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The goblins boiled from the ground in a tide of gnashing fangs.

I nocked an arrow, drew and loosed. The first goblin fell, black blood welling from the arrow wound in its chest. The second clawed over its brother, running on all fours, and leaped.

"Not on my watch, laddie," shouted Berk and swung a high blow with his hammer. Dwarf strength is a formidable thing, and the goblin's head exploded. Its body smashed broken against the nearest tree and crumpled to the ground.

I loosed a second arrow and almost in the same instant a third. Two more goblins dropped dead, wooden shafts quivering in their steaming flesh.

"By the Hidden Moons of Eglor!" cried Uialon and fire washed passed Berk and I. It burnt the goblins, driving them back, but by then the other burrows were opening.

The maw of a second burrow erupted in the trees to the left and then a third just behind me. The goblin hoard bore from all directions. Bestial, darting shapes moved in the trees. The dense foliage robbed me of easy shots. I spun, bow drawn, looking for something to kill.

Uialon sent a dozen glowing magical projectiles into the chest of a goblin. Berk bellowed war cries to the ancestor gods of his people and knocked back a big scarred monster, with only a single eye. And Adrian—

A goblin leaped straight down at Adrian from the gnarled branches of a tree, talon like claws bared and needle sharp fangs gleaming in a bloody smile. I shot without thinking, as only an elf could.

The arrow thrummed and took the goblin right between its beady black eyes. The beast fell twitching to the ground.

Adrian sent me one of his quirky smiles and saluted with his quicksilver sword before turning to meet the next member of the on rushing hoard.

The smile stayed with me, even as I sent an arrow into the heart of a charging goblin, and a wave of heat washed through my cheeks. Adrian. Adrian the warrior. Adrian my companion. Adrian my lover. Adrian my soul mate. I loved him more than life itself. I'd die to see him happy but today that wasn't required. Today I needed to murder instead.

More goblins fell, some to my arrows, some to Berk's hammer, some to Uialon's wizardry and some to Adrian's darting silver blade.

Finally it was over. We stood panting in a charnel forest of goblin corpses as the light of day slowly died. Broken bodies, burnt bodies, ruptured bodies. Noxious black blood dripped from weapons and pooled on the ground. Nothing lived save for the four of us.

"Foul varmints, aren't they," said Berk and gave the nearest corpse a kick with his armoured boot. It made a squishing sound and rolled half over, revealing a brown-green bestial face slashed half in two. He spat, picked a piece of exploded goblin from his beard and flicked it away.

Uialon made a sour expression. "They are a plague most vexatious. We have done a good thing by cleansing this burrow." Uialon was human but dressed in the style of an elven wizard — beardless, with his long silvery hair pulled back so as to flow down his back. He held up a hand and whispered a word under his breath. A silvery orb of light flickered into existence.

Under its ghostly light, the true carnage of our murder lay revealed.

Perhaps sensing my emotions, Adrian threw an arm over my shoulders and pulled me close. I nuzzled into him. His body was warm and smelled sweat and power. Humans burn hot compared to us elves, and I revelled in his heat.

"We should turn back," said Adrian and I felt the rumble of his words in his chest. "We can spend the night at an inn and begin our journey again tomorrow." His grey eyes swept over the goblins. "Perhaps this time we will have more luck."

"Lets," I murmured into his chest. "I want a proper bed tonight." I let my hand play along his chest and added in a whisper, "Perhaps we can even have some fun in it together."

Using the last of the daylight and Uialon's spectral lantern, I set to recovering my arrows and Berk moved from corpse to corpse, searching for anything valuable. Goblins weren't crafters, not even in the crude way of orcs or kobolds, but they would scavenge their kills for trinkets which pricked their evil little minds. A well established band might have grimy jewellery still smeared in its owner's blood or weapons yet new enough to be serviceable despite the wet and squalid conditions of a goblin borrow.

In the end, he didn't find much. This goblin burrow seemed new, which explained why the local villages hadn't warned us. While Berk scrubbed away at a twisted copper necklace and a knife mostly gone to rust, I held up one of my recovered arrows and checked the shaft remained true. The red light of the sun shone down the shaft and I smiled. Still good.

It was dark by the time we reached the village of Better's End. The others trudged down the road of packed earth. I had a bit more spring in my step. Call it an elf thing or call it Adrian still clutching me tight, I don't know. God I loved my man. He was far, far more than I deserved.

