these two gorgeous guys with HUGE cocks had asked me over to their place to fuck and suck the night away! I loved my Husband, but the fact that he saw me blowing these two giant cocks in their truck was probably going to ruin my marriage, so I was going to make the best of it! As I said before, I had been faithful to him for the 5 years of our marriage, but now the real me was cumming out....

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ENF Shorts

So, I was toying around with a new program at that tries to use intelligent programming to continue your story with brief prompts, helping you continue to write. I've written several short ENF stories this way, and it's been an easy and entertaining break from my usual content. I'd like to invite all of you to post any of your shorter ENF tales or blurbs here, whether using that method or not. I think it would be fun.

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The Bosss Wife Part 2

I slid a finger either side of Ellie’s moist clit and gently rubbed it. She didn’t respond like she usually did and all of a sudden sat up.“I’ve got something to tell you,” she said, “and I’m not sure how you’ll take it.”“Try me.”“I think I’m a lesbian. I’ve had sex with a woman and I liked it.”“Who – what – where – when?” I spluttered – shocked but intrigued.“It was with Jayne, last week.”“Jayne? Which Jayne? My wife Jayne?”“Yes. You know your party last week? Well Jayne took me into your...

3 years ago
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KATE DIDN’T WANT TO STAY ALONE in the house on Saturday night, so I took her back to the dorm and told her I’d meet her for brunch Sunday morning. I started my shift at the security desk promptly at ten. “Watch the thermometer,” Andy said while I was getting signed in. “Last night it dropped to thirty about four o’clock in the morning and we opened the doors so people could get warm.” “I’m glad they can come in and warm up,” I said. “I’d hate to be in a tent in this weather.” “There are a...

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Creamin Coffee

Hello there. This is my first attempt to write here. I want to tell a story about when I started to add my cum to my girlfriend's coffee. It all started out innocently. I usually wake up before dawn. It is just an old habit that I cannot shake. As it is, one Sunday morning a was awake early and bored reading the news. My girlfriend was asleep in the bedroom. I could hear her breathing. She liked sleeping late, especially Sundays.As I was horny, I decided to watch some porn and maybe jerk off....

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The Chronicles Of Sonali 8211 Part 12 Best Cowgirl Sex For My Son

I went to the restroom to redo my hair and reapply my favorite cherry red lipstick. With all that friction of my son’s cock against my lips, the previous coat was wiped out. I was pleased to notice the glow on my face. No wonder, as Vineeta had mentioned, a young man’s cum does wonders for a woman. The intake of warm young cum in your digestive system generates a lustrous glow within a week. In one day, I had swallowed two huge loads. What a cum slut I had become. As Joy drove the car back...

2 years ago
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Part IVThe Voyage of a LifetimeThe Dance

Part IV The Dance As Jami and Lauren moved to the ballroom, they could hear the music. It was loud enough to vibrate the room and the surrounding environments, but not so loud as to be painful to the ears. Groups of men and women and couples moved towards the dance floor as they passed the entrance to the ballroom. Everyone seemed to be moving in some way to the music. The band in the front of the ballroom played so many different genres of music as the night progressed. There...

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Fashion's SlaveIt was the night of the presentation of our tenth couture show in Paris. Our company NIARTSER FASHION was not a big one, but we had grown steadily little by little and the number of the special kind of people that appreciated our art had grown and now people were coming from all over the world to see our presentations, which -- like at the big couturiers and the "pret-a-porter"-houses -- were held twice yearly. Actually we were more in accord with the timing of the...

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My Cunning Plan Worked With My Cousin

Hello guys ,my name is Rahul and I am a porn addict.I love to watch porn every day.By seeing them,i dream of them happening to me.Later I came to know waiting for the situation is simply waste of time.We have to create our own situation.This idea caused me to loose my virginity with my virgin cousin.This is a real story.Hope you enjoy all. Let me describe about my cousin. She is 1year younger than me,which made me to think of having sex with her all the time in my dreams.If she sat beside...

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I had made a huge mistake, slipping into the subway car just before the door closed. It took a second or two for me to realize my predicament, the sour smell of the car became overwhelming. I grimly held my breath until the next stop when I ducked out and ran to the next car. The relief of escaping that smell made me smile as I hung onto the rail. As usual, I glanced around the car, seeing a mass of humanity. Young, old, pretty, not so pretty. I found, as I often did, a pairing that I could...