This was our second visit to Better's End. We had passed through the village around mid-afternoon earlier that day, so we knew the layout. Uialon and his bobbing lantern led the way through the shadowed streets to a large stone and timber inn by the name of the Monk's Repose. A hundred years past, it had been a pilgrimage house for the local monastery. That monastery was gone now, little more than a ghost haunted ruin lurking on a nearby hill, but the inn still stood and maintained a tradition of strong doors, good food and soft beds.

The light above the door still burned and from inside my keen elf ears picked up the sound of laughter, drinking and song. Berk shoved the great slab of iron banded wood open and we moved inside.

The door and common room were separated by a narrow foyer, running left to right. The guest book sat on a white linen cloth inside a stone nook on the far wall. Above it hung the founding bull. We each went through the process of signing the monk's peace.

'Berk Berk's Son, ' wrote Berk.

'Master Uialon, ' wrote Uialon.

'Adrian of Redwine, ' wrote Adrian.

I went last. 'Ilmaquen vix Altorno va Airwë vo Mistë.' Translated into Common that means something like Dancing Rain from the line of the Red Lady of the Forest Tribe and the Starlight People. You can see why I tend to just go by Mistë. Such an abbreviation saves a lot of time.

The peace signed, we all stamped along the corridor to the inn proper. Berk was positively salivating with desire and rubbed his hands together. "Nothing like a little action to get the fires of hunger brewing, eh lass?"

In truth food was near the furthest thing from my mind. I wanted to go to bed, make love to Adrian until I forgot all about today and then sleep until morning. But from his face I could see Adrian was hungry and that was enough for me.

"Drinks and keep them coming," shouted Berk, nose just level with the bar top, and slapped down a palm full of coins. "We are bonafide travelers, you ken?"

"Yes, yes," said the barmaid, a rotund matronly woman, whose greying hair was held in a tight bun. "You'll be wanting food too, I'd wager."

"If you would please," said Adrian with a slight bow, hand resting on the pommel of his sword. It showed a silver lion head, the features worn soft by frequent handling. "We have had a full day."

We ate food by the roaring wall fire. It was some sort of mutton stew, the tastes harsh and brutal by the refined standards of elvish cooking but I had long ago grown use to such succour. Around us other travellers drank, ate and sang along to the slightly out-of-tune minstrel on a high stool by the bar.

There was talk too. I heard snippets of conversation, pulled at random from the chaotic noise of the inn. Farmer Bradshaw had built his cowshed from stone salvaged from the old monastery and now all his milk was sour. The house-girl up at Rock End's farm had run off with the butcher's boy to become adventurers. Brown John's wife was pregnant again despite John being dead these last six months.

I made an effort to leave the outside world alone and focus on my companions.

Berk alternated great gulps of stew and the dark local beer. Uialon was more dignified. He picked at his stew and the husk of bread that came with it like a fisher bird. The description suit him, with his reserved, dignified expression and hard aquiline nose, not to mention the way he'd suddenly spear out with his knife to skewer a choice morsel. I fell somewhere in between the two extremes. Eating, yes, but slowly. I made sure to enjoy the meal and company. The local beer even had something too it.

As the night aged, I grew bolder. I reached across Adrian and in doing so rubbed up against him, my athletic elf body pressed against his powerful human form. I scraped my chest down his arm and stole tiny kisses when I thought no one was looking. Adrian certainly didn't object to my actions and a somewhat lecherous grin spread across his face.

I flushed too and wore a smile of my own. How wicked was I? How bold? Could I be bolder still?

Heart pounding in my chest, I let my hand drift down his body until it settled on his crotch. For a while I just let it sit there, but there was more I could do. I started to push down with my fingers and I soon felt him responding to my ministrations.

Adrian grew hard beneath my hand. I could feel the steel of his cock and its heat, as if fresh from the forge. The cloth of his trousers did little to block my hand, and I rubbed up and down, up and down. I could see the results of my actions on Adrian's face. Tension grew there. He'd bliss out mid sentence. He'd leave a chunk of stew hanging mid way to his mouth. He'd—

He grabbed my hand by the wrist and dragged me to my feet.

"We're going to bed," he said. "We will see everyone tomorrow."

That said, he practically dragged me to our rooms up stairs. Not that I resisted much. Or at all for that matter.

I giggled as I skipped across the floor, shedding an item of clothing with each step. Green, brown and earth-tone cloth fell like autumn leaves onto the smooth boards of the floor. Next went my knife, unstrung bow and arrows. I was naked by the time I reached the bed and I dived onto it.

The sheets were clean and soft. I rolled onto my back and squirmed my naked butt against them. From that position I looked up at Adrian. From his grin he liked what he saw.

He growled as he moved forward and almost ripped his clothes off. Belt and trousers fell to the ground and then he was on me. His fingers twisted with mine and his weight pushed me down. His cock scraped against my inner thigh. Then he twisted. Using his superior mass he flipped me round so I was on top.

"If you're so frisky," he growled like a great jungle cat, "you can ride me."

Gods, I blushed and sort of looked a way. I could feel his cock against my ass. Being on top ... Being so open and vulnerable ... Those weren't things I normally liked but he was right on one thing, I was feeling frisky.

I leavered myself up so I sat across his stomach and looked down at my hot sex rubbing against his sculpted abs.

"Don't look," I whispered, but not so loudly that he might hear and actually do what I suggested.

I looked up into his face. His fierce grey eyes were locked on mine. His dirty-blonde hair lay scattered on the white pillow. His hard chest and harder stomach glimmered with sweat.

"I love your nipples," he said and reached up. His rough calloused hands rubbed over my tiny breasts. His fingers tweaked my nipples. He pulled them and squeezed them. I groaned and rolled my hips in a grinding motion. My Adrian was so powerful. So strong. So ... So human.

"I love your breasts," he said as his hands rubbed over my chest and I blushed again.

"No you don't," I said. "They're tiny."

Tiny was, if anything, an over statement. It would be more accurate to say I simply didn't have any. I had the tits and hips of a boy, meaning I was utterly flat, save for my large puffy nipples.

That wasn't uncommon in the wider elven race — we tend towards the sylphic and lean bodies of dancers — but my family, the Airwë, the Red Women, are an exception. We are touched by the Goddess Sito. We carry her blessing of fertility and harvest. Women of the Airwë are wide of hip and great of breast. We have many children and carry them easily. We are mothers and growers. Lovers and passionate wives. All except me. In a family of white, I am the black sheep.

Adrian deserved someone better than me, but right now I was all he had and I would do the best I could.

I threw my head back and bared myself to him. If he wanted to play with my tits he could, even if they weren't worthy of him. At the same time I shuffled back a bit, lifted my hips and slipped his long, hard cock into my aching sex.

And gods did it feel good.

I moaned as the hard length of burning flesh sunk into me. It made me feel alive. My body sung an erotic song of sensual pleasure. My long, thick nipples burnt and I ground myself against Adrian's cock.

Adrian moaned too, though his was more of a manly grunt.

"You're so beautiful, Mistë," he said.

That wasn't true, but right then I didn't care. I fucked myself against Adrian, up and down, and at the end of each down I ground my hips against his.

It was fantastic. I felt alive. I put my hands on his shoulders and I could feel his singing arousal too.

I fucked and fucked until I came my brain's out and then fucked some more. I fucked until Adrian spurted himself deep inside me, pulled out, sucked him back to life and then fucked him some more.

It was late in the night when we finally stopped. Under the moon's glow, we cuddled together and let sleep take us away.

I lay next to Adrian's sleeping form as the first light of dawn filtered through the window. The warmth of his body filled the bed. He looked so peaceful asleep, like an angel. Awake, he was a tiger. All power and strength. Now ... Now I loved him even more.

His sandy blonde hair fell over his eyes and I brushed it aside. I gazed at him. Was he dreaming of me? Did our nights of passion replay inside his mind.

Had he been an elf I could have peered into his mind and read his soul. With a connection as strong as ours I could have called to him from half a continent away. But he wasn't an elf and I was glad for that. He was human and I wouldn't trade that for the world.

As silently as I could I rolled out of bed and dropped to the floor. In the golden light of dawn I stretched. Light rolled over my lean but powerful body and felt like hot water combined with Adrian's smile.

My bow lay unstrung against the wall. I picked it up and ran my hands over the smooth powerful wood. There was strength there. If only I could be as strong as my bow, perhaps I would be worthy of Adrian.

Moving on tip toes, I scurried about the room and retrieved the scattered articles of my clothing. My jacket could do with a wash so I left it off and just dressed in my leggings and loose blouse.

Decent again, I slipped out of the door and headed for the common room. Perhaps the inn had some nice fresh fruit. Adrian would enjoy fresh fruit for his breakfast.

I padded softly down the hall. As I got closer to the common room, my keen ears picked up the chatter.

Most of it was the normal sort.

There was traveller news: "Did you hear, King Pyth has marched on the spawning pits of Agathor."

There was local gossip: "I hear Old Jack is thinking of selling his place and moving to Slice."

There were the normal lies: "I killed over a hundred acid breathing trolls in the jungle-forests of the southern Vind!"