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Samnewali Divorced Lady Ki Chudai

Hello guys and girls, myself insomanicman 24/m from surat, Gujarat. Thank you guys for your compliment on the last story. Bohot time waste na karte huwe sidha story pe aate hai. To baat pichle mahine ki hai mere ghar k samne 1 family rehti hai usme hai uncle aunty or unki 2 ladkiyan. Unki dono ladkiyon ki shadi ho chuki thi. Par kuch prblm ki wajha se unki choti ladki ka divorce hogaya tha or wo apne husband ko chod kar uncle aunty ki sath rehne aagai thi. Wo ladki ka naam tha kusum, age hogi...

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Lost at Sea book 2 Drifters chapter 9 part 1

“I’m sick of being stuck on the ship. Let’s get out of here,” Jack said as they headed back to the Galley. “There’s still a lot of dishes left,” Will said. “Go tell Lace we’re leaving. I’ll be right back,” Jack said. She disappeared below deck leaving Will with an amused expression on his face. “Apparently we’re leaving,” he said as he walked into the galley. “If the dishes aren’t done by morning, North will get a lot more creative with his extra duties,” Lace shook her head. She didn’t stop...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Nigerian Nightmare Part 1

By Andy Caulden Kevin and I were often mistaken for brothers in the looks department. We were both tall, slim and blond, and much sought after by those who liked submissive cock-suckers in their early twenties. We also shared a craving for coal-black cock, which our mentor Bryan, who was white and a professional photographer, helped to satisfy. We were fairly adventurous in the early 1970s, when it came to non-vanilla sex. We had, on occasion, fucked in places where someone might have...

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Dawn of the Federation Book I Tomorrow Never KnowsChapter 7 Anticipation

"How long, Travis?" the captain asked. "At our current speed, 2 days, sir." "Okay," Jon continued, addressing the whole assembly of officers. "According to Admiral Gardner, we'll have to stay in orbit around Earth for about 10 days. The space dock is occupied by Columbia – they had a less than friendly encounter with a Klingon warbird." "Can't we get a break at least once?" Trip groaned. "First the Xindi, then human Augments, Vulcan terrorists, then Klingon Augments. I'm...

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My Lesbian Affair

In the two months after I dumped my boyfriend, my sex life stayed relatively quiet. Then I met Kelly. Kelly did liquor sales for a local distributor and came into the bar one night for a promo event. I didn't like her at first. She wore too much make-up, she looked stuck up, just like some high maintenance bitch. With her blonde hair and amazing tan body, she knew that men wanted her and it went to her head. But then we were forced to talk for work related reasons. We hit it off, spent more...

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Raised as a Girl

RAISED AS A GIRL BY JANICE Up until the time he started school at age five, Kyle was raised as a girl, that is, his mother treated him as if he was a girl. She dressed him in pretty dresses and bought him nothing but girl's toys, dolls, tea sets and such. Her sister who had a daughter of her own helped her in this deception. As Kyle and Jenny, his cousin, grew up together they became the closest of friends and...

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The Desire 8211 Part 4 Unwanted Shock

I will suggest you read the previous parts to know the characters and understand the story’s plot. Roja searched for her dress quickly and wore them and asked me to do the same. She asked me to remain in her bedroom. I went into her bedroom and grabbed my clothes. I heard her opening the door talking with someone, it was a male voice. Could it be her father? But her parents weren’t expected for the next couple of days. Then who he was. I got curious. I went near the door. “Madam, there is an...

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I Fucked My English Teacher 2

Introduction: This school girl crush is turning into more than that… The next day, I walked into my Media Lit class and sat down. My back still hurt from the day prior. I waited for my friend Jackie to come in. Woah Meg, are you okay? she asked me when she sat down. Jackie…I need to tell you something but I dont know if I can, just as I said that, Mister Laslavic walked in. Hi Megan, he said as he walked to his desk. Hi, I said with a smile. Whats that all about? Jackie looked at me. ...

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The Encounter A Short Story

Important-read first! This story was written by a female friend and former coworker of mine. It involves herself with another female friend, who was also a mutual coworker of ours. I have changed the name in the story for obvious reasons. "Amanda" is married, bisexual and they have an open relationship. When talking with the girl who wrote this, she revealed being very kinky herself and always wanting to be with a woman. It turned out both girls liked S&M and were very submissive. Over time...

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