Then I heard a burst of laughter and my entire world changed.

Like a spark in mine gas, panic flared in my chest. I sprinted forward, dodged around a slow moving guest, kicked off the wall, used the power of my leap to fly head first down the stairs, rolled at the base and sprung upright just as I entered the common room.

I froze, not moving, not breathing, not even thinking. A susurration spread through the room as everything and everyone fell away. Only two people were left: me and Almáriel.

Our eyes met, hers a burning green. Our minds touched.

'Cousin, ' she said in the words-without-words.

I didn't respond. I couldn't have. It had been so long since I'd spoken mind-to-mind. It had been decades since I'd even had the opportunity, since I'd met an elf who shared the necessary bond of blood or friendship. Even if I hadn't been out of practice I doubt I could have reached out to her. The shock, the horror, of her being here was too much.

I pulled back, ripping away the connection she had made and returning to the real world. She lounged next to the bar, one hand languishing on Berk's shoulder.

"Get away from her, Berk," I said in a hushed whisper.

She looked between my dwarf friend and me, fake astonishment on her face. "Berk, darling, you didn't tell me you knew my dear cousin Mintë."

"Mintë," said Berk, words slightly slurred by drink. His eyes were red. I doubted he'd gone to bed at all. "I kind of like it."

Gods no. My knees went weak. Tears stung at my eyes; I wanted to die. I left home to escape that nickname and the judgement it represented.

My name was Mistë, not Mintë. The words were similar but so very far apart. Mistë meant the beauty of falling rain. It was a noble, graceful name, full of nature's wonder. Mintë meant small woman. Small. And applied to me it could only mean one thing. The blush reached my tiny breasts and seemed to intensify there.

"You have been gone from home for simply too long, cousin dear," she said. "We worry about you."

Footsteps came up behind me and a hand closed on my shoulder. I looked back. It was Adrian, hair a mess, shirt undone to show his hard sculpted chest.

"And who is this?" said Almáriel, eyes sparkling with delight. She sashayed forward, wide womanly hips swaying, the deep valley of her cleavage very much on display.

"I'm Adrian," said Adrian. "Do I know..." He waved his hand between Berk and I.

"It is fantastic to meet you, Adrian." She swished passed me and laid her hand on his muscular shoulder. "I am Ilmaquen vix Altorno va Airwë vo Almáriel, though you can just call me Almáriel. I'm sure Mintë, sorry I mean Mistë, has told you so much about me."

Almáriel and I were about a height with each other, which meant she was half a head shorter than Adrian. She made the difference work for her and stared up into his slate grey eyes.

"I can't say she has," said Adrian, looking confused.

"She hasn't!" Almáriel was all fake shock and long fluttering eyelashes. "Why cousin, dearest, I could almost think you are ashamed of me."

Berk waved a drunken hand. The last dregs of drink in his mug sloshed. "Our Mistë ... Um Mintë? No Mistë, right. Our Mistë doesn't talk about her family much."

Almáriel tisked and shook her head. In a mock whisper she said, "I think our Mistë is ashamed of us. Well, I am Almáriel, daughter of Ettewen, sister to Esciel, who is of course Mistë's mother. It has been so long since I had seen dear Mistë that I just had to come catch up."

"Well, catching up's been great," I lied, "but I'm afraid we don't have much time. We are leaving on an important mission as soon as we are up and fed."

"Oh that's simply terrible," said Almáriel. "And after I came all this way. Is it an awfully important mission?"

"Tis a mission from the King!" said Berk and slammed an empty mug down on the bar. "More beer!"

"My that does sound important. But perhaps..."

"What lass?"

"Well, I suppose, if it is not too much trouble, I could spend a few days travelling with you."

"A pretty thing like you?"

"I promise." She gave a vulpine grin. "I know how to take care of myself."

"Well," said Adrian. He broke free of Almáriel and wrapped me in a reverse hug. "Company is always good and family is important. What do you say, Mistë?"

"I..." I couldn't explain. How could I tell Adrian of the mockery and ridicule. I couldn't explain how I was less than my kin, defective. He was already too good for me. If he knew that, if he knew how truly low I was, he could never love me.

Tears stinging my eyes, I nodded my head. "Of course she can join."

We left around mid day, with fresh food, cleaner clothes and a new companion.

Uialon hit things off with Almáriel. They walked together, chatting about magic, elves and various academic things.

That left me free to travel with Adrian. I stayed as close to him as I could, as if my mere presence could guard him against Almáriel. He didn't seem to mind and took my increased attentions as a good sign. It was lucky none of my companions were women. She would surely have noticed the root of my actions.

Finally, though, Adrian ran ahead to discuss the route with Berk and Almáriel dropped back to talk with me.

'Quite a hunk, isn't he, ' she said mind-to-mind. Only the faintest quirk of her lip betrayed our conversation. I wasn't anywhere near as reserved.

A scowl split my face. 'Uialon?' I said with a sinking feeling. The mind word came stiffly but I managed.

Almáriel smiled like a fox. 'There's no way he could be satisfied with someone like you, you know. Come now, Mintë. I am being reasonable. I am willing to share.'

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Getting ByChapter 18

"I wish I could lay out a step-by-step plan that will assure you that I have our future well mapped out, but the truth is that there are too many variables for such precise planning," I told Amanda as we sat looking out over our little valley. "All I've got to offer is an idea of what we may have to work with and what we can do with it." "Okay," she said, leaning her head upon my shoulder. "That's better than what I've got now." "All right," I said, taking a deep breath. God, I...

3 years ago
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First time watching wife

I had been getting up to more adventures withe the wife and our sex drives were explored to new brights, my wife Jane was 5ft7" tall full figure and amazing tits huge and an amazing pussy tasty beyond belief, we were dressing meeting up acting like stranger's and fucking like teenager's roleplaying to new height's great boost to the marriage. Then out of the blue one day as shes wanking me in the car she tells me she was on this forum and was telling me how her new cyber Buddy's got to know...

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The Lodger And The Fun Fair

It was mid summer and the fun fair was in town!The lodger had promised me a trip to the fair so i waited patiently looking out the window for him to arrive home from work, My heart pounded as i saw him arrive! i sat quietly as he entered the house and went upstairs to wash and get ready, time ticked by as i was very excited and could not wait to go and finally he came down stairs and said are you ready! I said yes and off we went for the 20 minute walk to the fair but this time it took a little...

2 years ago
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Stripped Naked To Treat Raging Fever

Dear indian sex stories dot net Readers, I’m Anand., a former TV star and now I have my own small business. In my 15 years on TV starting 2002, I made sure that I always look fit and hence I still maintain a muscular lean body with side cuts and an embedded six-pack ab. Swimming and running help me maintain my lean body, along with a short span at the gym for some muscle. So recently we were visiting my wife’s hometown in Uttarakhand, where I had some business related work as well. On the third...

4 years ago
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AddictedChapter 6 Flashback Daddy Duties

After hearing what my vivacious 16 year old just told me I remembered a conversation that I had with Philip Johnson, the starting defensive end at IU, all those years ago. He had a baby girl the same month as Barbara was born. We were at Visions Gentleman's Club and started talking about raising daughters and what if they wanted to become a stripper. Philip said that seeing his daughter naked on a stage would be like watching his parents fuck; it shouldn't happen. My response to him was to...

1 year ago
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Goes Without SayingChapter 11

David’s homecoming followed the same pattern for the week he had established on the first day. He would be greeted by his son, pick up Bethan for a cuddle, a play and a tickle. Celia would bring him an aperitif – a beer, G & T, or a dry sherry before they sat down to the evening meal, with Bethan close by him in her bouncy chair. He had to admit that Celia’s cooking had improved immensely, and found himself looking forward to finding out what delight she had in store each evening. There...

4 years ago
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Tired of Being the Nice GuyChapter 35

Friday - Day 35 I awoke in the morning to the feeling of Becky's mouth on my cock. "Hey, I thought I told you that we wouldn't be doing this today," I said. "Really?" she asked, after she popped her mouth off of my cock. "I thought it was just no sex tonight. I didn't know that you meant no morning blow job today!" "Well I did," I said. My dick was yelling at me for not allowing Becky to finish what she had started. "Can I at least suck out any cum that is left in Jamie?" she...

3 years ago
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AxemanChapter 13

On Saturday, I spent three hours in the PRA Doctor’s office, once they decided I wouldn’t die of cancer the next day, I was taken across the hall to get fingerprinted and get my retina scanned. I also was told that I was now a GS-12 and ranked as a senior special agent. Apparently, the PRA used the same ranking system as the FBI. I wondered just what percentage of their operation was stolen from the Bureau. Probably most of it. Subway filled me up before my practice session at UE. I...

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the horny daddy of my friend

It seriously made me feel like he was doing it to have me in it and watch me all day in the pale blueu bottom bikini of his girlhis daughter was my friend since highschooland i was often going to take a dip in them pool when it was too hot outsideshe was away with her friend when i got to the backyard , greeted by her dad , a tall black daddy in his 50she let me go inside the yard cabin to put on my swimsuit he always left there for me but i coudnt see itall there was , is the pale bikini of my...

4 years ago
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Gifts of the Future Ch 14

At the beginning of August 2001, Tommy Seldon woke up one night in a sweat. He was panting from the images of another horrible nightmare… then he jerked when he heard a woman screaming. It was coming from the other side of his bedroom wall in the apartment he was sharing with Jonathan, Nuri and J.J. It was coming from the apartment next door… He jumped from his bed wearing nothing but his boxers and raced out of the apartment to their neighbors’ door… hoping nothing was happening to HER… He...

1 year ago
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Super bowl

This last super bowl the wife and I went over to a buddy’s house to watch the game. We had arrived early and Roy and Lisa were in the hot tub out back. When we walked up we could tell they were feeling no pain. They got out of the hot tub and came inside and Lisa had on the hot’s little bikini I had ever seen. The wife noticed I was looking at her ass, and said do like what you see and I said yes.We all went inside and started drinking for a while then Julie showed up. She is a little...

4 years ago
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I never expected this

After assuring my wife I truly wanted her to be a hot wife so started having sexy with a buddy of mine Keith. She would tell me in detail about how his cock was more than twice the length of mine and a great deal thicker. Over time she became more at ease with telling me details , she told me she always orgasmed while they had sex. I've never been able to make her cum when fucking. She was in love with Keith's thick cock and the fact that he could last a full hour. I told her that Tim had been...

1 year ago
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Family Fun pt 1

Before I can tell the story I have to give tell about my family. My Mom (Alexis) is 38 but looks like shes 20. She 5"7' and has hazel black hair that comes down a little past her neck. Shes skinny and has a lot of curves and sports a 38DD bust. My twin older sisters (Jade and Crystal) are both 17 and sexy as hell. They both are 5"6' have light brown eyes and black hair that comes down to the center of there backs. Both are just as curvy as mom and have 36D breasts. The only way they are...

2 years ago
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Very risky turns to very nasty HARDCORE FUCKB

;)So I woke up after a very weird and long lucid dream, I dreamt about my ex (Shannon) then I look down the first thing I see is my throbbing boner .. I go to use the internet, then suddenly I get a text *ping* It was like a sign from the consciousnesses we're all a part of! Her - "Hey, it's me :3 .. I'm in bed with *boyfriend* I really wish I was in bed with chu' tho':'(" "That a fact? :P" Her - "You have no idea, seriously .. :P" ".. Skype me." Her - "He's right next to me!" "I know.. ;)" Her...

3 years ago
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Subjects 0 CH 3 Edited

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OBSERVATION NOTE: Experimented today by spraying one male mouse with the substance, then removing the mouse, and replacing with a different male without the substance. Females were not interested in the new male, but seemed to be in a frenzy of excitement. The females ended up attacking the new male, until first male was put back in the cage. It appears...

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tristons piston chapter 3

“Let’s go princess time for you to go back to the bed, I have to go out for a while come on, come on.” He helped her out of the tub and grabbed her up over his brute shoulders once more carrying her off to the bed. He laid her gently and untied her wrists from the zip tie and replaced it with the soft rope that bounded her back to the bed. “Now you behave while I’m out” he winked at her knowing damn well she was tied taped and not going anywhere. She gave no reaction while watching him...

4 years ago
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The Far Plane

Once more, we thank you all for the years we’ve had, and hope this final week is the send-off The Far Plane and you players deserve. Here’s to future adventures! - Natasha Kane, Project Lead on ‘Amissa Mundo’ I stared at the headline in a paralyzing mix of nostalgia, sadness and shock. It had of course been years since I played The Far Plane, and almost as long since I’d heard news about it. But on top of the shock I felt toward this happening was the shock of who delivered this news. Abby...

3 years ago
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Loving my ass for the first time

This story is follow-on from my first one – Meeting for the first time. Please feel free to leave (constructive) feedback. I am still new to writing and am learning! We have just made love for the first time, after months of cyber chatting and cyber sex. Our hearts are still pounding, as we lie there, sated. Neither of us wants to be the first to speak but the silence is comfortable. Oddly familiar. Your hand has gone to my ass and has slipped between my ass cheeks. I can feel your finger...

4 years ago
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The Legend of Eli CrowChapter 63

As his sisters and brothers sat around in a circle in the barn, Eli told them each detail, each thought and each incident that happened on his trip. They asked many questions and he took the time to answer and explain it to them. The Young Bucks and the six Crow girls laughed as he told them about his Grandma and how she helped him take out the kidnappers. They knew too, as they watched their brother talk; this was what had changed him. He had killed four men and a woman. Then he told them...

2 years ago
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Runners MoonChapter 12

The alarm went off all too early; Josh woke up with a headache. He knew he'd better be getting used to short nights, since he'd have several in the next two weeks. The Warsaw Run had always been pretty much a night race; at one time, most of the second half of the race had been in daylight, back when Mark and Mike had taken 20 hours for the round trip, but more and better dogs, better training, more experience and greater competition had shaved many hours off the race. Even with the start...

3 years ago
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Just a bus rideHonest 35

I'm in a open meadow out in the country, the sun was at its peak, a gentle breeze rustling the leafs of the old trees, just out of sight was a waterfall that feed into a small lake, I knew this as this was where I spent most of my childhood, hiding from my parents. I'm resting on a high branch of an oak tree, watching the horizon simmer. I feel safe, but lonely, as one does when you are left alone at night as a child. I looked up to see a lonesome buzzard zipping around and I felt a pang of...

2 years ago
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A Night in the Gynarch HotelChapter 8 A Knock On The Door

Coral was waiting for Effie to finish in the bathroom. They'd agreed to shower and then go to have a drink and a meal. Coral sprawled back on the couch, clicking to through the TV channels with bored indifference. There was a knock on the door. "Who is it?" called Coral. "Room Service, Miss," came the reply. Coral went to the door wondering what this was about. They hadn't ordered anything. Outside the door three staff were waiting. Daniel in his black maids uniform; Lawrence, a...

1 year ago
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Cougar Sally

I have noticed that as some women age they manage to stay slim but their skin and the flesh beneath it starts to wrinkle, making them look their age or older. Other women put on weight as they age but their flesh and skin does not wrinkle as much as their thinner counterparts. As a result they look younger than their age. My fifty-something wife Sally is one of the latter group. She is neither thin nor overweight, she is plump, usually defined as full of form or well-rounded. Sally is...

Group Sex
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Killing Curiosity Part 2

Three months had passed since that first night with Ben. We had met up a couple of times since then but, even though we had enjoyed our encounters, it was never going to go anywhere. I understood that, even though the sex was fantastic, he wanted a woman in his life. Sex with a guy was fine but he could never fall in love with one, the feelings just weren’t there. Last Friday morning, he telephoned me and said that he wanted to meet up for a drink. It was something of a surprise for me. We...

1 year ago
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Writer of the Year

Dear Readers, Thank you for over-warming response (ISS Writer of the Year 2019) Voting period: 12-26 January 2020. Result 1 30% (8128) Winner 2 15% (3976) Runner up 3 14% (3866) 4 13% (3615) 5 9% (2363) 6 9% (2324) 7 9% (2303) 8 Other 1% (398) Total votes received: 26,973 from 25,747 voters. Voting host stats: ISS: Congratulations Riyaasharma! 30% of our readers have voted for you as the ‘ISS Writer of the Year 2019’. Your stories have been most liked and read by all readers. Your...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold Vanessa Sky Lusts For Her Stepfather

Vanessa Sky loved her first sexual encounter with stepfather Derrick Pierce so much that a talk to stop the taboo affair from going any further ends with them giving it another go instead. After all, he would certainly be crazy to give up another chance to fuck the lusty young Latina and taste her sweet pussy juices, even if she’s his stepdaughter. The little Penthouse nympho hungrily takes his cock down her deep throat and gets pounded in doggy style until he cums inside for a creampie...

1 year ago
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Two Girls Are Better Than One

My girlfriend, Sherry, had nice, big C-cup titties and a face like a young Marilyn Monroe. Needless to say, she got hit on by lots of men wherever she went. She was also a nyphomaniac who liked to be fucked ten times a day, so we had a great sex life. She found out I enjoyed wearing lingerie, so, as part of our sex play, she would dress me up in her panties and bras and stockings and put lipstick and makeup and eye shadow on me. This kept me hard for her for hours and she really enjoyed all the...

1 year ago
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Joan and the Party

Joan sat in her room, eagerly getting ready for the party. Her roommate Melissa was down the hall in her room getting ready also. The girls had been invited to the biggest Frat party of the year. It was an invitation only party and getting one was a big deal and a huge honor. “Are you ready yet?” Joan yelled as she put the finishing touches on her hair “We will be late!” “Yea! Almost!” She heard Melissa yell back “I’ll be ready in 5”. Joan put her hair up and admired herself in the mirror,...

4 years ago
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Sex With Sales Representative

Hi All of indian sex stories dot net, I am Paritosh and I am from Mumbai 25 yrs old with very good body and I am new to Indian Sex Stories dot net..Here I will describe you about the sex which I encountered with a sales representative Shilpa. This took a few months back when I was in Bangalore for my friend’s marriage. Bangalore, as we all know, is famous for big malls, and beautiful girls. I had been to one of the malls in Bangalore where after purchasing all stuffs at the billing counter met...

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BlowJob 101

Well, there's no "proper" way to give someone a blow job, I mean, blow jobs are like pizza, even if they're bad, they're still pretty good, according to the boys who helped me in my quest for the perfect blow job techniques. So ladies, (and guys, if you're into that sort of thing), pull up a chair & take notes. First of all, think of the head of the penis like your very own clitoris. The clitoris and head of the penis have the exact same nerve endings and are made of the exact same tissue....

3 years ago
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The Bookstore Adventure

The Bookstore Adventure It's Sunday morning about 3 A.M. and I am getting ready to head downto the local adult bookstore. You know the ones. Got the viewing room that'sgot everything you need (a couch & roll of toilet paper). I enjoy self-bondage,I normally do this at home, but I like to get out every now and then, andjust thinking about it is a rush. I already have my hiking boots & whitesocks on and am putting on what could best be described as my daisy dukeleather shorts. Not bad for a...

1 year ago
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Perchance to Dream

Jenny was practically vibrating she was so excited. She’d been dating Eric for a little over a year. He was the one … She was sure of it. On the anniversary of their first date, he showed up at her office dressed in the exact clothes he had been wearing that night. They went to the same restaurant, ordered the same meal. Back at his place, he’d rented the movie they had gone to see. Everything was perfect. It was more than perfect, because this time they made love on the soft shag rug in...

4 years ago
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Give Me a Little Credit Here

SMOKEY SAGAS #12: ‘Give Me A Little Credit Here’ *** I originally wrote this as a theater play—a medium in which I used to participate—hoping to get it produced and up on the stage one day. Well, that’s not going to happen, so, since it does actually have quite a bit of nice romantic stuff in it but doesn’t really go too much further than that (though I still think it’s a really cute goofy little story) I thought I would make it my first in the ‘Non-Erotic’ category. Speaking of firsts, this...

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A great birthday gift

My boyfriend and I have been dating for over 9 months now. His name is Henry, mine is Lilly. And we went to the bowling alley with his little brother for Henry’s birthday. After three games of bowling, we decided to take a break and eat some food. I sat on his lap and kissed him softly, and then he kissed me a little harder. I laughed and leaned back, but that’s when he grabbed my hips pulled me forward and I could feel a hard mound under my jeans. A huge grin came upon my face, I instantly got...

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Let it Burn

LET IT BURN (with apologies to Joss Whedon) (sung to the tune of "walk through the fire" from Buffy the Vampire Slayer) I touch the clothes and it changes me They show everything I lack I'd like to change, my body re-arrange And never to look back Now in my head, she calls to me She want to begin the change To seize the day, or just...

2 years ago
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My continuing affair with my StepMom part 1

I was 18 years old, a recent high school graduate attending a local community college and dating my high school sweet heart (to whom I am now married to for 6 years.) I had moved out of my mom and step dads house to live with my dad and step mom. I did this for two reasons. First, I had more freedom and my girlfriend could stay with me anytime that we wanted. Secondly, living under the same roof with my step mom made it easier for us to have our fun. The community college I was...

3 years ago
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Coping with my Brad Pt3

Story contains, Femboy, Oral, and Anal. When I rolled out of bed the next morning, all I could do was sit there on its edge and think about what had happened the night before. I mean, what do you do when your mom’s husband pays you a visit late at night, then plays around with your ass for so long that he isn’t able to control himself any longer and ends up fucking you silly? Then, the really weird part, he leaves without even acknowledging you’re even there. Doesn’t that make it ****? I...

4 years ago
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The Beach Girl Chapter 2

However much the care of George and the spa bath had restored Jennifer, she was still partially drunk and shaken from her experience earlier in the night. Lying wide awake in the luxurious bed, she stared up at the ceiling, at the encased rail running from the ceiling’s centre to over the bed. It occurred to Jennifer that this room was meant for an invalid or paraplegic. But the pulley and steel hook was not over the bed, as she had seen in the hospital when she visited Brian.The contraption...


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